
Sunday, July 20, 2014

Live Tweets In My Living Room Party! July 20, 2014 SEASON FINALE!! Sister Wives Episode: 'Every Brown Revealed'

Are you ready for the Season Finale Live Tweet Party in My Living Room?

That's right, you can view and join the Sister Wives' live tweeting all in the comfort of My Living Room via separate Live Twitter Feeds for the Browns and #SisterWives.

 Plus you can snark with others in My Living Room, too. And you don't even need to dress up, much.

So kick off yer shoes, put on yer best Prairie Dress and sharpen up yer snark.

Let the snarking begin!!

Please continue your discussion here:

Selected Live Tweets from July 20, 2014 and Other Off Topic Delights


  1. So it's going to be a bloopers show? Zzzzzzz and I think they've beat that "what we thought of Kody initially" horse into the ground.

    1. Right there with you, DJ.

      They have really run out of plot options.
      Who cares if Sobbin is pregnant or not?
      Who cares if they continue the VC money ruse. That BS plot was busted.
      Who cares if they go back to their human habatrail house in Lehi?
      And for sure, who the hell cares about one more thing, true or false, concerning the village idiot.

  2. I'm just wondering how many contradictions will the Browns make tonight...

    1. "I'm just wondering how many contradictions will the Browns make tonight."

      Should we all keep count...???
      At least that would keep us awake.

    2. I was going to suggest a contradictions drinking game, but I think we'd all die of alcohol poisoning.

  3. Just is she preggers or what? Not that I really care one way or the other except to see how they try and milk it this time.

  4. Don't forget to "spoil" me! I won't see the show for another 3 hours!

    1. Warning!!!

      He's doing the ponytail tonight!!!

    2. Following the blog here was more fun than the episode. Could we call that a spoiler?

    3. And Robyn manages to comment on everything and even interjects Sol into the part about Hunter.

    4. Sure, why not?

      But TLC should be ashamed. Not good to lead viewers on like that....

  5. I'm just hoping one day they will finally say, we live polygamy because we feel it is the only way we will get to heaven...period...i put up these jokers because I am afraid if I don't I will not be reunited with my family in the celestial kingdom.

    1. I hate to admit it, but I am really enjoying the episode... then again I am sucker for family videos and pictures...the videos of the teens as babies are priceless

    2. Don't ya mean, montage? U know like Kody & Robyn kept Geez, when this family gets a fancy sounding word in their vocabulary like sure like to over use it.

  6. Janelle and Kody have 6 children how do they say it's not a romantic marriage. Hello, 6 kids!!

    1. I suppose it's 'funner' than using a sperm bank...and cheaper too.

    2. Oh CJ, I am thrilled that you are as taken with "funner" as I am, because you are bound to tickle it just this way. Funner than a sperm bank. Yow!

    3. Every time they try to play off the Kody and Janelle don't have a romantic relationship and were like brother and sister I roll my eyes. Not may people who have have 6 kids in a sibling-like relationship. Give me a break. Janelle went after Kody has stuck around for 20 years with him, it's more than a brother/sister type relationship.

    4. I think they got in the habit of saying that for Meri's sake.

    5. Exactly. There's obviously some sparks there to have had 6 children together!

  7. OMG !!!
    This is a pukefest !!! Sorry for the visual, but this is a nauseating edification and glory for Kody.
    The chat fest with the babes contributing all their "stories" is disgusting.

    And the lies...the lies. Right now Janelle is gushing about him and she is lying her ass off.

    1. pukefest is right! Nauseating when Kody was bragging how Meri, Janelle & Christine were all pregnant at the same time and Robyn, looking so impressed, says "way to go guy"!!

    2. I concur--pukefest sums it right up. I just CAN'T. I've turned it off. They're so full of shit. And full of themselves, which is kinda the same thing.

  8. I notice that Janelle did not mention being married to Meri's brother. Hmmmm!

    1. Love how they try to edit their past did they forget what they wrote in their book.

      And that people read it and remember its contents.

    2. Which is why she knew Meri before Kody and Meri got together ...becuase she was married to Meri's brother! Why won't they just say that

    3. Yes, CPA Carol, it was very OBVIOUSLY left out of the explanation.

    4. I mean hey I'm not embarrassed to admit that I purchased, read, and enjoyed their book.

    5. Yes, but many of the readers on this blog have the ability to read and remember exactly what was written. I get the idea that most of the Brown's do not have that ability and do not realize that others have a higher capacity for memory than they do.

    6. Good point anon 6:33

    7. Ayce, I'm not embarrassed to admit that I appreciate you and others reading the book so I didn't have to!

    8. I think when they show the picture of Janelle at Meri and Kody's wedding, Meri's brother (Janelle's ex-husband) is cropped out. It looks like she's holding someone's hand around her waist.

  9. Oh, geez........where is my Pepcid !!
    They are talking about Kody's "goo-goo" eyes...they sparkle !!!
    Huh....does a rat's eyes sparkle !!???

    TLC has pulled out ALL the bullshit stops for this episode !!!

  10. I would like them to explain/discuss what happens to all the other men in their "community" who don't have 4 women panting after them...must be lots of lonely men...but Kody don't care

  11. Did these people really forget they WROTE A BOOK!!!!! Can you slander yourself?

  12. I'm sure it was lost on Christine that she is explaining how sociopaths work when discussing Kody looking into her eyes.

  13. What????? Christine worked? Biggest reveal ever

  14. Oh, yowser, we are going thru every single child...every one...nothing wrong with the children, but this is a very boring way to do the show...MrSpock is hoping Robyn will announce there is a Borg invasion so we can have some excitement...

    1. Resistance is fu-tile...Buy my stuff!

    2. Love how they glossed over Gwen quickly.... I think she is a future polygamy for her!!

  15. Noooo!!!...not the BS clip of Marian, Kody & Meri talking on the couch & Mariah crying & explaining why she wants her mom to have another baby...(eye roll)

  16. Janelle just lied her gigantic ass off! "I was just investigating the faith when I realized Kody was the one"
    Gee, you were married to Meri's brother who was raised in that cult! They sure managed to eliminate all reference to the fact that she was hanging out with Grody and Meri because they were family....

    1. Right! And wasn't her mom married to Kody's dad at that time? This is a crazy fate that lets women run after other women's husbands and no one thinks its wrong. I would not want to be a part of that.

    2. Christine also contradicted herself, saying she had to "wait" until Kody took a second wife to be interested in him. In the book, didn't she say how disappointed she was when Kody was talking about Janelle to him, and then when he married her?

  17. So we end where we begin. This is recycled. We have all seen this story before and have read the book! Why would they even make this show?

  18. Not missing much. Talking about how and where they met. Which we already know. Now they are showing each child in the order they were born and commenting about them. I half to admit seeing the children and baby pictures is quiet refreshing as opposed to hearing Robyn babble about nothing. Texasgirl

  19. They are goimg through the kids one by one. Cute pictures.

    And yes, the adults commentary is definitely "off' if you read their book.

    When they mention that Mari, Christine and Janelle were all pregnant at the same time......Sobbin just has to interject herself and punches Kody in the arm saying, "good job".....

    1. that was so gross.

    2. Yeah that was pretty ridiculous of Robyn to do...smh I wonder if she would be punching Kody in the arm & saying Good job, if he was still pregnating everyone now?

    3. I just caught her doing similar in the earlier episode: When the Richard guy talks about bringing in the other woman, she slams her hand on the table and says, "You sly dog!" She also exclaims, "Shut up!" at one of their stories - I think about sharing a bedroom.

    4. I remember early in season one, the wives commented that bringing 'young' Robyn into the family upped their 'cool' factor...because she's so hip? Stylish? Fun? They never explained.
      I am the age Robyn was when the series first started, and I can categorically say that Robyn is NOT 'cool'. At all.
      I had assumed she was much, much older than me and my friends, looks wise, personality, and as far as style. I don't get it.
      I do see (more and more) how hard Robyn tries to be the 'cool' wife.
      Robyn comments on having a great relationship with the teens, or having a younger perspective, but really, the only benefit to her 'youth' is that the children obviously do not view her as another mother. Maybe that opens the communication or lines of discussion?
      Robyn also has the OBNOXIOUS habit of bro-ing it up with Kody. Her attempts at high fves and dude-ing at him is unsettling, it's not her natural personality and is off putting.
      Anyone else remember the episode where Kody comments that his male friends (who he often refers to but I doubt the existence of) would be 'high fiving' him for some 'clever' or 'manly' thing he did, Robyn goes out of her way to affect a masculine tone, lean over and 'hi-five' him.
      Her posturing was painful to watch. I feel like Robyn would be the kind of girl who always talks about how 'catty' and untrustworthy women are, and that's why she likes hanging out with men.
      When really, she's just projecting her own untrustworthiness in female relationships and dynamics.
      Long story short, Robyn is lame. Her fake personality is as bad as her actual personality.

    5. Robyn and I are just about the same age and I never really got the whole "young, cool, wife," thing. Kody kind of contradicted that description in this episode by saying she looked like a "soccer mom with a van." And she and Christine aren't that far apart in age. It's like George Carlin once said "it's all BS and it's bad for you."

    6. "Good job"? Really, Robyn? What a weird, weird thing to say; squick factor 10. "You really had a busy little pecker there, Bub! Way to impregnate!" Someone slap her...

  20. Anon 6:14 Love it! "Can you slander yourself?" LOL Thank you!

  21. Lots of happy memories of Logan, and Aspyn, and Mariah....blurry baby picture of Mykelti, and a 60 montage about what a bad kid/not a bad kid she is/was. The younger the kids, the less they seem to know about them, and the less happy early childhood memories. Sad

    1. Yes - and a lot of the footage of the younger children is from earlier seasons of the show. The show inadvertently caught the disintegration of the family. Also, there are very few pictures of Kody with any of the children, except at graduations.

    2. I was going to say the same thing. I don't think the younger kids will turn out as well as the older kids for a variety of reasons.

      I didn't mind this episode either, though Kody's commentary and his pony tail were distracting.

      And I do have to agree with Sobbin about something (finally). I think her joining this family has been the BEST thing for Dayton (David). Kids are cruel and it's nice to see the Brown kids take him in and treat him like blood. Not a lot of kids will do that.

  22. Garrison is a pyromaniac, "undefined," quintessential middle child. That's just great. Thanks moms and dad.

  23. I actually am enjoying this catching up with the individual kids more than I expected I would.

  24. Ah, Garrison wants to go into the NAVY and he is in ROTC! Go, Navy!!!

    1. Which guarantees he won't be a polygamist!

    2. Anyone making the brave choice of military service has my respect.

      Thank you to those who do and did serve!

    3. Garrison could be on track to go to the US Naval Academy. Wouldn't that kill Mariah?

      Also, if he joins the military and stays in the Navy 10-15 years, wouldn't that end many hopes of his practicing polygamy?

    4. Anyone else find it funny that he wants to be in the military and his name is Garrison?

    5. A solid plan. A noble decision. Just another example of how the kids are great.

      I don't think he necessarily wants to go to an academy. Just join the navy. A great plan for going to school actually that doesn't depend on his parents. Brilliant.

      Military careers are done for many by their 40's. Then you do something else. But I don't know if he would want polygamy?

  25. Crikey, kill this show now. Not yet ANOTHER episode where the young'uns carry the show. Ugh.

    Thanks, CJ, for Sunday evening's entertainment.

  26. OK seriously Kody?? Saying how Hunter "persecutes" his family at home...after you get compliments from his teachers saying how respectful Hunter has been.

    1. If we have learned anything from The KODY Brown Family, it's that they must constantly overcome adversity and prejudice...or that everything the touch turns to gold...or that the same people who regularly discuss their horrible anxiety and fear of the outside world and even things inside their own (like the SF road trip) are deliriously happy with benefits no 'monog' could ever is that these people are full of themselves (and bullshit).
      All you have to do is look back at the UNLV panel and see how these people deal with groups and individuals who have dissenting opinions than their own. Teenaged Aspen and Logan were the only members of the Kody Klan to act in a reasonable of nature manner.
      Both were shown apologizing several times for their parents behavior and lack of insight.
      The Brown's (Kody and Robyn in particular) view anything other than absolute praise as aggression and persecution.
      Of course Kody thinks Hunter persecuted them as a family. Hunter has on multiple occasions advocated for caution, against big schemes, and fewer new children in an already thinly spread parental sphere.
      As far as the series has shown, he has done so as respectfully and logically as a teen can, and was met with Kody's petulant reply that he 'can have as many kids as he wants' and 'what I say goes', because not only is Kody the 'general' of their family, he's also the only one who really matters.
      Kody believes that if you are not a fan you are an enemy. He not only justifies every poor decision he makes, he rewrites the events leading up to them. He shows serious sociopathic tendencies, and his wives (unfathomably Janelle in particular) encourage and compliment this behavior.
      It's like the chickens...this lifestyle consists of women and children stumbling behind the cock of the walk, subjugating sense and personal need at any cost. Even if it means following him off a cliff, or alienating their child.

  27. Paedon has no personality to talk about, I guess. Just some waxing nostalgic about how moving traumatized him forever, then showing footage of a crushed little boy sobbing because he is told he cannot say goodbye to his friends. Classy.

  28. Yes.........They really are pushing the "we had to move fast..and the kids couldn't said goodbye to their friends.. Christine has the gall to say that Paedon has never been the same since that move....and they show that clip of him crying when Kody announced it to the kids.

    These people have NO scruples.....and neither does TLC.

  29. Gabriel can "speak computer language stuff." Good job with word sentence stuff, Christine. Gwendolyn is really "weird" and doesn't get any baby pictures shown. Isabelle is a "pixie" which is no a cross between an angel and a devil. And a gemini. I guess she lived with Meri for a minute on the show. Thank god Robyn learned "softly" for her because she is plagued by headaches. Poor thing.

  30. My gawd did janelle really just say on national. TV that she was afraid to have another kid because it might be like Gabriel?! His self-esteem must've just skyrocketed! So nice

    1. I thought the same thing. That would hurt a child's feelings.

  31. Savannah was a relief....wouldn't want a kid like her other kid. Nice, nice, nice. Wait, did Brionna just say her name was "Brianna Brown?"

    1. Yessss, she did. Brianna Brown

    2. Oh my gosh. Not a good thing.

    3. check it, they have Brianna in on the "is she or isn't she" Robyn pregnant storyline.

    4. Commerical.....and thennnnnnn, Sobbin has an announcement !!

      Yawn !

    5. Nope, Robyn has a phone call. And then a cat that swallowed the canary b-face smile about that phone call. T

    6. He has been pregnant four times. They sell a tiny box you pee on to tell you.

      They need to treat them as any other family member. I think it's fine to refer to the kids as Robyn's and Kody's but the last name is just wrong. It was written down too.

    7. I think the "Brianna Brown" scene, was just that, a scripted scene that required Robin to stand just off camera to feed her lines and coach her along...Truley was able to talk about the hospital without adult help, but Brianna, who is 9 or 10 (she's not sure) needed robin's help because she was "acting" and couldn't remember her lines

  32. Shame on Janelle for saying that she was unsure of wanting to have another baby b/c she was scared to have another Gabriel. Just wow!!

    1. And to make it worse Kody tweets....Gabriel, the "evil, master, lord", is smart and a little bit of a pest!

    2. Kody is such a douche...uggh!! Sounds like Kody is describing himself in that

    3. That didn't bug me. Maybe he was just a fussy, colicky baby and she already had 5 kids. She wasn't saying she didn't like him as her kid or as a person. I was a fussy baby and it doesn't offend or devastate me when my mom tells stories about it.

  33. Oh and Kody is again sporting his baldy ponytail look for part of the clips.

    1. I feel like yanking that ponytail every time he says negative things about his kids...he's such a fool.

    2. Not too long ago, a small group of Amish men broke into the homes of other Amish men and cut off their beards. The assailants had decided that the victims were not worthy of them, and it is a big deal in their community.

      Now, I'm not advocating assault, but I have to wonder long it will be before one of their extreme non-fans or angry wife takes scissors to that ponytail. He clearly loves it more than them.

      I also don't understand the fans who tweet how great it is.

  34. Robyn's up next. Maybe we could make a drinking game out of all of her lies, double speak, and nonsensical BS. Wait, then we would die of alcohol poisoning.

  35. How come he had to "get over" divorce where Robyn is concerned but not where Janelle is concerned? They NEVER address that fact.

    1. I'd guess it's because Janelles 1st marriage was brief and childless.

    2. Having kids is the "ick" factor for him. It's like Robyn said after having Sol (in regards to Hunter's attitude of something) having a baby is the physical reminder of an intimacy between a husband and a wife. Noni kind of talked about it like that, too, on My 5 Wives and then got all giggly and ridiculous when buying a pregnancy test. While the wives are expected to not only accept their husband sleeping with several women but also raise their children like their own, Kody has explained that children fathered by a different man was extremely unappealing to him. Great guy.

    3. He's in love with Robyn...he never was in love with Janelle...

    4. He was totally creeped out by a woman who had given birth to another man's children.

    5. I will cut Kody slack on this one. I think it's probably very close to Robyn's explanation of his reaction from the first tell-all. It was about the complications that come along with getting involved with any now-single parent - male or female. And that might offend some, but it's true. It does bring complications and I think it was actually a good thing Kody recognized it and took seriously how much time and effort and responsibility would come from getting involved with someone in that situation. He wasn't getting involved with just Robyn, it would be Robyn and her kids and her ex for the rest of their lives together. Better to recognize that and go in eyes wide open because you want it, or recognize you don't want that and walk away. And I don't think less of a person who doesn't want that and walks away. Just because you had children and love them doesn't mean everyone else has to!

  36. How big of Kody, to get over his "prejudice" over women who had children from another marriage. Not hypocritical at all, since he was a thrice married man with 13 children. Glad he's so enlightened.

  37. I would just like to blame all you commenters for making me watch this episode. Every time I try and walk away, you all pull me back in, so I can follow along with your posts.

    I dislike these adults more every time they open their mouths, and I think I've actually lost brain cells this season.

    1. Right! Although i'm glad I did, Hunter saying "I like kids... their brand new, they cant even talk" and seeing him react to Solomon hitting him with the sword while they were watching the pictures was so sweet.

    2. Did you notice Mindy taking the sword from Sol and correcting his behavior?

  38. Watch Meri's face when Robyn is talking about meeting kody--wow!

  39. OK not to be insensitive, but why show Robyn's 3 kids since after all she did have them with another man & not Kody?

    1. Maybe to show they are included and considered family. I would do the same if I get married again with my 2 kids and any new ones.

    2. Because they are part of the family.

    3. She actually says that she's glad that she had Sol, because his birth made them part of the family, and his birth in Las Vegas brought them closer together, because they were living apart in the rentals. On Twitter, all the adults and some of the older children then tweet that Sol is the most adorable, wonderful baby ever. A few then praise Truely.

  40. Yikes! Breanna Brown! She not only said it, she repeated it.

    1. My daughter does not know her biological father and loves her step father as her own. But she would never say her name with his last name. I don't even think that would cross her mind to do. Robyn has had several last names, however (didn't the credit repair guy say three, and that was before she changed her name to Brown) so maybe last names are just changed like shoes in her household.

    2. Sol is so cute. But he needs to lose the mullet. And Dayton needs to lose the rat tail. For real, though. But hey, next season we get a "relationship cruise."

    3. This entire family has terrible hair...except Aspen. Aspen is killing it with her hair.

    4. I think it's a polygamy thing. We need someone who used to be in a group to come and explain it but from what I understand you can divorce and remarry with permission. It's not good for women of child-bearing age to be single, right? Their leaders (bishops?) do some kind of celestial reassignment so that your mother's current husband is your father- always was, is now, always will be.

      If you read on former Mormon forums you get a lot of info. Sister wives only scratches the surface on polygamy and what it is all about. Also - the church has been very good about keeping diaries and a lot of other historical documents.

      I did a lot of reading and it really helped me understand them. It doesn't matter what is true or legal only what you believe or the Bishop or priest hood holder tells you is real. Obey Kody or be cast into outer darkness. Period.

      Still - an eternity with Kody or an eternity in outer darkness... if those were my choices maybe I'd do unholy things with peanut butter Fritos, too. :-|

  41. In the tell all preview Christine gets up and walks out of the interview. Tamaron Hall is saying "Christine" then it cuts out. Might be some interesting snark to be made there next week.

  42. So, after watching the show with the Richards family I think it is "big" of Kody and Krewe to be so "tolerant" of other lifestyles and be open to EVERYONE's lifestyle choices---talk about a lack of critical thinking! There are people who believe in all sorts of unsavory lifestyles (man/boy love, is one example)---so is Kody okay with that? People who espouse "live and let live" without a second thought are, to me, people who think nothing through on that or any other subject. They are just mindless---and, frankly, I think many, many people are that way---and I find that most unsettling.

  43. I blame editing for the lack of positive stuff about littles.

    1. Blaming the editing for not having much information on the younger kids makes sense, but it does make family look bad.

    2. An easy fix would be to not say bad stuff about them at all. I don't say bad stuff about my kids. I try to not in private and I definitely don't in public.

    3. Absolutely! No parent should publicallly say that their child is "a wild child" or hard to handle. I know that parents sometimes use sarcasm, but this wasn't being said sarcastically. I cannot imagine hearing my parents talk about me in such a way. I would never put my children down where anyone could hear. Now, I know that in my mind I may have worried about them, but never ever would I have said somehing hurtful.

    4. I really do think the editing is made to make them look even worse than they are...jenelle has mentioned in other interviews that Gabriel was a very restless and inquisitive baby, he slept very little and was always climbing and exploring, and she worried about him hurting himself all the time...i think that is what was edited out when she said she didn't want another gabriel

    5. Even being a "pixie" was turned into an insult, half angel half devil. So many of the kids were called names. It was really, really sad to me.

    6. Some kids they said were wild but are no longer wild, focused. She is going to college while in high school. When they said wild stuff about the others I expected to hear about the change in them, like the older ones, but then those kids got 2 minutes aired and not 5 and there is no way for parents to know the final cut.

    7. They didn't sound very positive about most of their kids. I would have been very hurt if one of my parents talked that way about me, nevermind said it on national television.

    8. Janelle is still piling on about Gabe on Twitter. Can't blame editing for that!

    9. Kody, Janelle, and Robyn don't even seem to like kids. They talk about them like they are pets that are difficult to care for. The Browns really sink to a new low with each episode. Wow they are a great example of how Polygamy is so great. Sign me up so I can sit on the couch and listen to my husband talk about our platonic relationship that produced six kids. His captive eyes? Those are beady manipulative eyes. Barf!

    10. in all fairness, he is quite a rascal. also, he called himself an evil master lord, the thought seemed to please him. i doubt he's very bothered about it, it's his personality. i would be more bothered if my parents couldn't say anything about me. then again,i haven't watched the episode yet.

  44. Really, Robyn has to take a phone call? MrSpock is leaving for a another galaxy....

  45. So there was no announcement at the end.

  46. Robyn did not announce anything. She said I think I hear my phone ringing and the show went off. TYPICAL tlc. Texasgirl

    1. NO WAY!!! You're kidding, right?

    2. Not kidding it was a cutoff they were even running the credits on the bottom half of the screen.

      Honestly I'm kinda bummed. And annoyed.

    3. The "scrunchy face" that the previews showed Robyn making when asked about the pregnancy was misleading. The "face" was made, but it was in response to another topic altogether. This editing of previews is enough to make me mad. Of course I am sure that I am re-acting the way the producers want me to. Therefore, they win!

  47. Seriously? Robyn announces.....her phone is ringing???? What a huge letdown ...I feel scammed

    1. huge scam. Who do they think they are, the Sopranos?

  48. what is robyn's announcement?

  49. Unbelievable, even for them...they don't tell us if she's pregnant...what a pathetic ploy...arrgghh...hat's how you alienate viewers, not gain new ones...

  50. Just another teaser clip that TLC used to grab the audience attention. There was no big announcement. Just Robyn saying, I think I hear the phone ringing. Then Robyn on the couch saying " well sometimes you just have to take a phone call"

    1. She probably had to go to the bathroom...

  51. So there was no announcement? But, Robyn's youngest daughter did say that she was the youngest girl now but soon then she looked at her mother and stopped. But, back to my question, did I miss the announcement? If so, what was it?

    1. there was no announcement. Robyn pretended she had a phone call to take, and the pretended that she couldn't just come back and tell the family after the phone call.

    2. and Kody did say she had been feeling sick. OMG, they HAVE to get another season, now

    3. She said she's Robyn's youngest. Sol is the youngest. So then she said youngest girl.

    4. It's like this. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I have a feeling TLC has just alienated the last remaining loyal viewers with this ridiculous stunt. I wonder what the ratings will be for tonite and next week's show?

    5. but then she said "for now!" dun-dun-duuuuuuuuuun! Zzzzzzzzzzzz

    6. next weeks ratings may be high because of people desperately looking for answers to what Robyn's "announcement" would be.

    7. Earlier in the episode, we see the full teaser. The daughter asks Kody if Robyn's pregnant. He says no, or he doesn't think so. Then, Christine asks him, "Are you sure?" Moments later, Kody's telling the camera that if Robyn knew he were talking about her fertility, she'd kill him.

      Keeping true to their "Modest is Hottest" philosophy, there was no flashback to Robyn's offering to rent out her uterus, or to any of Meri's gynecologist and fertility specialist appointments or thousands of crying couch scenes.

    8. I just realized if she is pregnant again we'll have to witness another Kody-style, thigh stroking, home birth! Think I'll pass on that episode.

    9. Which isn't the little girls fault. They talk for ages, give one kid five minutes air time, another 2 minutes. They decide and are responsible for what gets aired. It's not live.

      A real shock would be Robyn having a baby for Meri and being pregnant already. Sort of.

    10. They did show clips of King Sol's and Truely's births in the montage.

    11. Possible "announcements" that Robyn could make-

      I'm pregnant.
      I'm pregnant with Meri and Kody's child.
      I'm going to get fixed so I don't get pregnant anymore.
      Kody is getting fixed so he can't impregnate anyone else.
      Mindy will be the next wife.
      We got the money from the VC for MSWC.
      I'm closing MSWC.
      Sol is getting a haircut.
      Kody is getting a haircut.
      Dinner is ready.
      My phone is ringing.
      The Richards are coming to visit.
      We're moving back to Utah.
      We're building a pool in one of the four backyards.
      This is the last season of SisterWives.
      This is NOT the last season of SisterWives.
      My ex-husband is moving to Vegas to be closer to the kids.
      My ex-husband is getting remarried.

      Any other ideas?

  52. That show was a complete waste of time. My DVR is down so I had to watch it as broadcast. I kept trying to fast forward

    1. True story Snarkaholic.

      I was at work, outside having a cigarette. The smoking area was next to a busy street. All of a sudden there was a screeching of wheels. I immediately turned my head to the noise and started pushing the rewind button on the remote...problem was, I wasn't holding a remote. It was my cell. I got the strangest look from my co-workers.

      And I still missed whatever happened on the street!

    2. Early one morning I stood in front of my house clicking my car fib at the door...I think I was trying to lock it with my car remote.
      In my defense, it was very early, but I feel your pain. Mr Petite has never let me forget my utter confusion.

    3. Fob, not fib. Watching the Brown's put 'fib' on the brain.

    4. smoking's bad for you, you know.

    5. I stopped smoking 5 years ago!! Yay me!!

    6. Good for you!

  53. No announcement? I'm done. Can't even watch anymore. Just following the blog now.

  54. Yes indeed !!!!
    Desperation is in the air !!
    Cliffhanger time !~!!
    NO announcement !!!

    Cliff hanger

  55. This was an extremely short season. I assumed they were doing a half now and a half later like last year. I wonder why so short.

  56. Robyn's Twitter "fun facts"...oy. Fun fact: Robyn doesn't know how to spell "piano." Add it to the list.

    1. I get a red swiggle line when I misspell then all you have to do is right click and correct. Even on my phone. There is no excuse.

  57. Hope this is the last sister wives season! They do nothing but re-hash the same things over and over. Nothing new to see here anymore.

    1. Looks like we may just be treated to another season featuring "Robyn's Announcement" and a relationship building cruise.

    2. So sick of all the suspense and drama just to be let down again!! I am scanning my guide for alternate entertainment on Sundays at 9

    3. Chrissy even a Bare Minerals infomercial would be more entertaining than SW.

  58. This season was a huge letdown. I do not care if Robyn is pregnant again, I do not care if MSWC goes out of business , I can't think of any reason to tune in again after that letdown. It's all lies anyhow. Might as well just read some fiction book and save myself the frustration.

  59. I don;t have cable, so i never see the previews. Was tonights show the last of the season? Is there a next week show?

    1. Tonite was the season finale, and next Sunday will be the Tell All episode.

    2. Or the "Tell Less-Than-All" episode.

    3. These Tell All episodes are so ridiculous because they never tell the truth .Although I do like tuning in to see how many times they contradict themselves and which wife has the most layers of make-up & eyelashes!

    4. another "tell all"? Pray tell, WTF do they have LEFT to "tell all" about? zzzzz.

  60. Hey did anyone catch what Maddie said about Meri when she was describing where she learns to get her strengths from? Maddie says, "Meri knows what she wants & its not gonna be any other way but what she wants"
    Basically confirming what we already knew anyway. That Meri always gets what she wants & its either Meri's way or the highway.

    1. yeah, loved that. Very telling.

    2. A lot of interesting stuff came out last night - another one I remember was Janelle saying she saw Kody and Meri and 'Meri seemed happy". Uhmmm....... There is a lot of body language going on on that couch........

  61. At the end they mentioned something about how they would go 'on a cruise' if Meri worked on her relationship with Christine and then Kodi said 'he'd' go on a cruise if Meri worked on her relationship with Janelle. That was the most interesting/telling bit in the whole hour. We've long discussed how Meri, still, doesn't seem to get on with the other wives, except for Robyn. Would love to see Iyanla Vanzant work with this group.


    1. I am assuming that would be a Disney Cruise.

    2. Yes! Bring Iyanla on the Disney Relationship Cruise. That would be GREAT! (I just had a visual of Kody with his ponytail wearing Mickey Mouse ears. ICK!!)

    3. I don't even think Meri gets along that great with Robyn anymore. I missed Kody saying that, but it is very interesting. I think those 2 are beyond ever liking each other.

    4. The best part about this little scene was the look on Janelle's face. Classic. I don't think she's interested in working on that relationship, cruise or no cruise. She's over it.

    5. No way would Disney allow SW/TLC to film on one of their cruises. It would be like Disneyland/Disneyworld. No filming. However I'm sure there are lots of other cruise lines who would allow it. MMMMmmmaybe. All I know is if I were on the cruise I'd be pissed if there was filming going on with that bunch of clowns.

  62. And we can be sure that if TLC has dreamed up a bogus cruise with Meri and/or Christine/Janelle to "work on their relationships" will be a cluster ***k of super badly-acted, scripted dialogue and weepy scenes. Only good part of that would be that Buster Brown wouldn't be there.

    And since Sobbin was left out of that little cruise teaser, are we to assume that she has no realtionship issues with the other three??? Yeah, right !!!

    Or is it obvious that if Sobbin is gracing the world with yet another Kody clone, that will be HER big storyline next season? Sobbin loves the camera and microphone almost as much as KodyPonytail, so she may be thrilled to labor and deliver for the camera again.

    I would love to see SpernKing get a vasectomy next season.....on camera.
    Now THAT would be a show worth watching.

  63. A lot of the comments and praise about the daughters was, essentially, that they kept sweet. Also, Christine and Janelle note how Logan and Aspyn stepped up in raising their younger siblings. Then, Janelle said that she is glad that Logan is getting a chance to have his own time now (I'm paraphrasing0 and Christine said that Aspyn served as nanny for the past year. But, neither of them took any responsibility for creating those situations, despite what they did to their children.

    I know the whole VC (and MSWC) is fake - but the PowerPoint tonight was a lot more sophisticated and pulled together than their presentation to the investors.

    1. That "nanny" comment ticked me off. My 14 year old LOVES her (almost) two year old sister and has been spending a lot of time with her during summer break. She always volunteers to make her lunch and watches movies with her while I shower and stuff, and she likes to strap her into her car seat and sit next to her in the car. It's freaking adorable. But I would NEVER call my oldest daughter a nanny, or expect her to assume parental responsibilities! Much fun as it is to be able to take a shower long enough to shave my legs during the summer, I am always present, always parenting, and can totally function during the rest of the year when my oldest is in school. I'm pretty sure this is normal.

    2. Too bad Kody couldn't step it up more and help with his 14 kids. Or Meri couldn't get away from her 1 child and help out with her "bonus kids". I feel really bad for Aspyn and Logan.

    3. Logan stating he had to pick up the slack because all his parents were too busy pretty much contradicts some of those "polygamy bblessings" where there are tons.of mothers rasing.children.

  64. So I was thinking about group dynamics. Groups tend to develop certain culture when they are together. Think about how your co-workers interact with each other, your classmates, or neighbours... The relationship culture between family members, even to an outside observer can often easily become apparent, if you watch long enough. With the Browns tonight I was struck by their lack of interpersonal familiarity. The best example I saw of family camaraderie was amongst the older kids, when Logan was chastising his younger siblings during the couch sessions. Regarding Kody and his menagerie of brides, there is about as much ease and familiarity between them as there is amongst the Richard's rooster and chickens. Fist bumping? The awww shucks punch on the shoulder? I don't buy it. But sure, go ahead, create a nice happy slide show that will coincide with the deluded memories to try and at least convince yourselves. If I tuned out and ignored the (often insensitive!) parental commentary, looking at the rehashed baby pictures of all the kids was at least somewhat enjoyable.

  65. I think I watched my last Sisterwives episode. I think they are boring. I used to like Christine but now I see her as calculating. She has different voices. I think she copies her sisterwives clothes. She's silly, annoying. They are telling us the same story over and over just a little different. All of those pictures are online and they used clips from the show. It wasn't anything I haven't already looked at. Christine's sparkly eye story after we all heard Kody say he wasn't attracted to her. Who is she trying to fool? Janelle not mentioning her 1st husband. So, I'm done. When dog the bounty hunter continued on with his wedding the same day he found out his daughter died, I decided not to watch another episode again. Sisterwives is a bore, not a show that I find entertaining. Bye ponytail

    1. I'm with you. Not watching any more. I fast forwarded through the most boring parts, and it was still excruciating to watch. The only way I see it being watchable is if they show Kody as being the jackass he is without the sugar coating, especially this vomit-inducing talk of his googly eyes.

    2. I DVRd it but based on comments I'm probably not even going to bother watching it. I'm done with the frequent flashbacks. The only thing that makes this bunch remotely interesting is the "polygamy" thing, which isn't even that interesting. If they lived here in the Bay Area, NO ONE would care. Except to be surprised that women would even put up with that crap and not want to be able to pick multiple lovers too. I know quite a few people who are in open/polyamorous relationships, and it works for them because all people involved have the freedom to see others. This way only Kody does. And that planet jazz is just an excuse IMO.

  66. Good morning folks, I was brought up to believe. If you have to hide things & lie u shouldn't be doing it. I'm not talking about catastrophic things like in slave days those that could pass. Or the Jewish people that passed cause both things would cause death. My point is if u can't do it in public don't do it in the closet.

  67. i struggled to watch this episode... it was so boring, I almost switched to cable news. Kody's hair- did someone superglue a brillo pad on the back of his head? UGLY.

  68. I haven't watched the episode yet and haven't had time to read all the comments (yet), but was scanning for Robyn's "announcement." And you mean to tell me, there was NO announcement? Seriously?? So, I guess that means there's another "season," if you can call 6 episodes a season? Awesome. /-:

    - Lori

  69. I find it so funny that while they sing the praises of plural marriage, they tell a different story. First of all, the idea that the children have all these moms. Wrong. Even living in the same house, neither Meri or Christine or even Kody could help Janelle's kids before school. As a result, her son had to cook the meals, get the kids ready, and get them to school. Meri only had the one child and she couldn't have taken her child over to Janelle's side of the house and given Logan a hand? No way. Then Christine found out just how awful that felt when she was trying to study for her real estate license exam. Not one of the bonus moms cared enough to give her a hand and we all know how much Robbin needs help with her jooolery design business and no one to watch her kids. So, they say all the benefits are this but in reality, there are no benefits. The sisterwives are supposed to be so supportive but we hear that Meri needs to go on a cruise with two of the wives so she can work on her relationship with them....ahhh, now after all these years they still hate each other. It is very telling how the younger children do not have the same level of comfort with Kody that the older kids seemed to have and that is probably related to the large amount of kids and Kody's courting a new wife and his total lack of interest in taking parental responsibility. I don't see their open book life supporting their claims of how great it is but instead it is supporting why PLYG should not be made legal.

  70. I'm still shaking my head over that so-called episode and so-called announcement. They are so boring they can't even come up with a decent cliff-hanger. A phone call is not a cliff-hanger or an announcement. I'm done!

  71. Further upthread, it was mentioned about the specter of watching Kodydouche at yet another home birth with Sobbin, doing his upper, inner thigh stroking on her again.
    After seeing that scene, someone had posted that he looked he was strumming a guitar and it was an apt description!! (He did have a somewhat demented perv look going on !!)
    It really was just plain skeavy and I have no interest in seeing that again.

    I just remember how the cattle call went out for everyone (kids included) to get up in the middle of the night to come and witness the second coming. And Janelle chose to take a pass on that, and showed up later right after the birth.
    Sometimes (very few times) Janelle *does* show some smarts.

  72. This whole cruise thing: 4 cabins? Are the kids going? Who will get "love" on the Love Boat? If they go on a 3-night, 4-day cruise, that leaves one "wife" out...Oh, the intrigue. And, who will be minding "the store" (i.e. MSWC) while they are a-cruisin'? As an aside---although I know it won't happen, I would like Tamron to ask Kody what he does, work-wise everyday, and hold his feet to the fire to really answer the query. Also, I would really like to say a typical day for each of the adults---follow them as they do MSWC, cook, go shopping, whatever.

    1. I doubt that the kids are going if there are four cabins. I've never been on a cruise, but cabins are generally pretty small, right?

  73. The ending "announcement" deflection was so annoying and stupid.

  74. I do NOT consider Robyn announcing a pregnancy as a "cliff hanger". I mean, that's the MAIN reason she was brought into the group officially, right? She should be on her third kid by now. Big deal.
