
Monday, July 21, 2014

Selected Live Tweets from July 20, 2014 and Other Off Topic Delights

This was another weird episode, which culminated with Robyn's announcement that had been advertised all week NOT HAPPENING.

Frankly, I see that whole Robyn's got an announcement and Kody's cryptic tweets about short strangers and hinting Robyn being pregnant was just dumb. In fact, I see it as a slap in the face to the few fans the Browns have left.

So let's get to the tweets, and I'll talk further about this episode in my review...unless I get a phone call.

On twitter, Robyn was too busy retweeting what others said, but she did take the time to note some "Fun Facts" about her favorite bonus kids. For example:

But she saves the best fact tweets about her own kids...which just goes to show she knows more about her own kids than her bonus ones. I suppose there's nothing wrong with that...

Here's an example of a "backhanded Robyn tweet" where the actual subject was Solomon not Truely...Seems like only yesterday she was swatting Truely away like a pesty fly instead of a 'luv bug'...

And of course, who's the object of Mommie Dearest full attention?

Meri was Meri. Her tweets centered on herself, of course...

Weirdly, Kody focused on perpetuating the travesty of Robyn's non-announcement. Face it, Kody, at this point nobody really cares if Robyn's preggers...

Just like Robyn, you can tell which kids he seems to favor...

Give it a rest, Kody the Klown, just give it a rest...

And of course, let's not forget the backhanded tweets about his own biological kids...

Yeah, Kody. And who was to blame for Paedon's pain? Making your entire family uproot and move to Vegas for your TV show?

Kody, call me Cynical (Ms Jinx if you're nasty) but why weren't any of those "best" convos ever shown on the show?

Moving on, let's check out what Janelle tweeted about...

Just file these two tweets under TMI...

C'mon Janelle...Tell us who was your date to the wedding! Tell us! We want to know!!!

Too bad it wasn't the guy you married less than a year earlier...But at least you kept it within the family!

No, please no more backhanded compliments about Gabriel, puleeeezzze!!!!

And what did Christine have to offer into this strange mix? What she does best, towing the Brown family least she didn't throw kids under the Brown bus...

Oh yeah, I KNEW this one was coming...

FYI for Christina....

Click Here to Jump to Christina's Comment

Here are pictures of Kody's Lexus.

Same model of Lexus as Kody's

Kody's Lexus from the Big Bear Vacation Episode

Another view of Kody's Lexus at the cul-de-sac

Janelle's old ride featuring the window held up by tape

I just had to include this photo of Janelle and her old car with the taped up window. So sad that this woman had to drive so far everyday to work in SLC in a POS car, while Kody was tooling around in a $60K (when new) sports car.

Please continue your discussion here:
 Off Topic Wednesday for 7/23/14 Plus My Non Review of Sister Wives S07Ep08 : "Every Brown Revealed" July 20, 2014


  1. If they think leaving everyone guessing about Robyn being pregnant or not is a cliffhanger, then need to think again! Honestly, who cares? Funny how most people stop and think about whether or not they can afford a new baby....but not the Brown family! Just keep having them and don't worry about how to feed/clothe/educate them!
    And the show with Tamra next week will be more of the same........they only tell what they want out there and nothing more..........I won't waste my time watching it!

    1. My question isn't, is she pregnant, but what has taken so long for her to have more Brown babies? Wasn't the point of Kody adding Robyn to have as many babies as possible? Robyn's no spring chicken, she should have already had baby number 2. I am surprised it has taken this long.

    2. Breastfeeding and cosleeping is not what a fertility specialist will tell a woman in her 30's to do if she wants to get pregnant. Especially when she only can get it every fourth night. And has a bunch of older kids to manage.

    3. Oh, no! What if it's twins?

    4. I'm not convinced she's only getting 'it' every fourth night. Sure, Koduche only spends every 4th nite with her, but who's to say who he's spending his daylight hours with. And, if it's one of her fertile days and she's not on the schedule to spend a nite with him, I'm sure they could figure a way to spend a few minutes being intimate with each other. wink, wink

  2. I think I was more creeped out this week than ever, listening to them talk about the googly eye trance he put on them all. Boring monogamists such as myself call that a "player" hunny.

    1. I agree with you Kelly! And when they all talked about his beady-eyed rat stare, did you see how his chest puffed up?? He da man! (rat)

    2. Bizarre how his eyes can capture these women into some dreamy plyg trance. I look at him and see a set of crazy eyes which become downright disturbing when combined with a top of the head ponytail.

    3. "his eyes can capture these women into some dreamy plyg trance"

      Kinda like a cobra with its prey?

    4. He has Charles Manson eyes.

  3. I have a few thoughts about last night's episode. I thought that this group were a bunch of fools for creating a parody of their lives and dragging their kids through the emotional blackmail day after day, In front of cameras no less. But I realized that I am the fool. I must have a learning problem because it took me a while to realize that if this were a scripted t.v. show, on a real network, I would not watch. So, I declare my independence from the Browns. I deleted the timer on my DVR and I feel free. I will stop by to read this blog because y'all are hilarious but I am over it. I know that I may never know the answer to the more burning questions like:

    Is Robyn pregnant? (Who cares?)
    Will Janelle wake up and walk away? (Probably not)
    Will Kody turn his man-card sparkly eyes to a new girl? (Probably)
    Will Christine ever get over her fear of monogamists and sharks? ( not as long as there is free stuff to be had)
    Will Meri ever see that she is over tanning? (No mirrors in the super sized McMansion?)

    So, cj and all the living room folks, thank you for helping me see the light, I will be back here to read but I will not go back to TLC for these bad actors.

    I feel so much better!

    1. I don't think I can watch another season. I will still come to this board, but last night was it for me. I wanted to change the channel last night, I really don't know why I didn't.

    2. I only watch the series because I want to know what you guys are talking about here, in the living room. It goes like this, the show records on DVR Sunday, Monday I'm reading the live tweets and comments article here....then I watch the circus and skip back and forth. It is way more enjoyable and less frustrating because I just yell at them if I try and watch as it airs. Thank you Cynical and all the wonderful "Sister-posters"

    3. I stopped watching after the end of last season. I would much rather read the synopses here than actually have to sit through that unbearable mess of a show. It's so BORING!! I just can't do it any more. Their spending habits disgust me, and I can't stand the fake plots any more. If I hear about one more g-d road trip, I'm going to snap!

    4. Couldn't even get half way through this last episode. They are all just a sad, sad lot of people living high off the hog in blatant dysfunction. No thanks... have enough of that in my own life!! Yes Brown Klowns... you have been deleted from my DVR queue. A-MEN.

    5. No need to watch the show to enjoy the blog. I haven't watched since season 2 and don't miss a thing between the pics, reviews, and discussion. The blog is fun ... the show not so much.

  4. I really enjoyed learning more about the middle Brown children. The episodes are usually focused on the older kids or the babies, but they never talk about the middle boys and girls. Without question, all of the Brown kids are more interesting than their parents. (Next season, please cancel Sister Wives in favor of a spin-off for the kids.)

    Like most of the contributors here, I was upset to hear so many backhanded compliments and digs at the kids by their parents. It's one thing to tease your child that they are difficult or hard to manage at home, but to shame their kids publicly on TV and Twitter is thoughtless and hurtful. I think these little digs are habitual among the Brown parents. Mykelti called them on it when she talked about not wanting to be labeled the bad kid anymore. She is in fact, the good kid! I hope the same for Gabe, Garrison, Gwendlyn, Paedon and Ysabel.

    P.S. - I threw up a little bit in my mouth when they were talking about the gleam in Kody's eye, especially when Meri said something like "When Kody looks at you with that sparkle in his eye, you feel like you are the only woman in the that moment." Wow. Special "in that moment". As a monogamist, I may not get to ride in an RV with 17 agitated, crabby kids and 3 of my husband's mistresses, but I do get to feel special "in every moment."

    1. I HATE how they have constantly pointed out that Mykelti is the "bad" one. I have the feeling Christine wouldn't know what to do if she actually had a difficult child.

    2. Spin off please....Sister Single Moms....17 and counting...Desperate Plg Wives...Plg Wives of Las Vegas.....Breaking Sad.....Zombie Wives.....Game of McMansions....Sexless in the City.....I could go on all day!

    3. Lisa - those names are great! I especially like Breaking Sad/Sexless in the City.

    4. "When Kody looks at you with that sparkle in his eye, you feel like you are the only woman in the that moment."

      The hesitation in that sentence was awesome! I was like "really? the ONLY woman?" and then she threw on the "in that moment"! ROFL!

    5. Lisa, this is the 1st time that I have commented here, but I would like to add a name to your spin-off list, How about "Sister-Hives"....or .."Sister-Jives"...?" Hell, they could even do a "Bachelor: episode, where Kody chooses from 25 women & the end one marries him.

      Love this blog, Cynical. Thanks sweety for indulging us!!!!

    6. Nooo!!! I'm trying to quit the Browns, and any of the above options will keep me tuned in :(

  5. Gee Janelle, could the weird quirk that put you in the wedding photos next to Kody possibly be that you were Meri's sister in law and they were taking family photos?

    1. Are we supposed to believe that Meri chose her former sister in law to be her sister wife? I am never going to buy that. Kody and Janelle arranged their marriage behind Meri's back and Meri is still bitter about it.

    2. Janelle to one look at her husband, then Kody with his googly eyes, and thought I want him! And as a plyg I can have him. Yay! Get lost husband, I got a better plan!

    3. Agreed, agreed and agreed. Janelle was s snake-in-the-grass from the get-go... specifically, horning in on Grody at his and Meri's wedding. Even if she was part of a family photo, why would she be next to Kody so much instead of next to her sister-in-law?

      She was plotting and planning, coveting Meri's husband, and situating herself into Kody's beady-eyed line of vision on his (legitimate) wedding night and probably before that.

    4. It actually makes me feel bad for Meri. I guess she put up with it because she just had to be with the spectacular Kody. He is the best after all. What a sad life.

  6. "I was invited to @realkodybrown and @MeriBrown1 wedding. By some quirk I'm standing right next to Kody in some wedding photos LOL "

    So...according to Janelle....*this* is "LOL"-worthy !!!

    Hey, Janelle, do you think Meri is LOL-ing??
    Wow, Janelle, with this tweet, you proved you are seriously lacking in social awareness, as well as heartless !!
    Lord knows I am not a fan of Meri, but *no wonder* she had problems with you!!

    1. Can you just see Janelle at the wedding: Hey sister-in-law Meri, virgin bride marrying a guy you are head over heels in love with, squinch over a little so I can get next to your groom! Hey Kody, I really wanna help populate your planet someday.....

      Ya, I can see why Meri hated Janelle and is bitter about her.

    2. Yeah, about checking that book you know, the one where you were married to Meri's brother, Adam. You think we can't read and remember what you wrote?

    3. Amused explained it perfectly in a post of hers last week: "After I read that in the book, and when the "Run, Janelle, Run" battle cry began, it was clear that Janelle was not ever going to run. She was right where she campaigned to be. I doubt she even cared when Christine came along wanting to also join the circus,

      "Janelle, with whatever makes her tick, wanted Kody and must not have cared what it would do to Meri. After all that has been shown in four years with the tears and BS, Janelle remains steadfast in her devotion.

      "In fact, while the other three seem to be fragmenting, Janelle seems to be almost smug or complacent, as if she has a comfort level in her life which the others are beginning to lose in theirs. Would love to know the 'real" truth."

      Amused's insight really came to life when Janelle nearly jumped after Kody suggested that Meri and she go on a cruise to resolve their issues.

    4. Janelle is so happy that she succeeded in finagling a spot on Kody's rotation that she gratefully accepts his "pals who feel like brother and sister" and "not attracted to her" description from him. Pathetic.

      She's not quiet and/or checked out... I think that she's smug and perfectly happy with her plan having worked out.

    5. Did anyone notice that Janelle has an arm around her and is holding a man's hand in that wedding picture of Meri and Kody? They just cut Meri's brother out.

    6. "Did anyone notice that Janelle has an arm around her and is holding a man's hand in that wedding picture of Meri and Kody? They just cut Meri's brother out."

      Wow! That is so awful!!!!

  7. These browns kill me,throwing their kids under the bus and humiliating some while praising others. They should all be ashamed! I can't stand that kody thinks Robyn being pregnant would be of any interest to their viewing audience. You've already done that story line. It sucked the first time...why repeat it???

  8. OK, so I came into the SW show later than most of you. So I decided to head over to Netflix and watch the first few episodes of the first season. So let me get this straight:

    Meri drove a Lexus, Kody drove a Lexus, Janelle drove a fully loaded Suburban 2500 and Christine is on welfare? Do I have this right? WTF?!

    They had a house big enough to accommodate all of them under one roof yet still gave them privacy. They had their church and lived among "their people" (Christine's words). Their kids appeared to be happy and the adults decided to screw it all up and run to Vegas? It was just so stupid. It went from "hey, this is who we are and this is our life" to a bunch of melodramatic poorly acted crap.

    My favorite part was Kody talking about his religion (because apparently at some point he had one) and he says "heh, heh, heh, they reward good behavior and you get another wife!" with a sickening leer. I was beyond disgusted by him. Even more disgusted than when he did that hideous dance at the cake tasting. They guy is such a drama queen--emphasis on queen.

    1. I thought Meri had a Pontiac convertible???

    2. All the cars were used, but Kody's 2-seater sports car was ridiculous for a man with that many children.

    3. In the first or second episode (I don't remember which) she is driving a small Lexus suv.

    4. I remember that also...we saw the Lexus SUV once and then never again (maybe it was a rental or loaner or something) the car thing has always been strange, there always was a number of cars of varying age and quality...i also remember Robyn's home in St.George being quite nice and a far cry from the trailer we know she shared with her husband. I always suspected that "home" was purely for the sake of the show, maybe she was in it a month or two, so they could film her packing and moving to lehi.

    5. I thought Janelle drove a crappy little car with plastic covering one of the window areas? Remember how the trip to Vegas (a six hour trip) took 24 hours because all the cars either broke down or got flat tires?

    6. On the old SWB, there were several comments about Kody driving a 2-seater. When I saw the episode, it clearly appeared, to me, to have a backseat. Then there was another episode where Kody let Logan drive it, and there was a passenger in the front, and again it looked like there was a backseat.

      I tried to google for the photo using Kody Brown Lexus, and was hit with an insane amount of porn. Seriously. I don't suggest anyone do it unless their filter is set to safe. So, I don't have a photo to back it up, and I don't have a DVR because I'm cheap, err frugal, so I can't find it.

      That said, it is still asinine for him to be driving an expensive, used car, when his wives were driving his kids around in beat up vehicles.

    7. Kody's car is seats four (two comfortably according to old commercials) which means if you're a normal size adult, you won't be very comfortable in the backseat.

      Christina, if you look up you'll see a picture I've added of the Kody's Lexus. It was the same model used in Terminator 3.

    8. Thanks, CJ! I forgot about Janelle's window being taped up, but I thought all the wives drove junk. I've owned junk many a time, but never while my SO drove a sports car.

      I also remember thinking they would not be able to fit a car seat correctly in the back seat of the Lexus, but Robyn later posted a photo with Sol in the back seat of the LIV car, and it was fastened incorrectly, so she probably wouldn't have cared as long as she was cruising in style.

    9. Kind of makes you wonder if in the first episode or two they borrowed nice cars to try and make themselves look better? That Suburban Janelle was driving was easily 50k.

      Of course as financially irresponsible as they are, maybe they were all leased.

    10. Snarkaholic - your comment made me think of something. I remember reading somewhere, possibly a review of the book (which I didn't read), that Robyn mentioned something about Kody and the wives all driving nice cars when she met them. So, it's possible they did lease nicer cars at one point.

    11. Yes, it was in the book that Robyn was "impressed" by all the convertibles that the Browns owned. I also remember on the SWB that somebody posted some pics of them when they were moving from the rentals in LV and there was a really nice black SUV. Somebody said it belonged to Robyn.

    12. Doesn't Logan drive the Lexus now? And Kody drives the LIV car.

  9. Ok the only way they will save this show is to have Kody take another wife.( mistress) Because one of the only things that could make me set through another season would be to see Robyn get what's coming to her! I would love to see a younger, attractive, baby making machine take her place. Who loves meri's newly found independence, and becomes her new bff sister wife. They will be study buddies and eat high calorie snacks late into the night because she feels sorry for meri's insomnia. Who loves to cook with Christine for Kody and by god knows not to put pepper on Kody's eggs! Also she will be a fitness fanatic and whip them all into shape as she makes Janelle end her affair with Shawn! She will refuse to care for Robyns children because she will be to busy baby making with Kody . There will not be enough room on the couch interviews for them all to set so they take a vote and throw Robyn off the couch. Thus we don't see her anymore wiping eye boogers and whaling about how cruel and mean her new sister wife is being to her. I would definitely watch that. Texasgirl

    1. I agree, the only way I am going to keep watching this mess is to see Robyn get her karma and be forced to watch Kody replace her. This season was boring beyond belief. The best part of this season was Kody snapping at Robyn to stop interrupting him. This show has to only have 1 season left after this one if no new wife is added.

      It would have been nice to see the Browns give back to their community or do something for someone else for a change. For heaven's sake, even on Honey Boo Boo they give back. The Browns only care about themselves. Sure, the teenagers helped some former polygamous kids a few seasons ago, but the adults did nothing.

    2. Love It Texasgirl, laughing it up, reread 3 times!!!

    3. That was great Texasgirl!!

    4. Kinda like the karma Christine received! Miss I always wanted to be a third wife. First wife is way too hard, second wife drives a wedge and is resented by the first wife, but the third wife is the one who makes it all better!

      Never in a million years should they have brought Robyn in to this family, but at least Christine got some payback out of it!

  10. I just re-watched the 1st and 2nd seasons on Netflix....very interesting on so many levels. Robyn with the pierced ears, talking about how their religion has very high morals (I assume unless cookies are involved) but especially the day Kody "married" Robyn and he is at Meri's. She's helping him get dressed and he is basically wanting to get down and dirty with her right before his "wedding" to someone else. And Meri says, " boy I wish this were my wedding night!"is it just me or is that like totally messed up? Sorry, I haven't figured out a name yet - just call me Jenn

    1. What do pierced ears have to do with anything, I don't remember that being an issue in the first couple of seasons?

    2. Pierced ears are a no-no in the religious community the Browns came from. I remember once a poster who said they were from the Brown's own church was saying they were disappointed that Meri had cut her long hair (that's a no-no to I guess) and that they would know the Browns were totally lost if they started selling earrings on their website.

    3. Oh. Well at least they're focused on the really important things in life, I guess.

  11. Last night just about did me in. I stopped following all of them on Twitter. (except Meri, who I find psychologically fascinating by reading her retweets). I will probably watch next week because frankly I like coming here to talk about it. Although what could the “tell all” be about? There was nothing interesting to “tell”. All fake!

    I agree that Robyn should already by on pregnancy number 3 with Kody by now. She is not keeping her end of the bargain. So she will probably be pregnant again sometime in the next few years (chop chop you are getting up there in years, She-Ra!) and that in and of itself isn’t particularly interesting.
    What I think would be interesting would be if Meri left the family. You know, the fake storyline we are all waiting on. She will announce that she is leaving the family to take some time to get her head together, take classes, find herself. (she will of course tell her kids/family that it’s all fake for the show) and there will be a whole season around that. In the meantime, Robyn will birth another child, Christine will clap and jump with glee like a loony bird and Janelle will proclaim how proud she is that Kody is so involved with their many children. And yet there is a sadness in the air because Meri is not with the family.

    Then the next season, Meri will consider coming back to the family. She will become attached to the new baby and realize she belongs with the group. So that will be a season of “will she or won’t she”. Lots of shots of Meri going to class, hanging out at the coffee house, buying new clothes, fake talking to Mariah about how she is not ruining the family, she is finding herself.

    And the following season, she rejoins the family in the cul-de-sac and they have another recommitment ceremony and add the name of the new baby.

    If they don’t come up with something as interesting as I just wrote, then they had better come up with a 5th wife…because the boring non-season almost drove off their entire fanbase.

    1. Might as well stay on the "Big Love" story line... because of Meri's independence Kody will divorce her and marry Robyn or maybe wife # 5! Yeah, I like that better, wife #5 will be the new legal wife! This would really shake things up! Robyn will then try to convince everyone that Kody was dating her when she was 16. Big ewwwwww factor and naturally Janelle and Christine will ex-communicate Robyn for spreading such stories about their lover! PUKE!!!! After that horrible picture in my mind now, I have now more.... THE END


  12. I found myself being unable to watch without cringing. Things just got awkward you can tell it was scripted. Obviously robyn is pregnant but at this point. Fake fake fake is all I can say....

  13. "Solomon is the cutest kid. Ever. Many of our family members have pictures of him on their home page on their phones."

    I'm sorry but I find this post from Christine odd. The other kids place King Sol on their home page of their phones, instead of pics of their friends and immediate family? The other moms put King Sol above their kids? Strange if this is true.

    If the phone call is not from the newest wifey-to-be inviting Robyn to a fourth-wife and new wife therapy session ( ala Meri and Robyn style), then I'm over this show. It's grown boring.

    1. I don't buy the "Sol is the cutest kid ever." It is another example of the family/production staff considering the audience to be less than intelligent. How many times have we seen Aspyn posting pictures of a special little girl she considers to be "the cutest kid ever." Aspyn posts pictures of Truely on a regular basis. That is as it should be. Truely is truly her sister.

    2. Solomon appears to be Kody's favorite. Perhaps gushing all over him (not that he isn't a cutie who deserves lots of love) is a way to try and obtain Kody's approval.

    3. Maybe everyone uses Sols pic for Robyn's phone #, so when she calls they'd rather look at a pic of Sol than

    4. OMG Caramel Brownie, that is exactly why Sols pic is on every single one of the Brown's phone!!! Brilliant!
      There really needs to be a like button!!


  14. You know what I'd like to see if they have another season? Kody taking a 5th wife and because they don't have room to build another McMansion, the 5th wife has to move in with Meri since she has what, 7 bedrooms in her ridiculously huge house. That would be entertaining!


    1. I love it. And he should court (a.k.a. kiss) that fifth wife while Sobbin' is in labor.

    2. I am beginning to change my mind on "Meri is selfish for wanting a big house." Meri went into this marriage thinking that she and Kody would choose new wives together. She would get women she was comfortable with to share her life. Instead her sister-in-law came to her wedding, broke her brother's heart by divorcing him, went after her husband, and succeeded in horning her way into the marriage without Meri's prior approval. Didn't they marry on or at least right near Meri's birthday? Wow! Just wow!

    3. I know! Wow! Just wow! I finally bought the book after reading these comments. Janelle is no saint. It doesn't sound like Kody even liked her. I think he recruited her because she had a job. Kody is one lazy guy. I think it says in the book how he asked someone else to send Christine flowers from him. Meri should leave this bunch as soon as the show ends and the money stops. I think Meri might be capable of holding a job if she didn't have to share her money with Kody and the other wives.

  15. I don't know a lot about twitter, is kody tweeting from MT?

    1. The Browns are on another family trip however I don't know if it is being filmed for the show. I have a feeling it is. Meri, Mariah and Christine tweeted about it. They even visited Maddie at her apartment in UT.

  16. Kody producing a 15th child with 1 of his 4 women is simply not interesting. No thanks Robyn- been there, done that, don't need to see you birthing another baby. I think the show is done...this season was so weird and fake that only adding a 5th wife would help them squeeze out a few more episodes!

  17. I finally got to see the episode and here are my observations.
    1. Aspyn seems to have treated Ysabels foot in Robyn's spare bathroom before Kody took over the scene by carrying her to Robyn;s master bathroom and made a big deal out of it while Truely sat on the kitchen floor suffering. Meri even commented on how cool Aspyn was about it.
    2. Ysabel's headaches are hopefully being treated as she is too young to have a less then quality of life as per Christine. Kody also commented that her head bobbed when she was a baby. That is not funny.
    3. Meri differentiated Mariah from day one according to her TH on the couch.
    4. Janelle said the little ones were always playing in dangerous places..why?
    5. Robyn was inspecting eye goop about two thirds into the show.
    6. What these older kids have they got from close in age relationships with each other, not the adults.
    7.Paedon..was Chritine too checked out between being upset with Robyn and the move to help him?
    8. Gabe..WOW
    9.Gwendolyn and Gabe are 4 days apart and are very much alike.
    10.I hope someone is paying attention to Breanna
    11. The ending was just stupid...

    1. # 7: Christine was too busy chasing her rooster to care for her young.

      In our family, our children are the most valued members. In the Brown family, the kids seem taken for granted and even criticized for acting their age. It makes me sad.

      Right now, the kids look great, but I'm withholding judgment until they start families of their own. I know a gal like Maddie. Very independent, smart, and goal oriented . . . Until she fell in love. Then, she morphed into a spineless codependent like her mom. We were all shocked. Of all our friends, she was the last person we would think would act like that. But she was raised with it. . . .

    2. #1 - I remember seeing that and thinking the same thing. TLC probably had Kody get up off the couch and act like he was helping Ysabel bandage her toe so the viewers wouldn't be in an uproar over the big sis helping out while the dad slept. You know he was sleeping when all of this was going on.

      #3 - In Meri's pain over polygamy, she raised a very spoiled, entitled, selfish child. Whatever Mariah is, she got it honestly.

    3. Mariah (and the other oldest kids) probably witnessed a lot of angst, jealousy, TEARS UPON TEARS, backstabbing, manipulation, plotting, complaining and FAKE happiness or politeness or cooperation.

      In the middle if all this, I can totally understand why Meri would possibly say, "if he wants all those mistresses and kids, then fine, but I'm not going to pay for all of them and neither is my child."

      And thus was formed the "equal money between the wives" philosophy. In my opinion, anyway. :)

    4. I agree AndreaF..but how hurftul would that be to Christine and Janelle that Meri financially isolated her and Mariah without care and concern for the other kids. I would imagine Meri was pissed Christine did such a stupid move with Truely..creating big medical bills to come out of the family money.

    5. Knowing how selfish they all are, I can see what you're saying... I imagine they all spent a fair amount of time bitching about how the others spent money.

      I was trying to put myself in Meri's shoes -- being a relative newlywed, finding out that kids would be next to impossible, completely in love with her husband ... only to have him say he wants to have kids with her funky sister-in-law and Christine. What a crock of doodoo.

      On the other hand, I personally would have kicked his razzle-dazzle ass straight to the moon.

      Then I would have divorced him and taken him for everything he had, so I also have a hard time feeling too sorry for her. But thats just me! lol!

    6. I have a hard time feeling sorry for any of them, but especially Meri. She stated in the book or it was the show, that she knew what she was getting herself into. From the beginning she knew she was wife #1 and there would be more. Kody and Meri were married at least a couple of years before Jenelle and Kody (and their short courtship) were married. As far as when the wedding date was, well Kody knew when Meri's birthday was and helped set the date. I maybe wrong, but Jenelle did not break Meri's brothers heart - I think it was mutual. As far as Christine is concerned I'm sure she either went for Kody or some old dude. What choice did she have? Robyn is a gold digger and saw a good thing and went for it. I believe she made sure she was in the right place at the right time, always! And that, my dear, is when the Victoria Secret card went up up up! All four knew they were marrying into polygamy and they ALL say that is exactly what they wanted. So stop crying, put your BIG girl panties on and deal with it! Make it WORK, because wife #5 is coming up!!!!


    7. Those last three sentences you wrote, dj, say it all. My sentiments exactly. While everyone wants to "free" one SW or another or feels sorry for them, remember they are still telling us every week how they chose this (emphasizing their ability to choose) and how this is what they believe they are "called" to do. These are the same people who are getting paid thousands, living in mansions, don't work a real job and most never have on a consistent basis. IMHO, there is nothing to feel sorry for. They are right where they all want to be. You couldn't pay any of them to leave ... unless you're TLC and it's a storyline.

  18. So Christine says Paedon needs a hobby. That boy has been lost in the shuffle. He'll probably be a polygamist just to get the attention he never had as a child.

    1. I would think it would be extra hard for Paedon to be a middle child, AND the only boy to Kody's least favorite wife. You know he gets the least amount of time with his father out of all of the boys.

  19. Kody called Solomon "Super Sol" ... did he get that from here? Seems like I heard him called that on this blog first. You know they read here.

    Also, where is Kody when the little boy is fixing everything for Christine?

    They need to really stop with all this Solomon is the best kid ever crap. He's a really cute kid, but come on - there are 16 others to spread that love to. How about sharing some of the love with the others? These people are beyond fake.

    1. He's not that cute. He could be if they'd cut his hair. He looks ridiculous.

    2. Truely has twice the personality as Sol.

    3. I think Sol is cute as a button, as is Truely. Sol desperately needs less hair and Truely desperately needs more. Typical how it is for us ladies!

    4. We have had the chance to see Truely's (that is so hard to type) personality and how cute she is. We only see Sol, who is very cute, sitting on the idiot's shoulders, I mean Kody. Let us see a little more of him running around playing and lot less of the idiot! Just a thought :)


  20. There's something I haven't seen mentioned here (though I might have overlooked it). This whole bit about looking for investors so they can "grow" their business - and someday even have a brick & mortar store. WTF have they been smoking?!? The only reason they have sold anything is because they are selling to FANS of the show. Except for the early items that were supposedly designed by Robyn and then Kody, I'm sure that everything else can be purchased somewhere else.

    They have recently added watches and scarves, and I think someone posted that they had seen the same watches at Sears. I don't believe that they came up with the idea for the "BE" jewelry. Even that is displayed with several charms hanging off, separated so you can see them all. If someone is actually wearing them, I would think that they will all clump together.

    No matter what they add to MSWC, the sales will go bye-bye when the show goes off the air. There are many, many online businesses that are struggling in today's economy - and the Browns just don't have enough going for them. It was telling that the one woman (at their supposed meeting with investors) asked why they weren't getting more sales from all those hits on their web site.

    I also have stuff to say about the early seasons that I've watched on Netflix, the comments they make about the kids, and the FAKE FAKE "Announcement" TLC has been plugging for a week, but I'll see if I can get this one posted without losing it (like I did last night, whereupon I gave up and went to bed).

    1. I was just browsing around the Net, to see if I could find the "iconic" BE Jewelry anywhere else. So far I haven't. However, I did spot an official MSWC display of a BE necklace with three charms, and as I suspected, they kind of lay on top of each other. It is on the SWB blogspot site.

    2. I don't know where Robyn found her "be" ideas but it is very common in the Mormon culture. It comes from a talk by Gordon B Hinckley. There is nothing new about this, 2001. Robyn would be familiar with this, even outside of mainstream Mormonism. How old would she have been 13 years ago? She does not have creative jewelry or new ideas.

  21. every once in awhile Christine says something only a plyg would when Meri and Kody were dating....or in the book when they talk about the first girl "they" dated. How weird would that be to "court" a man and his wife? or how Kody married all three before they had a child? And, this cruise thing will only serve to distance them from fans...why do they have to cruise to work on relationships? I thought a lot of the fans don't care for Robyn, so now her being pregnant will keep fans interested in the show? Kody seems pretty satisfied with himself..dosn't seem worried about this being possibly the last season.

    1. "Kody seems pretty satisfied with himself..dosn't seem worried about this being possibly the last season."

      Between living in his narcissistic head which is firmly convinced of his awesome "special- ness," and his blatant ease in using his 17 (and counting) kids, plus women vying for his bed, as collateral, Kody believes that his market value will go on it in a show or in yearly updates and specials.
      On some level, no matter how fascinated and obsessed he is with self, he knows that the bedbuddies and the kids are his ticket to earthly fame and fortune, and he intends to keep that going.

    2. As soon as the word cruise came out of their mouths I immediately thought I wouldn't be surprised to see ads inviting fans to sign up to cruise w/them. It would be a free trip for them IF enough cabins were booked.

  22. I'm trying to figure out what there will be in this 'tell-all' show, neither of the first two were all that thrilling. What questions would WE like answered?

    Why did you keep filing bankruptcies over and over? What does that say to your kids when you keep having more kids while doing that?
    Why do Kody and Meri handle all the Lehi house repair/remodeling discussions when Janelle was the one that bought it in the first place?
    Why do they want to be accepted and public, but Christine is judging monogamists on every episode?

  23. Recent events have made me completely revise my opinion of Meri and Janelle. Seems to me Janelle does whatever Janelle wants and makes everyone else clean up after her. Janelle proposed to Kody and wanted to be married on Meri's birthday, then had the gall to complain that Meri was possessive. You know, there's a very real possibility if Janelle hadn't elbowed her way into their marriage whilst they were still young and completely befuddled by church doctrine, Meri and Kody and Mariah might have enjoyed life as a normal family.

    Janelle had screeds of Kody babies, then left them to be raised by Christine whilst she was off being a 'career' woman. Janelle then gets to parade around about how useful she is whilst Christine is relegated to baby raiser.

    Janelle put on a metric asstonne of weight and is now taking the courageous journey of trying to eat a few less pies. Because Janelle is always the victim of her decisions.

    Janelle plays the passive victim card better than any of the wives. Meri isn't passive though, it's not in her nature to be, so she comes across as the aggressor when most of the time, she's just defending what is legally hers. I mean, Kody is her legal husband. All the other 'wives' are just baby mommas.

    Meri should have left Kody a long time ago. Maybe she still will. But I have noticed that there's a weird dynamic when women compete for men. Even if the man isn't worth having, they often can't leave the 'prize' with another. They've basically spent the best years of their lives fighting over a man who doesn't respect any of them as far as he can throw them.

    They're just all terribly, terribly sad and they would all be so much better off in monogamy, as would their offspring.

    1. Honestly, I can see why people think Meri is mean and that Janelle is the victim, but I don't think Janelle is the victim at all. Janelle complained that Meri had to have things in the kitchen her way and would get mad at her for not putting things away correctly. Frankly, I have seen how organized and clean Meri's house consistently is and how chaotic Janelle's is and I am on Meri's side on this. Imagine having a new wife come into your house who wasn't putting things back correctly and making a mess? I would be mad. I am anal about cleanliness so I understand why Meri put the hammer down on Janelle for that. Janelle could have demanded her own house at any time too, no one made her share a kitchen with Meri. What did she expect when she honed in on another woman's husband?

      Janelle does play the passive victim. She claims she was mad that Meri and Kody would cuddle in front of her. Did anyone say she couldn't do the same with Kody?

      Janelle acts like she was a great, hardworking woman, but wasn't she at her job for only 4 or 5 years before they moved to Vegas? That's great, but not as great as she and everyone else acts like it is. Particularly when you think she probably got her community college degree paid for because she put down that she was a single mom to 5. I bet she got food stamps and aid to boot.

      As for her being smart about finances: The Browns have how many bankruptcies between them? And I have always thought that she was shaking in her boots right before they left Utah for Vegas because she knew they'd committed welfare fraud and that's what they were investigating. They'd already been reassured that they weren't going to prosecute Kody for Polygamy charges. So what was she so scared of? She could hardly wait to leave town, she even told Kody she would leave early without him.

      Anyway, my final thought on Janelle is that yeah, she seems to think more than the other wives before she speaks and comes across as more thoughtful and therefore appears smarter. However, she is also the only wife who did not grow up in a polygamous family and chose to join the cult on her own free will. How smart does that really make her?

    2. Janelle has a talent for saying what people want to hear. She is very aware of how she is being perceived. That's why everything she says is diplomatic. Unfortunately, it falls really, really short when she has to defend Kody, or when she has to explain why it is so hard to loose weight. Because sometimes reality bites even the most diplomatic and passive.

      The only admirable thing Janelle really does is advocate that they not spend all their money at once. Of course, that didn't stop her from having a whole bunch of kids herself. If she were really fiscally prudent, she would have limited her family size. But I am guessing it was more important to stroke Kody's ego by bearing kids he was going to largely ignore.

      Honestly, the Brown offspring are just flesh and blood sacrifices to that man's insatiable need for glory. Nothing is done with them in mind. Nobody considers their needs. Meri is the only mother who really fights for her child, and yes, Mariah has turned out to be a spoiled princess, but she's also getting a damn good education - unlike the other kids who are fending for themselves at various lesser universities whilst their mothers try to work out how they're going to tend to the rest of their brood without older teenagers to pick up the slack.

      I hope Robyn isn't pregnant, both for her sake and for the sake of every Brown child.

    3. Hats off to you all! I hadn't realized the craziness behind Janelle setting her sights on her brother-in-law and the double pain that must have caused Meri. I have not cared for Meri since the first season, but have never been a Janelle fan. I don't think she is kind at all, and seems to want to bear Kody's children without having to actually raise them. So much pain for all of these women. I am LDS and love my religion, but I will never understand or accept polygamy. It is horrible for everyone involved.

    4. These comments are really insightful. I personally think Janelle is strange, with strange being a relative term. In my opinion, she is weird. I mean who, over the age of 12, goes to live outside in a teepee? Who marries another woman's husband (if she hasn't been raised to believe that way)? Who sleeps with their ex-SIL's husband and has 6 kids by him? I mean I know this stuff happens with others in real life, but I just think it's weird and strange behavior. And apparently, her mom is a little strange too, being that she ended up marrying Kody's dad.

      That said, Meri still gets no sympathy from me. She came from a plyg household so she knew what it was all about. She has had ample time to address her issues. She and Janelle clearly dislike each other, but if she wants to stick around another 20 years in tears, then that's on her -- a grown woman who gets to make her own choices. If she thinks Kody is worth it, so be it.

      In the book or maybe it was in some video I saw, Janelle said someone (Meri) thought she was lazy. I can see that since Meri is neat and Janelle is not. Meri cooks while Janelle does not. I also feel Janelle went to work to avoid being with her kids all day, so I totally can see how things like this would push an already strained relationship over the edge. But Meri apparently likes playing the victim because she's still there. She does not, in my opinion, believe Kody is her ticket to Heaven. She was raised to believe it, her family believes it, but I don't think Meri believes it. I think she knows there's a better life out there for her, but like many - she is afraid to step out on her own. The reason I say that Meri doesn't believe their doctrine is because she clearly stated in one of the couch interviews how she would be okay if the kids chose no religion - not "another" religion, but none. Now, she could've just been trying to come off as politically correct, but that is not the response of someone who truly believes in their chosen doctrine (unless, of course, the doctrine teaches you that there are many ways, which I'm pretty sure the AUB doctrine does not).

    5. Yep... like I said in yesterday's comments, suddenly Janelle's true colors are shining through. Can you imagine having your sister-in-law sniffing around your new husband on your wedding day?? Dishonorable and creepy, at best! But since janelle said that she felt a lightening bolt the first time she saw Kody, I can't believe for one second that she wasn't trying to get his attention way before that. I wonder if Meri was being tormented with feelings that something was going on, only to have Kody deny deny deny. Was that addressed in the book?

      Janelle and Christine are wolves in sheep's clothing; I've always thought they were schemers, and that they both tolerated the other, so that would mean that mostly their schemes were against meri, the first and only legal wife.

      Not that I think Meri is an angel, she stuck around for love of The Hypnotic Rat, and probably had her own schemes going... But I cant stand Janelle's self-righteous attitude and Christine's eternal childishness (which she uses to distract from her true motives and personality). And Kody -- he is a shoddy excuse for a "man", imo.

    6. "janelle said that she felt a lightening bolt the first time she saw Kody"

      Isn't that just horrid! She's married to Meri's brother but "knows Kody is the one for her"? It boggles the mind and is disgusting. Out here in sharkland we have a word for married people who lust after another's spouse......

      That is one effed up "religion"!

    7. 'Lightening bolt'

      Wow. Isn't it weird what some religion does to the human sexual impulse. We all know what she meant by lightening bolt. She wanted to jump his bones. She wanted to engage in intercourse. He was handsome back in the day, and she was pretty homely.

      I can see her attraction to the religion. It allowed her to seriously upgrade her mate. Janelle was never in Kody's league. If she had been a monogamist, she would have had to settle for someone less physically attractive for sure. You have to wonder if Meri's brother ever stood a chance, or if he was just Janelle's way in to the circle. It's very possible Kody was the target all along.

      And then she moves into Meri's house, gets pregnant by her husband, messes up her kitchen and now two decades later we're wondering why Meri seems so bitchy all the time. Meri was raised in plural marriage, she was taught that her husband should have other wives. Her 'choice' wasn't really a 'choice'.

      Janelle just saw a chance to sleep with a handsome guy and did it. She lost nothing by joining the marriage. Meri lost a lot. I can't even imagine how god awful those first weeks must have been with your brother's ex wife in your home, making love to your husband every other night. Makes my skin crawl just thinking about it.

    8. That "lightening bolt" thing cracks me up. Cant' just be horny, can they?

    9. I do not really think Janelle is the “husband snatcher” that some think she is. She was estranged from Adam Barber at the time of Meri and Kody’s wedding (they divorced amicably after a brief marriage partly over Janelle wanting to live “the principle” and Adam not wanting to), and the AUB is a (relatively) small group of people, so Janelle, Meri and Kody (and their respective parents at this point) were all part of the same social circle for a number of years. Meri and Kody had been married for over 3 years (which is a while by plyg standards) before Janelle entered the pictured. Knowing they were going to live polygamy, and that they were “due” to take a second wife, Janelle seemed like a “safe” choice. However, when the rubber met the road, I think Meri couldn’t handle it (I still don’t think she can handle it). I think all three of them were blind-sided by the reality of plural marriage.

    10. I see what you mean, HH, but Janelle first met -- or ar least saw -- Kody before he and Meri got married, and that's when she got that lightening bolt to the giblets... when she first saw him. I think her previous marriage ending had more to do with Kody than anyone will ever know. I mean, she couldn't go after Kody with a husband hanging around and cramping her style.

      But I also firmly believe that Kody had more to do with it than anyone knows. Her adulation alone was enough for his monstrous ego to overcome his not being attracted to her.

    11. Why DID they get married on Meri's birthday? Seems very cruel to me.

    12. i think it's completely acceptable for a recently divorced adult to live in a tepee for a few months, or to take an extended trip, spend time in a monastery, whatever it takes to get your mind right. she didn't have any kids and was very interested in native american culture and the mountain men movement, so i actually admire her for trying that. everything else, not so much, but that bit i think is pretty cool.

    13. It would be fun to camp out for a while. The book said she bought a teepee and put it on Kody's dad's property but it was so cold she didn't even make it through one night. I guess that means she lived in a teepee for 12 hours? Did I read that right?

  24. Another topic I wanted to address - the fact that some people were offended that Robyn's daughter, Brianna, introduced herself on one bit of film as Brianna Brown. It is true that - unless Kody legally adopts her, or her name is legally changed to Brown - that isn't her legal name.

    However, if (as is speculated) Kody isn't named as the father of the children of Janelle, Christine & Robyn on their birth certificates, they aren't legally Browns either! (That is, unless Janelle, Christine & Robyn have gone to court to legally change *their* last names to Brown - in which case their children would legally be Browns.) Without legal action through the courts, Kody & Meri & Mariah are the only legal Browns in that family.

    This is coming from someone who DID go to court to legally change my last name - and it was to one of my own choosing. I had reached a point in my life where I didn't want to wear the last name of my ex-husband or my abusive father. I chose a name that relates to nature, and I sometimes find it amusing if anyone asks me if I am related to someone they know with that same last name.

    On another note, my oldest daughter never took her first husband's last name, though my only grandchild has it. When my daughter married her current husband, she continued to use her birth name (that of her father and my ex-husband), though she eventually filed the legal papers to change it to be the same as her husband. We are a three-generational family, and for awhile we had FOUR last names in our household: Mine, my daughter's, my son-in-law's, and my grandchild's. Confused? Probably not as much as our neighbors were when we first moved into this neighborhood seven years ago.

    And I have yet another quirky child when it comes to names. My 43-year-old son has never legally changed his name from the one on his birth certificate, but all of his friends know him by a different first name - which is his choosing - (and most of the family has honored that choice as well).

    Anyway, I don't think any laws are being broken by Robyn's children calling themselves Browns. A person can use any name they wish - even without legally changing it - as long as they aren't doing it to commit fraud (or deceive creditors). I assume that all the other children are registered in school as Browns, and I wonder about Robyn's kids. BTW, didn't Dayton's name used to be David? I doubt that it has been legally changed.

    1. Robyn, Christina and Janelle have legally changed their name to Brown.

      Dayton's name is still David, Kody explained that he is only called Dayton with family. Same thing with Garrison who is known as Robert in school.

    2. The issue isn't whether it is legal, it is how it affects her relationship with her biological father.

    3. Why did Robyn and Kody find it necessary to call him anything other than David? When two pea brains come together it is astonishing what the result is. I remember an episode when Robyn and Kody were talking about how the kids have names of cities they flashed Dayton Ohio on the screen like Dayton was named after Dayton Ohio. Did they do that to him for the sake of including him in a story line? To please Kody? how messed up these people are

    4. My opinion....I bet the dad has been paid off to go with the flow. Money does interesting things to people.

    5. As Anonymous 8:02 posted, the exception many posters take with Breanna being referred to--and referring to herself--as "Breanna Brown" has nothing to do with legality, per se, but with the fact that her given surname is/was Jessop. I can understand Breanna having the desire to share the name of her new family (and her mom, now); but I have to empathize with her actual father, too--it would hurt to be so thoroughly displaced.

      As CJ points out, yes, all the adult women legally changed their last name to Brown. Even if they hadn't, in a great many states a parent can give their child any name--first AND LAST--that they choose, no matter what the names of the parents, no matter whether the father is named on the birth certificate or not.

      The facts indicate that there has been a pattern of long term financial irresponsibility in the Brown family (man, what an understatement!), but I have a problem with speculating on whether Kody is named as the father on the birth certificates of the Brown kids. Assuming that Christine and Janelle failed to name their children's father so that they could scam the system is simply that: assumption. Why bother, when the facts are problematic enough?

    6. My opinion is TLC and Principle Voices Anne Wilde did not want the negative connotation associated with the name "Jessop" (particularly the Jessops who belonged to the FLDS) to tarnish the Browns in any way. Robyn's ex, David Preston Jessop, was AUB not FLDS and from Pinesdale MT not Colorado City/Hildale/YFZ Ranch. He is also Christine Brown's first cousin. But people will invariably connect him to the FLDS branch because of his last name. Some recognizable names from the FLDS: Flora Jessop, Carolyn Jessop (married to Merrill Jessop imprisoned for officiating the marriage of his underaged daughter to Warren Jeffs), Willie Jessop - who used to be Jeffs right hand man and is currently buying up property in Colorado City/Hildale.

      I am sure that's why Robyn was always known as Robyn "Sullivan" instead of Robyn Jessop at the beginning.

    7. I really don't understand the criticism of them using Dayton as a nickname. Lots of families use nicknames. What's the big deal?

    8. I don't understand. There are scores of women and men on assistance not married to the spouse of their child. It doesn't matter. It's is no illegal to be their dad. It was illegal to live with their moms. It is not legal to marry any of them. It is completely possible that with the states expectation of Kody providing 15% of his check to janelle and 15% to Christine that neither earned enough to support the 6-7 living in their households and qualified for aid. It's not appropriate for the jessop kids to call themselves Browns. They have a living father. They have not been adopted. Just list their first names if the jessop name is a problem or for privacy. Kody is A father. Not the father. Disrespectful. Juniors are called something else. Dayton not being david isn't a problem.

    9. "As CJ points out, yes, all the adult women legally changed their last name to Brown. Even if they hadn't, in a great many states a parent can give their child any name--first AND LAST--that they choose, no matter what the names of the parents, no matter whether the father is named on the birth certificate or not."

      My 5 year-old niece's biological father is not listed on her birth certificate, nor was/is he married to my sister-in-law, (nor is he involved in her life in any way... but I digress). Yet she legally has his last name. My niece doesn't know this, however. When asked her full name, she will use the family name her mother and the rest of us all have. Apparently, she is even registered under our family's name at school.

      (As a side note... Poor sweetheart. I fear the confusion and heartbreak that she will encounter when she discovers her legal name. As it is, it breaks my heart when she says--just matter-of-factly-- that she doesn't have a Dad. My husband and I cried when we learned that she wistfully told her grandmother (my mother-in-law) that she wishes my husband (her uncle) could be her dad. My husband and I have been married for 8 years, haven't been able to have our own children yet, but we are so blessed to be able to spoil our nieces and nephews rotten! How sad that some people don't make the most out of the blessings they have been given-- especially parents who have awesome kids!)

  25. In retrospect (and I haven't even bothered to attempt watching this ep) I'd say this past season's main story is "Kody the Asshat".hes totally going the Kate G route -even after the show was cancelled Kate still is able to raise all those kids on whatever she makes as a celebrity. That's what Kody wants. He wants to not work a real job anymore (not that he ever wanted to anyway). Kody was actually appealing in the first few eps before Robyn got into the rotation. He was kinda appealing in his business suit and making the rounds to see the kids every day. Now he's just a lazy self entitled slob but I'll just say asshat.

    The TLC SW page on fb is obvious. While the women are on the cover photo the freaking profile pic is a framed portrait style photo of Kody that just screams asshat. So totally Kate like.

    1. "this past season's main story is "Kody the Asshat".

      Or perhaps "the real Kody Brown"?

  26. Just watched Sunday's episode. And sadly, the thing that stands out most in my mind is Robyn, picking her eye crud yet again. And then freaking looking at whatever she digs out. What I really want to know is WTF is she expecting to see when she examines said crud? And why does she look every single damn time? Does what she digs outta there change periodically? Let me help you with this, Robyn. Buy higher quality mascara and learn to apply it so it's not in huge clumps on your falsies. I'm sure there's an instructional youtube video or something on how to apply mascara. There you go. Problem solved. And the few remaining souls who actually endure your show can quit puking a little in their mouths whenever the camera pans over to you.

    Also, I will say, I was a bit surprised over the Breanna Brown thing. I've honestly thought all the stuff about Dayton's name was just people picking apart something that was nothing. (It seems like sometimes, IMHO, that people get so frenzied in snarking on the Browns that they'll look anywhere to find something to hate on them for). Personally, every "junior" I know goes by a nickname - including my nephew, who's a junior, and goes by the ever original nickname of "Junior." But, to actually change the child's last name is different in tone and implication. Assuming it's real. Who knows with them. A producer probably decided that us stupid gullible viewers would get really pissed if we thought Robyn changed the kids names' from Jessop to Brown...and there you go. Robyn feeding Breanna her lines. Cause ya know, when Breanna forgot how old she was, it wasn't obvious that she was distracted and trying to remember what she was supposed to say or anything. Kids who are 9, or 10, "forget" their age all the time, right...? (Yeah.....not so much).

    Finally, along the same lines of finding stuff to snark on, I've never gotten people being so sensitive over the things the Browns say about their kids. I think that must just be a family dynamic that some people get, and some people don't. In my family, we snark on each other all the time. My mom and her sister still snark mercilessly on my grandmother, who's 86 - and LOVES it! In fact, we do it every time we get together as a family, which is pretty often. And we all crack up. Like, sincerely crack up. My mother says all the time that had she not had 7 years in between me and my sister to forget what a hard child I was to raise, that my sister would never have been (and damn, don't I know it - I was HARD, lol). I'm also very different from my family, so another running family joke is that I'm trying to find my birth mother. Various family members will text or leave voice messages with potential birth mother's a hoot. And, when we'd go to the grocery store when I was a child, and the check out boy would ask my mom if she'd like help out to the car, she'd always say the same thing, "No, thank you. I had kids to load my groceries." At which point my sister and I would groan and ham it up, and we'd all laugh. Oh, and in what most would probably be considered emotional abuse by mane, my mom AND dad would tell us when we were being brats that if we didn't straighted up they were going to set up by the side of the road with signs that said, "Available for Adoption." Then we'd all start giggling, my sister and I would snap out of it, and that would be that. many examples. Laughing just thinking about them. NOT scarred for life. But, I guess it's all in context...

    And, really finally this time, after the "announcement" "cliffhanger," I have officially decided I'm breaking up with the Browns. This was the lamest. Most disjointed. "Season." Ever. Life is short, and I have better things to do. So long, Browns. Good luck w/ that.

    1. I also noted that Robyn's oldest daughter was sporting a cold sore on her mouth. The gift that keeps on giving is going strong.

    2. All this speculation about Robyn's older children using the name "Brown". Couldn't a likely explanation be that they don't use their legal last names on the show because Robyn's ex-husband wants to keep his anonymity? Seems to me he has made a point to never make a public comment about the show at all, despite the fact that he is portrayed as abusive by Robyn.

    3. I heartily agree with your post on all counts.

      I'm the mother of four boys; the first was sedate and placid and easy, as was the last. The two in the middle about killed me. I've often said, tongue-in-cheek and in their hearing, that if my second son had been born first I probably wouldn't have had any others. The son in question is now 31 and has not only always thought my comment was funny, he's actually kind of cocky about his status as a deeply "challenging" kid.

      Our kids are pretty astute: learning that their parents adore them IN SPITE OF their imperfections is not a bad thing--IMO, it helps them safely learn the fine art of having a sense of humor about themselves.

    4. You know, I really didn't realize how often some folks comment about Robyn's eye boogers and about cold sores until someone brought it to my attention yesterday.

      Can we move forward by not mentioning either cold sores or eye boogers anymore?

      Thank you!!

    5. TLC should just have the childrens first names then instead of inventing the Brown name.

    6. As the only girl (with 2 brothers) I was not at all amused when I once overheard my mother saying that she would gladly have raised a dozen more boys than another daughter. It felt like a stab in the heart, and I never forgot it. She also used to tell me to quiet down, and that other adults weren't interested in what I had to say.

  27. I was thinking about the blink-and-you miss-it suggestion by Kody that Janelle and Meri go on a cruise to work on their relationship when I realized I cannot think of a single time those two have ever talked to each other or interacted ar all. The only time I can think of is when Meri's feelings were hurt that Janelle felt abused by her early in the marriage and she sort of apologized. And when she spit out "I'm sorry I took something you thought was yours, Janelle! " Weird that in so many seasons they were never paired up for any scenes. They must REALLY hate each other.

    1. I would LOVE to see an entire episode which is nothing but Meri, Janelle and a therapist discussing their issues, past and present. Oh my god that would be amazing. It's also never going to happen, because as Christine would say "it's not safe'.

    2. I would like to see Meri and Christine just talk alone. I don't think thats ever happened on the show.

    3. Did anyone else hear the exchange between Meri and Christine, Meri said when Kody was with Janelle she and Christine had fun, and Christine asks...we had fun?

    4. Karen - Christine always says snarky things like that in a teasing way. I think it's just her sense of humor.

  28. Ok ... I've posted on the sisterwives FB page about how Janelle keeps skirting around the issue that she was married to Meri's brother and that is how she knew them ... some people are insisting I am wrong.... I read the book.. I know what I read ... what is wrong with people! this season was the worst..... very boring and scripted ... I hope this is the last of them, unless they drop all this fake crap and return to the realness of season 1 ..... UGH !!!

    1. I saw that on FB. Their fans seem to have short memories; they still think surrogacy is on the table or that Kody said no to that. Someone even suggested that Meri is sad because the other wives are mean to her because they are jealous of how pretty she is! There are so many angry, angry fans who don't seem to know much about the show (including the wives names). It's weird.

  29. I also loved that "apology." It was not real or heartfelt at all. It was very ccarefully worded so that she was not apologizing at all. I have often wondered if the production staff came up with that line or if Meri thought it up herself. If Meri created the wording, she truly hates Janelle.

  30. I don't know if I find it amusing or pathetic that most of their devoted followers on Twitter don't "get" that an announcement wasn't made and instead blame their DVR or whatever for cutting it off. SMH

    1. Isn't that crazy? Never heard of ao many faulty DVRs, lol. And are any of the coy Brown's answering to their desperate pleas to hear what the announcement was? Yeah, not so much.

  31. In response to above posts about Meri and her apologies: as noted, We have seen that the few times we have seen Meri "apologize" it was either said in a very nasty way(to Janelle) or in a completely monotone,no affect Robin(about college) to Kody(about baby decision.)
    Meri is really saying "Sorry...not sorry"

    I have noticed a shift here from Meri to Janelle as who is the true victim in that shitshow of a relationship.
    There are 3 sides to every story, and with numbnuts included,that makes 4.
    Try as we may,we can never really understand their thinking or logic. We just can't relate. We'd like to shake them and say " WTF are you thinking?" but they don't think like us... We are wrong. We are persecutors. We are unenlightened to the joys that are for Polygamists only.
    It is futile to even try to understand the hows and whys of their life. Truth be told, they even question it.

    1. Re: Meri responding in a mono-tone voice... Ummm Stepford Wives anyone? But it's Sister Wives?? The big difference is that these women don't have it altogether like Nicole Kidman. Anyways, I think I said my best prayer ever when I killed the series on my DVR. I too looked up the "50 yrs of plyg" book by their relative and WHOA. What a very very sad existence ppl practicing any sort of plyg lifestyle that they live.
      I'm not surprised that the Sister Wives act half dead and are speaking in montone. They are not alive. Only the animated show tunes belting Kodster is! He must have to rotate to their houses every 4 days to so he can "recharge their batteries".

  32. CJ, seeing the pics of their cars....and you are so efficient in getting us the facts, written and visual, and many thanks for that...brought back a significant memory.
    It reminded me of that totally absurd scene outside the yet to excavated site for the future McMansions, where the babes all pulled out their checkbooks with the dusty, desert dry wind blowing. leaning on their car hoods and wrote their deposit checks for Magic Mona, Realtor to the Stars. (plyg stars, that is)
    It was so stupid, so ridiculous that I almost (emphasis on the "almost") felt bad for the Brownie Babes for being conned into participating with such a screamingly fake scene.

    But it was mission accomplished.
    The rabid fans ate it up and the never-ending, two-season long McMansion faux soap opera was born.

  33. Something is bothering me, I just really have to get it off my chest.

    It's regarding truly, and her hospitalization. Now, I'm not here to judge the browns as parents per se- but my observations (probably millions more) are proof that having multiple wives and a plethora of children can be hazardous physically as well as emotionally.
    Was it ever revealed how truly aqquired AKF? I remember the wives were in San Fran just prior and Kody was left in charge. But either Truly was SO dehydrated or she was given some medication that was not suitable for her.
    I feel that truly was neglected when she was sick. Kody was "so busy" while poor truly was suffering- and especially since her momma was away. IDK. As a mother like many readers here, we KNOW the minute our child is sick - and it starts with behavior. Perhaps if Kody ever new the REAL personalities of each of his offspring, he'd have taken measures to make sure she was taken care of.

    I've never heard of a child aqquiring AKF without A) an injury and B) getting into medication

    All of the warning signs were missed an I could never imagine overlooking my child's illness while I went ahead with life as usual. I mean, how long was it that Truly didn't eat or drink???

    The worst part was when Kody returned home after visiting Truly. frustrated, he said "I just had to listen to truly scream for 2 hours".

    He is the worst person. I just watched 1 hour of bullcrap. He does not know ANY of his children. I think the children are bribed to carry the happy persona in front of the camera.

    1. The way it was explained was that she had the flu which can of course can easily dehyrdate someone. I know that when my kids were younger (and I was much younger than any of these parents) any time they were sick I kept a watchful eye on fluid intake and output. Having multiple caretakers in this situation is not a good thing. Poor Aspyn did the best she possibly could.

    2. I think the Truley episode was the one and only time I paused the DVR and SCREAMED at them and what an idiot KodyDaKlown and the wives were. I don't even have kids and hello? I knew before they got to the scene days later when her eyes were crossing. THAT IS SERIOUS NEGLECT. Social workers knocking on the McMansions any day soon??? HELLO??!

    3. I read somewhere that Christine said im an interview that she had been giving Truely LIV detox water. I don't know if this is true. It remains, however, extremely alarming that this little girl had a high fever and went without liquids long enough to slip onto AKF without any one of the FIVE parents noticing. Even the day she went to the hospital, Christine said that Mykelti had noticed Truely "going cross eyed" all morning before Christine did. Even is she "just has thr flu" (which can be deadly enough for a small child), I dont understand for a minute how Christine could prioritize cake tasting or flower shopping or whatever the hell she was doing for the dog and pony show ceremony BS instead of tending to her sick child. Her (and Kody's) negligence and decision to film for their show almost cost Truely her life. And she will always know it, as the illness, the neglect, and the terrifying hospitalization has now been immortalized on film and shown explotatively for profit.

    4. If they really gave a little girl LIV detox water, they are even stupider than I thought. Who would do that? I am honestly amazed the Browns haven't had more serious injuries and issues with the way they take care of the kids.

      What really kills me, is that here is a little girl who almost didn't make to her fourth birthday, and Kody didn't even sit by her at her birthday party. Wouldn't you think that if you almost lost your daughter you would be all over her, particularly on her birthday? Oh, Kody was too busy carrying around his golden boy Sol. He isn't a good dad and I hope he never watches the kids alone again.

    5. Kids have the flu. She went through 12 kids with the flu. Tens of thousands of kids are hospitalized with complications of the flu due to dehydration. She didn't leave the child for a couple hours with a 12 year old living down the street for $15 to go to the store. Kids get scary sick. You are incredibly lucky if it never happens to you. It isn't a usual symptom of the flu, which is why someone else noticing it is a good thing. There is no waiting to see if she does it again. She can tell the doctor another saw it when she goes in if the child doesn't show the symptom anymore. Dehydration can happen quickly. Especially in their new climate. They took her to the doctor like all parents should.

    6. Anon 5:37. Dehydration yes, Acute Kidney Failure, NO! She almost died because of the flu? Should have seen a Dr. when I don't know ----SOONER?!

    7. Supposedly, they'd taken her to the dr a couple of times before the day she was admitted to the hospital. At first I wondered about the dr and why he didn't pick up on how serious her condition was, but then I thought about how much attention she was actually getting at home and realized it wasn't much, imo.

      IF Christine, or whomever had been tasked w/watching her, had been monitoring her intake and output of fluids properly she would have been admitted for IV fluids before her condition reached crisis stage. As much as I want to, I can't blame the doctor - he was only going on the info the Browns gave him. Obviously that info was incomplete and/or inaccurate. IMO, of course.

  34. Anyone else notice that Robyn and Meri don't seem soo buddy-buddy this season? However, Christine and Meri seem closer. Even when talking about taking a cruise and working on their relationship, it was more in a fun way. Right in front of Robyn's face. Robyn just sat their stone faced. I almost wonder if they purposely do it to get under her skin. Bet you they now make fun of Robyn a little bit behind her back to.

    1. I think that's Meri's MO. She bonds with/uses one SW to get at another one. Very juvenile.

    2. Sure did notice that Robyn seemed to be the odd one out this season with all of the adults. Christine and Meri used to get along fairly well. In one of the earlier seasons when they were still in Lehi and getting a Christmas tree, Meri and Christine were flirting with the worker and were joking about it later. Guess Robyn really ticked Meri off or something.

    3. Robyn deserves to be the odd one out among the adults after her b*tchy performance during the last Tell-All. She's such a know-it-all. Can't stand her.

  35. Some observation:

    - CJ....did you noticed Robyn mentioned the word "Cynical" TWICE during the couch talk??? I thought of you :)

    - Anyone notice that neither Kody or Jenelle said the word "love" at all while talking about meeting each other and deciding to get married. Pathetic!

    - Christine's "story" of her meeting Kody was completely the opposite from the "Tell All" (N. Morales) story she gave us 3 years ago.

    Please Brown family....nothing worse then thinking you are pulling something over on the audience.

    I'm just DONE! Please keep the detailed blog going it!

    1. I think the Browns have realized their fans will blindly accept what they say as true no matter how contradictory or how much of a flat out lie it is. Fans on the facebook pagr are crazy, screaming about how Janelle was never married before, and how wealthy they were in Lehi. TLC and the Browns have them figures out. It's terribly craven, but it's true.

  36. Another thing that really bugged me when I went back and watched some of the earlier episodes, they are loading up to go on a trip but Kody, Janelle, and Hunter can't go until the next day because Janelle 'just can't get away from work". (Ya right, she just wanted the Kreep all to herself *gag* Oh, and she doesn't have to deal with her own kids on that long road trip--extra bonus) Robyn is assigned to drive a Suburban and she starts it up and Kody says "Love the knock in that engine!" and laughs and then sends his kids and his mistress off in that vehicle. WTH?! Of course that is the trip where the engine blows and strands them all and the repair estimate is 5 grand.

    So he was raised on a ranch where they must've had to maintain the ranch vehicles but he laughs when he hears that ominous engine noise and sends his family off in the truck? What is wrong with this douchebag? Is he really THAT stupid?

  37. I was watching the old episodes on Netflix and noticed something also. In the episode where Christine is setting up her backyard for the young kids with the pool and the playhouse she says "We're only staying in this house for a year and a half" I don't know if that was the correct wording but they obviously already knew they were getting those overpriced houses. Did anyone else notice that other than me?

    1. Christine is setting up her backyard for the young kids with the pool and the playhouse she says "We're only staying in this house for a year and a half"
      They signed two year leases (I believe Mona the Real Estate Lady mentioned this when they signed the leases after their escape from Lehi) so this was common knowledge. This also fueled the frenzied search for the perfect location...which so happened to be a subdivision hit by hard times and represented by Mona. In a gated cul-de-sac like Kody dreamed about...

      Frankly, I doubt Christine's landlord would have renewed her lease considering the damages done to her they had to find someplace to move, pronto. I also think it was Christine who the HOA complained about and wanted her evicted.

      If they had more time they might have found cheaper, better accommodations rather than those overpriced cheaply made barns they're living in now...

    2. " I also think it was Christine who the HOA complained about and wanted her evicted."

      I never heard that story! What happened?!

    3. I never heard that story! What happened?!

      This happened when they first moved into the rental homes. It was never said which wife the neighbors were complaining about and wanted gone. But my gut feeling was Christine. Here's a link to one of the news reports:

      Sister Wives Family Says Neighbor Tried To Evict Them

      The episode where Kody "built" the pool in her backyard, there was a quick glimpse of the side of her house with a mattress leaning against the wall - in full sight of neighbors. Plus there was damage to her front door (like someone had kicked it in), she moved the refrigerator in the kitchen and had the microwave removed. Later, when she was studying for the real estate exam you could see that the carpet where she had her PC set up was almost black with stains.

    4. I'm glad you know all of this information CJ! :) Thank you for answering me and thank you for making this blog! I quit watching the show after they moved into their McMansions so this is the only way I know what's going on, you all are so much more entertaining than the Brown Klowns!

    5. CJ I'm looking forward to seeing the pics that will be posted of Christine's house when the mortgage holders have their foreclosure auction. I'm sure it will be a pit.

    6. Thanks for the link, CJ!

      After I read that article, I noticed a link to another article where Kody says the move to Las Vegas left him with post traumatic stress disorder. What a piece of junk to say something like that. It really made me hate that guy. PTSD from a big fat fake drama move? Sickening

    7. In that article Robyn also states that when they moved things were hard financially and that they were living off of Kody's retirement. Retirement from what exactly?!?

    8. Maybe he had a 401k or some other type of retirement account from previous employment? Can't people cash those out when employment is terminated? I'm not sure how that works...

    9. In that article Robyn also states that when they moved things were hard financially and that they were living off of Kody's retirement

      AndreaF commented: Maybe he had a 401k or some other type of retirement account from previous employment? Can't people cash those out when employment is terminated?

      Yes they can be cashed out, but you have to pay a 20% penalty plus taxes. I doubt he had enough money saved in a 401K for a family of 21 to live off for more than a month.

      When Robyn talked about living off Kody's retirement I'm positive she was talking about the TLC income. Saying it like he was sacrificing his retirement for the sake of his family was just to make people feel sorry for them, especially since the country was still hurting from the after effects of recession.

    10. I also wondered what Kody was retired from. I bet he hasn't had any really good jobs with benefits, but a couple. I agree, CJ, that his supposed retirement money would've only been able to carry them for a short (very short) period of time. It just sounds better to say they are living off of retirement. It's a lie, but it sounds good - the latter being what's important to the Browns.

  38. I dare to bet that with regular oil and filter changes and some very simple an cheap maintenance throughout the years, the engine would have never blown

  39. I vowed I would never look at the Browns' foolish book again, but this past episode was so full of their selective memories I just couldn't resist. Looks like Kody suggested Janelle think about "you and me" just months after his marriage To Meri (while the 2 of them were having lunch alone). Meri was also MIA when they seriously talked marriage. So what happened to that whole "group decision" thing Kody talks about?
    The second annoying contradiction was that Janelle described Meri's family as being "conventional and contemporary" and "not living behind closed doors"...huh? Has Meri not told us repeatedly how she lived a hidden/secret life because of persecution?
    I know these folks lie as easily as they breathe, but they seriously seem to think people won't catch on!

    1. I always figured the real reason behind Janelle's Tepee Living Experiment (I think she admitted she spent maybe ONE NIGHT in there) was to get closer/insinuate herself with Kody. I am one of the people who don't think that Janelle is as smart or as sweet as everyone seems to think.
      I think she was married to Adam, and saw Kody and Meri, maybe had a little tete a tete with Meri who confessed that she promised Kody that he could take multiple wives if they got married (please recall that Meri admitted in the book that she never had any dates or boyfriends before Kody, that stud muffin, showed up). So Janelle saw her chance and set her cap for Kody and there wasn't a damn thing Meri could do about it. No wonder she's pissed!

    2. Totally agree Dakota Justice...Janelle set her sights on Kody early on and nothing was going to get in her way. Funny how she avoids mentioning on the show that she was Meri's sister-in-law & Kody's step-sister before she morphed into celestial wife #2!

  40. I love everyone’s input…Clearly, all the Browns have issues, they have issues with each other, with themselves, and probably even with their God/religion, but what bothers me, is that if they were true believers in their faith we would see them rely on their faith to endure their trials…and we do NOT see one iota of that. Which is why IMO, everything about them feels so fake and fraudulent. Polygamy USA was so amazing because those people walked the walk, Marlene once said, “yes, it’s hard, but this is how we work out our salvation.” Now, THAT is fascinating!!! That is a show I would continue to watch. I love learning about how and why other people live the way they do. The Browns have missed the boat…I’m sick of ponytails and McMansions, I want to know what they believe… (and the answer just might be nothing…)

    1. There have been only a few times that they have been shown having "church" in one of the homes. At least once was when another couple came to visit, and once when Robyn gave that awful, awful talk about purity. (I still cringe when I think about that.) I know I saw an earlier episode on Netflix where one of the older girls refused to participate because she felt that their worship shouldn't be filmed and shown on TV. I really admired her for taking that stand. I just wonder how often they have gathered in worship when the cameras weren't there.

  41. "I want to know what they believe… (and the answer just might be nothing…"

    They believe in getting whatever they can for free.
    They believe that lies are the means to getting those freebies.
    They believe that anyone not Plyg should accept the lies and cough up the freebies.
    Including the government, taxpayers and customers or viewers of the scam du jour.

    1. I agree Amused, I think the Browns crying poor while living in half million dollars homes is disgusting...this has never been about "freedom of religion" or even tolerance for different "lifestyle choices" it is about MONEY (and maybe Kody's ego). I'd like to see Kody and Kate Gosselin wrestle over the next 5 minutes of fame.

  42. Husband and 15 year old son came into the living room while I was watching. Husband was jealous of the outdoor movie set up but would show regular movies on his. Son said, "Ok....that train wreck doesn't need to put his hair in a pony tail again. Just shave it all."

    I enjoyed the pictures and videos of the kids, especially the older ones when they were little.

  43. "I'd like to see Kody and Kate Gosselin wrestle over the next 5 minutes of fame."

    Ha !!! Hager, me too !!
    My money would be on her.
    Kate Gosselin would chew him up and hand him his 'nads in a pile.
    Unlike Kodyboy, who believes he can con anyone with his delusional charm, and so will encounter non-believers, the Queen of Mean knows she is a career bitch and leverages that any way she can.

    1. I'd like to see them on Wife Swap. Sent Kate to Kody and send Christine to deal with the Gossellin kids. Priceless!

    2. Haha!! All Kate would have to do is kick him in the ovaries and he'd drop like a bag of hammers. :)

    3. Now that was funny!

  44. Very telling when they were talking about Logan having to shoulder a lot of responsibility in his teen years and he said "Dad had to travel a lot because he was a salesman." WAS. So pretty much confirms he doesn't work now. Except at being an asshat. Or does that come naturally? ;)

    1. Or that he isn't a salesman now... Not saying he works but that statement doesn't prove that he doesn't work just that he doesn't work as a traveling salesman.

    2. Logan was making excuses for Kody. Kody wasn't there every morning to chip in because he was at another woman's house. It just sounds better to say he was working out of town.

  45. Just a note about some comments I read further up the blog that Meri is justified/unfounded in her disdain for Janelle because Janelle proposed to her husband and proceeded to have a hockey team with him. True, this would be grounds for monogamous women to take issue, but they CHOSE this faith, lifestyle, whatever they call it. This was a conscious choice. Another wife was taken, children were born. Meri's husband became a father of 16 illegitimate children one way or another with OTHER WOMEN, true, but remember, Meri was born to this faith, she chose this faith, and she's still married to the man.
    Further to that, aside from all the obvious reasons why polygamy causes women to devalue themselves and settle for less, the combination of polygamy and hating on other women when you should be hating just as much on your husband, who is just as eager a participant and equally at fault, makes me feel so sad for womenkind. Polygamy is set up to pit women against each other for the benefit of men, but the fact that women still participate in this lifestyle and then seemingly spend an inordinate amount of time hating on each other is counterproductive and ridiculous.

  46. Janelle and Robyn did a couch TH in an episode just after Truely was ill talking about how the older kids take responsibility for the younger kids. Robyn pipes up and says, we still give them a childhood, but we expect them to help with the household. Truely could have died in Mykelty's bed..her and Aspyn talking about how she writhed all night, didn't want to be covered up. Christine said she had a wake up call..havnt heard such a thing from Kody's mouth. Just what Kody needs is another child to ignore.

  47. Brown Show = boring, Christine is so hard to watch.

  48. I was creeped out when Christine said she was already in love with Kody before she met him. She fell in love with "the story" and was glad he had a nice face. She said she had a crush on Meri and Kody.

    So creepy. This story,and the underage prospect they dated, confirms for me that they are not so far removed from the other fundie groups that they claim to be 'nothing like'.

    Also, I agree that Robyn may have rejected the Jessop name for fear of negative reaction. But I would bet that when she married her ex, taking the Jessop name was a big part of the appeal. It was probably like a score to have that name in their world.

    I could see her dropping the Brown name when this boat sinks and she jumps ship.
    Woman overboard!!...But...She-Ra is the Phoenix..rising from the ashes with a brand new, untouched cookie and renewed purity!! A real trophy wife for the taking!

    1. Also, I agree that Robyn may have rejected the Jessop name for fear of negative reaction. But I would bet that when she married her ex, taking the Jessop name was a big part of the appeal. It was probably like a score to have that name in their world.
      Absolutely. Robyn even said as much in "Becoming Sister Wives" when she described her ex-husband as being from a prominent polygamist family!!

      Her misfortune was that he only had a double-wide to give her, not a McMansion.

    2. If Robyn's ex and Robyn were going to live a Polygamous lifestyle, why didn't they?????? They had 3 kids yet never took on a second or third wife to grow their family, doesn't seem to me like they were really into the "lifestyle"....what caused Robyn to fly the coup and not bring in some sister-wives. I thought Robyn came from a monogamous life.

      Did I miss something?

    3. I don't think they were married very long and not very happily. Robyn desbribes herself as "first wife" in that book.and they probably would have married again if things hadn't gone south. Robyn definitely grew up polygamist. Her mom talks about it during the Mother's Day episode.

  49. "Just a note about some comments I read further up the blog that Meri is justified/unfounded in her disdain for Janelle because Janelle proposed to her husband and proceeded to have a hockey team with him. "

    My issue with Janelle was refueled by her tweet in the opening of this thread where she posted, ".I was invited to @realkodybrown and @MeriBrown1 wedding. By some quirk I'm standing right next to Kody in some wedding photos LOL "

    It was the "LOL" in there...... that, for me, was quite telling.

    If after 20 plus years of the Meri/ Janelle struggle, Janelle would choose to put that out there, it does say volumes about her agenda. An agenda that likely hasn't changed despite any slanted TLC scenes and clips, or from her own mouth in passages from their book.

    Certainly Meri *was* raised in the plyglife, as was her brother, Janelle's ex.
    However, Janelle was not raised as a plyg and did not marry the first time in that mindset. The story gets murky about Janelle and Kody because she obviously knew Kody while married to Meri's brother, and since she was present at their wedding, she knew Meri was a happy and "in love" bride.
    The fact that she would still have a need to revel in her actions at this late date, doing her own passive/aggressive snark about Meri's wedding pictures certainly comes off as deliberate bitchiness.
    And surely, an unwillingness to heal any dissension between the two of them.

    Meri may have had to expect Kody to take on another babymaker, but it is doubtful she expected a sister-in-law to actively campaign for the position and succeed in securing it by proposing to Kody.

    1. Good points, Amused!! I don't feel sorry for any of these women, Meri included, but I did see little passive-aggressive actions/comments from Janelle that showed her to be a devious jerk. If she had the absolute knowledge that Kody was meant to be hers the "first time that she saw him", that would have been when he sundae Meri were courting... so she had that goal in mind before Meri even signed her name to the marriage license.

      If Janelle was capable of that, then she was also capable of exaggerating how mean Meri was to her, or lying about anything to do with her being abused by Meri. Not that Meri wasn't mean... I'm sure she was, at times. But you sleep in the bed you make, and therefore I don't think she should cry about it.

      My thought is that Kody and janelle made an agreement behind Meri's back, then Kody talked Meri into agreeing by saying that he couldn't ever love Janelle the way he loved Meri... that he wasn't even attracted to her! ... but that they needed someone to populate the old planet, and wouldn't it be better to have it be someone he wasn't head over heels in love with? Someone who he just got it over with so she could have a kid?

      That's just my conclusion... based on what I think I've noticed on the show and agreed with that other posters have written. I can't see Meri as a victim, but I also can't see her as the sole villain. I think that fair is fair and that Janelle and Christine should be honest about playing their parts in the misery of this family. Frankly, I hope they're reading CJ's blog and seeing all of the members of this group figuring them out and then posting what we see.

  50. Dish soap
    Butchers twine

    Words cannot express my sheer excitement upon finding your blog, CJ!! I have checked back to the sister wives blog once a week since sept. And have been so sad that I haven't had anyone to discus all of these crazy shows over the past 8 months! I've gone back to the start of your blog so I can read everyone's thoughts on breaking the Faith, sister wives seasons, poly usa and Flora's show. I'm so excited!!

    I wish there was someone to link you to the old/ inactive blog because I had no idea how to find you. I was participating in a sisterwives discussion on and someone linked this blog. I almost cried. I have missed you!


  51. LOL. I am so sorry, it looks like I copy pasted some of my shopping list onto the beginning of my post! Haha. Just ignore that part!

  52. Weirdest moment of actual-life-meets-virtual-life yesterday: At the grocery store, I parked way in the back, due to lunchtime rush. When I came out after my shopping, what is parked behind me? A Lexus, IDENTICAL to Kody's. And yes, I took a peek inside to check out the backseat; it would be extremely uncomfortable for anyone over the age of 10. Anyone else feel like this family is invading their psyche? :)
