
Saturday, July 26, 2014

UPDATED! Off Topic Saturday 7/26/14 So What Else is Happening?

Christine thinking about 'Tender Loving Care'

Good Question!

Looks like the Browns are continuing to stay mostly out of the Twitter social media eye this week, which may be a good thing if they need to continue that momentum for next season's Is She Pregnant storyline for Robyn.

So maybe that explains why Robyn and Kody are lying so low. Or maybe they are avoiding rotten tomatoes being thrown at them for last week's "big announcement" no-show. Who knows. Who cares...

At least Janelle did take the opportunity while on the latest Brown Road Trip to tweet this:

On the topic of walking, Janelle also retweeted Trainer Sean's tweet about fat vs muscle. Now can someone tell me just where do Buffalo Chicken Wings fit into this plan?

The last tweet from Christine was the picture of the centerfold of People Magazine. TLC is currently rebranding itself into the "Tender Loving Care" network so who better to embody TLC but the Kody Klan© ? Brings a tear to my eye...NOT!!

Looks like Meri spent some quality time with Mariah this week. Poor dear had her wisdom teeth yanked oops, I mean pulled out. If it's any consolation Mariah, my BFF was eating Doritos about an hour after she had hers pulled.

Oh dear...Mariah you've got to remove the gauze first before chowing down on those Doritos!!! And beware of dry sockets!

Talking about Polygamists taking Road Trips, looks like Papa Joe Darger and Family recently traveled to San Francisco!!

Here's some candid photos from their Facebook:

Now, is this Papa Joe Darger or Juicy Joe Giudice?

Dargers on a fallen redwood...

And from the Brady and Wives front, bankruptcy hasn't stopped them from continuing to film for their next season.  They also found time to find the perfect gift for a family member and to have fun at a water park...Hmmm...looks like Brady needs to talk to Trainer Sean about working on that midsection...

Now completely off topic, I have been embedding tweets and Facebook for a while now. Just so you know, with embedding you can interact directly with that Twitter or Facebook page (just be logged into your respective accounts). You can follow, like, retweet, comment...whatever you want to do!

And while I'm here, just an FYI...

There were TWO Natalie Morales Tell All interviews. The first one was season 3, episode 13 where she was very nice and friendly to Kody. The MISSING Tell All was from from June 2012, the topic being the Browns book 'Becoming Sister Wives'. It is not from season 3!  Morales did her homework and called out Kody on most of his bad behavior...Kody tried to sweet talk her in the beginning and she effectively shut him down and had him on the defensive for the rest of the interview.

If you see an episode that says it's from season 3, that is not the missing episode. Bits from the missing episode do exist on you tube and even on TLC's website, however, it is the ENTIRE episode (including Kody's one on one segment with Morales, the very short discussion of their courting an underage girl, etc) that has vanished.

Please, no more links to the season 3 Tell All ! Thank you!

And for those interested, I've added my review of 'Becoming Sister Wives' to My Living Room. The link is to the right, under Blog Articles by Subject.

Onward to the this year's Tell All Episode!


Here is my review of the Sister Wives Tell All telecasted on 6/24/12...Enjoy!!!!

Review: Sister Wives Tell All

The interview with Natalie Morales was TOUGH...
— Robyn Sullivan Brown (@LuvgvsUwngs) June 25, 2012

For once, I have to agree with Robyn. Natalie Morales was tough... that's her job. This is the difference between being interviewed by a Rosie O'donnell or Ellen Degeneres. Kody Brown and his Sister Wives got schooled by a seasoned network news anchor and correspondent, not an entertainment interviewer. Yes, Robyn, she was tough...and very very effective in weeding out the truth from all the hype in the Sister Wife saga.

This wasn't the Brown's first time at the Natalie Morales rodeo. Last year's hour interview was like all the other interviews the Browns have. The host patiently listens to the girlish giggling while asking softball interview questions. Kody holds court, while his sister wives (either Janelle or Robyn) interrupt and answer the question for him when he gets stuck.

This year, Morales went back to her news correspondent roots. This was clearly a book tour interview, so she was prepared with a copy of the Brown's book, along with her notes. She put her guests at ease, laughing with them, and then she honed in on her target. With each question, she skillfully probed the Browns towards the truth, then BOOM! She asked a question that left Christine audibly gasping, and Kody visibly shaken. Yep, the Browns got schooled all right.

One of my favorite segments of the interview was at the beginning, when the nice Natalie Morales, morphs into the news journalist Natalie Morales. And the Browns are left stunned.

 Holding the Brown's book in her hands, she started talking about one of the book's revelations that Kody chased girls. "in high school?" he asked, obviously enjoying the moment. Morales continued her questioning with "I guess you had a lot of girlfriends..." The wives were smiling and laughing and Kody tried to act all innocent asking "In high school?" and while his wives continue to laugh and giggle, he jokingly asked "Do I have to be accountable for that now?

And then Morales started reeling him in..."did you choose the faith based on the lifestyle that it would allow you then?" Kody, still not realizing what's happening, continued speaking jovially while Janelle turned her head towards him with a worried look on her face, ", in my head it was more of a calling. I was 14, I had a foot in trying to be a wild boy and a spiritual boy so I was trying to figure out my own life, but I believed it."

Without warning, Morales asked her shock and awe question: "So it wasn't that you chose religion to be a womanizer..." There was an audible gasp of indignation from Christine. You could almost see the hairs bristling up on Kody's neck as he defensively asked " is that what you think, I am  a womanizer? " The smile was gone off Kody's face; Janelle was now looking down towards the floor.

 "Well an outsider may say you're fulfilling a need by taking on a new wife each time" Morales said, while staring right at Kody."Well, I will strongly disagree with that outsider's point of view and I'll explain to you why!" Kody yelled defensively. Now Christine tried to enter the fray by interrupting that she disagreed too, but Morales continued staring straight at Kody, ignoring her. Kody was clearly upset as he sputtered out "because I have done the emotional work in these relationships...I've been trying very hard to be a good husband. all of this happened very serendipitously...I was never dating... all of my wives I chose as a mate because of the depth of their character and my belief they would be a fine individual to share life with...I was never womanizing...this is not an open marriage."

Morales got him. Shock and awe. The Browns are stunned and on their guard. Meri puts on her dour face. Janelle looks down. And Robyn finally shuts her mouth.

The next interview question probed the relationship between Kody, Meri, and the 18 year old girl they chose to be Kody's 2nd wife.

When Morales asked "...Kody and Meri you guys were both courting, or fell in love with an eighteen year old. Is that right to say you both fell in love with..." Kody abruptly interrupts Morales to say "I was 22, 23...I mean it wasn't ...I don't want to get salacious here..." Then Robyn inexplicably interrupts saying " she was close to their age".

It makes you wonder, if the girl was 18, why all the sputtering from Kody saying how he didn't want to get salacious. Well, I read the book. And I can tell you that they started dating this girl when she was underaged. It was, in fact, Christine that drove the girl to a youth camp where she first met Kody and Meri. (page 54) And according to Christine, Meri and Kody's courtship with this girl had been prolonged because "...Kody and Meri wanted to wait for the girl they were courting to turn eighteen before making their engagement official...I heard when they got engaged and I knew when they set the date for the wedding." (page 56).

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize Kody and Meri were "courting" an underaged girl that was 17 if not younger -- if they had to wait until she was 18 to announce their engagement. And that explains Robyn's need to clarify the issue that Kody and Meri were close in age to the girl, when Kody started stumbling over his words. As Meri goes on to answer Morales' questions about her relationship with this girl, you can see Christine reliving the episode, but not saying one word about it.

When Morales questioned Meri and Janelle about their somewhat rocky sister wife relationship, it was Kody who defended Meri. In fact, Kody defended Meri a lot, and spoke for her so much that after Kody gave a long explanation of why there was a conflict between Janelle and Meri, Morales effectively shut him up by putting out her left arm, touching the chair next to Meri and while looking at her said "Let me hear what Meri has to say..." Kody was silenced and Meri was finally free to answer the question on her own.

It was the Christine segment that Kody effectively put his foot in his mouth and showed his most cruel, heartless, unsympathetic, and yes, stupid side to his questionable personality.

Morales brought up the chile nacho cheese incident. Now, it appeared that Christine, bless her heart, took it in stride and even joked about it. But Kody took the incident to a new level of cruelty against Christine. When Morales asked Kody if size mattered so much to him that he was grossed out by a chubby girl eating chile cheese nachos, Kody replied "I will be honest I was not attracted to Christine in...any kind of physical sense. I mean I look back and in retrospect and wonder was that fair. But I can't even look there because we have children together...we have a relationship and we found our sweet spot..."

You would hope that he would stop there. Not Kody Brown. When Morales asked "So you were not physically attracted to Christine..." Kody barged forward and answered quickly and completely devoid of any sensitivity "That's an understatement." You could see the color drain from Christine's face. Her fake smile gone, her eyes narrowed almost to slits. "You were grossed out by her?" Morales asked. "I won't say that...but the nachos grossed me out enough to make me go OK, I'm waiting to marry her..."

Without missing a beat, Morales turns to Christine and asked her "How does it feel to hear him..." and Christine interrupted her, obviously upset, shrugged her shoulders and said "It hurts, it's horrible...I didn't know that until recently." Kody then tried to justify his cruelty by saying "I'm just being honest" but not even Meri could defend her 'lover'. "I think sometimes in a relationships you have to be careful when to be honest and how honest to be." When Morales asked her if Kody just blew it by being too honest, all Meri said was "I'm just saying...I think we all say things sometimes. Trying to be honest and trying to be open and sometimes I think we go a little bit too far." Robyn looked like she was about to throw up. Kody looked like he had no clue what he had just done.

And to prove how absolutely stupid Kody was, in his one on one interview, Morales gave him a chance to apologize for the insensitive things he had said about Christine. "Do you regret saying what you said earlier to us today?...Did she call you out on it after that interview?" she asked. "...that whole nacho cheese thing ...that was years before Christine and I got married." he said. "But it still hurt her, hearing you say that...she seemed to shut down right when you said that... in fact all the other women were like oh no!" Kody, apparently realizing Natalie Morales was not taken in by his boyish charms, laughed, then dropped the smile and said " Well...I'm not sitting here rehearsing a a line that I've rehearsed. You asked me a question, I stated kind of where I was at the time."

Sorry Christine. No apology for you. And when Christine later admits that when they were married, she was more in love with Kody than Kody was with her, and that she has problems with trust, well, you have to feel for her. She has hitched her cart for all time and eternity to a man who refused to apologize for hurting her feelings. And she doesn't trust her sister wives Something just isn't right about that.

Thankfully, the interview segues to the eldest teenagers. Sitting on the floor, Morales holds an open discussion, talking about sex, Logan's girlfriends, and dating. What the kids hate about the lifestyle is that everything is times 5. If one parent is mad, there are 4 other parents mad at them. Of course, Mariah sees the positives in her parent's relationships, while the others see how the wives can be passive-aggressive in their relationships. And when asked about how strong his faith is, Logan admits it's not as strong as it used to be. "When you don't have a community, then only your parents are doing it...They want us to have some sort of faith, some sort of connection. But most of us are kinda probably gonna find...go our own way." Only Mariah has made up her mind to have a plural marriage. Maddie just wants to get out of high school, and feels her husband will have a lot with just her so no plural marriage for her. Final talley: 1 for polygamy, 2 against polygamy, 2 undecided or no comment.

Looks like that move to Las Vegas was a mistake. And Kody, your weekly church services aren't doing much to help your children find their faith. No wonder Janelle wanted Logan to connect with the LDS church!

The interview moved on to Robyn, who looked like she was about to be eaten alive by sharks. She discussed her She-Ra alter personality, and her reluctance to join the family until she saw Kody cleaning one of his child's feet. As expected, she turns on the tears. I suspect She-Ra didn't make the interview, so Robyn had to revert to crying to make that mean old interviewer take pity on her and not ask any really mean questions.

And last but not least, my final favorite point of the interview. It occured when Morales was discussing Kody and Meri seeing a marriage counselor. As to be expected, Kody showed that he had a screw loose when he says " Here's the interesting thing. The time gets fuzzy, but Meri and I were literally at a point of a all time high right before we met Robyn..."

The look on Meri's face was priceless. "When you say we were at an all time high, we weren't...I mean we were low...we were having struggles in our relationship." corrects Meri. And then he says he and all the sister wives have been in counselling together. This time it was Christine who corrects him - "No we haven't all gone together." Then Kody tries to say that the couch interviews they do for the show is their counseling sessions. Looks like that gray stuff inside of Kody's skull is also a bit fuzzy.

And once again, Meri throws sister wives Janelle and Christine under the bus when she says the reason she is so close to Robyn is because she and Robyn want to have that "depth of a relationship" with each other. And as for a 5th sister wife, Robyn conceded that when she married Kody it was with the understanding that a 5th wife was a possibility, and Kody, showing more tact with Robyn than he did with Christine, said he's just trying to focus on his relationship with his 4 wives right now.

Thus ended the Browns' second turn at the rodeo with Natalie Morales. Something tells me there will not be a third time.



  1. I re-watched bits and pieces of the morales interview. OMG's. The next time I tune into SW will be if Natalie interviews them again; specially about the past few seasons lol.

    Cynical thank you so much for this blog. Do you have a link to the review of the San Fran trip?
    I'm very interested to read the comments about the dress modelling.

    1. If you look on the right, under the Blog Articles by Subject, if you click on the link 'Sister Wives Season 6 Review' it will take you to a grouping of all my reviews for season 6. To scroll through the reviews, just click 'older posts'. The San Francisco trip was S06Ep15 'While the Wives Are Away.'

      Cynical thank you so much for this blog
      You are very welcomed!

    2. I'm watching the first Natalie Morales tell all, and while discussing health insurance Kody remarks that Madison's emergency (uninsured appendectomy) cost them 'a years wages'.
      At the same time Janelle says 'I'm still making payments'. I'M still making payments. Not we. I'm.
      Natalie is silent a beat and Janelle jokes/changes the subject to 'we are payment plan queens!', not masters of payment plans, or fans of payment plans, payment plan QUEENS.
      I have always questioned how much Kody covers for the children's expenses, and I think that answered the question for me. I do not believe much, if ANY of 'Kody's' money goes anywhere but his pocket.
      I also believe when he says 'we lost a years wages' he means he lost the equivalent of Janelle's wages. I know the wives, Janelle in particular claim control over their own money, but I have no doubt that those checks and earnings are signed over to and distributed by Kody.
      Perhaps the wives control the amount after distribution, but I doubt Janelle has ever had the opportunity in this marriage to mete out her portion of the household earnings. I think Meri and Robyn's shared would have reflected that.

    3. It just occurred to me... does anyone think that maybe -- since they're legally married and probably file taxes together -- that Kody and Meri combine their "shares"? Has this been answered before?

    4. I agree that Kody keeps his money for himself, and I wouldn't be surprised if he and Meri don't keep their TLC cut separate from the other 3 wives. That's how Meri was able to afford Mariah's tuition and how he could buy her a car. The other wives have to beg and plead for more money I bet!

  2. Boy Brady Williams wins on how to stretch $3.61. Water parks around our parts ain't cheap!

    Ohhhhhhhhhh, wait maybe Rhonda covered the cost of the water park for the whole bunch....or maybe they had cameras there and production paid for it...ohhhhhhh yeahhhhh. I refuse to watch My 5 Wives anymore knowing that they have and I mean THEY (even thought just Brady n Paulie) have filed for bankruptcy. My head will not be able to handle all the shaking I will be doing through the episodes.

    1. So does that mean you won't be watching other celebrities that have filed for bankruptcy? Wayne Newton $20 million, Toni Braxton $3.9 million, Randy Quaid $3.5 million, Burt Reynolds $10 million, Mike Tyson $27 million, Dorothy Hamill, Donald Trump, Willie Nelson, Francis Ford Coppola and the list goes on and on.

    2. Good points, JaT! Although watching from the sidelines as the lies and grifting activities pile up will be interesting... They'll all come crashing down on the BrownWilliams eventually!

    3. Um....huh??? I think I was just talking about the Williams.

  3. Thanks CJ for the book recaps/reviews. I read the book when it came out and your reviews refreshed my memory and saved me the pain of having to re-read it. It is worth a look back now that we all know so much more about this circus act.

    I also located the review of the Natalie Morales interview on the old blog(written by you of course). As there is not a whole video to be found, is it possible to re-post your review here for those who never got to see it. I saw it when it aired and your review really covers it well. Wish it would resurface in full somehow!!
    Thanks for all you do to help make this show worth it. No easy task I'm sure!

    1. is it possible to re-post your review here for those who never got to see it
      I forgot all about this review...

      Your wish is my command!

    2. Thanks for uploading the review. It would be even better if you uploaded the video you have on your DVR!

    3. I wish I knew how to upload from my dvr!

  4. That tell all recap is giving me life! These jokers are incredibly effed up and in for a rude awakening once the TLC money stops coming in. I do have a feeling the TLC money is going to keep coming in for at least a few more seasons, though.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. I'm sorry Mainstream but I don't allow any links that I can't preview. My antivirus has this listed as a red site - due to popups that deliver malware and adware to the viewer. It stops me from going to the site.

  7. Cj, thank you for reading the book (so I don't have to) and reposting the morales interview. I wonder if they are ever stunned by their own "truths". . . I remember how shocked they were that someone was confronting them with their lies and I think that they tell them so often, they are now truths to them. Everyone needs someone in their lives to hold up the "truth mirror". These people are surrounded by sycophants and hanger-ones (family, Sean the trainer, Mona,the make up girl) and the emperor has no clothes. I really appreciate you allowing a dialogue for this show that is respectful and honest. I look forward to my 5 wives in the hope that tlc has found a replacement for the browns. Peace.


    1. The Browns (and most televised polygamists) talk about how they felt a calling to this life. I've heard references to signs from God, dreams, or outright calling to their religion.
      It's funny though. If you watch the episode where the family flees from Utah, they incur several car issues. It takes the Browns approximately 4 hours to go 25 miles in to their trip.
      Kody comments that he really started to wonder if it was a sign that they shouldn't go to Vegas, but quickly replies 'I will have to hear the actual, physical voice of God to stop me' or some nonsense.
      When he needs to justify his actions he says he 'felt' called. When he finds signs contrary to his desires, signs are not enough. He needs the face and voice of God to sway him.
      How does that logic work?
      Kody: honey, I FEEL like God wants me to sleep with other women.
      Wife: that makes sense. I have no follow up questions, lover.
      God: dude, don't bring me into this. I thought punishing you with that hair was a pretty big sign.

  8. I am glad I am not a Brown. Re-reading the interview review, I was so sad for Christine...again. And all of the wives really. It is hard to understand why someone stays in that.

  9. I would have a hard time knowing that not only did my husband think I was unattractive, but outright gross...much less knowing the whole world knew too.
    I do wonder if Christine's royal polygamy background and unwillingness to take another suitor didn't make the church 'persuade' Kody to propose.
    What a crappy prize to win.

  10. How are these people continuing this farce? Every tell all since the first season they talk about working on their relationships. Meri's tweets are still depressing. They insist they are one family. Once they had money and didn't have to stay together for survivals sake they all went their own way. I don't get it.

  11. Wow, Cynical Jinx, after pouring over your site these past couple of weeks (since sisterwives blog closed down last December, I have only been on the reality tea site until I uncovered your blog here) it was a long moment of pure enjoyment to pour over that Natalie Morales interview. I remember how it floored me then. What a treat to relive the audacity of Kody Brown. Thank you so so very much. Like a satisfying meal. Oh yeah, on the reality tea/sister wives blog there is a blogger who goes by "anjealka" who lives right in Vegas, whose husband is from the Jessop line somewhere (they are not AUB or plyg), and who endlessly belts out little-knowns (at least for me). Sometimes I scroll through just to see what she has to say.

  12. "Now, is this Papa Joe Darger or Juicy Joe Giudice? "

    LOL!!!! OMG! He does look like Juicy Joe in that pic.
    Also looks like Big Joe has been hitting that makeshift climbing thingie in his garage with gusto. He sure is wearing the proper Juicy Joe outfit.
    Is it my eyes or does someone in a pink checkered top look pregnant in the group pic of them (Dargers) on the big rock ???

    Love the pics from the Morales tell-all.
    Brought back fond memories as we see Christine in those sweeping, triple-thick Daisy Duck false eyelashes. Janelle had them too, along with shoe-polish-black eyeliner and mascara. She looked like a blonde Elvira for that one.
    In the very first pic where the five of them are sitting with Natalie, I forgot how Sobbin often a turtle with her head threatening to go back down into the shell.

  13. I tried to post a link to a buzzfeed article about the FLDS and Jessop family. For some reason it's not showing up though my other comment does. Anyhow, it's an interesting peek at what passes for culture in the Polyg community. It's a sisterwives version of the Sound of Music with YouTube clips of the entire show.
    It's fascinating if you can stand the community theatre singing.

  14. So the Brown's never all went to therapy together? Remember when Pat the family therapist from Utah came to Vegas to help the new therapist learn to work with them? Pat also said the Browns were the first polygamist clients she had while Kody rambled on about her "background working with polygamists." Didn't Christine go on about going to family therapy with her for a long time? Well, it's just more bullshit as the tell all which said they never went to therapy all together in Utah was filmed well after they moved to Vegas.

    1. This Tell All episode was 2 years ago. It is possible the Browns finally did get together with a family therapist since that time.

    2. That's true. But they're never went in Utah all together, which was the premise of bringing their family therapist from Utah along to Sedona.

  15. Good find, LePetitieTerror. Thanks.

    Fascinating is right!!
    And interesting that eventually such productions.were banned by the higher-ups.

  16. Whether their stories about them going to therapy at one time or another are true or not still begs the question........
    Were/would any of them able to at least be honest/candid in therapy? These people live behind a veil of self-talk and programmed responses. It would require a therapist knowledgeable and skilled in Plyg dynamics to offer any real therapeutic assistance.
    The therapist who appeared on the show seemed to be feeling her way most of the time, particularly with Kody.

    1. When they were all in Sedona at the couples retreat, I wish the therapist would have had each wife show where they felt they were in the marriage in relation to Kody and the other wives. Robyn is going to see herself closer to Kody than Janelle and Christine, and I have no doubt that the first three wives see Robyn as coming between them and Kody. I think that would have given everyone a clearer idea of the relationships.

  17. I wonder if Kody is grossed out by Janelle eating chicken wings with all the sauces.

    1. I wish someone would take a video of her chowing down on those wings. With sauce dripping off her chin--it could be an awesome testimonial for trainer Sean!

  18. If I had been Janelle, well, actually, that's an impossibility cause I'd never marry a man who has another wife but what Janelle should have done is rent her own place. The first time that Meri treated her badly, she should have said, that's it...I'm moving to my own trailer. Since that didn't happen and she stuck around to feel battered and mistreated, when Kody and Meri travelled and left her home to be the responsible one, then she should of have left; however, we know she stuck it out then too. But, three when her money started supporting her boyfriend's wife, then that would have been the clue to get her own pad. Notice when she finally had had enough...the really big fight that sent her running to her mama was when Meri was making fun of her eye make-up. It was so silly, Janelle couldn't even recount the entire event but she did say that on that day, Meri was being particularly mean spirited and was laughing at her make up...her eye makeup. Now, you can rub your travels in her face; you can rub your relationship in her face; and you can take her money but by god do not laugh at her make up. LOL. How stupid is she to admit in a book and on TV that the wake up call for her was when Meri made fun of her physical appearance. Pardon my language but bitch gotta have some pride now, right?
    And it was really telling of how Meri and christine's hearts are when Janelle says that the two women would leave her out of their shopping excursions. I'm sorry, here it sounds like Janelle really likes to play the victim...poor me. When Christine moved to the cottage, Janelle and Meri were still in this awful trailer and were still fighting so Christine, not liking all that drama, moves out so she can have her man to her self for the time that he is there. It sounds to me like for Janelle it was a power struggle. She wanted Kody; she married Kody; and her fight with Meri could have ended but Janelle wanted to keep reminding Meri, every other and then every third night that her husband was boinking her. I agree that Meri is a passive aggressive and somewhat miserable woman but Janelle, well Janelle wanted Kody and she took him on whatever conditions she could have him and if that meant playing the victim, so be it. I found it interesting that Christine let it out that the first wife has to deal with the second wife and that relationship is always doomed. She explained that the third wife position is the one she wanted so she had to have had experience seeing other PLYG families struggling with those wife positions. If that life is so good, why is it that no one wants to be the break in second wife? Oh my, the lies they tell and their short memory of what they have already said.

    1. I'd buy this for a dollar.

      Janelle still wins, I think (in their mind), because she gave Kody the most children (tied with Christine), his first-born, and the most amount of sons. You can't buy that in this culture, so Meri and her will be at war until someone leaves or everyone dies (stay up for extra fun bonus round for eterrnity in the afterlife. :D)

      My theory with Christine is that people have been comparing her to her mother her entire life, so she's got *a lot* riding on making the polygamist thing work. So I think her thought process was something along the lines of:

      1) Kodilocks only needs three wives to reach salvation to the Celestial Kingdom or whatever.
      2) If you're the third, the family's complete and no more wives are necessary afterwards.
      3) ???
      4) PROFIT!

      (Incidentally, the ____ ---> ??? ---> PROFIT! thing reminds me the Browns' MSWC business model).

      But that's what I think happened to Christine. She thought she had it figured that three wives is the perfect number for the plyg situation (especially if you're the third) and this was bolstered by the 15+ years the Brown had as a four-adult unit. Then Robyn came along shook things up.

  19. The way TLC packaged this show as family friendly tied with a bow of clever scenes and heart tugging music contributes to the "we are just like any other family" except they are not. They compare their marriages or issues as the same as other couples or Kody's time with the kids just like any other father (Janelle) but bash monogamist. Tamron Hall seems too invested in the Brown's to do a good job of interviewing these people. She always comments how she cried when she watched this or that scene. Bring back Natalie Morales!

    1. Tamron is a joke. I don't even consider her a journalist after the "work" she has done on the Brown tell nothing episodes. She sold out for money.

      Natalie, Natalie, come back Natalie!

      How Kody Brown the Klown does hate smart, powerful women!

    2. I know right. Whatever happened to objective journalism? Although I like her and think she is so beautiful, I do not like when Tamron interviews them either because she is too in love with them to be fair. I'm hoping this time may be different.

      I remember on a blog I used to visit, someone from the Tyra Banks show came on and tried to get some of the posters to go on her show. It wasn't anything nearly as controversial or polarizing as polygamy, but it sure would be nice if NBC/Tamron/etc. would go to the blogs and try to get some folks to join a forum of some sort and give their input.

    3. You're right, Snarkaholic.
      Kody takes on "an attitude" with no nonsense females. He gets belligerent and defensive. He can barely contains his contempt once his caveman evil-eye look comes out in force.

    4. yup, those, "too big for their britches" feminists!

    5. That says a lot about Kody's wife and mistresses! I mean, if he doesn't like smart, powerful women and all...

  20. I'm watching the weird, biblical polygamist now and I'm curious, what is the "Old New Testament?" Was he referring to the Old Testament?

    1. I wondered that too. I even re-wound the DVR to make sure I'd heard correctly. The only thing I can think of is that it's some term he invented to justify saying that polygamy is Biblically approved.

    2. that's what I was thinking, too. The first time I thought it may have been a slip of the tongue. But the second time I saw it it definitely sounded like he said it on purpose. It annoys me when people feel they can co-opt whatever they want to justify their behavior. He could have said "in the Old Testament," or even "in the Bible" and that would have been fine. But "New Old Testament" just rubs me the wrong way.

  21. They've been running a season marathon all day and I checked in on it a few times. What I really noticed was just how lame this season was! The women all look miserable & unhinged and. Kody's idiotic behavior was front and center in every episode. Wonder if TLC will cut them loose or squeeze out another tragic season?

    1. Good question. I would say this would be the Browns last season especially now they have the Williams on board. But then there's the new TLC = Tender Loving Care campaign and there they are - Kody and his Kodettes© sitting almost front and center on a couch amidst other TLC talent. So I'm thinking TLC will be squeezing at least one more season - if we are lucky it will feature Kody courting his 5th wife and additional seasons showing her getting use to the family. If TLC is smart, this new wife will live in Lehi in the old plyg house.

    2. forgot to add...if TLC is smart, this new wife will live in Lehi in the old plyg house AND...Kody will have to travel back there to visit her. If they use the same amount of newlywed time allowed Robyn, he could be spending 2 weeks a month with her!

    3. I agree with you, CJ, that all indications are that TLC intends to milk SW for one more season. My thought is that their game plan is to wean Plyg viewers from Kodyworld onto Bradyville. It is a risk, though, because the hardcore, diehard SW fans will protest before any transition can occur, which could result in a bias against Brady and Co.
      If, and it is almost a given, that TLC is reading the blogs (all of them, including this one) they know that SW has run its course. The sell-by date has expired !!
      They want to keep viewers, so running both shows concurrently for another season will ease the ending of SW. jmo.

    4. If they are filming , there must be at least another half season. However, there was almost nothing to this season. We got both a montage (that re-told lots of stuff we already knew) and a tell-nothing review of the season.
      I have no desire to watch Brady and Co., and even less to watch the Richards. I think SW has fulfilled(no other word comes to mind) my curiousity about non-Warren Jeffs polygamy.

  22. As sincerely sad as the situation would be if Kody added another wife, I totally agree that it would keep me watching. His wives and family seem to have fallen apart since adding Robyn, but I guess I would be morbidly fascinated to see them all handle the addition of a 5th (younger and fertile) wife. I feel bad saying it, but I would watch.

    1. Meg,
      I think TLC knows this too. (about most of us)
      And if Kody should do yet another deal and add another wife for TLC money, it screams just how morally bankrupt he is, as are his existing mistresses too if they all agree and stay on with it all.

  23. I can't believe they had 500 people buy things from my sisterwivescloset. Wonder how many of those sales were aprons and the allussive exclusive xmas ornaments.

    1. I would imagine that the majority of sales were for the cheapest items. Of course when you add shipping even the junk items end up being over $20! I feel bad for all their fans that posted how they were saving for a piece of the "fine sterling". I can think of alot better uses for $200 than a sterling tree pendant.

  24. It wouldn't surprise me if they actually dumped the Brown Clowns for the Richardson family or whatever the sharing the same man, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, and kids family. I can see TLC getting some miles out of two women sharing the same man and bed. I bet that the Richardson family would deal to be more out in the bedroom. The adults do seem to want the spotlight and the only thing they could offer that hasn't been covered by the other PLYGs is the bedroom thing and, of course, they do have that whole homestead kind of life going on but they don't seem to be very good at it why with leaving their chickens to roost about anywhere. I'd watch them if they showed the real untouched and unscripted life of how the women really get along or don't get along.

  25. Christine says that she got a 30 on her ACT I believe that she misunderstood and meant to say that she got a 30 on her ABC's. I'm afraid that no one is thinking that girl is smart. Sneaky and manipulative, yes. Smart. . .no way!

    1. I think I would be even more sad for Christine if she was smart, and if she did get a 30 on her ACT. Can you imagine throwing intelligence and an independent future away to be the token third wife and baby machine for a man who not only finds you repulsive but says so readily and unapologetically on national TV?

    2. Christine is the least intelligent of the lot, and that is really saying something. Honestly, she and the Kreep make a good pair--both just flat out dumb and expect everyone to believe their lies.

      We've caught the Kreep, Christine, and Janelle in multiple lies. What about Meri? Does anyone know what lies she has told? I can't think of any off the top of my head. But then she is usually the least talkative in the couch sessions.

    3. Hi Snarkaholic, I think Meri tells the biggest lie of them all...that she wants to be a polygamist!!! Everything about her personality runs counter to the ability to live plural marriage. Although I do think she is committed to the religion and wants to be able to be a "good" plural wife everything about who she is makes polygamy almost impossible.

    4. Re: lies...
      If we consider the collective lie which all the adults foisted on their kids and the viewers about needing to escape from the Lehi posse hell bent on arresting Kody ....
      Then Meri is also a known liar.
      She told some whoppers during the McMansion "will they or won't they get approved" BS too. Meri's specialty seems to be lies of omission.

  26. Robyn's remarks about the reasons she's concerned about Meri going to college are the remarks of a cultist. Cults discourage learning about the anything outside the cult's beliefs, in the fear that broadening horizons and critical thinking will cause a fall from the faith. If Robyn were truly confident in her own faith and her own intellect, she wouldn't be so frightened of Meri exercising her own intellect and forming her own ideas about faith. Any faith that discourages educating oneself about other faiths of the larger world is displaying controlling characteristics of a cult.

    1. That reminds me of the Duggars a little bit. They don't encourage higher education (and when we found out that 2 of the older girls were attending a local university - notice they had to go in PAIRS to protect themselves ) or branching out past their immediate family until after marriage. Interesting.

  27. I honestly think Sobbin miscarried. I am 99.99% positive she was PG last year when a lot of us suspected she was and miscarried back then as well. I think they are hinting she is right now but waiting until she is further along to make the big news just in case. And I find it odd that Kody could tell Hunter, in front of the cameras, that he can have as many kids as he wants, yet Sobbin says it's off limits. It's interesting how fame and fortune have changed their religious beliefs as they go…..

    1. I can't recall if it was Gabriel or Garrison, but during the interview with the younger kids Tameron asks about more children brought into the family.
      The kids seem kind of non committal either way, but the boy says something like he'd be fine if 'dad stopped'. Tameron asked why it is conditional on dad and not 'if the parents stopped', as if we don't already know, and all the kids were stumped.
      Either they have never considered their mothers perspective in family planning OR they have been coached to zip it on any topic that makes Kody seem too controlling or FLDS-y.
      The boy catches up and responds with 'good point', but the confusion and silence (prior) spoke volumes.

  28. I'm only sorry I missed last night's show because I didn't get to see the buff Logan Brown photo y'all are talking about. Anybody have that picture, I'd love to see it!

    1. Hi Serena,

      Your wish is my command. Check out the picture on the new posting for 7/28/14 Selected Live Tweets!!!

  29. Ok, just watched RHONJ, about to watch Sister Wives Tell All.

    About RHONJ: The new housewife, Amber... I thought I was going to like her. Turns out, no... no I won't. And her husband... terrible, smug, controlling and annoying. I would hang out with Rich Wakile a million times before I'd hang out with that guy (from what I have seen so far). His talk about "being on the other side". Ugh. I would love to know the real story behind "working with the Attorney General". I doubt he's even met him. His cheesy commercials seem the mortgage equivalent of the ambulance-chaser-type lawyer commercial.

    Now that I got that out of my system, off to watch SWTA. I'll be back.
