
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Off Topic Wednesday 4/23/14: So What Have Sister Wives and My Five Wives Been Up To This Week?

I know, I know. I totally took a vacation from all things polygamy centered. So I've been MIA for over a week.

And it was Easter, too.

Anyway, as I was preparing to watch the previous week's episode of My Five Wives to prepare myself for Sunday's episode (yep, my middle name has become procrastination) I get a phone call from my BFF.

BFF: Girl, you have got to watch Real Housewives of Atlanta!
ME: I can't stand that show, and it's the reunion show so nope ain't watching it.
BFF: You'll be sorry...there was a fight!
ME: Fight? OK...
Boy, was she ever right!

There the ladies were, all sitting politely on the couches. Let's see, Porsha (named after a car), Cynthia (a model), Kenya (named after a country and a former Miss USA), NeNe (the less said about that sour pussed b**** the better), Phaedra (an attorney married to a wicked but extremely goodlooking ex-convict) and Kandi (named after candy, what else?).

Porsha and Kenya about to go at it...

So I fastforwarded to the point where all hell broke loose...

And it was epic. Too bad we don't see something like this on My Five Wives or Sister Wives.

This is where it begins: Kenya used a megaphone (provided by Andy Cohen) to yell at Porsha.


Porsha jumped up, got into Kenya's face. Next thing you know, beauty queens were on the floor, with Porsha pulling on Kenya's weave.

Unlike Danielle Staub (former housewife of NJ involved in a weave pulling incident on that show), Kenya  has a good weave because it stays put.

I don't think Andy Cohen was amused...

Andy Cohen attempting to keep Kenya away from a prostrate and distraught Porsha, who apparently just realized she's assaulted Kenya on videotape. She is lying on the floor in frustration and embarrassment off camera.

Porsha being carried away, with her "good" friends NeNe, Phaedra (who's also a defense attorney) and Kandi surrounding her offering their "support" as she calls Kenya a "ratchet hoe".

Poor, poor Porsha. She hasn't had a good season. Her husband filed for divorce, and was able to retain all of his assets. As he related to a friend (either Cindy's or Nene's husband) Porsha had no financial sense at all (like a certain polygamist we have come to know). He told the judge how she had paid cash for a condo only to have it seized and sold at auction because she didn't pay the property taxes. So she was too irresponsible to be given any real property - and the judge agreed.

I guess he was right, because she doesn't have a proverbial pot to you know what in (outside of her Bravo money) but she was boasting to Andy Cohen about her new boobies. On her chest. As if he cared.

Sister Wives and My Five Wives just don't compare with the kind of deluded thinking of wealth you only find in the Real Housewives franchises.

And on the subject of My Five Wives, I expected to see some live tweeting with fans during Sunday's  show.

Imagine my surprise when the only tweet from BradyandWives was this one:

Did BradyandWives not get the official memo? Or was that the reason Kody and his Kodypendents© were called in to take over tweeting duties while they were supposedly on an RV vacation somewhere in the heartland of America (yeah, right).
And when you give Kody an inch of attention, he WILL take a mile...and then some...
And of course, Kody has to address fans who may think he doesn't know what the word CENSOR means. After all, he did spell it wrong.
And isn't it amazing how Kody took the opportunity to talk about his boys, instead of about Brady's.
Not to be outdone by the Kodster, Robyn tweeted some of her thoughts, too.
So Robyn, are you telling us that's why you use family as domestic help because your sisterwives refuse to clean your house for you? Are you saying your sisterwives aren't being "sweet"?

And how about this canned response about showing affection:
So it looks like the answer to THAT question is NEVER!!!
Ahhh.... Another quote from the AUB Sister Wives Handbook. But the following exchange has left me...speechless...Can you spell D E L U S I O N A L ??
Calling Andy Cohen! Calling Andy Cohen!! You need to hire Robyn Brown for Real Housewives of Las Vegas! She'll fit righhhhtttt innnnnn....

And what was Meri doing? Why she was celebrating her anniversary with her lover!
And here's a picture to prove it!

Twitter thanks you!


  1. CJ - totally understand about needing a break, but I admit it (uncensored - lol) - it always makes my morning when I check in and see a new post from you. :-)

    So, I honestly haven't watched the last episode of My 5 Wives yet. I've been busy, and my husband HATES plyg shows w/ a passion, so honestly, I try to watch it when he's sleeping, because I get tired of having to continually pause it to wait for him to stop ranting - again - so I can hear the tv. :-) I do think it's odd as all get out that Kody and Robyn (of all people) were live tweeting My 5 Wives. Really really odd. It's almost like the Williams' are just not quite all that into it. Of course, maybe that's healthy, because as we all know, certain members of the Kodouche clan are waaaaaay too into "it," as evidenced by all the celebrity/tv star talk, etc.

    So as I watch Meri (and Meri only - how weird is that?) tweet about the road trip, all I can think of is, "I'm gonna have to watch said road trip next season. Oh joy." Another road trip. Let's see... They'll be the usual trying to load up scene where Kodouche is screaming like a banshee. Meri's pissed because they're not packing to her standards. They'll be really late, but then they'll be off. Kodouce and Meri will be bickering over driving. Kodouche will get all pissy with everyone and claim it's because he's so tired (and of course he is - I'm sure it's exhausting to be with all your wives' children for several days when you're used to only popping in and out). And then they'll see some "Americana," and then go home. So original. Of course, if it's Meri's anniversary, maybe there's a chance only she and Kodouche went on the RV trip?? What do you guys think? Probably unlikely, as that would be a pretty long one on one trip. Not to mention that it seems like Meri gets all the "real" trips. Plus, the tweet from Madison about the airport definitely made it look like she was maybe joining up w/ them. But, at the same time it strikes me as odd that Meri's tweeting about every stop, while the others haven't said anything at all about it... Oh well, guess we'll know soon enough. On the edge of my seat. :-)

    And speaking of what ya'll think...will there be another season of My 5 Wives? Anyone have any inside info? Hear any gossip of filming going on? Have a guess? I'm more curious than anything. Oh, and one other thing about My 5 Wives.... I was looking at the Darger FB page, at the thread where they ask for opinions on My 5 Wives, and someone commented that when they knew the Williams there was another wife, but now there are only 5 - and that's all it said. A troll, or a former friend/church member? Anyone know anything about an MIA former wife for Brady and clan? Ah....I'm so nosy. Character flaw. Of course, there would be no reality tv if it weren't for the fact that human nature is, in general, to be nosy. So I've made myself feel better. :-)

    And don't watch the Real Housewives anymore, must say.... (watched RHONY for a while, but got tired of the same old manufactured drama). But, the fight might be worth doing a search for the reunion episode. I do love a good fight. Sigh....

    Have a good day all! - Lori

    1. Another wife, interesting. I hope we learn more about that. I doubt there is going to be another season, they don't seem to be that popular.

      I don't know why they are choosing to go on another road trip, it wasn't interesting the first time. It would be funny if TLC send Kody on another "honeymoon" with one of the wives and we got to watch the other 3 wives fume at home again.

    2. It is surprising they all left, there could have been another wife who stayed. Or another wife that not only left the group but also left polygamy. It may be true or not true. There are things that are too private. If there was she may not want the publicity. She is entitled to her privacy.

    3. My 5 Wives has proven to be VERY boring for me. I dearly hope they don't continue another much more do we need to know about their family?

  2. Kody and Robyn...struggling with the various ways to spell and use "there" and "their". They're obviously not remembering their days in English class.

    1. You would think that if you were a semi-celebrity tweeting to the world you would have someone double check your tweets, especially if you keep making mistakes.

    2. "especially if you keep making mistakes"

      They don't know they're mistakes. Heck, they probably don't even believe they are mistakes when someone points them out.

      There, their, they're Kodouche, we understand your lack of education and complete unwillingness to learn or grow. Just keep scowling and know that people criticize your grammar because they are prejudiced against your religion....

  3. Naturally Kody doesn't understand how important fairness is, nor does he care about giving unequal gifts (I.e. showing favoritism). Even his mothers-in-law tried to talk to him about this, but he doesn't listen and doesn't care. He'd rather put it all on the wife ("don't compare!") than actually take responsibility for treating his wives fairly. What kind of "loving husband" is that?

    1. As long as he is the center of attention he doesn't care. His gifts were so unfair and un-equal it made me mad. You could tell his mothers in law didn't approve. I bet he plays major favorites with his kids.

  4. Wow, Meri and the douche look more and more alike as time goes by. Disturbing!

    1. I just thought the same thing!!!

    2. Exactly what I thought, it is creepy how much those 2 resemble each other.

  5. Ok, so I took some time over the long holiday weekend to get totally caught up on My Five Wives. I also wonder how the show is doing in the ratings. Especially since Brady was tweeting a lot the first few weeks and is now down to one tweet, with Kody and Robyn putting him to shame. What the heck? Is the writing on the wall already? Is this the only season of My Five Wives?

    I have to say the family is growing on me. I really like how we see the more personal conversations between Brady and the wives. We know what the problems are between the wives, even if they are probably ‘re-enacted’. Paulie seems to take Brady away from Rosemary a lot. That makes Rosemary upset (rightfully). Robyn is jealous that Brady didn’t get her 20 year anniversary ring at the correct time or with the same excitement that he did with Paulie’s ring. BUT, I do see that these wives really do care about each other (unless they are really good actors, which most reality show ‘real people’ are not). I don’t ever get that vibe with the Browns…I think Janelle and Christine like each other, but I never see the hugging and ‘love yous’ between the Brown wives. So in my opinion “M5W” are showing us the type of things we want to see the Browns do. I don’t know if I have heard any of the Browns say ‘I love you’ to their sisterwives. I wonder if Kody watches M5W and wishes his wives could get along that well?

    I think Rosemary is genuinely miserable. Brady obviously cares the least about her. It’s not fair to blame her weight, there is so much more to a person than weight. She probably wants to bolt. I think she cares about her sisterwives (or some of them, probably not Paulie quite so much) and kids but is tired of Brady and his unfair treatment of her. I think she may bolt at some point, especially if the family moves. I think Paulie is the quintessential first wife, first in the pecking order and at least a few of the other wives resent that.

    I find their dinners odd. Although I get that Brady wants them to all eat together each night , it’s chaos. The parents are either on the floor or on the couches looking totally miserable. The boys were totally obnoxious and seriously the ‘no shirt’ thing had to go. I did not like how Brady basically blamed the moms for not wanting the bad behavior at dinner. Why not say that he and the wives agreed that they need rules around dressing and behavior. I like his general demeanor around the kids but wish he wouldn’t try to deflect all blame to the wives. I think I would just have dinner with my own kids at my own house and Brady can pop in and out. The kids have plenty of other times they can spend together. And eating from paper plates using plastic utensils would get really old really fast.

    Has anyone else heard about the bolting Brady wife? Did she have kids? Are they going to address this? All interesting questions I would like to have addressed, in season number 2.

    1. I'm not in the USA so can't watch, but did you just say there was a 6th wife who left? Was this mentioned on the show or elsewhere? Thanks.

    2. What, there was another Brady wife who left? Good for her if she did.

      I bet one of his wives is going to go, if religion isn't holding her there I don't think she'll see the point in staying.

    3. Has anyone else heard about the bolting Brady wife?

      You know, after a cursory search of the internet and reference books I have on polygamy, I can't find anything about Brady having a sixth wife.

      A semi-reliable source is Janet Bennion, a professor of Anthropology who interviewed both Brady and his father. She states that Brady left the AUB with 3 wives and acquired 2 more (presumably Lonie and Rhonda) shortly thereafter.

      Here's what she wrote:

      "Brady Williams of Rocky Ridge built a big home for his three wives using the separate-but-equal philosophy (Williams 1997)...Williams recently left the AUB and moved his family out of Rocky Ridge to accommodate a more independent religious philosophy and the addition of two more wives."

      Bennion, Janet (2011-04-24). Polygamy in Primetime (Brandeis Series on Gender, Culture, Religion, and Law) (Kindle Locations 1661-1662). University Press of New England. Kindle Edition.

      Unfortunately, Bennion's fact checking can be woefully lacking, which is surprising since she's a college professor and supposedly an expert in the field of polygyny. Remember that Brady's father Rod also left the AUB (and was also interviewed by Bennion) and did have a wife (#2) leave him after 20 years of marriage. So I'm wondering if there's confusion between son and father.

      Like I said, her facts can be screwy...she says Brady moved away from Rocky Ridge with his three wives but we know they didn't move away, maintaining the triplex (?) for the first three wives and adding the duplex for the last two. His father Rod DID move away from Utah (not Rocky Ridge) with his three wives to settle in Washington state. And Rod's 2nd wife did leave him...for another woman.

    4. So for me, it seems Brady brought on wives 4 and 5 after leaving the AUB which I don't think is how it's portrayed on the reality show. But, that would explain why wives 1-3 (who were acquired while belonging to the AUB) are so different from Lonie (who probably spends more time each week with Brady than the other wives because they work together) and Rhonda who wants to adopt (and joined Brady on the land hunting trip to Washington).

  6. I may have heard it wrong, but I thought they said that they eat together as a family just once a week.

    1. I think they said that each wife makes dinner for everyone one night a week, so they usually eat together as a family. I could have got that wrong though.

    2. Yes, I believe each "wife" makes dinner for the whole family once a week....which would mean they have dinner as a family 5 nights a week. I think that's pretty good! But for heaven sakes why can't they figure out how to get some type of table or two tables to accommodate the whole family to sit down!

    3. JAT - yes that is how I understand it. Agree they need to get a couple of those long tables at Target or Walmart and card table chairs and invest in moderately priced dishes and silverware. Maybe if they all sat at a table, the boys wouldn't be smacking each other and throwing food. And for goodness sake, they waited 4 years for Brady to say something to the boys and their lack of manners and shirts? How about they sit at a table, say their prayer and eat? Roughousing and goofing around after dinner once they have assisted cleaning the dishes, etc. I know having 24 kids is a lot but if you are going to insist on gargantuan families - please buy some dishes, silverware and a table and make your dinner as a family really about spending time with your family.

  7. Yes!! I'd watch Real Housewives of Las Vegas with Robin.. YES!!!!

    1. Count me in on that action! Robin would be pitying and or bitch slapping the monogamist sweeties left and right!

    2. That would be so awesome.

  8. I think the Williams family is more likeable and shows more openness and honesty than the Browns, but they aren't terribly interesting by TV standards. I agree that Rosemary seems miserable. I know she is attending college right now and finally pursuing a degree. I wonder if she is secretly planning to leave the family after she finishes school, and she is able to support herself and her children.

    1. I wonder how many of the wives plan to leave once the kids are older and they can afford to leave, but then never do because they become resigned?

  9. As a woman of color, we already have such little representation on TV and not enough other shows that balance us out. And these women do us no favors at all. They are tacky, tacky, tacky.

    I am in no way comparing marital status or religion to race, as I believe that's apples to oranges, but I wonder if that's how other polygamists feel about the Browns and Williams? I hope they are not the best of the best.

    1. " I hope they are not the best of the best."

      Great point ! Maybe these families were the only ones willing, or after auditioning, to get approval and be offered a contract.

      At the end of the day and the end of each series' season, it really would be interesting to hear how other Plygs feel about being represented by these people.
      Bottom line, the Browns and the Williams do not show a peaceful or fulfilling life for the women. What they depict is a life of endurance and unrelenting resignation.

    2. What makes me sad is that I think they were some of the best plyg families to choose from. It makes me cringe.

      I often think that the worst humanity has to offer is shown on most reality shows.

  10. I like the Brady wive's relationship much better than the Brown wives but I can't stand either husband. I am losing interest in both shows at this point. That is all.

    1. I wish both shows were more about the wives and children and less about the husbands. It is so annoying in Sister Wives when they do so much about Kody when the show is supposed to be about the wives based off the name.

    2. Annon 3:53,
      It would be antithetical to the believes of most plygs to make the show about the wives. Women are used by men as stepping stones. For instance, a man may marry the first time for love but the second, third, and those thereafter are usually negotiations: three wives assures him his kingdom and provides him with more status in the plyg communities. In the majority of plyg communities, women are married into a family for a lot of reasons: a father may offer his daughter to man for social or economical reasons; a woman may be asked to join to bring in more children; a woman may be brought into balance out a sisterwife power struggle as with upset everything but in the end, they believe it was needed...they learned a lesson from it. So any reality program about plyg is going to focus on the husband and his relationships with his wives, his children, and his community. The women are merely a means to an end...they bring children which brings him one step closer to his goal of his own kingdom. Also, if they focused on the wives, we would see how truly miserable the women are. In the brief scenes that we see with Kody's wives, we see jealousy, anger, animosity, coercion, and even a pecking order. The more I read about plyg, the more I believe what many social scientists say about it: Polygamy is "fundamentally inegalitarian and was designed to create a political and religious aristocracy" where some men are given more reproductive rights than others and the women and children of these communities become even more imbalanced and disenfranchised. We see that in the differences between Mariah and Christine's kids. Or, the love shown Janelle's boys and the lack of support for Janelle's and Christine's girls. It is a sad, sad, sad situation.

  11. Snarkaholic wearing a shirtApril 23, 2014 at 4:56 PM

    "Okay, I have two sons built like brick houses! Abs and all. Hard to get buff boys to wear shirts."

    Barf, barf, triple barf! This guy is so sickening! So let me get this straight, douche for a dad--your daughters get told that their clothes are too revealing, they must be modest, go change because I can see too much skin, but you are bragging about your boys being half naked? Now THAT is the epitome of polygamy--double standards, male dominated, men do what they want and women should stay sweet and do as they are told. Such a HORRIBLE father!

    1. Excellent, well said !

    2. And Kody, how would you feel about this sentence "I have 3 daughters that are totally hot. It's hard to get super hot girls to wear a bra'. Vulgar? You bet? If you think your kids should be modest, then don't have double standards. And I have never seen any of the Brown boys eating without shirts. I did see Logan in a sleeveless workout shirt once but he is not out flaunting his rock-hard abs. (side note: Logan Brown is clearly the Prince of Polygamy boys, he is a great role model for his siblings. I hope he is enjoying UNLV!).

    3. Ooooh, but the boys get to do whatever they want, that's totally ok. It's a man's world in that culture. Don't forget, Kodedouche gave Logan his sweet sports car for graduation. Aspyn didn't even get to go on her Europe trip, most likely because she had to watch her siblings and I bet she didn't get that nice of a car either.

  12. I wish they would do a "tell all" special with the camera, sound, and lighting crews from Sister Wives, My Five Wives, the Duggars, the Little Couple, and Jon and Kate. Now THAT would be something interesting to watch!

    I'm sure that Kate Gosselin would win the biggest a-hole award, but something tells me that the grody Kody crew would come in a close second!

    1. Now that would be interesting! I bet Matt Rolloff wouldn't be too popular either.

    2. i watched exactly half an hour of the roloffs and they seemed sweet. what exactly has matt roloff done that would make him unpopular? i've heard this bandied around a lot, so i'm getting curious. please fill me in, i don't really feel like watching to find out for myself.

    3. He is a control freak. His wife is a saint. I believe they are living in separate buildings on their farm. They were a couple that for years people wondered why they stayed together for so long. Yet glad they were trying their best to remain together. They are a nice family. It's just his constant stream of massive projects that would drive me batty. And done his way. I can understand why he is the way he is. He was in hospital a lot as a child undergoing surgeries. Once he got out he was all go, go, go. It is a hard way to live. It is hard to live with. What is great about the family is after a while they were not a reality show about a family with short stature. It was a reality show about a family. If there was a challenge, like a building code and height of a railing, there was no woe is me. Energy was spend on solving the problem. A solution was found to meet their needs and the code. When I see him get controlling I don't form a negative opinion of him. He would not get such a negative award from me. I just think about how his wife is a saint. Unlike Kody you can see his energy is focused on the interest of his family. It's just exhausting how he goes about it. With Kody it is not clear why he does the things he does. And his struggles just don't seem as arduous as he makes them out to be. Yes Jon Gosselin did wrong and she was right not to be married to him. But while they were married I felt awful how she treated him. And after it got worse. But at least he doesn't need to see her daily and do what he is told how he is told when he is told where he is told with the enthusiasm required.

    4. Bored,

      I only watched the show a couple of times and I thought Matt seemed nice and fun while the wife was an angry little ball of fury. Turns out that Matt has a pretty bad drinking problem. I guess he's had a couple of DUIs? The couple separated and apparently his drinking is being blamed for much of their problems.

      Just snippets I've heard here and there, but who knows what really goes on behind closed doors in any marriage?

    5. I think the Roloff separation is very sad. I admire them both a great deal. I hope Matt can overcome his drinking problem, and that as a couple they can find a way back to each other. It must be very stressful on a marriage to live in a reality show fishbowl.

    6. The Roloff family seemed nice and I am sad to hear they are separating. That said, Matt is a total energy-sucker and I can see how Amy cannot take it anymore.

    7. In 2003 he did an alcohol program after an arrest. The 2007 case it was not determined he was under the influence. No known recent alcohol issues. It would be hard to hide. Not impossible but hard to hide.

    8. A TELL ALL!
      A REAL tell all! Not the fake vomit we see on TV now - with the horrible make up jobs.

      No, a real, honest tell all...
      I want to know....

      Does Kody really take the trash out for one wife, but not the others?
      Does he ever sneak over to another wife's house for a quickie during the day?
      What DOES he do when it's Meri's day with him? They have no kids to care what do they do?
      Does any wife have a telescope in her room to watch the other houses?
      Does he shower before leaving one house or after getting to the other?
      Does each wife prefer the same brand of condoms or does he need to remember which brand for which wife?
      Does he ever complain about being tired after coming home from a night with another wife?
      Is Robyn really as whiny in person as she appears on TV?
      Could someone call Meri out on her selfish behavior?
      Could someone call Robyn out on her inability to care for her kids without domestic help?
      You know...stuff like that.

    9. But do the Browns use birth control? It would seem to be against the Principle. Maybe Janelle and Christine insist on it because they have both said (I think) that they're done with having babies and they are possibly still fertile. Meri and Robyn probably use no birth control. Which brings up the larger question: Isn't sex only supposed to be used for procreation in their religion?

  13. I love how Meri has to refer to Kody as "lover" every chance she can. Honey, he is 3 other women's lovers too, you're nothing special to him. Blech.

    1. Ugh! I agree! It's gross!

    2. It is also comes off as a passive-aggressive way of sticking it to the other wives. She might not show physical affection in front of her sister-wives, but to call Kody her "lover" on me that's more hurtful than giving him a hug or a kiss in front of their family.

    3. Very well said! And I agree that she is definitely using the term in a passive aggressive manner. With all of them in a marriage together, they should be able to talk to each other and reason together after all these years! But that takes agreement. I bet Christine and even Robyn are willing to talk. Janelle is probably passive and still won't speak her mind. I bet Meri is stubborn as a bull.

    4. It is passive-aggressive and so unhealthy. I bet the reason the other 3 wives cannot show Kody affection is because of Meri couldn't handle it. Also, what kid wants to hear their parent called out as lover, ever? Nasty.

    5. Ooh, she should tweet a selfie of them kissing on the beach or something.
      Then tweet something like, "Gonna be a long drive home...exhausted from last night. Happy anniversary!"

  14. O MY GOD..Kody and Meri are celebrities!!! this is a far cry from season one and "La Kai" in Utah..
    Meri's tweets imply she is leaving..they are more debbie downer every day...yuk These people are not attractive with big ego's

    1. I honestly don't think Meri will stay in Las Vegas for long when the show ends. She may stay married to Kody, but she will eventually go back to Utah to be closer to Mariah. I wish she would just go now, she is so miserable it is hard to watch.

  15. I love reading this blog. But a question if I may, if you don't like watching these shows and are bored with them, then why continue to watch? Do you do it just to write a blog you feel forced to write?

    1. What? Are you calling us all out on our snark? Buzzkill.

    2. if you don't like watching these shows and are bored with them, then why continue to watch? Do you do it just to write a blog you feel forced to write?

      In September of last year, I literally was consumed by everything polygamous. That meant constantly searching for news items, reading other polygamy centered blogs and websites, watching youtube, reading books on the subject. It was hard, time-consuming work.

      I was getting burnt out. So I started my own blog to take a lot of those pressures off.

      So to answer your question, I do enjoy watching reality shows, especially those featuring polygamists or about polygamy. I enjoy writing a blog sharing my thoughts about the reality shows I watch everyday and the social media I read.

      And most important, I enjoy reading all the wonderful conversations people are having with each other, sharing their thoughts with each other in my living room (so to speak).

    3. Thanks, CJ. I enjoy reading your blog and I do not watch the shows!


    4. My worthless 2 cents on "why" is simple.
      I wanted to learn more about polygamy after watching 'Big Love', which was just Hollywood entertainment. I thought a Reality Show on the topic would be interesting.
      And that it is...!!!
      Not always uplifting, informative or even believable, but one can hope that eventually, something will slip in that can justify such a lifestyle for women.

    5. No problem, Holandesa and thank you!

      PS...I just watched the new Tori Spelling reality that is definitely a show to avoid! Fake fake fake!!

    6. How lost I would be without a place to share my snark about my favorite topic- polygamy! Thanks CJ for opening up your living room to us!

    7. I know you were probably addressing CJ, but I wanted to say that personally, I absolutely do not believe in modern day polygamy, but I do enjoy watching some shows about it. The subject is interesting to me, but some of the shows are indeed boring. Back in the day, I used to enjoy discussing The Apprentice with my coworkers. This reminds me of that. I just like discussing it and "hearing" what everybody else has to say about it. Obviously, I do like watching these shows to some extent, but I certainly don't agree with their religion or practices ... and that is okay. Pretty sure they wouldn't agree with everything I believe either.

    8. Since the Williamses are now practicing their self-made religion it seems the reason for plural "marriage" is "Gone with the Wind." After watching the shows I found it all very depressing---living in what can only be called a motel with the proprietor stopping in to collect the "rent" every fifth day---eating on the couches or floor, crying night and day... Ew!

    9. Thank you C.J. for all your hard work, please keep up the good job!

    10. CJ - find a us a show about polygyny! You wife...3 husbands!
      THAT would make for some good TV.

      You know how men are so competitive...I'd love to see them each in the garage bench pressing 500lbs each and comparing abs and trying to outdo the others. lol.

      Yeah - I'd tune in for that one! :)

    11. I thought one of the premium cable channels did have a show about polyandry, but I can't find it now.

    12. First and LastWifeApril 27, 2014 at 9:46 PM

      Not really polyandry, but I do remember watching a Lisa Ling documentary about "The W"? I believe that's what it was called. There were 3 men and 2 women. Or maybe the other way around. Anyways, can't remember if any were "married" or not but they all lived together and were in commited relationships with each other. Dating every third day. It was polygamy and polyandry combined. The difference is that there were only 5 of them. Hints the nickname The W. So one person would have to sit out alone everyday. Pretty weird. Interesting but weird. That's about as close to a polyandry documentary show I've come across. You can probably youtube it.

  16. Kind of awkward when.Meri is tweeting about 24 glorious years being married to "Lover" and he's busy tweeting about his buff sons by another woman.

  17. I can't watch anymore because it's depressing. I will read snark though. Love snark.

  18. This is weird. Christine posted 2 pictures of Truely on twitter. One picture she has fallen asleep in a shopping cart. The other picture shows Truely sleeping with her head on the counter out cold! Both pictures she's bundled up like its cold but her face looks flushed. Im not a Dr but something doesn't look right. Truely looks exactly like she looked in the episode when she had kidney failure. She was bundled up exactly the same way. Unless Christine took these pictures last year when Truely was sick I'm wondering if she's sick again and Christine is too dense to realize it!

    1. I just checked her twitter - you're right. She doesn't look like a child who fell asleep helping mommy or fell aslee in the shopping cart. She looks like she did when she had her kidney failure.

    2. My children didn't nap much and were hard to get to sleep in the evenings so I might not be the best to judge Christine's kids health. But if Truely was mine, I'd be off to the doctors office because of the daytime sleepiness.

      Did anyone notice Janelle tweeting about a fan showing up at their doors in the cul-de-sac? Looks like the Browns really are celebrities. Since Kody is president of the homeowners assn., a manned gate will surely be on the agenda. Seriously though, I'd be as alarmed as Janelle is.

    3. Poor Truley - I am sad that her sisters/babysitters didn't realize that she wasn't having many wet diapers while they were tending her. I am not sure I would leave a child that young in the care of my other children...ever. I would take her with me or hire an adult to watch her...or ask a grandparent. Robyn takes Sol everywhere (to pop a boob in when she can), so why can't Christine take Truley?

      On the note of Sol, I bet Robyn takes him places to remind Kody that she "needs" special help b/c she has a baby and probably manages to get Kody to herself a lot more.

  19. Honestly, Truley has never looked like a real healthy child to me. I remember Christine making a comment a couple of years ago about how little she weighed when she was 2 years old. I'm just thinking that with what they have been through with Truely that they need to be on extra alert for her. They should also be a little more cautious on what pictures they tweet that might be conceived differently then what they are thinking they look like. Because THEY have put themselves out there in the public eye, they need to realize that they are under the microscope weather they like it or not.

  20. This just in!
    TLC has announce My Five Wives has been renewed for season two!
