
Sunday, May 25, 2014

I Scour the Internet: The Pre-Memorial Day Edition for May 25th, 2014

Well, well, well...

Looks like the Browns have been very busy. Well, busy as defined by Kody's standards of 'busy'.

Case in point... Robyn was released from her tweeting prison in time to celebrate her anniversary at a Vegas hotel and answer some tweets from fans. Meri stopped retweeting long enough to 'accidently' tweet something about a family member. Kody still can't stand being a minute out of the public's eye, while Janelle participated in yet another 5K race, no doubt sans Kody this time.

So let's get at those tweets, shall we?


Finally we see life from Robyn on twitter! Mind you it wasn't a lot, but at least we know for certain she hasn't booked her final passage from the cul-de-sac.

A few days ago, Kody tweeted this from his (and Robyn's) suite at the Hard Rock Hotel...

Apparently Robyn was so rejuvenated by her anniversary at the Hard Rock Hotel she felt compelled to answer a couple of fans inquiry on Kody's hair (or lack there of). Now I remember way back in the early days of their arriving in Vegas, Janelle mentioned how she hated the ponytail look on Kody. But since Robyn simply LOVES the look, I suspect we're going to see it more and more.

Meanwhile, back at Meri's McManse, she accidently on purpose let fly this response to a tweet about a family member tying the knot. It took a little searching, but I was able to confirm, yeppers, Adam is taking the plunge...again. I wonder if Janelle will be attending, too?

Awwww is right....Isn't this the cutest picture of King Sol and Truely? But why is Kody following Robyn's former nanny/housekeeper/sister by another father and mother on twitter?

Hey, a new picture of Robyn...she doesn't look preggo to me, but Kody definitely looks about 6 months along!

How much you want to bet the ONLY people to notice Kody in the lobby of the Hard Rock Hotel (and want to take a picture with the kooky bird) were these two guys.

Oh, and here's some congratulatory news...Seems the Brown's sycophant friend Reverend Dani recently gave birth!

Come on Robyn! You need to have another baby so Rev. Dani's babe can have a playmate!

Aspyn seems to be very pleased after successfully completing her first year of college...

While Janelle must have sneaked a read of CJ's Living Room!

And it looks like Janelle participated in yet another 5K/mile walk with her youngest kids.

Interesting thought....
Well, I believe one doesn't need to dump their old identity to lose weight. Call me silly, but you can be a thinner person by expending more calories than you least that's what my doctor once told me when I asked for diet pills.

And on the topic of eating, Christine shows off  a recent BBQ grill spread at her McManse. Is that marinating chicken breasts sitting next to the meat balls? 

And our week wouldn't be complete without another inspirational tweet from Brady Williams' blog 'Brady Speaks'.

That's all for now. And remember, I Scour the Internet so YOU Don't Have to...much.

Enjoy your Memorial Day, everyone...


  1. Solomon needs a haircut. Not cute!

    1. Now I remember! Solomon looks like the kid who played Michael Keaton/Teri Garr's son in Mr Mom!

    2. The one who had the blanket he called a woobie or something like that...Anyway I remember Robyn tweeting that Kody wouldn't allow her to have Sol's hair cut.

    3. I'm sure she thinks it's adorable that he has the same haircut as his dad.

    4. Lobotomized - To make it look like Kody's, they would have to shave big sections on either side of Solomon's head. Not cute! (Not cute on either of them….)

    5. I actually wanted to add sans huge bald spots but I didn't want to be mean ;)

    6. Lobotomized - Not mean, accurate. The man needs to shave his head or cut it short. He'd look so much better if he just let it go.

    7. i think i recall robyn mentioning that they weren't cutting king sol's hair anytime soon. i don't like it, but robyn and kody have odd tastes.
      btw, as somebody with similar academic interests and - i like to think - more brains, i just despise rev dani and was happy to note a few weeks ago that she is only just getting her ph.d., which restores my faith in ivy league schools somewhat. i submitted recently and am waiting for a date for my viva. i don't know why, but the idea of a doctor of philosophy who became that giggly and swooned around the brrowns really irked me.

    8. Yes, the kid who had his woobie from Mr, Mom......!!!

      Re: cutting Sol's hair....
      Maybe Kody and Sobbin in their stupidity have confused Solomon with Samson.
      You know, the one whose strength was in his long hair and Delilah cut his hair in the after-glow of mating and sapped his strength. Maybe Kody sees himself (and SOL) like that. And Celine Dion kept her blonde son in his long locks forever. He looked like a girl.

    9. So not cute! It is ironic that he has more hair than Truely even tough he is much younger.

    10. I noticed that Soloman had a lot more hair than Truely. I don't have children yet, so I wasn't sure if that was normal. I've always thought in the back of my mind that Truely didn't seem as robust as I would have thought a child her age would be, but I assumed I just wasn't knowledgeable about children. I really do worry about her though, even before the kidney issues I always thought she seemed frail if not a little sickly.
      I hope it's just my lack of child rearing and not indicative of an actual illness...I can't imagine the Brown's could keep a long term illness hidden, but I also can't imagine each child is getting proper medical treatment after seeing this families organization and coping skills.

  2. "Morning Insight from a couple of days ago.**** "Real Man" ***** thinks you doth protest too much.
    A "Real Man" shouldn't have to qualify himself.....should he ??

    1. Exactly, a real man is there every day for his wife, not every fifth day.

  3. "While Janelle must have sneaked a read of CJ's Living Room!"

    " Janelle Brown ✔ @JanelleBrown117 Follow
    Spent the afternoon showing a buyer homes. Real estate was more of an accidental career for me but I'm finding I really like it.
    10:15 PM - 24 May 2014 ""

    LOL.....without a DOUBT, Janelle has peeked into CJ;s Living Room. LOL
    Sorry, Janelle..too little, too late.
    Since you are NOT listed on Mona's directory as an employee, and have not offered *any* tweets about your "real estate career" in eons, it is likely that this tweet is just another load of usual Kodyworld BS. and PR manipulating.
    But, nice try !!

    Good job, are the Queen of SW sleuth.

    1. Can't she do real estate without Mona?

    2. I guess so. . But she still has to be with a listing office.
      So if she isn't with Mona, then who?

      And why wouldn't she have blasted that info for productive PR. ???

    3. When I read Janelle's tweet, I said "from my message on CJ's Living Room to Janelle's ears" hilarious that she tweeted that. She has had her license for like two years now and she is just now getting around to showing houses? Good try, Janelle. Why don't you tweet a picture of a 'for sale" sign with your name on it. Maybe then I will believe it.

  4. Robyn is not as skinny as she used to be...I guess the Brown diet got her? Or maybe she is too busy raising a toddler.

    1. She sure isn't. Must be reaching for the comfort food on the 3 out of 4 nights when Kody isn't there for her.

    2. Janelle finally posted a picture where she looks thinner. I think her photo from the 5k looks great, and seems more in line with someone consistently trying to shape up.
      I'm glad to see some progress, I just wish it wasn't the only story line she has.

    3. Janelle is looking thinner in this latest picture. I hope she keeps it up.

    4. Robyn hasn't been as skinny as she was in Season 1 since she had Solomon. She seems to be getting bigger as the seasons go by. Which is what makes her blog entry about being skinny so eye-rolling. That doesn't really apply to you anymore Robyn! LOL!
      Not that there is anything wrong with that. It happens with child-bearing and age. However, she still acts like she is super tiny and rubs it in the other wives face. She doesn't seem to have registered the obvious yet.

  5. CJ or anyone else that might know for that matter,
    Have we had any updates from the Polygamy USA people?
    Has Kelly had a baby yet? Or does she now have sister wives?
    How about Becca, Marlene, and their hubby? Anymore wives or babies?

    1. Becca, from Polygamy USA, had a baby girl in February, her name is Aria Rose.

    2. Thx for the info!
      That family is all girls except for one boy right?! Wow!

    3. They had one boy. It was Marlene's.

  6. Her older son might have had a horrible reaction when little at cutting his hair. It's common on the spectrum.

    1. That may be true but Robyn has said Kody doesn't want Sol's hair cut.

    2. You know, not cutting a young boys hair for a while seems to be a trend in Hollywood these days. Ashlee Simpson, Kate Hudson, etc. Maybe Kody feels he is "Hollywood" or a "celebrity" now and wants to follow the trend. Wouldn't put it past him.

    3. It was tough for me to get my son's hair cut the first time. But when your boy starts to look like a girl, you just have to suck it up and do it.

      Good old Tori Spelling's oldest son totally looked like a girl--long hair and painted fingernails at 7 years old. She had a cow when Dean cut it. Thank God Dean had it cut. He has a girl haircut, but it's better than it was. Now just take off the freaking fingernail polish and teach him that tantrums at his age are not normal.

    4. tori spelling's kid is quite a brat. i knew nothing about her marriage before her current show and i felt bad for her for the first two episodes. now that dean's home and we see them together, it's obvious that they don't really get on and she's rather horrid to him, so i'm finally seeing her for what she really is and understand what everybody is talking about with her.

    5. Not sure if this posted so I'll try this again. .. I think Liam's behavior is a direct reflection of the dysfunction in that house. That little boy is very much aware that things are not normal. Kids are so much smarter than we give them credit for. I think I would be quite a brat too if I were being raised by Tori and Dean with a camera in my face all day. - The Lone Lady

  7. Hope this is okay CJ: But in remembrance of those who made the ultimate sacrifice I would like to name my Uncle Stephen who died at the age of 28 in 1942 as a POW in the Philippines. He never married and had no children, so only my siblings and I, and our immediate families, are here to remember him. We never had the privilege to meet him as we were all born well after WWII was over. But, my grateful thanks to him and to so many others who have done the same so that I can live in freedom.

    1. My pleasure MrSpock.

      My late father was retired from the Air Force, so I'm very grateful for the men and women who served in the armed forces and made the ultimate sacrifice in order to protect our freedoms and way of life.

    2. Very grateful for all those who have given their lives for our country.

    3. It seems awkward to say "Happy" Memorial Day, when for so many families, the day is a sad reminder of their loss.
      To all the families and most especially in memory of their brave heroes.......
      Gratitude and Honor.

    4. MrSpock, one of the best things to come out of my family genealogy research is finding lost relatives. I discovered a cousin who died during WW2 in the South Pacific, leaving no wife or children. I am doing my best to find everything I can about him and I have posted his photo on the internet. I have found several relatives like that who were "lost" and I have found a way to have them remembered.

    5. That is a wonderful thing to do, Serena.

  8. Kody is trying wayyy to hard to shave off about 15 years. Come on, flip flops with jeans and a button-down shirt? All he's missing is a pukka shell necklace to complete the "college douche" look. Another unsung benefit of monogamy: not having your husband influenced by a sister wife's tacky taste in apparel.

    1. "Another unsung benefit of monogamy: not having your husband influenced by a sister wife's tacky taste in apparel."

      So true !!!
      Come to think of it, are there any legit benefits to Plyg life for the wives?
      The Kody babes have certainly blown to hell any illusions of sisterwifey love between themselves, so one does wonder what are the bennies?

      Group welfare applications?
      Group discount on Costco memberships?
      When not "in the mood" or just disgusted with the harem king.....easy to send him next door?
      No pressure to actually "work" since some other wife can pick up that slack?
      (Speaking of which, clever of Meri to go back to school instead of getting a job.)

      And of course in their case, "the show" did produce four McMansions.

    2. Have to say - I cannot stand the flip flops with jeans look, especially for the more mature crowd. Ikd, maybe if you're 16 it's cool....but sorry, not so much when you're 40 something. No problem w/ flip flops...perfectly appropriate with shorts, and what not. But sorry, just not a good look for the Kodouche (and I've noticed this before, but didn't say anything)....

    3. Amused - You just touched on something interesting. While I'm glad Meri is going to do something with her time, I think she's probably going back to school to avoid working (outside the show) and I also think it's a plot line for the show. I say this because in the book, Meri had a history of blowing off work. She is probably one of those people that has to love her job in order to get up and go everyday. Ideally, that is great but most of us know that we have bills and have to work to pay them whether we love it or not. And most of us don't have a family consisting of 50 kids! If you are going to bring that many kids into the world or be married into a family with that many, you should be willing to work to take care of them.

    4. The Browns have told us many times what the benefits are. First off, they get 'free time' to do what they want (obsessing about boy bands, retweeting depressing heartbroken thoughts, faking real estate careers, the options are endless!). Who wants a husband under foot every single night...not the Brown women that's for sure. Also, the lifestyle helps to refine them, work through their issues and makes them better women. And they get all that awesom sister wife bonding...and get help with their kids. They don't want the boring monogamous lifestyle. Doncha know?

  9. For a quick second I thought Kody had a mohawk but on closer inspection saw it's just a bald man sporting a ponytail! Now we see what's actually under the geico caveman hairdo he usually sports. Mariah tweeted awhile ago that Kody was the twin of Billy Ray Cyrus....yeah, I'm just not seeing it in that picture with Robyn.

    1. Billy Ray is still much better looking than Kody can ever hope to be.

    2. With his hair pulled back like that, I thought he was the spitting image of his late brother, Curtis.

    3. I'm sorry, but there are few things in this world that are less attractive than a balding man with a ponytail. I find it so bizarre that any woman, let alone these four women, find his hair attractive. My husband lost quite a bit of hair while in the Army on deployments and it does age him quite a bit (he's 27). He still looks pretty good because he keeps it cut very short so the baldness is not as noticeable. Kody's long balding locks just scream that he is in denial about losing his hair. There is nothing wrong with losing your hair, and there are so many attractive bald men out there. I wish Kody would just throw in the towel already! He would look so much more put together. He just looks so tacky when he has to dress nice, sport coat and all, but his hair is an uncombed, scraggly mess. Yuck. Just my two cents on the ongoing saga of Kody Brown's hair.

  10. I think it 's the beach bum look robyn likes. janele likes the cowboy kody, meri likes the biker kody and christine? i guess likes the fun unserious not too much work kody, who likes the dutch boy kody? yeah the flip flops are a joke

  11. Kody sure likes to ear other peoples food. He eats his mothers breakfast sandwich, his kids moc tapioca
    pudding. His gut looks like he is eating crap. Watching older episodes, janelle refers to food a lot. Every episode that they eat in the mexican food restaurant, they are eating sugar laden desserts. Janelle when she took the realtor exam, talks about rewarding herself with chocolate or if she fails the test, consoling herself with chocolate. I think the wives console themselves with desert a lot.

  12. When the wives are writing 4 checks for the lots Kody says "it's like I'm writing four checks" Why is that? The wives had to qualify (3) as single women. Kody always had to have a key and collected them when they traveled and got hotel rooms. He lays claim to things that are strictly for ego. Flat on my back this week so watching re runs, and boy do you pick up a lot that is not addressed in their tell alls.

    1. Because Kody wants to feel like a real man, which he is not. Janelle probably made more than him back in Lehi.

    2. His ego and his need to control women is sickening.

    3. Hope you are okay, Anonymous at 6:52.

    4. thank you MrSpock..that is so nice..i had similar issues as Robyn of My Five Wives, But mine went down so much faster, from mamogram, to doplar to biopsy. All in the same appointment for me. I know her story was for TV...but parts of it bothered me, and everyone has a different experience. I felt the blessing for Robyn was sincere, i would have loved one,

    5. Well, Anonymous 10:52, I pray that God blesses you in your present circumstances with good health...or renewed good health, if that is your situation.

  13. I think in the episodes about Robyn might be the one that keeps them from "getting all four homes" i think it was really Kody and Meri's credit that was the issue, but they all closed ranks and blamed robyn and she took the hit because she was recently divorced. Kody and Meri were the last to close. I think the problem was kody, and they had to protect his ego and manliness. I think he was the problem and they built the story line around robyn. I do think she had bad credit for sure, but i think Kody and having 14 dependants was the problem

    1. I think they have been making Robyn the bad guy for the entire show. She seems to be fine with it though. The episode where she threw her ex husband and therefore her kids under the bus with her "purity" speech was too much. I don't know why she is going along with it.

      In reality, the original 3 wives should be really appreciative of Robyn, without her their show would have lasted 1 season max.

    2. without Robyn there wouldn't have been a show at all. She was the hook, for sure. But, she did have lousy credit. Kody and Meri probably did, too, but not because of 14 dependents. Kody only has one legal dependent that he can claim.

    3. when meri and kody filed for bankruptcy in 2005, the listed not only mariah, but also all five boys (janelle's four and christine's one) and one girl, presumably savanah or ysabel, based on the fact that the girl is listed as being a year old. that's a total of seven kids, not just one and they seem to have got away with it alright.

    4. I think once their book was published and their fans saw how horrible Meri was to Janelle and Christine, the idea to clean up her image and salvage their credibility ratings, the wives and Kody decided to make Robyn the fall guy. I don't think they had a meeting and said, look, let's have Robyn be the mean girl and the bad credit girl, but I do believe that they each began using her in ways that she wasn't smart enough to detect or deflect. I've said it before and it applies here too that they let her ramble on and on during interviews and the couch meetings because each woman knows that if she is talking, they are looking better and better. I suspect that the kind of people that Robyn had been around in her "dating" life and married life were not the brightest stars, so when she turned on the water works, or when she turned on the "charm" she was immediately babied. Now, she continues with the same behavior and maybe in the Brown's family, it works, but the TV audience isn't as easily convinced. The difference between the other wives and Robyn is the older wives are a little more emotionally intelligent and probably smarter too. So, they see her as an easy person to manipulate or they see her as if we just let her go, her image will continue to deteriorate. Kody doesn't care as long as he isn't humiliated in public by his bad credit, his lack of work ethic, his lack of earning potential, and his lack of hair. Poor, poor dumb Robyn. Here she is thinking she is all that and a bag of chips and her viewing audience members see her as a selfish, mean, manipulating pariah. The show was better before Robyn became a wife. Seeing the three wives in the same house and the kids and how they dealt with Janelle's working was interesting...this stuff they pass for their life is just sad and most of the time sad and funny. Funny in the way when you watch the road runner and you know he is going to fall off the cliff and go pufffffff.

    5. "but the TV audience isn't as easily convinced."

      The Brown's are so arrogant and truly believe that they are above everyone else due to their superior religion. I honestly think that they just assumed that they could fake everyone out, make crap up, and hide all of their dirt and that we mere peons would lap it up and worship them. Guess what Kody? You are dumb as a rock and we all see through you and you have shown polygamy to be a horrible way to live. Epic fail.

    6. I don't think the SW's are intentionally making Robyn look bad. I don't think they're smart enough. I think the producers like to focus on her because she is usually the most vilified since she "broke up a happy home" as some believe. And also because she is the reason they have a show, as has been stated. If she's looking bad, it's because she's doing it to herself. I think she needed a "sponsor" - what I call women who are looking for someone to take care of them. She was impressed by what little the Browns had since she had even less. Meri didn't count on Kody falling so hard, Christine didn't count on Robyn cutting in on her favorite title, and Janelle - well she's just as checked out as ever.

      But yeah, I think Robyn is willing to play the SW game right as long as she's well taken care of. And right now, that appears to be the case.

  14. Hey, don't you guys think in the picture of Janelle with her two kids, she looks like she has lost some of her belly or is it her top doing a good job of camouflaging it?

    1. Definitely it is the top. More precisely it is that black net top over her red shirt that is camouflaging her stomach fat under the red shirt.

    2. "Call me silly, but you can be a thinner person by expending more calories than you least that's what my doctor once told me when I asked for diet pills."

      Now there's a thought! Eat less, exercise more, lose weight!!

      You have a good doctor! Mine told me the opposite. After my first child I complained about my weight. He offered me phen-phen. I opted for a new doctor.

  15. Aside to Anonymous at 6:15 a.m.---It is Wile E. Coyote who goes Pffffff. The Road Runner always escapes. :-)

  16. Someone commented Soloman has more hair than Truely. Yes and I think it is because Truely has issues not mentioned in the show. She is very small, very pale and has hardly any hair for a kid 4 years old. I also think she has some speech issues. I wonder why they never address this on the show. As for Kody going bald and pulling what hair he has back in a ponytail I just can't take it. I mean who in their right mind would like that. I just can't. I know his kids must be mortified!

    1. Truely looks and acts like an average 4 year old. Christine has said she looks just like Aspyn when she was little. Not to mention the only thing she has in common with Sol is she shares the same father. The amount of hair Sol has could be inherited from Robyn. I don't believe she has health issues and even if she does what good would it do for strangers to speculate about it on the Internet? She's not even 5 years old!

    2. "even if she does what good would it do for strangers to speculate about it on the Internet?"

      Then what is your point of posting anything on this blog? We are ALL strangers posting about this family that CHOSE to go on national tv and say "look at us, look at us". Anyone who does that knows that people will be on the internet posting about them.

      Hmmmm...or are we all strangers?.....

    3. OK, I'm stepping in to say...

      Speculation about the Brown adults - I don't have a problem. I do have a problem with speculating about a young child having health "issues".

      There are pictures of Aspyn in the Brown's book Becoming Sister Wives. Truely DOES look like Aspyn when she was Truely's age. Aspyn's hair may be full now, but it was very thin and wispy when she was Truely's age.

      We have plenty to snark about in my living room. I don't have a problem discussing Truely's health scare that was presented on the show, however, I'm formally requesting that unmerited speculation about Truely's health ends now.

      Thank you!

    4. But CJ, didn't you just do a post not too long ago about Truely looking sick? Is that not the same thing? Your post was well after the episode aired and appeared to be speculation about her being sick again. I agree that there are some things we on the outside should stay away from, particularly concerning the kids, and this might be one of those things, but I admit I'm a little confused on what's allowed and what's not sometimes. I am asking this question with the utmost respect, and I do love commenting on your blog (clearly).

  17. Janelle finished another 5K! And I think she looks good in the photo with the two kids. Clothes can hide some fat, but being able to finish a race like that does seem to indicate that Janelle's fitness level is improving!

    As for Kody in a ponytail: he looks better that way than he does with his usual Medusa look, but really, he would benefit from a really good haircut. Forget the Midwestern Don Juan pompadour of his youth and his current Yahoo Serious 'do and visit a real barber for a 40-something man cut.

    1. That picture doesn't indicate that Janelle finished or ran a race. They're holding bags which they got at registration, and she says they're getting ready for the 5K fun run and a 1M walk. I suspect that if she's alone with the kids, they're doing the 1M walk together.

    2. Just a follow-up: I checked the race results, and they don't include Janelle as a finisher (or entrant) in the 5K run.

    3. Thx for checking that, Sweetie.

      SO there you go......another "created" photo tweeted to "create" a faux fact.
      If all she did was walk a mile with her kids, then why not just say so??
      Or did she not even do that, and simply show up with the cameras, grab the advert bags and smile and say cheese?

      And if Janelle actually did do the mile *walk*....wouldn't you think that after TWO years of fitness training, walking a mile should have been a regular part of her weekly (bi-weekly) routine and not presented as a global event.

      Just like after TWO years, "showing houses" should have been happening all along, Along with the commissions for said effort. they, can they....ever stop the shams and scams ???

      After SW jumps that impending shark, they ought to rename the show and do a sequel......The Bogus Browns.

    4. A one mile walk hardly seems worth making any deal out of. For a lot of people, one mile is a walk to the shops and back.Seems like a weird thing to even hold as an event. What's next, the thirty minute sit down?

    5. After 2 years of fitness training, a one-mile walk should feel like sitting down. I was completely fat and out of shape and still managed to train from zero to 5K in several weeks using the couch potato to 5K program - and that is without a gym or a personal trainer to push me. Janelle is perhaps the laziest Brown of them all. If she were really hitting the gym as hard as she claims, she should be getting her picture taken with her medal at the Disney half marathon by now. I would bet money that Janelle only hits the gym when the cameras are rolling. That's why her trainer looks so irritated with her in the season trailer.

    6. No doubt he IS irritated with her since when Janelle is there the camera is buzzing along too, getting his mug and resume out there for free.
      A no show from Janelle is literally a *no show* for him.

      Janelle is/was his golden goose. Too bad Janelle isn't up to the job.
      And maybe he wasn't up to the job either.

    7. He's getting his resume out there with someone who has been at this for two years and whose progress has stopped. If I were him, I'd tell her no more cameras, and if she's not already, she needs to pay for my services.

    8. Agree with you. He may have been providing yet another Kodyworld perk, as so many have done before, but now the payoff is looking slim.

      And does he really think that a lame promo for a workout video *featuring Janelle* on MSWC is really going to generate bucks???

      Stupid, naive man who fits right in with the Browns.

    9. For most of the running events I've done you can choose whether your information is actually published. It would not surprise me if Janelle said no, especially being in the public eye - I would have kept it private if I was in her shoes.

  18. But CJ, didn't you just do a post not too long ago about Truely looking sick? Is that not the same thing?
    It is not the same thing. The O/P specifically stated that since Truely was small for her age, pale, and had sparse hair this was indicative that she had "issues". I posted about pictures and questioned why Christine would post pictures that might invite conversation that Truely was sick again.

    I even said "I'm going to give Christine the benefit of the doubt, and just say that maybe she was clearing out her picture files, saw these pictures from last year when Truely was sick and decided they were cute enough to share with her Twitter followers."
    I apologize if anyone misinterpreted what I wrote as speculation she was ill. That was not my intent as we have no idea when those particular photos were actually taken.

    I'm a little confused on what's allowed and what's not sometimes.
    We are adults here. Think of having a conversation with a group of people. As long as you're not rude, pick verbal fights with someone, call someone a name or speculate about a child's health you should be OK.

    1. Thank you, CJ. I appreciate your response, and I do understand.

  19. I think that whatever possible storylines for SW are tossed around in writer/producer meetings over at TLC and their sub-contractors are then given legs for the show.

    Whether it is Meri and Mariah coming off as entitled princesses...or Christine needing a duo dose of Xanax and Ritalin....or Janelle sorely needing a personality ....or Sobbin just needing to shut her so, so obviously dumb mouth in front of the cameras....they all provide juicy fodder for the TLC editing magicians.
    Couple that with who knows how many minutes/hours of footage is actually shot and then brought to the editing room for the final cuts. Must be like a freaking smorgasbord for the writers.
    I agree that Sobbin is an easy target due to her inherent need to mouth off in her pitiful attempt to sound intelligent and informed...which always results in a bust.

    Kody, on the other hand, just gets to be placed center stage while his planet bedmates are routinely and systematically sacrificed for ratings. And it is predictable that we will see the same process evolving in Brady-land next season.

    When *will* these TV Plyg women *wake up* !!!???

  20. i gogled sisterwives out takes and it was amazing what tlc film footage of them exists. Christine is snarky with kody a lot. and they refer to kody as their leadera lot.

    1. Can you provide a link I didn't find it.

  21. Mariah has a picture of Sol on her twitter. He looks just like Robyn with brown eyes..his looks have changed

    1. From very little, i thought Solomon looked almost exactly like Brianna. And I think Brianna looks the most like Robyn out of all of her kids. Aurora and Dayton must look a lot like their father.

  22. In my estimation, Janelle's weight loss is quite apparent. Is she svelte? No, but I can see a real change. Has she learned something about how to stand and how to dress for a more flattering photo? Absolutely. But there is a difference in her appearance, not just in the definition around her face, but all through her neck, collarbones, and bust area. I have a comparison shot on Flickr:

    1. I'm glad someone took the time to do this, but the problem with this one is that in the red shirt she is standing side on. And she's standing facing forward in the left picture. Her gut is hidden more effectively under the gauze - and we know the Brown wives have become experts at the 'hide the fat by standing sideways' pose of late.

      Really, Janelle herself should be releasing proper Before / After shots. I was thinking she'd probably lost weight, but after looking at these two pics, I'm not entirely sure she's lost anything.

    2. Janelle's weight loss story is so over done and so out of gas now. She may have lost a little poundage, gained a little muscle....whatever! TLC has overplayed this one to death, just like the rent-a uterus and McMansions's BS.

      Also, it is a fact that for adult women, when we lose weight *however minor* the first place it is evident is in the face and boobs. (not fair but true)
      Also, Janelle is four years older now, subtle changes happening in facial contours at her mid-age are predictable and ongoing.
      I do agree that she is at least learning how to make the most of all the photo ops with positioning and camouflaging clothing.

      Burt come on TLC and Janelle.......can we move on from your weight issues??
      Can you just do your thing and lose what you want without the phony dramas filmed for ratings?

  23. I can't believe Christine blogged on MSWC about Truely having a hard time making friends at preschool because she is bossy! Ouch!

  24. MSWC is selling a video for trainer sean. He is using before and after pics of Janelle, One is the awfull coral knit top she wore on season one and the other is the blue dress made for the commitment ceremony. That blue dress was awful, and looks terrible, i cant believe they thought that was her best example.

    1. Have you watched the promo for it? Super amateur. Embarrassing really.

    2. That blue dress looked like "Chairy," the over-stuffed chair that talked, from the old PeeWee Herman's Saturday morning kid's show.
      Janelle looked "upholstered" in that dress.

  25. I just saw a posting on FB by Sisterwives about what there life was like when they moved to Las Vegas. It also has a great photo of how they looked at that time. Robyn looks about the same. Meri is so skinny. Christine about the same and

  26. Sorry. Janelle looks about the size she is now. I think they have all gained significant weight since the move. But boy it is amazing the change in Meri.

    1. Meri has definitely gained a lot of weight. The addition of Robyn and the move must have been very stressful for her. But I disagree with you about Janelle - she has definitely lost a ton of weight. She used to be unable to put her arms down straight at her sides. She's lost a lot in the middle and her face, neck and limbs all show significant change. I think she is still larger in the middle due to a combination of more left to lose and also just extra skin that will probably be impossible to lose without surgery.

    2. Janelle looks like she lost about 50 lbs and that Meri found it! Any weight loss is awesome but I don't find 2 lbs a month to be particularly inspiring. Or plausible! The accolades Janelle gets for her "weight loss journey" are undeserved. It's like she's getting gold medals for just admitting she wants to lose weight.

    3. Can't believe how much Meri has gained although I can understand. When I'm lonely I tend to eat comfort foods and my boyfriend is the one who helps me make healthy meals. When he isn't there I tend to be lazy with cooking so I can see how they would slip in their diets since they don't have any help from their husband. Plus in LV it's so hot and they live a sedentary lifestyle. But if I were on TV I would make sure to be as fit as I can.
