
Sunday, April 6, 2014

Recaps My Five Wives S01Ep04 While Brady's Away, the Wives Will Play and S01Ep05 Have Yourself a Merry Williams Christmas

March 23, 2014 Episode: While Brady's Away, the Wives Will Play

You know, I think TLC chose the wrong man for a reality show.

This is the man they should have chosen...

He's a former United States Secret Service Agent (yeah, take THAT Channing Tatum!). A man who was brought up mainline LDS but left to join the Apostolic United Brethren and became a card-carrying polygamist. He then gained two more wives (wife number 3 he met when she was only seventeen), then ceremoniously ousted from the AUB. After relocating to the backwoods of Washington state, he built his a 5000 sq foot "home" consisting of three separate apartments for each of his three wives. After about twenty years of blissful marriage, wife #2  left him for another...woman. OUCH!!!

I bet Rod-The MAN would enjoy his Pinot grigio commando style!
Now he happily lives in the wilderness with his remaining 2 wives, where he roams the woods hunting bigfoot while wearing a kilt (with his family heirlooms left free to bounce about unhindered by sissy underwear), yelling a lot and spending quality time alone in his mancave teepee.

Everyone, please welcome the 21st Century version of Archie Bunker...I give you Brady Williams grand old dad, Rod Williams!!!

Can you imagine if Brady's Bunch does decide to move to Washington (which may not be too bad of an idea when you think about it)? Brady and his sons hunting Bigfoot and making manly screaming noises in the woods! Nonie, Rhonda, Robyn and Rosemary following behind the "menfolk" picking up their discarded dirty underwear along the way.

Paulie, of course, would stay back at the homestead, shaking her head while silently saying to herself "I think I made a BIG MISTAKE!" displaying a look of both disgust and dismay on her face.
Back to reality, I do think My Five Wives is quickly running out of energy. Although they are more "real" than Kody and his Kodettes©, the Brady Five are just soo....unmemorable and BORING. Even with Nonie and her occasional crazy lady outbursts, or Robyn and her tears when Brady isn't with her, or even Rhonda when she questions why she's fifth wife instead of number one ("was it because I wasn't first wife material?") this show is boring, boring, BORING!

They desperately need the woods of Washington and that rascally Rod Williams to spice up things, A LOT! Or a change from an hour format to a half-hour format.

And a small FYI to the production company. Polygamy USA already did the sister wives w[h]ine party storyline. Brady's Five did not look comfortable, it was forced, and....unmemorable! Next time (if there is a next time) the wives need to act like they are having FUN!! And no dining room sobriety tests, please! It's much more fun to be falling down drunk trying to walk in 6 inch heels across the floor, trust me! Or a simple face plant like in the movie "Breakfast At Tiffany's". How about a game of strip Monopoly?

That would be fun, and ...memorable!
No Pinot grigio? GET A ROPE!!

And is that a white Zinfandel on the table?

Where's the Pinot grigio?????

March 30, 2014 Episode: Have Yourself a Merry Williams Christmas

F  equals  Fundamentalist

M  equals  Mormon

LDS  equals  Mormon, therefore, M equals LDS


FLDS does NOT equal Fundamentalist Mormon because those four letters are used to signify  the Fundamentalist Church of Latter Day Saints!

Josh calling his former faith "F LDS"
I don't understand what Brady and his eldest son Josh were thinking when they proclaimed their former faith was F-LDS. Maybe they thought by putting that slight pause between the F and LDS would signify it was different from the infamous group headed by an incarcerated Warren Jeffs.

Unfortunately that slight distinction was lost and for the most part many people (including myself) were left thinking "WTH??? I thought they were AUB?"  If it wasn't for an explanation on their Facebook page I would have been left wondering if they had lost their collective former AUB minds.

No wonder Paulie has crazy eyes!

 Not a good start for this episode...and it's the Christmas show, too!


Nonie, Nonie, NONIE!!!

Nonie is Brady's office manager so she works with Brady on a regular basis each week. One of her responsibilities is the annual Christmas party. Nonie is not stupid, so like a real life version of Big Love's Nicki Grant (you know, Bill Henrickson's  sneaky 2nd wife) she gets it into her head to demand Brady accompany her to visit a possible venue for the company Christmas party.

That way she can get some extra alone time with her shared hubby, without the other wives ever being the wiser.

Oh, what a wicked web we weave...

You forgot the Pinot grigio? GET A ROPE!!

Now, I ask you. Does this man look like he's interested in anything to do with a Christmas Party venue? Hell, woman, he's NOT Kody Brown, dammit!!

No Nonie. That's not Brady hiding on the ceiling!
Anyway, Nonie got her comeuppance when Brady conveniently stood her up at the venue she wanted him to "scout" with her.

I laughed so hard when she finally realized Brady was a no show. I guess Brady's not so dumb after all and saw right through her machinations for more Brady time.

Sorry Nonie!!

For some reason I really liked the haircut segment with Brady and five of his sons. It was funny, especially when the five showed off their best hair sling/flipping style. Little Lake had the longest hair and the best hair sling/flip...thus another example of how My Five Wives differentiates itself from Sister Wives: It leaves the immature obsession with hair to the youngsters rather than an almost 50 something unemployed balding surfer dude wannabe with over $2,000,000 in mortgages and no J.O.B.

Some other highlights:

Eldest daughter Karlie (Paulie's) drove down with husband Jake to spend Christmas with her family. Although she grew up in a plural family, she doesn't want to follow her mothers into plural marriage. She thinks her moms are wonderful, but realized that she is too jealous to share her husband, especially after witnessing how hard the lifestyle is on the mothers. " I look at my moms, and I don't know how they can do it." she says.

This lead to a very interesting couch conversation where Robyn said she would support her daughter going into a plural marriage as long as that's what she wanted. That was contrasted by Rhonda stating how she leans towards her children not living in polygamy, because of all the unhappiness she has seen.

That is definitely a change from the happy happy joy joy rhetoric you hear from Sister Wives' Robyn Brown who would cut the bitch that dared to make her into a victim, Sweetie. And even though Brady feels that polygamy lived "with equality, and symmetry is a beautiful thing" he acknowledges that "sadly, most of the time it is not equal. The man is supreme and that's when it's ugly and that's what we don't want our children to be part of."

Sounds like Brady's college studies are paying off. But boy oh boy, the looks  his wives were giving him while he made his speech. For some reason I don't think they share his new found beliefs.

And this is the number one reason why this show, although slow-moving, is so very interesting.

I want to know more about how his wives (who were born in polygamy) REALLY FEEL about Brady and his father's conversion and fast retreat from their polygamous faith. I'm getting a sense that the wives haven't yet found something to replace what they lost when they left the AUB.

I just hope this series isn't cancelled before we have a chance to hear from the women exactly how they feel about the entire situation.


  1. Great review, CJ!

    Just one minor point. Rhonda's comments about not being first wife aren't about Brady not wanting her to be his first wife. She left him before he married his first wife. It was pretty clear on their anniversary dinner date thing that he would have married her, but she left him because it was moving too fast. She then states that every time she considered him again, he married someone else.

    If Brady had it his way, she would be wife #1. She also very clearly stated that her sadness comes from her believing she wouldn't have been first wife material, as in, she could never have invited all the other wives into the family. She would have wanted to be the one and only wife.

    The really, really sad thing is that Rhonda actually settled for Brady and becoming wife #5. Up until that point, she steered clear because she thought she deserved better. Obviously something eroded her self esteem in the intervening years, and she decided the best she could do was one night out of every five.

  2. Great review, always !

    Looks like the Plyg Brady Bunch Show has barely left port and is already beginning to take on water. This show is destined to jump the shark in record time.

    The latest episode has is fraught with just plain ol' BS. And it is obvious that TLC is simply recycling plotlines ala Kodyworld to fill the show Brady Bunch time slot.

    1- Nonie wanting to "have a baby" = Meri's faux visits to the fertility docs. (which then led to the super-faux, seasons-long, Sobbin's rental uterus surrogacy crap)

    Speaking of.....I lost interest quickly after TLC showed Nonie saying she wants to "have a baby" for about the 5th time in this episode. What came across loud and clear was that Nonie equates "having a baby" with having more sex than the other 4 Brady women.
    The almost horny gleam in her eye when she proclaims how she wouldn't want to shove that fact in the others' faces was comical. I find Nonie to be boring and pitiful in her immaturity, like a teenager who manipulates and thinks no one is the wiser. And meanwhile, Brady finally agrees to service his mare with his own horny gleam.

    2- the Teen Talk. Yeah, we have seen feeble attempts like this on Kodyworld, although usually it is the wives who handhold useless Kody through them.
    At once again, I do feel for the teens having to sit there while the cameras roll.
    What teenager really wants to do that for the world to see?
    And once again, we see one or more teens doing the rebel routine.
    Is September, aka Peppi, destined to be the new Hunter ?

    3- Brady's oh' so serious table chat where he sheepishly gives a current accounting of his anniversary debts was just a waste of film and viewers' time.
    But it slid right in beside Kody's infamous trip to the florist to buy 4 Mother's Day bouquets
    Or tossing Christine her tacky watch with crayola multi bands.
    Or his visit to the consignment shop to buy his harem presents.
    Boring, TLC, boring !! Just regurgitated "seen it all before" tripe.

    4- Looks like the little cafe in town with the table by the window has become the Brady Bunch's version of Kodyworld's big flat rock out in the hills. All important discussions, especially about babies, are held there.

    5- But...
    The scene of Paulie being filmed leaving her house and walking over "unexpectedly" to Rhonda's house and discussing Rhonda's breast concerns was a glaring repeat of a SW premise. Having lost a sister to colon cancer, Meri had a colonoscopy on the show to allay her fears. Rhonda lost her mother to breast cancer and has the same (and understandable) concerns.
    Both issues are very real, very relevant, and airing the issues even on these shows IS doing a needed public service.
    However, shame, shame on TLC for making (and using) the Rhonda story a cliffhanger for the next episode. That storyline should have been filmed completed, beginning to end. jmo.

  3. I think you're right about the wives not completely agreeing with leaving the faith due to the "more babies" obsession. They all have at least 4, isn't that enough if you no longer believe you need to populate a planet?

    1. Maybe they are thinking 2 of the other wives had 6 so why can't the other wives have a few more. I think its pretty clear that they all feel lonely only having Brady every 5th night that they think more children will help the loneliness. And the whole adoption thing is such bs. A woman with 4 kids who works to much and depends on other women to take care of her kids and only has her baby daddy every 5th night is going to get approved for adoption is crazy.

    2. I'm sure Rhonda is petrified by the thought of breast cancer. Wonder why the Williams don't spend the adoption money on having Rhonda's DNA tested for the cancer gene? Knowing beats the heck out of worrying and opens the door for treatment options.

      LOL Nonie is keeping trying for another baby a secret from the sister wives while announcing it to a million viewers. Puh-leeze script writers, try for some reality on your reality show. We do know there is a lag between filming and TV viewing but I can't imagine the other wives not getting a preview during the filming.

      CJ is just right. Rod Williams would have made a finer, funnier subject for a polygamy show than Brady. Lighthearted quirkiness trumps philosophical treatises every time!

  4. As for Brady's "Father Knows Best meets Drill Sergeant" approach to fathering teenagers, especially daughters, through the raging hormone phase, he comes off as an out of touch, self-centered hypocrite.

    Just like in Kodyworld, one wonders when or if any one of the horde of children will eventually rise up and say, "Dad, how do you get to script our morals when you have sex with a different woman every night?
    How do you tell us to save ourselves for the right man when your first wife was 8 months pregnant with your first child as you had her stand in the picture of your second wedding?"

  5. This show is really losing me. I don't know about you all, but I really struggle with contradiction on these shows. I don't know if it is the editors fault or the "writers" fault. Why on God's green earth would you EVEN consider going through the riggers of raising 4 children, working long hours (and telling your husband you don't want to quit because you like "adult time"), getting a lawyer to adopt a baby ALL while having a cloud looming over you while possibly dealing with breast cancer. C'MON people (or writers) this is a joke BING BANG BOOM....all in one show, really? I'm sorry that was a complete insult to my intelligence, I was borderline about to get up and leave the room, but it was on DVR so the fast forward button came in handy. I officially refuse to watch this show (or the Browns) live anymore.

    Can I also say if I was Brady and caught that look that Nonie gave him after he said he was "looking forward" to their weekend getaway...I would be letting her know that there future getaways will be consisting of a tent and 2 sleeping bags. I'm thinking he might have seen it last night. lol

    What does everyone think of Rosemary hitting the sack before 9 p.m. on HER so so so sad. It pains me to see these women get mentally smacked around like this. I really think Paulie could have sent a text to Brady to let her know his daughter was safe and sound when she walked through the door....I bet dollars to donuts that Brady nodded off on Paulie's bed, then went stumbling in to Rosemary's bed at 4 a.m. to get up at 5 am to go to work. Ugh!

    1. Utah won't even let bio dads raise their children. It's a tough crowd.

      No childless American married couple with an ongoing health issue that is serious could adopt. No single mom could adopt with four kids already, except maybe a relatives child. Honestly she had four kids and a high risk of cancer and some other single mom should not be raising her child cause this woman is a better family option? Why can't she work the hours she can get if the family is so large and the money could be used and they have a father and several siblings and several moms to watch them. A 12 hour shift is a 12 hour shift. Adopting they would ask a parent to stop working for several months if possible. She has four. Some don't get one. Some don't have 20 plus bonus kids to parent.

  6. I agree, this show is already a snoozer. I hesitated to add another family to my already-crowded tv life, and I may just have to cut them loose. But I finally figured out who Nonie reminds me of lookswise: Ariel in the original Footloose.
    I thought Rhonda & Robyn were the same person. Is Rhonda the one who wants to adopt ? With possible cancer scare(s)?
    OK I will ask: was September born in September ? Name a baby a stupid name, and expect these types of questions.

    1. In utah names are creative. I'm not at all surprised at the names of the people on the show.

  7. I don't think the wives wanted to leave the faith, I think this was a big decision that Brady made, after all, man is king. In my opinion, I believe the woman would rather stay in the faith. Rosemary's comment, "or we can rejoin" the community/church sealed the thought for me. While there are a lot of similarities between SW and MFW, really I have noticed the same plots in EVERY reality show out there. Following the family around on forced trips will be next. I really like Rosemary, she is down to earth, happy go lucky and doesn't care much either way, she just goes with the flow. I can see drama with Paulie and Nonie, Rhonda seems to be more of a favorite of Brady as does Rhonda.

  8. How about the weird face Nonie made at her hubby when he was walking out of the kitchen about 8 min into the show .... and the counter look from the wife with the long blond hair. It was very weird. To me it looked like she thought he was a joke!

  9. The profound sadness of plural marriage is so evident in the Brady wives. I do think they have tried their best to count their blessings and make the best of their situation, but the pain is written all over their faces.

    I do think that Nonie wants another baby because she is starved for attention from her husband and trying to conceive is the only way in plural marriage to gain that extra intimacy. It would also give her renewed purpose as her other children grow up.

    And when Brady was discussing getting all caught up on his anniversary trips..except Rosemary, it looked like someone had just punched her in the gut. Plus, they all seem terrified to speak to each other. Their voices are all shaky as if they are on the verge of tears. They choose their words to each other so carefully so as not to offend. There is no sense of ease that one expects from family relationships or even close friends.

    I agree with CJ...please more bigfoot, it's less painful to watch.

    1. please more bigfoot, it's less painful to watch

      And more realistic!

    2. I used to think the Duggars were "out there". After seeing these polygamist clowns, the Duggars seem like the salt of the earth. I watched 19 Kids the other day while eating lunch and constantly compared them to the plyg families. Jim Bob and Michelle are now just peachy keen fine with me and have my permission to move in next door to me. Just no plygs!!!

    3. I can totally see Nonie pulling a Nikki-from-Big-Love and saying she wants a baby but taking birth control pills on the sly.. all the while enjoying all that extra intimacy!

    4. that's funny, i watched the browns before the duggars and think the duggars are even more crazy than any of the plygs. seriously, i'd rather be a child or even a wife in kody's or brady's family than a duggar. jimbob gives me the creeps so very very much.

    5. JB Duggar really gave me the creeps tonight

  10. Brady went full throttle at the polygamy thing without really thinking it through. 5 wives by the time he was 29??? Now he fancies himself a philosopher and has left his religion. When in the church these woman at least had the promise of eternal salvation, now what do they have? Big ideas have filled up that hole for Brady but these women have all been raised in the church and now they (well, they say) have given up on the religious ideas they had forced into them, so now what. They are essentially single moms living in close quarters with the other women their husband is banging and it is all for nothing. As Paulie said, she is doing it still because she loves her family and not because she thinks it will get her to heaven. What a horrible existence. *english is my second language, forgive me for mistakes* :)

    1. your english is great. nice use of idioms, too. kudos.

  11. I also wanted to say that yes, this show is so BORING! I am fascinated by the dynamics of these relationships so I watch but I do so by constantly pausing, browsing the net, coming back and watching a bit more, getting some food, pressing play and trying to get through the episode. The show is very slow moving and the interactions (facial expressions and physical contact like walking past each other in a hallway) is so tense. I cringed when paulie handed nonie those towels.

  12. this family is a slowier pace compared to Kody Brown chaos, but they do see more real. I think with time it could be more interesting if they are given the time. It;s just such a stark diference to a manic Kody and dragging his family through the chaos.

    1. I agree. I am willing to give this a whole season to see if it's a keeper. We are just now getting to know the family. They do seem to care for one another more than the Browns. I am heartbroken about Polygamy USA being cancelled, the families on that show were diverse and very interesting.

    2. Did NatGeo really cancel Polygamy, USA or did the brethren refuse to give permission for further filming?

    3. CJ - I don't know whose choice the cancellation was. The re ran the whole series in January so I had hope they were preparing us for Season 2. Poor Rosemarie is probably married to some old geyser now.

    4. I really don't think the Centennial Park Brethren appreciated all the attention their show got. It was a very good show, maybe too good. I have a feeling it caused a lot of interested, nosy outsiders that they just weren't prepared for. I think they have a LOT to hide there, particularly the huge mansions and how many of the men who live in those mansions (and are members of the "elite") own businesses and are wealthy to the point that would surprise and shock their audience. It appears they are into mortgage, hospitality, and call center companies. Not to mention interests in Nevada and other states.

      Just remember, they don't marry for love in Centennial Park, so if RoseMarie is married, it's probably to someone high up on the hierarchy (remember her grandfather is a brethren and half brother to their leader). She'll do OK.

      Oh and as I was sneaking through the internet I came across some seems her other mother Teresa gave birth to another baby recently.

    5. CJ you have a good point. The 'missionary' program seemed like free labor for the community, probably billed out to the government. I wonder if they Cawleys ended up with those storage containers for their growing brood and more wives?

    6. First and LastWifeApril 8, 2014 at 5:09 PM

      It also seems like Tiffany and Ezra ended up getting married. Actually CJ I think you told me that when I first found your blog. Afterwards I checked out there facebook pages and I think I found that that was correct. Haven't checked it out in a while I wonder if they've moved forward with polygamy yet? I do wish they wouldn't have left the fans hanging. I can completely understand CP not wanting to continue with the series. But at least an update special would be nice.

    7. CPA Carol - I forgot about those storage containers! I NEED to know. I can only imagine the passive-aggressive sighs and frowns from the wives if they went forward with that idea.

  13. I find that I barely follow or pay attention to this show. I couldn't even stay awake for most of last night's episode. (Luckily, CJ already posted her review.)

    I was shocked when, in one scene, Brady is confessing to the camera that he wouldn't want his daughters to marry into the wrong type of polygamy, which is prevalent, and in the next scene, after his lawyer informs him that it is nearly impossible for polygamists to adopt in Utah, Brady is complaining that polygamy is unfairly perceived, just because there are a few bad polygamists. I guess it's their special spin on the Browns' entitlement to judge everyone but demand that nobody should judge them.

    1. When I watched that part it seemed what Brady was preaching was if his daughters chose to be polygamist that they make sure they don't marry a guy without doing a complete character check on him first. I don't see a problem with that because he just wants his daughters to be happy in their plural marriages if they choose to go that route.

  14. There is no way that this family does not do major clearing away of "stuff" for the cameras. When they showed a kitchen counter it was entirely empty, but for a set of canisters. Unless the rest of the world lives very differently than I do there would proably be a few stray appliances, a dessert dish, a stay cup etc.

  15. went back and watched some sisterwives shows, just to see how i felt about them after watching my five is the Kody show and the wives are enemies...but the kids are great

  16. i agree, the brown kids are mostly wonderful. honestly, the williams kids freak me out. with their lipless wide mouths and dead-looking eyes (sorry, that's how they look to me) they remind me of children of the corn. no facial expressions on any of them and their speech mannerisms are strange enough that i think there might be a neurological problem. young lake's apparent inability to move both sides of his face were reminiscent of a stroke victim and josh is similar.
    i realise this is unfair, but i find it honestly frightening and sad to watch these children trying to articulate their thoughts. the ignorance about the origin of christmas was a whole other kettle of fish. these are not lively, funny, independent kids like the browns. they're not even smiling robots/tiny natural disasters like the duggars. they are just a sad sight to see.

    1. I think we just don't know the kids yet. And we have to remember, these kids did not make the decision to be on tv. I would have been so awkward on television as a kid (and certainly as an adult, too) so I try to be really accepting of all children on reality shows. That is why I snark on their parents! :-) That being said, the Brown kids, especially the teens are quite outstanding.

    2. with their lipless wide mouths and dead-looking eyes (sorry, that's how they look to me) they remind me of children of the corn.

      I laughed inappropriately at that!

  17. also, the way in which they intone their prayers after the prayer leader doesn't help. they sound like they're brainwashed or something.
    anyway, i have to say that the williams family has one redeeming feature: their puppy is adorable! other than that, i'll take the browns any day.

  18. When you grow up in polygamy, you are clearly told that " To your sister wives and bonus kids, babies are a physical manifestation that you have s*x with your husband". Robyn Brown said that on camera and now Nonie.

    1. I agree the women are taught that, but it takes a certain kind of insecure, psycho bitch to actually vocalize it as a way to validate their position in a plural family and to intimidate other wives and their children (Robyn Brown) or as in the case of Nonie, to make sure Rhonda knows she's having sex with Brady too, and here's the baby as proof.


    2. Yep, I do agree..
      These women,. or at least *some* of them (the psycho bitches).... do get their earthly jollies torturing their sister wives with having the most recent fertilized ovaries. (Sobbin, are you reading)
      Because in Plyg-land....Pregnancy = sex
      Translated in sister wife-speak...."I had lots of Brady time and you didn't."

      CJ, I want to believe your thoughts about Brady's clipping, because this guy has 24 kids already, and from episode one he has taken on the "finite resources" whine ala Browns.
      If Brady is shooting blanks as the saying goes and he has made a pact with the devil/TLC and this is all a ruse, then I hope psycho Nonie figures it out soon before her manic MO costs them a renewal contract.

  19. Random thoughts about the show:
    • Does Rosemary get as little attention from Brady as it appears? She is shown rarely (outside of group shots) and almost always folding laundry. Does Brady understand how planning his trip with Nonie, while actually owing a trip to Rosemary longer, is rude and upsetting? Why couldn’t he have gone to Rosemary’s and waited for a text from Paulie that their daughter was back in time? That seemed grossly unfair to Rosemary, who already seems to get less time with Brady.
    • Do we think that Brady didn’t just ‘quit the AUB’ but decided He is the prophet/God? As a TWOP reader said “the church of the smoochy love yas”. I just think there is something more to the change of faith. They are trying not to be ‘controversial’ so they are playing it off as something the family decided on but I don’t buy that.
    • Does Brady realize how dismissive he seems to most of his wives? If you don’t want to go look at the Christmas venue, be honest and say “no”. Don’t just not show up. And then didn’t even sincerely apologize? Seriously.
    • If you don’t want any of your kids to enter polygamy, what does that say about how fulfilling your life and your relationships are? To me, at least the adult Browns seem to believe that being in plural marriage will get them into the highest kingdom of heaven. For the Brady bunch, it’s all a hodge podge now and probably doesn’t make sense. If they hadn’t integrated the family and want the kids to stay together, would the wives and/or Brady REALLY do this again? I think not.
    • Brady is constantly tired, overwhelmed, exhausted, has too many things going on, taking care of so many people financially, trying to fit everything in….you name it, he has expressed it. I would have to think the wives feel the same way if not worse. Brady goes to school in addition to working, just how much time is he around to actually help with the kids? Does he have a night when he prepares a meal for 30 people himself?
    • The adoption thing is fake. Although I do think Rhonda does want to adopt a baby, I think Brady knows it can never realistically happen which is why he is ‘encouraging’. It. It’s all for the show. Rhonda seems genuine in her emotions. I feel that she is very unhappy for a multitude of reasons that she can’t control. She seems like a nice person, there is very little negative I see in her at this point. I just don’t want her to get hurt and upset over something that is never going to happen. They will not get to adopt.
    • Why is Brady suddenly open to a baby with Nonie? Because he wants to keep the show going….babies get ratings. After all the “I am spread so thin” talking heads, I am incredulous that he really thinks having another baby is a good idea

    1. Do we think that Brady didn’t just ‘quit the AUB’ but decided He is the prophet/God?
      From what I've read, Rod Williams was kicked out of the AUB. Brady was allowed to stay but probably told he would go no higher in the church hierarchy. My opinion? Brady only joined the AUB to please his alpha male father who then got kicked out (he helped blow the whistle on the AUB's involvement in the Virginia Hill affair) of the AUB. Brady must have realized his days were numbered and left the AUB before also being kicked out. The problem though is that he has 5 wives who were "born in". I have a feeling the AUB gave the women the option of being let out of their marriage if they wanted it. I think three wives are still on the fence - Paulie, Rosemary and Robyn. I also think that because the 5 wives were "born in", that was the reason they were allowed to live on land owned by the AUB as long as they have.

      Does [Brady] have a night when he prepares a meal for 30 people himself?
      This made me giggle. I think it was in Deborah Laake's book "Secret Ceremonies" where she described how a perfect Mormon wife's weekly duties included cleaning and organizing ALL the kitchen drawers (that includes the catch all drawer we all have) in addition to daily duties of cooking, canning and taking care of children, and cleaning the entire house. It's Utah. Cooking is women's work, bwahahahaha!!!

      Why is Brady suddenly open to a baby with Nonie?
      I still think he's been clipped and knows a baby ain't gonna happen. But Nonie's motivation is to set herself above the other wives, particularly Rhonda. She doesn't want a baby as much as she needs to have physical contact with Brady. She is batshit crazy, I think Brady knows this and is just placating her (maybe she's good in bed). And it's good for the ratings.

      You might find this book interesting reading:

      Jacobson, Cardell; Burton, Lara (2011-02-09). Modern Polygamy in the United States: Historical, Cultural, and Legal Issues Oxford University Press. Kindle Edition.

    2. I agree that it is possible Brady got clipped and the wives (or maybe not all of them) are non the wiser. Nonie looks like a woman possessed...yikes!

      I feel that most of the wives are very uncomfortable with no longer being officially part of their religion. I half wondered last night how many of these women would still be married to him in a few years. They certainly have an 'out', their husband left their faith, that would be a valid reason to leave him. Paulie, Rosemary and Robyn just seem annoyed with Brady and his antics. And the show has not helped at all. If they move out of their current set up, I predict at least two of the wives will leave.

    3. perfect Mormon wife's weekly duties included cleaning and organizing ALL the kitchen drawers (that includes the catch all drawer we all have) in addition to daily duties of cooking, canning and taking care of children, and cleaning the entire house

      OK, wait....maybe I do believe in polygamy now...maybe my husband should go out and find one of these women and bring her on home....dude, I could stand it if someone (someone = not me!) did all that everyday!

      Honey, I know what I'm getting your for your birthday!!!!

    4. "Why is Brady suddenly open to a baby with Nonie?"

      It's Nonie's way of creating an episode or possibly a big part of a season....ideas girls ideas!!!

  20. Granted I have an odd sense of humor and the stomach to wade through a lot of nonsense on the Sister Wives' facebook page, but this bit of craziness has me chuckling.

    Adam Barber and Deborah Bronson, Meri's brother and sister, weighed in on the Sister Wives' facebook page under the caramel corn picture. The anti-plygs went after both of them pretty heavily. Deborah dropped out right away but Adam just kept slogging away--much to his own detriment. After dramatically announcing he wasn't going to post anymore, the anti-plygs began to goad him rather outrageously. LOL Adam is back threatening to sue. Wonder how long it will be before the anti-plygs realize that a waiter at the local fish restaurant won't have financial resources to put his money where his mouth has gone.

    Holey moley, no wonder we all keep watching the Brown train wreck. From one point of view, this whole world of plygs and their families gets stranger and stranger with very little connection to the real "gentile" world. Fact and/or truth is whatever they shout loud and often.

    1. Sorry but those are trolls masquerading as anti-polygamy. He should know better not to feed them with attention.

    2. Okay, I see I'm going to have to make a stand on what has been happening on the TLC Sister Wives Facebook.

      One thing I can tell you is - the "people" who are trolling (yes, they are TROLLING) are NOT who they appear to be.

      They are internet bullies, masquerading as being anti-polygamy. They are trolls and follow the troll modus operandi to the T.

      The anti-polygamist activists I have read (and continue to follow) would NEVER do what is being done on the Sister Wives Facebook page. They would never bully, never harass, never disrupt a fanpage. That would defeat their purpose and do more harm than good for their cause.
