
Monday, September 8, 2014

I Scour the Internet: The Pre First Anniversary of My Living Room Edition for September 8th, 2014

Watching LR-C twerking Happy Anniversary to Cynical Jinx
Holy Cow! Can you believe it?

"My Living Room" went "live" on September 9, 2013!

You can read Cynical Jinx "Thank You" to everyone as well as answers to some FAQ from the past year. Also, her living room will be expanding. Read all about it on 9/9/14 in the Special Update Welcome tab above.

Dinner party Centennial Park style: 2 husbands and 4 wives

Oh yes, for those of you jonesing for some Polygamy, USA, NatGeo has been replaying the episodes. Three episodes are scheduled for replay on September 11, 2014 on NatGeo. Please check local listings for times!

All righty. Back to the Brown Madness!

Oh my word, the Browns certainly made a mess of it this weekend with that easily avoidable business faux pas on My Sister Wife's Closet.

But let's not beat THAT dead horse. I'm sure even more faux pas will rear their ugly heads in the future. Trust me.

Alas, Robyn is still sending tweets of quotes she's found. This time, it's about friendship.

But she does make a positive point by helping out sycophant family friend Rev. Dani in the baby calming arena. Of course, her experience soothing King Sol has to take precedence over her experiences with her other 3 kids. Mommie Dearest at her best!

And look at this! She's not only a Super Mommy, she's the Brown Family news archivist. Correcting ABC News, no less.  I tell you, that woman can do it all....NOT!
Good gracious, Meri's quote is even drearier than Robyn's. But at least it is a change from those darn VLL tweets from this summer.

Hey Meri, what happened to college? UNLV, right? (insert sound of chirping crickets here...)

Mykelti doesn't tweet much but when she does, they are doozies...

C'mon Mykelti! It's not like you are a 2 month old baby! You're a young adult now, so YOU MAKE your fun, not wait for someone to make fun for you! Learn to do things by yourself, like going to a movie, or trying out a new restaurant. Call your bonus sister Mariah. I'm sure she can suggest how to entertain yourself when you're by yourself! Just don't make a video about it and post it on you tube. K?

And then there's Janelle. This time, she chose to tweet about her dieting experience. Frankly, her "nutrition" appears to have been sloppy longer than this about the last two years?

How much did this detox cost? Betcha it's not a LIV detox...

Oh dear...

Janelle, are you serious? I have a feeling you watched each and every chip, French fry, cake, cookie, candy, mashed potatoes, steak, cup of butter fortified coffee and every other morsel of food that past your lips to be chewed and absorbed by your 25 pounds lighter in 2 years body.

Oh my word, not only is Janelle married to Kody, she is the Queen of De Nial!!

Janelle, I think you need professional help...

Do ya think maybe this could be the cause of Janelle's non weight loss???? I just wonder if she pours it over pancakes or just swigs it direct from the can!

Christine tweeted a darling picture of Truely.

So with Truely gone for half a day at pre-school, Mykelti and Aspyn at UNLV living in their own apartment, Paedon and Gwennie in high school and Ysabel still in grade school I'm left to wonder:  What DOES Christine do with all her free time?

On the Darger front, looks like birthday greetings are in store for Alina, Papa Joe's legal wife and cousin to her sisterwives who happen to be twins.

On to the Bradys...oops I mean the Williams. Now call me stupid, but wouldn't it be easier just to go to the convenience store and buy some brown sugar?


This just in from TMZ about Brady Williams bankruptcy. Looks like it is a done deal. Read about it here. (pssst...funny how there's no mention of the original file date and discharge date. hmmmm...thanks for the headsup BC)

'My Five Wives' Dad -- $318K Debt Wiped Clean ... Gets To Keep Wedding Ring

That's all for now. And remember, I Scour the Internet so YOU don't have to!!!

Don't forget to read Cynical's Special Update and Thank You Tab on  9/9/14!


  1. Janelle seems to struggling with the mindset of denying herself in order to have weight loss success. She is all over the place with fad diet combos. Depriving coffee is not necessary, No wonder a can of syrup is appealing. She needs to get to know a good produce section in a grocery store and a protein. Pre preping for go to snacks. Summer is great for healthy foods. Lots of grilled veges and a protein. The closer to fresh and not processed the better. All that work in the gym just to blow it because of her emotional eating.

    1. I'm thinking she is a lost cause. Once the show is over she will regain those pounds she lost until she's bigger than when she started dieting.

    2. Happy Blogmas Eve, Cynical!

      That Truely is such a doll--I love her. I am always wishing her the best of everything, always.

    3. yes, denying yourself instant gratification is how you lose weight, but honestly, if the woman would just keep an accurate food journal, she would already make progress. when i was trying to lose weight - i still am, i'm just being lazy right now and not blaming anybody or anything but myself - the first thing i did was to write down everything i ate and drank, without denying myself anything, at all. i don't know why it is, but i found myself losing weight and eating less. maybe it's because you're feeling sort of watched, if only by yourself, or maybe it's because it's a pain to have to write a lot of stuff down. of course, eventually you have to work on actual self-discipline, but considering janelle's failure to lose significant weight, it would be a better start than putting butter in her coffee. then again, who are we kidding? she'll never lose weight, it's janelle brown we're talking about here.

  2. Do you think the Darger clan is as close & happy all together as a family as they generally appear to be or is that a carefully crafted public image by Papa Joe and they really bicker and sulk behind close doors like the Kodettes?

    1. I think they are the poster family for "fake it 'til you make it."

  3. And THANK YOU so much CJ for opening your living room to us. I found it fairly quickly by doing a Google search of Cynnical Jinx and was thrilled to see this open up! I don't post a lot but am an avid reader!!

  4. This blog provides hours of entertainment. Instead of a coffee break I look at the blog. Thanks, CJ!

    If Robyn is having to correct ABC that is pretty sad for modern journalism.

  5. Looking forward to tomorrow's edition. Love the suspense !!

    CJ, This blog has not only provided a home for interested viewers of the current rash of Plyg shows, it allows a forum for candid opinions, pro or con, to be said and discussed.

    Not sure if any of us can truly imagine or appreciate the level of commitment and energy you have invested in your "Living Room"....but Thank You !!

    In a world that seems out of control these days, the "Living Room" is a nice Calgon Take Me Away. (There, just aged myself. Ha !! )

    1. I always loved those Calgon comercials.

  6. Happy Blog-day, CJ! Really enjoy both the blog and you!

  7. Congratulations on your anniversary. I'm so happy to visit your living room. I don't snark nearly as well as so many of you--I blame the little keyboard.
    It would appear that Meri is busy traveling than going to school. If her dream really is to get a college degree, I'm sorry she doesn't have the drive to get it. Nobody wants to take the boring, sucky classes and prerequisites necessary, but you do what you gotta do. Maybe she's a little jealous of the college kids getting out on their own.

    1. Thank you!

      Little keyboards are the worse and autocorrect just complicates the matter!

  8. Yes, thank you very much CJ! I was so thrilled when I found you last fall. I am always checking to see what is new here. and you never disappoint! This blog has class unlike a couple of others out there!

  9. Happy Anniversary Cynical Jinx... I remember it was like getting an early Christmas present last December when I finally found your Living Room!!

    Robyn's tweet correcting ABC about their inaccurate report was too funny! She loves pretending Kody is her husband, but sure wants to clarify that legally she's still single mother. That detail will be quite important when the Browns financially implode and the celestial wives need those welfare benefits back.

    1. "That detail will be quite important...."

      So true, true !!
      None of the Plyg baby mommas want to get legal.
      Far too easy to just go back to bleeding the beast !!

  10. Happy Anniversary CJ! Your blog is at the top of my on-line sites to visit. I admit I get pretty happy when i see a new entry from you and you never disapoint. Thank you for your hard work keeping us all entertained. I look forward to tomorrow!!

    On Meri's tweet: I think what she is describing is being rigid.
    This is an odd sentiment coming from someone who's "truth" is very far removed from the mainstream. She seeks acceptance but finds it difficult to accept differences in others. Hypocrite

  11. Isn't Robyn's statement incorrect? "No legal marriages". Isn't Kody legally married to Meri?

    1. You're right anon far Kody has 1 legal & 3 mock marriages!

    2. Mock marriages--LOL

  12. Oh my, I have a couple of relatable comments: 1) Is Meri or isn't Meri walking the halls of higher learning? I doubt she ever intended to go back to school. When she and Kody and then she and Robyn had their dramatic pause conversations, she looked like the cat that swallowed the canary and her inability to wipe that snarky grin off her face was proof to me that this was a ruse to run up ratings...she doesn't have the tenacity or the intelligence to earn a degree. 2) Janelle's diet woes. I believe someone said she is fad diet tripping and combining fad diets and trying so hard to drop a pound or two. Removing coffee from her diet is probably not a good thing because she is already struggling with giving up the sweets and carbs, so taking away the coffee is setting her up to fail yet again. Janelle, read my post...go to the store, buy some fresh sweet peppers, celery, cucumbers, carrots, and tomatoes; cut those suckers up and keep them handy for you to munch on and eat as healthy snacks. Drop the fat and eat the protein. Girl, drink some water. Get out of the house. Don't eat at Christine's and don't leave your dog at Meri's. 3) poor stupid Robyn. She is about as emotional mature as a turd in a sack. Really...she is the spokesperson for the family and she cannot pronounce words correctly and cannot talk without crying. Robyn, here's a thought, why not speak for your own family, your kids, and quit trying to be the expert on Kody and his wife and other mistresses...really. 4) Christine, you do make beautiful babies. That Truly is a doll. I really hope that you are a good mother and are more attentive. 5) are just a sad, middle aging old man who places his value not on his emotional and physical support of his family but on how many women he can trick into a relationship....I really wish he had a clue.

    1. Nothing wrong with coffee as long as you're not loading it up with sugar, or a lot of high calorie crap. Iced coffee with light almond milk and half a scoop of vanilla protein powder is the bomb diggity (better yet blend with ice in a blender mmm yum!!!

    2. "Don't eat at Christine's and don't leave your dog at Meri's"

      That cracked me up! Good post.

    3. I love my coffee heated up with lots of whole (organic) milk and brown sugar (I am southern in my love of brown sugar in my coffee but a born/bred New Englander).
      It's so important to be able to consume things that are completely enjoyed rather than unsatisfying substitutes.
      And have big pockets of time when one is not eating.
      Janelle, for the love of God, get yourself a good nutritionist.

    4. Ive never tried it but brown sugar in coffee sounds mmmm yum.

  13. Thank you very much, everyone! It's all of you that make this blog great!!!!

  14. Thank you for the blog, CJ. MrSpock finds it endlessly fascinating. On the subject of coffee, MrSpock does not always drink it but when he does he prefers a milk chocolate mocha at Caribou in the upper midwest of the USA on planet Earth. Stay thirsty, my friends.

    1. I used to do the skinny caramel macchiato but in July I switched to Americanos. I just add a little half and half along with many Splenda packets and I'm gtg! Maybe 30-40 cal at best.

    2. MrSpock, I took you for a drinking of the straight, black, strong Panamanian coffee man. My husband does the milk chocolate mocha and has not transitioned well to the diet mocha. LOL. I never learned to drink coffee with all the add ins. I am a baby boomer and when I was born, they found that I suffered with severe asthma and that I had a severe milk allergy (still do on both accounts). One of the treatments for asthmatics in the good ole days was to give the kids cups of coffee a few times a day and since I had a milk allergy, my coffee was usually black with a lot of sugar. As I got older, I dropped the sugar but have been a four cup a day girl since I was old enough to drink from a cup. I do like how all those designer coffees look with the whip cream and such. I don't see any of the Browns skipping any frills with anything they do what with their new found fame and money. And, I am sure they try their best to get as much free crap as possible. They are real jewels.

    3. To runKodyrun: MrSpock is truly a man of mystery.

  15. I wonder if Janelle pours the syrup in her coffee over top of the butter? Yum - instant faux pancakes!

    1. "Mock Coffee Bean Pancakes"...sounds like a winning recipe for the Kody 'n Klan Kook Book.

  16. Oh, CJ, I'm so much more grateful to you than I'll be able to express in this small space. This blog provides a break from life stressors like nothing else! When I read your blog, it's so strange, but I totally forget about any stress in my own life, and enter a strange and wonderful blogosphere of your creation. Your blend of wisdom, insight, and snark keep me enraptured, along with the other posters. Thanks so much for your time, effort, and energy in creating and maintaining this space!!! Happy Anniversary!

  17. Congrats CJ and thanks for all the entertainment! I am intrigued by your expansion ... I am *really* bored of the Browns and wouldn't mind if we never discussed them again. And, the Williams seem completely uninteresting except for Daddy Williams. Would love to read all about him :)

    And boston Corgi, I have joined the ranks of herding dog owners now- have my very first adorable tri Aussie. I always wanted a corgi, but my daughter wanted a Border Collie, so we found a happy medium. They are doing "puppy agility" classes - and are super cute together!

    1. Thank you so much mastiff! Since it is now 9/9 on the east coast, if you look above there is a new tab called Update Welcome to My Living Room that will give you more information on the "expansion". Think of it as Off Topic 24/7 !

    2. Congrats mastiff...much happiness with your new Aussie! Unfortunately I didn't realize my mini- legged corgi was a herding dog until after I brought her home. We must have looked like a flock of sheep because she diligently herded everyone in the house into 1 room for weeks!

  18. I just read the FAQ about the expansion being a Facebook group ... what a great idea, and if I "did" Facebook, I would totally participate. Have fun!

    1. You know, mastiff, the expansion was due in part to the demise of TWoP. I sorely miss being able to watch a reality show like the Batchelor or Big Brother or Real Housewives and reading what other people have to say about the episode. PrevTV just doesn't fill that niche for me - the setup is too confusing, and sometimes they don't even have a forum set up for some shows!

  19. I would die before allowing someone like Robyn to speak for me or represent my family and or interests. The Browns credited Robyn with bringing 'emotional intelligence' and communication skills to their family...which is absolutely terrifying.

    How godawful was their communication that Robyn, she of mumbles and tears, or eye goop and hymen cookies, was the voice of reason and sense?

    How do these people walk upright and use utensils if they needed someone like Robyn to teach them anything?

    (I shudder to write this, but I do realize that (sadly) Robyn and Meri do seem to advocate for their children more than the other mothers...which is horrendous in it's own right. So there's that, I guess.)

    1. **~Happy blog anniversary~**

      I always think about that time that Kody was complaining about Meri at the graduation. Robyn noticed the cameras and fumbly starts telling Kody that he needs to be the best he could be. Emotional intelligence or knowing what to say as to come across as sweet, innocent and loving?

      ps- I love all your comments, LePetite Terror.

  20. Tehnical inquiry? If one joins the Facebook group then will we not be revealing our real names rather than the more anonymous "handles" we enjoy on the blog?

    1. I'll still be here MrSpock if you don't do FB.

    2. I'm probably the last person under 40 who is not on FB, but I love the blog so much that I might create a "mock" account ;)

    3. I do not have a facebook account either, or twitter. I am 38. Just never found it necessary. So mabe there are a few of us out there. Of course my teenage girls would stop breathing if I cut the cord on the social media life line! Texas girl

    4. I don't do FB either, by choice. Glad to hear the Living Room will still be here.

    5. I'm not a FB fan, either. I'll still be sipping my skinny frappe in the living room. :)

    6. I thought I was like the only person on God's green earth that doesn't have a Facebook account! I guess I'm not all alone!

    7. Hey Texas Girl...

      Blogger is having some real problems with your name - I just found your comment and want to apologize for the extreme delay in posting it!

      I've seen you use different versions of your name (like using 01 etc), but they all seem to be rejected as **spam** by blogger. Does anyone have any suggestions?

    8. No FB here either. Never have & never will, so I'm glad there are blogs like this. I'm sorta relieved TWOP is gone. I spend too much time on the net & not enough training my bulldog from hell LOL I think he just took another chunk out of the window sill while I was writing this.

  21. Regarding the picture of Truely (well, actually, CJ's caption), the Browns now have roughly 35% fewer offspring for Kody to yell at or blame for his mistakes. No Logan or Aspyn to be Mom, Jr. Which children have to step up and be the parents? Hunter? Surely Christine now has time to help Robyn so Robyn can have that next baby?

    1. I may be a slightly paranoid person, but I do not like that Christine basically just blasted out exactly where her youngest is attending preschool. I didn't put pics of my son's preschool on fb and I am not famous.

    2. I agree with you meg.

      Christine tweeted that picture to all her fans and beyond. Sometimes I don't think she thinks things through. She just does it, and tries to sort it out later if it goes wrong.

      For example, the season before last season when she sent Truely across the culdesac street for a playdate at Robyns. The child was probably barely three years old - but Christine allowed her to walk by all herself. Truely didn't raise her head once. She just kept looking down at the ground until she got to Robyn's door. Just because there's a gate, doesn't mean a UPS or FedEx truck couldn't come careening down the street!

      It just seemed so careless to me.

  22. So, this is off topic of the Browns and PLYG, but I read a news article that one of the Duggar girls, the one that recently wed, found out she was pregnant by using "one" of her mom's pregnancy tests. So, my thought was here's this pre or peri menopausal woman who is still trying to get knocked up and she has her own cache of pregnancy tests. Ms. Duggar, how does that work....every few days, you piss and dip? Since by now, I am sure your pregnancy organs have started skipping that monthly flow you just say, well, crap...I had sex five times in four days, let me piss and dip and see if just maybe an egg squeezed by...if there's an egg left, and praise god if it is so, I don't care what shape it is in...just let my uterus swell to the size of a huge patch of watermelons so my husband will see my plumbing that separates him and me still works and there will once again be proof that this man and I do the dirty deed...I am woman and must fullfil my wifely duties and my godly duties to go and multiply. Even though, I have defended the Duggars because of their seemingly economic maturity and responsibility, damn still trying to get a baby up in there. BTW, I am sure by now her uterus is hanging on by a thread...yes.

    1. rKr,
      And let's not forget that magic number of ** 20 ** which seems to be a much coveted brass ring/milestone for Michelle and JimBob !!
      They may be frugal but they are more than a bit twisted when it comes to accepting reality about their baby factory.

  23. I can't see the new addition for 9 9 14. It just says to look for it on that date. What am l doing wrong?

    1. Nevermind, l found it on Facebook. See you in the living room.

  24. Just saw on TMZ that Brady's $318,000 debt was officially wiped clean. Looks like he's following Kody;s midas plan on how to become a debt-free polygamist reality star!

    1. Article says he got to keep his wedding ring---from which "wedding" one can wonder.

    2. There's no way I will be watching Mr. Williams smile for the camera in his desperate attempt to provide for a family for which he is unable. 'Officially wiped clean' my posterior. This bankruptcy b*llsh*it is something for which I am feeling grave contempt.
      And to bring more kids into their world? Wake the frig up, dummies!

      Well, that was somewhat mean and small-minded of me. I better go peruse my Mother Teresa booklet.

    3. Someone should arrest him for fraud. $3 to his name my ass. Clearly he moved all his assets into the accounts of his "spiritual" wives and put all of the liabilities in his own name, so he'd appear totally under water.

      I am curious...what does one have to buy to accumulate that much credit card debt?? His wives aren't exactly sporting the bling.

    4. I read most of the debt was business related. Business loans and business credit cards.

  25. I wish Utah had ruled that if you live your life as a polygamist, you must legally marry all your wives (or husbands) and only one BK per family. :-)

  26. I just took a look at the comments on the article that Robyn responded to. Again, everyone thinks they are paying their own way and have never taken handouts. Their twitter friend (a fellow ply) is on there defending them left and right. Their fan club shouldn't make me angry but it does, I am sorry to admit.

  27. Happy Anniversary, CJ! Thanks so much for this blog! I was so glad to find it last year after SWB stopped. Found you on FB!

  28. Thanks for the year in your living room, CJ! I always look forward to catching up with what's going on around here. The laughs and opinions are fantabulous and dead-on. I will admit I typed "cynical jinx's closet" into Google once or twice over the past year...Freudian slip. But looking forward to more plyg/reality TV commentary to come! :D Thanks again.

    As for the show itself, Meri's 'Back to School' bit strikes me as one part storyline for TV and one part desperate slash-and-burn-if-necessary attempt to get out from under the obligations related to MSWC. Not that I'd blame her. Nobody wants to be involved; it's a half-baked exercise to indulge Robyn at the expense of the family at large. Main problem for Meri is she's legally tied to the situation (and is the only one who is, poor thing) and all that tacky flea market crap is taking up space in her garage. Run away, Meri! Pride doesn't keep anyone warm at night. :'(

    The rest of the family - someone hire them a nutritionist, if only just as a storyline. Seriously. The food these people cook just /looks/ vomit-inducing, like something out of one of those retro cookbooks where every recipe includes Jell-O as an ingredient.

    1. "The food these people cook just /looks/ vomit-inducing, like something out of one of those retro cookbooks where every recipe includes Jell-O as an ingredient."

      Yes! Or cream of mushroom soup! *gag* They can afford fresh whole food now--so get off the processed crap and eat something real! Mock food = Real fat

  29. So Janelle has clients?

    1. MrSpock was wondering about that, too...perhaps real estate clients?

  30. CJ:
    Happy Blog Anniversary or whatever should be called!
    I live a very isolated life and this blog has allowed me not only to learn a lot about polygamy, but it also has made me feel welcome and almost as if I know most people who participate. It is truely a joy to read and sometimes take part in these conversations. God bless and keep this great blog up!

  31. I don't see an update besides the info on Brady and wives. Are you on FB now? What am I missing? Love this and don't want to miss any posts. Help the computer illiterate. Ha.

    1. I don't see an update besides the info on Brady and wives. Are you on FB now?
      Duties have been split between me (on my blog) and LR-C (on FB living room). Original content such as I Scour, Off Topic or Reviews will remain here. FB is primarily for member generated reality show based content - in other words, if it's on TV, it can be discussed as long as the topic is not too risqué or profane.

      What am I missing?
      I don't know. What do you have? OLD JOKE!!!

    2. Are you and LRC 2 different people? I am assuming you are! I am so happy to have found this blog, thanks CJ!

    3. Are you and LRC 2 different people?

      thanks CJ!
      You're welcome! It's my pleasure!

  32. Happy Blogaversary CJ! Can't believe it's already been a year! (Then again, I only found out months after)

  33. Based on the spelling and grammar, I'd hazard that many of the Brown supporters in ABC's article are Browns themselves...And yes, I've been trolling.

  34. Re: Brady and his freedom from his 300.000 plus debt.

    Well, apparently congrats are in order for Brady the Philosopher. He managed to think and muse his way out of paying his debts. Kudos to meek, sad-eyed Brady...I guess.
    But not good news for the creditors he stuck for well over a quarter of a million. And certainly not good news for the lowly, debt-paying consumers who will inherit his debts. (that's all of us)

    But another win for reality stars who not only get the salaries, but who know how to work the system. Which is why Teresa and Juicy Joe Guidice need to pay for their scams and set a new pattern of enforced accountability for pampered reality stars.

    1. Here Here, Amused!

      These reality star bankruptcy rulings are infuriating to me. Although I am not an advocate of debtor's prison, I do think there needs to be more financial accountability. These aren't people who have been struck by an unexpected hardship like a lost job or illness. These are people who knowingly spent well beyond their means with the intention of filing for bankruptcy to wipe their debts clean. They are using the system to fund lavish lifestyles. (And in my opinion, supporting 5 families with 5 residences/cars, etc is exceedingly lavish.) I actually think Brady's actions were fraudulent. Clearly he has assumed everyone's liabilities while hiding all the family assets in his spiritual wives' names. The laws need to catch up with these tricks of the polygamist trade.

      TLC - you better touch on this practice on the show, or shame on you.

  35. Hi CJ! I love your blog. Just sent my FB request to join you there as well. As much as I think the Browns are ridiculous, I really hope they don't cancel the show anytime soon. I'd really miss the snark! -Emily

  36. I’m so happy I found this blog and that it continues to thrive in snarkiness and realness. I like how we can be open and honest WITHOUT attacking one another, and hopefully without attacking the “Brown Clowns” too much. What we say is the truth, regarding most of our criticisms and while NO ONE likes to be criticized none of us have our own “reality” (faux reality) television show and are asking for it. Unless one of you are on the Bad Girls Club and I just don’t know it yet (my money is on Mr. Spock).
    Anyhow, here’s my little comments about the entry above.
    1.) I’m so bored with hearing about Janelle’s weight loss journey and fad dieting. Yes, I get it, you’re trying to lose weight. So am I. I’m actually going to have vertical sleeve gastronomy next month and have to lose 20 lbs by the date, however I don’t talk about it online nonstop (but my hubby is sick of hearing me talk about it). Just pick something and try sticking with it. I hate to say weight loss surgery is the answer for everyone, but for you Janelle it might help. However, if you don’t use the surgery as a tool, you will regain the weight you loose so you need to FIGURE OUT why you’re eating so outrageously. I have two words: KODY BROWN.
    2.) Meri, Meri – why ya bugging? You don’t really have a storyline besides whining and crying, along with Robyn, so I don’t have much interest in anything that’s going on with you. Now if you decide to leave and divorce Kody, take him to money for half of his TLC money, or something along those lines – I’ll be interested then.
    3.) Robyn, I don’t think anyone needs to take parenting advice from you after you berated your ex-husband on national television and basically stated, in front of your kids, that because their dad begged and begged for it you gave up your “cookie” – and it was like emotional rape. You made it sound that way anyhow. When you open your mouth I feel like the rest of us feminists lose 10 years of progress. Your “stand by your man” attitude and “honeymoon” behavior have left a sour taste in my mouth.
    4.) Christine’s daughter (notice I don’t say Kody’s, haha) is sure a cutie. Team Truly!

    And finally, for Kody, dear God please grow up. Cut your hair. Get a job that will at least attempt to support your enormous family, and STOP emotionally taking advantage and trampling on these so called wives of yours'. Kisses.

    1. I'm happy you found us, too! I don't know about gastric surgery for Janelle though. She seems the type who will immediately revert to old eating behaviors after the surgery...not good.

      Count me in as a supporter of your weight loss journey! I've watched some videos on you tube so I know it isn't easy...but the end results will be fantastic for you! In the spirit of that semi-great philosopher and sisterwife Robyn Brown...Break a cookie!!

    2. MrSpock is unsure what a Bad Girl is...but is sure he is not one.

    3. MsMary - I had weight loss surgery 6 years ago and went from 350 to 145 lbs in 11 months - and have maintained since then. The first several months after surgery were a total mind f--k, I'll just be honest. But once I got past that - I felt (and continue to feel) amazing. You are spot on that long term success is all about identifying and dealing with why you gained weight in the first place. Once you get a handle on that, you can ride out the normal ups and downs of life without gaining again.

      Anyway...all of that to say - best of luck and I hope that for you, like me, it's a new beginning and let's you live life fully again!

  37. Speaking of facebook-- I asked to join a group named "Polygamy Uncensored" thought it would be interesting-- well..
    most of the posts are in favor of it
    many are looking for sister wives
    one man has posted his photo looking to get his first wife
    they discuss the legal spouses all sleeping with the SW at the same time
    one man said that his poly marriage was great-- however it helps if the wives are bi

    think I will be leaving that group later today!

    1. I used to belong to that group! It was really crazy! I thought they were adamant against members posting for wives. Now it sounds anything goes...***shudder***

  38. Re Alina's birthday...."authentic expression of self" ???? really? I bet Papa Joe wrote that.....what exactly does it mean ??!

    1. Not sure what "authentic expression of self" is, but I highly doubt any of his wives are allowed to express themselves (authentically of otherwise) without Papa Joe's permission! I can't imagine that guy trying to deal with the 4 Brown women and their meltdowns...I think he would turn into a monogamist pretty quickly!

    2. MrSpock put that phrase---authentic expression of self---out on Google and all sorts of sites pop up using that lingo---MrSpock calls it psychobabble---words strung together with no meaning.

  39. This is related to the recent bankruptcy ruling. I do not understand why people who continue to cry for this lifestyle to be accepted/legal/whatever cannot financially support the multitudes of children they bring into his world. It doesn't make any sense. I personally could care less about what consenting adults do and who they choose to sleep with, but for the love of all that is holy only have the number of children that you can support yourself! This lifestyle would be a lot easier to tolerate if the rest of us didn't have to pay for it.

    1. That really is it, isn't it !!??

      These Plyg groups, like the Browns and Williams, proclaim that they are the "modern, progressive" plygs, not at all like the heinous Warren Jeffs type of plygs with all the vicious abuse and under-age molestations.
      Yet these modern day Plygs are not that much better in terms of continuing the plyg culture of having a harem of women, women whose very existence is to produce hordes of children, and then with entitled arrogance, expect the government (we the taxpayers) to support their wives and their progeny.
      And to add infuriating insult, they ramp up debt, spreading the fraud throughout the wives' names, knowing they will default and then casually play the bankruptcy card.
      A process that ultimately falls in the laps of decent taxpayers when debts are forgiven and the fallout is spread around to others to pay.

      And this is multiplying Love...????
      Guess so.....if you are a Plyg preying on the backs and taxes of non-plygs.

      (sorry, but this is a personal beef of mine. These cretins are *stars*, yet they are nothing but parasites)

  40. The Brown's need to define "haters" if they are going to tweet about them hating on their fans. Meri is putting haters on blast! People can have an issue with how they run their business or family but it all gets defined down to "hating" because they are polygamist.

  41. ...and, yes, CJ, it would be easier to just go buy some brown sugar...and, besides, how many people have molasses in the pantry compared to those with brown sugar? Bet brown sugar would win.
