
Sunday, October 12, 2014

UPDATED!! Off Topic Sunday for October 12, 2014

I can't have a baby without funding for MSWC, Kody!
Even though Robyn Brown has been kept under the radar all summer, occasionally her keepers let her up for a minute or two in order to breathe some "fresh air".

For example, while it was a vacationing fan who tipped off stateside fans that Kody and Robyn were enjoying themselves in Hawaii, Kody basically confirmed his location on a retweet. Whether this was intentional or accidental...well, we ARE talking Kody Brown, right?

Anyway, it was also Robyn's birthday this week. Strange how all her sister wives wished her a good about planned. But it just goes to show how Robyn is getting older and older, and still no new Kody bun in her quickly aging oven.

Or is there?

Of course there's no holding back Meri on Twitter when Mariah makes her way back to the cul-de-sac.

And Meri has to support her favorite band...strange no pictures of the band or her friends. Hmm...

Here's one of the latest tweets from Meri...but the picture is devoid of any adults. If I didn't know better, I'd think they were hiding something...hmmm...

Look at this! Mariah has a fan!!

Mariah, home at last...
I suppose it is better than sleeping on a cold sidewalk or the desert...

Meanwhile, over at Maddie's school...

Honey, those profs know exactly who's who in their classes. Especially when the student is followed by 2 cameramen, 4 producers and a hair/makeup person!

Of course he won't... Don't be surprised if he wants to have a meeting with you in his office to discuss your grade. Oh, and don't forget to bring the film crew with you to guarantee that "A"!!

While we are on the topic of naivete...there's this tweet from Mykelti. Ah yes, the joys of dating. Don't forget what your dad Kody told you about those hormones when you're swapping spit with some guy!

Update 10/13/14, looks like Mykelti deleted her tweet. So I'll be positive (or possitive in Kody speech) and say the dude finally texted her back with the news she wanted to hear! </positive>

As usual, Kody spent his time retweeting...but he did respond to a tweet while he was vacationing with Robyn in Hawaii... (His location is cleverly stamped on the tweet...funny how his other tweets don't have that location stamp...hmmm...)

Yeah, yeah. And you don't want them to kiss because of those hormones in spit. Frankly, I'd be more worried about those damn viruses and bacteria that live in the human mouth than hormones but that's just me!

Looks like Janelle has taken a cue from Teresa and Juicy Joe having the book thrown at them for not filing taxes and bankruptcy fraud. But isn't the deadline October 15th? Talk about procrastination! Hey Janelle, why don't you hire Teresa and Joe's tax accountant to help you out??? [insert evil laugh here]
This tweet about Janelle cooking is kind of confusing...but it sounds like she's doing more than just putting butter and coconut oil in her coffee...
Now here is a sweet tweet to Robyn...but...doesn't that last sentence sound like a back-handed compliment ???

And happy happy joy joy for Janelle...Looks like Maddie made it home for the weekend after all.

I have it on good authority that Janelle tweeted the next two tweets for all of us (especially CPA Carol) to enjoy!!!

On the other polygamist fronts, looks like there's a lot of showing off offsprings going on...

First the Dargers and their grandchild...

Then we have Ezra Hammon from Polygamy USA fame, showing off the newest edition to his family on his Facebook, of course...

Can't wait for his eyebrows to grow in, just like his dad and granddad ole Uncle Art...

The Hammon Men Looking Fierce, Polygamist Style

And of course, Brady Williams' wife Robyn showing off their 21 year old daughter on the family run Facebook fanpage...

On their official  Facebook fanpage, TLC wants to make sure no one forgets the new season premieres next Sunday, October 19th...


UPDATE FOR 10/13/14

Janelle may be 6 months late filing her taxes, but she's a month early in her Thanksgiving wishes. And her Recommit dress isn't looking any better in that photo, either...

Janelle also tweeted about her sons Hunter, Garrison and Gabriel. First, it was Gabriel's birthday on 10/11, Garrison is a sophomore in high school, attending Homecoming with a date, and Hunter attended Senior Homecoming with his date. I wonder if Hunter and Garrison were given the hormone speech from Kody?

Attention Attention Attention!!!
The Live Tweet Party Room is now...

That's all for now. Watch for new updates as they occur!


  1. Where have I been? Ezra and Tiffany married?

    1. Yep, they sure did! And Rose Marie Cawley got married, too!

    2. Cynical, do you have any information on Rose Marie Cawley's husband? Is she a first or a subsequent wife? I wish happiness for her; she seemed like such a nice, considerate girl. I'd be interested in how she's doing.

    3. Sorry got2bdrc but I don't have any info :-(

    4. I really wish there was another season of that show.

    5. I really wish there was another season of that show.
      Out of all the polygamy reality shows Polygamy, USA was the best in my opinion. I think they were trotted out as the "Official Faces of Polygamy" while they fought for decriminalization. Once Judge Waddoups published his opinion of the Browns' lawsuit, Centennial Park's job was done and they could shut down their borders to all those nosy monogamists. After all, they are less than 2 generations from the FLDS in CC/Hildale.

    6. I agree that Polygamy USA was the best. I liked the different families and the narration. I was fascinated with Mike Cawley and his creepy bedtime stories and his wives. They weren't made-up storylines, it was more of a documentary. I still have all the episodes DVRd and still watch them occasionally.

  2. C'mon CJ !! Tell us who Rose Marie Cawley married !!!!

    1. Sorry but I haven't a clue...she hasn't changed her last name (like 1st wife Kellie did when she married Hyrum) so I'm speculating she's not a 1st wife. She did change her FB cover. She now has a gaggle of young kids surrounding her...maybe her bonus children?

    2. Since she "turned herself in", what is she a criminal for not having a name at 19?, she likely has an old man for a hubby. I don't see how her life is different. She was a bonus mom to her siblings with more than 6 at home too young for school with one mom as caregiver. Why doesn't the community embrace child care. Have the women go on missions a few years after high school running that like the men do the other laborious grunt work? Add in some older women with no little ones anymore to the staff. Or don't have 9 kids under the age of 6 in one home from three different moms.

      Wil Ezra add on wives? Why doesn't he just leave and marry who and when he wants to? She isn't from there. Wasn't keen on the idea. And actually had a plan for life. I didn't understand all that ask the brethren deal when he didn't do anything he was supposed to do to be in that community. Did he volunteer for years at their whim first? I'm glad they married since they actually chose each other.

  3. What happened to the Facebook group?

    1. I've changed the group's privacy status earlier this month so that only members can find the group. If you PM me on facebook, I'll notify you when the status changes. Thanks for asking!

  4. If Kody took Robyn to Hawaii then it seems the other wives would want something just as good---a walk in the park or tenting on the ol' tent campground is not going to compare. Hawaii isn't cheap. Wonder how accurate the Hawaii report is?

    1. I know! Robyn has only been with them since the show (ie, TLC money). She is going to fall hard when it all ends. No way will she put up with being broke again, especially since they are not a bonded family and she doesn't have those relationships to fall back on. Heaven help her when number 5 comes along ...

    2. I agree. Even if I signed up for this non-sense of sharing a husband, I'd be pissed that he takes one to Mexico at least twice in the last few years and another one on an 11 day Honeymoon and a trip to Hawaii?? While the other two only get to go camping and have to save their grocery money to visit dear old Dad on his deathbed.

    3. If Kody really only took Robyn to Hawaii, the other wives are either really stupid to put up with it or incredibly desperate. Don't know which is worse.

    4. I don't see Meri taking Kody and Robyn's trip to Hawaii well at all.

    5. Looks like Meri took a trip of her own to Disneyland then a cruise. Guess it wasn't the "relationship cruise" Kody suggested last season...

  5. Next season had better not have any BS and whining about scarcity of funds.
    No one claiming to be on "finite resources" takes trip after trip, maintains four cavernous homes with big mortgages in 24/7 AC climate, feeds a horde of kids, does college tuition x 4, drives new cars, follows a band from state to state......and any other thing they choose.... is hurting for money.
    Whatever trumped up plot and ploy they use to stay on the air for another season had better not be about money.!!!
    TLC/ Kodyworld....You have worn the money misery storyline thin. It is Done !!!
    Give it up. No one is buying it !!
    Besides, looks like Sad Sack Brady and his Babes will be using that one....again !!

    I know this is petty....but seriously, a "gray" dress for a sweet little baby girl ??

    1. It's the new color. Even for nursery items. Gray with a pop of blue or pink. Some years ago it was brown. I'm guessing they filmed in HI. And trip goes on a card. A card gets wiped clean when you file. They can't reposses a trip.

    2. I know gray is the happening color du jour for kitchens/baths.
      And in women's fashion this year, gray is the "new black."

      But somehow gray on a small infant looks just....."gray".......!!

    3. Didn't they just file for bankruptcy a few years ago? You can only file every ten years. Doesn't seem like a good plan, even for the Browns because there will certainly be a lag time between the show ending and being allowed to file again. Unless Robyn is charging everything because she's never filed before. Something tells me she wouldn't be that "selfless!"

    4. I've seen some infant clothes in grey with pastel pink or blue and they looked cute/appropriate - I think it was the shade of grey used and the amount of the other colors, too.

      Talking about colors NOT for children - did you see the pics last week of baby North West in all black? I know... consider the source, LOL, but come on mom and dad - your daughter is just a toddler and black is the absolute last color children that age should be dressed in, imo. She's a cute baby but dressing her in all black is w.r.o.n.g. - no matter how much the outfit cost or whether it was a one of a kind designer outfit. UGH

  6. How about Marlene and Kellie? Any adding on kids or otherwise?

    The real question is the water safe to drink, or have they found a better solution than to drive to a hostile neighborhood and fill up/steal their water? Have they gotten a Costco to move into town so they can buy applesauce in bulk? Have they heard of to bulk order diapers at big savings?

  7. I happen to think that a big blockbuster ratings bonanza would be to have Kody court the now-single Mama June. So instead of Sugar Bear, she can get herself some Brown Sugar. The other wives would love it, because they're all way smaller than her (mostly) and Honey Boo Boo would be an added bonus for future storylines. At least she tells it like it is. I can just see her calling them out on their little lies and imperfections with the gusto of a drill sergeant. June and her girls can move in with Meri and Mariah can finally get the siblings she's been wanting and deserving. And the wet bar would make a great place June's full body massages. Plus none of the other wives can lay claim to having a 'Forklift Foot.'

    1. LOL! I love me some Mama June! She wouldn't put up with the SWs' shenanigans for monetary waste for long, that's for sure!!!

    2. Lol, Mama June wouldn't put up with any of Kody's garbage. She kicked out her husband/partner for cheating, something Kody's harem hasn't grasped the concept of yet.

    3. Kody would find her to be too vulgar. She probably gave her cookie away long before Sugar Bear came along.

    4. Sounds like a great idea! Also, it would make it easier for the whole family to have meals together.After all, Mama June is the master of the multi-meal.

  8. The question that begs to be asked for me is what the devil is Janelle doing that keeps her too busy to file her taxes on time and unable to find more than 20 minutes to work out?

    Mere mortals manage to accomplish that AND work. Real jobs, even.

    1. Anon, you crack me up. This is an old picture of Janelle, right? With the weight loss journey surely she's much smaller than what she was what? a year and a half ago.

    2. I guess that big venture capital presentation took up all Janelle's time so she had to file for an extension??? Who would even admit that on Twitter???

      Oh My Stars!!!! I can just hear Janelle..

      "I just love crunching numbers but I didn't get my taxes filed on time."
      "I don't have a full time job but I work out 20 minutes a month so I don't have time to drive over to H&R Block."
      "I'm the CFO of an iconic joolery bizness so I have a lot of papers (doodles and Disneyland receipts) on my desk that kept me from filing."

    3. NONE of these people seem able to multi-task !!
      Remember they are not like normal monog folks. They are special !!

    4. Wait a minute...........they have a TV "Show" and they DON'T have an accountant???? Makes NO sense at all. An accountant would make sure you are on task....a good accountant.

      If Jenelle has not done her taxes.........does that mean neither has Kody, Meri, Christine and Robyn?????

    5. Janelle and Kody are always saying how she's the financial person for everyone so
      I 'm betting none of their taxes are done. With all the bankruptcies and money drama these people have I think her financial management skills are about even with Kody's "midas touch" business skills.

    6. A 2 year degree in accounting doesn't make one able to file their own taxes on time apparently.

    7. Monogamous Apostate - totally agree with your post. And don't forget, Janelle also has a new puppy! Yay her!

  9. A few thoughts:

    Why does Maddie have to hitch a ride? Please tell me she has a car too.

    That Darger baby is beautiful, and little Ezra looks exactly like big Ezra :)

    Kody can't spell worth a damn.

    I betcha Christine can only dream of a Hawaiian vacation. Why do they allow Kody and Robyn to treat them so unfairly?

    Meri and Janelle are so annoying with their tweets. All Meri talks about is her brat Mariah, and all Janelle talks about is how great she is for losing 20 lbs over 2-3 years. Really Janelle.

    1. My goodness, that is right. Mariah had to get a car before leaving the state. Why doesn't janelle's kid have cars too?

    2. Logan did get Kody's Lexus when he went to UNLV. I'm pretty sure Maddie had a car when she was in high school, so maybe she passed it down to Hunter? Janelle tweeted driving Maddie up to her college but she could have driven up like Meri did with Mariah and left her with a car.

      Side note, Meri stated that she could not have Mariah go to Utah by herself without a car. Remember how Kody took Mariah to buy the car on the same day Christine had to take Truely to the emergency room.

    3. I'm sure she wanted her to hitch a ride......cuz they wanted to save on gas money..


    4. I hope Maddie has her own car. However, seeing as Kody thinks it is fine to give 1 wife a trip to Mexico for her 20th anniversary when he just took 1 out to dinner, and now he is taking 1 wife to Hawaii and leaving the rest at home. I would not be surprised that he and the Kodettes think it is fine to give 1 kid a Lexus and not give another kid any car.

  10. Oh, Jasmine l am glad you noticed! Possitive?? Realise?? Maybe their manager at Alice Goldstein entertainment should be proof reading the tweets?

    1. Goldstein is busy taking selfies with Phil Varrone to worry about Kody's spelling.

    2. Kody is allowed to have his spelling faux pas.
      It just goes along with his many ongoing other mental and social blunders.

  11. Janelle and Kody must be celebrating Canadian Thanksgiving. It's a small world, after all.

    "Fortune, favor and health all come and go..." I wonder if Trainer Sean inspired that motivational thought!

  12. To Janelle: You are a pretty woman but that blue dress does you no favors---toss it away---don't give it to anyone else.

    MrSpock feels great sadness for the new babies being born into the polygamy world. They are both so sweet looking but she will face a life where women are supposed to be happy with a part time husband and he will be raised to compete for the few women unfortunate enough to be caught in that lifestyle.

  13. I don't accept much from this bunch, but I do appreciate their acknowledgement of our Canadian Thanksgiving. That said, I have no doubt some PR person had to nudge them to tweet about it. I can't imagine they would be aware of the world outside their sweet cul de sac.

  14. I think we need a caption for Ezra's baby:

    "So let me get this straight, you think having a bunch of wives will get you your own planet?"

  15. Hi! Long time lurker, first time posting!

    Just a few thoughts:

    I don't think Robyn is pregnant, I think the reason why she's been "hiding" is because they need a storyline for next season, and this "hiding" of hers is creating a lot of buzz. Like many of you have said, the honeymoon is over for her and Kody, and I don't see her having another baby with him.

    Also, Meri and her love for VanLadyLove has everything to do with her not feeling as close to Kody. Mariah is in college, Kody is with Robyn a lot of the time, and she has that huge house and the wetbar all to herself, and it gets lonely. Therefore, she's using the band as an "escape" from all that.

    As far as Janelle and her weight loss journey goes, it's also about her feeling lonely, just like Meri. Some of her kids are on college now, she doesn't get much time with Kody, so she grabs on to her weight loss journey to feel like she's doing something productive (even though she's only lost 25 pounds).

    All these women are feeling so lonely, and yet they stay in the marriage because they think somehow it'll get better! It's sad :(

    Sorry for any mispelling btw, English is not my main language, as I am from Portugal!

    1. Welcome and Congratulations for your first post!!!

    2. Excellent spelling and grammar!

      I think you are totally right about the women. I don't think Robyn is pregnant either. It will be interesting to see what they do next season.

      These women are lonely. It makes me very sad for them, but it is their choice to stay. I can't imagine what Meri is going to do with her 1 child gone and no school or work to occupy her.

  16. Anonymous from Portugal, Oi! Bem vindo ao site. Esperamos que você goste snarking conosco!

    I agree with your observations: loneliness seems to be at the root of all four of the Sister Wives' problems. Regarding Janelle and her weight loss odyssey, as long as she is continuing to exercise regularly and eat pretty healthily, I have no objections to her using this as a substitute for her husband's attention/affection. The same with Meri's Van Lady Love obsession, Christine's Disney princess attachment, and Robyn's delusional iconic joolry bizness. There are plenty of bad remedies for feelings of abandonment; maybe it's just luck that has kept the Brown wives off tobacco, liquor, drugs, and other men. Just saying...

    1. Muito Obrigada got2bdrc :) I agree with you, if all those things make them feel better and like they're doing something productive, than I'm all for it! And yes, all of their "obsessions" kept them from other things like tobacco or drugs!

    2. I do think Janelle tweets about her 20 minute workouts to 1) get compliments from fans about her being so real and honest about her journey and 2) to let Kody know that while Meri is traveling the country obsessed with VLL, Janelle is juggling work, exercise and healthy eating, as well as raising young men. Yay Janelle!

    3. CPA Carol, I agree with you. Janelle's tweets (and Meri's and Christine's and Robyn's too) seem to be less about keeping people apprised of the doings of their family and more about getting the attention each of the should be getting from Kody. If Kody did keep to some kind of "schedule", and it was available for public view, I'd bet that all the wives tweet when Kody is visiting one of the other three. Except for the time Kody wanted to put wrestling mats in Christine's garage, we've never seen one of the wives tell Kody that she needed more of his time. If Kody follows all his wives and the wives follow one another via Twitter, those tweets are also a way to get attention from their man--and their fellow sister wives.

  17. I saw Robyn ..she is not pregnant..just full faced and looks like she has gained weight from the middle up. Broad shouldered and full through the middle.

    1. When did you see her and where?

    2. Interesting. Wonder what they're going to do for the next season if she isn't really pregnant?

    3. Wonder what they're going to do for the next season if she isn't really pregnant?

      Business as usual I would imagine. Road trips, Kody running between houses. Meri crying. Robyn complaining she needs help with MSWC, Janelle trying to lose weight, Christine being Christine.

  18. How old is Robyn now? Her baby clock has to be ticking by now. Not saying she is old, but baby days are completely over for the other three and Robyn is right behind them. It is obviously her who is reluctant to have a baby. Maybe she is smarter than we give her credit. She might see that this gravy train won't last forever and doesn't want to have a gaggle of children to care for. I also think she expected more help from her "sisterwives" with the child rearing. They obviously all care for their own children. I think Robyn expected more of a one big happy family in a big house, like in Utah.

    1. Robyn definitely expected more help from the other wives than she is getting. From the first season it was obvious that Robyn had a difficult time handling all of her kids. Now that she has 4, nothing seems to have gotten easier. She's basically a single mom with 4 kids. Why would she want more kids?

    2. She should be having an awful time handling all the kids. She didn't earn their respect at all. She just showed up. And they have their mothers already. Adults who took the time to prove that they are good to them. They don't know Robyn. How can 16 people get to know another four people entering their family in a matter of months in all different roles. Parent and child and sibling and spouse roles.

    3. You can go back to the episode of the day Robyn and Kody were getting married. All of the sisterwives were at the beauty parlor getting dolled up and Robyn was totally stressed trying to get herself and her 3 kids ready. No help from sisterwives. During the couch interview I think it was Janelle that said.....oh we had no idea you needed help, you should have said something. Really, that's bs. They knew she was going to need help that day. I think that is when Robyn knew it wasn't going to be the bed of happy plyg roses she thought it was going to be.

    4. What was up with the 3 Brown wives not helping the bride or taking her along with them to the beauty parlor? That was not a good sign for Robyn.

    5. What was up with the 3 Brown wives not helping the bride or taking her along with them to the beauty parlor?
      That was in direct response to the 3 wives finding out that not only did Kody choose Robyn's wedding dress, that she did not want the other 3 wives to know about. If Kody hadn't blurted it out, Meri, Janelle and Christine would not have known. And according to their book, Christine was so upset she refused to go back to the set to finish that couch interview for 3 days!

      I don't think any of the original 3 help out Robyn - and it appeared they stopped sending their daughters over to babysit at least 3 years ago when her sister Taralyce moved in as nanny/housekeeper. Nowadays she has Mindy as her nanny/housekeeper.

    6. Yep, you are correct, CJ.
      That episode was *the one* that set the tone for what was to come between Sobbin and the other three. No matter how hard the producers and script writers tried to create the many "we are one" phony moments between the four, it was obvious there was resentment and mistrust. They didn't like Kody's new squeeze and Kody didn't care.

      Sobbin badly misread the big picture of Kodyworld from day one.
      She wanted a rescue from her post-divorce life and Kody needed a guaranteed hook to seal the deal with TLC. She thought she would be the thin, doe-eyed "young" new thing, contrasting against the other three almost spent mares. And that they all would embrace her like a new friend as they all became TV stars and raked in the money.. And oh, she would be the new inhouse friend who just happened to be the new *preferred* bedmate for their once in awhile stud and sperm donor,. Just like all she-Plygs are expected to expect in life.
      What she didn't realize is that Kody is only "about Kody" and only acts outside of his me/. me box when the cameras are rolling. He didn't care that the other three were not enamored of Sobbin, which was really unfortunate for all of four of them. All of these Brown women are stuck out on their miserable, lonely island when it comes to expecting Kody to help create harmony. He is such a waste !!
      And they are so, sadly devoid of self-respect.

    7. I remember one of the first few episodes when Christine was talking about Robyn, and it was obvious she was trying hard to hide her feelings: he face was red, her voice was high and loud, and she didn't smile...anyway, she said that Robyn brought a certain cool to the family. The other wives sat there and she said, the teens like her and she has that cool factor. Kody's little beady eyes went from side to side and still no other wife spoke. I don't see Robyn as cool and far from it. But, when the three wives that existed before her were older looking not necessarily older, and range in body size from fat to fatter to fattest, and dress in clothes that don't flatter their bodies, it is easy to see why Christine labeled her as cool. And, really, when Robyn first entered the picture, modesty wasn't one of her strong suits. She wore tight short sleeved Tees, and the more modest wives dressed in layers of clothes to hide their bodies. I don't know but I think Christine hated her then and really hated her after the dress thing.

    8. Robyn didn't live near them. She was in a stand alone house a car ride away. The three existing wives had older girls in their homes to get things done. Robyn didn't have that. But what really complicates things is all the ones who grew up in polygamy who still have family living polygamy have three other moms and 24 siblings and 350 cousins. Why didn't robyn have a sister or mom helping. Technically it was not just Robyn's wedding day. It was also Christine, janelle, and Meri's wedding day. It was important that they get dolled up. It wasn't robyns wedding day. Robyn was being sealed to Kody, Meri, Janelle and Christine. Robyn should have made a hair appt too.

    9. @KMS, I thought maybe none of Robyn's family was there helping her because they didn't want to appear on camera?

      Really, it was a blatant sign of dislike that they first three wives didn't take her along to the hair salon.

  19. I seem to remember from earlier episodes, maybe lehi days, that Janelle did all the tax filing for each of them?

    1. If Janelle did the filing for all of them, I hope they had a good attorney if they are audited.

    2. Good grief, they should have a professional doing their taxes, not Janelle. Do they want to end up like Teresa and Joe Giudice?

  20. Orcid joonipher (can't remember which I used before :) )October 16, 2014 at 1:27 PM

    Yes I remember that to. They wore more united as a family and did things for each other like janelle being the economical one who did all taxes in the family.
    Did see a really old episode and what a different. Before they felt more like a family and now they are like totally separate and it feels so sad. They are you supposed to be polygamous family. Where did it go?
    Talk about totally giving out the wrong vibes.

  21. Maddie, I don't know where you are going to school, but at our University, there is never a time where we discuss reality TV families because one never knows. If she is in Utah, I doubt very seriously that her professor spoke about polygamous couples for the very reason I don't discuss the Duggars in my courses. LOL.

    Also, I agree with the person who said that Robyn probably thought she was going to get more help from the sister wives, and since she has not been given any help with her child rearing, she has closed up the oven. While I can completely understand Meri's lack of concern for raising her sister wives' babies, I sort of get the idea that her value that she so often questions has a lot to do with that idea of not helping. Remember when others were talking about her having nicer things and a big house and she felt like they felt like she didn't deserve it...well, that's sort of how her mind wraps around these things...she knows they want her help; she refuses to help; she cries about wondering about her value...they say, your value is in helping us raise our kids; there's still work to be done. What she is saying is look bitches, I know you want me to take these kids off your hands, but I am not going to do that...I'm not bringing that value to the table. LOL. Anyway, Christine and Janelle have had their fill of Meri and know her selfish game...Robyn has thought she was going to get her BFF sister wife all up in the house and in the kids. LOL. So, I believe she has halted on the reproductive crap too.

  22. As Brady and his 5 Babes are about to debut for their renewal season, maybe their storylines (aka TLC created plots) will give an indication of just where the Powers That Be are planning to take Kodyworld for yet another season when their turn comes around.
    But whatever, Brady and Co will provide plenty of snark material for the Living Room !!

    For oldies to Kodyworld, we know several things:
    1- Sobbin is likely *not* pregnant....and even if she is, it would be an anemic, uninteresting, utter waste of film !! Been there, done that. Please, enough of Sobbin giving birth !!
    2- They simply *cannot* trot out the "woe is us, we are broke" BS We know they have the current funds (however irresponsibly managed) to go and do whatever they want.
    3- Okay, several Kody-kids have gone to college with all that it entails.....but so have a large majority of viewers' kids, so no compelling storylines there.
    4- Janelle has been on her weight-loss storyline for TOO DAMN long now. Enough on that too !!
    Do it, Janelle....or don't do it. No One Cares.!!
    5- Meri is infatuated with a 3rd rate band. Big Yawn !!!
    It's her thing.....not worth any more air time !
    6- Christine will continue to spin in her delusional. silly, immature mind.
    Nothing new to see there either !

    Only thing left is for the Kody the Village Idiot to troll for a new, nubile, fertile bedmate.
    Do the viewers have the stomach to watch *that* again..??
    Probably the TLC folks are wondering that too.

    1. "Only thing left is for the Kody the Village Idiot to troll for a new, nubile, fertile bedmate."

      Oh laaaaaaaaaawd! Give me some popcorn cause I am SO there to watch that train wreck!! Oh the sobbin' that will go on! Christine's head would explode!

  23. I think Amused is right--there seem to be few possible storylines for the Browns if there is another season, unless Kody decides to court a fifth wife. Since new wives require pre-approval of all the other wives, I'd like to see the conversations between the future 5th Mrs. Brown and the other wives as they get to know one another, and conversations between the current Brown wives as they discuss whether Love Potion #5 is a good fit for the family.

    And I think it would be especially watch-worthy if Love Potion #5 were a woman of color. There are many Polynesians who practice mainstream Mormonism. Since polygamy was a part of most pre-contact Polynesian cultures (before the Westerners got to us), I'm sure Kody could find a really lovely woman to join Clan Brown. I can see the net wedding now; the new bride covered in leis and traditional attire, the other four wives in matching puletasi. That would be special!

    1. You know, they claim that all the wives need to approve of a new wife, but I don't buy it. There is no way Christine approved a new wife that would steal her thunder while she was pregnant. No way. Kody strong-armed her into it, probably telling her that he was going to have more wives with or without her approval.

    2. "he other four wives in matching puletasi:

      I don't know what that really means, but in my head it means muumuu. Great big honkin' muumuus....maybe one made out of pleather....

    3. pleather it! Those actually would have been a better choice than those re-commitment dresses they were sporting last season.

  24. I predict the next season of Sister Wives will be a huge snooze fest. That is why Janelle is tweeting about her middle know, to get people interested in these kids since the older ones are off at college (and probably don't want to be part of the fake stories anymore). But...TLC kept the Duggars on well past their prime and now the ratings are up with the courtships and its hard to say when TLC will cut the Browns. The only interesting storyline I can think of is a wife leaves or a new wife enters the family. Otherwise it will just be "Kody takes a buddy to Sin City" and "Janelle tries to break her weight loss plateau and Sean gives her a hammer to crush something". Oh and lots of silly parties with costumes and costly decorations.

  25. If Kody wants more children, he is going to have to pick a woman from a much younger section of the dating pool. Women his age are getting close to being too old to have a child. I suspect that Robyn is at that age now where her hormone levels are dropping. Also, I don't see her wanting to do the baby thing again because she would require adding more expense to her already stretched share of the wealth and unlike Christine and Janelle, I believe she wants to be another frequent flyer sisterwife. I expect him to make the announcement that he will have more children with or without his present wives...after all, he said that to Meri.

    1. I think Robyn may have had a miscarriage. They were most definitely counting on the storyline of her spawning another Klown. She claims that she has always been so skinny and she just can't gain weight yet we have definitely seen her pudge up. Either a miscarriage or hormone treatments for fertility. Something was up, especially with crazy mock wife Christine's refusal to "allow" Grody and Sobbin' to discuss their baby makin' plans during the tell nothing show.

    2. "Something was up, especially with crazy mock wife Christine's refusal to "allow" Grody and Sobbin' to discuss their baby makin' plans during the tell nothing show."

      Snark, you probably right on that !!
      Christine's whole deal on that was bizarre. We fleshed that out on the blog at the time and none of it made any sense. Especially since the editing demons chose to leave in the final edit without any plausible explanation or reason.

    3. It was very strange that Christine threw a hissy fit about Kody and Robyn talking about future kids. Was she pregnant or wanting to be? FWIW, I think Robyn miscarried too, and probably not for the first time.

  26. Are we going to have a
    My Five Wives thread tonight?

    1. Yes we are!!! Live Tweet party starts about an hour before the show...maybe earlier!!! Stay tuned!!!

  27. I think maybe Christine may have had a miscarriage or it was just bad editing.

  28. CJ: Tonight---should we post our comments about My Five Wives on this thread or will you be putting up a new thread for posting? MrSpock is getting ready to count the number of times crying occurs and will take a drink of "tranya" for each and every teardrop.

    1. Live Tweet Party!!!! Yes there WILL be a new thread for posting while you watch the show and the twitter feeds. It will be going up about an hour before showtime, so prepare yourself!

    2. MrSpock raises an eyebrow in anticipation....

    3. Got my teary score card ready too !!
      Spock, will toast with you......Bottoms Up !!
