
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Off Topic Thursday for 5/8/14

Brady contemplating an answer to a very deep question
Okay, before I start on what the Browns have been up to, I have to tell you what my BFF played on me yesterday.

As we were discussing, over the phone, reality shows like Tori Spelling (BFF believes her new reality show is real, while I think it's fake fake fake) BFF nonchalantly asked if I'd watched My Five Wives yet because there was a big fight between Rosemary and Brady.

Fight? So you know me and reality show fights...before you could say Bring Back Escaping the Prophet, I was playing the episode.

But where was the fight? It wasn't until I heard BFF's maniacal laugh that I realized she had punk'd me. Good. There wasn't a big fight after all. That's okay, she's just making up for all the practical jokes I played on her since high school, so she's one down, 9,999,999 more to go.

So what were the Browns up to this week? Well, for one thing, Robyn was uncharacteristically quiet on Twitter. Makes me wonder if those rumors are true that she's got a Brownie in her oven.

You know, I'm not gonna touch that one with a ten foot pole. But luckily, I have a two foot pole for her next tweet:
Why apologize? It seems to sum up your hubby Kody very well. But are you sure he wears a helmet? Wouldn't it mess up what's left of his hair?
Oh dear, sounds like it wasn't Robyn's night with Kody...Or maybe Kody's spending time courting his 5th perhaps? No wait, I got it! It's JANELLE'S BIRTHDAY!! That explains it!

Seems like Meri isn't going to let her time sans Kody bring her down. Looks like she still makes time for a few of the Brownettes to come over and play. I see Gwennie, Breanna, Truely and of course, King Sol.

The one thing I notice about this picture is that the grass is still green in that area between Meri's and Robyn's McMansions. But couldn't Meri have splurged some dough on proper desert landscaping for her "backyard"? And where's the razor wire for the top of that fence?

Okay, so Mariah is home from college. Any bets on if she will be returning? Geez Louise, another VanLadyLove mention.
Haha, Meri makes a funny. Meri's obsession with VanLadyLove is getting old, though. I can't wait for the band's manager to tell them they have to cut back on Meri's endorsements because overweight polygamous cougars don't buy a lot of VanLadyLove's music!
Typical of Kody, he spent a lot of time retweeting. But that's  okay, because it was about Maddie and Hunter's prom night!

Hmmm....I wonder if Aspyn and Meri regret not going to their prom? I always thought the main reason Aspyn didn't go was because Christine forbade her, and that Mariah didn't go because no guy would ask her.

Isn't Maddie looking radiant in that picture?

And yes, Hunter does look very nice all spiffied up!

Of course, Kody retweeted this sing along picture. I'm beginning to see a pattern here. Meri tweets a picture of kids playing in her/Robyn's side yard, and now a picture of family sing along night. Do you think TLC is behind this?

Looks like Janelle is having fun shopping for Mother's Day. I wonder if mysisterwifescloset stocked up for Mother's Day?

Okay, I have to admit this was pretty funny...

Last we have Christine's tweets. Being that Christine recently tweeted how she, Truely and Ysabel were gluten intolerant, let's hope they opted for gluten-free fare. Was Kody taking this picture? Is that why Gwennie is sticking out her tongue?

Did I miss the other Sister Wives wishing a Happy Birthday to Janelle via Twitter? Besides Robyn's tweet about loving spending time with her kids and Meri's tweet about loving anything VanLadyLove...

This is so sweet!

And here's some Brownie facts you may not have known...


  1. WOW, Maddie looks stunning! At first glance it looked like a wedding picture. She looks great! I didn't know Aspyn and Mariah didn't go to prom, wonder why.

    No surprise only Christine tweeted to Janelle for her birthday. Not even Kody? I don't get it. I really don't think this family likes each other at this point, it's all an act for the show. I'm sure by now they are mainly just functioning as neighbors and only individual families, with the exception of maybe Meri and Robyn. Filming their show might be the only interaction these adults have with each other.

    1. That would be soooo sad if not even Kody likes his wives at this point. :(

    2. Maddie does look amazing. I think she has a bright future ahead of her! Side note, her date totally reminds me of a thinner Jonah HIll. I wouldn't be surprised if Christine didn't allow Aspyn to go to prom. I am still curious about why Aspyn didn't get to go on the trip to Europe but Mariah did. Everything is fair in the family right?

      I have said it before, but the only genuine love I have seen between the adults is between Christine and Janelle. Kody should be kissing Janelle's feet but he is probably too busy driving his stupid car around or playing with his hair.

    3. YES!!!! I knew her date looked like someone but I just couldn't think of the name. Yes he does look like Jonah Hill! Thank you!!

  2. Does anyone know anything about Rose Marie Cawley's having gotten married?

    1. I've read that she did get married, however, she hasn't changed her last name on Facebook yet (like Kellie did when she married Hyrum). I think if there was a season 2 of Polygamy USA the brethren would have placed her with a man her own age as a first wife. But since there's no season 2 it's quite possible she has been placed in an already established family. Heck maybe she's Kellie's sister wife...but I doubt it.

    2. i was the one who mentioned this last week. sadly, i have no further information. i got it off an ex-flds tumblr, politicsrusprinciple. i asked for more details, but nothing so far.
      also, apparently becca has had another baby.

    3. I so wish there was a season 2 of Polygamy U.S.A. Instead, we will get about 20 seasons of the Browns and the Duggars.

  3. This is an OFF topic comment, but I'm halfway through Polygamy USA, and I cannot get over what a bratty little dick Ezra is...I just watched his parents drive him 5 hours away to pick up a truck that he cannot pay the impound fees for, doesn't have keys to access, and appears to not even have called for details until they were 5 minutes away from the lot.
    He spent the remainder of the episode deriding his parents for treating him like he 'doesn't know anything' or 'telling him what to do'. Hell, I'm surprised he dressed himself without help.

    1. They are not taught problem solving skills. They are sent to their sheltered school. Told what to think and what to do. If he decided to go along with things he would have been doing tasks for the community for years until placed with a wife. I blame his parents for his being clueless. And for not checking if he had the money before they left the house. Or making him pay for gas and then realizing gosh he has no money? They could have dropped him off and sent him by bus to get it. How did he get five hours away from his impounded car in the first place?

    2. I'm sorry if I'm rude but did you even watch the episode kms?

    3. Yes I did. I'm sure daddies micromanaging of the missionaries is just like how he manages his household.

    4. I'm sure daddies micromanaging of the missionaries is just like how he manages his household.
      I didn't see Uncle Art micromanaging the missionaries at all. His responsibilities were to train the missionaries to be self-sufficient, responsible adults suitable for marriage to a "daughter of Zion". And as far as his family's concern, well, it IS his family and he IS the head of the family so....

      They are sent to their sheltered school.
      Masada Charter School is considered one of the best charters in the USA.

      If he decided to go along with things he would have been doing tasks for the community for years until placed with a wife
      Which Ezra rejected to do. He was not run out of the community, and he still wanted to practice plural marriage. He just wanted to date and marry Tiffany with no skills, no job and no money. Of course Uncle Art would be upset! Micromanaging had nothing to do with it!

      I blame his parents for his being clueless. And for not checking if he had the money before they left the house. Or making him pay for gas and then realizing gosh he has no money? They could have dropped him off and sent him by bus to get it.
      Uncle Art asked him before they left for Salt Lake if he had the money to get his truck out of the impound and if he knew the name of the impound yard and the address. Ezra apparently thought his father didn't know what he was talking about. That conversation was featured in the episode "The Baptism". Anyway, it turned out Ezra had no clue it would cost $600 until they were in Salt Lake, and didn't even pack his truck keys. He was totally irresponsible.

      They could have dropped him off and sent him by bus to get it.
      Why would Uncle Art do that when he was going to Salt Lake anyway? How do YOU know there was a bus going from Centennial Park to Salt Lake City?

      How did he get five hours away from his impounded car in the first place?
      Ezra called his friends, or his sister, or his parents to come get him? Maybe he hitchhiked?

      It was Ezra who left his broken down truck on a Salt Lake City street. Why blame Uncle Art by saying he micromanages when it clearly was Ezra's problem and when his father tried to tell him hey, you can't just leave your truck to be impounded and not expect to pay through the nose to get it back, Ezra ignored him.

      Problem solving skills are moot when you're an arrogant, immature a$$hole demonstrated by Ezra in that episode.

  4. I like RoseMarie so much, but I can't tell if she truly believes that receiving a name is divine intervention and that she must wait for help, playing along to show how free her choices are, has no self preservation, or is perhaps just not interested in men.
    Kelly, (married to Hyrum) understood the game and played her hand well, ensuring she was gifted with the name of the best looking and seemingly nicest man on the compound.
    I wish/hope RoseMarie had some input or luck in her 'placement', but like Jinx said, with no future seasons I kind of doubt it.

    1. I think Rose Marie was desperate to get away from her family and being a free babysitter. She probably didn't want to live in the shipping container either. As for Kelly, she did pick a young, hot guy. However, to me he seemed uninterested and a little disappointed.

    2. I would love to see how the shipping containers are working out. I can see Rose being sent out to one and her hoarding secret supplies of applesauce

  5. So, I was trolling the Brown tweet world last night and saw something interesting, as well. One of the wives (and not Robyn...maybe Meri, can't remember) tweeted a link (or re-tweet, kind of a twitter dummy) to Mindy Jessop's page. So of course, off to Mindy's twitter I go.... and it appears Mindy just got a new roomie...named Sara. Guess Robyn's managed to run off Nanny/Housekeeper #2. Wonder which family member she'll target next....

    - Lori

    1. What, two weeks ago Mindy was tweeting about Sol kissing her face. Now she's moved on to a new place with a roommate. I'm with you on which family member will be Robyn's next temp housekeeper/maid.


  6. Final rant as my insomnia is starting to fade.
    I know I'm not the only person who notices or is annoyed by the generalizations about monogamy bandied about by the Browns...but honestly, how many times can they insinuate that monogamy is miserable? Monogamist husbands don't help? Monogamist husbands screw around? Monogamist women have no help from friends or family?
    I've heard these statements made (usually by The Seeping Weeper) in the same breath as she explains how prejudiced and biased the world is against them and their polygamist ways.
    My sister has always been at my side at the drop of a hat. I've babysat one of my girlfriends daughters three times this month alone. My best friends helped me care for my dying parents, without question.
    I don't think that is very extraordinary, it's what friends and family do, right?
    I've noticed similar statements from Uncle Art on Polygamy USA (granted with a little more self awareness than Robyn McWeeperson), but statements none the less about how love based marriages won't work.
    This really upset MrPetiteTerror (who unfortunately grew up with polygamy), as it is a calculated strike against anything different than what they believe or may cause them to question the lives they've made (and ruined).
    I can guarantee I have never cried as much in ten years (with my husband) as they cry in a single season. Probably because I'm not miserable...AND I don't even have to share the man I married! It's the strangest thing, I get support, love, respect, sex, and I don't have to worry about which baby mama will give him a cold sore.

    1. Agree 100%. Maybe these polygs who grew up with this never had the chance to SEE a neighbor helping out...or a real sister or friend helping out, so they might not even KNOW that that is a possibility.

    2. I think in the case of the Centennial Park polygamists (like Uncle Art) they are extremely serious about their beliefs. On a different documentary show, a second wife explained to Dawn Porter (a British reporter) that they do not marry for love because love doesn't last. Even Rose Cawley said the same thing when she mentioned on Polygamy Usa that she grew to love her husband Michael Cawley but apparently did not marry him initially for love.

      Another thing to consider is that polygamists think of themselves as a "chosen people". I read that Owen Allred (previous leader of AUB) did not want polygamy to be legalized because if it were that would allow anyone to practice it - thus negatively impacting the special nature of the people who were "chosen" to practice it.

      And don't forget those creepy sermons/bedtime stories of Michael Cawley's where he said women who practice monogamy were condemning their daughters and granddaughters to be harlots in the street!

      I'm going to see if I can find more info on this.

    3. "Another thing to consider is that polygamists think of themselves as a "chosen people"

      I think this is why Kody and his baby mamas are so arrogant. They see themselves as better than everyone else. They mouth the politically correct things to try and gain general acceptance in our society, but their actions scream "we are the chosen, monogamists are nothing but tools for us to use" They bleed the beast and have contempt for those mere mortals who will not populate their own planet.

    4. Creepyville bedtime stories, for sure.
      If they are to become like Jesus...why would they scare their kids away from loving EVERYONE?

      So if they don't marry for love, I wonder how long they wait to have sex after they are married. It would be so awkward to marry someone as a business transaction and then "perform"...makes me think that it really IS all about sex. :)
      I mean, if you love someone, you can't wait to "make love"...but in the case of the AUB, I guess they don't do that (at least initially). Maybe it's a ... lights off, covers up, missionary position for 37 seconds and then bedtime...type of thing.

      Maybe THAT's why they dont' talk about the more intimate side of marriage. ha!

    5. You know, Meri's obsession with VanLL has gotten to the point of weird. She must really, really have the hots for someone in that band. I remember one show where she was flirting with some man (I totally don't remember who, what, when, or where) and then she started talking about her "flirty" personality and that's just who she is, etc. I remember it because it made me so uncomfortable, and it looked like it made the guy she was all over equally uncomfortable. She is so desperate for affection and male attention that it is sad.

      I guess when your husband is busy with three other women you tend to get desperate for any crumb of male attention.

    6. Actually Meri having a crush on one if VLL makes sense! She is out if control tweeting about them. It's stalker-ish? I also sense that Mariah will not be returning to Westminster. She tweeted something that sounded like she was kind of saying goodbye

    7. i read the tweet that i think you're referring to and it just seems end-of-yearish to me. it seems like a very early end of the academic year to me, but i don't know how they do things at westminster.
      something which i don't think has ever been discussed on here is the utter insanity of the deleted scene 'blanket of love' (check it out on the tlc sister wives site) in which meri tells her friend that mariah's classes finish on thursday, so she can drive up late on thursday or early on friday EVERY WEEK to be home for the weekend! i just have no words.
      this may not be normal either, but when i went to university, i moved to a different country and my parents paid for a friend's expenses to come and help me move in because i wanted to start that part of my life feeling like an adult. i came home for holidays and the rest of the time i learned to look after myself. i'd never previously cooked for myself or done my laundry and it was a huge culture shock, but i needed it. also, unlike meri, my parents have a busy and fulfilling life. meri needs to put mariah first and allow her to be her own person rather than guilt her into being her mother's best friend and support.

  7. I read that Ezra and Tiffany (from Polygamy USA) got married last September. And I noticed that on FB, Rose Marie Cawley changed her hometown from Centennial Park to Colorado City, so that's how I guessed she got married.

    1. The same place that made them unwelcome when they returned to steal water and picnic? I thought the centennial park people left over leadership issues? How could the brethren place her with them? Rose Marie might have been born in Colorado City.

    2. Centennial Park are labelled as apostates by the FLDS so I seriously doubt she was placed with them plus her grandfather is Claude Cawley who is one of the Brethren of Centennial Park. However remember that her mother and father both grew up in Colorado City so I'm thinking she's working there (there's the college and high school) and/or she's living with relatives.

  8. " I wonder how long they wait to have sex after they are married."

    Which leads to the question.....
    Since Joe Darger married both of his first two wives on the same day (two cousins) the question has always been which wife had an actual "wedding night" of sex ?
    Did they toss a coin? Get promised a special treat if willing to go second?
    Dare I ask.......threesome?

    Imagine if you had "to wait" for your night of wedding night bliss on your wedding day? *knew* your new husband and *she* were doing their thing ? How would that feel?
    And you would merely be the second act? (whenever that would eventually happen)

    Uhhh....can't imagine.???
    Would you measure up to the opening act? Would you receive the same level of interest and passion......and if so, how authentic could or would that be?
    Meanwhile the "groom" gets to luxuriate in the fact that he always will have options for his desires and moods.

    1. Ooooh, do tell........ !!

    2. Here's a quote from their book, Vicki is speaking:

      "Joe came to my house to pick up my furniture to move to a trailer he had fixed up for the three of us to live in. We married days later, in ceremonies that followed one after the other. In our culture, age is given a lot of respect. Alina, like Joe, was twenty and I was nineteen, so Alina’s marriage took place first. She also is Joe’s legal wife. I was the witness at their civil ceremony, which took place weeks later before a judge."

      Adams, Brooke; Darger, Alina; Darger, Vicki; Darger, Valerie (2011-09-13). Love Times Three: Our True Story of a Polygamous Marriage (p. 59). Harper Collins, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

      I'm guessing that Alina was the first to have a "honeymoon", followed by Vicki (since Alina was the oldest of the two). Also, from Joe's perspective he said:

      "Alina, Vicki, and I were married that same day in a ceremony patterned after the sacred marriage ordinance performed in LDS Church temples."

      Adams, Brooke; Darger, Alina; Darger, Vicki; Darger, Valerie (2011-09-13). Love Times Three: Our True Story of a Polygamous Marriage (p. 75). Harper Collins, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

      I think it's interesting they had the spiritual marriage first, and three weeks later Joe and Alina were legally married with Vicki witnessing. Also, Vicki said:

      "Did I resent not being chosen as the legal wife? Not at all. People who do not belong to this faith put more emphasis on the notion of who’s first and legal than we do."

      Adams, Brooke; Darger, Alina; Darger, Vicki; Darger, Valerie (2011-09-13). Love Times Three: Our True Story of a Polygamous Marriage (pp. 59-60). Harper Collins, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

    3. Thanks, CJ. You always do come up with the facts !!
      Appreciate it !!

      Okay, we know that Alina is and always will be the only legal wife.
      So.....if you are "legal" then only you would be entitled to have the first wedding night.

      Which then does suggest that non-legal status does relegate a woman to not being a priority even, as in the Darger's case, on her wedding night. Sad!

      Which then goes back to "do they marry for love" or simply for fertility potential and fulfillment of the required number of baby makers?

      For all the fertility going on, Plyg-life ia really a sterile world of emotions.

    4. Imagine being the man and going into night #2 and feigning the ... know he was as horny as a 16 year old boy and was probably trying not to show too much excitement that he was "doing" two girls and they both knew about it and were both okay with it! :)

    5. "you know he was as horny as a 16 year old boy and was probably trying not to show too much excitement that he was "doing" two girls and they both knew about it and were both okay with it! :)"

      No kidding !!!
      And they all pretend to wonder why non-plygs have sex questions!!

    6. I still don't believe that being the first wife doesn't matter. I think being the first wife is a big deal whether or not anyone wants to admit it. If Meri wasn't the first wife, I doubt she'd be as coddled. Alina also seems very content with her first wife status.

    7. OMG, this is so GROSS!!!! It is just beyond comprehension to me!!! Nasty and dirty and just icky!!!!

    8. Freya - and so does Paulie. yeah, if First Wife didn't matter - then why are they always designated and claim it proudly? it matters.


  9. How do you NOT hear your husband having sex with someone in the same trailer? I know the Brown wives can't even stand to hear each other on the phone with Krudy, so were the walls in Lehi soundproof?
    I wouldn't put it past Meri with her under the blanket snuggling on Grody (I think the book references this happening early on in their marriages and front of Janelle) to play up her 'Lover's' skills. If only to hurt or piss off another wife.
    I've also developed some theories about Kody and Meri's 'great love story' and the 'theft or gift of Robyn's purity'...does that sound like a Nancy Drew title to anyone else?

    1. Please tell us your theories!

    2. I didn't even think about the sound quality of a trailer!!! Oh, my gosh.
      I would hate that. Mean women would make all kinds of noise to get to the other wife.
      Or...maybe the women really dig it and have a drawer full of toys to play with on their "off night" lol.

      I have to say...if I were a plyg...I would INSIST on a clean-shaven man down there. No way would I want him to be bringing someone else's pubes into MY bedroom. bleh! :)

    3. so were the walls in Lehi soundproof?
      If I remember correctly, the "master" bedrooms for the three apartments were strategically placed so that they did not share a common wall or (as in the case of Christine because she was in the "basement") a floor/ceiling.

      How do you NOT hear your husband having sex with someone in the same trailer?
      And I'm sure Meri made sure her moans and groans and bed creakings were loud enough to wake the dead! Especially once Janelle got pregnant!

    4. Kristyn Decker speaks of this in her book, "Fifty Years in Polygamy: Big Secrets and Little White Lies." After reading her book I felt sick to my stomach for days. I could never share my husband. NEVER!!! She tells about hearing her husband have sex downstairs with his newer wife and the depression and mental abuse it caused her. She is extremely descriptive of the REAL side of polygamy. UGH just thinking about that book makes me have an upset stomach. I feel so sorry for these women. They DO NOT know real love.

    5. oh good, i'm not the only one. i don't know what it was about kristyn decker's book, but it got to me more than any other book on polygamy. my husband had to pour me a large whisky because it upset me so much and i also felt physically ill for days. to this day, i don't know why her stories of child abuse and emotional pain were so much worse to read than those of carolyn and flora jessop or elissa wall.

    6. who even wants to believe in a god that requires women to go through such an emotional f**k up their whole lives in order to be "worthy" for his exalted kingdom reserved for them? If you're born into this mess and indoctrinated w/it through childhood w/anything and everyone around you, it's really hard to ever get your brained turned on re:it tho.

      there but for the grace of god, go I?? for me, it's not possible to be a god thing at all. just a man-made thing that benefits men.

  10. Why isn't kody in any of these pictures with HIS family? Why does he constanly half to retweet them. Not complaining of his retweeting. I would much rather read what some one else wrote (except Robin), besides the mindless garbage that comes out of his mouth. I mean he has no job that I'm aware of, so why can't he interact with his children. Spend time with them. If he does it certainley doesn't show in their pictures.

    1. He's too busy courting his 5th wife and getting Robyn pregnant!

  11. Sister KolobsterMay 8, 2014 at 3:46 PM

    I love how Maddie is rocking the bare-shoulders look in her prom photo! --I *would* say I wonder how she got that dress past her parents (I remember them saying that they require shoulders and midriff to be covered for modesty's sake), but both Kody and Janelle are pretty ineffectual parents (all bark, no bite), so actually I don't wonder.

  12. Glad to see pics of Truely running around, especially with yet another sleeping photo being tweeted. Maybe I'm just paranoid now because none of the kids in my extended family are big on napping, but I've seen more shots of Truely sleeping than I have of my own kids asleep - and I take way too many pictures! (That really is an exaggeration, but I hope you know what I mean...)

    1. I am pretty sure the picture of the sleeping child taken after the water hose stuff is Sol, actually - not Truely...?

    2. Yes, I believe the sleeping child is Sol. Truely's got Kody's Geico Man's brow.

    3. Ugh...I guess it really is time for the reading glasses then! Thank you!

  13. Christine has such a beautiful family, I am happy to see that maybe she is finally accepting that she is alone 3 out of 4 days. Now that she is no longer birthing babies for the Kodester she is low priority.

    Meri and Mariah need to cut the apron stings big time. I am surprised she made it through an entire school year. Wonder if she will go back? Meri seems so bored with her life, I don't know how she does it.

    Robyn also seems bored. If she isn't pregnant right now I will be shocked. I bet that will be the cliffhanger for next season.

  14. Theory 1: Grody and Scari's 'great love'
    I believe (especially as they age and begin to look more and more alike) that Kody's main attraction to Meri is how similar they look to each other. I also believe that that is part if Meri's attraction because I have the distinct feeling that she fights some same sex attractions.
    Comments have been made by Kody and others about Meri having 'crushes' on specific women (as a match maker and friend), but I feel the level of betrayal she seems to feel is more indicative of lost love than lost friendship.
    Part B of Theory 1: is Meri's security that Kody would not feel love or passion for his other 'wives'.
    When Robyn came into the relationship I believe Meri saw the possibility of financial gain through the show, and a 'wife' that met her specific 'needs and requirements' in a way Janelle and Christine wouldn't. I think Meri also enjoyed being the link (or pimp) in Robyn and Kody's connection as a way to be the 'cool' wife.
    Meri wasn't worried about being 'replaced' like Christine was, and obviously did not worry about the additional financial strain that Janelle commented on.
    I suspect that Meri used Robyn and Kody's affair (and I do believe there was an affair) as a way of protecting herself from the truth, strengthening her 'bond' with Kody, and sticking it to Christine and Janelle for not being what she thought she deserved.
    I think she tries to dress her confusing views of sexuality and marriage as being faithful to her priesthood holders wants and desires.

    1. I agree with your theory and B! Kody BLINDSIDED Meri when he courted Janelle and Christine. By the time Robyn started sniffing around Kody, the Browns had already been approached for a reality show. I don't doubt for a minute that as soon as he saw Robyn he was hooked and all Robyn had to do was reel him in. Meri had to notice Kody's interest, and like you mentioned, she probably encouraged the relationship. But I think Meri did it to SAVE FACE and show the other two wives that she was in total control of Kody, up to controlling who he courts as 4th wife.

    2. Blindsided is the exact word I couldn't think of. Agreed.

    3. I get the impression there are some same sex attractions Meri struggles with, too. I also believe Meri encouraged Robyn and Kod's relationship as some sort of powerplay against her sisterwives, only to have backfire in her face. I don't think she realized she would have competition for queen bee.

    4. I also think Meri is struggling with something. I think she does like men, but is frustrated and unhappy in her marriage. How could she be happy in a relationship with Kody and his 3 mistresses and 16 other kids that are not hers? With Mariah gone, what is really there for her now? Not a lot. I hope that out of all the wives Meri is the one to leave.

  15. Theory 2: The case of Robyn's disappearing purity
    I'd like to preface with my belief that Robyn is a sociopath with a low IQ...
    Robyn has frequently shown an inability to express or experience a mature level of emotional health. Her stories constantly change, as though her history depends on the situation she is in; unfortunately she is not smart enough to keep track of her inconsistencies.
    During a dating conversation with the teens, Maddie (I believe) remarked that Robyn claimed to have many boyfriends and kissed them. Immediately after Robyn corrects her statement and changed the subject...I do not think that is a statement a teen would confuse. Lord knows it would have been burned into my brain as a kid.
    Robyn says her parents had a honeymoon marriage (that we later find ended in divorce). Robyn cries that she never had cribs for her babies (she later claims to practice attachment parenting by sharing a bed with all her children). Robyn claims to have agreed to take on all her marriage debt to keep the peace (but publicly bad mouths and bashes her children's father).
    Robyn states during her purity sermon that she and Kody were very chaste before 'marriage', but we all remember the overnight trips to visit and making out before Kody leaves to see Christine during her labor.
    Robyn vacillates between saying that she 'gave away' her purity in the same speech she practically accuses her ex of rape. I know those words weren't spoken, but accusing someone of having 'basically stoled it' has very few other interpretations. I can't imagine her sermon lasted longer than an hour, and poor speaking skills aside, those are huge discrepancies.
    Since Kody publicly referred to Robyn's 'ick' status as a divorcee, I fully believe Robyn felt the need to portray her previous sexual experiences as negative and out of her control.
    Even if she wasn't pathological in her need to be included and premier in all interactions, I think many women in her situation (intellectually and emotionally delayed as she is) would feel compelled to assure their 'master' that he is the best and most proficient lover she has ever had. (Gross, I know.)
    What better way to do so than to publicly humiliate herself, her ex, and her children? Is there any way more in line with Kody's need to be the center of their world than to state that all things before him were bad, and time and space should bend to allow his goodness to rescue her and her children?
    I believe this falls in line with changing 'Daytun's' name and insisting her children immediately become affectionate and refer to Kody as dad. Anything that Robyn can do to erase her affiliation and complicity in a previous marriage is done for her benefit and the benefit of Kody's ego.
    Everyone (myself included) says how Christine lives in a dream world, but really, no one lives in as much of a 'dream' as Robyn. She needs to be strong? She's She-ra. She needs to be 'purified'? She tells a tragic story of lost innocence and coercion.
    I don't think we have heard even one truthful statement from this woman, I don't think she even knows what the true story is anymore.

    1. I totally agree with your 2nd theory about Robin. None of her stories add up.

    2. Your theory 2 is SPOT ON!

      The bitch is nuts. She does live in a dream world and the one "friend" (you know, introduced as Robyn's "business partner" on the SF trip show) affectionately known to old time SWB readers as her Rottweiler (heroinOfParis) but now as her junkyard dog after her performance on the TLC Sister Wives Facebook page. Like that old saying, Birds of a feather flock together, and these two b's are both batshit crazy.

      If you read her "recollections" in Becoming Sister Wives, and her TLC blog (Open Letter to A Monogamist Beautician) Robyn pretty much gives you a roadmap why she sought out Kody and how she got him.

    3. Wow!! You completely read Robyn to filth! AMEN!

    4. Agree 100%! Robyn is a Bitch on Wheels, She is a sociopath who calculates every move but she can't remember her previous BS. A sociopath is a very efficient puppet master for a narcissist like Kody. All she has to do is appeal to his EGO. A stupid sociopath controlling a stupid narcissist makes for odd story lines and tweets! It's great entertainment for us but I feel for the children.

  16. LePetiteTerror,

    Intriguing reading !!
    Interesting theories (both of them) which when benched against the ever-changing sands of credibility with all of the Browns, may be closer to the truth than the Browns will ever divulge or own.

  17. Jenelle Brown just tweeted how involved Kody is as a father because he could tell the kids apart when they were little and looked alike. I told her that was not a unique talent. Ha I mean give me a break.

    1. Oh man it sounds to me like someone (business manager, Tv show producer, TLC) is trying to rehabilitate Kody's image from self-absorbed, man-child whose skills as a parent let alone father are totally non-existent to a "caring" father who can even tell his offspring apart.

      I say bs to that. How much ya wanna bet that it was a picture of Logan (who didn't inherit his dad 's Geico caveman looks) with one other sibling. I wonder if Kody knew the other child's name or just said "that one's Janelle's" or "that one's Christine's "?

    2. In my wildest dreams, I cannot imagine why a woman would put herself through the pain of sharing her husband with other women. I don't buy that the pain from the experience brings growth or evolution because in every instance of polygamy that I have seen, the women have not grown nor have they evolved. In the case of the Browns, the women are jealous of each other and they have severed passive aggressive tendencies. All four of them as well as the older girls struggle with their weight and even exhibit some signs of depression and anti social behaviors. They are immature and live in a fantasy world where he is the savior who treats them like queens on the one hand but on the other hand, he shows favoritism. For the Brown women, they are so sad and continue to spout the rhetoric of look how great we are...NOT.

    3. Janelle consistently fronts for Kody.
      Despite all the "run Janelle, run" sentiments her checked-out behavior seems to generate, Janelle remains (love it, CJ) Geico-caveman Kody's most ardent and loyal protector.
      Even Meri can vacillate between addressing him as "lover" to showing her passive-aggressive fangs toward him. But not ever Janelle. She just stares out at the world with her "huh, what" gaze and pats him on the back for simply breathing.

      Janelle is also the one who actually DID leave Kodyworld for a few years only to return and have several more kids with him.

    4. Janelle consistently fronts for Kody.
      Absolutely! Kody's sports car - Janelle: I don't know what the big deal is. We got it cheap and Kody needs it for meeting business clients....Note to Janelle, it IS a big deal when you've got wives on welfare and filing bankruptcies right and left. And how can anyone get a $60K sports car cheap...unless it fell off the back of a truck, if you know what I mean.

      Janelle did leave, but wasn't it because her homelife sharing a kitchen with Meri became a total hell? But she was still in Kodyworld because he regularly visited her.

    5. Ah, you're right.
      Forgot that Kody was "visiting" (code for keeping her sweet) Janelle during her hiatus from Mean Meri.

      What always sticks out is that Janelle was in a mono-marriage to Meri's brother....and somewhere along the road before, during or after that (anyone's guess since they all tweak their stories) decided that her "sister-in-law's" husband had all the right stuff for her. Wanting to go Plyg is one thing..but with a flaming narcissist?!
      Which does raise the question about her judgement capabilities if she went into this with eyes wide open.

      It would be interesting to hear Meri's brother's summation of his marriage with Janelle, as well as Sobbin's ex's version of his life with She-Ra.

    6. What always sticks out is that Janelle was in a mono-marriage to Meri's brother
      From what I remember from their book, Janelle said that when she told her grandmother about the new people who moved next door, her grandmother told her "they were in the clan" or something like that. Janelle took it to mean the KKK, but it was that they were polygamists. So my thoughts while reading was she became interested in polygamy when a polygamous family (Meri's) moved next door.


      That doesn't really make sense. She wrote that Adam converted to LDS so they could marry in the LDS temple. So that would be he wasn't LDS (or didn't have his temple recommend if he was). Now I know for the AUB they still believe LDS temple is sacred, but there's got to be some sort of connection Janelle's keeping her mouth shut about. I wonder if Adam was AUB, would she divorce him? Or if he wasn't AUB, I wonder if she thought he would convert, and that's why she married him. When he didn't, she quickly cut him loose. The next available AUB man (within arms length in fact) would be her sister in law Meri's husband, or Kody's father.

      Something else to ponder about. When Janelle was living in the teepee on Kody's father's land, her mother was so concerned she traveled to Lowell. How interesting is it that Winn allowed Janelle to camp out on his land. Was Winn the source of her mother's concern, or was it Kody? Winn apparently told Sheryl he thought Janelle should marry his eldest son, not Kody. So now we know Winn and Sheryl were both concerned about Kody, I wonder why? Like you said, "Wanting to go Plyg is one thing..but with a flaming narcissist?!"

      And I'll bet money that the mother-in-law Kody said he didn't like was Janelle's mother Sheryl who 1)didn't like him from the beginning and 2)caused his mother a lot of heartbreak when she became Winn's third wife (Genielle said about Winn's 3rd wife, "Winn got Sheryl and I got the kids")

      Just a few things to ponder about on a Friday afternoon...

    7. Whaat? I never knew that Winn wanted Janelle to marry the oldest son. Weird. There is so much more to the story about Janelle, Kody, and Meri. Something went down that we will never know about that has caused lasting damage.

      I kind of think that the only mother in law that Kody does like is Meri's mom. Christine's mom looked like she could barely tolerate him and Robyn's mom was just as sad as she is. All I will say about Kody's mom is that she raised a very selfish, ignorant son.

  18. "Oh man it sounds to me like someone (business manager, Tv show producer, TLC) is trying to rehabilitate Kody's image from self-absorbed, man-child whose skills as a parent let alone father are totally non-existent to a "caring" father who can even tell his offspring apart."

    I'll bet it was a reaction to last week's My Five Wives. Brady named all oh is 24 children in order of age. We all know Kody can't do that. He is too self-centered to keep up with his children. In fact, he avoids using names around his children. Because he can't remember.

    1. Jeez...I hope none of the Brown kids have food allergies or the need for specific medication or treatments. We saw how well Kody stayed on top of Truely's illness.

  19. Kody naps and lays around a lot. Even in the new season clip, he is laying on the couch and gets up to talk to mykeltie and her boyfriend. He has no problem being seen on camera being a couch potato. He may have been able to know the kids names when they were babies, there were less of then, but what is his excuse for the rest of their growing up years? Janelle disappoints me with her support of Kody's failings. Kody never gave a crap about Janelle when Meri was abusing her.Kody is the STAR i guess and it is all hands on deck to pump up his ego and image to keep the paychecks rolling in.

    1. He's tired, he has to run to 4 different houses each day and pack a suitcase for each one!

      Janelle is just an enabler. Watch how quickly all of her kids run away from her house and never look back.

  20. Do you think meri regrets pimping Robyn out to kody? I thought that was her one true soul mate sister!! Or do you really think she caught kody's eye first. Then meri was on board with it after the fact. I don't understand what qualities she see's in Robyn. If its meri's fault she is in the family that's pretty sad, and she will half to live with the chaos and drama that comes with the she monster Robyn. This is Robyns rodeo now, she runs the show. The last tell all interveiw she talked for everone, answered everyone's questions for them, told them what and how they were going to feel, and react to issues in their lives.And she seemed very entitled to do so. The thing I hate most about Robyn is every word out of her mouth contridicts the last word out of her mouth. Oh please!!!! Janelle defending Kody again. WHY??? She gives the saying "stand by your man" a whole new meaning. I believe she is not as smart as I thought she was, or she is so completely zoned out she is in robot mode.

    1. Oh, I don't think Robyn has any real power in the family. I don't even think Kody likes her all that much. You can tell her previous marriage irks him. He's just putting up with her and making it look like he favors her until she stops having his kids, exactly like he did with Christine. She is the only fertile wife right now, when that ends, watch how quickly things go south.

      And yes, I think Meri regrets ever allowing Robyn in even though her joining the family made the reality show possible.

    2. I noticed Meri does this thing where when she is REALLY uncomfortable about something, she'll "confront it" by acting happy and proactive about said thing. For instance with meeting Robyn and pimping her to Kody. She probably saw Kody checking her out, and she reacted by the severe inner pain by acting happy and "okay" with it. Even suggesting to Kody to dance with Robyn. Meri also earned Kody points by being the "cool" wife who was okay with him flirting with another woman. Early on she was stated saying something like Kody and her had a good time talking about Robyn. I am sure that Kody lumped all kinds of attention on Meri at that point, as she was the wife he could talk to about the "hot" new woman (as she was apparently great about it).

      I feel this persona is like an extreme "keeping it sweet" way to compensate and cover up true feelings that they're not supposed to feel or talk about. We also saw this passed down to Mariah. Remember when she was so pissed about Robyn's pregnancy? That was a legitimate feeling. The next thing we know Mariah is almost reverent about Solomon's arrival. It was keeping it sweet alright, but too fakely sweet. Saccharin sweet.

      I noticed this fakeness with the Brady wives as well. They feel they shouldn't have certain feelings, so they cover it up with over the top happy behavior.


    3. Does Meri have a messed-up version of buyer's remorse (or middle man's remorse) when it comes to having endorsed Sobbin.?
      Doubtful it will ever be acknowledged unless maybe if Meri is keeping a diary to fill her days while rambling around alone in her McMansion.

      What was the expected payoff for her?
      Probably just the satisfaction knowing that Janelle and Christine wouldn't like it.
      And of course, that Kody would. And she would have been the agent for Geico man's delight. (And of coursssse, the TLC moola)

      Still wonder how she fills her time these days in between her new-found job as a VanLadyLove sycophant !

    4. When Meri writes about she and Kody first scoping out Sobbin it's just so weird... I think she liked this whole secret mission to find SW #4 because she had Kody's undivided attention, got to exclude Janelle & Christine, and could help pick her new forever friend.

      Of course once Robyn let her true crazy out, bet Meri was longing for the good old days of just she, Janelle and Christine fighting over the kitchen!

  21. I think Meri brought Robin into the Family to piss Christine and Jenelle off.. Cause those 2 are close and before Robin came into the picture Christine was the Favorite!

  22. So does anyone know who rosemarie cawley married
