
Friday, March 14, 2014

Review: My Five Wives S01Ep02 Season Premiere 3/9/14

First of all, let me explain why this is episode 2 instead of episode 1. It's simple, really. Amazon Instant Video has the pilot episode listed as episode 1. So, to avoid any confusion (and accidental ordering of the wrong episode) I follow their numbering system for the episodes.

Okay, now to my review.

I absolutely hate...the dream sequence at the beginning of the episode. I hope this won't be every week because it is downright S.C.A.R.Y.!!! I kept expecting Brady to scream "This isn't a dream, this is real!!!!" as a scrawny wife's hand runs its  razor sharp talons down his naked chest and stomach.

I guess this was the producer's way to show the audience the Williams are not like the Browns, but surely they could have found a less scarier way to do that.

Of course, there were the obligatory wife introductions to get the audience up to speed with the Williams:
  • Paulie is Brady's first wife. They have six children and have been married for 22 years.
  • Robyn is his second wife, married for 21 years with five children. Her parents were polygamists.
  • Rosemary is his third wife. They have four children and have been married for 19 years.
  • Nonie is his fourth wife. They have been married 16 years and have five children.
  • Rhonda is his fifth wife. Now, her story seems to be complex: She said she dated Brady when they were in their twenties, but married him after he married the previous four women. (So what was she doing in the time between dating Brady and marrying him? Hmmm...) They have four children. Her parents were also polygamists.

Now, I know the inevitable comparisons between Brady and Kody will happen, but  it appears the producers are trying really hard to show that Brady Williams is no Kody Brown.

For one thing, Brady has a J.O.B. He owns a construction company with his brother Jared who explained why he wasn't a polygamist by saying "I wasn't that much of a Mormon when I was a Mormon."

Brady drives a four wheel drive truck instead of a fancy Lexus sports car. And he is studying for a degree in Philosophy. I doubt Kody could spell philosophy let alone take college level classes in the subject.

And the Williams are not afraid to answer when a producer asks them to walk her through the wife's rotation schedule with Brady.  A major difference from the Browns was this "couch" interview was held inside one of the wife's home instead of a studio living room, and  neither Brady (nor a wife named Robyn) attempted to answer all the questions. They laughed like it was real, not scripted.

It was refreshing how low-keyed Brady and his wives were. Well, sort of low-keyed. I''ll talk about that a little later.

A couple of the wives said they were bothered knowing that Brady was "sleeping" with another wife, while first wife Paulie said she doesn't have a problem. Rosemary said she grew up knowing she would be sharing her husband, saying "It would be silly of me to expect Brady to never have sex with another wife."

Since the Williams have left the AUB church, they will be relocating to possibly another state soon. Wife Paulie didn't appear to want to move far from her family located in Montana and Utah while her sisterwives appeared willing to move to Washington.

So there will be the obligatory 'Brady finding his Plymouth Rock' story arc for sure. Something tells me they WON'T be settling in Las Vegas, however.

Now, I'm not saying Brady's polygamist family is not without its problems. The wives did appear to  have a problem talking to their sisterwives about any problems they may have with each other. Brady asked his wives to open the lines of communication between each other by utilizing something he called "Safe Talk".

On paper this idea of "Safe Talk" may have looked good. But in practice, Paulie and Nonie showed how it doesn't work, especially if you have a sisterwife like Nonie who acts as if she is walking a very thin wire between being sweet and being a complete psychopath. In fact, I've never seen a woman switch from nice to raving maniac so quickly. "Don't change me and don't tell me I'm wrong!" she screams to Brady when he confronted her about what happened between Paulie and Nonie during their "Safe Talk". One thing for sure, Nonie would fit right in with the mothers on 'Dance Moms'.

In retrospect, maybe Brady should have majored in Psychology instead of Philosophy, but to his credit he was willing to admit he may have been wrong trying to force his wives into using his "Safe Talk" concept before they were ready. That's the biggest difference between Brady and Kody -   how Brady treats, tries to understand and communicates with ALL of his wives. And his willingness to admit he may have been wrong.

I'm hoping that TLC doesn't cancel this series. It was refreshing to watch women who chose a lifestyle trying to work through the difficulties of that choice and to hear it from their mouths instead of from a narcissistic, self-centered  fame whore of a  husband.

In some sense, they are worse off than the Browns - because they chose to leave their church, they are no longer accepted in their community, basically being told to move on and leave their homes. It's not the law making them move, it's their own people who they use to worship with each week.

But there is one question I still have...Brady Williams has been out of the AUB for many years, so why the sudden push to move? It makes me wonder if the AUB didn't want the reality show filming on their property. So was the move necessitated by the show? Will the Williams move into a deluxe,  five home compound behind a gate? Will Nonie continue to feel "like an absolute failure?" or will she be able to work through her feelings of insecurity?

Perhaps in future episodes we will find out.


  1. "..hear it from their mouths instead of from a narcissistic, self-centered fame whore of a husband."

    LMAO! Seriously love this site! No candy-coated crap, just the truth!!!

  2. I tried the tlc site but am looking for the full episode

  3. Hi Cynical Jinx! I suppose when I head to DL I'll keep an eye out for the Brady Bunch too!! Heh heh! Maybe Brady will be joggling and gesticulating right along with Kody! No silken tendrils to fluff for Brady though... I'll keep ya posted...

  4. I am willing to do a "wait and see' on this group. If for no other reason than to observe the similarities and the differences between them and Kodyworld.

    What does bug me though is, again, the obvious use of staged scenes.
    Are we really to believe that TLC has padded the budget to have a separate film crew in each wife's bedroom just waiting for Brady to show up as he does his morning "Love ya" rounds before going to work ?
    Or does the 'action' stop while the film and sound crew packs up and runs after Brady to the next bedroom. And then have to again set up the lighting and do the sound checks ?
    If so, mornings must be busy and prolonged times during filming beyond any usual family morning routines. Not to mention that although the wives are in sleeping attire, the hair and makeup is in place.
    And are we really to swallow that while Brady is..*shhh*.. telling the cameras all his concerns about the success of proposing safe-talk, that the wives know nothing about his plans?
    Ah, nothing like the not-real spontaneity of "reality" shows.

  5. My understanding they were all raised in polygamy that they all were raised knowing they would be a sister wife one day. I believe 2 are first cousins. So far I like this group better because I think they truly are one big family and truly feel they do have bonus children. My understanding was that he worked for his brother not as an owner too. I may be wrong though.

    1. Brady said that he and his brother "run a construction company" so I took that to mean he owned it with his brother.

    2. I agree, I like them too and they do seem connected to each other like one family even if they do live in separate houses. Nonie and Paulie seem to have some problems.

  6. The Brady Bunch are such a breath of fresh air! I hope they takeover the Sister Wives timeslot permanently. I won't cry if they are cancelled because that would mean no more Kody on my Tv set. Next job for Kody is the greeter at WalMart!!!

  7. I too found the intro super creepy. Blech.

    I have to say, the previews definitely made it look like they were a more cohesive family than the Browns- with the whole, "we just love each other!" thing - but watching it I just couldn't believe that these adults who had been together for 20+ years were totally unable to communicate. I think Brady was hoping the "safe talks" would stop him being the middleman for every single tiny issue they have with each other...sorry dude! I was pleasantly surprised to see that he had an actual, nonimaginary, paycheck earning job (unlike Kody) and that he was finishing school, but unpleasantly surprised to learn that he picked a degree that wasn't relevant at all to his current field and didn't seem like a practical choice when you're supporting 30 people (which totally sounds like something Kody would do if he decided to get a degree). I'm going to keep watching, even if it's only to determine if Nonie and Meri are indeed the exact same person.

    1. We must be twins. I thought the same thing about his useless degree (I figured this was an excuse for him to get out of the house for some "me time") and about Nonie and Meri being the same person. Everyone in plyg land seems to be related, so who know? maybe they're sisters or cousins or something.

  8. I read that the brother owns the construction company and that Brady works for him. No clue if that is correct or not. I am also doing a wait and see before I decide what I think of this family . So far I haven't seen anything that convinces me that polygamy is a great idea in any way shape or form even for "consenting adults"

  9. As much as Kody Brown irritates me, Brady annoys me in a whole different way. He is more "lord and master" of his wives than Kody is. He doesn't bark orders like Joe Darger, but he is still definitely the Boss, in all matters. Brady's super-saturated sincerity and fake humility don't take away the fact that he is basically in charge of his wives' lives, right down to giving them detailed instructions on how to relate to each other ("safe talks" anyone?). Nonie is the only wife who doesn't have tight control over her emotions, so she is the only one so far to articulate a response: "Don't change me!"

    1. I agree with what you are saying, Sister K.
      All 3 of these progressive Plyg masters have their harems tightly controlled. The only differences between the three men is simply a matter of style, with the end result being the same in all 3 of the families.
      Kody may be the jocular dooflus, but at the end of the day, he still always gets his way.
      Joe Darger is the stern, no nonsense dictator. Just watching his mandated, enforced workouts for his wives was enough to see just how he rolls.
      Brady is the passive/aggressive type. He is not willing to "look" like a controller, but observing how his wives must wait for his approval and direction is enough to see how he rules his stable.

      It is painfully obvious that all of the women in these groups must compete for "their master's" attention using whatever style or behavior that can potentially set them apart from the others in order to gain favor and insure their precious allotted time with their lord and leader.
      They all have to suck it up and live with thinly veiled hostility toward the other women, accepting the reality that no matter how hard they try, they will always be "one of many" in his life.
      It is sad, at least to me, that any woman (and mother) would accept such a life for herself and her children. And TLC has found a goldmine showing it all.

  10. I got a definite "honeymoon" feeling from Brady and his swives for the majority of this episode, similar to the first few episodes with the Browns. The "love you" kissy face in virtually every scene seemed a little contrived. For all of their effort to not be the Browns the similarities are glaring. The wives live mostly separate lives with their own children, and can't really communicate between themselves. For being married to the same man for +/- 20 years that speaks volumes. Brady spending his spare time and money to get a degree in philosophy? How exactly will that help his job prospects? And, if you think Meri is the swife from hell, just wait until Nonie goes through menopause. By the way, who names their little daughter Tailee? Do they not think this child will ever be in junior high school?

    That being said, I do love the scenery shots of my beautiful Utah home!

  11. Ok...After a gazillion years of "marriage' why are they now doing "Safe Talk:" If they haven't figured polygamy by now........who cares?

  12. Why did they leave AUB? That's what I'd like to know.

    I actually liked the Browns better. I felt that scenes were much more staged here in the way that even the voncersations seemed stages. As if the Browns get the advice go there and talk about this, these people get the same + say this and this. Also, three of the wives are identical. I couldn't tell them apart. It irritated me that they didn't put up the name tags more often.

    1. The scene with Rhonda on the computer looking up adoption and Nonie just happens to walk in and say "what are you doing"..etc, etc.......ridiculously staged......!!

      Ditto on Brady being the only one having the phone app to see the news of the Brown lawsuit victory and then the cattle call goes out to round up all the wives to hear the announcement from Brady's official lips......more scripted BS !!

      So far, after just 3 viewings...nothing much here to build and keep a fan base.
      At this point, the only two enticements being pitched for ratings seem to be "Will Nonie be allowed to get pregnant to compete with Rhonda wanting to adopt"? (and will Rosemary have a meltdown if either of those two succeed after *she* has been told no to another pregnancy by Brady in the preview episode)

      And will they move to Washington for sanctuary ?
      (and we already know that they have indeed done that in real life)

      Brady is getting annoying to watch........Kody now has serious competition in that dept.

  13. I hope it’s ok to talk about last night’s episode (March 16) here….

    I am so relieved that the opening segment was not the icky dream scene. So much better, although I was so excited I really didn’t hear what they said.

    I liked last night’s episode so much more. I was happy to see the sister wives dropping by and visiting with each other and generally being pleasant. I liked Rosemary and Robyn’s interaction – it really seemed genuine. Robyn's hug seemed spontaneous and real. I like how they all laugh during the ‘interview’ sessions and the birth control question was ‘serious’ yet they all ended up laughing. Kody would NEVER answer that question…it would be considered vulgar to him.

    So, it’s up to Brady who and when there is another baby. I found that to be very interesting. Brady seems to be overwhelmed with the number of kids he has (and he should be!) yet each wife seems to want more babies. It’s different than the Browns, Kody lets the wives make that decision; however, maybe once he gets 23 kids, he will change his tune on that one. I understand why if Brady ‘allows’ Rhonda to adopt, the other wives feel slighted – I like how the explained that and it made sense to me.

    Not to pick on Nonie because she was generally pleasant last night….but I think she has to struggle with post partum depression or depression during pregnancy given how Brady kept bringing up her ‘health’ when talking about her having another baby. I felt that was his way of saying that he and she can’t handle more emotional drama. Also, did anyone catch the part where Rhonda said that Brady seems happier when none of the wives are ‘expecting’? Interesting.

    All in all, a much better show. The wives either really act well or really do have a better relationship than the Brown wives. And I liked the shout out to the Browns for the cohabitation ruling in Utah. That was kind of cool.

    1. It could be the reason why Brady is happy when the wives aren't pregnant is at least there aren't anymore mouths needing to be fed and provided for.

      I think Brady is way more responsible than Kody. Kody brought in 4 additional mouths to feed and care for when he married Robyn. He couldn't take care of the 3 wives and 12 kids without filing for bankruptcy and food stamps so the fool goes out and adds another wife and her 3 kids including her debts. I don't think Brady wants any more children.

    2. Nonie is nuts. She's that woman where everyone says behind her back, "Why did he marry her?!" Her crazy outburst was so immature and nonproductive. Dude, she NEEDS to change! Ugh! She just seemed very selfish and self-centered to me.

      Can you imagine her pregnant with raging hormonal mood swings? She'd be a serial killer!

      The other wives probably like NutsoNonie because she makes them look good! Even on their worst day they seem sane and calm next to that sack of nuts.

  14. I haven't watched last nights episode yet, so all my comments are pre-episode 3.

    I agree with others. That opening dream sequence was creepy and made me feel uncomfortable watching it. Just weird.

    I like the family but it's too early to tell how much I will end up liking them. I don't hate the Browns like a lot here seem to, I hope they keep their show, if nothing else to just keep updated on their kids and if they ever work out the adult relationships. I used to love Robyn (Brown) at the beginning (when she and Kody were still dating) but now I can't stand her. I think the Browns are messed up but so are a TON of other monogamous families.

    Brady gives off a smug sort of vibe. I'm not a huge fan of him so far, but like the family as a whole. The wives do seem more friendly. Brady does get points for sticking around and listening and staying calm during the Nonie scene. Kody would never have put up with that (eg, the Meri graduation nonsense, he would have been even less tolerant if it was Christine making noise about something). Even if Nonie was being unreasonable Brady seemed willing to try and understand her, which is important and it would be easy to just move onto the next wife in a situation like that.

    I also think it is a weird idea for Brady to be studying something that is next to impossible to transfer to a real world job. But again, he gets more points for still working a full time job to support the family.

    I also like that they have regular family dinners. I would think that family dinners like that would be essential in keeping the one-big-family atmosphere they are striving for. The Browns should take notes on that.

    1. I personally think its selfish for Brady to be in college: he barely has time for his family as it is.

    2. I think its wonderful he and his wives are going to college!

    3. Why is it wonderful? What will he do with this knowledge, hand out advice? Really I see no point except we as a society have been sold that education is the answer. I am bothered that colleges continue to give out degrees that have little job prospects and U.S. companies have to import engineers from other countries to fill the gap produced by all these philosophy majors etc.

    4. I am bothered that colleges continue to give out degrees that have little job prospects
      Sometimes people go to college for self-fulfillment and not for getting a job or making money. From what I remember, he is majoring in philosophy with a minor in a women study subject. BFF said it sounded to her like he wants to discuss/lecture polygamy issues.

      Philosophy has been around for thousands of years so I don't see it going away anytime soon. Maybe he plans on going to law school...who knows? Don't get me wrong, in my opinion a Philosophy degree is more worthless than a BS in Psychology but I see Anon 5:58 point that at least Brady and wives are furthering their education.

    5. My husband holds an EE degree that he worked very hard to obtain. Several years ago,companies were laying off their Engineers and outsourcing their jobs to other countries. He was unable to find work that he was trained for here in this country. Without further education(which we cannot afford) his degree is now obsolete. Engineering,Teaching.Nursing etc. No guarantees..and many require more education to remain up to date and in some cases retain their license. People that are able to successfully support themselves and their family,should be able to take whatever classes they are interested in to better themselves.As CJ said, for self fulfillment.Some people put off this goal until later in life,due to sacrificing for family. At some point,you shouldn't need to justify wanting to fulfill your own dream.

  15. Ok, so I just watched the third episode. I liked Brady better this episode. He seemed less... smirky this time.

    I do like all the wives but here is my take on them:

    Nonie is definitely manipulative. She seems very insecure and probably the most emotionally stunted. She seems to only want a baby because her sister wife might get one.

    Paulie seems much quieter and more reserved, especially for a what you would expect a first wife to be like. She seemed soooo uncomfortable with the birth control discussion and the moving discussion.

    Rhonda. I really like her. She seems grounded and reasonable. She seems the most relaxed and genuine so far, the rest seem to still be getting used to the cameras.

    Rosemary seems sweet. I also enjoyed the seemingly genuine interaction she was having with Robin.

    Robin seems nice. Liked her spontaneous, genuine hug.

    1. I agree with your take, Sisi. Good call. :-)

    2. No she doesn't want one just cause another may get one. The first episode had her asking before the one wife wanting to adopt and got a no. This episode at least two want a bio baby. In adoption a child loses their parents and a parent their child. Why on earth are they saying no to bio babies when there are wait lists and number in the family limits for those who want to adopt. Some counties want no more than 2 or 4 kids. The gov wants you above poverty level. A unmarried twenty year old is being encouraged to place and that child might end up with five parents and 25 siblings?

    3. Thanks Anon 1:20!! :)

      Anon 4:52, I was just giving my impression. Didn't mean to offend. It's very hard to tell timing with these "reality" shows, You never know what the real timelines are. But I don't think that's really how adoption works, at least not anymore. People aren't coerced into giving their babies up. And I think it's great that the number wanting to adopt is bigger than the number of babies being given for adoption. It would be nice if the family could adopt an older child or something.

  16. I thought it was sad that the first wife kept talking about being the first wife and first to have a child and first child to marry and how she had that special bond with Brady. I guess if you are one of 5 you are always trying to tell yourself your bond is different and more special than the other ladies. Just a depressing way to live. I also agree the ladies seem to have more in common and love one another. They definatly live as one big family first then individual families second. Interesting talk about birth control. I think Brady is right that they have enough. The wives were all raised to have as many kids as possible. Is it a competition or are they just in love with having infants around like Michelle Duggar?

    1. Babies equal attention. It's that simple. You have a baby, baby daddy gives you attention for a while. At least until it requires some work. Then, you are on your own.

  17. I think that, if I HAD to live plural marriage, having a sister wife like Rhonda would be awesome. The others, good. Nonie, not so much. She does seem like the "Meri" of this family.

    That doesn't mean she's an awful person, just that she would probably be better off in a monogamous marriage. Or single.

    1. Nonie even looks like Meri. Could they be cousins?

    2. Nonie gets red in the neck when she's upset just like Meri..and in an off topic..Mariah has changed her twitter label to "TV star laughing her way thru college" and she is searvhing for an apartment with room mates off campus

  18. The constant comparisons to monogamy just don't make sense to me. Why is it always presented as a binary choice: better to have sister wives than a husband who secretly cheats? There are many other outcomes. Monogamy doesn't seem to work perfectly and maybe isn't realistic for a lot of couples (lots of cheating going on) but it seems better than polygamy. I'd rather have five happy years and get divorced than many years desperately competing for attention (how's that for a binary option?)

  19. I have to admit, I find it a little strange that Rhonda wants another baby badly enough to adopt. I really can't see a government agency giving a newborn to a family with 24 children, particularly to a single mom with four kids. I didn't get a fix on which of the wives have jobs and which ones stay home, but I highly doubt that they are pulling down enough cash to convince the government that they can afford another baby. And with that many kids, it just seems...unnecessary. I mean, her youngest is what, 18 months? It's not as though she could miss having a baby around.

  20. I haven't watched Sunday's episode yet, but a few thoughts:

    1. On the preview, we see Robyn (yes?) on the phone asking about adoption. For some reason, it struck me that she told the person on the other end of the line that she was calling to "ask about, like, adoption." I guess she was just nervous, but my first thought was that if you can't even inquire about adoption in an adult manner, then maybe you should rethink whether you should be adopting. However, I'm sure that's an unfair judgment, and I'm just a b*tch. (-:
    2. Everyone keeps talking about Brady's useless degree, and no doubt, I don't think it will translate as easily into a job as a lot of degrees. But, I also don't think any college degree is necessarily worthless. I see all the job postings at the law firm where I work, and I know that a lot of our positions require a college degree of some sort just because we want someone who was able to get a B.A. in something - anything, really. A liberal arts degree in yes, even philosophy, generally translates into a wider knowledge base, better writing and analytical skills, etc...that someone who hasn't been to college is more likely not to have. So, I have a hard time faulting the guy for trying to better himself - even if his field of study might not have been my first choice. Plus, I value education pretty, again in my extremely judgmental way, I like that Brady can actually take and pass college level courses, whereas Kodouche wasn't even willing to consider real estate because he was incapable of studying for one exam.
    3. I'm actually having a really difficult time getting into this show. As someone said above, it's almost like I'm just polyg'd out. To me, the Williams' are just another polyg family full of unhappy women trying their hardest to convince themselves, their husband, and the world that they're sooooo freaking happy. Yeah, sorry, still not buying it. For some reason, the longer I watch Sister Wives, and now My Five Wives, the more Kolleen's statement at the faux polygamist panel discussion at UNLV keeps coming to mind...when she said, "Sister Wives are NOT friends. They HATE each other." At the time I thought it was harsh. Now....I'm starting to see the truth behind that.
    4. I do think the Williams' live more as one family as the Browns....but NOT as much as one family as the Dargers. It's almost like we've been given the range of ways to live polygamy. The Browns - four separate families, first and foremost. The Williams' - five separate families, in that they have separate apartments, don't hang out a lot, aren't very close, and so on, but a little more of one family due to the family dinners, etc. The Dargers - one big family, and then maybe three individual marriages.... They all live in one house, that's not broken up into apartments, and the women seem to honestly hang out and care about each other. Doesn't hurt I'm sure that they're sisters/cousins, but still... Plus, this is just a hunch, but if they all live in the same house and are together all the time except for when they go to bed, they probably get so much more of Joe's company than the Williams or Brown women that it cuts down on the jealousy, vying for his attention constantly, etc. So, if I HAD to live polygamy, I would choose the Darger version any day.

    Ahhh....and now I feel better and read to go about my day. (-: Thank you for the review, as always, CJ!

    - Lori

  21. At least the wife who was calling for information about adoption told the truth about polygamy, "I'm a single mother..." Yep, that's what these women are--single moms with a bio father who visits.

  22. I found this show quite fascinating. All the wives (or at least the three 'newer' ones) want babies, in spite of having multiple smallish children about the place. Maybe it's because having a baby tends to take all of a woman's focus and makes it easier to deal with Brady's regular absence?

    I'd LOVE to see all these sister wives, both the Brady Bunch and the Browns hooked up to polygraph machines and asked how they truly feel about plural marriage. Yes, they're choosing it of their own free will, but would they choose it again? And would they be happier in a monogamous relationship with their currently shared husband?

    Obviously, the answer is yes, but it would be amazing to see them confronted with their own feelings. I don't think these women have any idea what their real feelings actually look like.

    Nonie is a ticking time bomb. Meri without the status of being a first wife. I also notice that the wives pretty much lie constantly. Nonie was sitting there in episode three saying "Oh, I just want to think about thinking about having another baby." Lies! If Brady said yes and told her he wanted to conceive then and there, she would have surely done it. Also, Nonie looks quite a way past her best before date when it comes to having kids.

    Maybe these women need to find something that fulfills them other than procreation.

  23. The Brady Bunch needs more children about as much as Meri Brown needs more bronzer.

    1. Funniest comment yet...but your rightget this girl to the closest Mac makeup counter and give her a magnified mirror to see that maybe a whole stick of wet n wild bronzer is not recommended. ..tone it down Meri the Tammy Baker look went out a long time ago. .and let me touch on robyn brown also while I am here what is the flipping deal with the shirts under those silly little baby doll tops is that some kind of plig dress code take a cute top and with the blink of an eye and the snap of the fingers turns this poor helpless tunic tank into something beyond horrible. .what did the tunic tank ever do to Robyn? Please the world needs answers

  24. I googled "do polygamy wives hate each other" I found some threads with real women talking about it. Wow, the truth comes out. I can only assume human nature is the same, and the women on the TLC shows feel the same as these other woman but would never voice it. I sure am glad it am the number one queen bee in my home!

  25. Oh, my gosh. I walked away from that episode of "safe talk" thinking that this was an incredibly dysfunctional family. Totally.
    Nonie is a nut job and Brady feeds right into it...before he starts yelling at her. Did she think that the whole world wasn't going to see her emotional vomit? Puh-lease.
    And Robyn...pouting when Brady has to write a paper through the night? Really? ME? I would have made a few trips to the kitchen to check on my husband...made him a sandwich...offered to give him a quick "rub down" to get the creative juices flowing... ;) But Robyn? She puts on her 2 year old face and whimpers about it all. You know this is how she typically behaves b/c even Brady seemed nervous to talk to her about it.

    This family is lacking in the social skills department. They've been living together for HOW many years and the ladies are still not "friends"? Whatever. I'm not sure that this is a show I can stomach.

    BUT...I AM glad to find another outlet to talk about SW.

    Whatever happened to the sisterwivesblogspot?

  26. I know we have discussed this somewhere,so forgive me. Is it just me,or is Brady super feminine? Kody too for that matter. Cj,i'm happy to find you. I have missed "I scour the internet"

  27. I'm sorry this show is so boring. Most of wives all they do is cry. And don't let me start on Nonie. She is such a needy woman. She should be with a man who has only one wife. She is always crying or needs attention. I bet he wishes he could skip nights with her. She crys as much as Mari on Sister wives.

  28. I think Rhonda is selfish wanting to adopt when she has 4 of her own .. the youngest being 2 .. and she's never home to care for any of them! There are plenty of people with no kids on waiting lists for adoption .... crazy! ... I like Rosemary... she seems the most selfless of the group ... Brady's father is a trip! and Paulie seems "off" .. maybe on meds????

  29. Did anyone else notice that in the preview for next week, Robyn was VERY pregnant??????

  30. I've browsed these sites a few times and see that I'm right up there with most of you with my feelings toward the Browns. It appears that the Williams family is much more "normal" with each other, and much more of a family. With all that said, the Williams women don't seem on the verge of nervous breakdowns nearly as much as the Brown women, with the exception of Nonie, who seems like a family annihilator in waiting. Or maybe not. My question is simply whether Brady is "allowed" to show any affection to his wives with other wives around. I like the way Mr. Darger basically said he would have a PDA whenever he darn well pleased, which makes a lot more sense than the absolute inability to touch a wife around another wife - that's just weird. The Williams women seem to work together, get along, and genuinely enjoy each other's company. The Brown women seem like there is always a secret hatred amongst them, with the "you know...' looks they're always throwing around. I can't imagine ANY of the Brown women saying anything positive about Kody's relationship with any of the other wives.
