
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Off Topic Saturday 3/29/14 So What Have the Sister Wives Been Up To Lately?

We're coming to get you, Kody Brown and your Sister Wives!

Now that their season is over and the Brady Bunch o'Wives have taken over their timeslot on TLC, the Sister Wives have been quiet on Twitter.

Extremely quiet. Retweeting doesn't count and Meri and Kody are proving themselves to be masters of the retweet.

Luckily for us, there was some activity this past week. Let's take a look, shall we?

Now this tweet from Robyn has got me thinking...Robyn could use her fame to be a spokeswoman for the end of discrimination of those with special needs...
But she's going to need to do a lot more than just tweeting about it. And to be frank, she's aligned herself with a very mean person she calls a friend and business partner so tweeting this message just looks self-serving and hypocritical if you ask me.

And then we have Meri. Talk about someone who's gone retweet crazy, these gems were almost lost in the deluge...

For example, here's a blatant plug for the band that played at their cul-de-sac commitment ceremony recently. Show of many of you think she will actually make an appearance?

Anyone? Anyone?
Not when Meri's "little one" is nursing a cold in Utah...I suspect Meri is already on the road, to give her "little one" some love and attention while she's sick...

Well it's good to hear Mariah does have friends, after all.

Sounds like Maddie is soooo done with Las Vegas when she graduates high school in a few months!

Now that a Brown child has planned her escape from the cul-de-sac, one question remains to be answered...Where in the World is Kody Brown?

Well...after spending countless weeks at Disneyland this month, Kody has accompanied his son Hunter to a national wrestling match in Virginia.

Guess he needed to get away from it all...anniversaries and Disneyland can wear a sensitive and caring man out, don't ya know...

Poor Christine...

While celebrating her anniversary with Kody at Disneyland, seems all the ladies wanted to meet Kody but couldn't quite remember which wife she was. Notice how sweet and caring Kody's response was.
GRRRRRR!!!! What a first class a$$ this man is!

And will someone please tell us what's the scoop with this Mindy person? Interesting Kody retweet, though. Just file it under Things That Make You Go Hmmmm....
I guess Robyn is too busy to show her youngest son the wonder of ladybugs. No doubt this picture was snapped in-between Mindy cleaning Robyn's toilets.

Oh, and on the subject of a$$es, our newest polygamist of the progressive sort wrote a new entry on his blog.

Here's a link for your reading pleasure...Nice picture Brady! And I'm thinking maybe Kody should be reading this, too.

I Have Been a Bit of an Ass Lately


  1. I love this blog. Its the only one I ever read. I just wish when someone googles Sister wives or My 5 Wives it would be easier to find. I really feel like others are missing out.

  2. Indeed a great blog. Entertaining as always.

    Kody is indeed a major A$$!! He is so cruel to Christine. I wish she would dump him publicly while eating nachos. She looked really pretty with her hair curled.
    Kody can't be appreciative of a hotel room with a nice view? He has to complain that it's cold. He's an ingrate as always.
    Meri's "little one" has a cold and needs someone to take care of her???? Oh brother.
    Robyn's retweet??? What do "mean people who disguise themselves as nice people" have to do with "special needs"? Who wrote the original quote? It's odd. Robyn and her friend try to disguise themselves as nice people. How can we forget the dress boutique incident or the small 5k T-Shirt?

    Brady admitting he is an arse is decent. I do respect him for that. I would respect the rest of the Brady Bunch women if they would publicly say they aren't going to have any more children because it's hard to provide love and needed attention for this many lives. They should admit they had so many kids because they believed the religion but now they're making the best of the situation and enjoy the children they have. I don't understand crying about not making or adopting more children when you have that many wonderful kids to enjoy, love, and nurture. These Plyg women need counseling so they know their value in life is more than bearing children and making sure their master is happy. How Sad.

    1. I think you may have to be close to a person with special needs to understand. When people are mean from the start you at least know what you are dealing with. The ones who turn out to be mean do more damage. People are fearful of different. People think different is danger. But it's just different.

  3. Tonight's episode just reinforces my initial feelings about the five wives. They all look so deep down depressed they are hard to watch.

  4. I am confused and would love a little clarity on the Williams family. Correct me or explain, do I have this right? The Williams family were FLDS and now they are AUB? or just your basic Christian family now that lived a polygamist lifestyle, but cannot break up the family because they left FLDS. So these women will have to tolerate each other for the rest of their lives or when the show is over. So many signs in tonight's show that is relaying to the audience that the "polygamist lifestyle" is just not working and not an ideal lifestyle to live. The children have for sure come to that realization. Also such poor editing on behalf of the producers, or maybe these women really do make those odd faces at particular times. They come across very sad and depressed.
    I also find it interesting that Nonie works for the company. It wasn't clear if she works from home or goes to a location, but I did find it interesting that she figured to get "extra" time with Brady that she could plan a little "find a party location" to get more attention from him. So sad, I keep turning to my daughter and telling her a marriage is so not like that.

    1. Hi Just a Thought!

      do I have this right? The Williams family were FLDS and now they are AUB?
      Okay here goes...let me know if this is confusing!

      Brady Williams started out as LDS but his father Rod converted to AUB (Apostolic United Brethren - the fundamentalist Mormon sect the Browns and Dargers use to belong) when Brady was a teenager.

      When Brady got older, he also converted from LDS to AUB and started accumulating wives.

      His father Rod was later ousted from the AUB (he played a major part in showing how the AUB stole millions of dollars from Virginia Hill). Sometime afterward, Brady also left the AUB.

      Brady was never a member of the FLDS (the sect Warren Jeffs controls)

      ...just your basic Christian family now that lived a polygamist lifestyle?
      Brady considers himself a follower of progressive polygamy...whatever that is. But he and wives apparently have decided not to break up their family.

    2. But when the older son is talking he says the used to be FLDS.,It was when he was explaining why he is mainstream Mormon. He says it more than once and it caught my attention.I am deaf so I read the captions and they used the term FLDS.

    3. Brady Williams tweeted they belonged to the AUB and that they were never members of the FLDS. His son apparently misspoke when he used the letters FLDS instead of fundamentalist Mormon.

    4. Brady used FLDS as well. I took it to mean that he wouldn't say AUB to avoid upsetting anyone, and that adding the F was to signify fundamentalist.

  5. Last night's 5wives was interesting in that the powers that be who are producing and directing this show have figured out that there needs to be a few ways that it differs from Kodyworld.
    The group chats are more candid, Questions are more direct, and Brady, unlike Kody, waits until his wives answer to give his piece. The wives seem to be encouraged to disagree with each other, however, civilly.

    But the scripted scenarios are still blatantly obvious. If Nonie is the office manager, then planning the Christmas party would fall under her duties. Especially since she (and Brady) said that she has done it in past years. Her worried-eyed, halting question of " Are you maybe thinking of having a Christmas party for the employees" for the camera was so lame.
    So was her sitting on the bench all decked out for some stolen quality/ alone time with Brady and then having to call him all sad-eyed.was just stupid and contrived.
    Of course though, after just 3 episodes, the way they are painting Nonie to be the covert manipulator, then that IS something she would try to orchestrate, but the way it played out was all too bogus.

    The Paulie scenes about her kids leaving were realistic in that most parents do struggle with that. However, once again, we have a family where the older kids have to play their roles for the camera to round out the show. It can't be pleasant for those kids to have to wait and recite their dialogue once the cameras are in place. That was painfully obvious for all the older kids on SW once the producers needed new material and now we see another set of nice kids having to endure it.

    All the Brady wives will have to get used to the cameras, but I think Nonie will be the breakout *actress* on this show. She obviously enjoys her camera time, much like Sobbin does.
    And Nonie also brings that Meri vibe of determined "poor me."

  6. I was so surprised to hear the eldest son say something about leaving FLDS last night and then remembered the number of "truths" the Browns have created. What a religion!! Truth, honesty, ethics, etc. aren't required, especially when dealing with gentiles.

    LOL Mykelti tweeted a while ago that she was fooling around with a BB gun and shot "another mother". It must not have been a serious injury as Mykelti's comment was "oops!". Wonder which mother got the blast?

    1. I could not understand the FLDS comment. Does he not know the difference, between FLDS, AUB, and the mainstream Mormon church?

    2. Something tells me he knows the difference now, LOL!!!

    3. Just checked on the Williams twitter done during the show. They correct the son's statement by saying the family was AUB. Isn't that an odd misstatement for the son to make??? Since he has embraced LDS enough to make a mission, he has to know enough about his religion and variations to be "proselytiing" (or however they say proselytizing in Utah) .

    4. Which is why he'd never confuse the LDS church with the offshoots. In the minds of everyone there is the LDS and the FLDS. Nevermind community of Christ, AUB FLDS centennial park group and likely more offshoots headed by various prophets. It's like when people break Christianity into two groups, catholics and Protestants. While there are several not included in either. Orthodox among others. He will only be encouraging people to join the LDS church. And spend an enormous amount of time in scripture study and community volunteer projects. He will know far more about the scriptures after his mission than he knew before. All of the latter day churches hold the same scriptures. But their leaders provide further revelation and guidelines for living. Only the people watching these polygamy reality shows and those living in UT know what the AUB even is.

  7. Please tell me you saw Hunter's tweet with the two girls named Ally... he joked about starting early. Christine scolded him and Robyn retweeted that she was glad his "wives" were good with him being openly affectionate, saying that it was a great start. Ugh Ugh vomit!

    1. I thought it was a funny joke!

    2. I didn't know there was another Karen here so I'll just be Karen X from now on!

    3. I thought Hunter's tweet was funny and he was joking. I did not think Robyn's was.

    4. I think Robyn is rebelling against Meri's NO affection in front of the other wives rule. Meri has deffended that rule to the death. When the Darger family did show affection in their combined episode, Meri said they have too many other issues to be jealous about without adding seeing Kody show affection to another wife in front of them ,I think Meri has all kind of rules that Kody just let her make from day one just to appease her.

  8. The one thing I do find interesting is that the kids do not seem very schooled in the Christian religion. What an awkward moment for the little one that was trying to explain what Christmas meant to her, I felt bad that she couldn't explain it. I also have never gotten the vibe that the Brown kids were really into religion as a whole either, sure they all stand in a circle and pray, but from my perspective as a viewer, considering they are able to do this in the name of their religion, I would think that proper serious Sunday school or mid-week bible study should be a must. I bet they are all just so frazzled all week long that it gets completely over looked. I just don't get a strong religious feel from either family, not like I do with the Duggars. One thing I would have like to have seen is how these five families go Christmas shopping, does Brady participate in the shopping? Do the wives pair off and shop, Do all the same aged girls get similar gifts or clothes? If one boy gets a skateboard, do they all? Do all the kids exchange names and just get one gift for their siblings? (I believe the Browns did that one year, but that's before the big bucks came rolling in), come on writers!!! Get with it! I want to see how a polygamist family works. So far they have had the same "talks" with the kids as a lot of us have had with our kids that have either kids that have traveled or gone off to school.

    New name for show "I Ruined Five Wives Lives"

    1. Brady didn't ruin his wives lives. Brady and wives chose to remain together after they left their polygamist church. If they had all split up and gone their separate ways then I'd say their lives were ruined. I think the message they are sending out is they are just like monogamist families with bills to pay and mouths to feed. They all have jobs and their children have a choice in what religion to follow.

    2. "I think the message they are sending out is they are just like monogamist families with bills to pay and mouths to feed."

      Respecting your opinion..... and hoping that *this* family has not in the past, and does not now, exploit the system and taxpayers for single mother bennies.

      Other than the normal reality and responsibility of paying bills and feeding and clothing children, it's hard to find their setup to have much, if any, similarity to monogamist families.

    3. Just a Thought - I totally agree. If you're going to put yourself out there as a martyr of sorts for your religion and beliefs, which are far from what is typically seen or accepted, I'd think you'd want to be very schooled in what you're preaching. It seems like these polygamists we're seeing (Browns included) don't know much about what they're touting. Remember the trip to Navoo (sp?)? Browns didn't know crap. Heck, the people on this and the old SWB know more than these people! My point is, if you're going to put it out there, be able to back it up. At least know your history and teach it to your kids, since they will, unfortunately, be asked to defend it as well.

    4. I saw where Robyn, I think, when talking to the adoption agency, said she was a 'single mother'. Hmmm....Is she a single mom on food stamp, medicaid, and welfaire forms as well? She stated the father was active in their lives and then went on to admit they were polygamists. But her 'single mother' title stuck with me.

    5. She was being honest about her situation. Do food stamp Medicaid and welfare forms have a box for a spiritual wife to check?

    6. Real Wife Who is SpiritualApril 1, 2014 at 3:38 PM

      Do food stamp Medicaid and welfare forms have a box for a spiritual wife to check?

      No, because it's a made up term. Generally, the forms deal with reality.

    7. She is a single mom. She is a single mom with 4 kids. IF she were a married woman they would have to claim over 20 kids. There are some supersized adoptive families. Usually they got a major waiver, and many of their kids are actually adult children living at home. Most states only want x kids in the home. Most country program have a children in the home limit rule as well. Four is pushing it as all of her kids are home. Most country programs have a marriage requirement. Not just being married but a certain length in case it's not the first marriage there might even be an expectation you are married even longer before applying. It is too goofy one is allowed to explore adopting when he doesn't want two others pregnant. I think he expects the answer to be no on the adoption front and then isn't the bad guy. There income would have to be high for immigration to approve it. She would need a marriage certificate to check off marriage on the forms. If she stated she was married on the forms she would be committing a crime. It would be a lie.

  9. I thought it interesting that Brady pretty much stated that most polygamous wives/families are unhappy due to the inequality. Wonder what Sobbin, the non victim, thinks about that.

    1. LOL....Well, we saw Sobbin bare her claws (or was it fangs) when Christine's Aunt stated that same opinion.
      Would be interesting to see how she would handle Brady, a bono fide Plyg master, saying the same thing,

    2. Exactly! Time for another "panel discussion?"

  10. Loved last nights episode of My Five Wives! Thoughts"

    -Love how the kids always seem to have something green on their plate! Big difference from the Browns. I also noticed that the overall family seems healthier, and don't have that much weight difficulties.

    - Loved how they admitted that most polygamous families are unhappy, and that they admit their difficulties. Very cool, and really shines a light through comparison how the Browns cover up almost every negative feeling and opinion and slap on fake happy smiles. I would love if the Browns could get as real as Brady's family. I think they'd have many many more seasons if they did so. I want to know what Janelle REALLY thinks! :)

    -Felt Nonie was very immature when she tried to manipulate Brady into spending time with her with the whole "checking out the venue" thing. And sad that she feels she needs to resort to such things to get time with him.

    - Paulie has obviously make her whole life about the children, and to me she seems on the hinge of depression, so I worry what will happen with her when all the kids move out.

    Anyway, love the show! I hope the Browns get more seasons too, but I don't know if I can stick around for another "Look! We're all so happy and loving!" season.

    1. It is sad that Brady doesn't share his wife's sadness about the kids leaving the nest...he has 22 others still around. I understand that not as many men truly feel a loss when their kids leave because its usually the mother who has so much emotion invested, but he does not seem to have the capacity to feel empathy for her. She does seem deeply depressed and Brady prob does not recognize it b/c he has to pay attention to four other women. My 15 yo twins will prob leave home the same time and my husband has already told me I will need more meds (he was actually sincere when he said this) when they do! Or another lap dog! I told him another husband! LOL!!!

  11. About the tweet with soup, Mariah being sick. I don't tweet or Facebook so call me clueless, but...who CARES about a picture of a bowl of soup?!? I found that ridiculous...Do people acutally tweet and talk about meaningless stuff like that? Who cares if you have a cold...only close friends would, so, OK, do something nice for her. But tell the world...? Please! Famous or not, no one cares that someone prepared a bowl of soup for a college kid....get a life. When she grows up, perhaps she will realize that you carry on...cold or worse, and sharing pics of soup is a waste of time. Yes, a bit of venting on my part, but please!!!! discuss what sweet friends do for you when you are REALLY with cancer.

    1. She's doing what millions of other tweeters do. And yes her followers DO care about something so mundane as a bowl of soup. That's what twitter is all about!

    2. That may be what it's all about, but it still doesn't make any less silly. I know there are "fans" of all kinds of "celebrities" who care about every detail of their lives, including what they ate for dinner, but I will always see that as a sad and pathetic commentary of the world we live in. What's even worse is Meri's tweet about her "baby." I think she knows that many of us think she's too clingy and overbearing and that's just a big screw you tweet to us. She is so full of herself, as is her daughter.

    3. Meri calls Kody "baby" or "lover". She never called Mariah her "baby". She called Mariah her "little one" which is kind of funny when you consider she's a college freshman. Meri's antics will only bother you if you let it. That's what the 21st century is all about now. Living life thru others.

  12. Ohhhhh my god. That moment where Nonie announced that she had a place her and Brady could look at for the party, and the expression on his face. I cringed for the poor woman. All she wants to do is spend time with her husband, and he looks at her like she's a five year old angling for another cookie and he's tired of it. And she's standing there in front of his desk basically squirming for his attention and he finally says, curtly 'okay, I'll do it'.

    I don't much like Nonie, but I don't think it is sad she tries to find ways to be with her husband. That's normal. What isn't normal is her husband giving her a 'WTF woman' look, and weighing up how his other four wives will react.

    1. I don't know SafeT, the way Nonie (serious sack of crazy) acts, I bet he dreads being with her. I would. The way she was screeching at him and the whole childish "don't CHAAAANGE me" drama....not appealing at all. And if she acts like that in front of a television camera, can you imagine how she behaves when the cameras aren't there?

    2. "And if she acts like that in front of a television camera, can you imagine how she behaves when the cameras aren't there? "

      My thoughts exactly !!
      It does seem pretty clear that Nonie has a theatric flair and was not too concerned about how she came off in the "Don't change me" scene.
      She knew the camera and sound team were there and she chose to work it.
      And the TCL crew (and editing) will certainly work it too if they have a willing wanabee participant.
      Meri and Sobbin have a kindred soul in Nonie.

    3. If course he should see where his company is having their party.

    4. I suppose it's a matter of chicken or egg. Is Nonie a ragey crazy lady because she's sharing her husband with four other women, or was Nonie always a ragey crazy lady? Either way, her personality issues are not helped by a relationship which makes her constantly vie for attention.

      Also, I'm pretty sure Brady knew he wasn't going to see the party location. He just said he'd do it, knowing that he'd be out on a building site the next day and he could claim he 'forgot'. He stood her up. A passive-agressive way of dipping out of conflict.

      See, Brady has no real consequences in his relationships. If one of his wives is pissy at him, she can't show it because he's off to another wife's house tomorrow and she won't see him for four days. It's a built in get out of jail free card. All he has to do is make the right noises with his mouth whilst doing whatever he wants, and it's fine. Nonie takes a very real risk when she rages out, which is probably why it is so intense when she does. All that bottled up stuff just explodes, I bet.

      Nonie is very much like Meri, who also doesn't seem at all good at polygamy. Pretty sure that to be good at polygamy, you need to be adept at stuffing your emotions somewhere the sun don't shine.

    5. "Also, I'm pretty sure Brady knew he wasn't going to see the party location. He just said he'd do it, knowing that he'd be out on a building site the next day and he could claim he 'forgot'. "

      And it is pretty clear that the whole premise was contrived, otherwise why would a camera crew be filming Nonie waiting on the bench calling Brady with her "where are you" while another crew is with Brady while he gets her call?

    6. Huh. Good point, Amused. If Nonie of this is real, then are they still living a love deprived polygamous 'marriage', or do they have some reason to make themselves look even worse than they actually are?

    7. Safe Talk.
      " or do they have some reason to make themselves look even worse than they actually are?"

      Good question !
      And maybe because in looking perhaps worse than even Kodyworld, it will guarantee them at least a full season (or more) of TLC money.

      The market is already covered in showing the love deprivation and depression of Plyg women, so I guess the only option left is to ramp it up and show even more women living that lackluster and sadly competitive life. While meanwhile insisting that "we all just love each other"...and really enjoy tearfully fighting waves of jealousy, loneliness and anxiety.

      But still, the TLC money isn't shabby. They too probably will improve their living conditions with it just like Kody and his Kodettes did.

      In the words of Jed Clampett, "There's gold in them there hills."
      TLC plyg hills, that is !!

  13. Paulie's daughter got a full scholarship. So all of these episodes where we were told how smart Mariah was, she did not get a full;s been crammed down everyone's throat how smart Mariah was..well boo hoo she's not.

    1. I think Paulie's daughter went to a public school, with a real curriculum, real grades, and real academic competition. Not a "church school" that is a conglomerate of home schoolers with no training. In that environment, many people of average intelligence could appear exceptional. I'm sure there are many talented people out there who have been home schooled, but if the Browns represent average intelligence in the AUB, how smart would Mariah really have to be to appear exceptional?

    2. I think she is going to a state school in Utah. Mariah did fine initially getting a 10K scholarship. Some school was home school and some public school in Nevada. College in Utah is not ridiculous expensive if you are a resident and it's a state school. In fact most the adults are attending classes. It's not at all unusual to be married and young and in school in Utah. If she wasn't going to school she would still be leaving the nest to marry at this age. She still has some at home. But she was expecting to have babies for more years. They all were.

    3. Mariah is going to Westminster College, which I believe is a private institution. When it was first decided that she attend there, I did a little internet searching. Base cost for a year is 42,500, plus extra for her private room, plus a few thousand for her planned London study, plus books, entertainment, personal expenses, etc. and her car. Even with the 10k scholarship, the Browns have probably spent about 50k for Mariah's freshman year.

      LOL Sister Wives needs to be picked up forever if they plan to get Mariah to med school! But what am I thinking? Browns have plans for anything realistic? That train wreck element must be what keeps watching.

    4. There was a rumor that was hushed up that she did get a full ride in exchange for some advertising. A full ride a state school isn't much more. But 10K is nothing to sneeze at. Private colleges actually work hard to make themselves as attractive to students and public universities with out of state tuition.

    5. I agree Annon 9:59 the tuition amounts Meri stated for Westminister during the adult college talks of $28,000 was way below what it actually is. They just didn't want people to know how much more Mariah was getting for school. It still pisses me off alot that Robyn piped up during that talk to say "Logan got a car" when asked what was Logan's school costs. Yes i agree Mariahs costs are closer to $50,000, so if she is in fact going to medical school, it looks like the financial lpanning is still very short sited. Off topic, is Robyn pregnant? she looks it in the pic on twitter of all four of them leaving a restaurant

  14. I finally got a chance to watch this show on Sunday and found it really hard to watch. The women all seem on the verge of tears all the time and starving for intimacy with their husband. If they are no longer believe in the teachings of Joseph Smith, what is their spiritual justification for putting up with this inequality? Why wouldn't they leave the "marriage" for something more fulfilling? The hubby is only present every 5th day as it is, and surely it's not quality time as he's so busy with school.

  15. Yes the William's women are sad some of them. But i do like them better then the Brown's. They seem more real and the energy to control the dialogue like Kody does is not there, or the looks Kody gives, or Janelles stone silence.

  16. I like the 5Wives much more than the Browns. They are more real because they have real jobs , better personalities and are much better looking. Brady treats them better too . PS thanks for this blog!

  17. The Williams fami members ly have real jobs now. What will they have in a year or so of living on TLC money. Kody had a job at the beginning of their show. Meri worked part time. Janelle had a full time job. TLC money changed thier lives. What will it do to the Williams bunch?

    1. That's a really good question especially if Williams uproots his family and moves to Washington. I wonder if he will think of Washington as his Plymouth Rock?
