
Monday, September 15, 2014

Vote for your 2014 Plyggie Award Nominees!

Guess what? The 2014 Plyggie Awards nominations starts today!

As most award programs try to be "positive", I tried to make each category positive, too. Well, sort of positive...

We're now in the selecting the nominees phase  for the Overall Best categories. Each overall category will include a spot for a write in candidate. Please indicate your choice of the listed nominees or your  write-in choice for nominee for each category in your comment.

The write-in nominee with the most votes will appear on the final ballot, along with the top three voted nominees.

The Categories and Nominees are:

The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Male Polygamist in a Leading Role

Kody Brown, Sister Wives
Art Hammon, Polygamy USA
Michael Cawley, Polygamy USA
Brady Williams, My Five Wives

The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Female Polygamist in a Leading Role

Robyn Brown, Sister Wives
Meri Brown, Sister Wives
Janelle Brown, Sister Wives
Christine Brown, Sister Wives
Rose Cawley, Polygamy USA
Nonie Williams, My Five Wives
Paulie Williams, My Five Wives

The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Male Polygamist in a Supporting Role

Ezra Hammond, Polygamy USA
Isaiah "Thomson" Polygamy USA
"Stan", Polygamy USA
Rod Williams, My Five Wives
Hyrum "Burton", Polygamy USA

The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Female Polygamist in a Supporting Role

Rebecca "Thomson", Polygamy USA
Marlene "Thomson", Polygamy USA
Kellie "Thomson Burton", Polygamy USA
Rosemary Williams, My Five Wives

The Overall Best, Worst Case of Loose Lips Sinking Ships

Christine Brown, Sister Wives who said plygs like free things and don't like to work if they get too much money.

Rebecca Richard, guest spot Sister Wives who talked about some plural families she knows where the husband and wives sleep together.

The Overall Best, Worst Case of Conspicuous Consumption by a Polygamist Family

Kody Brown and Family, Sister Wives - The Re Commitment Ceremony
Kody Brown and Children, Sister Wives - The 72 oz Steak Challenge
Isaiah "Thomson" Dinner Party, Polygamy USA - Two Husbands, Four Wives and One Newborn
Rebecca and Marlene "Thomson", Polygamy USA - Steak and Wine Party for Two Sister Wives
Paulie, Nonie, Rosemary and Robyn Williams - My Five Wives Wine Tasting Party

The Overall Best, Worst Example of a Sisterwife having a Resting Bitch Face

Paulie Williams,  My Five Wives
Robyn Brown, Sister Wives
Nonie Williams, My Five Wives
Connie Cawley, Polygamy USA

The Nominee process starts at Noon (PDT) today, so stay tuned and vote!


  1. MrSpock apologizes for his lack of knowledge, but how does one vote? Just by writing in the Comments or are we supposed to click somewhere and check an answer? MrSpock may travel the Galaxy but voting in a Plyggie Award on a Blog is not part of his vast experience.

    1. You can only use the click thingy on facebook. Here on the blog you can just write in the comments - May I suggest copy/paste the category and your nominee choice to save on all that typing! Unless it's a write in candidate, of course.

  2. LOL!! This is awesome, thanks CJ!! Here are my nominees:

    The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Male Polygamist in a Leading Role

    Kody Brown, Sister Wives (who else but the Kodster!)

    The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Female Polygamist in a Leading Role

    Meri Brown, Sister Wives

    The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Male Polygamist in a Supporting Role

    Ezra Hammond, Polygamy USA (SO not a polygamist at heart!)

    The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Female Polygamist in a Supporting Role

    Kellie "Thomson Burton", Polygamy USA (Miss Giggles may be giddy now, wait until Hyrum gets another wife! Hello Meri Brown 2)

    The Overall Best, Worst Case of Loose Lips Sinking Ships

    Christine Brown, Sister Wives who said plygs like free things and don't like to work if they get too much money. (enough said!!)

    The Overall Best, Worst Case of Conspicuous Consumption by a Polygamist Family

    Kody Brown and Family, Sister Wives - The Re Commitment Ceremony (Close second: DISNEYLAND!)

    Thanks CJ for all that you do!! - Sara in Canada

    The Overall Best, Worst Example of a Sisterwife having a Resting Bitch Face

    Paulie Williams, My Five Wives
    Robyn Brown, Sister Wives
    Nonie Williams, My Five Wives
    Connie Cawley, Polygamy USA

    The Nominee process starts at Noon (PDT) today, so stay tuned and vote!

    1. Whoops - and Resting Bitch Face goes to none other than Robyn Brown!

  3. The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Male Polygamist in a Leading Role: Kody Brown, Sister Wives—of course this award should go to Kody. He is such a bad example of being a leader; even though, he tries so hard to be “the man.”
    The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Female Polygamist in a Leading Role: Janelle Brown, Sister Wives—Janelle is the self-proclaimed business person of the Brown Clowns, yet her business acuity is very finite and her lack of ambition is cause for not only her failures in her personal life but also in all she attempts for the family.
    The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Female Polygamist in a Supporting Role: Rosemary Williams, My Five Wives—I sort of have to admit that I don’t really watch this show but when I did, she was the worst wife in terms of self-esteem and ability.
    The Overall Best, Worst Case of Loose Lips Sinking Ships: Christine Brown, Sister Wives who said plygs like free things and don't like to work if they get too much money. Of course her loose lips are cause for a lot of gasps from the family and the audience. I’d say it’s her loose lips that makes her endearing but the truth is most of her loose lipdom is passive aggressive aims at her sisterwives…those that are supposed to make her better.
    The Overall Best, Worst Case of Conspicuous Consumption by a Polygamist Family: Kody Brown and Family, Sister Wives - The Re Commitment Ceremony—which was a total waste of their very finite resources. They attempt to prove their ever undying love to the world but in the length it took Meri to say wet bar, we realize that these folks really hate each other and nothing screams trouble like a reality recommitment ceremony.
    The Overall Best, Worst Example of a Sisterwife having a Resting Bitch Face: Robyn Brown, Sister Wives—it’s her chin and her beady little eyes that make her look like the witch (the wicked one) from The Wizard of Oz. Between her crying, her eye booger obsession, and her snappy little lips, she has to have the worst case of resting bitch face that I have ever seen.

    1. Snappy lips...I like that. I've always thought Robyn had a 'mean' looking mouth.
      I have such a hard time seeing how they considered her a trophy wife. She and Meri have both become very masculine looking in the past few years.
      Though in full disclosure, I've often thought Meri and Kody looked very similar. I've not so secretly thought that was part of Kody's attraction to Meri...that she looks like him, or rather a 'him'.

      Jinx, I'm a little disappointed there isn't a best/worst style category. Between the aggressive use of bronzers, frosted lips, frosted tips, awful layers, inexplicable long sleeve short sleeve combos in Sisterwives, Polygamy USA, and My Five Wives we certainly have plenty of candidates.

  4. The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Male Polygamist in a Leading Role:

    Kody “the Man Card” Brown

    The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Female Polygamist in a Leading Role:

    Robyn “Will not Fix the Grammar on MSWC” Brown

    The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Male Polygamist in a Supporting Role:

    Kody “No One Lets Me Be the Leader” Brown (hence, his role must also be a supporting one---since that is all he claims he does)

    The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Female Polygamist in a Supporting Role:

    Rosemary “I don’t think too much of myself” Williams

    The Overall Best, Worst Case of Loose Lips Sinking Ships:

    Christine “Toasters and Non-Plygs are Sharks” Brown

    The Overall Best, Worst Case of Conspicuous Consumption by a Polygamist Family:

    Brady “Creditors, Forgive me my Sin of $300,000 as I have Five ‘Wives’ and 24 Children to feed and I don’t care about Your Wives and Children” Williams & Family

    The Overall Best, Worst Example of a Sisterwife having a Resting B**** Face:

    MrSpock isn’t too much to look at either, so cannot vote in this category.

    New Category: Best Plyg Blog:

    Who else? Cynical Jinx’ Living Room!!!!

    1. Agreed - best Plyg Blog is hands down Cynical Jinx' Living Room!!


    2. The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Male Polygamist in a Leading Role

      Kody Brown, Sister Wives - You know, because he's the MAN!!

      The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Female Polygamist in a Leading Role

      Robyn Brown, Sister Wives - That Purity speech

      The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Female Polygamist in a Supporting Role

      Rebecca Richards

      The Overall Best, Worst Case of Loose Lips Sinking Ships

      Christine Brown, Sister Wives who said plygs like free things and don't like to work if they get too much money.

      The Overall Best, Worst Case of Conspicuous Consumption by a Polygamist Family

      Kody Brown and Family, Sister Wives - The Re Commitment Ceremony and Disneyland

  5. The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Male Polygamist in a Leading Role

    Kody Brown, Sister Wives

    The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Female Polygamist in a Leading Role

    Meri Brown, Sister Wives

    The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Male Polygamist in a Supporting Role

    Hyrum "Burton", Polygamy USA

    The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Female Polygamist in a Supporting Role

    Kellie "Thomson Burton", Polygamy USA

    The Overall Best, Worst Case of Loose Lips Sinking Ships

    Christine Brown, Sister Wives who said plygs like free things and don't like to work if they get too much money.

    The Overall Best, Worst Case of Conspicuous Consumption by a Polygamist Family

    Kody Brown and Family, Sister Wives - The Re Commitment Ceremony

    The Overall Best, Worst Example of a Sisterwife having a Resting Bitch Face

    Robyn Brown, Sister Wives

  6. The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Male Polygamist in a Leading Role
    Worst... < Kody Brown >
    He is the worst impersonator of a "manly" Plygman.

    Best......again < Kody Brown >
    He also is the best true-blue, greedy Pig of all the TV Plygs.

    The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Female Polygamist in a Leading Role
    (this is very many deserving of the honor)
    Best....< .Meri Brown >
    For her ridiculously lame yet Plyggie Award-worthy rendition of pretending to want Sobbin (a strong runner up for her part in that sham) to grow a Kody-klone for her so Mariah would finally stop whining about Mommy having more kids.

    Worst...<.Sobbin Brown >
    For standing in front of children (and cameras) and reciting/ fairy-telling her sexual past complete with props, including slamming the father of her non-Brown three children. (this one really was epic)

    The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Male Polygamist in a Supporting Role
    Best....>Erza Hammond Polygamy USA>
    He had fun with it.

    Write in...
    For his plyg-style of exploiting and hamming it up for the cameras. And for his idiotic ideas for a woman barely ready to climb a rock wall, hike up a mountain (well okay, really a big hill) and destroy her scale that we taxpayers probably paid for.

    The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Female Polygamist in a Supporting Role
    Best AND Worst.......
    Best..... because she is the most likeable of them all !!
    Worst... because it's clear she doesn't believe any of it.

    The Overall Best, Worst Case of Loose Lips Sinking Ships.
    Hands Down...ding, ding.....
    < Christine Brown>.
    For "plygs like free things and don't like to work if they get too much money." And for every other insane, inane thing that has come out of her brain and mouth.

    Write in.....
    < Nonie "I want to be pregnant" Williams. >
    For asking a clerk behind the script counter at a supermarket, "I need a pregnancy test"....(as if they are not out on shelves everywhere in the USA). And for "shh, no ones knows I need one..... (except for the camera and sound crew behind me.)

    The Overall Best, Worst Case of Conspicuous Consumption by a Polygamist Family.
    Worst....< Kody Brown, Babes and family, SW >
    No contest...Their "Should Be Committed Ceremony !!!

    Too bad we don't have costume, hair and makeup categories for this one cuz Meri would have won top awards not only for her original, *pleather* brown "Mad Max in drag" outfit that didn't work, and surely for her final number where she looked like a sweaty, pregnant lime.

    Not over the top, cheap wines, done in the Disney, no hotels, no RV's, no VVL bands, no costumes. Not bad at all.

    The Overall Best, Worst Example of a Sisterwife having a Resting Bitch Face
    Could there be ANY other choice ??!!!
    BEST of the Bests.....<<<<< Sobbin Brown >>>>> !!!

    There have been many VERY unfortunate camera shots of her through the years that undeniably proclaim her as the reigning Queen of RBF syndrome.

    BUT......runner up is... Paulie "I don't approve or am smelling something" Williams.
    Yeah, Sobbin has a bit of competition for the title....but not much.

    Write-in for most manic, crazy eyes......Nonie Williams !!
    She can look very disturbed......and come off very disturbing !!!

    Come on, Living Room your stuff !!!

    1. OOPs !!! Names didn't make it into the final draft.....why, don't know...but sorry !!

      Write in for the Supporting male is..... Sean, Janelle's Trainer !!

      Supporting Female.....Rosemary Williams...My Five Wives !!!

      Best Case of Conspicuous Consumption by a Polygamist Family..
      Brady's Babes getting a wine buzz.

  7. The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Male Polygamist in a Leading Role

    Michael Cawley, Polygamy USA Sorry, Kody fans, but Kody has never read bedtime stories to his children about becoming harlots in the street if they don’t follow polygamy. Creepy Cawley for the win.

    The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Female Polygamist in a Leading Role

    Meri Brown, Sister Wives – Meri has done it all, and done it all while crying. No matter what the circumstance, count on Meri to cry even if the situation is fake (like, um, the presentation to the VCs)

    The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Male Polygamist in a Supporting Role

    "Stan", Polygamy USA – this dude has some major issues. Shame on National Geo for not researching him better.

    The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Female Polygamist in a Supporting Role

    Rebecca "Thomson", Polygamy USA – her icky flirting with her sister wife while drinking wine clinched it for me.

    The Overall Best, Worst Case of Loose Lips Sinking Ships

    Write in: Rose Cawley – she said she was happy to have sister wives to help take care of her husband’s “physical needs”. Enough said.

    The Overall Best, Worst Case of Conspicuous Consumption by a Polygamist Family

    Kody Brown and Family, Sister Wives - The Re Commitment Ceremony - No family is more conspicuous with their consumption than the Browns.

    The Overall Best, Worst Example of a Sisterwife having a Resting Bitch Face

    Robyn Brown, Sister Wives – her facial expressions, along with the eye goop picking, makes for entertainment all on its own.


  8. The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Male Polygamist in a Leading Role
    Michael Cawley, Polygamy USA

    The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Female Polygamist in a Leading Role
    Meri Brown, Sister Wives

    The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Male Polygamist in a Supporting Role
    "Stan", Polygamy USA

    The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Female Polygamist in a Supporting Role
    Rebecca "Thomson", Polygamy USA

    The Overall Best, Worst Case of Loose Lips Sinking Ships
    Rebecca Richard, guest spot Sister Wives who talked about some plural families she knows where the husband and wives sleep together.

    The Overall Best, Worst Case of Conspicuous Consumption by a Polygamist Family
    Kody Brown and Family, Sister Wives - The Re Commitment Ceremony

    The Overall Best, Worst Example of a Sisterwife having a Resting Bitch Face
    Connie Cawley, Polygamy USA

  9. I will go with Michael also for best male. Let's not forget the box cars in the backyard and the limitations on applesauce consumption.

    Female - meri

    Loose lips - Christine

    Supporting male/female - no vote

    Waste of money - commitment ceremony

  10. The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Female Polygamist in a Leading Role

    Kody Brown

    The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Female Polygamist in a Supporting Role

    Kody Brown

    The Overall Best, Worst Example of a Sisterwife having a Resting Bitch Face

    Kody Brown

    1. LOL, Snark, at the Kodster having the best resting bitch face.

  11. The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Male Polygamist in a Leading Role
    Michael Cawley, Polygamy USA - He's just sooo creepy! Can't erase him from my mind!

    The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Female Polygamist in a Leading Role
    Meri Brown, Sister Wives - "My wet bar!!!!!!"

    The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Male Polygamist in a Supporting Role
    Hyrum "Burton", Polygamy USA - I thought he was so cute! I bet he will get a second wife soon, if he didn't already!

    The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Female Polygamist in a Supporting Role

    Write in: Rose Marie Cawley - Did she ever get "matched" with a husband? I would love to know!

    The Overall Best, Worst Case of Loose Lips Sinking Ships

    Rebecca Richard - One word - Disgusting!

    The Overall Best, Worst Case of Conspicuous Consumption by a Polygamist Family
    Rebecca and Marlene "Thomson", Polygamy USA - Steak and Wine Party for Two Sister Wives - I'm glad I'm not the only one that got the "romantic date" vibe!

    The Overall Best, Worst Example of a Sisterwife having a Resting Bitch Face

    Robyn Brown, Sister Wives - Paulie is a very close runner up!

  12. Love is not an EquationSeptember 15, 2014 at 8:49 PM

    The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Male Polygamist in a Leading Role
    Michael Cawley, Polygamy USA - Creepy Crawley all the way.. his bedtime stories, the container housing, and "turning in" his daughter to the brethren

    The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Female Polygamist in a Leading Role
    Meri Brown, Sister Wives - it doesn't get any better than her worst

    The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Male Polygamist in a Supporting Role
    Hyrum "Burton", Polygamy USA - his awkward marriage to Kellie which he obviously wasn't very enthusiastic about

    The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Female Polygamist in a Supporting Role
    WRITE IN: Robyn Williams, My Five Wives - her only storyline was around that stupid ring, remember how she had to drag Rosemary to Brady's office to sob about it? We get it, Smeagol, you want the precious!

    The Overall Best, Worst Case of Loose Lips Sinking Ships
    Christine Brown, Sister Wives who said plygs like free things and don't like to work if they get too much money.

    The Overall Best, Worst Case of Conspicuous Consumption by a Polygamist Family
    Do you mean the literal definition of conspicuous consumption? If so, I write in:
    The Brown Family, Sister Wives for their McMansions
    Or if you're just having some word play on awkward mealtimes, I write in a double vote:
    The Richard Family (guests on Sister Wives) for their tradition of taking the 1st bite together, and
    The Brady Family, My Five Wives for their tradition of having Brady kiss each wife on their birthday the number of times as their age

    The Overall Best, Worst Example of a Sisterwife having a Resting Bitch Face
    Paulie Williams, My Five Wives - at least the other Williams wives crack up once in a while, Paulie looks like it hurts to smile

    And... I would've loved to see a Best/Worst Cringe Worthy Moment category, so I could nominate Kody Brown and his "the hormones go in your mouth" speech!

    1. My vote is for the McMansions too. Someone beat me to the punch. LOL. Next year we can vote for the Brown's BK in this catagory.

    2. Love Is Not an Equation - Your interpretations of conspicuous consumption are genius!

  13. Curious: how did you decide which sister wives to credit as lead females (Paulie) and which ones to credit as supporting (Rosemary)?

    The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Male Polygamist in a Leading Role : Michael Cawley, Polygamy USA - seriously, this man makes my skin crawl.

    The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Female Polygamist in a Leading Role: Christine Brown, Sister Wives - She is one of the few semi genuine after all!

    The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Male Polygamist in a Supporting Role: Isaiah "Thomson" Polygamy USA - The worst of the worst, mr. no personality! I can't believe he managed to snag one wife - he was so bland!

    The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Female Polygamist in a Supporting Role: Marlene "Thomson", Polygamy USA.

    The Overall Best, Worst Case of Loose Lips Sinking Ships: Write in - All the brown kids rejecting polygamy because they seen "all the drama". They all say that!! "We had a wonderful childhood, but the adult had drama inbetween them..." It almost makes sense that the majority of polygamist want to stay in guarded communities, looks what happens when they get out! No kid will choose that life style for themselves unless they are brainwashed to...

    The Overall Best, Worst Case of Conspicuous Consumption by a Polygamist Family: Isaiah "Thomson" Dinner Party, Polygamy USA - Two Husbands, Four Wives and One Newborn - that whole dinner, major creepy factor! Only thing missing was Micheal C... Skin crawling ick factor!

    The Overall Best, Worst Example of a Sisterwife having a Resting Bitch Face - Paulie Williams, My Five Wives: and she is entitled to it!

    1. how did you decide which sister wives to credit as lead females (Paulie) and which ones to credit as supporting (Rosemary)?
      I simply wrote down the wives names. The wives I could remember became Leading players. The wives I had to look up became supporting players.

      Not really scientific, but it seemed to make sense to me.

    2. Got it! Thanks :) - FreeChristine

  14. The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Male Polygamist in a Leading Role
    Kody Brown, Sister Wives

    The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Female Polygamist in a Leading Role
    Robyn Brown, Sister Wives (that manipulative, rent-a-uterus moment was a jaw-dropper for me)

    The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Male Polygamist in a Supporting Role
    Can’t vote in this category since I’ve not watched any of these shows

    The Overall Best, Worst Performance of a Female Polygamist in a Supporting Role
    Same for this category

    The Overall Best, Worst Case of Loose Lips Sinking Ships
    Rebecca Richard. She really let the cat outta the bag!!!

    The Overall Best, Worst Case of Conspicuous Consumption by a Polygamist Family
    Kody Brown and Family, Sister Wives - The Re Commitment Ceremony

    The Overall Best, Worst Example of a Sisterwife having a Resting Bitch Face
    Robyn Brown, Sister Wives (I actually feel for her on this one)

    Thanks, CJ for pulling this together! 

  15. Another category worth mentioning would be "Best Performance by an Inanimate Object" which would be, hands down, Meri's 'Wet Bar.' It created so much consternation, drama, envy, desire and death-rays of hate, it ranks right up there with the 'Wire Hangers' from Joan Crawford's life story movie 'Mommie Dearest.'

  16. I've never seen Poly USA, and only some M5W--I can't stomach them, not sure why, but I like Sisterwives, especially since I get to come here.

    I only want to vote on Consumption. A tie between the Williams and Browns. Going bankrupt for $300,000. WTF!? (Sorry for the language.) I don't know why I can't stand the Williams, but not the Browns. And the Brown's tie with their $2 million McMansions. No way one woman needs 5 bedrooms and a wetbar, while other women have kids moving out every year and are freeing up all sorts of space.

    And I do love reading all the other comments and votes! :)
