
Sunday, March 9, 2014

Off Topic Sunday March 9, 2014 - Premiere My 5 Wives Airs Tonight!

Okay, so this isn't so much an off topic thing as a "Cynical Jinx Forgot About the Premiere of My 5 Wives Tonight 3/9/14 on TLC" thing.

My Bad! So to keep you in the loop, don't forget the newest polygamy series premieres tonight...My 5 Wives on TLC. Check your local listings for the time.

While you're waiting, here's a link to an article to whet your appetite for tonight's show!

Teresa Giudice and her husband "Juicy Joe"
Who didn't see this coming? I remember watching that very first episode of Real Housewives of New Jersey where Teresa Giudice went shopping for furniture. She spent over $120,000 and PAID CASH.

The first thought that went through my mind was...Who in their right mind would pay such an exorbitant  amount of money on furniture AND pay for it in cash?

I was not impressed, because it's been my experience anyone paying that amount in cash usually had something to hide. Cash doesn't leave a paper trail like using credit cards or checks do.

Unfortunately for the Giudices, they forgot that being on a network TV reality show, being shown spending a crap load of cash to furnish the ugliest mansion on the planet and then having the unmitigated gall to try to declare bankruptcy would not fly. Not when their excesses and various sources of income were documented on video tape!

While the Giudices pleading guilty to fraud is somewhat satisfying, it is still sad how this will affect their four daughters.

But, who would'da thunk that old saying Crime Does Not Pay would actually come true?

Here's a link with some juicy details:

Teresa Giudice, Joe Giudice plead guilty to fraud charges; both face prison, while he could be deported

ABC/Rick Rowell
Last but certainly not least, the latest version of ABC's The Bachelor ends Monday night. Who will Juan Pablo choose? After wasting what seems like years of my life watching this really really boring guy (and trying to figure out what he's saying) I am glad it's finally over. And they better not announce the next bachelorette will be cast off Andi (the prosecuting attorney) because I do not want to watch that arguing wrench ever again.

Juan Pablo hands out his final rose Monday night 3/10/14 on ABC. Check your local listings for the broadcast time.

Here's an interesting and humorous article about this season's The Bachelor. Looks like I'm not alone in my assessment:

Juan Pablo Galavis the "Worst Bachelor Ever"? Producers Can't Wait for Season to Be Over!


  1. About Teresa in NJ: I live in New Jersey and every person we have EVER hired to do work on our house (painters, handymen, electricians, plumbers, A/C work, etc.) has said, "If you pay cash, I won't have to charge you tax." So there is a huge underground cash based economy here (and I think that's why we pay $20k in property taxes too). I suspect the Guidices acquired cash in this way and then have to spend it because you can't launder it through a bank without triggering an investigation. Anyway, I get really irritated about this and people think I'm nuts when I say I'd rather not pay cash, but I really think businesses should pay their taxes and not rely on me to pick up the slack in property taxes.

    1. No kidding! Maybe you can answer a question I've been pondering for a number of years. Each time a person from NJ is featured on a reality show (I'm talking about an old show called Dinner Takes All I think) they live in these huge houses. Like Tony Soprano huge. Can you shed some light on this?

    2. I will try. I'm not from NJ, but have lived here 13 years. I too find the giant house thing strange. I think it's just the aesthetic here that bigger is better. We know a couple with one child who live in a 17 room GIANT house (taxes 36k annually!). Routinely wonderful vintage 50-60's ranch houses are demolished and horrible "mansions" built. But remember, big hair and nails are still popular here too, as are tans that come from the sun. Sorry I can't enlighten you more. NJ is a strange place and therefore great for reality shows.

  2. I dunno, I kind of liked My 5 Wives. I thought that the idea of having regular meetings with all of the wives was a good one, although most of them seem to stand there doe-eyed and contribute next to nothing. Unless they can display their personalities, this show will get boring quickly. I thought Brady was an okay guy, all things considered. He seemed to go out of his way to try to make each of his wives feel special and loved, and he seems to lead the family without much difficulty. It's hard to say what happens when the cameras aren't rolling, of course, but they seem to be function fairly well--much better than the Brown's, that's for sure! I hope we get to see more of the kids on this show, although shielding them from the cameras would be a more responsible decision.

  3. I really liked this family more than the browns. Nice to know you can be run out of town in the name of religion. If they move out of state what job will he have to support the family? A degree in Philosophy translates into what career? I really want to like them but are they going to move and live off TLC like the browns?

  4. My 5 Wives
    Wow !! Is TLC just having a good laugh or what?
    Another hour long show of crying, insecure wives, rotation booty calls, treasured and coveted "private dates," children lining up for food like in a soup kitchen, wives afraid to speak out to each other, wives expressing the stress of the "lifestyle," wives resenting each other for having to share their baby daddy, wives pandering to their master and vying for good girl status....keeping it sweet despite their anxieties.
    And unbelievably, TLC is apparently setting the stage to pull off yet ANOTHER big time "move" because yet another Plyg family is an outcast in their current location. Wow !!!
    Does the TLC Plyggy crystal ball show not 4 but 5 new houses in the future now that the TLC bucks are on the horizon?? Will there be 5 wives waiting anxiously for loan approvals? Picking out counter tops and carpeting?
    Are there any creative producers left over there at TLC? Or is really that profitable to just regurgitate the same stuff?

    However there are a few obvious differences between the Brown babes and the Brady bunch....
    None of these women have granite counters and wet bars and craft rooms. Hardly.
    (However, that could be changing down the road)
    None of these women wear neon tank tops over skin tight long sleeved t-shirts and they actually show arm skin. Some of them do real jobs.
    The Browns use the fall back excuse that it is their religion. This group does not use religion, for them it is by choice.

    Brady at this point comes off as a Father Knows Best type, a nice guy who just happens to like having sex with a different woman every night. Like Kody and Joe Darger, he wines about not having any time for himself, being overwhelmed and pulled in every direction trying to keep all his bedmates and children happy.
    Uh, Brady.....same question for you and all you progressive Plyg guys......
    What did you think it would be like making hordes of children and being the harem master of many wives...women with normal needs???
    *YOU* made this communal bed , so deal with it, as well as enjoy laying in it.

    1. Ok a couple things...I agree with the above posters, I'm feeling a bit set-up for some sort "big move", but I am dying to know if anyone out there knows the real deal behind them leaving the AUB? Every single one of the five wives grew up in the religion, leaving had to be devastating. No matter what I might think about their religion, my heart goes out to them, I can only imagine the backstory...maybe someone can shed some light....

    2. One other thing...Nonni=Meri, I guess there's one in every plyg family? She's not abrasive, she's "misunderstood" (insert eyeroll)

    3. Hagar's Harem, I read somewhere that Brady was real gung hoe with climbing the ranks in AUB and had somehow fallen out of their good graces. Id like to know more myself.

    4. I remember reading this back when the special aired, but can't find the article now - will try searching again when I have more time. But, it said that Brady was actually a bit over-zealous in his church leadership role (understatement, apparently) and actually was asked to leave the church. It also said something about the land the duplex/triplex is built on being owned (or partially owned), something like that, by the church, such that Brady and fam have been having trouble affording a move to get away from the church where they are now not welcome. I am super curious now to nail down where I read this...will find and post soon. I guess what I read is just one side of the story, but if true....sounds like the Williams' "choice" to leave the church is a Brown-esque spin job on getting pushed out.

      - Lori

    5. That makes so much more sense than just up and leaving suddenly, Brady seems like that sort of guy to get his nose out of joint for not being able to climb the ranks fast enough! I would love some insider information. Can someone give me a breakdown of the first episode? I watched the intro a few months back, but I don't have TLC anymore so I couldn't watch last nights episode. Thanks!!

    6. Cult-de-sac CommentatorMarch 10, 2014 at 12:40 PM

      "One other thing...Nonni=Meri, I guess there's one in every plyg family? She's not abrasive, she's "misunderstood" (insert eyeroll)" -- Hagar's Harem

      Hmm. So true! Can you imagine if she had been the first wife?

    7. Cult-de-sac CommentatorMarch 10, 2014 at 12:42 PM

      Sisi -- Try iTunes or Amazon.

    8. Wait, Nonni=Meri or Nonni=Sobbin' Robyn? Ugh.

    9. All these women do is cry and whine and say how hard it is and the dominate ones throw temper tantrums aka Meri and Nonie. I give it a year and the Williams will have mini mansions too. Live how you want but I dont see happiness in either family and I just dont understand how the wives say they wouldn't have it any other way...Oh you mean have your husband all to yourself, that would be out of the question?

  5. I just finished watching the show. Not sure if it will make it or not. It was kind of boring. These wives did talk about how they rotated Brady. There is jealousy among the wives. Having to wait every 5th night for my husband to come to bed would get old. These wives don't really communicate with each other. Other than their weekly meeting and dinner night, they are basically single women with a lot of kids. I am sure that they agreed to do the show for the money. How else will they finance their move. Moving away may not be the answer. They will face opposition wherever they go. Living this lifestyle is hard especially when you go public. These women grew up in polygamy so this is how they were raised. They don't know any other way of living. One wife even said that it was hard on her mom. Wow, these women seem so subdued. They are so sweet and meek. Scary. Notice that none of the wives stated where they worked. I wonder if the cameras were not allowed at their jobs. Having 24 kids is crazy. I would like to know how they budget. How much they pay for health insurance, clothes, utility bills. We know that he spends over $4000 per month on food. No wonder they are spilling their guts to TLC. They needed a gravy train just like the Browns. Brady probably pitched the idea to TLC that they could come into the bedrooms and TLC jumped on this. The Browns don't allow cameras in their bedroom and they don't discuss their Kody rotation schedule. IMHO, living and sleeping with a man like Kody or Brady would be torture. They cannot satisfy all these women needs. I would never say to my husband, yeah, you see lots of pj's when he remarked that one wife had on some new Pj's. You can't be intimate when there are 6 people in the mix. I want to feel sorry for these women. They are not wives. They each probably collect benefits for their kids. There is no freaking way that Brady and ladies can support this family. They would have to bring home over $10K per month just to pay the bills. And what the hell is a degree in Philosophy going to achieve. I applaud him for going back to school but not his degree choice. Maybe he wants to teach college. Who knows.

    1. You would have to think that if Kody & Crew split nights equally they would just say, so they obviously don't. Kody probably has some unequal rewards system, spending the night with the wife who irritates him the least (probably mostly Robyn). Otherwise Christine wouldn't be negotiating for more time in exchange for having the wrestling mats in her garage. So sad!

    2. I agree Sisi. Kody has always refused to answer this questions based on its 'vulgarity'. but since Christine complained about it so much, I definitely got the impression that Kody spent the night with the wife he felt like seeing that night. He did mention that there is a 'baby moon' time when a wife has a new baby. Christine has to grovel and exchange her garage for time with Kody. I don't think they rotate on an even basis at all which is why they won't discuss it. I would guess that Kody spends the most time with Meri. I think Robyn tries to manipulate him into spending time at her house but since she seems to need live-in help, Kody may not be there as much as we think. Most of us do not want to see Kody in bed with his wives, we have always just wondered what type of schedule he has.

    3. Sisi - Robyn said on the last tell all what I took to mean that Kody's time is not split equally. Sounds like he goes where he's needed most, which is probably at her place. In all of their minds, they have justified this. I wonder if Robyn ever tells them that they wouldn't have the show without her? I will never understand why they let her be their spokesperson. Maybe this is why. Robyn is not my favorite, but she's also not my least favorite. Come to think of it, I like Aspyn the best. She just comes across as a mature, well-rounded young lady. And I have to say that there are plenty of kids with crappy parents who turn out great, so I'm not throwing any thanks to them. If their religion is so important to them, then they have failed miserably since none of the kids want to follow it. If you really believe something, especially something that you think determines your eternal destiny, you are going to want your kids to follow it. Why do they act like they don't care? Cause none of them really believe it, well except Christine and maybe Robyn.

  6. Why is Teresa Guidici in my favorite Blog?

    1. She made CJ an offer they couldn't refuse?

  7. Ok, first off, I hope that is NOT the opening sequence every week…Brady kissing each wife in the morning saying “love ya” while the wife is obviously sleeping (with a kid or two) and does not want to be bothered. Please come up with a better opening.

    I already don’t like that they are ‘moving’….after saying how the houses are perfect for them and how many of them have JOBS. I would like more background on why they really have to move. I just feel this TLC driven story line of them ‘having’ to move and you know, I am not up for another plural family packing up their minivans and driving off into the night.

    I find most of the wives to be emotionally exhausting. I like the 3rd and 5th wives, the others not so much. Brady looks exasperated almost all of the time. I don’t even see any ‘sparks’ between Brady and any of the wives. Maybe it’s because they are trying to show his rotation but it seems like he is just roaming around and always exhausted. And apologizing to everyone.

    I enjoyed Nonie’s breakdown (for the entertainment value) but am puzzled why a kid was in the bed listening to Nonie screaming at Brady.

    As opposed to the Browns, Brady is the clear boss of these women. The Browns have a lot more freedom. And why can’t Brady’s wives have their own twitter names? I don’t like that they can’t have their own identity

    1. From what understand, they live in AUB controlled Rocky Ridge UT and the AUB owns the homes. Williams' split with the AUB has left him living in a hostile community.

      I haven't watched the episode yet but what interests me is from what I've read this split from the AUB occurred many years ago. So maybe the push to move was because the AUB doesn't appreciate the circus atmosphere of those cameras filming on their property.

    2. About twitter, the Dargers only have one twitter account too.

    3. Yeah I remember that about the Dargers. For me, reading individuals tweets are like a peakn into their's fascinating, really.

    4. " but am puzzled why a kid was in the bed listening to Nonie screaming at Brady."

      Carol, I thought the same thing. That just was wrong.

      Also someone mentioned that perhaps Brady when pitching the show to TLC included permission to film in each bedroom with sleeping wives (w/kids)...a scenario which is mostly off limits in Kodyworld. That goes right along with your thoughts about the tedium of Brady's morning rounds and "love ya" kisses to all. It's boring, not convincing and smacks of Kody's insane running from house to house.

    5. Given the dumb ass crap some of the Browns say on Twitter, maybe Brady's just being smart. Sometimes, less is more... (-:

    6. Cult-de-sac CommentatorMarch 10, 2014 at 12:45 PM

      TOTALLY agreed, CPACarol! Plus, it's so obviously scripted, it's not even funny. On the other hand, I don't want to see them come up with their own cheesy opening tag lines, like the opening credits of "Sister Wives." Let's hope TLC can actually put together something original. Hmmph. Not holding my breath on that one.

    7. One of my favorite tweets from Robyn was "Kody is such a athletic" Yeah right with that stomach pouch..

  8. Love RHONJ. I feel so sad for their kids. I forgot about that episode where T paid cash for all that furniture. I don't know how they thought it would never catch up with them. For the kids sake, I really hope he isn't deported. It wouldn't be fair for them.

  9. Fair Fair Fair..for the kid's sake I wish he hadn't broken the law in the first place, and he ripped off hurriacne sandy victims. What about the children of the the small business owners he ripped off? I have no sympathy at all..they both deserve what they get. The children of the people they ripped off are the ones to be sorry for

  10. I didn't hear about the Hurricane Sandy thing, could you provide a link for me to read, thanks!

    1. LMAO...These people are unreal!!

      Here's a link about Joe's "quality" construction work...reading it reminded me of the episode when Joe explained to Jacqueline and her hubby Chris why he failed the sobriety test after his car accident.

      Homeowners accuse Joe Giudice of shoddy Sandy repairs

    2. Thanks for the link! I hadn't read about that before. That's terrible for the family that owns that house. An already horribly stressful time made so, so much worse. What a flimsy excuse he made. Shouldn't the FIRST thing you check before removing a wall be if it's load bearing or not? Ridiculous.

      Doesn't change the fact that I still feel sorry for the Giudice's children. They didn't ask for any of this. It has to be incredibly stressful (and even embarrassing at school) for them.

    3. I agree. His girls are adorable (not that this should matter!), and they will have a hard road to face.

  11. Hmmm.. Between the booty slaps Brady gives Paulie and Robyn's comment that Brady giving kisses instead of spankings, they seem a "family" that enjoys S&M / Domestic Discipline... Maybe that is the true 'tie that binds.' lol. ;-)

  12. OK. Was anyone else throwing up in their mouth a little bit at the opening "dream sequence" in My Five Wives. The one showing each wife coming in for a romantic close up and then Brady jumps up from his deep sleep. Serious creep factor. Actually, this guy creeps me out a lot. I do see a lot of commonality between him and Kody. They both act like self-indulged children. I did like the brother/construction partner though. "I am not a polygamist." Show him more.

    1. I actually thought the opening sequence was good. I enjoyed the whole thing of it all. Kinda like the opening sequence of Dexter. It leaves you wondering..".Is it bad? Is it good? Oh no, I think its bad, wait Im not sure." It leaves YOU to decide.

  13. Brady's quest for a degree in Philosophy.....
    Are there any degree holding philosophers who have made any money or notoriety with his/her craft while "alive?" Very few !!!
    Wouldn't a degree in Business Admin or Engineering be more relevant and useful to Brady and family?

    1. I've known two that became very successful taxi drivers. And they had their PhD. /snark

      In my opinion, it's a throw away degree. I apologize in advance, but every person I've known with a degree or majoring in philosophy were grade A1 J.E.R.K.S.

    2. Yep !!!
      And I can say this because I have a brother who holds a Master's in Philosophy and on a good day he will admit it is and was a useless degree.

    3. Remember Cosmo? he was a (self?) professed philosopher with or working on his degree. He is homeless and penniless now.

    4. Awww ... that's terrible to hear! I liked Cosmo! I hope he gets back on his feet soon.

      I think philosophy is fascinating. I used to fantasize of getting a degree in philosophy and then sitting in a picturesque little house in the woods and philosophizing. It wasn't meant to be ... but maybe someday ...

    5. I think the philosophy degree is about justifying his polygamy. If he can't use a religious argument, he can become a philosopher and justify the principle through deep thinking bullhorn.

    6. No he is anti-polygamy and said he uses his degree to argue against it. He made some very interesting posts on the sister wives blog. One I particularly remember is a rebuttal to the religious freedom angle polygamists make. You can search the SWB archives if you are interested.

    7. There are actually a lot of philosophy and other liberal arts grads in publishing. We are hired because we generally know how to write, love to read and an industry based on ideas and words is a good fit. There. I have defended myself and almost everybody in my family. Needless to say, none of us is rich.

    8. Anon 6:37,
      Nothing to defend......any knowledge/degree is a respected asset.

      My point about Brady is his choice of of a degree that can hardly be parlayed into enhancing his current career in construction, and his acute need to feed, clothe and house 24 children and 6 adults.

      As for my philosopher brother, he is a English prof and loves his job.
      ...and he is not rich either.

  14. So many thoughts I have on the 5 wives show - will have more time to post later. But biggest thought is Nonie = Manipulative! Woah!

  15. I think it's great they all got out from under the thumb of the community they were followers of so completely. I think they are stuck with each other because of the decisions they made while in the community to accept this family type. Which wife gets the husband if the family leaves? I do feel for the four men who may not have any spouse cause this man was greedy needing them all at the same time. These women were told not to make anyone feel bad their entire life. To follow one way of doing things. Changing how they interact and hearing you made someone feel bad can't be easy for her. Feelings aren't wrong. I like she can openly cry. The others seems to be crying silently and sulking instead of just admitting they are sad about something. First wife corrected her for doing something nice. Kind of weird. It sounded like the woman took care of a bill that normally would have to come out of a larger family budget. That is a bit different from crying because of a graduation seat placement.

    I'd get my kids away from there. They might be drawn in to marriages to find acceptance again in a currently hostile environment. The oldest has married in monogamy. But the older kids must remember what participation in the group was like and may crave it.

    1. I can see why they all stay together. They know no other way of living and have already entangled their lives to the point it would be painful and scary to separate.

  16. I'm pretty sure they either already moved to WA, or were here looking at properties or working or something, because months ago, one of them posted an update from their FB page VIA mobile that was marked as being from Port Angeles, WA. Sept. 17, 2013.........

  17. I also thought they lived in one home with a common family room and laundry room in utah with a wing for each wife? Home was slightly different for the special show.

  18. I really don't think I'm going to make it through the entire season with this show. I think if it had been first, before Sister Wives, I would have really liked it. Especially because they are showing a lot more realness - like the Nonie meltdown. The Browns have never been that "unedited". However, they are not first. As I was watching the show over the course of 2 days - yes it took me that long to push through it - I realized I have Sister Wives fatigue. I am *so* over it. The only reason I keep up with the original SW's at this point is because I'm emotionally invested in the children. I love seeing them grow & blossom into individuals. M5W is just SW part II - the no communication amongst the wives this many years in, the women leaning way too emotionally on their children because the central male & his gaggle of wives cause each other such emotional turmoil, a move because of persecution (religious instead of legal but still same), male running breathlessly from house to house while complaining if no time, finite resources because they have 10 million kids, an older child leaving the home & the mother upset. Same boring unimaginitive writers with a different cast is all. Ugh!!

  19. I hope you can find more out about why Brady was kicked out of the church... it all makes much more sense as to why they left, and why they suddenly have to move from a seemingly nice home setup for the wives/kids/dad.

    1. In the 90's AUB was confronted by a big scandal involving scamming Virginia Hill out 1.5 million dollars in cash. AUB seemed to follow Warren Jeffs' theory of "answer them nothing" and ended up owing Ms. Hill 6 or 8 mil with the interest. This scandal involved the top guys from Owen Allred, Lemoine Jesen (now the prophet) and many other top AUB guys. One of the investigators was named Rod Williams who left AUB but couldn't get his adult children to follow him out. My internet skills are not up to finding out if Brady is one of Rod's sons?? I did find indication that Rod lives in Washington state.

      I hope some of you computer whizzes can find out if there is a relationship. If so, that might explain why AUB was so willing to cut Brady loose if he showed any sign of rebellion to AUB thoughts and practices. Beegee

    2. I think we've since learned that Brady IS Rod's son. How do you people figure this stuff out?? You all are amazing!

  20. I could be mistaken about the community, but because of a lawsuit the AG or some special agent outside a certain polygamist community has been managing the assets including properties owned. So maybe Brady's community is the ones not controlling their properties at the faith leadership level. But it always seemed like Kody and wives had ownership of that property?

    1. You may be thinking of the United Effort Plan which is the trust holding FLDS assets that was seized by Utah because of Warren Jeffs and top guys misusing it like a personal piggy bank. Guess originally most of the land in Hillside/Colorado City was owned by that communal trust for residents benefit. I don't know if AUB has a similar plan but haven't seen anything about Utah taking over management for AUB finances??

    2. I think you are right. if the AUB doesn't own the homes, then they would not get thrown out because of leaving. I think they are trying to return property to individuals for the security of individuals.

    3. I believe AUB does own the land that Brady built the houses on. Not sure how that works out as to who owns the houses. I do think that if he were to sell it would have to be to someone in the AUB group.

  21. I didn't like the first episode of My 5 Wives: BORING! But the "safe talk" episode shows promise. Nonie is so hyper sensitive and expressive that we are guaranteed a continuous stream of drama and butthurt served up with a side of woe-cakes. Also, although the show seems ultra scripted at times, the arguments seem in-the-moment. We haven't really seen much of the kids yet, but this show seems as if it might focus more on the adult relationships.

  22. Can't wait until the Brown's rip off the "safe talk" part of this family like they did the mission statement ogf the Darger's. The bedroom part of the M5W's is something the Brown's wouldnt do. All of these women are emotionally damaged.

    1. Ha !! Great concept.

      Except that for the Brownies to have "safe talks"....
      Meri would have to sign a no tears clause and speak as a vested group member.
      Christine would have to try really hard to focus on the conversation and stay on topic.
      Janelle would have to drink a Red Bull, quit staring into space and actually speak more than 2 sentences.
      And Robyn would have to actually shut up for once and just listen before she steps up on her soapbox.
      All of which, none of them could pull off.

    2. Yeah next season on SISTERWIVES the will be beating to death the SAFE TALK idea like the did with the MISSION STATEMENT

  23. I just can't see 2 shows about polygamists surviving in the long run- it's the same dysfunction just different people. The Browns have already squeezed out every bit of fake drama so I would imagine TLC will want to move on. Maybe Kody should be the first polygamist Bachelor and try and find wife #5! Now that would be worth watching.

    1. I just spit my water all over my computer screen after reading your suggestion of Kody being the first polygamist bachelor. I think that is a very fine idea and I would certainly watch it as well! Somehow I think Kody would make Juan Pablo look like a real prize

    2. I have never watched the bachelor but I sure would watch if they put Kody on to find his fifth wife. That would be great entertainment! His head might explode from being so full of himself. They would have to flip to couch interviews from the current wives.

  24. So he is getting a degree that will never translate into money and at the same time uproot 30 people and start over in another state. He will not have the help of his community to build the house and he probably makes more working for his brother than he would a stranger. His wives would be lucky to get new jobs now that the show is out. They obviously are banking on the show like the browns.

    1. They aren't like the Browns at all. I don't see why the wives would have a problem getting new jobs. Janelle didn't lose her job once they went public. And why couldn't Brady still manage the company with his brother? He left his religion years ago so he and his family are looking for a new community. I can respect them for that. The Williams are so much more real than the Browns. I want to see more of them.

    2. I knew virtually nothing about polygamy prior to watching SW and M5W. My only knowledge of it came from the news broadcasts regarding the FLDS debacle.

      I came into these shows thinking "Huh, maybe it's just a different lifestyle? Maybe it works for them, so why should I have negative feeling about this?" Ya, no. These shows have demonstrated what a horrible life this is for women. The women are so miserable and have been brainwashed into saying they are happy and hiding their true anger and resentment under their "sweet" words. The women are apparently supposed to suffer and overcome their human emotions of jealousy to evolve into better stronger people? Um, when do the men do this? Kody Brown whines about how hard it is for him to run from bed to bed while the women do all the work and suffer from jealousy and isolation. Ya, tough life for him.

      I only watched a single episode of M5W and saw the exact same things going on for these poor women. The poor wife who was felt so horrible for having her birthday the same day as the husband--OMG! How dare you choose to be born on the same day as the man you will someday marry! It was pathetic--like she was doing something wrong by having been born a certain day.

      When you've been married for a long time, you really "grow out of" so many of the things that seemed so important in the early years. Kids and careers and life teach you that sometimes your birthday or anniversary will fall on a work day when there is also a soccer game and a dance recital. No one dies, you just celebrate a few days later. These wives never seem to mature beyond this petty crap, it remains paramount to them so that the husband "proves" his love via these vitally important days. Sad, very very sad.

    3. Just like the Browns, all the way around! I'm so tired of watching all this fake one big happy family crap. You can plainly see all the women in both these "families" are so eaten alive with jealousy it pathetic. Why can't they just admit they're miserable and do what they have to do to be happy for once instead of " keeping sweet", which none of them is very good at anyway?

  25. OK I don't want to start nitpicking when the show is brand new but...Nonie, Nonie, Nonie. She's my favorite of the 5 wives (not the one I like best, but definitely my favorite). Why? Nonie is a self-absorbed nutjob with a biased sense of reality. Her feelings will always be hurt over something, so even on weeks when nothing much is going on, Nonie will find some way to create drama for us. Nonie's big scene where she had a tantrum over Paulie's attempt to have a safe talk was priceless. Paulie did NOT say that Nonie had "hurt her feelings" during the ill-fated safe talk. She didn't open with that statement (as Nonie complained repeatedly to Brady), and at the close of the conversation when Nonie apologized for hurting her feelings, Paulie assured her in no uncertain terms that her feelings had not been hurt. This is why Nonie is my favorite so far. She knows how to throw a tantrum over something completely made-up in her own mind. I admire this trait in a plural wife, since it distracts her from brooding about what REALLY is irking her: the sharing of a husband.

    1. I think polygamist women learn quickly that if you can throw a good tantrum you'll be rewarded with more attention. The Brown women (& Kody) seem to utilize this skill quite often!

    2. Bonus points to Nonie for having her conniption fit six inches from her small child.

    3. Kids know. They don't even have to be in the room or in the house for a fight to know. She let her feelings out, it wasn't violent just uncomfortable to watch. I found it less disturbing than her trying to control her hurt feelings when being corrected by the first wife. At least with the husband there was a beginning middle and end and everything came out. It was resolved.

  26. Sister Kolobster - I admire these traits in a plural wife as well. Thanks for the laugh!
