
Sunday, November 2, 2014

Live Tweet Party! RHofNJ and My Five Wives for November 2, 2014

Are you ready for this week's Live Tweet Party in My Living Room?

That's right, you can view and join  My Five Wives live tweeting all in the comfort of My Living Room!

And as an added treat, enjoy the Tweet Party for Real Housewives of NJ's Reunion Show, Part 1 too !!

And you don't even need to dress up, much.

So kick off yer shoes, put on yer best Prairie Dress or NJ Designer's Gown and sharpen up yer snark.

Join the Party and Let the snarking begin!!

Real Housewives of NJ Reunion Show Part 1 Tweets !!

Tweets for My Five Wives
Brady and his Wives: The Early Years


  1. Very tender pic of Mother and baby, Bless them !

  2. Teresa looks drained. Guess she needs to do this Reunion show for the money....or it's in her contract that she can't afford to mess with that.

    1. Teresa seems so much more grounded this season (although you do still see flashes of the old T coming through). I am ashamed to say I'm looking forward to the next two reunion specials. How do you feel about the twins? I find them horribly annoying.

  3. And no enter the sick child story line. Compare and contrast the handling of childhood illness between grody's crew and the brady bunch.... go!

    1. Score Brady Bunch for winning with the sick kiddo and hands on Dad....this bunch is way more likable than the Brown's and actually seem to function in their own disfunction, if that makes any sense at all...

    2. They actually took their sick kid to the doctor! In a timely manner!

  4. What's with the tweet from Brady saying "It feels so great to have the company do so well now!" Does he mean at the time the show was filmed or "now" as in right now? We have the bankruptcy----that is why the tweet is weird.

  5. Brady says all the wives work---what do Paulie and Rosemary do outside the home---anyone know?

    1. On the "reality tea" site, under "My 5 Wives", there is a blogger that goes by "anjealka" whose picture-icon is now Maggie (the baby from the Simpsons animated show). She is not plyg, but lives somewhere in the vicinity of the Williams family, and has a lot of insight into the plyg community (she has done research for school, her husband comes from a family with a plyg history, she lives in Utah and interacts with many of the wives and mothers from plyg families). She has also written about the Browns.
      She has commented in the blog section from the last three M5W episodes. One extensive entry discusses the Brady wives jobs. Paulie-dental hygienist; Robin, getting a Master's in health care; Rosemary-just got her teacher's cert. in music; Nonie-does books for Brady's construction company; Rhonda-medical tech.
      "anjealka" also said after the second episode of M5W, the Paulie's daughter had her baby early at 23 weeks (this comment was left on the site around October 30th or so).
      "anjealka" is the most interesting blogger on the site. There is some mayhem on the site, and some poor language and low class remarks, so tread with care. The "reality tea" site covers a huge variety of reality shows. I've been checking out the site for a little less than a year--mostly for "anjealka". I wonder if she posts on this perhaps in our mist....

  6. Wow, we are concerned about juvenile diabetes let's get a blood test and then a huge cotton candy ice cream..... sigh....

  7. Seriously---can't horseback ride if your might possibly be pregnant? C'mon! Also,Nonie could go get a test----oh, yes, they exist---so ziplining instead because that is so much safer for pg. This is ridiculous!

  8. I can't believe Brady and Wives won't be on for another 2 1/2 hours for me!!! I thought it was a DVR program guide problem but it wasn't...11:00PM my time!!

  9. Brady just tweeted that he is so glad that they are financially able to only have him work---again, how does this all fit in with the bankruptcy---are the Williams' suddenly flush? Further, they would be better off if some of the wives were working---and isn't Nonie still doing the books? This makes little sense.

    1. Spock,
      Looks like the TLC windfall is once again saving the day for more and more Plygs !!

    2. That has to be it, Amused...but that would be a lot of sure would be interesting to know what folks in these shows are really paid.

    3. I need to go over my notes but from what I remember someone telling me, Brady's bankruptcy was discharged in December 2013. That means by the time TMZ (or whatever online gossip) breathlessly announced he had filed this year, that bankruptcy was actually filed a year earlier and already discharged!

      Season 2 filming is after the fact.

  10. OMG !! This show is going bogus really fast !!

    Rhonda waits until the *afternoon* to ask Brady how the Dr. appt went that *morning: !!
    Brady buys the kid ice cream and then gets chastised for the camera.
    The doctor calls just in time for the camera and pauses perfectly delivering the results with just the right touch of suspense.

    The women all call their families for the camera and get rejected. More downward eyes.

    Looks like Robyn is crying again. Surprise !!!

    Oh... and by Brady's own description....he works *for* his brother. Apparently not an owner.
    And if Nonie gets paid to do all the books, wouldn't she already know about the contract. And now since they have a million dollar contract coming, Brady can magically now afford all five wives and 24 kids (minus the one married) on just his salary ??........all based on one large job. BS alert !!!

    The pre-teen giggling continues. Nonie is nutty and Rhonda is so sing-songy. Paulie just fades, Robyn cries and Rosie looks suffering through her humor.

    1. @Amused....all good points! Just goes to show how orchestrated Reality TV can be and this is the best we can expect? Still they seem more sincere than the Brown idiots.

  11. Is it just me or did Robyn make it sound like her sisters were married to the same man?

    1. Mmmmm....didn't catch that, Anonymous...but wasn't listening super closely.

    2. I think she said it was her three sisters and their husband so it does appear that way.

    3. I caught that, too. So, I went back and rewound and sure enough, three girls, one man.

    4. ...and they wonder why diseases like juvenile diabetes run in the family....

    5. You know, I have a child with juvenile diabetes and guess what? No history of polygamy, inbreeding, whatever. Also, contrary to what most believe, Type 1 is not caused by poor diet/too much sugar. There is no known cause other than possibly viral, hence no cure.

    6. It may not be caused by sugar but if you are worried your kid has it you don't feed them ice cream after going to the doc and waiting for the results.

    7. Yes, I heard that too! Very strange.

  12. Agree that this plyg family seems more relaxed around each other than the Browns---seeing as they are not professional actors there is probably some sincerity behind what we see. Same goes for the Browns---they aren't professional actors either and their stiffness and distance from each other comes out a lot.

    Could you imagine Kody walking hand-in-hand with any two of his "wives" as Brady did with Rhonda and Nonie at the zipline? Just could never see that happening! Further, Brady was openly kissing Rhonda at the 4th of July picnic at the fireworks----again, cannot imagine any such PDA in front of other "wives" in the Brown group.

    1. Nope, the Brown wives all seem to hate each other.

    2. The wives seem like they actually like each other as well. Rosemary and Paulie are willing to go on a double date and work on their relationship. That would never go between Meri and Janelle. I think they try to make this work a little better. I can't hate on them the way I do the Brown's for some reason.

      I did have a problem with the car seat installation. That was shocking that a man with that many kids could not get it in correctly. Admittedly they are more difficult than when my kids were little, but I think they are safer as well. He should have just asked for help.

    3. Thank you kristy smith! I thought I was the only person who cringed at the car seat scene! So unsafe. Although it was nice that he was willing to even take his son to the doctors (like was mentioned above, not something I can see Kody doing, at least not for anyone other than Sol).

    4. I agree. This is only season 2 so I'm not holding my breath. Buuut I do like that they at least admit that they are engaging in polygamy because of a religious belief and I think Paulie said at one point she wouldn't have done it if she didn't think she wouldn't get into heaven.

      While I find their lifestyle abusive, I appreciate the honesty and openness that we have seen from them so far with regards to the religion. The Browns come across as being in denial.

  13. Really Brady? You needed to tell "all the Mom's, make sure you get all *your* kids packed up after the fireworks?." Did you think one or more of them wouldn't?

    This show is just not cutting it. Boring, boring people, predictable plyggy dilemmas, many of which already seen in Kodyworld, and way too dragged-out scenes.

    The 2-fer dates are painfully dull. Please TLC, shelve that bit. It doesn't work.

  14. And if there is any truth at all in Rhonda quitting her job...10 bucks says it is because crazy-eyes Nonie is tired of watching Rhonda's kids and has been harassing Brady about that, as well as begging for baby # 25.

    Can't say I blame her, though, for complaining if Rhonda *really* was working 10/12 hours a day and expecting others to care for her 5 kids. Hmm...that medical practice she works for sure does keep loooong hours. Of course....IF any of this is true.

    As we all know now....With TLC-'s TV-Plyggies, you just never know !!??

    1. Is she a RN? If she was really making 25-45 dollars an hour, I can't imagine Brady wanted her to quit.

    2. She is a medical assistant. No where near an RN salary.

    3. I don't know if I missed hearing where Rhonda works, but if she works at a hospital (not a dr office), 10-12 hour shifts are pretty normal.

    4. Not a hospital......she worked for a medical practice.

  15. I just love the scene where we hear "the adoption agency" hanging up when Rhonda mentions she is a Plyg. LOL!!! Really?? Such persecution.

    1. Further, what should she expect? One would think any reputable adoption agency would not be placing a child in that situation.

    2. Most people aren't a polygamist. Sounds like a prank. She has four kids and no income. Why would anyone talk to her. She couldn't possilby make enough as a medical assistant to support 6 people and cover them all for medical and pay for life insurance on her in case something should happen. So keeping the job would not matter.

  16. I was going crazy watching him drive with the car seat buckled completely wrong. It was so loose, hanging down and put through on too low of a spot. Has he never bucked a kid in before?

    Other than that they are definitely way more like able than Kody & Krew

  17. They have just begun their 2nd season and this show is already leaking credibility like a sieve....
    The seat belt fiasco.......
    Brady has 24 kids and doesn't know how to buckle a kid in a car seat? The straps on the child were loose and the seat itself wasn't even anchored tight. It was just sitting there *between* the two seat backs. Had he slammed on the brakes or abruptly swerved, that kid would have flown out of that seat. In our state, had he been pulled over, he would have gotten a citation for that seat.
    Anyone at TLC a parent? No one over there saw this piece as not only stupid, but downright negligent parenting before putting it on the air???

    Yeah sure, Brady the college wiz thought ice cream was a good idea after a blood sugar test. Was this just a setup for Rhonda to quit her job because Brady can't be trusted with the kids? Or the other women are tired of taking care of her kids? Or Rhonda herself, despite her protests, wanted out?.
    Plots and more plots.

    The Nonie and Robyn duo-date....
    Both say they have really never spent any time together, so that all this bonding is good for their relationship.
    Huh !!?? Call me crazy but haven't these women been living in a glorified motel-like, side to side and second story apartments dwelling, sharing nightly dinners, all their doors opening out to a communal lawn, clothesline, parking lot.......with adjoining doors to the laundry room as we saw last night between Rhonda's and Nonie's apartments.......and they all have been together for ** at least 16 years ** some even longer. And just now they getting around to " bonding*........???
    More TLC contrived BS !!
    These Plyg women, just like the Browns, merely *tolerate* each other, and no amount of silly TLC unicorn/ rainbow storylines is going to change that reality.

    And for Brady to be the one who brings up the no-horseback for Nonie in case she is pregnant was ridiculous. He *supposedly* takes a possibly diabetic kid for ice cream, yet we are to believe that he immediately considers a pregnancy (no test to confirm) harmful while riding when the woman herself *says* it didn't occur to her. More faux BS !
    Meanwhile Robyn must do something "for the show" that she is obviously terrified to do. And so she ends up looking even more fragile and pathetic.

    Reality Shows are known "productions," That fact is "reality" for that biz.
    But geez....couldn't they have just a meager sprinkling of logic, if not any truth and reality ?!

    1. The Logicmobile never stops at TLC, Amused.

      And, regarding the bankruptcy, if it was last year as CJ remembers and the Williamses are now so rolling in dough that only bread-provider Brady has to work, MrSpock wonders if the Williamses will use any of their new monies to make amends to the creditors who lost out at the bankruptcy. MrSpock surmises that will not happen.

      Also---anyone? Were Paulie and Rosemary working before---anyone know at what?

    2. MrSpock wonders if the Williamses will use any of their new monies to make amends to the creditors who lost out at the bankruptcy.
      I'm not a bankruptcy attorney but I believe once a bankruptcy has been discharged, the debts listed are wiped other words he is not required to pay it back (chapter 7). But there are different chapters of bankruptcy, one being where you do pay off the creditors (chapter 13). So it's possible he could have filed Chapter 13 and is paying off his creditors.

      Any attorneys out there who can explain?

    3. Not an attorney, but know folks who have been in bankruptcies.
      Some did not have to pay back debts, some did.
      But if he is paying off creditors, and with wives not working, and even with an increase in salary due to a large job, the TLC monies are likely crucial.

      What does make sense now is that if he is not the owner/CEO of that company, then the operations of the business would not be hampered by his financial record.

      You're right, Spock. What was I thinking.
      TLC......Totally Logic Compromised.

    4. Regarding MrSpock's bankruptcy remarks: MrSpock was more musing on whether the Williams' would consider trying to pay back some of the former creditors based on moral grounds and not legal grounds...if, and when, they might have sufficient funds to do so. MrSpock understands that the whole point of bankruptcy is to discharge debt...but if people subsequently make good again, MrSpock hopes folks will think about paying back some or all of those debts, if able---after all, those companies/individuals have rent, mortgages, children, etc., also.

  18. Will watch this one instead of the Browns. At least he loves his kids.

  19. in the case of juvenile diabetes, sugar is what is missing. you must give sugar, not withhold it.

    1. With juvenile diabetes you must maintain a healthy diet, be vigilant about portion sizes, reducing juice and carefully checking their levels. The person saying this wasn't a real fear but a storyline for her to quit was spot on. You wouldn't do sugar overload that has no nutritional benefit if you are worried about this. She has breast cancer and now juv diabetes in the family. Eat better.

    2. I wonder if there is a lot of pollution in their environment or toxic water.

    3. The "toxic water" possibilities warrant some research. Remember that the Cawley family on "Polygamy USA" drove out of town to fill their jugs with safe drinking water because the water in Centennial Park wasn't safe to drink. Water with high amounts of various toxins can cause all kinds of problems. On the other hand, regarding diabetes, what might be attributed to heredity in terms of a genetic disposition might also be attributed to inherited poor eating habits. A diet high in corn dogs and chicken nuggets is handed from one generation to the next just as blonde hair or a dimple might be. It's hard to know which might be at the core of Rhonda's family's diabetes pre-disposition, but whatever the reason, I hope that those kids are safe from diabetes and all the other chronic health diagnoses, and that they are getting plenty of the right kinds of food.

    4. "She has breast cancer and now juv diabetes in the family. Eat better."

      The voice of reason!

  20. While he didn't show the best judgment by taking Nick for ice cream right after a test for juvenile diabetes, props to Brady for being the one to take his baby to the doctor without at least one mother along for the ride. I can't imagine Kody Brown taking one of his children to a medical appointment. It was sad to see the five Williams wives practically begging their families to come to the Independence Day cookout, but it was edifying to see that many of the invitees did show up. Raspberries to Rosemary's relatives for making a difference in opinion about religion keep them from seeing the Williams kids, who have a right to know all their kin regardless of differences in religion.

    Oh, and did I hear Rhonda (or Nonie, or Robyn--I can't tell those three apart), that three of her sisters were married to the same man? I guess in the plyg community, the family tree isn't a tree--or even a wreath. It's a yo-yo!

    1. I would imagine that Rosemary ' s relatives don't participate is because her father (?) is the new leader of the AUB. I bet they would incur a lot of judgement and his anger if they associated with her, especially on TV. I would really like to know more about her father and his rise to hierarchy in that church. Anyone have more details?

    2. Hi Meg!

      You might try checking out our friend at The Principle - she's started gathering info on the Williams wives, including Rosemary. She also has started using tags, so far she has #AUB and #BradyWilliams and #My Five Wives. The tags links to other stories and are located on either the left hand side or at the end of the article.

      Good Luck!

    3. Thank you so much CJ! I sure enjoy your blog.

  21. She is a crazy. A fever is a fever. Do all her kids go get a blood test every time they have a fever? He is sick and they take him in for a blood test? Poor kid. There should be several non fever type behaviors before they stick a needle in him. He has a fever and needs ice cream? Kids with a fever don't have an appetite. Maybe a Popsicle? Ice chips? Then she is making dinner for everyone through the window and he is waking around the backyard (but sick) and the adults are all sitting around eating corn dogs talking about the doc appt and the ice cream.

  22. I am an attorney. I find it interesting that only Brady filed bk. At least Kody and Meri filed as husband and wife. I wonder if Paulie is really married to him? Of course, it is possible for a spouse to file by themselves.
    As to repaying the money, they will not. The trustee does have a look back period, but I believe that look back period expired long before they all started seeing any of the TLC money; or perhaps only the 5 wives get the money!!!

    1. Didn't Brady and Paulie file together??? CJ?

    2. Hi Mr Spock!

      Unfortunately, I can't find the original information from Pacer, but according to my notes it looked like a majority of the debt was business related (Business credit cards and line of credit accounts). Paulie was listed as spouse with her income, but personal property was listed as Husband except for 3 items listed as Joint (autos). All the creditors was listed as Husband. My notes also indicate that under the section Debtor's Marital Status it was shown as Married.

      That's all I have...

    3. That is 100% more than MrSpock had - thanks!

  23. I do think that TLC is honing in on Rhonda for drama. Ditto on the adoption plotline with her as the star. Also the Nonie "Oh, Oh, am I pregnant yet" bit is getting tiresome too. Take a test and shut up !!
    But....Rhonda and Nonie are the only animated wives, so apparently TLC is working them for ratings. That is a shame because Rosemary, although *not* a drama queen, seems to be the most likeable and real of them all. Paulie is bland to the point of inertia, and Robyn seems to need psych help. She is painful to watch.

    Not minimizing the concerns about the child with a fever, but to immediately jump to the possibility of juvenile diabetes was a stretch. It would be one thing if this was her only child, but surely with all her other kids, there had been fevers. Did she do this with them too?
    If that condition is "in her gene pool" then why not get a *routine* test to rule it out?

    Plus she IS a medical assistant and should know how easily kids come down with fevers, viruses, etc. And has been said here, a child with a fever *is* extra thirsty and will crave fluids !!.

    1. The adoption kills me because in the same show she was saying how she was working 12 to 15 hours a day and barely has any time for her children.

      But I guess she is quitting work now that they have no more debt thanks to bankruptcy!!

      I might even consider being a "plyg" if I didn't have to work!! ha ha

  24. I am the parent of a small child with Type 1 diabetes. In the beginning the symptoms are drinking a ton of water, peeing excessively, and lethargy. If she has a family history and knows the symptoms, I can only applaud Rhonda for checking it out and making sure. The ice cream after the blood sugar test was a little bit of bad judgement, but most people seriously do not know about Type 1 so I can't fault Brady too much. In general I like this family more than the Browns. The kids seem pretty down to earth despite all the Plyg nonsense. I also thinks the wives like each other a tad more than the Browns. Where they get me is telling people to quit real jobs just as money starts to roll in. I agree with the other poster who pointed out that this is the time to keep working and save money.

    1. Not with a fever. And Brady shoud know about type 1diabetes. It's in his family since he is "married" and has offspring with the woman. Also she was working during the fever. It's not uncommon for kids to reject all fluids during a spike and then drink half their daily fluids in one sitting when it passes. Or take the fluids for mommy but reject them for aunt nonnie. If the fluid and lethargy continued after the fever maybe. She is in health care. This is not her first child.

    2. My daughter had a fever when she was diagnosed. It was merely a coincidence, but her doctor wanted to do additional testing based on all the other symptoms present. I do not think you can ever be too conservative if you suspect type 1 diabetes. It is a horrible disease, so I am very glad their son does not have it.

  25. Even in the throwback photo of the Williams family none of the wives look happy. What a sad life.

    1. I thought the same thing. Every one of the women except one (I think that is Rosemary?) look totally miserable. What a sad lifestyle.

  26. Totally Off Topic: Anyone here watching 90 day fiance? I am strangely addicted to this show.

    1. YES!!!! That is my new favorite show!!!!

    2. I love it! I watched it last season as well!!

    3. So glad to know I am not alone! I have all kinds of thoughts about these couples...maybe we can discuss in the living room!

    4. I would love to know what everyone thinks of all the couples on 90 day fiancé?

    5. So far I've only watched the first 2 episodes. I haven't watched the 3rd episode yet.Here;s what I wrote in my other living room about the couples...

      Well, I just finished watching. I gotta say that this year's bunch is a heck more interesting than last years. Some troubling couples for me.

      Brett and Daya (from Philippines): Brett run away from this woman as fast as you can. It's a good thing I'm not Brett (or his mother) because that b@@@@ would be hoofing her way back to San Carlos City the best way she can. Calling her engagement ring fake? Unbelievable...

      Mohamed(from Tunisia) and Danielle: This one is so sad because he is using her. No sex til marriage...yeah, right. Who is this guy kidding? HE'S USING YOU Danielle, RUN!!!! But he'll marry her, get on her bank accounts and take her for everything she's got. I've heard of something very similar happening to a woman, and the first thing the guy asked was when she would be putting him on her different financial accounts. That marriage did not end happily.

      Justin and Evelin(Colombia): My first impression when he refused to introduce her to his family and was saying they should just elope was that he is probably a trust fund baby and knows his family won't approve of her. I like Evelin, but I don't think Justin is the right guy for her. I think he's just as bad as his family - he is ashamed of her. Run, Evelin, Run!!!

      Chelsea and Yamir(Nicaragua): Something weird is going on here. I don't like either one of these people.

      Danny and Amy(South Africa): When I saw them together the first thing I thought was...I wonder if he realizes she's bi-racial? Then later he mentions that not only is she bi-racial, but that his father is against interracial marriage. This has disaster written all over it...Amy RUN as fast as the wind and don't look back!

      I don't remember the sixth couple, so they must be normal...maybe.

    6. I haven't watched episode three yet either. I am doing that today. One on thing I have found out is that there are a lot of Women who have been conned by Tunisian men. I know Daniels being taken advantage of and that makes me sad for her. I'm also curious as to why TLC would be okay with a 25-year-old man living with three teenage girls in light of the honey boo-boo problems.

    7. Yes this season is addicting!!!

      Danielle and Mohammed--What in the world? He is using her but I have a hard time feeling sorry for her because of her crying in the airport and bringing him into her small apartment with her girls. The money she paid for his ticket should have gone to her children. She talks so slow so maybe she's mentally challenged and I should feel sorry for her?

      Daya is a monster gold digger. She can't even pretend to be nice. Why push the step mom thing on that poor child? Daya will be the evil step mom from hell. Brett's ex-wife is really hot. Way too hot for him? How did he get her?

      I kind of liked Yamir and Chelsea.

      Justin just wants a housekeeper, sober driver, and endless sex. Evelyn run!!!

      Danny and his family are religious jerks. Concentrating on no sex before marriage and nothing else. Amy run fast and far!! He just dumps her at his brother's and says see you later when we are married and can have sex. Why can't she stay at his house and they not have sex? Because the family and the church members will be thinking they are having sex? I can't stand the religious people who concentrate on that one thing and nothing else.

      The other couple shows up in the third episode and the Brazilian girl is a monster!!!! What is a guy who lives with his dad doing bringing a bride over? At least have your own place!!!! ...Especially with a gold digger monster like Cassia.

      This season is great entertainment!!
