
Friday, July 18, 2014

Review: Sister Wives S07Ep07 "From Monogamy to Polygamy" July 13, 2014

What a weird episode of Sister Wives.

Can someone explain to me why TLC had the Browns travel so far out of the way to find a non-Mormon Christian polygamy family unit? I googled Christian Polygamy Utah and found many articles, including one about a man named Stephen Butt who just so happened to live in Utah, of all places.  Apparently, there's a lot of them in Utah. Go figure...

So, maybe the following will explain why this trip was deemed necessary.

This is a direct quote from a local online newspaper article:

"Shannon Llanes, a spokeswoman for the show [Sister Wives], said the Richard family appeared on the show after a friend of the Browns learned about the Richard family in a polygamy chat group online."

James River: Polygamy brings pain and heartache

I'd like to know who this friend of the Browns is, and if they are still a friend of the Browns.

Like the old adage, with friends like that, you don't need enemies.


Christina, Nathaneal and Rebecca Richard
Now, I'm sure the Nathaneal, Rebecca and Christina are wonderful people, but for some reason I just get an uneasy, weird vibe from them. I'm not ashamed to say that it makes me happy to know they live almost 2000 miles away from me. Deliriously happy.

But let's get on with the review, shall we?

This episode was chocked full of uncomfortable moments. I mean extremely uncomfortable moments.

This review will be my recounting of  some of those moments.

Uncomfortable Moment #1  Meeting the Richard Family

Kody has got to be the worse actor on the planet. He couldn't even act like he was meeting Nathaneal for the first time, it just came across as being so fake!

And please. Would someone in production please hit that doofus over the head each time he sneaks a look at the cameraman? Kind of like, look at me, are you getting this Mr. Cameraman?

The only natural one in the family was Truely, who truly sounded genuine when she shook one of the youngest Richard boy's hand and said "Hi! Glad to meet you." Kody could learn from that little lady, I tell you.

Uncomfortable Moment #2  The Richard Family Line Up

I'm putting the blame for this fiasco squarely on the shoulders of TLC and F8 Productions. Who ever thought  the military style "Sound of Music" line up of children by age would be clever needs to have their Clever Card revoked forever.

It wasn't clever. It was awful. And some of those poor Richard Kids looked soooo uncomfortable on display like that. Bad, bad move...

Let's take a short break for some Ironic Kody Moments...

Ironic Kody Moment #1

Realizing that the Richard's house is as large as the ground floor of a Brown McMansion. And they have to cram 12 people into that living space as opposed to Kody and his Kodettes© luxurious two stories.

Ironic Kody Moment #2

That anyone over the age of 15 actually said 'funner' on television and  USED it in a sentence.

Ironic Kody Moment #3

Saying  "...Moses comes to Pharoah and says 'Pharoah, let my people go' and Pharoah says 'No way, Jose'." completely with a straight face.

I kid you not...

Uncomfortable Moment #3  The Christian Seder

Oh my. This was so bad on so many levels. The lowest point was when Kody offered up his services to recite a prayer in Hebrew.

To paraphrase G.B. Shaw "Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach." And if you're Kody Brown, just add 'those who can't do anything constructive at all, will decide to upstage their host by reciting a prayer in Hebrew...badly'.

The self-satisfied smirk on Kody's face says it all....

Christine thinking "Why is she telling me this, NOW???"

Back in the 'kitchen", Christine did have a "funny" kind of moment when, right after she literally had inhaled a plate of food, Christina Richard informed her of their family tradition of everyone taking their first bite of food at exactly the same time.

The look on Christine's face was priceless....

 Uncomfortable Moment #4 Nathaneal Explains ... Why Polygamy?

According to Nathaneal, after he and Rebecca had gone through the several versions of the Bible a couple of times over the early years of their marriage, Nathaneal began to notice the Bible did not say following polygamy was a bad thing.

The Bible also doesn't mention one shouldn't drink and drive, but I digress.

Even Robyn was finding Rebecca's story a little hard to believe...
As wife Rebecca tells the story, she was in the kitchen making cookies when Nathaneal, out of the blue says to her "I wish there was another Rebecca I could snuggle with on the couch while you're in the kitchen."

Say whut??? Let me tell you, if my husband told me that, not only would I pack up the kids and leave his sorry behind, I would also take a part of his anatomy with me - a part that he and his substitute wife would surely miss.

Uncomfortable Moment #5 Sharing a Bedroom

Rebecca's loose lips in motion...(nice joolery she has on)
Kody officially shocked and awed...

Even though Kody tried his hardest to show how "with it" he was with Biblical Polygamy and how wonderful the Richard adults were, Rebecca let loose some information that shocked and awed him into almost complete silence.

She said she knew of polygamist families that shared a bedroom, i.e., they shared one bed together.

And you know what folks? Put me in the group that thinks the Richard Family is one of those families. You know the saying Loose Lips Sink Ships? Well, Rebecca's loose lips definitely sank their boat all right. Yep, that was definitely a loose lips moment.

Except for an absolutely staged version of 'Red Rover' (resulting in the clotheslining of the bashful redheaded Richard son) this was how the episode ended.

An anticlimactic ending to a road trip of over 1500 miles, just to spend time with a plural family that, most likely, they will never talk to again. If I were TLC I would be screaming for my money back!


  1. ......Mr. Richard could have offered to help his wife make the cookies and help her clean up so the task might go faster so that maybe they could have time on the couch....I don't know....just a thought....

    might have been easier than bringing another woman into the home....or maybe hire a maid that also does baking

    1. Mr. Richard could have also thought about not impregnating his wife every year so that she would have time available for him along with everything else.

    2. Or better yet, why not just buy a bag of oreos and call it a day?!

  2. Thanks for the recap Cynical Jinx! I honestly found this episode to be particularly weird.. I think the Browns exhausted all their story lines so TLC decided to devote this season to pointing out Kody's lack of IQ and social skills,

  3. Christine said the Richard's contacted them and that's how they came to know each other. There are several explanations of how this meeting came to be. I personally can not wait to see that smirk wiped off Kody;s face when the Kody show is cancelled. This was a strange episode and leaves a funky feeling for the end of a season episode. Next episode is a re cap of last 4 years. Perfect way to wrap up a farce.

    1. Kendra the pitbull has stated on SW FB that she set up the meeting for the Brown's and the Richard's. Kenrda also made a comment on pic, on Rebecca Richard's FB in Dec 6 2013 that read "You are so angelic. I can't wait to get you famous lol"

    2. Yes, I saw the comment on Rebecca's picture, too! Kendra is from California, I wonder how she knows Robyn and Rebecca? Was she hanging out in a christian poly chat room as well? This is weird, dude.

    3. I wonder how she knows Robyn and Rebecca?
      She (affectionately known as Robyn's Rottweiler as well as JYD and pitbull) has known
      Robyn since the early days of Sister Wives. She used to be an admin on the now defunct "for vetted Brown friends only" Facebook page.

      Was she hanging out in a christian poly chat room as well?
      Apparently so. She's the family friend mentioned by the TLC rep!

      This is weird, dude
      No kidding!

  4. I'm still holding out hope that it wasn't TLC's lame attempt at a backdoor pilot. This entire season has been one big ball of weird.

    1. The Brown's lie so effortlessly now. They are natural at it. Christine said to the camera on the couch that the Richarfds contacted them..small stupid detail but that's like four explanations of this meeting

    2. Anon 8:47, the Browns lie so easily because, in their pointy little heads, every single thing they say is true in the moment they say it. In Kody Land, it simply does not matter what you may have said in the past (even, you know, 5 minutes ago), because whatever words are coming out of your mouth RIGHT NOW are the absolute truth. For now.

    3. They meat many plig families, but no black family. I know they wouldn't b in their religion because the invisible sigh says no blacks need apply.

      I have a feeling if there are more seasons, that will definitely be on their agenda...however, I don't think they are quite up to that challenge yet! Not this year at any rate.

  5. It's just shocking how badly the production company just misses all the stuff that would be fascinating...

  6. CJ, another great review. All of the uncomfortable moments you missed are spot on. I also felt the strangeness from Robyn when one of the wives was standing near the table where some food set uncovered and she was also holding a fat cat and sort of rubbing the cats hair and we all know what happens when you rub a cat's fur...yes indeed, cat hair and dander falls and flies all over the place. Robyn had her plate and she kept looking at the wife and the cat and the food and you could tell she was thinking how nasty it was going to be to eat the damn food that was by that time coated in cat hair. This was, by far, one of the worst episodes that I've seen. It was uncomfortable to watch as well as uncomfortable for the families to navigate. I also agree that the bedroom sharing is a definite selling point of the bringing wife number two into that arrangement. Meri use to always say, we don't do kink and sort of smile and Robyn has had her share of double entendres, but I seriously doubt any of the Brown Clowns go in for that sharing the bed kind of thing. I hope we've seen the last of the MO PLYGS

    1. Meri didn't say we don't "do kink" she said we don't "go weird."

      Of course, she's wrong. They are ALL kinds of weird! Yuck.

  7. CJ,
    Your "Uncomfortable Moments" were the best part of the whole bizarre, "ick" episode !!!
    You hit them all and then some.
    However, the crowning line was "An anticlimactic ending to a road trip of over 1500 miles...."
    After tomorrow's season finale ep which promises a retrospect of old pictures and who knows what other boring filler will be thrown in, we possibly will go on to say it was an anti-climactic end of the entirely absurd, and for the most part, fake season.

  8. Where would the Klowns find a bed big enough to fit all of them at once?

  9. well annon 6:12..kody and Janelle had two beds strapped together. Maybe they could rig up a few more and strap five king size beds together.

  10. CJ! I laughed at every one of you pictures and captions, from the snap of Kody smiling on down. The one of Christine holding the empty plate -- classic!! Robyn looking simultaneously intrigued and disgusted -- classic!! Kody "officially shocked and awed" -- hysterical!!

    But, I have to tell you... when I read "KID DOWN!!" and saw that little fella sprawled in a limp heap on the grass, Christine's kid looking around like "what??"... oh, LAWD... I'm sorry, but I laughed so freaking hard... I am still laughing!!

    Oh, man. Whew. Poor little lad. :D

  11. I watched some of the first season last night (while painting my nails), and I couldn't get over how much better the wives and girls looked, or how much closer Meri, Janelle, and Christine seemed.
    Meeting these women today, I would think they were semi hostile coworkers (if any of the browns had the gumption to get an office job at this point), back then I would have kind of thought they were sister, cousins, or date I even say...friends.
    I don't think Kody has changed, besides maybe being more comfortable in his 'brand' and celebrity. You can still see the narcissism, selfishness, and cruelty in his dealings with the IVF discussion while Christine is in labor, calling Meri's example of having to share her affections as vulgar and disgusting, and assuring all the wives that HE picked Robin's dress.
    Each instance showed who he thought was most important, and served as a not so subtle reminder to them that his pleasure and needs were paramount. So no, I don't think TV has changed him.
    I do think tv has changed the wives and Mariah. Even when Meri was questioning why she stayed in the family (during the first season) she still interacted warmly with the kids, and helped janelle and Christine organize and set up Truely's crib.
    Christine said what she wanted openly and without passive aggressiveness when she yes ruined unmarried Robin getting an equal split of nights, and Janelle told Kody he was WRONG when bragging about having a secret dress meeting with Robin.
    I think the small amount of fame, and pressure to keep this show on air has destroyed whatever joy (puny as it may be in comparison to their claims) from these families.
    Recently when Maddie explained 'sister wives' as aunts instead of mothers, it was a far cry from season one when Kody tells one of the kids 'tell your mother' and the children replied 'which one?'.
    This isn't one's not even four different families. It's a joke.

    1. Season 1 seems like a totally different family. The kids and wives all seemed comfortable with each other and fairly happy. They could have been acting, but from what we've seen the Browns aren't that great of actors. Between the move, the publicity, not living together in 1 house, and the loss of 1 more night with Kody due to Robyn, this family has fallen apart. I have to wonder how much the addition of Robyn has torn them apart? My hunch is that she is a toxic person who has done her best to become the alpha female and Kody fell for it. However, I don't think Kody is catering to her anymore, hence Christine acting happier. It will be interesting to see where this family ends up.

    2. If Kody is no longer focusing all is attention or "catering" to Robyn then she is most assuredly pregnant again. Her way to bring his focus back on her. When people say she is his favorite, I have to say I didn't see that. Call me blind, but I saw Robyn pushing her way to the front and the cameras catching it for the show, but I never got the feeling she was his favorite.

  12. I like your critique of Kody's love for the camera. When he cannot look at the camera or have the camera flash across him, he will do these really attention seeking ploys such as four people are standing or sitting and he fiddles with his hair or shifts his weight or interrupts; when they were eating the steak, he couldn't stand that the camera was focusing on the kids so he began gagging which was his way to get all eyes on him. He is a narcissists in every sense of the word and as such, he over estimates his value to the public and even to his family. I think that is what is so hurtful to him when he finds out that his value to his children is not where he wants it to be and when his "fans" don't laud him with love, he apologizes for whatever he thinks will make him loved again. He's a farce, that's for sure.

  13. I bought this episode off itunes and at the end there was a preview for the next show. Christine is talking about falling in love with Kody. As a follow up to Christine's fond memories, I wonder if Kody will retell the iconic nacho story.

    1. Doubtful. I think it's very interesting that the Tell All episode with Natalie M. in which Kody told the nacho story has not aired again and is not available on any of the DVDs or online. It aired multiple times the week it first ran, but has never been available since that time. I think it's strange because I can't imagine the Brown's having enough power/say so to stop it airing again. But it is not available anywhere. And after that episode they replaced Natalie with Tamara for the third Tell All. I wish someone would post that Tell All to YouTube.

    2. The nacho story clip, but not the full episode, is on youtube. Just search "nacho diss".

    3. The Natalie Morales tell all is on Netflix at the beginning of Season 3.

    4. Sixxnguns, there are 2 Natalie Morales Tell Alls. The first was televised in 2011. The synopsis (from Amazon) says: NBC's Natalie Morales sits down with the Browns from TLCs smash hit "Sister Wives" for a candid discussion about love, marriage, jealousy and what the future may hold.

      The MISSING Natalie Morales Tell All was broadcast on June 24, 2012 along with Logan's high school graduation episode. It has never been made available since it's original broadcast in 2012. Luckily, I still have it on my DVR. It was advertising the release of their book Becoming Sister Wives. Morales even held up a copy of the book at the beginning of the interview.

      From the description on my DVR: Polygamy and life in Las Vegas. Kody and the wives speak with Natalie Morales about polygamy, life in Las Vegas, and their new book.

      The Nacho incident was in the book, Natalie brought it up and grilled Kody about it. She even had a one on one interview with Kody about it saying perhaps he should apologize to Christine as she was visibly upset. Kody claimed he didn't do anything wrong.

      I think TLC and F8P had something to do with that episode literally disappearing off the planet. It was clear Morales did not like Kody and asked a lot of questions about the book I'm sure they didn't want brought to light (for example, Kody and Meri courting the underaged girl) Also, it was the LAST interview Tell All featuring Natalie Morales.

    5. Back to Kody and Meri courting an underage girl: Am I the only one who thought that was totally strange and creepy? I thought it was funny they haven't been called out more for that one.

    6. Am I the only one who thought that was totally strange and creepy?
      I thought it was creepy too...being that they were so careful to cultivate this image that the AUB was different because they didn't allow underage marriage. But when you read the book, I think they said something like they had a long courting period with this girl because they (meaning Kody and Meri) couldn't marry her until she was 18, and they planned on having the wedding shortly after her birthday.

      That meant they were dating(courting) an underaged teenager! I really think Meri and Kody didn't fully understand the implications - although Christine did write in her section of the book that she knew the girl and felt the girl was too young for Meri and Kody.

    7. I didn't ever see this, but have heard quite a bit about the underaged girl. I can't help but wonder exactly how long of a courtship they were going to need. To know that Kody was attracted to someone too young to marry... The implications are pretty grim.

      I mean, if *Christine* thought she was too young, given her own upbringing, that says a lot. (Assuming, of course, that she was being honest -- which is also kind of a stretch.)

    8. "Back to Kody and Meri courting an underage girl: Am I the only one who thought that was totally strange and creepy?"

      It's everything they claim not to be. They are shouting loud that they don't do things like that to prove they aren't like the FLDS. Yet there it is....

      Do you remember when Kodouche told the kids about Robyn and Maddie said "Well at least her didn't bring home an 18 year old!"? Maybe she knows something about Daddy Dearest's taste in potential concubines....

    9. Thank you for the clarification CJ. :) I guess I missed out on that one because I only remember seeing the first one.

    10. My pleasure, sixxnguns. I'm just afraid if the DVR croaks, I lose the only copy of that episode!

    11. Well I hope someone out there (CJ??) with it on a DVR uploads it. Heck, I'll take one of those grainy version where someone points a camera at the TV and records it while they play it!!

    12. I would love to see it too- I thought I had seen every episode but must have missed this gem

  14. You know, Meri talking about how much it hurt her when Kody married again (and again and again)--especially the way Kody said she was worried she wasn't good enough- -makes me think Meri was really planning on having a monogamous marriage with Kody. My money is on Kody choosing to marry Janelle because of Meri's infertility (ouch, to both) and Christine for her family. His platonic view of Janelle and repulsion towards Christine kinda seals that for me. Not a new theory but it bugs me to think abouy how much pain he caused all of his wives; replacing his true love because she couldn't have children, then marrying two more just becaue they could. Then of course just marrying Robyn so he could be on TV. Just disgusting.

    1. I think she was hoping that Kody would change his mind and choose monogamy once she started having all her kids. However, Meri didn't have kids the way she thought she would. She also forgot one crucial point, the women have a big say in the husbands they pick in their branch of religion and as much as it hurts me to say, Kody was a prize as far as plyg husbands go (he was fairly good looking when younger). I find it ironic that Christine chose Kody and you can just tell he wasn't attracted to her and couldn't stand her personality, but he had to marry her anyway.

    2. I agree that Meri was probably hoping Kody would change his mind about polygamy but I don't think women have as much (or men as little) say as shows like Polygamy USA would like us to believe. Kody didn't immediately aqueous to Christinr or anything. Didn't he know her for years and break her heart by marrying Janelle before he had a "calling" to marry her? I'm pretty sure her family was the driving force behind his desire to marry her.

    3. Christine is pretty adamant that she chose Kody. I wonder if Janelle chose Kody or if he was coming on to her? They've been pretty quiet on how those 2 got together.

    4. I wonder if Janelle chose Kody or if he was coming on to her?
      According to their book Becoming Sister Wives, Janelle chose Kody and proposed to him. Meri was blindsided - saying she never knew Janelle wanted to be in their family.

      Also, Janelle wrote that Kody's father wanted her to marry Kody's older brother, not Kody!

    5. Wow, you know, it sort of makes sense how badly Meri treated Janelle if Janelle proposed to her husband without warning. If some woman proposed to my husband and moved her rotund rear in and started having his babies whilst I couldn't, you could bet your butt I would be snippy around the kitchen and a few other places as well. Sounds like Janelle forced her way in where she wasn't welcome, and Christine eventually managed to leverage her way in and Meri didn't want either of them, which, if you think about it, is actually a really shitty position to be in if you truly believe that your faith demands you accept sister wives.

    6. "Janelle chose Kody and proposed to him."

      After I read that in the book, and when the "Run, Janelle, Run" battle cry began, it was clear that Janelle was not ever going to run. She was right where she campaigned to be. I doubt she even cared when Christine came along wanting to also join the circus,

      Janelle, with whatever makes her tick, wanted Kody and must not have cared what it would do to Meri. After all that has been shown in four years with the tears and BS, Janelle remains steadfast in her devotion.
      In fact, while the other three seem to be fragmenting, Janelle seems to be almost smug or complacent, as if she has a comfort level in her life which the others are beginning to lose in theirs. Would love to know the 'real" truth on that.

    7. And, it wasn't just some random rotundly-reared woman who proposed to Meri's husband... it was her brother's wife!! Someone who had been sleeping with her brother!

      Did Kody ever mention having an "ick factor" about that?

    8. It was the divorced *with kids* part that grossed Kody out. Babies and kids seem to represent sexual relationships more in the ply world than normal. At least, that's what has been implied on Sister Wives and My Five Wives.

    9. Thanks anon 714... I guess that's another level of kodyworld denial.

      That makes me wonder how Meri's brother reacted to janelle leaving him for Kody... wouldn't having a hurt brother make janelle's presence that much worse for Meri? I have resisted reading the book for this long, but really appreciate the answers that the people who have read it provide!

    10. You know, AndreaF, I don't think there were any hard feelings when Janelle broke up with Adam Barber (I think that is his name). It was almost as if (and this is from memory of what I read) Janelle wanted to live the Principle. Adam did not, so they parted ways. The rest is history.

    11. I read the book and missed that Janelle had proposed to Kody. I thought he pursued her.

      And maybe a little telling about the passive/aggressive nature between Janelle and Meri, Janelle picked Meri's birthday originally to marry Kody. Janelle relented, but married only a few days later.

    12. Now I'm curious...will have to charge up my Kindle and try to find that part in the book, as I too thought Kody pursued Janelle.. I seem to remember that Kody started asking her to lunch a lot, and then things went from there... If I remember correctly, it was mutual, but I do remember Kody as being the one who was the "initiator," so to speak. And I think they just kind of sprung it on Meri, right? Didn't they say that Meri didn't know Kody and Janelle had been meeting for lunch... Aww, heck. I'll just have to read it to refresh my memory.... (I wonder if I can use Control-F to try and find that section of book more quickly? Does that work on a Kindle? The last thing I want to do is re-read a large chunk of that fine literary masterpiece.)

    13. (I wonder if I can use Control-F to try and find that section of book more quickly? Does that work on a Kindle?
      On my Kindle (and Kindle for PC) it's best to use one word to search.

      Whenever I read an interesting section I highlight it so I can find it later. Maybe this highlight can get you in the right section of the book...

      "Janelle was forthcoming . “I think I belong in your family,” she said."

      Brown, Kody; Brown, Meri (2012-05-01). Becoming Sister Wives (p. 42). Simon & Schuster, Inc.. Kindle Edition.


      "If a woman finds a family to which she feels spiritually connected, typically she builds a relationship with the first wife or wives, then she will tell her father, who then speaks to the father of the husband in the family. Now, Janelle didn’t exactly play by the rules, but since my father had been involved in trying to find her a husband, it seemed appropriate enough."

      Brown, Kody; Brown, Meri (2012-05-01). Becoming Sister Wives (p. 43). Simon & Schuster, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

      Hopes this helps you...

  15. Great review! One thing, I wouldn't have packed up and left if my husband said he wanted another wife to cuddle while I was busy doing chores, I would have kicked his sorry butt out.

  16. I apologize for all my typos. iPhones and insomnia are poor bedfellows.

    I agree that Kody 'replaced' Meri when she couldn't 'offer' him what he felt he deserved. Attention, children, sex, who knows? But it WASNT enough, I think Meri knows that now and I think that's what made her couch session during the road trip with the Richards so very sad.
    I think she said that (at first) she wondered what was wrong with her (or something similar) that Kody needed 'more wives'. It's sad because it's never been about her. She was never going to be enough, none of them are... I think that has become very clear to her (and the viewers) in the past few years/seasons.
    I believe Kody would always have sought more. Maybe a mistress, or money, or power, or excitement; what can be more exciting than being a 'tv star stud' who will one day rule his own planet?
    A full head of hair? Maybe that would have been enough...

    1. " She was never going to be enough, none of them are... "

      Exactly !!
      And worse yet, he would never be enough of a functioning life partner for any of them.
      So there they all are, on display to the world, showing how Kody and his women all live a life of fragments...just transient pieces of each other.

      Going on TV may have provided camera time to ply the myth of their bliss and connectedness (and to secure easy money), but all it ultimately did was unmask the deception they all have willingly or naively placed on each other.

      Kody Brown's mission is to showcase himself. Period.

    2. "She was never going to be enough, none of them are..."

      I remember the Kreep saying "not one of my wives can fulfill all my needs"

      Nice to know he thinks that he can fulfill all of theirs. *gag*

  17. If my husband wanted someone to cuddle with while I made cookies...I would either BUY cookies or I would let him marry again so SHE could cook and clean all the time.

  18. Thanks Cynical Jinx, always a treat to read your reviews no matter how odd the episode.
    I think after the shitter spill, fighting with teens and getting threats if mutiny, Kody's energy was extremely low. However...the look on each of those husbands faces as they took turns seeking undivided attention was priceless. Kody just could not let the host speak without interruption and trying to one up him. He really did not like sharing his spotlight with another male.

  19. Count me among those who got the threesome vibe from the Richard family. I first had the thought when the three of them were on the couch chatting about gaining the second wife. And then when Rebecca said the thing about some polygamist families sharing one bed, I thought, yup, I called that one right.

    My other two observations are that Kody really seems disenchanted with Robyn and Christine seems much happier. I don't think it's a coincidence...

  20. It is quite the honor to be called to participate in a plural marriage. They may talk about everyone living how they want. I don't think they are a fan of this family practicing the principal. In their faith these folks won't get to the celestial kingdom. They are not sealed for eternity.

    They went to Missouri because that was a place the "saints" were forced to leave. That is why they visited a family there. Just another chance to bring up the persecution and trials of their ancestors.

  21. During dinner the Brown stain and Mr.Richard were talking about the feelings of the first wives' when another woman comes into the picture. Mr. Richard said something along the lines of "first wife (uneasiness?)" Anyone remember what he said?

    It reminded me of one of the first SW episodes when Kody was off to kiss um...court Robyn . He stated that it's never easy for the wives when I start courting blah blah. I remember thinking how insensitive that statement was. From then on, my whole opinion about plural marriage was formed. What heedless, selfish men.

  22. hey hey hey CJ and everyone! Oh how I've missed talking with some of my favorites from the old school crew :-) I was so thrilled when I heard about CJ's new blog from a few fellow snarkers!! Love the idea of being invited into your livingroom for a weekly snark fest. Actually, I've been lurking here the past few months, just not commenting(just a lot going on...)Seemed like my snark meter was running on fumes.Grateful for CJ giving us a place to express ourselves & vent all of those "are you f'n kidding me" moments. Which surprisingly,there seemed to be quite a few of those moments, even though this season has been overall dull & boring. I'm pretty much over Sister Wives, but they do give st super weird! It was esp, uncomfortable, when Kody was teasing that little red headed boy about Aspn. Then Kody saying( I don't remember his exact words tho..), when u see a pic of Aspyn, you can't help but fall in love with her face, no matter what age. Now that's just straight up, creeper
    CJ, thank you for your great reviews & continued dedication. You never fail to deliver. Keeping us entertained w/ some good old fashioned charm & wit with a heapful of snark. As well as, keeping us informed & providing us with facts. Again, kudos to your return to the blog world :)

    1. Hey CB!!!

      Thankyou and welcome to my new digs!

    2. Yeah, CB is finally here! I missed you. That's almost everybody from the old blog together again. Btw, does anybody know anything about Mister Sister's health?

    3. Caramel Brownie,

      Soooo glad to see you !!!!

    4. Caramel Brownie- glad to see you back! I don't comment much either bc I have to type on my phone, which is a chore, and also sometimes it's hard to know where to start bc the whole show is such a train wreck. I try to comment once in awhile though to contribute to the living room discussions. I haven't watched the show since season 2 but still love coming here for the great pics, recaps, and discussions.

    5. Hey CB! I have missed your posts and often wondered how you were. Welcome back!

      I wish we knew how MS was doing too.

    6. CB: MrSpock sends greetings. Also, after viewing the most recent episodes, MrSpock believes he will have a perpetually raised eyebrow due to the continued, inexplicable behaviors of the Brown Five.

    7. Hey ya'll thanks for the warm welcome back greetings :) Yes, Mastiff, I know exactly what you mean typing from a phone. After reading my post on here, I see a few mess ups...but oh well ;) I'm looking forward to chatting & snarking with everyone later.

  23. Anon, a link to that story has been provided over a month ago on this posting: Sister Wives Season Premiere Tonight but First Some Tweets and Other Odds and Ends for June 8, 2014
    Locate the link after the topic Now for something entirely different...

    Why do you keep showing the link?
    Because I do not believe anything this woman has to say, but feel free to read the links I provided to form your own opinion.

    Why not?
    As I said before - This woman does not appear to be a reliable source. She is inconsistent in her story telling. She gives credence to the old saying "there are two sides to every story". Also, I think she's living proof that polygamy, the AUB, polyandry and being the high priestess of a massage parlor does not mix well.

    Can we discuss her in your living room?
    I would prefer that you not...maybe once she has returned to Utah to face those pesky prostitution charges she's been on the lam for the past 2 years...but not now. Thank you...

  24. Interesting that there is no Sister Wives marathon on today, don't they always do a marathon the day of the finale?

    1. Who knows what TLC is thinking nowadays. Usually on the season finale they also have a tell all. It's the midseason finales when they have the ask the family type show or meet the family. Plus they have Robyn's "announcement" tonight. Who knows?

    2. I just saw an ad on tlc that shows Kody and janelle talking about MERI'S wedding... they are hinting around to an attraction, but I know how tlc loves their teasers -- only to actually show something different.

      But, if Kody the Kreep ruins Meri's wedding memories -- his first and only real marriage -- with this level of douchiness, Meri should roundhouse him right in the grapes. jmho. And to have the rival female be Janelle the Sly... eww.

    3. Looking ahead to next week, there is a Tell All episode. So maybe tonight is the season finale after all. TLC is running a "Who Do You Think You Are?" marathon today since the show has it's season premier tonight.

    4. Thank you GallowayCave for the clarification. That make's sense.

    5. Janelle was still married to Meri's brother at Kody and Meri's wedding and went as his guest.

    6. Janelle was still married to Meri's brother at Kody and Meri's wedding and went as his guest.
      Yes, she was separated at the time and divorced after attending their wedding...

      "My divorce was not yet finalized, so I still attended certain functions with my estranged husband. One of these was Meri and Kody’s wedding."

      Brown, Kody; Brown, Meri (2012-05-01). Becoming Sister Wives (p. 34). Simon & Schuster, Inc.. Kindle Edition.


    7. "Interesting that there is no Sister Wives marathon on today, don't they always do a marathon the day of the finale?"

      That has been the formula up to now.
      But since TLC is running the "Who Do You Think You Are?" marathon today, it is up for grabs about just what the SW game plan is at this point.
      Maybe TLC has been watching the static ratings for SW *and* the less than enthusiastic blog chatter and realizes that they had better prop their newer shows.

      Business is business and SW may have jumped that proverbial shark !!
      Besides, they have Brady and his Bunch warming up in the bullpen.

    8. Ahhhh....but the Browns are on a road trip to Utah right now. Mariah tweeted a picture and looks like a sound guy in the background. So I think they're still filming. Here's my prediction - Robyn is pregnant (her big announcement) but wants to raise her kids in the "big house" in Lehi

    9. Uhhhhh !!!
      No! , No more !!! Pullleze !!!

      Snarking on snark-worthy material is fun, but they have exhausted even that potential.
      Just not much fun left snarking on illusions and smoke and mirrors.

    10. Well, my mistake on the "Who Do You Think You Are?" premier! It's on Wednesday, not tonight. I guess they thought a marathon of those episodes was still better than a marathon of Sister Wives.

      And I agree!

  25. I want to say I had never heard of Big Love Cj until you commented about it on your blog. Being curious I scouted it out on amazon prime and told myself I will watch one episode just to see if it might be something I would like. I could not stop watching. Completely addicted from first episode. So five whole season's later I have finally rejoined the real world. I half to say there are quiet a few similarities in the story line and sisterwives. Love big love and hate to admit it but nikki and Lois were my favorite characters. Texasgirl

    1. Lois was my favorite too.
      The actress who played her was brilliant !!

  26. The return to Amish q and a is on tonight. Just a weird line up.

  27. They're on a road trip to Utah right now and Mariah tweeted a pic - there was a sound guy in the background so they are filming another "season" . My prediction is Robyn is pregnant (or Kody has adopted her kids) and wants them to be raised in the "big house" in Lehi. That gets them out of the mansions before their balloon payment is due and they "save face" cause you know, sin city is so sinful.

  28. What if one of Nathaneal's women said: "Gee, Nathaneal, while you are out fixing the cars/taking care of the goats, I sure would like another "Nathaneal" to cuddle with on the couch." Yuck! Crappola! Ewww!!! What a scammer!! I cannot BELIEVE any woman would fall for this ridiculousness...yet, obviously, we are looking at ELEVEN women who have done so. (4 Browns, 2 Richards, 5 Bradys) Beyond dumb...

  29. Nathaneal has read a different Bible than me---or let's say he and his wife and "wife" are reading into it what they want to read into it...what an excuse! (I'm currently watching last week's show---have not seen it until now). Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

  30. Trying again first time disappeared when I hit preview. O well sh*t happens. CJ I love u, I wanted to tell u I was laughing so hard thought I would have a heart attack. I'm OK. U took a pile of crap & turned it into a short story. It was the weirdest episode to date. I almost thought the 2 guys was going to whip them out to measure them. If Kody & krew shared a bed room what size bed would they need? I say 2 California kings. Thank you for making me smile.

  31. Can someone post me a link for this episode
    Somehow I missed this one

    1. All seasons of Sister Wives are available for rent from and ITunes.
