
Sunday, April 13, 2014

I Scour the Internet: The Pre Tax Day Edition April 13, 2014

 Tax day is almost upon us...and I just know all of you are wondering what the Sister Wives starring Kody Brown and featuring his Kodettes© Meri, Janelle, Robyn and Christine are doing, as well as Brady Williams and his Five Bradyettes© Paulie, Robyn, Rosemary, Nonie and Rhonda. And let's not forget Papa Joe Darger and his Two Twins and their Cousin.

Yep, it's polygamist's party time on twitter!

But first, just an update on another polygamist family we met last year, Mike Cawley and his Cawleyettes©. Seems one of his wives has recently added another young babe yearning to live in the shipping containers Mike set up in the back yard!

So here's my congrats to Mike and his lovely sister wife Teresa!

Let's get down to business, shall we?

Unfortunately, Brady and his Bradyettes© only tweet when it's show night, and then they take one day out of their busy work week to answer a few fan's tweets. It doesn't make for exciting reading, but I have to respect them.

I guess having J.O.B.S. and going to C.O.L.L.E.G.E. doesn't leave much time for tweeting and retweeting like their "good friends" Kody Brown and wives do.

Maybe next year when all that TLC money they're getting starts to add up, and they quit their jobs and move to Washington, they will have more time on their hands.

How very interesting...I wonder what the Dargers are doing on Sundays if they aren't watching TLC? Hmmmm...The link actually takes you to the Darger's Facebook page where about 121 Darger fans voice their opinion of My Five Wives. Like I said, how very interesting...

So what have our favorite polygamists been up to this week...well, looks like next season we're gonna see ANOTHER road trip....YAYYYYYY!!!! Not...

Ah, so no wonder fans get all confused...

I wonder how much planning it took for THAT to happen? Never underestimate the power of Victoria Secret!

So what's happening with Dayton these days?

Affectionate? Maybe in private, but I'd be afraid of offending people calling my child that publicly to thousands of people on twitter. Why couldn't she just call Dayton by his real name, or even "my son". Why did she need to label him? Just another example of the Robyn Brown School of Tweeting Before Thinking It All Out...

This I find unbelievable, just file this under Who The Hell Cares? And it's THERE not their!

Ah yes. Spring is in the air, and it's perfect timing for another Brown Family Road Trip. The question Meri doesn't ask is how many museums will they get thrown out of this time!

Something tells me Mariah, Aspyn, Logan and Mykelti all breathed a sigh of relief when they found out they wouldn't have to go.  Hmmmm....I wonder what Maddie is up to....

According to someone brave enough to risk posting on the Sister Wives Facebook page, the Browns were sighted in Winslow, standing on the famous corner mentioned in that great Eagle's song "Takin' It Easy"!

Wait a minute, I think I'm beginning to see a pattern here...

Just file this one under the topic "This Is How Rumors Get Started".
Now, what exactly is Maddie saying? Why would she be waiting at a counter run by a small regional airline on a Sunday? Does this mean she didn't leave with the rest of the family on Saturday? And she tweeted about seeing Ellie Goulding let me ponder this...Ellie Goulding concert, waiting at a regional airline counter...that JUST HAPPENS to service New Mexico....

I say she's gonna meet up with the rest of the Browns in New Mexico! YAYYYYYYY!!!!! Not....

Now wait a doggone minute...didn't I see this before?

Oh hell no! It's a conspiracy I tell you!! Like they are going to be watching My Five Wives on the road...I don't think so...

But here's a sweet tweet from Janelle's son Logan:

Last but not least, Christine tweeted about her youngest child, Truely...

Oh hells bells Christine...not you too!!!! Guess TLC is making these guys WORK for their money by requiring them to tweet about My Five Wives to their thousands of fans. Oh well, with four McMansions and 22 mouths to feed, I suppose tweeting about the Williams keeps food on their table, the lights on, and keeps the banks from foreclosing.

Well, that's all for now, so just remember...

I Scour the Internet so YOU don't have to...


  1. Robyn has no parenting skills...her ignorance is astounding

    1. I think Robin's comment (unintentional as it may be) really highlights that her children, especially David/Dayton are not 'people' to her.
      This is not the first time (or the 100th) that she has basically dehumanized her children by acknowledging them only in relation to her struggles or enjoyment.
      Full disclosure... I don't have children, but I did have an amazing and loving mother; I cannot imagine or recall her ever treating us that way. I can't even picture how that would have happened without another family member stepping in or commenting.
      As I said, I don't have kids, but I don't even think about my pets in that way.
      I honestly think there is something lacking with her parenting skills, and cognitive abilities in general.
      I've often wondered if Robin does not have a slight or moderate developmental and it social disorder herself.

    2. Robyn is definitely a aspie!

  2. Aspie is a perfectly acceptable term currently within the community. My son has autism. It is different parenting a child who sees the world differently. And she is coparenting with her ex, anyone in his life, Kody and the rest of the gang.

    1. I don't mean to be mean, but when I first read that tweet, I thought she was talking about some new breed of dog or something.It may be considered a term of endearment by some, but I personally don't like it. Then again I really hate to hear someone that is deaf & mute being called deaf & dumb so it just might be me!

    2. Those with mutism don't and likely never did approve of that term. Currently people with that form of autism refer to themselves that way. In the future if people use the term wrongly then my "currently acceptable term" phrase with change to correcting people on what the proper phrase becomes.

    3. "I don't mean to be mean, but when I first read that tweet, I thought she was talking about some new breed of dog"

      Once again I am laughing inappropriately! I never thought of that, but yes it does sound like westie or doxie!

    4. As a mother of a child with autism, I immediately took offense when I read her tweet. Not only was it cruel to label him, it was even more cruel to tell the world about her frustrations with him.

  3. I wondered why Brady calls all his wives BABY, it is because he can't remember their names.

    1. Did you notice how last week how he called his daughter Daughter and a son Son instead of their names? I agree...he can't remember. I thought maybe they did name a daughter Daughter (like in Boardwalk Empire).

  4. Uh oh! The Williams wives are "nervous" tonight! Here we go!

  5. Hey ding a ling Brady! You cringed at spending money on Rosemary's's ain't free!

    1. I didn't know tattoos were expensive until my husband told me. I know some people who are "broke as a joke" and covered in them. Priorities are clearly off. Brady just seems sneaky to me. Sneaky and no good. That's the vibe I'm getting. Perhaps it's his philosophy degree that's throwing me off. That and the fact that he has the nerve to think he should have time for himself. Sorry dude, you gave that up four wives and about 20 something kids ago!

  6. Oh dear, Robyn does not know the difference between the use of the word 'their' verses 'there'. Clearly not the brightest 'cookie'...

    1. She sent a second tweet correcting herself.

  7. Just finished watching tonight's Brady+5 installment.
    So....beyond the Rosemary patronization (does he *ever* break out of his programmed "therapist stroking-talk" mode)....
    And beyond Nonie getting all junior high-school giggly saying "having a baaaby" ad nauseam again....
    We hear that Rhonda, who has breast cancer in her direct mother line and has already had a lump scare, has NOT had regular checkups since then because finances were tight !!!???
    And....Rhonda is a healthcare worker !! WTH !!
    Are we to assume that 1- she has no health insurance, 2-no one at the medical practice where she works would intervene and cut her a break for tests, 3- given her history, her GYN would not question the lack of routine follow up scans, 4-Brady can spend money on a tattoo but there is no money for a mammagram. ???????

    And since we know that these eps were filmed at least 4 or more months ago, the outcome of Rhonda's tests is already known, yet TLC (and the Williams) are willing to use this storyline to bait the viewers to keep watching. Despicable !!

    Two of my husband's sisters have battled *and survived* breast cancer. They both had genetic testing done to look for specific markers. Those tests unfortunately came back inconclusive, which means that their siblings and their siblings' daughters (our daughters too) just can't know if they are at greater risk.
    So having routine checkups and tests is crucial.

    1. I googled Utah Free Mammograms and they DO have a program, just like most states. I call bullshit on that excuse.

    2. All a mammogram will tell you is that there is a lump. She is probably supposed to have other scans and/or blood tests or even biopsies to make sure the lumps remain cancer-free. Those can be expensive. Maybe she had insurance but even with copays/deductibles/coinsurance it can get realllllly expensive to do those kinds of tests. And the people she worked with might not have been able to do that kind of specialized testing. It's still not a good excuse - I'm sure she could have tried harder and made it a priority, but sometimes when you're sick or have the possibility of being sick it really is easier to forget about it.

    3. Calling BS right there with you, DJ.
      (love that you are such a good sleuth) :)) nice as the group "healing" was to see, I think it was a re-creation that was probably done when all this actually happened.
      Whenever that actually was.....????

    4. Or was filmed months ago when it actually happened.

  8. My favorite tweet from Robyn over the weekend.... was her reply giving high chair suggestions to Kim Kardashian! LMAO

  9. Robyn's insecurity shows in her tweets. Why did she have to tell us what she got Aspyn on her birthday. Let Aspyn tell it. She did the same thing when Truely was in the hospital -- talking about how she's Truely's mom too. And so her 12 year old can fit her clothes. I'm taking it as a look how tiny I am tweet. She is still trying to prove her worth to the rest of the world. Some people are just not good at tweeting because you can tell how forced it is --- Robyn, Kody ... That said, I do think she's trying hard to be a part of this family. I just don't think she realizes how incredibly partial Kody seems toward her. I would say that's not her fault, but she sure did defend him splitting his time unequally among them, which probably means he's mostly with her and the boy king.

    1. THIS! Jasmine, all of a sudden Robyn says the relationships are not all equal, nor do they attempt to keep them equal, because they are all individual relationships. She would have never said that in the beggining when she was pandering for acceptance. I think the blessing for Rhonda was the most true thing iv'e seen on this show. It seemed authintic, and Brady in his most comfortable roll. All this spin the bottle, drinking, tattoo crap is trying to hard. It is scary finding a lump if you do for the first time, so im there with Rhonda needing support, but I hope it's genuine and not played up belated for cameras.

    2. Yes. I think Robyn is just a sociopathic gold digger trying to tweet something that resonates with the fan base so she can stay on top. She's not very smart and her emotional make up isn't like the rest of us so it's harder for her to figure out what tweets will bring a response. As for being number one with Kody...I may be cynical... but I think she knows she is favored and loves every minute of it.

  10. I get a very uncomfortable feeling every time Brady talks AT his wives. He uses a lot of psych101 catch phrases, and it is making my skin crawl. He knows that he is on camera and he is trying to come across as a understanding husband. He is a smooth talker, that's for sure. Charming, like a snake, he knows exactly what he is doing.

  11. Sol and Truely (kills me to put that e in truly) are so stinking cute!

    1. ".....kills me to put that e in truly"

      You too ??!! It has bugged me all along.

    2. Amused,

      How much you wanna bet that Christine didn't even know she was spelling it wrong?

    3. LOL.........that's highly likely !!!

    4. Put Your Plyg Girl Panties On!April 14, 2014 at 8:39 PM

      oh, i'm sure Christine knew. She's just done the 2 decades prevalent Utah thing w/weird names and spellings for all her kids. it's so CLEVER dont'cha know?? and one can never be too clever w/Utah names.

    5. I guess that Christine's daughters are lucky they aren't named Sindarella, Bael, Oroara, Moolawn, or Airyall!

  12. They both had genetic testing done to look for specific markers. Those tests unfortunately came back inconclusive

    Wow, I've never heard of anyone else having an inconclusive test. This happened in my family, too. Unfortunately, my sister did not survive. Now we are left with "inconclusive" on whether or not we carry the gene. :o(

    Gosh, maybe instead of a mammo this year I should just get a tattoo? Sounds like a highly intelligent, responsible decision....

  13. Love it! Thank you. I enjoy the train wreck of browns and Williams. However, I can't shake the sad feeling that the Williams family is allowing this exposure so that they can afford a move to Washington. At this rate, tlc will singlehandedly pay all of the ut polygamous families to leave the state.

  14. He wasn't allowed while in the group to get a tattoo. It's a midlife crisis. It's fairly tame.

  15. A few observations from last night re: Rosemary... 1) It's pretty obvious that they had to have her rings cut off her finger. That's why Brady knew exactly what size to tell the jeweler, and was shocked at the cost of the repair (gold's gone up). It didn't just 'break'. She outgrew it & couldn't wear it. (I know - the same thing happened to me until I had weight loss surgery. At least mine didn't have to be cut off.) Having it resized is like telling the world that hey guess what I'm this much heavier now - so that's why she didn't seem that excited about getting it back.

    2) That was the most awkward bedroom scene ever - when a man comes to bed WITH A BOOK HE WANTS TO READ and then dashes out because of a stuck window (Hey Paulie - call me in 15 with a 'stuck window' ok? OK), Honeyyyy , he just isn't that into you. and

    3) What WAS that black and green object that she quickly moved from the bed to the floor? hmmm I really want to know! lol

    1. Punkinbug,
      I thought the same thing. I have had rings "split" where the shank gets so weak and thin on the under side from constant wear that they just break away. That ring was not thin and split, it obviously had been cut.
      Sad for Rosemary to have been given "a gift" on camera that really should have been just a discreet repair.

    2. They were soddered together. Then loose. He would need to know size since she wasn't there. A pregnancy can throw off ring size. Yes he needed to add gold. That isn't uncommon. Most women grow a size. The surprise was a gift. She got a nicer room at least. But here is the problem, all the comparing.

    3. "What WAS that black and green object that she quickly moved from the bed to the floor? hmmm I really want to know!"

      Do we? Do we really want to know? EEEEEEEK!!!! But hey, if he's coming to bed with a book to read I guess she has to have her entertainment too.....

    4. Snarkaholic, you may be on to something.
      She did grab it pretty fast and stash it down beside the bed, getting it out of view.

      Or was it a complimentary bottle of Green Goo courtesy of the Plyg folks of Kodyworld??

    5. I had to have my ring cut off because my joint became so large from arthritis. I had the ring enlarged from a size 6 to a size 8 and it only cost me $50.00. And that was just last summer.

    6. I think the thing she moved off the bed was a percussion massager. I watched a couple of times.

  16. So it is evident to me that My 5 Wives, is really not "Pro" Polygamy. I mean that is the feeling I get from this family, they have clearly sent a message and down right said that they would not encourage polygamy. To me they started out with good intentions, but by the filming of this "show" this group of adults look like they made a big boo boo and find it hard to correct it because it has involved real human beings (children).
    My question is....why would the Browns encourage anyone to watch this show? I would bet that not one of the Brown (Mariah included) or Williams kids are going to live the plural lifestyle due to what they have witnessed with their own mothers. Because I don't think these mother's are quite as quiet as the PUSA or even the Darger wives and say a lot in front of their kids.

    1. "My question is....why would the Browns encourage anyone to watch this show?"

      Probably because Kodyworld needs this look-a-like group to do well in the ratings.
      If not, it could be unfavorable for them too. They all are shilling for each other.

    2. I think the Browns are telling people to watch 5 Wives because TLC told them to. It's probably a contractual matter.

  17. (have some time on my hands today, so one more thought)

    The "stuck window" caper....
    If these scenarios are "for real" and.... not staged....
    Then WHY was a camera crew in Paulie's bedroom ready to film her and her stuck window, when it was supposed to be all about Rosemary and Brady talking in Rosemary's bedroom...on *her* night ??

    Are there camera crews onsite in every wife's bedroom just in case.....?
    Or maybe the TLC camera crews are psychic??

    Hmmm.....inquiring minds want to know !

  18. Just had a thought on Paulie's passive aggressive behavior toward Rosemary. Paulie has no personality at all, nor does second wife Robyn. Rosemary seems really fun, so she was the first real threat to Paulie's first/favorite wife status. I know who I'd rather hang out with.

  19. Nonie is sooooo proud of herself for all the unprotected sex she's going to have with Brady. She's just utterly thrilled - not because of the sex, but because she gets to make the others think about it. Doesn't seem to occur to her that the others could also be having sex every night they see Brady, or maybe quickies throughout the day.

    Here's a question nobody ever asks these plyg families - have they ever caught their husband and another wife having sex outside the bedroom? Surely Brady doesn't have to wait for bed time.

    As for using breast cancer as a plot line, that's pretty messed up. And Rhonda is playing it up wayyy more than Meri did. I get that its scary to think you have cancer, but this isn't the first time she's faced the issue, and it turned out fine. Odds are, she's fine again. Also, all the wives are crying because she's going in for a physical. If getting a physical makes you break down, what on earth are they going to do if something actually ever went properly wrong.

    As for the over dramatic laying on of hands at the end of the episode, how ridiculous. If it wasn't for the gazillion children they have, I'd say they were all actors playing a role.

    1. I think she found a new lump and that is scary.

      It's clear they don't know how to be. They left the group and still have pieces of that attached to their everyday lives. You know the first wife while glad a group of men aren't micromanaging her ears is still worried she won't see her husband in heaven if he gets a tattoo.

    2. My mother and aunt have both had breast cancer, although they were both able to have lumpectomies due to the type of cancer, and neither had to be on chemo, just tamoxifen. I too am prone to lumps and so far, at 37, have had 8 biopsied. And I can promise you, every time I find a new one, my heart starts to race in panic, I get a lump in my throat, and feel sick to my stomach. For me, at least, it's not like you ever get "used to" facing the possibility that one day, one of the lumps will be cancerous.... Nor can I ever really just blow it off, like, "Oh, well, the last 7 were okay, I'm sure this one is too, la di da da..."

    3. Put Your Plyg Girl Panties On!April 15, 2014 at 4:53 AM

      Paulie's been conditioned to agonize over anything and everything and is relieved to defer to her man Brady. She has no clue what she truly feels/thinks about matters. It's always what Brady or her god thinks is right.

      I imagine her "giving it some more thought" when faced w/the simple decision if she thinks she should have a piece of toast for breakfast or not. she's too "off" for me. very anal and childlike acting - as well as that childish "keep sweet" voice of hers. It's no wonder her daughters don't relate to her re:her emotional neediness from them. "are you planning to come back home and hang out with me when you're done with college?" seriously??

    4. Anon 4:34 AM
      "and so far, at 37, have had 8 biopsied. And I can promise you, every time I find a new one, my heart starts to race in panic, I get a lump in my throat, and feel sick to my stomach. "

      So sorry ! That has to be very hard.

      And that is exactly the point. A woman with Rhonda's history of it in her family and a history of previous scares would do follow ups and exams routinely, especially if a new lump or mass appears. And not let that critical piece just be on hold for what every reason.
      Factor in that she has several children, one still a toddler, and for all purposes is a single mom. Also, doubtful she would be preoccupied with adopting yet another child with that hanging over her head..

    5. Okay, so the prospect of breast cancer is scary. But this woman has known about it for YEARS and ignored it. In her own words, not thought about it. And now all of a suddenly, all five adults are sniffling and laying hands on her - and you don't think that's a little overwrought? A little played up for the cameras? A little bit completely insulting both to the intelligence of the audience, and to those women who deal with the realities of breast cancer without using it as a plot device, a way to steal attention from other people, or as a tacky end to a tv show ?

      I do.

  20. I think the Browns are happy that there is another polygamist family on tv who look sadder then them. The majority of tweets that Kody and crew get on Sunday night is about how much they are missed. They get a lot of "the brown family is so much happier then the williams family" and you know Kody laps that up. Although the Dargers are missing out on TLC money they can keep up the illusion as the most put together polygamist family.

    1. Put Your Plyg Girl Panties On!April 14, 2014 at 8:49 PM

      So true about the Dargers' warts would def show up quickly on a series. Doing their one hour special is an easy sell. Apples and oranges. Having said that, there was def a "control freak" vibe that came from Papa Joe and his tight ship h runs and even his teens validated that when they lightly alluded to some snark smack about him. Polygamy just sucks - i don't care who's at the helm.

  21. Oh no, looks like my sister wife's closet website is down. Nothing said on the store's facebook page so they probably don't even know it's down.

  22. I couldn't believe the shady behavior exhibited by a few of the wives this episode. Like Nonie telling the one wife who can't have any more babies (Rhonda) about her "secret" that Brady and her were going to have another baby. Just thoughtless and cruel.

    Also, I like Rhonda quite a bit, but I saw some shady stuff from her as well this Ep. For instance, how she told Brady about her breast cancer fear RIGHT before Rosemary's anniversary dinner, in clear attempt to get Brady thinking about her during his time with another wife. When he returned and said "I worried about you all night" You could see Rhonda's eyes light up. That was exactly what she wanted. SHADY Rhonda!

    Poor Rosemary just doesn't seem to catch a break. She is my favorite so far. Very real.

    Brady.... he says all the right things, but when he talks to his wives, it feels like he's just reading from a list of "good things to say to your wife" and isn't very genuine in what he says. You don't see the love in his eyes often towards his wives.

    It was also sad to see how ingrained the fundamentalist rules are in some of the wives still. I hope they're able to let go and enjoy life a bit more without fear of going to hell if you get pierced ears.

    1. Kind of like the rules against blood transfusion the Jehovah Witnesses follow and prohibiting eating shellfish or pork by Orthodox Jews.

    2. Put Your Plyg Girl Panties On!April 15, 2014 at 4:46 AM

      apparently they got over their hell fear of pierced ears due to researching their mormon ancestors that had them. Brady also mentioned them coloring their hair - which some of them obviously do. so - was that ok'd by their ancestor research, too?? lol

      Man - what a petty god they have that concerns himself w/micromanaging your body like that.

    3. A tattoo is forever, unless you have surgery and then maybe a scar. Earring you can take out. Hole may or may not close. Hair color doesn't last.

    4. I'm reading about the "shady behavior" of the wives and I keep thinking "it's like high school". Remember the things we did to get the attention of a boy, the devious plots to break people up--all the immature crap? Scary that these are adults with children still using high school tactics to get a boy's attention. It appears that in polygamy you never have a real adult relationship with your spouse. I shudder to think of a lifetime of plotting and planning to get my husband's attention away from another woman.

    5. @Snarkaholic: YES! Exactly like High School. Doing passive aggressive things to "set the stage" to get attention from the guy you liked. I feel like that's how the wives deal with the core reality of polygamy of sharing a husband, is by under-the-radar digging for extra scraps of Brady's time at anyone's expense. It makes me sad to see it, as the Williams seem so much more emotionally aware and accepting of negative feelings than the Browns (who as a PP said, seem to all hate each other but act otherwise). Bummer to see them not have evolved past this type of emotionally immature behavior within the family.

    6. "shudder to think of a lifetime of plotting and planning to get my husband's attention away from another woman"

      Not mention spending your life knowing that any "special" moments, words or *moves* of intimacy between you and him are routinely said and done by him to the others, and also by the other women to him...the next night and the next night, etc.
      How can that work in terms of the reliability of trust, honor and rock solid *confidentiality* with your mate?
      How do you establish that level of bonding when you are just one of many...and... have only every 5th day to establish it, let alone experience it..

      And from a hygiene perspective, the past years of SW blog chat did often raise the question of the ick factor of "sharing" your man with that many other women and maybe sharing any nasties that may be present.
      So, that too !!

    7. I'm going to have to agree with you on the whole hygiene thing. That's a whole other level of possible issues. I mean I know I like to be clean, but what if another wife isn't as clean. Ewww

  23. I haven't been commenting much lately, mostly because the Brady bunch continue to bore me to death. And yet, for some reason, I continue to watch, but that's a whole nother session with my, topic, I mean. :-) After Sunday's episode, however, I did feel the need to say - or okay, maybe scream - that this show is SO FREAKING FAKE!! The stuck window?? Oh my gosh, are you seriously freaking kidding me? That scene was so unbelievably staged. THAT was the best they could come up with for something to take Brady away from Rosemary?? I mean, come on...we could brainstorm right here at least a zillion more believable story lines than a stupid stuck window. Not that there haven't been MANY other staged scenes (shall we remember Nonie waiting at the Christmas party venue for Brady, while the camera crew just happens to be with Brady on a work site as he "blows off" Nonie, aka reads his lines, while trying not to burst out laughing)., but the stuck window was the thing that put me over the top. Staged, and lame, at that.

    Not to say that Sister Wives (okay, pretty much ALL reality tv) isn't staged and "fake" as well, but at least it's a bit more...interesting. To me, at least. The only "reality tv" show that I think isn't completely fake, as in soft scripted, is maybe The Little Couple. I think there are some staged scenes, definitely, but fewer than most reality shows. Of course, Bill and Jennifer actually have a real life, in which they work at real jobs and do "real life" things, like adopt/raise kids, fight cancer, TLC doesn't need to make up stuff as much stuff to film them doing, so that probably helps.

    Okay, rant over. Must work now...Must work now.... - and thank you, CJ, as always, for providing a place for us to rant/snark/laugh, etc. :-) Have a good Tuesday, everyone!

    Oh, blimey...I was going to try and hold this in, but what the heck. In parting, I also feel the need to say - Robyn (Brown) is not smart. (that seems at least a little bit nicer than saying she's a dumb a$$, right???). UGH. That woman. Just plain not smart. If the Browns had any sense, they'd take away her twitter privileges - and I mean that sincerely. Or, at least make her run them by someone with some sense before her fingers start typing out all that weird, sociopathic crap. Ugh, Ugh, Ugh!

    - Lori

    1. Put Your Plyg Girl Panties On!April 15, 2014 at 5:14 AM

      Lori - as we passively/aggressively say in the south in re:to dumbass peeps like Robyn: "Bless her heart." :P

      I'm gonna say re:the lame scene w/the open window could very well be a re-enactment from Rosemary's hundreds of "for instance" in relaying all the ridics things that Paulie has pulled on her to draw Brady away on Rosemary's time. Because it's obvious that of course it was staged w/a cameraman there. (along w/many other "spontaneous" reality moments TLC is notorious for faking. I was shouting at her, "damn Paulie - let the cameraman just close your window for ya!"

    2. We also say around our parts for Robyn's of the world: "Isn't she purty" or "Hello, anybody home".

    3. "After Sunday's episode, however, I did feel the need to say - or okay, maybe scream - that this show is SO FREAKING FAKE!! "

      Lori, right there with you.

      Okay, a few embellishments is one thing (as in the Little Couple), but the made-up, stupid crap on this Brady Show is just insulting.

      Ranks right up there with Meri leaning in the window of the car where Mariah was imploding like a 3 yr.old because they couldn't move into their house that day, and instead had to wait until the next day. That was a 2 camera shoot, One showing Meri outside pleading, and one on Moody Mariah wailing inside the car. SO compelling !!
      Or Sobbin showing up late after getting "lost" on the way to Logan's graduation, with a camera crew filming her as she "looked" for an auditorium that is so huge it can be seen from the highway...and they (cameras) were driving right beside her car in their own vehicle. The SW's list goes on and on.......and now Brady and his Bradyettes are joining the Reality Show bullshit brigade.

    4. Bless her heart, she doesn't have the sense the good Lord gave her to think before she tweets.

      Southern roots, I know the "talk"!

  24. I'm beginning to wonder if Meri is the only one on this roadtrip... Kody and the other three are only tweeting about M5W and Meri's posting about the family trip. Odd

    1. Maybe it is being recorded for a show and she shouldn't be tweeting about it at all.

  25. Dear cj and crew, thank thank thank you, I miss your talented commentary. Now, I can't help but wonder how sick of kody and the gang the blue man group is! Really! Is there no other place that would let them in? Is it because they don't wear shoes! Ha ha!

    1. I have to agree....I am so thankful I have somewhere to go and read and know I am not the only one thinking what a bizarre messed-up family life this is.

      I remember in the beginning I could only find a forum, where everyone just "loved" them and thought how wonderful and loving this big happy family appeared to be. But I was not seeing it, I thought I really was watching something way different then the majority of the forum peeps. I truly saw a train wreck (still do) approaching. When its all over, so will these families be unfortunately.

  26. So, which younger child won't be able to go to college because they had to take big-ass RV's on a road trip?

    1. Most likely Paedon and younger!

  27. Mariah tweeting about quitting college and opening a Pie Hole, or "I want Pie right now" or Meri tweeting about lemon bundt cake, good grief I think they both have a sugar addiction, they just think too much about sweets, It's too strange. All of these people tweeting the Brown's about how much they like them better then the William's, must make Kody quite proud of himself. He lied and pandered for money for the last several seasons, all of false story lines about THE HOMES. The Brown's decided when they rented THE RENTALS how far apart they were. Then they bitch they need THE HOMES so they can be closer together again. Meri's house really was a lot further then they let on from the other wives. The Brown's don't have any problem with false story lines, as long as they are raking in the cash

    1. Dear Mariah, please stay in school and shut your pie hole. Thank you.

      P.S. Salad is your friend

    2. Oh come on, where's your sense of humor? Pushing Daisies was an excellent TV show, the main charactors worked at a restaurant called The Piehole. It only served pies, get it?

      It was a joke for heaven's sake!

    3. I think Mariah has just presented herself in such a way, that it's so easy to snark on her for just about anything. And before anyone says she's just a kid or it's just editing ... there are a lot of other kids on the show who appear much less entitled, much more likeable AND if you don't actually say it or do it, the producers can't show it.

    4. she tweets pictures of cake covered in gummy bears as "food porn" in every scene where they are having a party she is shoveling cake in her mouth, she and her mother have gained ALOT of weight! they are obsessed with sweets!

    5. "It was a joke for heaven's sake! "

      No, I've eaten at the Pie Hole in downtown L.A. and it is no joke. Seriously, best pie ever!

    6. "AND if you don't actually say it or do it, the producers can't show it."

      Jasmine, So,so true !!
      And that goes for ALL the adults on both shows too !!

  28. Maybe I'm crazy but I find the Williams a little more interesting than the Browns in the sense that they're at least honest about the struggles of sharing your husband. The Brown wives clearly dislike each other but try to pretend like they all love each other and are "meant to be together". (Maybe this is just a sign of how much I've grown to dislike the Browns.) When Rhonda told Paulie about her cancer fears and Paulie was crying and hugging her, even if it was staged, I could never picture the Kodettes being that supportive of one another.

    And I have to give Brady some credit- when a wife has an issue or is feeling sad, he at least attempts to engage and seems concerned. When Kody has to deal with any type of confrontation or negative emotion directed towards him the only response he seems to be capable of is furrowing his brow while he goes slack jawed and his beady eyes glaze over.

    1. I'm not bored by the Williams either. I like the same things you do about them. I think I find the Browns just a bit more interesting because they try SO HARD to put up this front as "The Perfect Loving Polygamous Family" and it's so clearly false, it's interesting to try and look for all the clues towards how they all REALLY feel. I'd pay money just to see Janelle just rant on what she really thinks!

      And I also agree about Brady, who doesn't seem to run from engaging with a wife who has an issue. He always dives right into whatever issue they're having and supports them. Very respectable. Versus KODY who seems like he'd rather bungee jump without a cord than talk to Christine about any real feelings she has.

  29. I agree LuvDivided..The Brown's have become the Kody show and they are constantly "working on things"
    or making excuses for why their family has drifted apart. It's the move to Vegas, it's the investigation. anything but the truth for these people. I don't think any of them can own up to how much damage adding Robyn did to their family. Yes the William's are a little slow compared to Kody's antics, but their emotions seem real, and given a second season they may get more comfortable with the cameras. Kody and Krew are still part of the AUB and I think that is a huge distinction. Iv'e done some reading on the AUB and it was eye opening what the Brown's leave out of their show about their religion.

    1. The Brown family can never admit how much bringing Robyn into the fold has damaged their family because without her their show wouldn't have lasted more than a season. I bet 3 out of 4 wives and most of the kids wish Robyn hadn't joined the family. Kody probably wishes he could have gotten a new wife who was more fertile.

    2. "The Brown family can never admit how much bringing Robyn into the fold has damaged their family because without her their show wouldn't have lasted more than a season."

      You know, that's a good point. Without sobbin' robbin' we would be bored. Depressed, desperate Christine, depressed catatonic Janelle, depressed angry Meri...not exactly scintillating to watch. Robbin' brings them out of their catatonic funk of depression long enough to at least be interesting.

    3. You are both right, Anon 9:05 and Snark.

      Without Sobbin coming onboard, TLC wouldn't even have offered Kody/boy the initial first season contract. That much we know.

      Not only was she vital to the plot as the new, younger mare coming to the stable, Sobbin's presence really did colorfully bring out the collective and individual dysfunction of the other three. (Sobbin may be just plain dumb on many levels, but she is happily smug about being the spoiler)

      The only Brown in Kodyworld who had any real fun with it all was Kody. He got way more camera time, which he obviously lives for.
      He got to say to anyone with ears, "I have *FOUR* wives.
      And not only did he get to have a new booty call, but also an official place to hide out from the other three.

  30. Robyn Brown drives me crazy. She is constantly using the other children as "props" in tweets that are clearly meant to be centered about her in some way. Why can't she JUST talk about the kids without mentioning herself in some way? So selfish, immature, and clearly wanting attention.

    1. It is all about her all the time. She is stuck at that 13 year old mentality. I would bet that it is going to be one of her daughters that writes the tell-all book in the future.
      Also, I think she grates on Kody's nerves too.

  31. Maybe they won't have anything to do with her and this is the only way she "fills" like they are part of her life.

  32. Kind of a slap in the face to the Brady Bunch by Joe Darger. Saying they are friends, but haven't watched them. Real ringing endorsement there. "Hey, folks. We know these people, and we don't find them interesting enough to turn the channel to them when they are on."

    1. The Dargers have said they don't have TV in their house. In that house who needs TV? Id be happy just to sit and watch 3 women share 1 kitchen and 1 husband. That's like never ending drama right there.

  33. Here is my take on the Brown's tweeting behavior: I don't think TLC is making them do the tweeting, I believe that Brady is paying them to tweet about My Five Wives. I am convinced that the iconic band, VanLadyLove pays the Browns for each tweet. Because they tweet a ridiculous amount about this band. So now that the whole Green Goo stuff isn't selling anymore, Kody is marketing his tweeting services to other polygamists. "Hey Brady, we have 30,000 followers each, if each of us tweeted about your show, you would get about 120,000 people getting excited about your show, we will charge just one cent per tweet and you will pay us based on how many followers we have and per tweet So, if Meri, Christine, Kody and Janelle all tweet five times per show, that would be 5x120,000x.01 = $4800 each week". Seriously I can see that conversation taking place. The only one who hasn't been tweeting about them is Robyn Brown, maybe she is too pregnant (uncomfirmed) or is too busy competing with her daughters as to who can wear her stylish and in-demand clothing.

    1. You are probably right. Either that, or the Brown Klowns just can't stand for the Brady Bunch to have the spotlight entirely to themselves. Kody can't let us forget about him.

    2. I don't know about the Brady's, but I think I can categorically say that I highly doubt the band has the wherewithal to pay anything for the tweets of the Browns. Just because they were on the show and put out records doesn't mean they're rolling in the bucks. Far from it.

      Most likely 1) Kody and co genuinely like the band and want to tweet about them and 2) in return the band tweets about the browns and their show.

    3. My opinion on the tweets:

      I do not think they chose to tweet about M5W themselves, I think the producers told them to. They probably told them pretty much literally what to tweet.
      I am pretty sure the Brady bunch did _not_ pay them to do so.
      Whether or not it is contractual we'll never know. However, Kody & Co do not seem like the kind of people that actually read their contracts in detail and/or hire a lawyer to do so.
      So, I think that pretty much whatever the producers/TLC tells them to goes.

      Re: VanLadyLove, they obviously seem to receive benefits from tweeting about them. I highly doubt they will use their # of followers to demand a $$$ amount per follower, due to the fact they block anyone who doesn't kiss their behinds! They would make a lot more money if they weren't blocking dozens of people a week!
      I think they receive a lot of privileges from that group (vip tickets, free concert(s) in the cuddle sack) and perhaps things like gift cards and a little cash (I highly doubt 4k per tweet or week, more like 50 or a 100 bucks). I do not perceive Kody and his Kodettes to be that savvy business wise, and unless they have a manager/marketing person, I do not think they are able to bargain for 4 digit payouts..... (Just like with the restaurants they tweet about, all they get IMHO is a free meal and nothing else, or if it's a store a few free goodies, no $$, they just don't seem savvy enough for that).

  34. Does anyone know where in Washington this group moved to? I live in North Idaho and there is a sizeable FLDS population nearby in Bonner's Ferry. I know Brady & etc. are not FLDS but curious if they were close by.

    1. All I know is from the TLC show and several books I use for reference. The best description I've seen is that Brady's father lives in Washington state near the coast on the Olympic Peninsula in the middle of a cedar forest. It's located near a small isolated town, less than an hour from a Wal-Mart.

      I think it's safe to say that polygamists are everywhere.

    2. Doesn't Brady's mother say something about the 'Tenino school district' in reference to the kids going to school there? I may have heard wrong and I didn't tape the show, but my ears perked up because that's one county over from me.

    3. I think she said it was a tiny school district. I don't think she called it by name.

  35. The Brady clan did a shout out to the Kody clan with the ruling announced. I think they would promote each other no matter what group they belong to and it has nothing to do with money. They are all groups wanting the practice, for whatever reason, allowed.

  36. Has anyone else seen KoDouche's Easter tweet? It says, "The best news: HE is risen! Even non believers should rejoice." Why should non believers rejoice? If someone said that even non-polygamists should rejoice about something they don't believe in, KoDouche and his faction would be the first to cry persecution. I guess even his douchebaggery never takes a holiday.

    1. I don't see what was wrong with what Kody said. How do you know what Kody or any other polygamist think or what they will do? In my book, that's prejudice and that is not a good thing.

  37. They are crying all the time. It seems obvious that they all should have been some other branch of Mormonism that didn't practice polygamy. They are stuck since they are still living it. But they still favor parts of the religion and they all crave a less dramatic and less complicated family.

  38. I felt terrible watching Robyn Williams crying about her 20th anniversary ring, while Brady sat there looking sanctimonious with his "oh-so-concerned, look-at-me-I'm-such-a-good-listener" look on his face. Robyn said they'd had several fights about the ring over the past year--this tells me that Brady isn't so "oh-so-concerned" when the cameras are not around. Robyn felt she had to have Rosemary there for moral support (and dang, I'm getting to like Rosemary a LOT).

    Although I felt bad watching Robyn cry, I couldn't help but compare the Brady Bunch to the Kodettes. The Brown sister wives are not so supportive of each other. For example, I can't imagine ANY of Christine's sister-wives offering to go with her to offer moral support during a difficult conversation about unequal gifts and unfair treatment from Kody.

  39. This show has quickly become easy to dislike. least every wife has now starred in her own drama, some with multiple dramas.
    But all of them are with tears. So much for the joy and bliss of Plyg life.
    Paulie with her nest emptying and wanting/ needing college kids to then come back and hang with her, and her alleged need for "safe" talks. (would love to know what would constitute an "unsafe" talk in their new "progressive" plyg world)
    Nonie with her needy horns up and libido in overdrive, and, oh yeah...wanting a baaaaaby.
    Rosemary with her weight issue and not getting any romantic vibes from Brady, and being-the-family doormat for the others, especially Paulie.
    Rhonda wanting to adopt what would become the Williams # 25 child, and now having the breast concerns.
    And finally, last but not least, Robyn, who finally got her tearful spotlight on this latest episode..

    First Rhonda- Okay, no snarking about possible breast cancer. Hopefully the final report was/ is benign since it all went down in *February.*
    However, fair game on a blatantly manipulated script and staging.
    Two eps ago, it first was presented by Paulie going over to Rhonda's house because supposedly one of her kids told her that Aunt Rhonda had x-rays for something ???? Which obviously had not happened. But TLC had to slide it into the show somehow, so apparently Paulie's faux part was key to the script.
    Then Rhonda tells her story to Paulie about having "symptoms" (wouldn't a woman say "lump" to another woman?) and later she tells Brady all about it just as he is leaving for his weekend with Rosemary, even though she says she has known it for quite some time and has not done anything about it yet.
    The mammogram and then the letter w/ the results supposedly unopened and unknown by Rhonda..but..after Brady opens the letter, she admits to Brady that she has already talked to the doctor about possible further testing. Scripting ....again??
    And in today's med world, results, even from previous tests, can be scanned or emailed in a flash when requested or needed. This storyline was heavy on the *scripted* drama.

    Robyn's "20 yr, Anniversary Ring" thing. This almost made me change the channel.
    Good God, a year later and this sad, pathetic woman is still crying and eating her heart out about the fact that "Love ya" Brady didn't act as excited or was as prompt about giving her a token ring as he was with Paulie. Her pitiful "I just want to have my 20 yr anniversary back" was disturbing. And after Rosemary agrees to hold her hand for courage while she talks to Lord Brady, she sobs "I just pray I'll know the right thing to say" WTF !!??
    Brady is so smooth and fake as he patronizes Robyn. He should probably just have the town jeweler on retainer for such dilemmas. Hell, he could tweet the store's name and location often enough to probably get really good discounts if not freebies...just like Kodyworld does for their stuff.

    These women are so emotionally stunted, so fragile and is sickening and sad..
    When they are discussing the behavior of the boys (another scripted bit of BS) and lord and master Brady walks into the room, they all start to fawn and giggle like prepubescent 11 year olds. Even as obviously staged as it was, it looked ridiculous. Seriously, I was embarrassed for all of them!


  40. The scripted BS scenes of the kids acting out.......really??
    In the sanctity of their own homes, not one mother has laid down rules and regs of behavior??
    Not one of them have ever just said to her children, " No- Stop that- Knock it off- Put on a shirt ".....really??
    Not one of those women can handle, or apparently even think of handling, their kids without Brady-Dad intervening ??? I really hope that bit was all TLC created, because if not, those mothers are incompetent. There are millions of single/ widowed/ divorced mothers out there who have raised and are raising kids with established rules of behavior without having a male's input.

    *The best part of this episode is finding out that next week is the season's finale !!! *
    No doubt if they get renewed, the next season will be all about the "move" to Washington, which apparently has already taken place.
    And just like Kodyworld's move, guaranteed there will be tears.

    Note to Brady:
    During your hiatus from the cameras, why not take a break from philosophy and stroll over to some psych 101 books with particular attention to the chapters on "passive-aggressive" behaviors. You may see yourself there.
    And take some vitamins, dude. You made this bed, so man up and deal with it.
    And despite his actual age, your oldest son acts like a smart-mouthed, entitled pre-teen.

  41. after watching this episode, i'm really beginning to dislike the williams kids. they're rude and disrespectful and, as i have previously laid out, i find them creepy.
    josh is the worst. i just wanted to punch him. he reflects badly on paulie - who acts more and more like meri by the episode - and just, ugh. i'll take logan brown any day over this douche. heck, even the brattiest of the brown kids aren't as bad as the brady bunch.

    1. I think Nonie's son Paul showed a willingness to learn, and leadership skills with younger siblings. He seems a better role model than Josh in this regard. And he showed respect to his mother(s).

    2. i agree. paul is probably a good kid. still, i just miss the wonderful brown children right now. i even miss gabriel and breanna, who can be terrible, but have grown on me in the past season.

  42. MrSpock reporting in...been "scouring" the universe...and here you are :-)

    1. It's about time you got here! J/K !!
      Welcome to My Living Room!!!

  43. I felt terrible for Robyn Williams about the ring/20th anniversary thing, because I went through something very similar a couple times with my husband on important occasions. I felt totally unconsidered and unloved during those time, and I could see that same pain clearly in Robyn. That kind of stuff hurts deep and can fester if you don't let it out.

    The difference between her and I is I felt safe to talk to my husband about it. I didn't hold it in for a year, and then need moral support along to be able to talk about how I felt. To me this was REALLY indicative as to how crappy Brady must be off camera. From the get-go he reminded me of a big ol' baby (even his head and pouty lipped face reminds me of an overgrown Gerber baby head!) so I'm sure during their fight on their anniversary, once Robyn spoke of her feelings on the ring, he just had a typical pride tantrum, not validating/caring of her pain, and just ruined their special time.

    Also, Brady sure knows the SCRIPT to taking care of a wifes feelings, but you sure don't feel any sincerity in his words. He looked so cold at Robyn during her declaration of her feelings, and his apology sounded so fake. I feel bad for all of them that they have no option but to take whatever they can get from him and have to be happy about it.

    Still loving Rosemary! She's the best.

    1. Agreed. He did not seem sincere to me and he knew just what to say on camera. She said they had fought about it more than once, so it wasn't like this was new to him. The problem is he has four other wives to fall back on, so her unhappiness is really not that important to him. He's still also going to get some "lovin" so it's not like the lack of intimacy from an unhappy wife would motivate him. I am not feeling Brady at all.

      I like Rosemary. She seems sweet, but she deserves her own man. Rhonda seems fun and I do like her so far. I feel sorry for Robyn. She is way too passive (and is it just me or does she look really young?)

      Nonie is growing on me because at least she'll stand up for herself. I really liked Paulie at first, but I'm turned off by her treatment of Rosemary. Also, of all people, Robyn should've been able to talk to her about the ring but I bet there's no way they are cool like that. Paulie is probably not as sweet as she wants us to think.

  44. I couldn't help but notice that Brady thanked Rosemary for being "Sweet" - I just hate that because I think it goes back to the teaching of keeping the women in line.

  45. Why was Brady so surprised that Rhonda was getting a mammogram "already"?
    Why did Brady not understand what "suspicious" means on her test being that Rhonda has been through this before?
    These stupid stupid questions are really bugging me.

    So Brady is a contractor...would it be possible to build a table or maybe two tables that the family can use for their dinners? Watching them hold their plates while they eat, kids jumping all over is pretty pathetic. Sorry kids, you're on TV now!

    I find that all the Wives talk to each other with question marks at the end of their sentences...every thing is in question form, with high pitch but soft voices (except Rhonda).

    Wait! Why on earth would Robin ask Rosemary about about her Anniversary Night??

    Bottom line Brady is an ass!

    Oldest boy Josh, act like he is 12…and he wants to go away/or Brady wants him to become
    a manager in his company? He has some growing up to do.

  46. You know, very recently, one of my friends went to Branson and said she saw the Browns there. I asked her if she was sure and she said yep and said when she started to take a picture, she was asked by a strange looking fellow to not take pictures of the Browns. Is that crazy?

    1. I know they were on a route 66 road trip earlier in April that's being filmed for the show, so it's very possible it was a producer who asked your friend not to take pictures.

  47. Imvho it's sickening to see Brady try his best to be down with everything, dude. Even his posture while sitting with the family, slunked down, legs open, repeatedly blurting dude dude dude. This guy's a joke. And your ridiculous tattoo doesn't give you street cred, pal. I noticed one of the wives mentioned they try to "stay sweet and supportive". That rang my bell immediately. I think this wife and Paulie may be a bit slow. Nonie is an opportunistic psycho. Rosemary and the one with the breast cancer scare seem to have it together. Why are they with this douchebag that's looking to validate his manipulation with a psychology degree? I will never understand it. They look miserable and Brady thinks he's the man. Sickening.
