
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

I Scour the Internet: The Pre Labor Day Edition for August 27, 2014

It's still slim pickings on the polygamy reality show beat. Robyn Brown has been keeping such a low profile - still no verifiable sightings. I'm beginning to think maybe she developed a giant horn growing out of her forehead. At least that would explain her sudden non presence in the world.

Oh well, I KNOW TLC is happy with all the buzz her absence is causing...maybe...

Anyway, by popular demand, the TWEET OF THE WEEK  belongs  to MARIAH BROWN for this totally immature piece of advice she tweeted to sister Maddie...

Yes, Mariah. You know you deserve this recognition so please accept this Anderson head palm with the dignity and class I know you possess...somewhere. Well, maybe at least give it the old Westminster College try...

You go girl!!!  Please...just...go...

Time to check out Meri's twitter. What's this? Meri Meri Meri, where's your loyalty to your sister wife Robyn and her...oops...Kody's dream of a money making online shopping experience known as MSWC?

How about helping out MSWC's twitter that barely has 900 followers? Don't they deserve followers too? Well, maybe not since the last tweet was August about lost opportunities. Sheesh!!

And then there's this tweet. Tell us Meri. Is this emotion from attending your first class at UNLV?

Back to Mariah. When she isn't telling strangers she's on TV and they aren't, she tries to give back to the community. Frankly, I'm surprised we haven't seen her Daddy Dearest take the challenge.

Oh dear. Seems Mariah has her own You Tube channel, which apparently is open to the public (at this writing). She's got a winner of a video she made for her speech class. Yes, she is definitely showing off HER stardom now! Poor, deluded child...

Do you mean to tell me Mariah works? Who woulda thunk it? And always bringing a little bit of sunshine into a grumpy person's life. Yes it is the little things...and if you believe this bunch of crapola, I've got some land I want to sell you, cheap.

Now on to Maddie, who looks like she's having some college fun. Word of advice: Don't tell your prof that you're on TV and he isn't. Not if you want an A, OK?

Anyway, good looking professors always gives a person a reason to go to class, know what I mean?

Now to Aspyn. Has it really been a year already?

And here's a sign of true sisterly love...

Alrighty, then...

Onwards to Janelle...

Hmmm...You don't think she might be visiting CJ's living room do ya?

But true to form, she tweets about a non-LIV diet supplement once again...too bad she doesn't show this twitter enthusiasm for MSWC...

Here's Janelle's tweets in honor of Truely's one year milestone...For future reference Janelle, pictures Janelle, PICTURES!!

You mean she hasn't been doing this all along? No wonder she's only lost 25 pounds in 3 years!

Let's travel on over to Facebook to see what the other polygamists were up to this week.

Here's a no brainer Facebook posting from the Dargers...

Actually, I think it would be hilarious if DNA testing showed a positive match with the mailman, and  those homeless guys on the corner...

Meanwhile on the Brady and Wives family Facebook page, it looks like Brady has made a permanent photo record of the men who have been in close proximity to his wives ...just in case...

And on the official TLC My Five Wives Facebook fanpage, TLC is still trying to drum up interest in the Brady Bunch by inviting readers to learn about Brady's various family units...


This just in regarding the Browns' lawsuit....

Post by Plygs.

And here's an article from Jim Dalrymple II at Buzzfeed News. It's written in a Q&A format, and is very interesting and informative reading!

Polygamy Is Legal In Utah, For Now

That's all for now. And remember,  I Scour the Internet So YOU Don't Have To!!!


  1. "Hmmm...You don't think she might be visiting CJ's living room do ya? "

    Ya, "I think"........!!!!
    Too bad there wasn't a Living Room lottery for just how long it would take Janelle to step up and post that after last week's Living Room threads on her tweet-less "job."
    Too damn funny.......!!!

    And hey there, Janelle.....since you obviously ARE visiting with us and indulging in CJ's hospitality, and you aren't bringing any iconic SW snacks to share, the least you could do while peeking behind the door is to say "Hi."

    1. Janelle waited a few weeks longer than I predicted. I now predict she will start tweeting healthy recipes or some self-congratulatory tweet about how proud she is of herself (yay!) that she chose a healthy meal. "Workout = sanity! Eating healthy now that the kids are back in school! And also folded my laundry! Yay me!"

    2. "And also folded my laundry! Yay me!" "

      *snort* doubt !! Ha !!!

  2. O Lordy CJ..DNA testing! that woud be like opening pandoras box on a bunch of plygs. I hope on reflection of Truely's near death experience the Brown's understand how she was neglected. Too much of it was glossed over on the episode. Thanks CJ for your updates

  3. I bet Robyn was sure sobbin about that Girl's night out picture that Meri tweeted. Looks like she was right about Meri developing other relationships outside of the "family". Leave it to Meri to become BFFs with a Celine Dion impersonator!

    1. Actually Meri has been friends with this "lady in red" for years now, but I couldn't remember ever seeing a tweet with just her and Robyn. I had to go back almost a year before finding a picture...and even then that was an outing with Kody and all 4 Kodettes© at one of her shows. Anyway, she seems like a lot of fun. Thank goodness she's married - I'm sure Kody would want her for wife #5 just for her Vegas entertainment connections!

  4. In keeping in harmony with Sunday's Emmy Awards, and to continue the snark while there is a lull between seasons, and while waiting for those scintillating new episodes sure to come next season from Kodyworld....perhaps, with our ever hard-working hostess CJ's approval, we could engage in our own "SisterWives Iconic Awards. (or any other Award title)
    A snark-filled version of the Emmys for this season's....or for any and all seasons !!!!

    Worst actor (this one won't be too hard to guess)
    Worst Actress
    Worst overall storyline/ script
    Worst costume/ hair/ makeup
    Worst blatant bunch of bullsh*t
    Worst crying scene
    Worst taste
    Worst mannerism (this looks like a shoe-in too)
    Worst recipe
    Worst display of "stupid"
    Worst phony road trip
    Anyone else have ideas for categories..???

    If we all vote, CJ would be our Price Waterhouse and tabulate and announce the results.

    1. Like the Hyrum Awards! Sounds like fun!!!! I'm in...While I'm pondering, please let us know your ideas for any other categories! Please reply in this thread, thank you!

    2. This is so good many over all the seasons...worst online business
      worst use of the english language worst set (mcmansions)

    3. This is a fun idea! I suggest-
      Worst mispronunciation of a common English word or phrase.
      Worst display of self-centeredness.
      Most impressive breakdown over no big thing. (Examples- meri at graduation, sobbyn in the snow, mariah making breakfast)
      Best Brown teen "getaway" success. (For older teens in college.)
      Worst example of "modest is hottest."
      Most cringe worthy facial expression, with screen shots of close!

    4. Worst party "theme"

      And something to do with worst misuse of a child's issue for storyline/ratings. I hate when those poor kids get used. They didn't ask for this circus.

    5. Worst product on MSWC
      Worst decision made re building worthless add-ons to the McMansions (take a guess!)
      Worst dress at the committed ceremony

    6. I like this idea, too. We could include all polygamy shows in the voting...4 famlies to choose from.

    7. Okay, this weekend I will list all the categories posted so far for CJ's approval, and after that we can submit our ballots for nominees for each category. And then we can vote for the final winners. And CJ, of course, would emcee.
      Once you start thinking, there is SO much material to consider. Should be interesting to see which ones stand out for everyone in each category.

      The final winners could receive a "Brownie" or "Mock" or we can stick with "Iconic" award...or any other suggestions for the Award name?

    8. LOL @ the Brownie or the Iconic! Maybe an Iconic award for the wife voted overall biggest hot mess by CJ's gang of snarks... :)

    9. If all four families are included there should be a favorite question and a least favorite one too :) Most debate over the Browns, but I'll bet in the end we prefer them over thoose others! The Cawleys and the Thompsons ... *shiver*

      Any news if polygamy USA is coming back? So curios about how Rose Marie is doing (heard she got married), if Hyrum is bored by Kelly yet, how the cawleys handled their applesauce shortage, not to mention those containers!! Seriously, I saw an awful documentary about sex-slavery last week, and thoose containrs thoose poor woman are shipped to the US in... I realize creepy cawley will offer a higher level of comfort and is not as evil as people in the human trade buisness, and I don't want to dimish the horrors suffered by those woman, but I can't help but notice the similarites: multiple woman and shacking them up in containers... It's just rubs me the wrong way.


    10. A few more categories, some for the supporting cast and some with examples:
      - Best reaction to Kody's, "I have 4 wives. Have you ever met a polygamist before?"
      - Worst editing or teaser
      - Most ridiculous bromance, online or on screen
      - Worst Presentation (Commitment Ceremony, Venture Capitalists, Sedona)
      - Worst Need for Stunt Double (Janelle's climbing efforts, Kody's RV hose)
      - Most Unintentionally Honest Statements ("Plygs like free.")
      - Biggest Waste of Money (Tree Cake, 72-oz steaks, 4 McMansions)

    11. Hi FreeChristine!

      If all four families are included
      Unfortunately, there won't be a season 2 for Polygamy USA - most likely because they have gotten what they wanted from the recent Utah rulings. I'm thinking we should stay within the polygamists that currently have reality shows - the Browns and the Bradys. Perhaps we can "honor" Polygamy USA by nicknaming the award a 'Hyrum' like the Academy Awards 'Oscar'.

      Any news if polygamy USA is coming back?
      The last news I've read was that Polygamy USA would not be coming back, and that Breaking the Faith (about the girls leaving the Colorado City/Hildale) was cancelled after one season.

      On the topic of shipping containers, they are the newest thing in housing. Here's an interesting article: 23 Surprisingly Gorgeous Homes Made From Shipping Containers

      However, to make that shipping container beautiful takes someone with imagination and excellent architecture and construction skills. Mike Cawley may be very intelligent, but his imagination leaves much to be desired. The last I saw on an update shown on the Oprah network over a year ago, the containers in his backyard had doors, insulation and windows. That's probably it.

    12. Thank you for your reply CJ! I suppose with motivation, imgination and money - anything is possible :) To bad it's not coming back. Not crying over breaking the faith though!


  5. i went to youtube to rewatch that disastrous netflix tutorial of mariah's - really? this was given a positive mark in a speech class? what is speech class anyway? - and download it, but too late, she got there first. mariah, showing some savvy, has deleted it.

    1. It's like public speaking class - I just googled speech 111 (the class she mentioned) and there is you tube from another Westminster student. This was their final. How awful to have to do a you tube upload for your final and the instructor not tell those people to make sure to either delete or make private their upload???!!! Oy vey. I don't have the strength to watch the other student's video...

      Give me a research paper final anyday.

    2. I took speech in college. We gave six or seven speeches over the semester. It was all about crafting effective speeches for different situations. Most people hated it. At least we didn't have to put anything on the internet- it was all in-classroom. (This was over ten years ago.) I believe the adult Browns would benefit from a speech course in many ways. Meri, get on that!

    3. I'm ashamed to say that I wasted 3:07 mins of my life watching Mariahs How to Watch Netflix tutorial. In her tutorial, she suggests wearing comfy clothes. Her choice of comfy clothes are yoga pants & a Disney shirt. Yes she did specify Disney. So there's no surprise there. Now I am a bit surprised that her choice of favorite snack is microwave popcorn & not peanut butter Fritos.

    4. It looks as though Mariah has lost weight (water bucket video) and it's a big improvement.

    5. Caramel Brownie: it's like a car crash - you just can't help it!!


    6. I know I'm late to the party but that speech sounds about jr. High level

  6. In reference to Mariah's comment to Maddy..............that's right Kody's little rock star wanna be........
    you all are on tv and famous!! Those stupid kids Maddy was talking about need to remember that!

    1. Yes, I think they have adopted his attitude that they are special and set high above the rest of us and by god everyone should recognize how awesome they are!

    2. They are famous! I'm sitting in Europe, knowing who they are and "obsessing" about their show! That is fame, at least by my definition :)


    3. Warren Jeffs is famous too. Fame isn't always something to be proud of.

      The Browns are infamous--known by many for their hypocrisy of squealing religious persecution while not following the tenants of their religion that aren't convenient for them. The only portion of their purported religion that I see them following is the part about having multiple wives. Other than that they do whatever they want.

    4. Yesterday I was embroiled in a terrible fight with a lifelong friend. I had casually referenced sisterwives in regard to a book I was reading (Stolen Innocence). My beloved friend, smart, funny, and talented, said she 'loves that family'.
      When I finished my rage blackout and asked her 'why????' she admitted that she had never really followed the show (but for one or two first season episodes), and LOVED the idea of a sister wife to help with kids and household chores.
      After that statement I was certain that she had only the vaguest concept of this group, or she would know that none of these women (barring Christine) seem to ever interact or care for the other children, much less lighten the load for a sister wife in need...and I began to wonder, all the Brown family supporters even watching their show?
      When I see comments on other blogs like 'Hollywood Life', or their Facebook pages, the supporters seem to have no clue about chronology of events, or the different versions of Brown family history we notice every week.
      I happily set my dear friend straight, and she was shocked that the show was still on the air with such rampant inconsistencies and outright fraudulent representation of their family dynamic.
      Luckily, I am able to maintain the friendship now that she has been set straight.
      I walked away from the incident with the theory that these 'fans' have not followed the show (or book) and have clearly based their love on commercials and TLC blurbs.
      While I still can't imagine being so unhappy or overwhelmed that sharing your husband seems like a smart move, I can see how someone unaware of the true relationships these 'wives' share could be somewhat intrigued. SOMEWHAT being the operative word.

  7. Maddie is starting to bother me now with her tweets, which makes me really sad, but I must remember she is just a teenager who is starting out her real life. Sweet of Aspyn to tweet about her little sister who almost died, I hope the other teens tweeted about her too.

    What exactly is Janelle's trainer getting paid for if she's only lost 25 pounds and she is just now starting a food journal? Oy vey, what is the problem?

    Color me surprised that Mariah actually works. Quick question for those who actually tweet, are punctuation and capitalization important or does it not matter? Because the tweets the Brown family sends out don't look that great.

    1. Maddie's tweets are becoming loud (big font) and full of complaints like the "students it's ok to shower" tweet. I have a hard time believing there are that many college kids who don't shower. That combined with the granola crunching comments is making it sound like she's going to school with a bunch of Dead Heads from the 80's. When I think of granola crunchers these days I think of places like Boulder, Co. and I don't remember anyone smelling bad when I was visiting. Then again maybe there is some really smelly person who sits next to her in class.

    2. Maddie is finding her place. I don't find her tweets nearly as offensive as Mariah's. I think for Maddie, I excuse her because she is so young and she is going to a public university where the students are not always as financially sound. Also, many of the kids are on athletic scholarships and have a tight schedule between workouts and class, so they may come to class smelling a bit of sweat. Also, in a public university, most are open door and really poor kids come in who may not have their financial aide money yet so they are living hand-to-mouth. Sadly, public universities also have a good deal of students who come the first few weeks of school to get their financial aide and spend the rest of the time skipping classes. Some of those students are addicts. There are many reasons why students may not smell like freshly washed clothes and designer soap and perfumes. Maddie is trying to fit in and I can imagine that some of her tweets are bravado more than how she really feels. I tend to think of Janelle and Christine's kids as being not overly snobbish or not feeling entitled. Mariah, on the other hand, we've all seen her fits when things don't go her way. I am just happy that Janelle and Christine's kids are going to college and hopefully when the TLC gravy train ends, one or more will be able to help the younger ones. It's for sure the adults in that family won't be prepared to pay tuition.

    3. Being the mom of a sophomore at a private college, yes, unfortunately there are that many kids not showering or doing their laundry. It was a shock to me too. They will wear dirty clothes to avoid doing laundry longer. They avoid the showers for many reasons. Some I heard were embarrassment over public shower use, time waiting for their turn, too tired...or my favorite "ahh what's one more day that a little perfume can't cover". Yes this is girls doing this too. We practically needed fainting clothes to make it thru the dorm halls sometimes. As a mom I wanted to hollar, "Enough ALL of you get in the showers NOW!". Lol The kids all thought it was "just part of the college experience". My nose disagreed lol.

    4. Weird---that wasn't true when I was in college---many, many, years ago (make that MANY)---showers were taken, clothes were clean.

    5. Maddie's tweets look like what she is--a Brown. Better than everyone else, everyone else should comply with my expectations, etc.

      Maybe if her family partook of more granola (euphemism for natural healthy eating) there wouldn't be so many unhealthy morbidly obese members

    6. My college kid and most of her peers shower regularly. However, my daughter did have a roommate whom she had to tell to shower and wash her clothes. She said the girl was so immature that she had to have someone to tell her to do everything like shower, laundry, go to bed, etc. That kid was most definitely the exception and not the rule.

      At private religious based schools there is a lot of competition to "get a ring by spring" so many of the girls are focused on the way they look. I'm going to assume smell is included in that...

    7. Anon 3:02

      If you exuse Maddie for age, you should give Mariah the same benefit - she is only a year older.

      I would like to know how much Janelles fat % has gone down. Her trainer should have tested her. She looks thinner to me. Especially in the face. Maybe she gained some muscle and they are just not showing yet because she still has a bit to go..


  8. Quick question for those who actually tweet, are punctuation and capitalization important or does it not matter?
    Your tweet can only have 140 characters max so yeah, punctuation, capitalization, spelling, grammar basically all go out the window!

  9. CJ, since I am an English (writing) professor, it's a little difficult for me to say that writing conventions don't count when tweeting; however, if you only have a few characters, it's best to conserve characters. Plus, with tweeting and texting, most folks do abbreviations and such. But, I really like your tweeting updates on the Browns. I am usually blocked from their accounts because I snark at them just a bit.

  10. The Darger's are completely bizarre. Of course having the same mom is going to make a difference in whether the kids look like each other.

    1. Wouldn't the children from the identical twins look alike? And genetically wouldn't they also be full siblings since their mothers share DNA?

    2. I thought it was totally bizarre too. "kids who have the same mom tend to look alike" Well thank you Capt. Obvious!

      Of course with all the plyg inbreeding, kids from other families could also resemble them....

  11. Has there actually been any mention of Meri starting college? Ive looked and haven't noticed anything. A couple weeks ago she tweeted something like "I had one little dream and got told .... :(" I assumed she failed out of college before she even began. I tweeted to her "good luck on your first day of school" on Monday and she never replied/retweeted. Makes me assume that she either gave into Robyn, it was all made up from the beginning, or she failed the entrance exams.

    1. Entrance exams????

    2. I don't know, just guessing there might be some tests to pass to be accepted, or see where they belong.

    3. Maybe her student aid didnt come through...

    4. Or that something has happened with Robyn making it necessary for Meri to remain at home and not go to UNLV.

    5. wouldn't entrance exams have been done BEFORE the school year started??

    6. Or Kody said "no way" and he's the boss now, right? Or maybe she just didn't get accepted, although I kind of doubt that's the case, assuming she applied early enough, UNLV isn't exactly a highly competitive university. Personally I think she should "ease in" via a community college first, to see if it works out, what with all those family and business obligations she already has.

    7. Meri probably didn't get her enrollment paperwork in on time. Or, the classes she wanted to take were full.

    8. Im a widow with 5 children living in a state with no family & no friends. I run a home daycare during the day and go to college at night. The fact that "something may have happened with Robyn" is laughable, she has a nanny and Christine also doesn't work. The student aid? She has plenty of money. I would tend to believe that either this was fabricated for the show, or Kody did put his wussy little foot down.

    9. Maybe the other wives dog piled her about spending the money when they still had kids to get through school and Kody has to say no!

    10. Since she had taken some courses, she would just transfer and after the admissions folk compared what she has taken (freshmen comp courses, math, etc,) to their courses to see if they are comparable, then she would sign up for her classes. If, for instance, her freshmen comp class didn't transfer (they rarely do), then she would have to take ULV's comp courses. She may have found out that she was going to have to take very basic courses and it was more than she could tolerate. If she was studying before either through online or a technical or vocational college, then she might not realize that to become a therapists, first you take two years of core courses before she would even take any counseling classes. Also, as you all know, the only way to make counseling a career is to at least get a masters and I don't see her doing that. I think in her other college experience, she was taking some psych tech course so she could work with troubled teens. I'm not sure what she was studying but it seems as if she would only being doing very basic stuff.

    11. Some schools have overall entrance exams, and some have placement tests for areas such as math, just so they know where a nontraditional student such as Meri should begin, (I had to take these in 2004 for math when I returned to college at age 41.) I had already been accepted into the institution, though.

    12. I bet she realized how much work going back to college would be and decided not to go after all.

    13. Meri's 1 kid is 19 or 20 now, she's been going to college off and on for years, and she now lives all alone in a mansion. I really don't see how she is having such a hard time finishing her degree. I finished my bachelors with a new baby, got my teaching credential while having kids and a job, and am getting my masters while working full time and taking care of everything at home. If you want something badly enough, you do it. @ Pink Heart, best of luck to you, it will all be worth it!

      Meri can try to blame Sobbyn or the other wives ganging up on her, but we all know that Meri does what Meri wants. Otherwise, I would agree that the other wives finally had enough of Meri spending money and Kody put his foot down. Meri getting a degree actually would be a decent investment because she would in theory get a better paying job after graduation.

      Just imagine if Meri was in the Darger family? Papa Joe would have had her working full time and pawned Mariah off on one of the fertile wives. In fact, I don't even know if Papa Joe would have kept her around if she wasn't producing kids or bringing in lots of money. Janelle has always worked and had 6 kids, Christine did all the shopping, teaching, and caring for all the kids and had 6 kids herself, Meri had 1 kid, worked part time when she felt like it, and only watched her own kid when she wasn't with Christine. She was the weak link before Robyn joined the family. In fact, would Robyn have been needed if Meri would have had 6 kids like the other 2 wives did?

    14. Anon 149, Joe Darger wouldn't never marry the Brown wives. Joe Darger has always been the main breadwinner, with the wives having their own cleaning business. The Brown wives are too lazy and selfish, and that includes Janelle.

    15. Meri tweeted about a year a go that she was going to accomplish something she had always wanted to do and that it would take 18 months to do it. She was tweeting cake decorating pictures at the time also. Wonder what that was?

    16. maybe it's a TLC plot device and meri never planned on going to school.

    17. Maybe she is keeping quiet about it because it's for the new season? I think she will go. Maybe she is doing online classes?


  12. Brown's are tweeting about a new court ruling? Kody's statement makes him sound like such an ass. Like the government dosnt have anything better to do than persecute him


    1. Here's link to a news bulletin. It's Judge Waddoups final ruling on their lawsuit AND the Judge awarded financial compensation to the Brown family according to the news bulletin!

      Federal judge strikes down part of Utah’s ban on polygamy

    2. According to the ruling, The Browns apparently "dropped their claim monetary damages aside from attorney's fees."

      Good thing, being that their move was filmed by TLC (and most likely they were reimbursed). Also, didn't their attorney (Jonathan Turley) accept the case pro bono? I suppose he should be reimbursed for his expenses incurred...

    3. I still find it funny the Browns won this ruling considering they don't even live together. Those women couldn't wait to have enough money to get their own homes (& kitchens)!!

    4. Admittedly I don't know the details of the case, but how did they win when they are obviously breaking the law? Kody claims to be married to 4 different women, last time I looked that was illegal. This burns me up, people do jail time for such inane reasons, and yet this crew can just openly break the law and win? What is wrong with this country?!

    5. how did they win when they are obviously breaking the law?

      Anon 1:35, if you check out the link to Jim Dalrymple's article located after the UPDATE notice above, it will answer your question I believe.

    6. They don't have to live under the same roof as wives. Kody going from house to house with a known married spouse alive is enough to get the whole lot in trouble before the ruling.

    7. Exactly Boston Corgi..i watched the move to Vegas today (Janelle looked awful) It was money and the ability for each wife to have their own house, Kody went on and on about Vegas not having the kind of house to fit their needs, but Meri was l lot farther away from the other wives and in a better neighborhood. It was money that allowed them to live the way they wanted and that was in their own hose..they lied and lied about it.

  13. You wondered why Daddy Dearest didn't take the ALS ice bucket challenge? Isn't it obvious? Hair, or lack thereof. The remaining tufts of hair on top coupled with the styling products would render him a caricature of Homer Simpson with beady eyes. Also, has anyone considered that he likely suffers from a case of arrested development of the psychological type? I also think that he definitely has narcissistic personality disorder. There's no other reason for his behavior within the norms of society.

    1. LOL...Homer Simpson with beady eyes...hahaha so true!

  14. If Robyn had accepted the challenge, I bet Christine would have loved to be the one to throw the coldest bucket of water on her head. LOL! I wonder why they didn't accept it. Or maybe they want to film it for next season.

    1. I think almost everyone in the Brown family, including Kody, would love to throw the ice bucket over Robyn.

    2. Modest Robyn will probably do it in a white, super thight, long sleeved shirt...


    3. "Modest Robyn will probably do it in a white, super thight, long sleeved shirt... "

      Ewwww!!! Wash my brain out with bleach from that visual!!!!

  15. MrSpock has been thinking about today's social media and how people just blurt out something without stopping to think (e.g. teens tweeting), and is now glad that such social media did not exist when MrSpock was a teen, because MrSpock would have been having to apologize on a regular basis...super easy communication definitely has its downside.

    1. Anonymous has been wondering why MrSpock consistently chooses to refer to himself (herself?) in the third person. And so Anonymous asks, will MrSpock be willing to elaborate?

    2. *raises eyebrow* Because it is logical.

    3. And when is MrSpock's birthday?

    4. So it seems Anonymous would have to be a Trekkie to fully comprehend and appreciate it.

      And also Happy Birthday, whenever it is.

    5. Birthday: re'T'Khutai 28, 2230

  16. I love Mariah's tweet about grumpy people hearing her and seeing her and suddenly they are a ray of thinks she is spending way too much time at Disney Land. Also, she has this magical power or her smile has this magical power. As I recall, she hasn't been this ray of sunshine and her tweets come across as a whole lot snobbish so I find it hard to believe that she sees an unhappy or stressed person and suddenly she can turn on the charm. Yeah, we believe that.

    1. coming from somebody who hasn't been shown to be such a terrible person, that would have been a sweet tweet. i love making grumpy people smile, it's fun and rewarding and everybody wins, but i don't see mariah doing anything of the kind.
      btw on her twitter, mariah refers to rosalie hale as her spirit animal. for those who don't know, rosalie hale is a very unpleasant, though pretty vampire in the twilight series. make of that what you will.

  17. I was looking at Mariah's tweets and her weird obsession with Miley Cyrus was creeping me out...then I thought about her mother's weird obsession with Van Lady Love and it made sense....the nut doesn't fall far from the tree....

    1. The twitter account Official Miley Team (@mileyofficial) has over 301,000 followers with over 23,000 tweets and over 2000 pictures. I think it's safe to assume Mariah is not the only person on this planet obsessed with Miley Cyrus!

    2. I wonder if most of those Miley Cyrus fans are guys? That creeped me out too. I think she does live in a fantasy land. Harry Potter analogies, Miley Cyrus, Europe memories, TV stardom, and Disneyland.

    3. If you look at their religion--very conservative, no alcohol, no sex before marriage no swearing, etc. then her choice of idolizing/obsessing over Miley Cyrus is absolutely bizarre. Miley isn't exactly the poster child for modest is hottest.

      And wasn't Mariah the child who couldn't handle public school? The kids were too much for her so she cried and begged to be put back in their ultra conservative plyg school? Ya, the Miley thing is totally bizarre!

    4. I think Mariahs obsession with Mily goes back to her disney days..

    5. Ah, but just because you don't do it - doesn't mean you can't be entertained by it! LOL I learned that when I lived in Ohio from my super, religious, couldn't-even-hold-hands-with-boys-before marriage, catholic friends when I questioned how with their super conservative lifestyles they could be THE BIGGEST sex and the city fans in the world :)


  18. So - all the sister wives have facebook pages now. Meri, Christine and Janelle are all friends with each other, but none of them are friends with Robyn. It appears to be an authentic profile too. I thought this was very telling about their relationships.

    1. They've had Facebook accounts since at least 2010 - the year the show started. Their facebooks are set for "friend only" so unless you are friends with them, you can't tell who ALL their friends are.

  19. completely unrelated to anything: as some of you may remember, janelle's 'running' a 5k has inspired me to try to do the same. i had to take a little break because i was worried about my knees, but just got the all clear on that and started again yesterday. today was my first run without intervals, 20 minutes. it was terrifying, but i manage without dropping dead or feeling like death. it was slower than most my runs, but i was worried i might not be able to finish otherwise. my left calf and right thigh hurt (go figure), but i will prevail. which makes me wonder how janelle is doing with her running. does she still do that? do we know?

  20. I was just visiting Janelle's twitter account. She had a picture posted of 1889 picture of polygamists jailed in Utah territory. One of her great great great grandfathers was in the picture. So,....back in the day Janelle's family was in the polygamy game.

    1. Who settled Utah? Mormon settlers who practiced plural marriage. They believed it was a place where they could practice their religion in peace.

      When was polygamy outlawed in Utah? The Mormon church banned polygamy in 1890 as a requirement for statehood in the United States.

      If your ancestors lived in Utah before 1890 and they were Mormon, what are the chances they also practiced polygamy? You do the math.

    2. They just keep the persecution story going and going

    3. Exactly. "Poor us, our families have been persecuted for centuries!"

      Your family broke the law and they were held accountable for their actions. The Browns don't like that pesky accountability thing....

    4. Kody asks for freedom of religion from the government in a strongly worded statement, but it was the government that fed his kids and absolved his debt so he could indulge his religion. What a small mindset he has, and his four wives, including Janelle.

    5. Very well said, anon 1:10!

    6. Yes, Bravo !!!
      Along with his arrogance, Kody is a first class hypocrite. Yes, indeed, Kody, snarl and bite the hand of the Beast that has fed you and your harem and horde and has paid your fraudulent debts.
      And we all know that if Kody made a "strongly worded" statement, he likely parroted it from someone else. Kody is NOT an effective orator or writer.
      Grifting and scamming are his talents.

    7. Anon1:10 Yes, except that it wasn't "the government" that absolved the debt and fed the kids. It was TAXPAYERS.

    8. " It was TAXPAYERS."

      Good clarification, Anon 2"13 !!!, me, my family, your family and on and on.
      AND....let's not forget all the taxpayers whom Kody and his babes expect to "still" shell out even more money for their MSWC junk.
      Obscene....all of it !!

    9. They applied through government agencies for welfare and BK's, the money was the taxpayers, the government provided the structure and means.

    10. Anon 4:32 Yes, and "the government" has the structure and the means because all of that structure and means is paid for by TAXPAYERS. We paid for ALL of it.

    11. oh, brother. the government doesn't have money nor create money. it TAKES money from the taxpayers and WASTES a ton of it w/no accountability. if people would quit saying "the government gave this and that ..." and instead said the reality of "us taxpayers paid for this and that ..." it would wake more people up to the fact that WE are the government! or at least USED to be ...

  21. Most Mormons I know (who are not recent converts) have some polygamy in their family tree. It was a wide spread practice...I have noticed a few physical traits that pop up quite a bit in even non plyg Mormon groups. I think even the modern gene pool is still showing signs of past polygamy.

  22. Let's see.... Janelle has tweeted a picture of their new puppy, sure hope she lasts longer than the other animals I've seen on that show!

    1. As long as the puppy stays put at Janelle's, it should be OK. I don't think Janelle will allow Meri near that puppy...I hope...

    2. Christine used to have a big pretty dog and a cat, didn't she? Haven't seen any pets in awhile.

    3. there was also a tortoise that was once the subject of an argument between aspyn and mykelti.

    4. I must have missed a storyline. Why wouldn't Christine want Meri near the new puppy?

    5. I must have missed a storyline. Why wouldn't Christine want Meri near the new puppy?
      This goes back to a season 5 storyline when Meri and Kody euthanized Drake, the family dog. They claimed Drake was too infirmed to survive, but the dog survived the drive to the old Lehi house and was walking and running around while Kody dug the poor animal's grave in the backyard. They then called in a vet who euthanized the dog.

      It was not a shining moment for Meri and Kody and upset many viewers. Here's a link to my review:

      Review: S05Ep05 Mourning the Loss and S05Ep06 Confronting Failure

    6. Thanks Cynical Jinx. Yikes! How horrible :(

    7. I was more offended by all of the assumptions and bashing of Meri and the family's decisions regarding Drake than I was of the decision itself. I've had to make that decisions on behalf of several pets, and it's never easy. And only the family and the vet know what the quality of Drake's life was at that point and the extent of any pain he was suffering. I've had to make that decision for a dog whom we had to carry into the vet's office because he became unable to walk that day. There were signs but we choose to try to prolong his life. And I'm still haunted by the worry we waited too long and unnecessarily extended his life for our own selfish benefit when in the wild he would have found a spot to die far earlier. And I've had another dog who showed signs of pain and distress periodically for months, with the symptoms becoming more frequent over time. Depending on the moment you happened to see that dog, you might have thought he was healthy and happy and pain-free. And you would have been very wrong. Snark is one thing. But these assumptions and accusations are cruel.

    8. Depending on the moment you happened to see that dog, you might have thought he was healthy and happy and pain-free.
      Very true anon 11:15 HOWEVER the Browns, most likely at the producers urging for a storyline, chose to present a rather one sided view of Drake's health status. For example, it WAS compelling television to see Kody breaking down crying while digging a grave for a beloved family pet. That moment was LOST FOREVER when in the background Drake was walking around without any outward signs of distress. It appeared to the viewing audience that maybe the rush to end Drake's misery was more for convenience and a storyline.

      Recently, my BFF and I were having a conversation about Drake. She felt the same way you do - that the audience had no real knowledge of the extent of his pain. I then told her about Drake being in the background walking around while Kody was filmed in the foreground digging his grave. She was appalled, saying if the dog was so ill it had to be put down, he wouldn't be able to walk around like that!

      Snark is one thing. But these assumptions and accusations are cruel.
      I believe we are all free to voice our opinions, based on what we see. The ONLY cruelty in this case was the milking of the audience emotions for ratings. Clearly, this storyline was to show Kody Brown's supposed first journey back to the Lehi home he had to vacate because he and his family announced they were polygamists. Isn't it "funny" how the other 15000 or so polygamists (including the Dargers and the Williams) chose NOT to leave the state. Of course they didn't have a reality TV show then.

      What is cruel is how the producers and Kody Brown manipulated the audience into believing the entire Drake episode was reality when it was just a scripted storyline.

      I'm sure even you would agree, Drake deserved much more than what was portrayed in that episode. That was an episode that served only one purpose: Showcase Kody Brown as a compelling, caring, human being. AND IT FAILED MISERABLY!!

    9. Anon 11:15 let's just agree to disagree and move on, shall we?

    10. Well said CJ!

      I don't have a problem with some of these "Reality Shows" NOT showing EVERY detail of their life. The whole Drake episode could have been resolved by Kody talking on the couch and telling us of the sadness that occurred in their family. Putting an animal down is not a "Plyg" thing...In fact the Roloffs had a disturbing episode when their beloved pet died out in the backyard of natural causes...I'm guessing the cameras just happened to be there that day and they ran out in the back and caught it on camera....the only thing is....I didn't really see the family break down and cry like you would have thought being that it was being caught "LIVE". I don't know maybe I'm getting picky, but I really just want to see "Polygamy Stuff" the Roloffs, Sisterwives lost the meaning of the show when the money came rolling in. They are just rich people now living in four outrageous homes having partys and doing "regular" people stuff. There are things I still have questions about:

      - Do the kids have access to ALL the homes? Meaning...are they locked out of all homes except their own?
      - Do the Browns have a big long table and sit together and eat at any point of the week?
      - Does Kody Brown make a point of seeing each of his kids every day (unless it's out of his hands and the kid is busy)
      - Do Kody and and of the gals, EVER have special day once a year with each of the kids?
      - Are they just too separated now to live a real Polygamy Lifestyle? From the "Tell All" it is quite obvious to us all that there is no "Rotation Schedule" happening.
      - How do you make sure someone is home to watch the little ones if you need to run out for an errand? Do you call, walk across the street, scream out your window??????
      - What is your fear or religious fear if NOT ONE of your kids decide to live the "Polygamy Lifestyle"??? (which its pretty much heading in that direction for both Browns and Williams)
      - Do the kids wear Hand-me-downs ONLY within their own "house family" or do they get all new because they are rich and "On TV".
      - What do you do NOW to save money? lol

      I feel the presence of a Brown lurker....that said, if you can print these out and give them to Tamron Hall, I would appreciate it :)

    11. Anon 11:15. You've already expressed the same points in your comment earlier. I understand what you said. You don't need to keep repeating them because my opinion will not change. This is MY living room. Thank you!

    12. It's sad that I am sitting here thinking "for all we know Drake is alive and well and lying by the pool in Vegas eating a milkbone". Everything on this show is so fake, I wouldn't put it past them.

  23. I am really surprised Janelle didn't start using a food journal earlier too! When trainer Sean offered on Twitter to write up a customized workout and support with diet on twitter I took him up on his offer. I paid the $50 and he wrote up a workout and asked me about my eating habits and told me right away to keep a food journal and email it to him every week! That was the one and only phone call I ever had with him and he mentioned it right away. He was very nice. When I joined Lifetime and talked to a personal trainer there I told him my workout and he said it awesome and didn't even change it. He was even surprised at some of the exercises! He seems like a good trainer to me but I have limited experience :) Anyway, my money is on Janelle not following through.

    1. Trainer Sean is making money off of twitter followers? wow

    2. He's making money from referrals, twitter being one way to get them. Based on the post of Plygaddict, it sounds like he followed through on what was promised for that fee. He provided a diet and exercise program, provided a coaching session over the phone and an accountability outlet by asking for the food journal. That's not bad for $50. If it were me, I'd rather pay someone locally who I could actually see and maintain a connection with, but I don't see anything wrong with what he offered and what he provided. Everyone is accountable for their own choice of whether they thought it was worth their $50 to take him up on it.

  24. The Dargers on Facebook say "vindicated - now drop the appeal and leave us alone!" leave us alone?? They were never prosecuted....and have "put themselves out there"- wrote a book, had book signings, been on a lot of TV shows, on facebook, on twitter, etc etc...they want their "penny and their bun"... and now that their "brand" of poygamy is not illegal, neither are the others -where many criminal/illegal activiries are taking place... how is that OK?

    1. Seriously! They are probably still mad that they didn't get their own reality show because they were too boring. Why don't they just go away?

  25. I have a question about Judge Waddoups ruling and did read the legal document that was filed. He struck down the part of the constitution that outlawed cohabitation but left the "purporting to be married" bit in as part of the constitution. The Browns, Williams, Dargers, etc. all present themselves to society, TV, and in books as being married. LOL Isn't that purporting to be married? Utah hasn't done any prosecuting of folks for practicing polygamy for a very long time but I can't quite see why all the victory dancing is going on. bgee

  26. I am not sure about all the laws involved in polygamy; however, I do know that being legally married to more than one person is against the law. So, if the Browns think they have won any battle, they have not. Being aloud to have multiple sex partners has never been a crime. Having multiple sex partners and having babies from all those partners and not accepting responsibilities for those babies is illegal. But, the Browns think they have won a battle by Utah saying a man can live with multiple women at the same time; it seems to me that in all the years that they lived together in Utah, none of the women nor was Kody arrested, even when the wives were bleeding the beast. It's really a matter of rhetoric...okay, men, have all the concubines you want; you cannot legally marry but one; and we won't come after you...same as before. Kody is such a douche bag and it is so difficult for me not to name call when I think of him. He is an idiot and I doubt one would argue about that assessment. He is so narcissistic; The running from one concubine to another with the camera chasing him and his bald spot just a shinning. His glee at assuming that other men think that he is this cool surfer dude and that they think dude you're the man. Really! His idea of what men really think about men whores or even women whores. I have four brothers, a son, and I am a professor who teaches writing. I have listened to my brothers, brothers in law, son and his friends, and read essays written by my male students whose views about feminism and misogyny range from women should be home raising kids to women can do anything a man can do but they all say pretty much the same thing when it comes to abuse, neglect, and fidelity. When Kody says, I said I need to do this or that for my wives and the guy looks at me and says, you the man...I know he lies. Most men see infidelity and man whores as creeps and untrustworthy. Even when it involves some religious sect. This all reverts back to Kody's low intellect and his immature view of what "real" men think or feel. I am one of the commenters that think he is gay. I doubt he has ever acted on his feelings and when his father and mother decided to practice polygamy, I think for him, it was a chance for him to fight those feelings. By having more than one wife, he doesn't have to work at being a real husband. The truth that seems to follow women who are in sister wife relationships is that they don't expect much. They are in such competition between the other wives that when the husband comes to visit, it doesn't matter that he does little around the house or that he doesn't nurture their relationship or parent their kids. What matters if for one night out of four, she has the male in her house, in her bed, and in her eyesight.

    I love gay men and have so many friends who are gay, but when a man is in denial about their sexual orientation, they do some really weird things: 1) some men self-hate and aim that outward and push for all kinds of hate aimed at the gay community; 2) some find their way to parks where they try picking up other men and as a result, they practice unsafe sexual practices and unsafe practices in general; 3) they whore around, jumping from one woman to another as a means to prove to the world that they got it...they are the man. Kody says that a lot...they see me as the man; 4) they turn into unhappy men who marry but are often verbally, emotionally, and sometimes physically abusive to the women they marry. I think Kody's answer to his own sexual orientation was to immerse himself into the family life (getting married) and choosing to practice polygamy. But no matter what, he still comes across as a man who would rather be on the wrestling mat and there's nothing wrong with that...he would feel better, though, if he would admit who he is...if he is really gay.

    1. The don't want it to be legalized They want it to be decriminalized. They don't want it legalized because then the men would be legally responsible for all of the women and children and the 2nd, 3rd, infinitum wives could not claim single mother status. If it is just decriminalized, they are free to have as many babies as they want and the legally "single mothers" can file for benefits and "bleed the beast" by taking taxpayer money to pay for their lifestyles without fear of being held criminally responsible for breaking the law.

    2. In New York State, the mother must name the father before she can get any benefits for the children. Paternity tests are routine and often court ordered. The State goes after the fathers for child support to hold them accountable. Deadbeat dads can lose their driver's licenses or go to jail. Why hasn't Utah thought of this?

    3. To be fair for all we know the fathers name is on everything and Christine still qualified for aid. After all the court would consider all the women he fathers children from and they all would benefits minus what it would be reasonable for him to contribute. There are a lot of parents both father and mother with children from multiple relationships. They are already on the hook for the kids. You do have to provide daddy's information. You all act as if a noncustodial parent is paying child support the family would not be getting aid. Sad to say many two parent married households are getting some benefit from Uncle Sam. I still say legally they are committing a crime. Kody and Meri need to divorce legally. They can all spiritual marriage to their hearts content and cohabitate until they no longer happy. Being married and living with other women is fraud. The cohabitators the state ignores are the ones where no one is married.

    4. kms, I agree that there are a lot of cohabitators who are bleeding the beast, but they are not on a talk show boasting about how being in their relationship makes them better people. While Kody and his, then, three wives have every right to take advantage of the social programs offered to couples, the question remains is how ethical and how moral are these relationships when these five adults have chosen to have all these kids with a part time, at best, father? This isn't the same as couples who plan on spending their lives together but something happens and one or both decide to go at it alone. The unfortunate side of the split relationships is that some of those are not good for the children. One parent walks away and doesn't look back or looks back from time-to-time. While one might say they should have made better choices, it is doubtful that the man or woman began the relationship, had the kids, with divorce in mind. Most of the time, single parent households are not intentionally. Kody and his wife and girlfriends are making an intentional choice to provide less for their children: each wife allows for their children to live in poverty because they chose to "marry" a man who has multiple wives and will have many children and that man, in this case, is a man with very little life skills let alone professional skills. So, yes, they have a right to bleed the beast but you'd think when they saw that their life was going to be rough, they'd stopped at one or two kids each but that isn't what happened...they continued having popping out babies, one right after the other and in some instances, three of the wives were pregnant at the same time, so the lack of responsibility is evident. While it is true that there are women and men who have baby after baby and are in the system, they are not advertising their perfect life as making them better. They are not on a reality program where they say, we wanted America to see we are like every one, Kody, you are not like every one else. My husband supports me, only me, he takes care of our kids, and he is there every single night. He helps with their home work; their after school programs...Kody, not so much. They have shown us that they are, sad to say, irresponsible losers who are morally and ethically corrupt. And, in most states, the custodial parent who receives social service programs are single, living in single dwelling home and are working a job to try and support their kids. In the case of the Browns, there were four adults, living in the same home, with all their children, and only two of the adults worked. But, it's nice that we can all see the Browns so differently yet agree that we want the show to continue so we can watch the imploding of their lifestyle while saying how much better their lifestyle is than monogamy.

    5. In Utah, to qualify for SNAP benefits a household has to have less than $2001 in bank accounts and X amount of income for the family size. There is a chart listing the dollar amount per family size. All income (SS, child support, alimony, employment income, etc) is used to determine the family income. For a family of Christine's size, six kids and Christine, the income level is $59,450 before taxes. Just guessing here, but Janelle's income was reported to be around $60,000 (over the qualifying level) and Meri with one child had a lower qualifying level of $25,000 (and she is legally married to Kody and his income). This is why we only saw Christine shopping with food stamps in the first season.

    6. "To be fair for all we know the fathers name is on everything and Christine still qualified for aid"

      Someone help me remember this--wasn't it that Kody's name was only on Mariah's birth certificate and all the others were "father unknown" and then after the show started he went back and put his name on all the birth certificates?

      Not putting the father's name on the birth certificate is a common "bleed the beast" practice.

  27. Interesting analysis, Anon. 7:47 AM, esp. about the part where Kody can avoid being a real husband---just jumping from house to house, child to child, and not truly being with any of his family on a consistent one-to-one basis. In addition, why these women continue to sell themselves so short and live in such abhorrent circumstances is just plain sad...but MrSpock does not see any real hope for them as they have been living this way for so long and still have not comprehended that life can be so much better...ergo, they probably never will.

    But, having said all that, MrSpock, for one, does not want these shows to end because they continue to be fascinating (remember, one of MrSpock's favorite remarks is "Fascinating")---even with all the dumb parties and trips, etc....and MrSpock enjoys this blog.

  28. I just wanted to point out that maybe there haven't been any Robyn sightings, and she is silent on twitter, she has been pretty active on pinterest. I don't know if this means anything, but I guess I can draw the conclusion that she isn't in a mental hospital. Which I am definitely not snarking on, as I have been hospitalized for depression and anxiety before. Hope she is doing alright.

    1. looking at her recent pinterest activity, she doesn't seem to be very well, rather depressed, in fact. it's all 'how to be happy' and 'how to be a happy wife'. seems to me like she isn't feeling even a little happy right now. maybe she can't get pregnant? maybe the honeymoon phase is just over for good? who knows.

    2. I don't know if Robyn suffers from depression or not, but I do remember a comment on the old SWB where someone who claims to have been a member of the AUB, and knew Robyn and her husband personally, responded to one of her comments about being abused.

      She stated that she wasn't aware of abuse, but it was known that David suffered from depression. One of her twitter comments after Robin Williams' death was about it being hard on the loved ones too.

      I really hope that if she is depressed, she is able to get help. I know more than one person who needed inpatient care and could not get it because there were not beds. I also hope you are doing well, Meg, and are able to receive treatment as you need it.

      I don't think people are as sympathetic and understanding of depression and anxiety as they could be, and still, in this day and age, it is considered something you "just need to get over."

    3. She probably is depressed if she is having difficulties getting pregnant, she's gotta be feeling the pressure from Kody and company. The cliffhanger that basically led the viewers to believe she is pregnant has got to suck if she isn't pregnant. I don't know why TLC would set them up unless she was in her second trimester. Anyway, I hope if anyone is having depression they really get the help they need. I don't see how any sane woman would be happy in a plural marriage.

  29. When do they announce if the show got cancelled or picked up for another season? I thought it would be about now.

    1. The season previous to the last one was kind of a fluke because the renewal announcement was released to the news media just a few days (it seemed) after the finale. This year (I think) will be back to business as usual, so that means whenever TLC deems the time is right. Since TLC has said the Bradys will be back sometime in the fall, I think Sister Wives new season will start after the Brady season ends. Maybe November, December or even January 2015.

      I don't think the show has been cancelled yet - TLC is still updating their official fanpage and Sister Wives figured prominently in TLCs rebranding campaign (Tender Loving Care) photographs.

  30. I hope that now that Brown's have won in court, they will be free to talk on camera about the case and how their move to Las Vegas factored into things. I feel like TLC has been hanging on to this show waiting for the exclusive scoop on this "historic" ruling. I, for one, am very curious to see if the Brown's take this opportunity to move back to their home in Utah, so they can be open about their faith and rejoin their church community. The snark in me, however, thinks it is far more likely that the family has fallen in love with their new, giant homes and Vegas lifestyle to ever move back to humble Lehi. It appears that the wives far prefer their autonomy to true family togetherness.

    1. I think winning in court may have just won them another season. Last season was so fake I couldn't imagine TLC bringing them back until this they can film episode after episode of Kody relishing his victory over government persecution! I doubt they'll ever head back to Utah since they're "celebrities" now (in their own minds). Plus I don't see the wives ever willingly giving up those individual McMansions & kitchens!

    2. Anon 7:03 - There was an episode where Kody, Meri, and Mariah returned to Lehi for some reason. During the visit to their old home, they discussed how they no longer considered it "home", and that they considered "home" Vegas.

      I don't think they ever intended to return. Kody thinks he deserves it (I deserve more than to be a dirt farmer!), and they had an excuse with the non-existent persecution, and the money from TLC. They seem to have bought into their lies, and think the rest of us are dumb.

  31. Hi CJ and all Living Room posters,
    Here is the current list of potential categories for our "Iconic Brownee" Awards !!
    CJ, you should have free reign to edit, consolidate, update.....whatever.....for the final list.
    (Don't know if you want to make our Award postings on its own thread...your choice/decision.)
    Then we all can submit our nominees for the categories. Looking forward to everyone's entries!

    Worst actor (this one won't be too hard to guess)
    Worst Actress
    Worst overall storyline/ script
    Worst costume/ hair/ makeup
    Worst obvious bunch of bullsh*t
    Worst crying scene
    Worst mannerism (this looks like a shoe-in too)
    Worst recipe
    Worst display of "stupid"
    Worst phony road trip
    Worst online business
    Worst use of the English language
    Worst mispronunciation of a common English word or phrase.
    Worst display of self-centeredness.
    Most impressive breakdown over no big thing.
    Worst example of "modest is hottest."
    Worst party "theme"
    Worst premise to do with worst misuse of a child's issue for storyline/ratings.
    Worst product on MSWC
    Worst decision made re building worthless add-ons to the McMansions (take a guess!)
    Worst dress at the committed ceremony
    Best reaction to Kody's, "I have 4 wives. Have you ever met a polygamist before?"
    Worst editing or teaser
    Most ridiculous bromance, online or on screen
    Worst Presentation
    Worst Need for Stunt Double
    Most Unintentionally Honest Statements ("Plygs like free.")
    Biggest Waste of Money
    And maybe an award for the Wife voted the overall "SW Biggest Hot Mess" Award !!

    Thanks to all who posted their ideas. !!

    1. Oh, this is great, Amused! Perhaps CJ might want to make it a Sunday evening thing, just like the Oscars! We can have the Plyggys! Then all us snarks can post after the awards have been given out! It will certainly help tie us over until the shows get underway once again, whenever THAT is!

    2. Worst party theme is too funny... I bet the wives are already busy planning a "cohabitation victory" extravaganza for next season!

    3. Worst sexual innuendo/reference
      Dirtiest house
      Worst parent
      Most delusional
      The person most likely to develop a serious drinking problem
      Most hypocritical statement and/or act

  32. That's awesome! cool ,actually ,literally and too funny amused. Happy to see some of my contributions included. This list could go on and on..great idea

  33. After reading one of Mariahs tweets, it seems she may be an aspiring surgeon instead of pediatrician. In all honesty, I defended Mariahs not-doctor-like qualities in the past because I know many a pre-med who just needed a year or two of college to get their shit together. However, if Mariah is really an aspiring surgeon (and even if she isn't), HOW does she have all this free time? Even if she is only looking in to primary care, she should still be gaining shadowing experience and working her ass of with studying. Undergraduate research is a great thing to get involved with, as well. I don't know- I just guess that from someone who IS considering PreMed (and if I do, my long-term desire is surgery), I can't figure out where she gets all of this free time.

    And, I wonder: does she realize you can't just *decide* to be a surgeon? You have to match in to your desired speciality with your Step 1 scores. You can't just get in to medical school and *choose* a speciality, you must match in to it. Does she get that?

    Anyway, sorry for the ramble. Her tweet about fearing shaky hands just kind of threw me off, as did the other tweets that showed her large amount of free time.

    1. "does she realize you can't just *decide* to be a surgeon"

      Nope she's been raised by the king of delusion. She fully expects to become a surgeon without doing a bunch of hard work and if she fails then she will claim it is religious persecution.

    2. Wow, a surgeon. Do surgeons generally need to be in great shape so they can stand for hours at a time? She sure won't have time to be a "reality star" with all the time studying and school is going to take.

    3. Hi, i'm the OP. :-) I'm not sure that surgeons *have* to be in great shape, but i'm sure it makes things easier. With that being said, I honestly forgot to mention in my post that it wouldn't surprise me if Mariah assumed Sister Wives would help her with the medical school acceptances.

      And yeah, I just feel like Mariah maybe thinks she can just *be* a surgeon, and it doesn't work like that. Honestly, it is one of the reasons that I am considering, very carefully, my desire to go in to the medical field. I am interested in surgery, always have been, and it isn't as simple as just saying "I will be a surgeon." That's the main reason I will be keeping my options open until Junior year- i'll be on the premed track, but i'm not announcing "i'm premed" until I am absolutely committed, am taking the MCAT, etc... lol Anyway, i'm actually interested to see how Mariah does on the MCAT. I also hope she is doing some shadowing or undergrad. research, because at least one of those is going to be needed on her app. Volunteer work is also a must, I wonder if she is doing that??

      I'd hate for her to not accomplish her dreams, because I hate the idea of even annoying, entitled people being heartbroken, but at the same time, I have a feeling she needs a wake-up call and needs to be aware of how competitive the process is. Sister Wives will not give her a leg up (is that a saying?) in the admissions process; she needs to be on top of her game.

    4. @Original Poster, what do you think of her choice of college for her dream career?

      Good luck with your dream, it sounds like you have a more realistic idea than others have!

    5. I don't know much about Westminster, but it doesn't concern me that it is a liberal arts college like it does for some others.Honestly, when it comes to premed, what matters is how dedicated you are to your studies- not what college you are at. Of course, being at, say, Harvard, might help you if you want to go to Harvard Medical School, but overall, you don't NEED to be at a science-oriented college to do well in undergrad. With that being said, the only real issue with going to a liberal arts college is that it can make it harder for her to get research opportunities.

      Thanks with the luck, I do appreciate it! And yes, I try and be realistic. :-) Ha, ha.

  34. MrSpock is still curious whether Meri has returned to college...anyone there in LV or elsewhere have any idea?

  35. On the Plyggy Awards....Are the nominations for just this past season or the entire run of SW?

    1. I was thinking limiting to the last two seasons so we can include the commitment ceremony. What do ya'll think?

    2. As for me I'm ok with that timeframe, CJ. But if we go further back no biggie, I'll just pull up Netflix and spend an evening refreshing my memory. Whatever is decided will be fine with me. :)

  36. I was looking at some old re-runs of Roseanne and they actually filmed a episode in Disney. Which made me thing...if they would film a episode of Roseane maybe DISNEY will film the Browns at Disney. Then I put down the wine because I was clearly drunk.

    1. Don't put down the wine! That's what helps keep this train wreck bearable. Disney does not allow filming on their premises, unless of course that show is appearing on a channel owned by Disney. Roseanne was on ABC, which was bought by Disney in 1995. The Disney episode aired in 1996. That being said, I'm sure they are filmed at Disney...but only to make sure Kody keeps his distance from the princesses. ;)

    2. The Duggar family had episodes filmed at Disney too, I am 100 percent positive of that because I just saw it while they were running the marathon. They went behind the scenes and did a treasure craft for Pirates of the Caribbean.

    3. The Duggars aren't breaking any laws with their marriage. They are wholesome and not a threat to the Disney brand.

  37. "I was thinking limiting to the last two seasons so we can include the commitment ceremony. What do ya'll think?"

    CJ, (Can't nest cuz my system won't let me when the count is too big deal)

    You may be right about limiting it for now. We could always do a total look-back at a later time.
    Although, there are several now infamous, bizarre events/plots from the past.

    Funny how Drake the dog's macabre funeral came up in this thread. I was thinking about that one for the worst storyline category. That one was really bad..
    Ranks right up there with "Quick, kids..get all your stuff and get in the car. The cops are coming for Daddy" (I kept waiting to hear the Beverly Hillbillies theme song on that one)...or the never to be forgotten and laughed at "Sobbin's Stolen Purrrity" ....and the insane two and half season long "Let Me Grow a Baby for You, Meri." There are just sooo many to choose.
    If we did all seasons, the nominees in a category *would* be numerous, but then the top four or five of them (in numbers) would be chosen for the actual voting.
    Or we could do as you said, and confine it to the last two seasons.
    I am fine with either choice.
    Anyone else have a preference?

  38. The sex talk with the teenagers from season 3 had some goodies..Maddie blurted out how robyn told her about all the boys she was with then Kody screamed DATED! I would go back farther than 2 seasons just because last season was so boring and a lot of the good stuff was while they were getting rentals and building houses..and robyn having sol..and christine's attitude seems to have changed in the past season..worst speller ROBYN in Y for WYOMING!

  39. I remember that. Maddie specifically said 'been with' and I thought Kody and Robyn's heads would explode. I think I love that girl...(as long as she stays away from her sister Mariah and balding sperm donor) she may just be okay. It appears as though the delusion in this family has not yet been passed wholly through genetics. It may still just be in the sexually transmitted phase, and fulfilling the emptiness in your mother's life with spirit babies you pray for (like any NORMAL teen wouldn't) phase of infection.
