
Sunday, March 23, 2014

Review My Five Wives S01Ep03 Turkeys and Ticking Clocks 3/16/14

Brady and his Stepford-Sister Wives ©


I was busy deleting shows on my DVR when I happened upon this episode. I had watched it, but I just didn't remember a thing about it.

That is not a good sign.

So I hurriedly checked the notes folder I set up for this series. Ah HA!! I made some notes, but only a few lines worth.

Oh dear...

So here are my notes for this episode:

  • New introductions for Kody Brady and his wives. They remind me of the tag lines used by the Real Housewives franchise. At least none of the wives claimed to like going commando like Sonia Morgan.

  • A very uncomfortable discussion about birth control. It's obvious Brady doesn't want anymore mouths to feed. At least not right now.

  • Dreary inside shots of the wives' worn out homes, outside looks messy. Nice shots of the mountains.

And that was all I wrote. And it was the Thanksgiving episode, too.


The new intros were a big improvement from that Brady Dream Wife sequence from last week. Wait...let's take a closer look!

Robyn: I spent my whole life hiding, but not anymore.

Nonie: Now I live without fear of people knowing who I am.

Paulie: Sharing a husband is my choice.

Rosemary: People don't understand our lifestyle, but it works for us.

Rhonda: It's not that complicated; we just love each other.

Brady: Five wives and twenty-four kids. I wouldn't change it for anything.

Oh yeah, I guess Sister Wives uses the same intro format, too. Go figure. At least Brady didn't use Kody's stupid catchphrase that "Love should be multiplied, not divided."

I'm not going to recap the obviously scripted story lines in this episode.

That means you won't be reading about Rhonda's quest to become an adoptive single mother who just happens to be in a polygamist marriage with a man who really loves his children but has to divide time with his other 4 wives (and their 20 odd children).

I will say that Nonie and the other wives do have a problem with Rhonda's strange desire to adopt. More on that later.

And I'm not going recap Brady's feelgood story about whether he can make an appearance at his son's karate test. Or their really boring Thanksgiving feast, or even that weird meeting of wives at  Rhonda's house to talk about  the Judge's ruling on Utah's polygamy law.

Now, I will say that Brady has some unconventional thoughts about birth control. This was the BEST part of the show.

For instance, here's a picture of the group as the producer feeds this question to them: " Is it okay to ask about birth control?"

Robyn looks bemused, as does Brady and Rosemary. Nonie looks like she has a smirk on her face. Rhonda on the other hand, looks nervous and Paulie...well Paulie looks shocked, gobsmacked, utterly astonished.

In fact, Paulie's expressions say a lot more than her words!

Look at the expression on her face as she says "I don't want to talk about this."

And Paulie's version of Crazy Eyes gives RHoNY's Ramona Singer - who is the undisputed QUEEN of Crazy Eyes a run for their reality showbiz money!

The other eye raising moment was when Rhonda told Brady that he "... [was] raised totally different than we were...[birth control] was a sin because that is your purpose in life is to be a mother and raise children so you do not prevent that in any way, shape or form."

Brady feels there is nothing wrong with birth control, and just like every other American family, his family should be free to practice it.

It's obvious that his wives were brought up to believe differently, but it becomes very apparent that Brady has mandated that his wives DO practice birth control. As Nonie had discussed earlier with Rhonda, Brady "...has a hard time with a wife being pregnant because its so hard emotionally on him." with Rhonda  adding "...he's always very relieved when no one is expecting..." The wives nervous laughter and side looks to Brady rather confirms this.

I don't know, maybe Brady, unlike so many of his former brethren (like Kody Brown for instance) just doesn't want to risk more financial hardships of having more children. Perhaps Brady understands that there are not enough hours in the day to spend quality time with 24 children. As he puts it, it's about quality, not quantity.

Take that, Kody Brown with your 4 wives and 17 children!

But something just doesn't add up with this guy. Why would he tell his wives no more children, but then be supporting the newest wife Rhonda in her quest to adopt a child?  Nonie has expressed her feelings on the subject: Brady had locked the door on their having more children but if he allows Rhonda to adopt, then that door should be unlocked for the other wives, and they should be allowed to have more children, too. Unless...

Call me cynical (Ms Jinx if you're nasty) but I wonder if ole Brady has been "snipped" if you know what I mean. That could explain a lot of nervous looks and chatter between the wives and Brady and Rhonda's need to adopt.

Maybe this type of radical behavior (birth control) was the reason for his leaving (or being ousted) from the AUB. I doubt we will know for sure, but I'm willing to see if this question will be answered in future episodes.


  1. If Brady was snipped, he sure forgot to tell Nonie. I don't think he's snipped - unless he's deliberately hiding it from his wives, in which case why would he tell Nonie he wants to think about it? He could just say yes to a new baby and 'try try try' to his heart's content.

    As for the adoption storyline, obviously that's never going to happen. Nobody is going to adopt a baby to a family with 24 existing children, or to a single mother of 5 or 4 or however many it is Rhonda has.

    I'm sticking with my theory that women in polygamous marriages have lots of children because babies temporarily make them forget how unloved they are.

    1. Sorry but I think you have it backwards. Polygamist women have lots of children because that is the woman's main function. She is suppose to give birth to all those babies waiting to be born in the spirit world. That is how they populate their world in the celestial afterlife. So a woman who only brings one child into this world is not held in high esteem as her sister wife that gives birth to ten. That's why Meri Brown is so bitter because she is looked upon as not fulfilling her role like Janelle and Christine and Robyn. I think in a true polygamist marriage like the Centennial Park group, love has nothing to do with how many babies a wife has. It's a status symbol of how a woman is keeping to her faith.

    2. You could be right too. Actually, if you are then it's even sadder. At least in my theory, they're having babies because they want to nurture and love. In yours, the children themselves don't matter at all, they're just tokens to heaven.

    3. If Brady was snipped, he sure forgot to tell Nonie.
      I imagine Nonie will scream so long and so loud that Brady's severed vas deferens will reconnect out of fear she might emasculate him with her bare teeth.

  2. Yes! I thought that too CJ, that he got snipped, It would make the adoption story line make sense.... sort of. Although SafeTalk makes a good point, unless Nonie wants to do invitro.

    Was there an episode tonight? Give me spoilers people! I'll get it on iTunes tomorrow. :)

    PS - Did I mention that I love that you've started this blog. It's got a fun atmosphere, laid back. I hope lots more people start finding you again. It took me about 4 months to find you!

    1. Thank you Sisi! I'm happy you were able to find me!!

      In last night's episode we met Brady's polygamous father who just happens to live in Washington state where Brady wants to move. He only took Rhonda on the trip but the other 4 wives had a wine party to soothe their feelings of jealousy.

  3. I think women in polygamous marriages have lots of children in part because of some sort of competition among them. The more children you have with the husband the bigger the proof that he has sex with you and has some commitment to you as a family. It's their way to carve out a piece of him for themselves. I think there is also some competition to have the youngest child as a kind of representation of being the most favorited wife. Unless you have a stubborn independent streak and enjoy time away from your husband to "do your own thing", I would think the competition to be the "best" wife would eat you alive in a polygamous marriage.

  4. "Was there an episode tonight? Give me spoilers people! I'll get it on iTunes tomorrow. :)"

    Oh yeah, there was an episode last night. An episode with several bizarre moments!!
    I'm content to wait for CJ's review before commenting in detail.

    However I will toss in that Brady's Plyg daddy may be angling for his own show. It would be a Northern Woods version of Duck Dynasty meets Plyg Master. Throw in the fact that he likes to go hunting in the forest for Big Foot sightings in a kilt (actually a skirt) in full commando. Yes, he removed his underwear, threw it to one of his wives (Brady's mother) and snickered, "Burn it, wife."

    I'm starting to wonder if all the men of polygamy have a missing mental link.

    1. When I saw Brady's dad throw his drawers to his first wife I thought wonder his wife #2 left him.

    2. Yes, me too.
      And if he had 3 wives and #2 has already left him, the other one was nowhere to be seen either.

    3. Stop The Plyg InsanityMarch 24, 2014 at 11:26 PM

      i got the strong feeling that his dad will DEFINITELY take on a rabid fan he attracts for a 3rd wife - his ticket to the Celestial Kingdom - as long as she's young and completely enamored by his arrogant self-confidence. oh yeah - and believes in Bigfoot, too!

  5. I'm fairly sur that the desire to adopt is just a plot line; it is almost impossible so it will showcase polygamy "discrimination." Plus in the pilot, Rhonda said she would prefer to adopt "from another race" which just screams, "look how progressive and different from otber polygamists we are!"

    1. adopt, surrogacy.. probably just this version of the Meri dance

    2. The other "race " she's talking about is Polynesian or a child from Mexico I have a feeling. Maybe American Indian (but I doubt it). Those are the only "people of color" allowed into the fundamentalist mormon religion.

  6. Wow, last nights episode was an eye opener. These women are not happy. There is jealousy among the women. I will only call Paulie a wife. The others are just live in baby mama's. They seem so lost when Brady is gone. They seem to need direction. The wine tasting scene was weird. Yes, they drink. I am sure that this is not there first rodeo. Why move all the way to Washington. The area is basically unpopulated. His mom even said that the local school would increase in size with their kids. For some reason, this family is more open on topics the Brown's will not discuss. I like this about them. They seem to want to be open to the viewers. I am sure that this is how they pitched this to TLC. On the other hand, I think that their girl time together is fake. They may not get together as much as they want people to believe. They also act like each woman is responsible for her own kids. If this was a family then why would Brady say to the kids that I am taking Aunt Rhonda on a trip. Why call her aunt to the kids. And why is it hard for any of the women to take over when one of them is away. I feel like they each would rather take care of her own kids. Doing this show is a way for them to pay for the move. The kids have no say. I feel sorry for kids in polygamist families. This is the only life they know. When they get out in the world the realize that the large majority of people do not live like they do. Notice that Brady and Paulie's oldest daughter is in a monogamist marriage. I bet the older polygamist hated when technology came to town. Women began watching tv, talking on cell phones and getting on the internet. Polygamist women are realizing that they do not have to live like this and that they can marry a man and live happy being monogamist. Poor Rhonda felt that she was not good enough to be a first wife was disturbing. The discussion she had with Brady about missing 10 years together was very telling. I can't wait for the review. IMHO their show is more interesting than Sister Wives.

    1. I don't think living a polygamous marriage is as bleak as you make it out to be. I just finished The Witness Wore Red and even Rebecca Musser said that not all plural families in the FLDS are headed by evil men with abused children and sad women. Just like monogamy there are good marriages as well as bad. The fact that Paulie's eldest daughter is in a monogamous marriage just shows their children are allowed free agency to choose how to live their life.

    2. Stop The Plyg InsanityMarch 24, 2014 at 11:34 PM

      So far Browns, Dargers, Brady Bunch all tout that First Wife has no "entitlement power" and yet Rhonda is lamenting that she "wasn't good or worthy enough to be First Wife." with all her anguish and boohooing about that "forever eternal loss" - try to convince me one more time how it doesn't matter. And First Wife Paulie had a whole 6 months of "alone bonding time" w/Brady that she clings to like a badge of honor. Actions speak louder than words.

    3. I don't know if I buy Rhonda's angst either. I figured, the reason Brady was going to let her adopt (while denying the other wives children) was because she was the shiny new wife. Now factor in that she was his first choice and it seems she even has more power. To hear Rhonda tell it, he wanted to marry Robin next and after she turned him down, he asked Paulie. Paulie may be first wife, but she was third choice. Couple that with the fact that he married his #1 and #2 pick and I'd say it kinda sucks being Paulie.

  7. (I like a guy in a hunting kilt. Just sayin'. BUT I'd rather know he doesn't have any dangling participles, so to speak!)

    That being said, the Turkey Show's best moment was that awkward birth control question. So revealing, even though they hemmed and hawed more than they answered! Putting 2 plus 2 together, I understand that the women in Brady's marriage are no more liberated than even the strictest fundamentalist Mormon wives. Brady might have a different agenda, but he is still calling the shots on even the most personal of the wives' decisions.

    1. That's for sure Brady is calling the can tell the wives do not agree with not having more babies. That's why I think he's had a vasectomy taking away the wives ability to have more children accidently (wink wink) . But I think we have to remember this guy was formerly LDS and AUB so he IS the head of his families because he is priesthood holder. He calls the shots and makes the final decisions for his family. The wives have to look to Brady for guidance - that's how they were brought up!!

  8. Something so sad and depressing about the first wife..i don't have cable and paid for the first two episodes..but i am not paying for anymore. It leaves me too sad and a gut feeling about this family that some of the wifes have been abused in their past.

  9. This is stuff I found on a bunch of different internet sites so can be classed as gossip but fun gossip. Rod Williams is retired secret service who claims to have been standing outside the Oval Office when the Watergate break-in was planned. He converted to AUB when Brady was a teenager and then got involved in the Virginia Hill investigation. Rod was on Virginia's team and the final court decision stated that AUB hierarchy scammed the woman out of $1.5 million and with interest now owed her $4-5 million. Christine's Grandfather Owen Allred had kept the box of cash in a closet and Lemoine Jensen, now the head of AUB, got at least $30,000 to invest in his SLC hardware company. LOL Of course Rod Williams became a persona non grata in AUB but his kids were allowed to stay with AUB.

    Rod Williams looks to be a real hoot, well unless one had to live with him. Brady, being raised by this guy, probably has more than a few quirks. Going barefoot for a year doesn't make sense in any frame of mind?? I just wonder how many quirks have been screened out by the filmmakers?? And I begin to understand Brady's attraction to Rosemary, who may share his sense of humor.

    1. Don't forget that one of Papa Joe's twin wives was married to a guy named Matthews who got some of the Virginia Hill money and invested it in his car dealership...which had stolen luxury cars from Canada in its inventory. Lexus cars Iirc.

    2. I hadn't run across that fun fact but it makes the AUB look more like the intertwined FLDS crooked business conglomerate. It sure would be fitting if Utah and Arizona would get busy and take a good look at what they allow in their business communities. John Swallow, the Utah AG who just resigned for being bribed, should be indicted soon if he hasn't been replaced by the same sort. What a crock of patriarchal crooks out to outwit the unsuspecting gentiles!!

    3. I think it is business as usual for Mormons.

    4. Owen Allred is Christine's Great Uncle. Not Grandfather.

    5. Owen Allred is Christine's Great Uncle. Not Grandfather.
      That's correct. Rulon C Allred was Christine's grandfather.

    6. Can we please say "business as usual for FUNDAMENTAL mormons?" We in the mainstream LDS church are (as whole, of course not every member) very honest people.

    7. Oh, I so agree! I just cringe when people lump Fundamentalists in with mainstream Mormons! I have a current temple recommend and I strive very hard to be honest in all my dealings with mankind.

    8. I had never heard of this Virginia Hill case until reading this blog posted, so I looked it up. Wow. Apparently, the leaders of the AUB are no better than Mob thugs. It is interesting to me that despite the successfully lawsuit, there was no mention of criminal charges for theft/money laundering, etc. Does anyone know if any of the men served time for these crimes?

  10. "Going barefoot for a year doesn't make sense in any frame of mind??"

    No, it doesn't ! But....if you are a puffed up, self-proclaimed skirt-chaser who likes going outside of the box, attracting negative attention and smirking and smiling your arrogance, then it makes perfect sense.
    Could Kody-boy and Brady be related?? Sure seems like they have very similar MO's

    1. Going barefoot is something that a lot of people do. Its called "Earthing" it is a scientifically researched practice with a lot of benefits. Such as increasing antioxidants, reducing inflammation, and improving sleep. There are a lot more scientifically backed-up benefits, but I will spare you the details.

    2. I have no problem with going barefoot. It feels good and in the warmer seasons, at home, barefoot is the norm.
      Apparently Brady chose to make this his signature move across the board for just one year. And why?.....until something more attention getting came along?

    3. I guess it depends on where you live. You call it earthing, we call it homeless.

  11. I watched the "safe talk" episode and was blown away that people who have been together need a "system" to ask a question about who paid a bill and why (anyone responsible for bill payment knows that when someone does something random outside of your system it can screw things up). One wife says "why did you pay that bill" and the other wife feels attacked and belittled and then screams "this is just the way I am!". Jesus. If you can't have even that level of rational conversation what's the damn point? Even roommates who don't like each other can say did you pay the bill to each other.

    The level of dysfunction just really surprised me and made me think that these polyg families have no idea what normal relationships are like.

    1. I agree, Anon. When I saw the big to-do over this, and the fact that Paulie even felt this merited "safe talk" that was a big red flag, for me, that these women do not normally interact or engage. They live together and share laundry rooms. How sucky would that be to have to walk on egg shells in your own home for 20+ years?

    2. They seem so profoundly, irrevocably unhappy. With, as far as they are concerned, no way out. they remind me of my best friend, beautiful educated girl, married to a professor, two adorable children who are reading at the age of three... My friend is so miserable and empty she would just shriek day and night if that was "proper" and yielded a resultts.... "Mono" couples can be just as unhappy. The dejected, resigned look, the yappy weak attempts to "assert" oneself...
      Poly- or mono- ---- are people just not meant to live in such close proximity to each other?
      ... So sad...

  12. The Williams family may not be as familiar to viewers, but they do seem to be able to hold a conversation with words other than Nervous, or actually, alot of the big mis pronounce words Kody uses. They work and seem educated, so time will tell if their story lines keep viewers.

  13. In their universe a first wife having to talk to or correct another wife for doing something off the schedule/order is a catastrophe. They left the church but are still living it. If there is a bad feeling between any of them the whole group has a problem. It was a good thing to cover an extra bill, just had an ettiquette issue in dealing with it. Happens in the outside world too. I think Brady was trying to show that he wasn't going to be the middle man anymore. He would rather spend his time dealing with his own relationship and not run interference with his little time. If he tells wife four that wife one doesn't want her to generously pay a bill, wife four will be unhappy. And he is spending his 2 1/2 hours before bed with her children and a grumpy wife instead of enjoying her and the kids. First wife likely doesn't care a bill didn't have to come out of the common fund. It was just a hassle of paperwork confusion for twenty minutes. He should not be picking one wife to have more kids with over an other wife. I had never thought of his having gotten clipped. Interesting. They could get some out anyway and do IVF? Or go to a sperm bank and do IUI? If he can't with one, aside from health reasons, he can't add with any of them. Has he had any other wives, ones that stayed with their church and got other husbands?

  14. Does 5 wives seem excessive to anyone else, besides me? I know I have read in some fundamentalist literature that 3 wives is what is considered "celestial" (it will qualify you for your own planet) I understand that some may argue that more is more/better in some circumstances (this being one of them) but from a practical sense, 3 makes sense... 2 allows for direct competition, and that's no good, 4 allows for teams of 2, and 5 just seems unworkable, think of it, once every five nights isn't even enough to catch up on the week's events...

    1. My gut feeling is that Williams accumulated 5 wives in order to move up the AUB hierarchy. Owen Allred had 8 wives, Rulon Allred had at least 7 wives.

    2. And Val Darger was her first husband's 5th wife - he later added a 6th wife.

    3. Joseph Smith had 33 and Brigham Young had 58. I think Warren Jeffs had 80+ as well as his dad did, too. I guess prophet status requires more than just 3!

    4. Beg to differ, CJ, in the old BBC documentary on polygamy, Owen Allred clearly states, 'Beginning with, I had eleven wives.'

    5. No problem. I appreciate your fact finding skills! Was that the documentary where his wife sat next to him knitting?

  15. I am debating whether or not to buy the latest episode or not...we get cable installed tomorrow...may just wait.

    Thoughts on Turkey episode:

    1. Why is Brady always telling them "I'm just concerned about your health"? It's like an excuse to tell Nonie he doesn't want to deal with her crazy preggo self and to tell Rosemary he thinks she needs to shed a few lbs. Get real dude. Rosemary looks great compared to 70% of people not mention she seems like tons of fun. Check out the Browns. Rosemary beats all them in every category. IMHO.
    2. After watching the birth control part it seems obvious to me that the wives did not want to leave the AUB and are probably disappointed they had to. If BC was the reason they were asked to leave, it's clear that they hold that against Brady 100%. Unlike the Browns, I think they really believe all that stuff. At least the wives do, I think Brady is just up for a power grab of any sort.

    Not sure this show will last. The Browns are a disaster, and while the Williams clearly have their issues, there isn't much to spice it up. I don't see them having another baby, moving would be boring, and certainly they wont have another wife. They are obviously jealous but have a coy way of holding it in. Maybe the Browns just need a little wine...I think I have seen the Williams drink in every episode. ha.

    1. Hey NewMom!

      ...we get cable installed tomorrow
      I would wait until you get cable...I know on my cable system (Cox) I have OnDemand where the episodes are available and free.

      Why is Brady always telling them "I'm just concerned about your health"?
      I soooo agree with you. I was really surprised when he used this "tactic" with Nonie and I agree - she must go batshit crazy when pregnant! I think Rosemary was very pretty when she was thin, so I wonder what health problem she had to gain so much weight.

      Unlike the Browns, I think they really believe all that stuff.
      I definitely agree and it must be very hard to suddenly be torn from something you've spent your entire life believing was true. I have a feeling that's why Paulie is so reluctant to move away from her family. Without her church, she only has her family and if they are no longer nearby she'll only have Brady and her sisterwives.

      Maybe the Browns just need a little wine...
      A little vino helped Becca and Marlene from Centennial Park, too.

    2. Stop The Plyg InsanityMarch 25, 2014 at 12:02 AM

      yeah, i'm afraid i'd turn into a wino in order to be able to endure polygamy.

  16. Frankly, at this point I am glad that TLC didn't stop at just Kody Brown and his Plygdom.

    I am glad that they did try to pitch the Dargers even though that one fell through whether from the reality that the Darger dynamic wouldn't fly or by Big Joe himself ultimately declining a show.
    And who really knows and who really cares about the why not on that one. Just seeing their preview documentary was enough.

    I am also sincerely glad that they have now put yet another family of plygs on display with Brady and his harem. The more the public gets to see just what this Plyg world is all about, the better it may be for any young woman born to it to make different choices, and for women already in it to get out.

    They can call it a chosen lifestyle, plural marriage or be real and call it plain ol' Polygamy, but the end result is always the same.
    In Plyg society, women are marginalized *at the very least,* and at the very worst, they are used and abused. To witness yet another group of women tied together by their competing uteruses and shared insecurities, bonded and held hostage to pleasing their master, driven to trying to best each other with whatever it takes is a lesson in the value of freedom and independence.

    1. Amused, you totally nailed it. No matter how much lipstick that try to put on that plyg, it's still ugly.

      Polygamy is a sad state for women. And if Kody (he is so sickening) and Brady were the most palatable polygamist men they could find to put on television, well, that's just scary.

    2. Amen to what both of you have stated! I agree and have nothing to add on that!

    3. "No matter how much lipstick that they try to put on that plyg, it's still ugly."

      That's so funny, clever and true!

  17. When I watch past episodes of Sister Wifes I am reminded how obese Janelle really was. She was a main bread earner, and her health was at risk. Kody never voiced his concern for her health like Brady does for Rosemary. Janelle carried alot of stress and I am not sure Meri or any one else gave a crap as long as she brought home a check. She was loaded down with stress.

  18. Stop The Plyg InsanityMarch 25, 2014 at 12:00 AM

    So far all these different plyg families ( that have had their 15 minutes of fame marketing "The Joys of Polygamy" have been a massive fail in their propaganda. More people were on the "live and let live" side when they were in the dark about it all. Once the curtain is open, you see it's really an ugly dark anguished lifelong nightmare to be endured. Their "sweet happy" words don't match their actions nor their constant emotional breakdowns for decades.

    I envisioned their 5 nights "family meal time" as a much more intimate and interactive event than what i saw. Wives eating but ignoring/tolerating each other and kids everywhere willy nilly out of control. Everyone finding a spare seat throughout the rooms to eat off plates in their laps. Granted, there's no room for everyone at a single table but it just seemed like it didn't really accomplish what they presented that it did. It just seemed chaotic and like a noisy restaurant without tables. It looked like one more "toleration" issue because that's what Brady wants to do. He's still hoping that one day his wives will just solve their own issues w/each other and include him out completely. He seems very manipulative in the way he speaks but i don't blame him when it comes to dealing w/Nonie. She's kinda scary.

  19. I hope the new season of Sisterwifes will focus on the kids and not become the Kody show. It will for sure be heavy on Meri and her empty nest crap. Will she or won't she leave to find herself? If Meri's angst were properly addressed as a years long struggle to conceive because her religion requires it and not just covering it up it would help explain her bitterness. But the Brown;s and TLC have chosen to not explore much of their religious doctrine. Maybe because it would expose Kody's lack of his own religious education?

  20. I think the scene with Nonie yelling at Brady would have been very different without cameras in that Brady would be yelling back. He seemed like he was trying very very hard to be calm. I always sense this about Kody too. They are the bosses of their little clans and my gut says that they are much more authoritarian when the cameras are not around.

    1. I agree with you about Brady (to a small degree), but Kody seems like more of a storming off sort-of-guy, not a hashing it out sort-of-guy. I don't think he's super authoritative. Manipulative and childish are more accurate for his angry moments. It definitely seems like the wives run the Brown family and vice versa for the Williams.

    2. "I just wanted to bark orders and have them obeyed" Kody on the Novu trip. Brady seems more able to articulate an argument where as Kody just dosn't have the words or patience.

  21. Has anyone else noticed that Brady will often thank his wives for being "sweet"? Isn't that how FDLS raise the girls to keep "sweet" and not make trouble? Seems weird to me if they are no longer part of FDLS why he continues to use the term.

    1. Brady was never a member of the FLDS. They were AUB, a totally different sect. There's nothing wrong with telling someone they are sweet. It's a term of endearment nothing more. If the Williams had signs saying "Keep Sweet" posted everywhere that would be weird but since they don't, why make an issue about a simple word?

    2. Remember Kody telling Mariah to be sweet when she was complaining about something? I agree with anon 1:12 that it's more than a "simple word." And Brady isn't using it as a term of endearment, for them it's a behavior to be reinforced. You can see why too--if the women weren't trained to be "sweet" all hell would be breaking loose all the time.

    3. I hate to break this to you but Brady and Kody use of the word "sweet" was within the normal definition of the word found in standard dictionaries. To say these men are using the word as a means to control behavior of women is ridiculous. You seem to forget Kody and Brady wives chose to enter plural marriage. This isn't a situation where they were bloody forced into the lifestyle by some religious zealot.

    4. I agree that there seems to be some level of cultural significance to the term "sweet" in polygamy and could easily believe that the usage of the word has become commonplace throughout the faith. Surely, some sects use the term in a more abusive fashion than others, but I am guessing there is an interesting history to the word that doesn't exactly move the feminist cause a step forward.

  22. I like to break it to you that the all of the women with the exception of Christine said they would not be polygs if it wasn't a requirement for their version of "heaven". If that's not coercion I don't know what is.

    1. I like to break it to you that the all of the women with the exception of Christine said they would not be polygs if it wasn't a requirement for their version of "heaven".

      Actually that isn't completely correct. Meri has gone on record saying that she was willing to accept plural marriage in order to get Kody to propose and marry her. I'm not quite sure what you meant by Christine because accepting the Principle of plural marriage is a requirement for reaching the highest level of heaven in their religion.

      There is no right or wrong answer pertaining to the use of the word sweet. Yes, the use of the phrase "Keep Sweet" has become synonymous with FLDS but it isn't really fair to connote the word "sweet" with "coercion" or reinforcement of a certain behavior. After all, anytime a parent says NO to a child, they are reinforcing behavior.

      So, let's leave the discussion of coercion and behavior modification to forums set up specifically for those topics.

      Let's agree to disagree and move on. Thanks!

    2. I remember Meri saying that she would not be in a plural marriage if it wasn't for her religion. Don't ask me which episode, but I do remember that statement because it made me sad for her.

  23. Kody is at disneyland with christine for their 20th anniversary..just what you want for a romantic trip when you have a bazillion kids is to go somewhere with a bazillion kids..christine is bitching on twitter that everyone knows Kody but people are calling her meri or janelle and she is just a number..something is seriously wrong with these people and their obsession with disney

    1. So Meri got a trip to Mexico.Robyn gets an 11 day honeymoon. Janelle got a (free) camping trip. Christine gets a trip to Disney (probably with their season passes.) Guess with 6 kids each, Janelle and Christine don't have alot leftover in their individual budgets to treat themselves to lavish trips. Perhaps next anniversary, J & C should pool their finite resources and take a trip together. Kody can stay home with the kids.

    2. Of course she took the kids with them for their anniversary. At home, he would be shared. The last time she was not physically with her kids, left with dad and adult age children, she was criticized that the child got deathly ill because she was not there. They don't want to give utah their dollars, and most of vegas is off limits for family fun. California is all there is left to travel to by car.

    3. She wasn't critisized for leaving her child, Kody was critisized for not treating one daughter like she had an amputation on her toe and letting the other daughter decline on the floor. Kody dropped the ball on Truely, and there are lots of places in California other then Disney to enjoy.

    4. christine is bitching on twitter that everyone knows Kody but people are calling her meri or janelle and she is just a number

      OK, that made me LOL! Seriously? You chose a lifestyle where you are one of many wives! Of course you are a number--and it ain't number one, sweetie!

  24. Watched the most recent episode. I've only ever seen about 2 minutes of Duck Dynasty, but agree with the poster that said that Brady's dad is vying for a version of Plyg Dynasty!

    1. Miss Kay would string Phil up by his dangly parts if he ever thought he was going to bring home another woman!

    2. Lol, you're probably right Snarkaholic!

  25. First and LastWifeMarch 26, 2014 at 3:52 PM

    I feel like such a drifter on this blog. I guess I can only take plygmania in small doses anymore. Anyways, I'm not sure how many episodes there have been. I guess 3? Or 2? Because the first episode was the special. So I've watched 2 and 3 now as of yesterday. I was a little surprised. They're kind of like the Browns and at the same time they're not. One thing that really stood out however, besides Nonie carrying similar traits of Meri, was Paulie. I don't know what to say really other than I feel sadness when I see her. This entire time I thought the Brown women were messed up. Paulie seems seriously depressed. And that wine tasting scene was hard for me to watch. I couldnt help but notice how everytime the girls would laugh, she half fake smiled everytime and quickly went back to sulking and not paying attention to them. At least Christine still puts up fights from time to time and shes come off as the most depressed. But Paulie, she seems worse off to me emotionally. Or she could just be highly reserved. Thats just my opinion. Hopefully the show picks up a little more because at the moment the only reason im watching is because my others have ended for the season.

    1. I agree with you about Paulie, F&LW! She seems so majorly depressed. She has sad eyes, it doesn't seem like just she's just . Did you notice how quiet Robyn is? I want to yell at her to speak up. And she also seems to have a touch of depression (or more likely anxiety / self confidence problems?). She gets so sulky when Brady can't spend time with her, which is weird because she has had how many years to get used to this? I can see similarities with Nonie and Meri but Nonie seems more truly sensitive than Meri.

    2. First and LastWifeMarch 27, 2014 at 2:48 PM

      Agreed! I think at this point Meri is just out for blood! Im sticking to my very original theory that Meri wasn't completely honest with herself when her and Kody's relationship blossomed. I think she wanted polygamy until she fell for Kody. She's been miserable ever since he took a 2nd wife. Nonie I think struggles but for slightly different reasons. I also noticed that about Robyn and thought the same thing. Why are you not used to this craziness yet? She looks like shes about to have a breakdown when Brady leaves. But you're probably right about it being anxiety. Its kind of similar to a child's seperation anxiety when they have to be seperated from there parents because they have to go to school. Than again, the Browns seemed pretty reserved and camera shy their first season too. Now they're fame whores! So I guess only time will tell. Paulie definitely comes across as sad. You're right Sisi, she has sad eyes and that's heartbreaking EVEN if she did choose this life. I'm sure Brady reminiscing about his first love being Rhonda (and not his first wife Paulie) than finally getting the girl doesn't help. They may be a lot more open than the Browns, but I wonder how much of that was for the tv contract. No matter how any and all plyg families portray how wonderful this lifestyle is, its clear that its painful. I couldn't do it.

    3. Yes F&LW,We are totally on the same page! What you said about Rhonda totally makes sense. I think that he seems the most relaxed with her, I think it's because of what you said, there is a seeming soul-mate love with her, where the others seem to be more like a familial love, like you love your kids or parents (keeping in mind I've seen only a couple edited hours of their lives, maybe I'm way off). I think he favours Rhonda because of it (but not in the mean way Kody favours Robyn though).
      And totally agree about Meri too, I've thought that Meri would probably be a really nice and fun person if she and Kody hadn't entered polygamy. I think she puts herself out to be the matchmaker with Kody and the next wives because it's a fake-it-until-you-feel-it type thing. She wants to be ok with it, but she really isn't. Meri seems to be on display with her sadness: "LOOK AT ME I'M SAD YOU GUYS!" and almost wants to use it as a weapon (not sure if I'm right on this?), whereas Paulie's sadness is masked and reserved and you can tell she's trying really hard to hide it. But it's very apparent... she is not happy until she is with Brady. And even then she seems to be guarded.

  26. In the scene of sister wifes the honeymoon special, Meri says, "when things are bad with Kody and I, i don't want anything to do with the family" Maybe Meri and Kody marriage is seriously on the rocks, and Meri is detaching from everyone else as a result..that will be so depressing to watch in the new season. A debbie downer Meri..oh yay

    1. In their book Meri said her marriage to Kody was on the rocks but instead of working out their problems he started courting Robyn. So I can see where Meri could be at the end of her rope emotionally. I don't think Meri will ever leave or divorce Kody but she will make life miserable for him and her sisterwives. Especially Robyn. She's going to sabotage Robyn's relationship with Kody just like when she used Robyn to get back at Christine and Janelle.

    2. You know, Karen, that makes sense. Some people seek out an affair instead of working on their problems. So when the going gets tough for a polygamist, just go get another wife and you are completely distracted from the issues in your other relationship.

  27. are we to believe Kody's mom insisted on polygamy and Meri's mom insisted on polygamy? and Meri was the one that orchistrated Robyn comming into the family? the women take the fall for these men to take new wifes when they are at 7 year itch ..or bad stretches of a need to work on with Christine, just get a better wife..if you watch past episodes you can catch the lies and false stories

  28. Is there some significance to tepees in Mormonism or Fundamental Mormonism? Brady's dad had one and Kody's dad had a couple (?). Didn't Janelle live in one after she left her first husband??

  29. Another long time lurker here!

    I love the SW show, and am now getting into MFW as well. My thoughts on the show so far:

    PROS: Brady seems to care a lot more about his wives feelings than Kody, and I like how they all want to be more open about their lives than the Browns. The wives seem to enjoy eachother's company more, and the kids seem to get much more cuddles, kisses and affection than the Brown kids. I also like that when Brady and his wives talk about the show, Brady is placed on the end in the back row instead of in the middle like Kody always is. It speaks of his respect for his wives.

    CONS: While they are more open, I still sense some "acting happy to maybe we'll convince ourselves we are happy" feeling. None of these women are okay with sharing their husband, I can see it in their eyes. Particularly in Paulie and Rosemary. It's like they are hurt right at the core, and can do nothing but keep moving forward. I felt heartbroken for Paulie when she described holding onto all those "special firsts" that she had with Brady. She just looked so broken when she spoke of it. And I'm even sadder for her when she talks about how when she married Brady she thought she had too because it was her passage to heaven. Now, she realizes that was all hooey, and now she's stuck realizing that she's gone through all this heartbreak for nothing, and now of course would never break up her family by leaving. Yes, they say it's their choice, but I think she wishes she could go back and have a monogamous life.

    Now onto Brady, I definitely like him a lot more than Kody, but this degree for college he's chasing is clearly (to me) just a way to have alone time away from his family, which I think is pretty selfish. If he chooses to have five wives and 24 kids, then he should be give every spare second to being there for them all. If it was a degree to help his job, that'd make sense, but it's not. Also I feel like the "safe talks" was his selfish way to not have to deal with inter-wife drama. His first goal was his own happiness, not his wives. I get not wanting to get in the middle of it all, and his wives SHOULD learn to communicate, (and the fact that they STILL haven't worked out a way to talk to each other proves they are almost just as broken amongst the wives as the Browns) but I could just tell he was primarily thinking of himself.

    Brady's father I thought was hilarious, overall. Though I wonder why his second wife divorced him?

    Anyway, happy to have something to watch while the Browns are away! :)

    1. Brady's father I thought was hilarious, overall. Though I wonder why his second wife divorced him?
      I just discovered this...apparently she realized she was a lesbian and left him for a woman. She tried to get custody of their children, he took her to court and won.

    2. Oh...and thanks for delurking!!!

    3. apparently she realized she was a lesbian and left him for a woman

      So many snarky things to say!! Must resist...must hold in the snark....

  30. What does some through loud and clear about the 5 Wives is that each of them measures their personal worth and stability with their private time with Brady. They equate their "who am I" identities with having their equal time with the master. Perhaps that is the case with all Plyg women ??

    Admittedly. that same vibe was evident somewhat when SW first started back when they (minus Sobbin) all lived in immediate proximity to each other, But when they did their phony, forced exodus to LV and then all lived apart, that dynamic changed....or perhaps there was no reason to fake it anymore for the cameras. Who knows?

    However, once the move occurred, the SW babes seemed more competitive about "stuff" being equal, and having Kody's equal attention to their individual problems (kids, money etc), rather than any change in scheduled booty calls or prolonged alone time with him.

    I don't think Kody could pull off being the true lord and master of everyone's destinies and psyches. He is too, too much of a hapless buffoon and attention addict.
    Kody lacks any mechanism for insight. He is a master impersonator. He mimics and spews wisdom which sounds good to him. Doubtful he really "thinks" about anything other than the next photo shoot or public outing.

    Brady on the other hand is a thinker, or at least fancies himself as one. (cue the philosopher)
    Brady seems to like being the puppet master, at least on paper, holding 5 women's fragile egos and psyches and destinies in his hand. He seems to know that these women need his presence and personal attention as critically as they need oxygen. And he likes that power, however humbly he postures to present it.
    He also seems to be fatiguing keeping up with the job.

    Because if new baby-making is phasing out in this family (and wouldn't that be a wise move for the sake of all their 24 existing, needy kids) and pregnancy is no longer the *reason to be* and solid proof of wifely success for the each woman, then being the favorite or at least an equal competitor for any sex and intimacy with Brady will set the pace.

    And that means that Brady had better be available and functional each and every night, since each wife has to wait 5 days to next get her time. And should Brady be tired, indisposed, out of Viagra, writing a term paper, etc and takes a pass on alone time or sex, doubtful that will ever go over well for the women... or for him.

  31. Im so glad that I found this blog!
