
Sunday, October 26, 2014

Live Tweet Party! My Five Wives for Sunday, October 26, 2014

Brady working on his Halloween mask

Are you ready for this week's Live Tweet Party in My Living Room?

That's right, you can view and join  My Five Wives live tweeting all in the comfort of My Living Room!

And you don't even need to dress up, much.

So kick off yer shoes, put on yer best Prairie Dress and sharpen up yer snark.

Join the Party and Let the snarking begin!!

But first...

Hmmm....I wonder what Brady is referring to in these tweets????


  1. The show starts in about 50 minutes but you can start snarking about it right now! I can't wait to find out what the BIG NEWS is all about...Will it be earth shattering or what?

  2. Maybe they cancelled their bankruptcy and are doing the honest thing which is using money earned from the show to pay off their creditors? Yeah right!!!

  3. Yes, CJ, probably as earth-shattering as Krakatoa.

  4. Grandchild is that the big news?

  5. Father's Day - with a homemade card of 24 leaves, but no reference to the tattoo. The sister wives all dub it "awesome!"

    Also, the first daughter is not a polygamist and is moving back to Utah to be close to the family. I guess they didn't tell her that they want to move to WA. But, the business is picking up.

  6. They're expecting their first grandchild. That's sweet. I'm happy for them in this manner, instead of a wife being pregnant.

  7. MrSpock abhors the word "grandbaby." When MrSpock has that next generation, they shall be called "grandchild" and "grandchildren."

  8. Oh Pulleeze !!!

    Can just imagine the TLC brainstorming session where some genius said,
    "We gotta find a different hook for Brady and the Bunch..something different from all the plots we have already pulled off in Kodyworld. I know.let's have Brady pitch double dates to them. The women will hate it,....tears will flow....
    hands will clench...plenty of nervous close ups......TV gold !!! ""

    Had to go down like that..or.......Brady himself thought of it to one up Kody.

  9. We know they only get him every five days. That is how it works. Divorce or suck it up.

  10. "They all came from "ME".........
    Barf !!!

  11. Bwhahahaha....Nonies facial expression was priceless during Bradys "brilliant" idea reveal. It was an mash up of "R U eff'ing kidding me?" & "Oh hell no!" & "No he didn't just say that!" ..lmao

  12. Watching these women all clamor for his time is just sickening. Giving any man this much ego gratification is just wrong. yuck

  13. What did Rosemary say? Something about a marriage only works if it is between a husband and his wife---or words to that effect? Uh, yeh, Rosemary---so maybe that is why they whole plyg thing doesn't work very well---

  14. Brady's already played his, "Woe is me for honoring my polygamist husband duties," act 100 times so far this episode. He is so passive-aggressive, and these women are just passive.

    Why don't they doubledate 2x a week? The wife-pair would both get both nights. Also, why propose double-dates when one needs more time to get pregnant?

  15. I do have my reservations about the Brady bunch BUT at least Brady has a real JOB & is trying to provide for his family. Instead of trying to get rich quick with MLM's schilling various snake oil like the Brown klowns.

  16. UHHH....the giggling !!
    All for time with Brady !!
    He must feel like a king !!

    Please stop the giggling.....starting to prefer the tears !!

    1. I'm glad someone else thinks the over the top giggling is UGH, too. lol Last season the wives sat around wiping tears from their eyes while talking about their many problems and how unhappy they were and this season they're giggling all the time. Me thinks someone whispered in their ears about how pitifully weak and unhappy they appeared and they've taken it a bit too far.

  17. Kayaking? I see Paulie is sitting next to Brady in the truck in the upcoming scene...maybe Rosemary rides next to him on the ride home. I wonder if Meri and Christine would go on a double date with Kody? Ha! That would be something to watch!

  18. How did Brady fall behind on his individual date nights? Was it school? He had to sleep somewhere on those missed dates. Also, didn't their comprehensive schedule include float (e.g., every 5th night, but make-up dates for 2 weeks in August)? Maybe that is why his construction business suffers.

  19. Brady: Things are looking up for the company.
    Couple of months later: Bankruptcy
    Something did not go well.

    1. I was just wondering that myself. He is hiring his son in law and impressing his wives with talk of 3 million dollar contracts. This was before the bankruptcy?

  20. Surprise surprise, that Rosemary & Paulie are the 1st two wives names to be drawn for the 1st double date. Definitely contrived, since we know that these 2 don't really have the sister wife love for each other.
    Hmmmm??? Maybe Meri & Janelle will eventually end up going on that cruise together suggested by Kody. I'm thinking, if it's on TLC's dime, then heck no they won't pass up a free cruise.

    1. Yes, MrSpock was also "surprised" at this turn of events...what a coincidence! And MrSpock is also convinced of the "sincerity" of Paulie's words that she "never meant to hurt Rosemary."

      Of course, MrSpock also believes that two of him can exist simultaneously in a restarted Universe...

  21. Oh, that was nasty..
    He has to "think" to remember which wife he is with that night !!

    1. Yes! He is overcompensating on this episode, to either pretend that his life is so hectic and he's so overextended, or to pretend that he is not the center of the universe.

      Also weird; He instructs the son-in-law to "have Karlie call Paulie." Are there no relationships that he can identify? Wouldn't it be more normal to identify them as wife/daughter and mother-in-law/mother?

      He's said "grandbaby" almost as much as the smoochy luv-yas.

  22. At dinner with Karlie, her husband, Paulie & Brady: She is OBVIOUSLY pregnant---yet----wait for it---she says, "We have some exciting news" *Commercial Break*----How staged can you get? *drinks more tranya*

  23. Yeah, something HAD to have happened after all the epps were filmed for this season.
    Bankruptcy decisions don't happen overnight.

  24. "funnest".......Brady, you are quite the wordsmith !!

    And wonderful that Brady is glad to see two of his "wives" getting along.
    Dr. Phil Brady is on call.

  25. The places that hired him and he did work for could have filed for bankruptcy and then he ended up doing it not getting paid for work. If he got the gigs in the first place. TLC just stinks at airing things timely.

  26. Apparently the entire Williams family is legally blind as no one could miss that Karlie is pregnant at the Father's Day celebration unless that was the case.

    1. True, Spock....!!

      But didn't the wives do a bang up job of acting surprised ??
      Not !!

    2. No kidding. If my calculations are right and she is due in the beginning of March and that was filmed on Fathers Day.....Carly was only about 6ish weeks prego. She not only looked further along but she was holding her tummy like she was 4 months along. When she had Paulie over to her house the first thing I thought when they showed her was......she's pregnant!

  27. Nonie's taken on the Meri script of so wanting another child. She revealed too much truth - first in competing with Karlie about getting pregnant, and then saying something to the effect of, "We're the luckiest family now." They sure are - they got on the TLC plyg gravy train.

  28. Lol...One of the younger daughters(I think Paulie's) says something like, "No mom, a double date is 2 guys & 2 girls" BOOM!!! Loved it! Hey at least the daughter has the right concept of a real double date.

  29. They left and none of them want their kids to do polygamy right?

    1. That's the impression I have gotten from the wives, that they will not encourage their kids to go down that path. I believe it was Rhonda that said it right to the camera in one of their group interviews. They just all seem so miserable, . I can't imagine you wanting that for your own the end they will always have a big family anyway.

    2. They are all so miserable so why try to make or adopt more children? That is what kills me. They aren't in the church/cult anymore so they don't need to multiply to get to heaven. Why oh why???????

    3. M.A. Maybe they think another baby will garner them more attention/time with Brady or - they're using babies as a way to compensate for being so unhappy with their marriage and/or life. Either way, IMO it's unhealthy and does nothing but bring more heartache; to the child born under questionable circumstances and, of course, the wife since it's a given that a baby isn't going to solve their unhappiness.

    4. I think the having babies things wasn't because of their religion. They just want a lot of babies. Four to six kids is large by today's standards. They are all very lucky to have the number of kids they have.

  30. I cannot imagine any mother wanting to see her daughters suffer the way she has suffered. That's why Christine just pisses me off: she, of all the Brown Clowns, has been so unfairly treated by not only Kody but his higher status wives, yet she still claims she wants her daughters in the life style. And I don't buy her crap for one minute that Kody is just a stud service that she uses and sends him on his way. When she says who wants a man all the time....Biotch, you do. That's why you are negotiating for more time. These women from both families are such liars.

  31. Off topic from Williams' but to the Browns. I just saw a tweet from Meri.....with a pic of one of Van Lady Love's members that reads "Those gorgeous locks..." She is seriously crushing and/or trying to make Kodster jealous!!! He deserves it for cheating on her with three other women! Even if she asked for it.

    1. No kidding. It's so off topic the tweet isn't even there!

    2. Uhmm, Would Meri really know what *gorgeous* locks are....considering her and Kody's look-alike hairdos ??
      Just wondering......

    3. Then I guess I'm seeing things because I read the tweet and saw the picture just before I posted my comment. I would never "quote" something I didn't read. I guess whoever you are just deleted it...Meri.

    4. The tweet is there, it's on VanLadyLove's twitter account. Perhaps Meri retweeted it and has since removed it because it is Sad that a middle aged woman is so obsessed with this band and she seems like a middle schooler?

      Does Meri really call herself a VanLadyLover? Oy!

  32. Just in time for Halloween, the extra creepy double date episode. Somehow, I think even polygamist families would find this over the top insensitive. Plus, they women had to plan the outings themselves. Brady is a jerk.

    1. Somehow, I think even polygamist families would find this over the top insensitive.

      Actually, in the first episode of Polygamy, USA, Isaiah "Thomson" and his wives Marlene (#1) and Becca (#2) were filmed on a double date at a restaurant.

  33. Brady thought the wives would be happy with double dating? This man knows nothing about women.

  34. The way the wives keep track of their contact w/Brady makes me so uncomfortable. They track the # of times they see him in a month, how where/why, they give their time with Brady a name, "Dates," and track them, they compare celebrations - everything from how an anniversary or birthday was celebrated and where, to the gifts they've been given by Brady on different occasions, etc. They act as if they are still teens jealous of friends, one even holding onto hurt and jealousy for 20 years. I waver between placing the blame on the wives themselves who seem to be stuck in an immature and unhealthy rut and their upbringing, and now lifestyle, that primes them for such unhealthy thinking and relationships.

    I think all of the women are intelligent and deserve so much more and better than what they're accepting now. Gosh, I'd love to shake them awake and get them away from the lifestyle for a few weeks and hope they would see how they could have healthy relationships and be happy if they were away from their stifling and oppressive environment and lifestyle. The saddest thing is that I think the wives know what they need to do to be happy but are too scared, weak, brainwashed, or a combination of everything, to do anything about it.

  35. I was shocked and appalled when Rhonda said "they didn't have the finances" for her to continue to get regular check ups to ensure her breast health. Her mother and several aunts died from breast cancer and they can't find the money for regular mammograms and other routine tests? I don't know about Utah, but in my state, employers are required to offer medical insurance to employees who work 17 hours or more per week. And we have a good state-covered plan for those who don't meet the hours worked requirement. And there's coverage from the Affordable Care Act now, so I just don't get why Rhonda can't get the screenings she needs till she's got a lump. Seriously, Brady, WTH are you thinking, not making sure your family has adequate health insurance?

    Maybe Jill Duggar Dillard can be pressed to deliver Nonie's next baby? She probably won't charge much!

    1. And, yet, she wants to undergo the expense of adoption and - if the miraculous occurs and she's successful - feeding, clothing, educating another child. These people are too delusional to be true.

    2. She would not be considered a good candidate to adopt as a single mom if she is at risk of developing cancer and not living for the next 18 years, has no job as he encourages. She has four kids and would need to make an incredible amount of money and have insurance.

    3. I thought she was a nurse. It is hard to believe he supports that whole family as the only income earner. That is shocking that she and Noni are thinking of having babies when they don't have money for health care. That is so irresponsible. They need to ensure the health of the existing family members prior to adding another child.

    4. She is a medical assistant. A medical assistant, likely without insurance as they are working for small business and not required to get their employees insurance so it's a big chunk of income or state said, can not support of family of 6 and show their housing and all bills related to that household could easily be taken care of. If she adopted she would have one adult and five kids to support for "her" household. The first wife is a dental hygenist. Or was. Another wife helps his business with paperwork. So office assistant? The other two are in school. He declared bankruptcy. They all make money off the show. I don't know how a judge could go for it with expected income? I hope they don't seek housing with mortgages anymore with the show money. Buy simple places outright. I also think there should be a limit in how much a charity can take of your income and assets per year. Some of these groups over tithe, even live in compound housing. What happens if they are kicked out or voluntarily leave the group?

  36. I don't get how the double dating thing is going to work since there is an odd number of wives (5). Somebody is going to get a single date or else someone else gets an extra one. Maybe they can have one double date and one triple date? These people have complicated their own live's beyond necessary. Besides when you have just declared bankruptcy maybe dating at all should not be an option?

    1. Yes, this is bound to disappoint someone soon. . . .

    2. Perhaps he should stop taking philosophy and add a math course to his schedule?

  37. TLC may have made a mistake putting on the Brady Show.
    These women really are too sad, too pitiful to watch, let alone get into.

    Their child-like eagerness and desperate hunger for any attention, any freakin micro-second of his time and presence one on one, is really disturbing. It's hard to even snark them because it is like watching orphans longing to be adopted or at least have regular visitors who show caring.

    These are grown women, some of them at, or close to, twenty years of this lifestyle of begging for emotional crumbs. Having a camera crew present for filming them may be the most individual adult attention any of them have ever had.or ever will have. Some of them may grow to really enjoy it like the some of the shy Dugger children who craved that attention from the film crew. Nonie and Rhonda seem to be already getting into being talking heads for the camera.

    Brady may be a vanilla version of Kody's obnoxious ways, but it all comes down to these men firmly holding all the fragile strings of the women's self-esteem!!

    1. Agreed! I like this family so much better than the Brown's. I think he seems more caring toward his family, however, we see that polygamy in and of itself is harmful to women and families. I was very thankful to see the teenagers and the married daughter discussing their thankfulness for having better options for their lives. Hopefully they will not fall into this trap.

    2. I agree with you on all points, Amused.
      As this season of M5Wives began, I thought I would be inextricably drawn to watch despite my great aversion to watching this clan. Pleasantly enough, I find that not only to I not feel the pull to watch in that train-wreck kind of way, but that I don't miss it or even care, really.

      This is huge for me, especially because I do feel the pull to still watch Sister Wives despite ye ole Kodester.

      The Brady wives' desperation comes through and is simply too pathetic to watch. I find it difficult to snark about them because their situation makes me feel hollow inside.

      Yet the Browns, not so much. They are like the proverbial family member that you are embarrassed by, but still, that's your family.

      My hope is that Sister Wives will be back. I would love a good fix.

  38. LOL
    mariah ‏@mariahlian

    all I want for Christmas is kris jenners cook book

    Guess she didn't read the reviews on Amazon

    1. I don't know how to do a direct Twitter quote so I cut and pasted. I went looking for the Van Lady Love quote and ended up reading all the other Sister Wives and other twitter accounts and saw that one. Maybe mariah wants to learn how to make Macaroni and Cheese? Or to gift to this to one of the other Sister Wives for Christmas?


  39. What adoption agency would approve placing a child with that family? I think in an earlier episode she may have mentioned that it might be from another country, or another ethnicity??? Anyway, I can't see her being allowed to legally adopt a child.

  40. CJ, Forgot to mention....

    Love the pic of Brady at the top of the thread.
    It has a certain "Adams Family" "Uncle Fester" quality.... just perfect for Halloween !!!!

  41. As mentioned by Bad Sister Wife, MrSpock has also been wondering how five women will divide into even double dates. MrSpock has always thought it strange when married couples speak of going out on dates with their spouse...when MrSpock goes to the movies or to dinner with the spouse it is just the natural thing to do as a married couple...we are no longer "dating." MrSpock is annoyed with terms such as "date night" ...

    1. I agree with your pejorative critique of the semantics involved in describing normal married relationship behavior.

  42. Um... Rhonda's onesie. That's all.

  43. So for the double date, will he sit between the two wives? So, one will drive, he will sit between, and the other gets shotgun? And so two and Brady; two and Brady; and then one and Brady? Or, will the fifth wife have to pick up her own double date sister? These people are creepy. Just say it Brady, you want a threesome with you as the "star."

    1. He drives, the two who hate each other sit next to each other.

      It turned into an outing with two women. Not a date date. Why didn't they all go kayaking? Leave the older kids to watch the little ones?

  44. "Just say it Brady, you want a threesome with you as the "star."

    Brings to mind two unforgettable SW clips....
    The Brown babes all dancing around Kody like lunatic maidens wanting to be deflowered.
    Kody wearing his King hat and robe.

    Yep, CREEPY is the word, and Brady, you are it !!
    Or Brady, you simply cooperated with the TLC folks when they were plotting out storylines for this season. Whichever it IS creepy...and *stupid.*

    And speaking of contrived storylines...
    Last season's plot with Rhonda wanting to adopt right on the heels of crazy-eyes Nonie declaring she wanted a baby.....and benching that adoption story right alongside of Rhonda's breast lump crisis was unfortunate planning on TLC's part.

    And as others posters have noted, no way would she be acceptable for adoption, and for several *real*reasons. Yet they still are going with it this season? Makes no sense unless the TPTB are already that starved for catchy plots with this group of characters.

  45. I'm not watching this family anymore so I'm really grateful for all the comments! I don't want to condone the exploitation of these particular women. They seem so fragile, and Brady has a major creepy factor for me. More so than Kody. Something about him doesn't sit well with me.
