
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Off Topic Tuesday with Those Crazy Sister Wives Krew March 18, 2014

I was scanning through my emails  recently, when I happened upon something interesting - it was kind of a heads up, somebody may be having a little too much fun in college kind of email from a blog fan in Salt Lake City.

Now, I was no angel in college - I've TP'd my share of cars (not very easy in a dorm parking lot with patrols every 30 minutes), short-sheeted my share of unsuspecting roommates, thrown icy water on suitemates who didn't lock the door while taking a hot shower and shoved jerks down the 12th floor dorm garbage chute. Okay, so I never shoved anyone down the garbage chute but I did seriously consider doing it once or twice.

And I don't even want to remember the times I got sooooo drunk that I....well, let's just say girls will be girls.

Imagine my surprise that someone's friend of a friend of a friend reported they witnessed a college age, reality show "star" having a bit too much fun partying.

No way, I said to myself. Impossible. Not the epitome of sweetness and delight. I put it out of my mind and went over to check out some stuff on Twitter.

A Tale of Two Half-Sisters

I was on the phone with my BFF, when something caught my eye. On Mariah's twitter page I noticed her new profile:

When I read out loud "just your average tv star" BFF said quite innocently "Well, the Sister Wives are reality stars, what's the big deal?"

It was when I explained it was Mariah's profile that my usually easygoing, laid back almost to the point of being horizontal BFF let go with a stream of consciousness profanity. Please note that I have edited her response to protect the more sensitive readers in the audience.

"Who the HELL does she think she is?" BFF screamed into the phone. "The ONLY reason she has been on TV was because her PARENTS are reality show stars! Next week, she'll be a nobody. Once that show is cancelled, she'll STILL be a NOBODY."

"Maybe it's a joke..." I mumble. BFF, however, was still on a roll and screamed "Her mother spent all that money to send her to Westminster and she thinks she's a TV STAR????"

I didn't dare tell her about the "laughing her way through college" part. BFF finished her tirade with "She needs to worry about that bad dye job on her hair! She's not going to influence her friends with that kind of attitude!"

So I started reading what kind of tweets sweet Mariah tweeted this week.
Only a total nerd would be wasting a Saturday night doing this. C'mon, my friends and I made a list of essentials - TV, stereo, must-have dance music consisting of Sly, the Stones, and Al Green. Oh, and making up a list of cute guys to help us move from dorm to apartment. Fifteen minutes later, we were getting ready to hit the clubs for the night. So I'm thinking this could be her doing some damage control if the "rumors" are accurate.
Honey, when you're suffering the effects of the Freshman 15, why ruin a perfectly good cake with Gummy Bears?
Oh yeah, this is definitely damage control.

But I'm feeling some competition between Mariah and her sister from another mother, Aspyn. When Aspyn tweeted:
Mariah replied:

I guess those friends Mariah was planning her apartment with were not her BEST friends, if you know what I mean...
Why of course you would love her profile. Like they say, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!

You know, maybe Meri should be giving her daughter more constructive advice, like maybe not being so self-centered and entitled. Starting with deleting that not very humorous new profile.

As Animal House's Dean Wormer cautioned the boys of Delta House, "Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life..." Amen to that.

And then, there's Aspyn, who recently celebrated a birthday...

Even Kody got into the act...

Oh look! Aspyn got a special treat! The Blue Man Group!

It seems Aspyn's college experience is a lot different from her sister from a different mother. It looks like she is taking to Greek life with the same enthusiasm her father has when he sees a TV camera...

And how happy Aspyn was for her sorority sisters to meet her family. I wonder if Christine was thinking about sharks...
Ha ha!! Looks like Christine is still trying to figure out the parenting thing, but you have to love her side comment to Kody...

And here are the tweets she didn't want Kody to see...

Now Kody if you're reading this, shut your eyes!

Chapter One:

And Chapter Two:

Well, at least it sounds like Christine is having some fun these days. I like how she's really into tweeting now. She could teach her sister wife Robyn a few lessons!

Finally, it looks like Kody and family (not sure which wife or wives had the pleasure of his company) took another trip to the Happiest Place on Earth, which really should be renamed KodyBrownLand when you consider how much dough the Browns must drop there every month...
I'm just hoping Kody hasn't started charging his fans for taking his picture.


  1. Like Mother, like daughter.... Meri tweeted not too long ago referring to herself as a "celebrity" then apologized for it just a few minutes later.

  2. How much inbreeding goes on in the AUB? I've always thought that Meri and Kody looked alike, but chalked it up to coincidence. Now look at that picture of Christine and Krody at the Blue Man Group show. They are starting to look alike, too! Pretty soon they will all look like the Geico caveman Krody....

    1. Remember that Kody didn't grow up in the AUB. Could be related down the line in history but not closely related.

    2. It's a lie that Kody converted into polygamie. He has polygamist lineage, just like Christine.

    3. But it is well known that almost every mormon had a polygamist ancestor. So having a polygamist lineage does not make Kody a liar. His immediate family (just like many other mormons like MITT ROMNEY and his father GEORGE ROMNEY) did not practice polygamy. It was when Kody went on his mission did his parents convert to AUB and were eventually excommunicated from the LDS church...

    4. Some people look like their dogs...these women start to look like their master....

  3. This is why Mariah on the 'tell all' said she isn't ready to get married right away (thank God!). A little taste of fun with friends and she is thinking the whole "I want a sister wife" thing is a little ridiculous.

  4. I think the Brown's have a lot on the line with keeping this shown on the air, you would think they would make a real concerted effort at doing everything possible to present the best possible public image. Who knows, maybe a self-entitled teen isnt such a bad story line? They are going to need to do something to drum up interest for next season... a good publicist or PR manager could help them manipulate social media to support scripted story lines, but I don't know if they are smart enough for that...

  5. Couldn't Kody stand behind Aspyn for the birthday picture with the Blue Man?

    1. Funny MA...I was just thinking the same thing. Isn't the birthday girl usually out in FRONT! Not for this bunch. I wonder if Kody will ever find inner security...doubtful :(

  6. These girls (well, all the kids) probably learned competition and one-upmanship from the word go. :'(

    And, I swear, the more I see Kody, the more he reminds me of Randall Flagg. <_< >_>

    Long time lurker, first time poster. Howdy, everyone. Love this blog.

    1. Randall Flagg?!?! I didn't know anyone else out there knew about him! Way to go ...yay!

    2. Oooh...would that make Robin Nadine?

    3. Randall & Nadine from The it! I wonder if Stephen King watches Sister Wives?? Probably too scary even for him.

  7. so Meri is a celebrity Kody thinks he is one too..Mariah is a TV star..A Polygamist Celebrity Family..thanks TLC you have glamorized a patriarchal system because I do not believe Robyn or Janelle when they say WE Give Kody the last word or final decision. The only positive I see from them moving to Vegas is the kids are going to have a better chance of living normal outside of a polygamist town and an education.

  8. So am I guessing right...Your friend is saying that Mariah is drinking?

    1. My opinion is she is self-centered with entitlement issues but at least enjoying her freshman year in college.

  9. We just got home from Disneyland...and missed the Browns. Phew! Dodged that bullet!

    1. someone on FB said she saw him there with Janelle last week

    2. Aspyn is tweeting photos from there now

    3. How on earth are they able to afford tickets, or especially annual passes to DL??!!

  10. Has this family ever done any charity work or any giving back? They are stars now and completly self absorbed in Las Vegas entertainment. I do recall Christine saying they still tithe to their church. If they have the profile they think they do it would be nice to see them involved in something for their community or something given their past financial situation. Seems they would be the first to step up and do something.I know I would if given a gift horse of a lifetime. I would find a family in need or a cause that would pay it forward somehow.

    1. They did something for "their" community. They got it illegal for Utah to bust polygamists for simply cohabiting since the state didn't bust everyone for cohabiting for no polygamist reasons. Tens of thousands of people feel less likely to have the law on them. They may be giving % to their church like most Christians. A few kids helped a group helping people leave polygamy for a weekend to set up housing. Some of the adults took part in a walk that raised money for people who wanted to leave polygamy. Have had people form that group on their show. This was several seasons ago. Most 5Ks raise money for something. I don't know what the cause was in the one they just ran walked in?

    2. When was the last time anyone got busted for being plyg that didn't have other violations such as fraud or underage marriages? The early 1950's? That is such a straw horse.

      If they weren't being filmed for the show I wonder if the kids would have helped? Big deal on the 5k. They didn't raise money, they just paid the entry fee. It's not like the Breast Cancer walk or AIDS Ride where you are required to raise several thousand dollars to participate.

      If they're doing it for the show then...big deal.

    3. They are not stars in my opinion. What the hell have they done besides have a ton of babies and all sleep with the same disgusting man.

    4. DakotaJustice--that is so true! They only prosecute when there are other crimes. The whole martyred due to our religion thing is a bunch of crap. Pisses me off for all the people in the world who truly are victims of discrimination.

      If Kody gets told to get out of the 20 or less lane at the supermarket because he has 50 items he probably screams religious persecution. "It's because I'm a plyg!" Mariah probably won't be accepted into a prestigious military academy because she's a plyg!

      He needs to catch on that people don't like him because he's a jackwad.

  11. omigod! Poor Mariah! When I think back to my college days she is the whale at the end of the hall in a private room because she can't get along with a roommate. The only thing that will make her freshman year worse will be if Aspyn ends up with a boyfriend. After spending childhood as the smart, princess of the Brown family, freshman year must have been a real effort to find that kind of acceptance in the real world. If Mariah can't do some can't do some introspective soul searching, she's going to be pretty unhappy. But maybe she doesn't have a clue about what's keeping her from social success?

    1. It looks like Mariah's copied the idea for her Twitter page from one of "best friends." If you look at the "Shedrewthat" bestie her page states "Just your average vegetarian living in hippie nation. Humboldt State.

    2. Mariah must be so jealous! Aspyn has been mentioned in the Vegas celebrity sightings columns for meeting the Blue Man Group backstage as a VIP!!!! She even got a mention in Robin Leach's column and was described as Kody Brown's beautiful daughter!!!! Maybe Mariah should have gone to UNLV like the rest!

    3. Mariah has to be feeling the effects of not being popular so she tries to jazz up her profile. Her siblings are more famous than she is. Madison is senior class president, Hunter is a state wrestling champion and Aspyn seems to be the darling of the local celeb news. And don't forget the attention being paid to little Truely. She changed her hair color for attention and she's ignored. She tweets about Miley Cyrus and she's ignored. Must be one sad little girl.

  12. Ahh, to be young and stupid again. I'm glad they didn't have twitter when I was 19. I would be really embarrassed by it now! Let's hope Mariah learns a lot becoming a little fish in a big pond and balances out her attitude.

    I really like Aspyn. She seems like such a sweet, down to earth girl. I hope she doesn't become a sister wife. She could easily be walk all over with such an easy-going attitude. If she could find a loving monog husband I would be so happy!

  13. I can only imagine the sour look on Robyns face when she sees that twitter pick of Kody with the young chick at Disneyland. Not dresses modestly in his presence,

  14. Looks like we can expect a future episode either on SW or on My5Wives of both groups interacting. Given the shoutout Brady gave to Kodyworld about the Utah ruling on cohabitation, at the very least, Brady will probably be filmed high fiving Kody by phone if not in person.

    If TLC is determined to ride this Plyg reality show premise for all it is worth, why not just alternate each week between the Browns, Dargers and Williams. There certainly is enough snark material there is keep viewers interested and willing to watch. Besides, it would be fun to watch the harem master's egos and styles collide.

    1. And maybe they can get the rights to Polygamy USA (anyone know if that is coming back to National Geographic Channel?)....The Creepy Cawleys, Uncle Art, really would be entertaining. Year round polygamy and drama. I'm in!

    2. And maybe all the finite resource whining would stop a bit if all of them are splitting the pot.
      And....maybe then, at least those families would be less inclined (or eligible) to bleed the beast.

    3. I'd pay money to see Uncle Art throw a boot at Kody.

      Not MUCH money, but I'd pay.

    4. I would pay a few bucks too!

    5. And I'd pay to see Papa Joe, the fitness master, take on Kody in a workout marathon.

      And maybe Nonie and Meri could square off in a "tears" challenge.

    6. Someone from Polygamy USA told a viewer that they met that the show was not coming back (viewer wrote on facebook page)

  15. TV Star??? Honey, the only reason why people know you is because your goofhead douchebag dag decides that he needs to sleep around with multiple women to go to heaven, and you are just one of his many off spring.... By no strech of the imagination a star!!!

    It would be fun to see if this were to be the last season, the money would dry up and she'd have to leave westminster.....

    1. As fun as it is to snark at the adults I do hope the kids find their way out. Hopefully Mariah's time at college will show her a different way than the cult she grew up in.

  16. So glad I found this site finally I've been checking the old blog but no updates for months!

  17. According to the Herald Journal, there will be another season. Members of the family were in the University area with Madison who has won a scholarship and a TLC rep has confirmed that they will be filming there shortly.

  18. You'd think that they lived just around the corner from Disneyland, isn't it a 4 hr drive from Vegas when the traffic is good?

    1. What's a four hour drive for people that don't really have anything else to do? All those people, and not a real job among them. Janelle "works" in real estate, but I doubt she has ever made any serious money from it.

    2. Probably a hop skip and a jump, but it must get pretty expensive. Since they are so unorganized I can't see them driving both ways in a day, so they must stay over.
      On the other hand, money does not seem to be an object for these celebs! Maybe they fly.

    3. I don't think I've ever seen them fly on their own. They only fly when TLC is paying for it like when they do interviews. But they do spend way too much time in Disneyland and too much money too. Wait. Kody did fly home when his brother passed away I think but Kody probably got a bereavement ticket or whatever it's called.

    4. "Janelle "works" in real estate, but I doubt she has ever made any serious money from it"

      Anon 10:57,
      I would bet you are right about that !!
      More than likely Janelle *and Christine* were wooed by Magic Mona the realtor to give a boost to her office image and encourage walk-in gawkers. And TLC needed another storyline (however bogus), so it was a win-win for all.
      Christine bailed quickly,as we know, and who really knows what Janelle actually does there, if indeed she still even is there, or how often.
      Funny how closed mouthed they are about certain things.
      Sex and incoming/earned monies are sacred topics.

    5. I think think they compete to make sure they all get equal time going to disneyland for each wife and kids. They live in Las Vegas for heavens sake, is that not enough? These excessive trips to disneyland are weird.

    6. Of course they love Disney Land. The whole lot of 'em live in a fantasy land!

  19. I think they get the annual pass to Disney.

    1. I would hope so, but even those are outrageously expensive.

    2. wonder if the Disney passes are free as Disney would get free publicity for them going there?

  20. Maybe I'm in the minority, but I don't get going to Disneyland over and over. It's fun but it's also crowded and boring to wait in line, and the food isn't good or good for you, etc. I have done once for my daughter's sake but can't imagine doing it again until I'm a grandparent. What's the attraction?

    1. I agree, LizE but I've never been there. I would like to go once for my children's sake but I think it's so incredibly overpriced. There is so much fun to be had without spending that much freaking money!

    2. I took one child, once. It cost about $300 and mostly consisted of waiting in long, hot lines behind other miserable parents who looked lik they had stock tickers behind their eyes trying to figuee out how much overtime they'd have to work if they bought themselves a bottle of water and a churro. The Brown Disney pathology is extremely bizarre.

    3. Maybe they get a discount is some manner? Large group? Civil servant? I'm not sure. I agree about over and over though. My parent took us once to Disneyland and once to Disneyworld as kids. We still talk about how much fun we had. Not sure I'd want to go back over and over though, so much other stuff to experience in life!

    4. We've had season passes for 3 years and go all the time. We are a family of 3 and have the best time whenever we go. We know what days are least crowded, what times certain areas of the park are less crowded, etc. We have NEVER been bored, even though we go a lot. We are also really good about packing our own food. However, we do live in So Cal, and don't have a 4 hour drive to get there, nor do we have to stay overnight.

      I just had to speak up as a family of Disneyland lovers :)

  21. I'm not Mariah's biggest cheerleader either, but I do think some here are being WAY too hard on her. As someone who works with teenagers transitioning from high school to college, it is extremely common for students to try to "bolster" their personalities or online presence when they first enter college and a brand new environment. I'm sure Mariah is probably getting some amount of teasing (or outright snubbing) from her fellow classmates who have seen the show, and that's hard because it effectively removes Mariah's chance at a "fresh start" in college. Those students who have lived their lives in relative anonymity do get the chance to present themselves in a new light once they enter college.

    In addition to that, she was brought up in an extremely dysfunctional household where attention is a commodity, so of course she's going to seek it at college. I do think she will someday soon get a rather harsh reality check, either from a relationship that develops, a professor, or an employer who isn't charmed by her attention-seeking behaviors. Unfortunately, it appears that she has never had a strong female role model who could show her how to succeed in life without resorting to any means necessary to gain attention and validate herself.

    I'm sure this opinion will be unpopular and people will insist that Mariah should have been thinking about this BEFORE she entered college, but honestly, most teenagers just don't think that way. I place all of the blame here on Meri, who should have seen this coming and helping to shape Mariah's television persona into a more positive light.

    As someone else mentioned above, I'm glad I don't have most of my online persona out there for the world to see. I spent my college years on Myspace, and I was able to delete and hide much of that after a few years (and much embarrassing reflection on how whiny I was). My biggest wish for Mariah is for her to really consider how this will affect her ability to find a mate, get a job, or make friends in the future. Perhaps then she might see the wisdom in seeking relative anonymity so she's able to discover who she truly is and not have the ridiculous "Kody Brown Show" following her around for the rest of her life.
