
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Memories: Oldie but Goodie Tweets from the Browns

I'm not going to sugarcoat this. It's been slim pickings on the Brown Family's tweets. Maybe they are tired of their tweets being analyzed, who knows. But it sure tells their fans just how much they care...

I decided, hey. If the Browns won't tweet new stuff to their fans, I'll go back into my files and find those early tweets (and some Facebook stuff) they forgot existed. Or deleted.

For example. Here's a choice oldie but goodie from a semi-newlywed (and impregnated with Sol) Robyn. You see, some mean people were saying things about her that she felt was just not right or fair! Even if it was October of 2011!!

So she went all ballistic on their collective you know whats. Funny thing, notice how she begins "Follow my Sister Wives and build them up..." but quickly gets back to the point that SHE's just a victim of bad editing and an evil editor. And everyone wants to be her friend.


Here's a subtle reminder why many fans stopped liking Robyn that first season in 2010. Yep, knowing that Kody was rushing to be with Christine who was about to give birth to Truely, Robyn chose that time to passionately kiss her husband to be. Problem was, according to Christine, no kissing is allowed prior to the marriage ceremony. Editing had nothing to do with this faux pas. And let's not forget her trying to hide from her sister wives the fact that Kody chose her wedding dress, her supersized wedding and honeymoon, not to mention her keeping that honeymoon alive by making sure she got more time with Kody than any of his other wives, combined.

So I suppose the moral of this story is, with a Sister Wife like Robyn, who needs enemies?

Remember this tweet? Here's a fan that called out the fact that Kody was only following Robyn on Twitter. Interesting that the fan chose to tweet her question to Janelle, who immediately went into "Stand by Your Man" mode  in order to explain away why that occurred. And save some face.

Yep,  Kody is emotion savvy all right! His reply definitely showed that...

Back in the early days, the Browns appeared to tweet freely about the upcoming season without the firm hand of TLC guiding their way. Notice the subtle technique Kody and Meri used to generate suspense...Oh, and they were on vacation in Mexico while tweeting, too!

Of course, while Kody and Meri was in Mexico (on TLC's dime because it was filmed for the show) this is how Robyn let her fans know she was lonesome, poor lost soul....

We all wondered exactly what "work" Robyn needed a break from...oh yeah, being a Sister Wife and knowing Kody was living it up in Mexico with Meri!!

Hmmm....I wonder if Rosie ever showed up for dinner?

Here's a lunch date that did materialize...Can you just feel those passive aggressive jabs at Christine and Janelle? A little too much "Oh we have sooooo much fun together"-ness if you ask me!

They may not have gotten a photo op with Rosie, but their booking agent was able to get the Browns (sans Robyn) a picture with none other than Carrot Top!! Well Zlist is better than no list I suppose...

OOOOH!!!! More bonding time between Meri and her best bud my, have the times changed...

I guess the "begging for quarters" was another way the Browns financed their McMansions!!!

Remember how Meri used to call Kody lover? THAT hasn't happened in a long time. But she did acquire that nasty VLL obsession that's occupied her twitter time the past year or so...

Sadly, Kody's tweets about Christine are no longer as "loving" or appreciative. Makes me think maybe a ghost-tweeter wrote these tweets...

Nowadays, Christine still occasionally sends out tweets like this, but usually she's with her kids and Kody is nowhere to be found...

Finally, Meri (aka the First and Legal Wife of Kody Brown and Don't You Ever Forget It!!) made sure her many twitter followers (including her best bud and sisterwives Robyn, Christine and Janelle) saw this announcement that not only was she home from Mexico, that she and Kody had a wonderful time...alone!!

And here's this wonderful nugget from the early days of their family friend run Facebook book page that only "vetted" friends could enjoy. This was Robyn's response to a fan who wanted to know what was happening with their plans to start a gym called Fundamental Fitness.

Talk about loose lips sinking ships! And unless their TLC handlers were "friends" with the family friend (actually a friend of Robyn's) they never saw this faux pas. You see, Robyn's comment contradicted the storyline presented on the show. That is, after bringing in a investor (who mysteriously disappeared along with business partner Trainer Bill during a season hiatus) Kody was shown dropping the plans for Fundamental Fitness and going with My Sister Wives Closet instead.

And that's when TLC started to control the Brown Krew with an iron hand and that Robyn lovefest of a fanpage became extinct. Pity...

That was 2012. What a difference almost three years can make!!


  1. Things sure cooled between Robin and Meri. I wonder what happned?

    1. I think Meri wanted Robyn in the family to stick it to Janelle and Christine, not realizing that Robyn would take so much of Kody's attention away from her. Robyn seems to have joined the family assuming that the other women would be there to help her out. Neither one seems to have considered what the other wanted out of the relationship. They are now disillusioned with each other.

  2. Silly, Stupid Sobbin,

    Honey, Didn't you even think about *why* you had twitter attention back then?
    Didn't it ever occur to you that all of you Kody-girls and Kodyman, himself, were literally banking on folks paying attention to you....adoring fans or not !!??

    Did you really think tweeting "If you don't like me, "IGNORE" me" was a smart suggestion !!??
    * Attention* and LOTS of it is what you all signed on for since.....
    Attention = ratings
    Ratings = sponsors
    And sponsors= MONEY !!!!

    Money, Sobbin !!
    That stuff that put the down payment on your McMansion, seed cash for your Junk Store, bought your wedding and honeymoon, large car, paid for childcare helpers, mani-pedis, cleared your debts...etc. etc.

    No wonder TLC had to come in with handcuffs and a gag order for your tweets.

    1. Ain't that the truth, Amused? That's what is soooo maddening about this bunch of nuts...they have NO CLUE how to deal with their audience/fans. The MSWC website continues to crash whenever the show is on - and they tell people to come back later while the problem gets worse. Or like Kody, who supposedly had a fit because a fan wanted a picture. They don't have a clue, which is evident when you consider MSWC had over 6 million page hits, but could only convert that into 500 sales! FEEBLE!!!!

      And yes, I will bring up that FB fanpage again, because it was the festering sore of the problem with the Browns. These idiots devoted almost a year exclusively interacting with only a core membership of maybe 5000 fans - that includes commenting live during shows exclusively for only those fans. Imagine if they worked that hard building up their twitter audience each week. I dare say they would have more than the 350K they collectively have today (which they can thank to TLC and their book publisher pushing for live tweeting so EVERY audience member has the potential to participate). And each of those 350K is a potential customer IF they are able to get on the website without it crashing. They totally missed the boat.

    2. Yep, all true and all pathetic and wasteful in that they had *such* a golden opportunity handed to them by TLC to score really BIG. But the Browns are just NOT smart people.

      They are nothing but a bunch of career grifters who play their Plyg culture card as if that is a carte blanche explanation for their lack of savvy and intelligence. Sorry, Janelle, but not only Kody is lacking savvy, tech or otherwise; you all are clueless by choice, arrogance and laziness.
      Meanwhile they are experts at projecting and expecting "entitlement" as if it is a natural perk for being Plygs.
      That vetted FB page? They figured that it was their forum to be "select." and exclusive !
      Idiots !!! Flaming Idiots !!

    3. It used to kill me that the Browns really had a chance to make a good profit off of something, but they blew it on their ridiculous joolrey line and poor promotion. Not that they're on minute 14 or their 15 minutes, I wonder if they are panicking?

  3. That's cute Robyn, but somehow I don't think I would want to be your friend even if I knew you in real life.

  4. Uh Robyn...That gym investor that "wanted something different" probably wanted to make money. Duh! The Browns probably put the four McMansions as part of the start up costs. I always thought of the Dodgeball movie's Average Joe's Gym when they were discussing the fitness center.

  5. Nonetheless, MrSpock awaits the Browns' return as they are more interesting than the Williams crew.

  6. Meri sure looks Oompa Loompa orange next to Carrot Top!

    1. Yes she does! (giggle) Overall they look a lot healthier and happier in this photo than they do today.

  7. I just watched My 5 Wives and was interested in the contrast to the Brown family. They had 3 daughters graduate from high school and celebrate with a camping trip and a cake from Costco and each mom said something nice about the girls along with Brady. The 3 girls then all got scholarships to go the the same college and will be living together.

    Compare that with the Browns where they had a 12 thousand dollar cake for a lame commitment ceremony. Meri threw a fit about her seating at Mariah and Aspyn's graduation. Mariah whined about going to her elite college all year. Where all the wives fight over finite resources to send their kids to college. They aren't as fun to watch, and the wives seem more passive, but it's a nice change of pace.

    1. I 2nd this. While you can't help but laugh at the antics of Kody and the kodettes, I find the Williamses much more likeable, realistic and honest.

  8. Robyn... sorry, I wouldn't be able to get past staring at your cold sores. They would ultimately be the downfall of our very short lived friendship. Maybe you should invest in a cold sore ointment that really works vs. all the other loser ventures you keep swirling around that little head of yours??

    1. Oh man, I love your name! Maybe in honor of Halloween I will change my name to KodytheKreepyKlown!!

    2. I thought we weren't discussing Robyn's cold sores anymore. Eww.

    3. KodyTheKreeperMarriedKoldSoresOctober 24, 2014 at 1:12 PM

      Snark! I change my name constantly; PLEASE feel free to improvise!!!
      Anon - sorry about the coldsores. But seriously, if she could come up with something that works, she would be a MILLIONAIRESS!!!!!! (or MILLIONAIRE$$ : )

  9. I guess I am totally and completely alone in this, but I miss the old Brown drama. It was so much better when they all lived in the same house and interacted more with each other. They don't look as happy as they seemed to be then. I think Christine really did enjoy the role of the caregiver and homemaker. Janelle enjoyed her role as bread winner. Even Meri seemed to work with them better. I also likes tha the family seemed to eat together and interact with each other so much more. And I haven't looked at old pictures of Meri and Robyn in some time. They have really packed on the pounds, it's kind of shocking. I am not condemning them for that though, we all gain over time. I just think that eating (at least for me) is an emotional response. Lots of lonely nights for those ladies. What better way to pass the time than eat your emotions and watch reality tv and maybe stalk a blog or two that writes about your family.
    And things have def cooled in the Meri/Robyn BFF club. The book said that Meri and Christine were close in the early days too. Meri likes to say she picks the wives, but I think it's more a case of keeps your friends close and enemies closer. She saw Kody wanted Robyn, so she "encouraged" it. And all that zing lighting bolt crap he and Robyn talk about......the only zing my husband would feel is me bopping him in the head if I saw him goo goo eyes over another woman.

    1. Sara - Totally agree with your comment. Meri knows good and well neither she nor any of the others have any say. She was just trying to spin it to look like she did and also to hold it over Christine and Janelle.

      Also, I would like to say that the top pic of Kody cracks me up. He totally looks like a centaur.

    2. They were much happier in the beginning before Kody married Robyn and they moved. Going from 1 out of 3 days with Kody to 1 out of 4 days is a big change. Not to mention some days they probably don't even see Kody now that they don't all live in the same house.

      Not bashing her for it either, but Meri's large weight gain is a major red flag that she isn't happy. Meri didn't pick Janelle, Christine picked Kody, and I highly doubt she picked a skinny, under employed, mother of 3 to be wife number 4 in a house that had no room for another wife.

  10. I was just surfing MSWC to see what new "products" they are schlepping. Looks like they are running a similar scam as their autism awareness products. This time it's a think pink sale. They are using the breast cancer awareness theme to make money. I couldn't find a single statement anywhere stating that a percentage of the profits go to fund breast cancer research.

    Robyn - if you read this (and I am sure you will), cause marketing means that BOTH your business AND the nonprofit win. It's a mutually beneficial relationship. Your version, exploiting a philanthropic cause for personal gain, is disgraceful and fraudulent.

    1. There are several products on sale as part of the sale and it looks like 2 of them include the pink ribbon logo. The description for the 2 products with the breast cancer logo indicates that all profits go to the breast cancer foundation.

    2. Do you think that "all profits" means after they minus out the mortgages?

    3. "profits"....that means the plusses minus the minuses, right?
      I don't think they make any profit - let's check with Janelle to make sure though

    4. The Browns' use of "minus out" seems far more sensible to me that the ridiculous common core math crap that the US Education Department is thrusting upon our children these days. The reaction to the "minus out" language seems like much ado about nothing to me.

    5. The reaction to the "minus out" language seems like much ado about nothing to me.
      You know, this reminds me of an incident that happened many many many years ago when I was a CSR for a major credit card company.

      I got a call from a woman, apparently the company accountant, who wanted me to reconcile the company's credit card statement over the phone.

      No problem. I was a seasoned rep, more than capable of the task. The only glitch was - she demanded that I could not use the words "debit" or "credit" in the reconciliation. Curious, I asked her why. She told me it was because I was not qualified to use the terms "credit" or "debit".

      I immediately notified my supervisor to please monitor the call. As I attempted to wade through this woman's request, everything was going smoothly until I started to explain the "credits" which were not payments, but were actually CREDITS. I used euphemisms like "reimbursement for returned items" etc until I got to an item that was just a credit. That's all it say on the statement...CREDIT. And I couldn't use words like pluses or minuses because sometimes credits couldn't be pluses or minuses depending on which side of the ledger the transaction was recorded.

      Well, I slipped. I said the forbidden word "credit". This woman preceded to rip me a new one. I stayed calm. Luckily for me, my supervisor had had enough and signaled that she was taking over the call.

      I had to release the call, but I could hear what my supervisor was saying. Basically, she let that woman know the information I relayed was correct, even with the restrictions on the words credit and debit. She also advised the woman that someone else from the company would need to call in the future about the account. Someone who could deal with a CSR using the words "credit" and "debit". And the account was noted accordingly.

      This is totally off topic, but I guess what I'm trying to say is...depending on the situation, sometimes if you don't use the terminology correctly as a business owner or professional, you can look stupid.

      That is all...

    6. KodyKeepsOnKreepin'...October 24, 2014 at 1:43 PM

      I've never heard of such a thing! You couldn't use credit or debit. WOW. Was she calling from a Soviet Union Block country??! LOL

    7. Was she calling from a Soviet Union Block country??!
      Nope. She was calling from the good old USA. Before she intervened, my supervisor was laughing because the call sounded like a scene out of Lost In America where the husband told the wife (who lost their "nest egg" gambling in Vegas) she couldn't use the word nest or egg ever again.

  11. The problem with the Browns is that they are not really very smart. Robyn is, perhaps, the one Brown who has the least IQ and although she touts that she is the emotionally mature one, I see her emotional IQ as low as her intelligence. She doesn't see how she is being perceived by the real world. Like, for instance, the cause selling. Because of her lack of business acumen and her lack of education, she thinks she can do anything to hawk her crap. When others call her out on it, she cannot understand why it's such a big deal. Likewise, her sucking face with Kody as he is rushing out of her house to run to make it to be there with Christine right before the baby arrives. Let me just say if the roles were reversed and Robyn was lying in bed, having labor pains, dilating, and Kody was hanging all over Christine or a new wife, and kissing her and all of that, and he finally gets to the labor bed but is texting or asking the midwife questions about another wife's "oven", she would have pitched a fit. Yep. So she is unaware and, of course, like Kody, she is a narcissists. The other wives are just as intelligently, educationally, and emotionally crippled. But they are smart enough to avoid that pity party thing that stupid Robyn does...I don't know why you are hating on me...blah, blah, blah. While I am eager for the last season and I say last season cause I just don't see how another season will come after this one, I dread the same ole crap...we are so broke...we make iconic cheap jewelry that we over charge for...we love this life style but hate sharing....we need...we want...blah. well, you know. Yes...the end is insight. But, on a brighter note, maybe they will hide her during the show too. No Robyn...maybe she is jumping ship now...Love it.

  12. I hope, after all of this, we get to see how it ends for Brown et al. I feel so sorry for the little kids; they are not being prepared for the "reality" of life without TLC paying for their houses, trips and parties. Then again, there is bankruptcy and welfare. . .

  13. Totally OT, but did you guys see this about Honey Boo Boo?

    "June Shannon, aka “Mama June,” is dating a convicted sex offender who served time for child molestation.

    TMZ reports that Shannon has rekindled her romance with Mark McDaniel, who reportedly went to jail for molesting a child in Shannon’s family when they were dating years earlier."

    I've never watched the show, the commercials were enough for me, but I have read that June is generally thought to be a loving parent. WTH? What would possess her to date someone convicted of sexually molesting a kid in her own freaking family?! I am floored.

    1. I'm not really surprised. I read a long time ago that Mama June lost custody of her girls except for Alana and the other girls were living with their grandmother when not filming the show.

    2. I read that too and it did ring true.
      I never believed the other girls actually lived there other than showing up for filming on site or for off-site outings. Alana's bedroom had items in it that suggested it *was* lived in. The area where the other girls supposedly slept had nothing but a nasty looking mattress without even a bed frame, or any other visible personal items.
      Not surprised at all that June has hooked up with that kind of guy. She may have just shot herself in her other foot with this stunt, Her TLC $$-ride may be over abruptly.

    3. I think the show will be cancelled and I sincerely hope that the children will not be anywhere near this man. It goes to show June's deep lack of self esteem and blindness when it comes to wanting a man that she would so jeopardize her entire life. She will have her children taken from her if she decides to stay with this man and the show will be cancelled. As a mother and a human being this sickens me. I would do anything for my children and can't imagine taking a man over them.
      I read this morning that June hasn't released any kind of statement and that TLC is waiting to see what the fans have to say. It is a show that has been based on the love of a family and the importance of family and it obviously was just that, "a show."
      I read that Anna has had little to no relationship with her mother and has been raised completely by her grandmother. She holds a good deal of animosity towards her and only came on the show for the money. No one seems to know who "Pumpkins" father is and "Chubbs" and Alana have different fathers. Maybe June wanted to do better for her girls and was trying to turn over a new leaf. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, but I guess I am a little more bothered by this then I should be. A child molester is the lowest form of scum on this planet and it is terrifying to think that this man is on the prowl and has young girls there like sitting ducks with their oblivious mother thinking nothing of it.
      Ok, end of my rant, I just believe there is a special place in hell for those who prey upon our innocent.

    4. Looks like TLC is done with Honey Boo Boo. Yep, the show's been cancelled and none of the episodes for the next season will be shown. Here's a link to Mama June's statement...

      Mama June

    5. Wow, I'd like to believe Mama June and thinks she really wouldn't do that, but I doubt TLC cancelled such a popular show without solid proof. Sickening.

      My husband's sister in law was molested by her dad as a child, and yet she still associates with him to this day. They are always inviting us to family functions, but there is no way I would ever bring my children around that man and cannot see how she lets him around her kids.

    6. Well, at least TLC acted accordingly, even though it may have nothing to do with ethics as much as serious fear of flack from sponsors. But whatever, it needed to be done.

      Anon 1:39,
      My mother was an orphan and was shunted throughout her childhood to various aunts and uncles. She was molested by one uncle, and then by a friend of another aunt and uncle.
      I totally agree with you about resistance to exposing your children to sexual predators.
      Child molestation is a crime that haunts the victims for the rest of their lives.

  14. Off topic from the Brown's, but has anyone else seen that Mama June is dating an ex who was just released from prison for child molestation. If this is true, I am scared for the children and hope TLC yanks the show.

  15. I also wonder why the Browns aren't tweeting to support their polygamist counterparts. The Browns have been very quiet. I don't think things are going so well in the cuddle-sac

    1. I just finished watching all of the My5Wives episode. What a difference between Kody and Brady! If anything, I think Kody may be jealous (a lot!!) and probably isn't the most pleasant person to be around right now with his original three.

    2. I haven't seen any M5W episodes, so I'm curious, why do you think Kody might be jealous, and especially not nice to his first three wives right now?

    3. I wasn't going to watch anymore m5w but I did and I have to say I found it nice. I don't want to be married to Brady or share my husband but I got a strong sense that these kids feel very loved. They seem to love each other and the different moms seem to love them. If the premise of the life is to have children then . . . Good job. I think that I would like these kids. The moms are honest that it is difficult. Good for them. At least they get it out and don't pretend that they aren't jealous. I think that the browns are like mama June-- pretending for the cameras. I didn't watch hbb but I don't think that you had to watch to see what it was. The Browns are two bit actors in a TLC production that will ruin the family. I hope the money was worth it.

    4. I'm curious, why do you think Kody might be jealous
      Kody's edit on the show has been less than complimentary. On the other hand, Brady's edit shows him to be some sort of renaissance polygamist man, sensitive to all his women needs. If he disappoints a wife, he owns up and makes it right. Brady also uses his children's names (and not call the boys "son") and appears to give time equally to all his children not just one (Kody always holding Sol).

      And Brady drives a truck, not a Lexus sports car like Kody did in the beginning. Brady is being presented as a sympathetic sensitive family man, while Kody is being shown to be a bungling buffoon who needs a haircut and needs to be the center of attention at all times. Kody thinks of himself as an entertainer, while Brady is being presented as an introspective thinker.

      And from his abhorrent behavior at the ReCommit ceremony (which Janelle explained as his having low blood sugar) I don't think it's too much of stretch that he would not be the most pleasant person to be around when he is stressed...and having over two million dollars in mortgages, 5 children in college with more teens due to graduate in a couple of years, with his main income stream being a reality show that could be cancelled at any time because there's a new polygamist on the block, well...I wouldn't want to be on the cul-de-sac right now...

    5. I bet Kody is jealous just on the fact that Brady has 24 kids and he only has 14 bio kids and 17 if you count Robyn's 3 with her first husband, but he has to share them with their real dad. Heck, even Jim Bob Duggar has 19 kids with his one wife! These women aren't closing up shop for more babies like Kody's wives.

      Also, Brady's wives are all nice looking and do a better job of "keeping sweet" than the Brown wives.

    6. What did you mean by Kody's "abhorrent behavior" at the ReCommit ceremony? I was in my "I can't stand another moment of this" phase and had stopped watching at that point.

      Also, IMO, with the removal of HBB it's possible that the Brown's may now be around a little longer since TLC may need to jump in and develop something to fill the gaps. So, Robyn has some more time to produce and we have a few more graduations to attend and certainly more trips to make (other wives are sure to demand some island time) and maybe a cruise or two.

    7. Kody was having a meltdown while taking pictures prior to the ceremony that included some some growling and bared teeth. It was creepy.

    8. Can we imagine how ugly Kody can get when the cameras are not around?

  16. I wonder if TLC can talk the older kids into allowing them to film some of their college activities. In my mind, that's about the only thing I would be interested in watching. As for My 5 Wives, I don't feel any empathy for any of them. I dislike all the focus on bedroom conversations, and these women seem even sadder to me than Sister Wives. Maybe it is because they let it show, whereas the Sister Wives try (not always successfully) to hide the lack of enjoyment in their lives.

  17. It seems a few of the girls have apartments. I wonder why? Didn't Kody say they would be under his roof until they marry? Is it so bad in the cul de sac that they are bolting as soon as possible? Money for rent, and college and mcmansions? wow by the way the stuff on the MSWC is just crap

    1. Kody did say that about his girls, but I am SOOOO very happy that they are out and having some kind of a normal life. I don't believe that any of these girls, except maybe Mariah, will follow their parents' lifestyle. They all seem so happy with a normal college life.
      And I surely don't think any of the younger children will either. The reason for that is that they will not have grown up in a true plyg environment. They don't live together, eat together, nothing. They don't even have a church or religious community to belong to, guess they won't be meeting any wives at church dances. Plygs seem to have a lot of church dances. They live on the same street and take trips together. This is normal for friends to do together and extended families. We took trips with my cousins when I was a kid. That's how these will be raised. They will each have their mother and siblings and drifter dad will pop in every few days. No religious base, no traditional plyg community. And thank goodness for that. Maybe they can live "normal" adult lives.

    2. Kody has 4 roofs so it would have been difficult for him to keep running from house to house, trying to keep the girls in one house or the other...

    3. He said they were to be under his roof until they were 18 and finished high school. All the kids. Not just the girls. He said he "wanted" them under the roof until they were married. This was when the older kids didn't want to move to Vegas. They are just away at school. It's a good thing. They still call his homes home like most college students do. Their residency may change for five years or so.

  18. It will be interesting to see if viewers can tolerate two separate soap opera shows with Plygs crying and whining. At the end of this coming year, after both shows complete their runs, we may need to do The Plyggie Awards exclusively based on "tears" and soapy dramas.
    It sure looks like the Brady Bunch is gearing up for some weepy plots. And we know that at least two of the Brown babes are seasoned experts at weeping for the cameras. Maybe even Janelle will have to conjure up some tears this even the playing/ crying field.

    If nothing else, there will be plenty of snark food just comparing the two shows and the two casts of characters. And that may be another reason why Koby may be a bit miffed and less than rah-rah now for Brady and Co. He knows there *will* be comparisons.
    Plus...*so far* the Bradys aren't peddling any online or multi-level roadstand junk or gimmicks to sell and be snarked.

    TLC is crafty,
    They tossed out a competitive plyg-alike show, and will watch to see which one gets to stay out of the shark tank.
    My guess is that the Browns would dominate *IF* Kody trolls for # 5.
    It is the only thing left short of an actual mutiny by one or all of the mistresses.

    With Brady, there is almost too much going on.....too much "woe is me" across the board.
    I want a baby...oh, so do I.....where my 20 year ring........can I have your night to get pregnant......
    Uh, Oh Is Brady alright........we need a college apartment........Did I hurt your feelings.....sniff, yes, you did.....Is my gyno report okay...etc. etc. Kind of over-stuffed with plots.

  19. Re: The Darger's FB page : They recently posted a picture of a very new baby. A number of people commented, and three asked who the parents were. They were not replied to - this is not the first time this has happened. I think this is very ill mannered.

    If they don't want to say who the parents are, why post the picture? They must know that people are going to be interested. They could make some kind of reply, saying that the parents want this information to remain private, or whatever.

    On a more serious note - The Dargers have said that Joe's brother Brigham is in hospital with very serious injuries, and have asked for prayer.

    1. The Dargers seem desperate for attention in my opinion. I still think they're mad they didn't get their own show, don't care what they say otherwise. And when I say Dargers, I mostly mean Papa Joe since he runs the show and tells everyone else what to think.

  20. I do ont watch the five wives show because the first time I tried, I got so freakin' sick of seeing Brady trying to be all sensitive for the camera. Also, the women were worse whiners than the Browns. But I tried to watch the new season and things haven't changed. He seems so fake and them women are so unhappy that they cry at the drop of a pin. I don't think emotional maturity is a consideration for being in a PLYG relationship. But, I did do a little baseline comparison of Kody and Brady: 1)Kody doesn't see life outside of his own little world, Brady does. 1)Kody doesn't care how his wive's feel, Brady seems to care. 3) Kody sees his children as a necessity and doesn't seem to have time to even speak to them, Brady seems to make time. And finally, 4)Kody doesn't care about equality, Brady seems to try to keep things equal. There were some differences in the wives as well: Kody's wives don't show their anger as frequently or as openly as Brady's wives. Kody's wives seem to be more passive aggressive while Brady's seem to be better at manipulating Brady and each other. Kody's wives take their frustration out on each other and each other's kids, particularly Meri while Brady's wives seem to take their frustrations out on him. So, I don't really see much truth to Kody's show and Brady's does seem a little fake but the Browns are the ones that I watch as the de facto train wreck. I don't think I have learned a lot about PLYG by watching either show because they are so fake but there are glints of truth to some of the things that happen, just like watching HBB didn't give me insight into the life of a crazy assed mother who dresses her child like a hooker and has her strut on stage to win money...nope. So, maybe TLC is thinking they may need to move away from the freak shows and try to put something on TV that is better, more less low brow, more teaching, more genuine. I have always liked the carnivalest and the grotesque but not on real people. My attraction for the Browns, in the beginning, was to understand how a woman will not only share her husband but also seek women for him and now I have the answer...they are freaks. They are maschoists with low, low, low self esteem. They have lived in a culture where women aren't valued and women aren't expected to be more than tools...vessels. But, I still had hoped I would learn that the women aren't bitter and unhappy and from all I've seen and all I've read, PLYG is a man's thing and women don't get all up into their sister wives emotionally unless it's jealousy and hate. So, for that, TLC did teach me something. I'm holding out on TLC giving us something a little more cultured to learn gypsy weddings; no fattest chicks in the world; no multiples connected; no women who share; that crap is getting old.

  21. What MrSpock has learned is that everything revolves around the "husbands" as the "wives," most noticeably, constantly vie for the man's attention and any crumbs he might throw their way. Whether Bradys, Williamses or Browns, it is clear that the "wives" are in constant competition and their attempts to appear that they get along and/or love one another are fooling no one---not even themselves. In the meantime, the "husbands" know that everything revolves around them.

    And, how the Williams' women (except Paulie) can continue to believe or say that they are Brady's wife when they have abandoned the religion that took them to that belief in the first instance (i.e. that they were somehow "sealed" to Brady in some sort of celestial marriage) goes beyond the bounds of reason and into the realm of fantasyland. At least with the Browns, the "wives" apparently cling to the belief that they are sealed to Kody---but, surely, the Williams women can no longer believe that if they have truly abandoned their former beliefs.

  22. Agree, Spock....which is what makes Brady's harem so sad to watch.

    Each one of them know that they are merely "one of five" !!!
    None of them can delude themselves that they will ever be more than just *one of HIS five.* No matter how special any "date" or anniversary can be in the moment, it's shelf life is limited and fleeting as Brady always will then move on to the next one. It is pitiful to see how thrilled they are for "their turn".and for any extra minutes (seconds?) they are gifted with his presence. What power these Plyg master wield over these women !!!!

    All five of them have given birth and are raising large numbers of his children, yet they get as self-conscious and giggly and insecure as pre-teens at a first dance whenever he is present or discussed. So creepy...and sad.
