
Friday, August 8, 2014

I Scour the Internet: The "Happiness Happens Day" Edition for August 8, 2014

Okay, so now I'm intrigued.

What the heck is going on with Robyn, Kody and Christine?

The only tweet from Robyn (who used to be a prolific tweeter) has been one retweet - apparently an entrepreneur  article she wanted to "share" with her followers. And Kody? Well, his was a retweet also.

But most troubling has been Christine. Ever since the telecast of her walking out of the interview on the Tell All episode, she has kept a very low twitter profile. She has even stopped tweeting pictures of sweet Truely.

Oh Lord, don't tell me these people have migrated to....INSTAGRAM!!!????!!!!   NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

While we ponder that possibility, let's check out what the other Browns (and their fellow Polygamists) have been up to this week on SOCIAL MEDIA!

Looks like the same old same old with Meri.

Here's her obligatory tweet featuring her favorite friend who just happens to be her daughter, Mariah. Looks like they checked out "Old Faithful" in Wyoming...

Oh, and of course, tweeting about MSWC that now has a twitter account all it's own...

So that makes 600 or so followers now. Strange, considering Meri has EIGHTY TWO THOUSAND followers, and MSWC is the family moneymaker (supposedly), why hasn't Kody (CEO) and Robyn (MSWC entrepreneur who handed her business authority over to her husband whose previous businesses were flops) encouraged ALL the Browns (including themselves)  to tweet this in order to increase those MSWC followers?

I mean, if each of Meri's followers were to spend just $1.00, that would be $82,000 !! Enough to pay for a month's worth of trips to Disneyland, food for Kody's four families, mortgage payments or one McMansion's summer utility bill for one month.

Just another example of lost opportunities, I suppose...

But that doesn't mean Meri and Mariah can't have fun. Looks like they attended a party for a departing crew member...No, that isn't a McMansion backyard (with a pool) unless someone replaced their stucco exterior with a totally hideous pseudo Western design exterior that simply screams Wyoming tourist trap restaurant...
Thank goodness Mariah was still upholding the "Modest is Hottest" Brown Family platform for dressing appropriately in mixed company. Nothing like wet clothes to show off those womanly curves, right Mariah?

And even though Robyn, Kody and Christine are missing in action, Meri's always there to step in as bonus mom! Look, she's even included Robyn's nanny!

On the Kody front, looks like he did carry on a short convo with his coach pal, who got all wet at SeaWorld...Totally lame if you ask me (and I know you want to ask, I can tell).

Wow, aren't those two just a couple of jokesters?

And here's Aspyn getting philosophical on us...or maybe trying to explain the absence of Kody, Christine and Robyn posting anything interesting on Twitter...

While Meri and  the "girls" were partying on their road trip, Hunter has been visiting colleges...and deep sea fishing?

and I wonder who Hunter is referring to...naw, couldn't be daddy dearest could it?

Looks like Janelle is keeping to her exercise and diet regime. But mashed cauliflower? YUCK!!!

Wait!!! Looks like Christine took time to tweet to a fan, but alas,  no pictures of Truely...

And of course, hyping the sale going on at MSWC. What a good marketing executive she is. But wouldn't it be more effective to also tweet how she's now following MSWC so her followers will follow? Oh well, Rome wasn't built in a day...

Talking about the sale, isn't it interesting the high price MSWC junkola is 20% off. Could budding entrepreneur Robyn actually be following the advice from the latest entrepreneur blog she retweeted ?

On the Papa Joe Darger and Family twitter front, sounds like there's a downside to having a super sized polygamist family...

Too bad the Dargers didn't go into detail what this was about...

Well, that's all for now.

And remember, I Scour the Internet So YOU Don't Have To!!!


  1. looks like Hunter was in my hometown, hanging with one of my classmates. Cool if he wants to be a Sooner, but don't know how I would feel having peacock dad strutting around campus :/

  2. Good for Hunter. Run, bounce, wrestle, or ski your way out of that messed up life. Soon, all of the work horses will be gone and the younger girls will have to take on the added responsibility of raising the last little ones. How sad a life that must be.

    1. The older kids have the advantage right now, that's for sure. They need to grab onto life experiences now while the getting is good. The little ones are sadly not going to have the same opportunities.

    2. Maybe the older siblings will help out the younger. It might be community college, then local university, but they could still get an education, if motivated.

  3. Mashed cauliflower is actually a really good potato substitute when you are trying to lose weight. ;-) I didn't think I would like it either but now I make it exclusively. Little butter, salt and pepper. Easy peasy!

    1. Cauliflower is quite versatile. I've made pizzas with a cauliflower crust and they're pretty good.

    2. It is good, don't let the cauliflower smell deter you!

    3. Yes I've made cauliflower pizza too. Quite tasty. :)

      I've also made cauli-rice.

      Very versatile veggie. (Say that five times fast lol) It's all in what seasonings you add to it that gives the fantastic flavor. :-)

    4. That sounds interesting, will see if I can google how to make the cauliflower pizza crust.

    5. Anon's a lie. Cauliflower pizza is a cruel lie.

    6. I made 'mac' & cheese cauliflower, yummay...

    7. I like it grilled with a little olive oil. It's like cabbage in that it makes this really nice crust that has a kind of sweet flavor

  4. Am I the only one who thinks Janelle is an obnoxious tweeter? She is always tweeting about all the wonderful and healthy things she is doing. I just feel that Janelle is all about Janelle. Look at me! I am walking/running/lifting weights. I am eating cauliflower instead of potatoes! I am not sleeping in, I am up watching the sunrise and working out! I can only be sane when I work out! Yay me! I find it tiring, not inspiring.

    1. Sometimes I wonder if she really is doing what she says. Like the cauliflower mash. Notice how she didn't mention her recipe but how she's eating a big bowl of it? It was most probably smothered in butter and salt and who knows maybe some potato salad and fried chicken on the side too!

    2. And yet she never loses weight....I don't think I'm buying her Brown B.S. If she did all that she claims then she would've lost 100 pounds by now. The bowl of cauliflower was probably followed up by Fritos and peanut butter and ice cream.

    3. CPA Carol,
      Couldn't agree more. Janelle has a vibe that is very much about "self."
      Frankly, she always has had that.
      In any couch chats, her demeanor is one of disinterest, as if she is bored with it all.

      Ever since TLC featured her as the lead story a few times in the last 2 seasons, she seems to be driven to pad that specific niche, keeping it all going with, as you said, "obnoxious tweets." It gets old and obvious.

      "Sometimes I wonder if she really is doing what she says."
      Anon 12:26,
      I wonder about that too. Who knows?
      She has no pre-school kids, so could workout whenever, instead of telling the world about greeting "Orion" at pre-dawn. Woo Hoo! And who cares?
      There is no info on whether she is selling real estate or not. Or working anywhere.
      She loves to tweet about herself, yet save for one obscure tweet months ago about "showing" a house, there are no "me,me" tweets about her sales track record.

      Strange, and does stretch credibility.

    4. CPA, I see Janelle as a little passive aggressive in much the same way that Meri was in the beginning of the show. Remember, Meri said we don't eat like that or something similar, meaning she and mariah were eating healthier food? Janelle is reminding Lord Kody that look at me, I am up and running and not slouchy around the house in my PJS or sleeping in. I am making healthy food choices and not eating all that horrible fake tapioca but real healthy food. She is doing the tweets to one up the others while trying to gain public support and Kody support. She is really a pathetic woman who, in spite of her mouth saying differently, is probably eating herself to death.

    5. Unfortunately for Janelle, her "niche" is very easily measured....yes, she does look thinner than the first few seasons. However, she has also changed the way she dresses and how she presents herself with hair and make up. Has she lost 100 pounds? No, she has not. I am not trying to be mean, I know losing weight is hard. But if she is going to be tweeting about all the workouts and food substitutions...well then the viewers expect to see a significant reduction in weight. Two years+ and we just aren't seeing that dramatic of a change. And please in the name of all that is holy, TLC, please quit trying to sell us on the new romantic spark that Janelle and Kody have experienced. That story line is so staged and forced and awkward.

    6. If Jenelle had lost a significant amount of weight in the last 3 years she would have a gold mine on her hands....but right now, I would not only NOT buy a recipe book or a special drink syrum....I would stay far away from her trainer who is obviously not helping her out.

      If I was her trainer I would be....on that phone every day with her, giving her a diet plan, an exercise plan and encouragement to make sure she lost that weight so that I would look amazing to the TV World. Then bank on a book (as the trainer of the Sisterwives)...right?

    7. I agree that Janelle is obnoxious, obvious and full of crap-iflower mash. I still think she had some of her cheeks and jowls removed, which would explain a bit of the *alleged* weight loss.

      I also think that she has mastered the art of sleeping with her eyes open, which would explain the vacant look. Kind of like denial...

    8. "However, she has also changed the way she dresses and how she presents herself with hair and make up."
      A very good point !!
      Wearing the right cut of clothing can visually take pounds off and diverts attention to the face and hair. If nothing else, she seems to have a better style sense of her appearance. Maybe her trainer has other coaching talents too?

      ".....she has mastered the art of sleeping with her eyes open, which would explain the vacant look. " that is funny !!

    9. Janelle tweets about healthy mashed cauliflower but then posts a granola recipe that is soaked in huge amounts of sugar, honey & molasses...(in all fairness, I've never made my own so maybe that's normal). If they do get renewed for an another season hopefully they ditch this weight loss storyline . I do wish her luck because it's not easy, but she needs to stop acting like a fitness/nutrition expert just because she lost 25 pounds in 2 years, I would rather watch her trying to sell houses.

    10. boston corgi:
      You are right that granola doesn't need that much of' sweetening agents. The honey is usually enough, sugar and molasses are overkill, or a way to get a different flavor when your palate is used to too much sugar. On the other hand, back in 2013, she mentioned that she had let go of grains, was feeling great, etc. So maybe she went back to eat grains or not, butmy point is that I don't know who posts those recipes on the Sister wives Facebook page, but somehow I don't think it's the Browns. There is no seeming connection between what a person says and says that does and what is posted on their name.

    11. It's a common pitfall people fall into thinking granola is healthy but it is full of calories.

    12. I think TLC assigned her a "weight loss" story line to follow and she is playing her part. If she was as dedicated to working out and eating healthier she would have lost a lot more weight than she has.

    13. kms, you are so right about the granola pitfalls - they actually are just as bad a candy bar. Although, when you make your own you control what goes in and not use sugar, but all natural honey which is better and use gluten free floor and oats.
      I kind of have a little theory about Jenelle. When a person is stressed and unhappy with their life no matter what they do it's hard to lose weight. A friend of mine was working out at least 5 to 6 times a week and watching what she ate, she even stopped drinking wine, and she still did not lose weight. When she switched jobs and her son finally broke up with his girlfriend (she was really changing him - just awful) she started to see results. I think talking to her pastor helped her too. I just think that maybe Janelle is so unhappy that her hormones and everything are all out of whack - that and add pre menopause to the picture.
      I still believe she is not doing all of what she says all the time - mainly when the cameras are rolling. That being said, I'm sure that goes for all them! Just a thought...


    14. Don't people mostly twitter about themselves?

    15. Remember that ep where Janelle had just finished a 30 day challenge and failed? I think it's perfectly clear that she's overeating. or not eating correctly anyways. Exercise helps for sure, but diet is like 85% of weight loss. And I don't think Sean is the type of trainer that's optimal for Janelle. She should be able to do her own workouts without Sean breathing down her neck by now.

      I'm working with a trainer as I might have mentioned and have already lost 10.5 lbs since 18 July. I don't work out with him, he measures me and gives me a diet (mostly) and exercise program to follow. He WAY cut my cardio and I told myself 30 days of total or damn near total compliance. so far so good!!! If Janelle would do that, she would lose weight too. I doubt she's keeping a food journal. That's what makes me honest is keeping a journal and messaging my trainer at least once daily. OH that and weighing in every single day. Which I wouldn't normally do btw. but it keeps me from pigging out the day and day after I weigh in when I've done it 1x a week. It's working! And Janelle could do the same - remember I am quite a bit older than she is.

    16. Janelle might not be losing weight fast enough for some here to celebrate, but she is moving in the right direction for her health. I'm happy for her. Se looks so much healthier and stronger and happier. And I notice many people seem to exchange tweets with her about these topics, so I expect that's part of why she tweets about it. If it's motivating even one person, I hope keeps right on tweeting.

    17. A coworker of mine had a lap band procedure done, and prior to the surgery she was required to lose 30lbs to show her willingness and ability to change her diet.
      She was about Janelle's age, approximate weight, and struggled with proper nutrition education and stress eating (like Janelle and the Brown family).
      She became very frustrated and complained for months that she couldn't lose the weight, she even exclaimed, 'I eat chicken, rice, and vegetables! That's it! What is wrong???!!'.
      Long story short, it was fried chicken, or chicken with heavy sauces. Vegetables in butter or covered with cheese, and white rice with butter or fried rice takeout.
      I honestly believe that at least part of her didn't know any better, she came from an obese family and proper nutrition was not a concern (growing up) as much as eating enough to feel full.
      On an entirely different hand, her previous diet was so poor and calorie laden that the fried chicken and sauces were in fact a 'healthier' option than her preferred diet.
      When she finally 'got serious' and after a stern talking to from her doctor revamped her diet, she was able drop 30lbs in just a few months...and this woman was not starving or exercising.
      With some calorie reduction, and a 20 minute walk 3-4 times a week excess weight literally melted off.
      Either Janelle has a medical issue, no concept of diet and nutrition, or is pulling our legs.
      There is no way a woman her size cutting calories and working out everyday WITH A TRAINER (no less) has only lost 25lbs. No way.
      I'm all for self improvement and taking advantage of what is offered (trainer, encouragement, storyline, camera time) but lets not pretend.
      I really can't tell if Janelle is lying to viewers to keep the plot going, or lying to herself, but neither is going to improve her health or quality of life.

    18. LPT - that's exactly what I was getting at. Janelle knows what to do, but for whatever reason she just won't do it consistently. 25 pounds at her size in what - 2-3 years of "trying". I think she's just lying to herself, she won't admit that she eats too damn much, still.

    19. I'm certain that a great deal of the ongoing marketing of "Janelle's Weight Loss" is just show hype. But as someone who has struggled (over and over and over) with weight, I feel tremendous empathy for Janelle. When you use food to self-medicate, it usually shows up for all the world to see in the form of body fat. Add to that being on camera, I can't fathom having the whole world watching my failures.

    20. Agreed, Anon. Some folks' "self-medication" methods (and there are a few from which to choose) are not so obvious and on display for the entire world to see. I have tremendous empathy for her, too. I'd hate to be trying to deal with my weight-demons in that manner.

    21. Trust me, I do feel empathy for her as I do for anyone struggling with weight. BTDT still doing it just like most of America right?

      I'm guessing she doesn't really WANT to have her weight announced on TV for everyone to hear, but she figures she HAS to do it because they need a plot line. and you KNOW they do.

      I would have a lot more repect for Janelle if she kicked Sean's ass to the curb and found a more effective trainer. Sure, she still has to have the motivation, but if he's unable to get her motivated to lose (she's been STALLED for what, a year now at least) then she needs to stop throwing her (or TLC's) money away, and stop giving this third-rate trainer undeserved publicity. He's just as bad an attention ho as Kody. Obviously all his little "visualization" armchair psychology gimmicks aren't working for her. Time to move on! Bye Sean!

    22. Frieda - even if you reduce the sugar out of that granola recipe, it's still pretty high in calories from all the fat/high calorie ingredients such as coconut, nuts, oil, etc. As you said, granola is inherently high-calorie by nature, because it's so dense, but for some reason a lot of folks regard it as a health food. I saw that post on the TLC SW FB page and sure enough many folks are commenting under the impression that Janelle posted it (which I'm sure she didn't) as a "diet" recipe. It's so NOT.

  5. I'm wondering if one of the reasons they've been quiet is to give us less snarking fodder.

    1. Well, it won't work !!!
      Between evil-eye, CJ, ever on the prowl for new Brown BS, and four years to recall of a septic tank full of Brown BS.....
      Snark will only end when they do !!!

    2. They must be hiding out and hoping people forget the lame, fake mess that was season 5 ! Either that or they're too busy trying to brainstorm more crappy story ideas in case there's a season 6.

  6. Does anyone here think that the goodbye party was actually a goodbye to the series? At any rate, I really cannot see more than 1 more season.

    1. No I don't think it's a goodbye. For one thing this isn't a 20th century sitcom. Sister Wives is a 21st century reality show on TLC. If it was the end, it will be a simple thanks but no thanks during contract renegotiation if it gets that far. Most likely the TLC PR department will announce to the news media no more seasons of Sister Wives being planned after the showing of the final season and that will be that. So no time for a goodbye party and the production company definitely wouldn't pay for it!!

    2. Does anyone here think that the goodbye party was actually a goodbye to the series?
      I agree with Anon 3:37 that it wasn't a goodbye. When Bravo cancelled RHof DC, supposedly no one knew what was going on until the series went way past the time for filming to start for the next season. That's why there was a rumor that RHoNY had been cancelled because of the delay in filming the new season (apparently caused by a cast member demanding more money). Since we pretty much know the Browns were being filmed on yet another road trip, I would say they have at least one more season left. Maybe more if Robyn gets preggers or Kody courts a 5th...

      As long as TLC can make money, the show will go on.

    3. I don't know if it's the end of the series or not.

      At the very end of the last tell-nothing, Janelle said something about how the show was the greatest blessing and challenge for the family. To me, she sounded as if she was either pleading for another season or saying goodbye. Otherwise, besides Kody's grifting for a free cruise on the episode the week before, there were no cliffhangers or "Stayed Tuned" closing remarks.

    4. I would LOVE if Kody took a fifth! How ironic that this is the one story line that would increase ratings, but would make everyone unhappy (except Kody of course).

    5. Oh yes please, a 5th wife! And I vote for Margie from Big Love! Poor Robyn.

  7. I can;t remember what this past season was about. So forgettable

  8. I hope Hunter gets himself a full ride wresting scholarship and get out of there. Good for him. Maybe we need Run Hunter Run shirts....

  9. This post had more action and insight than the entire last season, plus the obligatory fake Janelle weight loss journey!

    Since the review mentioned the MSWC org chart, I wanted to note that Kody has apparently soared up the career ladder, from camera-shy "pool boy " who wanted the sisterwives to receive all the attention in their first photo shoot to the CEO, because sisterwives must always be equal.

    Maybe the store only has a few hundred followers on Twitter, because nobody would think to look for "@MySisWifesClos. It should be @mSWc to emphasize "strong women" and to brush over all the "sister wife's," "sister wives," and apostrophe discrepancies. If they were ever truthful, it would be my WivesClaws.

    1. WivesClaws...oh my word this had me laughing so hard! It's sooo true. Oh thanks for a good laugh I needed that. :-)

      I completely agree with you on the poor twitter handle too. Nothing these twits do though is logical in a business sense. Drives me nuts every time they say they are running a "bisnez". It's an insult to those of us who actually do and work our asses off for it. The kind of publicity they've thrown away is the biggest insult.

      I'm getting on a rant so I'll just end with thanks again for the laugh! :)

  10. I think the other wives and kids like Robyn's nanny Mindy, more than they like Robyn.

  11. The nanny looks like Meri.
    How much inbreeding is there?!

    1. I don't see a resemblance at all and they aren't even related so why should there be inbreeding? Would you ask the same inbreeding question with Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip since they both share the same great great grandmother Queen Victoria?

    2. I thought the same thing. Meri and Mindy look alike to me too. You know they are probably distant (or not so distant) cousins.

    3. Mindy is Robyn's niece.

    4. And Robyn's ex-husband (who is also a Jessop like Mindy) is Christine's first cousin. It seems like in the AUB community, there's always a chance people are related.

    5. It's a small pool of people. Like amish and also some Jewish communities. When you shun those who leave and you don't get new members from the outside you have many people to marry. It's not that amazing that they are first cousins. They have 20 siblings, or more. They are going to have hundreds of first cousins.

    6. I thought the same thing-Meri and Mindy look alike.

      I can't figure out why Robyn has a nanny...

    7. This discussion reminds me of the intro to cultural anthropology college class I took a long time ago. One of the important things I still remember (besides polygyny, polyandry etc) was that for some societies it was perfectly OK to marry your father's sister's son (cross cousin) but strictly taboo to marry your father's brother's son (parallel cousin).

      Another point my anthro prof offered was that in terms of inbreeding, the royal families of Europe (as a more modern example) were an excellent example of what happens when you start having cousins marrying each other (hemophilia and porphyria) and uncles marrying their nieces (House of Habsburg whose lineage included Marie Antoinette and poor unfortunate Charles II of Spain). There was a reason King Christian IX of Denmark was called the Grandfather of the European Royals and Queen Victoria was the so-called Grandmother of the European Royals. In the ancient world, there was the Ptolemy lineage in Egypt, where marriages between brothers and sisters was common. Yes, Cleopatra (of Julius Caesar and Marc Anthony fame) was married to her brother.

      So to summarize, I'm not surprised that inbreeding occurs in polygyny (cousins marrying cousins) but I would think in the 21st century, human beings had evolved further to understand that intermarriage practices could eventually cause their lineage to become extinct. And weird looking.

    8. Between the Browns and Polygamy USA, I think we have already seen some signs of strange looking people and traits popping up throughout all the family wreaths.
      Odd balding, red skin conditions and the lack of chins to name a few...

    9. Gee, now all the people with thinning hair, rosacea and a chin-less-prominent-than-Robyn's are offended. And that's a lot of people, I imagine.

  12. I don't think Hunter has anything to worry about. If I remember correctly, he was 2nd at National wrestling competition. If his grades are decent, I would think he is being courted by many colleges with good wrestling programs. Say what you want about Janelle, but look at her kids. Logan moved to the dorms at UNLV got a job at the school and now we see he has an apartment with roomates. Maddie got mega scholarship money, moved to her own apartment in Utah and got a job all within 2 wks of graduation. Hunter has worked hard and excelled in sports, wrestling and football--this will be his ticket out of the cul de sac. These kids are on the right path. I am also pulling for Aspyn and Mykelti. Christine has said before she has a hard time functioning without Aspyn because Aspyn was running the house. Cleaning, cooking child rearing. I wish them all great success. They can show the world, you can overcome your childhood.

    1. Mykelti deserves a lot of credit. While she was being publicly "worried" about by Christine every other week, or criticized by Kody of "If You Got it Flaunt it" Meri for wearing tank tops, she has completed an associates degree while completing her high school diploma. That puts her a whole year of school ahead of Aspyn and HRH Mariah and on track to graduate with Logan.

    2. I think Aspyn will have a harder time. She appears to have drunk at least a little of the kool aid.

    3. Hunter was Nevada State Champion and did well at Nationals, but was not 2nd. I think he was only a sophomore or junior last year, so both are even more impressive. And if I recall some tweets I saw, I think he gets straight As. He seems like a nice young man.

    4. I think maybe Janelle's kids had an edge because some of her siblings were very anti-polygamy and may have shown her kids a different lifestyle whereas all the other wives came from the lifestyle? I hope Christine's kids get to see their maternal grandmother now and that Christine doesn't censor her. I don't think Aspyn is going to go down the polygamy road any longer.

    5. I don't think it's because of Janelle's siblings, I think it's because of Janelle. She's the difference. And she was not raised in "the principle" herself.

  13. I wonder if Papa Joe will give out any more information regarding who got married, who they married....where was the wedding held.......etc or will it be another photo of PJ and his thee wives (in matching outfits..)?

  14. Hey Cynical Jinx, your blog is great! I have a blog discussion topic for you. I posted on the main living room page but I thought I’d try here as well. If Sister Wives goes for another season, suggested plotlines. I would really like to hear others’ ideas. My list for now:
    1) Kody spending quality time with his children, one on one or small groups. Barking orders doesn't count and it's not baby sitting when it's your children.
    2) Someone get a real job, My Sister Wives closet does not count.
    3) The Browns engage in charity work, and I mean all adult Browns, soup kitchen, Habitat (lots of drama there actually), something for someone else.
    4) Participate in a book club with non "plygs." Bonus points if the book is by someone who left FDLS or other polygamous group.
    5) Bet where Kody has to shave his hair if he loses.
    6) RV trip where Kody drives an RV and sleeps in it every night. All wives in motel rooms and make sure that Kody doesn't sneak into any rooms.
    7) The Brown adults take a financial responsibility class. Suggestion, Financial Peace University by Dave Ramsey which is faith based.
    8) Browns meet with former reality stars that had lives negatively impacted by show or lives fell apart after reality gravy train dried up.
    9) Since "Sobin's" may have another bun in the oven despite whining she couldn't without help with MSWC, a secret poll of other 17 children - Do we need more children in this family? and/or Vasectomy for Dad.
    Whatcha think?
    PS I know the 5th wife scenario is being tossed around, but how truly sad it would be for Kody to explain to the wives that the only way to keep the McMansions is to go a courtin’. I wish only the best for the Brown children, hopefully Vegas broadened their horizons and they will continue to escape and set a good example for the younger children.

  15. It would be so very interesting if everyone who is posting as Anonymous would post with a consistent name. Dontcha think?

    1. They do post with a consistent name. They post as Anonymous.

      I think we would all like for commenters to use a name - just so we could keep track of the conversation. But I don't have a problem with folks using Anonymous.

    2. Honestly, I haven't figured out how to make a name yet!

    3. I have tried to create a name and I cannot figure out how to do it. It will post with my Facebook name but I sort of want a little more privacy than my Facebook info. I have ended my posts with my first name but I forget to do that most of the time.

    4. To each his own.

    5. What I do is to choose the Name/URL selection from the drop-down profile menu. Then I type in the name I want to use (Sister Kolobster), and ignore the URL part (you don't need to enter a URL, just leave it blank and hit "continue").

  16. I wonder who owns the other houses on the block?

  17. It would be really interesting to hear from the Brown neighbors. Like does Kody truly run from house to house like a maniac?

    1. I'm not a neighbor but I would assume he does. He seems to do most thing on maniac speed. I think his frenzied energy would make me nervous if I had to be around it.

    2. I think he only runs around for the cameras. When the cameras are gone, I wouldn't be surprised if he's at Meri's house because it's quiet with no kids.

    3. I bet he spends most of his time at HIS real house which he shares with Meri. I would imagine he moseys over to Christine's when he wants to get fed and Janelle's when he wants to prove his "man card" and hang out with his boys.

  18. I figured it out and now have a name. Oh my.

  19. Okay the room to write poster was really runKodyRun poster and once I thought I figured it out, I didn't really figure it out. Back to the drawing board.

  20. What?! Meri posting like crazy this am on Twitter. (hmmm a "twit" posting on twitter) all about VLL and WHAT!!!!!???? a road trip with Dayton!

  21. I wonder if the kids can take it upon themselves to see/visit Kody. Or do they have to wait until it is their mom's turn to have Kody for the night. Let's say Kody is at Meri's house but one of the teens has a question or concern and needs to talk to him about something. Can she text him and ask to come over? Is the conversation all done by text and not face to face? It seems so awkward.

    1. That's a good question....

    2. That is a good question. Just my feeling, but I don't think they get to just pop over at another wife's house on her night to see Kody when they feel like it. Probably one of the main reason the kids felt things were so different from when they lived in Lehi and dad was there every night just a few feet away. May also be why Christine had such a hard time transitioning into life in Vegas as well.

  22. Now that I have an identity, I feel like making a contribution under my new moniker. I am like Karen, I think Kody runs only for the camera just like he smiles only for the camera and pays attention to the kids only for the camera. I also think he spends more time with Meri because it is, as he said before, more quiet there and peaceful. I wonder what happens if one of the wives sends one or more of the kids over to hang out with their dad...since Mariah isn't there and it wouldn't be taking daddy time from her. Or, I wonder if when he is with Meri and they are retreating from the chaos that comes with the other three wives and their large and loud families if they call him and say, hey, don't you think it's time to come to my house and play like you are my husband? That is sort of how I see those relationships...let me have him today so my kids can have a play date with their father and let me have him tonight so I can pretend he is my husband. It is all so very fake, just like his running from house to house for the camera. I changed it...I think.

    1. Re watching the last few seasons (and reading this blog) reminds me of several disconcerting traits Kody possesses.
      Aside from his intense 'listening' eyes, and habit of oecturing instead if discussing, I've noticed he uses the term 'access' in a really creepy way.
      When discussing the seperate rental homes in Nevada, Kody frequently says he needs to have 'access' to all the wives and kids at all times. He makes the same remark when they are staying in hotels and he demanded the keys to each room.
      I need constant 'access' to my computer and smart phone because they are my possessions, I LIKE to be around my husband and family because I love them and they are part of my life.
      I feel like Kody's choice of words in demanding 'access' show that he needs control over all the homes and family members.
      He does not see them as people, but possessions to be used as he needs them. It's very off putting when you view the episodes.

    2. Yes, and he (and the whole family) speaks of them in the third person or as things: "the wives" "the moms" "the parents" Very strange and very cold.

    3. Kody sort of amused me in the beginning, but he quickly started to creep me out. The wanted of "access" to his wives at the hotel was super creepy. I bet he is possessive of them, particularly Meri (because she has the most opportunity without kids to cheat) and checks up on them all the time.

      I bet it killed Kody when he was on his "honeymoon" with Sobyn and Janelle wouldn't return a single of his phone calls. Ha.

    4. LePetiteTerror - I think it was Christine (?) who has said that she also doesn't care for the term "access." I remember it's come up at least once during a couch discussion. So, you obviously aren't the only one who's rubbed the wrong way by the tone implied by " having access."

      - Lori

  23. File under knee-jerk pet peeves: Cali. NO. Californian's do not refer to their state as Cali. Just like "Frisco" for San Francisco. Don't do that.

    1. I say Cali, NorCal, SoCal. Lived here in the Silicon Valley all my life :)

    2. I'm with the OP. I've never lived anywhere else than California, and do say NorCal and SoCal. But never Cali. The only people I've ever heard use it (in person) are not from here. Dakota, do you say Frisco?

    3. No, but that's because Frisco's in Texas. LOL. I say Ess Eff.

      Usually I use Cali when I'm FB-ing (which I do a bunch) or Tweeting (which I don't do that often). When one has 140 letters and spaces to use, and CA is also used as the abbreviation for Canada, then one does what one has to do you know. :) I've never given much thought as to whether it's "cool" or not, it just never occurred to me. I live exactly five miles from the homes I grew up in! I am definitely and utterly a California Chick, down to the blonde hair and the tan. :)

  24. I know many people who live in California - several born and bred - who do refer to it as Cali, especially in Facebook status and tweets. Nothing to stress about!

  25. Does anyone remember the episode where the family is discussing the new homes in Vegas and Meri brings up fears of censure and judgement for getting a large house?
    It's the same episode where Janelle says she worried about feeding her children and Meri responds 'I'm sorry if I had something you THOUGHT was YOURS'.
    Meri sobs about not having 8 kids, and all the wives are half heartedly consoling and censuring the possibility of Meri having a larger house. Meri makes a somewhat reasonable point that she's concerned about extra bedrooms because she doesn't want people getting mad.
    Kody jumps in and says that he feels like he should get a say on what is in HIS house. Clearly seperating Meri's home as his own, which he didn't seem to do with the other wives.
    Meri states that she wasn't ignoring his wants, just that she had concerns...Kody goes from saying he think he deserves as large a house as the other family members because it's his, and criticizing Meri for trying to fill the hole of infertility with bedrooms.
    It struck me as very abusive and cruel. I can't imagine the kind of mixed messages women in polygamy (especially public families like the browns) must experience.
    On average these groups do not seem terribly educated or sensible when conflicting with their doctrine vs modern economics for family and resources.
    So you have a group who consistently makes questionable decisions breeding like rabbits...with an egomaniac at the helm making all final desicions. It's a horribly confusing and stressful way to live.
    I would rather struggle on my own that have 1/5 of a husband make 100% of my decisions. Especially one who is so careless with his family's health and happiness.

    1. That is exactly what I have gotten out of this show. The more I watch the more the reality of abuse in polygamy is.

    2. She needed a somewhat large house for it to be on the block, only she added two rooms to it to get a wetbar and hobby room. She could have done the hobby in another empty room that was already there or the dining room, enclose it like Janelle and Christine. She actually enlarged her bedroom taking away another room. She could have had one large bedroom down stairs, an enclosed dining for hobby, a room for her daughter, two more bedrooms and a loft. Instead she has an additional bedroom upstairs and an addition room off the kitchen downstairs. That is what she didn't need to spend money on.

    3. I think Meri took a fall for Kody on the big house, and all the wet bar hoopla was just a means to an end. Kody only legally bought the home with Meri and, as LPT pointed out, there was no way HIS home would be any less extravagant than his other wives' home. Meri would also have to worry about budget less, theoretically, since Meri and Kody both have TLC money to spend on their McMansion.

    4. Kody/ Harem Master is also a master of getting what he wants by setting up divisive and contradictory chatter and situations for the wives which eventually sets himself up as the"voice of reason," which then requires him to be the *deciding* vote.
      It is a pattern that has played out since day one of the show.
      And, of course, it also provides him with all the voice-overs as the talking head/ narrator of each and every bloody episode....all of which is high-test oxygen for his insatiable ego.

      It is quite clear now that their statements during the opening sequence, as they one by one state how fab their life together is and why they chose it......clear that all of their words are actually polar opposite of what is the "reality" in their Ply world,
      Even more bizarre, they have vividly and convincingly shown that fact to the viewers, by choice !!
      I guess it is true....some folks will sell their souls if the price is right.

    5. I think Meri took the fall for Kody too, there was no way he wasn't getting the only house in his name smaller than the others. In theory, if all the adults are dividing the money 5 ways, I don't see why Meri would have any less to spend on a house. In fact, since she has less kids, her share of the money probably goes farther and she'd have more extra money. Meri's kid is going to the more expensive college and got the trip to Europe that the other kids didn't, it is pretty obvious they aren't taking money from one big pot.

    6. "if all the adults are dividing the money 5 ways," you know, the number one thing I want to know is where Kody's money goes. Does he split his income into fourths to help support each family? The moms have said they each have a budget for their houses, bills, tuition, whatever. But what about Kody. Something tells me his slice of the TLC pie (as well as any LIV money or whatever) is going just for himself or maybe his "retirement."

    7. I read somewhere that Kody did (at one time, at least) have a retirement account. I do not believe for a minute that Meri would allow him NOT to have one. I don't know what it is about Meri, But I get the feeling that, behind the scenes, she's got Kody's long-term finances all wrapped up in a tidy bow.

    8. Hopefully he has a bunch of money stashed away to go a courtin'. I hope there is another on the way, just to give queen Robyn a taste of what Christine, and for that matter, the other
      "wives" had to endure each time Kody decided he needed a new bed mate.

    9. I think y'all are giving the Browns WAY too much credit for thinking ahead. Of course Kody didn't have a retirement fund, either that or it was itty bitty, as was Janelle's. Think about it - all those mouths to feed and all those bills and bankruptcies. Why does he need money "stashed away to go a'courtin'"? I really don't think he's getting a fifth wife unless he's in danger of the show being cancelled. And even then...

      The only person in that whole crew that thinks ahead is Janelle, and even she didn't think that far ahead. Kody was probably at his sign-selling job for a few years. If you're job-hopping, that doesn't leave a lot of time to put money aside. I get a very strong feeling that his way of thinking is that God Will Provide, or the Taxpayers Will. Meri doesn't think of the future, just the now.

      You want proof - just look at the bankruptcies and the fact that they apparently never gave how they were going to finance college/higher ed for 17 kids any thought until Logan graduated from HS.

    10. DJ,
      I don't know about anyone else, but I'm being kind of sarcastic when referring to his 'retirement'. As far as I know there aren't many 401k options for foppish, controlling, sperm guns.
      I mean, what would the match contribution be?

    11. I'm just not seeing what he is spending his money on, if he's not saving it. He doesn't have a mortgage, or any utility bills. I doubt he buys groceries and he lets TLC pay for dates and vacations. I doubt he is paying a dime towards anyone's tuition or towards any Disney trips. Other than his horrible hair, his denim tuxedos, and that one fancy car, I'm not seeing it.

    12. A secret apartment where he "courts" women? men? whatever? I can't picture him saving anything or giving to his children. Maybe Robyn manipulates some of it? He wasted the initial money on that MLM and he purchased toys for himself like that motorcycle and the wrestling mats. It does seem we are missing something.

    13. LPT, I'm guessing that Janelle couldn't put more in her 401 than the minimum contribution. How could she?? she made what, in the $60k range a year, and that money helped to support Janelle and her 6 kids, Christine and 5 kids, Meri and 1 kid? plus whatever Kody brought in? And we never heard whether Meri was actually compensated for whatever her At Risk Kid job was. Or how many hours Meri even worked.

      I don't think Kody's hoarding his share. I think they spend every penny of it, and use credit cards to extend it even more. all those Disneyland trips, cars, and even though they don't have to have medical insurance necessarily, Nevada is a mandatory car insurance state and they have a lot of teenagers who are considered to be High Risk drivers by the insurance industry, no matter how high their grades are.

      I'm guessing Janelle's piddly poo "retirement" lasted maybe a month or 6 weeks, at most, when they moved to Vegas. PLUS don't forget that if she withdrew the money, she would have been liable to pay penalties and taxes of at least 35%. right off the top.

    14. DJ I remember reading that some of the Brown teens had to go to court for tickets including driving without proof of insurance.

    15. huh. well that doesn't surprise me. Not carrying proof of insurance is kinda like a fixit ticket. You provide proof, then it's expunged. I carry my insurance proof cards on my iPhone now. just easier that way. However at least here in California if your policy lapses, your insurance carrier electronically informs the DMV and if the policy isn't reinstated or a new one purchased within 30 days they will suspend your registration. I'm sure it's pretty much the same in Nevada.

  26. Well Kody goes on multiple trips with the wife of his choosing, and has his 'retirement', but when Christine remarked that she was unable to visit her aging father for YEARS Kody says 'Christine, if you want vacation YOU save your grocery money!'.
    From what I recall from their book, Janelle's inheritance bought the Lehi house Kody, Meri, and Mariah casually decided to sell...I'm sure the income is split as I am sure Kody decides exactly who gets what after his share is taken care of.
    Recently Christine negotiated to allow wrestling mats in her garage for Kody, what was her super unreasonable request? For Kody spend more time with her children and extra grocery money.
    This is NOT an equal family. Kody has said in the past that each family has their own budget and he will occasionally use HIS money to help cover an expense.
    Though, when discussing an emergency surgery for one of Janelle's girls, Kody remarks that Janelle has been paying it off for years. Not we. Not Janelle and I. Not the family.
    I agree a lot of the choices on Meri's home had to do with Kody having what he NEEDS in the home he choses to 'relax' in, but I also agree that Meri used her having to take the fall as an opportunity to get some of the add ins that she herself wanted. I don't blame her either, but let's not pretend it's anything other than each wife for herself.
    They've said in a few occasions that Meri has 'expensive tastes' which I don't doubt in comparison to Christine or Janelle, but the only family member I consistently see throwing cash around or getting top of the line products is Kody.
    Me thinks Kody has expensive tastes and Meri wants what lover wants. Just like 'access' to the kids or the houses, just like the room keys, and just like taking spoonfuls of food off of all the children's plates. Kody gets what Kody wants. You either think it's cute, normal, or you shut your mouth. If your name is Brown and you're over the age of 30 you just don't question it...
    Remember friends, this man is responsible for their eternal salvation. That doesn't just end when you die, or he does. He can wait until the pearly gates to decide whether or not you were worthy and deserve heaven. It never ends. Kody will have control even after they're dust.

    1. It was Mykelti who needed emergency surgery for an appendectomy with no insurance. She's Christine's daughter not Janelle's. Wasn't that one of debts listed in Christine's 2010 bankrpcty?

    2. I think in their book Janelle mentioned a child needing an emergency surgery and having to pay it off for years. Maddie I think? I don't have the book handy to check.

    3. LPT, that is another thing that bugs me about Kody and this sham "lifestyle." Kody gets to go on all the vacations, all the date nights, all the restaurants, all the fund stuff. He has it set up so his time is so valuable to the wives that even on his nights he doesn't do much by the way of parenting, he just goes on "dates." Remember when Robyn said she had only been out four times with Kody since Sol was born (and he was only a few months old). That says to me, she was used to going out without kids A LOT before that. Hell, my husband and I haven't been out just the two of us in almost three years and we have three kids, a relatively small number compared to the Brown brood. I can't imagine the luxury of going out on an expensive date night once a month (and then complaining about it).

    4. I think in their book Janelle mentioned a child needing an emergency surgery and having to pay it off for years
      Off the top of my head it was one of Christine's girls that had emergency surgery. I think in one of the earlier interviews (maybe the first tell with Morales) Kody mentioned not having health insurance when one of the kids had a medical emergency. He also mentioned that they were still paying off that medical debt and that he made sure all the kids were included either on his insurance at his job or Janelle's insurance on her job. This of course was pre Las Vegas.

      Anyway, I did a quick google search: Here is a link to Christine's bankruptcy papers - note that in the comments it says it was Christine's kid, but I don't know where the author got the information.

    5. The statement I refer to was on a tell all early on. I thought it was Maddie, but Janelle definitely said she was paying it off because it was during a new job and her insurance wasn't fully set up.
      I wonder if she had Christine's kids in her plan?
      Kody remarked that since he was in the 'closet' at the time that only Meri and Mariah were on his works plan.

    6. I think Maddie broke a bone and Mykelti had the emergency surgery. I remember Janelle saying that, too.

    7. The show is built on lies...especially when it comes to finances.

      I think all the numbers we've been given, from the very beginning, are fictional. The Browns are certainly accomplished liars. I am NOT referring to the kids here, just the five adults.

      This was brought home big time this past "season". the numbers given for MSWC make absolutely no sense. 500 units, $180K? my ASS. asking for a $2.5 mil loan? Janelle stating that the site would be making $10M+ by 2017? pulling numbers out of their asses, which I was surprised they could get out, considering their thumbs were in the way. It's all utter bullshit.

    8. Okay, the 'first season tell all' with Natalie Morales confirms Maddie had the merge cry appendectomy, and Janelle is personally paying the hospital bills (though Kody admits it was a huge loss to family income).
      It's the same episode where Janelle refers to the 'wives' as payment plan queens...
      I wonder how much Kody or the other wives have 'pitched' in on that bill?
      Nothing? Sounds right.

    9. 'first season tell all' with Natalie Morales confirms Maddie had the merge cry appendectomy
      Thank you LPT for confirming this information! Now it makes sense why Christine did not claim that medical expense in her bankruptcy, however that Janelle would have to pay that expense could be why Christine had to file.

    10. No problem.
      It was driving me nuts and I had to re watch the tell all to confirm. I think most people are remembering when Mykelti was bucked from the horse in Wyoming...and when to a chiropractor instead of an ER.
      I'm actually surprised there aren't MORE medical expenses, my bf has 3 kids and is constantly shuttling the boys to the ER for various boy injuries, and before anyone accuses her of being a hypochondriac she is an RN, so I doubt the kids are going for scrapes.
      All the kids I know tumble or break bones, get stitches, or dislocate something at some point, I would have expected many more ER trips on film for 16 kids.

    11. They have been very lucky so far to have healthy kids. They have also been lucky to have mostly good pregnancies. My SIL just had to spend a month in the hospital with her pregnancy and delivered early at 29 weeks. You can imagine the bill, even with insurance. Christine's severe miscarriage where she lost a lot of blood could have been very costly to the family too.

  27. If a man or a group of men decided that they wanted complete control of their women folk, what better way to do it then create this secret name and calling to after life crap. You act right or I won't call you; you submit or I won't call you...what a bunch of misogynistic crap...control or destroy. hell.

    1. Yea, just like a lot of other religions. Isn't that what religion is all about? Controlling and directing behavior for the promise of heaven in the afterlife.

    2. No, that's not what religion is all about. It's about having faith in something better than yourself. For many religions, this includes having faith in a loving and omniscient God. Just as people abuse everything else in life, some people abuse religion for their selfish purposes. But that's not what religion is all about.

    3. With all the talk on here about health insurance which covers the kids.......
      I wonder if they have or had insurance for Truly's recent health crisis and hospitalization, including the follow up care??
      Her hospital bill (with dialysis) alone had to have been VERY high !!

    4. I would think whoever is advising them on financial matters (please don't let it be Kody) would make sure there's health and life insurances in place just in case something catastrophic happens and they don't lose everything . But you never know with these guys...

    5. oops, I hit enter too soon...

      Anyway, I wonder if Truely's hospitalization costs was the reason they had to go begging for outside capital to fund MSWC?

    6. CJ,
      I was thinking that too.
      It's obvious that MSWC is not cutting it as it is.

    7. Mainstream, I second that!

    8. I would really hope that they are at least buying health insurance seeing as they chose to buy those huge homes when they could have chosen much cheaper housing. With that many people in a family, health insurance is so important. Even having health insurance doesn't mean you won't have a huge hospital bill if something like Truely's emergency happens.

      But hey, this is the Browns we are talking about and I am sad to say that I think CJ is right and they may have gotten into huge debt from Truely's hospital bill. I would actually ask them if they all have health insurance for one of their question and answer episodes.

    9. But insurance isn't much fun now, is it?

    10. here's a funny thing about insurance. my b/f went to hospital, was there a week. no insurance.... well, when came time to pay the bill his liability was 6K. exactly the amount of the deductible he would have had to pay if he had insurance. not sure what/why that is, but his bill was over 40k. so 6k is his part... without insurance.

  28. Polygamy is an intriguing concept. Especially for women - your best friend lives with you and shares all of your responsibilities. But that isn’t what Sister Wives is showing us. These are four very different women with four very different families. As hard as they try to show they are one cohesive family unit that isn’t the way they are being shown on TLC. These women can’t even pretend they like each other. There is so much tension between the wives during the couch sessions you can feel it through the TV.
    Kody took his already stressed out family and put them on national TV, added an additional family, and then moved all of them to another state. Functioning, happy polygamist families are not going to be seen on TLC because they don’t need TLC. TLC reality is not real, it is entertainment.
    I did not watch this season of Sister Wives. The first season was cute and showed the Browns in a better light. Polygamy is the poor man’s answer to full time live in nannies and maids.

    1. In my mind's eye, polygamy would only work if one did not have any true feelings for the "husband." If sex were used only as a means to create children and there were no feeling involved it might be viable. However, humans aren't usually built that way. It's a man's system, set up for men.

    2. Functioning, happy polygamist families are not going to be seen on TLC or anywhere else because they don't exist! There simply is no such thing. No woman could ever be happy in that situation. And who would marry a guy for whom there were no feelings and sex is for procreation only?

    3. And who would marry a guy for whom there were no feelings and sex is for procreation only?
      Not to sound flippant because I do value your opinion...I knew a woman who did exactly that. She married a man because he was a vice president of a Fortune 500 company and he made a lot of money. He wanted children, she wanted to quit working and have lunch with her girl friends. And apparently it worked out because they are still married to each other almost 25 years later!

    4. Well, in her case, at least there was something in it for her.

    5. A woman might marry someone for whom she had no feelings if she had been raised in a cult. Indoctrination is a scary thing. Even though this group does not seem to promote forced marriage of underaged girls, they do support marriage (or their illegal version of it) as a way to win your heavenly reward. Marriage is equated with motherhood. Look at incredibly unhappy that she was able to have ony one child. Look at Janelle and Christine...six children each, even though they were not able to support them. Look at Robyn...4 (maybe 5) and she is not getting any younger. This group uses women as creators of children, they do not allow for the very human emotions that go along with close personal relations. It is a system that I believe is abusive to women.

  29. This is off the current subject but since it is almost back-to-school time, I got to thinking about Mariah and Westminster College. LOL Internet searches are not my talent and it seems Westminster only sends dean's list student names to local papers with permission of the student. How well did National Honor Society Mariah fare in the college setting? And yes, I do realize that there is a wide spectrum between doing poorly and making the dean's list. My curiosity was piqued because more than a few of Mariah's twitter buddies from Westminster talk a lot about drinking and getting drunk.

    The one interesting thing I did find on my search is that UNLV is opening a med school so Meri may have Mariah back at home in a couple of years. bgee

    1. Isn't this really Mariah's business to choose to share if she desires?

    2. My guess is that Mariah (or Meri) would have shared that in a heartbeat if she made the list.

    3. Meri would have tweeted about it had Mariah been on that list. Just my 2 cents.

    4. Of course Meri would have tweeted about that and then gone on about how she didn't know why she was blessed with such a great, wonderful kid.

  30. Didn't Christine refer to all of us as sharks? Well, it's shark week! I find the shark week shows far less viscoius than the SW couch sessions. So for this week I will be Sharkaholic rather than Snarkaholic

  31. I don't think we deserve to know how well the child did in college.

    I do hope the school has a way to get certified in something related to the health care field on the path to getting a degree that would would get her into medical school. Plan B is a part of life. I just feel the brown kids need a marketable skill ASAP.

    1. ya know KMS, I agree with you on the kids' school experiences being private (I actually wish they were a LOT more private, for the sake of the kids, but...).

      One thing I don't agree with is Mariah actually wanting to be in the medical field. I think that was just her trying to suck up and be Miss Perfect for her parents AND the viewing audience.

      I was just reading the Westminster website on their "preprofessional health curriculum" and seeing the list of specific extracurricular requirements, I just don't think Mariah can/will cut it. it's just not in her. If she was *serious* about choosing medicine as a career she would have been volunteering or interning at a hospital or medical center, not working at a popcorn shop:

      "Volunteer: Necessary for you to learn that you enjoy a life of service to others
      Cannot receive compensation of any kind to count as fulfilling this requirement. This includes credit in class even extra-credit...average is 48 hours for each of the 4 years prior to entering medical school.

      Shadowing: Necessary for you to learn what the demands of being of Doctor entail
      Should be varied – shadowing different doctors so that you learn about the life of doctors in a variety of fields... average is 24 hours total during the 4 years prior to entering medical school.

      Patient Exposure: Necessary for you to learn that you like being around sick people
      Patient exposure opportunities most often come from volunteering as hospitals, volunteering for hospice, working as a phlebotomist, working at a camp for sick children, etc...average is 4 hours per week for 3 months or an equivalent of 48 hours in total during the 4 years prior to entering medical school.

      Leadership: Necessary for you to learn how to take responsibility
      Leadership opportunities most often arise out of other extra-curricular activates that you participate in. You must make sure that you have an active role as a leader, not a title...average is 3 leadership experiences lasting 3 months during the the 4 years prior to entering medical school.

      Research: Necessary for you to learn how current medical practices came to be
      Must be hypothesis driven and should entail experimental design, data collection and data analysis...average is 4 hours per week for 3 months or an equivalent of 48 hours in total during the 4 years prior to entering medical school."

      Volunteering? Leadership? Research? me thinks not.

    2. I think she went to Westminster to earn her Mrs.

      The rest of the kids went to public universities, but Mariah had to go to that specific private school even though they really couldn't afford it. She had a motive and it doesn't seem to be earning a premed undergrad

    3. Getting accepted into a medical school is competitive and usually requires a CV that demonstrates every thing Dakota listed and more such as volunteering in the local, state, national, and even some schools the international community; working in the healthcare field; demonstrating a very active community spirit evidenced by high school and college club participation; and part time or full time work in the health care field in all levels. Also the candidates get three referrals and one is usually a letter written on their behalves from a politician such as a congressman. I know this intimately because I am a part of the university system in my state and am often called upon to go through packets of medical school packets and help pick the top 50 so that the medical school acceptance committee doesn't have such a job weeding through thousands of Mariahs who went to high school (check), wants to be a doctor (check), made okay grades (check) worked at a candy store (check) volunteered, no, served the community, no....well you get my drift. Medical doctors just like doctoral candidates in the liberal arts spend years preparing for their entrance into the final lag of their journey. She is going into her sophomore year and hasn't even begun doing the things she needs to do that most medical school bound students have already filled three or four pages on their CVs I'd say she is about as motivated to get to medical school as I am to run the largest marathon...not!!!

    4. I think she went to school to get her Mrs. too. Didn't someone speculate that the rich plyg kids go to that school ad that she was probably hoping to meet a well-off boy from a polygamous family there?

    5. She has at least three more years to get those things. She is in utah. The state most known for people volunteering their time. It should not be a problem to be able to get those hours in her last two years. I'd rather a twenty year old volunteer at the hospital to be honest than an 18 year old. She may be doing some volunteering on weekends for all we know? It's not a summer thing.

    6. Dakotajustice and Runkodyrun are right. My girlfriend's daughter volunteered for 2 years at a hospice and professional vet office starting her junior year in high school. She also did a lot of other community work. She accomplished more in high school then most do their first 5 years of employment. She recently graduated with a 4 year RN degree and she's in grad school with a short term goal of becoming a nurse practitioner, long term she wants to earn her Phd. She just got a promotion to surgical nurse. She makes Mariah look like a lazy loser!

    7. Lots of assumptions here. No one on this board really know what Mariah does or does not participate in.

    8. Thanks for pointing out the obvious anonymous 907. The only thing is you forgot that Mariah and Meri constantly tweet her accomplishments and if she was doing volunteer work we would know it. She didn't go with Aspyn and Maddie when they went back to Utah to help the FLDS women shelter. In her tweets she only talks about her friends doing this fun thing or that fun thing or how much she loves Harry Potter or how she's sitting in a ghetto Walmart near Disneyland. And she constantly travels back to Las Vegas way too often. Yea we assume a lot because Meri and Mariah haven't learned that using twitter the way they have makes Mariah look like a big aimless loser.

    9. Anon 1010-Happy to help out with the obvious, particularly when many people seem to be missing it. I didn't forget anything. We have no idea what else goes on in their lives and can't really assume if they don't tweet about it, it isn't happening. Mariah doesn't look like a big, aimless loser to me. She looks like a young women between her freshman and sophomore years of college who is still figuring out who she is today and who she wants to be in the future. I have been dismayed by some of her less-than-proud moments on the show, but don't think she deserves the mean-spirited comments being thrown her way.

    10. Unfortunately, if you want to be a doctor, you do not have time to figure out who you are and who you want to be in the future. Doctors and potential doctors are driven people. They jump right in with both feet.

    11. One of my friends is in DO school which is typically not as competitive as an MD program, and he runs ragged.
      IF he tweets it is about events at his school or volunteering opportunities, and rarely has time for leisure...
      I don't particularly care to know what Mariah is up to at school because she's not a very like able person so far, but I definitely think she is headed for disappointment if she hasn't already started there prep work it takes to be a doctor...
      Whenever Mariah, Kody, or Meri would talk about Mariah's dream to be a pediatrician (I believe), it was just that. It was a dream. I don't think they had any idea how truly competitive and consuming that aspiration is, and I feel like Mariah's counselor tried to gently make that point in an earlier episode.
      I think MD seems like a noble, impressive, and lucrative career to their family, and I think that's why Mariah was so vocal about her dream.
      I think 'raising' a DR would confirm to Kody that they aren't typical plygs. It would assure Mariah that plyg women AREN'T subjugated in her religion, Plus, comfort Meri that her one child was just as good, if not BETTER than her fertile sisterwives.
      It's a dream alright, and dreams can be great, but dreams are always easier than real life.

    12. of Mariah's tearful selling points of her private university was so that she could find a polygamist husband. She said it in the episode where the 'parents' met to discuss college finances.

  32. When their book first came out, I borrowed it from the library. In the last year or two, there have been a lot of comments about the Browns "remembering" their lives in ways that are contradictory to what they said in the book, so I borrowed it again. What surprised me the most was how little time any of them spent living in the same house - except for the several years in the big house in Lehi.

    I think that Janelle moved out for at least two years - first to her Mom's, and then to a house of her own. Kody still came to her house, and she made sure the kids got to spend time together, but she refused to live in the same house as Meri. I think it might also have been during that time that Christine lived in a separate "cottage". Not sure which state they were living in, but Janelle wasn't interested in moving to Utah with the others - until she found out about the "big" house, where she would have her own private living space, and wouldn't have to do things the way Meri or Christine wanted her to. One big point of contention was that Janelle liked to relax in the evening, and do the dishes in the morning. The other two definitely disapproved of leaving the dishes overnight - even when they weren't sharing a kitchen with Janelle.

    Prior to the move to Lehi, there was a point where Janelle & Christine lived in separate houses on the same property, and Meri (and Kody) lived some distance away. Janelle said that she and Christine had discussed finding a house that the two of them could share - so I think it was Meri that caused most of the problems of living together.

    I understand that the kids are probably happier in the cul-de-sac than they were in the rentals, because it is much easier for them to be together - without needing an adult to drive them around. I doubt that the mothers choose to spend time together unless it is someone's birthday, or a "business" meeting for the camera, etc.

    The other thing that surprised me was how much Robyn was praised in the book for her mediating skills. I'm pretty sure all three of the other wives mentioned that Robyn taught them how to negotiate instead of fighting, and even gave them specific suggestions about interacting with each other and with Kody. It was stated that she sometimes even kept them talking together after filming was done for a couch session, trying to resolve an issue rather than letting it slide.

    I sure never got the impression that Robyn brought such a positive spin to their lives. What I saw on TV was a "know-it-all" who stuck her nose where it didn't belong, and dominated the conversation whenever possible - dissolving into tears several times an episode.

    I enjoy snarking about the Browns as much as anyone else here, but I will probably keep watching until the end. I'll admit to watching most of the first season of Honey Boo Boo, but even the promos repulse me now. In the beginning there was at least some distraction because of the pageants, but now it seems to be all about how gross they can be. I never got into the Housewives, the wedding gowns, the Amish, or the gypsies. I don't believe everything I see on SW, but at least they aren't physically so gross, and the wives have never gotten into a hair-pulling cat fight. (OK, so I did watch a couple episodes of the gypsy shows - LOL) Way past my bedtime now, but I'll be back tomorrow to check for new posts.

    1. Yeah, it is funny how they were only in the Lehi house for less than 5 years when they moved out.

      There communication must be terrible if they needed Robyn to help them out.


  33. I agree that Kodyworld is not as "gross" as Honey Boo Boo in terms of disgusting physical habits and ploys played out for the camera. However, "gross" can be a relative term.

    One could say that it is gross to see men hopscotch between four, or in Brady's case, five, women's beds, preening like barnyard roosters as the hens lay more eggs.

    It can be "gross' to see grown women jockeying for position to have their precious weekly night with their "husband", knowing that once their time is over, he moves on to the next wife.
    And if "gross" in on the table, putting aside the lack of committed, singular romance for any of the wives to about the physical ick factor of your man routinely having sex with other women and sharing their *whatever" with you? Gross ???

    Also, gross to see those same women pandering and fawning over a man who uses them as collateral for his own spiritual and earthy enterprise.
    And all framed nice and neat in the fanciful name of Multiplied Love. Love for whom?
    The wives obviously do not love each other, nor do they display healthy psyches.

    If TLC's intention was to show the seedy, gross side of the new modern, progressive polygamy, it has been a rousing success. It is all there to see !!

  34. Meri's obsessive compulsive disorder is creeping me out again with "The Band" Am I the only one that thinks she needs help? Texasgirl

    1. She may be getting paid per tweet to advertise for them. I wonder if anyone really bought that CD off of MSWC.

  35. There is a recipe for Meri's "Mock Ravioli" on the Sister Wives Facebook page. LOL!!! Hilarious!

    1. Seems like there are some things missing in that recipe like what kind of noodles and how much noodles and spaghetti sauce. You're out of luck if you've never cooked before. For example, should the noodles be cooked first or used straight from the box?

      When I was a child, our next door neighbor was a newlywed. She came over crying one day because she made my mother's stuffed peppers but used uncooked rice instead of cooked rice. So this is really important if you're not an experienced cook!

    2. Isn't it ironic that these women are all overweight, cannot share a kitchen and eat out all the time and people on the Facebook page are clamoring for a cookbook? Why? They DONT cook. At least if they do, it's a big secret. And why is it mock ravioli? Why mock? Isn't filling and noodles not encased in ravioli form just lasagne? Or a casserole? No cookbook. Now, a great episode idea would be for Meri,Christine,Robyn and Janelle to take cooking classes, maybe from Rachel Ray or Gordon Ramsay.

    3. They also forgot some other ingredients like the ground beef...I googled and found like 30 recipes for Mock Ravioli and they were all better than Meri's.

    4. and why "Mock" ravioli anyway? just buy some freaking ravioli and boil it, add sauce, voila.

    5. I think it is funny that people were always asking the Duggars for their recipe for tator tot casserole. Why I couldn't imagine, but I can't imagine why anyone would ever want to cook anything the Browns have made. At least the Duggars are thin, at least Michelle and the kids are. The Browns should go to cooking class and do a few episodes on that.

    6. Mock is a pattern. Their favorite is mock tapioca. Now mock ravioli. So maybe they just like mock food?

      I think the browns taking a cooking class would be excellent. Even kate gosselin had a lesson making a bean casserole. Especially since there are more than four or a single person to cook for in each house. Lots of people live alone. Lots of people with a family would like dinner ideas.

    7. WTH is mock ravioli!? It's either ravioli or it isn't. Otherwise, it's a freakin' casserole. And what happened to the recipes and blogs? They must have "got lazy".

    8. Maybe Mock Food goes really well with Mock Marriage... adds weight but doesn't ever really satisfy.

    9. Years ago, my boyfriends family showed up unexpectedly. We had just purchased 10lbs of hamburger for $10 (remember those days), which only amounted to about 6 lbs when cooked. I made tater tot casserole because it was cheap and easy, and could feed all 8 of us. They thought I was the best cook ever! I also made a tuna noodle casserole that they thought was gourmet.

      I wrote down the recipes for them, and his sister said she made the tater tot casserole for a get together at church, and everyone wanted the recipe for it. I think simple food, but different from what you are used to eating, is what makes people want the recipes.

    10. To be honest, after reviewing what both the Duggars and the Browns eat on a consistent basis I'd rather not mirror my eating habits after them. High in fat, salt, sugar, and processed food. It's a wonder that the kids don't have diabetes, high blood pressure, and other health issues. Sheesh.

      Andrea, your post is one of the best I've ever seen on this site. Cuts down to the jugular.

  36. Well all the Brown fans are clamoring for a cookbook. They'd do better buying one from their church or local women's club (and the proceeds will go to a good cause). however I'm pretty sure that the cookbook project will work like this:
    1) Browns will enlist Mindy to google "mock" recipes and pick 40 of the best ones (purportedly 10 by each wife).
    2) Since they can't be bothered to spend money on stuff like layout, Mindy will go to Google Images and Getty Images and download public domain photos that kinda sorta look like the recipes.
    3) Flesh it out with about 20 pages of basic cooking info like measurements and so on.
    4) take pic of Browns wearing crappy plastic aprons and brandishing wooden spoons with Kody wearing his "I turn grills on" stupid ass apron, with the "I Kiss Better THEN I Cook." sign in the background.
    5) price at $20.95 for the download off MSWC. Autographed.

  37. Those recipes were put on the TLC website and were half assed to begin with. They were incomplete and no effort was put into it. Why people are asking for a cookbook is nuts.

  38. Fans clamoring for a SW's cookbook is like asking Mama Boo Boo for fashion and makeup tips.

    1. OK, that was funny!

    2. That is funny, but the sad part is it is actually true.

  39. There's an idea! The Sister Wives could put out a joint cookbook with Mama Boo Boo and she could advise Robyn on jewelry items. They could use some design help LOL! How about a line of jewelry for pagent princesses!

  40. That just shows you what a disaster that MSWC is if fans think a cookbook by the Brown;s would be better then the jewelry. They are just throwing crap against the wall on the web site and seeing what sticks. What happened to not wanting frumpy?

  41. What I hate is that the image of prarie dress is now forever associated with this cult. I used to love prarie dresses on little girls. They reminded me of innocent times. They had a wholesome image for me. Now....not so much.

  42. The man overseeing the trust is not a member of the flds. He was appointed by the state of Utah. I don't know whether he is a Mormon.
