
Monday, July 28, 2014

Selected Live Tweets from July 28, 2014 and Some Other Interesting Stuff, Too

Whew!! I don't know about you, but I'm kinda glad this season is over. And judging from these tweets, sounds like the Browns, especially Christine, are glad too.

So what did the Browns tweet about?

Robyn wanted everyone to know just how deep her fashion sense runs...

 But...But...It doesn't have any sleeves ! And the print...Robyn are you sure about this?

Yeah Robyn, you only think that because she looks like you! Fess up!!

From Meri's tweets we learn...

So does this mean the Browns finally said sayonara to the friend who did their makeup and hair the past two Tell Alls?

But...but...what about modest is hottest???? See the picture below! Shocking, I tell you!!

And of course, Meri has to tweet about her #1 child, Mariah..All I have to say is, yeah, that's what she's saying now but just wait...

Psychology major...oh dear...First of all, it's like a degree in Philosophy although slightly better. But you really can't "use" it. I had a prof tell me how it works: BS degree gets you no where. You've got to get an advanced degree if you want a good job.

And folks, do you really want Meri to be poking around in your mind or the mind of a loved one?

Hmmm...I don't believe this one at all. Of course Kody knows© (oops kinda© went krazy© there) he's in charge! And of course Meri is going to say she loves following his lead! Got to keep up that old façade, don't cha know...

Kody, Kody, Kody...another Dumb dumb dumb tweet. If Robyn is pregnant, just tell us. I for one can't wait to start dissing Robyn when she sets up another account at Kids R Us and starts begging from her fans like last time!

Yep, kissing is risky all right!

Hmmm....Looks like Kody is talking from experience....

(For some reason, those two tweets above seem to belong with each other, don't you think?)

Oh my...but how many of those businesses were successful? Do you blame your wives if they may not be so enthusiastic about your business "experience" ?

Hey everybody! Just in case you didn't know the teen's Twitter handles...

Ah yes, since peacekeeper Robyn joined the Kody Krew...

For some reason this just doesn't seem right...hmmm....

Janelle didn't tweet much last night but damn, what a TLC trooper she is!  She's even tweeting about the show that came on after the Tell All. I wonder if she gets paid extra for that...

And look how she supports Robyn's My Sister Wife's Closet!! At least she's honest, I suppose...

Oh Christine...I bet Paedon was happy to see this tweet....

Poor Christine...I think she's confused in a major way or back in her blue funk. This just doesn't make any sense and is kind of sad...

Just when you thought it was safe...

Oh yeah. I want to stay in THAT room, all right!
I found this article about a new Bed and Breakfast opening up in Hildale UT. In fact, it's a repurposing of Warren Jeffs former "mansion"/compound that was built to house his many wives, but alas, was never used because he wound up serving time in prison instead.

What's interesting is that the man who purchased the compound is none other than Jeffs former right hand man, Willie Jessop. You know, the man that harassed and did Warren Jeffs evil bidding until Jeffs kicked him to the curb and out of the FLDS.

I prefer how Sam Brower described ole Willie in his book "Prophet's Prey" as a "...stalwart goon" of Warren Jeffs. Somehow, I just don't believe ole Willie has been rehabilitated.

Anthony espousing on the purity of white bedspreads

Anyway, he's now opening a B&B in the heart of Hildale UT. I wonder if he'll invite Oprah Winfrey to stay?

And I can't wait for the B&B to show up on Anthony Melchiorri's  Hotel Impossible show! White bedspreads Willie! Don't you know anything?

Here's a link with more pictures!!!

Life after Jeffs: Hotel debuts in FLDS prophet’s former mansion

According to the B&Bs website, the location address is 865 N Hildale St in Hildale UT. Unfortunately, Google map streetview and Bing birdseye view have not been updated BUT...
you can see the buildings from a satellite image on Google map.

It looks like the B&B are the buildings with the grey roofs.

(pictures above from and St George News)


  1. Maybe Christine and/or Robyn are pregnant.... And Kody is courting wife #5!!!

  2. I think Christine walking off the set was made-up drama. I hope Tamron didn't know and just follow along...I would like to think she had more integrity than that. The Browns are trying to drum up drama and interest. I am mad at myself because I got sucked into the 'tell all' because I thought Christine walking off was going to be something interestng. So, two weeks in a row I am a sucker for the fake cliffhanger. I don't believe at all that something really upset the point she had to walk out of the interview...I'm just sick of the lies and fakeness. And please if you are going to fake something, just make it more interesting. They could at least have made up a good fake story to go along with the fake "I am so upset, I have to leave the room" move.

    And was that really a "tell-all"? No it was a rehash of the boring season. The young adults were the only part I enjoyed and even then I can tell they are being heavily coached. And I have no problems with Logan's picture...he should be allowed to show off what he has accomplished. I think he deserves that. And he never signed up for the modest is hottest anyhow. The young adults are definitely the highlight of the show for me. I really enjoy them.

    And Kody, stop tweeting stupid things about pregnancy tests. I am NOT falling for any more of that nonsense.

    1. Just to clarify, Logan is a fine specimen but what I found troubling was how Kody described his sons as being "beasts" with six packs. It just doesn't sound right to this how men talk nowadays? It just sounds so caveman like and fake macho.

    2. It's not live for goodness sakes.

    3. Kms I'm confused. Please explain what being live has to do with the conversation?

    4. I think the issue with Logan's picture has more to do with how protective the Browns appear to be over what their girls wear. Although Logan is an adult now, like someone said in another thread - I doubt they'd be posting a pic of any of the four girls who are now adult-aged, half dressed and showing off their bods. Basically, it's hypocrisy, which we all know is typical of the Browns.

      Also, I'm with you Carol - I think Christine's drama was fake.

    5. My issue with Logan's photo and his parents' and mock parents' reaction is the double standard. It's either OK to post pictures like that or it isn't. Let one of the girls post a picture in a skimpy bikini (you all just pictured Mariah, didn't you?) and see if the Kreep is boasting about how hot they are or if Meri's attitude is "if you got it, flaunt it". I despise that sexist crap!

    6. Kody and Meri's responses to the selfie were weird. Kody's thrilled his son is proving he's a jacked out beast and Meri's encouraging him to "flaunt it". Such a glaring double standard for the girls- they get immediately sent to their rooms to change if their sleeves are too high or necklines to low!

    7. I agree about the hypocrisy. I read Kody's narcissism into his tweet. He had to stake his claim as alpha male by equating Logan to Hunter - who isn't relevant to Logan's selfie, but is a wrestler, like Kody - and also noting that they're both his sons. It's always about Kody.

      If it were a talking head, Robyn would have high-fived Kody and used her masculine voice. Janelle should be getting work-out advice from her sons and ditch #TVTrainer.

    8. " this how men talk nowadays? It just sounds so caveman like and fake macho."

      I have no problem with Logan's choice to show himself. I do have a problem with the macho verbiage from Kody. To gush so about his son's physique, yet strut as the modesty/ hormone police with his "college-age" daughters is freakin hypocritical.
      Has Kody-Idiot ever thought about the fact that his daughters may be admiring other guys who post their ripped bods like Logan did.
      And why shouldn't they, if even dear ol dad is that impressed with them.

    9. I agree w/those who think Christine's 'drama' was fake. I went back and replayed the part before she got up, looking for facial expressions or her hands to show she was in some way upset and there was nothing. No fidgeting or hand wringing, no moving feet, shifting position, no glances to anyone else, and no facial expressions to indicate she was distressed about something. Completely fabricated, imo.

    10. I wonder how the Brown parents would feel if Logan becamre a stripper or Chippendale?? Haha I just have to wonder of ol' Meri would have that same attitude of " if you got it, flaunt it"???
      Yes it's very disturbing how double standard they are. Remember when they first moved to Vegas, & Meri & the mistresses all went to the strip? How they gasped at the one GPO go girl type dancer b/c of how she was dressed? Yup, totally double standard!!!

    11. What I would like to know (I don't have cable), is what were the expressions of the other people right before, while and after Christine walked off the set, to see if this would help shed some light. I also think that the walk-off sounds too fake and to be expected, since it was Christine who walked off the set back on Season 1. I still think that this is not about a new baby(s), but more likely about a 5th wife, imho.

    12. I only looked at Robyn when Christine walked off, and she looked like she wanted to kill her. Her jaw was clenched and she was seething, She didn't speak or smile for the rest of the interview.

    13. There were clearly not only choppy video edits, it seemed like there were some weird audio cuts as well. What was up with that?! It was choppy and did not flow well. Something was up.

  3. I have a hard time believing that the walk-off was fake and Christine would take one for the team like that. And, if Christine's walk-off was not drummed up fake drama for the sake of the show, then I'd tell her not to apologize on twitter or anywhere else. I remember the angst I felt when I realized there were going to be no more little ones; it was depressing. If my "husband" had run off and had more babies with a girlfriend, I couldn't have handled that. I know she "signed up for this" but this should be a wake up call to her.
    Something's not right with this lifestyle, Christine, and you know it. It's not healthy, it's degrading to women and face up to the facts, you need to get out. I don't believe this is good for your daughters to see either, no matter how normal they seem for the show. Do you really want them to live the lifestyle? I wouldn't wish this on my daughter. It's gut-wrenching and about as fun to watch as a train wreck.

  4. I bet Kody's giving Christine a hard time right now if she put the kabash on his and Robyn's personal interview and possible special announcement. Or he might not be talking to her at all.

  5. What is Logan trying to do, exactly? That's not the body of a regular athlete...he looks like he's into body building, like he's going to enter competitions. He didn't go to UNLV on a sports scholarship, did he? And how can he afford to eat all that meat...I thought he was a student? When I was a student, it was all about KD and cans of tuna and rice cakes with stuff. Maybe he has a job.

    1. They said he's studying kinesiology with the intent of being a physical therapist. A lot of personal trainers have that degree as well. He's in to fitness. Hummus and pita together form a complete protein, and tuna and eggs are among the cheapest and best protein sources there are.

    2. He works on campus, but I don't remember what he's doing.

    3. I believe he works in the Admissions office giving campus tours to prospective students.

    4. Hopefully he's getting at least some of the TLC money.

    5. Word was that he works in the registrar's office at UNLV. As an adult, he may also get a little TLC $ of his own.

    6. Looks like Logan gets manscaped. If he can dance, he could have a Vegas lounge act!

    7. Monica - wow now I have to think about manscaping everytime I see Logan. LOL

    8. It doesn't cost much to eat like a bodybuilder. There are a lot of cheap quality proteins out there. Protein powder doesn't cost much. I buy the value pack of boneless skinless chicken breasts and cook them all at once, portion them out, and eat them for a week or so. Ground lean turkey works with a lot of stuff. I had salmon for dinner tonight cos it was on sale :)

  6. It didn't seem to me that Christine was all that upset...I thought she had to go to the bathroom. Maybe she's the one who is pregnant....that would explain why Robyn was giving her the stink eye

    1. There was something missing from that scene. It was badly edited. Tamryn said something about wanting to talk to Robyn and Kody alone, yet we never saw that happen. The whole things is just...odd.

    2. Thinking about Christine's frantic refusal to come out of the bathroom to avoid her Aunt, and that too when cameras were running and she was expected to join a discussion panel, it's no surprise that something about this interview got her wired and paranoid again. And lovable air-head, drama queen that she is, she did what she does best......made a fool of herself.
      However....TLC could have stopped taping until it was resolved, scratched the bit of her leaving, restarted taping and no one would have been the wiser. But Noooo !!!
      Since the tell-all was already hopelessly empty of any substance, new or recycled.....they went for it, making Christine's unexplained behavior the final stroke for the season.
      Congrats, Christine !!! You are now more lastingly memorable than your nemesis, Sobbin. For this season anyway.

    3. Exactly - TLC didn't need to include the walking off, however badly edited, but they did. When Christine walked off - for 3 days - when Kody chose Robyn's wedding dress, they all just resumed the couch session in their same outfits later in the week. We only learned after the season that she walked off for 3 days.

      I don't understand why the drama or how it could possibly advance Christine's belief that polygamy is superior to monogamy.

    4. All I have to say is Christine is a horrible actress!! Yes, I think that scene was as mock as her tapioca. The only question I have is....WHY????

    5. planting drama..because they refuse to air the reality of their life. Christine said it best Lie Lie Lie they have hidden who they are their whole life...add a competent BS artist and there ya go

    6. The Browns have gone fishing!!! They have each cast their lines and hope we all bite.

      Meri....Will she get her degree?
      Jenelle....Will she have weight loss surgery?
      Christine....Why did walk out of "Tell All"?
      Robyn.... Is she pregnant??
      Will they get their Investment money???? Will Kody have to get a job??? (wait nevermind, he has 4 wives)...will they go on a relationship cruise (barf).

      They have left all their hooks in the water so they can reel us all in and want to see another season, otherwise we will never know. It is ALL planned and scripted and set we will be doing exactly what we are doing.....wondering.

      The Christine drama is soooooooooooo fake.

      I must say that I truly believe that Kody does not spend time with all the women equally now that they are so close. There is no rotation schedule. I bet that he falls asleep where ever he is at the end of the night...hmmmm, bet that would be Robyn's house. He probably just pops in to the other 3 homes during the day and uses the excuse of making a baby to stay at her house. I mean REALLY, you now live as close as you could possibly be and it is STILL an issue with these people....PA - LEEEEESE.

    7. The walk off seemed poorly timed and edited. I too watched Christine for indicators of distress and noticed nothing. It was bizarre to follow up a non dramatic 'break' with a reference to pregnancy which was not at all in discussion or alluded to at that point.
      I almost wonder if Christine needed or wanted a bathroom break (to slyly hint at pregnancy or some to break the flow of conversation) and the producers decided to try to spice it up with a non sequitur conversation about fertility.
      The Browns have never taken issue with fertility or pregnancy in the past, but now Christine is upset...about a topic that isn't being mentioned, hasn't yet been alluded to, and was openly discussed in the previous episode? Nope.
      Shame on Tameron for playing along.
      Though I did notice that Tameron can barely stand Robyn. My husband pointed out that Tameron made several faces and outright ignored Robyn's interjections. I hadn't noticed it until he pointed it out, but now it's all I can see.
      One compliment for Tameron is the few times (not nearly as often as needed) she told Kody to stop answering for his wives or attempting to reword their statements.

    8. Grifter Lives, I must have missed that, she walked off for three days? Wow.

    9. A couple of theories regarding Christine/Robyn.

      First, Robyn doesn't want to discuss pregnancy because she was previously pregnant after Sol and lost the baby. Remember the couple of pictures about a year ago when Robyn looked preggers? It's possible Robyn doesn't want to discuss fertility because she wants to play it safe and wait until she is well in the pregnancy before announcing it to the world. Which to me sounds perfectly fair... All that being said when Christine "walked off" I wondered if maybe she was reminded of the difficult pregnancy and miscarriage she had before Truely.

      My second thought was that Christine could be going thru the change and the realization that she can't have anymore children hit her at the moment.

      Last thought was that either Robyn or Kody had a foot to mouth moment and said something about trying to conceive for a while. Basically admitting, "hey, we've been having sex regularly for awhile." This isn't Big Love where the ladies trade nights in order to conceive. If I was one of Kody's other wives that would be really hard on me. Talking about Meri and Kody having another baby was different because in order for that to happen they needed modern medicine. Not good ole fashion intercourse.

      I've always wondered if the Browns were other fundamentalist and abide by the intercourse is only for procreation rule.

      Personally I thought the whole situation was dumb, because that scene was a sure fire way to get everyone thinking about the "personal relationships" between Kody and his wives...

    10. If Robyn is having trouble conceiving then she and the Kreep are probably using that as an excuse for him to be with her every night for a week straight. Gotta try to strike while the cookie is hot! That would piss Christine off. All the wives were complaining about not enough time, maybe that's the reason?

    11. I agree that Robyn is trying to get pregnant and is having fertility issues. That is why they put in that fake "I can't have a baby if I am working this hard for MSWC" line and why Kody blurted out that he wouldn't talk about a wife's fertility when asked by the camera man. Since Kody did inform Meri "lover" that he WOULD be having more children, with or without her, I have to think he is disappointed that the baby making hasn't been successful.

    12. Hi, Sisi,

      Here's the quote from Janelle's part of their book, about Christine's walking off the set in 2010:

      “When Kody let slip that he had selected Robyn’s wedding dress himself, Christine was devastated and walked off set. The show has to fit into an hour of television, so the necessary edits make it look as if she returned immediately." Janelle wrote that in reality, Christine “didn’t come back for three days."

    13. Regarding Kody's comment about 'I will have more Children'... just how many more do you think he will have? He said again that he is not interested in a 5th wife (at least he said he didn't have time to share with one)... so how many more does he think he will get from the one babymaker available... Robin?

    14. Hi, I am in Australia and unfortunately we are behind you. Can someone tell me the name of the programme and episode you are discussing and I will see if I can download it. We are up to where the subject comes up about whether Kody will take a fifth wife. I noticed he seemed nervous of his reply in front if Robyn, I bet she has ordered "no more wives" behind the scene. I also noticed a couple if episodes back when the wives were at lunch together, Robyn's furious look when Kody rang Christine and they had a chat. Also, I know their dress sense has to be modest, but their clothes for the ceremony were so frumpy. Modest doesn't have to mean frumpy...

  7. Next season on Sister Wives:

    Robyn, Meri, and Christine are all pregnant! Janelle is courting wife #6 , a patisserie chef from Northern California who once lived in a Yurt covered in yoghurt. A road trip to meet the Brady Bunch ends up in brawl between Nonie and Meri, who mock each other mercilessly in the couch segments until Robyn ends things with a well timed 'sweetie'.

    Three of the McMansions are foreclosed on, making everyone move into Meri's house. Janelle is only allowed to use the wet bar because Meri forbids her from setting foot in the kitchen. Janelle loses twenty pounds making midnight dashes to the refrigerator for sustenance, but when she hits a plateau, Trainer Sean makes her destroy the refrigerator with a sledgehammer.

    Christine's aunt comes to visit, so Christine moves into the play house in the backyard, the only place where it is 'safe'. She gives birth to two more children, who she names Madley and Deepley. Robin has a daughter, named Yoming. Meri gives birth to a son, who looks suspiciously like her Psych 101 professor. She names him Ed.

    Kody gets hair implants, grows his locks out to his shoulders and starts a new business starring in hair commercials. He has his man card laminated and put on a lanyard, which he then wears around his neck.

    This becomes the centerpiece of My Sister Wife's Closet's next line of Joolery. Kody makes man cards for all his wives. Christine doesn't like hers, and when she finds out that Kody told Robyn about the man cards first and chose her lanyard color for her, she storms out.

    Also, mouth hormones.

    1. "She gives birth to two more children, who she names Madley and Deepley. Robin has a daughter, named Yoming. Meri gives birth to a son, who looks suspiciously like her Psych 101 professor. She names him Ed "

      My favorite part !!!

    2. Laminated man card! LOL

    3. OMG, SafeTalk, that is just too funny! LOL!!!

    4. The laminated man card on a lanyard! Too awesome! Now *that* has a chance of selling on mswc. Lol!

    5. Far, FAR more entertaining than any episode of Sister Wives this entire season. Gracias. :)

    6. I laughed so hard at that I spit my mock tapioca all over my sister wives closet scarf!

    7. This is just the best thing. Ever.

    8. "Madley, Deepley, Yoming and Ed"

      Lmao! Brilliant!

    9. Best. Post. Ever. LMAO

    10. This was sooooo funny! I especially loved the new baby names. I could see Christine naming hers that.

    11. :D Glad y'all liked it. I haven't watched the last couple of episodes, but this blog has been epic regardless.

  8. I have no problem with Logan's photos, but I do have a problem with the Browns' double standards. They seem to have one moral code for their girls and another for boys. The girls are body-shamed with remarks like "I don't need to see that much skin, go put a different shirt on," but the boys are defended with "If you've got it, flaunt it."

    I am also annoyed at the trumped up drama of Christine walking off the Tell All set. Production could have edited that out, but they decide to leave it in and then not give a proper explanation of it? Why? It's insulting to the audience.

    Bu what am I saying--t the audience was already insulted this season, over and over. The fake cliffhanger that they used TWICE to get us to tune it will never work with me again, sorry. Fooled me twice, but not again. This show has completely lost its credibility.

    --Oh, and the Browns won't talk publicly about this kind of stuff, but part of the reason pregnancy is a touchy subject between sister wives is because most fundamentalist Mormons are not supposed to use birth control (it might inhibit a soul who is "supposed" to be born)--so when they want to control conception, they use abstinence as the method. If Kody and Robyn are actively trying to conceive, and if Kody and Christine are trying not to, then guess who is having a lot of sex, and guess who isn't? Furthermore, Meri may be facing another kind of heartache in a few years. When a plural wife enters menopause, often this signals the end of her sex live, because it would be a "waste" of her husband's seed that could be better put to use with another (younger fertile) wife.

    1. Quote: Furthermore, Meri may be facing another kind of heartache in a few years. When a plural wife enters menopause, often this signals the end of her sex live, because it would be a "waste" of her husband's seed that could be better put to use with another (younger fertile) wife.

      If that's true, then Meri must have been experiencing this a long time ago when it became clear she had fertility issues. It was obviously not an issue with Kody since he had no trouble having six kids with both Janelle and Christine. Knowing Meri's "issues" it would have been deemed a "waste" of his seed a long time ago. Meri has faced much heartache on many fronts for many, many years.

    2. The Browns are trying to make polygamy attractive by putting a romantic twist to it, but really, it isn't romantic at all. Kody knows that if people really knew what fundamentalist mormons teach, his show wouldn't have made it past the pilot stage. Kody followed his religion by quickly bringing in Janelle and Christine when it appeared Meri was barren. He later brought in Robyn when it became apparent Janelle & Christine babybearing days were over. Don't be surprised if Kody does bring in yet another wife once Robyn fails to conceive again.

    3. Agree! And the kids know it - did anyone notice how Gabriel said "I think if Dad stops, it's ok" regarding having more kids? Tamron called him out on why he didn't say the moms - she was the one who had it wrong!

  9. Re: the hotel/B&B pictures: I don't know where they got that furniture, but it looks dark and gloomy to me - not at all inviting. If I saw furnishings like that on another hotel site, I wouldn't find it at all appealing.

    1. I googled the Hilldale/Colorado City areas to try to find any possible area where the hotel was built (I know, google maps has images from 2008 or so). What got my attention was that Google shows a "Warren Av" on the Colorado City side. It seems to be a tiny piece, more like a block long only. I am sure that there are other Warren streets, avenues, etc, in other places, but because of the area and the background, it sounds creepy to me.

    2. That, that room with those furnishings looks ripe for S&M.

      Ugly and imposing !!

    3. Agreed Amused. That pleather couch is just asking for some bodily fluids on it. Yuck.

  10. I may be wrong and a little confused but when the interview began, robyn wore like a pink wrap around top and then later, in the interview, she had a shirt on with a jacket. Did I imagine that?

    1. If that's true that's just one more layer in this mystery sandwich.
      Robin definitely had the vow of silence going after the weird Christine cut, and she looked absolutely miserable the remainder of the interview.

    2. To me, Robyn always looks miserable. It's just the way her jaw and mouth is, unfortunately.

  11. Any info on what kind of ratings the faux tell-all got? I deleted them off my dvr list so it didn't record. Based on what you all wrote, sounds like I didn't miss a thing. Was this their lowest rated season?

    1. I recorded it, but didn't watch - actually deleted it from my TV - after I read the reviews here that it was not a tell all by any stretch of the imagination. The Klown Kar has taken its last lap as far as I'm concerned. I hope TLC puts the brakes on this show and doesn't let it get out of the starting gate next season. Does anybody else think once the show is over and it becomes apparent the mansions will be foreclosed that one or more of the wives will walk?

    2. I checked, and she wore the same top and jacket throughout. No pin wrap-around.

    3. (Whoops, meant to reply to the post above this one, sorry!)

  12. In the young adult couch scene, Mariah seemed to be staring down Logan with deep disdain when he was speaking about practicing polygamy or not. She was also the first one to speak up - with too much pride - about her love life, while the rest sat silent.

    Tamryn could have asked how they adapted to college, how often the local ones go home, how often the siblings are in touch, or even what they did on spring break, since they didn't travel on the RV trip - any glimpse into their independence. Also, there was no objection or walking off when she asked all the girls about their plans for motherhood.

    1. I wish there was an email address (REAL) that we could ask Tamron Hall to ask at this "Tell All"...She is a good journalist, but doing this interview each time really really hits her credibility and professionalism as a journalist that gets the good information that the public REALLY wants to hear. Heck they could just have some ding a ling out on the streets come in and ask the questions on the card.

    2. Mariah's bangs and glasses pretty much hid her eyes. Logan answering whether he would be a polygamist only lasted maybe 10 seconds total. Mariah was only maybe 2 seconds so I wouldn't say she was staring Logan down. She was just trying to see him behind all that hair!

    3. I agree that Tamron should not be doing shady journalism. I hope she reconsiders doing the tell alls in the future, I think it cheapens her brand.

    4. Poor Mariah, I wonder if she even got asked out this past school year. It may not be as easy for her to find a plyg husband as she thought. She's certainly not going to get the number 1 spot like her mom and grandmas did.

    5. I doubt Mariah will actually go into polygamy. At this point, she is parroting what she has been told by Meri and Kody since birth. I think she is a lot wiser about the realities than she lets on. I think she continues to say she still wants plural marriage to please her parents. When she meets the right man, she will then decide. Mariah has some unpleasant characteristics but I still cut her some slack because she didn't ask for her life to be on television. And we all went through phases of unflattering looks, right? I know I did!

    6. I will never forget the Hippocracy of Mariah tweeting out how "ghetto" Las Vegas Walmart was...considering that she was raised on welfare grants, food stamps and WIC food.

  13. I just asked Meri by tweet how "If you got it, flaunt it" works when the wives won't even show their elbows. Disgustingly hypocritical.

    1. Lol! Did she respond? I'm actually kind of interested in her answer!

    2. Vegas has been a religio-social slippery slope for the Browns, as we have seen by numerous examples. Their kids will homogenize with the general population much faster than if they had stayed with their cohesive group back in Utah, especially the younger ones without a solid foundation.
      Kody's testimony to go from LDS to AUB came, as I recall, while he was on an after-high- school mission and his parents communicated to him (phone and/or letter) their conversion. I imagine that may have been confusing for Kody, who was raised LDS. I don't imagine that it was a hard leap for an attention-seeking, women-loving fellow like Kody to make. Notice they rarely refer to their lifestyle as religion-dictated.
      As I recall from the Old Testament, Sarah banished Ishmael (the offspring of her husband and her maid) even though it was she who had encouraged Abraham to lay with the maid. It was definitely not a loving sister-wife thing; the maid left with her son. References to polygamy in the Old Testament are chattel-oriented, not made to showcase any sort of exemplary behavior.
      Too much energy imbalance.
      While some of the girls might not follow the plyg thing, I really think that Logan and Hunter just might. From their perspective as guys, it probably doesn't look so bad (despite what they may have seen their mother endure).

    3. I also posted a comment about the double standards.

    4. Nah, no response. I've asked her hard questions in the past, so I seriously doubt she looks at any tweet from me. And now I'm chuckling about showing one's elbows being a hard question. To paraphrase the great Jack Nicholson, they can't handle the truth!

    5. Although I don't agree with them, at least the Duggar's make the boys keep covered to their knees the same way the girls are. And of course Meri didn't reply, she is smart enough to know when she said something to make them look hypocritical.

  14. Love this blog and all the commenters! I haven't seen the last 2 seasons but have really enjoyed reading here. Hopefully there will be a show to keep us going after the Browns are cancelled. Sounds like the show has gone downhill... I can't believe they teased the audience with the "announcement" and a unexplained exit by Christine. Thanks for entertaining me here and saving me from actually watching the show.

  15. What is Kody so snippy about this season? He seemed SO annoyed during the interview and was grumpy a lot of the season it seemed. I wish they would explain more about the family dynamics, that is why I tuned into the show in the first place.

    1. I was wondering that also. Before the RV trip he makes a snide comment that his wives are not happy to travel together. His word vomit tantrum about not being in charge of anything "ever"!He throws a dig about Meri and Janelle being the ones who need help with their relationship. He hushed Robyn to get his thought out ( loved this!!). He tried to control what everyone said at the Tell All. He seems annoyed with MSWC and with his wives. Did I leave anything out?

      If he could get a spinoff starring just him, he would do it in a minute. Noone would watch.

    2. Agreed! The REAL family dynamics are what intrigue and interest me the most.

    3. I have my own theory about Kody's attitude. Kody is an egotistical narcissist who lives in denial. In his own mind, he is a rock star and entitled to whatever he wants. My theory is that when his self-image is threatened, he acts out. In an effort to preserve his self-image, he dismisses anything that threatens it and tries to control everything around him to maintain his denial.

      Who knows what is threatening him. The VCs criticism of his presentation certainly has. I suspect he fears trouble with the show. The ratings are dropping and the Brady Bunch has encroached on the Brown's niche. If there McMansion loans are coming due, that would be an added stressor. As the stressors mount (particularly the financial stressors) and the ratings drop, I expect Kody will become increasingly controlling and angry.

    4. *their, not there. . .

    5. I have noticed Kody’s behavior as well. He used to be the care-free cool hippie polygamist (self-described anyhow). Now he is so easily offended. It seems like the wives are going completely overboard in their worship of Kody this season. The whole ponytail thing is a ridiculous example…Kody saying “Janelle digs my ponytail”…but when asked on the Tell All, all the wives demurred that they liked him as he was currently wearing his hair…Janelle of course likes both the pony tail and the current Kody hairdo. The wives are so worried that Kody doesn’t feel in charge of his family so they throw a ridiculous party fit for King Kody to tell him how much they appreciate him. And during the party, even then he seemed really annoyed. They all seem to try to say the right things but you can tell Kody isn’t pleased.

      I think Kody is a little like Brady, he thinks he is a great leader and philosopher. When he made himself a laughingstock over the hormones in your mouth debacle, he dug his heels in and kept repeating that he was right, all dads wish they could say that to their daughters…instead of just admitting that he might have gone overboard with his conversation with John and Mykelti. I think he feels that he is being made fun of as a man, leader and husband on national tv and he does not like it. And I also think he knows the producers are making him the butt of the jokes. I think he believes his fans, the producers and his wives are now beneath him.

  16. I find it distasteful that the Brown adults are offended by any questions regarding their intimate lives, but it's just fine to throw their teens to the wolves and make their sexuality a storyline for ratings.

    1. Great observation!
      Notice the un-adultlike behavior from both Kody and Christine during the tell-all. Tamron repeatedly addressed Kody for interrupting his wives and jumping in to answer for them. She did it in a nice teacherly way. Did he not feel himself a bit of a fool over these repeated social faux pas?
      Christine admitted on twitter to being childish.
      We all have our challenges. But come on, Brown parents, your main responsibility is to look out for and try to protect your children. Perhaps passing the titillation buck is not the answer to your ratings decline.

    2. Whenever Kody is in a jam, Janelle speaks up with her politically correct answer. Tamron had to ask Janelle to let Kody answer at least once.

  17. Yes, that is worrisome. Adult sexuality is out of bounds, but there are no rules set down for the kids to be protected from these kinds of questions. Take care of myself first and only. That is Kody's motto.

    1. Kody always infers that someone is asking a question about their s*x lives. When Tamron asked about the rotation (staying over with a wife), he immediately said he wasn't going there, it was private. That was not her intent, she wanted to know if each family got the same amount of time.

    2. I thought they used to admit that Kody rotated on a nightly basis? Has that changed?

    3. To my knowledge, Kody has never answered that question straight out. He implies it's even but we have seen feedback that Christine and Janelle don't feel he is spending enough time with them and their kids.

    4. At one point first season it was "there is a rotation" then it was two nights at a time, when he was walking between rentals in vegas and then after king Sol was born he explained that he spends more time with the mother& newborn. Funny I remember him dating during Truely's birth and Christine getting cut down on time share due to the new girlfriend entering the rotation.
      I believe it is clear that Meri gets her share, Robchin gets more, gal pal Janelle could care less and Christine gets least of all since she is always in the dog house(literally & figurative)

  18. Of COURSE there is a double standard for apparel between the boys/girls!! Men are allowed to have multiple wives for god sakes! Women having multiple husbands is "disgusting" (I believe that is what the douchebag blowhard Kody called it). This show makes me so angry! I can't believe women listen to their husbands tell them "I am called to have another wife". ALL these men are saying is "I want to F other women" and "I need more attention".

    1. I think "vulger" is the exact term he used with Meri about the idea of her being with another man.

    2. Yep, it's a man's world in their religion. These women must have been brainwashed hard to choose this. I don't know what went wrong with Janelle and her mom to join in.

    3. He was outraged when Meri tried to say "hey, how would you feel if I was with 3 other men". He gave her zero empathy and refused to even consider it because it was "vulgar". She was just trying to get him to understand how she feels, "Hey, put yourself in my shoes for a minute." But of course he is too selfish and self-absorbed to think of anything but himself.

      In another episode I believe he said it went against God and nature for women to be with multiple men. Isn't that convenient....well, at least for the men of this mock religion.

  19. What is VERY frightening with this family is the fact that they all agreed that their financial survival is dependent on the success of the jewellery business. 1. Its a STUPID idea. 2. For all the adults involved in this business over the course of 2 years (or more?) - they have MAYBE 50 products? Thats pathetic and shows they DO NOT work hard at it. 3. They arrogantly believe that people will remember them when the show is over. WRONG! The only time sister wives tweet is when the show is airing and the ONLY time people tweet about THEM is when the show is airing! Look at their FB page, they only post when show airs. They ARE HORRIBLE MARKETERS! They can't work daily at tweeting and updating FB because they are LAZY and probably believe that people will continue to buy their crap and that they will remain relevant after the show. They are so ridiculous it makes me crazy!

    1. It's hard to believe that any of them actually believe that their ultimate financial success depends on that jewelry business. It is mind blowing to think that they might by operating under this delusion. Those statements are to add drama and in a most pathetic way, get customers.
      Those trinkets are not the precious generational pass-alongs that they must think they are, considering how outrageously they are priced. It is simply beyong reason.

    2. if their financial survival depends on it why the inability to get all four wives on board? Janelle says she does the financials like its some big corporation. Kody is begrudgingly on board as leader of the compay? Dysfunction has infected the business. They are hopeless

    3. I believe they are all lying about MSWC. Not only do they probably spend little time with the actual operation, they are certainly not making any income (you know, after minusing out the expenses). This is a fake storyline for tv purposes only. However, Kody is the CEO of this business should the tax man come calling.

    4. I believe they are lying too.

    5. Janelle just admitted that she doesn't even like jewelry. This is either a tax break or a line for the show. There can't be any way they are really taking this seriously.

    6. I concur, but I also wonder. They sell these trinkets for a major mark-up. At the VC meeting, they indicated that there 500 sales in a month. I don't know that this figure is accurate, but if they do get 500 sales in a month with a $10 mark up, they would be making $5000 a month to be split among them. I realize that the split is 5 ways, but, it would be a thousand a month for each wife.

    7. I'm pretty sure they said they had 500 sales total. I'm pretty sure that any profit would not be split five ways.

    8. I had to laugh when they talk about their 'marketing'. What marketing? Except for their TLC show, their 'marketing' is non-existent.

      As someone above said and I agree, MSWC is nothing but a tax break, somewhere to funnel money and write off (living) expenses.

    9. Yes, it was 500 sales in total. So that's $5000 for the whole freaking life of the company, divided by 5. So, $1,000 per wife/Kody for 2 years of business. No CPA required to know this is not a sustainable business.

    10. Not to mention that in past seasons, Kody, Janelle and Christine couldn't be bothered with MSWC and dismissed it as a hobby business. Did we miss something here? How is it that all of a sudden they are all on board?

  20. Just saw the ratings for this episode - 1.342mil viewers/0.4 share - not exactly blockbuster numbers!

    1. People are not as interested, this season was a snooze-fest. No one wants to see Robyn getting all the attention again, viewers like her the least.

    2. That's a pretty big drop from the premiere. Wasn't that almost 2 million?

  21. I'm convinced that the baby drama with Christine walking off is all fake. TLC just wants to keep its "cliffhanger."

    My guess is that Christine walked off to go to the bathroom or something. Producers used it to ban questions about Robyn's hypothetical pregnancy, thus preserving the "cliffhanger."

    There are so many fake story lines on this show. Just look at the VCs.

  22. Why is Christine tweeting about Paedon? Are they trying to type cast him into some role for next season? They sure have been piling on to poor Paedon...they can't think of anything nice to say about him, Christine tweets that he has no hobbies, Christine tweets that he is stinky. I have a teenager and if I had tweeted those types of things, I don't know if I would ever be forgiven.

    If we see episodes featuring Paedon next season, we will know these tweets were all made up for the show.

    1. They sure have been piling on to poor Paedon...they can't think of anything nice to say about him
      I think in the case of Christine, she is trying desperately to show how "in control" she is of her life and family. But in my opinion it just shows how out of control she is.

      I may be wrong, but I think those characteristics she's labeling her son with are the same labels (or behaviors) she sees in Kody. It's her childish way of getting back at Kody.

      I think she's on her way to a major breakdown.

    2. Do you know something about Christine? Why do you think she is heading for a breakdown? I wonder about Christine the most.

    3. Why do you think she is heading for a breakdown?
      Simply my opinion based on about 4 years of watching her on their reality show. When you compare the woman in the beginning to the woman we see today, there's a big difference.

      And with her pattern of tweeting, it appears something is wrong in 'paradise'. Again, this is just my opinion. YMMV

    4. I think it may be Christine's way of getting Kody to spend more attention with her 1 son. He obviously is all about Sol and spends a lot of time at Janelle's with her 4 boys, but poor Paedon probably has to go to Janelle's to get extra time with his dad.

      I think she is in the midst of a breakdown or is headed toward one too. She appears to off-balanced. The going from talking really soft to really loud is a sign. Charles Manson used to do that because there is psychological backing that shows you can get about half the population to listen to you better when you do that, it's almost a hypnosis method. So weird.

    5. I have a question? Where were Paedon and Garrison at the tell all. The older teens got an interview. The Pixies were interviewed. The Brown's talk about the problems of being a middle child, but they do seem to cut those "middle kids" out of things.

    6. Christine is losing it. She was in bad shape when they moved and Robyn was pregnant. She had to constantly apologize for almost ruining the family. I think she is holding on by her fingernails and doesn't even know it. Or maybe losing Aspyn as her live-in help has made her lose her mind. So we see a pattern...the oldest of the kids shoulders the responsibility of the younger kids since Kody doesn't do his part. I would think Breanna is going to start feeling that way as well. I didn't realize how grown up she was getting until Tamron inteviewed the middle kids.

    7. Luckily for Breanna, Robyn has other live-in help and probably relies on her older kids less. Plus, Kody is most likely there more nights than any of the other houses.

    8. I think if Paedon & his room are stinky, it's more of a reflection on Christine as a mother and a house keeper than it is on him. He is just a kid after all. I don't know how often she cleans and changes bed linens, but the tweet made it sound like she doesn't do it very often.

    9. Thanks for answering my question, CJ!

    10. Thanks for answering my question, CJ!
      My pleasure!!

    11. Where were Paedon and Garrison at the tell all
      The teen boys usually go to Wyoming to work on the Brown family cattle ranch. I bet that's where they were (and why they didn't make the Tell All taping.) It also explains the most recent Brown Family Road trip - most likely to pick them up and bring them back home - and possibly to leave Robyn's kids with their dad in Montana.

    12. He obviously is all about Sol and spends a lot of time at Janelle's with her 4 boys

      I agree that Kody's attention is focused on Sol and that he spends the majority of his time w/Robyn, but I don't think he's spending much time at all w/Janelle's boys, or if he is it's taking place somewhere other than at their home.

      Janelle was pretty clear and vocal about the fact that Kody isn't spending much time with her and I interpreted it to also mean he wasn't spending time with her kids either. I don't really care which wife Kody spends time with or why. They're adults and chose this dysfunctional lifestyle, BUT the kids didn't ask for it and don't deserve to go without because poor, put-upon Kody can't behave like a mature man and give all of his children the attention they need and deserve. WTH does he do every day, all day? SMH

      To think that he has children, HIS children, living no farther than across the street, and that he might not be seeing them, let along spending quality time with them drives me crazy. If Janelle isn't seeing Kody every 4th nite, then his kids probably aren't either. I wonder how often he does see them. Is it no more often than when they lived in the rental homes and they sometimes went weeks w/o spending time with him? He should be ashamed for not making each and every one of his children an equal priority.

    13. Thanks CJ. It certainly is nicer than thinking that they were being excluded.

  23. On the TLC-Sisterwives Facebook page, people tear Kody to shreads, and if he reads the posts, he is bound to see that he is one of the least favorite of all the adults, followed by Robyn, Meri, Christine, and finally Janelle. When the comments about him were about him having four wives, I don't think that bothered nearly as much as the comments about him being a middle aged, fat, balding loser. A few weeks back, Meri tweeted something about her wanting people to stop talking about Kody because they don't know him....well, that might have been when everyone really got on the bandwagon to tell Kody how big of a loser he really is. While Kody and his clowns don't always follow every comment or blog about their show, I'm sure the research team at TLC does, and they capitalize on how to portray these characters to generate the most buzz and if we talk a lot about our contempt for Kody, that's talk so I'm sure they create these instances on the show or cut the show to show how contemptible Kody really is. A while back, they were tearing up Robyn...all of her scenes showed her greed and it's King Kody. Love it.

    1. Well I sure wish the TLC team would research this page, we have given them all kinds of pointers to make the show more interesting.

  24. When Christine walked off the set, they had just shown a clip of "Blackwater-gate" from the RV trip. Kody was shown yelling at his sons, and saying how angry he had been. Everyone else at the Tell All was laughing about it, and that's when Christine interrupted with her apology that she "had to" leave the set. I wonder if something happened during that trip that wasn't filmed? Kody was very, very angry that evening. If you have access to re-watch it, take a look at his face as he walks away from his sons. We've all seen hints of how scary he can be when angry. Maybe Christine walked off the set because of the traumatic memory of Kody's angry words and/or actions that evening after the camera crew left. If Kody had gone bonkers and flown off the handle that night out of camera range, they certainly wouldn't want to talk about it, and Robyn may have made it seem like Christine had been upset about *her* and her is-she-isn't-she pregnancy rather than allow us to find out Kody is a scary angry man in private---thus, Christine's tweet that "it's complicated."

    Maybe I'm over-thinking this, but if they only just came out and told us why Christine walked off the set, I wouldn't be making these speculations.

    1. rather than allow us to find out Kody is a scary angry man in private---thus, Christine's tweet that "it's complicated
      Oh Sister Kolobster, I think you have hit the proverbial nail on it's head!

      Wasn't it a couch interview when little Truely said she screams and screams when her daddy is mad? That is totally an odd thing for a child to say...especially one who only sees that daddy every 4 days or so.

      And think about this, Logan moved into his own apartment. Maddie moved back to Utah as soon as she graduated from high school. Mykelti is saying she wants to move to San Francisco, adopt babies WITHOUT a husband. Garrison talks about soldiers shooting their sergeants. Seems like we are seeing a pattern here. Kody may want people to think he doesn't control his family, but I would argue he controls his family like a tyrant. The mothers won't talk about it, but the children see it and get the hell out of Dodge as soon as they can.

    2. Oooh, good thinking Sister K. I just posted below about Kody's dark side, and I think you are right on the money. Weird dynamics in this family and Kody certainly isn't the nice guy he tries to portray himself as being, this season really showed that. It says a lot that all the kids are getting the heck out of there as quickly as possible.

    3. Yeah, I thought it was strange that Christine got "visibly upset" when they were still talking about the RV trip and nothing about babies. I wouldn't be surprised if she bears the brunt of Kody's wrath when he's angry.

    4. CJ - wow you are totally right. None of the older kids are sticking around and the middle group of kids seem kind of troubled or afraid of something. I recall thinking when they had the rentals that Christine was being emotionally abused and there was the damage on the front door that looked like someone had kicked it in. Given how this season really highlighted to me how much the wives seem to want to be in his good graces (hair comments, Kody is the King night, etc), I wonder what it's like when you are odds with Kody.

    5. Yes, CJ, Truely said something like "When my daddy gets mad, I just scream." She said it not only matter-of-factly, but cheerfully, as if it were nothing out of the ordinary.

    6. I thought that was a pretty weird thing for Truley to say, too. How often must he be mad for her to say that so causally, especially given that he's only there once or twice a week (maybe).

    7. Interesting thought. He did make it clear that this was THE ONLY time he got mad on that trip.

    8. Is it possible that they dont realize it is not normal to get very angry so often that "only once" during a trip seems like something to brag about? That most families do not cry everyday, or tear up when they express ANY emotion? That it is alarming how often every member uses the word "nervous" especially when there is nothing to be nervous about. They're not living in Gaza or Syria or even a rough neighborhood or without central AC. They get "nervous" when they have to talk to each other about anything. Most people are not crippled with anxiety and apprehension at the thought of a family vacation. I hope it's all just staged for the show because if not, the levels of unhappiness and dysfunction they show are honestly disturbing.

    9. Maybe Christine thought the production crew sabotaged the RV for Blackwatergate, and she walked off because she was angry and didn't want to say something awful about them.

    10. Or because Kody called Robyn "sweetheart" right before that. Christine was pissed because that's HER nickname!

  25. the couch session when christine was explaining her comment to the VC people about why they didnt want to much money and might get lazy...Robyn interrupted..Kody said "that's why I didn't come down on her or blast her (christine) or something to that effect meaning he didnt yesll at christine over her comment. I think Kody comes down on what he considers outing them a lot.

  26. I think Christine has been Kody's dumping ground for their entire marriage. Meri gives back as good as she gets. Janelle is so passive that Kody must get zero reaction for his tantrums, and Robyn is clearly not afraid to out an abusive husband. Christine is such a people-pleaser and so conditioned to "keep sweet." Kody needs her to stroke his ego and make him feel like a King.

    I have always thought it was very telling that the younger girls fight over Logan's attention before their own father's. I also think it's odd that Mariah needs her mother present to have simple conversations with Kody about her college aspirations or her desire for a car. As a kid, I never feared having a heart-to-heart with my Dad about anything. In this show, I can't recall a single, heartfelt father/child conversation that wasn't initiated by the mother and was designed to further a manufactured plot line. My guess is that Kody has a superficial relationship with all of his children, whether he sees it that way or not.

    1. At first I thought that maybe the kids didn't really respect Kody as much, but now I am thinking it is something more intense and darker than that. When you have your daughter saying point blank that they want kids but don't need a husband, there's something wrong. I first thought something was wrong when they did that interview with Janelle, Maddie, and Kody and the body language Maddie put off was so incredibly strange. Then he yelled at Robyn and Meri that he just wanted to be obeyed. That sure didn't seem like the image he's tried so hard to portray. The way Kody glares/stares at someone when they say something they don't like, it is very creepy. I hope he isn't a total jerk behind the scenes, but I think he is.

    2. You are totally correct. It does seem (at least what we are seeing) that the conversations are initiated or facilitated by the moms. I wonder if Kody never realized how the kids snickered at him behind his back until the show started and he saw it on film. They all seem to be more deferential that might just come with maturity...or it might have come from threats and punishments.

    3. I will say that I agree with you, Anonymous. I used to have the same perspective as Mykelti, and it wasn't because I had had great fatherly role models. Instead I had a deceased Father who hadn't been apart of my life much prior to dying, and many father figures who continued to walk out of my life.

      For the longest time I wanted to be a single Mom and adopt. I still want to adopt, and I am still open to doing it alone, but I am also open to doing it with a husband. :)

    4. I think you may be on to something about the kids being afraid of Kody. One thing for sure that is quite obvious is that they sure don't respect him!

    5. I noticed that this season Maddie was very quiet. In fact, I don't think she even said anything on the Tell All. I wonder if she has been silenced by Kody. And she sure moved quickly to Utah after graduation.

    6. I don't think she knows a man is for? Janelle's daughters had Logan to look up to at least.

    7. I agree with you all... and I think that the one who spoke this the loudest was Truely. When they went camping and Christine screeched, "DO YOU WANT TO RIDE WITH DADDYYYY??" Truely said, "No."

      At the gooberish "thank you for uprooting us and making us fake flee to Vegas" party, or at some other party, Christine screeched "DO YOU WANNA SIT WITH DADDYYYYYY??" And Truely said, "No."

      That little girl knows what's what.

  27. You know what I think? You're dying to know, aren't ya?!

    I think, strike that--I KNOW that this blog is far, far more interesting and entertaining than the stupid SW show and I spend 10 times as much time here as I do watching the show. (thank God for fast forward!) Hitherto and therefore.....TLC should pay all of US instead of the Klowns!

    1. I spend more time on here than watching the show, too! I love this place!

      I missed Sunday's show because my sister was in the hospital. We watched the Lego Movie, instead. :)

    2. Andrea, I hope your sister is doing better and she is home safely!

      I bet the Lego movie was more intellectually stimulating than the tell-nothing with mock journalist Tamron!

  28. Maybe Tamron is just a good actress but I thought she looked startled when Christine interrupted and walked off. But if it wasn't staged, it was idiotic to include it with some confusing, nonsensical explanation of what happened. Also, Christine's iconic MSWC bracelet was really distracting since she was clinking around the whole show like a fortune teller.

    1. I agree that she did look startled. I hope she wasn't acting because that is not ethical for a journalist. Tamron looked startled and annoyed. But why did they keep that in, they could have easily just edited that out.

  29. Anyone wondering why Meri hasn't been tweeting about VLL lately? I wonder if Kody told her to knock it off? Seems like that crush has run its course. Did they have a falling out?

  30. I agree with all of you that the Robyn "cliffhanger" was either manufactured or TLC/Browns were hoping there would actually be an "announcement" but there was, in the end (when filmed for broadcast), nothing to announce---no one was pregnant, no money from investors...ergo, the Robyn "I have to take a phone call" nonsense was tacked on at the last minute. Same goes for Christine getting up from the couch. I, too, could see no distress in her actions and also thought she was just needing to take a bathroom break. Having said that, I cannot fathom her tweets about her "actions" or whether those tweets actually mean anything.

    Bottom line: Both TLC and the Browns share the responsibility for the non-ending (i.e. no "announcement") and the lack of coherent explanation for Christine leaving the couch during the alleged Tell All. TLC screwed this up and owes those who watch the show a more professional product.

    P.S. I wonder if Logan is using steroids...he looks so different so fast.

    P.S.S. Brown parents: Your double standards regarding "modesty" for women vs. men is profoundly obnoxious and gives you no future credibility when discussing your views on dating, marriage, kissing, clothing choices, etc. Of course, you did not have a lot of credibility previously considering your show is about a married man and the other three women with whom he sleeps, couched in a religion that you have yet to explain with any clarity whatsoever.

  31. Since TLC (and the Browns too *if* Christine's disappearing act was just act)....chose to place the spotlight on Christine, making her look unbalanced and frankly, stupid, .well, it isn't the first time She has been portrayed as a semi-hysterical twit to be tolerated and placated in other years.

    Think about the trip they all took, holed up in a hotel with Kody-Idiot waving around all the wives' hotel room keys for all other hotel guests to see, as usual. That was the trip when he and Sobbin (of course "she" was his roomie) had conspired to get "a gift" for sad, neurotic, whiney Christine to shut her up. Sobbin was glorifying in her role as co-conspirator, all patronizing and condescending as a tooth fairy.

    The cheap ass watch they had brought along was in a flimsy cardboard box and had 5 or 6 crayon box colored interchangeable watchbands. It was of the flea market variety.
    (come to think of it, it would be a perfect addition to inventory for their Junk Closet.

    *That* POS watch was supposed to take care of Christine's pissy moods (anguish) about being replaced by Sobbin (even IF she was conned into it by Kody in order to get the show) and then she (and her baby) was essentially ignored after just giving birth.

    Or the painful luncheon scene engineered for the show where Christine and Sobbin had lunch and Christine had to eat humble pie and basically apologize for having trouble accepting Sobbin. To the point of making a stupid wall hanging for Sobbin to seal for eternity her remorse for being a bad girl.

    Christine IS covert, she is manipulative; but like all of these women, she uses what wiles she possess to survive living with her choices. She seems to be the most fragile in terms of resiliency. She has a thin veneer of strength, very thin. Without her older daughters to buffer the chaos, I doubt she could cope at all. And that dynamic is changing with two of them all but gone now and Kody being the di*k he is.
    I agree, Christine could crack wide open. Sad.

    1. Great insight, Amused. I think Christine is trying incredibly hard to stick with her religious beliefs despite the fact that both her mother and Aunt left the church/lifestyle years ago. It seems that even though she is an adult-aged person with many children that her thinking is still based in that type of "concrete" black and white reasoning of the teenage years (can't remember the label for that psychosocial stage) (kind of like law-based/religious versus exploring ethics/morality).
      It appears that Aspyn has matured beyond her mother. It seems like Mykelti is just saying what the adults want to hear to get them off her back until she can escape--I wouldn't be surprised if the Kody and Christine were paying her some extra dough for her to say some of the ridiculous b******t she was spouting. Did anyone else notice her glassy stare and robotic tone?
      I recall that after they moved into the houses, Christine, elated at having her own big fr****n house for the first time, declared how ecstatic she was that she hadn't "let" anyone talk her out of the marriage/relationship situation. The house was what made her feel like it was all worth it. The house.
      To digress for a moment...thank you to Cynical Jinx for this blog. I recognize many followers (names) of this show from the "old days", and you all have some great insight into this story. The 'reality tea' blog overall is not quite as in the trenches. You're a cool one, Cynical Jinx.

    2. You got it right, it is called the concrete operational stage of psychosocial development,"according to Piaget :) Most grow out of that stage by the onset of puberty

    3. Bemused, I totally agree that the older kids are saying what their parents want them to hear. It is very telling how quickly a rebellious teen will go from saying something like, when I grow up, I'm outta here...I'm gonna get tattoos and piercings everywhere and I'm going to NW or someplace far away to I was rebellious but I'm not that genre anymore and I love fashion and being good....blah, blah, blah. But, as soon as the kids graduate or, in the case of Maddie, graduate early, they get the hell out of Dodge or Yoming! LOL. I wanted to leave as soon as I turned 18 and remember it well. I also remember those scripts that I knew by heart to say to people outside of our house but in my head, I kept saying, when I turn 18, I'm getting the hell out of here and I turned 18 and I packed my bags and got the hell out of the place where I had been placed after the death of my mother. My daughter and my son, who were 12 months apart didn't leave home until they graduated college. They lived in the dorm but were home every single weekend and holidays and all summer long. My daughter's move to the dorm didn't happen until the last day of the deadline to move in and that was her choice. My daughter was five hours away and still came home every weekend. Kody even said that the girl that was going to school with her brother in LV was too busy with her sorority sisters to spend time with the family...very telling. I'm not saying kids don't grow up and leave home; I'm saying they don't grow up and run as fast as they can without looking back. And, I agree with the reader who said she wondered if Logan was doing steroids...unless he is living in the gyn, I doubt he got all those muscles by pumping iron. But, who knows for sure.

    4. I have watched the "apology" scene with Christine and Sobbin' in the restaurant many times, and when Robyn starts to cry (as usual), Christine - without a doubt - smiles. She tries to hide it, but she most definitely lets a smile fly.

      - Lori

    5. Brilliant!

      Christine seems stuck emotionally and intellectually at the age she felt that lightning bolt upon seeing Kody. All the women's vocabularies ("awesome") come from that age and era, too. We hear and see it most in Christine's obnoxious voice inflections and over-annunciation, and Kody once described her as "the lightness of being" or something. I think that she continues to act the same and at the same level of maturity as when she and Kody first courted in order to please or hold onto him. However, now that she's in her early to mid-40s, it seems that she's really losing grip and it should be almost tragic.

    6. I felt horrible for Mykelti during the tell all. I believe she may be expressing a ibt of the "sour grapes fable." If she can't have her isn't worth having any. She says she is glad her dad laid down the law. She says she is glad that this relationship didn't last. Yeah right! Her dad blew her relationship with a cute guy out of the water. Now she doesn't want a relationship with anyone. She will raise children on her own. She has been raised to believe that being a mother is the msot important thing in life. If I were she, I wouldn't want to have another guy around my family either.

    7. Regarding Logan and whether or not he is using some sort of steroid or growth-enhancer: I got into bodybuilding back in "88 or '89. I met a competitive "Natural" bodybuilder. He told me matter-of-factly that even the "natural" guys use drugs (steroids or other performance-enhancers) and that they just used less drugs (he used the words "drugs" not me). Which I found to be pretty accurate.
      I was a veg at the time and used a lot of protein powders frequently, and got built enough to have guys at the gym approach me about competing, but that was never my thing. I had my first kid at 29 and my focus changed. Of course, I lost a lot of muscle size, but what is said about muscle memory is true--my 17 yo son is still impressed when I flex my arms (that always makes me feel special)

    8. On RHoOC show recently, Tamra Barney's son admitted to using growth hormones (I think that's what he called it) to his mother and physician. What knocked me off my chair was when the physician asked him where he obtained the hormones. The guy said he bought it from some guy in the parking lot of the gym he uses. Didn't seem worried at all about what he was putting into his body.

    9. Logan to me looks jacked, but not steroid jacked. There are a lot of natural supplements out there - I use L-Caratine and BCAAs along with a preworkout drink called Emerge (it's basically a lot of caffeine). The rest is just eating correctly and doing weight training - I'm guessing he works out with Hunter quite a bit.

  32. I think that the Browns reaction to the "lazy and complacent" comment shows just how little business sense they have. Christine making the point that "they want to work for this" and didn't look at it as a "gift" is one that never should have been made in a business meeting. A VC isn't going to gift money to anyone - it goes without saying it isn't a gift.

  33. I think Christine attempts to act on the show. Her dramatical way of being unable to repeat what the nurse said regarding Truly leaving the hospital. Yes, it was scary, but Christine reacts the same way every time she retells the story. She uses her different voice tones. So I think she is acting. The other wives and her "husband" just watch her do it.

    1. I agree, all of the overly dramatic voice overs are her way of acting. She is not particularly good at it, but she is trying.

    2. Though I never actually worked as a nurse, I have a BS in nursing from a University in New England. I find it hard to believe that any nurse would tell the parent of a critically ill child that the child is not expected to make it. It's my opinion that the art of nursing care encourages nurses to give hope to those in need. What nurse said that?! Maybe not a great one. It seems to me like Kody and Christine may have manufactured that statement to provide added drama to an already dramatic situation and enhance its life-or-death vibe, referring to a "nurse" as having said it...not a doctor, so that there would be no backlash about them fabricating information.

    3. I find it hard to believe that any nurse would tell the parent of a critically ill child that the child is not expected to make it.
      A nurse wouldn't say something like that to a parent - unless the nurse wanted to be fired. I asked a RN friend and she said no nurse would tell parents a child as sick as Truely would not survive. She said that would be a discussion between the parents and the child's physician. She also said the parents should have reported the incident to hospital administration if it did occur.

      I agree the statement was either manufactured by Kody and Christine or by a production script writer. I'm leaning towards a script writer to amp up the drama of the moment and to make Kody and Janelle seem more sympathetic considering how long they waited before finally taking Truely to the doctor. Either way, it was wrong.

    4. Also, I find the timeline expressed by Christine to be suspicious. Didn't she say this horrible sentiment was expressed by a nurse on Truely's third day in the hospital. If I am not wrong, Truely went home on her fourth day. Now I know that children can bounce back, but....really.

    5. I found the way Truely's illness was portrayed to be entirely exploitative and offensive. I agree that it was overly dramatized to create sympathy for the parents. I'm honestly surprised they weren't investigated by CPS for their failure to seek out treatment for Truely sooner. All the footage of slumped over in a char sick wrapped in blankets while the adults were flitting all over town talking about cake and calla lillies or whatever was too much for me. Then Kody eating cake at a PARTY complaining about hearing here scream in pain. I can't even.

    6. To be fair, I thought the nurse's alleged comment came *after* Truely had pretty much recovered. Something along the lines of "When we see children that sick they rarely recover; you are so fortunate," said by a nurse AFTER Truely had passed the critical point and it was apparent she was on the mend.

    7. Thank you for that insight, Sister K. I don't remember the sequence exactly, but it seems to me that they might have edited that statement and used it several times before we were told that Truely was going to be okay.

  34. The Brown children are accepted because they are on a tv show and kids think that's cool. They don't live the typical plyg lifestyle.

  35. In regards to Meri and Robyn's comments in the interview about Meri going back to college, why did Robyn act like this was a surprise anyway?. I just re-read Cynical Jinx's review of the SW book, done in 2012. She sums up Meri's plans for after Mariah goes to college as "GO BACK TO SCHOOL, or do humanitarian work/travel, or let Robyn be a surrogate parent for her. So why even consider this a bombshell in the first place?

  36. Christine didn't need to be at the pitch for money. Nor Kody really. Maybe Janelle if she deals with the money or Meri if she boxes stuff up for shipping? Why can't Robyn do it herself. It's her idea, her dream. It is not necessary for five adults to manage this project. It is not her thing. Five people may agree to be group married they are not all going to be interested in the same way to spend their day and night trying to earn money. Let her be the home mom.

    1. I agree with you that MSWC was Robyn's "baby" and she should have been able to run the business and present the pitch to the VCs for money by herself. The problem is, she belongs to a faith where the men are taught to be leaders and the women followers only. The minute Robyn supposedly handed over the reins of her company to Kody, MSWC was doomed for failure.

      Robyn thinks Kody is some kind of business genius...something he most definitely is not. Making the other wives involved with the business is just Kody's way of micromanaging them.

    2. I think that they all should be involved if they're not working on anything else (which it doesn't seem like any of the Brown's are.) I would bet good money that if this idea of Robyn's had taken off the other wives would have no problems holding their hand out to receive any money made from Robyn's business, so I have no problem with her feeling they should help. Not that I like Robyn, but what I see is a bunch of lazy women who want it handed to them. You want it, help Robyn go after it, or come up with something else.

    3. I agree with Anon 1:28. I am no Robyn fan either, as I think she was just looking for some man to take care of her, but I do feel that if the Closet had been successful, they'd all be boasting about how it's a family business and how they all agreed to it. Since it's doomed to fail, everyone has tried to distance themselves from it.

    4. CJ I'd say the closet was doomed from the moment it popped into Robyn's pea brain.

  37. I don't want to make mountains out of molehills but remember the "family" meeting before the rv trip that they mumbled some reason for Christine to miss? I wonder if she is not well or was not well. She seemed quite manic and forced on the trip. I want to think that something is up but to be honest, none of the family is doing"well" by any stretch of the imagination. Kody has definitely turned into a jerk on many occasions and although I do think the stress of not being adored by all is getting to his ego, I believe that the finances are shakier than we see. It is all a house of cards and I imagine that Kody thought they would have made a great deal of money by the time the show ended. I see the end of the show on the horizon and I suspect so does he. They do not own their homes, they don't have a viable business to fall back on, no one has a job and I would bet money that those cars are leased. The house of cards is falling and Kody sees it.

  38. I am so done with this show. Why do they cringe when approached about their foundational beliefs? It's clear to me that with the Tell All confession that EVERY wife admitted to missing Kody lately, that these four marriages are really lacking. I feel sad for all these women, but honestly they don't need my pity. I just wish they'd stop saying how great it is to be in polygamy or how lonely we monogamists must be. Get a clue people.

    1. Every wife but Robyn, so she's either getting her time or keeping sweet and nit complaining.

  39. Maybe the reason Christine got up and walked off the set is because after telling so many damn lies, she began to feel guilty and needed to go to the bathroom and hide from those around her who allowed that evil...much like her hiding in the bathroom when she wanted to get away from the "evil" aunt. When my grandson was critically ill, they never once said they were going to lose him...they fought to keep our hopes up. And to be frank, she was in and out of the hospital in four days...that doesn't sound like kidney failure but it does sound like dehydration.

    1. And to be frank, she was in and out of the hospital in four days

      Actually, Truely was in the hospital longer than 4 days. She went into the hospital the day before Mariah left for college with Meri. Meri was with Mariah for over a week at Westminster and returned the day before Truely was released from the hospital. So again, that's much longer than 4 days.

  40. The fact that they used Truly's health crisis, and continue to reference it for the flashbacks, is very disturbing. Disturbing since the footage used definitely documents on film just how sick that child was while Dad was laying around napping and Mom was off in another city on a lame film shoot for a pretend celebration.
    I wondered if the production crew who was filming them at home in Vegas and was literally filming Aspyn's concern and Truly's obvious physical condition weren't themselves wondering why someone wasn't immediately getting her to a doctor.
    Or wondering why when Christine was informed over the phone that Truly was that ill (which was filmed by the crew on the trip with the wives) still no decision was made to at least take the child for an exam.
    Anyone with kids knows how quickly a young child can dehydrate. It happened to two of ours. Happens very fast, but luckily there *are* signs, Aspyn could not be expected to know those signs. However, she obviously was worried enough to even say it on camera, and the camera crew even filmed the sick child. That whole episode sure left me wondering if the Browns are responsible parents.

    1. I think the filming crew probably DID have a lot to do with Truely getting proper medical care. And maybe it was because everything was being documented on film. Christine still delayed taking Truely to the doctor for at least a week after her return from San Francisco - only taking her to the doctor when the child's eyes were crossing. Wasn't she changing her diaper or helping to the bathroom? Didn't she as a mother of 5 other children think it strange?

      Who knows with those people.

    2. Plus, she said Mykelti told her she had been going cross eyed "all morning" before she noticed and took her to the doctor. I can't imagine not noticing my own sick child acting strangely and needing one of my other children to tell me about it. And, according to her "testimonial" on their LIV page, Truely had been prone to dehydration since she was at least one so Christine *should* have been familiar with the symptoms.

    3. I found it very disturbing to see pictures of Truely sick in the hospital on Christines twitter page. Not charming or adorable, not art. A sick little kid. Or maybe she only tweeted pictures of Truely once she was getting better...

  41. "Didn't she as a mother of 5 other children think it strange? "

    And stranger yet, wouldn't you think that when she relayed that news to the other three wives who were on that trip (and she *was* filmed telling them) that one of them would have speculated about whether Truly was dehydrating? Since between the four of them, they have"17" kids, and no one sensed or offered that Truly should be seen by a doctor ??

    Christine is damn lucky that although Truly was indeed in kidney failure, the days of dialysis were able to restart her kidney function. Won't even mention that Kody was lucky too, because he is so not a hands on father for that child.

  42. "Not a hand on father for that child," is the understatement of the year! His daughter could curl up and die in front of him as long as it didn't disturb his nap. With all this speculation that Christine may be pregnant, I hope that she has enough common sense to not give this selfish, negligent man another child.
