
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

UPDATE! Off Topic Tuesday: From the Sister Wives' Kitchens September 2, 2014

I don't know why, but for some reason I was compelled to visit the TLC Sister Wives Facebook fanpage yesterday.

Besides the usual group of freaks, geeks and trolls, I noticed a couple of pleas for the Brown Krew© to publish a Kook Book©. (place eyeroll here)

Anyway, last night I had the most horrendous dream that TLC forced Kody and Krew© to come up with recipes for a cookbook. In my dream I was a secret agent, who broke into the TLC offices in the Watergate Building. After taping the door to the "secret file room" I found the secret file cabinets used to store those recipes, along with Brady Williams' bankruptcy papers, and  a couple of contracts that appeared to have been signed in blood!

I was able to hide a few of those recipes in my ample bosom before a rather handsome security guard escorted me out of the building. I had my escapade all on tape, but alas, all 20 minutes were missing!

Here are some of the tasty recipes I found...


I didn't find any recipes from Robyn. I guess Kody was right - she's too pretty to the kitchen that is.

YUM, YUM, YUMMY!!! Those Sister Wives sure can cook, can't they?

Well, maybe only in my nightmares they can...

Back to reality, so what happened over the long weekend in polygamy reality land?

Well, it looks like Robyn DID make an appearance (kind of) in a selfie taken by Meri.

Of course I had to google this "City Creek" place. It's in Salt Lake City. So it looks like Meri was able to go to the Keith Urban concert and took some family friends with her. Too bad she didn't take a full body picture of Robyn, but that's all right. TLC needs to build up the "Is she or Isn't she" angle for the next season.

Now this is telling. Didn't Mariah say almost the exact same words when Robyn was pregnant?
#feedingtheflames  #whocares?

And Mariah tells a joke!!!

Maddie, I think you should thank your lucky stars. At least you don't look like Kody Brown in drag!
JUST KIDDING! Aspyn is very pretty!

You know, these people are all over the map. It's impossible to keep up who's where and when! But it sounds like Janelle didn't make the trip back to Utah for the concerts! Must have been her weekend with Kody or something...

Good for you Janelle! Oh, by the way, I'm sure those 6 eggs in her recipe are for the delicious omelet she makes for herself as a side dish for those Peanut Butter Fritos!

I wish I could translate what the heck Christine is talking about in her twitter tweets sometimes.


This just in from Utah...

J. Lamoine Jenson, Utah polygamist leader, dies at 79

And sadly, comedy lost another icon...

Joan Rivers dead in New York at 81, says daughter

Hmmmm....file this one under Are You Kidding Me?

I just don't believe this. Who is running that online store? Here's the Facebook announcement of  new bracelets now being sold on MSWC for Autism Awareness.

My first thoughts  -  Are any of the proceeds being donated to Autism Awareness? Or, are they being donated directly to the Brown Family Disneyland fund?

I have looked and looked and can't find anywhere on MSWC that says proceeds being donated to Autism Awareness. What is WRONG with those people? Sheesh, put it in print so people won't  automatically say NO if they know part of their purchase is going towards a good cause!

(Now, isn't this interesting, as of 6:20pm PDT, the posting has been "hidden" on the MSWC facebook page. I wonder if it is in the process of being rewritten? No doubt the MSWC admin is checking right this minute with Kody to confirm - Are any of the proceeds being donated for the cause of Autism Awareness. And as of 6:28pm the posting has been completely removed from the MSWC fb page.)

This just in...

As I suspected, the posting was pulled. Here's the official response. By the way, I am now positive a 3rd party is now handling the admin/Customer Care duties on the MSWC Facebook page.


Here's the final word on this fiasco...

"Autism Awareness Rope Bracelet has been removed from your cart because it can no longer be purchased. Please contact us if you need assistance."

Interesting turn of events...

So now my questions are:

1. Does this mean MSWC never intended to donate proceeds to a group supporting Autism Awareness?

Answer: Apparently so. Otherwise they would have simply said "Oops, our bad. We forgot to say that proceeds go to Autism Awareness." Or, "Oops, your bad. The bracelets are to make people aware of Autism, we never said we were donating proceeds." Instead, they pretend this online shopping faux pas never happened by deleting all evidence. Feeble.

2. What happens to all the bracelets?

Answer: If they are working true to form, they will either try to return the bracelets or just pack them away somewhere in Meri's garage. And if they keep the bracelets, I wonder if they will take a tax writeoff for the loss. Let's hope they don't wait a couple of years and put them back on sale on MSWC if they do.

3. Could this fiasco have been avoided?

Answer: Yes it could have definitely been avoided. A high school DECA student would have known better. Whoever is at the helm of MSWC is truly CLUELESS!!!

(edited 9/5/14)

UPDATE 9/6/14

Not so fast with that final word.

Oh what a difference a day makes....

Yes, the awareness bracelets are back, along with a long explanation of the faux pas that was committed on Thursday, 9/4/14.

You know, if MSWC was being run by people who actually had intelligence and a head for business, it would be a booming success story.

Thanks but no thanks. I'll donate directly to the organization after I've checked them out. And I'll stick with online stores that actually use SSL technology to encrypt sensitive information, thank you very much.

Oh, and this "apology" FB post was definitely written by a Kodette©. Notice the rambling speech. My money is on Christine as the author.

Please continue your discussion here:

I Scour the Internet: The Pre First Anniversary of My Living Room Edition for September 8th, 2014


  1. I love how you don't explain what to do with the eggs or how much oil to use in the recipe for mock spaghetti, BUT you did specify spaghetti. Shouldn't it be "any pasta and amount of your choosing?" If someone is not pouring 2 pounds of uncooked rotini in the pan, the TLC intern just didn't write it.

  2. Why is Mariah's Twitter comment in the past tense -- shouldn't "unbelievably filled with gratitude for the family I was blessed to be a part of" read "...gratitude for the family I am blessed to be a part of"? Was she kicked out of the klan or something?

  3. Judging by the pic of Robyn, I could easily believe she's expecting. She just looks a little fuller in the face & although she doesn't seem to be wearing any makeup she looks pretty. I'm by no means a fan of Robyn, and it almost hurt my fingers to type the last sentence, but I really do think she looked good in the pic.

    1. See, I think Meri is the one who looks good in that pic. I hate it when people post group pics and the person posting is the only one who looks decent. Meri thought she looked good and didn't care how rough everyone else looked.

    2. Really? I must be looking a different picture because I think they both look like they just rolled out of a dumpster

    3. "Really? I must be looking a different picture because I think they both look like they just rolled out of a dumpster"

      I am at work laughing my head off and people are looking at me....

      I thought Meri's hair looked like she just got out of bed..but it could've been a dumpster!

  4. Wouldn't the awful bleach job Robyn is sporting pretty much rule out pregnancy? Most pregnant ladies I've know avoid hair dye and salons.
    God, this family makes the worst hair choices. Just terrible.
    Side note: shame in you Jinx! I thought those were actual posted recipes...the Italian in me almost went into a rage blackout.

    1. Side note: shame in you Jinx! I thought those were actual posted recipes...the Italian in me almost went into a rage blackout.


  5. if janelle had truely for two days and christine is thanking family members for help, maybe she had a health crisies? anything related to the tell all? was she pregnant? and why is janelle putting butter in her coffee? are these teasers for a new season? Robyn is not in the recipes because she was not in the family when tlc collected them for the tlc website early season one

    1. Is she pregnant? Maybe she got her "second honeymoon" with Kody?

    2. I like how Janelle clarified that she often has Truely over (or at least that's how I took it). She wants us to know that even though Truely always comes over and she and Savannah are like Truely's real mom and sister, it's still so weird having her over. Ha! PR mode.

    3. This is another thing that bugs me about the plygs. They seem to have their own "language". So instead of a kook book, why not a software set to learn this hidden language. They can call it Kodettastone.

    4. If anyone is pregnant; my vote is for Janelle. Obviolsly her weightlos has made Kody frisky, ref. all the romance crap they been forcing on us ALL season long. Christine is probably still being punished for being difficult when they moved to Vegas, Meri I think is excited about her new life with friends and as for Robyn, she seems to have lost her "newness".

      Free Christine.

    5. Unfortunately, I think Kody's newfound romance for Janelle is only because the fans really liked her and she was getting attention from the weight loss blog. I think he also knows he might need her to be happy with him when the houses come up for bank financing. He is the #1 User. I actually hope Meri escapes and Christine becomes deprogrammed from Polygamy. (Yes it is wishful thinking.)

  6. I could not believe how much older Robin looked in that picture!!

    I also can't imagine a Brown family cook book. None of their food ever looks good. I remember once Christine made a tater tot casserole that looked so gross.

    1. I remember how everyone in the family raved about what a great cook Christine is and I saw her food and couldn't believe it!

      Anyway, Robyn is looking like the oldest wife now, not the youngest. What has being in the Brown family done to her?

  7. Your kook book- brava! Standing ovation, CJ! I'm cracking up, it is perfect.

    1. Thank you! Glad you enjoyed my "nightmare"

    2. Why have they called some of their dishes 'mock'? Is that to keep copyright problems at bay? I could think of a tastier term than 'mock' to describe my 'spin' on another's dish/recipe.

  8. six eggs..every recipe..bwah!

    Janelle puts butter and coconut oil in coffee? This was real. Oh my God.

    CJ..this was priceless. I had a very long first day back to school, complete with 2 extra hours at an after school program, in a very hot building. Needless to say..I was feeling pretty bad! I visited your living room and was rewarded with these delightful,must have recipes.Made my day!! Your efforts are appreciated.

  9. What kind of whackadoodle substitution is butter and coconut oil for milk? Butter is just churned dairy product with a lot more fat than milk, so there's no calorie or dairy saving... just... gross!

    I googled it to see where she'd gotten the idea from, and apparently some people are advocating skipping breakfast as a meal and putting two tablespoons of butter in your coffee instead. The idiocy is just astounding.

    1. There is a paleo-connected thought to use pure, grass-fed sourced raw milk into butter in coffee. I'm sure there is a youtube video on it. I've been sent company-specific videos on it and had trouble thinking around it. They discussed the science behind it in the video and honestly, it made sense. Resulting in weight loss? Some say it speeds it up and becomes almost a "miracle" in weight-loss. I have never tried it so I can't say for sure. Now, coconut oil, I have done---not because of the coffee but my nutritionist suggested I increase my healthy fats because there are some good nutrients in there. Specifically, take a tablespoon or so of coconut oil a day....I had trouble with the gag-factor getting past the lump of fat in my mouth and I thought I might get through it in coffee. It's been a few years since I've done that. I decided if I was going to add in healthy fats, I would do via food or take the coconut oil in the form of capsules.

    2. I've been ingesting a tablespoon of coconut oil for hair and skin benefits, and I just melt it down and shoot it back. Some brands have a nice rich taste, and some are practically taste and odorless.

      I've been carded 10 times since starting two months ago (which was a semi often occurrence before when purchasing liquor), but a few times I was carded for my super secret scratch off passion.
      I like to imagine the oil makes me look 18...even if it's more likely that the attendant needs glasses.

    3. Well ladies, i do have coconut oil in my kitchen but i don't use it often. I get my fat from peanut butter - 2 tablespoons of Justin's a day mmmm

  10. I guess Janelle is hopping on the new Bulletproof Coffee fad bandwagon. The idea behind it is the body starts off the day absorbing heathy fats.

    1. I don't think her body needs to absorb any more fat....

  11. CJ - Hilarious recipes!!! Cracked me up

  12. I put homemade whipped cream in my coffee - yum!!! No extra sugar added. Must start with good quality coffee though. I grind mine fresh each morning.

    1. This reminds me of Leslie Knope on Parks and Recreation. She puts tons of whipped cream and chocolate syrup in her coffee. Lol

  13. Love the recap! Great job. Keep it up.

  14. The recipes are a joke on your part, right CJ? Janelle didn't really say to serve the coffee (that has 6 eggs!) with peanut butter fritos? Wow.

    I don't understand most of the tweets. Don't really get what Maddie was trying to say.

    1. She was saying that Aspyn is the best (appearance wise) that the Browns have to offer. I agree. Aspyn is a cute girl with what seems to be a great personality.

    2. Truth is, if Aspyn was thin - she would be the break out star of this show. She is beautiful. I could totally see her get her own reality show.

  15. And all this time I have been using skim milk in my coffee. I guess if I switch to butter I can be on the fast track to weight loss like Janelle!

  16. CJ,
    Hope you keep on dreaming !! That was pure entertainment !!!

    "the secret file cabinets used to store those recipes, along with Brady Williams' bankruptcy papers, and a couple of contracts that appeared to have been signed in blood! :

    FUNNY !!! Nice Snark Touch !!

  17. When does "My Five Wives" premiere? I thought it was Friday, but I haven't seen any advertisements nor any updates on the TLC page or Facebook.

    1. I haven't seen any premiere dates either. I wonder if TLC has postponed the season, so they can address the bankruptcy now that the financial cat is out of the bag. If they don't include it in the season, the topic will be like a white elephant just hanging around.

    2. When does "My Five Wives" premiere? I thought it was Friday, but I haven't seen any advertisements nor any updates on the TLC page or Facebook.
      I'm not sure which Facebook page you're reading, but at the official TLC My Five Wives, TLC is telling commenters who ask that the 2nd season starts in the fall.

      On the Brady and Wives Facebook, they have been posting pictures of the production crew for the past month so they are still filming. I'm thinking the new season will start maybe end of September or October.

      Here's a link to the TLC Facebook if you need it: My Five Wives

  18. I don't think Robyn is bleaching her hair; I believe she has stopped coloring it. As a result of no color, she has a few lighter and more gray highlights that are natural. That would explain her looking older. At this point, one or both of the younger wives better be pregnant or there better be a younger wife on the horizon because I doubt their new season will have any substance. They've taken road trips that were horrible; they've gone to counseling, which bombed; they've tried business loans, real estate license, and worked on personalizing an online business plan. Nothing has sparked interest in their show. Since they have no clue what folks want to watch, this show is drowning. If any of the production folks are reading this, here is a way to salvage this mess....get Kody out of town alone doing his "boy" things. Let the women be real for a change...let us see how they really interact...who is the peacemaker and who is the bitch. We need more reality and less lies.

    1. I agree RKR! Robyn's hair looked more grey than blonde in that picture to me.

    2. Robyn definitely had blond frosty highlights in the tell all, but maybe that was to start a gray out. Blond is easier to blend with gray than brown.
      Still 35 is pretty young to let the color go (unless your Anne Bancroft and can rock a salt and pepper streak).

  19. I actually think everyone looks happy in Meri's selfie. That's a refreshing departure from norm. The TV cameras regularly catch just about every family member with solemn, depressed expressions, especially when they are off to the sidelines and not the focal point of the scenes. I am going out on a limb and guessing that they are in Salt Lake celebrating their Utah victory. They must be the heroes of the AUB right now.

  20. I think it was on one of the couch sessions where someone asked Kody who was the best cook and everyone pointed at Christine. Then someone mentioned her mock tapioca pudding. And from there, each wife's talents were revealed: Janelle, he indicated, had the highest economic IQ; Meri, the best house cleaner/organizer; and Robyn's talents, were giggles from her and Kody, her mouth or her ability to speak for others. From that point on, I saw the real relationships that the women have with Kody and with each other. Their identities were formed not on their own interests, but on the way that Kody benefited from their special cleaner, money maker, food maker, and well...whatever he rambled about Robyn. I think about my relationship with my husband and how our identities are based not on what we do for each other so much as what we do for ourselves. I guess what I mean is that most people's identities are formed out of their friendships, their interests, and their experiences. While those talents that Kody attributed to each wife are really how he sees them, how do they see each other and more importantly, how do they see themselves. That's what we are not seeing on the show...the women's identities are like Christine's mock tapioca. They are identified by their talents or the dramas that came from's always relative to him...what they do for him, how they fight for him, how they seek from him.

    Sadly, in the beginning of the show, I wondered who he went to for comfort, for sex, for whatever, but then I realized that my curiosity of how he sees them and they allow him to label them comes from the same patriarchal based belief that Kody's views of women come from: women are princesses, women are nurturers, women are sex pots, women are neat freaks....while a woman can have some of these personality traits, that is not who we are, yet he views his wives in those patriarchal identified roles. And the really disturbing thing is that the women identify by those roles that he has assigned. Christine is the cook (even though I've seen her slop she serves and it looks quiet disgusting) and Janelle is the financial wizard (yet we know that her ability to work money magic is as finite as the funds she generically describes)...I guess I am raw over the lack of identity that we really see and maybe they don't want us to see. After watching this show through all of those horrible seasons, I still don't know these women and sadly, I don't think Kody knows them or that they know themselves. Maybe the shows producers will finally allow some of the reality of their lives to come through in hopes of saving the show. In Kody and his wives' efforts to paint an unreal picture of who they are, they have lost their audience's interests.

    1. You nailed it, runKodyrun... "I don't think Kody knows them or that they know themselves." How can they? This show is about mock relationships.

    2. I don't think any of these women have ever been encouraged to develop a personality outside of Kody. I mean, how would that benefit or be valuable to him?
      Experience and interests draw women away from this lifestyle, and the last thing plygs want is to lose women.
      It's much smarter to keep them infantilized, marginalized, and sweet than to encourage their individual and varied strengths. Would many women stay if they believed themselves capable of being the breadwinner and mother?
      Probably not.
      I mentioned this book in an earlier post, but Stolen Innocence by Elissa Wall is n excellent glimpse into the plyg dynamic, and how women and young girls are groomed.

    3. Kody said something like "Christine knows how to make food taste good". and ya. I have to admit, that once in awhile a fish stick wrapped up in a tortilla with a side of tater tots sounds yummy. but I mean, it's not terribly creative. It's just heating up a bunch prepared frozen food and yup throw in some canned corn while you're at it. I mean, there's nothing wrong with throwing a bunch of stuff together, but that's not cooking, it's just putting stuff together.

    4. I always find it interesting how little the wives fit into their designated "roles;" Janelle is the financial wizard who...lead them all to multiple bankruptcies. Christine is the great cook who..."burns water" (as she said during the block party) and cook meals that look like they've already been partially digested. Robyn is the "emotionally intelligent one," who seems to lap up the pain and misery of her sister wives like a kitten with a bowl of cream. And Meri...well of course she is organized. She has one grown child and no job.

    5. TRUE! Christine is the cook who has served not only disgusting looking food like you said, but food that has made even the teens pack on so much weight!

      Wonder what's Kody's ability; a leader needs to bring something to the table!


    6. Kody "The Great Leader" dumped their initial show proceeds into a MLM company in exchange for a leased car for himself. He brings the fool's golden touch to the table I guess?

    7. He had to buy a job? Robyn said it was because he was so successful NOT

  21. Looks like Robyn had her hair frosted by her beautician.

    1. My 89 year old grandmother is the only woman I know who says 'beautician', and even she would think Robyn was outdated.

    2. I say beautician all the time. :-(

    3. Me too. I love my beautician! :)

    4. Does she still go to the "open letter" monogamous beautician?

    5. Oh jinx and anon! Don't listen to my mean old grandma, she's just like me.
      We all know anything verbalized is 100% more odd and or obnoxious when said by a Brown.
      I was (recently) chastised for saying hairdresser as apparently stylist is now the approved title, and I'm only 30. That 20 year old with scary sharp scissors let me have it for being antiquated.
      Maybe it's a regional thing beautician/hairdresser/stylist?

    6. Does she still go to the "open letter" monogamous beautician?
      I heard Robyn had her work on her hair the day before Meri took her selfie.

      Payback is definitely a you know what!

      Maybe it's a regional thing beautician/hairdresser/stylist?
      Possibly, or maybe it is just an age thing! ;-(

      Notice how the smiley's mouth matches my picture?

    7. Beautician/hairdresser/stylist....?

      Any one of the three is used back here in the East. *shrug*

  22. Oh my. No wonder Robyn has been MIA in photos. She is not looking well. She must be pregnant, ill, or something else is going on. If she's pregnant, she sure doesn't have any "glow."

  23. I've gotten my boyfriend addicted to Sister Wives, who is now referring to the wives as Crybaby, Fatty, Dummy and Dumber. I'm not sure which is which, but I am immensely enjoying watching a man get as angry as I do watching this show.

    1. An actual LOL for your boyfriend's very accurate nicknames!

    2. Lol, the sad thing is any of those names could be applied to any of the wives. Well, maybe Janelle couldn't be called a crybaby, but still.

    3. True! Last night, he started cross pollinating on the names, so Robyn was Crybaby Dummy and Janelle was Dumber Fatty, it was very confusing for him. I'm still laughing that he's playing it off that I want to watch it from the beginning - I keep telling him I've already seen it!

  24. Maybe it is lack of makeup, but Robyn is looking rough. Time is ticking for this brood mare.

  25. OK I just now saw this! AND LAUGHED MY ASS OFF. SERIOUSLY.

    Janelle's having coconut oil and butter in her coffee instead of milk? switching out for a bazillion more calories? WTF?

    It's like she's grasping at straws...

    1. Butter and coconut oil is one of the craziest things I have ever heard. If this is a fad it needs to stop. And Janelle should be avoiding butter like the plague. Absurd.

    2. She's definitely grasping at straws, DJ. She should just be eating those 1400 cals she claims she only eats in clean, balanced meals and at her weight, the pounds will just fall off.

      The Bulletproof Coffee thing is part of a newer fad that also includes very strict diet that includes one's daily calories to be comprised of upwards of 60% fat, 20-30% protein and 5-15% carbs (if my memory serves). If Janelle is not following that diet to a T, subbing butter and coconut oil for milk is just adding extra calories and fat that she does not need.

    3. I've lost 15 pounds so far with my trainer setting up my meals. Just normal food - veggies and chicken and steak and carbs and even a daily peanut butter sandwich - since 18 July. And less cardio. Not hungry, tons of energy...CJ knows I speak the truth. I've gone down from 152 to 137. Without coconut oil! I do have eggs however. Lol

    4. Good for you DJ! And to think, you accomplished that with HARD WORK and a SENSIBLE DIET?? No butter in the coffee??

    5. Janelle just tweeted someone sent her a large can of maple syrup. Looking forward to more mock breakfast entrées.

    6. Ah so Janelle has an enabler-fan. HA!

      yup and ya know what - my trainer is 23 years old and he knows more about nutrition and exercise than #TVTrainer will ever know. Hard work and tracking everything is what's doing it for me :) Thanks so much!!!

    7. O lordy..Janelle does not need a can of maple syrup in her house..a can?

  26. I think I recall someone mentioning that Kody isn't a fan of pepper on his food.

    that makes the 1/4 cup of pepper in the Mock Fried Chicken even more amusing. :)

  27. The Mock Onion Soup sounds like something that you would maybe eat in prison. water, bullion cubes, onions...they forgot the stone (like in Stone Soup).

    How about Mock SOS? (creamed chipped beef on toast aka the worst meal ever made by Swanson's TV Dinners) that has got to be one of the least appealing looking dishes there is.

    1. LOL! I love SOS I just made it for my family the other day - I make mine from scratch though :-)

      This is my first time ever posting on here! I have just been lurking for a long time

    2. We grew up with homemade creamed chip beef and have it to this day. Delish!---if made properly.

    3. I think SOS is something that needs to be made from scratch to be good.
      Not a Swanson dinner!

    4. DakotaJustice,
      The really sad thing about all of their mock shit is that, for instance, onion soup is so easy to make from scratch without all the billions. If the Brown women were young kids, I'd say, wow, they will learn, but they are older and really by now they ought to know how to cook from scratch. They should know that it is easier to sauté some onions in some olive oil and butter and add this and that before stirring in some flour and a little salt and pepper and then whisk in the heavy cream. They would rather do the instant crap and call it mock. Christine spends so much time trying to make her instant food real, that if she just took a minute or two and did it the right way, the food would not only taste better but it would also be better for them. Their lives are about instant gratification...They make me sick. Really.

  28. I just noticed that the Mock Fried Chicken appears to be a pork or beef rib. LOL it takes me awhile to notice stuff sometimes. I think i was nauseated by the pat of butter floating in the coffee cup. :)

    1. I know! Butter in coffee sounds abhorrent! I don't care if it's a fad. It's something Janelle should never admit to doing.

    2. Adding butter to anything cannot be "healthy." JMO!

    3. Butter isn't evil. It just needs to be used in moderation. If you're gonna have butter have a modest amount. If she worked it into her fat & calories for the day (IF she is actually tracking consistently) she could have it. Every day seems a bit excessive to me tho. but whatever. gag.

    4. If I'm going to have butter, I'll have it on some yummy food not wasted in coffee!!!

    5. Can't Janelle just drink her coffee black or switch to tea if she needs the caffeine so badly? She doesn't need the extra calories in any drink at this point. She should be drinking water, plain iced or hot tea, coffee, or milk if she needs the calcium.

  29. I think we should cut Janelle some slack on the coconut oil in her coffee thing. This blog prompted me to look up the trend, and it's actually been around for awhile and is quite popular (as a contributor mentioned above) with those who follow the Paleo diet and Intermittent fasters. Although, I don't think either diet is the perfect solution for everyone, both seem to work tremendously well for some people.

    Janelle has been struggling with her weight for so many years, and obviously her low calorie approach has left her in a plateau, so why not give it a try? What's the worst thing that could happen - she continues to yo-yo? I for one, am interested to see if it actually works. If Janelle comes back a size 12 next season, I may try it myself!

    Now - as for the Mock recipes. Not so curious to learn more about that at all.

    1. Most people I know who have struggled severly with weight continue to struggle BECAUSE of fad dieting. My MIL was nearly bed bound by weight after ruining her metabolism with years of diet pills, 'fasts', fads, and shakes.
      A medical checkup, visit with a nutritionist, and a Zumba or dancing class would do more for Janelle than coconut oil ever could.

    2. If Janelle is just now doing a food journal, chances are she never actually did a low calorie diet. She was probably eating "healthier," but still way too much. Butter and oil in coffee is ridiculous.

    3. I agree with Anon 11:00 PM.

      We've seen Janelle go to the Bombshell nutritionist with no follow-up. She's confessed to failing on her 30-day commitment to diet & exercise with #TVTrainer (thus, the rock-climbing wall), Then, after that, we see her scarving nachos, throwed bread and everything else on the roadtrip.

      Maybe her real rationale is she is jealous of her kid who eats mayonaise straight up, out of the jar.

    4. The low calorie approach has not left Janelle anywhere. Janelle has clearly not followed a low calorie approach at all. She's said she has whilst not actually keeping any track of her calories until this month. That's insane. You can't know how much you're eating unless you actually keep a record.

      There's a BBC show called "Secret Eaters". It's all about overweight people who claim to be following low calorie diets but not losing any weight, or indeed, gaining weight! The show has basically a private investigator follow them around and keep track of everything they actually eat, via cameras in the home, etc.

      In each and every case, people are eating hundreds more calories than they think they are, sometimes thousands more. Janelle is obviously one of these people, living in denial about what she puts in her mouth.

      As for the butter in the coffee approach, I would perhaps understand it if they were just saying substitute real butter for other spreads, or use it in cooking actual food. Fat helps the body absorb nutrients. But it's just insane putting butter in your coffee and skipping breakfast, because there are no nutrients to help absorb and all you just did was start the day with two tablespoons of fat! There is absolutely nothing truly paelo about that. Our ancestors did not wake up, scarf down two tablespoons of unadulterated animal fat and then go about their day.

      And even if it *did* make sense, it would only work if Janelle was actually following a paleo diet - nachos and bread sure as heck aren't in a paleo diet and we know she eats them both on the regular.

      She will do anything to avoid actually cutting calories and actually eating healthy. At this point, it's not so much a weight loss struggle as a weight loss lie.

    5. SafeTalk I'd love to see that show!

  30. The comments on their facebook page just crack me up!

  31. It appears they've added more junk jewelry and purses to MSWC. Additions included are breast cancer awareness and autism awareness necklaces and bracelets with NO mention of donating to a non profit that supports these causes. Also, as usual, you can't find these "awareness" trinkets cheaper at Amazon.

    1. i just looked and thought, 'wow, i actually like those bags'. (i'm really childish.) then i clicked on them and sure enough, they're the first thing the browns have ever admitted to simply reselling from another company. i looked on amazon, where those bags are obviously also available. for once, they're not much cheaper. the fox is the same price, the deer is a dollar less, and the owl is 10% less than on mswc. still, i don't see this making them a ton of money and the charity bracelet screw-up shows a like of integrity and basic business sense.

    2. But on amazon I get free shipping via amazon prime, a secure order page to make sure my payment info is safe, and a great return policy.

  32. Edit: you CAN find them cheaper at Amazon.

  33. Just a friendly reminder that you need to be really careful when donating to "awareness" charities because often the money doesn't go to any actual research. There are websites where you can check the validity of charities and before you donate. You need to look at their financial history which should be provided on the organizations website. I go as far as to find out the CEO's salary!

    I never saw the original post about the autism jewelry, so I have no idea what is going on. I just don't see these fools actually being charitable in any way.

    1. Well, since according to Kodouche, David Jr. doesn't have any issues other than being "quirky" maybe they should just sell a quirkiness awareness bracelet which will go directly to their Disneyland fund to inspire more quirkiness--like grown women trying to be mock princesses....

    2. As a mother of an autistic child, I would rather the money go to ANY charity rather into the Brown's pockets. I am also very cautious about who I donate to...but that's not the point here. The point is that they are trying to profit off of Autism and families who think they are supporting a cause. I commented on there last night and said "Are you donating anything to charity?", that was it, nothing snarky at all. They deleted my comment, every other comment inquiring about charity AND blocked me. What does that tell you? They have no intention of donating a thing.

    3. Snarkaholic, Good catch !! True, true !!

      Kody and the rest of them just continue to stick their uninformed, ill-informed and just plain stupid feet in their mouths at every turn.
      They set themselves up for ridicule and they absolutely deserve every snark they generate !!!!!

    4. Holy crap, Pink Heart?! The blocked you because you made an inquiry about the charity?! That just speaks volumes about those creeps!

      I'm sure they will claim that the only reason any one asked about the proceeds going to the autism charity is because they are plygs--it's just more religious persecution (insert eye roll here)

    5. This just proves that they are professional scammers. I hope they lose all 4 of their mansions and end up back in trailers. They make me sick.

      @Pink Heart, you should report them to Facebook for fraud. I will report them too.

    6. You weren't the only one Pink Heart. According to the TLC Sister Wives Facebook page a few others were deleted and blocked too.

      Any inquiry about the bracelets and necklaces have been deleted from MSWC Facebook page. They've also pulled the products from MSWC online shop. It's like they never existed to begin with. So much for customer service. I'm sure their 3rd party handler has quit by now.

    7. I'm wondering if they might have actual copyright issues using the Autism symbol, in addition to the fact that they weren't going to be contributing anything to the charity. would love to see them hauled into court and forced to shut their business down.

    8. It never occurred to me that I could report them for this, I will certainly do that! These very bracelets are for sale on other sites as well, I saw them for $10 earlier today.

    9. How can it be fraud? They never said the proceeds were for Autism Awareness. They just asked people to buy their Autism Awareness bracelets. Like someone commented earlier, it's more of a Buyer Beware situation but not really fraud.

    10. Anon 10:13 - they might not have said, but it was definitely implied. Apparently a lot of people assumed it was for charity. Maybe not fraud per se but definitely grifting, IMO.

    11. It may not be fraud in the strictest legal sense, but an attorney probably counseled that they were skating on thin ice when it comes to public perception of the integrity of these particular sales, if they donated nothing and yet used the term "autism awareness" in their sales pitch. I would have loved to have been a fly on the conference-room wall during that conversation. ;)

  34. Damn! I woulda loved to read the comments on that one.
    All those people in Robyn's head demanding autism bracelets. Yup.

  35. Ha!! I just now zoomed in on the onion soup pic. Scallions in ice water lol

  36. I always ask what the percentage of donations actually goes to *direct services,* as opposed to administrative costs. It can be as low as 3%, 5%, maybe 10%.
    However, there are many wonderful charities/ causes who DO use their proceeds proactively for the mission. They run their *direct service* percentages from 30% to as high as 70%.
    (I work with one whose direct service % is 85% )

    When that question is asked, there are usually three ways the answer plays out.
    1- The paid marketer says, "Umm, gee, I don't have that info handy but you could call such and such to maybe get it." At which point I inform him/her that there will be no donation until I know how much of my money is going to the cause versus figure heads' bank accounts.
    2-Or.they do have the data and after trying to fast talk past your question, but when pushed, finally divulge it and wind up agreeing that is an appallingly low number.
    3-Or, when asked.....the marketer simply hangs up.

    When they call or email....Ask !
    They have to have that number in their annual reports.

  37. So, the answer then is no, we are not donating in of our proceeds to the autism foundation or the breast cancer research center. Just as I thought. They want to sell things that traditionally are sold to raise money for causes but they don't want to support the cause. Why would we expect transparency in their ethics or morality for using causes to make money for their own pockets when they cannot even be transparent about any part of their lives. They are such grifters...using breast cancer and autism to line their pockets...they suck big time.

    1. I am absolutely appalled about the Autism Awareness fiasco. Like you said, "They want to sell things that traditionally are sold to raise money for causes but they don't want to support the cause."

      It's almost as if they have lived their entire lives with their heads in the sand...Hey Browns, its the 21st century, not the Montana or Wyoming from the 19th century wild West. The majority of us do not fall for snake oil hucksterism.

      Hey Robyn! Do you still have faith in Kody's business acumen or will this faux pas be blamed on someone else?

    2. "It's almost as if they have lived their entire lives with their heads in the sand.."

      They have lived their entire lives with their hands in other people's pockets, with no thought nor care about the exploitation of others finances or personal challenges.

      As long as they can continue their agenda, it's open season on scamming the rest of society. *Even Special Causes*
      Such lowlifes !!!

    3. Knowing them as well as anyone can, they will send off a 10 dollar check to Autism Speaks and post that proceeds go to this organization. Then they will pat themselves on the back and high five each other for scamming their fans once again.

    4. Just when I thought I could not be more shocked at the Brown Shenanigans.... this Autism Awareness bracelet fiasco tops it all.

    5. "........., they will send off a 10 dollar check to Autism Speaks and post that proceeds go to this organization. "

      Exactly right !! Now that they are exposed, that is precisely what they will do.
      And they will even fudge the amount they actually give, and just post that "part" of proceeds will go to blah, blah....!!!
      No scruples....None !!!

    6. This family makes me sick, they really do. They sell their goods and meanwhile are they even helping the child in their family with autism? I hope so, but from Kody's comments about thinking he's just "quirky" I doubt he's getting the help he needs. Double shame on Robyn for allowing all of this to happen.

    7. Charity navigator. Org is an option where you can check.
      And see just ow donations are spent

    8. Looks like they sent off that $10.00 check to Autism Speaks! LoL

    9. These people just make me shake my head. Professional con artists. "Make a buck without any work" should be painted on some of those signs they've got hanging in each of their McMansions.

  38. If this is true it is inexcusable and shame on the Browns. Snark what we will about the Honey Boo Boo clan, but at least they do what they can for charity.

  39. Wow, this Autism bracelet fiasco is just awful. Trying to scam their "fans" and using disabilities of others to line their own pockets is even worse than the usual "bleeding the beast". I really hope that this is the last straw for TLC too. They need to be gone.

  40. I actually don't hink they have any idea how it works. Robyn should take a few classes. I think they really think walks and merchandise sold to bring attention to a cause ends at the attention part and had no idea part of the proceeds go to the charity, I doubt they understand copyright. I'm as snarky as the rest but even I wish they would start getting things right. Maybe they find another charity to sell merchandise for and donate proceeds too. You would think it would be the org to get people out of polygamy who don't want to be part of polygamy.

    1. I kind of agree with KMS on this. I'm not sure if it ever crossed Robyn's mind that people expect at least a portion of 'awareness' items to go to the charity or agency involved.
      I can 100% see Robyn pitching the idea by explaining 'we don't even have to do anything BUT get do do good work by letting people know autism people are aware!!!'.
      Now Kody, Janelle, and the merchandise provider probably knew differently. Are any of us truly surprised?

    2. Good point re Robyn, LPT, as it probably never crossed her mind, but in the end I lay blame on all of the Brown parents. They either didn't realize or knew and didn't care that terms like Autism Awareness have cache; these terms mean something to the general populace, and to use it like MSWC was on their site implied they were somehow and in some way supporting monetarily Autism Awareness. They must be more careful.

  41. I would love to be a fly on the wall and listen to the "investors" take on all these recent business blunders. Blocking people on Facebook and deleting negative comments is no way to build a clientele or run a business. I can't wait to see the Browns' official response to this.

    1. They only block the known trolls and troublemakers who write negative comments to be funny. Then the troll creates another account and starts over with the insults but in the meantime it is nice to not have to deal with their constant negative and meanness.

    2. Not completely true. They blocked me for asking if their products were made in China. I am not a troll and l use my real name. I know at least 10 others who were blocked for aski g how much they were donating to the autism group.

    3. I can't wait to see if all this makes it into the show! Pins and needles. Ok, I lied about the pins and needles, but it would be pretty entertaining stuff.

  42. Sure seems with all the MSWC backpedaling they were planning to keep the profits... while using a copyrighted logo of course! Knowing these grifters they probably switched the puzzle pieces around on the autism logo to make it their own "unique design". I still remember that iconic claddagh necklace of theirs...they claimed it was their very own "unique design" because they used child size hands instead of adult ones!

  43. Robyn's trailer park boutique dream is fading. I guess it's time to open the embarrassing sketchbook and cry over what could have been.

    1. It's amazing how quickly they managed to turn an iconic jewelry business into an overpriced flea market!

    2. Just blame Kody and his Golden Touch!!

    3. Agree bc, it is a flea market. I've been to Yard Sales that have been more organized. Their items are so random. Grouped oddly. Not to mention the rapid fire graphics that assault you as you enter the site. Makes me anxious! I only visit when I see here that they have added some new moronic item,and of course to check out the latest non-charitable/now it is charitable(but just barely) addition to their hot mess of inventory. That site is a joke..just like Kody. and Yes CJ..that Golden Touch has really done it's job here.
      Did you ever think that it's us here in the Living Room that are increasing those visiting but not buying numbers on their stupid site!! HA! It's driving them crazy!!
      " do we get them to buy our special joolry, Kody?" "We just tell them that they HAVE to buy our iconic jewelry because we needed these over the top "homes."
      Short answer don't get us to buy anything,ever. I carefully consider every penny I spend..not happening.

  44. i would love to be a fly on the wall at one of their meetings for the hobby business. Who will get blamed for this fiasco? It really shows how greedy this family has become. From the start this online business would have benefited from Robyn doing some research about the jewelry business. The crap they are throwing on it is just awful.

  45. They just have no taste at all, and i thought Kody did not want frumpy. Those purses are so juvenile.

  46. Trying to rip off autism, what less could be expected of a family (TV show) that is based on nothing but lies. From the show’s intro – Kody – “Love should be multiplied, not divided.” You are not multiplying anything. You are dividing yourself between four women – ¼ love and attention. It is illogical! Not only that legally there are not four “wives” there is ONE wife and three girlfriends. I can’t believe that people on the Facebook page think the Browns had to move to Nevada because polygamy/bigamy is legal in that state. And now because of the ruling against Utah’s cohabitation law, they think polygamy and bigamy is legal in Utah. Even worse, now that the show is being seen in Europe, they think multiple marriages are legal in the US. TLC needs to put a disclaimer at the beginning of the show that bigamy is illegal in the US. Kody Brown is legally married to one woman.
    I don’t know what show these people commenting on Facebook are watching, but I don’t see one big happy family unit. I see four very unhappy women and four very separate families. The Browns can’t expand on their religion on the show because their religious tenants would be appalling to most people, especially Christians. What great family values are they displaying? It is okay for a man to have multiple children by different women as long as he hangs around?

  47. Love the reference to six eggs in each recipe!

  48. annon 8:35 all very true. The facebook fans are just unbelievable. I wonder if the cracks in the relationships and how they truly feel about each other would have surfaced if the show continued to film in Lehi all under one roof. Once they had enough money to do so, it seems they could not wait to have their own houses, with Meri living the farthest away. Maybe that's why they moved to Nevada..cameras got too close in the Lehi house and would have outed their truth.

  49. The autism bracelets are still being offered on the MSWC site.

  50. They updated their website with info about Autism Speaks. Please do your research before supporting! Autism Speaks is a controversial organization.

  51. And the bracelets are back online with a nearly 300% mark up for the very same bracelet CJ has screen captured above. Same picture too fm a wholesale distributor I found online. The original bracelet is $5.90 wholesale price and MSWC is $14.99! They state on MSWC Facebook page that only SOME of the proceeds going to charity.

    1. They tweeted 2 bucks each bracelet will go to charity.

  52. They operate their business with all the finesse of middle-schoolers planning a school dance. "Ooh, ooh, I know!! Let's have, like, PUNCH!! Yeah, yeah, and like CUPCAKES!! AWESOME!!"

    1. I think the middle-schoolers gave them this line, too: "We know that people with Autism are very cool and the world would not be the same without them!"

  53. I swear that they found their explanation about raising awareness from studying this blog, as well as their excuse that they didn't expect the response. I agree with CJ that one of the Kodettes wrote it.

  54. So "some" of the proceeds go to charity...what exactly is "some", $1 or $2? The bottom line is they are still generating personal income off people who want to support these causes. The Browns have done some questionable things before but this erases any doubt in my mind that they are just a nasty grifters.

    1. I never had any doubt that they were just nasty grifters. :)

  55. The explanation is just sickening. Once again using family (their fall back) as an excuse and to pull heartstrings for being such idiots. Autism can alienate and confuse people? Like Kody? These people need to just go away. People with autism are cool? They over use that word endlessly. I can hear Robyn in that statement also. And now they have family with breast cancer too? how convienant. Just discusting

  56. Well this was totally predictable. Clearly they had no original intent to donate anything to these causes and now they are just back pedaling with excuses. And still not explanation of how much per item they are donating. Sorry MSWC we see right through you on this one!

  57. Blow back is getting fierce on MSWC facebook page.Complaining about autism speaks, and the measly 2 bucks they are donating... some have caught on to the scam, but as usual some are like cool man i have autism too! They are deleting comments, but it looks like they have opened pandoras box and hit a nerve with the public that pays attention to them.

  58. Only $2.00 per bracelet is being donated to charity according to MSWC website. $14.99 - $2.00 (charity donation) = $12.99. $12.99-$5.90 (wholesale cost of bracelet) = $7.09 in profit per bracelet! They are making twice as much as they're donating.

    1. Thanks for breaking down the numbers anon 4:31... I had a feeling they would still be making a good profit despite deciding to throw a couple of dollars towards charity!

    2. I'm shocked they didnt in turn raise the price two bucks to off set donating two bucks..if in fact they will donate

    3. Sometimes I think they intentionally do this crap to rile people up and get attention.

    4. I don't think they intentionally do anything. To have intent is to have cognitive thought.

  59. Wow, how low can they go !!??

    I guess being shut out of any VC $$ input has driven them to more creative aka exploitative measures. So now they are charging 3x the price available anywhere else for these Autism bracelets, and obviously pocketing a very hefty profit per unit.

    I love this blog and really enjoy the posters here, but have to say that even commenting about this Brown bunch of takers, scammers, freeloaders and all around despicable *users* is becoming a bit of a challenge.
    And I hold ALL of them accountable......Kody and all of his bedmates....since ALL of them proudly presented themselves at the VC presentation as co-owners and participants of their Junk Store. Doesn't matter who actually writes the BS on the their site, *they* are all benefiting from the plunder.

    1. That whole VC thing was a farce anyway. Just for the show.

  60. I'm not a Brow family supporter by any means, but I really don't see what's so awful about selling "awareness" items and donating only a percentage of the proceeds. I see that all the time....? I ask in all this an unusual thing to do in the retail world?

  61. "......but I really don't see what's so awful about selling "awareness" items and donating only a percentage of the proceeds. I see that all the time....? I ask in all this an unusual thing to do in the retail world? "

    Retail world is one thing......cheaply buy in bulk, keep selling prices competitive and hope for a profit. Nothing awful about that at all.
    But in the non-profit world, where funding is dependent on grants and donations, both corporate and private, it is a far different scenario. And in today's America, Fed, State and County funding is being severely cutback, putting more emphasis and pressure on the private donors.
    If the Browns, who claim to have a family member on the Autism spectrum, see this as a profit-making venture *for themselves* rather than an opportunity to fully support a cause which is, and will continue to be, affected by cutbacks and a lessoning of donor support during these current times.
    No doubt Dayton has an IEP at school and has received support from other sources. Thank heavens these avenues are available thanks to working America and the taxpayers.
    These Browns live well enough to all have cars, large homes, college tuitions, latest hi-end tech items, TLC income, etc.
    Wouldn't it have been a respectable coup for their overall image if they bought the bracelets cheap, sold them cheap and just covered their expenses, showing their fans *and their children* that Autism is a cause worth supporting wholeheartedly.
    They have enough items on their site with a doable profit margin.
    They didn't need to make bucks from Autism.

    1. Agreed, Amused. The Browns' missed a God-given opportunity to show Americans that they cared about their community, their society, their country, and weren't just interested in taking all they could from the taxpayers, some who have Autistic children and relatives, themselves. The PR would've driven more visits to their site, and thereby created more sales for their other stuff. It's a crying shame that they couldn't see past their own greed.

    2. Agreed Amused!! Since Robyn's son has aspergers, one would think that the Browns would be willing to donate way more than $2 damn measley dollars per bracelet! But we are after all, talking about the Browns **sigh**

  62. Many have pointed out on this blog and on the retired SW blog that the Brown's don't give back. With their windfall of TLC dough, and increase in lifestyle that it would be nice to see them give back to their community or charity work. The fact that these awareness items on the website were originally for Brown family profit is what is so glaringly a money grab and not for charity. They had to be publicly called out on facebook for their selfish motives. major PR blunder and very telling of their character.

  63. Excellent points amused. Well said.

  64. Amused, I doubt what the Browns did is illegal, but it certainly is unethical. Typically, businesses that sell awareness items, do so and donate the proceeds to the organization that they are bringing awareness to. The Browns, though, thought nothing about profiting from by selling these items and offering none to the organizations. Because we are all conditioned to think that the pink ribbon represents breast cancer survivors or those who have died from the disease, and when we buy those pink ribbons, it comes with the understanding that our money is going for breast cancer research. Often those pink ribbons are mailed with hopes that folks will donate money. Avon, for instance, for a while sold pink ribbon pins, and, if I remember correctly, the money went to the breast cancer treatment centers for research and support for the survivors. So, when the Browns began selling these items, most folks assumed that the money or a portion of the money was going to go to these nonprofit organizations. It's like selling shirts for the homeless but keeping the money. Or, selling bracelets for starving kids in Africa but the money from those bracelets are profits for the organization selling them

    In the USA, stars use their notoriety or popularity to raise money for all kinds of organizations...Willie Nelson did for the farmer what no other person in history has or will and Jerry Lewis and his kids...well, you know. The Browns who are nobodies, really, offer these items on their website and could have used this moment to improve their image...improve their brand, but their greed got and continues to get the best of them. A few years ago, my husband said to me, why do you spend so much time doing all that volunteer work and I said, well, to help others and he said, in your heart of hearts do you ever do it for selfish reasons and finally I said, yeah, I guess I do. I want other people to think good of me and to like me. The Browns had a wonderful opportunity to do three things: 1) help others; 2) improve their reputations; and 3) win the love and respect of those of us who see them as grifters. Once again, they demonstrated to all of us and all of their fans that they are not who they say they are and their whole philosophy of being in polygamy to be better is antithetical to their their reality...grifters think of only themselves. Shame on the Browns.

  65. I heard rumors that they are planning to design a new scarf to add to their line and that a portion of the profits will go to support low-income women with saggy, crepey necks so that they can afford laser treatments and/or plastic surgery depending on the severity of the wrinkles. The new "double eternity" scarves can also be wrapped around the neck four times for maximum coverage.

  66. So if the Browns do return for another season. We will get an obligatory,senseless road trip. Several ridiculous out of thin air celebrations about nothing. Kody running his stink around the cul-de-sac,yelling at or ignoring his kids.Janelle struggling to lose 1/2 lb. Many pleas for people to PLEASE buy their worthless crap damn it! And of course countless couch sessions,complete with tears and blank looks.
    What we won't get,is any mention of this embarrassing charity fiasco. No resolution to the "cliffhanger", No new information as to how these people really function as a family. At the "tell all" they tell nothing. They allude to discord and the fact they really can't stand each other. Really don't see each other much outside of the filming. "The funniest part of this trip is that my wives have to travel together..Yuk,Yuk".

    I want to stop watching..really I do. But the desire to see them fall from their high horse is too great. Sick,I know.I admit it. It's why I still watch RHONJ..Theresa and Meatball need to serve some jail time. I need to watch that shit happen!
    But only because they all have it coming.

  67. The Autism Speaks website gives a clear overview of ts licensing agreement. From it, you can tell that MSWC didn't have any agreement or breached it in the first launch. Autism Speaks may even have sent a cease & desist letter with the threat of legal action if it found the MSWC items online.

    The website doesn't say if there's a fee to use the logo, but the actual agreement may include up-front payments for the use of its logo, plus a percentages of sales.

    Here are some highlights from the Corporate Partnership Guidelines:
    - "Partners" should have significant track records and a positive, family-oriented image who would like to help Autism Speaks achieve its mission.
    - Minimum: 1 Year in Business
    - Minimum Contribution: 10% retail price
    - Full disclosure when funds are raised through a consumer purchase or promotion (e.g. 10% from the sale of each item) on all packaging, advertising and promotional materials.
    - An executed, written contract with Autism Speaks that outlines how the Licensed Marks will be used. "a fully executed Letter of Agreement is received by the organization, use of the Autism Speaks name, logo, or any of its licensed marks is strictly prohibited."

  68. "Some of the proceeds" ? How much? What does that mean in dollars? Vague and misleading! Shameful grifting

    1. My thoughts exactly, Anon 8:48. It could be a penny. I'm not giving anything to anyone who doesn't disclose the amount given to the charity.

  69. Then they are clearly not in compliance with the autism speaks terms and conditions.

  70. Four different bracelets have appeared on MSWC---go see.

    1. At least the were new to MrSpock---maybe they have been there a long time. One has a breast cancer awareness charm. Charming...

  71. And back to the autism bracelet discussion: Really, how many will MSWC actually sell? I can't think it would be very many---it says "while supplies last" but we don't know how many they have. Even if they have 100 and sell them all it is only $200 to Autism Awareness. True, every little bit helps, but the whole MSWC autism awareness "campaign" seems pretty dorky and will not amount to much.

  72. They'd make a lot more money for their "causes" if they just outright held a carwash to raise funds with all proceeds going to the charity of their choice (100%)! Also, it would generate good publicity, could include it in a storyline and it's a way to improve their horrific image, if that's a possibility at this point. Best of all, have an on-site dunk tank with Kody in the hot seat -- they'd make thousands at a couple of dollars a pop from that alone!

  73. They banned me from their twitter accounts for asking why they didn't donate 100 percent of the profits. Meanwhile, Janelle is tweeting about her candida diet, no sugar, bread, coffee or fruits. She is doing a 2 week cleanse after admitting she didn't stay on her diet this summer.

  74. Hmm, this autism bracelet discussion has really intrigued me so I headed over to the FB page and their web site. The site now says that all profits from the bracelets will go to the cause. Another change, very suspicious. And on the FB page several comments asking about how much they were donating have been deleted. And it appears they have a minion or two making comments in support of them. Just really pathetic!

  75. the administrator of MSWC FB has deleted all of the negative comments and blocked any and all that they deem slander or argumentative with the customers. They had to delete a lot. This fiasco has cost them fans big time.

    1. Anonymous 7:10 Ihave been reading the comments on the SWC fb page for a couple of days. I think the admins did what they had to do when they deleted and banned the troublemakers. It is a business and they would lose more customers if they don't take action. The posters making the negative comments made their point. They should have moved on once SWC cleared up the confusion about proceeds yesterday.

    2. "I think the admins did what they had to do when they deleted and banned the troublemakers"

      Anon 8:30, have you read the posters on this site stating that they were banned because they asked how much was going to the charity or where the bracelets were made? How does that equal troublemaker? Those are legitimate, normal questions.

      "It is a business and they would lose more customers if they don't take action"

      It is a business and they should answer legitimate questions. When you ban someone because they ask a question about your product then you have just screamed "We are not a trustworthy, legitimate business". That type of behavior is what makes you lose customers. These types of immature unprofessional actions are exactly why no one takes their business seriously.

      But in the end it will all be chalked up to religious persecution....

  76. "Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either."
    Albert Einstein

    Pretty much sums up the Kodster & the Kodettes

  77. Anon 8:30,
    Aside from the disturbing use of autism awareness for profit, and aside from the Brown's typical vague corrections, and ASIDE, yet again, from the Brown family censoring their 'fans'...Jesus that's a lot of asides.
    Anyhow, even if the Brown's corrected their 'gaffe', posters on public social media are well within reason to comment on the issue. The fact that the Brown family has historically attempted to muzzle anyone who disagrees with them by branding them 'trouble makers' or prejudiced, is disturbing enough in it's own right for posts to continue to be made denouncing their poor behavior and lack of business ethics.
    Plus, it's funny.

  78. I'm assuming (and we all know how dangerous that is) that the MSW fb page is run by "the family" but the SW FB page must be run by TLC because none of those negative comments or trolls get deleted or banned. BTW, those trolls that I'm speaking of are worse nutjobs than the sister wives.

  79. I was involved for several years with another national charity and consult with several others. Let me tell you, if they've been messing with a major organization's branding, they may be in for a heap of well-deserved legal trouble. A nonprofit's brand/reputation is everything.

  80. I posted this yesterday but it didn't appear. I got banned on the closet page months ago when they stated and then backpedaled the facts regarding the joolery being made in China. I was banned from the twitter for asking about donations to autism. Someone l know suggested they update their site using a door that opens , they and the statement were deleted. However they took the suggestion and made it their own. I also mentioned Janelles twitter about being on a candida diet. I am sure CJ can cover that fiasco in her scouring the internet. Looking forward to it.

  81. So first they were donating no money, then they changed it to 2.00 from every purchase and now they are saying that all proceeds go to autism speaks? Are they going to change their mind again once you actually buy the damn thing? Charity is not the word that comes to mind when I think of the Brown family.

    1. Are they going to change their mind again once you actually buy the damn thing?

      Unfortunately, by the time you buy their merchandise it won't matter because they already have your money.

      Caveat emptor.

  82. Would anyone seriously expect Kody and Co. to be straight up about *anything?*
    I agree, CJ....., once the money is in their greedy, duplicitous palms, they can do whatever they want. Hell, even their own kids accused them on camera of regularly promising things which never materialized.

    If nothing else, their choice to showcase themselves on TV and then operate their online junk store has provided real time evidence about their lack of credibility and ethics.
    I wouldn't buy a paperclip from them.

  83. This is in response to a large number of anonymous readers wanting to know why their comments aren't being published.

    I'm seeing a lot of comments (on my living room blog) mentioning being blocked and/or banned from the MSWC FB page or twitter. I'm sorry you were banned, but that was a decision made by MSWC admins to moderate the conversation on their page. There are still plenty of comments left on MSWC FB that question how much money was being donated to the charity, etc. So perhaps it was the way you conveyed your message they didn't like?

    Also, there have been many comments asking "can you tell me why my comment wasn't posted?". Yes, I can tell you. It's not necessary to have 25 different anonymous comments all saying the same thing for other readers to "get your point." It works like this. If a comment doesn't keep the conversation going because it doesn't add anything new to the discussion, as moderator, I will exercise editorial discretion and not publish the comment.

    I want my living room to be a social place for discussion, so all I ask is that you read the comments previously published and have your comment add to the discussion rather than distract from it. The majority of the commenters here understand this, but I am starting to see a few that aren't quite getting it when they try to start yet another thread on a previously discussed topic.

    I keep record of comments that are not published, so please feel free to contact me at the email address listed to the right for a specific explanation why your comment/s were not published.

    Thank you for your understanding...

  84. I did not get banned from twitter or facebook. My comments were not about that. They were a reply to a continuing thread. So you have a problem with anonymous posters? I have had a moniker only to have it not be available for the next comments. Guess i am blogger stupid to know how this works. I don't know what the other 25 people were saying. I have not had a problem in the past year with how i post. All i know is that the last 4 i have tried to post did not show up. It is a physical effort for me to type these out with my disability, so it is discouraging to not see it show up. Guess i have been lumped in with a topic you are tired of hearing. I do read all of the comments and have always thought they did contribute. So this has taken time and effort to type, but no worries, i wont contribute my efforts again.

    1. Anonymous 3:42,

      I don't have a problem with anonymous posters. I have a problem with anonymous posters who write a bunch of comments TALKING ABOUT THE EXACT SAME THING OVER AND OVER...

      Excuse me for yelling.

      And I am sorry that it takes effort for you to write a comment. I'm sorry to hear you won't be contributing further, but, perhaps if you do comment in the future, that you contact me at the email address above to find out what is happening if your comment does not appear in a timely manner.

      Again, thank you for your understanding...
