
Saturday, August 16, 2014

Off Topic Saturday: Let's Go To Disneyland, Move Into An Apartment and Make Cynical MAD for August 16, 2014

How can you tell it's the middle of August?

Why, you have the Brown Family Obligatory Disneyland Trip, a major Brown faux pas or two, and the college age teens return to school tweets! That's how!

What joy!

As it turns out, Maddie got the hell out of Dodge  Vegas not that long after graduating high school, and moved into an apartment. She even found a job! Such a chip off the old Dad block, right? NOT!!

Now Aspyn and Mykelti have tweeted they just moved into an apartment together. The only one not tweeting about moving into HER apartment was Mariah. A few tweets back she tweeted this while visiting Maddie:

Which left me wondering. Was this a diss on Maddie's independence, or would Mariah soon follow in her little sister's mighty big steps and go independent too?

I guess we'll never know, because she most likely put this information on her instagram account, which can only be followed by true, confirmed friends of hers.

Sorry, but the rest of us rag tag, dregs of society must content ourselves by not knowing what's up with her housing situation at college. At least for the time being.

I don't know about you, but I'm feeling a bit relieved not knowing. But I wouldn't be surprised if her mommie and daddy dearest bought her a condo. Because she's too special for just an apartment, don't you know.

Of course, Meri's  saying nuthin' about her daughter's school housing plans...but she did have something to share when her brother Adam (you know, Janelle's ex) got his picture taken with Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah. But can someone decipher her cryptic thanks to him for "keeping Southern Utah ours!" ?  Don't tell me she's trying to buy Mariah southern Utah too!

Of course, there's always the Disneyland trip. While Kody was alienating fans by complaining when asked to have his picture taken, Meri decides to keep it real by tweeting a business idea...Maybe Kody's bad attitude was because his poor little tootsies were hurting...

And how about this dialogue between brothers eating in a car. Now you know why Garrison's pants look grimy...

Now here's some news. Mykelti let the cat out of the bag when she announced not only were the Browns leaving Disneyland, but they would be getting their keys. Ummm....I wonder what she's talking about...

Leave it to big sis Aspyn literally to spill the beans about their new apartment with this tweet. Sounds like they were really prepared for apartment living. Girls, you have a car and four moms. Drive home and pick up some paper plates and plastic silverware from your moms. You might want to get some plastic cups while you're at it. Meri keeps them in her pantry, on the second shelf, next to her years supply of  toilet paper (you might want to take a couple of rolls).

Next time make sure the furniture is delivered first before moving in. But you could have gone next door and asked your neighbors for some silverware. What a missed opportunity!

Yep, not only do those girls look like Kody, they even THINK like him...scary isn't it?

Here's Janelle's take on this latest trip to Disneyland. Haha, wouldn't it be funny if she DIDN'T travel to Disneyland but tweeted like she did!?!

Now this is a weird tweet, was Janelle talking about Maddie or Savanah? I'm going to assume it was Savanah...

On a much more serious note, Janelle tweeted this today. I'm going to assume the first tweet is about mental depression...
But it's this next tweet I found hard to take. Frankly, I wouldn't think Janelle would qualify as a voice for tolerance, being that her religion (AUB Fundamentalist Mormon) is one of the LEAST tolerant of the world's religion.

Something tells me she really believes what she's tweeted, as she sits in a gated cul-de-sac, surrounded by neighbors who look just like her "family", occasionally going out with friends where the only things of color she sees are being worn by the people she surrounds herself with. White bread through and through as my grandmother would describe her.

And please tell me how the voice for tolerance can tolerate the bigotry of her religion that feels Black people carry the "mark of Cain" and are not worthy to be members of her church!?!

I'll believe Janelle when Logan marries an African-American woman, Maddie brings home an African-American boyfriend and Hunter (and the rest of her kids) actually show that they have African-American friends by bringing them home for dinner with Janelle and hubby.

Oh, and the AUB announces they have allowed an African-American man to join with full priesthood privileges and his wedding to two of the AUB's finest white women (hopefully relatives of Christine Allred whose late grand uncle Owen was particularly vocal how the LDS sullied their Temples by allowing Black men the priesthood in 1978) being officiated by LeMoine Jensen himself.

Until then, this angry African-American woman is NOT BUYING IT, JANELLE!!

Now I need some cute pictures of Truely to calm me down. Luckily, Christine has obliged us this week with two precious photos from Disneyland.

How strange there are no pictures of Robyn, Kody or SOLOMON at Disneyland.

Let's move quickly on to TLC's other plural family reality show, My Five Wives.

You know, TLC last season really made it a point that Brady and Wives are no longer members of the AUB.

And to show their appreciation and confidence in the Brady Bunch, TLC has officially launched their own, verified Facebook Official fanpage, 'My Five Wives.'

Back on the family run Brady and Wives FB page, we have...

And for those of you with children, but were afraid to ask a plural family parenting advice:

Hey, somebody had a birthday,  but  where's Robyn's balloon? It was her birthday too!!!

That's all for now...Stay tuned for any updates!


  1. What happened to 1st season "Modest is Hottest". Most of the daughters don't seem to be in to that rule

    1. They are over 18, the young ones are still covered

    2. the little girls - particularly truely - wear some tiny skirts and skimpy tops. just look at the above pictures. now, of course, it's hot and why not, but if you place such a high value on modesty, shouldn't you start as you mean to go on?
      also, these kids are on national tv and there are some creeps out there, not least that one editor who worked for tlc - jk8 and 19kac, though imdb shows no credit for sw - before getting busted in a raid on an online child porn ring, so if i were a parent, that would bug me for a start. i don't want to ascribe voyeuristic intent where there is none, but i remember when robyn was about to give birth to king sol, they showed aurora in the garden, jiggling and dancing, saying, 'i'm so excited my mum's about to have a baby'. she was wearing the tiniest denim shorts and the shot started at her feet and then panned upwards. for some reason, it made me uncomfortable to see a camera lingering on the bare legs of this young girl.
      speaking of teeny denim shorts, not only are they everywhere, but modesty queen and future sister wife mariah has been sporting them for the past season or so. the first time i saw them on her, my jaw dropped. not only are they the height of immodesty, she also doesn't have the legs for it. goodness, i just realised that i'm sounding like a disapproving governess of victorian days. i'm not really, i'm just trying to judge them by the standards they have set for themselves. everybody else can wear anything they like and i won't judge, much.

    3. Modesty aside...Those sandals of Truely's are terrible to wear to the amusement park. I make my nieces wear tennis shoes when walking all day. If they are cheap sandals that can make for an uncomfortable day.

    4. I also realize that she may have sunscreen on, but can't tell me that they are not going to get fried running around Disneyland on a hot August day. The whole modesty thing is a crock of sh....anyway. It sounded good in the beginning because it made their "lifestyle" sound more legit. But REALLY...why wouldn't you put a Disney t-shirt on Truely to cover her little shoulders and protect them from the sun....and YES, that little girl should be wearing shorts and tennis shoes to Disneyland for heaven's sake.

      And Christine...I don't care if she DID pick out her own outfit!!!! Which is probably what you are saying out loud while you read Be a mother and show your authority with your kids...lay the law!

      I think it is pretty clear with the girls (and guys) in the family....if they are flaunting it, they are probably not following the "rules" of AUB, in other words....not heading down that path.
      Which is perfectly fine...they are adults and can make their own decisions in faith or dressing attire.

  2. "If nothing may I serve as a voice for tolerance."

    No, Janelle....You May Not !!!
    And for all the reasons Cynical Jinx stated !
    Also because you tweet just for the sake of tweeting.

    Now had you tweeted ....May *WE ALL* serve as voices for tolerance...then maybe.
    But you didn't. As usual, you made it about you !!

    Re: Brady and CO......
    Brady, that pic of you in the lobby or wherever..... look like you need a pint or two of testosterone.

    Can't help noticing.......
    Even with the green garland over the door, that doorway and structure looks like any Motel 6 door and window.

    1. Even with the green garland over the door, that doorway and structure looks like any Motel 6 door and window

      And that is probably the number one reason why his construction company was doing so badly. It was supposed to be a residence...a home for goodness sakes. Not a motel!

    2. I cringe at Janelle's wording...I think Janelle probably views herself as a very progressive plyg; she gave lip service to the possibility of some of their children statistically being gay, REALLY likes Native American culture (teepee anyone?) and is the only member of the family to have a POC as a friend.
      In that family she probably seems like a bleeding heart liberal.
      At first I thought it was a subversive dig to someone else, maybe a less tolerant Brown? But probably not. It's more likely that she honestly does believe she is progressive and an example of tolerance.
      The Browns love to discuss discrimination and prejudices that they 'constantly face'.
      Perhaps she is more open because she wasn't raised as a plyg, but in general the flour is strong with that one, the whole family actually.

    3. What's really sad is that Janelle most likely, and the entire Brown clan, believes she is the "the bleeding heart liberal" of the family. So naturally she would think she is tolerant. Hopefully the kids are REALLY tolerant - going to a public school and having the diversity of meeting all kinds of people at a young age. Then when they graduate get the h*ll out of compound!


    4. Forgot to add... Thanks CJ for the update on twitter! This was awesome with what little material you had to work with. Thank you


  3. I would think that it after tasting independence, living on your own with no kids, the freedom to do whatt you want, when you want, it would be really hard to turn back to the polygamous lifestyle and become a plural wife where you are constantly tied down. I don't think Aspyn is going to choose polygamy after this taste of freedom. I wonder if Meri would have chosen polygamy had she had the opportunity to live independently away from her family in a non-plyg area and been free to associate with monogamists? I think not.

  4. I actually think Janelle is coming from a good place with her comments. I remember seeing Maddie hanging out with some African American friends. I honestly think she'd be accepting of whoever who kids brought home. However, I don't think the other 3 wives (who grew up in the cult) or Kody would feel the same.

    1. Then perhaps her tweet would have more poignancy if she had addressed it to the heads of her "chosen" religion.
      Thinking too, sometimes converts to any religion are even more zealous to the teachings than those born to it.

    2. i'm white (isn't it weird that white people very rarely feel the need to say that, because white is just 'normal'?) and i find that tweet to be offensively hypocritical. i believe janelle may be the least racist of the adults, but she joined a cult who is institutionally racist. i will own that i am a catholic who is fine with gay people, but i was born into that church and i think that we are slowly seeing a change in attitudes there.
      of the others, i think that robyn may be the worst. remember that awkward block party when they moved? she said those words, 'when i moved to this neighbourhood, i made myself not judge a single one of my neighbours. [...] las vegas, it's a tougher area. it's not this easy-going country life. [...] it's not a bunch of mormons.' maybe i have spent too much time doing textual analysis, but i read that as 'help! i'm living among a bunch of scary black people!'.so glad she doesn't judge!

    3. That's exactly how I read what Robyn said, too. What else could she mean in that nice, middle-upper middle class suburb she was renting a fabulous home in? Not like she was liking in a halfway house or in a colony of swingers.

    4. good point Amused, do you really think that Janelle is practicing that religion? That religion is very Patriarchal and has a strong power structure. She should be in contact with the leaders each week and a part of their society. They are so far from that and I would be very surprised if the AUB even claim the Browns as members anymore. It would be great for her to stand up but to whom? Kody? nah. They will just throw another party.

    5. Meri, Christine and Robyn were born into a Fundamentalist Mormon group and Kody and Janelle was born into the Mainstream Mormon group. With respect to the racist doctrine that CynicalJinx references, they are one and the same. It is a teaching that goes back to the very start of the group and Joseph Smith.

      But it would seem that this (along with many teaching of these Mormon groups) have been set aside by the Brown's as they pursue a "lifestyle" more than a "faith" these days. Moves in the right direction all around, if they'd only just acknowledge it and be honest.

    6. According to Christine in an interview not that long ago on Billy Bush, she said they still tithe to the church..

    7. "do you really think that Janelle is practicing that religion? "

      I think that all of them (including preachy convert, Janelle) with Kody as their Supreme Leader, now practice the teachings and lessons of *TLC money* !!!
      And all are now *fervently and devotedly* striving to keep the $$$$ coming.

    8. I didn't interpret Robyn's comments at the block party as racist. I thought she was referring to the broader cultural change of moving form Utah to Vegas, and that would be a big cultural change just on style of dress, language and expressions used, variety of religions around and many other things. I think it's a leap to assume it was a racist comment.

    9. i disagree, mostly because of the wonderful code words hidden in her utterances. 'tough', 'not country area' - she hesitated as if avoiding the word 'urban' and i think we all know what that is code for.
      'not a bunch of... mormons' actually made me laugh out loud. the hesitation was priceless. while there are black mormons, black people have only been allowed into the mainstream lds church since the late '70s and will never be allowed into the aub. they can simply not justify it within their theological framework, if they do, they're as bad as the church they split from, the church that changed with the times and social pressure. we gentiles and our opposition is needed to make martyrs out of these saints, even if it's only through imaginary persecution.
      of course, tlc probably deliberately intercut robyn's talking head with scenes of the browns interacting with their black neighbours, but still, i feel that reading the above meaning into the words is by no means a leap. i cannot vouch for robyn's intent, but textually, i believe my interpretation to be valid.

    10. bOred_nOw 3:06, I so agree with you! I too am white and hope that I never sound hypocritical, although, I'm only human and will apologize now if I ever have! I also, wonder if Jenelle is referring to the situation in Furgunson, Mo? Just a thought....
      Yes, I do agree that maybe robyn was talking about her black neighbors. She has a way of biting her lip and looking up when ever she can not think of words. Almost, like she really isn't all that intelligent and has a limited vocabulary. Not saying my vocabulary is large, but at least I'm not on national television trying to sound intelligent.


  5. Five kids have left the nest. It's very exciting. Good for them. The most kids at home in any house number 4. Think they overdid the houses they just moved into a few years ago? Robyn could have octuples I suppose?

    1. Kody guilted Janelle into a bigger house (more bedrooms) than she was comfortable with paying saying that Logan needed his own room so that he would come back home. I think Janelle knew better and knew Logan would live on campus and would probably never be back full time, but she went along with it to appease Kody.

    2. CPA, he is going to need rooms for those extra wives he brings in to help populate his new world. You know Meri isn't going to allow an new wife to share her kitchen but Janelle will and Christine will. So, they had to have the extra rooms. LOL.

  6. Christine was at Disneyland in the spring just after the road trip to Missouri. She tweeted a pic of her and padeon. Good thing these wives got 7 bedroom homes. The older kid's getting apartments was inevitable.
    On Janelle and diversity? It only applies to them when they are being persecuted and using it as a story line. Sorry, I don't feel any sincerity from any of the Brown's, when all they do is couch their sentiments in their self serving ideals. CJ is so right about the AUB and their DOGMA and historical practice of racism. I did research on them online just to fill in the blanks about the religion this family practices and got a TV show but never discuss. Tolerance is something you exercise in your everyday life, not tweet about.

    1. Kody got those big houses for the next group of women to become wives and their kids. If Christine, Janelle and Robyn thought those houses were all for themselves they were wrong. The only wife who won't be sharing will be Meri.

    2. The only home Kody legally owns is Meri's. I cannot see Christine or Robyn letting new wives live in their homes. Janelle will do anything a man tells her to do so she'd probably be cool with it.

    3. Ever since Janelle pushed for the youth groups or Mormon seminary for the kids to get socialized in Vegas (much to the anger of the rest of the Browns), I've wonder how much Janelle truly believes in their faith.
      Yes she's preachy, but she seems preachy about Kody, not their faith. She's said she wants her children to have some sort of spirituality even if it's not their own style, and has made flexible statements about other parts of their lives...except Kody.
      He is the one thing she seems fully focused on. More than career, more than faith, more than her kids. I don't know how long she would have lasted in polygamy if she didn't have her devotion to Kody.

    4. Janelle obviously is 100% vested in Kody, and by extension, is vested in Kody's beliefs. Otherwise she would not have returned to the fold after her 3 year hiatus and had even more children by him. If it was and is only about her infatuation with *him*, she could have stayed out on her own having her own outside "personal" time with him, raising her kids according to *her* philosophies.

      Mindful of the fact that those snippets of her comments which have been shown in their show were and are in the hands of the TLC editors, it is hard to take anything Janelle says or has said, as solid evidence of her personal beliefs. Who knows what was said in the full, unedited context of any discussion in front of the cameras ?
      And as far as their revelations in that hastily put together many of those have they already refuted or re-clarified since its publication?

      Janelle may be having an identity crisis, or she is reading blogs and realizing she has to put some color/ depth to her image.

  7. So if the Browns are going to Disneyland during this time they are spending $700 a passport. I don't get it, I live 10 minutes from's OK to see it once or twice a year at the most.

    So sad when the day comes and they have to drop the big news (to the little ones) of no more Disneyland passports for the family. :(

    1. I wonder if for publicity Disney might have given them yearly passes?? I mean, they aren't all that famous but they do post alot of pics from Disney which is free publicity for them....
      Just a thought..........

    2. you know there ARE other places they can visit, that are way cheaper than the House of Mouse. Our national parks for example...last time I checked (been awhile) an entry pass to Yosemite was $20 for a carload for 7 days. They could stay at Housekeeping Camp, or Curry Village or one of the campsite places, bring in their own food and actually get some exercise via the hikes etc. Most of the family could use the exercise and fresh air instead of standing in line at Disneyland, eating overpriced food and going on the same rides over and over and over and over and over...zzzzz.

    3. I don't get the Disneyland addiction at all. They tweet about it so much maybe they equate it with status? The poor folks finally made it big? Weird! They could have bought a vacation home in Big Bear or along the Colorado River/Havasu for the money they have spent on Disneyland. OR........They could have also saved the money and put a DOWN payment on their interest only mortgages and financed through a direct lender. A fool and his money are soon parted.

    4. They tweet about it so much maybe they equate it with status?
      I think you've got a good point.

      I think it does have to do with status - most likely Kody showing his older brothers "Look at me! We go to Disneyland whenever we want!" I think Kody is motivated by feelings of inadequacy when compared to his older brothers. Kody had to have more wives, and more children, and bigger better houses. But he doesn't have the smarts to keep what he's got, so yes, He is a fool and will soon be parted from the McMansions and Robyn's hobby business when the TLC gravy train stops.

      On the other hand, maybe Kody feels guilty that in the early years he couldn't give his older children Disneyland trips so now he's overcompensating. Even so, once the TLC money is gone, he won't be able to maintain that level of living. The younger children will be the ones who will not understand why no more Disney trips, why no more McMansions.

    5. There is also Christine's princess obsession. That ugly dress she had made for the recommitment ceremony was modeled off of a couple of Disney princess dresses, though the dress didn't look right due to the poor fabric choice.

    6. DJ, can you imagine the Browns loading up their minivans with all their children and packing ice chests full of nutritious food and drink and taking off for the Redwoods? Chances are they would be walking around the huge trees and not one of "those people" would notice or care or ask for a picture or autograph...instead, they would be out in nature, no cameras, no press, and they might sweat and wouldn't have a mist shower to walk through to cool off and they would have to find things for the kids to do like hike. Yeah, I think the Browns would definitely be down for that, NOT.

    7. RKR we saw them do it once going to Big Bear...of course most of the adults just sat around doing their makeup or whatever once they got to the camp site. Remember how impatient Hunter was with them? That was the "testosterone monster" ep.

  8. hatch is a republican with a record of being pretty pro-polygamy. he as much as accused 'help the child brides' of slander for pointing out the child abuse in short creek. and for what it's worth, i seem to recall kody being a registered republican, at least when living in utah.

    1. Our current president is the son of a polygamist so it would seem there are multiple people in high positions of power who are close to this type of thing on all sides of the aisle.

    2. I think the Hatch reference has more to do with a bunch of midwest and eastern senators trying to form a new national landmark in Utah. Senator Hatch has been very vocal in his opposition to it.

    3. that's an excellent explanation which makes a lot of sense. i read about the national landmark thing, but assumed that was a done deal, completely forgetting how slow these things can move.

  9. Cj,

    I was looking at the Facebook posts on Sister Wives (ashamed to say) and one person said that they saw the wives and kids at Disney (5x) but not Robyn and Kody and then another said that they were there Tuesday and say Robyn and Kody together. Hmmm. . . could it be that the women who cannot share a kitchen cannot share a vacation? This lady didn't say anything about anyone being pregnant so I imagine that story is a goner. I would think that anyone who is posting there is enough of a "fan" to mention if one of the girls was expecting.

    Another thought. On the Janelle building bridges of tolerance thing. I have lived or visited in many of the places where these ladies have lived. Lehi is not the polygamous compound that some people believe it to be. It has a population of 51,000 people in Lehi proper and is surrounded by cities that size or larger along the Wasatch Front. I say that to illustrate that it is a large community of mostly mainstream Mormons. However, it is NOT very racially diverse (Wyoming is even less so). So, for Janelle to imply that she is building a bridge is only in theory as I think that her experience with people who are not like her is very limited. I think that she has met Oprah and Tamron Hall and would be their friend. . . I think that Janelle means well but is not really smart enough or savvy enough to try to understand people of different cultures or backgrounds and appreciate them. Good example, see how they treated the Poly family and they are very similar. Bless your heart Janelle, please don't try to take on difficult topics. Stick to things that you are good at like tweeting about your weight loss.

    I am actually happy to see the Brady bunch come back. I would be happy if they dropped the Kody Krew like a hot rock because they are just beating a dead horse of bad storylines on that one (in spite all the help from this blog). I like Brady and crew because they are more honest and they seem to be in a struggle and I like to see that they are trying very hard to pull their family through it. Even the bankruptcy storyline should be shown because that is a reality for some families and seeing them work through it in an honest way (without the fake vacations to Disney) would be refreshing and honest tv. So bring them on. And let's see more of the Bigfoot loving papa Williams. That crazy guy is a hoot.

    CJ, Thanks for your honesty, time and candor.

    1. CJ, Thanks for your honesty, time and candor.
      You're welcome! It's my pleasure!

  10. The use of the word tolerance when referring to race/sexual orientation has always bothered me. The word tolerate,to me, means to "put up with" or "bear the pain of'. Somehow,this word when speaking about people's differences sounds negative. Like it is a burden.
    I understand that the intent/sentiment is positive..but disagree with the word choice.
    Any suggestions for a better choice? Or am I being too picky..that has been known to happen too.

    1. How about we "embrace" our cultural, religious, etc differences instead of merely tolerate them?

    2. Good point kimbagirl - tolerance is NOT the right word to use!
      I like the word Respect; "is a positive feeling of esteem or deference for a person or other entity (such as a nation or a religion)". -Wikipedia. Although, Embrace is nice too.


    3. No, you are not being too picky. People ARE using the word tolerance incorrectly when they mean embrace. Bring this back to the Brown's.... I am 'tolerant' of their lifestyle, but not 'accepting' or 'embracing'... and I don't feel bad about it. The Browns' are normally 'tolerant' of their fans, but Kody's rant at Disneyland strayed toward intolerance. The Brown's were tolerant of the people fleeing FLDS, but not accepting or embracing. They really only accept or embrace those that think like them - the Dargers, the Brady's, the 'Christian' polygamists. They merely tolerant us boring monogamists.

    4. Embrace would be ideal. Hopefully someday. Respect is another option. Equality and human rights should be automatic for all people..not just tolerated by others. It should be indisputable.

    5. Glad to know that it's not just me. I can get hung up on details sometimes and didn't want to dismiss the positive intent. It just is not the right word.
      I agree with you mythoughtis about the Browns.For people seeking acceptance,tolerance,and respect,for their choices in life, they do not show the same for others.
      Of course, race and sexual orientation are not choices, it is simply who people are.

  11. A few thoughts...perhaps Janelle is very successful in her real estate career and is selling homes left and right -- but is too modest to say so. Perhaps Robyn is pregnant, but is keeping it very low key since she doesn't want anyone to make a fuss about her or want to inconvenience or bother anybody. Perhaps Meri is going back to college because a mind is a terrible thing to waist. Or maybe because her waist is a terrible thing to mind and it'll keep her active. Perhaps Christine is a dominatrix in the boudoir and Kody is scared straight. After all, Christine keeps saying that monogamists never have as much fun as plygs. Perhaps Godzilla will soon rule the earth and Kim Kardashian will become a nun.

    1. The most ironic part of this post is "the mind is a terrible thing to waist." I hope that was intentional.

    2. If Janelle WAS selling homes "left and right" ohhhh we'd for sure know about it by now. It would have been proclaimed to the heavens. I also think we'd know if Robyn had a miscarriage. they've talked about Meri's and Christine's in the past often. Miscarriage - yup that would be on the show. Inability to get pregnant - not so much at least not right off the bat. IMO.

    3. None of the wives are modest in their attitudes. Successful real estate agents, at least in my experience, are out there and letting everyone know their sales record via advertisements and such. Otherwise the sellers don't know about you. I for one if I was selling real estate I would go to the best/most successful realtor I can find. I want to get the best price and sell it quickly more than i would want the "prestige" of having Janelle Brown as the listing agent.

    4. I don't think the OP actually believes Janelle is modest or that Robyn doesn't want anyone making a fuss over her. Pretty sure the OP was going for sarcastic here....

    5. Who is OP...or what is OP

    6. OP is the abbreviation for Original Poster - the commenter who started the thread.

  12. Janelle's tweet about mental illness bugged me too, that "social status, education and wealth don't cure the disease. In fact it can make it worse & give more power to harm." As a mental health professional I can say that while yes anyone can suffer from mental illness, those below the poverty level are definitely the most vulnerable. There is a profound lack of accessible and available resources to people in a low socioeconomic status and to suggest otherwise (based on her own rather limited observations) is rather insulting.

    1. I think she was commenting about Robin Williams.

    2. I know she was. But it doesn't do anything to honor Robin Williams to to raise awareness for depression by saying that wealthy or educated people with mental illness have it worse than anyone else.

  13. I don't think Robyn is pregnant but she is supposed to be. Perhaps she had a miscarriage, but the fact that she is unable to follow the expected script is keeping her out of sight until she can get pregnant. They are probably counting on a new child coming to keep the show going but I don't really think that is good enough. Another Brown, yawn. A marriage of one of the kids would provide great ratings but I wouldn't wish that on any of them. I really don't know what they will do next. Enough parties, enough stupid trips, enough weight loss journeys.

    1. Although Robyn is my least favorite wife, I hope she did not suffer a miscarriage. That is a heartbreak that I would not wish on my worst enemy.

    2. I dont' think Robyn is pregnant. I think she is hiding out because they want the fans to guess and wonder if she is pregnant to increase ratings. I don't think Robyn should have any more kids....its overwhelming when you do most of it on your own and she seems to be very overwhelmed right now. Maybe she really doesn't want to be pregnant but is being pestered by Kody. Or maybe she has experienced infertility. But I do not think she is pregnant. They are trying to save face with the fake cliffhanger.

    3. Christine's constant bashing of "boring monogamists" screams intolerance to me.

  14. In general, or at least in general observation of the Browns, I cannot help but noticed that they self medicate with food, parties, amusement parks, and road trips. When one considers their proclamations of how polygamy makes them better and how love should be multiplied and all their other little scripts, it makes me wonder, then, if they are so happy and if they have been made so much better with this multiple love, why their show does not demonstrate this improvement that is supposed to come from the "multiplied" love. For instance, Janelle is checked out and seemingly cannot get over how Kody and Meri treated her; Christine is just eaten up with jealousy and is lonely and sad; Meri feels unwanted while, at the same time, needs to elevate herself above the other wives and her tears at the drop of hat is connotative of a very sad person; then Robyn...oh poor misunderstood Robyn. Robyn also cries and while the other women seems to feel they don't get enough Kody time, she seems fulfilled, which could explain why Christine is so jealous. Their own admissions of lack of Kody time is antithetical to their own proclamations that they are happy and polygamy works. Instead, they over eat to the point of three of the wives are morbidly obese and Meri is getting close to super morbidly obese while Janelle, even after her little bit of weightless, is super morbidly obese. Another instance of self medication is their trips to disney land. Taking their kids back and forth to disney land is, perhaps, one of the symptoms that they are trying to assuage their guilt from having children by a man who spends so little time with them and the time he is with them, the family time is not as great as it should be. And all those "family" road trips are another attempt at deception but unlike the food and disney trips, the road trips are filmed to deceive the public. As you all know, when one self medicates with food, temporarily the heart doesn't feel quite as bad; likewise, when a single mom sees her children smiling and having a dose of fun, those guilty feelings for all the times the kids are not happy can, briefly, self medicate the minds and hearts of these women. I don't know if what I've said makes sense; I've had my allergy medication and sometimes my mind doesn't quite get it but putting this on the blog will remind me and tomorrow, I will finish this thought out.

    1. I wholeheartedly agree with this assessment of the Brown family--especially the wives--working hard to fill a hole by eating and distracting themselves with Disneyland and overblown parties, etc. However, I think it's hyperbolic to throw around the term "super morbidly obese" in terms of Meri and Christine, et al. Obese, oh yes, no question, and in Janelle's case (esp. when she was 271 lbs) definitely moving into the super obesity category.

      Livestrong makes this distinction: "Super Morbid Obesity:Super obese individuals, those with a BMI of 50 or greater, may carry 150 or more excess pounds on their bodies. For example, a healthy weight for a person 5 ft. 7 in. tall is 121 to 153 pounds. A person of the same height with a BMI of 50 would weigh approximately 319 pounds -- 166 to 198 pounds more than a person in the healthy weight range."

      As overweight as Christine and Meri are (as are Mariah, Aspyn, and Mykelti), they simply aren't "super morbidly obese." I don't understand the urge to describe a genuinely big problem (no pun intended) by calling it a mind-bogglingly catastrophic problem.

    2. I agree. We all know that Christine, Meri and most of the other family members are overweight but not morbidly obese. Seems like using "morbidly obese" fills the same emptiness for the OP that food and diesneyland does for the Browns.

    3. And on this note, this topic has run its course.


  15. In regards to Brady's family- to their credit, those parenting books are actually wonderful resources.

    1. The book "How to Talk so Kids Will Listen and Listen so Kids Will Talk" by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish is one of the most helpful parenting books I've ever found. When my son (just turned 18!) was little I photocopied the 'reminder' pages and had them taped on the cupboards in our kitchen (another mother with an older child gave me her copy after hanging out with me and my kid one day...). By the time my daughter came along, I was pretty accustomed to the techniques, which can be helpful with people other than kids as well. Seriously, that book helped me enormously even with my mother-in-law, my mother, my husband.

    2. Huh, never heard of them, but I will have to check them out.

  16. Does Meri's brother work in a bar? Isn't that a faux pas for a LDS member?

    1. I believe its a seafood restaurant

  17. Meri's brother? I thought it was Mr. Belding from "Saved By The Bell."

  18. Meri has tweeted that Mariah is back off to college. So, part of our questions are answered. Sounds like she is back at Westminster.

    If I were one of the Brown wives, instead of going to Disneyland at several hundred dollars per trip (they have large families), I would take that same $$$ and either put it in a separate and secret bank account OR I would buy lots of groceries, school clothes, school supplies etc. At some point in the not too distant future, they are going to wish they had the money from some of those trips so they can feed their families and clothe the growing kids. They surely can't believe this money stream will continue forever...and in my opinion if you go to Disney several times a year, it kind of loses it's special-ness.

    1. They will no doubt file bankruptcy again. You can't repossess a trip. They would lose the money saved. Better to spend it on consumables like food.

    2. They could have used the money to help buy furniture for Aspyn and Mykelti's apartment, instead. Those tweets make it sound like neither mother nor daughters even thought about college essentials.

      Their sharing an apartment may be cheaper than paying for two dorm rooms. Mykelti may not be entering as a freshman (if she got her AA degree), so she wouldn't have to face any freshman/on-campus housing requirement (if UNLV has one). But, I wonder why she wouldn't want to live in the dorms and why Aspyn wouldn't have moved in with a sorority sister.

      Finally, according to the show, Christine did pass her RE exam. Yet, I don't think for a second that she (or Janelle) offered any of their professional training to help her daughters find their apartment. However, Christine probably had to guarantee or co-sign their lease - yet another liability for the family.

    3. Could be UNLV did not want TLC filming at Aspyn's sorority dorm or the sorority might have said no filming but allowed Aspyn to move into an apartment. TLC has got to be paying for that apartment and furnishings. Next season expect those two girls to be living like the roomies on MTVs "The Hills" with a group of fab Vegas friends surrounding them.

  19. I am happy that the Browns have gotten to take their family on a nice vacation to Disneyland. However, i would like to see them sharing their good fortune and doing something to help others this summer as well. What a great lesson that would be for their kids and giving back to the community.

  20. Meri is tweeting that mariah is back to college. I wonder when Meri's classes start, and will she tweet about that? Will she be filmed going to classes? Will it interfere with her groupie behaviour with VLL?
    She is still tweeting that someone has upset her and she mistrusts someone.

  21. I was just reading a little bit on Mykelti's twitter and couldn't help but wonder if she was taking a jab at Kody when she posted something about a real man is faithful to God and his woman. ??????

    1. Anon I don't think so. It sounds more like she's had a bad breakup and has turned to God for support and comfort.

    2. Bad breakup! I would say so. If "John" was really Mykelti's boyfriend I feel bad for her. She says that she is glad her dad protected her, but . . . I would not be glad if my dad tried to make my boyfriend afraid of kissing. Christine wants all dates afraid of kissing. I can't imagine the pain Mykelti went through at school. The teasing from the airing of that show had to be awful. As a good kid she is trying to internalize her pain and blame the boyfriend instead of placing the blame where it belongs.

    3. Just my opinion but I think Mykelti is very sly about her jabs at her dad and says what her parents want to hear, while thinking the opposite. I remember Robyn's purity speech and Mykelti piped up after she was done and said "I am never having sex" with a horrified look. I think she was subtly mocking them while pacifying her family. Poor girl, it is hard being smarter than your parents as a teen (doesn't usually work that way). The fact that she says she wants kids, but purposely leaves out a dad makes me think she doesn't think much of Kody and wants to share that with the world in her own way.

  22. I can't wait to see if they get another season. It seems like even the loyal fans have stopped sipping on the green kool-aid judging by the facebook comments. In between blender pancake & mock ravioli recipes (and a goofy picture of Kody) there's not a whole lot of love being expressed. Not very smart to spend all season complaining about money & then tweet about your wonderful Disney vacation.

    1. Or your six-seven wonderful Disney vacations.

    2. Reading that the Christine's girls moved into an apartment without furniture and without household wares was kind of sad. Now, they could have just been there getting the keys and decided to order food to celebrate the event; however, if not, sending kids off without necessities is really kind of sad. When my great niece started getting ready for college and her first real apartment after living in a dorm for a year, my sister and I went through our kitchens and we ended up giving her all her household wares and I through in some mis-matched bedroom furniture. My sister found her living room things. My point is that when our kids move out, we should make an effort to see that they are set up, even if those things they are using are used. My great niece is the first of that generation of kids going out on her own; my grandson will be next and we will put together for him too. Browns at least give the girls some kitchen wares...a plate, a spoon a

    3. RunKodyrun I disagree. When I moved out I wasn't set up at all. My household furniture was a love seat I bought at a garage sale and a futon for a bed. My family wasn't responsible for me being on my own. I bought a spatula, mixing spoon, pot, silverware, and plastic plates on clearance at the end of summer. Aspyn and Mykelti were aware they were getting an apartment so they should have started to look into these things.

    4. Based off the ratings dropping off this past season, I would say that the Browns have 1 season left, possibly 2, unless something major happens. Even if Robyn is pregnant, fans aren't going to be so excited. Kody needs to go a courtin' or one of the kids has to get married for viewers to come back. Now, if Robyn is not pregnant, fans may be mad about the cliffhanger from last season not paying off, leading to ratings dropping even more.

    5. It could be the stress of dropping ratings that caused Kody to lose it with that Disney fan. It's funny how Brady Williams already letting fans know his show is coming back for season 2 this fall, but ask Kody or wives when their show is coming back and all you get are blank stares or silence. I bet Kody tries to hold out for more money but with dropping ratings and fanbase it won't work this time and the show will be dropped. Just my opinion.

    6. "I bet Kody tries to hold out for more money"

      Now wouldn't that be just like that moron? The only solid source of income they have ever had has been from the show, and he will ruin it with his arrogance. Truly, that would be such a classic Kody the Klown move.

    7. It is rather ominous that no word has officially come from TLC. I suppose last season was a fluke when the renewal announcement was published by news media so soon after the commitment season finale. This year, nothing...just like the previous years.

      Maybe Kody is trying to play hardball renegotiating his contract. I agree with ya, Snarkaholic. His arrogance could ruin everything!

    8. Anon 9:26 AM

      I agree that the girls should take some responsibility in planning and furnishing their apartment, and they very well may have. It is probably more the case of them jumping the gun in their excitement to see/stay at the apartment that led to their spoon less state.
      I think each family does the best they can to settle their children, and some families might not be able to afford purchasing new furniture or housewares, and that's fine too.
      My first place was filled with second hand furniture and thrift store finds, but you can damn well guarantee that my mom and dad helped me haul, refinish, and yes, even purchase some of those items.
      We don't know how this apartment will end up being set up, but I'm guessing not much will be donated from Robin or Meri's McMansions. I also doubt that if we see 'moving day' that Kody will he doing anything more than napping and yelling.
      My father in law has a joke that he 'didn't/doesn't have to do manual labor anymore...that's why he had so many kids!'
      Ha ha, right? What a dream boat. (Coincidently, from the same faith as the Browns.)
      I wonder if we will see any of the bonus 'moms' other than Janelle helping the girls move. That would be a perfect opportunity to display all the benefits of multiple moms.

    9. I think what is so offensive about the idea of Mykelti and Aspyn moving into an empty apartment is that their parents could easily afford to give them the basics to get started. The juxtaposition of that huge family partying it up at Disney (which of course costs a small fortune) and Christine's two daughters not having chairs or spoons is just really, really sad.

    10. I don't find it offensive at all that the kids have to sit on the floor...perhaps this will teach them something they never learned from their parents about material goods, saving, value of stuff, etc. It really isn't the worst thing in the world.

    11. Anon 9:06, don't forget that those same two daughters were partying it up with them at Disney before they moved into said apartment.

    12. This was the first season of Sister Wives that was not made available through the "on Demand" feature provided by Comcast cable. I missed the mouth hormones episode, and could not find it "on Demand", a feature that includes storing tv shows and allowing free access for a period of time after their original air date.
      Perhaps the production company or the Browns are hoping this will result in more DVD sales of their show.
      When the first episode wasn't put up, I originally thought that maybe it had been destroyed completely and erased from even the Akashic record for the embarrassment Kody's mouth hormone debacle had brought upon the Brown family.
      When further episode were not made available, I realized that , unfortunately, this was far from the case. It was a mouth hormone season fiesta, right up to Kody's prideful defense of his great mouth hormone oration to Tamron Hall. "The horror!...the horror!"

    13. Hmmm Bemused. I hadn't even checked, since I had my DVR set to record the shows. Usually yup Xfinity/Comcast has had the eps up the week after they air. I doubt the Browns get ANY royalties from DVD sales. Remember - they aren't union Screen Actors Guild members who are entitled to residuals. The Browns, like the other reality show participants, get paid to be on the show one time, TLC can air them as much as they like without having to worry about paying royalties. That would include DVD/iTunes rights. By the time we see the show, the Browns have long since been paid (and no doubt, pissed away) the TLC money.

    14. Thanks for that info, Dakota. I didn't realize that the Browns don't benefit from DVD sales.
      Perhaps TLC thinks that the ratings of the original air dates will improve if viewers aren't able to catch the show later on down the line.
      I admit that I don't like to watch SW during its regular time slot because I don't want my 12 year old daughter to see me watch the Fool on the Hill. Also, my husband's comments about SW give me reason to doubt my taste in entertainment.

  23. Anon 9:26: I would agree with you up to a point but as parents we should try to help our kids who are just starting off and I am sorry your experience was different from mine and others. But, Christine's kids have participated in this reality program and surely they have contributed enough to warrant a spoon and a plate.

    1. I had another reason for helping to supply household necessities to our kids as they moved out. When I (and also my siblings) moved out, my mother "gifted" some things from her kitchen, linen closet and small furnishings like small table lamps, my bedroom furniture, etc. It gave my new surroundings a feeling of "home.'
      All of us siblings said the same thing....that touch of home was comforting.
      We were still free to make our homes *our own* but having one of "Mom's" spatulas, mixing bowls, frying pans and a few coffee mugs and set of familiar sheets, etc. were welcome strokes of love.

    2. Aspyn's tweet sounds like a sitcom skit. You know, Lucy and Ethel spend the night in a apartment and only have one spoon to eat a box of Chinese noodles with. Don't be surprised if this skit shows up in a special College episode with doofus music playing in the background.

      Back to reality, there are so many things they could have done. Driven or walked to a convenience store and picked up a box of plasticware. Or like Cynical said, driven over to their mother's house for some silverware and plates. I wouldn't go knocking on neighbor doors because that's too scary. They can't be that dense, can they?

    3. "They can't be that dense, can they? "

      Well.....Apparently so !!

      The older kids, just like their parents.....know that a few juicy, provocative tweets (*true or not*) will generate blog traffic....aka PR.....all designed to snag that coveted contract for yet another bogus season.
      Anyone else get the feeling that viewers, bloggers, FB members are being masterfully played by the Browns??? That there is a master plan afoot to keep their comings and goings center stage?
      After all, there is NO Sobbin/ Kody spawn (that was gotcha for all viewers), no VC bucks.
      But there *are* Disney sightings sure to result in chatter on finances...and then Janelle's social diversity advice, kids leaving home without even a spoon....on and on.

      Sure smells a bit fishy/contrived to me !!!

    4. They could have provided the rent/deposit asking the girls if they wanted seconds from the kitchens at home. Maybe they said no thanks and just planned on getting stuff later?

      I thought mkeltye wanted to go to school in NY?

    5. These kids didn't just move out on their own, they are going to college. Big difference. When your kid goes to college the normal parent will help them get set up. My daughter lives in a dorm and we still have to buy tons of stuff. You don't just send them off on their own with a pat on the back and a wish for good luck.

      I think their parents will get them set up, they probably just got excited and wanted to spend the night in their new place.

    6. Anyone else get the feeling that viewers, bloggers, FB members are being masterfully played by the Browns???

      Kody and Krew may think they are playing their audience, but I think the TRUE master has been TLC playing Kody. TLC holds the money. All Kody can do is dance to their tune so if he's told to take a trip to Missouri to meet non Mormon polygamists, he has no choice but to comply. He has no control over TLC and he resents being the monkey on display in the cage. And what's even sadder, the chump has no skills whatsoever. He's not a public speaker, he can't act or sing, he certainly isn't funny and with two failed businesses under his belt he is not a shining example of a competent businessman. The guy is a loser with a capital L. With four wives and 17 children. Who thinks frequent trips to Disneyland with his wives and families makes him a cool dude but doesn't understand his audience is now seeing past the façade into the ugliness that surrounds those "happy tweets".

      People will get bored with him and move on and TLC will cut him loose. Just like that. So no matter how much the Browns tweet about this trip to Disneyland or buy this VLL album or this trinket in MSWC, once TLC feels the Browns are no longer worth the time, effort and more importantly the MONEY expense, the Browns will be out and the new flavor of the month appears in their timespot.

      And TLC execs will laugh about him and move on...

    7. All true, CJ...and TLC does have the new flavor all primed and ready to go via Brady.

      Kody's expiration date has definitely come, actually it came due last year.
      There is absolutely nothing left to see, hear, know about him or about his bed-buddies.
      The kids...? It was never about them anyway, except when they needed fillers.

    8. My parents did send me off with a pat on the back and good luck. And I'm grateful for it. I didn't expect more and didn't consider it their responsibility to take care of me or pay my tuition. I can see helping out a little bit with some hand-me-downs, but I think many parents today coddle their children well into adulthood. Not only does it not do the "kids" any favors, it doesn't help the rest of us who have to work with those "kids." They're generally a very entitled bunch these days.

    9. But Jinx...Kody has to be cool. He said himself ALL the COOL DUDES in the bible have multiple wives.
      Even though most of them fell out of favor with god, and even though polygamy is never demanded or even really encouraged...if the cool kids are doing it that makes him cool too.

    10. My parents didn't even send me off with a pat on the back. Personally, I cannot fathom letting my daughter go off to college with out the basics. And I don't make nearly as much as the Browns.

    11. Well said Anonymous 7:27 pm. What is it teaching kids when everything is handed to them? Several years back when I was 27 my co-worker (who I actually was supervising) was the same age. Her mother still paid her car insurance, cell phone bill, and medical expenses. What did this do for her? It made her stuck in perpetual adolescence. I would have loved to have my college paid for (which her parents did) let alone my other expenses but now looking at who she is today- going back to school to be an over-educated barista and I have been promoted...I wonder.

    12. It might not even be Brady's family who will be the Brown replacements. They might have something/someone else in mind, having nothing to do with polygamy. I think that has run its course, personally - i.e. the fascination with the lifestyle.

      I don't think that Kody bargains with TLC, he takes what they'll give him. What's he going to do, go to another network? and which one will have him? TLC/Discovery holds all the cards. as you said CJ, all Kody can do is acquiese to their wishes.

    13. Question? How far from UNLV do the Browns live?

      I realize it is such a great thing for kids to take off and live on their own for college and experience it all, but ummmmmm....the one's that are going to UNLV should probably live at home IF they are having such "money issues" DONCHA THINK!

      That right there tells me that money is NOT an issue for the Browns. I also realize that the kids want to get the heck out of that whole family situation as much as they say they just love it! Sure it was fun to have all those brothers and sisters when you are young.....but when they all got into their late teens...UGH, must not have been as "happy" and "fun"...obviously.

    14. "I think that has run its course, personally - i.e. the fascination with the lifestyle."
      I agree about this possibility.
      Really, how much more can be shown about a guy, any guy, with his assortment of bedmates and baby mommas and his ever-growing horde of children ??

      It doesn't matter now whether the wives are Kody's, Big Joe Darger's or Brady Williams' harem. It is all the same look at a setup that holds no appeal for non-plygs, beyond wondering and finding out just how unappealing it all is.
      The women are marginalized and all of them certainly show the stress of that lifestyle.
      The kids are trained to accept their situation until they reach the age of maybe breaking away.

      The first season of Brady was nothing more than a glaring repeat of SW w/one more wife. And odds are the scripted soap opera dramas for their 2nd season will mirror more of Kodyworld with bankruptcy, pregnancy, and the relentless tears and fears for the wives. No doubt there will be some filmed family trips thrown in for TLC color.
      All done before, all predictable
      The subject has been played out !!!

    15. Maybe they are going to bring in some plygs who might be more open to honesty in terms of the real emotions that the women feel versus this oh it makes us stronger crap.

    16. "....some plygs who might be more open to honesty in terms of the real emotions that the women feel...."

      Now THAT would be quite refreshing and worth viewing.
      But don't see that happening with any of Brady's women. They all seem to be old style programmed to honor the master.

    17. Just a thought.... let's just say that it would probably take about a half hour to get to UNLV from the Cul-de-sac! Even though I think it's great that the kids are getting out on their own, if money is an issue then living at home would save a TON!

    18. I looked the distance up on google maps. It's 18 miles from the cul-de-sac to UNLV and time it takes to drive is listed at about 1/2 hour, as Kelly thought. Meri will undoubtedly make the drive for her classes. But college age kids want to be where the action is and the Browns have yet to use good judgment about money.

      Bet Mariah's freshman year (tuition, board and private room, books, trips home, car and incidentals) cost more than tuition for a UNLV student's whole undergraduate career. Mariah tweeted as spring semester was ending that she, too, will be living off campus with some roommates. Wonder if that saves dollars or is perceived as more fun????

      Maddie's move to Utah seems very sensible. Her 1 year residency in Utah will cut her tuition to a Utah state school by lots of dollars so her move during this summer will save on next year's tuition. Janelle's kids and Mykelti seem to be the ones who explore lots of options to their own benefit. Maybe, some of the rest of the family will notice?????? But then we are snarking about the Brown family, whose money management has always mystified me. bgee

    19. Anonymous 3:50, I was actually replying to "Just a Thought", I looked it up too. LOL

    20. I don't blame Logan, Aspyn, and Mykelti for moving to or close to the college. The dorm/college apartment experience is important to young adults....not so much for older students. Logan, Aspyn and Mykelti need to be able to concentrate on their classes and new experiences rather than continue to be Mommy's helper for everyone. Some of the most 'educational ' experiences take place in your dorm hallway at 2 AM, some of the best philosophical discussions take place over 10 PM pizza across from your dorm .

      Logan, Aspyn, and Mykelti could have chosen a more expensive college a 100 miles away, and then there would be no discussion of them living at home. If Mariah gets to go to Westminster, the Brown adults have no room to tell these 3 they can't live in a dorm.. My guess is these 3 are paying for it themselves anyway, either thru work or loans.

  24. Off topic a little bit. I was on my sister wives closet today. They are selling genuine watches. As opposed to....fake watches?

    1. LOL! I saw that and was wondering what the heck?

    2. "gen-you-ine" watches are the real deal, darlin'!
      Real classy, doncha know...

    3. I saw that but didn't think it was odd. All the watches they have shown in that section have a word like that as a name. Sassy. Genuine. Powerful. I just assumed it was going with the theme of their "Be" line of jewelry.

      None of it is my style or anything I'd actually buy from them, but the fact that "genuine" was a word chosen as a name for that watch style didn't seem strange to me in context of the broader themes.

  25. CJ's post Aug 19 5.30pm in reply to another post " viewers, bloggers FB members....are being marsterfully played by the Browns....hmmmm... I immediately thought of Joe Darger..........

  26. Apparently, they are now selling decorative wood signs and ball caps with girlie designs on my sisterwife's closet. Let's see - "iconic" jewelry, "genuine" watches, scarves, decorative signs, caps, Christmas ornaments, aprons, autographed books, Grandma's homemade candy, digital workout and music downloads. It's an online swap meet.

    I am guessing that someone suggested that Robyn google the term "drop shipping".

    1. You can go on Amazon and find it all on there.....cheaper. Some of the stuff you can buy in bulk.

      They are just ordering it, unpacking it, and repacking it and sending it to their "fans"

    2. They may keep adding more stuff but they still haven't corrected the grammatical errors I have pointed out on two occasions. I truly hate sloppy use of the English language in supposedly professional settings.

  27. I am not trying to be mean with the following statements....they are just a couple of observations.
    1. Regarding the picture of Meri's brother Adam.....after seeing her siblings and mother, it is apparent that good looks do not run in her family. (Too much chlorine in that gene pool?)
    2. Truly is adorable...but I have always been genuinely concerned about her. She has always appeared fragile looking, and seems just a little delayed in reaching her developmental milestones. I do hope that Christine and Kody are caring for her appropriately.

    1. First of all, I don't think its a matter of inbreeding. Its just unattractive people having unattractive offspring.

      Second, Truly looks like a normal child. I always wonder why people want to think she has something wrong. She looks exactly like her siblings when they were babies.

      And as far as your hoping Christine and Kody are caring for her appropriately, you must have missed the episode when she went into kidney failure when Kody allowed her to get dehydrated when she had a virus and Christine delayed taking her to the doctor until it was almost too late.

    2. Truely is adorable. Very few children her age would be able to pull off talking to the public "on the couch." Truely does not seem large physically, but she does seem to be very precoucious.

    3. i think she's as cute as a button and bright wee girl to boot. however, i have always worried about her health. she was so little for so long and christine keeps posting pictures of her swaddled in a blanket like a baby. i don't trust christine to take care of that precious little girl, even the kidney failure seems to have barely shaken her out of her complacency. the child needs regular check-ups and some thorough tests. christine may or may not believe in conventional medicine (when did that become a matter of belief anyway?), maybe she's trying to save money, who knows, but i just don't trust her to look after her. kody and the sister wives won't do it either and now aspyn and mykelti are out of the house. i hope to god she's ok, but i don't feel it's wrong to worry, given the evidence so far.

  28. looks like kody christine and janelle are getting free lassik eye surgery..kody is tweeting pics of their consultation and the doctor

    1. WTH? I can't afford lasik and I have JOB.

    2. Of course. Remember that Kate got a tummy tuck and jon got hair implants. This seems like the last gasp before the swan song. One more gift/handout from the viewing public for these grifters. We have come to expect no less. On a side note, I am happy that the kids are leaving the nest.

    3. The Gosselins got a lot of free stuff that's true but I think that merchants/vendors have learned now that it's not necessarily good advertising.

  29. Unless it was filmed as part of the show, I doubt that the doctor would agree to free surgery for the Browns.

    1. Why would lasik surgery even be a viable plotline? I don't think the Browns get as many freebees as people think. Disneyland, lasik, kids' apartments, tuition - all of that out of the Browns' pockets. Or as I suspect, the credit cards no doubt issued to all of the adults and their businesses (another reason for MSWC - a new business to get a credit card under!) which the Browns are using to supplement the TLC money and more than likely file bankruptcy once the show ends and they can't make the minimum payments.

      IMO, based on the fact that this has been their "financial plan" for at least 20 years. A leopard doesn't change its spots you know.

    2. Wasn't Christine's bankruptcy only a few years ago? I don't remember when the other two are. But you can only go bankrupt once every ten years, so they are going to have some big problems if they are charging everything now and then lose the TLC money.

    3. They still have Robyn who hasn't declared bankruptcy before. Plus she has her online business so I see her as being the next one to go that route if they lose the TLC money.

    4. well it's 2014, I think that Kody/Meri and Janelle are clear to file again. Plus they have Robyn. Plus, I'm guessing they have corporate/business credit cards under Brown Family Entertainment and MSWC, so they can file bankruptcy on those as well I think. But I'm not a CPA, Carol might know the answer to that...

    5. LOL, you better believe they've got small business credit cards. Robyn (either in a tweet or her "blog" on TLC) even wrote about someone noticing her credit card had My Sister Wifes Closet on it.

  30. I'll try again..Kody is tweeting their picture with the doctor and the name of his clinic. What purpose to tweet other than giving the doctor PR with their followers? Do the Brown's tweet their doctors they see? The doctor is getting PR and the Brown's are getting what?

    1. Kody gets to prove that someone with at least half a brain is willing to take a picture with him!

    2. There was a Dr. Rothman in Reno, Nevada who advertised heavily on a local radio station. If you mentioned the name of the station at his office, you could get a $100 credit on Lasix surgery. Maybe he is planning on using the same advertising scheme with the Browns in Las Vegas? It boggles the mind that he'd think people would scurry to his office just to get Lasix from the same DR. who did it to the Brown crew.
