
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Off Topic Thursday for September 11, 2014

Just a few odds and ends first.


NatGeo will be replaying four episodes of Polygamy, USA today, 9/11/14. Check your local cable listings for showtimes!


Some people may be experiencing problems with the link to the My Living Room on Facebook group. Please contact me directly at the email address for the blog, located to the right for a solution. Thank you!

Now to the what's been happening on with our favorite Polygamy personalities on Twitter and Facebook!

Robyn busily designing her next MSWC masterpieces!

First of all, it seems Robyn has taken another powder for the week. She must be too busy designing the Fall line of MSWC jewelry (available for sale sometime in June 2015, along with the 2014 Christmas Ornament) or she is plotting the next big MSWC major marketing blunder.

Thank goodness she has sisterwives!

Poor, poor Meri. She was getting all excited about the VLL concert in St. George...

But Mother Nature, in the form of the remnants of a hurricane,  chose to intervene and the concert was rescheduled. Major Bummage! Oh well, what will she do for a month besides driving up to Salt Lake to visit her offspring?

On the subject of Meri's offspring, all I can say is Good Grief! She must be the roommate from HELL!

Hey Mariah, it's not always just about YOU...Just open your window, dabnabbit! If I were her roommate I'd turn up the heat just to make her mad, know what I mean?

How much you wanna bet next semester she'll have different roommates to complain about?

Kody retweeted this from good pal Papa Joe Darger. It's interesting since Brady Williams is also in construction but had to file bankruptcy last year. You'd think Papa Joe would throw another plyg a bone, but I guess not...

Moving on to Janelle, I just KNOW CPA Carol will have something to say about this one!

So let's see. Her "hard" schedule choices were  1) Get out of bed  2) Take a shower and 3) Eat a hearty breakfast and wash it down with some bulletproof coffee. Sounds like taking a shower had to wait until after the workout.

C'mon Janelle. When are jeans and tshirts ever appropriate for meeting clients? Especially when meeting Canadian ones who give you fine gifts of tins of maple syrup?

On the Darger Family's Facebook page,  we get to see a picture of the homes Papa Joe's new company will be building...Very nice, but nothing like the Brown's McMansions.

Seems the Brady kids are cuddling up to bunny rabbits on the Brady and Wives Facebook page. I wonder if this is how they teach sex education to the young ones? BUNNY JOKE!


Man, I don't think I've seen so much DRAMA! But I think it's over for now I hope, and I can focus back on the blog.

I'm starting to work on the awards post this weekend, did we finalize a name yet?

That's all for now! Stay tune for more updates as they develop!!


  1. Meri's...
    "..... so excited to see @vanladylove in St George at their bonfire concert! "

    Damn, how many times has Meri used "excited" in her shoutouts to VVL? Starting to wonder if Ol Meri is....uhh....getting "excited" in her school girl obsession with the group. Just sayin....

    I will look forward to CPA Carol's thoughts too on Janelle once again needing to inform (pretend?) to the world that YES, she IS working out and YES, she is back on track.
    So....have all the past year's BS about her diet and shilling supplements and trainer sessions all been *untrue* because her head was "off-set" ???
    Imagine that !!

    As for Mariah not able to relate to the concept of "co-existence," reminds me of when Meri had to have her specific building lot *because* Mariah didn't like the sun coming into her bedroom in the AM. Yep, she really did say that !!

    Maybe Papa Joe and Brady as builders could market houses called "Harem Havens"

    Loved your Bunny Joke !!!
    Actually CJ.....and as a thought and a nod to Joan Rivers' brilliant wit (may she rest in peace).....
    Your quips and ad-libs in each installment is to your Living Room, as Joan Rivers's lines were to "Fashion Police"...! Always entertaining !!

    1. Thank you so much, Amused! Much appreciated!

      What I find interesting about Meri is there's a tweet where she said she was glad to be home - that was on September 7th. I wonder just how much time she spends in that McMansion - almost like she's running away...hmmm....

      Mariah's act is just getting OLD....

    2. I hate to say it, but I'm gonna take Mariah's side on this one until proven otherwise. When I lived in a freshman dorm, there was no way to adjust the heat. It was all controlled in a central location and we had no say in the temperature. However, she could just open the window and be done with it! If it is a passive-aggressive comment about her room mate's choice of temperature then I'm sure the roomie will see it soon enough.

    3. Mariah actually said that she was referring to whoever runs the "damn" science building. For such goody goody girls there's a lotta cussing going on there lately. LOL

    4. If her comment was about the science building, then she simply has a class there and doesn't live there. A few hours 1 or 2 x a week. Poor baby.
      Wow, Mariah has A LOT to learn about the things, big and small, which make up this thing called "life."

    5. Wasn't Mariah tweeting about moving to an apartment a month or so ago? Or am I getting the girls confused?

  2. Still wondering if Meri is going to school as she indicated in the last season---anyone know?

    LOL to "Harem Havens"---it is a perfect name!

    VVL shoutouts: Yes, very strange for a middle-aged woman to keep going on and on...have to think it might be some marketing agreement between VVL and MSWC.

    MrSpock was trying to remember whether he was still interested in Robyn's advertised "announcement" and what it might be and decided,"Who cares?"

    1. I doubt it, she would be tweeting all about it or atleast dropping hints. I think her tweet about "having a dream..." during the summer was about being denied or being unable to go.

    2. Funny, I have seen Mykelti on campus several times and wanted to stop her and ask about Meri but decided that would just be creepy.

  3. I agree that Meri ' s obsession with VLL is getting WAY too much. I mean, I adore Benedict Cumberbatch, but I never mention it on fb and my pinterest board for pics of him is a "secret board." Only my husband has to deal with my school girl crush :) A-Ha! Maybe that's it, Meri can't laugh with her missing husband about her crush, so she has to tweet it out into the universe. Sad.

    1. yes, all she is doing is embarrassing herself with her groupy like behavior. She is just a little old for that.

    2. So, you don't think it is some kind of marketing agreement MSWC and/or the SW & Kody has with VLL?

    3. Spock,
      I think Meri would *like* it to be some kind of a deal or alliance and has probably campaigned heavily to make it happen with all her devotion and media pushes for them.
      I think Meri is a bored, middle-aged, frumpy woman who longs for some action/romance, however ridiculous and unattainable it may be. And she has the means and unrestricted time to maintain her fantasy by jumping in the car and driving across states to sit in adoration of her dream guy (guys).
      Pitiful, really !!

    4. So, Amused, that scenario would fit with the thought that Meri really isn't in college. Too bad if it is true...hoping she is in some courses of some kind.

    5. I don't know though.... We do know for a fact that VLL and the Kody Klan have at least one "marketing" deal - selling their CD(s) on MSWC. So, to me it would kind of make sense that they also have some deal whereby Meri tweets about them all the time. Of course, the two don't have to be mutually exclusive, let's remember. Could be they have an agreement - and Meri's obsessed. :-)

      - Lori

    6. Why anyone would opt to purchase music on the Browns' UNENCRYPTED site when if they wanted the songs, they could go to iTunes, is beyond me.
      Last time I checked MSWC there was no track list or sampling. So let's say I wanted to buy them, I'd want to hear them first so I'd go to iTunes, listen and then probably buy from there since iTunes is secure and has my payment info already. sheesh.

    7. the Browns' UNENCRYPTED site
      I think when the website was thru godaddy, it was encrypted. Remember how every 6 months, MSWC would go unaccessible, with a big yellow sign for the site admin to contact customer payment (yeah, that payment was in the mail, know what I mean?).

      Now the website is thru WordPress !!!! Most likely free (or more affordable) because I haven't seen anymore of those yellow WE WANT OUR MONEY DEADBEAT ADMIN CALL CUSTOMER SERVICE notices in a lonnnng time. Once they went WordPress, the SSL went out the window and disappeared. I think they just don't know any better and may actually still think it's a secure site still.

      Or maybe they just don't want to pay for the SSL...but I thought it was free?

    8. But DJ, you can only get the special Kody Brown Family edition from the closet! Snicker snicker

    9. I keep reading on this blog that mysisterwifescloset doesn't have an SSL certificate, and I thought surely, that isn't the case. Surely, when you get to the payment page of their shopping cart, you will be sent to a secure page through pay pal or stripe or whatever payment gateway they use. Well I just tested it by adding random items to the shopping cart and going to checkout, and sure enough - totally unsecured. This was shocking to me. Any reputable web developer would have purchased this certificate on their behalf before the site went live. The Browns are putting all their patrons/fans at risk. I hope they are reading these comments and do something about it asap. Dear Robyn - get a new web developer stat who can help you get your family business in order before someone sues you into another bankruptcy.

    10. Anon 12:30 PM not only have we been mentioning the lack of an SSL certificate for months, but people have actually commented about it on the MSWC FB page, and still NOTHING done! "My Sisterwife's Data Compromise Event" is probably coming soon.

    11. I see the headlines now...TWENTY MSWC CUSTOMERS AFFECTED BY DATABASE BREACH..HACKERS ARE PISSED or something like that.

  4. Jenelle! Please stop with the freaking updates of your stupid workouts! I am going to poke out my eye balls if she keeps this up. If she was losing ANY weight I might applaud her dedication. But I am beyond sick of this dead storyline. Move on TLC. Please.

    1. in that vein, here's an update on my fitness journey. before falling ill earlier this week, i managed to jog - slowly, but steadily and partly uphill - for 25 minutes without pause and without feeling like i was about to die. the goal is 30, which should be enough to do 5k. i think i might have to do 40 minutes to start with, as i'm still going slow. i wanted to get to my goal before leaving on our six-month world trip, but then i got some sort of flu, so i'll have to keep running on the trip. i'll let you know when i reach my goal. it was really janelle who inspired me to do this, as i thought, 'if she can try, i can do it'. when i started, running a full minute at a time was torture. i now know that janelle cannot be really trying, because slow and steady does get you there, whether or not you win the race.

    2. Bored now... you have quite the success story there! I am glad Jenelle inspired you. A 6 month world trip? Tell us more! (And good luck with your fitness and running journey! )

    3. oh, and it took me about three months to get this far, not three years. and trust me, i'm not a fit person to begin with and i stopped for weeks on end plenty of times because life interfered with my running.

    4. Good job bOred_nOw. I was in the same boat as you a year ago. I could barely run 30 seconds without dying. I have since completed 13-5Ks and 2-10Ks. My first 5K was 44 minutes. I recently completed one a little over 35 minutes. I never thought that was possible a year ago. You will get faster. Keep it up!

  5. My Living Room on Facebook will be unavailable for new membership requests for about an hour while I complete some housecleaning!

    I apologize for the inconvenience!

  6. Jeans and t-shirts, Janelle? Didn't you hear your lord and master say that t-shirts are frumpy? Get yourself a fashionable apron!

    1. Janelle's tweets are so boring and simple-minded. Why is she regarded as smart? How?

    2. It does seem like she gets the most replies to her tweets however, compared to the others. I agree they are a bit "simple" maybe, but I think that for the most part, her tweets are also more relatable (relatively speaking) than the stuff from the others. For example, I think more people who would be reading their tweets would identify with wanting to wear jeans and T-shirts than chasing a boy band...

      I've actually given this some thought, and can't figure out if what she tweets are truly her spontaneous thoughts...or if she actually crafts the tweets to elicit a better response. Perhaps the latter is giving her too much credit, but I have noticed that in the twitter-verse, there is a "way" to tweet to elicit a better response, and Janelle seems to do that better than the rest of the fam - in general. (e.g.. asking questions, talking about "every day normal" stuff like jeans...). Or, it could be possible that I have too much mental free time and have waaaaay over-analyzed this topic. :-)

      - Lori

    3. Anon502am, l think you are right. Janelle tweets about every day things most of us struggle with, losing weight, trying on clothes and getting up and out when you would rather hit the snooze button.

  7. Housecleaning done. My Living Room on Facebook is open for new membership requests!

    Thank you for your patience. If you are still having problems, the procedure to follow is listed above in BLUE. You will need to contact me by email - NOT by posting on in the comment section.

    Thank you for your patience and cooperation!

  8. I wonder if the network is prepping Shady and his coven to take over when they are done using the Brown's up. There is nothing more to see with them. Oh wait until the gravy train stops, I get a feeling we'll be seeing a lot of paparrazi shots of them for drama and money.

  9. You said not to post here but I requests access to your livingroom on Facebook and I'm pretty sure you blocked me. Don't know what you are trying to hide, but I'm done. There are others out there with more information and fun than you will ever allow. Have fun trying to build your page.

    1. Don't know what you are trying to hide, but I'm done. There are others out there with more information and fun than you will ever allow. Have fun trying to build your page.

      You post on the blog when I asked that any questions about FB be sent via email. You deride my FB living room by saying "there are others out there with more information and fun" yet you've tried again and again to be a member. Why have continuously tried, through numerous different fake accounts to join a group you so obviously hate?

      I know exactly why. Thank you for confirming I made the correct decision.

      You may take your toys and go home now.

      edited 9/11/14

    2. and I still left out the word "you"... Previously edited for clarity.

      Should read Why have you continuously...

      Got to remember to make it simple to understand if you know what I mean.

    3. I'm pretty sure I know what bridge that troll crawled out from under.

    4. Well, I don't believe in feeding trolls, but I am human after all. Sometimes I feel sorry for them so I throw out a bone or two to assuage their hunger for attention...

      But no more feeding them.

      But I can't resist...remember that horror film "The Sentinel"? Where the blind priest was guarding the Gates of Hell in a New York apartment building? Whenever I think of trolls, I remember the scene at the end of the film when Burgess Meredith is pushing all the demons back into the depths of the hell from whence they came. It was a weird, quirky movie that had a lot of stars in it...including Christopher Walken who played a detective but only said maybe 2 words. The next year he wins an Oscar for The Deerhunter. Go figure.

    5. "The Sentinal"...I loved that movie! It's an old one but definitely reflects present day issues with troll control!

    6. What's the story with Anon 6:09 pm?
      Has there been back and forth drama in the comments that I've missed?
      How would anyone know to consistently block one anonymous account over another?
      You don't have to say anything jinx...just blink twice for yes and once for anon 6:09 a member of the Brown family?
      I'm sure there are details that you'd rather not mention, but is there any background available that's not too incriminating/invasive?
      I feel like I'm missing something interesting and or important.

    7. is anon 6:09 a member of the Brown family?

      Blinks once.

      I feel like I'm missing something interesting and or important.

      Blinks once.

      is there any background available that's not too incriminating/invasive?

      Blinks twice.

    8. Is it that pitbull person? I'm not on Facebook so I only know what I've read on this blog about that whacko.

      Feel free to continue the blinking answers, they work for me but make me blink while I read....

    9. Is it that pitbull person?
      OMG, LMFAO!!! No, it isn't her, she reported me to Kate Gosselin...on Twitter no less! I'm afraid she's forgotten me, thank goodness! Someday I'll write a book about the nuts to be found on social media!

      I better blink...Blinks once.

  10. Omg when I read Janelle's tweet, you know I had to come here to the living room! Yay Janelle! Kind of surprised she didn't mention needing smaller jeans which leads me to believe these sanity inducing workouts are few and far between. I don't think real estate professional wear jeans when working with clients

    1. CPA Carol I have a meme that I'd post here if I could. Basically it states what I know to be true (and I'm not alone) - if Janelle isn't working on her food intake, then her workouts are for naught as far as weight loss goes. it's at least 80% diet.

  11. "You may take your toys and go home now." Cracking up over here! Love you, CJ! -Emily

  12. The thing that has annoyed me the most about Meri's school girl crush on the band is that while she is trying to express an identity outside of Kody and his mistresses, what she is actually demonstrating is her identity cannot develop separate from others. This obsession with the band is, I think, a mimic of her daughter's behavior. And, that behavior is fine for Mariah's age group but it certainly isn't fine for a woman of Meri's age. Bless her heart (snark), without Mariah, Meri's entire identity is gone. Her world outside of the nights when Kody is out tom catting totally involved her relationship with Mariah. Meri has no outside life or appears to have no outside life. And, Janelle's "getting on track" tweet is just sad. I really wonder if she will be back on track long enough to lose her twenty pounds every two years. LOL.

    1. That's an excellent point Anon 9:00 pm.
      I think it's exceedingly telling that Meri is not just drawing her 'independence' from others (like she did with Mariah), but from men in particular.
      Especially men who would never give her the time of day if she were not on television, and probably (sadly) laugh at her and her family behind her back.
      I'm also not surprised that someone with Meri's personality has low enough self esteem to feel like sharing a fourth of a man is reasonable, but even enviable.
      If I were a nicer person I would feel too badly for Meri to hate her, but luckily I'm not. This family manages to annoy me (now) by their mere existence on the same planet as me.

  13. Is it so wrong if Janelle is trying and unable to lose weight? If she is happy with her body? If she is unwilling to exercise and watch her food intake and calories? I think some people are just destined to be fat, and she is one of them. She seems to have all the right ingredients for success -- a personal trainer, access to exercise equipment, time, supplements and support for those around her (at least I assume so). As long as it doesn't impact her health, let her be fat and happy. Keep drinking buttered coffee and long live her Hunger Games!

    1. If she was happy at her size (and I know many people who are overweight/obese who don't mind) then that would be one thing but apparently she's NOT happy otherwise why would she be in such angst about losing it?

    2. And if she is content with her size and weight, then why all the tweets referencing "loss."
      Somewhere along the way, Janelle decided, or TLC did, that she needed a continuing storyline. Much like the dragged out Meri and Sobbin's rent-a-uterus and the saga of the McMansion mortgages.
      But TLC/Janelle.......Enough !!
      No one cares if Janelle loses a lb or gains 5....let it go !!
      Now it only serves to aggravate, and to even more highlight the ongoing Brown BS.

      Janelle, free it or don't do it.....
      Whatever....but silently and privately.

    3. Anon, there is absolutely nothing wrong with Janelle staying fat. But then she NEEDS to stop tweeting about her 4 am workouts, and getting "back on track", and about her cleanses, diets, etc. She is putting all the focus on her weight loss (or lack thereof) by constantly talking and tweeting about it. I would rather she didn't.

    4. With rare exception, no one is "destined to be fat". We all make choices and there are consequences. She is fat because she chooses to eat too many calories, does not consistently exercise, and she eats tons of crap (fritos and peanut butter ring a bell?)

      She makes poor choices--that's her right. But do NOT lie about it and claim to eat 1500 calories a day and work out consistently. Just own it. If she just owned up to it no one would criticize her.

      Sadly, taking responsibility for your own life choices is not a Brown trait.

    5. There are a few medical situations where people are obese. Prader Willi syndrome is when a person is insatiable and will even eat garbage and non food items. Pickwickian syndrome is similar. Far more common, though is PCOS, polycystic ovarian syndrome. My daughter has this and it is very difficult to lose the weight.

    6. The more l think about it, it is very unlikely that Janelle has any of the syndromes. All of them make it very difficult to get pregnant without intervention and she doesn't seem to have any problem in that area. Unless you count the 50 pounds of post pregnancy weight....

    7. Janelle has always been heavy, it's not all pregnancy weight. Christine too.

  14. Pressure? From society, more so than the family because the other women sure don't need the competition.
    She's probably been told many times that she has a pretty face, if only she would lose some weight...

    1. Could be pressure, but it is now TWO years. At what point does even she realize that her touted "journey" needs to be off the front page ??
      Whatever her latest plan winds up producing, it needs to be behind *her* closed doors.
      Not on tweets and pics that belie logic and show obvious evidence of a lack of success.

      She *does* have a pretty face, probably has the best face of the four of them. And frankly if she went to a good colorist instead of her goofy trainer and got some well-placed lowlights to soften her look instead of that stark one color bleach job, she would be very attractive.
      But all that doesn't take away from the fact that she too is just a lot of hot air and TLC prompts for ratings. Two years since she went into real estate ?? Two years since she started with a trainer ??

      They all tweet because they have to keep the peeps interested. That is their reality.

  15. I liked watching Janelle ran/walked the 5K. I thought it was very telling of the sister wives' relationship that no one expected Meri at the race. She made a silly excuse about working on MSW closet orders. Janelle didn't want her there, and Meri didn't like everyone praising Janelle.
    Now what I wanted to see was Janelle in another 5K two to three weeks later saying "I think I can beat my time" or "I'm doing the couch to 5K and I'm running more." We see her struggle to do things--5K, difficult hike, indoor rock climbing--and she kinda, sorta does them after being pushed along. I want to see the follow up. I want to see her keep hiking that mountain with a backpack until she is coming up it with ease, but that is the part of the problem for Janelle she doesn't keep at it with regard to diet and exercise.
    But boy she sure kept at it when it came to getting Kody. That may have been years of plotting and planning. She got her chance grabbed the brass ring and went for the gusto.

    1. drdawn, I don't think any of the Browns follow through. You see them start something but drop the ball as soon as they realize there must be commitment and work. A fine example is their lack of commitment to the mysisterwivescloset or their going to counseling or Janelle's running or hiking or mouton climbing. They make a big deal about the start of something but the development and maintenance falls short. While one could argue that we don't really see their day-to-day life so it's hard to determine what the follow-through with versus what they drop by ball with, but clearly they have dropped the ball with the trinket shop and Janelle's jogging and hiking and dieting and working out are just talk. Meri's attempts to get up early and run fell way short because she still looks like her weight is climbing. And, it is true that if they are happy being heavy and they are healthy, who should care: well, if they make weightless, getting fit, part of their show, then there should be an effort to really work at making that their reality. When we think of the Browns or, really, most polygamous men and women, there seems to be a lot of women who are not able to commit to anything but the husband...they don't usually have a life outside of their homes, they don't work, they don't do anything but raise babies, mess with their sister wives, and so on. Some of those women do work, but like when Janelle worked, her money went to the rest of the family and her resentment came through when she made remarks about Meri thinking nothing of taking off of a job and running off on a travel trip with Kody, leaving her home to be the responsible one: or when Meri and Kody were courting Robyn, she kept talking about their finite resources and the drain of resources moving Robyn and her kids would be. So, the idea that these people, particularly the ones that we have seen on TV, can develop enough strength and commitment to change is a joke: Meri will not go to school to earn her coveted degree; Janelle will not lose that weight; Robyn will not make a go of her trinket shop; Christine will not develop mentally enough to not be sad and jealous. And Kody is never going to grow up. He is this adolescent acting middle aged man who thinks a man's identity is linked to what other men think of him: I'm this surfer looking dude; they hear me say my wives and they think you are the man; they see me with these awesome athletic boys; they wonder how I can handle so many's not Kody's religious precepts that motivate him but his identity seen through straight identity he wants so badly for them to see...and, as we all know...monogamous men don't see him as this hunky sexy virle man but a pathetic misogynistic fool.

    2. Kody has never given the impression that he is a Plyg master for religious convictions, no matter how hard he tries to push that concept. He never sells that notion convincingly. His projection that he is a representative of the new progressive Plyg just falls short of credibility. His need to constantly reference his many wives and his "man card" nonsense just screams of an effort to convince himself as well as others of his manhood.
      And Brady, although he does have a different MO than Kody, appears to be in that mindset too. He too appears to set his personal value by how many wives and children he has.

      What's left are the nagging questions.....
      What *do* these women see in these men??
      Is it all about getting pregnant with all the babies?
      Is it all about being "one of many?"
      Is it all about not ever having to be in a 24/7 relationship?
      Are these women lacking innate self esteem??

    3. My thought on this - Kody (and the wives) enjoy beginnings, they hate middles, and don't stick around for endings.

      Once anything becomes like real work, that's when the ball is dropped. Whether it be starting a business (EZ Pantry, gun shop, MLM), working for an employer (At Risk Kids, Young Sign Company) or becoming fitter and healthier.

      Of course the exception (I suppose) is Janelle having an actual job with the State of Utah, but IMO she probably never advanced and just stayed in her cush job because it was easy and she got to be away from the house for 10 hours.

    4. True, DJ. Janelle did admit that she wanted to work, liked working because she wasn't enthused or contented with the home tending of her kids.

  16. Most monogamous men don't see him as anything. They would never watch the show.

    1. My husband was convinced that Kody was the result of an attempt at a gay conversion program or seriously compensating for some physical or emotional deficiency.
      He honestly couldn't (and still doesn't) believe that Kody is in anyway honest or comfortable with his sexuality. I would agree that Kody is trying to cover a sexual proclivity that he finds distasteful, but I would never presume to make such a spurious accusation against the gay community.

  17. Mariah's latest tweet: "ew people are so annoying"
    She really needs to get grip on reality! poor girl

    1. Note to Mariah: YOU are "people," too...

  18. CJ, of what drama do you speak in your mini update?

    1. The not feeding of the trolls kind of drama. See anon September 11 6:09pm for an example of their intelligence.

    2. Ridicouls. Your blog is one of a kind CJ - "other places with more fun", not true - your blog is as far as I know the only place for fun, lighthearted banter about Sister Wives and similiar programs. I don't even go looking for other places, because your blog is number one in this area! Internet trolls... I wouldn't be suprised if you shared that there would be issues w/people being to hateful towards the Browns to the point of you having to step up and not allow such behaviour in your forum - but having you as the target of their trolldom? Jeez - some people really need a one on one w/dr phil - maybe even more then the disillusioned Brown woman!


    3. Ah...just wanted to make sure no SW/Darger/Williams-type drama was missed...;-)

  19. Off topic, but has it been decided when the Iconic Brownie Awards will be hosted? *Rubs hands together* I'm ready to add my votes to various areas, such as "worst mannerism ever seen in a reality series!"


    1. I'm working on the nominations as I type! Was a decision made for a name yet? I have 2014 Plyggie Awards and you've mentioned the Iconic Brownie Awards.

      Any other suggestions before I make a final decision?

    2. I like the "2014 Plyggie Awards"..... !!!
      But we could also have *special* Brownie Awards if there is a topic/category particularly outstanding. Or the runner ups could be "Brownies or Iconics."

      Whatever you decide will be fun !!

    3. Done deal! 2014 Plyggie Awards, awarding a Plyggie Statue. Brownie Iconics awarded for special categories.

      How does that sound?

    4. I'm actually looking forward to the Plyggie Awards. I thought it was a fun idea from the beginning, esp when ya'll collaborated & came up with categories. For some odd reason, I keep visualizing a PIG head on the statue(yes & of course Kody comes to mind, since he can be extremely pig headed himself)... Lol Plygs and Pigs Kinda like saying I say tomato(English version) & you say tomato( British version)
      Any who! I'm ready to cast my vote(s)as well.

    5. Yeah, I like that, CJ (and Amused). :)

    6. Each statuette will have to have multiple heads---unlike an Oscar or Emmy...or maybe the Plyg man in the center with lots of fawning "wives" at his feet...????

    7. "How does that sound?"

      Perfect !!! Let the balloting begin !!

  20. Didn't the Browns say in their mock business presentation that their consumers were adult "fashion forward" career woman (or something like that)? Just wondering because they've now added what they describe as "super cute" daisy business card holders to My SisterWife's Flea Market ($22.50). Team that with the Owl face purse ($29.99) and you've got a complete fashion forward look for under $53.00...what a bargain!!

    1. Great! If you're 11 & run a cupcake business!!

    2. Ha, ..... Lobotomized !!!
      Or if you are a throwback adult who still has her Candies shoes and a My Pony bedspread.

    3. Robyn & Co. might want to take a second look at the way the smart phone shoulder pouches are displayed on the white torsos...perhaps another manner of display would be better.

    4. Do people still in fact use business cards?

    5. Before I retired I used business cards. Go to a meeting and hand those suckers out all the time. You need a nice holder to 1)impress and 2) ensure the cards don't get wrecked in your purse.

    6. Mr Spock you're right...the display is a bit awkward. Looks like Robyn can't figure out if it's shoulder pouch or a kilt accessory!

    7. I can't think of any member of this family that I would consider 'fashion forward'. Even Mykelti is pretty staid for all her fashion aspirations,
      I don't think of taste, style, or fashion when I see the Browns...that's not 100% true. I think of the bad taste they leave in my mouth.

    8. LMAO Mr Spock! I had to go check it out just to see what you meant and I'm rolling in the floor over her. WTH??? Maybe she's promoting them as cookie protection??!

    9. Well, KellyE, MrSpock did not want to get TOO graphic...LOL

    10. I thought the same thing. A little on the questionable side.

    11. Cookie protector! LOL!! What is the logic for this display? Let's see. Robyn was doodling in the sketchbook and an idea popped into her head. Ding! "Boutiques have mannequins so let's buy one and find something to display?"

  21. Being in sales, I use business cards all the time. I actually think their business card cases are cute, but is this something a Sister Wife would be likely to have in her closet?

    1. "but is this something a Sister Wife would be likely to have in her closet? "

      Ah, now THIS is the question !!!

    2. No kidding. Having a business card holder is about as close to a job (paid or volunteer) as this bunch will ever be!

    3. I'm still not understanding this whole "Sister Wife's Closet" thingy....

      So Robyn goes online....buys it off of
      then turns around and marks it up a few dollars and re-sell it on their own web site.

      Are people REALLY buying into this? Any one who goes on a computer knows about! I can just see Robyn laughing her head off when someone puts in an order....she probably goes "Hee hee hee....another sucka born every minute" "AHHHHH HAAA HAAA HAAA"

    4. I would bet money that all the new products that have been popping up on the closet lately are sold using wholesale drop shipping. This means that the Browns wouldn't keep anything in stock; rather, they would transfer orders to a wholesaler who fulfills the order. Everyone takes a cut. If they aren't using a drop-shipper, then they are remarkably clueless.

    5. Probably due to me being in Silicon Valley, where people just bump or send their virtual BC to whomever.

  22. I got blocked on a supposedly "fun" SWs group on facebook for much earlier in the year (way before the page was started) blocking one of their admin for posting the wives full addresses on the main TLC page. While yes, I enjoy the snark, I thought it was highly inappropriate to post their personal info like that, so I blocked the person, and reported it. So a few months later, I join this new "fun" page, start posting, and get a snarky message about having one of their admins blocked, and was suddenly banned.

    You guys have the far superior set-up. Ignore the trolls.

  23. I have been reading this blog and the old SWB for quite some time now. After reading today about "Trolls" I realized...crap, I feel like I have been trolling and never participating. So finally today I just have to post. Thank you so much CJ for creating a place where I can see that my thoughts on the Sister Wives show and many other shows are not alone! Just this morning I had to explain to my husband why I like reading/watching Sister Wives when I'm not generally into reading about "celebrities". I advised him that IMO that Sister Wives are not "celebrities" but I find their choice in polygamy and the contradicting ways they not only tweet, but also dress and facial express themselves to be quite fascinating to me.

    1. Hi Anon 10:24!

      Actually, it sounds like you've been "lurking" which isn't a bad thing at all. Thanks for taking the plunge and commenting!

  24. Cant wait for the Plyggy awards! So many options!

    Does anyone think National Geographic might bring back Polygamy USA? I don't know why they are running it again otherwise. I am keeping my fingers crossed! My favorite of all the plyg shows!

  25. That article was so funny anon the phoenix necklace being described as a $209 "misshapen piece of lettuce with a head"!

  26. I don't want to gross anyone out, but do any of you remember an episode in one of the the first few seasons wherein the wives discussed Kody's food quirks?
    Robyn was talking about his hatred of pepper and how she had to 'learn' to cook for Kody, and there is a bit about his LOVE of celery. I remember because of how serious they all were about his very particular food requirements.
    Anyhow...I just learned this: Pheromones in celery not only cause arousal in men, they also make men more attractive to women.
    This may explain the mystery of how anyone can stand sharing his bed. MAY. I can't say for certain what would compel that sort of behavior.
