
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Off Topic Thursday: Remembering HBO's Big Love and Other Polygamy Odds and Ends for May 29th 2014

Guess what? HBO is replaying Big Love on their HBO Signature channel! I don't know if all five seasons will be replayed but, so far, they are showing an episode almost every night. Tonight will be Episode 6, Roberta's Funeral. What makes this so sweet is, if you have Amazon Prime, all 5 seasons of Big Love are FREE! If you subscribe to HBO, you can also watch online at HBOGo.

It's been years since I watched Big Love. Although the show deteriorated drastically into telenovela land after season 2, it's still interesting to watch, if not to marvel at the ensemble acting of the main characters.

So I got to thinking; Which were my favorite scenes from Season One?


From episode one, it has got to be the opening title with the Beach Boys singing God Only Knows. I think the shot where the ice starts to break and the wives are separated from Bill was perfect to illustrate that no matter how much they claimed they were one family, each wife was headed into a different direction away from Bill.


I also liked the ending of the title scene, where Bill and his Wives are together on their own celestial "world".

Also from episode 1, this little confrontation between second wife Nicki Grant and first wife Barb showed the competition that existed between the wives, right down to who got to sit next to Bill in his car:

Wife #2 Nicki opens the door and is about to get into the car when...
Wife #1 Barb deftly slips into the car seat while Nicki talks to Bill

Nicki's face shows her displeasure while hubby Bill is clueless what just happened.

Luckily, even though the storylines went further and further into the ridiculously unbelievable (like Bill's mother slicing off the arm of a rival polygamist prophet with just a large serrated bread knife?!?), these small acting nuances were allowed to continue throughout the entire run of the series.


Here's an example of Jeanne Tripplehorn's character Barb expressing her disgust, shock, and horror of having a child bride of the Prophet telling a youthful bodyguard that Barb's uterine cancer and subsequent inability to bear children was a direct result of heavenly displeasure.

If you watched Big Love, what were some of your favorite scenes?

And here's something for you to think about...Kody and his Kodettes© at times seem to be following a Big Love game plan with their reality show. For example, moving out of the big house of Lehi into 4 separate houses that share one back yard. (Please note, the Henricksons did not live in McMansions in a gated cul-de-sac but they did share one huge backyard).


Do you know which one of Kody's Kodettes© also owns this lovely lamp?

All righty, let's get back to real life.

Well, real life according to Twitter and Facebook and reality TV's version, that is.

I suppose Kody and his Kodettes© have decided to save up their collective twitter energy for the impending premiere of their new season in about 9 days...

Meri is using this downtime before the new season to educate her twitter fans exactly when Robyn first appeared on the show...

Well, at least Meri appeared to be nice about it...kind of...I guess.

Maddie has started tweeting using the hashtag polygamyproblems. Unfortunately, she tweeted this picture using #polyganyproblems, but it's a cute pic of Truely putting the heebie jeebies on someone...

Here's a small sampling of her other #polygamyproblems tweets. Just file these under "In jest, there is truth"...

Somehow I missed this Mother's Day tweet from Brady and Wives...

Call me cynical (Ms Jinx if you're nasty) but those are some real Stepford Wives looking faces in that picture. Maybe that's their hungry look. And how many bottles of wine are on that table?

This is the newest posting on their Facebook page. Looks like Brady's got kids graduating, too.

I wonder if Kody will be tweeting graduation pictures of Maddie and Mykelti?

And what are your thoughts about True Tori, The Real Housewives of OC and NYC, I wanna Marry Harry, Masterchef  and/or any other reality TV show you watched this week?


  1. I love Big Love!

    1. Big Love was my very favorite show ever! Once scene that sticks out for me was when Bill and Margene were having such loud sex in the AM, and Nikki made some sarcastic comment....It just made me laugh.
      I also love how they ended the show...showing that even without Bill, the wives are still a family, even though they have their own lives.
      I really miss that show!

    2. I love Big Love too! I really miss that show. There are too many great episodes and scenes to pick a favorite. One that sticks out to me is when the family is serving breakfast in the back yard while Bill and Margene are having loud sex....Nikki made some sarcastic comment that cracked me up.
      I also loved the finale that showed even without Bill, the women are still a family and supporting each other in their new lives.

  2. I loved "Big Love" too!!!

    Hey Meri, guess it only takes one episode to see a family fall apart...I guess if I was that tweeter, I would have told her "I loved your family in the first episode up until that last few minutes of it...then it all went to hell".

    I love Maddie...she is a true spirit! #polygamyproblems

    Those Williams ladies loooooooook miserable! BAM So they are still in their homes in Utah it looks like. Hmmmm, why did I think they moved? Or do they have to wait for a new season filming to continue with their life. I thought they were being shunned by their community. I guess not that bad.

    1. I think that a big part of the public's dislike of Robyn is that everyone sees how happy the family seems in their house in Lehi in the first episode. Then enter Robyn, dun dun dun....and watch things go downhill. Watching Kody make out with Robyn while Christine was giving birth was stomach churning, imagine how the other wives felt?

      My point is, you could see the family fall apart starting with episode 1 and it only goes on from there. My personal favorite was when Christine walked off the set when she found out that Kody picked out Robyn's wedding dress.

      Does anyone think Meri is just covering her butt in pretending to like Robyn still? Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't Meri and Robyn unfollow each other on Twitter not too long ago?

    2. Does anyone think Meri is just covering her butt in pretending to like Robyn still?
      Oh yes, big time (no pun intended).

      It's really obvious they are not the same "sister wives" from the early days of Las Vegas. It seems that Meri has a group of friends outside of polygamy that she hangs the friend she went shopping with last season.

      Robyn, on the other hand, doesn't appear to have many friends in Vegas. The friends she does have, she calls them "business investors" like her old friend known as jyd in my living room.

      You know, on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, ex-housewife Camille Grammer used to call her help (you know, the nannies, housekeeper, hairdresser, makeup artist etc) her "friends" on the show. They were the help for goodness sakes. At least Sonia Morgan on NYC calls them interns. Anyway, it seems to me Robyn is doing the same thing, except she's calling them business associates or investors (I'm too tired to replay the SF tape to verify what she said). So does Robyn have any friends in Vegas that aren't business or family related?

    3. Oh yes....I think the Meri/ Sobbin conflict is as real as it gets..
      Or as real as this show can ever get.
      Meri is spinning her wheels, dealing with middle-age spread and acute identity fatigue. She is in a no man's land of self-esteem and direction. Sobbin and her storylines (newest,youngest, thinnest booty call, King Sol, lend-a uterus, purrrity tell-all, joolry biz)...have all but eclipsed Meri's status.

      The only move Meri has left is to play Sobbin like a cat sadistically plays with a mouse. And she probably is enjoying the opportunity to watch Sobbin squirm.
      Can't really blame her......but only for about 5 seconds.

      Meri and the rest of them chose the life, chose to do the show...
      Some beds are a real bitch to sleep in.....after they are made !!!

    4. In the episode the family goes to the ranch after Wynn and Curtis died, Kody is saying Janelles mom Cheryl, only had 20 years with "the love of her life" and he knew what it was like to find the "love of your life" later in life. That had to hurt christine and the other wives. I think it was an honest statement from Kody, as honest as he is capable of. The looks Meri gives Robyn in the last tell all were very telling, and meris back was to them all until they sar down.

    5. Meri talks a good game, but Robyn was living hours away for at least the first few shows.

    6. Amused, I just wanted to let you know that your remark about Janelle's "recommitment" dress looking like "Chairy" from Pee Wee Herman totally cracked my shit up.

    7. Glad you liked to it, DJ. :-))

      All the dresses were a fright.
      Sobbin looked like she was decked out for a post funeral cocktail party.
      Christine was a forgettable relative of Maid Marian from Robin Hood.
      Meri looked like a bloated leftover from Mardi Gras.
      But Janelle's dress was the standout !!

  3. I've heard the new promo for Sisterwives a few times today and what Christine said really hit me. In the first scene she says "Each day I get up I have to decide if Im gong to be a good sister wife or a bad sisterwife." It really struck me as so sad. In other words if I keep sweet and hide my jealousy and smile at the other women that sleep with my husband and who hear I love You from him everyday then im a good wife. If I act jealous or sad then Im going to be a bad wife. This is exactly what her Aunt has described in some of her interviews. Wow. Also, I loved watching Big Love even though it got silly as CJ referred to. We see so much of that show in all the reality shows on polygamy out now.

    1. I think Christine has to decide if she is going to be a bitch and cranky to Kody. He never resolved the issues she had with Kody taking another wife. She said she was shocked Kody felt he had to marry again. Kody took for granted that his wives would be ok with him courting and marrying Robyn. I think Kody blew off Christines concerns and broken heart and she has never accepted Robyn because Kody never took the time and concern to hear her out. Kody always gets what he wants. It was like being married for 16 years and having an affair and marrying under the guise of religion. Christine feels like she lost her best friend and her marriage. Can't blame her for feeling bitter,

    2. I'm tired of listening to her whining and unhappiness. It's frustrating. She signed up for this when she became a plural wife. She has the option to leave and that's what she should do if she's unhappy. She could have her own spinoff show.

    3. Maybe she should start waking up each day thinking about whether or not she wants to get a job.

    4. or take care of her own house, or watch her own kids, or things that are not hard. Christine says, that's too much work..A LOT

  4. Big Love was initially a very good show.
    I agree, CJ, once it became nothing more than an evening soap opera, it lost a lot. But I still watched because by then I was hooked on the actors doing a great job with what had become ridiculous plots. Bill' mother was my all time favorite. She was *hysterical* and was played by a brilliant actress.
    One of my many, many favorite plots was when Margene attempted to sell her wares on the Internet (shades of MSWC !?) and then as a shopping network star.

    After the show finally ended, I was intrigued enough to give Sister Wives a look, thinking that now I would see the "real" deal about "real" Plyg life instead of the Hollywood creation.
    Ha !! Big surprise to quickly find SW to be just as scripted and empty of reality as Big Love was.
    In fact, Big Love had more relevant details and *for sure* had better acting, better groomed wives, and a harem master who worked...yes, worked !!

    Three and 1/2 years ago, I wasn't sure if I was out there alone seeing SW for what it was, which was so obviously phony and 2nd rate. That's when I googled "SW viewer opinions" and found the original blog on the subject. Clicked on that and instantly found that there were many others who were seeing what I was. Snarking was in full bloom !!!

    Thanks, Cynical Jinx, for continuing the party in your Living Room !!

    1. It's my pleasure, Amused! The In & Out truck will be here in five minutes!

    2. That's the reason I watched SW to begin with, because I was a BL fan. Of course that's why TLC or F8F or PuddleMonkey started the show to begin with, to piggyback off the millions spent by HBO in promoting their drama. Remember TLC initially promoted it as "the real Big Love"?

  5. I had a chance to watch another TLC show I DVR'd and there was a Sister Wives Promo. It showed a few seconds of the Meri/Robyn conversation where Meri is telling Robyn she is going back to school. What was most interesting to me was that the angle of the camera was several feet back from Robyn so you saw her full body when seated. Wow. She really looks pregnant or like she gained significant weight. I know it was filmed awhile ago and she doesn't appear pregnant in recent pics, but it really struck me. Even with the extra weight she's kept on since Solomon's birth, she was still fairly slim. From this angle, it looked like there was a real change. Anyone else see the preview and notice this…?

    1. Robyn looks like she has gained weight in twitter pics and promos..her face is round like when she is pregnant...Kody likes curvy women...soo..maybe she is eating at Christines house..or in the promos she is loading up her freezer with frozen processed food..she dosn't cook. I think they eat out a lot and fast food.

    2. Robyn has gained weight since having Sol. What really surprises me is how much she and Christine have aged since the show started. What is going on?

    3. It's called being middle age.

    4. "It's called being middle age."

      Exactly !!!

    5. remember when Robyn said "Iv'e heard it's harder having babies when your older" to Christine?

    6. I remember when Robyn made her passive aggressive comment about Christine being an older mom. Now who will be the older one having kids? The recent pics of Robyn don't make her look pregnant, just heavier. I wonder if she will be having any more babies, not that the family needs anymore?

  6. I did see the first half of the new reality show "Little Women of LA" which features six female dwarfs. .Out of curiosity, I watched expecting it to be just another show cashing in on and extending the current themes of Little People and the "Housewives of" concept.

    What was surprising was that after initially being focused on the different types of dwarfism each woman in the group has individually, my attention was drawn to their personalities which are quite diverse and interesting. They are outspoken and quite funny.

    Hoping not to sound patronizing because that is not my intention.....
    They ceased to be "Little People" very quickly in my mind's eye and easily became a group of female friends who struggle with the myriad of life stuff that any woman does. Divorce, motherhood, relationship problems and the usual diversity of ideas, hangups and styles within any group, especially females.
    Definitely intend to go back and watch the second half.

    1. I haven't seen that show but I'm totally in love with "The Little Couple". I saw their show this week which was a question and answer format and they seem to be so much in love and happy with their two children. I've been following their show for awhile. Bill seems to be a great dad and husband and Jennifer is such an accomplished woman. Besides, her clothes are fabulous. She must have them all tailored to fit her and she always looks great! Anyone else watch "The Little Couple"?

    2. Anon, I follow them too and saw the Q&A with the "Little Couple", Jen and Bill.

      They both continue to show unflappable respect and love for each other always with dignity, intelligence, humor and credibility.. Have to say that their show may be one of the only truly *authentic* reality shows out there.

      There is just no BS, no pandering to the camera and phony scripts. They said from the beginning that they did the show to help to educate the public about Little People. They wanted to elevate the image and acceptance of people with their condition.
      They also wanted to share the real challenges of surrogacy, adoption and all that entails. Then when cancer struck her last year, Jen even agreed to allow that struggle and grim journey of treatment to be filmed as a sharing experience for others going through cancer Dx and treatment.
      I have up most respect for these two people !!!

    3. Okay I did watch the other half of "Little Women of LA"......
      Unfortunately this show has the potential to be another show of scripted phony scenes with over the top (or under the top) acting and implausible scenarios.
      It definitely is going for the ick and shock factor.

      What is *good* about it is that these women do come off more as a somewhat tacky group in the genre of sniping, manipulating females, as opposed to being just dwarfs on display.
      I guess that is an improvement........???

  7. My favorite scenes in big love.. I liked the scene where marge barged in on Nikki and Bill, he was home in the middle of the day so they could make a baby. None of then batted an eye. And then the whole conversation about fixing a disposal and why must Nikki always fix everything. Course the whole family debacle at the store didn't make sense. Why wouldn't they all have a card? Easy enough to hide.

    Then the scene where barb put bill his place about Nikki's debt and her knowing about it.

    I also liked Lois with Sara talking about her aunt Margaret, not really saying what happened other than she died. They tried bringing it up again, it just never got properly explained.

    Then the scene where marge pulled Wanda from the pool then it was outed Nikki was married to JJ, that she was married before Bill at all.

    And the ED scene where the women discover and confront him since he is taking the little blue pill and barb says you didn't need it when it was just us. And you signed up for this.

    1. Course the whole family debacle at the store didn't make sense. Why wouldn't they all have a card?

      I think that was the writers showing how women in plural marriage had to hide the fact they were "spiritually" married instead of legally married to their husband. Barb was the public wife (at least in the beginning) so she had the joint credit cards, and accompanied Bill to formal functions. That changed somewhat towards the end of the series (especially once they bought into the casino). Towards the end of the series, the discovery that Bill and his best friend had placed all their sisterwives on the employee insurance plan, led to the eventual demise of HomePlus when Bill outed his friend as a plyg, then later outed himself when he won the senate seat.

      Off the top of my head, the reason Lois' daughter committed suicide was because she had been placed in marriage with an older man (I think it was Hollis Greene whose first wife was Roman's cross dressing sister). Lois begged Frank to talk to Roman but he refused to do anything. The daughter committed suicide before the marriage ceremony could be carried out. I believe Lois mentioned how Frank had always loved her long hair, so she cut it off to spite him.

      JJ was the most creepiest character ever, but I absolutely adore the actor who portrayed him, Zeljko Ivanek. He was all over TV at that time (that sci-fi series on NBC, True Blood (also on HBO),and a couple of movies, too.

    2. Yet two of the mans extra wives lived next door to Bill? So many knew outside the family and he managed to become an elected official? None in the green clan killed anyone in the family? Cindy and hubby were supporting them, strict LDS and after their daughter was kidnapped by a hostile polygamist clan? Why couldn't they shoot Loid frank and the lot and still get Horace to a hospital? Marge was underage at the time of marriage but the mother of the year debacle didn't reveal that? How the heck did barb get into the temple if her sister and mom also were there, should could not use Cindy's card if Cindy was there. Of course they have the devout LDS family man kill the man. Just a tad angry at the LDS church, you think? Nikki making it until her mid twenties to be married for the first time, what were they thinking? Roman is the prophet, why would Nikki have to leave her daughter behind with JJ? How could Caroline not be part of their genetic plan, the reason Wanda lost so many children. Was Joey Jr even Joey's, or Wanda's. It seemed that carolines eggs were put in Adelaide. Ick. How was Bill involved with the managing of the funds after Romans death? It took them like 5 years to realize Nikki wasn't getting pregnant? Marge had three kids in that time. Heather married Ben and embraced the new new church of barb? Honestly. And how did the church act on a private discussion with a church leader about someone other than her maybe being abused 7 years before? That made no sense. And how did Marilynn hide the anna and the baby affair story just before the election and why couldn't it been aired that morning? Why didn't bill give Carl a job with scores of employees leaving home plus and his being out of work. And how did they suddenly lose a casino, not that it made sense they were involved in a casino. The casino that continued to give Don checks after the was let lose from home plus. But somehow none were involved.

    3. Hi Anon 12:17. I believe your "questions" were meant to be rhetorical, but, as an avid fan of Big Love I simply can't resist clarifying some of the points you've raised.

      Most of the questions you raised were part of the telenovela plotting the writers turned to after losing their main writer. It was actress Chloe Sevigny (Nicolette Grant) who publicly described the new plotlines as being telenovela-like. Supposedly, she was punished by having her character rewritten to just plain devious and crazy - born bad to the bone so to speak.

      Nikki making it until her mid twenties to be married for the first time, what were they thinking?
      There was always a backstory on Nicki that she was "damaged goods" and Roman coerced Bill to marry her in exchange for money to open the first HomePlus store. When Bill was able to open the second store, Roman called in his note. That formed the basis for the conflict between Roman and Bill. Bill simply did not want to pay up.

      Later, the reason for her being damaged goods was added back as a storyline: Her father had placed her in the "Joy Book" and she was married off as a "child bride" to much older and creepier JJ who was the leader of the Kansas compound. This group was similar to what was happening in real life with the FLDS YFZ ranch in Texas. The Kansas compound had been raided by government authorities and JJ was on the run for "atrocities" that were committed there (suspected incestuous marriages).

      Yet two of the mans extra wives lived next door to Bill? This was explained in the first season. Barb told Carl's wife (and Margene's new friend) that they owned the house Margene lived in (she was renting) and they took Nicki under their wing because she was without a husband.

      Marge was underage at the time of marriage but the mother of the year debacle didn't reveal that? Marge was not nominated as mother of the was Barb. And Marge did not attend the ceremonies because of a snafu with the tickets. (Margene and Nicki went out to eat at a Mexican restaurant instead). Marge apparently was underaged when she married Bill and that led to his downfall in the final season. Margene's mother had died and there was no way to verify Margene had her mother's permission to "marry" Bill.

      Of course they have the devout LDS family man kill the man. Carl figured from the first episode of season 1 when he introduced himself to Bill. Many times he was the dark figure watching Bill across the street on his porch. Yes he was devout, but he later lost his job, became a drunk and lost his temple recommend. He was also in the process of losing his home and had tried to commit suicide. He was a failure. He resented Bill for being successful while he was not. So out of frustration, he killed Bill.

      How could Caroline not be part of their genetic plan I think she was because it was part of the storyline that JJ and Wanda's family believed in the Pure Seed Doctrine and were incestuous. That accounted for JJs lack of fingernails and JJ's mother calling Adelaide (who was now married to JJ and pregnant with an implant of Cara Lynn's egg fertilized with her father's sperm) a "mongrel" at dinner. I think the spookiest scene was when JJ hissed that "there is no incest when there is no intercourse". This was actually taken from real-life when Ross LeBaron clan was accused by his sons of practicing the Pure Seed Doctrine with his own daughters.

      You know, even though the show did get ridiculous towards the end, the audience loved it. I would say about 75% of the storylines were taken from the news: Warren Jeffs, FLDS, Pure Seed Doctrine, polygamy abuses, independent polygamists (the Church Of Dad as daughter Sarah called it) so it did a lot to raise public awareness.

      But it was just a television show, and sometimes you just got to suspend disbelief in order to enjoy watching it every week.

    4. OOPS, that should be Adaleen not Adelaide.

    5. I know Pam got a story as to who was living on the block. Pam knew Nikki was a polygamist from the moment the missionaries figured it out. Yes I am sorry I meant barb and mother of the year. In the office with the attorney and someone from the government after the outing of barb the guy said as long as you don't commit welfare fraud and keep you hands off underage girls there will be no charges. They didn't try to figure out who barb was engaged in polygamy with? The investigation into the health care at home plus would have turned up the names of marge and Nikki. Not the legal wives of bill. And marge worked there briefly before babysitting and he told her mother she was covered under cobra. Ridiculous expensive, just get her a private policy.. But anyway wouldn't it seem odd that two questionable names in the Don outing happen to live next to his business partner/boss? Second reason to out them with an official inquiry. Pam and Carl were the other outcasts on block since they had no kids. When did he try to kill himself. Why would he lose a recommend for not paying a tithing while unemployed. Ten percent of nothing is nothing. If anything the church would help with the bishops warehouse and such.

      Marge's mom couldn't give permission to marry a married man.

      Big Love was written to get people thinking about alternate definitions of marriage. At least according to the making of. It was less a problem to use polygamy as the method. A certain proposition in California enraged the creators/producers and they got nasty toward LDS toward the end. At first they were very clear this wasn't what LDS do. Then they starting showing scenes in the temple.

      Carl should not have been the most dangerous man to Bill. He should have been dead from being Romanlike seasons earlier.

      I'm sure Nikki was tied to the loan. That way roman would have polygamy over bills head if he decided to stop the loan. Speaking of which how is bill stealing a guitar able to give him leverage and a document preventing frank the gang from being thrown off the compound? Just get the law on him. I never liked bill. I liked the wives and heather. Why should Bill rewrite the contract for the money he was loaned? He was pretty much worse than Roman from the beginning.

      But I loved it.

      What happened to Joey? I really wish they had closed off some more of the never ending list of story lines every other episode.

      Another touching but weird moment was when frank killed Lois. Wouldn't that weird Emma Smith vision been even more weird if he had seen his mom in it. The death was pretty much right then.

    6. Anon that's one of the things that pissed me off. The first ep of S2, after Barb lost mother of the year. Bill is in the attorney's office and they tell him as long as he doesn't date underage girls or commit welfare fraud then law enforcement doesn't care how many wives he has. And Bill gets PISSED OFF! It's like he wants to be secretive and a criminal on the wrong side of the law! I mean really - he was at school events, soccer games with Nicki and her kids being the dad. How could people not know. And clearly outside the LDS community they didn't give a shit.

      Margenes age. I don't think that was planned. I think they threw it in the last season, to tie a loose end and create drama. One of the arguments on TWOP was how old is Margene? The character bio said 21, and in the ep featuring Ben's 16th birthday she said she was only 5 years older than Ben. But then in other eps she said 23. The "diary" on HBOs site indicated she was working at home plus for about a year or so before they got "married". Now how did she give her info including SSN without disclosing her age?? Hmmm.

    7. Anon 11:22 - Marge didn't need permission from her mom. They were not legally married, just cohabitating.

      The LDS overstepped their bounds with their Prop 8 shenanigans. Yay that the courts did the right thing and got that overturned. Some of the most devoted loving couples I know are same sex couples.

    8. But I loved it.

      And so did I. I think that even the horrible last 2 seasons did not deter a lot of viewers from watching up to the very end. I remember my BFF asking what happened on the finale, and I had to tell her "They killed Bill!!!"

      The creators Olsen and Scheffer really lost grasp of what the audiences wanted, especially after Dustin Lance Black (the original head writer, ex-LDS and gay) left in 2009. HBO became enraged and demanded a complete season rewrite that caused an almost 1 year hiatus. The final product was so bad that HBO announced the show had completed its story arch ahead of schedule and that season 5 would be the last. They then shortened the season which caused a lot of story lines to be dropped (like Joey and Wanda) or finished up with a sentence or two of dialogue (Margene and cults for example). If you didn't pay close attention, you lost a lot of what was being said.

      I can't remember exactly which episode this was, but there was a scene where Bill was running after his brother Joey. Maybe it was the episode when Kathy Marquart was killed before she could become Joey's 2nd wife. Anyway, Bill ran into a barn and fell into a hole. As he stared upward, he saw the stars and they appeared to be coming down towards him. I thought Bill would die, as he probably had a concussion and nobody would know he was in the barn until too late.

      That last season, I kept hoping that Bill would wake up in the barn and realize seasons 4 and 5 had all been a bad dream. He would see how he needed to change his ways and stop being such a patriarchal a&&hole. Nicki Grant would run off with Ray and get married. Margene would become a millionaire selling her jewelry on TV. And Bill and Barb could finally be back together as an exclusive couple with Bill as the new prophet of Juniper Creek. I think it could have worked - it worked for Dallas didn't it?

    9. CJ, I really felt for Alby after his tragic love affair, even though he was even more of a shit afterward. I know what it feels like to be emotionally involved with someone and have that chemistry - which they soooooo had - and have that snatched away. I was kinda-sorta hoping that Alby and his love (the character's name escapes me at the moment) would run away from Short Creek and Utah and settle down here in the Bay Area. Trust me, they'd be welcomed with open arms. Big time. I really hated that ending.

    10. Yes I was hoping bill would wake up to a new reality after the barn incident too.

      Why can't the LDS or any other org have an opinion on a referendum? Non profits were for and against prop 8. In and out of the state of California. You really don't think people from other states were not involved on the other side? And they had every right to participate in the process. If the election hadn't gone the way it did, and it were thanks to people from outside lending support in the other direction, that would have been fine because of the outcome, right?

      While I appreciate the relationship I didn't want either man to leave his family so they could be together. I'd rather they hadn't married people they didn't love in the first place. The suicide was awful.

      What was originally meant to make polygamy accepted (and in turn think again about same sex unions) turned into a display for why polygamy shouldn't be. They couldn't help themselves with all the possible plot excitement. I think the confusion over Margie's age was lazy writing. Like another writer took over and didn't pay attention to the established set of facts.

      Marge told the press that they were being persecuted because they wanted to be treated like any other couple and that they had her moms permission. You see a married 16 year old would not see the husband charged with a sex crime. A 16 year old can't consent to a man more than 7 years older in Utah. But she can consent to her husband, if her parents agree to the marriage and the act takes place after marriage. This is not about cohabitation. It's about sex abuse and age of consent.

      And then barb and bill divorced, yet somehow barb didn't get a settlement and they somehow arranged for Nikki not to have financial benefit or control, all so Bill could adopt Carolyn? Yet JJ isn't found to be dead. Even bringing that up puts them in danger since they know and that not telling they know makes them accomplices. Then at the end Barb is named as guardian in case anything happens to Nikki. Telling us loud and clear bill won't be around. That was lazy plot development and didn't make sense logically. And then why did bill have so much pull with immigration and the whole anna thing and the power to unmarry marge to Anna's boyfriend? Gosh was he attractive. And a good man. Complete opposite of Bill.

    11. Anon 1:02 - obviously you either don't live here in California, or you need to do some research. The LDS was VERY active in putting the prop on the ballot to begin with, after San Francisco allowed same-sex marriages. I live in the Bay Area. I saw the scaremongers' ads. I know many, many ethical and loving couples including one of the plaintiffs in the SC case who got that unfair prop overturned, who were adversely affected by not only the passing of the proposition, but by the dirty campaign itself, which the LDS funded to the time of $20 million.

      As for leaving their families to be together - that's life, it happens all the time. Alby in that short time during the show became a better, more loving person, instead of the evil man hooked on vengeance and power. Just because he and his lover leave doesn't mean they can't stay devoted to their children. I'm guessing part of the reason they were married was due to obligation and also because they were raised to believe that being gay was evil and wrong and unnatural. Remember the lover was going to a support group trying to "cure" himself. Alby of course married because it was expected of him by his dad Roman, and he wanted to take the reins of power from his dad someday. And I'm sure both were very young at the time they did get married.

      The query was brought up earlier how Bill could barter/blackmail Roman just by taking his guitar away? That's easy enough to answer. Roman always had his guitar, it was precious and special to him, it meant so much to him, and Bill knew that. I'm sure most of us has at least one personal item that we treasure and would be devastated to lose. A wedding ring, a photo album, an autographed ball from a game attended with a loved one, for example...for Roman that guitar was his talisman. I was married to a musician for 18 years and I know how attached they can become with a favorite instrument that just feels right to them.

      Whew, didn't mean to make this an essay!

    12. You can't enter someone's steal something and then blackmail them. It's a valuable piece likely insured with several witnesses to the break in, theft and the man has his own police force.

      LDS sure did. As did a lot of churches. And other other orgs. And a lot of org pay money and work hard to see the ballots pass in every single state as well. You are criticizing their position which is fine. I am criticizing people restricting the right to have the position. You can not have it both ways. Either people and groups can support and people and groups can be against a ballot measure. A Catholic Church was vandalized after as well because of it's work as well. LDS were just easy targets. One church with 6 million members in the US can't influence that many people all on it's own, especially in CA where a number of people would be supporting of same sex marriage.

    13. You can't enter someone's steal something and then blackmail them.
      You can if it is a fictional TV show. It's called Artistic or Dramatic License. Without it, a drama is just the evening news and boring.

    14. One more thing about Prop 8. Supposedly, we have separation of church and state. The LDS, as well as the other religious organizations who were involved in getting the prop on the ballot to begin with, were stepping over that boundary IMO. California is a simple majority state. All they needed to do was get that 1 or 2 percent extra to vote Yes, and they did it by scaremongering and focusing mostly on rural areas of the state who are anti-gay to scare them into believing that the same-sex proponents were going to steal their children and "turn them gay".

      Marriage is a civil matter. If the LDS doesn't want to marry same sex couples in their temples, that's their prerogative. They are a religious organization and as such have absolutely no right whatsoever to dictate to laws of the state of California or the rest of the country, although they do so in Utah, their home state. How dare they try and prevent people who are not part of their religion from exercising their basic rights.

    15. back to the guitar. It just looked like a regular old guitar to my eyes. It doesn't have to have intrinsic value, but it definitely had sentimental/personal value to Roman. Just like if you had a photo or portrait of a loved one who had passed on. It is only worth something to you, not to a pawn shop or anyone else, but if you lost it, you'd be devastated.

      I also highly doubt that any insurance company/carrier would carry them. And let's just say they had homeowners insurance. Roman would only get replacement cost, how much it would cost to replace the guitar for like kind and quality, less the deductible. Unless of course he had a floater on it, which means he would need to get an appraisal from a professional/licensed appraiser who had experience in valuation of musical instruments.

    16. It was a relic from the migration of the saints to the west. It was a big deal. Remember when the media was interviewing ably and roman in front of the mural. The guitar was featured. It was used at the party for Wayne. If roman had a police force able to search for Rhonda in Sandy than an arrest easily could have been made for Bill breaking in and terrifying all the wives who all saw him take it.

      Without churches the south would still be segregated. There were churches with predominately homosexual members in favor of marriage being extended. And certainly they acted on referendums in and outside their congregation states. As they should. And the LDS as as has congregations in California. Congress may not declare or create a religion that people are required to be members of. I am for people being able to participate in the process, this was a question for voters to consider. Why exclude anyone from the discussion? If photographers and bakers can be forced to participate in weddings or go out of business then the church is at risk for being required to do ceremonies for same sex couples. The photographer would take couple pictures, family pictures, just not wedding because that would be participating and profiting from something forbidden in their faith. The baker served the couple many times. A birthday cake is fine. A bagel on Sunday is fine. Just not a wedding cake. Health care providers are losing the rights to avoid participating in contraception and abortion and the morning after pill. The religious conscience exemption is not guaranteed in practice. That is why religions are concerned. The Christian school need to either restrict employment to adherents or violate their conscience in providing contraception or paying for IVF. They used to hire anybody.

    17. If roman had a police force able to search for Rhonda in Sandy than an arrest easily could have been made for Bill breaking in
      But that wouldn't develop the storyline if Bill got arrested. The writers wanted Bill to have a staring contest with Roman....and Roman blinked.

  8. Let me preface this by saying: This is just my opinion: in no way to I claim to be a psychologists or to know the Browns personally...these are assumptions based on reading about and watching the Browns. Christine uses her "bad/good wife" quandary as a way to get attention. Her emotional intelligence is on the level of a neglected child: any kind of attention is good and for her, the best chance of her getting individual attention from Kody or the other wives is by being the problem. Also, she uses that good/bad quandary to drum up interest in the show. Her tweets are often like promos for a really bad sitcom: Y'all come on back and see what Granny's up to. By now, if she has to choose to be good or bad, I'd say it's time to stop the facade of one or the other. Planning to be bad or show your "true" feelings demonstrates to yourself, Christine, and the world that you are unhappy and your choice to show the other wives your displeasure and Kody your unhappiness is sort of letting the cat out of the's time for you to leave or, if you don't mind being the "bad" wife, put up or shut up. Announcing your deciding to be bad or good is like a mean girl saying I might be nice to the fat girls today...might.
    Having said that, the tweet about the family dynamics deteriorating since Robyn entered the picture and Meri saying Robyn has been on the show from day 1, well, Meri, even though she may have been in the background, she is now front and center and that seems to be the driving force that has everyone torn up. Plus, in the beginning of "the group's" relationship forming with Robyn, I doubt she made much demands...she was trying to fit with the rest of you but once she married the balding surfer dude, and as soon as she was able to manipulate his time and attention, the rest of the wives and even teenage girls began showing signs of stress which is manifested in your growing waist lines. Yeah...we buy that Robyn has multiplied the love here.

    1. Christine has always been the 'princess' wife. That worked when it was just the three wives. Adding Robyn certainly shifted the dynamics of the family. But I don't think they would have been given the show without Robyn. In the very first sisterwife episode, they talked about courting Robyn. At that time, they were all saying how they just "knew" Robyn was the one, they all felt she belonged in the family, etc. I even watched for Christine's reaction and she seemd ok with it...not thrilled but not openly disliking the idea. The move to LV has been really hard on her. She lost her 'home' mom designation, she lost time with Kody (who punished her 'bad' sisterwife behavior by not spending time with her), it was assumed that she would work (which she doesn't want to do and Kody is good with that), her whole life changed. No longer the princess but instead just another sisterwife. And since this is her whole life, she has little else but her family, she is depressed. And she doesn't trust the evil gentiles who are sharks so she is just alone in her misery and depression. I'm sure she would go back to their life 5 years ago in a minute if she could.

    2. I loved "Big Love" too! by the time it has deteriorated into a telenovela I was already hooked so I stayed till the bitter end. Best moments, IMHO: Bill leaves a $100 bill on Nikki's night table the morning after "their night". Margene catches Bill and Nikki making love on Margene's bed and outs both of them. Bill and Barb's "affair". Cheesiest storylines: Roman kidnaps Cindy's daughter. Nikki finds roman's body in the walk in freezer. Everything after Bill wins the election, except the "visions of Emma Smith" storyline. Moment that made me cheer out loud: Bill shoots Alby. Moment that made me cry: Alby discovers his lover's suicide.

    3. On another note, the Williams wives look positively morose in their Mother's Day photo. If they hadn't chosen their lifestyle, I'd feel really sorry for them.

    4. Once the Williams stopped believing they had to live plural marriage to reach the highest kingdom of heaven, I think they have probably all thought about leaving. I think all of them are miserable, Brady most especially. Smoochy, love ya!

    5. Alby discovers his lover's suicide.
      Oh my, that was so sad. For some reason I really wanted that relationship to work out. Alby seemed so normal and happy...remember when he took that selfie of himself while in bed with him?

    6. Ironically, Christine was the one wife who really wanted the family to go public to show the world how great they are! The addition of Robyn and the quick move was too much. Kody always intended to have the family move once he married Robyn, they never even thought of adding on to the Lehi house.

    7. when Robyn first came into the family Kody said that Robyn brought "emotional intelligence" to the group. I laughed then, can you imagine Kody thinks Robyn is smart?

    8. and don't forget about the investigation. They blamed everything on that, of course nothing Kody did added to their misery. I too thought Kody punished Christine by not spending as much time with her. They both said as much in the first christmas in vegas episode. i don't know how these people make a living on lies and proffes to be religous.Kody and robyn are schemers

    9. I don't even think there WAS an investigation. and I still hold firm that all those shots of the cruising police cars were a result of the BROWNS (and/or their neighbors) calling them to chase off the paparazzi. Remember they showed them hanging out with their cameras at the beginning of S2?? what a bunch of shit.

    10. I still hold firm that all those shots of the cruising police cars were a result of the BROWNS (and/or their neighbors) calling them to chase off the paparazzi.
      Absolutely, and don't forget that almost every house on that street belonged to the AUB at one time. Most definitely polygamists were the Brown's neighbors and I doubt they cared for all the attention from noisy paps and reporters.

    11. Hmmm....No investigation? Thinking that through. Not sure the state would have defended themselves against a lawsuit based on a made up investigation?? I would think that if the "investigation" was a figment of reality tv's imagination, when the lawsuit was brought, the state would've outed the "fake investigation" in a second rather than engage in a lawsuit over it. Not only do lawsuits of that nature cost the state a ton of time to defend, but Utah had a lot to lose by that lawsuit going forward. And if appealed, then it could set precedent for all states in that circuit, not just Utah. Just my thoughts....

      For what it's worth, my opinion (and like _____, we all have one, ya? lol) is that the city of Lehi (is that right? It seems like it was the local police?) did "investigate" them on some level - because by being on a national tv show, the Browns kind of forced their hand. The absence of at least the appearance of an investigation would have been the equivalent of giving polygamy a very public pass What I DO think is fake is the Browns' assertion that Kody would have ever faced jail time. My guess, and of course, really, none of us know for us, is that the "investigation" was a cursory something just making sure there was no obvious child/spousal abuse going on. Because, here's the thing, HAD Kody actually been prosecuted and jailed, then so would ALL the husbands living polygamy - and there is NO WAY the city of Lehi nor the state of Utah was going down that path.

      So, basically, I believe the investigation was real in the sense that the Browns were being "looked at" in some way after the show began. However, what I think is absolutely, completely, and totally fake is the Browns' drama that Kody might go to jail, thus separating the family, blah blah blah. No way that would have happened, and they knew it. But, it made for good ratings, and a good excuse for Kody and Robyn to get to Las Vegas, where they wanted to go anyway (at the time, at least).

      - Lori

    12. The police department reported to the media after scores of complaints by citizens that they were looking at the family according to various Utah news outlets. However sitting in a car in a street probably was the family calling them and then filming them under the concern imagined or real about media invading their space. Vegas was unnecessary. They could alway extradite, not easy but possible. The Familly wasn't even charged. It's a long road from charged to incarcerated.

  9. This just in from Meri via tweet:

    Absolutely a tragic moment when you're traveling all day and realize you've left your iPod at home with all your @vanladylove music! Ugh!

    For the love of God, please let Meri start school on Monday. Her obsession with this band is over the top. I am seriously starting to think she is having a relationship with someone in the band. Or maybe Mariah is. There is no other reason for such blatant 'advertising'.

    1. VanLadyLove has got to be paying her per tweet. Hey, Meri's got to pay for her McMansion and college classes!

    2. paying her "how" per tweet? LOL

    3. I still say that VLL doesn't have enough money to pay per tweet. I think the Browns just really like them and they did them a solid by taking the stupid commitment ceremony gig.
      Kody really just wants to be liked and also be the BMOC. Remember his whining about how no one from Lehi ever visits them??

    4. She needs a full time job or something to occupy her time. Her tweets are so creepy in general, but especially about this band.

    5. I think that Meri is desperate "to belong" to something outside of the cuddle-sec.

      She may have a mid-life crush going on that is not so much on anyone specifically in the much as wanting to be identified as someone the band would want to hang with. A typical star-struck groupie. Delusional and immature...but that's Meri.

      It also gives her something to get Mariah to see Mom as "cool," and something they can maybe obsess on together. It's sad, really.

    6. I think meri is digging at robyn with the van lady love crap. robyn had tweeted awhile back that it was hers and kodys favorite band and songs..their song

  10. I am gonna admit that I got sucked into Big Love with Episode 2 "Viagra Blue" and also publically state that Bill Paxton has (or had at that time) a really, very nice butt. Which got a lot of onscreen time.

    1. " has (or had at that time) a really, very nice butt. Which got a lot of onscreen time. "

      DJ,'re right. he did ..and it did !!!

    2. Amused...let me just put it this way. I like sex. Sue me. I do. and I was always pissed that Barb seemed to get the short end of the stick. as it were.

    3. Dakota Justice, you are so funny, and so right! And I agree with you--Bill Paxton's man cakes are works of art! I certainly enjoyed seeing them on display.

  11. When Kody calls Christine a princess i wonder what he really means. He seems to label people and stereotypes endlessly. I think he really is a mysogenist pig.

    1. I think he was referring to lineage since he said "polygamy royalty" because of who her grandfather was. Makes no sense to me since her grandfather sired so many kids who then produced a bunch of their own. Not rare by any means and I doubt Christine has any pull or influence.

  12. There is a new picture on the TLC facebook page. It's an old picture from season one and evreyone thinks meri has lost weight. Of course Kody is in a picture by himself n a pictureframe. I knew it would become the KODY Show.

    1. It always has been the Kody Show. TLC should have thought twice about changing that picture. I wonder whose bright idea it was to change it to a picture from 4 years ago? And with Kody's head in the frame picture - people will think he's responding or posting those pictures to the timeline instead of it being a TLC employee.

  13. Back to BL. Except for one, maybe two eps, I absolutely loathed Bill and could not stand Nicki. The one ep I liked him in was "the Affair", because you could see he was so in love with Barb and clearly they were soulmates. I loved when Ana told him basically to eff off once he said all her earnings would go into the "common pot". And I thought that since two of his four wife choices were out of the religion, he was listening to little Bill in his pants rather than a higher power. Come to think of it maybe his schlong was his higher power. Hmm.

    Nicki I really only liked during her crush on the attorney. I was so hoping she would leave bill and run away with him, he so obviously cared for her and I think she would have been truly happy. That was the only time I saw her really happy.

    Alby I only liked during his affair. Loved the selfie! They never went anywhere with that, did they? I've done that myself lol.

    It's amazing how true love/caring changes a crappy person into a nice one.

    I cancelled HBO after the second to last season, it was just getting hard to watch after they jumped the shark. Followed it thru the TWOP forum. I spent a bit of time this week reading it. Now it's poof! Shit. Wish they could have kept it up as an archive, there were some great threads and posts to read, awesome to go back to. I was re-reading the "Downsized" thread when the site was taken down. Btw Bio is re-airing those shows. If you want to see a snark-able reality family check it out. Lol.

  14. Loving all the retrospects on Big Love !!

    Agree with you, DJ, Bill came off as a cocky (pun intended), self-obsessed "owner" not only of business, but of his harem. True, he didn't have flip flops, wrinkled clothes, haystack hair and speak like a time-locked 80's surfer dude. However, he did have a syrupy, phony self-deprecating tone when he would speak to the wives. Annoying and transparent !
    Brady Williams has this MO too.

    There may have been true love between Bill and Barb, but she still was expected to endure the others. And really, what good is "true love" if your man is routinely doing three or more others in your face?
    In hindsight, Big Love told more details about the so-called progressive/ modern Plyg-lifestyle than any of the TV Plyg families currently being showcased.
    At least on Big Love, you *knew* it was scripted and directed. It was *a show.*
    With SW and Brady+5 and even the Darger one-off, they are marketed and sold as spontaneous and real; when in reality they are written and produced just like BL was.
    And, obviously with much cheaper budgets..

  15. I had written up a review (it was a little long, but it covered the Real Housewives and other stuff), and it isn't here? Did it get deleted? I'm so bummed. I know it was long but it was snarky and amazingpants.

    1. I didn't see another posting from you today. Blotter will not accept any comment containing more than 4097 characters but it will warn you. I always copy and paste my long comments to notepad just in case. Bummer but it happens.

    2. Damn autocorrect. Blotter = Blogger

  16. The scene on Big Love where the sitting next to the husband gets highjacked by another wife seems less likely with Kody since he either drives alone to events while his wives drive the kids or the plan to travels seems prearranged. Because Meri has no small children, if he travels in a car with anyone, it would be her because like he said on one of the couch interviews, Meri's house is where he goes for peace and quiet. When he interacts with rowdy kids on the program, he loses it and leaves it all up to the children's mothers. So, I would say that while he is bonding with the older more mature children, the smaller ones seem to interfere with his need for quiet time. Maybe Robyn has picked up on Kody's need for quiet time so that may be why her uterus has closed tighter than fort knox. With her girls, her baby, and a special needs son, I can imagine life at her house isn't orderly at all.

    1. You bet Robyn's house isn't orderly. That's how she gets her sisters to move in as housekeeping nannies. I wouldn't be surprised if she thinks she deserves a housekeeper even when you consider that she has the least number of children when compared with Janelle and Christine or that Meri has somehow poisoned Kody's feelings by reminding him Robyn has not lived up to family expectations to have children.

  17. update on robyn's pinterest: she has been pinning stuff for maddie's graduation party. maddie knows has her own board called 'maddie pie', like kody and robyn's own children, so i guess things between them have warmed.
    also, in the last week, she's pinned three things about how to get rid of post-baby belly bulge. so either she's pregnant or hurt by the implication that she is. only time will tell.

    1. Makes sense....have you seen the latest commercial with her and Meri sitting on chairs talking? I believe Robyn is wearing an orange sweatshirt hoodie (I think), either that was a bad angle for her or she is pregnant. I had to stop the tv and rewind it and freeze that scene, I was comparing how Meri looked sitting in the chair to Robyn....made me go hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

  18. hilariously, she also pinned something along the lines of '30 misused words than can make you look bad', covering all her usual twitter-sins.

  19. I don't know how reliable this website is, I found it searching for something else, but it has an article stating that the new season of Sister Wives will focus on their money issues. Blah. I only watched the last few seasons because of the Sister Wives Blog.


    Also, the clip on the bottom of the article is of Meri telling Kody she wants to go to college. She said she went to Utah Valley University. I looked at the list of degrees, but don't see one that stands out for working with at-risk youth. Maybe someone more familiar with working with youth will find it. It does have a criminal justice degree.


  20. My favorite BL scene is when Lois says to one of Bill's wives, " I don't understand how you all can like each other some much!'

  21. I know a few seasons past, Meri said something during the couch inteview that indicated that Robyn was hanging out at her house on Meri's Kody-turn. Now, don't you think that after a time, Meri would say, look, we want our couple time without you and your screaming brats. I wonder if that ever caused a conflict and if so, how did they handle it and why didn't they air that to show that part of their lives.

  22. Yet another tweet from Meri:

    Super excited for a collaboration between us and @vanladylove ! Announcement coming soon! :-)

    What kind of collaboration could the Browns have with vanladylove?

    1. Ticket takers?

      Wait, I plyg joolry to first 50 attendess.
      With a for-sale table of the junk jools adjacent to the ladies' loo.

    2. What kind of collaboration could the Browns have with vanladylove?
      Remember how Kody wanted to be a public speaker? Maybe Kody is going on "tour" selling the joys of his green Kool-Aid MLM (like Margene and her Goji juice) and Robyn's jewelry. Almost like a bait and switch...the audience has to sit through Kody's attempts at selling in order to see the band.

  23. Good heavens! Will the shameless self-promotion of theses people ever end? I mean really. I like music, but I don't stalk my favorite band and "collaborate" with them. Good grief, grow up, Meri! Phew, I feel so much better for getting that out!
