
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Psychology Today: Odd Facts About Kissing

OMG....Just file this under:  TMI about swapping spit...

Kody and Robyn swapping pre-spiritual marriage spit

Odd Facts About Kissing

A Kiss is Not Just a Kiss
Odd Facts About Kissing
  • A quick romantic kiss burns about 2-3 calories. A more passionate kiss burns 5 or more calories, depending on the duration and intimacy of the kiss.
  • The average person spends about 20,160 minutes of his or her life kissing.
  • The condition and appearance of a potential partner’s teeth plays a determining factor in a woman’s decision to kiss someone or not.
  • Men are more likely to initiate kissing before sex. Women are more likely to initiate kissing after sex.
  • Women use the intensity and frequency of kissing to evaluate a man’s suitability for short-term relationships as well as judging the potential of a short-term relationship evolving into a long-term relationship. Men use kissing, especially in short-term relationships, to increase the likelihood of having sex.
  • Mucus membranes inside the mouth are permeable to hormones such as testosterone. Through open-mouth kissing, men introduced testosterone into a woman’s mouth. Testosterone is absorbed through the mucus membranes in the woman’s mouth and increases arousal and the likelihood that she will engage in reproductive behavior.
  • Men prefer open-mouth kissing with tongue contact when kissing short-term partners to increase the probability of mating.
  • Open mouth kissing promotes salivary exchange. Saliva contains salts, minerals, and other substances that cause breath odor to change as women progress through their menstrual cycle. These changes regulate a woman’s receptivity to procreative activities.
  • Prostitutes avoid kissing clients on their mouths to reduce the likelihood of bonding.
  • Men seeking short-term relationships are more apt to leave shortly after copulation to reduce the likelihood of bonding.
  • Kissing provides information about a person’s health. The taste and the smell of an individual's mouth can signal health issues. Women seek partners who can provide security for them and their children. Unhealthy men are less likely to be able to provide long-term security. Men seek women who are healthy enough to bare and raise children. Unhealthy women are less likely to bare healthy children.
  • Men, more than women, use kissing in an attempt to end fights. 

from: Psychology Today blog: Let Their Words Do the Talking


  1. "You must remember this, a kiss is still a kiss..." I wonder what the Williams family take is on kissing...

  2. Oh no, does this mean Kody was right?

  3. "Oh, no, does this mean Kody was right?"

    I doubt it....Kody is simply good at *repeating*

    But that fact may finally explain how the Four Kodettes found him so irresistible.
    It wasn't his looks or his incentive or....god knows, his brain....,
    ** It was his hormones in their mouths.**

    Wow, mystery solved !!!

    And hey.....that may also explain why Nonie from the Brady Bunch always seems to be "in heat."

  4. Looks like the war of the Plyg Reality Shows between the harem masters, Kody and Brady, is on for another season.

    'My Five Wives' Renewed for Eight Episode Season Two by TLC

    1. I hope there will be a giant Plyg-Vacation this time including Brady's families along with Papa Joe Darger and Kody!

    2. Ha !! That would be so special.
      I hope there would be Olympic style endurance contests between the men.
      Joe Darger would wipe the floor with Kody and Brady.

      And there could be make-up, hair and fashion sessions for the ladies.
      (and acting classes)
      Speaking of....wonder why none of the Brady babes don't wear any SW joolery. Wouldn't you think Meri and Sobbin (the brains behind their bling business) would have reached out to them with PR freebies ?

    3. I am happy for the Williams family for being renewed. I think the money will help them out a lot. I don't see them buying 5 mcmansions. They seem more down to earth and appreciative.

    4. I wonder what the Browns really think about the Williams getting another season?

      I also think that the Williams will be more responsible with the money, but these shows have a way of ruining families.

    5. agree on the plyg vacation. Would also like to see Hyrum and Arthur from Polygamy USA. Come on TLC, sign those Centennial Park families and let's have a Polygapolooza!

  5. Kody acts first, thinks later. He bears a lot of resemblance to a golden retriever, only he isn't as smart.

  6. According to jennell's Twitter, their show "Sister Wives" is referenced in the new Cameron Diaz movie "The Other Woman" .... I get a little sick when I think how the Brown's have managed to take their 15minutes of fame and turn it into 5 years...

    1. I can't believe they've been on the air for this long now. I am still amazed that not one of the four wives has left yet either. Maybe they're waiting until the show is over.

    2. Not so fast. Sister Wives premiered September 2010 so it hasn't even been 4 years yet. They are still working on the last 5 minutes of their 15 minutes of fame.

    3. Whew! That scared me...yeah....Meri and Lovah had their 20th Anniv. dinner I believe on their first show, they just celebrated 24 glorious years. The women are hanging on...picture this in your head - "A fast moving train being driven by Kody, with the wives hanging on to the caboose with their legs flying horizontal aimed right for a TV with dynamite on it"....It's going to get their, but they will jump off by the time the flames get to them. They have children to think about (well 3 of them do).

    4. Sorry about that guys, four years...five still makes me gag...

    5. I haven't seen the movie so I don't know whether the reference was to the show or to the term sister wife. I did however find it hilarious when someone tweeted the quote from the movie's wife "you can't have my brother and my husband" LMAO, kinda hits close to home there with Meri and Janelle

    6. It *seems like 5 years* since their "series-seasons" occur more than just once a year.

      No sooner do they have a series finale (with required cliffhanger) ...then sooner than later, TLC is pumping/pimping yet another new preview of them every 20 minutes.

  7. He isn't as cute as a golden retriever either. I bet the Williams cringe when they read the tweets but they have to "keep sweet" for TLC.

  8. Everything is Kody first..everything is always about him..wouldnt be surprised if it becsme the kody show

  9. it was also recently referenced (at least the term 'sister wives') in 'hart of dixie', when crazy earl referred to zoe's mother as his 'sister wife', because their children are a couple. he's too drunk to realise that they have broken up and the mother points out that either way, that wouldn't make her his 'sister wife'. not sure if this counts as a shout-out.

  10. I just thought it was typically hypocritical of KoDoucheNozzle to try and give Mykelti and her boyfriend a lecture about abstinence from being physical when he was caught red-lipped smooching away with Robyn before they were "married." Then he whined about how hard it would be on HIM if Mykelti got her heart broken. No concern about how hard it would be on Mykelti, just HIM. Freakin' asshat.

    1. Typical narcissistic personality right there for you. Sort of like when Meri asked him how'd he would feel if she had another husband and he lashed out that the thought disgusted him. Yet it is a wonderful, God-given right that he should be allowed to have as many wives as he wants. Kody is sickening and I love Mykelti for being the one who is going to drive Baldy and Princess Christine crazy.

    2. Amen Anonymous -- you're preaching to the choir. He can't even keep it in his pants and be faithful to ONE wife (I doubt their polygamous lifestyle is more about religion vs. Kody didn't want to only have one wife.SO giving his daughter advice that seems to lean to "don't be sexual at all" is so hypocritical.

  11. So Sister Wives has been on the air for 4 years, and the family is still griping about finite resources and needing to secure new streams of income. If they've haven't achieved financial security for the family by now, they never will. I have no doubt that they continue to live on credit cards and interest only loans. Financial idiots - all of them. Dear TLC, please send me 4 years of paychecks for starring in a reality show, and I will set myself up for life.

    1. They seem to want to make is believe that they don't receive money from TLC and that they depend fully on themselves/are self-sufficient ;)

  12. I think it's funny that Brady and 2 wives are in college and living on a tight budget because of it but Cody and his wives buy $400,000 houses and are trying live off pyramid type businesses instead of using all the money they have earned to get some sort of education to support themselves. Priority is obviously filming the show not setting themselves up for a future. They say they will one day move back to Utah to be closer to church but it appears they have not had any church friends visiting which is one of the reasons for the big houses so they could accommodate visitors. I wonder if they would be accepted back into the fold?

    1. VanLadyLove doesn't count? They visit all the time!

    2. I have seen some posts on other sites that leave me to believe that the Brown's former church is none too happy with them.I kind of doubt that the Browns care, they are living the high life in the desert now.

      Some other thoughts random thoughts sort of relating. They have been on the air for 4 years now, how's Meri's degree coming along? Vegas has colleges. Was Christine happier in season 1 or now? When the show is over, do any of the adults besides Janelle plan on getting actual days jobs? Have they saved any money? Do they realize that by moving to Vegas they significantly lowered the odds of their kids becoming plygs?

  13. Oh by the way Brady posted a picture for throw back Thursday of him and first 3 wives. All 3 wives had on prairie type dresses with floral print. This picture would be about 18 years old it appears. Boy have they come a long way from that part of their lives.

  14. After having Kody and his Kodettes on our TV's for what seems like eternity, and the eve of yet another new SW series, my question is what can they possibly come up with for a riveting storyline that will keep viewers providing the ratings that keep their paychecks coming??

    Obviously , the Mykelti/ boyfriend "will they or won't they swap spit" is on tap, but since Mykelti is one of many daughters, this story has thin legs for importance and longevity.

    So what else could TLC and Kodyworld have up their ratings-needy sleeves?

    Sobbin incubating another Kody clone? Yawn!
    Janelle losing or not losing another 10/20 lbs......Yawn!
    Meri still whining about having to live ALL ALONE in her 5 bedroom/ with craft room/ wet bar chalet... Bigger than big yawn !
    Christine figuring out how to take care of her younger kids without Aspen and Mykelti onboard? Pullezze, grow up, Christine !!!
    (sincerely hoping that Truly's health issues are over and will not have to be featured)

    So....thinking that there are only 3 things left which could entice another season of viewer loyalty/attention:
    !-The obvious one.......
    Kody trolls for and secures *5. And we get to watch the complete meltdown of Sobbin.

    2- One of the four Kodettes calls it quits.
    Which we know *won't happen* as long as the TLC money is bankrolling their McMansions, trips, celeb contacts, freebies, etc.

    3- Kody comes out.

    Anyone else have thougts on possible ratings grabbers?

    1. Kody trolls for and secures *5. And we get to watch the complete meltdown of Sobbin.
      OH YESS!!!! You know Kody has set up a pattern of behavior...when Janelle was pregnant with Logan he was courting his #3 Christine. When Christine was pregnant (miscarriage and Truely) he was courting Robyn. So...if Robyn is preggers, #5 must be in the works, especially since now the Williams have been renewed for a 2nd season! And yes, Robyn will have a meltdown!

      2- One of the four Kodettes calls it quits.
      Agree with ya on that one. As long as the money is coming in, no wives are leaving...but I predict when the money stops and the houses go back to the bank, Robyn will be the first to book and ask for a release from Kody by the AUB priesthood.

      Actually I'm thinking one or more of the teenagers calling it quits, moving to Utah never to be seen on Sister Wives again. Top candidate? Maddie, followed by (if the show continues indefinitely) by Christine's Gwennie (isn't she the one who said she doesn't like to share?)

      Possible other ratings grabbers? Mykeltie getting married. Logan getting married. Hunter becoming LDS and leaving on a 2 year mission. The 5th wife (a former showgirl and LDS member) moving in with Meri, who (along with Mariah who decides not to return to Westminster) makes her life miserable.

    2. Hello, everyone! Long time lurker, first time commenter. LOVE this blog!

      I just have to say, CJ, it always surprises me when you say Robyn will be the first to leave. I think she'll stay a little bit for a couple of reasons. (1) I think she is still in love with Kody - for now at least. She still gazes up at him as he blesses us viewers with his infinite wisdom, she still gets giddy whenever she's around him, she always manages to position herself right next to him in every picture, etc. And (2) I think she is still very much in competition with the other wives. I can see her pushing out a couple of wives first in an attempt to get more time and to, essentially, "win". But alas, she will not beat them all, and she will eventually leave. But I just don't think she's the first out. Just my opinion!

      The Lone Lady

    3. Welcome to the Joys of Commenting, The Lone Lady!!! (Love your name btw)!!

    4. "Actually I'm thinking one or more of the teenagers calling it quits, moving to Utah never to be seen on Sister Wives again."

      I think this one is actually plausible.
      Makes me think of the Adam and Eve of the Reality Show genre, Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne. I didn't know until their 2nd season that they had another child along with Jack and Kelli, a daughter who opted out of being filmed. She wanted no part in it from the beginning.
      So yes, I could see one or more of the Brown kids bailing on the whole thing. No one could blame any of these kids for wanting out. I sure hope that more than a few of them just say no to living the Plyg life as adults, sons as well as the daughters.

      Even the addition of the Brady Show has not helped at all to peddle the notion that this lifestyle is emotionally healthy for anyone except the harem masters. And as haggard and beat-up as Brady comes off, even he certainly doesn't portray the Plyg life as the road to overall robust, contented well-being.

    5. Storyline ideas for Sisterwives:

      1.) Robyn has yet another sister come live with her and take care of her kids so she can get her nails done, and Kody falls in love with the sister. Robyn comes home to find Kody pre-marital kissing her sister.

      2.) Robyn gets pregnant with Joe Darger's love child(?)

      3.) Christine makes a birthday wish to be a real princess. It comes true.

      4.) Janelle realizes she can support herself and her at-home children, takes off for the fast-moving pace of Minneapolis. Becomes a journalist and works in an office. Goes around Minneapolis flippin' her beret wherever she goes.

      5.) Meri continues to whine about being an "empty nester", continues to ignore all the "bonus children", continues to weep every time Lovah goes over to Robyn's cage, continues to be passively aggressively rude to Christine and Janelle, doesn't go back to school, and doesn't get a real job. Oh wait -- I think that's what is for sure going to happen in the new season.

    6. I love #1. THAT would be REALITY TV. :)

  15. I used to watch past seasons for fun and now i just can't stomach it. If you listen through all of the chaos, Kody is quite self centered and has no problem telling less then the truth for a story line. And all of the pandering for money from the jewelry business is sickening. Robyn is so enthusiastic about about how many they didn't sell it is part of a pattern to make people think they need the money for homes and college. Can't watch these people. Kody is still bitching about haters and being persecuted endlessly.

  16. Okay, so riddle me this...

    In a previous season Kody tells his teens that he'd like it if they waited until they were older than 18 before they became sexually active.

    Then he tells at least one daughter that she shouldn't be kissing.

    Then he tells a fan on twitter that moderate kissing during engagement is okay.

    So...kissing before marriage is bad, but sex before marriage is not.
    Well, MODERATE kissing before marriage is okay, and sex is okay after the age of 18.

    I imagine the Brown kids telling their bf/gf...yeah, I can sleep with you, but we really can't kiss. It could lead to other things.

    Now, maybe Kody changed his mind, but it seems like he's speaking out of both sides of his mouth on this one. lol. PUN!

    1. So, intercourse is okay, but lip to lip contact is not?

    2. He's never said premarital sex is ok, that is against their religious beliefs. I believe he did say he'd rather they wait until after 18 to solo date.

    3. I'm pretty sure I remember an episode where he was sitting in the arm chair in one of the rental homes talking to the teens about him preferring that they wait until 18 to become sexually active. Maybe I need to do more homework, but I'm pretty sure about that.

  17. My take on it is...
    Whether the hormone thing is true or not - if it IS true, then that's the way God or whatever higher power you believe in made us, for a reason. Sex shouldn't be vilified, it's part of life. Better to endorse safe sex and encourage the teens to make their own decision the SAFE way rather than restriction.

    As I said before Kody doesn't strike me as a horn dog at all. I think for him sex takes a back seat to power and narcissism. He wants, demands attention.

  18. WOW, Kody was right about the hormone thing? I was so grossed out by that comment, however apparently kudos to king moron for getting *SOMETHING* right. Now if he could go re-buy all the Mother's Day gifts and not blatantly show his favoritism for Queen Robyn of Sobbyn, and cut his hair/get a real job to support his herd of children -- he'd be doing well.

  19. My predictions for the Browns is similar to what others have said. I don't think Robyn will stick with Kody because she has shown herself to be lacking in the sticking-to-the-man department. I think she came on board for the show and for the attention (either negative or positive) of being the younger/thinner wife. She cries way too much and seems to cry on cue. In the past, when they have shown Christine's pain, Robyn does her witch face cry and all eyes move to her. Robyn will not stay in a relationship after the camera's stop rolling. Also, the idea that a fifth wife would upset Robyn's cookie jar is right on target; particularly, if the fifth wife is younger and more fit than Robyn.

    Janelle will never leave Kody because I do believe that he is in love with him and he with her. Of all the wives, I think Kody connects with her on a number levels. While neither of the two are intellects, he considers her educated and smart, so he listens to her and likes talking to her about business things. He also, I suspect, loves being with her because she doesn't seem to voice discontent in the same way the other wives do and that could be because of her low self esteem.

    Meri will jump ship because she really hasn't ever found herself. Unlike Christine, she didn't bring value to the nurturing of the children so her ever having an identity as a "good" mom was usurped by her jealousy of the other wives and their children. Unlike Janelle, Meri lacked substantial career objectives and spent her time working as less menial tasks as either Janelle or Kody, so her professional commitment never developed...she would run off on trips with Kody, leaving a job or calling in sick. So, I believe now that her daughter is in college, she will start taking courses that will give her life meaning...she wants the degree and may pursue it and once she gets that added value under her belt, I believe she will be insufferable and will further alienate the other wives until all that's left is Kody and frankly Kody has not nurtured any of his relationships with wives or she will leave, given any success in her academic pursuits.

    Poor, poor Christine. Christine believes so much in the scriptures that her religion is based on and because her father and grandfathers practiced the plyg lifestyle and in spite of her mother and aunt leaving the "family", I believe she is enslaved by the cult. She tries to stay sweet in spite of her short fuse and often depressed self. What she does that keeps her mind occupied is that she works on mothering all the children and of all the wives, she seems to be one true mom of all the kids. I believe she tries to shield her kids from the pain that living the ply life has caused her and as a result of burying that pain, she over eats and alienates herself from the other wives.

    1. Interesting.

      Meri - I hope she does something crazy to just be "free!"
      Janelle - I hope she finds her voice.
      Christine - if this is what she wants, then I hope it works out well for her.
      Robyn - I would be surprised if she jumps ship. I think she has a man who is wrapped around her finger and she is not about to let that go.

      What I find interesting is that so many of the teens DON'T want to live this lifestyle.
      I am mainstream LDS and NO where in our doctrine do we teach that polygamy is required...for all. BUT, I believe that the Brown's religion teaches that it's required for exaltation. If that's the case, I am surprised that the parents are not more upset that their children who choose to live a monogamous lifestyle will not make it to the highest degree of heaven.
      AND...what about the younger kids? I'm thinking that there are SO many ages in this the time the younger kids are old enough to make their own choices the parents will be so burned out by their preaching that they won't even care what the younger kids choose..
      Sort of like the Williams family - they left the religion, though I'm not sure we know why.

    2. really? nowhere in your doctrine is it stated that in next life you will live polygamy? that's not what i heard.

  20. Continued from what I predict:
    Kody...poor Kody--the man/child. I believe that Kody struggles with his sexual identity. On the one hand he wants the world to look at him with four wives and think, you the man...but on the other hand he has this inability to really be with any one of the women, which makes me think he is gay. I look at my husband and our relationship and my friends' relationships and we can exist in our home or travel together without all that running away from...he goes from one house to the other and stays just long enough to go through the platitudes. I realize we don't see the intimacy but sometimes intimacy is more than those physical manifestations that we see in kissing, hand holding, etc. He cannot connect to those women, not even one. I suspect his decision to live a plyg life had more to do with trying to tame his homosexual urges and less to do with the sexual strengths that he wants to project to the public. His religion doesn't offer spiritual compensation to homosexuals, so if he were, it is understandable that he would not only try to fool himself but his community and what better way to cover it up but to keep adding women...any women. My gay friends often tell me that for men especially, one of the ways they try to cover up is to seek relationships with women, lots of women. Now are all plygs gay, of course not. Many people think homosexual males cannot have sex with women so if Kody is reproducing, he must be straight, but we know that homosexuals marry women and have children and try to stay married and many do but they have guys on the side...I don't care if he is gay or not because if he is gay, there is nothing wrong with that but if he is gay and if he is aware that he is gay and he has this marriage with four women and he is unable to provide the intimacy that they need and deserve, shame on him.

    1. I've never thought he was gay, just lacking in self esteem. I think that's why he is wanting to be the center of attention.
      To be fair...if I had 4 husbands, *I* would want to be the center of their worlds, for sure.

      Why do you think he might be gay?

      I think it's possible that he might connect on physical levels that we simply don't see b/c then the other wives would see it on TV and they don't like to show that in front of each other. He may cuddle and caress each wife when the cameras are turned off.

  21. Oh thank goodness I found you guys! I had lost hope after the previous blog seemed to be discontinued! I am so glad to find my plyg peeps again :)
