
Monday, July 14, 2014

UPDATED 7/16/14 !! Selected Live Tweets from July 13, 2014 and other reality Odds and Ends

Well, only seven episodes into the season and we find out next week will be the season finale. Maybe it's a midseason finale because I don't see a Tell All episode. Hey, you don't think the show's been canned do you?

And raise your hand if you think Robyn's special announcement will be....

She got VC funding for MSWC????

In the meantime, let's check out the notable tweets from Sunday night, shall we?

From Robyn, she tweeted how important it was to put other's first...

and undoubtedly something Kody could never relate to...

Oh yea, the HOA would REALLY just love that!...oh wait, Kody is the prez, guess you better make room for another billy goat, Robyn!

Only if you were a first wife, Robyn. But you're a 4th, so what are you telling us?

And I'm sure those "twinkets" were immediately passed down to the 'tween girls to wear and enjoy...

Oh yeah, it's always fun to nearly decapitate a child...NOT

and in answer to a snotty fan...

As far as Meri's tweets go, it's almost as if she was dancing to the beat of a different drum, if you know what I mean...

Just file this one under "Kids Say The Darnest Things"

Nope, I won't say it...

Claustrophobia? But didn't you go down that cave in Mexico? You didn't appear anxious then!

Kody is just Kody. 24 hours a day/7 days a week...

No, that was just dumb...

Well Kody, you could of told them about your quirky habit of eating your children's mock tapioca...oh, and you could tell them about eating half of your Mother's breakfast burrito. What a good son and father you are...

Yes, I do see a similarity between you and a goat...

Just file these under Kody opening his mouth and inserting his foot...again and again. FYI Kody, never pick a fight with someone on Twitter!

From Janelle, we have this interesting pic of Maddie...

Nope, I'm not going to say a word....

Or it could be extremely contradictory from something you guys said earlier...I can't wait!

Oh my gosh, I can't believe Christine and I said the same thing! Poor little fella...

I'm not sure what this is all about, but it's still cute...

Well, you still have Gwennie and Paedon around, you know...

Now, how about another polygamist reality family on TLC who's been in the news lately.

Yes, I'm talking about Brady and his Williams 5©. We all have heard about his filing for bankruptcy, but you know what, something just didn't seem right to me.

First of all, the Williams have refused to answer any questions about their filing. But they have confirmed filming is currently going on for season 2, which should premiere sometime in the fall.

What if this bankruptcy didn't happen "recently." Well, unless you define recent to be almost a year ago. What if it is already a done deal? End of story, right?

Why the wait? Why the leak by the newsmedia? Why the silent treatment?? What's going on????

Well, I can tell you I spent a couple of sleepless nights pondering this situation. And then it hit me...

Could it be the bankruptcy is being filmed as a season 2 storyline and that's why they are being so closed mouthed about it? And could the leak have been intentional, to ensure good ratings? Which could explain why all those news stories failed to mention an important fact of exactly when the bankruptcy was filed and it's disposition.

I see it all now. The antithesis of Kody Brown, Brady Williams is forced by circumstances beyond his control to file for bankruptcy. Will Nonie still be able to have a baby? Will Rhonda still be able to adopt? Will the Williams still be able to find their own "Plymouth Rock" in the backwoods of Washington state? Stay tuned...

(Thanks to "anonsX2" for contributing to this story)

U P D A T E   U P D A T E   U P D A T E


For those of you who just can't get enough of polygamy genealogy, our friend ThePrinciple recently started posting the genealogy of some well-known polygamists, including Papa Joe Darger and his lovely sisterwive's (twins Val and Vicki and their cousin, Alina) families.

I'm warning you it's mindboggling but just remember it's not so much a family tree as a family wreath!

Enjoy!! might want to bookmark TP's page so you can refer to it often...

The Principle (F-LDS)


  1. Robyn is starting to look more like a Brown woman every season. She used to be so skinny.

    1. I noticed she stopped blogging on the TLC website about how hard it is to be the skinny one.

  2. CJ... High five on your recap! Really good "bankruptcy" idea, and tweet snark!

    While you were pondering those questions, I was pondering why the heck Crymaster Robyn and Meri have been so quiet... almost depressed, or moody. First I thought that maybe the producers told them to sit down and stfu so that they could highlight Christine's teenaged lunacy and Janelle's formerly known as 'intelligent' silence, now recognized as "not-so-smart-once-you-hear-her-talk", but then I had a lightbulb moment.

    What if they're actually setting us up for a fake separation/divorce?? They read your recaps and our comments... someone is always yelling "run, (whomever)!!", and they get plenty of storylines from your living room. Regardless if it happens or not, wouldn't that be a great teaser for the next season?

    "Will Meri run away from home and hook up with Steven Tyler?"

    Or, for that matter...
    "Will Robyn move to a yurt in Mongolia to pick her eye boogs in peace?"
    "Will Janelle have an affair with that little butt nugget, Shawn?"
    "Will Christine become a Polygamist Chicken breeder?"

    Stay tuned!

    1. AndreaF - your post is hilarious and too true. Maybe we'll learn that the Browns received divine intervention that just happened to match what you wrote.

    2. Andrea,

      Love ypur teasers !!!

    3. Interesting premise. If one of them "left" ( I am now convinced the entire show is scripted), that would certainly guarantee two more seasons of the of the wife leaving and the next season with the wife coming back. And a new recommitment ceremony of course. Maybe three seasons.

    4. Best teasers ever! Come on TLC, these questions will keep me up at night!

  3. If Rhonda or any of the Williams is allowed to adopt I think I might lose all faith in humanity.

  4. I also totally got the threesome vibe from the Richards. I can't see how wife number one (whatever her name is) could possibly have been talked into polygamy - there was something in it for her too. They never specifically said they don't share a room and on top of it all they defended those who do share a bedroom. Not exactly something devout Christians would go for IMO. I think religion is a cop-out for their lifestyle choice. The whole cookie story was a sexual fantasy and not the basis of a religious experience.

    1. I feel like they were making a joke about how hard it was to share a bedroon and Kody and Robyn jumped on it to make it seem literal and salacious.

  5. So.....TLC is setting up for yet another couple of seasons worth of "Will they or Won't they" of Plyg-plots, only this time featuring "Brady's Big Bankruptcy" !

    Yeah, it was strange how there were no details other than $400 thousand in debt and a pitiful $3.61 cents to his name. Not which level of bankruptcy, not a public list of creditors, no word on whether personal or company?? It didn't sound right.
    So if this has been in the works with TLC for quite some time, including the marketing strategy for going public at just the right time (which did seem fishy to me since the PR run up for the show should be now)....that means that Brady and his babes were quite the thespians in their debut season. Or. attempting to be!!

    Not sure I have the desire or stamina to watch *another* heavily scripted, badly acted faux show of plygs parading their duplicity. Maybe Kody and his Kuties have ruined any chance for believing what is shown? Maybe it is that Brady has an oily 'something' about him that is a turn-off. Dunno !
    One could speculate about the possible episodes like you did, CJ.
    I'll throw in Brady's dad coming through with the money *with* major demands which will mean big changes for the BB (Brady Bunch).

    Unfortunately, if a lead plotline will be "Is she or isn't she" for Nonie since we last saw her all spasmed out buying a pregnancy test, I would have trouble investing in that storyline.
    Nonie is about as annoying as Sobbin AND Christine together.

    When you posted about a break in the Brady saga in the previous thread, I thought maybe that TLC found out that Brady was in debt that badly and was canceling the show.
    Should have known better, **Of course**...they will milk this tale of woe, there's gold in it for both sides. No matter that facts will be tweaked to suit the script writers.
    And the family will be acting out the scripts as written.
    No matter at all !! Just bring on the Tears !!

    1. Amused... I agree with you. Brady is creepy in an overly self-important (and oily) way. His wife and their group of mistresses are (to me) even worse than the Kody Klutch.

      But the real kick in the ass is that TLC think we will fall for the same plyg crap with a new group. Instead, we will probably be pointing out all of the flaws, inconsistencies, gross communicable facial afflictions, adding children to a bankrupt family, what have you...

      Oops... sorry for blowing all of your upcoming story lines, tlc.

    2. We cannot assume the bankruptcy court will ignore the TLC money. Bankruptcy today is more complex than just "walking away" from your bills. (The laws have been tightened substantially over the years). Depending on when the bankruptcy hearing happened if they had TLC income at that point they may not have been able to do a Chapter 7 and may have had to do a Chapter13-in which case they would be put on a 5 year repayment plan and would have to pay a monthly amount deemed satisfactory by the bankruptcy trustee.This can vary widely. If they filed right before the TLC show money started coming in - they were probably advised by their attorney to do it ahead of time. But it seems to me creditors could go to the trustee anytime within that 5 year period (if they did a Chapter 13) and demand more money if it was learned they were making a substantial amount more money. In fact, in California, if you do a Chapter 13 you have to report if you win the lottery, get an inheritance, get a salary increase or some other kind of windfall until the debt is completely discharged in 5 years. It's also possible it was disharge of a business debt-but I agree it was probably just credit card debt to pay for life with all those mouths to feed.

  6. I dunno, a bankruptcy proceeding just doesn't strike me as a compelling storyline. Mostly it's filing papers and waiting for the date to appear in front of the trustee. It's not like they're going to go to the creditors and get their side of the story or anything.

    1. Unless its a fake thing, like "we have to prepare to meet with the bankruptcy judge" or maybe Brady's business is on the line because the debts were incurred for his business. It's not a compelling issue but they might try to make it seem like it is.

      It should definitely put a very quick stop to any adoption storyline, there is no way they can justify that expense. And Nonie may still end up pregnant, creating more financial issues for the family and the other wives will resent her.

    2. From what I understand, this bankruptcy was filed last September which was before the filming of season 1 but after the filming of the pilot (which was televised in September).

      What I find interesting is that 1)they are filming season two, and 2)it was "leaked" during filming of season 2 that the Williams filed for bankruptcy.

      Why wasn't this news last year after the pilot episode which aired the same month as the filing? I think the answer is it will definitely make for compelling, compassionate TV and the production company story writers ran with it.

      Like I said, Brady is being marketed as the antithesis of Kody. Sunday's episode confirms that this season the Browns true nature has been allowed to show - from Kody's extreme kockiness (Hey, I can speak Hebrew) to Christine's slips about not wanting to work if they get too much money or that polygamists like freebies.

      This may be the changing of the polygamist guard - from pompous Kody who's ready to bleed anyone dumb enough to cross his path, to financially challenged Brady as he attempts to keep his family together in the face of adversity - being out as polygamists and being financially challenged.

    3. "I dunno, a bankruptcy proceeding just doesn't strike me as a compelling storyline.", DJ, my friend, when did that ever stop TLC? You've actually created a fabulous fill in the blank: "I dunno, _______________ just doesn't strike me as a compelling storyline."

    4. Or we'll be treated to Brady sitting in the den, wearing a dressing gown and smoking a pipe while he philosophically ponders all of the challenges he faces.

    5. Or we'll be treated to Brady sitting in the den, wearing a dressing gown
      Lonie's or Paulie's?

    6. He'll have to rotate every night, of course! :D

    7. Compassionate? Not sure why I should feel compassion for a family who ran up hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt and then just walked away from it. I'm also guessing that they ran up those debts, knowing full well that they'd never pay them. Their game plan as it were.

      They'll walk away free and clear - I have absolutely NO sympathy for them. I MIGHT have SOME sympathy if those debts were due to someone having cancer or other severe medical issues that resulted in bills they couldn't pay, but I suspect it's mostly their credit cards and other consumer debt.

    8. "Why wasn't this news last year after the pilot episode which aired the same month as the filing? I think the answer is it will definitely make for compelling, compassionate TV and the production company story writers ran with it."

      Even if Brady had fudged his finances initially to TLC, and production of the pilot did go forward, but then the truth came question that TLC would see this development as an opportunity for ratings and new viewers,
      They may figure that they can capture new fans just based on a nice guy (who just happens to be a harem master of five) who is a bonofide working stiff, and now he is sadly down on his luck.A concept that a lot of people can relate to these days.
      And a concept which they could NEVER have sold about lazy ass, flim-flam Kody

      Brady will be very good at projecting the sad mouth, downward-eyed "geez, I just want everyone to be happy and fed" "He" will play his role very well. Not so sure the wives will be able to pull it off as convincingly. Maybe they will be inspired to keep sweet when the TLC checks start hitting their bank accounts.

      One thing is very clear, the Bradys knew what was expected of them in season one's eps. And they cooperated in familiar Brown fashion. Beefed up storylines, scripted events, pathos and tears....and cliffhangers. All the standard recipe.

    9. DakotaJustice many people in this country have filed bankruptcy for more than what Brady Williams has and I have a feeling they do not want or need your compassion! I have never filed for bankruptcy, but I know just because you file it isn't automatically approved. So give these people a break don't assume they are frauds who ran up their bills. I know plenty of monogamists who ran up their credit cards, lived in homes they knew they couldn't afford and simply walked away and left others to pick up the pieces when it all came apart. You just don't know for sure.

    10. Anon 11:59, I myself have filed for bankruptcy following my first divorce, more than 20 years ago (the ex opted not to pay his half of our joint debt and so the debtors went after me). So I know how it works (I couldn't even afford an attorney, I bought the Nolo Press book on how to file, completed all the forms, sent them to the trustee, and appeared at the hearing) although I'm sure the rules have changed/been tightened up since then, and I also know that it's not all the same story.

      I also didn't mention polygamy vs. monogamy. I'm pretty much done with that debate personally. Yes monogamists as well as polygamists file bankruptcy...the difference here is, that if CJ's theory is correct, not only will the Williamses walk away from their debt scot-free if the trustee grants their filing, but they will stand to profit from it being a storyline and keeping the TLC check coming in. And of course, they have four other adults who haven't filed (I'm assuming that it's just Brady and his legal wife) that still have their credit, such as it is.

      Just IMO.

    11. They had to hurry up and file so they could keep ALL of the tlc money. That way, if they weren't offered a show they'd be off the hook, BUT since they probably already knew the show was a go, this way they could avoid paying off their debt. How honorable.

      Of course, this is my opinion, which is based on the way things have happened as well as my agreement with other posters' thoughts.

    12. In regards to Brady's bankruptcy, 400 k is a lot of debt given their relatively modest lifestyle. I didn't see top of the line appliances or electronics, or designer clothes or sports cars, so I'm wondering if he was using personal credit cards to keep his business afloat. Maybe CPA Carol could comment, but I've seen this happen a lot with small businesses. Barrowing from Peter to pay Paul, not wanting to lay anyone off, hoping the next job will cover it...the debt can spiral quickly. All I know is their storyline better be authentic, whatever the case may be, I am so sick of the contrived bull that TLC has been forcing on us.

    13. "BUT since they probably already knew the show was a go, this way they could avoid paying off their debt. How honorable"

      Andrea, This is an ugly scenario, but I do align with the others who think this is likely.
      And If so, how *do* this people sleep ?? Insomnia? They earn it.

      And if not, and if TLC and the Williams family want any credibility for another season, something needs to said, something that is "truthful" about what and how Brady wound up this much in debt. And how they are sanctioned to continue the show, earning show $$, while owing this much to creditors.

      Hager's Harem,
      ..."whatever the case may be, I am so sick of the contrived bull that TLC has been forcing on us/"
      Yes !! Yes, indeed. it has reached a point with the Browns that you feel stupid for even continuing to watch. so if the Bradys are going to be just a replay of that TLC BS, it is insulting....again.

      Were it not for this blog and its predecessor. of which Cynical Jinx had a strong presence, there would be little reason left to contribute to the TLC Plyg ratings.

    14. I agree with you Amused, if it weren't for the good times on this blog, I would be beyond embarrassed for myself that I watch this show.
      I've been feeling particularly dirty and ashamed for continuing to watch the show after they got those McMansions. Hearing them cry poor while living in those houses is downright disgusting

    15. Until the bankruptcy is discharged, they have to claim all earnings, including funds that have been earned and not yet paid. The day after the bankruptcy is discharged, they can win the lottery and keep it all.

      If they do not list the TLC money, including the contracted amount after filing but before discharge, it is fraud. Bankruptcy fraud is one of the few crimes that seems to have an automatic jail sentence. Very few people walk away without jail time.

      BTW, I worked as a litigation paralegal for 15 years, before becoming disabled. We did not do bankruptcy work itself, but handled several contract disputes that involved bankruptcy, and I learned a lot from an investigator for a Trustee about how people hide their assets.

    16. Christina,

      And it certainly is in the realm of possibilities that Brady or any of them have sought and gotten advice on how to work the bankruptcy to their best interest.

  7. I think I watched 3 episodes of the Brady Bunch, but I didn't much care for them. I didn't like all the bedroom scenes, though I did like the idea of each wife feeding everyone one night a week. I thought their homes looked a lot like an old motel complex.

    I finally found this blog because I was looking for someplace to chat with others about the Browns trip to Missouri to meet the non-Mormon polygamous family. It seems to me that this was obviously set up by TLC, and the Richard family may be the next plygs on TLC.

    (Why is it that if one bridal dress show gains an audience, there are suddenly 4 or 5 different ones? And, how many Gypsy shows will people watch? I have only seen the promos, and have no interest in seeing the full length shows.)

    The only TLC show that I really, really enjoy is "The Little Couple" - and it is the only one that I feel isn't overly scripted by TLC. Of course the producers have some influence and suggestions about situations that could be presented, but I think that Jen & Bill have very strong/smart heads on their shoulders, and control a lot of what gets filmed. I was so impressed by their insistence of six weeks without cameras and extraneous visitors - so they could bond with Will when they first brought him home. They did it again with Zoey - saying goodbye to Kate (the nanny who went with them to India) at the airport when they arrived home from India. They showed the lead up to their first Christmas with the children, but no shots of Christmas morning. Their children are the most adorable, well behaved kids, and are very fortunate to have Jen and Bill as their parents.

    Now, back to the Browns/Richards visit. I felt very uncomfortable with that whole episode. Kody was even more clueless than usual - especially teasing the Richard boy about his red hair, etc. These kids have obviously not been exposed to cameras very much, and haven't been raised to the boisterous level of rough house and teasing that is commonplace in the Brown family. I also thought that the comments on the Browns' couch sessions (and some of their tweets) were very condescending to the Richard family.

    I recently started watching the first few seasons of Sister Wives on Netflix - up to the point of the histrionics about sneaking away in the night to move to Vegas. I don't think I can tolerate more of that. What really struck me is how pleasant Meri, Christine & Janelle seemed toward each other and to the children in those early episodes. I don't think I can re-watch the seasons with all the crying on the couch - though I will probably tune in if there is another season. At least the kids seem to be playing more with each other now that they are in the McMansions.

    I would like to see more footage of the older kids as they move away and go through college, though the kids will probably be smart if they abstain as much as possible. If I remember correctly, Logan stayed out of the picture as much as possible when he started at UNLV.

    Sorry to make such a long post, but I've been missing this community. Thanks again, Cynical Jinx for starting another blog.

    1. You're right about the Little Couple having a better show and a more sensitive format for their children, but let's look at whom we're dealing with. Jen and Bill have extensive education and were not raised in polygamy. I don't think any of the Browns went to school beyond high school. Did Robyn even graduate HS before she lost her cookie? I could be wrong - don't want to spread misinformation. Just take a look at the difference in their houses alone. Anyway, we are not comparing apples to apples here and the comparison just highlights how screwy the Browns and the other plyg families are.

    2. Great post!
      Clueless? I think we are seeing the Real Kody Brown as he calls himself on twitter. He's taking the mask off. And I'm sure he will only listen to his fans who say he has nothing to apologize for. Freaking racist.

  8. Just posted this at PTV, but I wanted to repost here...I need to say it.

    This just came to mind, it's been such a long time ago it was in the back of my memory. But I think it's the main reason why Kody's "Jew" friend remarks bug the crap out of me.

    My first (much older) husband was Jewish. His father escaped from Austria as a teen to the US to get away from the Nazis. Not all of his family was as lucky, at least a couple died in the concentration camps.

    I was at a family dinner party, and some of his surviving family was there - one chilling moment was meeting one of my then-husband's aunts and her showing me her concentration camp tattoo, still on her arm.

    Persecuted Kody? Grifting, making a living off your "lifestyle"? multiple bankruptcies, bleeding the beast aka us working Americans supporting you and your family? Pretending to have an agenda when it's really all about keeping the TLC checks coming in?

    Kody and Christine and Robyn (the worst of the adults) - you don't know what "persecution" IS. You talk about it, but you don't know SHIT. And I hope you read this, although I'm sure that you will just listen to your mindless fans who say you have nothing to apologize for. Screw you Browns.

    1. To be completely fair to the Browns, they come from a culture that has historically been persecuted, and violently so. In the 19th century, Mormons were unwelcome in monogamous communities. They were violently driven out of many areas and their property confiscated. This resulted in the strengthening of their isolation, and then they were persecuted for being "clannish." In the early days, these polygamists being persecuted were one and the same with the mainstream Mormon church.

      The Browns do not live in those terrible times, but as followers of the early Mormon beliefs, they have been taught from a young age to see themselves as righteous victims keeping alive the torch of the Principle. They were raised with a hyper-awareness of their history and a kind of cultural paranoia and mistrust of outsiders.

      But you are right; they do not know what true persecution is.

    2. "GOOD" post, DJ.

    3. Sister Kolobster,
      I see your point about the mormons being driven out; however, we cannot forget how those who were driven out massacred the wagon train of folks headed to CA from AR. They not only killed them in front of their children, those little children that survived were kidnapped by those who killed their parents and older siblings. While polygamists were driven out of some of the towns that they lived and many probably were killed (I do not know that information), to say they are persecuted is totally inappropriate and particularly considering that they are connotatively situating their "illegal to have multiple wives" with the same persecution as that of the Jewish people. To say we are a persecuted people is different when you consider what real persecution involves and what real genocide involves.

    4. Fantastic points by both DJ and Sister K. The early Mormons really were discriminated against and pretty universally despised in that era, primarily due to their practice of polygamy. They were seen as a threat to the norms of the day. So there was certainly persecution then, and in the 1950s, when the big Utah family breakup/arrests happened, that cemented the sense of being a particularly persecuted people.

      Does that history compare to the Holocaust? NO. Not in terms of horrific genocide and numbers of lives lost--absolutely NOT. And yes, the Mormons have a lot to answer for vis the Mountain Meadows Massacre. The Browns have carried on the tradition of whitewashing the facts and shifting their "truths" to fit the circumstances.

      I think what pisses us all off is that--regardless of whether or not the Mormon church and some of its adherents faced persecution at one time--the Kody Brown Family did NOT face true persecution (although they might have been in a position to be investigated for welfare fraud, but I digress...) Did they encounter some discrimination in Utah? I'm sure they did. Anyone who's not mainstream LDS in Utah is likely to eat a little of that pie--it's not really known as an extremely inclusive area!

      The Browns have a deep-seated need to portray themselves as martyrs for their faith, but it's bullshit. They were not hunted down. They did not face arrest for the practice of their religion. Every one of those adults is a flaming drama queen; I'm certain they always have been, but now they can parade their idiocy in front of a national television audience.

    5. Great post, DJ!

      When they talk about being "persecuted", it shows their true character -- small, petty and extremely self-centered.

    6. redwood, YES: "They have a deep-seated need to portray themselves as martyrs for their faith, but it's bullshit." YES. I totally agree.

      Anonymous 9:25, yes I am aware of the totality of Mormon history. It is also a characteristic of their history that they ignore the peskier parts of it.

      My post was not to excuse them, but to help explain that "deep-seated" part of their need to portray themselves as martyrs. It's a cultural imprint.

    7. Anon 1:29 pm, that happens here too, I am not Jewish but I know that the synagogues here get
      "tagged" by vandals fairly often. Usually swastikas. You rarely see that happen at other places of worship. One wonders why the intolerance?? In the end, we are all part of the same human race.

      I wonder if Kody and/or Christine (and let's add Robyn in there too as they are the three most "militant" about claiming persecution) has ever seen the film "The Pianist" with Adrian Brody. Let them watch that, and then try and compare their "tribulations" to what the Polish Jewish population had to endure. There's no comparison.

      And back to the topic of the Browns being kind of dissing regarding the Missouri family - I remember something posted not too long ago, it might have been CJ who said that the AUB doesn't WANT polygamy legalized because THEY want to be the only ones allowed to practice it. For their so called religious reasons. Yup. It was clear to me, anyway, that there is more religion in my non-church-attendng pinky toe than there is in all three of those Missouri adults. and like Kody, the "husband" totally gets off on the power and the attention. That's what it boils down to. All they are really, are baby mamas and husbands whose legal wives tolerate them sleeping with other women.

    8. Nailed it Dakota Justice. This is all about men latching onto a belief system to justify getting to have relations with multiple women.

  9. Brady and his five make me as nauseous as Kody and his four. While I can tolerate the antics of the Brown Clowns, the Bradys just make me angry. He is such a misogynist and his wife are so beaten down that it makes me feel so badly. The heavier set one seems to have such a low self esteem and I just cannot watch that woman fall apart. The fertility issues that plague Meri seem to be a theme in almost every plyg family that we've seen. The issues they deal with seem to all deal with are the following: 1) jealousy, 2) loneliness, 3) poverty, 4) insomnia, 5) obesity or being overweight, 6) fertility issues, 7) worry, 8) getting their fair share, 9) inability or prohibition of self expression, 10) anger. These are things that monogamous couples deal with too but the difference is that we don't deal with them while our significant other is sleeping with other women. I don't think that Christine, who seems obsessed with calling monos boring, quite understands the definition of exciting versus boring in the context of plygs and monos. If her excitement is the constant gut wrenching pain that comes from having the man you love go sleep with one of the three women who live next door, then yes, she has me beat. If her excitement comes from dealing with her children's problems while her husband is helping one of the three women with their children, then, yes, she has an exciting life; if her excitement comes from her having to take her grocery money to go see her father while the man she loves is taking one of the three women he sleeps with to Mexico, then, yes, again, she has a more exciting life than I; and I could go on but the idea is that I think Christine has defined excitement in relationship to her very complicated relationship with her husband and complications are not excitement. I think when plyg wives talk about all the excitement, they are sadly talking about drama. Monos, on the other hand, see the excitement that comes from commitment and that comes from dependability. My husband and I were talking and he said to me that he didn't understand how the man could neglect his wife and children in such a manner. So, for him, he sees the downfall much like I do in terms of neglect.

    1. It's possible that infertility would not be a problem if your husband was sleeping with you alone every night. If you get one out of four nights and you are not super fertile, your chances of getting pregnant are much slimmer.

    2. "I think when plyg wives talk about all the excitement, they are sadly talking about drama."

      Excellent point !! And one which vested Plyg women cannot understand.

    3. Anon 6:54 AM - B-I-N-G-O!!! I think what you posted sums everything about this train wreck we watch unfold before our eyes. If I could give you a "Gold Star" for such an excellent post, I would : )

    4. Anon 7:21, I totally agree about the chances of getting pregnant are not helped when the man is sleeping around. If Kody has had sex every three or four nights with Meri, and has had sex the other nights with the other wives, who's to say that those swimmers aren't exactly abundant or strong. I know I had trouble conceiving and after we did the gauntlet of fertility tests, the doctor had us abstain from sex for eight days previous to my expected ovulation day. Bingo...worked like a charm. I'm not saying that all fertility issues can be resolved that easily but Kody could have considered that when Meri was trying to have another child.

    5. Anonymous 7:21am

      I think you have a valid point. I have read in some FLDS books that many wives take ovulation pee tests. Thus when ovulating they spend more nights with the husband.

  10. I can honestly say after watching the Brown family and Brady's family, polygamy looks like one of the worst ways a woman could ever live! Why they think living that life makes them special is beyond me!
    It makes them sad and pathetic..that's about it...
    The only woman that I think could make it on her own is of course Janelle....but for whatever reasons she stays......maybe for the kids.......
    And the family from Missouri was confusing to's like the 2nd wife is just there to take care of the guy's neediness when 1st wife is busy doing something for him!
    Strange, strange way to live!

    1. Before this episode aired, the family was not public about their being in a dual marriage. (Lucky man, only has two women to make happy.) Has anyone heard whether their coming out has had any public responses?

  11. I've seen some comments here about Robyn's unenthusiastic glares during the Richards encounters. But IMO, she is coming off as very pretentious. She is a famous TV star and entrepreneur now and standing in the Richards kitchen eating off of a paper plate is beneath her. I could just imagine the car convos between all of the Brown stains to/from locations.

    Anyone else here think Kody ran the sharing bedroom idea past the wives after their visit lol?

    1. i agree shutuprobyn..i thought the exact same it was to close to the poverty she escaped . She was fiddling with the string on her blouse. She is too good for that now.

  12. OK, lets just put this out there.... This family they went to see in Missouri, was just a joke. My jaw dropped on the floor when I realized that they had already had 8 children before he married his second wife...what a C R E E P!!! Plain and simple the guy wanted more hoochie coochie and his exhausted wife who was busy keeping up with 8 children couldn't jump when he said he looked elsewhere...period. It was so so obvious AND she didn't care, whatever it took to keep him happy and to make sure he didn't leave her with 8 mouths to feed. Then when the new girl came along the jealousy was too much for her to handle, but she knew what would bring her back closer to her husband...ding ding ding...a baby!! As she stated there were many health issues and she should not have had anymore and could not understand why she was a person that could have children, but with many health problems and the other wife can't have them at all.

    I think this family even creeped the Browns the way, I really think the Browns were actually very rude with some of their comments that were added after all the filming. If I was that family and watching the show on Sunday, I would be not very happy with the outcome and how they are perceived by the Browns or with the editing of the show.

    If anyone is taking a poll or if any "producers" or tv people are reading this blog...mark me down as someone who would NOT watch a show with THAT family...too disturbing.

    1. Just a Thought, I totally agree with you. The only thing that I would add is that the second wife brought value in terms of her earning potential to help feed his wife and eight kids or child care value, which still is earning potential, so she added monetary value in one form or another.

    2. I was equally creeped out by that family, as well as Kody who thought their weirdness was "cute".

      And... didn't anyone notice the wife had cold sores? I can't be the only one who noticed.

    3. From Just a Thought: "Plain and simple the guy wanted more hoochie coochie and his exhausted wife who was busy keeping up with 8 children couldn't jump when he said he looked elsewhere...period."

      I was astonished when the first wife even explained it that way - that he said he wished there was another Rebecca(?) who could cuddle with him on the couch while his current Rebecca was in the kitchen baking cookies.

      According to her, she said "No Way" in the beginning, but he kept bringing it up, until she finally agreed. I hope that she and wife #2 really do get along pretty well, and that wife #2 is a help with the kids and the cooking. I thought it was interesting that we weren't shown more of the inside of their house - and no comments about each wife having her own bedroom. Is it possible that *they* are the ones who share a bedroom - (not just "some people" they know? The thought of that really creeps me out.

      I also thought it was kind of odd that there wasn't any coverage of where the Browns spent the nights. They just came back to the Richards' home in the morning (or maybe met them the day they went to the Boone Homestead). All in all - a VERY WEIRD episode! I hope TLC is receiving enough of a backlash that the Richard family won't appear on their upcoming schedule.

    4. They drove the rvs there so they slept in the rvs and Meri and Robyn were at a local motel in town.

    5. "I was astonished when the first wife even explained it that way - that he said he wished there was another Rebecca(?) who could cuddle with him on the couch while his current Rebecca was in the kitchen baking cookies."

      EXACTLY, Ladybug! What a selfish, hurtful way to bring up the idea of plural marriage. (Get off your lazy behind and make a fun memory out of making dinner and/or cookies together!) If he did indeed feel called to have more than one wife, that sure wasn't the best way to broach the subject. (Also, how hurtful to be the wife working away in the kitchen to make something special for your family while your husband is laying on the couch, petting another woman?)

    6. He fell for the babysitter. So cliche, but he had to spin it to make it into a religious epiphany to make himself feel better.


    7. "I was astonished when the first wife even explained it that way - that he said he wished there was another Rebecca(?) who could cuddle with him on the couch while his current Rebecca was in the kitchen baking cookies."

      "He fell for the babysitter. So cliche, but he had to spin it to make it into a religious epiphany to make himself feel better."

      This was the part that creeped me out the most. I've run into real life "polyamorous" people several times and I have yet to see a plural relationship that was not unhealthy, abusive, deceitful and dishonest. Every single time, the person at the center of the relationship- the person with multiple partners that is, has always been manipulative and controlling and a self centered egotistical bully.
      That goes for Kody Brown too. Always, the person at the center is emotionally immature and controlling but always very childish because they have to have what they want when they want and how they want. This extends to who they want. Spoiled selfish brats like this just want someone to treat them like an infant king with one spouse to feed them and another to pleasure them in bed and another to mind their kids and another to bring in extra money and do the chores. What it really comes down to is the extra partners are NOT valued for who they are but rather what they can do for the person at the center.

      In Richard's case, he didn't value his first wife as a person. He wanted "another Rebecca".
      Anyone who values and loves their spouse knows there's no such thing as another of them. They are unique and irreplaceable and that is why we marry them. We value this person's company above all other people and so we promise to be with them and only them for the rest of our lives. This is why most people find plural marriage, whether done for religious purposes or just because they're "poly" to be abborhant. We can't imagine anyone else taking the place our spouse has.

      This guy just saw his wife in terms of what she could provide for him- not valuing her for who she is.
      The fact that he kept pressuring her until she said yes and twisting religious scripture to fit his aim should show what a morally bankrupt person he is. It isn't even just Abrahamic faiths that people like this use to get what they want. I'm Pagan and I've seen in the last ten years a sudden upsurge in the amount of people calling themselves Pagan and "poly" or plygs. They use the community as a hunting ground for extra partners. Pagans tend to be open minded and liberal and because of this they don't want to be "hypocrites" for calling out these emotionally unhealthy people or behaviors as they are also seeking tolerance for being different. In my experience, they are twisting Paganism's tolerance the same way that the Richards are twisting the Bible. I once watched a documentary on a Jewish man who kept a harem of wives on a farm. I believe it was in England although I might be wrong. So it seems any religious faith can be used to excuse polygamy.

  13. Kody's response to the irate Boston tweeter was priceless. No Kody, you didn't have a public speaking engagement in Boston- you came to film a segment for your "reality" show in your pal Rev. Danni's theology class. A totally scripted panel discussion with an audience of captive students and curious faculty- I don't think they would ever attend an event where they might actually have to answer real questions! After shooting a couple more scenes strolling around Harvard & publicly mocking our Boston accent they thankfully flew away.
    Oh, and advice to my fellow Bostonian,,, King Kody is protected by a gaunlet of 4 crazed sister wives. Do not engage them if he comes for a visit and is spotted pahking his cah at Hahvuhd!
    (P.S. Why do the Browns think we have a funny accent?!)

    1. Boston Corgi,
      I would rather have an accent than butcher the English language the way they do. And I agree, they did not have a speaking engagement...they filmed a segment and had a faculty member who may have just wanted to be on TV contact them. It was all staged.

    2. Speaking of butchering the English language...what was with the "throwed rolls"?

    3. Speaking of butchering the English language...what was with the "throwed rolls"?
      Guess you'll have to blame Norman Lambert for that one.

    4. True, CJ, about the throwed rolls. But I'm blaming Kody for blurting that the "seder" prayer in "Hebrew" was FUNNER.

    5. Don't forget Christine arguing with a docent who was dressed and in character at Plymouth.

      That "Throwed" rolls bugged me too.

    6. Lambert 's Cafe is a small chain in the south whose advertising gimmick is "Home of the throwed rolls".

    7. The throwed rolls are delicious!

    8. I've been to that chain and the thrown roll concept is a little goofy, but fun!

  14. Although I found a number of Kody's tweets about the sader dinner to be disrespectful, I do have to commend each family's attempt to teach their children about other world religions and their traditions. Unfortunately, despite any good intentions, the Browns seem to always miss the mark in the delivery and end up offending half their viewers. Hopefully, Kody understands why he is receiving the backlash from his mispronounced Hebrew prayer, so he can improve his own world view and become more culturally sensitive person in general.

    Regarding the Brady Williams bankruptcy, if their filing happened in September, I am surprised that it wasn't leaked by a tabloid during season 1. Guess they aren't terribly news worthy. They better be above board on everything, or I predict that Brady will be sharing a cell with Juicy Joe and his Jersey housewife, Teresa by season 4;)

    1. They better be above board on everything, or I predict that Brady will be sharing a cell with Juicy Joe and his Jersey housewife, Teresa by season 4;)

      Nobody, not even Kody Brown, could surpass the hubris of Teresa and Juicy Joe filing bankruptcy after being filmed for RHoNJ - and not thinking that film could harm their "case" until it was too late. Dumb.

    2. I agree that teaching kids to be inclusive and curious about other beliefs is a good thing. Bungling their way through their own clumsy attempt to re-create the religious rites of other faiths is hubris. Maybe next week the Browns can have a Catholic mass, complete with holy communion! Kody can wear a chasuble and fumble the Latin. Then play bad puppy on Twitter.

    3. As an Irish Catholic raised in a predominantly Jewish neighborhood, in a very religiously diverse part of NY, I am really uncomfortable when people misappropriate or co-opt another faith's ceremonies or celebrations, and here is is unnecessary. There are synagogues or even Chabad houses in every major city in the country that go out of their way to invite people of all faiths or no faith to participate with them in various holidays. Its an amazing experience I've done it many times in my life. When someone who isn't Jewish has a "symbolic" seder, I don't think it shows cultural awareness as much as it shows how little they really understand the meaning of the event. IMO real understanding and respect comes from engaging with other faiths on their terms, not throwing together a "do it yourself" Passover party. Plus it would make for better tv to see the Browns really explain their faith to people who believe differently.
      (sorry if I offended anyone with this post, but this has been bothering me since the Brown's DIY Chanukah two years ago)

    4. Let's not forget Janelle dressed up as a nun for Halloween.

      I can just imagine the Browns having Mass. They'd probably use holy water for communal wine. And proceed to lecture a priest on the history of the Catholic church.

    5. Yes Hagar's Harem..great post. Plus the Brown's have decidedly left out alot of their own faith
      explanations and doctrine only to co-opt other religious practices like they are so open and non descriminatory. I think Kody went to far in saying a prayer in Hebrew on national television. Like Christine once said Kody is such an idiot, we all think his antics are idiotic.

    6. Hagar's Harem - I agree - There is an appropriate way to learn about and participate in religions that you do not practice. The Brown's and the Richard's were acting like children, pretending to have a seder meal.

    7. However, the Jewish history is also the Christian history. It cannot be forgotten that these traditons are shared by both religions as Christianity is born of Judaism. I do not think that partaking of the traidtions poorly on television is a good idea, however practicing traidtitions is not wrong.

    8. I didn't catch the Seder as they practiced it but it is in the Old Testament. The last supper was a Seder and parts of it are recreated at mass daily. In catholic school we actually did a Modified Seder of sorts so we could understand the basics of it. The four questions. The symbolism of the food. It was by no means authentic. But we can't be completely ignorant of something that is still practiced today. Jesus was Jewish and he did it. I do not understand why we no longer do so many rituals? Hagar wasn't a wife. And she was cast out. Jacob wanted one wife. The other three were not his idea. The tradition came from Sara's culture and her son and grandson married from her people and those wives and Laban were the reasons polygamy happened for Jacob. They followed other gods. People of the Jewish faith do not practice it today. If anyone knows the Old Testament.. We not longer sacrifice animals for various life events either. If Meri has an affair they will not stone her. There are all sorts of things commanded that just aren't done by the Jewish community. Or the FLDS community. Or the AUB community. It has nothing to do with the Old Testament for the Browns. It's a revelation by Joseph Smith. AND his descendants swear he didn't follow through with it. That Brigham Young really embraced and pushed the practice, which did not even extend to everyone when he took over most the group after Joseph Smiths death and took them further west. Some of them went back east. There were monogamist Mormons in those early years among the now LDS. The Community of Christ, another flavor of mormon never practiced it. Their justification is shaky at best.

  15. I am gobsmacked by Kody's tweet that the Richards are "cute about their weirdness." 1. How dare he? 2. I don't think their weirdness is cute--I think it's weird. 3. Kody's weirdness isn't cute, either.

    1. Kody seems oblivious to the fact he also fits into that "weird" catagory.

  16. Oh, and CJ, love your take on Janelle's tweet about the rolls. I went right there with you. Mm hm.

  17. What is with all the tweets about Kody's hair? Enough already Kody, no matter how hard you try, YOU ARE NOT SAMMY HAGAR!!!

    1. Hmmmm you might be onto something there. Maybe Kody's attempting to be the plyg Sammy. He even has a bad motor scooter (yeah I know...). unfortunately he lacks 1)ambition 2) talent and 3) personality. but he is attempting to grow out his scraggly hair.

  18. Off Topic...if that's OK. There was a film on Channel 5 UK TV this afternoon....Escape From Polyamy.
    Thinly veiled...obviously about Warren Jeffs and Co. The Prophet was called "Ervil Barlow". Included a young girl, aged about 14/15 who had been made pregnant by the prophet....she died in childbirth...the women attending her wouldn't send for medical help when it was obvious she needed it..... She was called "Esther Jessop".The film included a youg girl about 17 who arrived with her mother into the group after the girl's father had died (elsewhere) The Prophet decided he wanted the girl for his next wife, but she and his son had fallen for each the prophet took his son, and dumped him in the desert, miles from anywhere........eventually after more brutality, from the "Prophet"...he (the Prophet) was shot dead by one of the other priesthood men......and was said to have "gone to Mexico.... sound familiar?

    1. Wasn't that the movie starring Tom Cruise's cousin William Mapother as the prophet?

    2. Yes that's it, I think it came out last year originally on Lifetime Movie Network?

  19. Ironic since Tom Cruise has exclusionary practices in who he associates with along religious lines. William takes the fifth when asked. Not too different the FLDS groups.

    1. Why does Mapother need to answer for his cousin? Big deal if he doesn't want to talk about Tom. William Mapother is an excellent actor who happens to also have a famous actor cousin. At least he still has the Mapother nose and name he was born with unlike his famous cousin.

    2. He said when asked about whether he was a member that he didn't want to answer because of how Tom is out there about it and the consequences of that, but he is glad to hear people asking questions about it. I'm assuming he is based on that and how many movies he happened to be in with his cousin. In this example he is playing a prophet who keeps himself and his followers away from the rest of society and shuns those who leave or those who are forced out. In real life anyone who left that church too will be shunned. I just find it ironic. I personally hate shunning whether it's Amish, orthodox, Fringe Mormon group, or Scientology.

    3. For goodness sakes it was a fictional tv movie based on a few incidents from the newspapers. Why you're trying to put CoS and fundamentalist Mormonism in the same pot is beyond me. Moslems shun too, by the way, and other religions, political groups etc do too!

    4. I believe I pointed out several religious groups. Muslim is the word you are looking for. I didn't think they shun? It couldn't have been must of a stretch for the actor. Escape from polygamy was based on a more than a just a few newspaper articles. It is fictional. But so was North and South, there was indeed slavery and a civil war. Both groups are secret. Both groups shun those who leave. A criticism of the FLDS groups is that they are cut off and that they cut off former members. That means families who leave are not given the time of day from those who remain. Who no longer speaks with a person who changes to democrat or republican?

    5. Muslim is the word you are looking for
      Either spelling is correct in my living room as we all can figure out either word means a follower of Islam.

      Escape from Polygamy was a FICTIONAL TV MOVIE. Sorry, but I can't base real world situations on a made for tv movie, or a theatrical film unless it is noted as being a documentary...and even then I might be skeptical.

      Who no longer speaks with a person who changes to democrat or republican?
      Political affiliations are different from religious, but I wager if you were to Google search you may find some examples.

      It's time to call it a day on this topic.

    6. Let me confirm Muslims don't shun, at least not in any formal, religiously mandated way. I've got several relatives who've left the religion and many others who aren't at all observant and they've not been "cast out." Maybe gossiped about, but I'm pretty sure that's common to all religions.
      Source: my Muslim life.

  20. I'm watching the episode now, and it already starts with Kondescending Kody: ..Biblical polygamists who practice polygamy because it's not condoned in the bible, I don't really know... A.k.a. why would you do it dumbass, I do it so I become a God of my own planet... but you?!?!

    Truely was adorable shaking that little boys hand, just pure cuteness...

    "them" "christians": great for a drinking game

    Can't stand this anymore!!! But waiting to see the "seder".

    That bite thing is kind of cute in a way... And of course Kody has to mock it on the kouch! Robyn has to konfirm it to gain cookie points with Kody.

    Kody, teach me about Judaism!

    "barooooooooooch attta xx elohennoo mellek haolammmm boray puhree hagafffen amen"

    That's about the worst I've ever heard!!!!

    Now I just can't anymore.... I'm leaving it on but will be doing something else instead.

    I can't watch this mess no more.

  21. The bite thing altogether in the Brown house would be chaos. Hello Meri? this is Janelle, hold on while i get Robyn and Christine and Kody on conference call and all of the kid's, now one..two..three, eat! That would be a 24 hour a day job.

    1. And when they're emotionally overeating, can you imagine!
      I'm about to devour a tray of on Fritos.. Grab something to have a bite... Dammit janelle it's 2am!

    2. I think it's emotional AND habitual - I can be the same way. Hard habit to break!

    3. It is a hard habit to break. Janelle seems to think about food a lot. When she first started the weight loss story and was blogging i remember reading that she asked Maddie to pick her up a frozen lasagna and a garlic bread, Maddie talked her down and Janelle said she ended up having a salad and chicken from her fridge. In addition to eating emotionally the nutrition or food choices were poor. So much easier to grab processed food. For all of the work she has put in in the gym she is sabatoging herself by not changing food choices

  22. What if the Richard's family had traveled to Lehi to see the Brown's before the McMansion days, would they be calling them weird or backwoods?

  23. Last night on TLC, there was a preview for next Sunday. Aspyn is on the telephone and asks - Is Robyn pregnant and then it shows Robyn making a face.

    1. I don't know. TLC always teases about an upcoming episode and usually never delivers. I have a feeling someone on the phone said Robyn has an announcement and it turns out to be .....(two can play at that game!)

    2. I would be less than surprised if the Big Announcement Cliffhanger is that Robyn has a bun in the oven. I mean, isn't that her supposed main reason for joining this commune to begin with - to squeeze out more Brown get? People should be amazed they waited so damn long. Of course, IMO, Kody and Browns and Producers were just waiting until they NEEDED a "story line". They were saving The Baby Story Part Deux for when they needed it.

    3. I don't know ... the pregnancy announcements still work for the Duggars. Anytime there's a big announcement, either Michelle or Anna is pregnant. Of course, now that the kids are courting and marrying, that is more the focus. Once Jill becomes pregnant (any day now), TLC is sure to do a "very special episode."

  24. Some real ranch hand's insight by KoDouche. Goats eat less than cows and horses. Amazing. They are about 1/10th their size, but since KoDouche lived on a ranch, he knows that. I never lived on a ranch, but I do have common sense and would like to think I could have deduced that on my own. But since KoDouche has no common sense, he feels he has to share that like it's insider info that only ranchers would know. Cuz he's so special.

    1. goats may eat less, but they eat EVERYTHING and ANYTHING! They are not pleasant. Very destructive to property.

    2. goats may eat less, but they eat EVERYTHING and ANYTHING! They are not pleasant. Very destructive to property.

      Hey anon 8:50, sounds like you're describing Kody!

  25. Thoughts on Robyn: Now I can't stand Robyn as much as the next gut but...what if Robyn was just plain old exhausted on this trip. If she is indeed pregnant then that whole roadtrip must have been like torture (it was for me, and I wasn't even there or pregnant). Then they arrive, late in the day, and go straight to this house, which is small and cramped (I felt anxiety just watching them all cram in). She has looked pale and sickly this whole season. She has been miserable and bitchy (that %#&8 snow). She was practically laying down in the "throwed rolls" restaurant.
    OTOH she is judgey, and above it all, so I have no sympathy for her. Remember when Kody praised her for being so sweet all the time? Well,that's over.

    Also, I am really bothered how easily idiot Kody discusses and explains other religions like he is trying to educate. He isn't even remotely qualified to take on this task.And why?? Have them visit a Jewish family if they want to participate in a Seder. Pretty sure he couldn't showboat that way.
    This was a Christian family..the whole reason for the trip was to learn about them.
    All the while he NEVER gives any real info about his own religion. Never even naming it. I'm sure this stems from the AUB not allowing their name or practices to be discussed on his ridiculous show. But I don't think he'd be okay with someone of another faith( Christian,Jewish etc. ) "explaining" HIS beliefs on TV. He would be outraged.
    I liked how Brady and wives openly said the church name. Of course they are no longer members so nothing to lose for them.
    I am tired of Kody's know it all approach to everything. Truth be told..he knows very little.
    What is that saying: "It's better to remain quiet and thought a fool,than to open your mouth and remove all doubt". Maybe they need this added to their collection of wall quotes.

    1. "Then they arrive, late in the day, and go straight to this house, which is small and cramped "

      But do we rally *know* if they arrived on that day?
      Would we know if they had already gone to the RV camp and hotels and did their staged arrival the next day or whenever?
      Since the cameras were already at the other house, who knows just when that all took place. The editing magicians can make anything look like what they want things to be.
      In Kodyworld TV, all may not be what it seems !!

      And...poor pale and wan Sobbin slept in hotels each night.

    2. Did anyone else have a kid in their class for whatever reason (nerdy, chubby, poorer, bad at sports or any of the labels school age children use) over compensated a 'shortcoming' by being a 'know it all'.
      More often than not, they weren't actually well versed in their topics and sometimes resorted to lying or bravado...does that kid grow into Kody?
      Am I the only one who remembers that kid? I remember being really annoyed at that kid, thinking if they could only stop talking they'd probably be 'okay'. Even as a kid I thought that behavior was sad.

    3. Agreed, kimbagirl, re Robyn and being tired in this Epi due to pregnancy. However, if this is the season cliff-hanger then I'm probably gonna sign off from watching on a consistent basis next season, as this is not enough to keep my interest. We've already seen Robyn pregnant, and I'm not making light of it, but I really want a storyline with more meat and gristle. Come on TLC, you're better than this constant soft-pedaling.

    4. When they went on the previous RV trip, they acted like they were learning stuff about Brigham and Joseph that was all new to them. Being a Christian, I surely can't explain everything in the Bible or give you all the details of the history of my faith; however, if I were going on national TV to promote my beliefs, particularly one that's steeped in controversy, I'd like to think that I'd be educated about it - at least more than the average Christian on the street. I actually think some people on these forums and the old blog know more than these people who practice it. While that's not uncommon (some non-Christians may know Biblical history better than me), my point is you're on TV promoting it and holding yourself up as the paragon of truth. Educate yourself. At least know more than your critics.

    5. I don't think Kody was a know it all nerdy person in school. When they went back to his hometown several of his classmates remarked that he was flashy, attention hungry and possibly gay. Even his mother described him as willful, because he refused to get off a hot water heater burning himself in the process.

      Now that Kody is an adult, he certainly overcompensates his masculinity, talking about man cards or having 4 wives as opposed to 2. I see his saying the Hebrew prayer (because he knows Hebrew) the same as when he said he was going to drop a bomb and then told how he picked out Robyn's dress. Come to think of it, he got exactly the same reactions. The Robyn wedding dress, Christine got extremely upset and left the set and he apologized for not thinking it out. For the Hebrew prayer, he had to apologize on twitter to the Jewish people who were offended saying he was just a kid from Wyoming.

    6. I actually felt kind of sorry for all of the wives for having to go on this ridiculous road trip together. I felt really bad for the kids too. The entire trip seemed miserable. A hint for TLC, if you want to make the show interesting, have Kody take each wife on a quick trip somewhere fun. Then film the other wives while they are alone at home complaining.

    7. I don't think that Kody was a nerdy high schooler. He was a state champion in wrestling. Even if his friends did think he was a little off, they would not have said so to his face. He was strong. He was athletic. In high school that is enough to get you by. In adulthood, not so much. I suspect he misses the adulation he got used to in school.

    8. I definitely think Robyn looked like she was in the middle of first trimester sickness on the trip. The way she freaked out about the snow, the way she just looked queasy and tired at the restaurant, and the fact that she's sleeping in a hotel all seem to point to it.

  26. Oh, I almost forgot! Christine, we all asked you nicely to stop with the tired monogamy digs. We get think it makes you cute. She is the last one that still does this and even the others look like they wish she'd stop.
    When she speaks of the "fun" that plygs have, she is speaking as though she is still a child.In many ways she still is This is another contradiction, as she also says her childhood was lonely and scary. ?? We're confused or scary?
    Her life as an adult plyg isn't so much fun anymore..was it ever?

    1. Christine acts like she is bipolar. She wants us to think she is all motherly and sweet but she was very sharp with Gwendlyn (told her to shut up so she could talk about a blue ray player) and Pardon last episode. Ysabel never smiles around her either. Who thinks Mykelti is moving in with a boyfriend?

    2. I think Mykelti is just getting the heck out of there while they have a chance and the money is coming in for their parents. They are not dumb kids, they have experienced A LOT and they know that there is going to be an end to this "fun money" and they certainly know that their parents have not been putting away for the future. So while the kids can still call home and ask for some $$$$$ they need to establish themselves with secure jobs before "Papa Kody" tells them "guess what, we're broke, I have to file for bankruptcy" you are on your own.....they know it's coming.

    3. Christine needs meds. The way she goes from speaking softly to screaming things is weird and grating. She seems like she could have been a fun, happy lady had she chosen monogamy, but as it is she's a wreck. Her fake happiness seems to have won Kody back for now, so I guess that is why she's acting like this. I bet her poor kids feel the brunt of her rage when Kody and the cameras are not around. Aspyn probably feels obligated to come back and check on her younger siblings.

    4. That sing-songy screaming drives me craAAAAAZZZZZYYYYY!

    5. I am a firm believer that every moment of this show is a poorly acted poorly written script... I think Christine tries to be funny and animated and once the footage comes out of editing she is made to seem even nuttier than she is...All the adults are made to look like caricatures of their former selves. Thete hadn't been an authentic moment in years (and its getting worse)

    6. It iS getting worse, and what is even worse than that is if they are renewed for yet another season, now wondering just how much worse it can possibly get !!

      You would think that after FOUR seasons, they would at the very least have acquired some small bit of acting savvy. Not expecting that of Kody, because he is so full of himself that he doesn't need "to act" like anything but what he is.... a puffed up, self-absorbed idiot who is fascinated with himself.

      However, obviously the wives still struggle to play their roles and act out the scripts without becoming instant snark material. That recent scene with Meri being oh, so nervous and tentative to show Kodyboy her acceptance letter to take a few college courses was just laughable in its phoniness. She was so insanely poor acting that script !!
      You're right, Hager, it has been years, four to be exact, of one episode after another of ridiculously staged BS. And if they had the capacity to be shrewd, as the saying goes, they would smirking all the way to the bank. But they aren't even that bright.
      They seem to actually believe they are stars now, deserving of fans hanging on their every word and moment of life, no matter how contrived it all is.

    7. Christine's high-pitched screechy laugh makes me insane. It's partially confused, partially awkward, partially nervous, partially painful and wholly fake.

      It sets my teeth on edge.

    8. When Meri and Christine were saying stuff about how they have alot more 'fun' than monogamists, I wanted to tell them.. thats what we have friends for! You don't have to be married/ in the same family as them to hang out and have fun. By the looks of things, the wives don't get out much with friends, they probably don't have many due to being tied up breeding with Kodouch since the age of 20.

    9. They don't even have that much fun together. Once in a while they have a big family get together and have fun. Nothing new - most people get together with a large group of people - family, friends, both and have fun. They don't seem to like each other. When asked about their closeness, they always give very guarded, hesitant answers. When ever they are going to do something together, they always say they don't know what to expect - really - aren't you going to have fun together? I would expect them to say - I LOVE these women, I don't know what I would do without them. They don't. They are very dysfunctional.

  27. Christine's polygamy digs make me think she really wishes she was a monogamist.

    1. Much like Kody's 'man card', I think Christine doth proclaim too much.
      It reminds me of a GOT scene where Tywin Lannister tells the boy king 'if a man needs to tell the world over and over that he IS KING, he most likely is not'.
      Read a book Kody...or watch a show that isn't your own.

    2. I think that when it comes to polygamy, Christine has a superiority complex. Unfortunately for her, that bravado of hers wears thin when one observes the wear and tear of their lifestyle choice showing on their faces and their bodies.

    3. It is ironic because out of the 4 wives, Christine's life is the one I would want the least. Also, if being a plyg meant I couldn't talk to my mom for years, count me out.

    4. Christine tries so hard to convince herself and everyone else that she is happy but she is doing a horrible job. I go from being annoyed and angry with her to feeling sad for her. I think that she has a mean streak in her and does that sing songy voice to make up for it. The show is too boring now. I want to what these women are like when not being put in made up storylines.

  28. I agree with the others about the Richards husband, using religion as an excuse to bring in the 2nd woman. When they contemplated polygamy, they didn't consult their church or priest. There don't seem to be other polygamous families in their parish or religious community. They don't mention any type of religious ceremony or sealing, either. Their justification was ultimately only the husband's Bible interpretations and some online chat room they discovered.

    One of the Kodettes asked the 2 women if they consider themselves sisterwives, and they said that they don't use that term and don't think of themselves that way. Too bad - they're the MSWC's target market. Good thing the Browns didn't waste their time writing a business plan.

  29. Chrisines comment that Truely tends to be a "scared" child, i wonder why that is? Has Christine instilled in her, her own fears? I know she said Truely came at the righttime for a "focus" for her, considering Kody married Robyn at the same time. Meri's focus was Mariah. They all have to have something to focus on because they are all single moms.

  30. I found sunday's episode really odd and it gave me a bad feeling :( .. I agree that the Richards guy used the religion excuse to get another woman... and I don't see why the kids are shunned as all the kids were from one mom ... idk .. just got really creeped out it almost felt painful to watch this episode... and yes I also think they must share a bedroom as there are 9 kids ..... where is everyone sleeping????? looked like a real small house to me! .... I feel like none of the sister wives were engaged at all ... only Christine, but it seemed forced.... I think they need to call it a day with this show ..... I felt season 1 was real , and it went downhill from that point forward..... I also hope Christine wasn't holding truly under all those blankets! what is up with them! it seems they put being mom's on the backseat to being on tv! If they renew I may not watch it anymore ... they are done as far as I'm concerned .......

    1. I bet the kids are shunned in their local community because everyone there already knows and think dad and the moms are creepy. I feel super bad for the kids.

  31. I don't think Robyn's pregnant, do you? I mean they film a few months behind,, right? Surely someone would have noticed her belly unless she followed Kim K's advice and hid in her house with a blanket. LOL.

  32. I know what is wrong with the Brown wives. They are "closet monogamists".

    1. Ding ding ding! I think we have a winner! Guess they are only practicing polygamy to have more fun? lol

    2. It's funny because 3 out of the 4 wives started out in monogamist relationships ...( I can't remember how long Meri managed to keep Kody all to herself!). Since they now spend their days in a jealous chaotic competition with other "wives", I wonder if there are times they actually kind of miss that boring monogamy?

    3. Closet monogamy for sure. When cameras are not rolling or clicking they probably don't even converse with each other....why should they. Kody made it to perfect for them to be separated...YES separate. They may be in the same cul-de-sac, but that doesn't mean they see or talk to each other.

  33. I've watched the show from essentially the beginning and thought I would go back to the beginning on Netflix because everybody keeps talking about how much it's changed. Where did Robyn live in the very beginning? He keeps talking about going "down South" to visit and then when they showed footage of her home "down South" it had palm trees. And he could get there and back easily. Anybody know?

    1. I always thought she was from St George UT. She's always traveling back there, even for the show (the woman's expo where she set up her MSWC booth and only sold a few items).

    2. I think she lived in Cedar City, UT before she moved close to the Browns after they were engaged. I vaguely remember them saying something about it, maybe on the episode where they moved and got their last flat tire (on the trailer) near Cedar City?

    3. IIRC, she moved from Pinedale, Montana, where she and David lived to St. George, Utah, where her mother lived after her divorce. I think Mom helped with kids. I think Robin worked in a nursing home. I believe St. George is about a 4 hour drive from Lehi, I think this was mentioned in early episodes and was why Kody took one or two of his girls along to act as chaperones and babysitters because their dates were usually overnite trips.

  34. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE The Principle tumblr. Thank you so much for introducing it to me! I don't have an account there so I can't comment to the blog owner but I hope they see this, "thank you!" Oh, and of course I love your living room as well Cynical Jinx! :)

  35. When the Richards girl talks with Christine about her family-- specifically, the line "Who is that? Is that your sister?" and she admits to being afraid to open up and tell others that her parents are polygamists-- is it possible that the girl was referring to her father's second "wife" instead of her actual sister? I.e., the second "wife" was being mistaken for the girl's older sister and she couldn't correct the mistake without revealing her parents' lifestyle?

    Since all of the children are biologically full-siblings, that would seem to make the most contextual sense.

    I was just watching the episode for the first time and, having read the comments on both this post and the previous one (concerning this episode), I thought I'd put it out there as a possibility.

    1. I wondered that, too,except I doubt wife #2 is much younger than her dad.

    2. Yes, this confused me too. It sounded like she had half siblings who she could not be publicly identified as being sisters with. But then we find out all the kids are from one mother so what was she even talking about.

    3. I honestly thought that the entire talk was completely staged and rehearsed. Something about it seemed off and dishonest, like she was told what to talk about and perhaps the crew didn't know that the kids were all biologically related to her.

  36. "Come to think of it, he got exactly the same reactions. The Robyn wedding dress, Christine got extremely upset and left the set and he apologized for not thinking it out. For the Hebrew prayer, he had to apologize on twitter to the Jewish people who were offended saying he was just a kid from Wyoming."
    ...and he apologized for blaming the older boys for not closing the RV poop chute valves, and he apologized for the emotional vomit at the therapist's office...and, and, and. I guarantee this has been Kody's M.O. for most, if not all, of his life. He doesn't have the intellectual capacity to LEARN TO CURB HIS IMPULSE BEHAVIORS. What works for him is a continual adolescent merry-go-round of blunder/apologize/blunder/apologize. Meanwhile, the Kodettes just giggle and roll their eyes and pat him on the back...oh that crazy Kody--what a laugh riot!

    1. Give me Papa Darger any day. Some might find him "controlling," but at least I wouldn't be closing my eyes and preparing to cringe in embarrassment every time he opens his mouth.

    2. I actually liked the Dargers...even if Pappa Joe was a bit stern, I think for the most part, they are a stand up family. Whenever I've seen them or read something they've written, I don't get that automatic "they are full of crap" vibe that I get from the others. Don't get me wrong, I recognize that do have an agenda and everything, and I think they try to come across a little more polished than the others, but I really do not think they are money hungry fame whores (unlike the others).

    3. "Give me Papa Darger any day"

      You know, I agree with that which surprises me. I don't like him, don't believe in his lifestyle, and the inbreeding freaks me out and disgusts me yet I prefer him to Kodouche by far. He seems sincere and he works hard to be the leadership in his family. Kody the Klown is a joke and fool compared to Darger.

  37. "Just in my cynical self, I thought, '[Kody is] probably an idiot!'" -- Robyn

    Heh. It only took her how many years of "marriage" to figure that one out? ;-)

  38. I had to travel to Normal Illinois for an academic conference and I drove since I do live in NWArkansas and it was only seven hours away and I drove through the part of Missouri where the Richards live and there were all of these signs that said Fantastic Caverns...well you can guess what I did when I saw the signs. Yep...that voice. Crap.

  39. CJ is there any way I can send you a private message?

    1. Hi anon,
      You can contact me at the email address for the blog.

  40. Did anyone see the post on The Principle tumbler when Christine's aunt said that her niece from Lehi was on Sister Wives and was secretly unhappy? This would have been around the time that Robyn came into the family, and Truely was a newborn. I don't think her feelings were really a secret. The camera doesn't lie, and I think it was painfully obvious that all 3 of Kody's existing "wives" (and several of his children) were miserable.

    On another note, here is a question that has been in the back of my mind for awhile. I was under the impression that the AUB believed in The United Order - a sort of communal utopia whereby members were expected to consecrate their property to the church. If this is still true, I wonder if the Brown's have done so with their 4 houses?....pure speculation on my part, of course.

    1. I was under the impression that the AUB believed in The United Order - a sort of communal utopia whereby members were expected to consecrate their property to the church.
      I know that most of the houses along their old street in Lehi belonged to the AUB at one time or another, and that Rocky Ridge UT (where Brady Williams live) the land is owned by the AUB and there's a factory there. I vaguely remember something about Pinesdale MT (also owned by AUB) but I'll need to research it to be sure.

      Supposedly since leaving Lehi, the Browns are now "independents" like the Dargers. Frankly, I doubt the AUB would want the Vegas McMansions - such a waste of money!

      As far as Christine being unhappy. I think she's still having "issues" and is far from being mentally OK. She seems very fragile.

    2. I hope this isn't inappropriate, can you advise how to find that on tumblr?

    3. Hi anon 5:30!

      I put a link to the tumblr blog above - it's the words The Principle (F-LDS).

    4. I was under the impression that the AUB believed in The United Order - a sort of communal utopia whereby members were expected to consecrate their property to the church.

      I did a little research. It seems the AUB may ask new members to "consecrate all their properties and assets to the order" to be worthy.

      Also, I found this:

      The AUB United Order somewhat resembles the Israeli moshav, in promoting individual industry while maintaining a communally protected economy. Each man is given an economic stewardship, such as a dairy, orchard, or construction business. Those who have close ties with the Brethren or have “blood families” are the ones who get the most lucrative stewardships;

      Jacobson, Cardell; Burton, Lara (2011-02-09). Modern Polygamy in the United States: Historical, Cultural, and Legal Issues (p. 110). Oxford University Press. Kindle Edition.

  41. Hey CJ! Everyone! Whaddup?? I live in Canada and right now there's a heat wave. It's been too hot to sleep at night so I thunk up some thoughts...
    Regarding Christine's "fears" about meeting the Richard family: What has she seen or experienced in her polygamist upbringing that caused such trepidation and sent her "active imagination" to spinning? Of course she'll never explain it. She can't. She'll shout and change the subject and clap her hands in childish glee. She'll rationalize and exalt her lifestyle choice by criticizing others. She doesn't have the tools or the life experience to communicate beyond what she's shown us. I don't think any of the Browns are sufficiently educated or exposed to the world to be able to articulate about or even comprehend concepts or experiences beyond their limited scope. What's worse? I think they are utterly unaware that they should even care! The way they've been cloistered (both in their religion and now as "tv stars") has created what I perceive as attitudes of moral superiority. They can spout off bullshit. They can shallowly critique. They can (try to!) manipulate the viewers, be exclusionary, and withhold their "secrets". It's unfortunate for them though. They are limiting themselves and excluding so many possibilities and even worse, they are lately appearing more and more foolish; their explanations and descriptions just scream "IGNORANCE"! Any interest I have in learning about the polygamy lifestyle/religion will have to be satisfied by exploring other sources. The Browns aren't telling me anything! I already know about being jealous, broke, busy, overextended and depressed! I have already seen and experienced the cruel high school games played by those with stunted emotional maturity. But given the secretive nature of this religion and lifestyle, and the methods used to indoctrinate and brainwash members, it's not entirely the Browns' fault that they are the way they are. Reading accounts written by people who have escaped from the FLDS has given me some idea about what Christine's "active imagination" may have been conjuring as they got ever closer to meeting the Richard family. IF she has indeed seen or experienced things anything at all like what I have read about... I seriously don't hold it against her for her confusing explanations that are rife with contradictions and criticisms. IF she honestly has them, I hope she finds a way to cope with those memories and can move forward with a more open mind. I believe the contradictory stories she shares are true for her in the moment that she describes them. The timeline of her life seemingly changes in her recollections depending on whatever situation she is currently facing. It's a survivor technique. She's probably unaware she continually alters her past to suit her present needs and justifications. And even though my main focus here has been Christine, I'm pretty sure that this survivor technique of rearranging your past by "conveniently remembering" is used by all the Brown adults. I'm not at all forgetting that their present day existence is tough and frustrating either. They've made their choices though.

    I do have hope for Brown kids. Maybe the cycle is being broken for many of them. I'm glad to have at least been able to see that. And congratulations to the Brown parents for being sufficiently distracted by their own self absorption to let the kids break free. At least something good may have come out of this mess.

    1. Blogger freaking needs a like button, awesome comments Fleagh!!

    2. Bravo!!!

      Do you think they realized they were moving their kids away from the "lifestyle" and taking a chance that they would not continue to live in a Polygamy lifestyle or even the religious part of it?

    3. "so I thunk up some thoughts..."

      Keep thunking--you had some very valid points!

      Kody has changed his story about entering into the AUB religion so many times, it's ridiculous. I think the most amazing thing is that they have such contempt for people not in their religion that they don't think we will catch all their lies.

      "congratulations to the Brown parents for being sufficiently distracted by their own self absorption to let the kids break free"

      As disgusted as I am by the way the kids were ripped out of their life in Lehi, at least the kids may benefit in the end. They took them to "sin city" and now the kids aren't surrounded by cult members so they just may break free. Hopefully Kody's selfishness and ignorance will result in all those kids refusing polygamy.

  42. Astute observations Fleagh! Survivor techniques do make sense of many of the contradictions that Christine has shown.

  43. Well, I just spent quite a bit of time on the tublr link above -- which led me to Rebecca Kimbal's website.

    FLDS and it's disgusting practices are chilling. I (still) can't believe that tlc is promoting this spotlighting polygamy like it's all happy and silly and normal.

    Christine, (and all of them) puzzles me. Surely she has been away from the real seedy underbelly of polygamy long enough to realize that child brides and abuse are BAD and ghat maybe she should speak out against it? Maybe not... idk.

    Thank you for the link, CJ. Hopefully the dopey "fans" of these polygamy shows, who want that life, read through it and follow those links. Scary stuff.

    1. I also went back and spent some time reading from the above link and RK's website. I am horrified!! I knew it was bad, but never really faced just how bad. I had to stop. I'm not sure I even want to know more.
      AndreaF, I am also puzzled by Christine, and frankly also Meri and Robyn. These 3 grew up in this life. Clearly they had to know what was going on around them. Possibly even to them,or someone they loved. For Christine to say " I never knew men could be such bastards" and "My grandfather went to jail for having more than one wife..that's all"...Really? She is clearly demonstrating the survivor technique that Fleagh mentioned above. God only knows what happened to this woman as a child. When she freaked out at the thought of facing her Aunt(past episode), It was more than likely because she feared her painful past being exposed. For all her talk of being free, she is hiding.
      Robyn spoke of creating this alter-ego She Ra. Another coping mechanism for an abused child. Let She Ra come out when Robyn can't handle what is happening. I admit that this is speculation on my part, and pray for their sakes that I am wrong.
      When those kids from other Plyg groups were escaping their cult like religion, and came to see the Browns. Instead of validation and empathy,they received hostile,defensive attitudes from the Browns. This was about them and their stories,the Browns made it into an attack. Nice for you that things are peachy..but for others,not so much. Listen and hear others.
      Let's not forget that they were also treated to a superficial tour of Kody's Klosets and his plight of having all his clothes in different homes..including 4 pairs of tennis shoes. Complete disregard to the seriousness of the situation. Disrespectful and inappropriate in this episode.
      After watching the above links, thinking about their treatment of the the Aunt and the kids is infuriating. Especially from the wives who grew up in Polygamy. Stop Lying!!
      I usually reach a breaking point with these awful shows due to the realization that the people involved are despicable.
      LPBW; They treated their animals poorly. Favored their pompous Golden Boy oldest son:who is a racist and also treats animals poorly. Just mean folks,
      Kate: too much hate..from her and for her.
      RHoBH,RHoNJ..just over them. Greedy,and petty.

      As far as SW goes,I can't stand the sight of these fame seeking,phony,holier than though idiots any longer.
      Like the shows I previously mentioned,their true colors are not pretty. On top of that, it has become a show about nothing. The only difference is beneath it's facade, it is about a really big something. And that something is not something good. They are irresponsible for keeping up this charade. They should be using this platform they have to do some good...not self serving promotion. Shameful.

    2. I understand the how and why compensation techniques are necessary for many survivors of abuse and I also understand that Christine and the other wives may have experienced abuse themselves when they were children. I just want to understand if this is what is meant when there's talk about Christine's fear and her confusing explanations, etc? Or, are the posters referring to the polygamous lifestyle itself (w/o specific child abuse) which has made her fearful. I don't understand how living the lifestyle, absent child abuse, would be a reason for her behavior. TIA

    3. I don't understand how living the lifestyle, absent child abuse, would be a reason for her behavior

      Without speculating, the only person who knows that answer for sure would be Christine. Maybe some day she will be brave enough to talk about her experiences as a plural wife like her relative Kristyn Decker has.

  44. I agree that the tumblr link is worth exploring. I have been exploring Kristyn Decker's blog site as well as her radio broadcasts. She is Christine's aunt ( their fathers were Owen and Rex Allred, respectively). It is horrendous what the children in those cults (imo, that is what they are) endure as indoctrination begins in the cradle. I would imagine it was worse for Christine as she would have to set an example (being plyg royalty-not snarking). I can now see where some of her fears come from and why she behaves as she does. I don't think Kody and Janelle, converting to AUB as adults, can understand Meri, Christine and Robyn totally. I think back to those times where Christine has said she is afraid of ex polygamists and especially her Aunt Kristyn, worrying she might "take her away". I think deep down Christine wants out but is so afraid of eternal damnation, she is paralyzed to even reach out and get some help. I think maybe Meri is also. Robyn and Janelle, who knows? What a sad, miserable existence it must be, to be so afraid that you can't trust people who love you and want to help you (thinking of Christine and her mom and aunt). Please check out Polygamy Uncensored, Kristyn's radio broadcasts.

  45. The Brown's have never really elaborated on any of their religious beliefs or church doctrines, but from the other polygamy shows that have been produced, I have come to understand that Mormon Fundamentalists have been taught to fear "apostates" more than anybody else. I am sure to the cult leaders, these ex-members pose the greatest threat to their control over the church body (spiritually and financially).

    I have no doubt that these deep-seeded fears extend to both Christine and Robyn who were born into the faith and continue to wholeheartedly drink the Kool Aid. (Meri, Kody and Janelle's parents were all converts, and as a consequence, they seem far less fearful of the outside world.)

    I think this belief system is why Christine was terrified to come face-to-face with her aunt, and why she is always uncomfortable meeting outsiders. (I am sure everyone remembers how she reacted at the idea of her kids attending a Protestant youth group.) I also think this fear of the outside world is why Robyn keeps badgering Meri about finding fulfillment "outside the family." I actually think she is concerned for Meri's soul even more than she is concerned about losing her business partner. Anyway, that's my armchair psychology for the day.

    1. "The Brown's have never really elaborated on any of their religious beliefs or church doctrines"

      And that is a huge red flag. Cults use half truths to try and white wash their religion to try and hide the true ugliness that lies just under the surface. If they told the actual truth, no one would want anything to do with them.

      If this lifestyle is so fabulous--wouldn't they want us all to join?

    2. I don't think Christine was scared of her aunt at all. Just bs for the cameras.

    3. If this lifestyle is so fabulous--wouldn't they want us all to join?
      They believe they are the chosen few. So no, they don't want everyone to join because if they did, they wouldn't be special.

  46. You know one thing that has always bugged me is Meri's story about her parents' conversion to the cult. She is so prod of her mother for threatening to divorce the father if he didn't move with her to join the cult.

    So let me get this straight Meri--you think it's a good thing to enter into a marriage covenant for all time and eternity based upon a shared religion, have a family and build a life based upon your shared beliefs and them BAM change your whole belief system and break up your family unless your partner complies? This is not something to be proud of! Isn't the man supposed to be the head of the family and the priest holder? (don't know if I got that term right)

    Guess I am just one of those boring monogamist sharks that thinks you should honor your marriage vows--the covenant you made for all time and eternity--and not threaten your spouse with divorce unless they change everything upon which you based your relationship. The pride Meri shows in her mother's behavior disgusts me.

  47. There was some speculation above about Brady's bankruptcy being business or personal. I thought that Brady's brother owned the business and that Brady (along with one of his wives) worked for his brother. Anyone else remember seeing this???

    1. Yes, I also think that he says that he works for his brother in a recent episode, when he's in a house under construction in December, and another guy is telling him that it won't be completed on time. Of the $400,000 in debts, $100,000 is a business loan.

  48. OT

    In the first episode of My 5 Wives the show broke out who lived in the houses together. One house held 2 wives and the other house held 3 wives. The shared laundry facilities and I remember one of the wives saying she would like to have her own laundry room so she wouldn't have to share. I thought how weird since she didn't seem to mind sharing her husband.

    I did a search, but could not find any answer to this, unless I wanted to buy the episode.

  49. IIRC, I think it was Nonie who wanted her own washer/dryer. Or that could be just because I like her the least. I think she acts entitled and whiny. Jmho. I don't really follow them as closely as the Browns nor will I be following the Richards if they get a show. They are basing their reasoning on OT (meaning old covenant) passages and Jesus brought us the new covenant and abolished the old ways. In I Corinthians, but I can't say right now which chap/verse, Paul tells us it is God's plan for 1 woman/1 man. In 1 and 2 Timothy, qualifications for elders are husband of 1 wife. JS, true Christians could not justify this lifestyle choice. I think the Richards are a little kinky, especially if sharing a room. Sorry for getting off topic. Getting off soapbox

  50. in reference to being bankrupt as an interesting story line--lets not forget that TLC actually introduced the kody klowns with a story line about burnt toast.

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