
Saturday, April 26, 2014

Off Topic Saturday 4/26/14: What's Up With Those Christine Tweets?

Truely having a Tea Party

This week Christine tweeted two new pics of Truly, sleeping.

The only problem is, they show her sleeping in unusual places like in a shopping cart or sleeping while sitting up in a chair with her head on a pillow on the island in Christine's kitchen.
And in one picture, her face does appear to be flushed.

Here are the tweets:

What I find interesting is that the above pictures do look a lot like Truely when she was filmed last year for the episode "Browns In Crisis". She was very ill at the time and eventually was hospitalized for kidney failure! Here are some screen caps from the episode:

I'm going to give Christine the benefit of the doubt, and just say that maybe she was clearing out her picture files, saw these pictures from last year when Truely was sick and decided they were cute enough to share with her Twitter followers.

What do you think? (Thanks to Anons and Lobotomized for bringing this to my attention!)

When it rains, it pours in Kodyland, doesn't it? Seems the cul-de-sac was invaded by hoards of looky-lous recently:
Well I'd like to quote from one of my favorite blogs, The Real EStalker, who blogs about celebrity real estate but adds this caveat (which you'd think would be a matter of common sense):
"Please enjoy our little online endeavor, but children, have some sense. Do not go knocking on any of the damn doors of any of the properties we discuss. These people do not need any of you people ringing their bells and tripping their security. Seriously. Just don't do it."

 But I got to admit I would have liked to be the cricket in the front yard watching that confrontation going down! I wonder which wife, or was it even Kody doing the yelling? Was it a tour bus? And did they call the police?

Looks like Janelle's Savanah is making a name for herself in sports:
I just hope Janelle doesn't enroll her in dance with someone like Abby Lee Miller, who would be quick to say that second place is first loser. In my book, second place is better than no place! Congrats Savannah! Well done!
Enough already with the VanLadyLove callouts. People are beginning to call you a groupie, Meri! And for the record, I prefer to vacuum to Queen's Another One Bites the Dust. Thank you very much!

You know, I hate to be cynical but something just doesn't ring true for me when I read Christine's blog. She had the same problem with Ysabel (if I remember correctly) not respecting her, and now little Truely too? I wonder what really is going on here.

And the stuff in the online store is still overpriced and ugly.

JUNE 8, 2014


  1. Always enjoy reading, but have never commented. I have been watching this show from the beginning, and I really am not sure why I continue to watch, other than waiting on that inevitable train wreck to occur like every one else. I absolutely cannot stand Robyn. she has ruined what little chance this family had of some type of unity. Not that they were a tight knit group before. I believe she has definitely widened the gap. And merri, where do I start? The crying and entitlements, and the crying. Omg!!! My personal opinion is the money has left Christine's parenting skills lacking as of late. And I completely understands Janelle's need to be zoned out 100% of the time. I mean really do you blame her? She looks great with the weight loss.

    1. Welcome texasgirl1!!

      I don't know what happened, but for some reason your comment was removed and my comment welcoming you was deleted! So sorry, but I was able to restore your comment!

  2. Those tweets of Truely are alarming. Something is wrong with Christine.

    1. Just why would you post those pictures?

    2. Just why would you post those pictures?
      Are you asking why someone would post pictures of their child sleeping in a shopping cart and in the kitchen while the mother is cooking?

      Sometimes I don't think Robyn, Christine or Kody fully think things through before tweeting.

    3. Yes, I am asking why Christine felt the need to post pictures of her little girl who was just really sick, who almost died, looking the way she did when she was sick. It is odd.

    4. I completely agree! It is so disturbing to show a child sleeping all the time... Usually parents post pictures of their kids doing silly things. These pictures just seem to be a constant reminder that she is not a healthy child (IMO she still does not, nor has she ever looked healthy). LOOONG before the hospitalization episode I thought something about Truly just doesn't seem quite right. Don't get me wrong, she is an adorable, sweet, and beautiful little girl. I just have always noticed something was "off" with her. I never mentioned it before she was sick because I personally don't like fixating on the kids but she always stuck out to me as ill. I even recall a past conversation on SWB about how she doesn't have a lot of hair. Some people posted that sometimes kids just don't have a lot of hair so the conversation just sort of fizzled but the conversation definitely stuck out in my mind. There has got to be another reason why she looks so frail and her hair doesn't grow like normal. I really hope she is not seriously sick... but something tells me differently. I wonder if it has even occurred to Christine to ask the doctor about all this?

      PS As I write this I have MFW's on mute because it is just way too boring to keep the volume on!

    5. @Abreva, that's what set off warning pings for me, IMO Truely has never seemed like a healthy child. Something just appears to be a little off. I feel bad for saying that, but I know other people have said that they thought the same thing as well.

    6. these pictures remind me of when christine and robyn compared the babies weight and christine thought truely being so small was cute. Now she tweets pics of her sleeping in strange places like its cute, she is still off her rocker and checked out

  3. I'm not sure which Truly sleeping picture is worse...the one where she's squished into the bottom of a plastic shopping cart (along with items to purchase), or the one where she's on a high swivel chair propped against a counter while her mother cooks. Considering mom once posted a photo of poor Truly crying in pain at the hospital, I guess I shouldn't be too shocked she thought these were also tweet worthy. Hey Christine, stop tweeting and tend to your daughter!

    1. Or maybe she could get a job? Nah, princess Christine doesn't need to take of her kids or get a job.

  4. I tried to give Christine's parenting the benefit of the doubt, but for a full-time SAHM, she doesn't seem to be on top of things. I feel really bad for her kids.

    Janelle deserves to enjoy time with her children. She's given up enough of her time supporting the rest of the dead weight in this family.

    Meri just needs to leave already or get a job, it is getting old.

  5. And why prop her head in a strange position on a cold slab of granite instead of placing her to lie on a sofa which is just adjacent to the kitchen ???
    The shopping cart picture is equally disturbing. If your child, a child who has had previous serious issues which have manifested in acute lethargy, is feeling that tired, then at least get out of the store and take her home.
    Did Christine really think these were "cute" pictures ?? That these tweets wouldn't bring speculation about Truly's health? She is either delusional or she is crafty.

  6. Falling asleep and being lethargic are totally different.

  7. "You know, I hate to be cynical but something just doesn't ring true for me when I read Christine's blog. She had the same problem with Ysabel (if I remember correctly) not respecting her, and now little Truely too? I wonder what really is going on here."

    Christine believes she is a princess. She will spend the rest of her life waiting for someone else to take responsibility for everything in her life. Guess what? Kody isn't going to do it. So the older kids have to parent and Christine can just deny responsibility for anything but being "happy".

    Her kids don't respect her because she doesn't behave like a responsible adult. She thinks it's just hilarious that one of her kids dropped the f word on one of her other kids. (could've been Janelle's kid that swore, I don't remember) Your kid tells you that an older sibling is using the f word on him and you laugh? What kid is going to respect that? Your preschooler is desperately ill but you MUST go cake shopping for a dumb ass recommittment ceremony? The older kids are savvy enough to know that is wrong and not the behavior of a good parent. She earns zero respect. Even the 4 year old is smart enough not to respect her.

    Sometimes wearing rose colored glasses is just a way to deny responsibility.

    1. I wonder if the kids respected her more when she home-schooled all of them? She is not a responsible adult, she refuses to get a real job even though she bought a half-million dollar home. Even Robyn was attempting to do some kind of work.

  8. I am concerned that The Browns are not paying attention to the warning signs. Since Aspyn is at college, is no one noticing Truely's having another health emergency? That little girl needs to go back to the doctor immediately. What in the world are they thinking.

    1. I bet Truely and the rest of Christine's kids miss Aspyn terribly.

    2. "I bet Truely and the rest of Christine's kids miss Aspyn terribly"

      I bet they do! Who's going to parent them???

  9. Christine is the reason that the older kids turned out so well. She did the time consuming work with them. I can't understand everyone so judgemental. Thousands of kids end up in the ER with complications that came from the flu. This isn't a family that refuses modern medical care. She parented 12 kids for all purposes who are alive and kicking. A medical situation can turn serious with no one doing anything wrong. She took the child to the doctor. She accepted all medical advice. I'm sure to a mama their baby looks cute sleeping. She is young enough to fit in the cart she is young enough for a nap. She did a good thing airing the incident and letting other parents know about dehydration. They could have ignored the entire ordeal.

    1. I agree with you that Christine was the reason the older Brown kids turned out the way they are. BUT she has been dropping the ball on the younger ones. Garrison and Gabe became the bullies of the family. Gabe was shown shoving his sister's doll down the toilet and bloodying his older brother Garrison's nose in a famous fight caught on film, with the two boys continuing their animosity towards each other with Janelle blaming male hormones and Kody staying out of the situation because he didn't want to be the "bad guy". And how many times did Aspyn mention how lazy Paedon was?

      And as far as not refusing medical care, her grandfather Rulon C Allred was a naturopathic doctor - not exactly mainstream. The only reason she gave birth to Truly in a hospital was because she had a miscarriage the year before that made her high risk and no midwife would touch her. I don't believe for a second Christine and Kody wanted the public to know what happened to Truly. It was their misfortune that the production company was filming the entire incident. I wouldn't be surprised if it WAS the production company who advised Christine that Truly needed to go to a doctor. Otherwise why would she wait an additional 10 days after being told by Aspyn and Mykelti how ill Truly was while she was away in SF? Lastly, just how many kids do you see sleeping in shopping carts while you're shopping? Most parents, once they see their child is too tired for shopping, would let the child take a nap at home. It's barbaric to cart a sleeping child as if she was a homeless waif.

    2. I believe Christine was very much the nurtur of the family. I think the money has changed her priorities drastically. It just seems she was very vaccant with her parenting while Truely was sick, until it was almost to late for her to grasp just how ill her daughter really was. Very sad. I would think that illness would bring what's really important into focus. But I'm afraid that's not the case. The pictures of Truely in the hospital so sick and in pain I feel was not appropriate. Not sure what the point of that was in Christine's mind.

    3. "I can't understand everyone so judgemental"

      Judgmental or just experienced parents who know what they are seeing? I do believe it is the latter.

    4. She had the flu for 5 days. She took her to the doctor once she started doing something odd for the flu, rolling her eyes. That is what you do. A cell phone shot and whatever was aired on tv isn't going to get you anywhere near the same lighting. I can't believe you can judge her coloring from those two different perspectives. There is a reason doctors don't diagnose yet over a monitor. A picture is not the same as seeing a patient in the office with proper lighting. I certainly don't think people who aren't doctors can diagnose. 20,000 kids are hospitalized because of complications of the flu and dehydration and kidney failure are among those issues. You don't take the child to the doc unless a fever doesn't come down over five days, some other symptom like and ear ache, a ridiculously high fever, some symptom that is unusual. This story gets more outrageous every time it's brought up. Truely was in the care of her adult father when she was out of state. She was out of the house the day she brought her to the doc for a couple of hours. If she could never leave the house for a couple of hours she would never get to the store, get kids off to school, go to the bank. She was in the hands of a legal adult, her sister old enough herself to be a mama. Some of the activities you mentioned happen. They aren't perfect kids every year of their lives. And Christine was not present for those events with the kids, not her house and they were with their other parents at those times. I don't think it's Christine's fault Janelle's kid over at Janelle's house with Kody there as well did something wrong.

    5. Actually I see sleeping kids in carts often.

    6. Maybe I am just being cynical here, but I think that the older Brown kids turned out pretty well despite their parents.

    7. for the record kms I am not a doctor but I can tell you one thing, that child looked flushed in those pictures. And I think a lot of medical professionals would rather a child be brought into their offices and nothing be wrong than a child brought into their office (like Truely was) in kidney failure or worse, dead. In fact you just described Christine's thinking processes. You don't take a child to the doctor unless... Unless what? A medical professional should be making that call, not a excuse me some dumb ass parent. I see you don't remember that the child got sick a day after her mother left. She had been sick FOR DAYS when Christine got home, and then she waited another 5-7 days before taking her in. And when did a high school senior suddenly become a responsible parent? Makes me wonder what kind of parents are in this world today.

    8. My ped has a chart in the office and when I bring my child in early during a fever episode she says as you can see from the chart a fever can last five days. Your ped will tell you when you should bring them in. I asked my ped as a new mom when do you want a phone call and when do you wants us to come in. Hence the chart. Certainly the eye rolling would be a weird symptom and medical help needed. Which is what she did. You have the number of days wrong. A ped doesn't want to see a child with the flu daily. Or a fever daily. Unless hardly any families are patients and they need the money.

    9. Is napping a sign of kidney failure? Could you imagine a mom calling because her child once had the flu which turned into kidney failure her ped because her child fell asleep in the shopping cart? She sure could call. But I think you can be a good mom if you don't. It's a nap. Four year olds don't decide when to go to the store. Lethargic people don't have the energy they normally do. A person naps when tired. For all we know she could be on a kidney med that makes her tired in the afternoon. Ending up in the ER makes you a parent. Not a bad one. I am so glad nothing happened to your kids ever.

    10. Kms if you still have small children, maybe you should look for another pediatrician because I have never heard of a chart overriding a parent's concern for their child's wellbeing when that child has a fever. I sincerely hope you were making the chart thing up.

    11. Anonymous which day do you bring them in for a fever that doesn't go over 103 at age 4 that goes down when you do the bath thing, or the fever reducer? Day 1,2,3? For the first kid the very first time they hit 100.0 which isn't a fever fever just a raised temp? Did you have children decades ago when they were kept home from school if they had life for 2 full weeks? They do not do that anymore either. Truely didn't have a fever, they were checking. My Ped doesn't want sick and well patients coming in for no reason and going in the same elevator, stairway and getting each other's illnesses. They do designation exam rooms for sick and some for well visits to try and stop contamination. She needed another symptom. Or more time not improving to go again to the doc.

      The chart also lists how long a cough can last. On one axis it lists the percentage and the other it lists how many days and what type of line it is represents the symptom. While most fevers are done on day 3 a small percent last until day 5. Is it secret information only a doctor can understand? Why would I not be happy about a Ped that let's me know when to worry and when to bring in?

    12. My mother was an RN and always expressed concern about fevers in children. That was one thing she never hesitated about...if a fever did not reduce in 24 hours, she took us to the doctor or the emergency room. Sometimes she didn't wait, depending on the symptoms.

      So I went to the internet for some answers, and here's a brief summary of what I found. First of all I want to say that this IS NOT a conclusive list of symptoms. It is merely a listing of information I found that was relevant to the discussion. Please do not construe this as being medical advice, because it isn't and I AM NOT A DOCTOR!

      Here are an example of behaviors that may indicate the child may have a serious illness:
      •A baby is not making eye contact, continuously cries and cannot be comforted.
      A toddler refuses to play, cries inconsolably, moans, appears very weak, turns away and stares repeatedly, or is very hard to awaken if sleeping.
      An older child refuses to talk and won't interact or is unable to get out of bed.
      The child keeps falling asleep without periods of activity; remember, sick children do tend to sleep more.

      Immediately call the doctor for advice if:
      Your child is constantly crying, irritable, inconsolable and behaving sick.
      •Your child has a stiff neck or headache and fever.
      •Your child has purple spots on the skin that are large or pinpoint, and do not fade with pressure.
      •Your child has difficulty breathing, unless it is due to a stuffy nose.
      •Your child is difficult to arouse, confused or delirious.
      •Your child is having his or her first febrile seizure.

      A parent should make the final decision whether to take a child to the doctor, however, that parent needs to understand that merely touching a child (as demonstrated be Kody) may not be enough to determine if a child has a fever or is suffering the effects of the flu. That should be a doctor or other qualified medical personnel making that decision.
      As my RN mother would's better to be safe than sorry.

      I'm sorry that your ped doesn't want you to bring a sick child into their office "for no good reason". I would think that, as a physician, they would examine a child first before brushing off a parent's concern as unnecessary. When you consider part of the Hippocratic Oath for doctors is "I will prescribe regimens for the good of my patients according to my ability and my judgment and never do harm to anyone" it becomes a moot point if the doctor refuses to see a patient because the symptoms aren't on a chart, or they need another symptom.

      That just isn't right.

    13. Oh I forgot what the website said about dehydration.

      Children are more prone to dehydration compared to adults. Signs of dehydration in children include:
      •No urine output in 8 to 12 hours
      •Dry cracked lips and/or mouth
      •No tears when crying

      Source: Palo Alto Medical Foundation Sutter Health

    14. Listlessness isn't taking a nap. You have no idea what activity she was doing the day she fell asleep in the shopping cart. Kindergarteners sometimes still need a nap. Some kids are never good nap takers and those go out the window at age two.

      There are many goofy things about this family. This isn't goofy. I would like to find out how many days through a cycle of the flu do you take a child to the pediatrician? When I dragged my son with a fever on day four instead of waiting for day five all I did was drag a sick kid off the couch. My Ped was absolutely right to remind me fevers can last 5 days and that the current thing going around had a longer fever length. There was no other symptom. All she could tell me was he has a fever. I knew that already. If there was another symptom it could have proven it was viral or an ear ache or worsened into something else causing a different action that offering liquids and rest and OTC stuff. Most parents feel the forhead and then go for the thermometer. It's an instinctual reaction to be all touchy feely. It doesn't mean no one or even Kody never used a thermometer. He was taking about whether or not she had a fever and touched her head. Its instinctive reaction.

    15. "She was in the hands of a legal adult, her sister old enough herself to be a mama"

      The sister is what 17 or 18? What KID that age should have the responsibility of her younger sibling's life in her hands when there are 5 actual adults who could take care of the child. Oh, I get it, the teenager is the most responsible adult in the family......

    16. Kms when I highlighted listlessness I was NOT referring to whether Truly had a nap or not. Each item I highlighted was a behavior seen or described during the episode.

      I'd still rather be safe than sorry when it comes to children with fevers or illnesses. And fortunately my experiences with pediatricians have been very different from your experiences. Totally different.

      So lets just agree to disagree, shall we?

    17. Oh, I get it, the teenager is the most responsible adult in the family......
      You hit the nail on the head with that one, Snarkaholic. Aspyn and Mykelti pretty much hit on almost all of the symptoms of a child having a serious illness and the adults all ignored them until it was almost too late.

      Maybe Kody and Christine were reading a chart that said statistically there was a 98 percent chance Truly would be better if they waited another 5 days. So they weren't worried at all and just ignored Aspyn's concerns.

    18. i have brought this up before, but i will never ever let this go: in the valentine's day episode, truely and solomon were both weighed. truely was 20 months and weighed 19 lbs! that's right on the thick red line on the bottom of the growth chart. below that, there isn't even a graph anymore. christine thought it was hilarious.

      i think christine means well, but she is terminally stupid and uneducated. truely is a child who appears to have chronic health issues which need to be addressed.
      napping like that may or may not be normal, i don't know, i'm not a parent. i never napped when i was a child, but that's just me.

      if we were in any doubt about how the AUB feel about conventional medicine, the episode of M5W when rhonda feels guilty about even having tests done should make the church's position clear. i worry about this little girl, i always have. these pictures don't help matters in this respect.
      on the other hand, i really don't believe that christine is an intentionally bad mother; all her other children are healthy, so this is likely a new experience and her rose-coloured glasses don't allow her to see reality.
      on another point, i think that christine slipped into a serious depression when robyn joined the family and that this is on-going. this would explain the transformation from the 'angel in the home'-meets-lucille ball in the first season to the downtrodden woman who freely admits that 'aspyn really runs this whole house'. i feel bad for her, but i feel worse for truely.

    19. "truely was 20 months and weighed 19 lbs! that's right on the thick red line on the bottom of the growth chart. below that, there isn't even a graph anymore. christine thought it was hilarious.

      i think christine means well, but she is terminally stupid and uneducated."

      Bored, I couldn't agree more. Any good parent, or pediatrician for that matter, would be highly concerned with Truely being that underweight. I don't want to get banned so I'm going to try and watch my language...but what kind of @!#$%! crap parent LAUGHS and thinks it's funny that their child is in the lowest possible percentile on a growth chart?!

      Again it appears that Christine doesn't want any responsibility for any of the hard parts of parenting and will use the whole "rose colored glasses" to excuse her from any adult responsibility.

      She is terminally stupid (love that description of her, so accurate) but sadly it is the kids who pay for her stupidity and Truely nearly died from it.

      I wish Meri would step in. Meri would go after this and focus on getting Truely's weight up and would actually pay attention to what is going on. However, Christine made it very clear that she doesn't like the way Meri parents her kids. At first I just assumed that Meri was being over bearing and controlling. Now I wonder if the real problem was that Meri expected Christine to actually parent. That Meri demanded respect from the kids and corrected their behavior. And, shock of all shocks, actually acted like a responsible adult would highlight Christine failing to do so.

    20. KMS. Thank you for voicing your opinion. I agree with you. I love this blog, but this thread is sounding very judgmental...even a bit "mean girls." I think we all seem to disagree so strongly with the Brown family culture that we look for reasons to point out their flaws at every turn. We have no real knowledge that Truely was ill in the posted pictures. It is ridiculously cute to see any child fall asleep in strange places/positions. My facebook newsfeed is littered with cute, adorable pictures of my friends' children doing hilarious things every day. It is also totally normal for a toddler to look flushed when sleeping, especially in a hot, sweaty climate like Las Vegas. I can understand why the viewers might be concerned about Truely's health, considering her recent history, but let's leave it at that. It's not right to call someone a bad parent without the facts.

    21. We are all "big girls" here. Thank you CJ for allowing us to freely state and discuss our opinions in the comfort of your living room!

      But I wonder why a child would need to be bundled up in hot sweaty Las Vegas in the first place.

    22. Snarkaholic doesn't like mock tapioca nor mock parentingApril 29, 2014 at 2:09 PM

      Anon 12:40,

      Christine has a history of being a poor parent. She is not being judged solely on the photos but on her history as documented on the SW television show.

  10. Truly is what?....four years old now....certainly not a toddler/baby...and she is a longish, lean little girl who should not have to get scrunched up in a hard, uncomfortable shopping cart if she is that tired. Take her home and monitor that kind of fatigue with your child who has had past issues !!
    Also, I would not presume to second guess *any responsible* parent on what is going on with their child. Who am I or any of us to armchair quarterback ?

    However, I agree with Charlotte about the whole kidney failure incident being filmed and aired only *because* obviously TLC was on board filming the prep of their commitment extravaganza.
    During that particular shoot with the wives away and a camera crew with them in SF, Kody was also being filmed at home with the kids (like they always do if Kody is finally ever with his kids for any amount of time)... and the troubles with Truly came up during that filming cycle. Otherwise, I doubt the cameras would have been available or desired for such a crisis. Maybe after the fact, but not during.

    But now that it was filmed and aired, viewers will comment and speculate on Brown tweets about seeing this child in similar mode. Really, what did any of them expect to happen with viewers with Christine tweeting those pics?? With no explanatory comments from her???
    They chose to air Truly's kidney crisis caused by severe dehydration, so it should be no surprise that seeing that child in two pics like that now would incite concern from viewers.

    Either these Browns are still hopelessly ignorant about the value of public image after almost 5 years of being in the limelight......or they are just lacking any scruples or common sense at all.
    Maybe both !!

    1. Exactly, there would be nothing wrong with these pictures if Truely hadn't just been so sick and if these pictures didn't look exactly like she did when she was sick. Not to mention, an entire episode was dedicated to Truely's sickness.

    2. I reached out to Kody and Christine via twitter. I asked if Truely was ok since these pictures remind fans of health scare from last season. I actually got a response from Kody "Truely is well and precocious!"

    3. You know, when any of the SWs comment on "I'm so glad that my SWs were there for me! I couldn't have done it without them. This is why having SWs is so amazing."
      I have SISTERS who would do the exact same thing for me! I have a mother and a mother in law and brothers and friends and church friends and neighbors who would have done the exact same thing for me!
      It's almost like they think that the only way a person can/should get help is from a SW.
      For some reason, that really irks me.

    4. Totally agree, Anon. They really need to come up with another reason to explain why SWs are so awesome b/c most of us have family, friends, church members, etc, as you mentioned, who serve in that capacity. You would think they'd have enough intellect to see that what they're saying is really ludicrous. You don't have to share your husband with another woman to get her to help you with your kids. Duh!

  11. I never commemt but I have to. Little kids fall asleep in weird places, and yes I have seen tons in shopping carts. She probably looks flushed because she's wrapped up in a blanket. My son usually looks flushed after a nap too. Should I rush him to the ER? Yes something could be going on, but I doubt it.

    I really dont know the specifics of when Truly got sick, if it's worth pointing a finger. But these pictures really arent a big deal. Not everyone can rush their kid home for a nap when they need to get things done. Yes it reminds you of when she was sick, but Christine sees her a lot more. She sees an energetic kid everyday so maybe her daughter sleeping doesnt stand out to her as much. For all we know the kid was up all night and crashed. There are a thousand scenarios.

  12. It's quite possible that she's just at that stage where she is giving up her nap but then falling asleep at weird times on days when she can't make it to bedtime. But given her history, I do hope that Christine will take her back to the doctor at the first sign of anything more.

  13. So what is the protocol on this blog about talking about tonight's MY FIVE WIVES or that jaw-dropping Kody and Christine segment about Mykelti and her boyfriend? CJ, do you start a new thread or what?

    1. I have no problem with you discussing My Five Wives and I definitely want to hear about the Kody and Christine segment! MFW won't be on for another 2 hours and I want to hear about it right now!!!!

    2. OOps, I got so excited I forget to say you can talk about it here!

  14. Mr. Spock. Yes, indeed......that bit WAS "jaw-dropping !!!
    Can Kodyboy possibly come off any more idiotic than that ??
    Didn't think it was possible, but he even outdid himself in looking like a complete imbecile.

    Kody Kuote:
    "Hormones get in your mouth when you kiss."
    "And I have read a lot of science and science backs me."


      I just watched it....I can't stop laughing!!!!!! OMG!!!!!

    2. "Hormones get in your mouth when you kiss."

      Apparently, so does herpes. And you and your four baby mamas have the sores to back up that scientifical factoid!

    3. "Hormones get in your mouth when you kiss." I fell asleep during M5W (very tedious) and woke up during this SW preview. Kody's reasoning was so idiotic that I thought maybe I had dreamt it, but nope...

      BTW, love this blog, C.J. :-)

    4. I fell asleep during M5W (very tedious) and woke up during this SW preview.
      Thank goodness I'm not the only one who keeps falling asleep watching M5W!!!

      BTW, love this blog, C.J. :-)
      Thank you very much! I appreciate it!

    5. @Snark - My handle is relevant to your comment!

    6. Abreva,

      When Kodouche said that, I thought what Snark did....and immediately thought of you and your handle !!!!
      The Abreva must sit right next to the Green Goo in every kitchen in Kodyworld.

  15. Adding that Christine sat there in rapt attention to Kody while he was saying this crap to Mykelti and her boyfriend. Pitiful.....!!!

    1. She was probably so happy Kody was showing attention to her and Mykelti. I think we have seen the story arc for the next season: Mykelti and her BOYFRIEND!! I can't wait for another of Robyn's purity lectures. Wait, didn't Robyn get pregnant before she got married? Maybe Kody and Christine should rethink having Robyn as a mentor for Mykelti which, if memory serves me, is exactly what happened. Robyn was Mykelti's mentor.

  16. Look up 20 things you didn't know about kissing from the Feb 2011 Discovery magazine---bet that is where Kody got the hormone idea. The article is on the internet. Kody and Christine are having a talk with Mykelti and her boyfriend because Christine says they have been dating "too much" or something like that.

  17. That hormones get in your mouth quote made me laugh out loud. Omg, Kody Brown does science...I am giddy.

  18. Two things: I agree that Christine should not have posted those picks of Truly. However cute or normal it is for the kid to sleep in crazy spots, there are those of us who will inevitably see the fragile almost transparent little girl whom was (My opinion only) totally exploited in a past episode (how many times did they show that image with the wires and IVs in full-on hospital in your face mode) makes my stomach turn every time I think of it. Felt like throwing myself between the camera and her...felt like they exploited the whole situation. Poor kid...What if she had died?? It just makes me sick...they sent pics that THEY took because TLC wasn't allowed to film. Okay sorry, end rant.
    Second thing: my children scoff at my pathetic addiction to the show and my 13 year old looked at me with bewilderment and said: "Wait...that kid's name is Truely?" "So wouldn't that make her Truely Brown??". Wow. Can't believe I never noticed.

    Also...last little bit...anyone else roll their eyes over MFW with the lame-oid tree-tattoo lameness. Stunning how unoriginal. Thought orig drawing was much better....why oh why did he sway from it. And turned out kinda ugly, imo. V-day, was stupid too...moan moan how hard V-day is and he was in and out in what seemed like seconds, with people carrying all the flowers for him. Yeah, life is rough. Okay sorry, that's all :)

    1. Not only was the tattoo a stupid non-event, the tattoo is a bizarre interpretation of a tree.
      It looks more like a tree after a tornado blew through. Or a dark, sun-less, green-less version of a tree from a gothic scene.

      And the V-day flowers:
      "anyone else roll their eyes over MFW with the lame-oid tree-tattoo lameness"

      Yep...rolled my eyes and marveled at TLC's lack of originality. It all was just a Kodyworld re-do, complete with yet another shop attendant reciting her lines of surprise when Brady gave the list of names, allowing Brady to say what every Plyg guy dreams of, "I have multiple wives." TLC obviously was pretty desperate for fillers for this boring episode.

    2. The Tree Tattoo reminded me of Janelle's tree necklace that Kody created. I thought the tattoo was ok...definitely too big but when you have that large of a family you want to 'honor' it's going to have to be big. The two questions I had though. 1) What will he do when one or more wives leave? (cause I do think that will happen. two of them seem ready right now). 2) What about the new children they hope to have? Will he just add a leaf or two?

    3. I have a 3 1/2 yo and I almost have to talk her into taking naps.
      if a child is falling asleep in abnormal places, it's time to restructure the schedule to let the kid sleep at a set time in a set place. C'mon, Christine!!

  19. Omg!!! Kody is so out of touch with his children, and reality. He wouldn't even know his daughter had a boyfriend if his wife didn't tell him. Or his daughter's name if he wasn't reminded. I didn't realize he needed to look up or study all this scientific info on kissing and hormones. With that many children you would think he knows how everything works! I mean really? As much as I can't stand him I was embarrassed for him by the ignorance flowing out of his mouth. Poor Mykelti. Of the subject is it just me or is his hair getting bigger, like poofy?

    1. He is sadly uneducated yet believes he is incredibly intelligent.

      We should do a post on the stupidest things he has ever said. My #1 most ignorant Kodouche statement was when he told his kids that a hot tub set at 98 degrees would feel like nothing to them because their body temperatures are 98 degrees. OMG! Such a moron!!! I wonder if had science to back that one up????

  20. This Brady+5 episode DID have some comedy relief thanks to Nonie.

    When she was doing her bit about being embarrassed to ask for a pregnancy test, she had that now familiar almost crazy gleam in her eyes that just seems to border on impending mania.
    She has to be a bit "off" to so happily go along with such ridiculous staging.

    Right....she is in a store with the camera rolling, and the store guy (and managers) obviously all signed up to do their part and is nervous about asking "a stranger" for the test. Even though it is to be aired to millions of "strangers."
    Even though she has two toddlers sitting there in a stroller, three others in school, but acts as if the possibility of being pregnant is akin to the second coming.

    Maybe Utah is different, but where I live pregnancy tests are out in the open on the shelves in every drug store and supermarket, not behind the counter with controlled drugs and not requiring "asking for them."

    1. Yeah why would she need a pharmacist? She could probably order a couple up online as well.

    2. Here in Las Vegas the pregnancy tests are out in the open in the feminine health aisle - just grab one and head to self checkout. Is it different in Utah? Why did she have to ask a pharmacist?

    3. In my part of California pregnancy tests are behind a locked screen, and an attendant or pharmacist has to unlock and hand the test to you or the cashier.
      I think that has more to do with theft than anything else, sadly, same apies for baby formula and men's razor blades.

  21. I noticed Brady had to---HAD to---mention to the florist that he was a polygamist---shades of Kody if the florist already did not know, being there was a camera crew there and all---and poor Brady had to deliver each bouquet to each "wife" all by himself---pardon me, but YOU, Brady, chose to have five women dependent on your divided attention. And Anon 10:56 I so agree with your analysis of the tatoo because it looks like a dead, scary tree---

  22. Although we have just seen a snipped, kudos to the 'boyfriend' sitting through that embarrassment on national tv with a straight face. Sorry, but the Browns are not the Duggars. I don't believe for one minute that Mykelti wouldn't have kissed her boyfriend of one month.

    1. How much you wanna bet Mykelti will give birth to Kody's first grandchild in a year!

  23. It's really fun to watch M5W and read Kody's tweets. I have to say it adds a whole element of entertainment to watching the show.

  24. Regarding Kody's "defraud" question to the boyfriend: I surmise he is using the term in the same sense as the Duggar family---this is what Michelle Duggar says about it:

    "And so in our dress — whether we’re doing activities that require us to climb, ride a horse, bike, swim, whatever — we just want to keep the thighs and torso covered; we don’t want to play peekaboo so that there’s a visual element that might defraud someone.

    For us the definition of the word defrauding is to stir up desires in someone else that cannot be righteously fulfilled."

    Interesting comment coming from Kody who thinks it is okay for his "buff" boys to run around with their shirts off---"defrauding" all the girls in Las Vegas. At least the Duggars are basically CONSISTENT in their modest dress stance for both sexes.

    1. I concur Mr. Spock--very logical! Whether or not one agrees with the Duggars, at least they are consistent and walk their talk. The Brown's are the exact opposite. Lots of talk and zero action consistent with all the hot air.

      The Duggars are true to their fundamentalist beliefs and the Browns are true to what they worship--fame and money.

  25. I just would like to say that Brady W. is really hitting a nerve with his stupid stupid looks when one of his wives says something that obviously he really could give a rats ass about. Found it funny that this year he got the best flower arrangements that he has ever gotten before for his wives....hmmmm thank you TLC. Although the card exchange was cute and created something to do for an episode...I don't think they have ever done that before, I was getting that awkward feeling for that one kid that could not get out the reason for giving...Ugh. Here in California we have EPT right on the shelves in the local stores...funny/odd segment. And the dinner scenes....oh dear have people sitting around eating hot soup over their laps, but yet in the background you see an empty table...Huh?

    Now for that Sisterwives commercial...ha ha ha ha ha ha ha....oh my oh my. Poor Mykelti, but she probably got an "extra pay" paycheck for sitting through that garbage of a lecture from her embarrassing father she has. But I must say we laughed the hardest when the Kodster asked (forgive me I don't remember the exact words) in regards to kissing and the boy replied " don't go for it unless you are both ready to go for it"... thumbs up buddy.

    1. Loved that the boyfriend said that "when you are both ready, go for it". I don't think he was talking about holding hands or even kissing. Kody's eyes were bugging out of his head. Now that's going to be entertaining! They must have sedated both of the teenagers, how could they sit there with no expression listening to the hormones in the mouth from kissing. I had the best laugh I have had in a long time.

    2. You are so right, CPA Carol...I also thought Kody was going to go ballistic when the boyfriend said that...also, will we be regaled with the boyfriend's parents lecturing their son and Mykelti? I mean, fair is fair...and I, personally, don't view Kody as an arbiter of morality---openly sleeping with 4 women and all...

    3. I love that one of these idiot "wives" is embarrassed to buy a pregnancy test but is NOT embarrassed to admit on national television that her husband sleeps with four other women!! Priorities, priorities!

    4. That was great! Couldn't agree more or said it any better. It must have something to do with the green goo! It alters their perception of reality.

  26. Brady should have held out for a tattoo more in line with his original idea. The artist would have worked with him, if he'd stuck to the idea of a band--particularly since it seemed that 2 or 3 of Brady's wives made did not care for the tree idea. But they all liked the idea of a band---an open, egalitarian symbol. Brady chose a tree instead, with its hierarchical structure and phallic implications. I'm not saying it was conscious, but a philosophy major should be more self-aware, I would think.

    1. "but a philosophy major should be more self-aware, I would think"

      Yes, one would think !!.
      Hmmm....maybe his choice of design and dark mono-color is a reflection of Brady's true psyche. A tattooed version of his own Rorschach test.
      Who knows...or cares !!

    2. Yes, well, I bring it up because I am surprised at the broad range of family and personal dynamics within his own family that Brady, a philosophy major, is completely clueless about and/or obviously has not examined (perhaps even to the point of being in denial). It's just slightly surprising, is all.

    3. Sister K,
      I agree with you.
      Brady does come off as indifferent to "real" issues right in front of him.
      Oh, he is glib with the "love ya's" and "sorry you feel bad about this or that" but his eyes don't match his words. His actions, beyond the easy comfort hugs during any time he is called on to interact with one wife or another, do not really change up or down for the drama or issue at hand. One size seems to fit all. There is a disconnect.
      To me, that's why the tattoo seems to be significant in its lack of color and vibrancy.

    4. Amused...I agree about his eyes showing something of a blankness in them. So sad.

    5. I, too, agree about the eyes. He puts on this phony concerned expression that he seems to pull out of his back pocket whenever his wives try to speak to him about difficult issues, but if you look in his eyes, there's nobody "there." It's so fake! I would tell him to wipe that look off his face.

    6. UGH! That phony look he gets! If my husband looked at me like that.... he wouldn't be my husband! What a crock! That is probably the worst part about polygamy. Not the sleeping with other women thing so much as not actually having a true companion through thick and thin. I love when my husband and I get home from work everyday and share inside jokes, serious conversations about our day and just anything else. Nope, you don't get any of this is polygamy. You are on your own ladies.

  27. is there somewhere online i can watch the preview for sisterwives? i don't have cable

    1. You can buy episodes on ITunes and Amazon Video.

  28. there are pictures on a link of candid reality that show the browns filming at a pirate fair in Vegas. I'm sorry to say Janelle looks like she has regained alot of weight. I'm hoping it is just a bad pic. where can i watch the pre'view? i dont have cable. thanks

  29. Dumb question but where was the Sister Wives segment? (I'm still watching the end of My 5 Wives, so if it's a 'coming up on...' on there I guess I'll get to it soon...).

    Also... did they ever say where in Africa Josh is going? It was bugging me that they just kept saying 'Africa' like it's one country rather than an entire contintent.

    1. The segment suddenly came on at one of the later commercial breaks in the show---it just came out of nowhere

    2. And what bugged me is that he was only going for a *two week* visit to his uncle.
      That bit was so over-dramatized as if he was going to Africa for good.
      The producers/script writers must have been really scraping the barrel for plotlines.

    3. He is off after to serve a mission. It couldn't be a long trip with a mission on the horizon. I think they are just trying to show they let the kids explore the world.

    4. yeah, i thought their talk about 'africa' made them sound sarah palin levels of stupid. 'don't drink the water', 'warm clothes', etc. seriously, there are 54 countries in africa, which one is the kid going to. does he need warm clothes or is paulie just dumb? this whole thing has been talked about for several episodes now and at no point did anybody bother to specify which african country josh is going to. please tell me they know that 'africa' isn't a country.

      again, the williams children seemed zombie-like and barely sentient in their talking heads. the children of the corn thing is cementing in my head.

      i like this family so much less than the browns (there's something i never thought i'd say). their only redeeming feature is that cute puppy who needs more screen time to keep me watching.

    5. I thought he was visiting his uncle in South Africa.

    6. I thought so too, for 12 days or so.......??

    7. I enjoy reading this blog alot...can we please keep references to personal politics out of it though?

    8. Anon 5:35, Please feel free to ignore any references to personal politics you may read here. Thanks!

  30. Initially I thought Rhonda's breast dilemma was a responsible topic and good for public awareness about breast cancer despite TLC's blatant manipulation and whoring of the topic, stretching it on and on, episode after episode, to keep viewers tuned in and ratings up. Even to the despicable point of making it the cliffhanger of what the final report was before they then they cut to a commercial before the answer, That was just disgusting !!!
    (WTF, I thought , "for god's sake, this isn't the results show of Dancing with the Stars or Survival.)
    Then in typical super high drama mode, Rhonda's is verbal stumbling and crying, and leaving the viewers to think the worst while the commercial aired.......
    THEN the reveal...And..all was good !! SO tacky, so Plyg show predicable!!

    Breast Cancer topic is an Impotant Iissue. This whole topic w/Rhonda could have/ should have been covered in one dedicated episode, from beginning to end. Apparently it all took place in Jan/Feb, so all tests and reports were in. Had it been handled that way, the impact and *message* would not have been diluted with other show scenarios which minimized what could have been a powerful public message.
    My problem is that Rhonda, if we are to believe her stated script, had that lump/ mass for a few years. Un-tested and un-treated!!
    Then when TLC comes to town, it is designated as an immediate crisis.
    (Ratings and paychecks.)

    jmo.....But the way they (the Williams and TLC) played this out is NOT a good example for the scores of women/girls who do have a breast issue, known or unknown........and who *should* be seen immediately if there are any suspicious reasons. Seen for diagnosis, treatment, or simply for peace of mind.

  31. Did anyone else think that it looked unseasonably warm in February as Brady was out getting the flowers? All the snow was gone and he wasn't even wearing a jacket.

    1. Global warming maybe?

    2. I agree, it was re-enacted. I get the feeling it was in March or later. If only they were better tweeters (and tweeted individually), we could piece together the time line with the Africa trip.

  32. The Brown's look like a family of four different groups and never call each other sisterwife's anymore. It should be renamed the Kody Brown Family Show. Staring Kody Brown with Meri Christine Janelle and Robyn..they are a cast of a TV show anymore. Everyone one of them has a role to play..looks like Mykelti will be an also-starring this season. It is nothing like when it first aired.

    1. I could not agree with you more!!! I enjoy watching the daily lives of people, the laundry, the chores, the grocery shopping, the Brown's haven't done that season 1

  33. This just in!!
    TLC has just announced there will be a season 2 for My Five Wives!!

    1. I'm on tenderhooks...

    2. Story Lines: Will Robyn (or whoever it is who is wailing) get the "right" ring? Will Rosemary have to wait and wait for HER 20-year ring---then be a martyr and get mad at Brady because she had to wait? Will what's-his-name get lost in Africa? Will the family find tables and chairs? Will anyone be left who hasn't heard Brady say "I'm a polygamist?" Will Nonie (I think that's the one) be pregnant and then be too shy/afraid to tell anyone except the millions of viewers?

  34. Has anyone noticed that each wife has a son named Brady?!?!?

  35. Here is the link that shows the first born boy of each mother is actually named Brady, but it appears they go by their middle name.

  36. I agree with those that think Truly is fragile, and I think her fragility is based on her marginal status in the family. She is Christine's child and Christine is not Kody's favorite; she is a girl and girls are routinely overlooked in plyg households; she is one of the youngest of a rather large family and upon her birth, the family changed drastically with adding a new wife, being on TV, moving far away, and getting a younger brother that clearly became the family favorite. Christine's children are very pale and pale people often struggle with things such as dehydration and bleeding disorders because they lack the protection that darker melanon offers and we need Vit D to get our RBC building materials and very pale children often are either kept out of the sun for their protection or they are covered with sun block with prevents vit d absorption, or they are not able to process vit d through their if they are not parented well, they can become dehydrated and anemic and on top of that, she does look undernourished. I have pale family members and their children have either blond or red hair and they burn easily and they, without exception, have numerous problems associated with lacking melanin. When we take our grandchildren outside, we push fluids to all the children but we especially push fluids on those little pale kids. Anyway, I believe Truly has medical issues that are not being addressed because her parents are so stupid.

  37. I've seen kids asleep in shopping carts, and in my own family, I've seen nieces and nephews fall asleep in all sorts of strange places and positions. when that happens, though, an adult will carry them to a more comfortable location (like a bed or couch) and make sure they're warm and safe. like others who have posted, I get the impression that Truely might be medical fragile--on the other hand, she may just be natually small. All the other Brown kids look normal sized, but perhaps there are petite family members on Christine's or Kody's side of the family and Truely favors those smaller relatives. Christine's mother did look sort of petite; could Truely favor her maternal grandmother?

  38. Truely did not have the flu. Truely had an untreated bladder infection/urinary tract infection that led to kidney failure. One of their tweeted photos at the time had a paper even saying the bacteria was e. Coli. Bladder infections can often happen to little girls who are learning to wipe themselves correctly in potty training. Fever, nausea, vomiting, lethargy, abdominal pain, decreased appetite are all not the symptoms. The first test done is a urinalysis on a urine sample when a girl has a fever and no clear cause like ears or throat infection, so it's an easy diagnosis.

    Just want to clear that one up. They may have said flu on the show, but the proof was in their twitter photos.

    1. Nice theory but where's your proof Truely had a bladder infection and not dehydration from the flu? Give us some tweet dates for those photos!

    2. I spent hours looking for those twitter pictures. 2nd anonymous, if 1st anonymous doesn't answer up with some twitter dates and the person who sent them I'd say they were pulling our legs for attention.

    3. I'm stepping in just to say - does it really matter whether Truely's illness was caused by a bacteria or a virus? The point is she was sick enough to be hospitalized with kidney failure.

  39. I found where I referenced them previously. Tweeted by Kody prior to Jan 30. The pics have disappeared so I assume he has edited as he's done before. Is this a Brown claiming I'm posting for attention? If I was, I could come up with a way better lie. Kidney failure caused by kidney infection is much more likely anyway than dehydration causing kidney failure in a healthy child. Kidney infection can cause dehydration, but the infection itself was the underlying problem.

    1. Is this a Brown claiming I'm posting for attention?
      Not likely. It was someone who decided to be anonymous and posted at 5:35pm. And now it is me and I AM NOT A BROWN! Thank you very much...

      I found where I referenced them previously. Tweeted by Kody prior to Jan 30. The pics have disappeared
      How conveeennniiiieeennnnnnttttt! (in my best Church Lady's voice). Without the pic your point is moot.

      Like I said before, the point is Truely had to be hospitalized. The diagnosis was kidney failure due to severe dehydration. End.Of.Debate.

      Let's move on, shall we? This topic is closed (unless someone has the twitter pictures).
