
Thursday, August 21, 2014

UPDATED!!! I Scour the Internet: The National Senior Citizens Day Edition for August 21, 2014

I know. I know.

Things have been going kinda slow in plygville lately, being in between seasons and all.

In order to spice up some otherwise dull commentary, I think it's time to start recognizing the

Tweet Of The Week

This week's winner is none other than MERI BROWN!!

Meri must think she is the Forrest Gump of the Brown Klan©. Ridiculous if you ask me, because Forrest Gump was much more likeable and credible. But, ha ha ha on Meri!  She thought she could show her erudition by quoting none other than Albert Einstein (Meri's a college student at UNLV now don't ya know) but  leave it to a "fan" to called her out on the pretentiousness of her tweet!

Too late Meri. @Grumperini got the point. The question is, did you?

So in recognition of a tweet job "well done" I hereby declare this tweet the Tweet of the Week.

Of course, there has to be a prize, right?

Meri, here's an Anderson headpalm in recognition of your fine achievement!

No doubt this saying will be made into a sign to be sold exclusively by MSWC!!

On the subject of MSWC, Robyn took time this week to tweet out this observation. I would have chosen it for Tweet of the Week, but I didn't have a clue what she was trying to say...

And then there's Meri. When she isn't quoting Einstein, she's either tweeting about having an empty nest, her obsession with Keith Urban or mentioning Westminster University.

Something tells me if Mariah did move into her own apartment, she had plates, silverware and furniture unlike her sisters from a different mother at UNLV.

Wait a minute! Does VanLadyLove know about this? Oh, I get it now. Meri's going to go backstage, and talk Keith into hiring VLL as his opening band at his concerts! What a sly fox she is!

How weird Meri calls Mariah's friends "the rest of the gang". Does she even know the names of her daughter's college friends?

From Meri, we venture unto Mykelti's twitter. Oh dear. Is that a FOUR LETTER CURSE WORD I see? I'm shocked, I tell you, SHOCKED!

Mykelti honey, I know you're excited about living on your own, but just remember what your Daddy Dearest said about kissing and hormones, Okay???

Of course Janelle's mind apparently is always on food, so it isn't surprising to see this tweet, is it?

I suppose this retweet was to support her sister wife Christine's theory that more people are killed by toasters than by sharks.

And thank you Janelle, for this look into your busy day. Let's hope you are giving some tips to your sister wife Robyn about your online shopping experiences.
You know, this was a typical Janelle tweet. When they had that MLM business, Janelle was busy tweeting about a different company's dietary supplements. Now she's doing the same thing with MSWC. Tweeting about online shopping obviously with other companies instead of getting her followers over to MSWC to buy some overpriced trinkets.

And Janelle's supposed to be the smart wife?

And who does Maddie go to for help with an essay?????

Guess Janelle's just glad her sleep wasn't interrupted. No wonder she loves her sister wives!

Last, we have Christine with an update on Truely and her health scare last year.

And perhaps in response to many fans questions why she waited so long to get proper medical care for Truely last year, she made sure to tweet this so fans know Gwennie got a checkup this year.

And even though Christine helped Maddie with her essay, she still had time to take another sweet pic of Truely...

Kody spent most of his time retweeting tweets, but here's a retweet that will have people talking...

I bet they worked out a deal for every person who comes into this doctor's office for Lasik surgery and mentions they saw Kody's retweet, the good doctor will knock $10.00 off the Brown's surgery bill. Yes, I am being sarcastic.

Somehow this tweet from Papa Joe Darger got lost. Is it me or does Papa Joe sound a bit testy that a tweeter may have confused him with Brady Williams' show My Five Wives? And why the "We Love The Browns" but no "We Love My Five Wives"?

I think there is a backstory just waiting to be uncovered, don't you agree?

That's all right. Brady and his Five Wives apparently aren't losing any sleep wondering what Papa Joe thinks about their reality show!

And it obvious TLC is busy promoting their newest plural family by getting those people who may have missed My Five Wives first season to check TLCs official website for more information.

Clever folks at TLC. You would think some of that marketing savvy would rub off on Kody and Robyn with MSWC. They desperately need some marketing help.

Oh well. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. Right?

And on the subject of making horses drink, I simply give up on Mariah. That Poor child is going to go down in history as the most clueless offspring of clueless parents ever to walk on this earth.

Here's the latest Twitter update...


and if this wasn't bad enough, look what her clueless mother had to say about it...

For once, I am speechless. I'm thinking a whole bunch of people are just waiting for this bunch of kokonuts© to fall off their precarious perch on top of the reality show gravy train.

And for the record Mariah. YOU are only on TV because of your parents participation on a reality show. Once that show is cancelled, you will remain the vapid and unremarkable person you've always been. And Maddie, it would behoove you NOT to follow in the rude footsteps of your sister by another mother. It's not becoming...

That's it for now. And remember, I Scour the Internet so YOU don't have to!!

Please continue your discussions here:

I Scour the Internet: The Pre Labor Day Edition for August 27, 2014


  1. CJ, this is what I read over at Free Jinger: I am not sure of its accuracy; however I think it's relatable to the Browns these past few seasons.

    As described in that new book about Kate Gosselin, it specifically states that the contracts they sign allow TLC to dictate their lives and the stories that are in them. The family must comply with the storyline and morals the show represents and go along with TLC's ideas

    And I think it's why Kody feels so "caged". TLC probably says either follow this story line (surrogacy, MSWC, weight loss, visits to Christian polygamists) or come up with something better (fifth wife, rebellious kid, pregnancy, wife leaves, etc)

    1. The family must comply with the storyline
      And that bugs Kody because he is not in control. I think Kody's tirade with the marriage counselor was not about his wives not following his orders, but the production company telling him want to do. And Kody HATES being told what to do.

      And yes, I think the "disappearance" of Robyn was producer inspired to build up viewership for the premiere. I suspect there will be more "leaks" about her being pregnant from fake fans, or sightings at a walmart or shopping center.

      I'm beginning to wonder if Robyn has left Kody...but THAT is EXACTLY the speculation TLC wants!

    2. I agree, his inability to control his wives, his family and the producers of the show are enraging Kody. And the producers are letting the audience see more and more of his doofus behavior. And yet Kody can't do anything about it or risk losing his only real source of income.

    3. That's what happens when you sell your soul. You don't get it both ways.

    4. And he looked like such a fool (as was the intention of the producers) at the VC presentation..and then complained that they had "hit it out of the park". He is being exposed and he doesn't like it. Also people are making fun of him over his 'hormones in the mouth' statement and have made fun of his precious hair (ponytail-gate). All in all, a bad year for the Seller of His Soul

    5. If the Kodette lost his real source of income (TLC) he would be devastated! He and his ponytail would have to get a real job, along with his side kicks! Although, when has the Kodette ever had a real job???? I really feel sorry for the kids especially the younger ones... they won't understand why they are not doing to Disney Land every other month or on road trips. That will be sad.


  2. I don't think Robyn would leave least until the show ends. Plus, we'd see a much happier Christine if Robyn were suddenly 'out of the picture'.

    1. Christine was happier and peppier last season. The never ending honeymoon between Robyn and Kody is gone. Robyn may not have left physically but she seems over the whole thing.

    2. I agree that Christine is happier this season but isn't it strange how we haven't seen Robyn at all this summer? We see more Mindy, and even Robyn's kids but no Robyn. I wonder if her mother or father is ill?

    3. I think the Browns believe if they keep Robyn out of the public eye that fans will be speculating that she is pregnant and will tune in next season. And I also think she is depressed.

    4. It is obvious that Sobbin has been temporarily muzzled.
      And it may well be voluntary on her part for emotional reasons.

    5. She can't be muzzled because she's still able to tweet. What is strange is there aren't any pictures of her. Can muzzled mean no pictures too?

    6. "Can muzzled mean no pictures too? "

      Good point !!
      Hmmm......chin reduction surgery !!??

    7. If (and that's abig if!!) Robyn leaves, she wouldn't be off the show. They have a kid togehter. New storyline for TLC and for Robyn; more money in her pocket and no Kody - it's a win win for her.

    8. One of the only good things about last season was that Robyn was quieter and her and Kody were no longer in their "honeymoon" phase. The glow is definitely off that marriage. They've been married what, 4 years now with only 1 kid?

    9. If (and that's abig if!!) Robyn leaves, she wouldn't be off the show. They have a kid togehter. New storyline for TLC and for Robyn; more money in her pocket and no Kody - it's a win win for her.

      I'm liking that scenario! The producers would have so many new storylines with it.

      1) Kody and Robyn duking it out over ownership of MSWC. Robyn wins and regains her position of CEO. Fires Kody and his remaining sisterwives.

      2) Robyn starts to date again. Gets involved with a single man from AUB. Will she leave her McMansion for a new husband and his trailer in Pinesdale or stay put in Vegas. Kody seeks counseling for his anger and jealousy issues


      3) Robyn meets a very wealthy polygamist from Centennial Park. Only problem, he already has 5 wives. Does she leave the cul de sac to share a huge mansion with a new husband and his 5 wives and 30 kids or does she stay in her Vegas McMansion? This one is a no brainer...Centennial Park here she comes - plus it's close to St George Ut.

      What are some other scenarios?

    10. Another scenario.....
      Sobbin has captured the heart of one of the TLC crew, similar to Kate Gosselin briefly getting it on with her TLC appointed bodyguard, and now Sobbin is looking at Kody for the haystack-haired idiot and blowhard that he is.
      She ponders her fate and next move, and decides to write (hiring a ghostwriter, let's hope) the ultimate tell-all, appearing on The View to launch the book.
      TLC hangs back to see how the public reacts, and if the potential is there, offers Sobbin her own show, suggesting/mandating that she solicit at least one of her sisterwives to join in the defection for the show. Meri jumps at the chance since Keith Urban will write and perform the show's opening song. The show's time slot will be to air right after Gypsy Sisters.

      MSWC, under new S&M's management (Sobbin and Meri), will now feature bustiers, thongs and miracle bras, priced way lower than Victoria's Secret.
      Sobbin and Meri eventually sell their two McMansions to Brady Williams who will renovate them into Motel 6's 2014 style, for traveling Plygs. Permits won't be a problem since Kody-Idiot is on the Cuddle-sec counsel and will get a cut on the rents.
      A win/won for all !!!

    11. Scenario, She-Ra comes out in full force, prompting Robyn to dump Kody. She starts dating a younger stud and moves him into her Mc Mansion, while Kody glares at them with his beady-eyed stare from across the cul de sac. She-Ra, AKA Robyn, gets pregnant and finds out she's having triplets. She then gets her own show. Kody is forced to pay actual child support for Sol and watch his kid, not babysit. Christine and Janelle watch the entire situation and laugh their butt's off in secret. Meri is in Utah most of the time when not going to Van Lady concerts across the country and could care less, but on her rare visits home if the wet bar is dirty, Kody has hell to pay.

    12. Someone on FB said they saw Robyn & Kody in line for the Matterhorn roller coaster at Disney during that mega family trip a couple of weeks ago. Wonder if she doesn't share the rest of the crew's obsession with Disneyland since she didn't tweet? Well at least they didn't have to deal with her freaking out over snowflakes on this vacation!

    13. Facebook is not very reliable source because of all the fake people commenting. I need photo to believe she was really there. She was not there that is why no tweets.

  3. I think Robyn feels the backlash from fans and Kody does not like that. The TLC facebook has a lot of Robyn digs and the MSWC has a moderator now that fields a lot of complaining customers. Robyn kept her mouth shut on the tell all more than usual. I think she has been muzzled. The Dargers I yhink do not like the Williams not only because they got a show, but because they left the religion.

  4. Per Robyn's tweet about trying to take a picture that actually captures what our eyes see, how does that work if you get Lasik surgery? Or if you're blind? So that means God didn't necessarily give us the best view, did he?

    1. Robyn's tweet makes no sense...just words strung together.

    2. Robin Williams suicide really affected Robyn. Could she also suffer from depression and that's why she is absent?

    3. Maybe Robyn does suffer depression and Bi-polar. That could be why she seems so affected by Robin Williams death. When you think about it she does seem to have mood swings. Well I just hope if she is suffering with some type of mental illness or depression, she is getting the proper medical attention she needs. That family never seems to go to the dr!


    4. I liked Robyn's tweet. It's true. We can paint beautiful pictures and take amazing photographs of the world around us, but it never quite captures the depth and beauty of the reality. Nature is a huge, glorious work of art that is impossible to truly fathom or appreciate enough.

  5. And, what qualifies one to be a Senior Citizen on this auspicious day of August 21? MrSpock is, of course, quite old from a human viewpoint---but young in Vulcan years---and, remember, I am now young again---well, the other me is young... Live long and prosper.

    1. Hope you picked up a few new wives for your birthday. :-)

    2. If they are filming the eye exams as part of the show, the producers are really grasping. I think everything that they have tried to script for the Browns has backfired, in part because Kody wants to be in control and make the life more about him and in part because the Browns don't get what they need to do to keep the audience interested. For instance, the counselling sessions would have been a great way to allow the audience to see some of the drama that unfolds between the wives but Kody makes it about him. He cannot understand that we don't want to see or hear from or about him; the audience wants to see how the wives handle their issues. How do you look out of your window, after taking care of all those kids, and stomach seeing your husband and another woman drive off to dinner? Or, how does Meri really and I mean really interact with the bonus kids. By the way, Meri wishes her daughter a great beginning of school and all of the gang on her daughter's campus but what about her bonus kids...they don't deserve a shout out? See, that's what we signed on to watch. Are they or aren't they your bonus kids? The only time Kody is content is when the camera is on him and he is front and center. Even showing the drama between the kids and their half siblings. Really, I perked up when the older girls were cooking and Mariah had one of her famous melt downs...that was cool but they brushed over it. Instead of showing Maddie rolling her eyes, let her tell us what she really feels. Come on.

    3. *Raises eyebrow* It is not MrSpock's the greetings are not..logical,

  6. My question is what target audience do the Browns have in mind when they tap out these tweets?

    Meri...Are you this bored and aimless that your main reason to be is following rock bands and your daughter's college peer group? Is there nothing else going on in your life?
    Rabid groupie behavior is fine for adolesents.or, perhaps, for bored, do-nothing middle-aged adults. Which one are you?
    And didn't it ever occur to you just a scant 18 months ago, when you "had" to have that 5 bedroom house, that your one and only offspring would be leaving this year and you would indeed be coming home, day or night, to an empty house? Guess not.

    Janelle....Glad to see that those 'finite resources' do provide for regular Starbucks patronizing. Here's a free really can get coffee much cheaper elsewhere.
    And good for you that your smart phone, Internet and credit card are making life easier.
    But seriously, is this really tweet-worthy. or do you assume that your fans would be wowed and impressed to hear this? Don't you think your junk joolery buying fans already know how all that works over at MSWC ?

    Mykelti....interesting choice of words to announce your independence from Kodyworld.
    Can't say I blame you.

    Maddie...Auntie Christine as a contributor for an essay? I would love to know that paper's topic.

    Christine...Nice to see pics of healthy Truely. Also good to see that you or someone close to you IS reading the blogs!

    Sobbin....What really is going on in that head of yours? Or do you just have a book of quotes at hand and just randomly pick one to tweet without even reading it.
    Silly Sobbin strikes again!!

    Kody....Always up for a photo op, aren't you!! Three cheers for the three of you if free or discounted Lasix is in the cards. Would we expect any less from the King of Grubbing !!

    Brady, Brady....."How Do You Know You're Real?:
    Such a provocative question from a guy with five wives and five houses full of double digit children. Hmm..if you really are pondering that question, my guess would "know" when the TLC checks don't bounce.

    Big Joe.....sounds like sour plyg-grapes.

    Thanks, CJ.

    1. If, and I do say if, Christine really scored a 30 on her ACT she would be a good person to help with any assignment. Sometimes I truly wonder about Christine. She does have a larger vocabulary than the other wives. She uses her vocab. correctly. She does not seem to be "smart" at all, but maybe that is a result of having put herself down for years and having never given her intelect a chance to develop. She was most definitely raised in polygamy. She was taught from the get go that a woman's thoughts did not matter. She has no desire to work, but in her eyes her job is to raise children. It is all she has known. It would be a terrible shame if she submerged her gifts until they now seem non-existant.

    2. Good recap! I don't know why but Janelle's tweets annoy me the most. Today she is tweeting about using those workout wristband things and how she has used three and they are such a great tool. She is always so proud of herself. Look at me! I am in line at the DMV and I am paying bills, aren't I smart? Drives me nuts.

      Meri's tweets are usually those of an adolescent, especially her strange obsessiion of male musicians. She really has way too much time on her hands, I hope she really enjoys college and learns some new things and makes some friends.

      And yes, I think Robyn is devastated over Robin Williams. Maybe that was a line from one of his movies? I think she is sad and alone (with 4 kids to take care of).

      And finally, yes big sour plyg grapes for Papa Joe.

    3. I don't understand why Christine is thought to be a idiot just because she follows polygamy. There are at least 2 best selling authors in her family, and wasn't a famous college basketball player a member of her family too? Her grandfather Rulon was a physician and his brother Owen was a CPA and businessman who owned major businesses including the company that manufactured parts for the space program and the military. My bet is her family being the ruling class of the AUB made sure their offspring were well educated.

    4. Apparently the rest of the adults viewed her as smart or educated enough to home school all the kids way back in time. But, we will never know just what their criteria was for such an assignment. Judging by their VC presentation and other blunders, one can wonder about the intelligence of any one of them.

    5. Christine said plygs love free stuff..

    6. Non plygs love free stuff too

    7. Oh pleez, I don't believe for one minute Christine is "smart", at least not book smart. She's good at playing the audience, though. She probably did the home schooling because Janelle didn't want to be bothered with her own kids so she chose to work. And you know Meri was not about to stay home and teach somebody else's kids. The essay was probably about the history of polygamy ... or Disney.

    8. "The essay was probably about the history of polygamy ... ** or Disney.***

      Ha !!! DIsney....that's it !!!

    9. From what I've read, Rulon Allred was a naturopathic physician, but acted as an MD and obstetrician for most of the AUB.
      Fun fact, Allred delivered Brian Mitchell (Elizabeth Smart's kidnapper and abuser). The Polygamy connection is everywhere.
      The only best selling authors I could find from Christine's family became authors AFTER leaving the lifestyle and experiencing the non polygamist world. Neither have been terribly supportive of the religion of concept.
      In an article for Elle magazine Dorothy Allred Solomon says that her brother who left the faith convinced her she deserved an education 'even though she was a girl'.
      I don't doubt that the Allreds had more advantages than others in the AUB or plyg lifestyle, but it still doesn't sound anywhere near progressive or encouraging of female education.

    10. Christine comes off as "kooky" to me, not dumb In fact, she's the only wife I've seen encouraging the kids (not just her kids) to read write. It is a shame she and Meri were probably never encouraged to go to college, they would have had so many more opportunities and experiences. I doubt they would have be as enamored with Kody had they been allowed the chance to see other living situations and meet different people before being married off.

    11. non plygs may love free stuff but they dont go in television and put in on blast.

    12. Christine got a 30 on the SATs, big difference from the ACT

      No way in the celestial kingdom did Christine get a 30 on the ACT.

    13. I disagree that Christine uses her great "vocabulary" words correctly. She makes horrible grammatical errors every time she speaks. She is the queen of saying "her and I" and mixes up words a lot. That speech she prepared for the VC investors (which was hailed as really impressive) was hard to listen to, fraught with redundancies, incorrect syntax, and complete misuse of words (i.e. "Ironically, many women buy jewelry for themselves."). And we know she wasn't "well educated." She has a high school diploma from a public school and no college. That's pretty basic. She's probably about tied with Janelle and Meri for intelligence, expect Janelle is most likely better at math. Christine cannot do basic subtraction (remember when she was trying to weight Truely?). Oh, and as for being the primary parent to home school--which I think was a commendable thing to do--most states do not have any requirements for competency or curriculum for parents who home school.

      I really hope she made up the "30" score for the ACTs. If she did get that and then chose Kody instead of education, well that is tragic. That said, I think that number was pulled out of a hat.

    14. CPA Carol: "She is always so proud of herself. Look at me! I am in line at the DMV and I am paying bills, aren't I smart? Drives me nuts."
      Oh My God! This made me laugh-out-loud for real!

      Anon 2:30- "A high school diploma from public school and no college " may very well be "pretty basic", but are not clear indicators of one's intelligence.
      I know plenty of people with advanced degrees, that most people could think circles around. Several of them hold a PhD. Being "well educated" does not guarentee that one has superior intelligence.
      With that being said, when putting together a formal presentation, you would think that Christine and the rest of the Klowns would have made sure it was polished. On the other hand, as the whole thing turned out to be just a fake storyline, it didn't matter.

    15. My only point on the high school diploma was the the AUB did not necessarily ensure she was "well educated" as she was only provided with the basics.

    16. " I may just have insulted rocks" .... Bwhahaha!!! Good one Snarkaholic :D

    17. The total score for the SAT is 1600. I'm pretty sure that you get higher than a 30 on the SAT by just showing up and filling in the bubbles for your name on the little scoring sheet thingee. The reference to Christine's score of 30 was definitely meant for the ACT, not SAT. (highest score for the ACT is 36).

    18. Highest possible score for the SAT is now 2400.

    19. A good test taker does not a smart person make. Christine's said she likes trivia. Being able to memorize doesn't make you smart, you have to be able to apply knowledge to be smart.

  7. Thanks for your hard work CJ, it's a pleasure to be in your living room. Does anyone know what Robyn did for work in her single mom days? What makes her a joolry designer? What business sense does she have? As a hobby business owner myself, my monogamist self can't understand why they went to venture capitalist instead of a bank for a loan. Of course, if there's bankruptcies involved I could see, but don't VC's care. I guess they do since they still don't have the funds.

    1. Wasn't she a nurses aid or something like that?

    2. I think her working is an urban legend. She was living with her Mom. She needed a husband to take care of her financially. There was no job.

    3. I believe she was a receptionist at a medical clinic.

      If she was a nurse she'd make a lot more money and I bet Kody would have her working. She could have gotten lots of aid from the gov. to go back to school being a single mom of 3 kids. It's too bad she didn't want to go into a field that would help her support her kids.

    4. Robyn worked at a care facility nursing home

    5. I doubt Robyn could hack it through nursing school. She can't do math (even basic math), throws up at the drop of a hat, and is completely devoid of both a work ethic and empathy.

    6. There is a big difference in pay and education of a CNA and a RN. CNA- 8 weeks of school with pay slightly above a state's minimum wage. RN- 2 plus years of education (to obtain pre-reqs) with pay upwards of $30-50 depending on location, weekend shift, and benefits.

    7. There are actually 3 different educational experiences that can lead to being a nurse with an "RN" certification. There are associate degree programs--one earns as associate degree and can take the National Certification Licensure Exam for Registered Nurses (the NCLEX), bachelor degree programs--some are Bachelor of Science with a major in Nursing and some are Bachelor Of Science Nursing (BS and BSN), and as of 1996 (when I graduated with a BS in Nursing from a New England University) there were still a few 3-year accredited nursing programs that resulted in some sort of certificate that satisfied the requirements to take the NCLEX as well.
      CNA's--8 week program. LPN's--not sure, longer than CNA's. On a medical floor the RN is responsible for people with those licenses working on her (or his) team.
      In Nursing school there was a lot of talk about the various programs that all led to taking the NCLEX and how program regulations could potentially gain more respect for the profession.

  8. I gave up on My Five Wives about half way through the season. There is only so much crying over a ring (and they declared BK, right?) I could take. Count me out.

    1. I find the Browns more amusing but I still watch. Of course, most of the storyline is made-up but I do find them entertaining enough. They do cry a lot. But Brady loves and smooches them so all is well.

    2. MrSpock agrees: Too much crying. As for Brady's "love" he says "I love you" to each "wife" like he is on automatic pilot---he HAS to say it for the cameras or one "wife" will watch and say "Heh, he didn't say it to me!" and the waterworks will begin anew. They cry all the time because they have put themselves in this ridiculous situation---a situation they don't even believe in anymore from any religious angle. So, yes, and this applies to the Browns, too, I do think women who willingly follow polygamy are idiots.

    3. On the TWOP forum, someone called The Williams' religion the "Religion of Smoochy Love Ya's."

    4. I will not be watching the Brady Bunch. I did watch the first season, and was overcome with a feeling of "ick" each time. Ah! the foil character to Surfer Kode in Brainy Brady. The polygamist kowtowing of the women. The uncomfortably staged "I'm like a little hippo" bedroom scenes. The Nonie knows best (anyone know why she had to ask the pharmacist for a pregnancy test? Here in New England they are on the store shelves).
      They seem like they're actually in a deeper monetary hole than the Browns, given that the church owns the houses they live in. From the get-go it screamed "we really need some way to finance our departure from the religious group that our husband, I mean we, no longer follow". Yuck to the 5th power.
      I will, however, watch the Browns until they are no longer on tv, and I will tell you why. When my husband had a band in his younger days, one of the girlfriends of one of the members was quite dislike by all the other band members. So they had a little intervention. "She's such a b*tch" they all said. To which her devoted boyfriend said "Yeah, but she's MY b*tch".
      (Oh, one more thing. Mariahlin. Dear Mariah, being on tv is not some sort of trump card of personal or spiritual one-upmanship. Your immaturity is showing, and it is not flattering. There are plenty of fools and floozies on tv.)

  9. I don't think Robyn is pregnant. I think Kody and Robyn were trying to be, desperately hoping she would be in time for the filming of the season finale, but that it didn't happen. The new season isn't expected to air until early 2015. I think TLC has pushed the next season back in hopes that she will get pregnant and they'll have a story line, something worth filming.

  10. I noticed that Janelle did not pose with the hideous vision 'goggles'. She is not the attention whore Kody (and Christine) is. Good for her. I don't tweet and am not on facebook so I don't 'get' the 'why' behind silly pictures (past pics of food - who cares what they eat?) and vague quotes. I have no patience for high maintenance. Kody certainly would not want me for a wife. I would not feed his overinflated ego for one second. But then again, I wouldn't want him anyway. I am quite happy (more than 20 years) with my ONE husband, two children, pets, and ONE house to pay for.

    Question: When Kody gets sick/hurt, who takes care of him? My husband has brain cancer and I am struggling enough with his parents who want to suffocate him/us much less other women! I don't want anyone else to care for him and keep meds, doc appts, physical therapy appts, etc straight. Overwhelming, yes, but that's what a wife does.

    1. Prayers for your husband. And for you and your children.
      Recovery and miracles happen everyday.

    2. Janelle could be driving them home. The pictures are to document and scrapbook and such.

    3. If Janelle had driven them home, she would be tweeting about how clever she was to think about driving them home! And she also thinks workouts = sanity! And she knows how to multitask! And she shows a house for Mona once a year!

    4. My cousin died from brain cancer at age 30. He had a wife and two small children, and two parents who loved him very much (he was their baby). Allow his parents to help. If you have kids, let them take them to dinner sometimes or to a kids movie. Allow his parents to sit with their son while you run errands,go for a walk or to a support group, or veg out a while. They are probably worried about you in addition to their son, and they feel HELPLESS while they watch their son suffer. There is nothing worse than watching your children (of any age) suffer.

  11. Slacker Mom, I hear you about wanting/needing to take care of your sick spouse. My prayers are with you. I had never thought about the issue you bring into CJ's living room. Who does take care of Kody in illness large or small. What a mess that would be.

    1. I'm guessing Meri would, she has no other family obligation, her seems to prefer her home and organization skills, and legally she can make medical decisions.
      I think they'd probably all want to pitch in (as Kody is their EVERYTHING), but I don't think any of the other women would be as capable (or able to manage with kids to worry about).
      When/If Kody gets deathly ill, the bonus wives will hopefully be preoccupied with how they will support their families and keep their homes once his 'estate' is disbursed.

  12. So sorry about your husband's illness, SlackerMom---praying for all of your family in this struggle. Sounds like he is a fortunate man to have a wife like you!

  13. patient with your husbands parents.......I am the mom to 3 grown boys and I can tell you if 1 of them had brain cancer I would probably be in the same boat of driving my daughter-in-laws crazy! But, he was my boy first and that is hard to give up!

    I hope your husband will be okay.......I 'm sure that is a very stressful time for your family. You sound like you are doing a great job!

    1. I agree. Slacker mom, you sound like a loving wife and your husband is fortunate to have you. To Crimson's point, I'm sure his parents love him too and are only trying to help :) I too hope that all will be okay.

      As far as who would take care of Kody, as much as I find her annoying, my bet is on Christine. She is the most nurturing. As soon as the going gets tough, Robyn's outta there. Janelle is numb and doesn't care. Meri is too emotional to deal with any significant problems. She would have a breakdown.

  14. Thanks for the well wishes! I know my hubby will be just fine. This is his third trip to brain cancer land but the hardest so far. Concerning his parents - well....they told me in May that 'when he died' they will 'sue me for wrongful death'. Wonderful dealing with is never dull! That's why I like to read blogs like this and watch other family's train wrecks and drama...makes my life seem just fine! We're all good down here in season is cranking up as well! :)

    1. SlackerMom,
      Parents are crazy when it comes to their sons (not all I'm sure, but so many are).
      I dated a man (briefly) who had a very overprotective fact, when he had the flu and I was bring him supplies, she physically wrestled a container of Vicks rub out of my hands because it 'will burn his poor nose'.
      I looked over at my thirty year old boyfriend, his loving mother carefully dabbing his face with a cloth and walked out the door.
      I could list many more examples, and not all relating to the terrible 'man-flu' epidemic, but I fear I would develop carpal tunnel.
      Why, just remember Kody taking his mother's breakfast and spreading his germs all over it, while smarmily announcing his mother would 'fall on her sword' for him.
      I know it's not easy caring for a loved one (parent or spouse), but it's certainly no easier when the caregiver faces antagonization.
      I feel for you, and if your in laws want to waste their retirement money on a grief filled attorney rampage try to remember that you can't reason with crazy.

    2. Thank God for football and polygamy. My Sundays are full! :-)

    3. You're in-laws sound like mine. I thinking good thoughts for your family.

  15. I can't really blame Janelle for being excited about the pumpkin spice latte coming back, I love it too. Lucky for me my favorite local coffee shop brought it back a few weeks ago.

    Can we talk about Jill Duggar already being pregnant after just a few months of marriage?! She might rival her mom fertility-wise if she really did get pregnant on her honeymoon. I was hoping those girls would have some time as adults out of their parent's house without taking care of kids, but I guess not. Jessa is next to get married. Maybe she won't get pregnant right away.

    1. I read that her mom told Jill to just sit down and relax when she was feeling sick.
      Yeah - I don't think she was ever as sick as some women get.
      But...she's the expert, remember. :)
      If Jill is as sick as I was...she'll be in and out of the hospital for dehydration, blood clots, etc.
      With this current pregnancy of mine (and my last) I was so physically weak at one point that my husband was literally pushing ice chips between my lips to help with hydration (he later told me that he was sure I was about to die and he was desperate to do something before taking me back to the hospital). I remember laying in my bed as he did this and praying I would just choke on an ice chip and die. I could barely move or speak or do anything really and was truly praying for death.
      Just "sitting down and relaxing" when feeling ill was simply not something that would have helped me.
      I pray that Jill will get through this tough time and all will be well with her and the baby.
      I'm convinced that there will be a special place in heaven for moms who deal with extreme morning sickness. :)

      I do like to watch the Duggars, though. I will probably never, ever speak as quietly and kindly as Michelle does when speaking to her kids. Just the opposite. I'll give myself an early stroke from yelling at my kids. :)

    2. When Michelle can drop the grating baby voice, pining to "be pregnant", and JimBob can lose the horny vibe, maybe I could attempt to watch them again.

    3. @ Anon 3:01, I had severe morning sickness (hyperemesis) too! It is not just feeling a little nauseous, it is debilitating. If Michelle Duggar had severe morning sickness, she never would have had as many pregnancies as she did. Thank God for the invention of the IV. Interesting fact, before the invention of the IV, the number one cause of death during pregnancy was dehydration due to throwing up. Charlotte Bronte is believed to have died from it. I remember the days of throwing up ice chips and it makes me shudder. Best of luck to you and think about that sweet baby!

      Anyway, I hope Jill isn't that sick and goes on to have a healthy baby. I wonder why they announced it so early, maybe someone in the media found out and threatened to leak it otherwise?

    4. The thing that got me about Jill Duggar being pregnant was everyone saying how "shocked" they were; Jill, her parents, etc. Jill and her husband said they weren't going to do anything to prevent pregnancy. Fertility in that family shouldn't be that much of a surprise.

    5. I too was surprised that they announced the pregnancy so early...especially given that their friend Erin Bates (from the United Bates of America, briefly on TLC) miscarried her first child earlier this year - also conceived immediately after marrying. Made me wonder if someone found out, and they were trying to get it out before it was leaked... I also honestly kind of laughed at the pictures released, where they're holding her non-existent baby bump all lovingly. As for whether she got pregnant on her honeymoon, I did the math from her wedding date to what they're saying is the due date, and it was either her honeymoon night, or the next few days afterwards. So then, of course, my cynical mind takes off, and I'm thinking, "I wonder if they planned their wedding such that she would be ovulating during the honeymoon..." Then my next thought was, "Josh and Anna are obviously going to have to step up the baby production here if they're going to keep up with Jill, apparently." Yes, I'm an awful person....

      - Lori

    6. No snark from me. I got pregnant on my wedding night. It was a complete shock considering it was the only time I my life I had ever done it without a condom. People are so mean about it, too.

    7. "People are so mean about it, too."

      That is so bizarre to me. It's none of their freaking business. It's not like you went on a tv show and told all your business!

      A honeymoon baby is sweet!

  16. Dear Janelle,
    I too love pumpkin spice lattes from Starbucks. However since the "no fat" version of the drink is still 330 calories (whole milk version over 400). I no longer drink them. Just thought I would let you know in case you are actually serious about trying to lose weight.


    1. Ha! I'm catching up with the blog and focused in on her anticipation of Pumpkin Spice Lattes. The Venti is 470 calories, 400 if you order it with nonfat milk. Most of the calories are coming from the pumpkin spice syrup which has tons of sugar in it, and unfortunately SBs has yet to come out with a sugar free version. I haven't had one in years, not since they started posting the calories on the menu boards!

    2. Well they do have different sizes, it's only 330 calories if you insist on getting the super-sized version! I love PSLs and order a tall with nonfat milk and no whipped cream. A very yummy 130 calorie Sunday morning treat this time of year.

    3. 330 calories is a big chunk of my 1550 calorie a day diet.

    4. Order the smallest size and savor it. That's what I do with things like this, all in moderation. I keep a bar of dark chocolate in the fridge and break off just one square when I want a little sweet treat. All about moderation and self-control, which is easier said than done...but can be done.

    5. Better for me to practice self-control by avoiding it altogether. which I have been doing, and lost 14 pounds since mid July as a result :)

    6. I think for Janelle she hasn't learned she can make or discover substitutes for the food she craves or feels she can't do without. If she paid attention to how much sugar is in a pumpkin latte or anything else it would go a long way to help her. You can buy pumpkin spice and whip with half and half and get the same flavor without the syrup in your coffee. I thought she learned from the Kettle Bell Bombshell about nurtition, but i guess not. Janelle seems to think about food a lot. Fresh fruit can fill that sweet tooth craving. Janelle just has to decide to make the changes to her diet without feeling deprived. It can be done. I always agree spot on with DK on her observations on this subject

  17. I, too, dislike MFW. Of the 3 plyg families that are discussed here, they are the creepiest bunch of them all.
    The Browns are quite unorthodox and a bit...irreverent...which is probably why we like them so much.
    MFW women are...well, just plain creepy. I can't think of another word for it...something about their sly ways bothers me. Well, all except the one who had the cancer scare...I think she seems quite sweet. Rosemary may also be someone I might be friends with, but the others....that's a one-way ticket to crazy ville. :)

    As far as Papa Joe - something about them is "off" ... it's like they are trying too hard to show that they are "okay"...
    Again, as a comparison, the Browns seem to just "let it all hang out" whereas the Dargers probably have potpourri in each bathroom to cover any unpleasant smell...and monitor toilet paper usage...and insist that toothpaste be squeezed from the bottom...and I bet PJ weighs each wife on a regular basis to be sure she is still "in line" with his ideal... :-D

    1. "and I bet PJ weighs each wife on a regular basis to be sure she is still "in line" with his ideal..."

      And I will bet that you are right about that !!!
      His dictator style *was* creepy and intentional. His women came off as the epitome of "controlled" and frightened of their master. They were sad to watch.

    2. I seem to recall the Brown women being very into Papa Joe and his domineering ways.
      Perhaps they were overwhelmed by a man who can keep a job and complete tasks on his own?

    3. I think that being told what to do appeals to them. Remember how excited Christine got when the kind from the Missouri Christian family was talking about the chickens following the rooster around? She said something like "they all just want to do what the rooster does!" Guess that is simpler than forming your own opinion about... well, anything.

    4. The Brown women were very into Papa Joe when he was somebody else's (or somebodies elses) husband. Pretty sure if they somehow did a husband swap they would all be freaking out within five minutes. Papa Joe wouldn't tolerate the bullying and the bickering, would probably sell those four houses, move them all into one big plyg house and make them share a kitchen.

      I also get the impression that they would all lose the excess weight fairly quickly because Joe would probably control the food schedule and make them exercise. Not theoretical exercise, actually exercise. And all four women would probably be expected to actually get employment.

      Oh, and most importantly, he wouldn't tolerate their bullshit 'don't show affection to other wives in front of me' crap that Kody has been letting them get away with for years. The Brown women like to pretend that they're the only ones in a marriage with Kody. That illusion would fall away really fast if Joe were in charge.

      If the Brown women were swooning over Joe it's only because they hadn't thought it through at all. Kody really does let them get away with all sorts of bullshit, because he's too busy worrying about himself rather than actually laying down any kind of law.

      And though the concept of the man laying down the law is fairly distasteful in an egalitarian monogamist marriage, what these women signed up for is something very different. They wanted to be part of Kody's celestial harem and yet they constantly undermine it. Meri by wanting to consume equal resources to another part of the family with seven people in it, Janelle by removing herself mentally, Christine by waging her pouting wars and Robyn by passive agressively manipulating Kody and using her womb as a bargaining chip.

      Kody was probably right in not feeling in control. He's not. And it's really not what any of them signed up for, but the women don't follow and he doesn't lead, so they're left swooning over a man who would probably have them all throwing tantrums in five minutes whilst Kody emotionally vomits in therapy.

    5. The Brady wives seem dead behind the eyes. Vacant expressions.Very Creepy.
      The Dargers had big-time ick factor. Gave me a bad vibe. Two sisters (twins?) and a friggen cousin. {{Shudder}}
      The Christian Plygs..What was that? Just bizarre. SMH
      The Brown's are ordinary by comparison...but what goes on that we don't see? That is what makes you go Hmmm. Because, nothing ordinary there at all.

    6. Excellent points

    7. Yes, I agree with you, SafeTalk.
      The Brown women may have admired the *no nonsense, take charge* style of Papa Joe, as "observers"...from a distance...especially Meri, who would appreciate his "let's get this show on the road" agenda. However NONE of the Brown wives could accommodate Big Joe's process as supreme lord and master.
      The original three Browns are 20 years into living with a man who does the minimum of leading, and the maximum of taking. They would crumble under the Darger regimen.

  18. "Once that show is cancelled, you will remain the vapid and unremarkable person you've always been. And Maddie, it would behoove you NOT to follow in the rude footsteps of your sister by another mother. It's not becoming..."

    WELL SAID !!!! "Vapid and unremarkable"......Spot on !!

    Gloves off for me on snarking on the kids with this one.

    Maddie, would love to know just what context you are using "homeboy" on this tweet. If your tirade is directed at one specific person, it didn't belong on a public tweet. All that did was highlight your own entitled mindset and agenda. Not cool, not cool at all.

    Mariah, if being on your parents' show has given you this air of inflated superiority, you best learn to be gracious when the tides turn....because they will.
    Friends are precious, you best learn to be someone others would want to befriend.

    Meri.......Shame on you !! That's all, just shame on you !!
    You are no more advanced than a 14 year old. Disgusting !!

    Just goes to show you how the Internet can giveth, and it can take it away. Dignity, that is !!
    and all because of a few badly chosen keystrokes !!

    1. That tweet was sickening; however, if there was any doubt about what an entitled, arrogant, jackass she is--that doubt is gone. That she would put that out there publicly truly shows what a morally bankrupt person she is. She is just like her father, and that is no compliment.

      Meri is obviously just as bad. "Oh Mariah! LOL" is her response? She thinks it's funny? I've always felt sorry for Meri but now I don't. What a crap mother that she didn't jump her kid for that and tell her to delete it immediately. She obviously agrees with Mariah's attitude.

      I never wish anything bad on anyone, but I have to admit that I won't exactly be sorry when their show is cancelled and they are broke nobodys again.

    2. Oh my god, what tweet are you talking about? I'm so curious now. What did I miss?

    3. what tweet are you talking about? I'm so curious now.
      Scroll up. It's after the red UPDATE 8/23/14.

    4. Cynical, I never tire of your blog id photo.

    5. From what I've gathered in watching the Browns, polygamy USA, and from meeting the 'biblical' plygs this season, I've noticed that while polygamy seems to age the women physically (well beyond chronological years), they remain emotionally stunted.
      None of these women handle conflict, jealousy, or disappointment nearly as well as a reasonably adjusted teenager would.
      No wonder Meri encourages Mariah's poor social skills...she can't tell the difference.

  19. Wow..really Mariah? You are a NOBODY on a sinking ship of a ridiculous reality show. Tick-Tock,Tick-Tock..your 15 minutes are up!
    Delusional much?
    And Maddie...when pissed off, don't vent on social media. Call a friend. If Hothead Mariah is tweeting out support to you, you know it's time to dial it down a notch.

  20. Yes Mariah, you are on TV and other kids aren't but think about this: you are on TV and the producers go out of their way to look you look like a spoiled out of control kid. No one has the heart to tell you that you are spreading out so much so that it is hard to tell which is fatter, you, your mother, Janelle, or Christine. So, oh, yeah, you are really special, there being on TV for the whole world to see your messed up family. How foolish they look; how mentally unstable they are; how inferior intellectually they are; how economically challenged they are; how sad they are. So, oh are the chick like your old man thinks he is the man but see, Mariah, it's only in your own mind that you are special...well...only in your mind and your mom's mind. To the rest of us, we laugh at the train wreck that is your life.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Below is an edited version of anon 5:36 comment. Please understand this is a one time edit on a comment that made some good points. For future reference, please everyone, it's OK to disagree but it is NOT OK to be excessively mean about it. Thank you for your understanding!


      There's no question that Mariah really seems to have no idea how she's being perceived by the public, but you have to keep in mind she's still young. I strongly suspect she'll look back on herself in a few years and be mortified.

      [edited]. Mariah is making the mistakes a lot of arrogant smart kids do; sometimes it takes a big failure to really shock their systems and have them readjust their world view. She can come out of college a better adjusted, more compassionate person. I hope.

    3. Anon 5:36 did offer some salient points.
      However, Mariah not having any idea of how she is perceived is a stretch for her age.
      At 18, having finished high school, most kids do have a clue as to their image through four years of interaction with others. And it is highly unlikely that the older kids haven't checked out blogs. She would know how she is perceived. Also, being arrogant doesn't necessarily partner with "smart."

      A point that is missing from the whole affair is that the mother (and father)..."the adults"...should have been pointing out all along to their daughter that having an arrogant, obnoxious and haughty attitude is not only inappropriate, but will surely incite alienation from others. Considering Mariah's lack of awareness, looks like her parents have not done any mentoring in the attitude/ gratitude/ humility dept.
      Instead, Mommy tweets rousing support and LOL's for her daughter's unfortunate show of ego.
      That speaks volumes... !!

  21. Oh Mariah - arrogance is just so unattractive. I hope Meri tweeted that response because she really wasn't left with many good options to tweet publicly, but immediately called or texted Mariah to muzzle her. Your show only continues if people are interested enough to keep watching. Trying to destroy the gravy-train Mariah?? Better wait until that expensive tuition is paid in full.

    1. One would hope...or perhaps Meri really meant what she tweeted: that Mariah was funny for typing that and has a right to think she is better than others because she is on TV.

    2. I would have had my kid delete that tweet instantly, or just not acknowledged it at all.

    3. Meri's little happy face emoticon suggests she thought the tweet was apt or funny.

    4. Or Meri's emoticon was more of a nervous laugh emoticon, the kind of thing you do in a real life conversation when you want to deflect and suggest, "Oh, she must be kidding..."

      I find Maddie's THREE laughing-so-hard-I'm-crying emoticons in her response more surprising and troubling and disappointing and sad. I always liked Maddie and thought she seemed level-headed and just plain nice. That response from her is not one that I would have expected nor wished for.

    5. I tell my 18 year old that he represents the family when he's out in the world.
      Hmph. I was just realizing that, though my point was to say that it's okay to be foolish within the family as long as one maintains a respectable image on the outside, and then I realized that THAT is what reality shows are fodder for--people allowing that curtain of decorum to part (or fall) and for those in want of entertainment to see the man behind the curtain, so to speak.
      Well, then. I feel a bit of a fool, too, then, because I am watching.
      But I'm not hurting anyone and I do try to be decent in my verbal meanderings (although I did disparage Kody once or twice...more I suppose.)
      What the h*ll are people thinking airing their dirty laundry on tv? And it's not reality.
      And yet I watch.

    6. I bet Mariah hasn't made friends in college like she thought she would. If she was super hot or even nice then maybe being on TV would help her. I'm also betting college isn't as easy as she thought. People in the dorm probably have to walk on eggshells around her. Great parenting Browns! The best thing for this girl would be for the show to end so she can grow personally.

  22. On the Darger's FB page Aug 22....they say that Sierra (Joe and Whitney's new baby) is home from hospital then they have to say "embarrassed.....'phone changed Sienna to Sierra" Really !!! didn't get the name of the baby right...then blame the 'phone? Even I knew the baby's name is Sienna....

    1. and everyone knows how autocorrect changes words. Google "autocorrect fails"

    2. the name Sienna is so outrageous or horrible? Not when regarded alongside the many other plyg names and funky spellings of names and the adverbial presentation (Truely..and really should it not be spelled "Truly"?) of names. Sienna...sure, I'd buy that.

    3. Well then, I guess the name is actually Sierra. The argument I present remains the same. I'd just as easily buy Sierra as a name. Savannah, Sienna, Sierra, Madeira...let's call the whole thing off (ba da dum)

  23. Personally, I consider Reality TV "stars" a step below regular people, because they sold themselves out for money. But in Mariah's case, it's not really her fault since it was her parents who made them "stars" but I do believe she should start learning to practice a little humility if she truly wants to go to medical school. Poor judgment, impulsive nature, and arrogance do not a good doctor make. Although personally, I really don't think that's her dream, I think it's Meri's dream for her (and maybe Kody's dream for her) but maybe she figures if it gets her a fully paid college education at "Hogwarts" then it doesn't matter.

    1. Well many of the younger groups of doctors I came into contact with as an RN certainly had an overabundance of arrogance so Mariah has a headstart there. Wait until she comes into contact with an RN who schools her as to how much she doesn't know and teaches her to be compassionate with her patients. Her reality show "stardom" will be more of a hindrance to her than she realizes. That will be a great humbling day for her. I pray for her anyway.

    2. No biggity, since I highly doubt that Mariah will be going into the medical field anyway, based on the fact that she has yet to work on any of the prerequisites (which we discussed a couple weeks or so ago in an earlier blog post). If she had been volunteering, we'd have heard about it for sure.

    3. The road to medical school is slightly different these days. The applicant pool is so saturated most people don't do premed. And then wait a few years to apply. Volunteering happens post undergrad.

    4. Hm. That doesn't make much sense to me, if there are more applicants than there are available spots in med school, I would think that students going that route would start earlier, not later, than usual. Also, the folks I've known who have been focused on medicine as a major/career generally show an aptitude for it, and compassion/feeling for others - neither of which we've seen from Mariah, either on the show or on Twitter.

      I still maintain she pulled the "doctor" bit out of her butt, just like she was talking about going to military school in S1. Just to impress her parents, and the viewers. But time will tell I suppose...

      Anyway, it was CJ's blog post of 8 Aug 14, we discussed the medical prerequisites on 11-12 Aug, and runKodyrun who works in her state's university system confirmed that most medical-school bound students are well into their CVs but the time they are in their college sophomore year. I'll take her word for it, especially since Westminster's own website confirms what she says.

    5. And when was the last time that Mariah mentioned she wanted to be a doctor? I don't recall beyond that one ep.

  24. Well now, Honey Boo Boo is on TV too. So are lots of other people who are seemingly given a TV contract just so the world can point and gawk. What exactly is your point, Mariah?

    Maddie is always going off on Twitter. Nothing new to see there. It's all a part of the "bada&$" persona she wants to portray. It also shows a lack of maturity on her part.

    And you know, I like Maddie. She would be my third or fourth favorite Brown teen ... behind Logan. And Aspyn. And Hunter. I kinda like the Honey Boo Boo family in some ways (especially Sugar Bear). But that Mariah and Meri ... those two self-appointed celebs are so unlikeable. I guess they've forgotten that it was only a short while ago that they were in trailers and collecting food stamps.

  25. Cynical Jinx- This tone-deaf tweet by Mariah deserves its own post. It is so emblematic of Mariah's arrogance and cluelessness. I confess I'm fascinated by Mariah because by all objective measures she should have low to average to self-esteem and yet Mariah displays the opposite to the world. I watch this reality "star" because she is so uptight and hypersensitive and spoiled.

    1. I agree, that one should be the top Brown quote in the hall of shame. That's the first thing I've ever read from the Klown Krew that made me swear out loud at my computer screen.

  26. I remember that Mariah's on TV for all her star turns:
    1. She bawled about underwriters, because her mother lost the race to close on the McMansions.
    2. She wailed about her mother's infertility in a talking head that is replayed every season.
    3. She stormed off and wailed about Meri's infertility, when Robyn announced that she was pregnant.
    4. She threw a hissyfit and stormed away when her half-siblings played a practical joke on her.
    5. She stomped away during the Mother's Day breakfast preparation, a supposed family tradition.
    6. She whined about needing to go to Westminster to improve her polygamy odds.
    7. She pleaded, through tears, to stay (just her alone) in Lehi to go to a dance and finish the year.

    She'll only escape her 'celebrity' by going into anonymity, which will be easy, especially after the show is canceled. She is just part of a failed polygamy freakshow.

  27. I wonder if her professors hear that a lot "I couldn't finish my paper because I had to go film, I'm on tv you know." I can hear Mariah with her future sisterwives "We are going to do it my way because I was on tv" or "I get an extra night with the husband because I was on tv"

  28. Sister Wives is a very sad show. Four women all clamoring for the affections of one man. None of these people are honest. This is what drives me nuts about this show; the Browns say one thing, but act very differently. Nothing they do makes any sense. No other reality TV show has ever gotten under my skin as much as Sister Wives. The Browns do not give anything back to society, they only take.
    Reality is Kody has one wife; otherwise he would be in jail. The Browns do not function as a family unit. TLC is setting up these trips and family gatherings to make it appear the Browns are this one big happy family. Unfortunately this isn’t working because during these functions their personal interactions seem awkward.
    To see an adult woman and her adult daughter on TV go into a major melt down over a house that I can only dream of ever owning was ludicrous. If Meri had acted unselfishly and offered to downsize her house because she does not have the same needs as the other women she would have a lot of fans. Meri did take resources away from the other women. . I love the retweet someone sent Mariah – people on COPS are on TV too, but that doesn’t make them superior.
    The wives make-believe each one of them is the only one in a relationship with Kody. TLC took this man who is in relationships and has several children by different women and put him on TV. Why is this special? Their life style does not appear to have anything to do with religion. Either TLC or the Browns are trying to do damage control. It is sad none of these women are able to have the exclusive relationship between a husband and wife.
    That said, I really got to get a life….

    1. "No other reality TV show has ever gotten under my skin as much as Sister Wives."

      Interesting that you phrased it like this, Older Not Wiser.....!!
      I had the same reaction to the show from the first episode, which is what prompted me way back then to search the web for a site expressing similar thoughts about SW.

      Nothing on the show matched up for credibility. Everything and everyone looked primed and scripted. It was simply dishonest, like a faint smell in the air that pervades.

      The fact that the entire premise and cast of characters was and is unmistakably phony was evident from the moment they played the frantic and ridiculous 'exodus to the desert' card.
      What kept me watching was to see just how far the farce would go.
      That, and appreciating all others' snark.!!!

    2. Me too, Amused. When I first heard of the show, I wouldn't go near it because I was immediately turned off by the concept. But then one day I was searching to see what other viewers were saying, and the rest (as they say) is history. It was just great to know that I wasn't the only one who wasn't impressed with the Browns. They are gross to me, arrogant and clearly only doing this show for the money ... they don't even believe in their religion, let alone want to share those beliefs with the rest of the world.

    3. The whole concept of Meri going back to college totally discredits the concept of this being a functional family. There are what, 17 kids (so far) who will need an education. Even if Meri graduates with a bachelor's degree in Psychology, she will not be employable in the field as anything more than a glorified care assistant with an entry-level salary. To be employed as a professional, she will need at a minimum a master's; ideally a Ph.D. She will need to complete high-intensity internships and residencies. So after say, 10 years, and a lot of work, she might have a high enough earning potential--if she chooses to actually work--to fund educations for her "bonus" kids. I've never seen her working that hard. She's just having a mid life crisis. If this were a family, you'd think she'd think more about the kids than she does about herself.

  29. I have expressed several times that I feel that Sister Wives should have been a one episode documentary. Introduce the family, explain the concept, give a window into the polygamist world that they claim is far removed from the stereotypical plyg. A follow up once a year would be more than enough Brown family updates.
    To have this episodic format has created characters and storylines. The true facts of their "lifestyle" are secret. Their lives are clouded by fiction and silly staged interactions. Egos are being inflated as they see themselves as TV stars. They are not.
    It really does need to end.

    1. As long as TLC can make money from Sister Wives, it will remain on the schedule. The staged interactions are normal for reality shows. I don't believe TLC ever marketed Sister Wives to show the reality in polygamy. It was a show about a man and his many wives and kids. It's just another version of Myrtle Manor or Honey Boo Boo or those Gypsy shows.

    2. I think they are TV stars. I don't distinguish between reality tv an other types of tv or movies or whatever. They are celebrities as a result of participating in the show. That doesn't make them more important or better or whatever, but like it doesn't make any actor or actress in a scripted show or movie more important or better. But they are celebrities from a tv show.

      Based on what we see on the show, they are also rather sad and annoying people, but that doesn't make them any more or less a "tv star."

    3. When TLC was most likely developing a reality show about polygamy, the only long lasting weekly polygamy show was HBO's Big Love. When HBO abruptly cancelled Big Love, TLC was there with a Big Love show of its own called Sister Wives. I have always thought Kody saying "Love is multiplied not divided" was TLC saying hey people, here's your replacement for BIG LOVE.

      But Sister Wives was not the first reality show featuring polygamists on TLC. There was a show, from 2006 called "My Husband's Three Wives" starring Brian Wachtendorf, his two wives and a third woman who lived with them, paid their bills, gave them money to prevent foreclosure of the Wachtendorf home but was deemed unsuitable to remain permanently as a "wife". Brian Wachtendorf was so awful, he made Kody look like a caring, giving husband and father!

      Brian was married to Pam. While she was deployed in the middle east, he met and fell in lust with Kathy. Kathy got pregnant so joined the family (I forget how many kids Brian and Pam had). Fast forward, Brian got his PhD in psychology, built a huge log cabin home and started having money problems. He meets a third woman, who helped Brian out financially (from her divorce settlement she was well off). When Brian moved this woman into his home with the kids and "wives", troubles started. The wives hated her (she was lazy) and the kids didn't like her. But he was determined to "marry" her; he even bought a ring for her at a pawn shop!

      Needless to say, when Brian gave his two wives an ultimatum that they both had to accept the third woman, (at the engagement dinner for the third to be wife) the two women defied him and said NO. Which made him look like an idiot because he immediately kicked her out of his house!

      When the series was rerun in 2009, at the end we found out wife #1 divorced him and married someone else. Wife #2 left him and would-be wife #3 still refused to talk about him after 3 years.

      Brian married again, denounced polygamy and is a practicing psychologist.

      Thank the Lord that man NEVER became a TV star! Does anyone else remember this train wreck of a show?

    4. I am glad they all moved on.

      It was creepy. They all had to have the same anniversary. So there was a rush to make a decision about the third woman. It was all purely cause this man said he didn't think he could be faithful to one woman. He had fathered children from two different women and they both were fine with part of a man. They didn't see themselves as a unit, or mom to each other's kids. I hope that third woman got her money back. Sounds like fraud to me. It was clear he wanted her for physical variety and her money.

    5. Never saw that one. But your synopsis has me curious. Wonder if it is archived anywhere?

      Yes, it was the ending of Big Love (which I avidly watched for the fiction and the acting) that brought me to even consider watching SW. Thinking then, wow, here is the REAL version of Big Love.
      Turned to be the opposite. SW was a re-fictioned version of Big Love.

    6. From what I've read, the 3rd woman did not get her money back. I got the distinct impression he used that woman for her money (come on, he couldn't go to a regular jewelry store it had to be a pawn shop?). He just didn't plan on the other 2 women putting their feet down and saying NO to the nonsense!

      I do remember him saying in an interview that he had a sex addiction.

    7. I remember watching that show. If I remember correctly, he met the 3rd woman in his PhD program. He seemed pretty creepy to me and I couldn't believe that an educated woman would fall for him. I also thought he was using her for her money.

    8. Wonder if it is archived anywhere?
      The closest I've found so far today is this TLC commercial briefly advertising the show. If you watch this preview, the large lady speaking in yellow was the late Mother Susie Timpson, one of Hyrum "Burton" Timpson's mothers (Polygamy, USA).

      I remember there was more information but I suspect it was located on TWoP.

    9. Anon 12:59

      There is a vast, VAST difference between and actor that hones their craft and appearance to create a character and entertain an audience than a person participating on a reality show.

      An actor works and is decent (or attractive enough) to maintain the attention of their viewer. A reality show contestant needs only to he odd enough, or awful enough to spark curiosity.

      To define someone as a TV STAR simply because they are on your television screen is silly. There is a reason award shows don't ask the Browns to sit in the front row...and it's not just because of the small auditorium seats.

    10. Anon 5:23

      Vast? Not so much. Actors are over-rated and over-celebrated as a collective and those ridiculous reward shows are only mildly entertaining just for the spectacle of self-absorbed absurdity they display.

    11. Anon (time) is used when an anonymous post is referenced, it isn't necessary when a handle is used.

      If that were true, and the field was similar enough to merit the same distinction and or scorn, there would be an awards show for the Best Use of Mystery Eye Gunk or Best Impregnation of a Baby Mama or Most Prolific use of a David Cassidy Haircut.
      Kody and Robin would sweep the awards.
      Worthy of the level of celebration or not, one group is celebrated for a skill or ability (or look) that people find entertaining, and one is 'celebrated' for making depressed people feel better about their own lives.

    12. The use of Anon was a simple typo. Awards shows and that type of silly recognition are not a benchmark I use to measure to anything. People can be annoyed at the celebrity and tv star status achieved by reality show stars like the Browns or others and people can believe they don't deserve it. Whatever. But it doesn't change the fact that they are celebrities they are recognized and they are tv stars. Scripted. Reality Show. Newscaster. Sportscaster. Talk Show Host. Same thing. TV stars.

    13. I wonder.. if the 3rd wife had been accepted by the others would Mariah still be on tv?

    14. defines a 'tv star' as the star of a television show; the lead actor portraying a role.
      If I thought they could act well enough to be as horrible as they are on the show, I might agree. Sadly, I think that's all them.

    15. I wonder.. if the 3rd wife had been accepted by the others would Mariah still be on tv?

      That show was soooo bad - you have to see it to believe just how awful the father was. And what makes it worse was he is a practicing PhD, with a couple of books published (and available on Anyway, it was obvious they were stringing that poor woman along.

  30. wow, Mariah. just wow.

    1. jaw, I really must close my mouth, but I can't....Wow!..........................................Wow.


    2. I'm guessing someone judged maddie outrageously because of something related to their so called knowledge of her from the show and her sister was just pointing on she is the one on tv. I didn't think it was snotty.

    3. It was snotty. Only a snot would use the I'm on tv and you're not as a comeback when someone says something rude. Kill them with kindness was how I was taught, and it's much more effective, too.

    4. I agree with kms. I don't think the intent was snotty. It's like a teenage girl who been dumped by her boyfriend for another girl saying "well, I'm prettier". Like it or not, being on tv is something a lot of young teens dream of. And Mariah (and Maddie) are on tv. It's like that Britney Spears interview where she complains about her brother pestering her and shares how she told him "well, I sold x million albums this year - what did YOU DO?". I think it's a sarcastic joke that just looks awful in writing.

    5. When I read the my head I imagine that person saying the tweet out loud....oh yeah, it was for sure snotty.

  31. I remember them CJ. His two wives seemed to get along well and work well together. He was a putz. He graduated from Texas A&M which I am a fan and was always so grateful they didn't talk about it on the show that much. Always wondered what ever happened to them.

  32. MrSpock finds Mariah's "on TV" tweet unremarkable. All it rates is a *shrug*. As for social media, in general, thinking before tweeting or whatever always seems like a good idea---just like thinking before hitting the "send" button on e-mails.

  33. Mariah is just confirming that she thinks she is better than someone else because she is on tv. Meri is backing her up on that.

    1. She suffers from the same delusions of grandeur as her "celebrity" parents. They'll lose their minds when TLC decides to pull the plug and the cameras go away.

  34. I actually see this tweet of Mariah's in a different light. I think that it shows her underlying insecurity in herself as a person. She must think that her self-worth is tied up with being on television...remember her "average tv star having fun in college" or some such thing on her twitter. She does not have confidence in herself. Therefore she places all of her self worth in her status as a "star." How very sad.

    1. It is sad because she's not even a star. She's a co-star playing second banana to her mother and father and his 3 other wives!

  35. A new retweet by Janelle is featuring "Janelle's tuna patty sandwiches"....touted as an inexpensive way to eat seafood.

    I seriously have a problem with TLC sending out recipes using Janelle's name. First off, doesn't Janelle always talk about how she doesn't cook? Secondly, isn't Janelle supposed to be on a journey to healthy living? So how does this recipe fit in with either of her personas? And its not even a precise recipe!

    •4 cans of tuna (or salmon)
    •6 pieces of bread, anything left over (we usually have whole wheat)
    •6 eggs
    •Seasonings of choice (Old Bay® or garlic powder, dill and onion powder mixed together)
    1. Mix it all together. (The proportions of eggs to bread and tuna will have to be eyeballed a bit – it will vary with type of bread you are using. You want the mixture to form into balls that can be smashed on grill into patties.)

    2. Drop by large spoonfuls onto hot griddle and use spatula to press them into patties. Cook for several minutes and flip them over. Cook until patties are done all the way through.

    3. Serve these on the plate as a main dish or sometimes in buns. Mix up some mayonnaise and chopped up dill pickles or dill pickle relish for a sauce.

    1. Here's my theory. I think TLC has hired an intern "to change" the recipes ingredients in order to prevent any accusations of plagiarism.

      I've noticed there's always some main ingredients that are missing exact measurements - with the instructions to eyeball like above, or in the case of Meri's Mock Ravioli recipe "Noodles and sauce type/amount are up to the chef!" even though the other 10 ingredients do have specific measurements. And I really think that intern always doubles the number of eggs. Not to mention there's always ingredients that are listed but never explained how or when they should be added - like the breadcrumbs in Meri's recipe.

      Can you imagine an inexperienced cook trying to make those tuna patties or that mock ravioli?

      Those recipes should come with a disclaimer to prepare and eat at your own risk!

    2. That's right up there with the recent Mock Ravioli and Blender Pancakes! Unfortunately the loyal fans are still asking the SW's for a cookbook to help them create these mock feasts so I can only imagine what strange recipes are yet to come!

    3. Summertime tuna patties! Do the kids chase them down with a big spoonful of Mayo right from the jar?

    4. I saw that and literally laughed my ass off. I think whoever is putting these recipes up is purposely messing them up in order to get the snark going.

      "Summertime seafood"? I don't consider canned tuna "seafood" per se but that's just me I guess.
      My mom made salmon patties when I was a kid but she used dried breadcrumbs or cracker crumbs.

    5. We still have yet to see the Fish Finger Tacos with a side of canned corn and Tater tots dinner. "Christine's Tater Tots" or "mock tots" or Mock Tacos.

    6. Ah yes, the Harvest Colors meal consisting of yellows (corn), browns(fish sticks and tator tots), orange (the cheese) and beige (tortillas).

    7. I guess the Brown's take the adage of 'Never Trust a Skinny Cook' to heart.
      Lord knows you can't go wrong modeling your life after hackney kitsch signs. If it's good enough to hang on the wall of a TGI Fridays, it's good enough to base your life on.
      Snark being stated, none of these recipes sound remotely appetizing or healthy. 'Mock' dishes seem to be popular in low income or isolated groups, so it makes sense they would be popular in fundamentalist groups, but I can't understand why viewers (who do have access to better ingredients) would beg for these dishes. Nor do I understand why the Brown's would continue to make these meals now that better options and less mouths to feed are the average in their homes.
      I doubt any if these rapidly expanding adults are eating 'healthy' per se, but I certainly recall Christine and Meri remarking on how their diets have improved and become more sophisticated.
      I mean, if the Brown's are shunning their own recipes, why the hell would that encourage their fans to buy them?...and how, how in the hell can anyone look at this plump posse and think, 'I should eat like them, they seem to have a lot of great ideas!'.

    8. That recipe sounds like it would look and taste the same going in as coming up.
      Vomit joke!

    9. It's a pet peeve of mine that people call something like this a recipe! If I put ham and cheese between two slices of bread I could call that a recipe for a sandwich but I don't. I guess these are iconic recipes.

    10. "If it's good enough to hang on the wall of a TGI Fridays, it's good enough to base your life on."

      Ha! Too funny!

    11. There was a time when I was really pulling for Janelle (back in the other/old blog days).
      That time has come and gone, people.
      Seriously, in that episode where she said "Maybe I'm just meant to be a fat person and I should just accept that" my instinctive hit was like "BINGO". How many years have we heard about all the weight she's lost? How much weight? For the love of God, let's not beat a dead horse around a bush (as my Russian college friend used to say).
      There is/was such great potential for Janelle to really market herself and make the Browns a chunk of change, but I've come to the conclusion that she is really unable to get it together in that way.
      Of course, part of me would love to see her hotten up--if only to take attention away from that blond dude she is married to.

    12. Not only that, these are really, really, really, ridiculously common recipes to being with. And might I add, there are FAR better versions, that are just as easy and actually written out with forethought instead of some TLC wag feeling the need to say "noodles and type/amount of sauce are up to the chef!" or the Brown Fans who retort to the people wondering how to put the whole mess together that "if you can't figure it out, then you shouldn't be in the kitchen". nice.

    13. I am a pretty experienced cook and can usually make something just based off the ingredient list, but something was throwing me off with the Brown's recipes and how to make them (not that I want to, but you know). I am glad it wasn't just me, they seem to be leaving out essential measurements and prep methods.

    14. Mock Mayo From the Jar

      1-4 Jars of Mayo-Chef's choice
      1 -21 Spoons-Chef's choice of size

      #1. Put spoon in jar.
      #2. Grab heaping spoonful.
      #3. Serve alone or with chopped up pickles or relish.

  36. Those recipes are being recycled from the TLC page from season1. I saw them then and thought they are not complete recipes. Someone is pulling them out to put on the facebook page, but they have been around for a long while. The fans calling for a cookbook is a new thing on the facebook, but these are from season one. They put no effort into giving tlc recipes that were complete then, and they are pulling them out for what reason i have no idea.

  37. The appearance of these "special" (plagiarized) SW recipes sure smacks of desperate PR efforts to keep those sycophant fans tuned in for next season.
    That is, if there *is* a next season.
    Lordy, these people are sooooo obvious !!

    1. They're probably throwing together a cookbook so they can sell it along with their $20 butterfly/dog paw apron at MSWC! The Closet is looking more & more like a flea market these days.

  38. Mariah has a you tube video taking the icebucket challenge.

    1. Do you think she also donated to the ALSA?

    2. Hmmm!! I just wonder.

      Hunter had the challenge on his twitter last week. It looks like Hunter is having a lot more fun than Mariah. Look at the picture. Some scantily clad girls dared him to take the challenge. Kody is probably begging to hang out with Hunter these days.

    3. I hope this isn't for her medical school resume. The Browns should of challenged the Dargers or the Williamses.

    4. I think if you take the ice bucket challenge you still are supposed to donate ten bucks. I actually see Meri donating.

    5. I completely agree with Anon 12:29. Kody is probably begging to hang out with Hunter these days. Hunter and Logan seem like babe magnets who are in touch with their sensitive side and have a bit of an understanding of the gals, since their mother is kind of the 'underdog' wife in the multi-marriage. I'm sure they've borne witness to their mother's plyg-induced suffering.

    6. I really wouldn't be surprised if in the future Kody ends up marrying again, to a much younger girl that he possibly met through his kids. He is adamant that he's going to have more babies, the first 3 are done with that, and Robyn isn't as fertile as he'd hoped.

    7. Freya, I believe that you may be right. Eeeeeeeeeew. Blech.

  39. I am waiting for the complete Mock Cookbook before I try the recipes.

    1. I wonder what form a Mock Cookbook would take? How would we know it is actually a cookbook?

  40. MrSpock just strolled over to MSWC and saw the following: At the top are little scenes that change every 5-7 seconds and one of them has a greenish old-time chalkboard background with these words: "Mysisterwifes closet back to school sale" Well, whoever is running the website SHOULD be going back to school as that person forgot the apostrophe in "mysisterwifes". MrSpock says, "ARGGGG!" (The other 2 dumb mistakes persist, i.e. "Women watches" instead of "Women's watches" and "...all your friend's closets" instead of "...all your friends' closets."

    Therefore, I don't think any of the Browns or TLC read this Blog because, if they did, they would correct the grammar on MSWC.

    Note to Dakota Justice at August 25, 9:23 PM: LOL! You always make MrSpock raise BOTH eyebrows!

    1. Funny t-shirt: Their. There. They're not the same.

    2. Check out the FAQs. All I can say is wow.
