
Sunday, October 19, 2014

Live Tweet Party My Five Wives Sunday October 19, 2014

Are you ready for this week's Live Tweet Party in My Living Room?

That's right, you can view and join  My Five Wives live tweeting all in the comfort of My Living Room!

And you don't even need to dress up, much.

Tonight is the second season premiere of My Five Wives!

So kick off yer shoes, put on yer best Prairie Dress and sharpen up yer snark.

Let the snarking begin!!


  1. I opened my living room early for some pre-show snarking. I've got my cookies and milk, and there's plenty of virtual nibbly things to enjoy with your favorite beverages.

    Oh yes, there's some peanut butter fritos, too! Enjoy and let the Snarking begin!!!

  2. I found this family so boring last year that I don't think I will watch this season. I will read the comments here and decide for sure later. I also told myself I wasn't going to watch Sister Wives again, unless there was an implosion, but you commenters made me!

    If it is not too much to ask, could people please put paragraph breaks in their posts? I don't care if it is grammatically correct, but I cannot read a large block of text. My vision blurs, I cannot follow the text, and have to skip them. I think some people use the tab key instead of enter, and it shows up as a large block instead separate smaller blocks. Thank you.

    1. Welcome Christina!

      I know when I try to comment using my Kindle, it's hard sometimes to get the enter key to do what you want. But I know what you mean. I appreciate your feedback!

    2. I hadn't thought of that. I'm just afraid of missing something good because the posters here are so spot on. On the other hand, it is half-time, so I'm tuning into the first few minutes. Polygamy IS my only trash TV.

      I watched a few minutes of one of the Real Housewives shows, and there was a teenager arguing with a cop about how an extension was not her hair, and the cop trying to explain that it was attached to the woman's head before she pulled it out. I couldn't decide if it was fake, or she was really that awful, so I turned channels.

    3. Oh no, Christina. That was Jacqueline's daughter Ashley and she is really that bad (RHoNJ)

    4. It doesn't come on for another 2+ hours and I wasn't even planning on recording it, much less watch it, but I'm looking forward to the snark :)

  3. About the trailer that has been running and the final clip that shows Brady saying I can't catch my breath......
    Are we to believe that he was having a med crisis and the cameras simply stayed rolling to watch his event..??
    Or did the TLC cameras catch Brady choking on a too strong breath mint and the editing demons make it look dire?

    Guess we will find out soon!!

    1. What I thought was weird was how the wives were debating what to do, while the poor man suffered!!

    2. I think the stress of his financial mess caught up with him and I hope they discuss this on the show. Dear Lard, still talking about another baby and adoption all the while prepping to claim bankruptcy for $318,000?!

  4. CJ, The peanut butter fritos are delicious.
    Makes me feel like Kody and the girls are here too.
    One big happy, plyggy family !!

    1. Why, thank you! On the subject of the Browns, I wonder what they're doing (or watching) tonite?

  5. MrSpock has arrived. Waiting to see a "double date" which is actually a threesome, so it is not a "double date."

  6. Crying already *drinks tranya* ----

  7. So Robyn and Brady are ring shopping---but bankruptcy is just around the corner...

  8. Oh hell no!! this guy has the audacity to go buy Robyn an anniversary ring when his finances were in dire straits!?. Was this before or after he filed bankruptcy??

  9. Two minutes in and Nonie was crying........four minutes in and the first "Love Ya" from Brady.

    Wow. TLC is sticking to the tried and true Kodyworld script.

    Already talking abiut a celebration.with a cake
    Camping trip
    Prayer Circle
    Kids going to college and moving out.....

    Brady babes are looking a little ...uh....faded.

  10. "we might have to switch around a few nights".... hmm, ya think?

  11. How old is the one trying to have the baby? & leave it to Brady, to say, " well we'll just keep trying" (big eye roll)

  12. MrSpock is dumbfounded that one "wife" is plotting with another to find the right ovulation time so they can pass Brady around...switch nights....find a little extra time for Brady and Nonie after dinner... *drinks fortified tranya *

  13. Okay..Robyn crys.....we are now 2 for 2 !!
    Rhonda is apparently the official Brady Bunch's conception specialist advisor.

    Brady didn't know about the "triplets moving out plans until he is bed with Rosemary. BS alert !!

    So Brady is "Good to Go"....geez, these plyg masters are sooooooo proud of their jewels.

  14. Don't think any amount of money would compel MrSpock to allow cameras into the boudoir---it is sooooo hard to watch these bedroom scenes.

    1. I think that's where they're trying to separate themselves from the Browns...TLC probably told Brady Bunch that they needed to bring something different to the table. Yeah, some of these bedroom scenes & sex talk is cringe worthy w/ lots of eye rolls!

  15. Refreshing to hear the married daughter express how she does not want to share her husband and for all the right reasons.

    Ugh.......ALREADY sick of Nonie......!!!

  16. Did he seriously have to say, " boundchicka wow wowwow?" and yes I do realize I probably misspelled that, but yall get the gist of the saying right? Lol

  17. Too many private type of talks that really don't need to be viewed.

    She's all dressed up to ride a horse?

  18. WTH !! Brady frog hopping on the floor of the stable......!! No words on that one !!
    Robyn cries....
    Robyn AND Brady cry....
    And coming up,.looks like a "group" cry as Robyn shares her date.
    Teary Time ...again !!

    Spock....bottoms up !!

    1. *tranya gone---going to replicator for more*

  19. When he said I will be your everything he forgot to add every 5th night.

    1. I had the same line running in my head at the moment! LOL

  20. Nonie is a little jealous ???
    No.....more like "crazy"
    Her manic eyes were working again.

  21. Oh lawdy!! Polygamists going camping? So does he rotate tents nightly or how does it work?

  22. Each time Brady (wagon ride/champagne) or Kody (Hawaii) ups the ante with one "wife" you just know the other "wives" will have the same expectations...better to just stick with walks in the park and McDonalds.

  23. So I'm guessing, they're not really triplets? All three wives just conceived at the same time?

  24. TLC execs,
    Which one of you thought of the "tent tale"....and was it just so Brady could titillate the viewers with just who and how many of his wives could he fit in?
    You need to know it was lame...really lame !!

    Two questions....
    Wonder where the film crew's tent was.and was Nonie designated by Brady as "the brains" to set that one up too.

    And is this quickly becoming "The Nonie (with a hefty dose of Rhonda) Show ??

  25. Apparently the "double dates" are next week---cannot believe any of the "wives" agreed to it. In the pantheon of dumb ideas that one is right up there. Further, do not believe that Rosemary's and Paulie's names just "happened" to be drawn for the first such "date."

    MrSpock would so like some good interviewer to ask these women why they stay when religion is no longer the glue. *more tranya, please*

  26. This bunch is way less irritating than the Brown bunch, much more cohesive and likable. Don't shoot me, I tried to get my snark on, I really did! Time will tell on these folks, I have not seen enough to make my mind up about them.

    1. That's ok Bad Sister Wife. I have a feeling that is precisely why TLC chose the Williams. They are a counterpoint to the Browns and Brady is not as abrasive a personality as Kody...

    2. Just started watching this show and was surprised that the wives actually talk to each othe4 rand seem to like each other. Maybe it has to do with the fact that they are up front when they feel slighted by Brady and he appears to listen?

      Imagine Meri switching nights with a sister wife so she would be more likely to conceive?

  27. I think they are just people who saw the light that polygamy is goofy too late. Now they are trying to make the best of it. They already are connected.

    1. I agree, but not all are connected. Some "tolerate" others.

    2. Their children all share half siblings and a dad. The main awfulness of the lifestyle would be being separated from your family and reassigned. Should the women lose what little of their husband they have? He promised to be married to each of them.

  28. This was my first time watching tonight too. Brady wives seem like every ounce of joy and happiness was sucked out of them by living this "lifestyle" as opposed to the Browns who seem blissfully brainwashed. The Browns "believe" in it, and Brady's family has no foundation to support this lunacy now since they left their church. The women look sad.

    1. But yet they(Brady bunch) still prays in front of the cameras.

    2. I don't think the Browns believe in it either. I think they stay in it because it's all they've ever known, their families (parents, siblings, etc) are in it and they all feel bound to it. Now that they are removed from their insular society, I believe most of them are questioning things and I do not believe they will all five stay together forever, at least not happily. And about 15 of their kids are definitely not going to end up in polygamy, which means it pretty much is stopping with Kody and the wives, which means they totally suck at it. How they are the spokespersons, I'll never understand.

      I totally disagree with polygamy, but I have a whole lot of respect for Uncle Art and the folks who stand up for their beliefs and don't try to change it due to public opinion and the almighty dollar.

    3. How they are the spokespersons, I'll never understand.
      They are definitely not the spokespersons or the face of decriminalization which was what their lawsuit was all about. After the Browns hightailed it to Las Vegas, it became apparent Kody was more concerned about his stardom than polygamy. So it was no surprise that it was the Dargers who regularly showed up at court in Utah, instead of the Browns.

      And that is exactly the reason why the Centennial Park group got involved with a reality show...according to an article written by Claude Cawley (Michael Cawley's father and a member of the Brethren) "...Other television programs have aimed at more sensational (and often misrepresentative) aspects of life in plural marriage, at best a half-truth about the lifestyle..." Sounds to me like Cawley is pointing at the Browns for misrepresenting plural marriage.

      And then, once Judge Waddoups made his ruling, Centennial Park got out of the reality show business. No season two for Polygamy, USA because it wasn't needed.

    4. Here's the link to the article I quoted from:

    5. The only portion of fundamentalist mormonism that either the Browns or the Brady bunch seem to be practicing is the man having multiple sex partners. No other portion of the beliefs seem to be evident. Well, the bleeding the beast part is still there....

    6. At the end of last season when they were all sitting around answering "Family Q&A" from the public.....the family was asked "Who wanted to be polygamist as adults?" could hear a pin one.

  29. What no obligatory tweets from the Browns supporting M5W? Hmmmm?? Sure is quiet in the Brown camp tonight. Maybe they'll start tweeting into the late night hours. Wonder if they worry about M5W eventually replacing them?

    1. They probably aren't very happy about it. Going to check if the Dargers posted anything about it.

  30. Longtime reader here! Loved the old SW blog and now a fan of the cozy living room!

    Anyway... While watching tonight, I was struck by the lack of closeness shown between the older teens moving out. Perhaps it's just jitters being in front of a camera... But with the Browns, it's plausible to see they were raised as sisters. I can believe Aspyn and Mykelti would sit on the floor and eat Chinese food together... Not the case so much with the Williams kids.

  31. This show may be more whimsical in contrast to Kodyworld, but it still feels just as contrived and irritating.

    Knowing that Brady declared bankruptcy, otherwise known as sticking it to your creditors....and TLC knowing that news made it into the media...It is hard to warm to this show with Nonie keeping tabs on when her eggs will be ripe to make child # 25, and Rhonda is still on the adoption mission to bring in child # 26.

    Brady is broke, too broke to pay his debts, yet the show is pushing storylines to add two more kids???/ !!
    Sure smacks of another Plyg family who bought four McMansions after bankruptcies and welfare and constant whining about finances.

  32. A bit off topic...but watching Bravo shows, I noticed that bravo labels their shows as
    "A Bravo scripted series" this something new that has happened recently?

    1. I noticed that too. I guess they think the audience is too stupid to be able to differentiate between a pseudo reality show like Real Housewives or Below Deck and a drama. It's a new drama series that's been labeled as a scripted series.

      I've also noticed that TLC dropped the "and counting" from the Dugger's show and just call it 19 kids now. I wanted them to call it 19 kids and holding...but I guess not.

  33. I wish I was in the "Nielson Family"....just so I could NOT watch the show and make it count.

    Goodnight people.....Season 2 is just another Season 1 with a few twist.

    Rosemary vs. Paulie
    Josh leaving to go "somewhere"
    Nonie wanting to get pregnant
    Rhonda wanting to adopt even though cancer is a looming cloud over her head.
    Robyn crying about her anniversary and getting THEE ring.
    I bet one of the Wives will go with Brady and do something that will piss the other
    four wives off too.....but of course they will all get over it.

    All the same stories again. What a joke!!!!

    1. Just A Thought,

      Very true.
      The array of plots and where and how they will go is clearly obvious....and hardly worth more than DVR fast-forwarding and Living Room snark.

      And what happened to the land purchase and move to Washington state?
      Or will that reintroduced later and be used as this season's cliffhanger for season Three, along with confirmation of Hyper Nonie's pregnancy (or fertility problems) and Rhonda's adoption woes or triumph.

      Considering how TLC milked the McMansions saga for almost two seasons, no doubt the same dragged out process for any storyline will be used on this show.

  34. I love coming to your living room, CJ. However, this is the end of watching these plig shows. I will come here to read but no more watching. I will read a book instead and not inadvertently give another dime to these overly dramatic grifters. So, bring on the comments, for that will be my sole entertainment. I look forward to watching all of you dissect these folks.

  35. The premier was a total snoozefest. I am a total insomniac and was hopped up on coffee, and I still fell asleep 10 minutes into the show. Wait...perhaps I've discovered a medical breakthrough...TLC finds drug-free insomnia cure in the form of 5 nervous nellies and their middle-aged, marginally-employed philosopher.

    Seriously, I find it painful to watch these women with their voices cracking from nervousness and insecurity. Your kids are graduating or in high school.The can handle the separation. Leave his lascivious ass.

  36. Two thoughts:
    1. I think Nonie's little girl (Tailee I think is her name?) is so stinking cute.
    2. "September" is the dumbest name ever.

    Excited for another season!! I love trash TV :o)

  37. Some may disagree with me, but I feel sorry for the Brady wives (not the Brown girls) because I think that they are being manipulated. They are all so docile and pliable. When I see the pictures of the girls with the leaves, I think, they were convinced to do that by TLC. What would make them do otherwise? A woman who is afraid to buy a pregnancy test in a store is not willingly parading around the garden pretending to be Eve looking for Adam. They must really need the money to allow their integrity and personal lives to be compromised. It is kind of sad to me, their kids seem normal and they seem much better behaved than the Brown kids, except for the boys who can't keep shirts on and are disrespectful to their moms (don't know names). So, shame on TLC for ruining these people for a quick buck.

    1. This family does seem "sweeter" or something I can't quite put my finger on. Maybe they're not as vicious or angry as the Browns? It made me sad when the wives all said they never expected to go to college, but to just get married and have kids. Their kids seem more grounded, it is really nice not seeing a Mariah on the show.

  38. I will say this. Not only are most of Brady's wives slimmer than the Brown wives, but so are the kids. They all seem more involved with extracurriculars/sports too.

    I was curious about Paulie's oldest daughter. Did she go to college or is she going to school? Does she work? I wonder if she followed the traditional "go straight from home to marriage " routine. She also seemed a tad co-dependent on her husband. Maybe its just me.

    1. IIRC, Paulie's daughter met her now husband while away at school. (I think - hope, I'm remembering correctly.)

  39. You know what?! Kody should get some ideas from watching this show. He should really treat Christine to a really nice romantic date.

    Of course, Kody thinks its all on Chrisitne and just yells at her. At least Brady admits he can be at fault.

  40. Alright, watched the show and can't believe they're bringing in more babies when they currently have such financial problems. Plus, no matter how much of an ignorant doofus Kody is, for some reason I find Brady worse. There's something about him that's a little skeevy. And, his wives have this lack of trust amongst them that's palpable, even more so the SWs. Scary stuff.

  41. It is quite evident that the Brady wives are of a more docile, less materialistic mindset than the Browns. The Brady wives live in a much different world than the Browns. No granite counter tops, no massive kitchens, no great rooms. no multi bedrooms or baths, no hobby room or office.......they live in what are essentially en suite Motel Six's.

    Even though the original three Browns were living in one multi-apartment structure in Lehi, once they did the bogus exodus to LV, they quickly aspired to not only have very decent separate rentals, but to quickly feel entitled to buy and live in vastly elevated homes at a whopping half a million apiece.
    Brady's five wives wouldn't know how to live like in such grandeur.

    Side note: those McMansions would go for twice as much on the east coast, despite the shoddy, cheap construction.

    Watching Brady's one wife and four mistresses IS sad. They have settled for a life that obviously had to have a TV show come along to provide the needed funds to live even marginally while feeding and caring for *24* kids. I find their story even sadder and more frustrating for women than Kodyworld. The Brown women are now star-jaded and greedy, just like their master, Kody.

    The Brady women are accepting of anything Socrates Brady tosses out. They all give off a timid almost pitiful vibe of neediness.
    It is disturbing on every level.

    Will another year of TLC moola give any of them a healthy dose of "I want for "me" and my kids" to trump Brady's patented control?? is a long shot. Brady is very good at manipulation these five women.

    1. I wonder how different the Brown's show would be if they'd stayed in Utah in their original housing with duct tape on their cars?

  42. OMG! Taylee (the 5-year old on MFWs) is just so cute! I want to adopt her!

  43. Oh, and I think that if any of the kids were sick, that it wouldn't take them as long to take them to the hospital/dr. We wouldn't have a Truly situation.

  44. Props to the 'triplets' - one of the moms said that all 3 girls had earned 'full ride' scholarships to college. That's quite an accomplishment! What makes no sense, is if they did indeed get 'full rides', why were they concerned with finding housing and how much it cost - that would have been included in their scholarships. Sounds like they may have gotten scholarships for tuition and possibly books and not housing/meals.

    1. If it's a local school they don't need housing. They get the full tuition and books. But say they want to move out, then they have to come up with the money to live on their own.

    2. Anonymous October 20, 2014 at 6:11 PM, "full ride scholarships" are usually just tuition, activities fees, and books. Room and board aren't usually included. At least that's the case at the university where I teach and the ones I attended. I got full scholarships for both undergraduate and graduate school that did not cover living expenses. Full scholarships may also include work-study (mine both did) and federal grants (my undergraduate scholarship did), so it's likely that all three girls will have to work, at least part-time on campus, while they're attending school. I give the triplets props: it can't have been easy to study and do well academically in a home with so many people and so much negativity. Well done, triplets, and best wishes for your success at university and beyond!

    3. I'm glad they don't want to live under too many rules. They may abide by most anyway, but it's not the point. I'm sure their lives were restricted more than most kids in the group and they have the freshest memories of that life.

  45. Socrates Brady? Oh, Amused, THAT was funny!

    MrSpock has a new thought why the women stay with Brady although they no longer have a religious basis for doing so: Apparently, they love him---in their own strange way---so one-fifth of the man they collectively love is better than nothing. Is each hoping the other four will somehow go away and the remaining "wife" will then have Brady to herself? What a pitiful situation. One wonders how many regretful thoughts each has every day or how many times during those 4 lonely nights they try to come up with a viable escape plan.

  46. Anon 6:11 maybe the scholarship is for on campus dorm housing and the girls want an off campus apt. Together? I agree, kudos to those young ladies.

  47. If the Producers or Interns read this are a few tips:

    1. Don't try to pull one over on the audience....i.e. (entering jewelery store) "Hi Brady, who do we have here?" REALLY BUDDY! You know Brady by name, you know cameras are coming for a reason.....hello, could he have just said "Hi Brady and Robyn....thanks for coming in"

    2. I hope the girls knew about all the College rules before applying for scholarships.....they seemed startled at the rules....they had to have known....REALLY?

    3. Tell those women to take a good cough before the cameras start rolling......then take a deep breath and for heaven sake....SPEAK UP! by the way....I know Rosemary is trying, but her acting skills are giving me a chuckle...but its not the end of the world.

    1. Brings to mind that ridiculous scene last season when it was Rosemary's night with "Good to Go" Brady and just as they are getting comfy, Paulie calls with a SOS about a stuck window.

      It was simply a stroke of divine intervention for TLC that there was a camera crew zooming in on Brady and Rosie's night of bliss, when luck of luck, they were there to film the call from Paulie,,,,,,
      And even more amazing, there just happened to be another camera crew just hanging in Paulie's bedroom too that night...(why, we were never told))....and luckily was onsite to film the stuck window and Paulie making her distress call to Brady.
      What was amusing is if the window caper would have been even remotely true (which of course, it wasn't) .....Paulie has 5 or 6 middle aged to teenage kids, one of whom is the oldest boy who liked to dine bare-chested. Surely he could have unstuck the window given his paraded biceps. Or the camera guy or sound guy who were hanging with Paulie surely could have given the window a shove.

      Ah, but cardinal rule for TLC reality shows...viewers are not supposed to think too far or to notice blatant BS and scripted setups.

    2. Just A Thought...
      1.) I thought the same thing! And who do we have here frequenting my jewelry store?! LOL!
      2.) PLEASE Robyn - big COUGH before talk/crying. We can barely hear or understand you. Me thinks you may need a new battery soon... you're fading away...
      3.) I know they broke away from the Mormon sect and I know they drank alcohol in the past, but champagne was popped... I don't get their "take what they want and leave the rest" kind of religion.
      4.) Weirodrama & AWKWARD on all of the other seeemingly staged conversations scenes. I'm perfectly happy not having my relationships taped and aired on TV!!

    3. Also... was it just me or did you see how weird he was hanging over the three graduates on the picnic benches? He didn't just have his arm around them - it was like they were holding him up. Weirdorama!

  48. Yes, it would be interesting for TLC cameras to follow the plyg families around as they go through typical days---to work(if it applies), errands, dropping kids off, going to a salon, just a truly REAL day. MrSpock would be very interested to see the inner workings of MSWCloset and the warehouse or whatever where goods are stored, etc.---

  49. I finally watched last night. I was tired and wanted something to calm me down...but did I hear correctly that Robyn actually was going to leave the family? Over the ring? Or just the whole thing?

    Most of the show was contrived. I am getting really good at picking up on this having watched the TLC shows for so long. I do find it refreshing that their celebration for the triplets was a Costco cake and camping vs a Brown extravaganza party.

    And can I say it again? BOYS!!! Please put shirts on while eating at the table. Clearly that new rule didn't stick - one of Robyn's boys (I think) was shirtless at the table with the balloon thing on his head. I find the whole 'manly shirtless' thing to be ridiculous.

    And finally while they certainly don't share the Brown Family's need for extravagant things, they sure racked up the bills (300K worth) anyhow. That's what happens when you have 24 children.

    1. did I hear correctly that Robyn actually was going to leave the family? Over the ring?
      I stopped and replayed a couple of times...yep, Brady said the closest he ever came to a wife leaving was Robyn...and I don't think it was a Janelle "I'm taking my kids and living in another city but Kody, you can still see me once a week like usual" kind of breakup either. It sounds like Brady not giving her a 20th anniversary ring was the straw that broke the camel's back.

      And finally while they certainly don't share the Brown Family's need for extravagant things, they sure racked up the bills (300K worth) anyhow. That's what happens when you have 24 children.
      I have a feeling if the bankruptcy is addressed, it will be in terms of it being a business bankruptcy versus personal because a huge majority of that debt was balances on his business credit cards. BUT....

      From my own experience, I know credit card companies are "suspicious" of personal accounts that carry additional cardmembers outside of a spouse and couple of kids. When you start adding "sisters" to a personal account, I would ask for a reason why the "sister" wasn't applying for credit in her own name. (By the way, there is NO good answer to that question).

      Business accounts, on the other hand, one can expect to have several family members listed under the account. And when that same question "why" is asked, a plausible answer would be "she needs a card to pick up things at the store." Most likely, though, they wouldn't even be questioned about it on a business account.
