
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

I Scour the Internet: The This Is How Rumors Get Started Edition April 9, 2014

Rumors, rumors and rumors. Yep, it's springtime all right! Nothing but rumors sprouting up!

So what's all this talk about rumors, you might ask. Well, before I get into that, let me just get this off my rather huge chest... @BradyandWives tweets are boring. They are just so nice, too nice in fact. The wives use only  one twitter account which means no Robyn Brown style total tweeter screaming matches with non fans. And why does Brady get his own tweeter account?

So what you get with Brady and his Bradettes© are rather genteel answers to rather genteel tweets. Here's a small sampling:

See what I mean?

OK, now to the rumors. I spent some time lurking on TLCs Sister Wives Facebook fan page. No sightings (Thank Goodness) of Robyn's rogue "business" partner (aka JYD ) but apparently there's been talk that Robyn MAY have a new KodyBun in her oven.

The rumors all started with this rather mundane yet typical Brown tweet outside a restaurant. If you look closely, it appears Robyn may be sporting a baby bump beneath her frowzy purplish blouse. Or is it a frowzy purplish scarf?

You be the judge!

Goodness Gracious but that is not a very flattering picture of Meri. It use to be she could stand sideways and look thin. That trick ain't working for her anymore. She looks as big as a house. Maybe next time she should try standing next to a hippo instead a tiny wisp of a waitress.

But I digress...

Now here's an interesting tweet from Meri about her progeny. What kind of family celebration would require Mariah to FLY into Las Vegas for only 18 hours?

And why would Mariah take this horrible picture of what looks like a party, and then tweet it to her fans?

Well, I'm thinking maybe this was a party to announce Robyn's pregnancy! Kind of like the time she got everybody together to announce her pregnancy with Sol. It's probably being filmed for the show, which could explain the really poor picture (done on purpose no doubt). But if you look closely, you can see balloons!

And this, my friends, is how rumors get started!

If this is true that Robyn is pregnant, maybe next season it will be Meri instead of Mariah running into the bathroom to cry her eyes out over the announcement.

Let's move on to a more cheerful subject!

Looks like yesterday was Breanna's birthday! How thoughtful of her mother to tweet about it to her fans!

And it seems Robyn spent some quality time with her mother in St George Utah earlier this month...

Nothing subtle about our gal Robyn, right?

Not to be outdone, while Robyn was away in Utah, VanLadyLove was in Vegas for a concert and decided to pay an impromptu visit to Meri's McMansion for a quick jam session.

Meri and Krew are getting rather good with their twitter endorsements for local merchants, except I think Meri should have passed on eating this treat and just applied the cake directly to her hips instead...

Now to Kody, backstage again with the Blue Man Group, this time with Robyn but that is not birthday girl Breanna. I guess their booking agent doesn't remember her name either.

Last, here are some sweet tweets from Christine...

Oh yes, before I forget. There was a question posted a few days ago whether the Polygamy, USA Cawley adults moved their excess children into the shipping containers from China.

Well, I took a look at the their house on Google Maps. Now, Google maps says this was a satellite picture from 2014. I think it's earlier than that. Anyway, as you can tell in the yellow box those containers are still in the backyard. There was a followup on the Cawley's on the OWN Channel last year and old Mike showed off that the containers had windows, doors and a floor. It look like they just cut the metal to make the window and the doorway. It was very depressing because making housing out of containers is the newest thing to do, and with the right contractor and architect the results can be beautiful. From what I saw on the followup, those containers were barely functional as housing.

Well, that's all for now. And remember, I Scour the Internet so YOU don't have to!!


  1. My Five Wives has really made me appreciate the Browns for their cheerful dysfunction and complete lack of self awareness. Janelle is looking amazing in that picture, and yes, Meri has at least doubled her size in the last four years or so.

    Next season is going to be madness. Here's what Meri has on her plate:

    1. Empty nest syndrome complicated by her husband having three other fertile wives.
    2. Watching Robyn having yet another baby.
    3. Being the fattest wife.

    So she's overweight, abandoned by her child, her husband will be cooing over Robin and she won't even have the fittest wife title she used to have back in the days when she liked to talk about how she and Mariah ate so much more healthily than everyone else. That leaves her with one thing and one thing only: the legal wife card. I can't wait to see all the interesting ways she plays that one.

    Loving these posts, CJ!

  2. I know Mariah is young and finding her way, but geesh..i have read her twitter feed and this girl does not know what she wants. Is Meri eating herself into oblivion? She has said she dons't cook, so maybe eating out or fast food? And I think Robyn's face looks more round in that photo which it does when she is pregnant.

  3. Yikes !!!
    In that pic, Meri is looking like Kody's surfer-dude twin.
    Even her hair is looking like Kody's hay-stack do.

    Is that the plan now??

    1. hay-stack do, HA HA! i have been re watching the earlier episodes of sister wives and wow has meri ever changed. she has aged about 10 years yet her style has gone back to the 80's. yeesh.

  4. Holy cow! Meri, dude, Nutri-Systems, Weight Watchers, something but the Krispy Kreme diet! Wow, that is absolutely sad.

    The shipping containers are a brilliant idea! If the authorities come to raid your compound you can just slap the containers full of "wives" and kids on the back of a semi and haul butt out of there! Brilliant I say!

  5. Hmmm...looks like Meri and Janelle are about the same size now...but they won't be for long.

  6. On the most recent episode of M5W when Brady tells Rhonda that he feels like she's been working too hard, I thought, "Now that's a phrase that's never been uttered in Kodyland!"

  7. Okay, three things:

    1. I thought I was pretty savvy about Kody and the Kodettes, but who is that young woman between Janelle and Meri in the first pic?

    2. I nub Truely, as Eddie Murphy used to put it on a regular skit on SNL. What a happy-go-lucky sweetheart.

    3. Anybody know if the shipping container pyramid has air conditioning? I'm just back from southern Arizona, and -- yes -- I know that's not Utah, but it was hotter'n'hell even in early April.


    1. Welcome!

      who is that young woman between Janelle and Meri in the first pic?
      It looks like she has a name badge (right side) so I would think she's a waitress at the restaurant.

      Anybody know if the shipping container pyramid has air conditioning?
      It snows up there so maybe they don't need heavy duty A/C.

    2. anyone who's ever been to St. George (or Colorado City) knows it gets hotter than hell there for 3 months straight in the summer.

    3. But I wonder if it's legal to house people in shipping containers. I know I would NEVER put a child of mine in a metal box. no way.

    4. Like I said, with the right architect and construction contractor they can be beautiful.

      Check out what Bob Vila (This Old House) has to say:

      Steel shipping container homes are strong, safe, and eco-friendly

  8. The Blue Man is doing Kody's caveman "I'm intensely paying attention stare"..Maybe that's where Kody got the idea. Jenelle look's pretty in that color. Thanks for the Cawley update,I enjoyed that show. I missed the OWN special,I liked that show a lot. Good job CJ,I missed I scour the intetnet.

  9. Just cuz it snows in an area doesn't mean it doesn't get hot enough to need a/c. I live in Reno, NV, lots of sub zero weather and snow but in the summer, consistent 90's for weeks/months and a lot of 100+ for weeks on end. I'd die without a/c! I can't imagine living in a shipping container at all, let alone not having a/c!

  10. I wonder if Rose Marie Cawley has been placed into marriage yet.

    1. The "turn myself in" phrase for when she failed to receive a name bothered me. Is she a criminal who has to turn herself in?

    2. Who is Rose Marie?

    3. She was featured in Polygamy, USA. She's the eldest daughter of Mike Cawley ( shipping containers) and lives in Centennial Park. She didn't get a revelation who to marry when she was eighteen so she decided to turn herself in to the Brethren who will decide for her.

  11. Also, I don't know why this irks me so much (because it's totally not important), but both the Browns and the Brady Bunch mispronounce the word "PROSELYTIZING." There are 4 syllables in this word, not to mention a "T."

    1. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!! I thought I was the only person that thought both of the families mispronounce Proselytizing! Drives me crazy!!

    2. Put Your Plyg Girl Pants On!April 10, 2014 at 6:23 PM

      Actually, they're not wrong at all. Proselyting or Proselytizing are both correct. They're synonyms and you hear people say it both ways all the time in Utah. :)

    3. Because they can.

    4. They have slightly different definitions but are real words.

    5. I had to go look it up, because I am nearly 60 years old and have lived among (and am related to) Mormons (both of LDS and of other persuasions), and I honestly have never heard anyone say "proselyting" until I heard Kody say it. Must be a regional preference.

    6. Hello! Come on Vanna, give the Brown family the letter T!!! It is indeed proselyTizing!! And Dayton's name is DayTon not Day-un! DRIVES ME NUTS!!!

      It's a T! Like in honesty or integrity or....oh wait, I think I get it Ts in their life....

    7. except for "pitchers" they had to take a lot of "pitchers" at the ceremony

    8. i've lived in Utah for more than 20 years and both are said interchangeably there as they do have the same meaning. Here's a recent announcement about LDS proselyting missions from the online BYU newspaper:

  12. I just watched the Sedona Therapy episode and had to come here and rant. Here was an opportunity for Robyn to participate in helping the family she destroyed and she chooses to take a day off because she had nausea. She didn't trust the therapy lady, she and Kody are so judgemental..

  13. I'm pretty sure the girl with kody and robyn is Robyn's daughter Aurora ...

    1. Thank you! This was driving me crazy and I was too lazy to look it up!

  14. Does anyone think VanLadyLove pays the Browns for every tweet they send about how much they LOVE the group? It is bordering on ridiculous.

    1. I do, definitely!!

      I don't think that band would have had anything to do with the Browns if they didn't have a TV show. But it seems like they haven't broken out of the small venues yet so maybe this wasn't so good a business relationship...Have they ever headlined for any famous band or entertainer?

    2. Well, their fb page has over 12k likes so they aren't doing so badly. I don't think they pay the Browns - from my experience with musicians both pro and non pro they don't have a lot of $$ to throw around. They'd be better off using that $$ for FB page exposure than theoretically paying the Browns. Or perhaps they have the same PR person?

    3. K I just looked at their fb posts in more detail. They're what I'd call a regional band, fan base in Utah/Nevada, and so they're sticking to that area, which is a wise move on their part. It is possible to earn a living that way (I would bet that the band members and/or significant others have other jobs to make ends meet however). It's very difficult to break into the big time.

    4. A regional band, so that explains why they don't venture that far from Utah and Nevada. Their music is just too generic for my taste, but maybe Mormons love that kind of music. I don't think they would even make it on America's Got Talent!

    5. I know plenty of bands/musicians right here in the Bay Area at least as good as this band who can write their own ticket at local venues because they have a solid fan base that turns out it see them at their gigs. Actually I have some friends in San Diego as well doing the same thing. They sell CDs/downloads on iTunes, they do alright but they aren't trying to get into the big time. And they're fine with that.

      Nothing again this band - as Anon said, a bit too generic for me too, but they aren't doing badly since Vegas is a pretty sweet spot with LOTS of venues both large and small. My ex was in a Duran Duran tribute band and they got booked for a couple gigs at the Nugget in Reno. He made $500, we got a free room and a card to use in the hotel restaurants and bars, and played a private corporate party with a couple hundred people then the stage on the main casino floor that Saturday night, which was hella fun and packed with happy dancing folks! Good times :-)

  15. do they compete for the affection of the band? it seems all of the wives except Janelle tweet that it's "their band" their song" jealousy over the band and who spends time with them?

    1. Yeah, yeah, it's all fun and games until Kody tells the girls that he has decided to "court" VanLadyLove.

  16. I am glad I found this link, CJ, I used to go to the sister wives Facebook page to read the snarky comments. Lately it is just a bunch of puppet accounts, some just days old. When one gets blocked they start a new one. The comments are mean spirited and sometimes even cruel. They spend more time fighting each other than commenting on the Brown family or polygamy.

    1. Hi Karen,

      I mentioned this on the previous posting, but this is what happens when people "buy in" to a troll's storyline and start feeding it with attention.

      It is not anti-polygamy nor a victim. It is masquerading for the ATTENTION!

      Don't believe it's stories. Don't believe it's lies. Don't try to reason with it because that only feeds it with the attention it craves. Don't get sucked into it's drama.

      That said, I'm saddened by what is happening on the SW facebook page. Fans of SW deserve an outlet, and shouldn't have their every comment countered by a comment full of mean spirited, unfunny remarks.

      But even what I'm saying now is giving it the attention it doesn't deserve.

      Please, Don't feed the trolls!

    2. This is why I never bothered to participate there.
      If people get their kicks doing that, better not to feed any trolls.
      Trolls, no matter what forum they invade, are always hungry and relentless for attention.....and predictable.

  17. the others, some of them in the restaurant pic were wearing black which left Meri sticking out not as Svelte in the pic. However, it is interesting to note Kody and Meri are dressed sort of alike and are sticking out in the picture together even tho not standing by each other,
