
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Off Topic Wednesday: Hey It's My Living Room So Let's Talk Polygamists and Other Reality TV for May 21st, 2014.

I took a look at my summary and it suddenly hit me: TWoP will be shutting down their forum on May 31st. That's only 10 days away! So I'm providing those who are burned out by the scariness of polygamy with a break - featuring the scariness of some of the other reality shows on tv.

On the non-polygamy television front, Dancing With the Stars chose their winner of the Mirrored Dancing Ball...If you haven't watched the show, please divert your eyes. Thank you.

Who wasn't surprised when Meryl and Maks "won" first place?

I can't wait for the announcement that Kody Brown will be starring in next season's competition. NOT!

Is this real or is it Memorex?

On the dating reality show circuit, this week was the premiere of a new show, "I Wanna Marry Harry" and the season premiere of the newest Bachelorette.

The "I Wanna Marry Harry" show was so embarrassing. I only hope that this is truly a 100% scripted show, because it is inconceivable 12 women could be that stupid. Like Prince Harry would need to appear on a dating show in the first place? Puleeezzzeeee....

And then there's the granddaddy of the dating shows, The Bachelorette. Unfortunately, I am protesting this show because I couldn't stand Andi  when she appeared on last season's The Bachelor starring the worse bachelor ever, Juan Pablo. I made a promise to myself that if the producers chose Andi to be the next Bachelorette, I would not be watching the show. They did, so I won't. Bring on Bachelor Pad!

We can only hope TLC churns out a show starring Kody Brown featuring men looking for sister wives. I can imagine that if a woman isn't chosen, Kody would have first dibs to court her as his 5th. Yeah, I'd watch that! Hey Mr. Cameraman, can you zoom in on Robyn's face please?

Back on the Twitter, looks like Kody retweeted a picture yesterday of his Kodettes© and daughters from a slightly different camera angle.

Oh my, what a difference a change in camera angle can make. But on a positive note, Gwennie has certainly grown up, and Aurora looks nice in her evening gown and Mykelti towers over her mother wearing those dangerous looking stiletto heels.

And leave it to Kody to maintain his masculinity when a fan asked why he didn't accompany his wives...
Looks like someone's having a birthday! Why it's Logan!!
On the Brady Williams Family front, seems like they went hiking in Utah recently, and provided their Facebook fans with some pictures....

Now here's something interesting. It's a link to Brady's Blog. If anyone can figure out what the hell he's talking about and the story behind Justin the tattooed skinhead, I'd appreciate it.

My question to Brady is: Would Justin the skinhead show love or disdain for those who are outside of his race, church, politics, status, appearance, wealth? Something tells me that disdain would win, hands down.

While we wait for Sister Wives' new season (just around the corner, so to speak) here are the videos TLC has been showing as teasers for the June 8th premiere. Enjoy if you haven't seen these previously.


Looks like the reason for Robyn's silence on twitter this week was because it's Kody's and Robyn's wedding anniversary and they are celebrating at the Hard Rock Hotel!

Funny, what a difference a wife makes. I wonder if Meri babysat Sol while Robyn was celebrating?

Does this mean a new addition to the Brown Khaos© will be cooking in Robyn's oven soon? Time will tell!

PS...I'm sure that Kody hasn't cut his hair, he probably has it pulled back into a pony tail. But maybe it's time he should think about just shaving it all off, like his good buddy Papa Joe Darger...


  1. Tried to comment earlier..but failed :( So happy to have this blog to fill the void left from the old SW Blog. Thank you CJ. Ragging on this show is way more fun than watching it! Not sure I can stand much more of this lunatic crew. There is no story left to tell..I think this season will put this show and us out of our misery.
    Long time lurker..first time posting!

  2. Omg! They sucked me in. I can't help myself. I watched all of true tori. I'm ashamed to admit it. Do you guys really believe they would fake that? I tried and could not look away. After I felt bad for wasting an hour of my life. Or mabe guilty for killing off some of my brain cells. Hopefully I'm not alone. I half to admit I would probably watch another episode. Why I'm not quiet sure. I just can't believe they would fake an issue like that. I just wonder because neither one of them are good actors. Well anyway that's the skeleton in my closet today. Glad I have a place to confess it.

    1. Don't be ashamed...everybody has a guilty pleasure or two ;)

    2. Texasgirl -

      You are not alone.... I have watched every episode of True Tori (I also watched her other reality shows and I've read all of her books - -well, except the one about party planning. I don't know people who attend those kinds of parties, so I did skip that one). AND I even watch Honey Boo Boo. So there - judge as you will. :-)

      I work 14 hours a day and damn it, when I get home and switch on the tv, I normally want to watch something that's as entertaining and mindless as possible. I don't really want to have to think deeply, or learn much at all, quite frankly. I'll save the thinking and learning processes for when I'm rested and feel like reading/researching either books or the internet.

      Anyway,,,,just a note of solidarity, lol. - Lori (also from Texas) :-)

    3. "I watched all of true tori. I'm ashamed to admit it. Do you guys really believe they would fake that? I tried and could not look away. After I felt bad for wasting an hour of my life"

      I did the same thing. I couldn't decide if I was more disgusted with them for putting that crap on tv or me for wasting an hour of my life watching it!

      Parts of it might be real, like Dean cheating, but the majority of it is fake crap. They have two nannies, personal assistants, housekeeper, etc.

    4. I actually dvrd this week's episode of True Tory and am planning on watching this weekend. I agree about not wanting to "think" and just watching something enjoyable even if its hokey...I work really hard and I like having a break watching ridiculous people. Somehow makes me feel better about my life I guess. :-)

    5. Yup, I've watched all of True Tori also...and all of her other shows and read her books too. I have no idea why I'm so fascinated with her. I never, ever watched 90210 and absolutely cannot stand her husband! I have so many opinions about everything to do with her that I can't list them here. However, I do admit to watching it all, just like a train wreck. I can't look away! I wonder where her mother, Candy, is with all this going on and what's she's thinking. I honestly feel no sympathy for Tori (almost). Afterall, she did cheat on her husband with Dean so why would she expect fidelity from him when he cheated on his first wife? I'll bet she's laughing hysterically now! It'll be interesting to see how it all turns out.

  3. I must say I think Logan was an adorable baby, and he's adorable now! He better be dating.

    1. As sad as I am that Logan is on the show less these days, I am glad he is getting his own life and moving on.

    2. To me, he doesn't resemble either of his parents or Jenelle's other boys.

    3. Kody has his mother's nose and his father's eyes. Grownup Logan looks just like his cousin who also worked at the Wyoming ranch that appeared on the show in season 1 or 2. If you look at Logan's baby picture he does resemble Kody.

    4. Logan is almost a carbon copy Kody's youngest brother...uh...Mike, I think (or was it Matt)? One of the brothers (not the oldest, nor the one who passed in the bike accident) who showed up in the episode when the men went to the Strip to shoot things at the range while the ladies painted pottery.

      Genes are crazy. They get jumbled and mixed up and dispersed up and down a given family line and manifest in weird ways.

      But Logan seems like a stand-up guy - well-mannered, responsible, family-oriented. Also pretty easy on the eyes in that tidy, clean-cut sort of way that Mormons dudes have sometimes (not to say the Browns are Mormon, exactly, though). Janelle did well with him.

  4. Mykelti's boyfriend is cute. I hope they have a fun, monogamous relationship. That's all I got right now.

    1. He is darling! He reminds me of John Cusack...

    2. He IS a cute guy. Very cute!
      And big props to him for agreeing to sit through that insane "hormones in your mouth" staged scene. Either he participated in it as a anthropology science student observing some bizarre experiment, or the guy cares that much for Mykelti to sit there with *a straight face* playing his part to Kody's stupid comments and questions. Maybe both !!

      And once again, we get treated to a ridiculously set up scene.
      Sure, sure...Kody is passed out catching zzzz while the kids are all around, the cameras are in place with sound checks are being done two feet from the sofa... and Christine has to "wake up" Kody-Rip Van Winkle to for the action.

      At this point it seems TLC is seeing just how far viewers tolerance can be stretched.
      Or they are making SW into their own in house Gong Show.

  5. That first video of Meri and Robyn just makes me mad.

    Robyn is such an insensitive, selfish, selfish, selfish person. Not even a millisecond of "Wow - good for you, Meri! Congratulations! Gotta say, my head is filling with questions about how this will impact our work on MSWC, but I know you had to give up school when we moved here and you've always wanted to do this….so we'll figure this out. I've appreciated your help supporting my dream and now I'm ready to help you pursue your dream, too! I've got your back!"

    Nope. Just a sad, sorrowful look and immediately going to how it will impact her life. What a selfish woman she is….ugh.

    1. Shouldn't Robyn be supportive of her sister wife Meri and encourage her to fulfill her dreams? Instead of making it all about Robyn? Especially since she knows Meri has had such a hard time with Mariah moving out. The selfishness of these women is amazing.

    2. Anon 8:35, I totally agree with you. Good for Meri wanting to go back to school, and shame on Robyn for her lack of support! I worked full-time through undergrad, grad, and doctoral programs, so I know that Meri can study and still partner with Robyn on the jewelry business. I've been in Janelle's weight plateau shoes and I hated being there, but if she's going to just try to maintain what she's achieved she's still going to have to be in the gym or moving purposefully for at least an hour on most days. That's just the way it is for people with slow metabolism.

      And as for John and Mykelti, they're cute kids. While it's important for the parents to set expectations for their behavior, the whole "swapping hormones" conversation was pretty gross. Christine and Kody should just tell the kids they expect that there will be no sex and leave the kids to make their own decisions.

    3. i'm not a Robyn fan by any means (gawd, no!) BUT i'm sure when she was being "courted" by Meri and Kody et al. she was def led to believe that these Sister Wives all loved each other and took care of each other's kids and would do likewise w/Robyn's. Remember that Christine at that time actually WAS doing so for Janelle's kids. So, i think Robyn got shortchanged from the get-go and is still hellbent on trying to make the deal the one she was sold and bought into.

      Anyway, who wouldn't be a royal and manipulative passive/aggressive bitch living the life of a plyg wife. i know i would be ! it's just human nature to be one when you give up your power and self-esteem and self-worth to others - whether in the name of your religion or not. It's not innately normal and not emotionally healthy as plyg wives demonstrate again and again.

    4. I'm not a Robyn fan either, but I don't agree that she was misled by the Browns. If you read her chapters in their book, she definitely comes across as being as a gold digger. For example when she first went to their home in Lehi, she was amazed at all the convertibles the Browns had. And that she was reluctant to have a big wedding but when the production company offered to pay for it she went ahead. Same with her honeymoon. AND even Kody admitted to spending more time with her after he married her and after she gave birth to Solomon (supposedly there was no one available to help her out). She married Kody because she wanted to be a TV star.

      There are plenty of monogamist wives who are also "royal and manipulative passive/aggressive" bitches. Just ask any wife who's husband left her for "the other woman".

    5. Yes. Robyn is a manipulative, gold digger who most likely sought out the Browns and then tricked Meri into thinking they were going to be best buds. The clip makes me sick. "What am I gunna do?" Meri should have said "Screw your stupid joolery boutique. It's embarrassing." ... It won't matter. Robyn will find some fool or "investor" to take care of any of the operations or work for "the business."

  6. Their story lines never make sense. Does a hobby business need investors? Iv'e noticed just in these clips that Kody and Christine seem like they are more in sync and Christine showing affection to Kody. That was such a no no before. Maybe Robyn has broken the PDA rule, and the other wives are jumping on the band wagon. Of course Kody was laying down on the couch for that scene AGAIN. Robyns face is just so annoying, she sure did change in her looks and not for the better. What is there to talk about to keep MSWC in the dialouge and push sales but drama about the closet. Kody just needs to come out of the closet. His constant need to verbally talk about his manhood is annoying. Aspyn kicked his ass in bowling and it was all about him being a sore looser, he of course had to diss her and say she had no form, well Kody has no balls.

    1. Kody and Robyn most likely need investors for my sisterwife's closet to infuse cash so they can expand the business or hire employees. They could also need investors to pay off outstanding debts because I don't see this business generating enough income to break even.

    2. Robyn really does look different these days. Don't know if plyg life is agreeing with her the way she thought it would.

    3. My friends and I are in our 30's.
      I think we are all reasonably fit, but not health nuts in any case (especially because cake and wine exist), but I can categorically say not one of us looks remotely the same age as Sobbin...
      I'm usually surprised as hell at the ages of women on the various polygamy shows, but write it off in some cases because hair care and make up seem like low priorities with so many children (Polygamy USA in particular).
      I've come to the conclusion that polygamy must be a terribly draining lifestyle. Everyone seems so hard edged and to have an allergy to sunblock.
      I hate snarking on age and appearance, but I do not think Sobbin and Meri have aged well at all. For having 'comparatively' easy lives (for polygamists), and access to professional hair care and cosmetics they look extremely harsh.
      Compare 1st season Robin and current day Robin, and it looks like a decade or more has passed. I would kind of expect that from hard living or a 'party girl', but a non smoking, non drinking, non worker? No way. That HAS to be the result of unhappiness. It can't just be genes right?
      Just look at Christine and her aunt in the plyg debate episode, they look like sisters.
      I suspect a huge weight is lifted off of women who escape. I mean, imagine how much better the Brown's would look after losing 200lbs of scruffy sandal wearing man child.

    4. Meri would look better if she ditched the orange foundation, brassy hair color and harsh eyeliner. This woman needs an intervention. Maybe someone from VanLadyLove told her she looked hot or something. *shrug*

    5. Sharing a husband and being a single mom is hard y'all.The unhappiness of all the wives is evident in all their faces. Some of the daughters have the same look of unhappiness too.

    6. Maybe they could bring back What Not to Wear for poor Meri. It's getting painful to watch her spiral into her midlife crisis. Hopefully we won't see thigh high boots any time soon

  7. Do you think that Brady ever wishes he would have taken his time collecting wives? All five by the time he was 29 just seems crazy. Do you think he ever wishes he only had one wife and a few kids that he could travel the world with, maybe do some meditation with monks, open a yoga studio or something like that? I wonder what would have become of Brady had he not chose the plyg life.

    1. I think that out of all the plyg men we've seen on t.v., Brady wishes he just had just one wife. He doesn't seem all that thrilled with his life. Whereas you can tell Kody loves being the center of attention of all 4 wives.

    2. ITA about Brady. Especially now that he doesn't even believe in the principle anymore. He loves Rhonda the most....If he could go back and re-do it all, he would have been a monogamist and married just her. But I give him credit for sticking around when his beliefs changed. He seems exhausted, tired and baffled most of the time

  8. No words for fhe 1st and 3rd clips other than wow! For the 2nd boy I can relate to Janell. I am at target weight but it is constant work to stay there and hard! Btw Dakota's tips about eating being most important really helped me get out of the mindset that I can work off the calories, which allowed me to finally lose a needed 15 lbs ... anyway, one day at the gym locker room, I commented to a hard core regular that I thought this would get easier as I got more fit, but instead find it is just as hard. She agreed and said that for her, just getting to the gym is hard, and every workout is tough. That was a wake-up call to me that staying in shape is going to stay hard forever and just to accept that. I often feel like , "I'm in shape now; I can back off." Sadly, that is not true, and I feel Janelle's pain/struggle although from the outside, I am in pretty good (but not top) shape I.e. regular weightlifting, running, spin, zumba/low resting heart rate and BP ... but it is a daily motivational challenge.

    1. Awwww thanks Mastiff :) that made me smile this morning!
      Ya know what?? It's all about mindset and accentuating the positive...I always try to find the positive in all things. As far as the nutrition-fitness quotient, I know I won't always be consistently on the mark, there are gonna be times in my life where I just don't feel like eating especially healthy or counting my calories...but the important thing is to recognize that and keep looking for the sometimes elusive motivational light switch :)
      I actually love going to work out, but it's cos I enjoy my chosen fitness activities so very's the nutrition that's a challenge for me. I find if I track I do way better - that's what I'm doing now during the week via My Fitness Pal (no I don't work for them it's just my favorite tracking app!)

    2. Mastiff, thank you so much for sharing your story on food and exercise. I've lost over 100 lbs in the last 18 months, and like you, have not found the workouts or getting to the gym any easier. It's a daily struggle to push away from goodies and push toward my local Curves for my workout. And doing it 3 times a week isn't enough for me--I need five or six days of pretty hard workouts just to maintain. And I use the "Fat Secret" app and a pedometer to keep track of myself. But it's still a challenge.

    3. I've lost over 100 lbs in the last 18 months

      got2bdrc, that is so awesome!! You rock!! So hard work, dedication, and Curves work?! I love it! So happy for you!

      I need to lose 10 pounds...and I only have 30 to go!!!

    4. Snarkaholic, thank you! Yes, hard work, dedication, and Curves work for me--plus lots of "push aways and pull ups"--push away the pasta, the ice cream, the carbs, and the junk food and pull up the water, the lean protein, and the veggies. I wish you the best in your fitness journey.


  9. " If anyone can figure out what the hell he's talking about and the story behind Justin the tattooed skinhead, I'd appreciate it."

    CJ, that's a tall order given that Brady is prone to speaking in circles.
    My guess is that Brady does a little "Calgon take me away" with anything or perhaps any passages from his philosophy textbooks that help him feel detached from the reality of what he has chosen in life.

    Maybe he and his buddy, skinhead Justin, share in some "organic" cigs that produce profound illuminations on life !!!

  10. Wow, from the angle of that photo of the Brown harem and offspring, Meri is definitely hitting a midlife crisis.

  11. The thing that bugged me about Meryl winning dancing with the stars is that she is a professional ice DANCER. Derek choreographed Meryl and Charley's gold medal routine. I don't think Meryl or Charley should have been allowed to compete. It's pretty fun to watch people with absolutely no dance background work and improve over the course of the show. I absolutely loved Amy--amazing! I liked that Candace Cameron refused to compromise her morals and dress like Peta the Ho. Peta literally looked like a prostitute in her last dance. More people should stand up and just say no when someone tries to make them do something that goes against their personal morals. Nene was hysterical! Terrible dancer but so funny! It was a pretty good season. But you know what? I thought Maks was a whiner!

    1. Olympic figure skaters (with the exception of Dorothy Hamill) have always finished in the top 2 positions in the finals. And they do study dance and movement. But...I don't have a problem with them competing because their routines seem to be more entertaining. Did you watch when Dorothy Hamill was on the show? I thought she would be a shoe-in for the win but age was just awful with her ballet "pretend you're holding the world" arm positions and stiff execution.

    2. Hamill bowed out of the competition early with an injury but I always wonder what the deal was with her.

      Oops. Autocorrect messed up. age=she

    3. Derek helped with their routines, but he wasn't the choreographer. He just helped them work on some presentation skills. There's no way a dance choreographer could design an ice dance routine.

      I agree that they were "ringers", but if it was simply a dance competition there wouldn't be the "public gets to vote" aspect. It's entertainment, pure and simple.

    4. "Peta literally looked like a prostitute in her last dance."
      I think that is intentional. She wears it well too. I guess every she-pro has to have her "look," and looking trashy is certainly Peta's.
      My sister told me that on the DWTS blogs it is routinely noted that Peta almost always includes at least one or more "spread eagle" moves in her routine. So I stated watching for that....and sure enough, it's true.

    5. Ellen, dance choreographers provide dance movements between the "tricks". Yes, they can design a successful dance routine. They know how to insure the entire ice is utilized, and that the moves leading up to a technical section enhance that skill to make it memorable for the judges and audience.

    6. Peta has taken over the trashy role left by Edyta!

    7. Any surprise that the gold medalist for ice dancing won DWTS? Not really. I always watch the first several episodes because it is fun to see all the bad dancing, but then I have to stop. I don't think it is fair to have contestants who have truly never danced before competing with other stars who have background training in dance. Seriously, why was Jennifer Gray allowed to compete, she's in the most famous dance movie of all time. It bugs me.

      Billy Dee Williams (Lando from Star Wars) had to be the most entertaining/worst dancer I have ever seen on the show. Bless him. Kate Gosselin was a close second.

    8. Poor Billy Dee Williams. I still see him as he was 30 years ago. I wish he hadn't gone on the show. I think the true surprise winners for me were speedskater Apolo Ohno and Helio Castroneves. My most entertaining/worst dancer was Cloris Leachman. Funny thing, my mother was talking about Cloris Leachman way back when she was on the Mary Tyler Moore show. She told me something like "I use to watch Cloris Leachman back in the 1950s and she was no spring chicken back then!" Mom use to say the same about Tina Turner, too.

    9. Yes, Billy Dee Williams was painful to watch.
      When you think back to that suave, handsome man who stood so tall in his field and then see him struggling like that. That was not good at all.

      Penn from Penn and Teller didn't fare very well either.

    10. "There's no way a dance choreographer could design an ice dance routine."

      Well, Ellen, I guess there is a way.....,,20781198,00.html

  12. Is it just me or does Mariah have a 5 o'clock shadow?

  13. How can two parents look at their daughter and see a future of hurt and pain? While the Browns are not forcing their children into plyg, they certainly aren't doing in preventative measures. Christine of all people should tell her girls, oh hell no. Maybe they all think their daughters will marry a man and be the number 1 wife and always be the favorite. When Robyn came into the mix, I felt so sorry for Christine and her pain was so raw and seems to still be at the top, so she knows how sad she was and is but she doesn't protect her girls. I think there must be some part of all plygs that removes female identity, starting from childhood. Girls and women enter into existing plyg relationships or marry with the intent to add wives and these girls are told over and over that this pain...this jealousy must be overcame; they have to sit and wait while their husband/father in the case of the kids spends time with another wife and her kids. I cannot imagine in what world learning to hid my pain, learning to deal with my grief of sharing my husband can be compared to growth. I feel so much pity for these women and girls and yet they are so programed to think that it is monogamous women who suffer cause they think all men need more than one woman...which doesn't do much for the male or female image. I wish Christine could know how nice it is for me to have my husband every single night in bed with me keeping my back warm. How nice it is to yell from the kitchen that he needs to come help me open a jar. How wonderful it is to look across the room and know what he is thinking and he me. I worry that they don't have the intimacy between their husband that allows for deep conversations where I know that my hopes and dreams and complaints are safe with him and he will not go to another woman or man and reveal my weaknesses. I hate that as girls the first taste of marital bliss comes from watching their mothers cry in emotional pain...that they see the other wives mistreat their mothers...see the siblings of wife number 1 get more than they. I feel so much for these girls. And to top all of this off, their baby daddy is Kody. Wow.

    1. I don't understand what preventative measures are required for the Browns. I think Christine would be very happy if her children follow her faith because otherwise she could think of herself as having failed their religious upbringing. Why feel sorry for Christine? She knew upfront being plural would be hard. She was the one who wanted to be a third wife for that very reason. She just didn't plan on a fourth wife coming into her family.

      I don't understand how you can know how these women think or feel. Maybe Christine doesn't want to have a husband underfoot every day and night. Christine's life is her life to live, not anyone else's to plan out for her. Right now, polygamy works for her. Maybe tomorrow, she will feel otherwise.

      I suppose my point if Christine wanted to live a monogamist life, she would have left with her mother. She chose to live polygamy. Her definition of marital bliss is different from yours, you really have no idea what she truly thinks inside her head, or even if her daughters are watching her cry in emotional pain! Gwen or Ysabel has already stated on camera they won't be plural because they don't like to share. Maddie has made it clear she doesn't want plural marriage. Children in the family are making their own decision.

      I guess what I'm trying to say is maybe instead of you rocking back and forth feeling the supposed pain Christine is feeling, why not leave Christine to make her own decisions whether to stay or leave?

      Frankly, I've seen woman suffer as much if not more in monogamy or even without the benefit of marriage. There are so many other things for people to worry about in our world today that makes polygamy pale in comparison.

    2. Monica,
      Clearly I don't know how or what she feels but I have seen evidence of her not-so-happy life. I, like many others who share similar viewpoints, feel free to critique their life because the reason for the show was to show us how lovely these women have it; however, we learn in the first season that Christine is hurting...she stormed out of a couch session. But you are right, there is pain in being single and pain in monogamy. When Christine and the other wives have made statements saying we don't want a man every night, they then say things like seeing a sister wife pregnant is the physical proof that Kody is having relationships with another wife and it hurts. Those are not my words but Christines and Jenelles and yes, to some degree I do not what they are thinking. And we have seen their pain and read about their pain in their book. I made no assumption nor did I generalize or spread fallacies...I base my comments on the plyg shows that I have watched, books that I have read, and articles that are published from anthropologists and the majority of those sources indicate conclusively that the majority of the women are unhappy. I don't think the majority of single women or women in a monogamous relationship or unhappy. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I didn't assume their pain...I based on proof in all the research that I and others on this forum have done.

    3. With all due respect, Monica, the point of this blog is to primarily discuss SW and polygamy. I think we all know that there are bigger issues in life to discuss, but we come here for the express purpose of stating our opinions on polygamy. Personally, I think Christine is fake. She may be happier now that they have a bit of money and things to distract them, but I don't buy that she's happy.

      Like you, I don't feel sorry for her or any of them. They like to boast to us monogamists that they chose this life, so like you I don't waste my time feeling sorry for them.

      But to Anon's point, if you know deep down inside that a choice has hurt you, I think most would try to protect their kids from making that same choice. I actually think they're all probably hoping secretly that the kids don't choose polygamy.

    4. Plus 1000 anon 12:2! These women aren't happy. They are fed a bunch of lies from the day they are born. Look at how fast Robyn has aged since season 1 and tell me again how fulfilled and happy she is. None of the Brown wives appear to be happy or satisfied with their lives. Kody however seems very happy with himself. I feel for all the women who are born into this lifestyle and grow up thinking they don't deserve to have a man to themselves, but needs to share their husband with however many wives he desires. I also feel bad for all the boys who get kicked out at a young age so the old men can have more wives.

    5. The AUB doesn't have Lost Boys like the FLDS. The Browns belong to the AUB. Don't get me started on Robyn and her unhappiness or her aging. She's always had that rode hard and put away wet look about her since the beginning!

    6. Even if the AUB doesn't chuck men/boys out, by virtue of math there must be men who have no hope of marriage, right? How does the AUB deal with the single men?

    7. Math problems, Kody did marry Janelle and she was LDS that converted to AUB. It's possible that's what the single men do. And didn't Robyn meet Kody at a dance? I think the AUB sponsors social meetings where single women can meet available men. I read that there are single women who convert to AUB because they want sister wives so maybe they don't have a problem of not enough women like the FLDS.

    8. As far as I know, "happy" people do not normally take anti-depressants and xanax, as Christine did. So while you are correct that the only person who absolutely knows with 100% certainty what Christine thinks and feels is Christine, the meds are a decent indication, albeit vague, perhaps, to the rest of us of the overall state of her mental/emotional health (at least at the time - I remember she said she cut back on them, but I don't know I've heard that she has ever gone off them completely).

      - Lori

  14. excellent annon 12:28 especially non legally binding wives and their children great post

  15. I recall Christine saying she'd be SO disappointed if none of her kids chose plural marriage. She said something like "what's it all been for then?" ..A thought on True Tori...I noticed how Dean makes sure to showcase his cooking skills,and draws attention to it. The most genuine I've seen him was when he got pissed at Tori for saying his sauce was watery. Hilarious. They are acting. This week was especially noticeable. The way she pushed the scrapbooking stuff off the bed,as they showed it hit the floor..very contrived. The basis for this show might have been real..but all the "scenes" are just that..scenes. Still I watch. I have only myself to blame.

    1. I'm just praying food network doesn't give Dean a show. I'd rather see Brian Boitano than Dean anytime! Boitano's last show where he went to Italy was entertaining, and I thought What Would Brian Boitano Cook (I think that's what it was called) was good, too.

    2. I never saw Brian Boitano's show, but was a fan during his skating career. I agree,I hope they don't give Dean a show. He is a mess. I never watched any of the Tori and Dean shows before this,didn't read the tabloids and really had no opinion on him either way. Doing this show was a mistake for their careers as well as their image. Neither one is coming off as sympathetic. It reeks of desperation.

  16. I just saw a anniversary picture of Robyn and Kody on his Twitter page. You guys half to see his hair!! Is he sporting a ponytail now. I really didn't think his sense of style could get much worse. Anyway if you need a good chuckle today check it out. Of course the only new picture of Robyn is only from chin up. No belly shot.

    1. Holy crap! He looks awful! And Robyn's chipmunk cheeks look like she is pregnant.

  17. I posted this yesterday but don't see it so l will repeat, The Food network did put Dean in a show, Chopped Canada.

    1. I posted this yesterday but don't see it
      I've posted all the comments that were in the moderation queue so I don't know what could have happened ----possibly a hiccup in the blog system perhaps.

      The Food network did put Dean in a show, Chopped Canada.
      I don't consider Chopped Canada to be a Dean McDermott show. He's just the mc/announcer who tells the cheftestants the contents of the mystery baskets and the time remaining using the exact same verbiage Ted Allen uses(host of the US version). I respect Ted Allen's culinary chops more than Dean McDermott.

      I just don't want to see him in a cooking show on the Food Channel (or the b team Cooking Channel) where he presents his "culinary view" --- most likely foods to feed your wife when you cheat on her.


  18. " I wonder if Meri babysat Sol while Robyn was celebrating?"

    And I wonder if Sol isn't right there out of camera range.
    Poor kid doesn't sleep in any bed but Mommy's.

    "Thanks Alice & Mary @agelv for the best anniversary gifts at the Hard Rock Hotel. You ROCK! @LuvgvsUwngs

    Are Alice and Mary the Hospitality coordinators for the Hard Rock?
    Is all this just yet another fab perk for being in Kodyworld ??!!
    And are the cameras humming...if so, TLC is onboard too for the bill.

    How great is it to be a faux wife of Kody-boy.....
    who btw is now resembling a middle-aged Charlie Brown with that hairdo.

    1. I think the Alice he mentioned is @agelv, his booking agent. Who knows, but if tlc filmed this anniversary I hope they filmed Meri's (which occurred during filming for the road trip) Janelle's and Christine's too.

      Yes! he does resemble Charlie Brown, but I was thinking with a little teasing and hairspray, Kody could make a fine FLDS hair swoop with that tuft of hair he has in the front.

    2. "I hope they filmed Meri's (which occurred during filming for the road trip) Janelle's and Christine's too"

      Oh joy...hope you are right.
      Nothing like watching Kody play amorous "husband" to his foursome, one by one.

      Christine may even get a new watch??
      No wait, is Brady's anniversary thing.
      Kody will just have to scan his IPhone for a list of "wife gift" freebie venders.

  19. I didn't even recognize Kody at first in that twitter pic---thought he was some new acquaintance of Robyn's! Had to take a closer look! Regarding the promos for the new season, I, too, am not sure if Robyn is saying "I do want another baby" or "I don't want another baby." Someone mentioned this earlier on this thread that they think she is saying "don't." If so, that would be surprising, no????

    1. She probably says "I don't wanna have another baby" followed by, "if I don't have support from my sister wives/Kody/something like that. That's probably the "ultimatum" she gives Kody, I won't have another baby if I don't get more help with MSWC.

    2. MrSpock, I wonder how he got his hair pulled back? Does he pull the top few strands first and then do the neck hairs? How does that even work? He sort of looks like he has a painted on mohawk. I can see it now: Kody runs into one of the little girl's room and gets one of those little pony tail things and runs into one of the older girl's room and gets some sticky hair spray. He stands in front of the mirror slinging his crusty locks back and forth and gently, ever so gently, brushes the top part and tells Robyn, now, hold, don't pull it...hey, hey, hey, you are going to pull out my roots and Robyn giggles and says, root, pull your roots? He sticks his tongue out to remind her in his mouth are those magnificent hormones...then he pulls the neck hairs together and puts them up toward Robyn's hand and says, now, now, now...pull it to me, now...she gently pulls his strand toward his bottom and they put the ring around the thin strand and she looks at his reflection in the mirror and says, oh, Kody boy, you look so manly and I am flushing thinking about your few roots you have left and she turns away to hide laughter and then he trots over to Christine and burst into her house and struts up to her and she says, WTF, you know those hateful bloggers are going to have field day and he reminds her that Robyn is the one who brings the cool factor and she likes it so it stays and he jogs over to Janelle's and she says, WTF, and he says, this will save me money on product and she says, if it makes you happy and he says, it does and then he reluctantly goes to mamma err Meri's house and she says, you and Robyn head out and you look fine. You two will be the eye of the party and I cannot wait to read the reviews of this in People Magazine or maybe they will put you on one of the big news stations. As he leaves, she bursts into laughter and text Christine and says, WTF, and Christine says, I am still laughing and then Janelle looks out of the kitchen window while eating a twinkie and Meri sends a text to her and Janelle texts back and says Robyn will look as ridiculous as he looks. You guys want to do a girls night out and eat some Chinese?

    3. Kody has worn his hair in a ponytail many times. I don't understand why this is such a big deal anonym 713am.

  20. Ok, I just heard the promo commercial again and I think Robyn says "I wanna have a baby." Anyone else?

    1. That's what I thought it said, too. She needs to solidify her place in the family with more Kody offspring instead of the kids that are proof that she was married to and had kids with another man. We cannot forget the "ick factor".

  21. From the recent picture, it looks like they at least have been working very hard to create a new baby.... If she doesn't have one in her refurbished oven, that is....

  22. watched season one..ugh..up to the point they claimed they had to leave utah..the rest of the shows have been fabricated..and they just brush off big things like living in separate rentals with a simpleton explanation and truely getting sick(just one small thing) made her so's all crap. I would love to hear about christines nasty torment of robyn and meri's distance from robyn, and how the kids really fill about robyn. They are more distant now then when they all lived together..neighbors with benefits

  23. I don't really like men in pony tails anyway but wow, it looks even more ridiculous when the guy has enormous bald spots covering most of the front half of his skull! I don't think we could even call the "bald patches" at this point. The reality is that Kody has a bald head, with some "hair patches." He really should just accept it and shave it at least cut it very short, it's well past the time for it.

  24. Why doesn't Meri put Mariah on a diet? I was watching season 1 and Mariah was so pretty and healthy with her blonder hair and slim body. What happened to her?

    1. Mariah is old enough to start making her own decisions now. She's suffering from the freshman 15 give her a break!

    2. Mariah didn't suffer from freshman 15. She was heavy when she left. most of the females in this family gained significant weight during the course of filming. Stress and change of lifestyle.

      But agree that Mariah is a grown up and can make her own decisions about how to take care of herself or not.

    3. Since you brought up stress, does anybody have a theory why Maddie is leaving a month early for college?

    4. I'm thinking she has a job in Utah and an apartment. Or maybe she's staying with relatives. How far is the college from Lehi?

  25. Four years of marriage and only 1 baby so far? Sobyn's not doing her job!

  26. Is the possibility of the new season pitching "Is Sobbin having yet another of Kody's spawn" sounding about as interesting/ compelling/ riveting/ entertaining as a discarded stack of old, wrinkled, already-read newspapers?
    And certainly not worthy of anything but a slow, deliberate yawn???
    Is it just me.....????

  27. wont the browns have to claim all of these "gifts" "freebies" "entertainment on their taxes as gifts with monetary value? They sure document all of it on social media

    1. If Robyn is pregnant I can't wait for her to set up a an account at Babys R Us for all her fans to send her gifts again. I wonder what she did with the excess gifts she got for Solomon? If she had given them to charity Kodouche would have made sure it was announced to the public!

    2. She probably returned them and kept the cash. Perhaps she paid his birth with it, because I'm thinking they do not have health insurance.....

    3. That midwife they used got a ton of free advertising being on the show. I hope Robyn and Kody didn't have to pay for her services too!!!

  28. Great review.
    P.S. We don't want to see any more "modest" scenes or bizarre Twitter pictures involving Robyn's oven!!!!

  29. Used to post at SWB as The Magic Hat Says, when it went dark, I was lost.
    Searched & searched for a place to snark & read snark, no joy,
    then today, searching for Sister Wives Cartoon...voila there you all were in CJ's Living Room!
    Thanks for opening up your Living Room.
    Will bring the wine & cheese next time ;)

    1. Welcome lphant! Wine and cheese sounds yummy!

  30. It’s funny that you guys mentioned Big Love on Amazon Prime because I was just watching various episodes from all the seasons THIS morning. I loved Big Love however the last few seasons did become a little unbelievable and over the top. Some of my favorite *authentic* episodes were:
    The episode where Margene finds Nikki and Bill doing it in her bed, and then later Barb does the *same* thing to Nikki with Bill in Nikki’s bed. “On her night”, hahaha.
    The episode where Margene dyes her hair blonde and is acting all flirty with her stepson, who is relatively close to her own age. Creepy cakes.
    The episode where Margene confesses (season 5) that she was sixteen when in fact she married Bill and not eighteen.
    Those are a few of my favorites, and I watched all five seasons religiously. I also watch(ed) Sex And The City, Six Feet Under, Rome, Band of Brothers, Dexter, True Blood, and Sopranos religiously.

    b. Real Housewives of NJ – Teresa and Melissa are too annoying and fake to watch. I wish TLC would just rid themselves of both of them, but with Teresa possibly going to jail (or at least her icky husband) – I doubt that’s going to happen. I’m also sick of stripper gate. I don’t care what Melissa did before the show, she’s a nobody – stop using it as a storyline.

    c. Real Housewives of OC – Vicki is nutty and she reminds me of Meri on Siserwives (they both look like Whos from Whoville). The weird thing is, Vicki does kind of remind me of Miss Piggy but not fat. I know it’s mean but Slade had a point. Also her obsession with that gross Brooks guy is totally nasty. The “love tank is full” and the weirdness that is Vicki grosses me out. I also think her daughter Breanna is such a moron, sorry – I said it. Last season Breanna’s husband was a complete jerk showing his true character to an elderly mother of a castmate and when the reunion happened all she could do was deflect about his actions and claim she won’t talk about him because he was on active duty. She totally made it seem okay that he verbally assaulted and humiliated someone who wasn’t even DOING anything to him. I really, really hate her husband and therefore she’s also hated. I also think Tamra and Heather are completely annoying, Tamra’s son is a jerk on camera and he is so disrespectful and cruel it’s hard to watch (same with Vicki’s son). Heather is such a stuck up snob, who clearly loves to think she’s so refined and such a great actress. Her need to show off her wealth and snobbery is one of the main reasons I cannot stand her. I do like Lizzie so far, but watching Shannon (the other new cast member) and her husband bicker on camera is similar to Josh/Kristen on the other RHONYC. I mean you’re clearly watching a marriage implode and you KNOW that husband has someone on the side who isn’t a psychotic beyatch. Shannon comes across as a complete nag and she’s a drag. No holistic doctor is going to fix her psychosis, and I feel bad for HER husband.

    1. Real Housewives of NJ Teresa, Caroline and Jacqueline were some of the dumbest bitches on this planet. I mean, really dumb. High and Mighty Caroline whose father in law was found murdered in the trunk of a Cadillac. Who tried to shakedown a law school because her precious son flunked out - claiming he had a reading disorder that meant it took him twice as long to study his law books. Excuse me, but, he wants to be a lawyer - a profession that charges big bucks by the hour and she announced on tv it takes him twice as long to read something and that's why he flunked. Nice going.

      I called out Teresa on that episode when she paid CASH for all that furniture...they even filmed her peeling off the benjamins from the wad of cash she had in her purse. She was so dumb she didn't think when hubby Juicy Joe filed for bankruptcy that the trustee wouldn't see through her deceit? I was HOPING her house and all that ugly furniture would be publicly auctioned off.

      Real Housewives of OC Vicki does look like Miss Piggy - it's her nose that's the problem. And then she had plastic surgery and got that Frankenstein chin instead of a nose job (or fix)? I think the only reason why Brooks is still around is because Bravo is demanding she keeps him around for a storyline. Brooks is bad news but Vicki will never allow him to lay one finger on her money. And she needs to let go of daughter Breanna whose husband has got to be a French fry short of a happy meal. Yeah, like I'm sure he was trying to defend Vicki's furniture from a 60 something year old flower child who could probably buy and sell his loony behind a couple of hundred times.

      But I have to thank whoever at Bravo decided the Slade and Gretchen show was stopped cold in it's tracks. Gretchen NEVER should have been on the show, and Slade...the less said about him the better.

  31. As for the reality television circle I’m addicted to Real Housewives of OC, Real Housewives of NYC, Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, and Real Housewives of New Jersey. I sometimes also watch the Teen Mom series (“I seen you with Keefah Jaynell”). Some observations on the Real Housewives seasons I watch:
    a. I cannot stand Ramona Singer on RHONYC, mainly because she’s just so overly hypocritical and bug-eyed she drives me nuts. I think it’s also sad that they’re filming the complete mind loss that Sonja is clearly going through. I also find it creepy that Kristen and Josh are constantly fighting and you are literally watching their marriage implode, on television. Heather is one of my favorites (holla), and I use to like Carol but the entire Carol Ghost Writer story line with Aviva is so not something Carol even needs to keep dragging on, she’s better than that. I wish they’d fire AVIVA and her disgusting father, and bring back LuAnn permanently. Also, Josh (Kristen’s husband) is such a complete tool that I want to throw things at him every time I see him open his dumb mouth. He clearly doesn’t care about Kristen or THEIR kids in any manner, and he’s just a pig.

    b. Real Housewives of NJ – Teresa and Melissa are too annoying and fake to watch. I wish TLC would just rid themselves of both of them, but with Teresa possibly going to jail (or at least her icky husband) – I doubt that’s going to happen. I’m also sick of stripper gate. I don’t care what Melissa did before the show, she’s a nobody – stop using it as a storyline.

    c. Real Housewives of OC – Vicki is nutty and she reminds me of Meri on Siserwives (they both look like Whos from Whoville). The weird thing is, Vicki does kind of remind me of Miss Piggy but not fat. I know it’s mean but Slade had a point. Also her obsession with that gross Brooks guy is totally nasty. The “love tank is full” and the weirdness that is Vicki grosses me out. I also think her daughter Breanna is such a moron, sorry – I said it. Last season Breanna’s husband was a complete jerk showing his true character to an elderly mother of a castmate and when the reunion happened all she could do was deflect about his actions and claim she won’t talk about him because he was on active duty. She totally made it seem okay that he verbally assaulted and humiliated someone who wasn’t even DOING anything to him. I really, really hate her husband and therefore she’s also hated. I also think Tamra and Heather are completely annoying, Tamra’s son is a jerk on camera and he is so disrespectful and cruel it’s hard to watch (same with Vicki’s son). Heather is such a stuck up snob, who clearly loves to think she’s so refined and such a great actress. Her need to show off her wealth and snobbery is one of the main reasons I cannot stand her. I do like Lizzie so far, but watching Shannon (the other new cast member) and her husband bicker on camera is similar to Josh/Kristen on the other RHONYC. I mean you’re clearly watching a marriage implode and you KNOW that husband has someone on the side who isn’t a psychotic beyatch. Shannon comes across as a complete nag and she’s a drag. No holistic doctor is going to fix her psychosis, and I feel bad for HER husband.

  32. I’m sorry for the multiple posts but there’s character limitations and I haven’t posted in *forever* so I thought I would also chime in on what I think about the Sister Wives upcoming new season.
    1. I use to love Janelle and Christine, but the more I watch as the years go by the more I realize that Janelle is a complete doormat to Kody and the other wives, and Christine is like mentally delusional. I fell like Christine doesn’t focus on her kids and actually do things with her kids, and she seems to have the mindset of a teenage girl, which unnerves me. Janelle just constantly lets mean Meri and Sobbyn Robyn walk all over her, as well as Kody. Anything the magical three do to Janelle seems to be completely okay with her. I feel like she’s heavily medicated (not only with food and eating, but like Xanax or something).
    2. Robyn is void of a brain. There I said it. She clearly doesn’t think about what she says before she says it, only that she’s so educated and anyone who isn’t a polygamist clearly doesn’t *get it* and can’t see the benefits of sponging off of three other women and their shared bed buddy. It really,really grosses me out how passively aggressively she goes after other wives with various comments and rolling of the eyes. I wish she never joined “the family”.
    3. Meri, Meri, Meri – why ya buggin’? Meri seems to be the most unhappy of all the wives, especially considering she is expected to now, on a scripted reality show, repeat the joys of polygamy for all the world to hear. She doesn’t care about the other wives, including Robyn, in any manner. I also don’t seem to think the kids (her bonus kids) really care about her. She must be lonely in her giant McMansion with her wet bar and craft room – because I rarely see the other kids over there unless there’s something actually going on. I feel like she built her own prison of loneliness and selfishness and she deserves to live in it.
    4. Kody. Cut the hair. Kody. Get a job. Actually all of you could have jobs. With all the kids and adults, you could work out schedules and work various shifts at various jobs. The fact that you’re living off the TLC gravy train and not investing and trying to save some money for your future (once your show is cancelled, which it will be considering your lives are not that exciting) – and you should really consider having a real job. I work 40+ hours a week, to support myself and my ONE child and ONE husband – why can’t five adults find work in some manner? That’s just laziness.

    1. Yeah, he is a d-bag, but he's their ticket into celestial heaven so they "endure".

  33. I also feel bad saying this, I just looked at My Sister Wife's Closet (how can you have it as Wife's, wouldn't it be Wives?) Anyhow -- the joolery is totally over priced. I hate to say this because it's mean, but also true -- I could design better clothes and jewelry things online and sell them for them. There's also spelling errors on the website.

    1. It says Wife's instead of Wives because it was Robyn's baby, she is the Wife and she really wasn't thinking of her sister wives except as the unpaid help she could boss around. Guess that hasn't turned out too great for her. Janelle was never on board and Christine, well she just isn't smart enough to handle any of the business. I know Meri has said she'll continue but gut feelings say she is done.
