
Sunday, May 11, 2014

I Scour the Internet: The Happy Mother's Day Edition 5/11/14

I don't know what's going on, but something is definitely up with Robyn and her former cohort in plural marriage crime, Meri.

Seems the last tweet we got out of Robyn concerned snuggling with her kids. That was May 5th. And Meri - well, she has done nothing but retweet positive affirmations and lots and lots of stuff about...a certain band that shall remain nameless.

It's a conspiracy, I tell you...A CONSPIRACY!!!

Luckily, I have two other plural families for this Mother's Day Edition. Unfortunately, they aren't very exciting.

Oh well...Let's take a look what  those fantabulous Dargers  and Williamses have been up to this week!

First we have some tweets from  Joe and his wives, who happen to be a set of twins and their cousin...

The Darger's even provided some interesting photos from their New York trip...

How interesting that Vicki (sorry but I just can't tell those twins apart) is breastfeeding the newest edition to the Darger family in the green room, while her twin Val appears to be joined to Papa Joe's hip. Legal wife Alina has been relegated to left field, as usual.

This next picture is rather shocking...

Do you think Val's dress could get any shorter? I mean, that is really really short. The last time I wore a dress that short, the principal sent me home to change. Of course I did it on purpose so I could watch Dark Shadows, but I think you get my point!

Hey, isn't that Bill Nye the Science Guy??

Now here are some very interesting tweets from Papa Joe and Company. Looks like they have been very busy...
And oh boy, sounds like Papa Joe's a bit too highbrow for TLC nowadays...
So what have the newest polygamists, Brady and Wives been up to? Well, they have to deal with pesty rumors, but unlike the Browns they don't just ignore them, they tackle them head on....

But somehow, I don't think talking about your garden is gonna win a lot of new viewers for season two....

Well, maybe the Kody and his Kodettes© could learn a thing or two about feeding a gaggle of people economically through gardening.

Since we are on the topic of the Browns, I was able to gather a little info on what they've been up to this week.

As usual, Christine tended to focus on her rapidly aging brood still living at home:
And this is interesting. Seems Meri's not the only sisterwife who is branching outside of the cul-de-sac to find friends to have fun with while Kody is doing his Kody thang. But for heavens sake, Professional Bull Riding???

That guy seated in back doesn't look too thrilled about Christine and her new BFF taking selfies. In fact he looks rather perturbed, if you ask me.

Now here is a strange retweet from Christine....
I am positive that Patty Hearst would beg to differ with this assessment. I don't know whether to laugh or cry at such ignorance from this fan reply, but the SLA was nothing to make jokes about. Especially since if they couldn't get you to do what they wanted, they would just kill you and move on.

And Janelle reaffirmed her position as the Official Kody Brown Apologist with these two tweets:

Yeah, I sure believe that one. So why was Kody shown counting heads to make sure every Brownette was present at the Commitment Ceremony last season? Oh, because as babies he could recognize them but as they got older, he kind of lost the knack. That explains why he usually calls his boys "son", except for Solomon, of course.

The next tweet confirms Janelle marches to the beat of a different tom-tom....
But at least she doesn't ignore Sister Wives programming questions from fans like Meri does. I have to give her Brownie points for that!

 Finally, we have Kody Brown actually getting involved in a conversation with fans. Unfortunately the conversation took a rather offbeat turn...I think @Amzngrace mistakenly thought LDS was FLDS when she answered that in the New Testament polygamy was a sin. You can see Kody's frustration, but the "Oh, puuulease" kind of sounds like Robyn, doesn't it? Brownie points for Kody for not allowing this exchange to escalate into a verbal free for all like it would have if Robyn had been in involved.

That's all for now. Happy Mother's Day and remember....I Scour the Internet so YOU don't have to!!!


  1. The new clip about Janelle's weight loss journey is driving me nuts. According to her statements over the years, she has been working out and eating 1,500 calories a day EVERY DAY FOR TWO YEARS and she has only lost 50lbs.

    Why hasn't Sean sent her to a doctor? Why hasn't her primary care physician referred her to an endocrinologist? Why hasn't she made a medical appointment herself? Maybe Sean and Janelle aren't bright enough to recognize a possible medical issue, but you would think that her primary care physician would have brought up her weight as a health concern and, after hearing her futile efforts to lose weight, would have recommended further tests.

    I have only one conclusion - she isn't getting physicals because they don't have health insurance. I've always wondered how they could afford health insurance for so many people. Even Obamacare would be expensive for a family that size.

    1. She needs to burn more calories than she eats and I suspect she eats far more than 1500 calories a day.

    2. she's still "married" to Grody as well as those cray-cray sister wives, so she's still an emotional eater and the physical results confirm. No way has she been at this diligently and honestly for 2 years and still doesn't look much different at all.

      I, personally, think it's stretching it that she's actually lost 50 lbs. I still think that much would be more noticeable than it is.

    3. Obamacare would cost my family of 3 $450 a month, which is unfortunately too expensive for us. I can only imagine what it would cost Janelle's family with their TLC income.

      I am so sick of her weight loss journey, she should be at least a size 12 by now if she really is working out and dieting like she says she is. I don't believe her. She either isn't working out as much or eating as little as she says. She needs to be doing hardcore aerobics. Meri should start thinking about a weight loss journey herself.

    4. If Janelle is claiming in the TH that she's been eating clean/1500 a day for two years, then she's out and out lying. Her own blog, her tweets and even her comments on past eps state the exact opposite.
      And maybe she HAS lost 50 lb. there's a difference between "lost 50" and "down 50". Perhaps she lost 10, gained 8, lost 5, gained 3...etc. believe it or not some folks quantify losses that way.

    5. I thought she had been eating 1500 calories a day ever since meeting that "bombshell" woman. I didn't see her statements to the contrary. That explains a LOT!

    6. DJ - based on her same body shape and size, i TOTALLY think that's how she has calculated her weight loss so far. it's the only thing that makes sense. I still can't look at her and say, "wow, it's very noticeable - she's lost a lot of weight!" which a true bonafide 50 pounds taken off would look like.

    7. "she's been eating clean/1500 a day for two years"

      This is entirely possible...if she's eating 1500 calories for breakfast, 1500 calories for lunch and 1500 calories for dinner! Brown logic and version of the truth: I'm eating 1500 calories a day!

    8. Ewwwwwww - that ep with the "bombshell" woman was filmed probably at LEAST a year ago. If she's been eating 1500 cal since then, we'd see a REAL difference.

    9. Regarding Janelle's ongoing weight struggles--she may be an emotional eater, and she may not be working as hard as she needs to in the gym...there's just so much possible that the cameras don't show. Losing weight and maintaining a healthy weight/lifestyle is so, so difficult. I give Janelle credit for continuing to try. It can't be easy, especially with the emotional issues that come from the polygamous "lifestyle".

  2. It is apparent that for TLC to renew yet another season for Kody & Co, *something* is on tap as a ratings grabber. It has to be.....!!! has been mentioned on this blog and others, SisterWives, the show, has seriously downgraded into a jumble of mismatched clips about four women w/ kids who live in the same over-priced, psuedo-upscale cul-de-sac, all tied together with a pretentious buffoon posing as "Dad" and as the occasional harem master.
    The women do not like each other nor do they interact with each other... only for the TLC-created faux events, trips and the cameras.
    The Browns, as a group and as individuals, are just no longer interesting on any level.

    Meri is Meri.......a bitchy, unhappy, soon to be middle-aged, first-wife Plyg woman who is now boring and annoying to watch. Who *really cares* anymore about Meri's ridiculous, petty, self-centered issues ??

    Janelle's weight issues have been exhausted for viewer attention for 2 years now, even though looking at the trailers currently out there, it does appear that they are going to try this one YET AGAIN.
    Come on....If she is tired of the trainer/ workout/ diet grind, then please, just leave her up or down weight a non-issue!! Why must this be a recurring plot after 2 years of it !!??
    And...Janelle is NOT going to leave. That ship was never even built, let alone set to sail. For whatever reason, she chooses to live in the shadow of Kody. Go figure !!

    Christine's cluelessness and ineptitude about normal life events and actions actions are equally predictable and boring. The fact that she has six children yet still seems to need people to tell her what to do and when to do it is no longer entertaining.
    Her "missing pieces" are just no longer interesting or funny to watch.
    However, she is very fortunate that she has two older daughters who are more capable and focused then she ever appears to be.

    Sobbin/ Robin has become a caricature with all possible plots played out.
    She has been the coquette, the spoiler, the fertile uterus, the reformed impure, the pushy, know-it-all, grammatically challenged family spokesperson, the fledging entrepreneur, the weepy sad sack ... !
    Short of Sobbin hand-picking *number 5* for Kody-Boy or freaking out should he do the picking, where else can they go with her?

    There is absolutely *nothing* left to see or speculate about Kody.
    He is his own legend of a man who managed to grab a brass ring of notoriety and money based on utter self-absorption, greed and laziness...and shrouded facts.
    He and his "wives" have very definitely shown the world what Plyg life is all about. They clearly have shown the duplicity, the hypocrisy and the manipulation of it all.
    They cannot undo all that has been shown. They chose to show it.

    Has TLC kept them for another year as a barometer with which to judge the future viability of the Brady Show?
    Did they contract for a set number of seasons?
    Are they now at the mercy of a TLC cancellation mid-season if ratings drop?
    Guess time will tell.

    1. Did you notice how Brady and Wives found out about their renewal before the end of season one and freely advised the fans on their family run facebook?

      What a difference from the song and dance Sister Wives fans would get from Kody and his Kodettes©. "Go ask TLC" was their usual reply to fans. TLC has got something up its' sleeve I'm positive now. And like you said only time will tell what's exactly going on.

      (Off the record, I think the Sister Wives IS on the "bubble" for cancellation - the commitment ceremony seemed more like a series finale than a season finale. TLC just needs to find another more "real" plural family to showcase - so they brought in the Williams. I betcha TLC would be in 7th heaven if they could get a Centennial Park family to go on TV)

      I do think that if ratings drop lower than this last season ratings, TLC will cut their losses, even with unaired episodes. The precedence was set with Flora Jessop's Escaping the Prophet. If a show doesn't bring in the advertising dollars, sayonara baby!

      And it does seem the Williams are EVERYTHING the Browns aren't. Down to earth, likeable (to a certain extent), Brady doesn't drive a pretentious car and most of the adults have jobs.They don't live in McMansions (well, not yet at any rate) and the wives "sort of" get along with each other. They even have a garden and are growing vegetables!

      Summary: The Browns are pretentious, The Williams are just "normal" folk.

      And have you noticed how many Brown fans don't like the Williams and vice-versa?

    2. I agree that the Willaims seem like "normal" folk, and that might be why people find them boring. Too much like themselves. the Browns are like a train weak that I can't stop watching!

  3. "Of course I did it on purpose so I could watch Dark Shadows," too ??? That took me right back to rushing home from school to watch the latest on Barnabas Collins. Thx for the memory!!

    As for the short skirt, I dunno, if you have good legs, why not show them. Although the F-me heels were a bit surprising on Plyggs. Not sure if the mention of the Swedish woman means that they were filming for a show in Sweden, but if so, I guess they upped their image for a new audience.

    "I am positive that Patty Hearst would beg to differ with this assessment"
    Yeah!!!......The level of *stupid* from that "fan" is really appalling.

    1. I think the short skirt and leg touching on the couch is a reaction to the new baby and feelings of jealousy or attention getting.

  4. 1. I find Brady and his brood to be very boring. Dunno why. Just boring.
    2. The Browns may well be on their way out, but if they are, then where will we get our fix for plyg stuff?

    My TV has been...temporarily disconnected...'cause I chose to buy food instead of paying the bill...yeah, life is tough like that. SOOOO, please post a very detailed synopsis of the Brady women "tell all". As boring as they are, I'm actually anxious to hear if they really "tell all" or if it is another predictable interview like the Browns have done.


    1. Okay, I'll do my best but it's becoming harder and harder for me to keep awake while watching their show. If BFF hadn't of pulled that prank I don't think I would have been able to watch the q&a show as long as I did. And I cheated - I fast forwarded a lot!

    2. Thank God for DVR because if my brain knew it had to stay awake for the whole show in real time without FF, it would be.... zzzzzz!

      And that has been the case for Kodyworld epps for a long time now.

    3. Re The Dargers, mentioned above : They have just put on Facebook that they were doing a news show.....they are not doing a reallity show for the moment (quote)

    4. I thought that Valerie's skirt was a little too short, and tight, also I thought her jacket was too tight.

  5. I have a feeling Robin got a bun in the Oven!!

  6. That "fan" is trainer Seans wife!

  7. When I said "fan" I mean the woman who tweeted Kodster about the Symbionese Liberation Army.

    1. Yep, that is actually the trainer's wife ...

  8. I like Brady's wives they seem so much together than Kody's.. But will Paulie sometimes she comes across like she has a stick up he A**!!

  9. Watching the MY FIVE WIVES tell all...glad I am not a polygamist

    1. I have another 2 hours before it's wonder I keep falling asleep!

    2. Feel free to talk about the show...I'll live vicariously through your comments!

  10. So worth watching the tell all for the Brown's sneak peak... and now we know why sobbin and the so not "meri" are on the outs!

    1. Didn't get to see it, what happened?

  11. Meri is going back to college and Robyn feels "ditched" by Meri because of this---Sister Wives preview

    1. OK, so far we have 3 storylines: Mykelti is dating, Janelle can't lose weight and Robyn p/o'd at Meri for going back to college. Hmmm....I'd say the new season is shaping up pretty good for snark, don't you?

    2. Good for Meri, she needs to do something with herself. And Robyn didn't seriously think Meri was going to help her with her kids did she?

    3. "Hmmm....I'd say the new season is shaping up pretty good for snark, don't you?"

      Oh Yesss........should be a bumper crop for SW snark !!!!
      And damn, we get to see the two chronic whiners and weepers right off the bat.
      It doesn't get any better !!
      And .....I see Meri is back to her hedgeclipper haircut.

      Uh, Meri says she is starting "college" in the fall.
      Which fall......already filmed last year in 2013 or this fall, 2014 ???

    4. Yes, definitely starting to shape up. Do hope, though, that there's more to it than just this. Janelle's weight-loss storyline will probably be brutal if she sticks with the same trainer, and there's only so much mileage they will be able to get out of Mykelti dating.

      The divide between Meri and Robyn sounds the most far-reaching. It could affect the entire family dynamic the most. I could see Robyn trying to have a "revenge baby" to get back at Meri for abandoning her. Who in the world would she have left to come and help her look after her kids though?

      Ugh. The thought of watching the Browns has become more and more unappealing to me over the past year. I find them far more palatable in your forum, CJ! Thanks to all of you who are taking bullets for the rest of us so we can stay caught up without watching.

    5. I don't know why but Mykelti dating really doesn't sound interesting. Other than the ridiculous things coming out of Kody's mouth about it. I feel that the Brown kids are gratefully not robots like the Duggar kids, so I envision a lot of acting for the cameras. Janelle's weight loss journey,...I kind of feel bad for her that this is a topic again for this family. I am all for health and trying to do your best, but some people are heavy and will continue to be heavy. I encourage Janelle to continue to get healthier, but another year of listening about how much energy she has to play with all her kids, well that doesn't interest me.

      What does interest me is Meri bailing on Robyn. I also think Robyn Brown is pregnant, I think her face looks fuller like she did when she was pregnant with Sol. I would also like some background on why her nannies and runaway relatives (Taralyce, Mindy) keep bolting. You would think they would enjoy living in a McMansion and helping out a 'reality star' this supports my theory that Robyn is unstable, hard to live with and needs a lot of support and attention. I do think the theme will be Meri moving on and Robyn kicking and screaming to keep her tied to the cul-de-sac. Meri brought this up a few years ago and Robyn was offended then, too. Not a big Meri fan, but if she wants to go back to college and find some purpose in life for herself (and get rid or her strange obsession with "The Band") then she should be all means do so.

    6. I would also like some background on why her nannies and runaway relatives (Taralyce, Mindy) keep bolting

      You know, I'm sitting here watching NBC's abysmal remake of 'Rosemary's Baby'. I keep thinking about how sinister Ruth Roman was, especially when she was recruiting for women to give birth to the devil's spawn...then it hit me. Could Robyn be recruiting her "sisters" for Kody's #5? That way, if he does marry one, the new wife can live with's a win/win because that would mean even more time/attention from Kody, plus not having to get pregnant again or maybe getting pregnant and having a permanent live-in maid !!

  12. Is any body watching this? Paulie looks like she`s been hit in the head with a stump when ever she`s asked a question.

    1. she stresses me and makes me tense every time she speaks. she's very dark and sullen. especially around the sistahs. she only lights up around brady and her own kids.

    2. I thought it was just me! Paulie scares me. She LOOKS sweet and quiet but you can tell there's something brewing underneath. I dunno, but I can kind of see why the other wives would be afraid to have a "safe talk" with her.

    3. I don't believe that Paulie hasn't watched any of the shows. That is ridiculous. After watching the entire season (Mother's Day Marathon), I have surmised that most of the groups's emotional problems are about Paulie.

      Robyn is crying and apparently has been for quite some time, over her ring not being on time or as special as Paulie's. Rosemary feels that Paulie purposely takes Brady away on her nights. When asked about it on the Tell All, they said "we talked" and Rosemary then backed away, saying she had 'misunderstod'....but I could tell she had been told to say that. Paulie just stared at her with those glassy eyes. Nonie has such a rough time with a safe talk with Paulie that she melts down on national television. Paulie looks like a pricess while Nonie looks like a lunatic. (I think there is a whole lot bigger reason than Paulie just wanted to clarify why Nonie paid the bill....she wanted to know what was in that bill). At this point we haven't seen Rhonda upset with anyone but if she were to get upset, I'm sure it would be at Paulie. Like Meri, Paulie is playing the first wife card way too much.

    4. I don't care what platitudes the plygs mouth, the first wife is very much the queen bee. It looks to me like Paulie and Meri want to be the only wife, but they are stuck in a situation dictated by their upbringing and religion. The first wife most definitely has a stronger bond with the husband in both of these shows. It seems like Paulie and Meri merely tolerate the other wives because it is required of them.

  13. The money is divided amongst the five "wives" from the family account based on the number of children the wife has.

    1. That makes sense, but how many think they read this and other blogs and decided that was the correct way to answer?

    2. It totally makes sense and seems the only rational way to work the family budget. The Williams family seems more realistic than the Brown circus.

    3. I hoep they do it that way. I don't really trust Brady to be honest about it. I bet he divides the pooled money however HE chooses and the wives have to accept and hope they are getting their rightful share.

      Funny the families are so different. There are things I like about the Browns finances, like paying for college (at least for the first set of kids, thus far) but don't like that Kody told Christine to save her grocery money to go visit her dad. I like how the Williams' supposedly divvy up the money based on how many kids in the family, yet don't pay for college (you would think Brady would have said something like they will help for community college or something!). But...for now, both famlies seem to be comfortable and not lacking for anything.

  14. That Darger's wife is too short, especially for her age. The twins look so much older than they are. I wonder how Alina feels being the first and legal wife, but always pushed aside in photo shoots because of the twin factor?

    I LOVE that the Brady family has a garden. I could never understand why the Browns didn't attempt a garden. I guess that would be too much work for them when they could just get food stamps or put it on credit cards and then not pay it off.

    Does Janelle really expect us to be impressed that Kody can tell apart all of his 13 kids baby pictures? Please gimme a break. She is the epitome of a doormat.

    Any word on Mariah moving back to Vegas permanently?

    1. I can't figure out if Janelle really IS a doormat, or just plays one on tv. She did leave the family for quite some time, until she was able to buy the home they had in Utah which made living with the family tolerable for her. I don't know....something about her kiss ups and rah-rahs to Kody just feels a little....well, fake and put on. Could be completely wrong though. At other times, she, inexplicably, seems to really enjoy Kodouche. So, who knows. I wish I could fast forward all of these families 20 years and see how all of this plays out.

      Lori <-------- impatient. :-)

  15. Robyn is mad at Meri because of sisterwife's closet not because of a babysitting issue---she feels she is losing her business partner---Meri says the business was never HER dream but that Robyn is not losing her...

    1. What happened to her other business partners, including her SF junkyard dog?

    2. good lord, how can it possibly take more than just Robyn to run that fledgling business anyway. even when all 4 wives were on board with it - it was a joke. glad she got her mojo tears back on tho. Meri LOVED being able to drop the "i'm bailing" bomb on her. so passive aggressive - "i'm not abandoning you. i'll still be here blah blah" b.s. when she knows she has no intention of ever being free from school work to do anything for Robyn - from that stupid business to babysitting for her.

      Oh, the joys and blessings of having helpful passive/aggressive sister wives and living the good plyg life. rofl! (Browns, Dargers, Centennial Park, Williams ... whose up next to also massively fail on marketing it to us??)

  16. For now, having just finished watching (in real time, no less.....yeah, I really did) .....
    All I can say is that Brady has honed patronization and cya to an art form !!!

    "He is so proud of these "gals"......." Uhhh.......where is the Pepcid !!
    Regarding the move or non-move....:"Like flowers, we can bloom where we are planted."
    How Zen, How new world philosophy 101......
    (Which by the way is a play on a well-know quote from a New Age book from the 80''s not a Brady original)

    What a smug, sly manipulator. Brady makes Kody look disturbing as that is.
    At least with Kodouche....what you see is what you get.
    This guy is sooooo slimy with his pretend humility while he sits there like the cat that swallowed the canary and patronizes them all.

    And the tears......How the hell can Tamron sit there with the Browns, and now this bunch, working around all the tears.
    Polygamy = Tears !! That IS the message of these Plyg shows.
    Is that what sells?? Apparently so !!

    1. "How the hell can Tamron sit there with the Browns, and now this bunch, working around all the tears."

      Silly me !!
      That is a stupid question....I must have brain fog from watching the tell-all /cry-all....

      Tamron can do it because like everything attached these these plyggy shows, it is obviously a lucrative gig !!

    2. Brady actually is so patronizing and says all the goopy positive sounding stuff to acutally make these women feel like they are losing their minds. They hear the words and they sound good and then they sit around thinking they are bad wives. I'd rather have Kody as a husband rather than Brady. Kody tells it like it is. He isn't trying to be all hypnotic and doing the smoochy/love ya. Brady is a philosophy major, he knows what to say and how to pretend to care. But if you rewatch the Robyn clips (about the ring), he is really just rolling his eyes and thinking "When will she ever get over this?"....and according to the Tell All, he still hasn't taken care of the situation.

    3. "he sits there like the cat that swallowed the canary"

      He does that because it's true! This guy has 5 women who do all the work of raising his kids, has sex with five different women, has 5 women who depend on him to be their be-all end-all--the guy has exactly what he wants. It's narcissistic nirvanna!

      Kody should study Brady and learn how to be a smooth, successful plyg instead of the mess he is. I don't like it but at least Brady does it well.

    4. Kody could never pull off what Brady does. If he could he would have attracted more pliable bedmates. Kody IS just a mess.

      As far as Brady playing with the minds of his five, I agree, he does. And he does it well, almost effortlessly. Sad thing is that all of them seem to be easy prey.
      He knows just which slick, smarmy approach will work with each of them.
      It is hard to watch.

    5. It's not surprising that Brady is so much more successful than Kody. Brady was raised in polygamy and must have learned from his father and uncles. Kody's father didn't enter polygamy till after Kody was grown. So Kody never had an opportunity to see how it should be done.

      Also, it takes brains to be smarmy and manipulative. Brady has brains--I'm not sure Kody does. (How's that for snark?)

    6. Brady was LDS until he was 16 years old so he wasn't raised in polygamy like his wives were and his father wasn't exactly a success in polygamy either. Brady is definately smarter than Kody.

  17. why o why does janelle come to kody's defence over this crap? Does she see how bad he looks sleeping during the day? Is a tweet about his virtues make up for what people see on the show? Robyn had friend in Meri for awhile, and now she is going to have to deal with her own kids and jewelry crap. Are these people ever happy?

    1. I think Janelle is the family PR rep ... "I'll make us look like a family, no matter what." She is very aware of the cameras.

      In that little segment where she was fussing at Sean about working out, that seemed so fake and staged. It sounded to me like she was acting.

    2. I think Janelle has a two pronged approach. She has always been the Kody apologist. Defends his Lexus, seems amazed he knows his own children's names and baby pictures...ridiculous really. She drove a broken down old minivan with duct tape, while Kody drove a Lexus convertible. Sorry, that is not cool, any way you try to sell it....But recently I detect that Janelle is enjoying throwing it in Meri's face that she has a bunch of many she had to be proud of Kody for knowing all of them! She also tweeted about loving this phase in her life, going to all of her kids events, probably knowing that Meri was home depressed that Mariah is gone and she has no 'purpose' (in their eyes)...Now, don't get me wrong, Meri has been and probably continues to treat Janelle hideously....but I feel that Janelle is trying to strike back in a passive aggressive way.

    3. "anelle is enjoying throwing it in Meri's face that she has a bunch of many she had to be proud of Kody for knowing all of them! She also tweeted about loving this phase in her life, going to all of her kids events, probably knowing that Meri was home depressed that Mariah is gone and she has no 'purpose"

      You are an evil genius! That's exactly what it is! I didn't see that, but it makes perfect (if twisted) sense!

      Meri will always hold a higher position in the family, has only one kid yet gets the same amount of money, has had a closer relationship with the new thin, younger wife--Janelle is paying her back. Good job CPA!

    4. Janelle has 4 of Kody's sons and 6 of his kids. I think she is winning. I also think Kody secretly likes Janelle the most. Janelle doesn't even have to rub it into Meri that she has 6 of Kody's kids and Meri has only 1 who is gone, Meri thinks about it all the time. It is really, really sad. I don't see what the point of Meri hanging around and watching Kody with his 12 other kids and 3 mistresses is.

  18. sorry, but the Darger w/the new baby seriously looks like a grandma and not the mom. How old is she? and i'm no prude by any means, but the short skirt and tight jacket doesn't flatter the other twin at all. The one tall wife looks classy in her outfit of choice.

    1. Polygamy ages you terribly I guess. The Darger twins, Christine, and Robyn all look much older than they are.

  19. One thing I will say for the Brady family is that the wives seem to be able to actually spend time alone and laugh with one another. They seem to actually care about one another and they seem to really like one another. They also seem fiscally responsible. And they're not afraid of sex questions. Such a relief compared to the Browns.

    1. I like the Robyn and Rosemary relationship. It seems genuine and it's probably because they are the least favored wives. It seems that Rhonda is the most upbeat and friendly of the group and seems to handle the necessary sacrifices of polygamy very well. Nonie has grown on me, her melt down was Paulie and Brady's fault. And as you can tell, not a Paulie fan. I don't think any of them, except Brady, enjoys the s*x questions. But some of them tolerate them.

  20. Haven't watched the tell all yet (and thus haven't seen the preview about Meri going back to college), so I say this admittedly without knowing the full story...but based on the information in so far, I say good for her! I mean, for pete's sake, the woman has a daughter in college and NO job - thank goodness for the sanity of all mankind that she's going to do something to consume her time besides be a creepy groupie to her fave band, stare at her stupid wet bar (that must not get used much now that the green goo crap has been filed under yet another Brown family failed business venture, and....whatever else the hell she does all day. Maybe having a skill and some education will give her a purpose, a distraction, and a feeling of independence/being in charge of her own destiny, instead of just being along for the ride.

    As for Sobbin sobbin' about Meri leaving her all alone to run the closet, holy crap, if I were Robyn and I were now on my own to run so much as a lemonade stand in my front yard, I'd be scared shitless.... Does show that maybe Sobbin has at least some awareness that she is a moron who can't even run a stupid hobby business on her own. And after all, admitting you're an idiot is the first step to recovery.....right??? :-)

    - Lori

    1. Personally, I feel if the jewelry business had done well (humor me here, people), the SWs would have all been claiming it was their collective idea, but since it sucks, everyone puts it off on Robyn. I know it was her idea, but my understanding was, from what was shown, that it was a family business. If my husband had started a business, I'd support him fully and it would be OUR business, success or failure. Otherwise, we wouldn't have one to start with. These folks neither like nor support one another, which I know goes without saying ...

    2. I agree, Meri desperately needs something other than "The Band" in her life. She was never, never, never, going to be a bonus mom to any of Robyn's kids. She is moving fact, I actually think if any of them leaves, it would be Meri first. She seems so ready to move on. I love reading her retweets. I can feel right where she is emotionally just reading those.

    3. I've never been a twitter person, but after seeing references on this blog about Meri's tweets, I went and read them. Whoa. They are all about getting the heck out of your current situation and moving on. I wonder if she will move back to Utah, it seems like she's planning something big.

      I'm so glad she is going to college. I hope she gets her degree and starts a career. Run Meri run!

    4. Frankly, I'm surprised Meri was accepted into a college. I really hope she abandons the mental health field and DOES NOT go to work helping "at risk kids." She has exactly the wrong personality to work with...well anybody, but particularly vulnerable children! Can you imagine how insufferable she would be to have a class with? Whole thing is a mess.

    5. Really no requirement to take some classes. She was in the lehi house.

    6. Meri's tweets have been stranger than usual. Anyone remember a few months back when Meri and Robyn unfollowed each other on Twitter? That was strange. I think Meri has one foot out the door and will be gone as soon as the show is over. Agreed with the statement that Meri was never, ever going to help Robyn with her kids. I don't care for Robyn, but I think she was promised a lot of lies. I also think she didn't realize how awful Christine was going to make things for her until she got married.

    7. Jeeeez they unfollowed each other on Twitter at some point?? How immature can you get?! "I'm mad at you so THERE I unfriended you!" Way to deal with feelings like adults, ladies!

    8. "I also think she didn't realize how awful Christine was going to make things for her until she got married"

      I agree. No one ever talks about how viscous Christine is because the princess just grins and giggles and hides her nastiness. I loved the scene where she talked about how horrid she was to Meri when she was pregnant because she was jealous. Meri had fertility issues and you sit there and grin and giggle about how awful you were to her? No wonder Meri is so bitter and angry. Christine grinned and giggled while talking about how awful she was to Robin, too. She is seriously nasty and mean but it's hidden unlike Meri who is just right out there in your face with it.

  21. The joolery business....
    Sobbin's distress about Meri going to college raises a few questions about the business.

    Is it making any profits? Or are they operating at a loss?
    After 2 years, has it at least covered the initial start-up costs investment?
    Is it being managed effectively?
    Is there *really* the potential for a reliable future customer base for plyg jewelry/ accessories to realistically expect ongoing, long term profits?

    Is it time to hang it up?
    If so, it won't be the first Brown money-making scheme to fail, and likely it won't be the last !
    Just will be another tax write-off for them. (that is if they pay taxes)

    1. "potential for a reliable future customer base for plyg jewelry"

      That's always been the issue with this stupid business. Did they delude themselves into thinking that there were just hundreds of thousands of plyg families out there that would want to go shop online for jewelry that screams "I'm a polygamist"? It was an asinine idea from the get-go. But typical of the Brown arrogance believing that they are the norm and everyone wants to be like them.

    2. Just my opinion, but I do not think the jewelry business has been profitable at all for them.

    3. I never thought they were aiming at all for the plyg market. They were going for the fan base. of course they priced their stuff too high, and the "budget boutique" crap is just that...crap.

      Really, IMO, the business was just set up as a plot device, that's ALL. It's just for the TV show.

    4. Robyn would go out of her way to announce after the jewelry shows that they only did a small amount of sales. Like that was worthy of bragging about. But, it allowed them to beg for more sales from the show ..we need this money for college and these HOMES! People on MSWC FB page are like I'd buy your crap but it too willing to fork over their hard earned dough for these grifters pretending to be poor..and it still irks me they kept cutomers money for so long before shipping. Meri and Robyn cannot act..Meri had the same tone and foot shaking like when they had the surrogate conversation. So i guess they will rename it Robyn's closet? She sould do all new promotional pitchers, her and kody

  22. Ok, Robyn Williams is not preggers they say but my oh my she sure looks it and if you look closely at the sideways of Nonie it appears she could be preggers too! Paulie creeps me out and seems passive/aggressive like Meri, just on a low key basis. I love Rosemary! They should show more of her! She was honest when she was asking Nonie about not telling them she was trying to become pregnant, and seeing it on tv instead. Good for you Rosemary! Hey they might be boring but on the surface they seem "real" unlike Kody's krew. As for Papa Joe's bunch, I like first wife but the twins are disturbing on so many levels! Thanks CJ for keeping a place where we can snark all day!

    1. The twin in the short skirt seemed a little wider than usual. I would probably wear f-me clothes all the time too if i was trying to catch my boyfriend's attention.
      Maybe Alina is okay to be herself and apart from the twins. Maybe she can do things to big daddy that the others can't do and so she is confident in her "position" with Joe. Maybe. :-)

      If they had a tell all...I think the host should gather questions from VIEWERS! they try to keep bedroom noises down? or at least, did they when first married and before children?

      are all the women on the same cycle?

      I think that a great story line for the browns is...
      give each wife a night off where she spends her time at a nice and quiet hotel with room service. kody has to watch that wife's kids all day and night and the next morning until she comes home and then he goes to the next wife's house where the cycle repeats.
      HE will then be ALL alone with the kids...and just MIGHT get a taste for what his harem has to deal with. he would be crying by the end of the episode. and the women would just smile and pat his back. he should even take over meri's would show him sitting around...cutting his toenails...watching tv...eating...with crickets as the background noise.

      just an idea.

    2. Alina developed an eating disorder when the second twin joined the family. As an audience member who lived with other women in dormitories and apartments I can tell you when people have sex sometimes you hear, sometimes you don't. I don't understand why people want to know about bedroom noises. If you are a voyeur you listen otherwise you turn the volume up on the Tv or wear earplugs!

    3. Robyn Williams (Wow, just realized the the actor!) looked pregnant. She is slender, she did look pregnant. Don't know why Brady would even weight in on the issue via twitter. And I hope he didn't lie about it. Maybe that was the solution? Honey, I didn't get you a ring on the right day or with the right sincerity, so therefore, I will let you birth my baby. That could have been the solution after all.

    4. my husband walked in the room for a few minutes and he said, "there's one that's pregnant again." and it was Robyn. i said, "yeah, i was just noticing that myself just now." We re-ran it and stopped several places and she certainly looked it. she kept crossing her arms across her stomach in a lot of the shots tho. I think it would be too funny for Crazy Eyes and her "big secret" that she only shared with the world and Rhonda to find out that Robyn could keep a secret better than her! and oh yeah - Nonie, *whisper* "Robyn's been having sex w/your husband, too! pregnant or not."

      Does anyone else feel baffled about Robyn crying her eyes out over the piece of jewelry that she said, "he was shopping for jewelry for ANOTHER WOMAN" but yet that seems overwhelming to her to accept but not the fact that he's having sex regularly with FOUR OTHER WOMEN!! it's all a true mindfetch in the most cruel way.

    5. "Does anyone else feel baffled about Robyn crying her eyes out over the piece of jewelry that she said, "he was shopping for jewelry for ANOTHER WOMAN" but yet that seems overwhelming to her to accept but not the fact that he's having sex regularly with FOUR OTHER WOMEN!! it's all a true mindfetch in the most cruel way."

      I think she was so upset because one thing they were not supposed to give up in a plyg relationship was feeling loved and considered by their husband. She knows already she must deal with sharing her husband, but after seeing the amount of care going towards Paulie's anniversary ring, Robyn spent a lot of time looking forward to feeling that individual care from Brady for her too. It must have hurt her extremely bad, and made her feel so uncherished by her husband. Sucks that I doubt Brady will ever be able to do anything to truly make her feel better. She'll always have that memory of their 20th.

    6. "he was shopping for jewelry for ANOTHER WOMAN"

      Ya, on his date night with Robyn! And then she rushes to assure him that she was OK with that...assuming that he did the same thing for her. Twisted and cruel.

      I don't think Brady had any intention of buying a ring for anyone but Paulie. She is his true wife and the rest of them are just insurance markers to gain whatever eternal reward they believe they get for having multiple wives. It really is mind boggling.

    7. Anon 10:25 - TLC has already hashed out that story line 2x more or less. One where the wives went on a date to the old Vegas strip leaving Kody with the kids and last season when the wives went to SF. The only two really little kids right now are Sol and Truely. and Meri doesn't even HAVE any kids now. He would have nothing to do really, and I'm sure the little that WOULD need to be done would be delegated to the older kids. Just like he did during the SF trip.

  23. I'm shocked no one has commented yet on Nonie's statement that, since she and Brady are trying for a baby, they will be having sex EVERY night! Whoa. That will really screw up the schedule, doncha think? How does this work? Does Brady do his usual rotation and then, after leaving each of his other wives on their own nights at, say, midnight, run over to Nonie's for a quicky? This must be something new or it seems ALL of the wives would be clamoring to have more babies. Perhaps this is a new system because all of the women on this show must be nearing the end of their fertile years.

    -- JadedJourno

    1. That was discussed here a while back with some thinking Nonie meant she and Brady having sex when it was her scheduled night. Anyway you look at it the situation is the same as a man with a wife and mistress. He screws the mistress in the early evening then goes home to the wife to sleep. Wife schedule stays the same unless Nonie is ovulating which may require some switching around at that point.

    2. I think she meant every night when it was her night. It's unrealistic to think they all have s*x with Brady on their nights. He wouldn't have the energy and might not have the desire. Nor do they. The Paulie and the baby thing - when they talked about it on the Tell All, I could tell that they had been lying about that for the show. Paulie is not a good actress, I felt that her face give it away, it was a plot lie for the show

    3. It seemed like Nonie was trying to make it sound like she and Brady have sex every single night. It's certainly possible, he could stop by for a quickie before he goes to his designated daily wife. *gag*

    4. Thinking Brady must be doing a "liittle blue pill" more often than not.
      He has 5 women desperate for his attention and affection. He rotates all five on a five day schedule. Each woman must wait just shy of a week until it's her turn again.

      Brady is either the stud of the century...or he "has help."

      Wonder if he ever gets a day off...for good behavior (performance).....??
      But then where would he sleep. In his truck?!

  24. Can we talk about their ages:
    Brady: 43
    Paulie: 41
    Robyn: 40
    Rosemary: 40
    Nonie: 35
    Rhonda: 34

    I thought Rhonda almost became wife #1???? I am confused about the timeline, obviously. Can anyone tell me when Brady was courting her because I really thought they said they had dated when they were teenagers, except Brady is 10 years older then her. I am shocked that I am the same age as Nonie, I thought she was in her early 40's at least.

    1. Maybe that's why Brady married Paulie. Paulie was more age appropriate than Rhonda.

    2. I watched the show thinking that Brady and Rhonda were close in age as two teenagers dating is of course "normal." That he wanted to marry her but she branched out on her own and lived a little before they got married. Turns out she was about 20 when they married, not the older and wiser woman I thought she was. I was shocked to find out that there is actually a 9 year age difference! That changes my perception of Brady a lot.

    3. The ages are incorrect on some websites, including zap2it.. Rhonda is actually the oldest wife. Hope that helps - Lori

    4. Thanks for the clarification, Lori!

    5. Rhonda is the oldest wife???? What clarification are you speaking to, CJ?

    6. If Rhonda is the oldest wife it would make sense that she could have been first wife and that Brady and Rhonda had dated as teens.

    7. Okay,but...are their accurate birthdates out there somewhere? I can't find any. Thanks.

    8. Lori, how do you know the listed ages are wrong? Do you know the Williams? Is Paulie as miserable in real life as she appears on screen?

    9. Hi. I put two comments on here yesterday as "Anonymous".. I am new here! But I can' work out how to put a name on...I have tried. I love this blog, and have become very interested in Polygamy in the last few months, particularly the 3 TLC families. I would like to comment about Joe Darger. Has anyone found John Llewelyn's review of "Love Times Three" - He makes a comment that when Joe "connected" with Valerie, he had a "seminal moment" - I had come to that conclusion. Joe has said at least twice, in interviews that "it's not about sex". In an exerpt from the book on the web, Valerie says that
      after a few days(?) Joe 'phoned her and asked "are we going to talk about what happened between us?".... In my book, when two people "connect like that, it is sexual!!
      If you haven't read it, John Llewellyn has some interesting things to say - he is an ex polygamist and knows Ann Wilde, who is a friend of the Dargers. Ann, UK

    10. Hi Ann!

      FYI John Llewelyn and Rod Williams (Brady's father) worked together to expose the AUB responsibility in stealing Virginia Hill's millions. But...I found his review to be less about the Dargers and their book Love Times Three and more about his loathing of polygamy in general.

    11. Lori, how do you know the listed ages are wrong?
      I found an article that stated Rhonda has worked as a medical assistant for 23 years. If this is so, AND she is only 34 years old, that means she started work at 11 years old!!!

      Possible I suppose, but highly unlikely. I think it's safe to say the source that quoted her age as being 34 was incorrect. I think maybe 43, which could explain her wanting to adopt.

      Here's the article I found that didn't mention her age, but did mention how long she's been working.

      ‘My Five Wives’: Rhonda was supposed to have been wife number one

    12. Thank you for all your detective work CJ! You are a wonderful blog owner :)

    13. apparently someone's dyslexic and turned Rhonda's age around bassackwards and it took off from there. but yeah - logic dictates she's 43 vs. 34.

    14. and yeah - Nonie DEF looks older than 35 but then polygamy IS a hard knock life! :P

    15. Thanks, CJ! I also found the information on TLC's website, by clicking on the "Bios" tab for the family. According to TLC, Rhonda is 43, and Paulie is the next oldest wife at 41. And to Anon 2:12pm, I do not know the Williams' can't speak to what Paulie is really like - I'm sorry! It would definitely be interesting if someone who knew any of our fave tv plygs gave an interview about his/her experience with them in "real life," but oddly, no one has. Weird, huh? Normally, when someone obtains any bit of notoriety, you have people wanting to get their 5 minutes too, especially if it involves a paycheck for their story from US Weekly. :-) But....maybe the plygs don't want to go public at all. That I suppose would explain the fact no one has ever come out and said, "Hey, I know so and so, and this is what I think she/he is really like....." - Lori

    16. Lori - hey, funny that I remember on the old SWB somebody from the Browns' church came on talking about how they knew them and I don't think that person was too pleased with them. I felt the person was a fake. He or she kept saying Heavenly Father, which is definitely plyg lingo, but I still didn't buy it.

      Also, didn't Mariah supposedly show up to set the record straight at one time? Anybody else recall? You know they read these blogs! I probably would too ...

    17. Heavenly Father would be any denomination related to latter day faiths.

  25. Rhonda is 43 years old, the same age as Brady.

  26. No wonder she all upset about trying bio for a baby. She is 43.

  27. Paulie was looking daggers at Rosemary during that exchange. Her eyes were screaming "you better SHUT UP!"

  28. Oh my, I so hope Meri leaves. She would totally be entitled to half of everything Kody has. Of course Mariah would never forgive her. Mariah has been snorting that polygamy pixie dust for far too long and she has way too much control over her mother's actions.

    To be honest though, all it would probably take would be a suitor who seemed serious enough and who she was attracted to enough and I think she would be gone. I think by now the appeal of a husband she can have every night has got to be looking good. Especially now she knows that Kody is off with three other (in some cases, really young) families 75% of the time.

    She's not even a single mom anymore. Now she's just a single. That's going to result in something unsavory sooner or later. Maybe a boyfriend who stays three nights on, one night off?

    1. Half of what? His debt? By his own admission, he's already spent his retirement/401K. What would she get? I admittedly don't know how all of that works, but I just don't see anything he's got to give.

      Also, I'm glad she's going back to school. Lord knows she doesn't believe in working consistently on a job, at least not that we know of. It'll at least give her an excuse for what she does with her time -- part of it anyway.

    2. Half his hair.

    3. Haha Safe, half his mouth hormones or half the family herpes? Hehe

  29. Getting back to Meri and Robyn, I'm guessing that when Meri found out that Robyn was pregnant or going to try to get pregnant even, she decided to pull out of the SWC debacle and find a way to get busy with her own life. Maybe she saw the writing on the wall - that she'd be pulled in to babysit while Robyn was "working". She may be planning to pursue a new career, and if so, good for her. Anywho, why should she hang around and watch another SW have the children she couldn't have or who were denied to her? By the way, who's paying for her tuition?

    1. Meri gets an equal share of the family money. She *should* have more than enough money to pay for state college tuition. If she starts at a community college, she can more than afford it...and some clothes in a larger size.

      If you think about her pulling in an equal share of the money from the show, her with no kid at home, she should be making bank. If she's smart (but she's a Brown, so she isn't) she is saving money for the day she bails out of there. However, looking at their track record, she is probably racking up credit card bills.

    2. She gets an equal amount of household money. There is a family pot for the big things that Kody has final say on cause he knows everyone's situation, the wives only know their own. Meri said she was making up the difference out of her allowance for Mariah's school. Though supposedly she got a free ride the first year. Christine seemed to get an inflated amount for letting him do the wrestling mats in her garage, unless that interaction was a farce.

    3. Meri's tuition was one of my first thoughts, too, when I saw the preview. But, I suspect that she is talking about a class or two, rather than a full load. Maybe she'll even be her bonus children's classmate at UNLV.

      If Meri is serious about earning her degree and has any concern for her family finances, she should find a non-traditional program that gives her college credit for the courses she took in Utah (if they haven't expired) and her life experience, including MSWC. Then, she could get on with her life and support herself or contribute to the family (if she chooses to stay) financially.

      This plotline undermines so many of past dramatic moments that supposedly showed how they are and actively work to be a united family - including the all-important family mission statement, the commitment ceremony, the intensive therapy in Sedona, as well as the surrogacy and the infamous wetbar essential to all that home entertaining.

      I hope Meri finds what she's looking for, but I don't believe it will be in a textbook or classroom.

  30. I wonder if Kody will leap into the fray --- if there really is one---between Meri and Robyn? Also is there any indication out there as to what Kody is doing work-wise? Is Janelle still doing real estate? I do not do twitter or instagram or the like nor do I live in LV so I depend on the kindness of strangers --- :-)

  31. Meri has raised her child so it is her turn to pursue her own dreams. Good for her!

    Robin is like the bossy kid who butts into other kids games and then cries when they won't do as she says.

    1. I hope Meri becomes a Criminal Justice major. She'd make an outstanding prison guard!

    2. LOL.........perfect !!!!
      The uniform would look perfect too !!

    3. Put Your Plyg Girl Panties On!May 13, 2014 at 8:07 PM

      hmmm... trying to picture a layered spandex prison guard uniform look w/white sausage casing material sleeves coming from under the short sleeves. also wondering if Meri would be subjecting female prisoners to her closeted bi-sexuality. also picturing a NEW and truly saving storyline for their lame show w/her picking a newly released female prisoner she's enamored with to become Fifth Wife! oh yeah ... :D

  32. Remember when everyone was joking that meri would end up in Mariah's college? That she was so despondent over her daughter leaving that she would follow? Who is paying meri's tuition? what shcool and is mariah staying at westmimister? these vanlady love tweets are endless, how wierd is that?

    1. Those Vanladylove tweets must be paying Meri's college tuition!

    2. I wonder if Mariah wants to move back to Vegas. I'm not buying that she enjoyed that school as much as she claimed. I do believe, however, that the other two genuinely enjoy their college experience so far.

  33. With these plyg shows, TLC just continues to stretch the lines of credibility with ridiculous and blatantly contrived scenarios.
    Or......the intention is to show just how f'--ed up these women's lives are with regard to basic communication between women who all have chosen to share a man sexually and paternally.

    On the Brady hour, we see five women who have been together for two decades (for most of them) and are *just now* learning to communicate with each other !!! Fascinating and so
    interesting that this new ability is just in time for the storyline and cameras.

    Really? Are we really to believe that Nonie would rather tell millions on camera that she was having sex to get pregnant...but not her "we love each other" sister wives. And we are to believe that up until now none of them talk to each other about issues that come up....that they all bring their problems to Master Brady and he sorts them out.
    But then he deems it so that a new process of safe talks shall take place in the land...
    That it all just happens to occur to Brady of OZ when the TLC cameras just happen to be in place??!! BS......!!

    Meanwhile In Kodyworld, Meri has decided to take some college courses and decides that it is imperative that she let Sobbin know. But that conversation can only take place with Meri going *to Sobbin's house* and asking her to then come over the driveway *back to Meri's house* for the mysterious chat.
    And with, of course...and only until.......TLC cameras are in tow !!
    And call, no text, no email would have served to get Sobbin to come over??

    The way that bogus scene plays out, one thing is very obvious...
    After 4 seasons, neither Meri nor Sobbin have gotten any better at acting..!!!

    1. I dunno, I have threr kids, am a full time grad student, run an online hobby business and have free time coming out of my ears. If Robyn's "well then we have a problem" perma-victim reaction was genuine then what a horribly selfish person. Meri talked about going "back" to college in their book. Of course, back means she went before, which she didn't. Christine and Robyn have both mentioned having gone to college and they didn't.

    2. "we see five women who have been together for two decades (for most of them) and are *just now* learning to communicate with each other"

      I think that prior to filming the "look at us, plygs have these wonderful, close, loving families" that they were all separate families. I think they lived separate lives in separate houses like single moms and Brady just stopped by on his designated day. Now that they are trying to show the world how awesome polygamy is, they are trying to blend those separate families together into one and it doesn't work. Big honking surprise. That's why they seem so strained with each other--like they are being forced to be sweet to "the other woman" when they really just want her to go back where she came from so that they can pretend the other women don't exist.

    3. I agree with Anon 11:05PM. I found Robyn's reaction to Meri's plan to return to college remarkably selfish. Considering how broken-hearted and lost Meri felt when she became an empty-nester, one would hope that her sister wives would support her decision to better herself and find a renewed purpose for her life. I can't believe they are still sinking money into this ridiculously amateur jewelry website. Every other member of the family has expressed their lack of enthusiasm for the business. In my opinion, they would have been better off opening a Subway or similar franchise...something that isn't dependent on their quick 15 minutes of fame to schlep an overpriced product with limited appeal over the internet. Robyn is a spoiled child. Go Meri - get your degree! Education is power!

    4. Ah, but Sobbin is a clever girl.
      If the Junk Closet has to become an Internet going-out-of-business yard sale, it will then be *all Meri's fault*
      Poor Sobbin !!! She can weep in earnest, dabbing at her soggy mascara, checking her fingers for residue, blinking down-turned eyes woefully at the camera as the innocent victim she is.
      Why there may even be another Brown living room family event with Sobbin telling yet another tragic self-story as she tosses left-over Closet bling all over the floor.

  34. One other quick comment before I get to work for the day... On the topic of Robyn Williams being pregnant or not, I found the wording of their tweet on the topic to be worded a bit oddly. It said, "call it the angle of the camera or one extra scoop of ice cream but no lasting baby bump here.' It's the word "lasting" that struck me as off. Maybe they just meant that the wives have all lost their pregnancy weight in their tummy areas....but, honestly, it kind of sounds like maybe their was a miscarriage. Not sure at all...just seemed like interesting wording if the real answer was a straight up, "No, no one is pregnant nor has been pregnant recently."

    Have a good day, all! - Lori

    1. I didn't get that impression at all! Robyn is a slender woman who has had children, that bloated tummy look is totally normal. Heck, I have only had one child and I have skinny arms, no butt and chicken legs, but as soon as I eat wheat or dairy I bloat up and look a few months pregnant.

    2. "lasting baby bump" mean that as soon as she poops that bump will probably deflate a little.

  35. Late to the party, but this place is always awesomely hilarious. <3 it.

    If this has been discussed before, apologies. Is there something going on with The Fourth Wife, at least in American fundie Mormon polygamy?

    The fourth one always seems to be the favorite of the patriarch in question, even if her 'attraction' seems to defy good sense, logic, and nature. Robyn Brown is very obviously Kody's favorite, though...honestly, the two of them deserve each other; Nonie Williams seems to have some bizarro hold on Brady, and I doubt she does it with the 'sell it to me with sound reasoning' card he likes to pull.

    I want to say there's a book called "Fourth Wife" - I believe is the memoir of a woman who was a polygamist fourth wife and the husband's favorite. Granted, it's shaky for me to use that to prop this idea because I haven't read the book itself. I've been meaning to plunder the local library's non-fiction shelves on this topic in general, haven't gotten around with it.

    Obviously this doesn't apply to Mr. Clean, oops, I mean Mr. Darger because he's only got three wives (as I understand it) insofar.

    Is a matter of time? You get tired/bored/annoyed with the polygamy grind and the people involved, then you add someone new because you can and they seem really extra special because they're the first new thing in a long time?

    It could very well be coincidence - I try not to discount the possibility that a cigar really might just be a cigar, as they say. I wonder as sort of a cross-comparison thing. In East Asia, polygamy was is/was practiced in a different dynamic, but the position of Fourth Wife might be conversely considered unlucky. It revolves around the superstition concerning the number four more than anything, though.

    end thesis

    Excellent scour and review, Ms. Jinx! Thank you for taking the time to watch, note, and post! And the sharp crowd here, everyone gets me thinking. It keeps the reality formula from working too well.

    Random other comments.

    I really thought the commitment celebration was going to be the Browns' send-off, but apparently not. Good for them, I suppose.

    Meri - Don't like her much, but I feel bad for her. She's in a hell of her own making and hanging on by her pride. While I really do think she loves Mariah dearly and feels lucky to have her, Meri's still bitter that she didn't have the large family envisioned. I like that she's going to school - STFU Robyn, because...bitch, plz - and trying find herself. It'd be GREAT to see her leave because:

    a) I would like to see how things go down when the only legal wife leaves in a plyg situation.
    b) Meri could be happy doing whatever she likes - moving to Utah, getting into wetbar and deck design, being a traveling groupie for that damn band she loves so much, whatever.
    c) I wouldn't have to see her anymore, or at least less.

    Janelle - Probably my favorite, so I'm biased. She seems to have the all-around best kids, although it's clear getting playing nice didn't come naturally her younger kids and Robyn's kids. She also works and is clearly the smartest adult in the household. I do wonder if Meri left if Janelle would be First Wife. Janelle probably has what it takes to keep the family in line financially and otherwise if she had the position, assuming she could stand up to Kody. But leaving and finding someone who deserves her would be more beneficial overall than promotion to First Wife.

    Christine - She's okay. Wish she'd leave and find someone else too.

    Robyn - I don't understand how the stupidest, least experienced, most aggravating person in the group became the mouthpiece. Please shut up. Have to say, if Kody got another wife, the meltdown would glorious. If she's expecting...uh...I'll try to end this on a grown-up note and say congratulations, children are a blessing.

    end other thesis

    1. That is an interesting question. If Meri divorces Kody, who would he legally marry? That would be an interesting episode!

    2. Kody would definitely marry Robyn.

    3. Oh, could you imagine the drama if Kody legally married Robyn?

    4. I have to say, I don't think Robyn is the favorite wife. She is the newest, and the only current fertile wife. Once her fertility ends, watch how quickly Kody discards her. Why they are letting her be the mouth-piece is besides me. I think it may have a lot to do with the fact that she is mentally unstable and the Browns don't want her to publicly snap during interviews and such. Like how she snapped during that panel with Christine's aunt, that's the real Robyn.

    5. I just finished reading The Favorite Wife few week's ago, is that what you meant? It's so creepy.
      I agree two hundred and fifty percent that Kody loves Robyn and possibly only Robyn. I think Robyn is one year younger than I am. I want to have q baby with my new husband, I have a 15 year old son from a prior relationship but no other children and my husband has no children, however I'm getting gastric sleeve surgery in September (I wish Janelle would consider this option too, IMHO), but after surgery you have to wait 18 months to get preg, I'll be 35 this August. Um I am only waiting a year after surgery because of my age to get pregnant, but either way you slice it a pregnancy after that surgery is high risk. Robyn is getting up there in age and I'm Not sure how much longer she can be the fertile one. She's only had one Koduche child so she's clearly not that fertile or isn't trying. I think she has one kid to cement her place so to speak, King Sol, but I think she has no intention of continuing to get pregnant unless it suits her selfish needs. I think she relishes being the skinny and favorite wife. Such a narcissistic personality she is.

    6. If Kody needed to replace Meri as legal wife for some reason or another, Christine would pretend like she doesn't care and Janelle has convinced herself that she really doesn't care, so yeah Robyn would definitely be next in line!

    7. Kody would chose Robyn and she would explain it as a way to "protect" her older children from her ex, as Kody would be a legal stepfather. It would also mean that he could legally adopt her older children if her ex was, in fact, as negligent, abusive, and dead beat as she says he is.

    8. Being a step parent confers no legal status vis-a-vis the spouse's biological children...whether via adoption or anything else. Adoption is not based on anything to do with step parenting. A biolgical parent either has to be declared unfit by a court or give up their rights to be the legal parent. Kody marrying Robyn offers nothing, legally-speaking, to her three oldest children.

    9. Ah but my dear logical friend Spock, can't you see Robyn boo-hooing and insisting to Kody that he needs to marry her for the sake of her children and their "dead beat" dad? After all, he was duplicitous enough to con her out of her purity (she was a victim, not a willing participant) then surely Kody will need to marry her to protect her and her children from that awful man.

      Ya, I can totally see her conniving that one, she knows to play to Kody's ego.

    10. Wasn't sure how the wife order (which they say doesn't matter, but...) works if someone leaves or passes. Figured everyone just sort of moved up in title depending on the vacancy, but I think

      Either way, it might be straw that breaks the cuddle-sac, so to speak.

    11. I pressed Publish too soon. Please forgive reposts and the like.

      Yeah, I always wondered how the position of the wives works in the case of someone leaving or passing. They say First Wife is pretty much the same as Second, Third, Fouth, etc., but I don't quite buy it (at the very least, seems like First Wife at least sets some relationship precedent or something). I just sort of assumed everyone moves up the line based on the vacancy. You ladies are right in that he would technically be able to legally marry any of the three; also agree that he'd legally marry Robyn in a New York minute given half a chance, assuming her fertility keeps up.

      Either way, might be the straw that breaks the cuddle-sac, so to speak.

      @MsMarysKilla: Yes, I think that's the book I was thinking of. Unfortunately, I got some of the facts about that wrong, but that's what I get for mentioning a book I've never read. Oops.

      Sort of unrelated, if you don't mind, ma'am - good luck on the upcoming gastric sleeve procedure. Rooting for you and a speedy recovery. :D

    12. "Depending on the vacancy" MrSpock finds that---amusing (*raises one eyebrow*)

      To Snarkaholic: All of Robyn's tears and Kody's hair cannot change the fact that stepparenthood confers no legal rights to the spouse's brood upon the stepparent.

  36. Something about the Paulie cutting in on Rosemary's time with Brady thing has an ugly smell or vibe.
    Brady works hard at coming off as this ultra-sensitive, super considerate "thinker" and *progressive plyg* husband who up until TLC, has been mediating any and all dissension between the wives.
    They all said so !! Apparently he considered himself capable for the role.

    So, if Rosemary is to be believed, then this deliberate intrusive stuff by Paulie on Rosemary's time has been going on for years. Brady has known all about it but didn't do anything about it.

    It is also pretty evident that Brady has little to any attraction left for Rosemary. He treats her with the fondness usually reserved for a brother/sister.

    ...just thinking out loud...
    What if it was Brady who endorsed the interruptions by Paulie on Rosemary's private, intimate times with him ??? What if Brady and Paulie have had an unholy alliance about that??
    That would be really, really low.

    The stuck window scene was beyond stupid and staged anyway.
    Yeah, right, Paulie has a stuck window when the cameras just happen to be in her bedroom.
    She has several kids in her house, three sister wives and their kids next door....oh, and also the camera man!! But it is Brady who is filmed receiving the distress call.

    I would bet that this subject came up from Rosemary during their pre-contract interviews and TLC noted it and ran with it for a plot/ staged scene for the show.

  37. OK, there was one moment during the Brady Bunch Tell-All that I actually yelled at the TV screen. BRADY, you come off as a 2-faced cheesy misogynistic manipulator when you mention how "proud" you are of "the gals" for being so independent and "empowered." Condescending much? Paternalistic much? Don't you even notice the way your wives look at you when you talk like that? You don't fool anybody.

  38. Re The Dargers........has it occurred to anyone else here that Val Darger may have "set her cap" (UK expression) at Joe Darger.....following her leaving her first husband? ie, that she knew exactly what she was doing....... she must have seen the family on a regular basis, after all Vicki is her twin......and somewhere I read that she moved into a trailer with her children (or some of them) onto PJ's property.....
    It seems they married a year after her leaving her first husband.... just thinking....... Ann UK

    1. I'm not surprised because it's not like Joe Alina Vickie and Val didn't already know each other. Also I remember that courtship and engagement in the AUB are usually only a couple of months so getting married soon after the engagement doesn't seem unusual considering. It sounds like she and her kids went thru a lot of pain with her first husband. I read that he lost all his wives except for one. The Darger's book Love Times Three does give insights into their relationship. Have you had a chance to read it yet?

    2. I read the Brown's book but I cannot bring myself to read the Darger's book. The idea of having sex with my sister's husband is so repugnant to me that I just can't read their justifications. The mere thought sickens me. How the hell they deal with that is beyond me.

    3. Karen X -- No, I haven't read the Darger's book......I've read some excerpts from it on the net, and some articles about it/them,and reviews, but like Snarkaholic I have not got a good feeling about it.....for whatever reason....(nor the other failies either!!!!!!) so I have not read any of these three TLC polygamy families books. I have read Kristyn Decker's book, Elisssa Wall's and Joanne Hanks book "It's not about the sex my ass". I've just sent for another one from Amazon - "The true story of a polgamous church wife". I love this blog...I'm learning all the time! I have seen videos of these reality shows on the net as well. Ann UK

  39. i finally got to see the preview with meri and robyn. boy meri looks tired.

    1. Who wouldn't be tired/look tired after having to put up with someone like Robyn, who makes a huge issue out of anything and everything.

  40. If Meri truly wants to go back to college to earn a particular degree and help her family, more power to her. But I am guessing it's the all too familiar "college" route people take when they're bored and don't know what else to do with themselves. Nothing really wrong with that necessarily, but it would have been nice to see her choose something that didn't cost the family MORE money and perhaps devoted her time to volunteer/charity work instead. I am guessing she'll do absolutely nothing with what she gets out of college. Maybe she'll get a Philosophy degree like Brady.

    On that note, Philosophy degrees are shown to be one of the most worthless degrees to go for in the US. So why is Brady going for one? The guy who runs a business that would not benefit from it in the slightest? Do something with your time that helps your family, Brady!

    1. If I recall correctly, Meri has stated that she always wanted to work with at-risk youth. That was her dream. I think in season 1, they stated/showed her going to school online. I'm guessing that when they say that she wants to go back to college, it means she wants to complete that degree in psychology. Or perhaps get her Masters.

    2. I doubt Meri would be admitted into a university (did she take the SATs? I just don't see it) and absolutely cannot see her in a masters program. At most, she is too mentally ill to be a counselor and at least she is too sensitive to criticism to survive higher education. Not to mention, counselors and mental health professionals are expected to stay extremely private about their personal lives with their clients, in the office and in the real world (i.e. you don't talk to a client in the grocery store). Having a reality show where your entire life is on display goes against all kinds of professional ethical codes for that field. And even all that aside, to be a counselor you need to have EMPATHY, something that (as far as I can tell) Meri is devoid of.

    3. SAT's are not always required for college/universary admission. She probably will be taking a few classes at a junior college in Vegas.

    4. Speaking as a career academic: Meri could be admitted to college even without ACT or SAT scores if she chose a school catering to transfer or adult students. If she did so, she would not have to submit test scores, and she would receive at least some credit for courses completed at another institution.

      Speaking now as a snark: If Meri wants to return to school, good for her. Even a degree with limited economic value is a step toward increased self-efficacy. Personally, I don't think Meri is cut out to work with "at risk youth" or in any mental-health related field, but I'm sure there's something she's good at, and if she can find it, I say well done!

  41. I just saw the preview about school. Is she twelve needing someone else to do volleyball if she is doing volleyball. If she needs more help hire someone. If the business can't afford it then it's not profitable for Meri to spend her time on it. I wonder if she is expecting and the hormones are raging?

  42. - Does Brady think its a good time to have a baby now because they have a TV Show and the money NOW? Cuz it's not going to last forever and another kid is going to last a whole lot longer then your show. Really people 24 kids is good!

    - Paulie looks like a mean school teacher keeping her students in line.

    - I found it interesting the way Brady reacted with Nonie talking about having another baby, then when Paulie was thrown the question regarding having another baby...she just kept us all on our toes with the stalled answer, then boom "No"....Brady got all gitty and childlike with her. Ugh!

    - I also felt like every time Tameron Hall asked a "why" question, they all wanted to say something like "Because that's what the script asked for" obvious.

    - Robin's tears about the ring was real...and I didn't have a problem with her being so sad. Brady needs to learn (or be better organized if he is going to have 5 wives). The wives are going to take care of the kids and make sure that they are treated and given things fairly. For heaven sake that for your wives too...if you get one a ring for the 20th anniv....make sure you do that for each wife, it's your duty and the choice you made when you got into this lifestyle. <>

    - I found myself looking at my 21 y.o. daughter a lot and telling her, "this is not good...marriage is not like this". I feel so bad for these women, how they were raised to think this was the way life should be. There confusion now in their lives with this man who they thought so much of is telling them that their religion is nonsense and they are not to continue in the faith.

    My question is, could any of them have left Brady with their children to continue their AUB faith without being shunned by the community so that they could stay with their church and live the life they were taught?


    1. From what I understand the women could leave Brady to stay with their religion. They may be "reassigned" to a different man. I would think the "church" would welcome them back if they were to be very committed to living the beliefs.

  43. I guess when I think about it from say Rosemary's and Robyn W's perspective, I bet they'd like to try finding happiness and real inner peace and joy. They know it exists for some people, but maybe they think they failed at it because they do feel jealousy and discontent. They've got all these kids, most of whom I bet are pretty happy kids and then to take them and leave and try to start over with little money and education ... Well that's got to be tough, and it probably keeps the multitude of plyg women from actually leaving. No money, no education and a whole bunch of kids. That's how these men keep them dependent and in line. It makes me admire those who do take their chances and leave - like Flora and Christine's aunt and mom and the scores of others. Now those are the strong women .... You're not strong because you stayed. Out of respect for how they were raised and have been taught, I won't say the word I think best describes these women.

    1. When Christine Brown's mother left her husband/the AUB, you have to remember that her children stayed with their father. And I can't imagine a higher price to pay for your freedom. To walk away from your children in order to save yourself must be gut-wrenching to a point I can't even imagine....and honestly, I'm not sure I could leave children in a situation which I find completely intolerable. I think I would be haunted by the fact they're still in the religion being indoctrinated with all the beliefs that will lead to the life the mother couldn't take anymore. It's hard to judge, though, because they are so secretive it's difficult sometimes I think to know the true extent of what goes on in the marriages/families.

      As for the Williams and Brown women, however....seems to me that if they can get their hands on some of the TLC money, which I think we know the Brown women have, at least...I don't see a great financial impediment to them leaving. No, the TLC money won't be coming in forever. And once a wife leaves, she might not get any more TLC money at all. But, it would seem to me that a wife could save up enough to at least get themselves out and on their feet. Unless, of course, Kodouce is making them use their TLC $$ to support their families/pay for their stupid mcmansions, etc. In that case, I guess there's a possibility there's really not that much left.... Another way to keep your wives there - make them use all their TLC $$ to pay for houses that Kodouce wanted, to send their kids to college, put food on the table, etc. All the while, Kodouce uses his portion of the TLC $$ for what, exactly?? Oh, that's right...he has no bills or responsibilities that are his specifically, so he just "helps out" a wife if she gets in a pinch. Yes, that's our Kody. Always so selfless and beneficent...

      - Lori

    2. I've wondered about that, too. Kody's equal share of the TLC money has never been discussed. Is he paying the mortgage on the house he and Meri own together? Maybe that's how she can afford tuition for herself. But when you remember Christine talking about how her kids have to think of ways to pay for college themselves, and Logan talking about the cheapest way to get an education (thus not aspiring to go to Harvard of whatever) it is really disgusting to me that Meri's tuition is not an issue. Or that Kody's $$ is just going to his "retirement" or cars or whatever.

  44. "and it probably keeps the multitude of plyg women from actually leaving. No money, no education and a whole bunch of kids."

    Exactly !!
    If there has been one fact that has rung loud and clear from these Plyg shows, it is this !!

    One can hope that if any of these women watch their own shows, and maybe even venture online to read viewer impressions or read books by those who have left, some of them may have an epiphany.
    (excluding ladies like Paulie, who don't watch and would rather not know)

    No matter how creative the producers are in dreaming up fake plots and feel-good events for these families and for ratings, it is always the same for the wives.

    Across the board, the women on all of these shows exhibit some form of anxiety/ depression/ sadness.

  45. I watched True Tori last night and I think that polygamy is the answer for Dean. The guy wants sex every single day (preferably multiple times) yet they have 4 kids under the age of 7. If he had 5 wives competing for his attention then he could certainly obtain his sexual goal!

    Go for it Dean--polygamy is for you!

    1. I only saw maybe 5 minutes when Dean had fixed a "gourmet" snack for Tori who was seated in front of a fireplace. I had to turn to another channel. Neither of them could act their way out of a paper bag. For a second I thought I was watching a new movie directed by Christopher Guest but without the laughs!

      Plyg - Tori, I'm sure that will be a future show.

    2. I wonder if Meri will take classes at a community college close to Mariah. She can rent an apartment and she and Mariah can live together and go to school. It would get her out of the cuddle sac and she could drive back to visit her wet bar and have her "turn" with Kodouche every weekend.

  46. I think the networks should read this blog because we have some really good ideas!

    How about polygamous Survivor? We pit the Kody Brown Clowns against the Williams? Now THAT would be fun! Can you see Nonie and Robyn going up against each other in a physical challenge?! How about Meri and Paulie? First wives smackdown! Ya, this could be fun!

    1. I think Polygamist Wife Swap between Brady and Kody would be fun except one of Brady's wives would have to sit out.

    2. OooOOOoh polygamist wife swap! Can we send Robyn and Christine to Joe Darger? That would be a hoot!!

    3. I think Bravo should consider having a Real housewives of polygamy. Think about it. Most of the real house wives aren't married, neither are most of these women and at least the Brown Clowns have got acting entitled down pat.

    4. I've thought for a while that TLC missed the mark with hiring the Williams for M5W. What they should have done was hire Brady's Dad. They could do a combination of polygamy/bigfoot hunt show and call it "Finding Plyfoot."

      Season one's storyline would feature Rod, scampering through the Washington forest in his little skirt, searching for Bigfoot. He finally finds Bigfoot, and guess what?! Bigfoot is FEMALE... It's love at first sight for him (afterall, despite his multiple wives, Bigfoot has been his constant obsession). Bigfoot is also drawn to him - she thinks he'd make a tasty snack. Kinda like Edward when he first met Bella in Twilight. Anyway, the first season's finale would be they get married because who doesn't just LOVE a wedding??!!

      Season two could focus on the current wives adapting to living with their new sister wife, Plgfoot! There would be arguments like the sister wives getting upset because Plgfoot brought fleas into the house. Or on Plgfoot's night to cook the family meal, the sister wives would be upset cause there would just be a couple dead squirrels and a chicken with it head ripped off. To make matters worse, the neighbor would call yelling that Plgfoot stole his free range chickens...Oh the never-ending drama! I'm sure I'd be able to stay awake for that!

    5. Plygfoot?!!! OMG--that is hysterical! For their wedding plygfoot can wear Christine's dress from the "you should be committed" ceremony!! And the hideous cake tree would be perfect for plygfoot's wedding theme!

      I love reading this blog!!!!!!

  47. when rhonda was explaining their religious take on medical care, that if you were a good enough person god would heal you, and her struggle to use modern medical care for her breast health issues, it made me think of truely and if christine also thought the same way about health and religious issues. If that might have contributed to delayed care. Rhonda sheds the most light and talks about the issues i know i am interested to hear about the religion. Kody and Co never talk about this.

    1. The Browns went to an assisted fertility place. One of Kody's moms is a nurse. Madison saw a chiro when thrown from a horse and needed an adjustment. Grandma recommended taking her to a chiro. I would have picked ER but in the middle of nowhere I'd rely on grandma since she is a nurse and my kid is hurting. Christine gave birth to Truely in a hospital. Robyn did have midwives. It wasn't Meri and Christine and Janelle at the end of the bed. Meri had a colonoscopy. Mariah wants to be a pediatrician. She had to have seen them to want to be one, and she wanted this since the Lehi house. The Browns don't consider medical care to be off limits. They likely have priesthood blessings. They believe in miracles.

    2. I see your point anon 1030am. I don't remember exactly what Meri said about her sister who died of colon cancer, but I think the sister delayed going for medical help. And it would make sense if she believed that her illness was a test from G**. Christine's grandfather Rulon Allred was a homeopathic physician as well as a chiropractor, not exactly what I'd consider modern medical care. I also believe Christine waited almost too long and even then took Truely to a doctor's office and had to be told to take the baby to the emergency room immediately.

      I think there is a mistrust in mainstream doctors and hospitals because they tend to ask a lot of questions. I've read that while he was alive, Christine's grandfather provided a majority of the healthcare needs for his AUB followers.

    3. Her grandfather turned away from polygamy and then went back to the practice in his twenties. I have no idea when he got his education but a chiropractor is a medical doctor. Within the community they try and find members to take on these professions so others don't ask questions. Christine was a small child when he died. Chiropractor will be the most welcome doctor when you do need one. Chances are all or most of his education came while he was not in a polygamist practice.

      I don't buy any of it. After all the woman with the cancer scare and family history does in fact have a job working in a medical office. No she is not a doctor but that does suggest they don't shun doctors.

    4. A chiropractor is NOT a medical doctor. A chiropractor CAN NOT prescribe medicines. Which I suspect why Rulon Allred was also a homeopath "physician". Home made remedies instead of real medicines is what he prescribed to patients! If you want to get your spine adjusted you go to a chiropractor. If you need real medical help, go to a REAL DOCTOR!

      And what proof do you have that Rhonda is employed in a REAL DOCTOR's office and not a chiropractor or homeopath? The fact that she basically ignored going to a doctor because she couldn't afford it sounds to me that she was NOT employed by a REAL DOCTOR's office at all. She was probably working in a chiropractor's office, and adjusting a person's spine does not do anything if you could be suffering from breast cancer!

    5. She is a medical assistant. She works likely for a practice, meaning a small business which means they don't have group health care. Private insurance is very expensive and a large family paying the out of pocket could have been more than they could spend. It's not unusual for people to do without care over money. Especially for monitoring something. Once she found another lump she went in. I have no idea what type of medical office she works at but a chiro is a real doctor. Why are you screaming? No one said she went to a chiropractor for breast cancer treatment.

    6. Like I was saying to anon 1030, I wouldn' be surprised if Christine delayed seeking medical help for Truely because of her religious upbringing not to trust medical doctors or hospitals, leaving it up to G** to heal her baby. And I thinkit was the film crew that insisted she take Truely to a doctor.

    7. Dude, I would not go to a chiro for anything outside of their spectrum which is spinal issues.

    8. Certainly here in the UK, a chiropractor is NOT medically qualified.....does not have a medical degree... In Kristyn Decker's book she mentions Uncle Rulon quite a bit, her father was Owen Allred. She makes it clear Uncle Rulon is not a doctor. He delivered at least one of her babies. Ann UK

    9. KMS, a chiropractor does NOT in fact meet the qualifications to be defined as a medical doctor. Chiropractors may receive a doctorate in chiropractic study, but they are not the same as an MD.

  48. "Polygamist Wife Swap between Brady and Kody "

    This would be my first choice too.

    If it would be a true swap. then Kody would have put on a hard hat and pretend to actually work.
    And Brady could find the comfiest couch and catch up on zzzzz all day.

    Kody would find out what weekly dinners are with the *whole troupe* present....where he would have to pull off playing Dad with gusto.
    And he also would find out what is expected of him *every night.* (10 dollars says he wouldn't last)

    Brady would get to see real time sisterly sniping occurring without having to intervene or even notice.
    Brady will also be able to get some absolute bargains on plyg joolery.
    And better avoid future unpleasant confrontations, he will be able to stock up on rings n' things for those pesky "oops" I was busy" moments that bring on the tears.from his memory lapses in those *special* events gifting,

    Could be lots of fun to watch !!!

    1. Oh! I hope with all my heart that Brady purchases Robyn's "Do-Over" ring from My Sister Wife's Closet!

    2. He could always buy her a sign from a little shop in vegas.

    3. I could never figure why Kody bought gifts for his wife and the other three in the first place. They are not his mothers. Gifts for those four should have been from their children.

  49. On a positive note; Kody*s hair looks better in that clip! Less fluffy. Looks healthier.

    1. Maybe he started using conditioner

  50. Just wanted to say that for days,weeks,then months I checked to see if the old SW blog was back up..pathetic I know..but still i checked. Finally I gave up..(having recently lost MediaDomain and my fellow General Hospital snarkers much in the same way..I felt a gaping hole where the witty commentary once was,and the ability to have someone else sum up my thoughts about shows I love to hate)..and then I stumbled upon this blog. Yay!! Thank you CJ!! SW isn't really worth watching without the ability to rag on it. I was so inspired..I am posting for the first time. Former chiming in! Don't want to be Anon..but can't figure out how to select a name. Lame..I know.
