
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

UPDATE: I Scour the Internet: The "International Left-Handers Day" Edition for August 13, 2014

Well OK, so I'm not a leftie, but I'm sure there has to be a lot of left-handed people out there if they have their own holiday, right?

So let's get down to what has been happening on the polygamist front this week.

Robyn is still keeping an extremely low profile (just like her part time hubby Kody and sisterwife Christine) but at least she's started retweeting the MSWC tweets to her many fans. Checking out MSWC twitter account, it now has almost 800 followers! Whoo hoo!

You know, I'm thinking maybe MSWC is now under control of a third party which could explain the sudden customer service centered actions of answering all those Facebook queries - with the cleanup of those obvious non customer comments on a daily basis.

And it could explain why the left hand of the Brown Family Business Team appears to be ignoring the right hand of the MSWC Business Team by tweeting about sales but leaving out the fact MSWC has its own twitter now.

C'mon, Browns! Why can't you get your left business hand and right business hand playing together in harmony?

To prove my point, here's Meri obsessively tweeting away about VLL, with nary a mention of the MSWC twitter account. Trust me, there were more than two tweets!

How about using #MySisWifesClos  or @MySisWifesClos    in those tweets, Meri???!!!!!  

Now here's a strange tweet...does this mean Meri's now eating diet food? At least it's not mashed cauliflower like another sister wife we know...

And of course, the now obligatory selfie featuring Robyn's bonus kids...

Ah...Meri, is that a new convertible you're driving???? No, wait. I think that's Kody's old $60K Lexus sports car convertible. But I thought Logan was gifted the Lexus when he went to UNLV. Does this mean the left handed team of Kody and Meri unceremoniously took back the Lexus after all these years? Or have they bought another Lexus convertible?

Tune in next week, folks!

Looking at the Kody twitter front, looks like we have the continuing saga of Coach Wike and his onesie with this retweet. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he was auditioning for a spot on the show...

Looks like all the Browns are traveling in various states of the USA. Here's a tweet from Aspyn tasting new cuisine with her aunt and uncle, in New Jersey. Hey, I hope she popped in on Teresa and Juicy Joe while there!

And here's Aspyn's philosophical thought of the day...

Yeah, that just about sums up the twitter activity from Kody, Robyn and Christine this week. That's two weeks in a row.

But then there's Janelle.

I guess Janelle doesn't watch Real Housewives on Bravo. They go glamping all the time! Certainly beats living in a teepee!

And how sweet of Janelle to tweet about her youngest son Gabriel...

Well that's it for the Browns. Let's check out the Brady and Wives Facebook page.

I don't know which is scarier...Rod Williams or that beer bottle he's holding. But I have to admit the T-shirt is rather cute.

And for those of you who just can't get enough of Brady and Wives...

UPDATE 8/13/14

Now here's something I found on the TLC Sister Wives Facebook fanpage just now.

Seems Kody has alienated a fan...I wonder how TLC's going to rehabilitate this faux pas? And I wonder which Kodette© family was in Disneyland. My money's on Christine.

Anyway, this vacation destination was confirmed by a comment on this fan's business page. Looks like Kody never learned that when you're nasty to people, they will tell their friends...who will tell their friends, who will tell their friends...and so on, and so on...

Too bad Kody didn't take the time to ask this lady for some marketing pointers because her business seems very interesting...!

Well, that's all for now. And remember, I Scour the Internet, so YOU don't have to!!


  1. I believe Kody received a 4 door Nissan SUV convertible from his multi level marketing business. It was tan. That

  2. Meri continues to crack me up with her VLL obsession. Since she didn't tweet about them during the season (she seemed to switch to Danny Gokey during that time), it's almost like the producers told her to stop and now that the season is over, she is tweeting again about her favorite boy band. I think because the wives are emotionally stunted, they don't realize how juvenile this type of behavior is. I wonder if VLL is embarrased?

    Janelle must be glamping by herself since her sisterwives are tweeting about other things. I bet it's some cheesy story line, Kody sets up a glamping trip for he and Janelle while they continue their rediscovery of that special spark now that she has lost 20 pounds and changed her hair do.

    I miss my Sunday night polygamy fix!

    1. I'm pretty sure that Danny Gokey is the husband of their PR rep, and he actually had the featured song in the commitment ceremony.

      I also buy into CJ's theory. Meri could at least add, "Buy VLL at @mysiswifesclos," or cross-promote to disguise that she's such a groupie. I think that VLL should be more embarrassed about that!

    2. That would be news to Danny Gokey's wife Leyicet. Alice Goldstein represents the Browns and her husband is Danny Goldstein who is a musician.

    3. Meri's obsession with that group is strange. I am actually beginning to wonder if she isn't having a fling with one of the band members? I can't imagine they'd pay Meri to promote them or want to be associated with middle aged plygs?

      It would be funny if Mariah started dating one of the band members and a storyline about keeping Mariah in college happened.

    4. I think Meri has a crush on one of the band members. I don't know much about them but I would imagine they are all significantly younger than Meri.

    5. If you google Van Lady Love you can see photos of them. Eclectic group in appearance. It does make you wonder what the connection is. My guess is their promotional agents are somehow one in the same rather than some sort of personal tie in.

  3. Hmmmm I wonder if Logan gave back the Lexus because he couldn't afford the upkeep/insurance? I'm sure he's a good kid, with good grades, but still he's a young driver and considered a higher risk.

    The Ugly MLM Mobile - Kody's had that for more than 2 years so I'm guessing he bought it outright after the lease ran out. OR it might have been a "gift" from LIV for the promotion of their "business opportunity" (such as it was). Someone mentioned there was a dent in it...
    I really don't think they're actually doing LIV anymore. at least not actively.

    1. Remember those bald tires on it when they were moving to Las Vegas?

    2. Wait..Wait...

      Maybe Meri is still following the 'Big Love' storybook. Barb sold her old station wagon for a Mini Cooper she named Honeybee. Could Meri have bought her own 'Honeybee'? looks like the Lexus.

    3. The headrests and seats look too new on the car Meri is driving. Kody's lexus had cracked leather on his headrests and seats.

    4. Anon2:11 I just watched an episode with Kody being interviewed in his lexus. It's the same car shown in Meri's tweest and Kody's lexus never had cracked leather! He cared more about that car than his wives!

    5. They are wear and tear cracks on leather from a car that age..look again..they are different in shape of the headrests in relation to the seat. They are similar and color is similar..shape is different. The Lexus has back headrest also.

    6. Let's hope this car is a rental - but it would be true to Kody Brown form to have bought another newer Lexus convertible whose back bumper doesn't have a booboo like the LIV MLMobile. Got to keep up those appearances, don't ya know.

    7. I think this car is Kody's Nissan Murano.

  4. HA - Brady's dad looks like a pot farmer. who knows?

    1. Who knows what he's got growing in those woods behind his house!

    2. Ha !!! Yeah, he does !!
      Maybe he has a big ol' doobie in his other hand.

    3. They will have to incoporate Brady's dad into the show. He adds a lot of character and humor to an otherwise drama-filled group of people.

    4. True CPA Carol, but then TLC would have to explain Rod's 2nd wife left him for another woman and how his 3rd wife was just 17 when he met her.

    5. I thought that beer bottle was a bong for a split second.

  5. Look up!! Lourdes has it covered!! ;-)

  6. Poor Persecuted Kody. He goes on television begging people to accept him and his family. He then turns around and blames the same people for his not having a job, not getting capital for his business, for his lack of privacy, for his inability to be the CEO of his family, for making fun of him about the mouth hormones, on and on and on. Hey Kody, when will anything actually by YOUR fault? Quit blaming all of us for everything that isn't perfect in your life!

  7. Robyn has been tweeting A LOT about Robin Williams and his depression. This is something she closely identifies with.

    1. Hmmm. Might be why she needs help at home. All snark aside, depression is horrible.

    2. I just took a look at her

    3. Or she's known and cared about someone who suffered with it and perhaps took their own life. Having experienced this with someone close to me, it's nothing to snark about. Whatever Robyn's reasons for caring about it and tweeting about it, I will assume the best and wish her the best.

    4. Yes, also had a family member who struggled with depression for years...she was seeing doctors etc but, in the end, she took her own life...very sad

    5. She also has a son with Aspergers. A condition which is difficult for the boy himself to navigate, especially as he is hitting puberty and watching his peers moving on with their lives while he stays somewhat suspended in his narrowed world.
      Depression can be a factor for him, but also for her as she will have to witness and accept his chronic struggles as time goes on. An adult with Aspergers is even more of a challenge than during the younger years.
      There are two Aspergers guys in my husband's family. One more severe than the other.
      It's hard....for them and for those who love them.

    6. No snarking here on Robyn and either dealing with depression or a family member who is depressed. She is obviously struggling right now.

    7. Amused, there are studies showing that medical mj helps autism and aspergers. they have a strain now that does not have psychoactive properties. in other words you do not get "stoned".

    8. Thanks, Jellybeans,
      I will pass on that info if they haven't already heard about it.
      Appreciate your post !!

    9. I never felt that Kody took Christine's depression seriously enough. I hope she is doing better.

    10. Exactly annon 4:34 I think Christine really struggled after Truely. Janelle said she had to check out for awhile. I never saw any compassion from any one of them for her. Kody just did not want to hear anything that rocked his love boat with Robyn. He expected Christine to just tow the plyg line over Robyn.

  8. I don't mean to be rude but Kody IS a monkey in a cage.

    1. Well, as a person who likes monkeys, I find that comparion to be very offensive.

    2. Haha CPA Carol. :-)

    3. Well monkeys fling poo....and no one slings more BS than Grody so maybe it was an accurate comparison....

  9. True celebrities will treat their fans with respect because they know who got them where they are.
    Kody yelling at that lady is just another sign that he's nothing more than a "wanna be"......I'm sure it made him feel like a real man to do usual.........

  10. robyn has something on her pinterest about the problems of having resting bitch face. i'm just putting this out there.

    1. step one is admitting you have a problem. Now what to do about it? I had a bad case of RBF as a kid and my mom made me work on it,making a less angry looking expression in the mirror. I was annoyed, but I listened and I'm glad I did.

    2. She is planning to call her seething looks at Christine during the tell-all as actual resting bitch face? We all know she was angry, not bored. Good try, though.

    3. I'm just wondering what Kody could have been so angry about at Disney. He was giving a cast member a hard time. Hmm...I picture poor Mickey Mouse (in costume) getting bitched out by Kody because...why?
      Mickey Mouse knocked King Sol in the head with his ears. (accidental, of course)
      Minnie Mouse was flirting one of the teen boys. (vulgar)
      Sobyn wanted a picture with Snow White and was refused. Hence creating another episode of RestingBitchFace.

    4. Kody is showing his true colors. He is angry most of the time. His wives and children walk on egg shells around him. King Kody has a problem.

    5. Truely said something about "When Daddy gets mad" in one of her couch interviews. I think it was in the family history slide show episode and she was describing what she does when he gets mad. I can't remember exactly.

    6. Bingo, everyone is probably walking on eggshells around Grody and catering to his needs. It was interesting how last season TLC went out of their way to show him in a different light and highlighted his bad attitude for the show. This is either the way he has been all along or he is having a meltdown. I tend to think he has been a jerk all along but is getting worse with the end of the shows on the horizon, so many kids in college, a fourth wife whose ripped apart the family, 3 new step-kids, the new wife not having as many babies as expected, and 4 huge house payments.

      Truely's statement and not wanting to sit with Kody said it all.

  11. So, Kody the Idiot strikes again !!!
    Chronic, clueless ass !! An arrogant Ingrate !!!
    Sure, spit on the very hand you are begging from.....not too smart !!

    And.....Just how many times a year DO these people go to Disneyland ??? often in a year's time do kids need to go there??
    3x, 5x, 8x.....???

    So much for any of us speculating that poor Christine or poor any of them needing money via VC for MSWC for necessities and perhaps, even hospital bills.
    I am so done with ever thinking about that aspect with these phonies ever again.
    Even *if* TLC comps the passes for Disney, it still costs a boatload for food, incidentals and gas to get there.

  12. Amused - I HIGHLY doubt TLC is comping Disney passes. It's most likely that the Disney trip expenses are coming out of the Browns' own pocket, or more likely, being put on a credit card.

  13. And now Janelle just tweeted "Standing in line with my entire - loud borderline obnoxious - family at a crowded amusement park is not for the feint of heart" How much money do these people have hanging around to spend on these outings?!

    1. grammar police here. Faint of heart, Janelle.

    2. Such a rough life! Wonder how that realty job is working out for her?

    3. Well, anon 10:29, now that you have asked, she will likely tweet within a few days about showing houses and how rewarding it is for her to be helping people find their home.

    4. Yep, Count on it !!

  14. on these trips to Disney, does Kody go each time? Why does he go on EVERY vacation?

  15. When I first read the Facebook post, I got the impression was that TLC was filming at Disney, which totally shocked me. Then, I realized that the Facebook poster was referring to a Disney "cast member" (in costume, or employed by the park) in her post.

    I'm still shocked by the vacation expenses - trips to Disney, deep-sea fishing and LAS to EWR are all splurges.

  16. Reading about how the Browns treat their fans just makes me want them to have their downfall even sooner. They should remember that their fans are the ones who put them in their mc mansions, and fans are the ones who will help them lose their mansions. I can see where Mariah got her good social graces from.

  17. Are Robyn's kids honing in on Meri's time with Kody? Clearly Meri is in the passenger seat of a convertible, I am assuming Kody is driving. I wonder how she really feels about having to share her "time".

  18. My best friend works in the 'industry', and through the years I have met quite a few celebrities. In my experience 98% of them of gracious to their fans and the people working with them.
    Some were A list, some were D list, but I have never truly had as negative an experience or been treated as poorly by anyone except 'reality stars'...and I have run court mandated anger management classes.
    People forced by a court of law to talk to me tend to be more polite than the few reality personalities I've had the misfortune to meet.
    For some reason, in my experience, the least talented 'celebrities' are the most dismissive and rude. I'm not going to name names, but rhymes with Dim Bardashian comes to mind, and based on this post, Grody Drown.

    Perhaps being famous for your sex life makes people angrier than someone with talent, dedication, or a fully functioning brain?

    1. This doesn't surprise me at all.

  19. It could have also been another member of the family (cast of "Sister Wives"). I am blown away by how much this family spends on Disneyland. $5-10 grand each trip. It's about $100 a ticket, plus food, and airfare, and hotel, and transportation, souvenirs. But, I think I'm even more blown away that anyone would WANT to go there that much. If they have that kind of dough to blow on vacations, there is so much out there to see beyond the "Magic Kingdom." I just don't get it.

  20. You can get an annual pass for about $500 that allows you to go many times a year. However, assuming that Disneyland has the same finger-scanning system that we encountered at Disney World six years ago, each pass would only be good for the person who used it first. I don't think the Browns have a way around that system - like substituting different kids on different vacations.

    Disneyland is less than a four hour drive from Vegas, so they aren't paying for airfare. If they go early in the day, and drive home at night, they wouldn't need a hotel. When we went to Disney World, we packed PBJ, carrots, tuna & fruit, and never bought anything to eat in the park. Could the Browns possibly be that frugal?

    If I lived four hours away from either Disney park, I might consider an annual pass. We had friends who used to live in Florida, and they enjoyed making spur of the moment trips to WDW - and didn't feel that they had to do "everything" each time, in order to get their money's worth.

  21. They probably drive from Vegas, but other than that, I totally agree.

  22. Don't you suspect they are driving there from Las Vegas? It is drivable. It may be Disney is comping them the passes for mentioning Disney in social media constantly. Do any other TLC reality show peeps go to Disney properties? I also think the Browns are hoping they will get a Disney cruise. Remember the mention of the cruise during the slide show of family pictures episode?

  23. "You people make me feel like a monkey in a cage." Kody might feel that way, but no one can "make" him. People do have autonomy. Is he that spineless, weak, gullible and so quick to blame others for his situations and reactions? Yes! Bad, bad attitude. Self-important sycophant.

    1. he chose to put himself on display for people to see, like a performing monkey.

  24. Bravo, Kody for being yourself! We've known all along who you really are.

  25. I live about 4 hours away from Disney and am lucky if I get there once a year. It is so expensive once you're in the park, not to mention the tickets. The Browns are spending like drunken sailors.

  26. Disney is too brand conscious. I doubt Disney would allow any filming on their properties or cruise ships, especially for a show featuring polygamists. Too much negative publicity. It probably kills Disney whenever the Browns talk about Disneyland and Disney movies or tweets about Disney merchandise.

  27. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. I actually did see the comment and felt it lacked credibility.

    2. Hi HamiltonMom!

      It's possible, however, the Facebook account that posted the information did not appear to be credible. Anyway, that possibility has been discussed here since the airing of the Tell All episode. Unfortunately, we won't know for sure until the public gets a formal announcement from the Brown Kamp© and/or TLC press releases via reputable news sources. ( Enstarz online is not reputable!)

  28. If I remember correctly, the Browns went with the Dargers to Disneyland and asked not to film. Even season passes for everyone would be $8,500! Plus gas, food, and all the Disney money sucks once you're in the park! In addition to being expensive, i think it is just weird that they are so obsessed with Disneyland. There's just something unsettling about it.

  29. Discovery Networks aren't affiliated with Disney. They own ABC. They certainly don't need the publicity from the Browns, or anyone else for that matter - they are able to generate their own publicity quite nicely indeed. You'll note that most if not all of the filming done in the Disney parks is for movies released by Disney or one of its companies, or shows that appear on one of their TV networks such as ABC and Family Channel (and the Disney Channel of course). They are QUITE protective of their brand, and I highly doubt they'd want the Browns representing them. At the same time, I don't think WDC gives a rip whether the Browns tweet about Disneyland or Disney in general or not.

    I'm SO not an amusement park person. We have so many other, better things to see and do here in California than the House of Mouse! That said, I do have friends who are into Disneyana at different levels and love regular visits to DL and WDW. Not my thing. Rides make me nauseous, actually. I still remember throwing up as a result of the tea cups.

  30. that thing about arguing with a cast member (Disney employee). what an ass. A good many of the cast members are just kids, really. I suppose the most basic verse of the Bible "Do Unto Others" (golden rule) doesn't apply to Kody, or it's not part of his DOGMA.

    1. But he's a STAAAAR, darling!
      Just look back on all the times he's preened, flexed, flipped his mane, danced, and skipped for our amusement. THAT is generosity. Think of all the selfless joy that gave us.
      I mean, his oafish 'monkeying' around couldn't possibly be because of narcissism, and fans couldn't possibly expect a STAAAAAR like Kody to be silly or gracious.
      It's probably really hard being so famous and beloved. Like super duper hard.

  31. Kody's alleged inability or unwillingness to accommodate fans is another symptom of his two largest character flaws: 1) his narcissism personality only allows him to appreciate fans when it is on his terms and when those terms are not convenient, it's his feelings and not the fan's feelings that he worries about. His idea of putting fans into "you people) is classic example of separating himself from the average person...he is so special, in his own mind; and 2) his total lack of work ethic. For Kody, his job is selling junk jewlery and being a reality star...for both those positions, he only works when he wants to work, again on his own terms, and the rest of the time, instead of building up his reputation with hopes of increasing his time on TV and sales for the future, he puts the work ethic back where he puts everything else that isn't important, far, far away. I suspect that if one had access to any of his job performance evaluations, there would probably be some low marks for being self motivated, being industrious, and so on. He is a little man with a short fuse and in his mind he is a big man with rights that surpass even the most famous of my show, buy my junk jewelry, but otherwise, leave me the hell alone. If it weren't for this blog, I'd totally not watch the show. I lost interest in the train-wreck after the first season and now it's just me watching to catch the drama, the lies, and the humiliation of the wives. I know, that's bad.

    1. rKr,
      Bravo !! A very accurate synopsis of Kody Brown!

      Narcissist, Slacker, Liar and across the board Poser.

    2. Every word you wrote is true. I am a teacher and if/when I see one of my students outside of school, of course I know that I will talk to them and find out how they're doing. Well, that's actually fun, but if I see another teacher/administrator I know I am going to have to talk to them and make small talk whether I want to or not. I also know that any time I am out in public someone could be watching my behavior and I need to keep professional. Not saying I am anywhere near famous or that important, but when you want to portray a positive image you conduct yourself a certain way with others. It's what you do to keep your career running smoothly and not make an a@@ out of yourself.

      Also, how long could it really have taken to sign a piece of paper, or pose for a picture, or say a few words of thanks for watching their show? About as much time and energy as it was to be rude. Classless all the way.

    3. Robin Williams is a perfect example of a mega star who doesn't forget we all are people. With his tragic death, we are hearing about how kind and generous he was with everyone - his family, friends, our troops, the waitress at the restaurant, Koko. He was a class act. Bravo Robin!

    4. Maybe Kody should not go to Disneyland every other weekend, so that he is not 'on view'. I would guess that Disneyland has not accorded him the 'star' treatment that would allow him to get access without standing in line with the masses.

      I do agree that it would get old to be 'on display' and have to talk to strangers all day long, but Kody can fix that by giving up his show.

  32. I never was a state fair or amusement park person either, DJ. The last time I was at Disneyland, they still had the ticket books...that was back in 1975.

    And I don't miss it one iota.

  33. I did own a Mickey Mouse phone though...thanks to the movie "Time After Time" it just looked so cool back then. And I loved when friends would come over and use it. The looks they would give when they tried to figure up how to hangup to dial another number. "Just press down on Mickey's hand" I'd tell them! Bwahahahahaha!!

  34. I think the last time I was there was in 1999.

  35. Is Janelle still pretending to be in real estate? Because we just had a whole season of nothing and not once did she waddle her considerable behind into anything resembling a house for sale, or a real estate office. They're probably all putting on weight because they're bored with nothing to do all day but plan parties for self glorification purposes. (Seriously, the number of parties those people throw for themselves is just insane.)

    One of the wives really needs to break away and do a tell all. A real tell all.

    OR Louis Theroux needs to pay a visit to the Browns. He is an expert at cutting through the bullshit and getting to the heart of the matter in a way that most people don't notice is happening until it happens. Even Westboro Baptist managed to come off vulnerable in his documentary on them. If you're not familiar, there are videos of his on YT. He has covered everything from swingers to Maxiumum Security inmates in a style that is sympathetic, but leaves no room for pretence about what's really going on. Plus, he would be able to stroke Kody's ego enough to get him to blab what's really going on in that narcissistic brain of his, and I think we'd see the true colors of the wives as well.

    1. "waddle her considerable behind"? That's not funny, it's just mean. I do think Janelle is working at the real estate business. It must be tricky because she couldn't really market herself and get clients through normal channels. I bet there would be a lot of time wasted with strangely obsessed fans pretending to want to buy or sell.

      I agree about the real tell all. I hope someone actually does one some day.

    2. "It must be tricky because she couldn't really market herself and get clients through normal channels."

      I disagree, She would be in a perfect and enviable position to get clients who would consider it a coup to sell or buy from a celeb. At the very least, she could be a prolific rainmaker and get listings for someone else to actually do the deal. Which I am sure was what Magic Mona's original agenda was for both Janelle and Christine.

      Seeing Janelle's love of tweeting about herself, there is little detailed mention of "her job." I doubt she does anything beyond lending her name to the RE staff directory...if even that.
      Her *job,* like the rest of them, is simply being on the show.
      Wish they all would just honestly own that fact and stop all the BS.

    3. It would be a double-edged sword. People would want to work with her to meet her and others would pretend to want to work with her just to meet her and be a huge waste of time from a business perspective. I think that's exactly why they are more carefully marketed on the company's website. It allows for a little vetting before clients have direct access to them. Also, there are many types of roles people can play in any business, including realty. Maybe Janelle doesn't want to be a lead realtor who is out in front on the marketing side of things. She's always said she likes the numbers and number-crunching, so it would make sense for it to be a better fit in a role that focuses on this areas and her skills there.

      I think it's hysterical how so many of these threads on this board seem to assume that the Twitter feeds of these people provides a complete insight into their lives. They tweeted A, so now we know they do B. They never tweeted Y, so they can't possibly be doing Z.


    4. I think it's hysterical how so many of these threads on this board seem to assume that the Twitter feeds of these people provides a complete insight into their lives. They tweeted A, so now we know they do B. They never tweeted Y, so they can't possibly be doing Z.

      And when you add their reality show to the social media mix, well, do you wonder why we speculate?

      That, my friend, is the double-edged sword of social media. And TLC is LOVING the attention!!!

    5. No I don't wonder why and do some speculating of my own and I think the whole thing is hysterical. Often the speculating is far more entertaining than the show.

      I do think there is a line that should not be crossed. And I have seen a few comments and speculations (on this site or other sites related to other shows) that make me a little uncomfortable. Comments where it seems like someone may be a little too focused on (even obsessed with?) people they don't really know and might be crossing some lines to investigate or get physically close to people. That just creeps me out, but thankfully I don't see it too often and I just hope my gut-feeling is wrong in those cases.

    6. I appreciate your opinion, however, if I feel a comment may have "crossed the lines", it will not be published. PERIOD. So I'm not really getting your need to bring up the issue, particularly when you state you don't see it too often.

      I'm just going to offer this caveat...

      I've quoted this many times. From one of my favorite blogs - The Real EStalker who blogs on celebrity real estate...

      "Please enjoy our little online endeavor, but children, have some sense. Do not go knocking on any of the damn doors of any of the properties we discuss. These people do not need any of you people ringing their bells and tripping their security. Seriously. Just don't do it."

      Thank you!

  36. They sure seem to hang out at Disney a whole lot. Most people get to experience Disney as a once in a lifetime event. It peeves me that this family is spending all their money going there so many times when they should be saving that money for when the show ends and they lose everything.

    1. They probably feel that their show will last forever. As long as they have adoring fans wanting to be wife #5, we can expect to see more of this train wreck. On their FB page, their fans continue to ask for a cookbook. This is so laughable. Today it's Mari's "Mock Ravioli". People seem to think that they can make a lot of money if they would just publish a cookbook. These fans are delusional. What will the title be "Sister Wives Mock Recipes." I will never buy anything from them. I only come to this blog for the snark. I stopped watching the show 2 seasons ago. It's time for Kody and crew to move on. They are boring. How many people can possibly be entertained by this family. I would rather watch paint dry than spend another minute watching a group of polygamists scam their viewers. They are not believable and I personally don't respect them.

    2. that recipe was crazy. It mentioned needing breadcrumbs and then didn't say what to do with them and there were no quantities listed. Is Meri so busy she couldn't proof read before sending to TLC?

    3. Mock Ravioli Mock Marriages Mock Lifestyle Mock reality show and on and on and on...

  37. Even the kids are sick of the parties. And they always go all out and wear costumes and such. Ridiculous use of their resources. Yes, Janelle still claims to be involved in real estate. She occasionally tweets about showig houses. But if she ever sold one, there would be a major self congratulatory tweet....and she will have also been up at sunrise working out that day, too. I am disappointed in Janelle. Initially she seemed like the 'smart' one of the group (very little competition there!), but she is just as apt to walk away from a project as any of them. She hasn't followed through on any of her dreams yet. Three years and she hasn't sold a house? That is not success.

    1. I think she did tweet awhile back about getting a family into a home. Satisfying to find people the right home, or something like that.

    2. A commenter pointed out a while back that vacations and parties can't be repossessed. I think the Brown's have become pretty adept at scamming the system, and are well aware of how to take advantage of whatever luxuries are available while they can.

    3. I'm sure that's there thinking. Too bad none of the adults have any real foresight. It seems like if they took a year off of eating out and taking non-TLC funded trips they could pay off least one of those silly McMansions or the Lehi house.

    4. "she did tweet awhile back about getting a family into a home. Satisfying to find people the right home, or something like that."

      Which is a strange and unnecessary vague way of saying, "I sold a house."
      Sorry, just don't buy it or her stories.

      Well now, maybe.....she *was there* to deliver the keys.

    5. I bet the recent tweeting about showing houses will show up in the next season. We'll get to follow Janelle around showing houses. How many times have the posters here commented about Janelle never doing anything with the real estate thing and/or about none of the Browns having a job. It's pretty clear the producers lurk on here and this will be another storyline they should thank CJ & her bloggers for.

    6. AMUSED. Maybe she was volunteering for habitat for humanity?

    7. Oh snap....That's it !!! Ha !!

    8. I thought Janelle said she was in property management?

  38. Does anyone remember when Meri saw Rosie O'Donnell at Disneyland and they tweeted each other? That friendship sure dried up when Rosie's show was cancelled. I guess they didn't need each other for publicity anymore.

  39. We did the family Disney extravaganza trip "once" when the kids (four...each 2 years apart) were middle school and junior high age. And they loved it and we all have lasting and very good memories from that trip.
    I refused to to go earlier when they were younger with strollers, diapers and naps. Blows my mind to see people dragging infants and toddlers around. Like those kids will ever remember it unless the plan is to go back every year. And if people have the means to do that, great
    We didn't have that kind of available cash to blow on lodging, entrance fees (yes, CJ, the ticket books) food and of course, airfare when they were smaller and for sure, not every year or multiple times a year. We live in the far Northeast, driving 18 plus hours with small kids was not a choice we were willing to do.
    I don't get the Mickey addicts either, but hey, different strokes.....!

    But for the Browns......
    Don't poor mouth and beg and plead for folks to buy your tacky plyg junk joolery *because you NEED the money* when you are consistently doing your thing, spending the bucks and living & loving life without working for a dime of it.

    For all you Brown adults (and you DO read this blog)
    Don't give two sh*ts if you live lavishly, just don't whine and posture about "expenses". !!!.
    You have blown you cover......just shut up !!

  40. It's three large families competing for Disney time and dollars..all of the profit from MSWC is probalby blown in one year of Disney trips. Disney is stimulas overload..something Kody does not need

  41. I just looked at the wood signs for sale on MSWC...such a strange conglomeration of products: jewelry, aprons, scarves, ballcaps, big watches, a CD, and now, those signs...Just how many people have signs in their closets so that their friends woul be in there looking at them? That is the premise of MSWC, isn't it? And which signs reflect "the very different tastes" of the sister wives?

    And to whomever is in charge of the MSWC site would you please make the following corrections: 1) "friend's closets" should be "friends' closets" and 2) it should state "Women's Watches" and "Men's Watches" instead of the incorrect "Women Watches" and "Men Watches"---not trying to be snarky---but correct use of the language is important in the marketplace.

    1. And aprons, MrSpock. Don't forget the aprons: It's like a flea market for tacky.

  42. With this thread's looksee into the age-old (well four years old anyway) question...
    ."Is Janelle working in real estate or not?" Can we be REAL here !

    It has been duly and often noted that Janelle has the vibrancy and personality of a 2 day-old pancake. She seems not to care one bit about projecting an image of someone who is alert, attentive and at least a little interesting, both as a speaker and as a listener. Janelle's forte is "blending" into the scenery, along with looking off or aside, as if musing on something else while tolerating being present.

    I know a lot of realtors and all of the successful ones have several traits/styles in common.
    1- They genuinely *like* people. Like working with people.
    2- They are go-getters, whether by nature or by accepting that it is absolutely necessary in that field. Either case, the successful ones do whatever it takes to make it happen.
    3- They are open and approachable. Their clients trust them, even enjoy them.
    4-They are willing to do the drudge work.....weekends, nights, all times attuned to the client's needs and schedules. And they know that not being reliably *available* (as on frequent trips or vacations) is not making a credible effort, nor will it produce income.

    Of the four Brown women, Janelle seems to be the least suitable for that business. Maybe stuffed in a back office doing bookwork, but certainly not as sales person, which is what a good realtor has to be. In fact it is almost ludicrous to imagine her pulling it off.
    Come on, this is the woman who didn't know what to do when her two of her kids were battling it out, not once on camera, but twice !! Also the woman who, when her goofy trainer handed her a sledgehammer and told her to destroy her scale, she just...did it.
    If Janelle really wants to continue with the fiction of having a job, she needs to get a more believable story.

    1. Amused dude you are spot on and what's more I loved the 2 day old pancake analogy (Y)

  43. I really wish the opening episode would be about a wife (or mistress) leaving with her own spin-off show. And, I would hope it would be Christine since she is "Royalty" (LOL) according to some. I don't think I can tolerate another boring season.

    I AM enjoying "Married at first sight". :-)

  44. according to facebook all of the Brown wives except Robyn, have been spotted at Disneyland. Meri is taking pics with fans..geesh, is Disneyland like food for the soul for these people?

    1. Does anyone remember the date of Kody's and Robyn's anniversary?

    2. Kody was spotted at SeaWorld. No word if Robyn was with him. Didn't Kody and Robyn spend their honeymoon in San Diego? Another clue.

    3. Kody? At SeaWorld? Probably just some poor balding guy with shaggy long hair who still thinks he's a kewl surfer dude - who loudly complains about being a monkey in a cage whenever someone asks to take his picture.

    4. Kody & Robyn were married "the end of May" according to the book- Robyn didn't give a specific date.

    5. The funny thing is the fans on facebook are saying Meri was nice. I find if ironic that all the fan encounters with Meri and Coco (the girl they had o the show who escaped polygamy) say Meri is nice.

      I thought Sobyn and Kody honeymooned in Mexico?

  45. I feel a lurking Brown on here...anyone else feel it?

    1. Possibly. I just hope they take note of the suggestions we've made for MSWC and use them wisely. They still have a lot of kids left to put through college!

    2. I feel i too.....the kadense of some of the writing i can hear the Brown defensive tone

    3. Yup, I would say that without a doubt. Maybe it is one of the kids or Mindy. I hope they read and hear what people are really saying.

    4. Well, if is a lurking Brown.....
      Hmmm, let's speculate, since speculate is what we do so well...

      Spelling and syntax is okay....not Sobbin.
      Fairly lucid content.....not Christine.
      Effort was made to even post.....not Janelle.
      Won't even list Kody unless he has hired a ghostwriter.

      So *could* be a Meri we haven't seen to date.
      Or, and this is my vote......the illusive, Mindy !!

    5. Probably Meri, Mariah, or Maddie. Those 3 strike me as the most intelligent.

  46. The goods on the website are a reflection of a disjointed effort by the wives. They still admitted not knowing their roles in the business on the tell not with Tamron. They have no singular business focus because the adults have not all been onboard from day one with the vision. I wonder what Lolly or Dolly from Rodworks thinks of the Brown's selling signs after filiming her store.

    1. Can't imagine they'll sell too many of those "home decor" signs for $34.99. And of course you can't forget would cost another $17.75 just to ship that 3 foot piece of wood to Boston! Seems like they are just randomly throwing anything on the website at this point.

    2. Oh, but gee, boston corgi, the signs are written in Papyrus...possibly the most overused font since hieroglyphics. Are you saying it's not worth paying over $50 to hang a chunk of Hallmark drivel in your own home?

      BTW..."Because Nice Matters"...PLEASE. "Nice" is a pallid and essentially meaningless adjective. "How was the movie?" "It was nice." "Did you have a good nap?" "It was nice." "Do you like your teacher?" "She's nice." "That was the a great orgasm." "It was nice."

      Take "nice" and hide it where the cheese binds.

    3. The items on the website just seem like a conglomeration of stuff they were able to get a good wholesale price on that they mark up and want to foist on their fans. What baffles me the most are the fugly watches. They scream tacky. It seems pretty clear they get a lot of looky-loos but few buyers (remember what the VC woman said... why the disparity between views and purchases?). Maybe it is because people don't like what they are selling or that the demographic of their fan base simply doesn't have enough disposable income to throw away on such things.

  47. i think the MSWC profit for the year is blown just buying popcorn at Disneyland. I doubt they make ANY money off it once expenses are "minused out".

  48. As a practicing Mormon i can say that we do love our dramas :) And our comedies! In fact, most local branches of the Church have yearly "road show" productions, which are usually full of costumes, singing, dancing, drama and comedy. I'm not at all sure why this is true, but I guess it is. I never really thought about it until you pointed it out.
