
Friday, April 11, 2014

Recap My Five Wives: The Birds and the Bees & Everything In-Between S01Ep06 March

I now understand why the Browns don't talk about their sex lives.

All I want to say is I think Brady and his Bradyettes© should rethink filming in the bedroom. Some things just don't need to be televised, know what I mean?

Anyway, here's a brief summary of what went down in this episode.
  • Brady insulted a wife, big time!
  • Brady insulted a daughter, big time!
  • Nonie is crazy like a fox!
First up, Brady showed us how he can insult a wife, and not even realize it.

I've come to a conclusion about Brady. He has the hots for Nonie, and Nonie knows it. In fact, Nonie's got old Brady wrapped firmly around her finger.

For some reason, the Bradyettes© have devised this totally confusing system of allocating Bradytime when it's a wife's anniversary. After ten years, a wife gets a week. After 15 years, she gets a weekend. Brady and Wives have come to understand is that love may be multiplied, but the number of hours in a day still remain the same.

Rosemary was not amused...
As he proudly proclaimed he and Nonie will take their weekend vacation away from the wives on schedule, poor wife Rosemary was left wondering what she did wrong.

You see, Rosemary's anniversary weekend trip was still 3 months overdue, but Brady was going ahead with taking Nonie on her anniversary trip ON SCHEDULE. As we use to say in college, she must have some powerful sexual juju he just can't resist...

The look on Rosemary's face was priceless. If looks could kill, Brady would be pushing up daisies in the frozen garden out back. Bad juju, Brady...really BAD juju...

And the insults didn't stop there.

The next segment highlighted Brady and Paulie's 15 year old daughter, September.

I need to get this off my ample chest. If parents are stupid enough to give one child an unusual name, they should spread the indignity to all of their children. In this case, once the 12 months are used up, days of the week could be used. Or the moons of Mars, Jupiter and/or Saturn if necessary. Giving a child an unusual name is just plain cruel and unusual punishment in my book. Right???

Okay, I feel better now...

Rebellious September with her shredded on purpose pants.
After Brady made fun of the pants September was wearing ("I have money to buy you new pants" he tells her) Brady was shown planning his anniversary trip with Nonie. She's got bonus kid babysitters all lined up to take care of her kids while they are away...hmmmmmm.

A few segments later, September tells her mother Paulie that a "dude" asked her out on a date. Since she is only 15 and has no idea of the particulars about this guy other than he is a 2 years ahead of her in high school, Paulie deferred to Brady to make the final decision whether September can go on her date or not.

Rosemary not feeling the love from Brady
It was interesting to see how he really cared about September.  I was glad that he did finally relent and allowed her to go out with her date and his family for dinner. But why did Brady need to cancel his night with Rosemary just so he could be with Paulie when  September came home from her date?  For heaven's sakes, it wasn't like Rosemary lived miles away!

Needless to say, Rosemary was not very happy - and she had every right to be upset. Brady never did explain why it was so important that he be at Paulie's house. It almost seemed like he would rather be ANYWHERE as long as it wasn't with Rosemary.

Oh yeah, and September got home early at 9:00pm.

 Okay, so now we come to the Nonie's anniversary trip with Brady. All I have to say is, they've got some weird looking Bed and Breakfasts in Utah. I mean, really, an actual outhouse in the room?

Stopping at a restaurant for some good looking chow,  Nonie decided to feel out Brady on the topic of having another baby. In her talking head she said she knows that in the past, financially speaking, they were not in a good place. But this is the present, and Brady agrees with her. He wants to have another baby with her, too!

Surprise, surprise! That TLC money must have taken a big financial load off his shoulders!

The Bed and Breakfast was the weirdest set up I've ever seen, I mean, an outhouse? In the room? And a skunk? Did Brady have to shoot for food in the room too?

Utah is weird...

Brady: This is where the magic happens, baby!

And then the "sex" talk between Nonie and Brady. Were the subtitles really that necessary? I think we get it, thank you very much!!!

Then Nonie gets this sanctimonious Robyn Sullivan Brown attitude when she explains how her decision to have another baby will impact her fellow sisters. You see, having a baby " is a very physical manifestation of a sexual relationship." she tells us.

This MUST be printed in the AUB Becoming A Sister Wife Handbook with Pictures. I wonder if it's on Kindle yet.

Bottom line is, Nonie is anticipating having lots and lots and lots and lots of sex. You can see it in her eyes. You can read it on her face. And she knows her sisterwives are going to resent her, a lot. Which I have a feeling gives her a great deal of pleasure. Or as she said " it's throwing in their face that, hey, every night we're going to be having sex."

Isn't she just a charming person? If I were Paulie I'd be checking Nonie's purse and medicine cabinet for contraceptives cuz this B**** is going to drag this out as long as she possibly can.

Which now brings me to another point. Brady's insistence that Rhonda quits her job. Now he tells her it's because "he's worried" that she may be over extending herself with taking care of her children and possibly an adoptive child (which will not happen if they stay in Utah). Rhonda became visibly upset because her job is the only thing that keeps her sane. Or as she told Brady "...I want a little more [financial] security...It's a good job! Socially...I really enjoy talking with adults, and honestly...I don't get to see you that much!"


And imagine how much less she'll see of Brady once he starts working on impregnating Nonie! Oh yeah, this is a train wreck in the making!

Call me Cynical (Ms Jinx if you're nasty) but isn't this an ever so convenient a conversation to have? With Rhonda freed up from her job, she'll have more time got Nonie out with her kids if she does get knocked up!

And I wonder whose idea it was for Paulie to go speak with Rhonda about quitting her job? Hmmmm....

Tom: How about dating other species, Dad? Is that OK?
Brady's group meeting with his teens about dating was a waste of time. Of course, Brady will not change his dating rules because the teens did not come up with a good enough argument to persuade him to change (sounds just like someone majoring in philosophy). But when he asked them if they have any questions, Rosemary's son Tom asked his dad if it was OK to date other  species. Now that was a very cute moment. I think I'm in love with that kid!

We also get a glimpse of what Brady is all about. He tells his daughter it's okay to marry into a plural marriage, but he cautions her to "...make sure ... that it's a really good man. A man who has the same progressive ideas as me...I want my children to have the same access to free thought, of equality and symmetry and racial equality, gender equality, marriage equality. All these things that many times are lost within the polygamous community."

Yep, those things sure are lost, especially when it's a tenet of the polygamous belief system not to believe in marriage, gender and racial equality, for example. I just don't believe those things will ever change, but man, what a great PR statement he's just made. And to be frank, I don't think a lot of monogamous families would meet Brady's lofty criteria, either.

But it sure sounded good, didn't it?


  1. I actually thought this episode was actually super, super dark for two reasons.

    1. Rosemary is getting the short end of the emotional stick big time and nobody is standing up for her, lest of all herself. Brady loves to talk about how they're all equal and shows concern for her 'health', but he uses literally any excuse to get out of spending the night at her place. Also, I didn't find his concern for September touching, I found it weird and controlling. Especially when he then went on at length about how he wanted boys to ask his permission before so much as holding hands with his daughters. Brady is a man who likes to ruthlessly control whilst pretending to be laid back - more on that in part 2.

    2. Both Brady and the first wife started nagging at Rhonda to quit her job 'for the kids'. It's Rhonda's only social outlet, she loves it, it fulfills her and gives her a life outside of the family - and they *hate* that. Honestly, that made alarm bells ring and red flags go up for me. The #1 priority of abusers is isolating their victims. Brady seems to have an ally in trying to make Rhonda completely emotionally and financially dependent on the crumbs he is prepared to give her. I'm really glad Rhonda said no, but obviously, seeing as we know they move to Washington, she ultimately loses that battle.

    The dynamics in the family are completely screwy. Nonie is obsessed with having a 'baybee', Paulie with her crazy eyes and enabling tendencies freaks me out, the second wife always looks like she's on the verge of tears, Rosemary can't eat her feelings fast enough, and Rhonda is having her autonomy eroded both by Brady and his legal wife, who I suspect doesn't want to see one of her sister lives having a better life and more emotional and financial independence. Add in what Brady calls being 'old fashioned' ie, trying to completely lock down all emotional connections outside the family for both his wives and his children, and what you have is a recipe for dysfunction.

    Also, they don't even pretend to be 'one family' like the Brown's at least aspire to. There are no 'bonus' children and extra moms. There are aunts. This is Brady's harem and he runs it like one. As much as they try to play up for the cameras, they can't help but show their true colors, and they're not pretty.

    Thanks for the review, CJ!

    1. Put Your Plyg Girl Panties On!April 12, 2014 at 5:37 AM

      great review, CJ and good thoughts SafeTalk! yeah - in all my years of reading and watching tons of plyg stories both pro and con, i came to the conclusion that it's humanly impossible to have an emotionally healthy religiously based plyg lifestyle. and really not any better odds for a non-religous one either.

      The one and only time i've actually seen it working for all was where it was NOT religiously based, there were no children and it was actually a polyamorous situation and not a polygynous one as we just keep seeing w/all these "reality" plyg families. This one working example i've been made aware of - in addition to NO CHILDREN produced by the single female in the family, the 3 men were all allowed to have female sexual relationships outside their family unit but just not bringing any of them home or into the family. Basically a tweak of the "free love hippie communes" of the late 60's/early 70's. I did hear later tho that the woman did later have a child and it was purposely decided no DNA test so no one would know which one was the actual bio father.

  2. Put Your Plyg Girl Panties On!April 12, 2014 at 6:53 AM

    here's a great parody on the prevalent absurdity it's gotten in Utah thee past couple of decades for mormons to outdo each other in the creative baby names category. These names are all REAL recorded Utah names. My bff has been a school principal for 30 years in SLC and she said all these weird names and weird spellings make the teachers crazy trying to learn all the new ones each year and the influx has gotten to the point of utter ridiculousness.

    So, at least September's mom thought her name was unique enough for Utah and didn't also have to overkill it with a weird spelling, too. Am i the only one who thought of the cartoon skunk Pepe La Pew when they called her Peppi? lol

    here's the parody link. Enjoy!

    1. Hilarious You Tube clip! I guess my name in Utahn would be Sayruh Bath.

  3. CJ, Terrific review....and happy to see it heavily sprinkled with "Jinx" snark and valid observations.

    SafeTalk, also enjoyed and completely agree with your spot-on insights.

  4. Best review of the season! Poor Rosemary...why does she put up with them?

  5. I have mixed feelings. A REALLY hard time feeling sorry for Rosemary, just like I don't feel sorry for any of the adult women who willingly enter this crappy sadistic lifestyle choice. She's allowing herself to experience this pain that she doesn't HAVE to deal with. her own choice.
    and this is the woman who says at the beginning of the show "People don't understand our lifestyle, but it works for us."????
    THIS is working for her? being treated like a fifth wheel, and that's actually an understatement?
    I can't even stomach watching this show, because Brady talks a good game about being progressive and shit, but just like Kody Brown, he's power tripping and just as mean and nasty and thoughtless as any male polygamist you'd find in one of the enclaves.

    Look - Brady KNOWS that his comments are being filmed. he KNOWS that Rosemary will hear and see and experience this. And he doesn't give a shit. Mr. Philosophy Degree Holier Than Thou Progressive In His Own Mind but Really Full of Crap. and Nonie is getting off on it. For now.

    Like Kolleen said: Sisterwives hate each other.

    All three series on this lifestyle that have aired - SW, PUSA and M5W - which are ALL supposed to put a positive, "we're just like everyone else, only even more awesome" spin on polygamy, whilst of course raking in more buckaroos than they've ever seen at one time (at least for the two TLC shows) - ultimately the steaming piles of crap come seeping through the glossy fake tableau they try to hide behind.

    and yet people on FB comment that they think it works? Gag me.

    1. Yes, Yes and Yes !!!

      TLC has found two harem masters who talk the progressive shit convincingly enough to get a fan base, but still run their stables with the same tried and true Plyg Master supreme authority and inequities.

      Kody has honed his goofy, clueless, hyperactive but lovable plyg boss persona to near perfection. He comes off as the kid that still has to be told that picking his nose in public is not nice.....or in his case, not cool for the cameras. But still, Kody always gets what he wants.

      Brady crafts his character as the brooding, overworked but always musing "thinker" and it comes off just as rehearsed and manufactured as Kody's. Brady like his facetime on camera just as much as Kody. He just plays it differently. Brady is the sighing "woe is me" martyr for the plyg cause and the oh so harried lover and patriarch.

      Both of them are propped as *progressive* if as long as the viewers do not see them engaged in any obvious abuse or neglect of their harems and hordes of children, then they are "good guys." As long as they know the names of all their kids and food is available and they bestow the sex reasonably equal for the wives, then they are different from the hardcore plygs.

      Apparently their use of the "Look, see...I am sensitive to my wives' needs" card and TLC's use of the heavily-edited group chats is supposed to showcase this progressive part that sets them apart from their other more notorious fellow plyg masters.
      (And maybe that's why Big Joe Darger was a no-go. He couldn't convincingly pull off the "sensitivity" bit)

      However, both Kody and Brady come off ultimately as BShitting, snake oil salesmen when presenting Plyg life as a good and healthy world for women or children.

      As for Rosemary and her plight.....if these women are willing to go on camera and let *the world see* how it is.....when will *they* take a look?

    2. Right On DJ.. I have had the occasion to watch the Brown family older episodes as I am on my back for a few days. Kody and Krew are not living in the real world. Catching Kody in a lie or glossing over consequences of his actions (Christine and mine's relationship has suffered from the investigation and move to LV) or (just ONE thing made Tuely so sick, just one little thing) watched this last season tell all and at the end when Robyn says (we give Kody final say) the look on Kody's smug face speaks volumes. Robyn says Kody see's "the big Pitcher" and Meri reaching up to wipe a tear when Robyn says Sol sleeps in their, none of these relationships are healthy..just masochistic on so many levels..the Brown's have been able to bury their religion on the show with normal family functions, make it look so appealing and normal...Robyn seems to be the only one he has a relationship with, and boy is she high on that position..I don't think Meri saw that comming

    3. The thing is though, was Rosemary actually an adult when she entered into this lifestyle? Or was she just another brainwashed plyg kid who thought plural marriage was her only path to heaven? And, having had her self esteem stomped on for more than a decade, I don't think she believes she's worth any more than Brady gives her.

      We can sit here and be all unsympathetic about it because we weren't brainwashed from the time we could talk to believe what they believed. And because we're not more than a decade and several kids into an emotionally abusive relationship which is being heralded as a prime example of 'good' polygamy.

      Everybody sits in judgement of people like Rosemary and Christine without giving a second thought to what it must be like to have lived their lives and to have been programmed the way they were programmed.

      It would be nice if they suddenly grew backbones, but it's not likely to happen. And saying you don't feel sorry for them just puts more blame on them for a situation they already blamed themselves into with their low self esteem and deeply held belief that they didn't deserve anything more.

    4. Agree....doubtful they will grow backbones if life just stayed the same as they knew it.
      However if TLC and Co. is willing pay this family for their compliance, and if circumstances (available monies) change, then one can hope that in that process, one or more of them will have an epiphany and glimpse an opportunity to make plans to leave.
      Having worked in a Domestic Violence Shelter, I saw first hand that some women, even after coming to a firm decision, needed time to process it to begin to make plans.

      These Plyg women have children. They are frightened and despairing about finances, and they do, as you said, have low self esteem. Those that cannot reconcile living like this on a soul level may Christine's aunt and others have.

      But some will stay by choice no matter what. It is their soul's culture.
      Or... they are just not wired to break tradition.
      Sad but true.

  6. It sickens me that they are already planning to live off the avails of this show. It's some sort of meta joke that they are changing their lifestyle to suit the income from the TV show that is supposed to be filming their lifestyle. Why is this permitted to happen? Why isn't there some sort of contract clause that states that they have to continue living their ESTABLISHED way of life, at least for a season or two? It's demented! I watched it once with the SW sickos, and I am NOT watching it again! It's too disturbing, and it is too strong of a commentary on the degraded state of entertainment in this society. Those idiots on that show with all the Italian kids tanning all the time really lowered the bar.

    1. The degradation of entertainment started with vaudeville and burlesque. Wait maybe with motion pictures. No it was television. Definately television with those damn Beverly Hillbillies. Damn you Jed Clampett!

  7. She needs to have a solid income herself, especially with four kids if she wants to adopt. She had to prove she can financially support a family of 6 to include adopted child on her income. And that is a formula the state works out, not necessarily proving she can live cheap. That is why she wants to work as many hours as possible.

    The unusual names thing is very common in communities with loads of LDS and Utah.

  8. Brady is just as much of an asshat as KoDoucheNozzle. The obvious distaste for Rosemary is sad. And the fact that he seems so oblivious of it negates his "I am so in tune with my wives" schtick. He's not on tune with his wives. He just placated them so they will leave him alone. He lets Rhonda call the adoption people, knowing they will say no. He tells Nonie they can try for a baby, but I doubt he is all that serious about it. He wants the wives to have "safe talks" so they won't bother him with their issues. Much like our balding Kult-de-sac leader, he wants the big family, so long as he doesn't have to actually do anything about it.

    1. Bottom line, he got himself in a bit of a pickle...the "fun" of it all has worn off. Now what?

  9. In the episode that the Brown family goes to Boston for a panel, Kody says when he was 14 his mother wanted to convert to the polygamist life. Then in other episodes he says while he was on his mission he came back and his mother had converted. Something is not right with their story when you watch it start to finish and there stories don't add up. There seems to be alot of blame it on the first wife like the husband is just along for the ride.

  10. I'm a Utah resident and the odd name thing is just an accepted convention out here. When you have such big families you use up names fast. It's not uncommon for a monogamous family to have 5, 6, 7 kids. Imagine that 2 generations on if everyone has a big family. I've got friends who have over 70 first cousins. Also, when kids get to school it gets a little taxing to have 4 Jennifers and 3 Troys in one class. So out here if you can spell it, preferably an unusual spelling, it's a name. I know people named January, october, pepper, juniper, brinkly, berkeley, sage, gage, steel, chance, cache, maple, preslee, halo, kaliya, sherelyn, teralyn, feralyn, hayden, kayden, jaden, haven, get the picture. And I actually think September is a cure name. I've known aprils, junes, mays. What's one more month?

    1. Oops. That was "cute name". Spellchecker fail on my not-so-smart phone. Sorry.

    2. My granddaughter's name is Autumn, I've known a Tuesday, Winter, Acacia, Kamalah, and Asia...not too sure of the spellings on the last three. I long for the good old days of old-fashioned names!

  11. What about poor child of Noni's who they named Tailee. What was she thinking of at the time?? Well, maybe I have an idea.

  12. I watched one show and that was it for me. I realized the wives couldn't stand each other. I guess it was the one where he wanted them to "safe talk" It made me really uncomfortable. At least the Browns kind of fake it for the most part - (that they get along - well, except for Robin).

  13. CJ - I had the same thought about why Brady couldn't have his normal night w/Rosemary because he needed to wait for September to get home from her date. I almost laughed out loud when she came home at 9pm - so - he couldn't just run over to Rosemary at that point? Seemed like classic fake, drummed up drama. They need conflict a la Real Housewives because that's a formula that people like and so they do whatever they can to create it. This one just made no sense, and that's when my "fake situation" alarm went off!

  14. I don't believe for a moment that Brady has mistreated Rosemary in any way. Everything that we have access to watching has been carefully vetted and edited. Their show has no hope of staying on the air unless they generate some level sympathy for some of the characters, anger for other characters, and a sense of drama to keep people interested. If they wanted to be forthright and honest about themselves and their lives, they would have hosted a documentary. They knew that TLC faux-reality crap would pay the bills, same as Sister Wives.

  15. Meri tweeted a pic of their cul de sac with 2 very large rv's saying spring road trip,, they must be filming.
    Kody kept the religion and ick factor out of his show for the most part setting it up as "we are just like everyone else" but i bet if you delve into the early days of how they all came together, and the church it would tell a bigger story.

    1. I hope they didn't spend too much of poor Kody's retirement on those RV's!!

  16. Ok so I watched the show last night.
    That Anniversary Inn looks like a badly done ripoff of the Madonna Inn which is near San Luis Obispo. The theme rooms and everything. A flipping outhouse?? Wtf?
    U had to snigger at Brady's Mr Know It All insistence that if the ruling had been put on hold that he would know you can tell they're setting up the scene for the big Washington move. Only now they can't pretend they're escaping persecution (as if) now the move is being driven by wanting to adopt a baby to add to the family which they can barely afford to begin with. Somehow I doubt they will ever adopt or that they are even serious about it. It's a storyline. That's all. Just like the Robyn surrogate plot line. They'll get to Washington (bet they're already there) then start the adoption storyline full blast .

    I have to say if any adoption agency approves them (stretched out to the max even with TLC $$) and the state doesn't stop it...that's madness.

  17. No doubt about it, the Brady Bunch is just a recycled SW.

    The move to Wash (and I agree, Dakota Justice, likely they are already there) will include the same ridiculously monotonous and bogus "will we be approved, or won't we" that was the centerpiece for almost two freaking seasons in Kodyworld.

    For Brady and his Babes, it won't be about getting approved for loans to buy into an over-priced, mediocre-built walled compound in Vegas,
    No, No....The Brady BS will be all about approval for adoption. And all about Nonie being late and buying a pregnancy test while Rhonda fills out adoption forms.
    Wow.....can we stand the tantalizing suspense of it all....!!!!
    Will they....Or Won't they ??!!! *yawn*

    Having seen the previews for tonight's ep but not yet, the show, I certainly hope the Rhonda/ breast cancer worry storyline has a good outcome and is not dragged out unnecessarily for ratings.

  18. I get the sense Brady is trying too hard NOT to be the man he was when this family was put together in the begining, and leaving the religion is harder on his wives. They are a little boring, but, anything would look boring compared to Kody's antics. I'm just so over the Brown's and their ungrateful, we deserve this attitude. The kid's in the Williams family have more plyg bloodlines compared to the Brown's, as some of them are a little strange looking. I just don't care for Robyn, I don't know exactly what it is about her, but she is a strange person. Her couch interviews are a struggle for her, she has no self awareness, and makes the strangest faces and is constantly fidgety.

    1. I agree about Robyn/Robin however she spells it. She seems not all there. I thought in the beginning she was just shy but it's more than that. Then I realized she seemed doped up. I wouldn't be surprised if she was on something (or many somethings), probably for depression/anxiety. Polygamy is already hard, and leaving the church was probably harder. And now she has no church support system either. Or maybe she's just weird and quiet, who knows.

  19. Why on earth was the window opened in the first place if it's that cold out? I get the evening may change in temp but surely before nightfall it would have been closed. The house would have been cold for some time open for a while. Are there not bonus children she could call upon? Perhaps it's just staged and I'm picking on this?

    1. Put Your Plyg Girl Panties On!April 14, 2014 at 6:09 AM

      i kept wondering why the camera man filming her didn't just close it for her. LOL yes - obviously this is a staging story but maybe there's a lot of past historical truth to Paulie's passive/aggressive interference w/Rosie and her man-nights and they're just demonstrating ongoing past incidents to us.

      Paulie always has that "keep sweet" childlike timid voice and her helpless "defer to Brady" for anything and everything personna but is the typical def passive/aggressive manipulative plyg wife. Besides, Rosemary hasn't stated the obvious - she has no clout when it comes to getting Brady to stand up to First Wife. Notice how many times Paulie's let the others know how she and Brady discuss things privately about her kids and doesn't bring it to the group to discuss as the others do. It's just one of her things that she proudly gets away with as First (and only legally married) Wife.

    2. I thought the SAME thing!!!

  20. One of the problems with polygamy is the man doesn't get to chose each wife. Nor all the wives already there. And often not even the wife joining the family. I have to give them credit for all leaving and all trying to be cohesive. It does explain all the tears.

  21. Is it just me, or does Nonie have a crazy horny glint in her eye when talking abut the whole "sex every night" thing? Holy crap! ROFL!

    1. I'm actually a little confused by the "sex every night" comments. I'm assuming she means on her normal nights, or does she get extra nights, like Nikki did in big love when she was trying to conceive? If that's the case, how does she keep it secret that she's trying to have a baybee?

    2. Put Your Plyg Girl Panties On!April 14, 2014 at 6:25 AM

      I think all these women show their obvious lack of emotional maturity they should have at their age. Nonie's all excited that her shared man is going to play stud horse for her one more time to create what ... her 5th or 6th baby now? really?? his stud service is pretty nominal to agree to considering that she admittedly doesn't do all that great during pregnancy and yet acts like she's been bestowed the best Christmas present EVER from Brady.

      Again, it seems to be a passive/aggressive competition w/the other wives more than anything. Why can't they all just be satisfied w/their own large broods they've each already been given and devote their time and attention to those children? They remind me of alcoholics' mantra in their childaholic's addiction - "one's too many and an hundred's never enough."

  22. I agree that Nonie is a mainpulative, plotting, selfish wife!
    For sure! EVERY night? Nah. That just ain't how baby making works.

    In a "normal" and civilized poly family (lol), it would just make sense to say,
    "Hey, sister wife #4...I'm ovulating the day after tomorrow, but that's your night with hubalicious. Could we trade nights so that he can make his deposit with me?"

    I mean...every night? Really??

    Oh, Nonie. You are trying too hard!
    But I also agree that she'll be popping BC like candy.
    However...wouldn't it be F.U.N.N.Y. if she got pregnant the first time around and had no more Brady time b/c he was busy playing "catch up" with the other wives?

    And, actually, to be judicial and fair...all Brady has to do is leave a nice little semen popcisle for Nonie to use if he's not available.

    I had to laugh when Nonie told the camera that she would not tell her SW's about the baby...but then tells Rhonda. I really expected her to announce the baby news the night that Rhonda told everyone about her cancer concerns and here is how I thought it would play out...>

    Rhonda finishes...she's wiping her eyes and Brady's holding her hand.
    Nonie: In other news, Brady and I would like to announce that we will be having another baby. At least we are going to try for another baby, and as much as I know you don't want the image of us doing the horizontal mambo every single night, I just thought that you'd like to know ahead of time since we are a family after all.

    Oh, and on a previous note...I loved how Nonie tried to plan extra time with Brady by asking him to scout Christmas party venues with her. yeah - I got tired of hearing her say, "I can only do the best I can."
    yep...that's all that she was being asked to do.

  23. Eons ago, when I first met my future husband, he was seeing another woman, as well. I so remember the sharp, particular pain I felt on the nights I knew he was with her. I only had to suffer this for three months. I cannot imagine enduring 10 or 20 years of that feeling like these plyg women do. I feel like screaming "LEAVE, LEAVE, LEAVE!" at my TV screen. And I know they won't, so I don't expend the energy.

    1. I think that these women may be selfish if they leave. ONLY because they have children...and it wouldn't be fair to take them away from their father.

      HOWEVER, I think it would make for REALLY good TV if, say, one of the wives "divorced" Brady, but stayed living in the apartment/complex and remarried! IMAGINE Brady knowing that his former "wife" was with another man...right next door...every. single. night. LOL!
      See, that way, the kids could still see dear old dad, but wife would be able to "move on" while still staying put. :)

  24. If I were Rosemary, I'd be really, really mad. Is it my imagination, or does she get the short straw every time there's a conflict between her time and another wife's time with Brady? And why on earth would Brady want one of his wage-earning wives to quit her job to stay home with her kids? There are at least two that are already home and could do the childcare duties. With a $4,000 grocery bill every month, plus all the other expenses for a family the size of the Williamses, the more sources of income for the family, the safer they are all likely to be.

    As for adoption, a single mom with multiple kids and NO JOB would seem to be a bad risk, at least to me. Rhonda should keep her job if she wants to adopt; otherwise, I doubt any agency would approve her.
