
Saturday, May 17, 2014

I Scour the Internet: The Can We Talk Edition for 5/17/14

Can We Talk?

What the heck is going on with Robyn? It seems like weeks since she's blessed us with her words of wisdom.

We don't know how her Mother's Day went. We don't know what's going on with King Sol. Damn...Is she even still living in the cul-de-sac?

Well, far be it from me to start idle rumors. BUT...

Here's a recent picture of Robyn taken when she attended a performance of Mamma Mia with the rest of the Brown women (minus Maddie, Ysabel, Truely, Savanah and Breanna).

Wait a minute, is...that....a....BABY BUMP???? On Robyn ????

Let's take a closer look, shall we?

First of all, I have to commend Robyn. It takes a certain type of woman to be able to pull off that fabric pattern. All those stripes going hither and thither and whither and whatever. It seems even the camera got a little dizzy...

So, I'm going to go out on a limb and say....I think I see a baby bump! On the other hand, it could be a major Spanx failure.

So what happened with  the Brown Klowns© this week? (besides seeing Mamma Mia the Musical)

Except for a couple of retweets, Robyn has been MIA. Well, let's give the lady a break. Last week was Mother's Day, so she was probably working very very hard with fulfilling orders for her online store, My Sister Wife's Closet.

Or maybe she was suffering from morning sickness. Who knows? Maybe we will find out when the new season of Sister Wives starts on June 8th. (shameless plug that I wasn't even paid to do)

What's up with Meri these days? Well, if you haven't heard, Meri has decided to go back to school - much to the chagrin of her former best bud Robyn.
You know, if Mariah doesn't go back to Westminster in the fall, Meri and Mariah could be roommates in Meri's big old empty house. Wouldn't that be fun? NOT!

Kody's been keeping quiet also. Hmmmm...You don't suppose he's courting his 5th (got to keep up with the Brady Williamses don't ya know). But he did take time away from whatever he was doing to retweet the Mamma Mia tweet from Christine.
Okay, so let's look at the others in this picture. It seems Christine, Mykelti and Meri have absolutely mastered the art of standing sideways. I mean, even a hippopotamus looks skinny standing sideways, right?!

How interesting that Mariah is standing back and center from the others. Even though she wasn't standing sideways, standing in back distracted from those mighty hips of hers. And why the drastic hair change? I can kind of understand her wanting to stand out from the rest of the Brownettes (she's legitimate you know) but when you look like your Dad in drag, well, there's not too much you can do.

Unfortunately for Janelle, she didn't quite turn sideways enough, and her decision to wear a red blouse only accentuated her...unusual body type. Oh hell, she looked like a black jacketed tomato stuck on a stick. There, I said it.

So what did Janelle have to say this week?

Another Kody BarBKue©. How fun! I wonder if he overcooked the steaks...

Of course Janelle let's us know that school's out for summer, yay!!
Now I bet this was fun to watch...

Janelle, maybe you should focus on losing the fat and not so much on gaining the muscle. Or invest in some heavy duty Spanx. Just not seeing a difference.

Looks like the green Kool-Aid is long gone from Janelle's income stream. This is definitely a plug, but you gotta do what ya gotta do when you have a $450K mortgage, 6 kids (2 in college) and you're married to Kody Brown.

I like the way Christine never fails to talk about her family. She always tweets happiness and rainbows and lollipops and sunshine and ....
So this means we got Mother's Day tweets from Janelle and Christine with Robyn, Meri and Kody MIA....

And of course, Christine's Truely pic for the week!
Well, that's all for now...and remember....

I Scour the Internet (well Twitter at least) so YOU don't have to!!!


  1. The ugly and pointed comments about Janelle and her weight loss and fitness program are too much. I'm all for snark, but that just seems very mean and uncalled for. If nothing else, at least she's trying!

    I like this blog and I like reading, but I hope you amend those comments. It really doesn't come across and funny.

    1. Janelle opened herself up to negative comments when she claimed to be consistently eating only 1500 calories a day. She lied. Once she did that, she is fair game.

      I she was honest and open about the fact that she is still eating way too many calories and failing to consistently exercise, I would have sympathy for her. Sadly, in true Brown Clown fashion, she lied and tried to justify her situation.

      Janelle remains morbidly obese because she is eating too many calories and exercising too little. She needs to join Weight Watchers and sign up at the local YMCA. Inexpensive (not cheap but not super expensive for her income) and follow through.

    2. Anonymous 10:37 - I completely agree with you.

    3. Snarkaholic - i wouldn't call it lying per se. and I do believe that Janelle is exercising a lot.

      Unfortunately, for weight/fat loss, exercise is only maybe 15-20% of the equation. at least 80-85% is diet. Nutrition. Calories. Portion control.

      You know, I use My Fitness Pal to track my food/calorie intake, but I don't use the exercise track feature, because what it does is estimates the calories you burn and then gives you more calories to eat. Unfortunately what that does for ME, and probably for Janelle, is that it results in no weight lost. That's the facts Jack!

      Today after my weight training class in fact, one of my new participants wanted to talk to me about what exercises she could do to reduce her tummy fat. I had to tell her the truth - all the core exercises in the world aren't going to burn the fat, and that she needs to focus on calories and portion control. We chatted for about 20 minutes and I gave her my tips.

      Sean is focused on the exercise quotient. All well and good, in its way but now Janelle has the exercise part DOWN. she needs to focus on the EATING part. The CALORIE part. And again, I'm guessing that Sean is one of those trainers who believes people can out-exercise overeating. I think that for some guys, especially guys like Logan and Hunter, who are burning machines with a high metabolism, that does work. But for most women, and a lot of the average guys, and certainly Janelle as well as myself, they need to focus on calories in and adjust accordingly. I'm guessing that Janelle isn't tracking OR planning her meals. It's really about planning when you come right down to it. "Failing to plan is planning to fail."

    4. Dakota Justice, my comment about her lying is a reference to her claims of only eating 1500 calories a day yet still can't lose weight. It's silly. If she was honestly eating 1500 calories a day, she would lose weight. She should just own it. "I'm overweight because I really like food and don't cut my calories the way I should." No biggie, the truth is the truth. I hate it when people make B.S. claims about how little they eat and they just magically can't lose weight.

      That's why I respect Al Roker. I am not in agreement with his choice of how to lose weight, but he doesn't need my permission. I love that he came right out and said "I am fat because I love food and I eat too much of it. I am not fat because I was abused or for any other psychological reason. I am fat because I eat too much." Done and done! Own it Al!

      I don't think Janelle is interested in weight loss (that is totally her choice) but got slammed by Kody on national television with his whole "she's more like a buddy which makes intimacy awkward" statement. That had to destroy her self-esteem. Now she's trying to do something, anything to gain his *gag* sexual attention.

    5. Either she is eating a LOT or she def has something wrong with her metabolism. Some hidden disorders like thyroid malfunctions or other things can cause people to stay large. She could have lost 100 lbs by now with a functional metabolism. Hopefully they have entertained this scenario by now.?

  2. It's time someone stands up and says Wait A Minute on the continuing saga of Janelle and her weight loss. If this is an example of her trying, she needs to see a doctor STAT. It isn't working and this story line is getting OLD.

    I appreciate your opinion, but...perhaps the small section on Janelle's weight saga wasn't meant to be funny. It was meant to be truthful. The storyline is old and simply not going anywhere.

    1. Just reiterating mho on Janelle's saga....
      Totally agree that the story has not only been on the front burner for wayyy too long, but to keep it there for a third season (yes, three seasons now) simply invites opinions...and snark. Why the need for the tweaked pic of clothing bags.and the numbers of lost lbs. vs gained muscle? After *two* years??
      Sorry, but that kind fan baiting is on her and it *will* solicit comments.

      In her shoes and certainly after two years, I would want a moratorium on my struggle.
      I would want to continue my journey privately with discreet help, and I would then revel in "a successful reveal" when I had reached my goals.
      But then, I have not chosen to put my life on public display for cash and perks.

    2. Dr, Oz has a theory about weight loss for women that carry so much in their middle, and Janelle's particular body type. It is the cortisol theory, that women that have emotional ups and downs and keep all of their emotions inside trigger cortisol and gain and keep weight in their mid section. I would think by now janelle would address her reasons for eating and see a doctor.

    3. She needs to get to a doctor and have her thyroid levels checked. It sucks that she is eating so little and exercising so much and not seeing results. Either she is lying about her food/fitness habits, or there is something going on medically.

    4. Wouldn't you think "if'" she is getting annual gyno checkups, that her gyno would have suggested further testing, esp. thyroid? would have occurred to Janelle herself that something was amiss and should be checked?
      And in fairness, maybe her thyroid has been checked and it is fine, which then goes right back to the "why"....after two years of dieting and fitness training.

      I dunno....these women all seem to lack the ability to connect the dots.

    5. I agree. What is irritating is the constant celebration of much more weight loss than she is showing. It is deceptive on her part .. not much different than lying about how wonderful her polygamous life is. CJ has always been very tactful about Janelle's weight.

    6. I totally agree that it is time that Janelle quit playing the gaining muscle thing...she should look like Arnold by now. I think she is probably working out but I still think she is eating like a pig. So, if she is putting her failure out there, she should be ready to face reality or that we don't get it.

    7. i'm glad now too that everyone's finally jumped on the Janelle reality wagon. i felt like a lone wolf in the snark wilderness when i kept saying i couldn't tell any difference when everyone else seemed to be all a-gaga about it here a year ago.

      she probably has dropped a couple of sizes to be getting rid of some of her clothes (or is it just time for some of them to go like we all do yearly without a weight loss reason??) but still - there's no noticeable "wow! you look amazing!" difference like there always is in a TRUE lifestyle change/big weight loss that occurs w/the majority of peeps within 6-9 months let alone TWO YEARS now!

    8. Of course you know I have to add my two repetitive cents on this topic since Anon 10:37 brought it up.

      I don't think we are being "ugly" about it, at least I don't intend to do so. I for one would like to see Janelle lose the weight. I think she's going about it wrong.

      Even if she DOES have a thyroid issue, that might make it a bit more difficult, but far from insurmountable. And yes we do have the right to talk/discuss it, because TLC AND the Browns have chosen to make Janelle's weight a major plot line, meaning they WANT us to talk about it.

      Anon 7:37 - she's not going to ever look like Arnold, unless she's doing testosterone supplementing. but I agree with you that she's not being as diligent with her nutrition as she should be. Working out is awesome, but for weight loss, it's at LEAST 80 percent calories/nutrition. I wonder how they calculated the muscle gain, what kind of body fat measuring technique was used?

      Look, here's my deal. Janelle is losing slowly, yup that's not a bad thing, certainly better than nothing, but she is SQUANDERING her opportunity. You KNOW they aren't paying for Sean (and getting their money's worth I'd say...I just don't think he's the right trainer for her anymore and he kowtows too much to Kody and the family for the TV exposure). Here's the deal, we've seen it in at least two episodes. She is losing SOO slowly, that she is losing her MOTIVATION. You know how Weight Watchers and other diet/weight loss plans have the first one or two weeks with lower calories then they ramp up the calories slightly afterward? There's a reason they do that, a psychological reason - because it's motivating to see a big weight loss after a week, it fires you up and keeps you on track to lose more.

      The picture in my mind that appears when I think of Janelle is from a couple years ago, her sitting at the table noshing on a huge cookie sheet of Peanut Butter Fritos. I call that Recreational Eating, and it saddens the shit out of me really.

      Let me pretend to be Janelle's new trainer. (first off, I'd not want to deal with Kody...bleagh). Here's what I'd do.
      1) go to her house with some trash bags, and be Food Cop - clean out her kitchen of all the crap that's still there that I'm sure she buys "for the kids". Cookies, sugared cereals, chips, etc etc etc. her kids are all older now and they don't "need" that stuff. I don't vilify food, even McDonalds has its place, but that's occasional treat food and not for every day. if she doesn't have it around the house or buy it with "but it's for the kids" or "it's for Kody" she won't have it around to eat it. I'm including stuff like bread YES EVEN HEALTHY BREAD because it's still high in calories.
      2) teach her the basics of meal prep. This is what I do. I buy a big value pack of boneless chicken breasts at Safeway ($2.45 a pound this week yay!) and I cook them all up. Easy to do in the oven or BBQ. I use that chicken in most of my meals as a protein base, awesome to toss into salads or just have around as a snack. Protein is filling and healthy (that said, I still measure it out because as I've said, even healthy food eaten to excess will result in gain or stall of weight loss). Hard boiled eggs too. Prewashed salad mix, etc.
      3) what would be optimal is if the three other houses had clean kitchens, but like I've said before I believe there is some major sabotage going on, especially at those Sunday dinners.
      4) don't rely so much on supplements. they aren't going to magically melt off the weight, most of it just gets pee'd out of your system. waste of money most of it, IMO.

    9. Yes DK..i have been screaming this at janelle since her weight loss became a story. Changing your food habits is hard but it can be done. I think Janelle thinks a lot about food. It's been her companion for years, her go to for comfort in a very stressful lifestyle. When they went to San Fran for the trip she tweeted about mindlessly snacking and what to snack on for road trips. I think she is discouraged, and the trainer is a fault for that. From her tweet it is obvious she is still stuck on the muscle fat thing, and yes she is blowing an opportunity. But like many things Brown, they don't have much insight into their lives. I wish her success. The food prep is a big step in reaching for the right thing to eat during the week. If she is bitching about Sunday family diners, and feels deprived, something isn't working. The xlip screams exasperation. She should have hit the trainer over the head with a sludge hammer, not her scales.

    10. I don't understand why she needs protein drinks? She said in a clip she bases her meals around meat with all the boys in her house. She could not be realizing those drinks have calories. Love seeing the fruit on the counter. Why all the protein?

    11. Anon 5:40 - I suspect she's doing the protein shakes and supps because Sean is advising her to do that. I myself use protein powder, but it takes me MONTHS to use a tub, because I just use it occasionally, for instance if I'm going to do a triple workout at night and I am going to be home too late to fix dinner afterward. A scoop of 130 calorie powder + 1 cup of 30 calorie unsweetened almond milk + a handful of frozen mango chunks + a couple of frozen strawberries can get me through a couple of very intense circuits without bonking. But I'd rather eat real food.

  3. I wonder what in the world Kody does all day long? He doesnt have a job that I know of, he doesnt watch the kids, he doesnt cook or clean so what else does he have to do?

    1. I wonder the same---what exactly does Kody do job-wise to bring in the money. It would be interesting if TLC filmed a REAL typical Kody day or week.

    2. Now that he isn't impregnating his wives all the time he has even less to do. I still cannot get over that he used to make Logan get up at the crack of dawn to make breakfast and get the other 5 kids ready. Why wasn't Kody doing that every morning, aren't they his kids?

    3. He was 4 couch's to sleep on. That's takes a lot of time.

    4. i imagine Kody (being the closeted gay that he is) hangs out with his "buddies" now as much as he can.

    5. well when Logan was getting up early, Kody was working too at the time. that was Season 1. But now. I think if we saw the Real 24 Hours of Kody, we'd all be bored out of our minds and/or want to throw the Las Vegas Yellow Pages at his head.

    6. He needs to get hired on doing a Geico caveman commercial.

  4. Robyn looks about the same to me, i.e., not with child. On another note, I love ABBA...well, as much as MrSpock can love anything.

    1. The only thing that looks different about Robyn to me is how tired and old she looks. Being a single mom to 4 kids has to take a toll. What's not to love about Abba?

    2. I agree, we've been talking about Robyn having a baby bump for 1 year now...I personally think it's her "I've had 4 kids bump" and that just about how her stretched tummy (remember big boy Sol - I believe over 9 lbs) is going to look for now on.
      We need to remember the stress of her business takes a toll too....she needs to keep up her part to add to the income of the family so no one accuses her of "free-loading" on the tails of the family...I am quite sure that will be a subject in the "Tell All" finale and how everyone abandoned her and her hobby/business.

    3. I agree w/Just a Thought. Having been skinny all my life and after 4 big 9 lb. babies myself - i finally got a baby bump that would not leave. thanks to whoever came up w/the much needed Mommy Makeover to get the "all nursed-out girls" plumped back out and pulled back up into place as well as the baby bump permanently removed. best thing i ever did for myself (and hubby, too! ;p )

    4. at this point, I wouldn't be surprised if she was pregnant again, it's time to create another Plot Line Bambino.

  5. Good lord, Meri's posture is atrocious! It appears as though her head rests below her shoulders, sprouting from her torso. I wish she would stop rounding her shoulders and slouching; she would appear much thinner by just standing up straight!

    1. She always seems to be engulfing Mariah when posed together.
      No snark about a mother's affection for her daughter, but really look like you are *shielding* her. From Give her some space.
      Or where you merely trying to hide yourself?

    2. Why does Christine look so short here? Isn't she the tallest wife?

      Meri needs to cut the apron strings for sure.

    3. It looks like Christine is wearing flat "sensible" shoes. Plus standing next to Mykelti who looks like she's wearing high heels makes Christine look shorter than she is.

    4. Meri would appear thinner if she lost weight.

    5. That is a profound statement, Just a Thought at 5:20 p.m. Just the kind of logic I appreciate.

    6. Just a Thought - you and i are of like minds - LOGICAL! lol

      and i strongly suspect that IF Meri knew Mariah wouldn't shoot her for being a college roomie - she'd DEF do it. reminds me of that Paulie wife who asked her daughter if she planned to come back home and live and hang out with Momma once she graduated from college. I've seen all 4 of our own kids grow up and leave home and become independent adults which is bittersweet but NORMAL and what we all want for our kids. but then again - i have a husband to continue to have a deep monogamous relationship with after children are all grown up and gone unlike these plyg ladies - who try to continue to convince us of all the plusses of polygamy over monogamy. I do feel sorry for them tho. their pain and emptiness is real.

    7. About the height of the wives: I believe that Robyn is the tallest. I stood behind the family in line for the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland a couple of years ago. I am 5-foot-8 and usually wear two-inch heels. Robyn looked to be wearing two-inch heels, as well. We seemed to be exactly the same height.

    8. HILLS at Disneyland????? Sobyn is a nut case.

    9. "Meri would appear thinner if she lost weight."

      True that!!! You guys slay me!!!!

    10. @Jaded, how tall was Kody? He doesn't strike me as being that tall.

    11. Anon 4:32...He didn't strike me as tall or short. Just kind of average height for a guy -- 5'9 or 5'10.

  6. I had no idea that was Mariah!! Wow! Lookin' like a sassy 38 year old.

    1. You should be my friend.

    2. I didn't realize it was her either! I just went back and blew up the pic and was shocked!

    3. Mariah needs to go to college next year and not look back. Her family situation is dragging her down, it is so obvious. Meri should look at what she's doing to her daughter and let her go. Can she really look at Mariah and think that it is ok for an 19 year old girl to be so overweight and look so matronly?

  7. Robyn doesn't look pregnant to me, she just has a belly now like all the other Brown women. Could be wrong, Sol is almost 3 so it is long past time for her to get knocked up again, especially since she isn't getting any younger. I wonder how disappointed Kody and the first 3 are that she hasn't been a baby machine like they though? Her daughter is really pretty, hope she has the self-esteem and brains her mom lacks.

    Ironic neither of Janelle's daughters attended with her. I too am tired of her weight loss saga, clearly it isn't working like it should. My thoughts are that she isn't working out every day at 5 am like she claims and I am sure her eating habits are still bad. She looks better than she did though, because she was HUGE at the beginning.

    Mykelti looks really pretty. I am sad to see Aspyn is back, I was really hoping she'd get to escape and only come back for brief visits. Wonder if Logan comes back for the summer?

    Mariah, oh Mariah. Meri and Mariah need to take advantage of TLC and do a makeover. It is hard to reconcile how cute both Mariah and Meri looked on the first episode to now. I have the feeling that Mariah is not going back to Utah. IMO, both of them should move back to Utah and unplug from the toxicity that is their lives in Las Vegas.

    1. Sol's almost 3 already?? wow.

    2. I still think Aspyn is the one beauty in the Brown family. Wish she could lose some weight for her health as well. She always looks pregnant and her longtime heavy weight can't be healthy for someone so young.

    3. Ysabel is also very pretty.

  8. There is a new clip of Kody and Meri on the TLC website and ~lover~ is sporting flat ironed locks. Yeah.

    1. Kody looks worse than ever, he needs to cut that awful hair! That clip really made me mad, why in the heck should Robyn be upset that Meri wants to go back to school? Robyn should be supporting her sister wife in fulfilling her dreams, not emotionally manipulating her. Ugh, they are so messed up.

    2. I was watching that too, and thinking WHAT IF KODY SAID NO COLLEGE FOR MERI?
      would she say screw you I'm going anyway?
      but you gotta know that a big part of the reason she's doing the college thing is because they need a new plot device. No way is Kody gonna look like an ogre and say no.

    3. DakotaJustice,
      I rewatched that stupid clip of coming attractions again and the way Meri did that sheepish hem-hawing around and looking up as she nervously plays with something on the table, knowing Kody has no real power to say no. I believe she tells him and he agrees or if he tries to disagree, she sets him straight. Meri, above all the other wives, controls Kody. He has to approve everything through her and the other wives control him in very different ways with very different results. Meri going to college and her daughter getting the higher paid college was never going to be an issue unlike Christine's attempts to be awarded money for visits to her father...not happening. Even though Kody seems to be honeymooning it up with Robyn, allbeit waning at this point, Meri still has the power to derail that by being angry, upset, or just moody. He wants to please her above all others. I think Janelle's status of being his favorite wife is based on her inability to handle conflict so she just lets Kody nurture Meri's relationship first. Christine, on the other hand, cannot keep her mouth shut, so she stays in the dog house often and is the butt of his awful slams such as the remark about seeing her shove the fritoes in her mouth repulsed him and that he couldn't stand her size. he would never say that to Meri and has no need to say that to Janelle. Robyn is busy trying to show her value to Kody and she does this through hanging on to his every word but that is short lived because Robyn is a nut job and can only keep this farce up for a while. The faces of the wives: Meri so sheepishly looks at him for his approval and we know that is a lie; Janelle stares off into space; Christine mouths off or rolls her eyes; and Robyn holds onto his every word and that might be why she cries so much...she is crying out of anger that she has to play this part and for so long...dang, she must have underestimated the power Meri has. LOL

  9. On a different subject.... I saw that the Dargers were on the Stossel show (?) and that they "want to be left alone"......... Has anyone here seen that? I don't get that they want to be left alone, if they are putting themselves "out there"........ I don't think I can see that here but I'll keep trying on the web. Ann UK

    1. Hey I just found out I DO have FBN! I've set the dvr but keep fingers crossed it's the show with the Dargers (no description available).

    2. Well then maybe they shouldn't do a national cable show representing polygamy? Or have a public blog sharing information about themselves? I think they are bitter they didn't get an offer, or a good offer from TLC for their own show.

    3. Stossel will re-air the show Sunday on Fox news channel at 9pm central. The Darger ladies all look 20 years older than they really are. Valerie tell an out right lie about her past marriage to Dennis Mathews. She says she left because of a break down in values. No mention of living destitute in a trailer with no electricity or running water with 5 kids.

    4. Imagine that, one of the brainwashed Darger women lying about something. Papa Joe keeps those women on a tight leash.

    5. if i didn't know better, i would think that one who just had the baby is the grandmother and not the mother. i'm tired of hearing how much "prettier and more fashionable" they are over the Brown wives. i think they ALL look older than they are. (Brady wives, too.) but why wouldn't they - given their stressful lifestyle and abundance of baby birthin'. (except for Mother Meri. she's managed to look old and haggard for her age after only one baby but just from being plain mean and bitter. which again - is understandable.)

    6. Regarding Valerie Darger, my understanding is taht she was living in abject poverty due to her ex-husband's gambling addiction - which for her, probably was a breakdown in values. I would think, ya?

    7. I agree. I read their book and Valerie said her ex took her from a beautiful home to a hovel in the middle of the desert but conveniently near gambling in Nevada. It must have been a nightmare for her and her kids!

  10. I gotta say, I think if you think Janelle isn't losing weight, you need to go back and look at what she was in season one. She. Was. Huge. I mean, her belly had its own orbit. So yes, she is still big, but now she appears to have a strong butt and thighs, and though she is still holding weight in her midsection, I do genuinely think her face is thinner with fewer chins. There is no way in hell she would have been able to run anywhere in the first season either. She was about three fries away from a coronary.

    So yeah, she's still very heavy around her tummy. There could be medical reasons for that. It could be her body shape, it could be half a dozen things, but I do think she is genuinely trying and I think if you pull a still of her from season one to now, you'll see that difference you're claiming not to see.

    Remember, weight loss this gradual can be hard to notice. And weight loss in the real world when you are as big as Janelle was does take a long time. It's not five minutes of some nutty Biggest Loser trainer screaming and suddenly there you are parading around a size 6 with half a tonne of loose skin.

    So yeah, although snark is funny, I think it's probably unwarranted re: Janelle. She has a very long road ahead of her if this is going to be a permanent lifestyle change and not a yoyo diet a la Oprah. It could take another year or two to see the sort of results people around here seem to expect. A woman does not go from a size 28 to a size 12 just by having a few salads and working out a bit. That weight takes a while to work off. I know that's not the narrative most of us have come to expect, but for some people it really is a long, slow process.

    If you really must take pot shots at someone for weight issues and pretending to be healthy whilst clearly not being healthy, Meri has literally doubled in size since the beginning of the show and is actually pushing a health product at the same time and claiming to jog. Mhm. Sure.

    1. I appreciate your opinion, SafeTalk.

    2. don't forget when Meri also tweeted a couple of years ago that she'd just finished her 5 mile swim. like it was a regular thing.

      re: Janelle. it's been 2 years already w/very sketchy results based on what she claims to do. far from a yo-yo diet scheme or 5 minutes of nutty biggest loser trainer session. on big people with a lot of weight to lose like Janelle - she's the first one i've ever seen that didn't have very noticeable results within a year time frame MAX but only IF they're actually walking their talk. i think she's still a closeted emotional eater which is understandable since that's what she's always done to cope w/her lifestyle of choice and the fact that she's still in that trainwreck family.

    3. "She was about three fries away from a coronary."

      And now she is about 2.5 fries away. Progress, but only half a fry progress.

    4. when you look back and realize how janelles paycheck would make or break this family, it's shocking that she was so obese and under so much stress. Now that the money thing is better, maybe her not having a job, that by her words were her sanity, im glad she is addressing her weight, but i think she still reaches for comfort food.

  11. Sorry to make a second post on this subject, but it occurred to me after reading some other responses that people can be quite hypocritical about this show. On the one hand, the Browns take stick all the time for being fake and having made up storylines, etc (probably deservedly), but when they showcase something real, something that does actually take years to achieve, like Janelle's weight loss, the audience loses interest and starts complaining that her journey shouldn't be front and center because it isn't as fast as they think it should be.

    I think Janelle's weight loss is real, compare the face in the picture with this article to any still from season one and you'll see that she's lost about three chins worth of fat. And even if it weren't, that's still the real journey she's on. I also think most people have zero idea how much time and effort it takes to get from an unfit 300 pounds to a fit 180. All this stuff about 'medical issues' and 'thyroid' is probably way off base. You want to know the truth? The truth is, if you let yourself accumulate as much fat as Janelle did, you're going to have a real hard time getting rid of it.

    Either you want these people to be real and open about their lives, or you want a bunch of dancing monkeys, but sometimes it seems that these guys are going to get ripped apart whatever they do. Even their most commendable actions are subject to a sort of middle school mockery that would demoralize even the strongest of women.

    1. SafeTalk,
      Good points and I respect your view.

      Janelle's inital storyline was not snarked as much as it was supported.
      Even with the sham of that silly, forced scene of destroying the scale in the parking lot, it made sense that she was on her path. A path that should have been hers to walk sans the pressure and indignities of the cameras. However, have to believe that she had a choice about that, and she still does.

      At the end and the beginning of the day, Reality Shows (all of them) are mostly scripted & edited for the ratings which provide the money for all involved.
      They aren't NatGeo or PBS or Science. They are not public service media vehicles.
      They are for entertainment.

    2. OK, let me tell you something. When I was 48 years old, I weighed over 280 pounds. One day when I was walking home from work, a car full of high school boys honked their horn at me, then yelled SUUUU-EEEE! out the window.

      I was so shocked and embarrassed. I decided instead of leisurely walking to and from work, I would start walking with a purpose -- to lose weight! It wasn't even that I was walking far - only about 1.5 miles round trip, but I walked it with a vengeance. For a year, I walked everyday. Eventually I got down to less than 10 minutes to walk three quarters of a mile. Not bad for an asthmatic, overweight smoker! I went from a size 28 to a size 20. My weight got down to about 225.

      What demoralizes me, and my friends, is that here is a woman on a TV reality show who has episodes and videos and a TLC blog dedicated to her journey FOR WHAT?? Fifty pounds in two years and crying about wanting to eat Sunday dinner.

      It isn't middle school mockery at work here, that would be the kids yelling SUU-EEE out their car window.

      What is demoralizing for me is watching Janelle's non- journey. For me, it's all talk and no action. Just one excuse after another. It gets old. So if she is following her diet/exercise regimen and STILL not losing weight appropriate, then YES, she needs to seek the opinion of a medical doctor. Maybe she has undiagnosed metabolic problem. Maybe she's diabetic. SOMETHING IS WRONG, and for all those women who are like Janelle and not losing it would be a more effective message to take charge of their bodies and seek medical attention.

      And in my opinion, I see no difference between the Janelle from 2 years ago to today. Maybe she's wearing more makeup, but when you look at her without the makeup she looks the same as she did 2 years ago to me.

      I don't want to watch a bunch of dancing monkeys, but I don't want to be lead down the garden path that poor Janelle just can't lose weight, either. I literally walked my ass off everyday to lose weight. Janelle is making a mockery of all the women who struggle under even more desperate circumstances (ie no gym membership and personal trainer) BUT WERE STILL ABLE TO LOSE more than 50 pounds in 2 years time!

      If after all that walking I still didn't lose weight, you can bet your sweet bippy I would be in my doctor's office to FIND OUT WHY!!!

      I am not an apologist for Janelle! Let's agree to disagree and move on.

    3. I agree 100%! Janelle's trainer is a weird, sycophant anyway. "So what if you don't lose weight?" doesn't seem like something a good personal trainer would say. Maybe one at Planet Fitness as he stands next to the free pizza or tootsie rolls, I don't know. When I was overweight I went on a strict, no sugar, 1500 cal a day diet (no exercise) and lost 50 lbs in three months. I don't think it's that unusual; TLC has a show called My 600 lb Life and almost all of the people on that show lose 30-40 lbs in one month PRE-surgery by going on a liquid or very low-cal diet. I am glad she wants to lose weight but I'm not finding a lot of inspiration in Janellle since she hasn't. In YEARS.

    4. "sycophant" is perfect for trainer sean! that man loves the spotlight. i remember when he changed his twitter profile to a screen shot of him from a sisterwives promo. it wasn't a flattering shot of him at all, but it did have that tlc logo visible and that is really all that mattered.

      *just checked and it seems he has a new twitter profile picture, another unflattering one but of course you can see that logo!

    5. Safe Talk, I appreciate what you've said too. However, I agree with C.J. that there just hasn't been that much of a weight loss for 2 year's worth of story lines.

      My advice to Janelle would be Aerobics.

    6. I would recommend a book titled "Fat of the Land" by Michael Fumento. He pulls NO punches regarding this issue. basically - Calories count. They are ALL that count, as far as fat loss, really.

    7. The PR agent's Facebook page has a preview clip of Janelle's weight loss struggle. She reports to the trainer's gym early in the morning to express her frustration about not losing weight.

      I guess the cliffhangers are "Does Janelle then actually work out after this sit-down?" and "Why is she taking diet and nutrition advice from him?" and "Did she pay for that 'personal training' session?"

    8. When someone is as obese as Janelle, they can lose some significant weight quickly by doing the obvious--no soda, no fast food, no sugar (extreme reduction) eat lean proteins and vegetables and zap the carbs out of the diet, drink water water water, and exercise.

      The two huge red flags that scream "she isn't consistently doing jack" are 1. she is still morbidly obese and 2. comments like her whining about not being able to participate in family Sunday dinners. She isn't committed. Anyone who is committed to their health would simply cook some healthy food for the family dinners. It isn't hard at all to participate in dinners with others.. Her lack of commitment is evidenced in her body.

      I'd have a lot more respect for her and a lot less snark if she owned up to it and said "Ya, I haven't been eating properly nor exercising. I know I should, but I love my mock tapioca and mac and cheese. Until I give that stuff up, I'm going to stay this size."

    9. I had responded earlier, but I realize I have a real-life example to cite other than myself.
      My best friend is obese. She is my closest friend. We met 3 years ago, she was a participant in my strength training class.
      Let me tell you - she works out and she works out HARD. 5 spin classes a week (and she's taken my class, she doesn't just slack off, she WORKS). My strength training class. Zumba. She walks everywhere. EVERYWHERE.
      but she is still about 75 or so pounds overweight (I'm estimating here because I would never have her get on a scale, I love her regardless of her weight).

      Guess what. She knows why.
      It's because she doesn't watch her calories. She's certainly not sitting eating Peanut Butter Fritos and crap, she eats good food and is really picky about what she eats - Belgian chocolate, Kobe beef, the freshest produce, seafood, freshly baked bread...but a lot of it. and she KNOWS. She doesn't need me to tell her. She KNOWS.

      Again, exercise is 15-20% of weight loss. Calorie/portion control is 80-85%.

  12. 50 pounds in 2 years is 2 pounds a month. If she lost faster it would not stay off. Do we really want someone to lose more than 1/2 a pound a week? Over the long term? She has moved BMI lower. That is always good. If she lost most of that in the first year, then I think it's great she didn't gain it back.

    I think the musical was too much for the littles. Maddie probably had something else to do.

    Where is the baby news? How can her two sons and two daughters live plural marriage if she doesn't have four more girls?

    1. YES!!! We do want that. You can loose up to 8,8 pounds a month before it's concicered unhealthy. However, that is very strict and hard. And of course it matters a great deal what your current weight it, can loose that much if you're starting at 140.... ;)

      The minimum one should expect from someone WORKING on loosing weight is a pound a week. Seriously. I am currently on 1500 cal a day mealplan and I'm loosing 1,5 pounds a week, although with muscle gain weight doesn't tell the whole story. Important think is the inches and being down from a size 12 to a between a 10 and an 8. Even with Janelle's mucle gain it should be very visable after two years and it's not.

    2. That is burning or eating less a thousand calories per day. For a few weeks to average 2 pounds a week is fine but not over months.

    3. I was 265 in May 1990. by January 1991, I was 180.

      It's May 2014, and I've kept that weight off, plus lost more. My current weight is 149. I'm five pounds up from my ideal weight of 144 but it will come off soon, because I have a couple of century rides and I've started tracking my eating again via My Fitness Pal.

      Janelle has a lot of weight to lose still. a half pound or two pound a month loss is just basically water fluctuation. Of course her chins have reduced, because the first place almost everyone loses is in their face and neck, due to gravity.

    4. Anon 2:32 - at Janelles current size, an average 1.5/2.0 a week weight loss is perfectly healthy. If she was at 170-180 then I could see the average dropping to 1.0/1.5 a week.

      Blanket statements. The more you have to lose, the higher the average.

    5. her trainer has been telling her not to look at the weight on the scales..i thought that was wierd when he said it. of course you want to see progress on the scales. I think overall she is frustrated with that. she needs a new perspective, or a new husband

    6. Congratulations on your success.

      Fluctuation means back and forth. She didn't lose 50 pounds of water.

    7. You rock Dakota Justice! So happy to hear of your weight loss!!!! Keep up the good health!!

    8. Dakota Justice,

      And haven't you also become a trainer now too ??

    9. I'm a fitness instructor...I teach strength training and cycling and circuit.
      Personal trainers have a lot more studying and spend a LOT more time learning about the way the body works than I need to know or indeed even have time for since I do have a full time job. I teach because I love it!

      Anon 12:32 - I wasn't referring to the overall 50 pounds, I was referring to a monthly 1/2 pound - 1 pound loss/gain. that could VERY well be water.

      I think I've made it VERY VERY CLEAR, that I am NOT putting down Janelle by any means. I'm saying - what she's doing is obviously not working all that well, and it's the old saying - If you keep doing what you've been doing, you'll get what you always get.

  13. I just looked at the new TLC clip of Meri and Kody discussing her going back to school. Interesting. And, yes, Kody's hair is very straight. Kody is supporting Meri's decision but they also discuss Robyn's reaction---that it will be upsetting at first but that Robyn will, in the end, support Meri, least that is what Kody thinks will happen. Well, I guess we will see how this all plays out.

  14. I try very hard not to snark on the kids, because damn, it's bad enough that they are stuck with their parents...but I'm seriously becoming bothered and concerned about their weight.
    I was one if the heaviest kids in my school, and was always the chubbiest on my block growing up, and I was NO WHERE near as heavy as all of the girls (excluding Robin's daughters) seem to be.
    When I graduated high school 12 years ago, I was the 2nd heaviest girl there (about 70 lbs overweight), and I know that my weight and the weight of the 1st heaviest girl was completely because of depression.
    When I went to college and experienced life, I dropped 75lbs and have kept it off ever since.
    I think the nutrition in the homes is probably very poor, but the impact of seeing their mothers cry constantly must have an even greater toll.

    1. Little Terror, it is a family issue based on their diet and it is sad. I understand when they were dirt poor that Kraft mac n cheese was a cheap, filling option. However, now they have plenty of money. They need to change their ways before those girls are grossing out potential suitors with their mass consumption of gas station chili cheese nachos.

    2. I don't understand why they have let the kids get overweight either. Mariah is especially concerning because when the show started she was actually thin. Christine really needs to evaluate what she's feeding her kids because 3/6 are heavy. The next 3 girls will probably get heavier as they get older too. It looks like Mykelti and Aspyn are trying to lose weight and are succeeding, good for them.

  15. I also have a theory about Robin's weight and 'eating issues'. I remember in an episode early in her pregnancy, Kody or Robin was explaining how 'hard' it was for Robin to eat.
    When I heard that statement it reminded me of a coworker I had, my coworker was very very thin, and had lots of dietary issues and sensitivities. She swore up and down that all food made her sick and she had to force herself to eat.
    It got to the point that she almost miscarried her first pregnancy because she limited her calorie and food intake to the point that she LOST 5lbs. Her doctor intervened and li and behold, her food sensitivity was actually part of a deeper and more complicated ritual of control. She developed a control based eating disorder that was disguised as 'tummy troubles'.
    I cannot recall more than a handful of episodes where I have seen Robin or her girls this just me? Has anyone else noticed this?
    I'm really starting to wonder.

    1. The one episode I can remember off hand where Robyn was eating with her girls was where she was admonishing them for eating too much. "It's supposed to be a snacckk!"

      Robyn is a very nervous, insecure woman in a tenuous emotional situation. She constantly tries to get control whilst outwardly remaining sweet. That's a very tight rope she's walking. It wouldn't surprise me if she has stomach issues relating to anxiety. Or just a straight up eating disorder.

      It's not easy being a Brown. Especially when your only point of difference is being skinnier than the other wives.

    2. These women have very little power (they've relinquished it) and you can feel the undercurrent of competitive passive aggressiveness between them.
      Robyn would be crazed if Janelle or one of the other wives was smaller than her. Because let's face it, she doesn't have the most attractive facial features.
      And in controlling her daughters' eating, she's perpetuating that cycle.
      "The thinner is the winner". Indeed.

    3. I appreciate you sharing your opinions, here is mind: I have food sensitivities (anxiety makes it worse), I am very thin and when my kid is shoveling chips into his mouth I remind him that dinner is soon and the chips are a snack. I fully believe this is what Robyn was doing with her kids. I am constantly asked if I am sick and my sister in law likes to tell everyone that I eat like a rabbit and that I have an eating disorder. She has actually said that I feel if I am not thin I will be ugly, this is NOT the case at all. Some people are just intolerant to a certain foods, that is just the way it is! I have seen doctors and they were no help, this is just an issue that I have learned to deal with. There has been so much talk about Robyns weight and a possible eating disorder and now DJ saying "the thinner is the winner" I REALLY think you are all projecting.

      Now, when you are all discussing Robyn being a twitchy and bitchy, I AGREE! :)

    4. But in the episode where they go to the Chinese buffet to talk with that Reverend Danielle I remember someone (Kody or Robyn) saying that certain food smells made Robyn sick. Then Robyn said in her blog on TLC website that she didn't like to eat because food taste funny to her and that she has to force herself to eat and that she has low blood sugar. That sounds like she's got a problem. How can this discussion be projecting when Robyn actually said these things?

    5. That is a sign of a food intolerance, not of an eating disorder. What I was trying to say is that food sensitivities are a very real thing and I know all about it. It really hurts me when people assume that I have an eating disorder or that I am trying to get thin so I can be better then the other women in my life, although it is in no way comparable to the hurt that people who actually do suffer from eating disorders experience.

    6. My best friend has a chemical imbalance that effects her actions and ability to handle high stress situations, it is referred to as a disorder because it is a persistent and life altering issue.
      Avoiding food to the extent that your health is impaired, and to the detriment of your overall ability to function sounds like a disorder to me.
      Disorder does not automatically equate negative, it's just a diseas or symptom requiring treatment and care.
      I can (almost) sympathize, I'm 105lbs, and from time to time have heard comments about 'needing a burger' or 'eating like a bird'. Honestly it's no where near as invasive as the comments I heard as an overweight child and teen. Does it suck that people comment on appearance? Yes. Obviously.
      The reason I feel justified is that Robin has made her thinness and overall inability to stomach food (and or gain weight) one of her most notable attributes.
      And I do believe she she's her weight (healthy or not) as an attribute in their chubby clan.
      I can damn well guarantee my thinness has never been as much of a conversation topic as when I was heavier...probably because I don't look like walking death or talk about it incessantly.
      You can be heavy and healthy, you can be thin and healthy, but much like the discussions regarding Jannelle's weight, constantly commenting on your physique will bring commentary from others.
      It would be foolish to expect otherwise, and disingenuous if you use your weight as a plot device.

    7. **She sees her weight

    8. "Robin has made her thinness and overall inability to stomach food (and or gain weight) one of her most notable attributes"

      I honestly can barely tolerate Robyn personality wise, but I have a soft spot for her on this issue because I am a naturally thin women who married into a family of obese women. It is only natural for her to explain her food intolerance to the other women (and camera) for the simple reason that people will jump to conclusions if she doesn't. I don't think she has been over the top in her justification of food, but seriously, she is living around larger moms and kids who no doubt judge and comment on her weight, in addition to the fact that she is the new wife. Christine said "I would never want to be skinny like Robyn" ok, good to know. I highly doubt that was the only thing Christine has ever said about her weight, I think Christine has a real mean streak in her while Robyn has a perma-victim persona (they both suck i suppose). Robyn looks pale and run down and she has been upfront about the cause, admitting she struggles with anemia, and lets not forget she is living life as a plural wife which adds at least 3 years to every 1. It is not like she is bragging, "hey i can't eat a lot of foods and it keeps me so awesomely thin and gorgeous! whoo hoo! " I also realize that society is much more harsh when a woman is overweight as opposed to underweight.

      I hope I have not come across as rude, that is not my intention at all. Just giving my opinion as a woman who is constantly made fun of by my in-laws. Last week at a family cook out my sister in law yelled from the balcony, "don't play to close to the dogs, they love bones!" Everyone laughed and I still feel embarrassed about it. :(

    9. Robyn definitely has issues with food, whether she has legitimate food aversions or not I do not know. Just knowing that in some of the plyg families it is a huge deal for the women to be thin, I would not be surprised if it was ingrained into her as a child to stay thin. I have read that in Warren Jeff's group food was severely limited to both males and females because thinness was so valued. To be honest, if I was the one thin wife with 3 larger women, I would do my best to stay thin as well.

      As for Christine's comments, yeah honey, sure you wouldn't want to be thin if you had the choice. Keep telling yourself that Kody likes bigger women as he drools all over Robyn. To be fair, he also drools all over Janelle, I don't think he is that attracted to Christine. Christine is a mean girl and her comments about Robyn's weight are not acceptable.

    10. Didn't Kolleen, who appeared at the UNLV panel discussion, say something about Christine not being very nice? I can't remember exactly what it was, but I don't think that Christine is the happy go lucky, clappy handed, plyg princess she tries so hard to display.

    11. Christine didn't say she didn't want to be thin like Robyn; she said if she had to choose between having Robyn's issues of not being able to eat certain foods/enjoy eating and being thin, she'd rather enjoy eating. It was the episode when they went to the Chinese Buffet.

    12. OK - first off I did NOT see the scene where Robyn told her daughter it was just a snack.

      BUT. you have to remember here, that bottom line as much as they state they all love each other and so on and so forth...they are vying for Kody's attention as the Numero Uno Wife. Maybe not Janelle so much, but I think that Robyn enjoys her position as the New Toy. And the one BIG diff between her and the other wives???? the weight.
      You can't convince me that despite her saying that "Kody told me he prefers curvy girls" (said in a passive aggressive kissass voice) Robyn would go inwardly absolutely batshit if Janelle or Christine got to normal weight. And I think that "curvy girl" statement was a lie anyway. Damn, even the builder stated that Kody treated Robyn differently, like they were on their honeymoon and besotted by her. "You're too pretty to have to cook".

      Robyn wants to be the sexy wife. She doesn't want to usurp that position to Janelle or any of the other wives.

      As long as she's smaller, she's the winner of Kody's attention, Kody's affection.

      and that's why I said "the thinner is the winner".

    13. Anon 3:56

      If any of my in-laws made a comment like that my husband would give them hell (and probably a black eye). That is if I didn't get there first...
      May I recommend practicing with Janelle's punching bag? It's a lot harder to say bitchy things with a fat lip.

    14. I do not think either woman is presenting a healthy body image or sense of self worth to the public or their children. I won't say much more on this because I don't want to beat a dead twig... plyg...I mean horse faced woman. I mean whorse.
      (End of puns, I promise)
      Whether or not it is one statement or many, a lot of what the children will remember is what they see in these episodes.
      I never really thought about it until now, but when the very little children look back on their childhood, will they remember being in the houses for Christmas, the commitment ceremony, or the reruns they see on TV?
      If the Brown's do create or exacerbate these issues to keep viewers interested, what impact will that have on the younger generations?
      Especially the kids who don't remember Logan filling in and making up for Kody's failures, or Aspen worrying about their flagging health while mom shopped for flowers?
      If the whole purpose of this show is to shine light on the benefits of polygamy, shouldn't we see a benefit? Shouldn't every single thing these families do be for the kids, and not the viewers, or selfish adults?
      Imagine how terrible Logan, Aspen, or future college bound Brown kids will feel seeing Meri fight tooth and nail for a wetbar, and groan about their $7,500 tuition, or argue about dresses and flowers while their tiny kidneys fail.
      Jeez, I think I just depressed myself.

  16. Kody;s hair looks rediculas in that clip. Who flat irons a mans hair? Meri has gotten even bigger if thats possible. Her mouth has fat around it. Does he think he is Keith Urban?

    1. He totally looks like Keith Urban and Billy Ray Cyrus does his hair like that sometimes as well.

    2. If I were one of the wives I would cut that hideous hair in his sleep. He was actually good looking when he had short hair. He and Meri could pass as twins. It's creepy.

  17. On another topic...

    I may have missed some, but have there been any tweets or FB entries from Janelle or others about her real estate job? Is that still a reality?

    1. Janelle tweeted a while back that she was going to be at an open but I haven't seen anything recently. I suppose she found out how hard it is or maybe she had a lot of looky Lous who had no intentions of buying. Maybe Mona the Real Estate only wants her in the backoffice.

    2. Thx !
      Asking because If she was doing full time with results, it seems she would be wanting to tweet and announce that fact too.

      It seems that really none of the Browns are actually employed.
      All the better to be ever available for concerts, theatre and openings and photo-ops, I guess.

  18. Kody's hair is PIN STRAIGHT!!!! Like he flat ironed his entire head!!! Not one hair out of line..... and....
    His hair DOES NOT BOUNCE... When he moves his head, his hair stays straight... It also looks kind of greasy, wet look style... But probably just not washed for a week or so... Yuck!

    And Meri is such a bad actress LOL

    1. Just checked out the TLC clip of Kody's new look !!
      Yikes !!
      Together they now look like the yin and yang of Scrounge.
      Or the *before* picture of what a good shampoo and haircut can do.

      Who IS cutting their hair ?? And where ?? At a garden center with lawn shears??
      Kody especially does look more Neanderthal than ever like this. His eyes are receding under that forehead.
      Not sure if this look is flat-ironed. He obviously has ditched getting the highlights, and maybe body perms too.

      And yes, Meri is really pitiful when it comes to reciting her lines for these staged scenes. Seen better acting at pre-school plays !!!

  19. Does anyone know if the Brown family get paid for their red carpet appearances? I assume they are getting free tickets to these events, but are photo agencies paying for their pictures and are they getting a fee for simply showing up?

    1. On the PR agent's Facebook page, she says that she and the Browns were invited to the opening of Mamma Mia. She probably got comp-ed 10 seats, which is why not all the daughters attended. That's her personal photo. The Getty image (for purchase) is just of the wives.

      I'm sure that they're intentionally grouped by mothers, but the distance between the families and that each subset has its backs turned against the others reveal the real dynamics. Also, "Modest is Hottest" didn't survive a generation, and their fear of casinos seems only to have lasted in the Silverton Casino/Gilt episode.

  20. I can't watch if every word out of their mouths is NERVOUS..they all say it a lot..and ACTUALLY...learn some new words, please!

  21. LOL! Kody's hair reminds me of an old Seinfeld episode. Low pressure shower heads are installed throughout Jerry's building. As a result, Jerry, Kramer, and Newman are all sporting these greasy, flat hairdos like Kody's!!! HILARIOUS!

    1. Maybe Kody (or one of his lovahs) has decided this Keith Urban look hides his increasingly balding temples and sides better than his usual blow-dried, fluffy, dutch-boy gone haystack, highlighted usual hairdo..
      However, not only does this look dirty and stringy on him, it definitely ages him more.

    2. Sleep, n, you made me choke on my tea! That is exactly how Kodys hair looks, like Kramer!

  22. I see a lot of difference in Janelle, especially in her face and limbs. I see it in her mid section, too, but I expect she has a lot of excess skin given how big she was for so long, so probably will still always look bigger in the middle unless she had that removed. I give her a ton of credit for the changes she's made for her health.

  23. I don't want to talk about weight, ugly hair or a baby bump. I just have a problem with polygamy and what these women are teaching their daughters. This family is not happy and shame on TLC for making money on their misery. People are fools to think that this family is all that. They are nuts to think that Kody is a wonderful dad and husband. Only one idiot is his legal wife. The other 3 are just next door neighbor slumber buddies. They are laying on their lazy asses making money for living the polygamist lifestyle. I hope that this is their final season on tv. Nothing about them on tv is real. I have not watched the show for the last 2 seasons. I get the scoop from this blog. People are only watching this show for the train wreck. They have fans but it's the same group of idiot women all the time. They want to be groupie #5. I will not call them wives because they are not wives. I feel sorry for their kids. They are born into this mess. I don't care how the adults live their lives, but the kids are a different matter. I believe that women do have a choice. They need to run as fast as they can. I don't see anything good happening for them in the future. I support womens rights and I personally do not feel that these women like the situation that they are in. They are there for the money that TLC pays them. Without the TLC money, then they would be back on public assistance. I wonder how they file their taxes, how they pay for insurance, or if they have medical insurance or car insurance. I also wonder how they write their wills, how would thins be divided if Kody dies. This is what I thought they would answer. Not all polygamist families live like this. This show is not giving an accurate portrayal of polygamy life. The Browns are supposed to be the poster child for polygamy. They are the faces of polygamy. I want to see some other faces and not this made up drama. Please let this be the end of the Browns. Enough already. And no, I will not be watching this season.

    1. Wait, this is news to me! They have fans? Real actual fans? These people you speak of must be more delusional than the Browns! I didn't think there are people out there who actually think living this way is a good idea. Wife #5? Barf!!!

      Anyway, I completely agree with you. The REAL problem is not all the little stuff we fixate on here in CJ's living room, but the fact that the main goal of these people is to breed "like minded" people. I guess we like to focus on the nuances of the show to get our minds off of the reality that these people are sick in the head.

      I also do not acknowledge anyone but Meri as a real wife. To acknowledge the other women as wives is to give this wacky lifestyle my blessing - and I just WILL NOT indulge them.

  24. On the "going back to school" clip with Kody, Meri tearfully tells the camera that she had *just started* college back in Lehi and had gotten a job at an in-house treatment facility for at-risk youth.
    Okay..but if she was *just starting* classes she would in no way have been qualified for any kind of a counseling position in such a facility. Maybe she did clerical work or was similar to a teacher's aide.
    Or she was, as has been speculated, simply a part-time volunteer assigned to peripheral tasks.

    But her "martyr for the cause" story still is that she lost that job because of going public and being on TV, and how sad and devastated she was for being penalized like that because of her lifestyle.
    If it is true that she did lose the job at that time, then she should have expected that it would indeed happen when she chose to become a reality star and public figure !!

    A facility like that must enlist strict measures of confidentiality to protect the
    anonymity and privacy of their patients/ clients, as well as those of the staff.
    And she certainly had to know that!!

    Her poor me story was crafted BS for the show when she told that tale in the first season and later in the book, And obviously she is still willing to push that version.
    Just like when they fled to LV to avoid Kody being arrested....which by their own words later, was BS !! These people are so damn dishonest.

    1. Hey Amused, she didn't even say she lost the gig because she was on TV. She said it was because they went public and there was an investigation...
      oh please. THEY WERE ALREADY PUBLIC POLYGAMISTS on YOUTUBE. They lived in LEHI, which from what I've read is a hotbed of polygamist activity.

      I'm sure they could have cared less about her being a polygamist, but when the TV cameras started rolling, and they had kids/clients whose identities needed to be protected, and paparazzi around...what ELSE are they supposed to do???

    2. Yeah right.....*an investigation* of plygs living in "Utah," and in Lehi of all towns, a whole community where scads of plygs live.
      But lo and behold only *they* were targeted. BS !!

      As we all know, the real version of why they lost (and probably more like quit) their jobs is that TLC was willing to pay a family who would pimp themselves (and sadly, their kids too) for big bucks.
      They would add another wife and under the false pretense of persecution, relocate to Sin City/Vegas where the opportunities for bogus drama, bizarre storylines, big time photo-ops and perks would be unending.
      (for instance, where in Lehi Utah could cameras record the timid, innocent Brown Harem being traumatized by seeing half-clothed street performers while walking the down the Strip on their innocent girls night out)
      And......with LV suffering severely during the real estate slump, the rentals and subsequent McMansions were doable, and good for four seasons's worth of scripts.

      Yes indeed....THIS is the real story of the Browns and Kodyworld.
      Hard core Opportunists who just happen to be Plygs.

    3. You can work as a residential youth care worker at most treatment facilities without a bachelors degree. The pay is pretty lousy and the turn over is pretty high. And you are not supposed to share your private life with the residents so being on a reality show would be a huge no-no. Which is why she really lost her job. The two careers just don't mix well. And she probably was lousy at it. I cannot for a second picture her being good with kids in that kind of setting. She is in permanent victim mode herself and has always appeared to be devoid of empathy for other. It is extremely emotionally taxing to work with "at-risk" kids, particularly one who have to live in a residential facility. Meri has never shown herself to be very strong emotionally and most likely couldn't handle the heat anyway. Let's hope she applies what must be gen. ed credits towards a business degree or something.

    4. "Let's hope she applies what must be gen. ed credits towards a business degree or something."

      I still think Cynical Jinx's idea of Meri becoming a prison guard is spot on.
      She can be her moody, morose self with impunity.

  25. yes amused..that is my biggest problem is that when you watch previous shows and pay attention, they are very dishonest. Kody control every bit of their narrative to make them look persecuted and cry poor us. If their true story of religious (if they have one left) beliefs were aired or the wives true feelings, they would not have a show.

  26. there is a utube video of the browns on the billy bush show and robyn says they moved to vegas because kody loves vegas and wanted to move. What kody wants he gets. Those kids were tore up about it. the good part is the kids are thriving and going to college. they have become more mainstream and the kids will have a better chance of growing up without polygamy.

  27. Off topic, but if I lent Madam Jinx my dvr would she be willing to review Toddlers and Tiaras? There is so much awful in those episodes that has gone woefully unsnarked.
    Painful as it is to watch, T&T is a hotbed of bad hair and delusional middle aged women.
    I think we are missing out on a beautiful opportunity to feel really really bad about mankind.

    1. That show is still on TLC? I thought it would have been cancelled for letting Honey Boo Boo loose on the world!

    2. I think it was cancelled but the reruns will last forever.
      I also think HBB is on its last leg, but I've been saying that about the browns for 2 years now.

    3. I believe it was cancelled, but that's why I hold my DVR so dear.

  28. Thank you for this blog. I LOVE it and missed it so much. My only question is WHY would Mary even consider going back to school now when they have so many kids currently in college, so many entering college soon and no real way to pay for it?

    1. Knowing Meri, she probably will demand the other wives give her money from their budgets to help finance her college costs. Plus money for a live in maid!

    2. meri needs a story line....she is reaching back to her past so they can dredge up the "she was fired from a job she loved" because she is a polygamist for a story line. Plus Mariah is in college and she has no life without marhia

    3. I think there are several motivations for this move:
      1. TLC thinks it's a viable story line that they can milk. And milk.
      2. With Mariah out of wet bar proximity, Meri may be realizing that if she doesn't wind herself up with something consuming and VERY IMPORTANT, she will be on the sister wife firing line (i.e., built-in baby sitter for The Breeder).
      3. The Brown family doesn't make plans based on care for the financial future, so Meri doesn't give a rip about the cost of college for herself. It's good that UNLV is pretty darned cheap (in terms of getting a undergraduate degree) Regardless, there is a line of Brown kids in line; HER kid will be done with school before too long, though, know--no skin off Meri's orange nose..

  29. In the picture of all the wives and some of the girls turning sideways, Janelle looks like she could be expecting. I know she carries her weight in her belly but maybe that's why she is like not losing weight.

  30. They announced they were committing a crime on national tv. They maybe had more reason to worry but they left utah for their own imagined panic. In the 50's they separated families a few years. The only separation today would be prison. And there is visiting potential. So their fear of being separated was imagined from a past time.

  31. I think Janelle is pregnant.

  32. So, the videos or the sneak peaks: Well, I think the Meri and Robyn video just revealed a whole lot of what both are about. Robyn thought they were in this together...Meri was the one working as her partner. So that old saying of one for all and all for one doesn't stack well with sister wives? They don't have each other's backs; like we didn't know that already. It's one for one and all for none. Then Janelle's video, really? The work out guy is an idiot. That was some motivational think I want's no longer about her and about him and his commitment. Yep, she picked a real winner there. Then the sex talk. Kody has read enough of science to know that...WTF. He has about as much knowledge with science and reproduction as a two year old. Come on. And the boyfriend looked like he was about to crack up laughing. So, here are my dear nut job letters: Dear Robyn, did you really think any of the sister wives gave a flying fig? Dear Meri, you go girl. Dear Janelle, your trainer, like your husband, is a moron. If you are not losing weight and you cut down on calories and increase you exercise, maybe it's time to consider WLS. Dear Kody, don't talk.

    1. If you are not losing weight and you cut down on calories and increase you exercise, maybe it's time to consider WLS
      I don't think she'd be a successful candidate.
