
Monday, May 19, 2014

Off Topic Monday: Odds and Ends and the Darger's on Stossel Oh My!!

While we patiently wait for the start of the new season of Sister Wives (June 8th), let's check out what was going on with our favorite Polygamists this weekend.

First up, the Brown Krew©. But I'm getting concern...WHY IS ROBYN NOT TWEETING????

Could be Kody took her phone away as punishment (doubtful) or maybe she's been sick (morning sickness anyone?) Or maybe she's in a twitter dump. Whatever the reason, I'm starting to miss the old gal...

Meri and Mariah didn't let Robyn lack of tweeting prevent them from having fun. Looks like Meri's mini me Mariah went to a concert...or was this a music awards show?

And what the heck is a bae luke?

Meri just loves entertaining in her McMansion. And her guests apparently enjoy her hospitality, too. too.
Maddie took a sabbatical from Twitter, and now she's back all ready to leave home!

Maddie wants to leave the McMansion life? Makes you want to say hmmm....All I can say is Run, Maddie, Run! Run like the wind and don't look back!

Mykelti's tweeter pic provided another angle of her mother and sisters all dressed up for their night at Mamma Mia The Musical. Is that a gift shop they're in?
And it seems the end of high school has also taken it's toll on Mykelti, too.
Don't worry, Mykelti. It will get better, trust me!

Janelle tweeted a supportive assessment of the Darger's appearance on Stossel....
Well Janelle, I beg to differ with you...

First of all, the Darger's segment was next to last and only ran about 10 minutes. That includes a commercial break! Joe's voice sounded so weak Kody Brown could have easily kicked his ass, and his wive's voices warbled in a strange way, especially Alina's. I was not impressed.

I don't know about you, but if the show host says he is weirded out by his guest's lifestyle, I don't think of that as being a good thing. Not at all.

In fact, the whole interview was so...for want of a better word...weird. If I hadn't seen the Facebook pictures provided by the Darger's earlier this week, I would have sworn this interview was at least 4 years old. Especially when Stossel pulled out the Darger's book Love Times Three.

Even weirder was Stossel talking about male animals spreading their seed and fighting for females (complete with film), I don't know. It was just....weird.

The high point was when Joe Darger went on a tirade after Stossel showed a clip of Bill O'Reilly criticizing plural families,  saying "I find it ironic that someone like Bill O'Reilly who is all family values when we are the oldest and most traditional family values. You don't have more traditional family values than us. We go back to biblical times."

Only to be shutdown when Stossel retorted: "In biblical times there were slaves, there were forced marriages and children getting abused..."


 The rest of the interview was anticlimactic, with nothing new being brought to the table that we didn't already know. It makes me wonder why did Joe, his three wives and a nursing baby travel all that way for such a waste of time interview?

Anyway, hopefully in a couple of days the show will be available online. As soon as that happens, I'll add a link to it so you can see what I mean.

Your thoughts?


  1. My guess is that Robyn has a bun in her refurbished oven and Kody is afraid she'll hint at it too much or give it away so he told her not to tweet.

    1. Refurbished oven ... Now that's funny!

  2. Mabe Robyn finally understands! Mabe she finally gets it! Nobody really gives a sh*t about the garbage that spews out of her mouth. That were so tired of her " I'm always the victim" attitude. She has no buisness speaking for the other women. She is barely literate enough to speak for herself. And decision making, well lets not even go there, we all know how poor she is at that. Or mabe with no extra help in her house she doesn't have time to screw around anymore and has to take care of her own children and that stupid failing online buisness she just thinks is so great. Mabe Robyn actually realizes what people really think of her and has decided to just shut up. Do we really care why she is mia? Lets just enjoy the silence . She is one of those people that you just want to warn every one else about. To not get to close because you might catch the stupid.

    1. One of Robyn's (many) issues is that she never ever "gets" anything. Therefore, I think it is highly unlikely that all of a sudden she gets it and decides to shut up. Bless her heart.

    2. Agree that Sobbin has either been muzzled for now, pending the new season's headlines, or she finally realizes that she leads the pack in stupid and is laying low.

    3. She's pinning like mad on Pinterest. Most of her pins are pretty cute. But that's the great thing.about Pinterest, it makes almost everyone more likeable and relatable.

    4. Robyn cut back significantly on her tweets starting right after the last tell-all aired. And she was really hit hard on twitter and the internet after that aired (and she truly was even more insensitive and insufferable than normal…even for her….).

      I think the combination of that outcry over her behavior on the special and quite a few not-so-thinly-vieled tweets to her about Dayton and his eye injury, she seemed to drop out of the twitter-verse for the most part.

  3. I would love to see the interview!

  4. Looking forward to the online link on the Dargers.

    CJ, from your capsule on the bit, it sounds like Stossel was anything but fawning over them.
    Maybe the bloom is starting to fade on the rose of TV Plyg shows and stories, at least on shows about families like the Dargers, Browns and now the Williams.

    Exposing the horrors of the FLDS type plyg groups is still a much needed media community service and opportunity for public awareness.
    However these "progressive" plyg groups with their predictable, staged struggles while earning big paychecks just invite skepticism and rebuttals....and ultimately, disinterest.

  5. so now we know..Kody Brown ripped off Billy Ray Cyrus look..i wonder if he has hair and makeup done before filming? This family sure is enjoying the entertainment where they live, do they still want to go back to Utah? O that's tight robyn said it is not safe..theis family has a long way to fall when the show is cancelled

  6. In Mariah's tweet at the concert, I think she meant "My babe Luke" Bryan" and the spelling was messed up. At least, that man in the foreground looks like Luke Bryan.

  7. Did the Darger's get paid to appear on the show? If flights and hotel are also paid for, they got a mini vacation and a paycheck for their 10 minutes of fame. I wonder if they hosted a talk show if they'd be open to interviewing happy monogomists on why their choice of lifestyle is better than the plyg lifestyle. Wonder if we'd see their 'openmindness' then.

  8. i. +1 on Madison running. Run until you see an ocean. That should provide a buffer.

    ii. "Only to be shutdown when Stossel retorted: 'In biblical times there were slaves, there were forced marriages and children getting abused...'"

    lololol. Why didn't Mses. Hall and Morales lob something like that at the Browns (well, you know, besides that I have a feeling there's a list - a short list - of pre-approved questions)? Robyn's head would explode like a Fembot. Kody's would too, probably for the same reason.

    1. Morales did ask a lot of questions that The Browns did not like. It was the Tell All where she discussed there book Becoming Sister Wives. That was the interview where Morales questioned Kody about what he said about Christine and her Chili nachos. She even asked Kody if he would apologize to Christine because Christine was visably upset and he flat out refused. That Tell All has disappeared and can't be found anywhere on the internet. That was the last Tell All hosted byNatalie Morales. The next was hosted by Tamron Hall.

    2. Monica - Right! I think Morales also called Meri mean. She was talking to Janelle one on one and she said something like, come on Meri was mean to you. Janelle still kept denying it, even though the book implies differently. Face it, Janelle will not be leaving anytime soon.

      We never saw Nat again! Bring back Morales!

      Although I like Tamron, she seems biased to me.

  9. More Robyn bashing on Face Book for TLC. Everyone saying go Meri, go back to school and Robyn is selfish for trying to keep her working on MSWC. Was this planned to rehabilitate Meri and Robyn be the bad guy for the season? Is Robyn going to get the bad edit?

    1. Figure 8 and TLC are notorious for setting up a new season one way but then when the season starts the audience finds out what was shown wasn't the real storyline after all. I believe we will see Janelle pulling thru her weight loss plateau with Meri going to college and Robyn realizing Meri needs to focus on Meri's wants and needs and that she act like a real business owner and get outside partners to invest in her company so she can hire employees.

  10. I agree the Stossel interview was a waste of time. I learned nothing new about the Dargers but it was nice seeing John Stossel barely able to contain his disgust.

  11. I believe that pic of Christine is taken in a casino, those look like slot machines in the background. - Purity Princess

    1. In Nevada, there are slot machines everywhere, even in gas stations and airports

  12. In some of the other posts, there have been comments about why the Brown Clowns allow Robyn to act as their mouth piece, and I have a little theory about all of that. We have established that the four wives are experts at playing the passive aggressive game, and we have established that Christine is cruel, Janelle is a little smarter than the other three, Meri is working on her image, and poor Robyn is just two points above mentally retarded. The one thing the three older and much larger wives have that Robyn doesn't is intuition and the ability to sort of listen to the criticism (this blog and others) but Robyn not so much. Because Kody is as ignorant as Robyn, he doesn't see that letting Robyn speak is turning public opinion against her, but the other wives know that allowing Robyn enough rope will eventually cause her to flail around as her face turns purple and...well you know. Once the public begins to see Robyn for who she is, the other three wives are sure that Kody will see it too. Hence letting her talk uninterrupted on and on about nothing.

    1. yes yes and yes annon 9:25 well said! Robyn wormed her way in there when they did press with disasterous results. Robyn was beside herself on the last tell all to explain how there finances work..she had to talk over the other wives and about jumped off the couch to scream we have 5 checking accounts! i could see Kody's reaction and it was not good..i think that and all of the comments about her mouthing off and interupting became unbearable. You could see Christine's frustration in that interview. I think Kody muzzled her..

    2. I absolutely love your theory and think you're right! Robyn's basically been the bad guy this entire series and does nothing to change that image. None of the wives seem that nice, Janelle is probably the nicest but that isn't saying much.

  13. If Robyn entered her mistress-hood with Kody thinking the other wives and older children were going to be supportive of her by cleaning her house, tending her children, providing mental support, and understanding her needs for more Kody time because she has the youngest baby, she has had a cruel awakening. I suspect that her one true way to gain her some very much needed adult (well Kody) time is to open up the fruit of her loin. But, even poor mentally challenged Robyn must realize that even if she gets more Kody time, in the end she is cutting off her very long nose to spite her very witchy looking face...another child may bring temporary support from Kody but once that child is a day or two old, he is off and running to the place where he can get peace and quiet (meri's house) or somewhat smart conversation (Janelle's house), or happy and carefree and ego stroking (Lalalala Christine's house). Plus, having that baby will only add to her present stress level and work load because the sister wives do not support her or help her tend to her children. Christine and Janelle's kids are now (with the exception of Truely) able to mind their selves and most are either in college or heading there, so their homes will be quieter and more adult friendly, and Robyn's house will be bringing in more and more babies (if she earns her keep). I cannot imagine the conundrum she is in...more work, more isolation, more being tied down or have another baby and get a little recognition. Let me see...even Robyn can see that her choice will not be what she had hoped.

    1. Poor Robyn, her choices are pretty bad when you put it that way. Once she stops having them babies I see Kody's interest in her going down to nil, especially with Janelle having all the boys and Meri have peace and quite and Christine being the cook. Her days are truly numbered.

    2. If Robyn is pregnant again, and even if she isn't she has a toddler, I can see how disappointed she would be by having a sister wife tell her "I'm not going to be around to help you. I'm going to get a college degree." The other two wives have busy families of their own. And her husband has an easy out any time she needs help. He can drop in and play with the kids but have to attend to some other child when the going gets rough. Like a grandparent almost! And the going does get tough when you have small children. I couldn't have done it without my husband there every night to help! I agree she will have her hands full.

    3. Anon 4:24 - Robyn doesn't work (I mean really, MSWC doesn't take THAT much time). While her son is autistic (we still don't know how far in the spectrum he is) he's older, as are her two daughters, the daughters old enough to help around the house with chores and Solomon. At the very least they should be cleaning their own rooms and doing their own laundry which is what **I** had to do at their age, including whatever household chores were assigned to me. I'm sure she has plenty of time to get to her nail and "beautician" appointments even without Meri to help. Just like any other SINGLE MOM I know, except most of the single moms I'm acquianted with have full time jobs.

  14. I think Robyn is probably pregnant (that is one of the main points of plural marriage, bring babies into the world) and possibly also in a "She Rah" type of place. Mindy just moved out so Robyn may be having a bit of a breakdown without having live-in help.

    And yes, she is probably being told to not give away any secrets and not to tweet.

  15. The only thing Stossel hates more than taxes are people who misuse taxpayer money. Dude, I'd pay good money to see Stossel to get that jackwad Kody on his show and go after the bankruptcy, food stamps, etc.!!!

    1. The O'Reilly clip was about taxpayers' having to absorb the responsibility - through welfare payments - for the chaos of a home of a dad with 7 moms and 35 children. Joe Darger became visibly angered and said that they don't accept welfare.

      Otherwise, he stated repeatedly that polygamy is biblical, and he is a 5th generation polygamist.

    2. Joe should watch "What Love is this" Many Biblical quotes are compared to the Book of Mormon, and it shows quite clearly that Polygamy is NOT biblical. I hope he sees this ! You don'y know your bible Joe ! Ann UK

    3. I'm always intrigued by the fact that at least as far as I remember, even in the Old Testament there were few, if any, happy endings in polygamy.

    4. There were NO happy endings in polygamy in the Bible. And it is never once commanded by God in the Bible. Never.

    5. Stories of polygamy in the Bible are way more like cautionary tales than examples of a lifestyle to be emulated. It always cracks me up that they use the story of Sarah and Hagar to justify polygamy and call what they do "the law of Sarah." They ignore the fact that Sarah made her husband sleep with Hagar because she refused to believe what God had promised (great example to follow), and they conveniently leave out the part of the story where Sarah kicks Hagar and Ishmael out of the house and into the wilderness.

    6. Anon 4:55 -- It's not that Sarah didn't believe God's promise; it is more likely the case that, since the promise was originally given to Abraham alone, she felt irrelevant.

      According to the custom of the times, men were seen as the ones who "begat" children and the women were simply the birth-givers. (Or course, today we know that isn't biologically true. In the times in which Abraham and Sarah lived, it was seen as Sarah's right to give Hagar to her husband. Any children born to the slave woman would belong to the mistress who owned her.

      It is easy to say in hindsight that Sarah was wrong-- that she made a really stupid decision, but what would we have done in her situation?

      Anyhow, good point about Hagar and Ishmael getting sent away!

      Polygamy was never part of God's original plan for marriage, much less a commandment of God. Polygamy only ever brought about horrendous turmoil to those who lived it in the Old Testament; their stories serve to illustrate just how destructive the lifestyle was-- and still is today!.

    7. "Any children born to the slave woman would belong to the mistress who owned her"

      So maybe that is why Robyn is upset that Meri is going back to college? Meri isn't owning up to her responsibilities to the baby machine?

    8. Anon 4:54, they also leave out that Hagar was a slave and had no control over her body or reproductive activities; in all likelihood, Sara ordered the sex, which was rape. And, not only did she order the rape but after her son was born, she started picking on Ishmael until she talked her husband into tossing them out into the desert with only a skin of water. Nice loving man there, wouldn't you say?

  16. It wouldn't surprise me if Robyn is indeed pregnant and feeling overwhelmed with her kids and MSWC. She was probably hoping that Meri would take on more of the load off her shoulders, both with her kids and MSWC. Wouldn't surprise me if Meri choose this time to go back to school in order to get at Robyn or be passive-aggressive/ mean with her.

    1. Feeling "overwhelmed" by MSWC is like feeling overwhelmed by changing an empty toilet paper roll.

    2. I know. However, this is Robyn afterall...;)

    3. Wonder if Sobyn is still going over to Meri's house when Kody is there?

    4. DakotaJustice, I wish I could 'like' comments on this page.

    5. That was funny, DJ!

      Baylor, to your point - it is odd that Meri picked now to go back to school. They've got a billion kids getting ready to go to college, and clearly that's going to cost somebody. Plus, if Robyn is indeed pregnant, the timing sounds passive aggressive to me. I'm glad Meri is returning to school so maybe she can have a career and support herself someday; however, I also think she's doing it because she doesn't have anything else to do or to validate her in this family. Whatever her motives, hopefully it will all end well.

    6. thankyouverymuch everyone! I have my moments.

      Oh I'm sure that Robyn's pregnancy was saved not because of passive agressiveness, but she and Kody simply and strategically waited to get knocked up again until they needed a new plot line. So after the Meri Surrogate zzzz line, and the Family Insomnia Mission Statement zzzzzzzz was done, and Janelle's weight loss story seems to be losing more steam than bodyfat, and they've done the freaking vow renewal... the oldest kids are in college and they aren't going to make a big hoo-haw over the other kids going to college, unless one of them becomes an Ivy Leaguer...and I bet Maddie will nix having her college experience video'd - look at Logan, he pretty much has done the same. Good for HIM!

      so what ELSE do they have? Are they having Robyn taking fertility drugs or something so she can be PolyOctoMom?? zzzzzz

    7. Here's the story line they're missing, even though it's recycled from 1980s sitcoms: Meri goes back to school with her bonus children. She is going back to school at UNLV. She can pledge the same sorority as Christine's daughter, and they can be big and little sisters. She can do campus tours and work out in the gym with Logan. Mariah can transfer so that mother and daughter take classes together, wearing their band t-shirts. Finally, she can storm out of her own graduation ceremony, because she didn't get the best seat, or her family didn't get a reserved corporate box.

      Although the drama in the sneak preview was the impact on Robyn, it really should have been the impact on all the Brown children who go to UNLV. They may dread the possibility of running into their (least favorite) parent on campus or in a class.

      Let's see the unedited family meeting where Kody and Meri tell everyone she'll see them at UNLV, and everyone discusses family finances for college.

  17. Riddle me this:

    According to their book, Meri had a huge hand in selecting Kody's new bedmates. She chose Janelle--morbidly obese and not very attractive (look at the photos of her wedding) and then Christine--obese and Kody is not physically attracted to her. (Christin's wedding photo is....unfortunate) OK, I totally get that. Choose people who you know your husband isn't all that physically attracted to. It's actually pretty darned smart and Meri and Kody definitely seemed to have a much stronger bond than he did with the subsequent brood mares. Kody has made public statements about not being physically attracted to either Janelle or Christine. So why Robyn? She's thin and younger than Meri. Why break your track record and choose someone that your husband is obviously very sexually attracted to? It makes no sense to me.

    It's just something I've always wondered about.

    1. Unless (on some unexpressed level) you too found her attractive......(blink, blink)

    2. amused LOLOLOL you nailed it..and it is showing up in the form of meri's weight and veiled threats to leave the family. She didn't think kody would fall hook line and sinker because of her experience with christine and janelle..Robyn became a real threat to "the lovers"

    3. Can you imagine your husband saying on national tc that he wasn't physically attracted to you? This clip makes me cringe so hard:

    4. "Unless (on some unexpressed level) you too found her attractive"

      Well, everyone always asks the males if they sleep with more than one wife at a time...I guess no one ever asks if the wives have sex with each other when Daddy is away doing another wife.

      Interesting idea, now excuse me (shudder) while I go wash my brain out with bleach!!!!

    5. I have to politely disagree with you on Janelle. Meri didn't have a part in picking Janelle, wasn't she actually surprised by Kody and Janelle? I believe Kody is attracted very much to Janlle. You're right on with Christine, Kody seems like he cannot stand her. As for Robyn, she was just for the show and I honestly doubt Meri has much input on who Kody courts or marries.

    6. Anon 4:30

      In one of the "couch talk" sessions Kody said that he and Janelle were more like buddies and it made intimacy awkward. It was beyond cringe-worthy.

      Was it Meri that got pissed at him for that one? I don't remember, but one of the other wives got angry at him for making that statement.

    7. Janelle wasn't too big when they got married. Six kids and a very stressful life really did a number on her! I'm sure he married Christine because of her "plyg royalty" status.

    8. I think Meri chose Robyn to spite Christine and Janelle.

    9. I think Janelle was actually smaller than Christine when she married Kody, or maybe about the same size, but she didn't look too big in her wedding photo. But it didn't matter to Kody because he loved her mind and her personality. Which kind of proves that he married Christine for duty or AUB political reasons - since he was barely able to overcome his repulsion to her. Sad.

      I also don't think Meri "picked" Robin. I think she saw that gleam in Kody's eye and decided to steer into the skid instead of fighting it. How embarrassing would it be to be 1st wife and have your husband pick #4 against your will? Better to pretend it was all your idea and save face! Just my opinion.

  18. Bae is what all the kids are saying now a days.

    "Before Anyone Else" Or another way to say babe or baby.
    1. She's my bae, I don't know what I would do without her.

    1. Thank goodness there is a way to shorten babe or baby. Honestly, 4 letters was just far too much.....

  19. So what was Papa Darger's response to Stossel's smack down? Please tell me that creep was left speechless. That guy makes my skin crawl. Only a power freak cult leader would bed down twins and call it a religious calling. I think I have said this before, but I would actually respect their poly "lifestyle" more if the motivation was some kinky sex thing. At least then the benefits are mutual. (Morally bankrupt maybe, but mutual.) Holding polygamy up as an example of biblical marriage and a means to eternal salvation is just mind control and ruling through fear. I can't recall a single gospel verse that instructs men that the key to heaven is multiple sex partners. I also don't recall any verses instructing women to "keep sweet" and accept their husband's mistresses and their subsequent children with loving arms into the home. If there were, I think there would be a lot more than just a book store in my church's fellowship hall.

    1. So what was Papa Darger's response to Stossel's smack down?
      Stossel didn't give Joe a chance to answer. He immediately turned to Darger's wives and asked how old they were when they got married (Vicki answered nineteen, almost twenty) and if there were wives who were 12 in their community which Alina answered "absolutely not, that's child abuse and there are laws already on the books to take care of that". The Darger's did not look or act their usual polished selves. I believe they said on their Facebook that Fox was usually no polygamy friendly. From the look on Stossel's face I have to agree!

  20. "There are laws already on the books to take care of that (child brides.)" There are also laws on the books against polygamy. They did not pay those much attention did they?

    1. Don't forget there was also laws against inter-racial marriage not that long ago. Those laws were not overturned until the 1960s with the Civil Rights movement. I think it's time to rethink the law concerning polygamy considering it only is upheld when other more serious crimes are apparent.

    2. I agree. The United States was founded on religious freedom, and that includes cults. Just ask the ghost of L. Ron Hubbard, and he'll probably respond with two thumbs up and a high five. That is also why the Browns won their case against the State of Utah. I have a hunch though that even if the laws change to recognize polygamous marriages based on religious freedom, many plyg families will still choose to live in secret and not have their spiritual unions recognized by the state. Honesty wouldn't exactly be profitable. Wouldn't want to risk losing all those single mom welfare benefits and all...

    3. "Don't forget there was also laws against inter-racial marriage not that long ago. Those laws were not overturned until the 1960s with the Civil Rights movement. "

      Comparing polygamy to the Civil Rights Movement? CJ doesn't care for too much angry debate, so I will just say that I think that gave me a mini-stroke. There is NO comparison.

      Movin' on! Look at the legal issues alone. Let's say Christine eats one too many servings of chili cheese nachos in front of Kody and he divorces her. If polygamy was recognized as a legitimate form of marriage, who would get custody of the kids? OK, so let's say Christine gets primary custody and Kody gets "visitation" rights. What about the other "moms"? If it is a legal form of marriage then Meri, Janelle, and Robyn could all also sue for visitation. It's untenable. How about alimony? Assets? Wait, what if Kody wants to divorce her but Janelle doesn't? Break out the Advil, it hurts to even think about it.

      It's a lifestyle they've chosen (religion is a secondary dimension of diversity, unlike race which is a primary dimension) so they should go live it and shut up already. They aren't being discriminated against. Honestly, as long as I don't have to support it and the kids are being taken care of, I don't give a rip. The Browns are just drama queens...particularly that queen Kody.

    4. Snarkaholic, you're taking it down to brass tacks! Totally agree!

    5. Thank you for breaking down the primary vs. secondary dimensions of diversity. I like that analysis.

  21. Meri and Mariah are night owls, it shows in their tweets, both up till the crack of dawn watching movies and eating sweets. They both are over weight because they are sleep deprived and crave carbs. Meri has big circles under her eyes in the clip with robyn. I think its sheer boredom in meri's case..

    1. I think it is really interesting that you noticed the time of Meri's and Mariah's tweets. I have also noticed the late hours that they post things and have come to the same "up until the crack of dawn" conclusion. Mariah might just be doing the college hours type of thing but in Meri's case I believe it might be due to depression.

      Several years back after my grandmother passed away I went through a deep depression for about a year and found myself up late (sometime sleepless for days). I also was in between jobs so that didn't help. It was horrible. I would watch TV, eat junk, gain weight and feel terrible about myself. My poor husband had to help me through this horrible time in my life and he was wonderful and supportive. I often realize how lucky I am to have this amazing man in my life. Now I have never been so happy!

      Meri is all alone three of every four nights. If I were alone during that dark time in my life, I can't say I would have been able to pull myself out of it. Meri does not have a support system. She has a shallow relationship with her sister wives and a daughter hundreds of miles away. Oh and a husband shacking up with three other women. This is not good for the spirit. It's down right miserable for mind, body and spirit. She has gained weight since the beginning of the show. Not sure if she lost a ton of weight before the 1st season in hopes of "appearing" to be healthy and happy or if she just never was heavy set until recently. I think it is that latter. She doesn't seem to bode well with the spotlight and the show may have brought out some skeletons out of her closet that she thought could be kept under wraps. The show may also highlight and amplify the problems she use to ignore but can no longer turn a blind eye to. Whatever the reasons, I definitely recognize the sign of depression in Meri. I actually recognize the signs in all three women (as I know many of you do too) but mostly Meri. Christine denies her depression, Janelle is numb to her depression and Robyn is passive aggressive with hers.

    2. She really needs a job.

    3. Yah I think school will be great for her mental health. I'm a full-time grad student. Maybe I will see her on campus.

    4. "Meri is all alone three of every four nights".

      Therein lies the problem with all the women. When you "share" your man with three other women, he's just not there to support you. IT's kind of like widow-limbo. He's not there for most of the week. Then he's back for a day - system restored. Then he's gone again and loving up someone else and their children. .It's incredibly painful to think about and very sad. And Kody doesn't admit to any kind of rotation so the visits to different homes may possibly have no rhyme or reason at all. I'd be depressed too.

  22. Anon 12.37 I have not seen the show yet but will see if the link will allow me to see it in the UK. However, I do think that PJ's motivation is "the sex thing" but maybe not kinky. Unless bedding twins and a cousin is kinky....He's getting 3x the sexual satisfaction (not to mention holidays) that the women are... for Kody, x 4 and Brady, x 5...... As you say, many would respect them more if they said they were in this lifestyle, just because they wanted to. Ann UK

    1. But it's obvious that they are polygamous because they want to be. It's their belief system to have plural wives. The problem is, it is a belief system where men are placed in charge and women are relegated to being baby incubators. Women can never aspire to be leaders, and are told their role is to have children and take care of the home. In the more strict denominations like the FLDS, women might be allowed to be nurses or teachers but usually not.

    2. Haha Anon 2:17. If they made a movie about a group of men who hop from house to house each night, rotating their harems for the purpose of procreating and populating a celestial planet that they will rule in the afterlife, would that be a porno, a fantasy sci-fi...or both? Perhaps, the plyg lifestyle is a little kinky after all...even if the sister wives do claim there isn't any "weird stuff" going on.

  23. Yes, those are slot machines, and nobody under Age 21 is allowed on the casino floor. Those very machines caused a moral dilemma for her at the Silverton Casino, but I guess she decided that toasters are still worse.

    1. I thought cameras weren't allowed on the casino floor either unless they've change the rules from 32 years ago when I tried to take a picture of my friends at Circus Circus. I just noticed, the dress Gwennie has on is beautiful, but doesn't appear to be very modest!

    2. " the dress Gwennie has on is beautiful, but doesn't appear to be very modest"

      I noticed that, too. Aren't their knees supposed to be covered? Or maybe it was just the thighs? Either way, that dress is about 5 inches short of fundie modest.

    3. I may be able to clear up this one.

      Children CAN go in casinos by must stay on the centralized pathways and must be moving at all times. They must have an adult with them. This is to say they can not look at whats going on in the gambling areas. Kind of like the laws that say smoking here is ok but smoking one foot away from here is not ok. It's as if the smoke knows to stop lingering once the "no smoking" sign is posted. Law maker logic!

      Camera policy is similar. Pictures are allowed in certain areas. This is mostly enforced around the table games but still loosely enforced around slot machines. All casinos have different gray areas.

    4. Thanks for the update Abreeva. I can still remember when this HUGE man in a suit came running towards me. He scared me to death, but he was very nice afterward. Needless to say I have never been back.

    5. haha That sounds about right. I avoid the strip as much as possible.

  24. I wish the Brown's would just admit they are rich. Meri's story line is fabricated, because otherwise her life is van lady love or lemon bundt cakes. Robyn is incapable of raising her own children without help, Janelle has held in her frustrations for over 20 years, and Christine is a closet bitch. Kody, well Kody is a celebrity. His dream come true. Where does his religion fit into all of this? it's been marginalized over the seasons. Fake and Frauds. all of them

    1. Nope. Definitely the opposite of rich.

    2. How are they not rich? How much do you think they are each making per episode?

    3. rich compared to the Lehi days....their lifestyle has improved, and i think has replaced religion with entertainment..i just wont watch if they continue the poor us routtine. Disney tickets have been raised to 95 bucks for children under 10, so they drop some dough to go as frequent as they do, so yes, rich compared to the lehi days.

    4. They're definitely rich compared to where they were...from food stamps to spending thousands upon thousands on trips to Disneyland. And anyone who can drop thousands on a CAKE is at least a little rich. They probably won't have anything left after their show is canceled but for now, yeah, money is really no object.

    5. Rich *only* in terms of each one's TLC cut and the various comps they routinely receive in exchange for mentioning a vender's info on FB, Twitter, etc. Janelle's trainer and gym membership being a perfect example.

      The fugly tree cake was no doubt 100% free or greatly discounted. And even then, TLC was likely footing that bill. Ditto on trips, events, appearances, services, memberships...anywhere were there is/ was any filming taking place.
      Doesn't matter what bogus scenes are filmed with the Browns supposedly"getting prices" for anything, like for the commitment ceremony, or paying entrance fees, etc for anything...any filmed scenes that are used for the show would come under production "expenses."
      They live very well....*for now.*
      But once the show jumps the shark (and it will) and all the $$ and perks disappear, they won't have anything beyond what has been saved or invested.
      And knowing this crew, that won't have happened unless some opportunistic financial advisor has already stepped into their lives.

    6. What Amused said. And considering how many people have to be supported by the TLC funds ( TLC traditionally pays per family rather than per person, and they don't get SAG rates either) even if they're getting $400k a season...that doesn't go far. 4-5 kids in college, the rest need clothes and feeding and equipment and of course the mortgages and taxes...

    7. They probably should be financially well-off. However, the Brown Klowns are the type of people who will waste all their money no matter how much they get.

    8. I've said this before, but I'm also guessing they're using their increased income via TLC to garner more consumer credit, and true to their past nature, maxing it all out, living on credit cards. If Kody still has that LIV car, he either bought it from LIV or is making the co-pays. no way are they making any real income from that MLM. Maybe at one point when they were first doing it, they were but look at Janelle posting about other products for god's sake, not to mention the total lack of LIV recruitment parties.

      And remember Robyn had a hospital lien on her home? If they had the buckaroos, they should have just paid that off and had done with it.

      Again just a theory, but based on fact. The Browns are largely living on credit.

    9. I'm just glad we haven't seen gay couples on there, I'm not saying that cos I'm phobic, ...

      Oh I know you're not phobic DJ, but when you said...

      ...[they] have FAR too much class to lower themselves to this base level
      I suddenly remembered Reichen Lehmkuhl and his storyline on The A-List: New York a reality show on LOGO. It was totally like The Real Housewives franchise, except it featured gays in the traditional "housewife" role. Needless to say, I think he would jump at the opportunity for another reality show, even on TLC! Yes, his appearance in The A-List was that bad!

    10. Celebrity Net Worth estimates Kody's net worth at $800,000. If that is reliable information, his worry about his retirement should be real.

      I agree with others that many things we see on the show are comp-ed, deeply discounted in exchange for publicity or paid product placements. But, they also waste a lot of money (at Disney, mortgaging appliances...)

    11. It's probably fairer to say that the Brown's live comfortably, not that they are rich. Given that we've seen other plygs like the Crowleys grinding their own wheat, being able to head to the Whole Foods and get whatever you need that day is definitely living comfortably. I see the Brown's as middle class, maybe upper middle class, in terms of the plyg socio-economic structure.

  25. I just saw a preview of My Sister Wives and Robyn says I want to have a baby. So maybe she is pregnant.

    1. Yes or trying and not ready to reveal the results. If they are smart and she intends to lactate for years per pregnancy she should freeze embryos.

    2. What?! But how will she have time for her dream business iconic jewelry boutique??? Especially now that she's been "ditched" by Meri - twice. First Meri refused to hang around the house and raise Robyn's kids. And now Meri insists on veneering way outside of the cul-de-sac to go to school instead of managing the MSWC shipments. Poor Robyn. :(

    3. robyn wants a storyline and a paycheck..they are scraping the bottom of the barrel. Their real life would be so much more interesting

  26. Run Maddie! Don't turn into another Mariah (not that that would ever happe). Wonder if all of Janelle's children are going to leave dodge as soon as they can? Christine's Mykelti won't be far behind. I really hope Robyn's daughters get to escape too.

    1. I have to wonder if Janelle is secretly telling her kids "get out" like the ghostly Amityville horror voice. Of all of the kids, hers consistently seem to say or hint that they are not interested in the religion overall.

    2. I have wondered if Janelle secretly tells her kids to get out too. Something is making it very clear to her kids that they shouldn't choose polygamy.

  27. Sobyn IS NOT PREGNANT!!!!!!!

    1. What if she IS pregnant? And why the shouting? Anyway, isn't that why she joined the family? She's suppose to be having babies. So far she's only had one. She owes Kody at least 3 now.

    2. At this point it wouldn't surprise me if she was. They need plot lines!

    3. Anon 8:13 pm - clearly one of the Browns or a production person from Figure 8 productions.

      Based on all the fuss and the lack of tweets, etc. I agree, Roby is pregnant. This is what led Meri to go back to college.

    4. Anon 8:13---is that you Robyn??

    5. Even if she is pregnant, Robyn certainly been a disappointment in the baby making department. Her and Kody have been married for about 4 years and they only have 1 kid so far.

  28. i just read the promo from god..they are amping up the we have to pay for 4 mortgages and college..TLC is promising the most tension since the move from lehi. They are looking for investors for their fledgling jewlry business, janelle cant lose weight, robyn gives kody an ultimatum on the jewlery business and the are despartly looking for new businesses to pay for college, all the while they blow money left and right on disneyland and entertainment..more of the same..not believable after their tweets tell a different story

    1. Where did you read this---do you have a link?

    2. Hi MrSpock. I think anon was expressing their interpretation of TLCs promos for the new season.

  29. i read the press release on candid reality television without pity. It is the TLC press releaase

    1. Thanks for the info, anon 9:09 !

      Here's a link to the press release article:


    2. OMG they mentioned the freaking family mission statement!!! Seriously, they canNOT use that crap in the next season! I think I may hate the family freaking mission statement more than Kodouche's hair!!!! More than Robyn's sobbin? More than Christine's not so hidden cruel streak? More than Janelle's "weight loss journey"! I don't know, I just know I do NOT want to hear one more freaking word about that stupid mission statement!!!!

      Rant over...

    3. Muchas gracias for the link.

  30. I think Robyn is pregnant. I posted on the tlc page that she was due in the fall, just trying to stir up some excitement. Tlc removed that comment and then banned me forever. Since peple post many unflattering comments without being banned I have to wonder why they are so sensitive about this topic.

    1. interesting...see the above link to TLC press release. Maybe there IS a Brownie baking in Robyn's oven!

    2. she doesn't look pregnant in those latest pictures, at least to me, but i just checked her pinterest and she has a pin on how to lose the baby weight with a note along the lines of, 'i'll be so glad i pinned this soon'. make of that what you will.

    3. Robyn issues an want more babies? Then I need help running MSWC and now Meri had ditched me.

      Karen - very interesting! And very telling!

    4. "Tlc removed that comment and then banned me forever. "

      Wear it proud, Karen!! You obviously hit a nerve!

    5. Robin doesn't always change the caption under the pins she pins. And she never really lost all the baby weight from So.. She still maintains the whole "I'm so skinny because food makes me sick," even though she's really just average size now.

    6. could be, but she does have tons of other baby stuff, too. of course, if she pregnant right now, and pinning for that, she'd probably make that board private. we'll have to wait and see. anyway, the browns consistently get more viewers than the duggars and they don't seem to be going anywhere. on the contrary, famewhoe cousin amy is getting her own spin-off special.

    7. Karen, I am giving you an imaginary high 5! Good for you for getting banned. I wonder if Robyn's pregnancy will be the cliffhanger to this season?

    8. Cousin Amy Dugger is getting her own show? How will that be at all interesting? And how can I find Robyn on pinterest???

    9. i have no idea who would be interested in that. search for her by name and she will come up under pinners. some other browns are on there too, mariah's pinning like mad just now.

  31. Replying to further up thread where Dakota Justice commented on TLC's choice of cheap-to- produce shows.....recycled ones at that.
    Very true !! And it is certainly evidenced by the newest TLC offering, Brady &his Five.

    Talk about recycling Kodyworld themes.....!!
    1-Right off the bat, this family has *to move* and no doubt it will be with all the scripted array of angst and plots and drama ala SW's phony escape to Vegas.

    2- They need to move due to *opposition, alienation, persecution* from their community.
    Only twist on their story vs Browns is that the alienation is coming from within their own plyg community itself, rather than Kody's version which was from the outside.

    3- There is a favorite wife. However, Brady, due to his extra numbers, has more than one favorite.
    But it is resulting in the same plots and tearful scenes already played out in SW.

    4-There is a weight problem with one wife at this early stage...just like it was in early Kodyworld.

    5-The wives do not communicate effectively with each other with twisty plots and individual crying camera time....same boring, predictable show fillers.

    6- The wives all look miserable, nervous and precariously close on the edge of a meltdown.

    7- Brady is a self-satisfied plyg who knows and smugly enjoys his role as master.
    Just like Kody.
    Might as well just call this show.....SisterWives 2

    1. 8. The first wife starts to worry about her kids growing up and not needing her. Meri/Paulie. Much crying and over the top fretting.

    2. You know, BFF and I discussed the differences between Kody and Brady's show. BFF said the reason why Brady's show is so boring is because they are presented as being "normal", dealing with the same daily concerns monogamist families face. Kody, on the other hand, is just a farce and too over the top. She prefers Brady's show, but watches Sister Wives for the trainwrecks.

      I think TLC has learned from the mistakes made with Kody and Krew©. It seems to me TLC is being very careful with the "branding" of the Williams Brood.

      I think the real story is between Brady and his father Rod. I don't see him as a self-satisfied plyg - I see him as a reluctant plyg who joined the AUB to please an overbearing father.
      I also think Brady married Paulie for "duty" but his soulmate/true love is last wife Rhonda. And the other wives know it and resent it.

      So I don't see Brady and Brood as Sister Wives 2 because Brady's show doesn't revolve around a balding, over the hill wannabe surfer dude who just happens to be a narcissistic polygamist. It revolves around an overachieving, balding, in over his head former LDSer who converted to fundamentalism to please Dad but had to leave the religion when his dad was kicked out and the church made it clear he would not advance any higher in the church hierarchy, leaving him stuck with 5 wives and no religion when he would rather be hunting Big Foot in the forests of Washington state while wearing a kilt.

      And that philosophy degree....smh, renaissance man Brady vs. caveman Kody. (I wonder if Brady already has a business degree and this philosophy major storyline is just a 2nd degree he's pursuing. I don't think his Dad would allow Brady not to get a 4 year degree)

    3. Brady's show is so boring is because they are presented as being "normal"

      I've always said that if anyone ever followed me around with a camera all day they would be bored to death. I think that is true reality. We drive kids around, go to work, make dinner, do laundry....yawn. The most exciting part would be the snarky comments I make on this blog ;o)

      So basically, Brady and crew is more realistic that the whole Kody the drama queen actors.

    4. ."Brady married Paulie for "duty" but his soulmate/true love is last wife Rhonda. And the other wives know it and resent it"

      I get that !!
      But If Brady did his duty to please Dad and took on FOUR women, while pining for the one that got away, and then finally hooked up and coerced her to want to join the family where she knows she will reign supreme with him over the others...that has a real creep factor.
      To me that speaks of self-satisfaction for Brady. And, well....for Rhonda too

    5. To me that speaks of self-satisfaction for Brady. And, well....for Rhonda too
      Yep, and I agree it IS creepy. From what I gather about the AUB, a man has to prove his "worthiness" as a priesthood holder to be allowed additional wives. That's why you hear only a few families in the AUB had more than one wife (remember Kody's friend and his wife talking about adding a wife from a couple of seasons ago). Brady has 5 wives, which makes me think he must have risen to a high status in the church hierarchy to be allowed so many wives. I did read that when his father Rod was excommunicated, the church was going to remove Brady too, but relented and allowed him to stay but made it clear he was on thin ice.
      If you want I can find the exact passage for you.

      Anyway, I see the same thing in the Hyrum/Kellie union from the first season of Polygamy USA. It was obvious neither cared for each other in the "I love you, you are my soulmate" tradition, but Kellie got the revelation she should marry Hyrum and the supposedly the brethren agreed. I have no doubt, eventually, Hyrum will meet and "marry" his true love. And all the wives inbetween her and 1st wife Kellie will have to deal with it.

    6. You are so right, Snarkaholic at 11:08 a.m. Today I went to the grocery store, cleaned a bathroom, got things ready for a family barbecue, went for a mile walk, put on some make-up, made some Crystal Light for some refreshment...need I say more or have you already fallen asleep?

    7. "If you want I can find the exact passage for you."
      Thx, CJ....appreciate that but you have enough on your plate tending to this blog.

      Obviously Brady is no stranger to the good, the bad and the ugly of plyg politics.

  32. I wonder how they decide which two wives stand next to Kody? An interesting story line would be to have Janelle, Christine, and Robyn pregnant.

    1. Well THERE's a story line that's never gonna happen. I'm guessing that Robyn IS preggers, or about to be, and they're going to stretch that out for ohhhh 2-3 mini seasons. zzzzz. I mean, who gives a rip about what sex the baby is going to be and all that? we've been there already with Sol. I doubt that either Janelle OR Christine are interested in squeezing out more pups. even if they still can. This is just a theory, but I think that Christine's issues with Truely's birth might have resulted in her having her tubes tied or something else keeping her from giving birth (at the very least, doctor's recommendation). Janelle has never struck me as the motherly type anyway, she only seems to take an interest in her kids once they become older teens. but what do I know?

    2. I've wondered that too. You know there is probably huge drama and who gets to stand next to the Klown. They probably keep a score card and scream "NO! You stood next to him in 13 photos last month and I only got 10! It's my turn!" and then sob.

      They will probably do an episode with that drama as the plotline.

    3. They must be keeping tabs on who gets to stand next to the caveman. It seems to me that Janelle gets to be next to him the least.

      I think Christine is not able to have more kids or I think she would have had 1 more just to take attention away from Robyn.


    " the Browns face one of the most chaotic weeks since the panicked move from Utah."

    This is clearly manipulative and dishonest.
    Yes.......the TLC scene of their frenzied drive to Vegas was one of scripted "panic"....
    All created and directed as sure as if the director yelled, "Okay, everyone, take your places....look scared.....cue the police sirens.....herd the kids into the cars....
    Now, ACTION !!! "

    Also, according to the press release, the *Meri going back to school* storyline is slated for later in this season's schedule. Apparently, It won't be a lead plot line.
    Which tells me that TLC is not too confident that viewers will be returning in the numbers needed, so they pitched that Meri-school trailer up front to snag any fence-sitters.

    1. And left the Lehi house in total disarray, their crap still everywhere, as if they were Anne Frank and her family, and the Nazis had taken them to Belsen.
      I'm sorry for the bad taste, but that's what TLC and the Browns wanted to convey. It must have taken Meri's sister or whomever a month to clean up all that crap.

    2. DJ - Quite honestly, something gives me the impression that the Browns leave any house they move out of in disarray, regardless of the circumstances. Personally, every apartment/home I've ever moved out of, I've had a maid come in and make sure it's spotless. But, let's face it...some people feel entitled (like oh, say, the Browns) and sometimes I wonder if that kind of responsibility/consideration/etc ever even crosses their self-absorbed minds.

      As for the comparison to Anne Frank's house, I have to say that after seeing what the Lehi house looked like....and seeing pictures of Anne Frank's house after they were discovered - and actually standing in the Frank's "home" with non-stop chills....not quite the same. I'm sorry. Not trying to be contrary, but the Browns just left their junk piled everywhere... The Franks' hideout was left as if people had been in middle of living life and were suddenly and unexpectedly jerked away....which is, in fact, what happened. And please, please, for the love of all things holy, tell me that the Browns' and TLC don't actually compare their situation to that of the Jews during Hitler. And even if they think it, God forbid, please please please don't let them say something like that. Sickening...

    3. For Dakota Justice and Anon 5:58, I have to agree that leaving a house the way the Browns left the Lehi house is irresponsible and rude. particularly if they were renting it. If they owned it, they could leave it in any condition they see fit, but it is really uncool of them to have their family members left in Lehi clean the house up and get it fit to rent our or sell. But I guess that's just how the Browns see themselves--entitled and superior.

    4. Again, I did say that it was in bad taste. But that was the first thing on my mind when re-watching that. I could have easily said the Underground Railroad or *insert any other person/group of people being persecuted for their beliefs/race*. Fake sirens blaring as Meri barks orders at the kids in the middle of the night, sneaking away (with more than likely, neighbors and family members watching agog as the video cameras rolled) on bald tires to Vegas leaving all their crap behind that they didn't want or need to take for others to pick up after them. Kinda like how they ran up all their credit and filed bankruptcy for everyone else to pick up after them, and probably what's going to happen again once the TLC Gravy Train pulls out of the Cul De Sac Depot for the final time.

      and remember the episode where the oldest kids go back to Lehi for a visit and open the door of the old house - first thing they say is how neat and tidy it was compared to the way it was when they lived there...

  34. We all know what Meri's big decision is...the decision to go back to college. Janelle is still struggling with her weight. Can't they come up with a different storyline for Janelle? The first few seasons she was all about the finite resources. Now she is all about trying to be healthy. I support that and believe she is trying, but it just isn't that interesting of a storyline. There is only so much they can do with this story. Since Janelle and Christine can't seem to get interesting storylines, it turns into the Robyn, Meri and Kody show. Does anyone else think the teens are pulling back and don't want to be filmed anymore? For instance, I liked the Hunter storyline a few seasons back, but I can understand that would be difficult to share with the maybe the teens are backing off, leaving less interesting storylines.

    1. I definitely think that Janelle's kids are not as interested in being on the show and Robyn's oldest son shows no interest. We don't see much about Christine's son either. I wonder if the kids are really getting their fair share of the money? I sure hope they are.

    2. Maybe Janelle and Christine don't want the fame of being on a reality to taint their children's highschool experience.

  35. Mykelti has said she wanted to go to the institute for fashion when that college advisor was talking to them. I wonder if janelle or meri will support mykelti's dream like they did mariah's.

    1. She is going to UNLV first for a business degree then onto FIDM. The best idea. You cant just be a designer and own a company. Need some business sense.

    2. How the heck are they going to pay for FIDM? They will be looking at about $100k in costs

  36. MrSpock would like to see the following storylines: Follow Robyn for a typical work day with the jewelry biz; follow Janelle for a typical day with her real estate job; follow Kody for several days to see his true, daily routine---including any income-producing moments, kid interaction, chores (if any), etc.

    1. Since Janelle hasn't tweeted or otherwise promoted that she has actually sold a house (don't you think she/Kody would be tweeting about her success?), I don't think she is even officially working for Mona. It's more of a publicity arrangement. Like most of the Browns, Janelle is more bark than bite

    2. Out of curiosity, I just did a search for Janelle's name on, and she's not even listed. Mona is there, but no Janelle and no Christine. She's definitely not a listing agent. If she's doing anything for the realty company, I would guess it's just research for Mona on the MLS. I am curious how many emails she gets from nutty fans pretending to house hunt for a chance to meet the "celeb" Browns?

    3. Not surprised at all. Agree with CPA Carol !!!

      Like everything else, Janelle's "job" with magic Mona was most likely all smoke and mirrors. Just another phony plot for the show.

      The only thing "real" about the Browns are their kids.
      At least we know they DO exist.....for real !!

  37. Haven't seen anything about this.......has Amanda Knudson got a baby? or have I missed it?

    1. Not that I've heard. On the Darger's facebook they talk about her visiting recently, but that's because she lives out of state. And the baby she was holding belonged to someone else.

  38. Im thinking most people are seeing Robyn say "I want another baby" in the commercial...I played it back and forth and I heard "I don't want another baby"...anyone agree?? She said it in a quiet huffy voice.

    I see Robyn as being done, as far as kids go...if these sisterwives were true sisterwives and helped out and watched kids and just made things easier for each other I would think she would have another....BUT as we know and see, these women are SINGLE mothers....I just don't see Robyn adding more work for herself. She has no reason to grab Kody's attention, the other wives are making it too easy for Robyn to be the skinny, new honeymooning wife.

    1. Wow....I didn't catch the "don't" part at all. Just did a quick google search and can't find anything about that particular quote, am at work so can't peruse my DVR to see if the commercial is there somewhere, and can't find a youtube video or anything on TLC w/ that promo/commercial. Does anyone else have access to the commercial to confirm for us? If she really says she doesn't want another baby, then it explains one, why she hasn't had another baby yet and two, why she's still breastfeeding Solomon and having him sleep in her bed. I wonder what Mr. Wonderful (I mean, Kodouche) thinks about that one. A woman who isn't falling all over herself to bear more and more children for a man who's barely around to help w/ the children he already there's a concept. Maybe our "special" Sobbin at least has this one figured out...more children with Kodouche = more children to take care of a single mom. She had one baby to cement a permanent place in the "fam" for herself...and now she is balking, it seems, at having anymore.

      Thank you for posting this - totally intrigued now! - Lori

    2. Here's something else to think about. Because of their 'money is divided equally between each wife' and not per child, having more babies means having less money in the Brown clan. Right now, Robyn will no doubt be getting some kind of support for the first three, so they won't weigh quite so heavily on her budget. But every baby she has after Solomon is another child for which she will have to dip into her 'grocery money' if she wants something for herself.

      Ironically, the Kody Krew have actually provided a disincentive to have more children, especially for Robyn who is probably wildly disillusioned about this whole sister wives thing. I think she genuinely expected a sisterhood, and what she got was a disinterested, petty, jealous clique of women who have little interest in her or what she does. I wouldn't blame Robyn if she left. In spite her numerous faults, she was definitely sold a dream, and what she actually got did not match the brochure.

      Also, 35 is the point at which the likelihood of birth defects starts to skyrocket, and having a baby is far harder on mother and child. Pretty sure Truely's general ill health compared to her siblings could be down to Christine's relatively advanced maternal age. So maybe Robyn is thinking about that too.

    3. Robyn only thinks about herself. If you read "in between the lines" of her section of Becoming Sister Wives, you'll see how she scoped out the Browns and swooped in for the kill when word got out they were going to have a reality show. She got pregnant at a time when the family was still recovering financially from adding her bills and costs to an already overstretched family budget due to an idiotic move to Las Vegas. And it goes even further downhill from there capped off by MSWC, where she missed so many opportunities to make a LOT of money due to poor business planning.

      Robyn was never interested in having sister wives - except when it came to babysitting and/or parenting her children (not including King Sol). She quickly took over and climbed to the top of the wife pecking order leaving her stiletto heel marks on the backs of Christine, Janelle and Meri.

      Finally, Robyn stated she was not going to have another baby while she was still nursing Sol. And she has kept that promise! I suppose she will continue to nurse Sol until he's a freshman in high school.

      Sorry for the rant, but Robyn is a piece of work. When the money runs out, and they have to leave the cul-de-sac, she will be the first wife to leave Kody in the dust.

    4. I agree that Robyn is a piece of work, I just think she might also maybe believe in polygamy. This is her first chance ever to actually live what she seems to consider her 'dream' and it really isn't working out for her. At all.

      Maybe she is just a huge scheming bitch who had the equivalent of an anchor baby to have some claim to the Brown riches. Or maybe she's a naive, self-centered, immature woman who let herself believe what Kody was telling her.

      I mean, Robyn didn't force her way into the Browns' home, straddle Kody and demand to be his wife. By the Brown's own admissions, she was heavily encouraged by the possibly bisexual Meri (HA! Now *that's* a possible storyline, Meri goes to college and explores her tingly feelings), and romanced by Kody.

      They courted her heavily and at a distance, she was more than encouraged by the Browns. And, I think her message has stayed more or less consistent. She hasn't said one thing and done another, that I can think of. She has been bad at things, but that's to be expected seeing as she has no experience other than being a single mom. Of course she messed up MSWC, she doesn't have the expertise to run a business!

      I do also agree that Christine and Janelle had basically no say in whether or not she came into the family. They accepted it, but they sure didn't like it.

    5. I think Robyn has to have at least one more baby to one-up Meri. She isn't going to make it to 6 like the other wives, but she has to make it to at least 2 to have something to lord over Meri.

      Man, it's sick and twisted!

    6. so meri has been financially compensated for having less children..and there is your answer to meri's thinking. Not only that, she stuck it to janelle and christine for having more.

    7. I thought that too!

  39. TLC didn't remover he remark cause it was rude. People may think the family posts there and believe something you made up in your head as if they supported the statement.

    Robyn is not following the rules. The first wife is the boss in absence if Kody. Any power Robyn has is in her head.

    Now this could be in my head or not relevant to the family BUT I thought I read that some fundamentalists groups don't believe in women working while pregnant? She did the jewelry thing after Solomon. Could she be expecting some sort of Red Tent vacay?

    Christine's daughter I thought was already taking concurrent classes to get some gen ed stuff out of the way? But her college choice which she announced way ahead of time was very costly. Will she earn that much to justify that much money spent? Remember how they worried about her and boys in a college setting?

    1. I think the Browns (like the Williams) are doing their own independent religion at least that's how it appears they are making up their own rules and are scatter brained. My opinion is, that's why they all can't get any of their children to commit to the lifestyle. The kids see a whole heck of a lot more then we see....pretty much tells us what we al know.

    2. "I think the Browns (like the Williams) are doing their own independent religion"

      Yep, it's called worshiping Kody.

  40. So, Meri wants to go back to college--I think that's a great idea. If she's successful, she might boost her own self-esteem, stop playing the martyr, and start valuing herself. And if she chooses a program of study that can lead to a financially stable career, she can contribute to the family finances when the TLC money stops. And if the Brown kids see her struggling to do well, it may motivate them to avoid the challenges that come with early marriage and wait till they're somewhat secure before marrying and beginning their families.

    1. That's a lot of ifs & mights, but then that is what were used to when it comes to the However, if, and that is a big if, Mary somehow manages to leave Disneyland long enough to get a degree that would her to earn some money, and she actually gets out and gets a job, you can bet your last dime she won't be contributing HER money to help out the family. Mary knows what's hers. lol

    2. Anon 2:39, you're right--that is a a lot of ifs and mights. Continuing education is FULL of ifs and mights! No one knows when they start a program if they'll be able to finish, or, if they do earn their desired degree, whether they'll be able to earn a decent living. Meri does seem to be ummmm, possessive and territorial and I don't see her rendering economic aid to anyone but Mariah. Still, Meri might gain the self-esteem she needs to leave the whole Brown Family fiasco and take Mariah with her.

  41. Since it's Off Topic....I watched True Tori last night. I want that hour of my life back! My gosh, someone who makes the Browns look good! It was just vile and repulsive. Won't be doing that again.

    I've thought all along it was fake, those creeps will do anything for money and attention. Last night the therapist (who is always smirking) asked Tori when she was going to discuss the whole mess with her kids. Her response? "I thought they wouldn't ever have to find out" You made a freaking television show based upon your husband's infidelity but you thought your kids wouldn't find out? Sorry Kody, I mean Tori--that is total b.s. She makes Robyn look smart!!!

    1. Oh Snarkaholic, I only could watch for 5 minutes! It was when Tori was in her hospital bed and Dean was feeding her! Holy Toledo, I knew Dean couldn't act, but Tori was just soooo fake. I couldn't stand it any longer and I stopped the DVR, deleted what had been taped and took that damn show off my DVR list. That was the most insipid bit of televised crap I've ever witnessed. And I use to watch The Hills on MTV!

      Tori is still smarter than Robyn in my opinion...after all, Tori was able to sell that mess of a show to the Lifetime Channel, but I wonder if there will be a season 2? I don't think anyone denies that Dean cheated, but I'm not seeing much sympathy for Tori. I'm seeing comments to the tune of she should have known this would happen. Psstt....I saw her previous shows when Tori and Dean were so much in love (barf). Anyway, I always thought Dean cheated on her - her jealous tantrums when Dean had a female surfing instructor or a female motorcycle partner. That got old really quick. And I DO think Dean married Tori because he thought being Aaron Spelling's son-in-law would open doors to being cast in tv movies. Boy, did he get that one wrong! He's still D'List, even with all those dumb celeb cooking shows he does.

      Oh dear, I just had a horrid don't think Kody showcasing his barbecuing skills was an "audition" to be cast on the next celeb Food Network show?


    2. Did anyone catch the new show "I Wanna Marry Harry?" I'm really hoping that show is fake...

    3. C.J., I think you may be on to something with Kody & his bbq. I can just see it now, Kody wants to throw down with Bobby Flay.

    4. Anon 2:31: I can see it now. Kody saunters on to the BF set and says, I know people see me as this wild surfer dude and I know you'll be surprised but I have wives...four wives. They both laugh, while BF tries to hide his contempt and Kody continues, yeah, I saw it in your eyes...dude you're the man. yeah. How do you handle four women? BF changes the subject and then Kody flips his few locks and tries to hide his checking out the Flay's body and they both laugh nervously. Commercial break where Kody approaches BF to see if he wants to pull up a mat and wrestle. Yeah...really classy show.

    5. "It was when Tori was in her hospital bed and Dean was feeding her!"

      OMG! Because that's what she's wanted for 7 years and he finally did it!! <> She needs to be nurtured! It was just so pathetic and sickening!

      I think Dean married her banking on her inheriting mommy's millions one day.

      I did, however, love his reason for why he cheated...."because I thought I wouldn't get caught!!" D'oh! He should've added in "since I didn't get caught all the other times"

    6. Anon 2:42 just made me lmao!!!!

      Run Bobby Flay! Ruuuuun!

    7. the british monarchy is none too pleased about the prince harry show, i can tell you.

    8. the british monarchy is none too pleased about the prince harry show, i can tell you.

      I just can't figure out how the british monarchy was unable to stop this because it seems so fraudulent. But the imposter and his butler never say who he is so I suppose the girls are at fault for believing he was the real deal. It just smells like entrapment to me.

    9. Snarkaholic - I watch True Tori, as I admitted in the post above, and watched Tuesday's episode on my DVR last night. For me, another "almost choked laughing" moment was when Tori was asking Dean in their therapy session why he had a TWO night stand as opposed to the "normal" one night stand (didn't quite grasp the significance of that question, but whatevs), and Dean basically said the equivalent of, "Well, it had worked once (the first night), and the girl was there the second night. And since I'd already screwed up and all, I figured might as well hit it again." GOT to give the guy points for being honest, at least, LMAO!

      - Lori

    10. "Tori was asking Dean in their therapy session why he had a TWO night stand as opposed to the "normal" one night stand"

      Hello?! Wasn't that a bizarre question? And the therapist encouraged it! His answer was awesome! "It was there and I could" bam! There's the truth!

  42. Wow, you guys are all so mean...

    1. Actually I have seen meaner, but thanks for dropping by...
