
Sunday, July 27, 2014

Live Tweet Party! Sister Wives Tell All Episode with Tamron Hall July 27, 2014

Which Sister Wife gets up and answer her phone?
Are you ready for the Sister Wives Tell All Live Tweet Party in My Living Room?

That's right, you can view and join the Sister Wives' live tweeting all in the comfort of My Living Room via separate Live Twitter Feeds for the Browns and #SisterWives.

 Plus you can snark with others in My Living Room, too. And you don't even need to dress up, much.

So kick off yer shoes, put on yer best Prairie Dress and sharpen up yer snark.

Let the snarking begin!!

Thank you All for Making Live Tweet Party a Success in My Living Room!

Please continue your conversations here:

UPDATED! Off Topic Saturday 7/26/14 So What Else is Happening?


  1. Hmm, don't understand why Robyn thinks Meri going to school will disengage her emotionally from the family. People go to school ALL THE TIME, everyday, everywhere, yet the family ties remain. I think Robyn is really scared that Meri's new classmates and friends will be non-plygs.

  2. It's blurry! Driving me nuts.

    1. They fixed it. Every shot of Meri and Kody on the couch either had too mch filter or bad focus. Biome times having a super hi def tv is a drawback lol

    2. Some not biome. Ugh!!!!

  3. The lies begin. She was so nervous to tell Kody she was going back to college...yeah right. Then he says the business is really, really busy. Yeah, I buy that. Notice Robyn covering her belly with the orange shirt...hmmmmm. That Robyn pissed off face...Robyn was going to walk right out the door cause Meri was what? She felt ditched...Meri was going off and leaving her and will replace her. So that was what Robyn said and Kody is gonna answer for her but gets shut down. Ahhhh Robyn was afraid of losing Meri cause when a woman gets an education or a profession, Robyn says that she has seen where a wife leaves or disengages. Good for Christine...she sees Meri more engaged if she is happy, so she wants her to pursue college and then Janelle stabs, throws Meri under the buss, and digs deeper by saying once Mariah grew up and left, the common bond that connected all the wives (kids) was gone cause Meri didn't have another child. Way to dig... And now Kody is not in charge. OKAAAAY. Stupid commercials.

  4. Meri: Me going back to school? Yes having the support is important to me. So glad I have it!

    Perhaps you should enroll in remedial English!

  5. Uhhhhhhhh !!!
    Another saccharin, pukefest of regurgitated scenes".......again !!

    How DO these phonys, these scammers sit there with straight faces as this BS is shown and they are "react" to what they know, what they get paid to do.........pure BS.....!!!!
    Just another bloated show of NOTHING !!!

    So far...
    Again...Meri shows Idiot her college transcript and the tells Sobbin. AGAIN !!!

    Seriously.......They all look as if they are smirking behind the make-up.
    Browns........just go away !!!!

    1. This is where you see how much in love Kody is with himself. He's in a cut-out, watching the scene, and he's making his famous plyg eyes at himself - where he knows he is the most important person in the world...for that moment.

      Meri declares herself the biggest Keith Urban fan, probably trolling for free tickets. There goes Van Lady Love.

    2. "there goes Van Lady Love."

      Bahwahahaa ... that line cracked me up.

  6. Gee lots of clips so far

  7. They are not going to let the interviewer ask any questions that make them uncomfortable or that exposes them for the frauds that they are. Yep.

  8. "making a kiss disgusting..." quote from Christine....oh, c'mon!!!!!!

    1. To each their own but she is sharing her husband with others women, do the hormones jump from her to him to another her?

    2. She was talking about Kody telling all of her girls' dates about the hormones so the girls and their dates would think that kissing would be disgusting. What kind of a message is that to give anyone????? Stupid, stupid, stupid. What is amazing is that Kody is sleeping with 4 different women and none of them find that "disgusting."

    3. He heart wasn't diminished kissing Meri, then janelle, then Christine then Robyn. I can't believe they didn't laugh at him in front if him.

    4. MrSpock I think that this just makes the kids want to kiss someone else MORE. Hormones my ass, what's wrong with hormones? It's what God meant us to do right??? kids always want to try the forbidden stuff...

    5. But, Mykelti seemed all on board with Kody's "talk" which I found surprising...since she doesn't want to get married maybe all kissing, etc. is "ick" to her anyway.

    6. He also says that a kiss leads to feelings, which then result in a break-up and broken hearts. I don't know how they'll sustain Planet Kody if that's always true.

  9. Did Kody just tweet about a First Response Pregnancy advert?

    1. another teaser tweet. They need to just spit it out already.

    2. This is the biggest non-surprise EVER. I'd be more surprised if they said she WASN'T preggers.

  10. Kody just said that they are trying to make "art" and turn it into jewelry we'd want to wear.

    1. I suppose he'd be right if the "art" they were creating was extraordinary. But face it, that jewelry is grade school art quality...maybe even kindergarten !

    2. Their business logo says everything about their "artistic" abilities.

  11. I cannot believe I am watching this, it is a train wreck. Why didn't they start out with the "cliffhanger"?

  12. One wife cannot lead the company...because one wife cannot lead because they are subordinate the other wives. One of the women be CEOs...Gross...Kody is the leader...These people are shameless.

    1. And Kody has the least amount of business acumen out of all of them!!!

    2. And I think Tamron was trying to get Kody to admit that.

  13. If they were as talented at making joolry as they were making up stories about their lives, they'd all be millionaires...

  14. Emotional vomit scene again!!!

  15. Robyn doesn't look pregnant---but hard to tell for sure.

  16. THIS is not worth anyone's time !!!
    It is just worthless !!

    1. I can't believe we're 20 minutes and two commercials breaks in and nothing has happened. Like, at all.

  17. rehash, rehash, rehash. Nothing new. I tweeted that if Robyn isn't pregnant, she needs to lose about twenty pounds....they blocked me sniff.

    1. Man I hate to say this, but I think they all look pretty good. Robyn needed that 20 lb gain lol

  18. Yeah, this show's not very entertaining, but CJ's living room is quite fun.

  19. Tameron is looking at them like they're crazy. I hope she breaks and starts asking them real questions. She's about had it with Kody talking.

  20. well guess what ladies, the MSWC website is down! Just business as usual.

    1. Poor Kody. I wonder who he's going to blame for the website being down...AGAIN. Yep, business as usual for the past 3 years!!

    2. What were you going to buy, DJ?

    3. I saw a Tweet from a fan up in the feed and she mentioned it was down, so I wanted to try for myself! I'd rather buy belly button lint...and not from them.

    4. I don't think bb lint is on their website...but I'll go check...

    5. Nope, not there...

  21. CJ, you are going to have to dig *really* deep (maybe to China) to find anything review worthy in this one !!!

    Can't believe that TLC would think this would fly in any way.
    So, so pathetically lame.

  22. He doesn't have an easy job. Kody's first wife is actually his only legal wife. Maybe Christine is pregnant...she has a huge belly

  23. They should just call it what it is, it's a freaking recap not a "tell-all." Even worse than usual.

  24. just tune in. Firs thing I heard was Christine swear.

  25. Christine looks 50

  26. I feel like they had much needed dental work. Their teeth look pretty good.

  27. Did you see how Tamron looked at Kody when he said "Our business presentation was VERY professional!" Priceless!!!!

  28. Robyn: We work out butts off [on anything we decide to do.]" Kody: "Our business presentation was very professional." Kody: "The investors still haven't funded us."

    1. So that means the VCs were smarter than we thought, and Robyn is pregnant, right?

  29. Robyn, about the venture capitalists critiquing what Christine said, "you guys just don't know who we are. We work our butts off!" Then on and on about what a great job they did on their presentation. God forbid they take constructive criticism and learn from their mistakes.

  30. I feel like they have had much needed dental work. Their teeth look pretty good! (Had a hard time posting this, kept getting 503 error)

  31. They did admit to not receiving the funding for the Closet.

    Ho hum, I'm ready for Long Island Medium, even tho she does make me cry...

  32. Robyn just tweeted that Kody "Midas Touch" Brown doesn't like to "toot his own horn." From one narcissist's lips to another narcissist's ears, I guess.

  33. Robyn is the only one who didn't feel she wasn't getting enough time...really. Or did I miss it.

    1. nope. She gets her time.

    2. Yes, it was the other three who said they didn't get enough time. Heh, Kody, you should be able to figure this out after all these years!

  34. They totally misinterpreted when Christine said if you give us too much money we'll get lazy. They must work with weird people. Ya, I totally understood what she said.

    They are nuts.

  35. Finally, Kody's hair. On to the importance stuff.

  36. I can't believe they are discussing his foolish hair,,,,,this isn't a tell all, it's the King Kody show.

  37. Janelle: "Our faith is more than plural marriage." Tamron is trying to get them to admit that plural marriage is part and parcel of their faith, but they are refusing to go there...what the heck?

    1. Then why the heck are they doing it? *Yes, I am replying to myself with a question. Smile* I don't think they truly know why they do plural "marriage." They cannot articulate it at all.

    2. How about when Christine said "If our kids don't live plural marriage, then what was it all for?"

      Drives me nuts that they lie and lie and no one calls them out on it! Do your damned research Tamron!

    3. They vaguely refer to feeling a "calling" to it.

    4. Exactly, Ayce, even they can't explain it to themselves, much less to their children...or anyone else.

  38. Buzz word alert Kody said dogma!!!

    1. Jinx! You owe me a Coke! Wait, I'm watching this crap show, make it a Jack and Coke!

    2. How about a Mikes (hard lemonade) and no we don't have to share the same bottle!!!

  39. How many times has Kody the jackass said dogma this season?

    Buy a freaking thesaurus!!!!

  40. Meri just tweeted she plans on majoring in psychology. How awful for any of her future potential clients. Hopefully, the natural selection of higher education will weed her out of the mental health field.

    1. She should pick a field that could earn her income. It's hard to earn in the social science fields.

    2. And you have to get advanced degrees, and intern a lot of hours to work in the mental health field. Can't really see Meri doing that. Her personal life is too public to ethically work in a MH field, as well. She could look into non-profit administration and use her reality show fame to start her own agency. Then she could redeem her image by giving back while having a figure head position and not actually get anywhere near people or their treatment!

  41. Poor Mariah looks 40. Logan needs to pull his pants up. Modest is hottest!

    1. She does looks so much older with the dark hair and weight gain.:(

  42. Kody looks like a slob !! His shirt is wrinkled as usual, hanging out, and the bottom button is straining to stay closed.

    His *hair style* was just a burning tell-all issue. Yes, it really was !!!
    All the brainless babes, INCLUDING Tamron weighed in with their favorite look !!!

    This show can't end soon enough.
    For all you west coasters, drink plenty of caffeine before watching.
    This is a snoozefest for sure !!!

    1. Wish this could somehow cure my bouts of insomnia...

  43. Logan's photo really exemplifies "modest is hottest". You could just about see his pubes. Oh wait, the rules only apply to females in that BS mock religion.

    You know Kody the fool will praise him for it.

    1. Logan is a little hottie; and clearly so is Hunter. I recently read a book called "The Goldfinch" by Donna Tartt. At one point, the teenage protagonist moves to Vegas to live with his Dad and his Dad's girlfriend (Sometime post 9-11). He meets a Russian friend and they attend High School together. The descriptions of the social order and social life of teen in public HS in Vegas was very interesting. There seems to be some flux in the demographic on a regular basis, and many liberal types of home living situations. Not your Utah for sure. Those boys are having a great time, you can bet on that. I bet the girls are all over Hunter. I bet he will eventually have multiple wives.

    2. Okay, I don't think any of the Brown kids are all that great looking (facial-wise). They are just average. Like the parents. The babies are cute, but hey --- they are babies, so there's that.

  44. The picture of wonder about that much body building and all that. Hmmm. Like those kids would say, yeah, we are doing it every night. LOL

  45. Logan looked like a gay porn star.

    1. Those guys are hot! Not that there's anything wrong with that ;-)

    2. Here ya go CJ - this is the only thing that would possibly make me want to watch the show. Logan's bare pecs! and even THAT isn't enough to make me want to watch.

    3. Meri just tweeted to him "if you've got it, flaunt it". Kinda weird response to your bonus son's revealing selfie with his underwear riding really low.

    4. Wow! These people are SO inconsistent in their beliefs! Modesty apparently flies out the window whenever convenient.

  46. I understand that he's an adult now, but how inappropriate to show Logan's half-naked picture on this show. What a double standard.

    1. Their whole belief system is based upon double standards.

    2. I believe the family wants the boys and girls covered. Kody wrestled in long sleeves for some odd reason. But some of the children are adults.

    3. not planning on watching, but to me it's like Logan is giving the big ol disrespectful FY to this whole show thing.

    4. Kody and Meri were just praising Logan's half naked pic on Twitter.

  47. Mariah still wants plural marriage

    1. She'd be lucky to get one other person to put up with her, let alone two.

    2. LMAO Anon 6:51!!!! So true!!!

    3. I feel rather sorry for Mariah sometimes. She does need to figure out who she is and how to dress herself for the best.

  48. I guess modest is not hottest for Logan.

  49. Watch Ysabel during the couch session. Whoa. Not good. She seemed drugged or severely depressed.

  50. Dunno if we're going to get an answer to the "cliffhanger" from last week---hasn't been mentioned yet. Would like to hear more questions about the MSWC business, but it isn't going to happen.

  51. So his daughters can't wear tank tops or date but Kody has this to say about his eldest son "@FroginBrown ! Holy cow! What a six pack. That kid is jacked out of line. A beast like little bro @Brownboss99." Imagine if the featured Instagram pic had been a sexy shot of a college age daughter. Such a CREEP!

  52. The kids segment, both the older and younger ones, was meaningless.

    Yes, Mariah looks much older than her age.
    Actually, she looks like a first wife in training.

    1. Mariah looked like she was 40. It was kind of startling.

    2. I think it was a a combination of weight gain, hair color that is unflattering, and the bangs. Those things combined do not help Mariah. But I must remember that she is still very young and experimenting with who she is. It took me until I was 40 to figure out a good style of dress, hair, and whatnot.

  53. No David/Dayton in the children's panel.

    This show is painful - generations of evasion, delusional celebrity and praising Kody.

  54. How the he** can they call this a tell all????? Its a tell nothing!

  55. I'm actually finding Tamron's giggling and fluff questions really annoying. Of course the Browns are all smiles because they know she won't ask them any real questions!

  56. Is Christine pregnant?

    1. That's what I was wondering or did she loose a baby?

    2. I wondered that too. I know that Christine has said that she was done, but with Truely's illness she may have had a change of heart. She does look to be carrying a lot of extra in her mid-section.

    3. that would be a twist. Christine is heavy anyway so it would be easy to hide a pregnancy...

  57. ALLLRIGHT YOU GUYS it is now 6:56 Pacific Standard Time. Have they said she's pregnant yet?? and still no funding for MSWC! surprise!

    1. Tamron said Robyn won't allow baby questions...seems it upsets Christine?! They are lunatics.

    2. After 14 kids--two of which were born on TV--ENDLESS talk about surrogacy, IVF...and Christine all gossip-y with Aspyn during last weeks episode ("Is she pregnant?") now it's too touchy of a sensitive that she has to walk off ahead of even the thought of it being brought up? Exactly how stupid to they assume their audience is?

    3. Christine has said on Twitter that it wasn't baby questions that were upsetting her. So Robyn's refusing to answer them was all nonsense.

  58. I did not understand the Christine "walk-off" and subsequent Tamron explanation....say what, anyone?

    1. I'm with you, Mr. Spock! What? Why?

      Christine's just a mental midget.

    2. No clue, it made zero sense

      Little Miss Third Wife thought she was the be all end all, she is so jealous of Robyn is comical.

    3. I didn't get it either. They were talking about the RV trip.

    4. There had to be something asked/said that did not survive the cutting room. The scene did not flow. It did not make sense. I wish we had access to uncut material.

  59. Why would talking about Robyn's possible pregnancy bother Christine. Really! This fake drama is killing me.

  60. So why did Christine walk off? No baby talk because it's too touchy of a subject? Wasn't there a two year storyline about will or won't Meri try to have a baby? Didn't Christine and Robyn both have babies on the show? WTF is wrong with these people?

    1. everything is wrong with 'these people'

  61. Janelle is the only wife that isn't wearing the cheap joolry. LOL

    1. Yeah. She tweeted that she wasn't a big jewelry wearer. Boy, that's real business savvy showing there! Whether you wear jewelry or not in your day-to-day life, you should at least wear it during the show!!!! Sheesh.

  62. Tamron said that Robyn "made it clear" that any pregnancy questions were "off-limits." Do tell! Why did Tamron go along with that?

    1. Maybe Christine lost a baby? Who knows.

    2. Tamron went along with that because she wants to keep the position of "interviewer of the Brown's." She saw what happened to Natalie Morales. She likes her job, thank you very much.

  63. The cliff hanger was just perpetuated by Christine. No baby talk because it upsets the other wives my ass. I think Christine is expecting and probably Robyn too. I doubt Christine is finished making Kody babies.

    1. Probably no one is pregnant. Maybe Robyn wanted to be by the season finale and it didn't happen. Without a cliffhanger, why would they get another season after the non-season that this was. So they can keep up the maybe-baby mystery as bait and hope that TLC will bite.

  64. Meri on Twitter: If you got it, flaunt it! @FroginBrown #Sisterwives
    Meri to Mykelti (season 1): Mykelti, go change your shirt. I don't want to see that much of your body.

  65. So...did I miss what the heck the "cliff hanger" was? WTH?

  66. Just after Christine had Truely she talked about having more. Maybe she trying unsuccessfully....?

  67. This is ridiculous. The only thing that pops into my head re Christine's dramatic exit is that both she and Robyn were pregnant and Christine has miscarried. Why else the drama?!? They're Plygs, that's their role in life.

    1. Agreed. Remind me, someone, what is the age gap between Christine and Robyn? They're both up there where miscarriage is more common and conception not as quick and easy.

    2. I think there is a seven year age gap between Christine and Robyn; Christine was 37 when she had Truely and Christine had just turned 30.

    3. I wondered if it wasn't Kody telling Robyn she never had to ask if he wanted another, and that he told Christine no. Also, before she leaves, she said she needed to walk away for a minute, and she should have done it earlier. It made it sound like she needed to use the restroom or something. It was edited so oddly that something had to have been cut.

  68. Did I miss something? Why did Christine walk off? I think she said " I should have done this before? " bladder issues? Is she pg?

    1. You know, that SOUNDS like Christine. Create a dramatic cliff-hanger over a full bladder. Ugh.

    2. She and Robyn are both pregnant. Most pregnant women cannot hold the pee. Plus, Christine got kind of sickly a while back and now she is all full in the belly.

  69. I thought that Jannelle's younger daughter's name was spelled "Savannah", with double 'n', like the city from Georgia. Robyn spelled it with just one 'n'. I know it may be seen as not a big deal, but it is! If you say you are a mother to all these children, then you should know how to spell their names, all of them, perfectly! Why am I surprised, when she said that Wyoming started with a 'y'. I am not even born nor raised in this country and I knew how to spell both words. Somebody get her a dictionary or a map!

    1. Savanah's name is spelled with one 'n'.

    2. So sorry then, my bad! Thank you for clarifying, CJ!

    3. I grew up in South Dakota and there was a joke about Wyoming being spelled with a Y, but I have never been able to remember it. I always thought she was making a joke when she said it, but she has such difficulty with the English language that it's hard to tell.

  70. I'm guessing maybe there is a pregnancy loss. Or maybe Christine wanted to try and it hasn't happened yet? Or maybe she had a loss?

    I'm sure we will find out if a baby is a born. At this point an 18 will matter to them and to the child, but it's really not a big deal to everyone else.

    1. I agree that it is a snoozer for the rest of the audience. They have a lot of children. Ho hum! Yes, babies are cute and are so important to the parents. However, they are not important to the rest of the world.

    2. It's how they get the Kreep's attention. Christine had a really bad miscarriage before Truely. It would be like her to do something stupid at her age and get pregnant to try and get the spotlight.

  71. If they want more time with Grody Kody, why don't they simply convince him they want another baby? Take the pill behind his back. It's not like he's smart enough to figure any of it out.

    Also, I wonder if Mykelti is a lesbian. Or just smart enough to know she doesn't need husband drama 😃

    1. Mykelti is just fine. She appears to have a high intellect. She saw that holding worship in front of the camera's was not acceptable. She saw that her parent's drama is not working for the children. She has stated that she believes her dad was right in saying that kissing is not acceptable. She is just staying out of things for now. She will grow up and become a wonderful woman.

    2. Oh I wasn't being derogatory; gay or straight, makes no difference to me. I think I was more wondering b.c 1.Statistically, some of them would be, and 2. Wondering how family would really deal with that. I know what they *say*, but what they say and what they do are often different.

      I already think she's a wonderful young woman!

    3. Yep. I got the same vibe. Let's see how open minded they are when one of their kids comes out.

  72. Anyone else think Robyn is snug and secure in her last wife status?

    1. Yeah. Doofus is still in love with her, but he'd marry a fifth in a minute if it would keep the gravy train on the rails...

    2. We're talking Kody Brown here. He loves to bring on a new wife when the previous wife is pregnant. He did that with Janelle (married Christine when Janelle was 4 months pregnant) and with Christine (courted Robyn while Christine pregnant with Truely). So I'm hoping for Robyn to get pregnant and Kody to start courting his 5th.

    3. that may actually be worth watching. If they are still (loosely) following the BL story line--Meri IS studying psychology after all--then maybe it will be a cheeky no-nonsense woman like Ana who will call all the Brown's out on their BS in real time.

  73. Soooooo terrible! The entire" tell all" was anything but. It was just a recap of the season. Mariah- not trying to be rude but you need to go lighter and lose the bangs. It really isn't a flattering hairstyle. The Christine walk off was just silly. It was like they scripted the debacle so all the viewers will stay tuned. Same bat carp silly Browns. They really all we a bunch of clowns.

    1. Sorry carp should be crap and all we a should be are. That's what I get for drinking every time they say something goofy

    2. Are you ready for rehab yet?! You must have been drinking nonstop!

    3. Christine walked offf to 'get attention''....lets feel sorry for or focus on Christine and her on going drama. Same way she claps and shouts all the time. All eyes on Christine for a moment!

  74. I was reading through the tweets and someone asked Christine what she scored on the ACT. I think they were being snarky, maybe. Anyway, she said 30. Who believes that? I mean, really. I don't think any of their scores combined would be 30 (with 36 being highest).

    1. Do you really think she took the ACT? Really.

    2. Ahahahahahahahahaha. Exactly what I was thinking.

    3. I think that she flipped the numbers. My daughter is a National Merit Scholar and she had a 34. I am positive that Christine couldn't have a conversation with her and hold her own. No way! She probably just pulled that number out of thin air.

    4. Christine probably assumed that ACT is a dental rinse.

    5. Maybe she did... but I earned a 30 on my ACT (many years ago) and when I saw her tweet, I just thought-'no, there is no way that we academically have something in common.'

      K., I love the ACT dental rinse.

    6. Anon 7:46 - my daughter too is a national merit scholar with a 34 ACT! There is no way Christine got a 30!

    7. If she DID score a 30 on the ACT and decided to flit around and look for a family to marry into instead of going to college then she is even more foolish than I thought she was. But, I'm thinking she never had any desire to go to college and never took the test. Maybe she took an online, "buzzfeed" kind of one just now to get that score.

    8. it was probably the AUB ACT. woot!

  75. Janelle's comment at the end - about the show being the biggest blessing and challenge: Was that a plea for another season or a goodbye (or both)?

    I really couldn't pay attention to this show, but I didn't hear any teaser of future story lines or anyone's saying, "See you next season!"

    1. Grifter, I agree. Also, they usually tease about a fifth wife and this time Kody said, no way would there be a new wife.

  76. On twitter Christine said she had to leave the set to "wrap her head around an issue". Maybe she wanted to try for another baby and Kody said no to her - while at the same time saying yes to Robyn - and that's why she didn't want there to be any baby talk. Who knows - just like everyone else I was completely perplexed by the whole scene.

    1. Perplexed but didn't care.

    2. I thought both Christine and Janelle both said they where done with making babies....I think the clock id ticking for both of therm age wise. These people are clearly nuts.

    3. there is a string of tweets from Christine about the walk-out, but non explaining why she did it. All these adults just need to learn to say stuff. Hemming and hawwing is as frustrating as it is boring. And Christine is too simple to try and be cryptic.

    4. they could have edited her leaving out. Obviously they opted to keep it in to keep up the mystery of whether Robyn is pregnant or not to increase their chances for another season. Because a NINETEENTH baby would be such a surprise!

    5. or, eighteenth baby, rather.

  77. At least their makeup was not hooker style. It would be interesting to see Janelle's hair threaded with lowlights. That one-note blonde can be harsh.

    No one looked particularly thinner.
    Janelle looked the same. Christine and Meri, no different. Sobbin had on a loose fitting top with a jacket, .so who knows and who cares if she is pregnant. Kody was his usual idiotic, puffed up self. Yawn !!!

    1. I think that Christine wore that same denim jacket and look on the last tell-all. Their make-up was better tonight, but it still seems too heavy (even with the Stevie flashback).

      Kody looked a lot heavier; he couldn't hide his gut.

  78. With Meri Brown studying Psych and Brady Williams studying Philosophy, maybe Meri and Brady should hook up and discuss the ups and downs of plyggy life and plyggy bankruptcies over on the wetbar,

  79. This is Kody's big plan dreamed up with Robyn to tease a pregnancy. They know from social media that the tide is turning and the kid's have been the only tihng that consistantly get positive feedback. Janelle tweeting that someone walks off set and tweets to tune in, they are trying to get the shine on them back.
    No one cares if Robyn is pregnant. There is a reason Robyn has not pushed out more babies since Soloman. The whole cliff hanger thing is stupid.

    1. The Browns need to face the fact that this show has run its course.

  80. Here are some of the topics that they totally ignored tonight, even though they shouldn't have been too difficult:
    Janelle's weight loss journey with #TVTrainer
    Janelle's real estate career
    Truely's recovery
    Contingency plan if the VCs never come through
    Meri's empty nest syndrome
    Selling the Lehi house (laying roots down in Las Vegas)

    It seems that everyone involved in producing this show is "disengaged."

  81. The Browns seemed tense to me from the get-go. Kody practically bit off the host's head when she asked if he had managed to find balance in his time with each of his wives. His head automatically went to the bedroom, which was not the question at all. When every wife except Robyn piped up claiming the complaint, it was obvious to me that Kody is spending all his time with Robyn because they are trying to conceive a child, and it's taking way too long.

    I thought it was odd that Kody referred to Aspyn's baby question in the finale as Robyn's "fertility." Usually, that term doesn't come out until there's a problem conceiving. That's pure speculation on my part, but it seems logical to me.

    1. Yea something is up..they were very unlikeable tonight. But man they all look so different from the first they have money!

    2. I'm glad that they seem to have learned how to layer their clothing better. Their collective wardrobe of tiny jackets is a bit ridiculous, but definitely a better look than tight teen tops under tight long sleeve tops.

  82. Poor Mariah. She does not seem to have the same happiness or confidence that her siblings do. Remember in the first season when Meri boasted that she and Mariah didn't eat or shop with the other sister wives because they liked to be healthier....

    1. No Mariah went down for fish tacos and tater tots while Meri made her herself salmon to eat all alone. It must be a lot of stress to be in a fishbowl. She was a minor when this happened.

    2. Now the roles have reversed and they are obviously stress eating...they have gained so much since season 1.

  83. Not surprised that they did not receive funding. Who in their right mind would invest 5 cents in a business promoting polygamy? When they initially said they were funded for $250,000 I almost fell off my chair. They have no business acumen, their product line consists of 2 pages on a website, there is NO way in hell that anyone will remember the Browns within 2 weeks of being off the air. I hope they have ALOT of savings to pay for those houses because these idiots NEED TO GET REAL JOBS!!! Any woman who is willing to watch her husband show affection to and spend time with other women has got something wrong with her brain. The Richard family proved that. He wanted CONSTANT attention and somehow talked that poor wife into believing that he should have multiple wives. I hope she gets some self esteem and tells him to GET GONE. Either that or she should tell HIM that she feels called to have another husband. See what these piggish men say about THAT. It makes me sick that women are so subordinate and under valued in these patriarchal relationships. RUN LADIES!!! RUN!!!!

  84. The Browns and TLC were downright deceitful with the "Robin has an announcement" business. Whether or not Robyn is pregnant isn't really the issue. The issue is that TLC plugged an upcoming "announcement", and they didn't deliver. They have sunk even lower than I thought possible. Will I watch if they come back for another season? Probably. But am I angry with the way they ended this one? DEFINITELY!

  85. After Christine returned from her walkoff/talk with Robyn... Robyn did not speak another word for the rest of the show. She looked upset/pissed off ? and kept looking over towards Christine.
    That's one way to shut her up.

    I kept waiting to hear that Christine had really been gone for three days before she returned.

    Please let this be over. Haven't we suffered enough?

    1. Robyn looked like she wanted to kill Christine! Amazing.

    2. Tamron said that they were all comfortable and ready to talk again(paraphrasing)..clearly Robyn was anything but comfortable. And happily for more talking from her. Even when Tamron closed the show and said their names, when she said Robyn, no smile,nothing. She was seething!

  86. Why is having babies--which is so key in fundamentalist Mormonism--such touchy touchy issue? The way the wives on My Five Wives acted--then Christine's weird tantrum tonight (where she acted like she had just realized how babies were made and needed a minute to think about it) is so bizarre. You would think with the huge herds both families have, a wife being pregnant would be just another day.

  87. Brown's near future full time jobs: filling out 5 sets of bankruptcy paperwork & bankruptcy court.
