
Thursday, February 20, 2014

Sister Wives Recap: Celebration Countdown S06Ep18 2/16/14

Patient Savanah waiting her turn...

Isn't it funny how time just flies when you're having fun?

For some unknown reason, TLC chose to reboot season 6 after a break of only 3 months.

Now, the cynic in me thinks maybe this could be the final season of watching the Browns cavorting in the McMansions in a gated cul-de-sac. After all, what's left once the Browns finally conclude their homage to Big Love plot lines and have their .... Commitment Celebration?

They've already done the family trip Nauvoo. Robyn is selling jewelry just like Margene, however I think Margie was more successful at it. Christine is still Plyg Royalty. The only thing left would be for Kody to run for state senate, divorce Meri and then marry Robyn.

Only problem is, I don't think Meri is as easy going as Bill's Barb, and let's face it, she would cut the bitch who tried to take over her #1 position as Kody's legal wife.

So what's left? While we ponder the possibilities, let's start the recap on the penultimate episode of the current season.

“Dress shabbily and they remember the dress; dress impeccably and they remember the woman.” ---Coco Chanel

Oh dear, I have a feeling Coco Chanel is literally turning so fast she may possibly bore her coffin straight down through the Earth to China. There's only one word to describe the dresses  Meri, Robyn, Christine and Janelle have designed for themselves....hideous. And to make matters worse, they have entrusted a fresh out of fashion design school seamstress (sorry, I don't think of her as having the chops yet to be called a designer) named Sam to make their creations a reality.

Please tell me this whole segment was scripted. Those were some seriously ugly dresses.

Christine's finished dress
 While we watched Sam laboriously drape fabric DIRECTLY ON THE WIVES bodies in order to create the dress patterns, I have to wonder...did she not watch Project Runway? Did she have to drape directly on the wives because there were no dress forms that could be made big enough to match the wive's ample dimensions?

And what was the deal having the wives fully dressed (which means about 10 layers of clothing so they could be sufficiently 'modest') while Sam pinned and pulled and draped and scissored out her pattern pieces? And why didn't she use plain muslin to make her patterns?

Tim Gunn would have been horrified. I was horrified. I'm hoping that Sam was from Las Vegas Central Casting because frankly, I wouldn't hire her to sew handkerchiefs, let alone a custom made dress. I think Mr. Gunn would agree, sometimes you just have to tell the client NO and quickly run away.

Janelle's dress was made out of a midnight blue satiny material. Christine's looked like a renaissance style dress gone terribly medieval with panels and panels of material. Robyn's looked like it was off the Nordstrom discount rack (complete with black lace trimming) and Meri's...dear Lord, Meri's dress looked like it was the backseat of a 1977 Chrysler Cordoba.

This ain't gonna work...
The only thing missing was  Ricardo Montalban (may he rest in peace) describing the beauty of "Fine Corinthian Leather".

Rant on....Hey Meri, it's a dress, not a piece of furniture. Next time don't choose material from the upholstery section of a fabric store. Better yet, why not have a professional dress designer choose the material. You live in Las Vegas, surely there are hundreds of experienced designers who could throw together a one of a kind type dress without it looking like a third rate Vegas comedian's joke...Rant off...

To Sam's merit, she told Meri her material was made for upholstery and could not be fashioned into the dress Meri envisioned. At the end of the episode it was left as a cliffhanger...What will Meri wear?

Meri, just go to Macy's or David's Bridal and call it a day. Thank you.

Okay, time out for some interesting quotes direct from the cold sore blistered mouths of the elder Browns.

"Really Janelle?" from Robyn after Janelle posed the question what if Kody brings in a 5th wife, would that make their Family Mission Statement obsolete?

Now I really must hand it to Janelle. I know many people have accused her of being too quiet and just taking the nonsense of Robyn and Kody in stony silence. But Janelle proved that she could be just as passive-aggressive as Meri and Robyn...

As Janelle explained her thought process behind asking Kody what would happen to the FMS if a 5th wife joined the family, Kody rambled a response that basically indicated if he DID bring in another wife, they would go through the FMS process again to include the new wife. Then Janelle let go this zinger: "...Ok, (laugh) I really don't foresee it coming but we didn't see Robyn coming either. So you know...."

Now THAT was a slap to Robyn's face heard round the cul-de-sac. Betcha Meri didn't see Robyn coming either until she noticed Kody giving her the eye at that dance so many moons ago!

"I think I'm done having new wives come into the family..." from Kody who was trying to put to rest any thought of his courting a 5th wife. Only problem, I thought it was from divine revelation that a woman (as Robyn so happily explained in her TLC blog) decides which man she usurps...I mean marries. So when he followed up with this statement made directly to his wives " Do any of you actually have a spiritual inclination that our family would grow other than a few more children?", the  look on the wives faces (except Robyn's of course) told the truth.

Meri stared straight at Kody, with that "You are my priesthood holder so I'm keeping my mouth shut" look on her face. Christine had a wistful look on her face, suggesting she was counting up how old Robyn was (35) and the fact she's only had one baby in almost 3 years so there must be a lot of recreational sex rather than procreational sex going on. And Janelle had a look best described as concern I think for Christine's wellbeing, as it appeared she turned her head and was looking directly at Christine for her reaction.

Of course, Kody was totally oblivious.

My opinion? If courting a 5th wife would add another season or two to the show, Kody would do it in a heartbeat. He's just that kind of guy...

Not surprisingly, Meri  voiced her concern of what will happen after all the hoopla over the FMS and commitment celebration comes to the inevitable end. I have to agree, what will happen? What will change? What will remain the same?

In typical Kody style, he put on his matter of fact voice and calmly but firmly told Meri he was tired of her Debbie Downer attitude and said "Meri, you are going to have to move your mindset to a positive affirmation place where you are being hopeful. Let's all be hopeful instead of concerned."

In other words, Kody was telling Meri and the rest of his wives to "Keep Sweet" and to leave the "serious thinking" to their Lord and Master, Kody.

Meri, if you're reading this, you are in Las Vegas. There are many good divorce attorneys practicing there. Find one and take this a$$hole to the cleaners before the money's all used up!

Sounds to me like Kody is still following the Big Love playbook. I really think he wants to divorce Meri in order to marry Robyn. Hell, at least it would make for an interesting season!

But there does appear to be trouble in paradise between Kody and Robyn. At the celebration rehearsal, held underneath the brand new Brown Family Sized Pergola (located between Robyn and Meri's houses and surrounded by grass), Maddie asked "What if we don't agree with our mission statement? Now later, Maddie claimed she was just jerking Robyn's chain, but I'm beginning to wonder...did she ask that knowing it would cause an argument between Kody and main squeezee wife Robyn?

I don't know for sure, but the most embarrassing moment of the episode was when Kody began his answer to Maddie by saying "If you don't like it or you don't agree with it, I'm not going to make you sign it. Anybody who disagrees with that mission statement..." he was then abruptly interrupted by Robyn who finished his sentence with "...THEN THEY BETTER MOVE OUT!"

Funny thing, Maddie's question which her Dad tried to answer but was so rudely interrupted by her "evil" bonus mom actually caused Kody and Robyn to have a heated argument. I think I even heard Robyn say she was finished and taking her ball home with her, so to speak.  Maddie definitely won that round, and I have to give her props that she was perfectly bitchy.

Yep, Robyn is an idiot, no doubt about it. And later when the older teens have their couch interview, they aren't buying into the necessity of a Family Mission Statement at all. Sounds like Kody should call up his "good friend" Papa Joe Darger for some leadership tips because he is failing all the way around! After all, it was Papa Joe's who told Kody about the Darger Family Mission Statement that started this damn mess to begin with.

Hey, those bracelets look vaguely familiar!

For some reason, Robyn decided to "design" some absolutely hideous leather cuff bracelets for the children and teens to wear at the celebration. All I could think was where did THAT idea come from.

Then I saw this picture of Sam the Seamstress. Looks like Robyn doesn't have an original thought in her head. Or if she had one, it would die from loneliness.

Oh yeah, the cuffs will be available soon on MSWC.

Finally, Kody decided he wanted to string lights from the houses and have them meet in the middle of the cul-de-sac. I was in shock. First because we actually saw Kody working, and second, because he drilled what looked like large screws directly into the stucco exterior of the McMansions. You know what that's gonna look like in a couple of years?

And Kody standing on a paint bucket that's been placed on top of a second story half wall to drill those screws in....I hope Meri's got a lot of insurance on his a$$.

What an idiot.

Here's some interesting pictures for you to enjoy!

Meri showing Sam the what body parts to emphasize...

The Brown Family underneath the new pergola between Meri's and Robyn's McMansion.

Janelle being "draped" for pleats...

Robyn being "draped". She's got some lumps there...

Why does Kody look like he's chewing tobacco?

Did Kody realize how dangerous this was?

So, what will Meri wear? Will Kody get the lights strung in time? We will find out  next Sunday in the two hour season finale!


  1. Please tell me that the "2 hours" part of the season finale is all part of the joke. :)

  2. someone must have schooled the kids to raise their hand when they are on the couch sessions, and robyns girls just butt in like their mother. I have seen savanah being pushed to the side several times by robyns oldest daughter when logan was with them so she could hang on logan. Is the MS have anything to do with the kids or is it all about the adults? drilling holes in your half million dollar house is just genius..can you imagine what the builder thought of this? will they repair it?

    1. isnt raising your hand to speak, just something you do everyday in grammar school? Heck Im in college and I raise my hand to speak.

    2. when the young kids were on the couch in the earlier episodes they all talked over each other so the raising hand is a new thing for them. When Breana and aurora and gwendolyn were asked questions in earlier episode gwendolyn kicked breana in the head when she bent her head down so i think they have made an effort to control the younger kids couch interviews.

  3. Wow, those are some hideous dresses. I don't watch the show anymore so I heard everyone talking about how ugly they were, but they exceeded even my expectations! Are it supposed to be a joke?

    From the sounds of it, all is not well with Robyn. Her true colors are showing more and more each season. This girl is not a nice person. She does not talk that kindly to her own kids, to her bonus kids, and I imagine to people in the real world. Once she is done bearing Kody's babies, he isn't going to favor her anymore like he did with Christine. Things will get VERY ugly when she is no longer the favorite. Not that I am sad about it, but I wonder why she hasn't gotten pregnant again yet? I would have expected her to be on pregnancy number 2 or 3 by now.

    Thanks for the great episode review, especially for those of us that no longer watch the show!

    1. I suspect that Robyn can't get pregnant again. She's 35 now. Her fertility could very well be in steep decline - especially given her various health issues and general frailty.

      And yeah, Robyn is turning out to be a massive bitch in front of the whole family. Really? Telling children who actually belong in the family, on account of they were born there, who have been in the family for a decade and a half more than her, that they can 'move out'? Who the hell does she think she is? I'm actually surprised the other sister wives didn't have more of a problem with her throwing her weight around like that.

    2. when christine had truely she made insinsitive remarks about "when you are older ive heard its harder" its you robyn who is older

    3. I think Robin wants the freedom of no young children like her sister wives have

    4. that pergola is such an example of not thinking ahead. When they built the houses they could have had covered patios, you remember janelles DIY cement pad? It looks like an after thought, which it is, and so far from the house and not practical to desert living. And don't get me started on that amount of grass in the desert. I am in AZ and know the upkeep that will be. They should not be walking on frest llllllllayed sod, let alone a heard of humans trampling on it.

    5. What I found interesting about the comment Kody made about "adding a few more kids to the family" and not another wife, is that Robyn is the only candidate there. I would have thought she'd be cranking those kiddos out to secure her reign as Kody's favorite wife and like others am surprised she's not pregnant again yet. In all serious, I'm wondering if the fact that she's still breastfeeding is part of it.

    6. Builders charge too much.

      The wet bar was a great example of not planning ahead. She could have skipped the hobby room and used a different room to hobby in. She could have skipped that fifth bedroom. After moving in she could have added counter space. Not that she didn't have an island and plenty of counter space. I think back to the Lehi house. I bet Meri has mor counter space in her LV house than all three women had in the Levi house.

    7. I had heard rumors that people in Vegas thought Robyn was 4-5 months pregnant currently, anyone else know about that? Kody is definitely going to want more kids, so Robyn better pony up and get ready or he is going to get that fifth wife. He has the Michelle Duggar sickness where he wants as many kids as possible, but he can actually get a younger spouse to keep having them.

    8. There's been PG rumors since Sol was 3 months old. lol.
      I wouldn't be surprised at this point if she did, and they've been hiding it so it can be featured in next season.

    9. She could have had a miscarriage that hasn't been announced?

    10. In many polygamist sects, sex is forbidden with a pregnant wife. I wouldn't put it paste Robyn to be secretly taking birth control pills, because sex is how she keeps Kody under her thumb.

  4. I have to say, I applaud the Browns for featuring a newly made designer. Yeah they could have featured a more experienced one, and we prolly would have bashed them for that too. By picking a inexperienced one; I thought showed a willingness to show case new talent. With Mykelti getting into the field, Im sure they wish for her to get a chance like that too.

    Luckily for the Browns they were fully clothed during the fittings. I can just imagine the backlash they would get for not being anything less than modest. Im sure Sam took into account the 1/64 of an inch on the inseams to correct this.

    Im frankly impressed with Sam's ability. I could see that she had used black fabric in order to make her markings visible. I have made patterns of my own before and I can tell you it really tough if you don't have the person there to put it on. REALLY TOUGH!

    On the flipside. I think TLC may have set Sam up. By picking the fabric and design without her input was so not ok. Kudos to her for doing it anyway. Im sure that was calculated for dramatic effect. In fact, Im willing to bet Meri already had her dress picked out and purchased. This whole show was just for show. I noticed in the previews that her dress coordinated well with Mariahs dress. That was planed! They spent a lot of time shopping, Im sure, and it totally fits with her personality of putting herself and Mariah above everyone else.

    As for Robyn: That bitch is batshit crazy!!

    1. They will throw the designer under the bus like every other person they have brought on the show, Sean the trainer will get his soon enough.

    2. Just like trainer Bill disappeared and he was a business partner too!

    3. Trainer Bill didn't have the outgoing personality that Sean has. That said, IMO I would be he got the axe because of the lack of progress for Janelle or any of the other wives. I think Sean is just kissing Kody's butt to try and keep in the spotlight as long as he can, but if TLC is planning on having the weight loss story continue to be a main topic and Janelle admits on TLC that she only loses 1-3 pounds a month and sometimes gains...then there will be no weight loss story.

    4. Sure looks like she took into account the clothes they wore while being draped. That why the dresses fit the wives so well. It was a great example of tailoring.

    5. I don't know from designers and I'm sure she worked to the best of her abilities, but I think the designs were the wives' and she had to work with em. my sympathies!

  5. If I had to guess, I would say that the next storyline after the FMS crap is all over and done with, will be about the polygamy ruling. I have a feeling that if the show's renewed that we're going to hear a lot about it. Of course since we already know what that ruling is, we'll have to endure two seasons of will they or won't they decriminalize polygamy in the state of Utah. Yep. As soon as this season wraps (next week) this will be next. You can't Google Sister Wives without a story of the ruling of some kind with their picture next to it popping up.

    1. They have never shown their legal battles before and I doubt they will now. TLC is into fluff not serious legal issues.

    2. NOT going to be about any type of 5th wife. They really need to put that away. there's not a season gone by since S1 where it hasn't been touched on. ZZZzzzz

    3. i think they would LIKE to focus more on the kids' school activities, but either the school or the kids are saying no way. we already know that the father-daughter dance and the parent-teacher meetings were setups because the schools and parents weren't having any of it.

      I'm thinking travelogue, but there's only so much traveling they can do during the school year. I'm sure next season there will be the traditional christmas trip, since the homes are soooo old hat.

      btw i think the sod is clear evidence that they don't plan to be there all that long. if they did they'd invest in artificial lawns, with the kids and all. maybe just a patch of real stuff. that sod is going to be trashed.

    4. Is sod different in dry las vegas? We had sod put down in the fall and the next summer it was fine and we could play on it? I am confused why people say it will be wrecked? Or playing on it too early?

    5. Sounds like you waited at least 6-8 months. The browns probably waited 4 weeks at most. It still had its lines and everything. Plus how much water that must take in dry dry Vegas $$$$

    6. I live in Arizona and most people here do not have much grass, Most don't have any grass at all. It simply gets too hot in the summer for grass to do well and takes an enormous about of expensive water.

  6. Looks like Christine and Janelle are both wearing short sleeves in that first pic?!

    And thanks so much for posting such great pics of the dresses and kody trying to kill himself. I love that meri shopped in the sofa section - too funny!

  7. So Kody ran around the lots when they put their money down and now he is climbing all over THE HOMES... good lord i hope they develop a since of pride in home owner ship or the houses will look like HE LL hocky sticks

  8. I only have a time for a very short comment for now, as I got to work late. But....I always check here first (always starts my day off nicely) and was hoping the review would be up - and there is was. And although they're always great, THIS review is CLASSIC, CJ! I think I literally laughed out loud the entire way through. And although I have many favorite lines from this one, I think my absolute favorite was the part about CoCo Chanel rolling in the grave boring a whole.... HA! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog. Thank you so much for taking time to do this - we all appreciate it. (And when SW's end does inevitably arrive, I hope you find another show about which to blog/snark). (-:

    Have a great Friday, everyone!

    - Lori

    1. CJ, I sure hope you will be opening up your living room to all of us to discuss "My Five Wives' that starts on March 9! I like the promos on TLC

  9. What made Christine think that fabric was pretty? Why does Meri think she's "edgy"? Why does Janelle think that shiny bright stiff fabric is becoming on a large woman? Why didn't they think they needed to look nice next to each other? Aren't they going have photos taken at their ceremony? Why does Robyn think leather cuffs are pretty? I can't make sense of any of this.

    1. Meri IS edgy. she's just not the kind of edgy she's referring to.

    2. Janelle looked beautiful in the blue. She hasn't bought enuf clothes to know that the characteristics of the fabric is very important.

    3. More importantly, why do they think Kody looks good with his horrible hair and facial hair? We should be surprised that any woman who thinks Kody is hot has horrible taste in everything else.

    4. there's another plot line! Kody gets a buzz cut.
      or if not a buzz cut, the same pompadooo haircut he had in those old photos.

  10. Another deliciously snarky review, love it :)

    oh I'm sure the houses will look craptastic soon enough, particularly Christine's and Janelle's. they aren't exactly born housewives. Wish someone had been around to take photos of the rental after Christine moved out last year, I'm sure the place was a wreck!

    Sam I think did her best considering what she had to work with and her lack of experience, but she's not a designer yet. Just having a diploma in something doesn't make it so. That takes experience. However, IMO the whole charade was just for the cameras anyway.

    1. Christine's house looked so bad after only a few months of living there. I couldn't believe how badly she destroyed it. I doubt she is going to take much better care of her new house. For being a STAHM who makes her oldest daughter do much of the work I really don't understand what she does all day.

    2. OMG, from the old mattress Christine had placed on the side of her rental house, the absolutely horrible filthy carpeting, the removal of the over the stove microwave (replaced with just a cheap looking fan), the wrecked molding on the front door, moving the refrigerator in the kitchen, I can ONLY imagine the thousands and thousands of dollars in damage she and her brood caused.

      When they first got to Vegas there was a rumor in one of the online rags that neighbors were trying to evict one of the wives. I always thought that wife was Christine (and I still do).

      I really think she is far more depressed than what is seen each season, which means I doubt if she gets out of bed very often when the show isn't being filmed. Unless Mykelti goes to college locally, she will only have Paedon (who for some reason I don't see as very helpful) Gwen and Ysabel to help her out once Mykelti graduates HS. That is not good.

    3. I agree about Christine being depressed. There are times even during filming when it looks like she just rolled out of bed. I'm not saying the other wives are dressed to the nines, but they are put together.

  11. oh and the leather cuffs look like something you'd buy in an S&M sex shop. Of which there are plenty of in LV. Perhaps we'll see Robyn's designs in one of those shops...

    and I bet the black dye will transfer onto the cheap cheap.

  12. and I'm still wondering what is planned for next season. What else is there? Do we watch the landscapers at work in the Cult De Sac?
    I personally think that TLC isn't hoping for a 5th wife - they want to get that Gosselin Arc going and have a divorce plotline. Preferably with a lot of public messing around on the gossip rags. Remember how the Jon & Kate ratings soared during that debacle?

    1. Cult-de-sac CommentatorFebruary 22, 2014 at 4:21 AM

      The Brown clan cannot come up with an original idea to save their lives-- stealing/adapting the FMS from the Dargers, Robyn's attempt at creating fugly S&M wrist cuffs, celebration dresses ripped off from boutique ideas, etc. Kody may well be feeling the pressure take a 5th wife. After all, he can't let Brady Williams outshine him. right?!

      Talking about keeping up with the Jonses. :-/

  13. do these people need to be medicated? They are NERVOUS at every sick of hearing it..
    they are overplaying the word..they make me nervous just listing to it

  14. if the whole dress charade looks fake it will damage them i think. the couch sessions are more and more kody acting off the rails and dramatic. none of the original organic back and forth from original seasons

  15. I didn't think the dresses were that bad. Honestly lol. I personally wouldn't have shopped for them, but I wouldn't say hideous. Also, I actually think Meri looks like she slimmed down in that photo og her in the pink t. She has a waist there! Haven't seen that in a while.


  16. The dress idea had to be TLC’s doing. I am kind of wondering if the debacle with Meri’s dress was even real. Meri was uncharacteristically good natured about the entire thing, which does not pass the smell test to me. She chucked when Janelle said she had ‘warned’ Sam that Meri might be difficult to work with? Sorry, not buying any of that. She had a dress picked out and she ‘went along’ with the fake drama and Sam pretended to try to make the upholstery work and create fake drama that the dress won't be ready, what will they do?

    I agree with Kody (again, shocked that I keep agreeing with him these days)….Meri needs to just live and see where life is taking them. Seems like they have all made this mess so it’s best to be optimistic and positive about their future rather than wondering what is next. I am convinced that Meri would have those extra babies had she been slightly more optimistic and just saw a fertility doctor several years ago….now I am not saying the Browns need any more kids….but she probably really didn’t even pursue anything at all, just claimed it wasn’t meant to be. So, if you are going with that mindset, then just chill out and see how the next season of your life plays out. You got the house you wanted, complete with wet bar and extra bedrooms, your daughter is away at the college of her choice… can’t you just count your blessings?

  17. that pergola looks like a bus stop

    1. Now we know why Janelle has that builders lien on her house. It was for that pergola thing and the grass for Meri and Robyn's yards. If they made so much money why couldn't they afford to pay cash?

    2. Janelle has a lien on her house? Please tell more.

    3. I think what anon 11:49 is referring to is a short while ago Janelle had a construction lien on her house. As it was during the spring, many speculated it was either financing for a pool or for the backyard cement pad she didn't have constructed to save money on her mortgage costs.

      If that is true that the lien WAS for the pergola, I think it would be more proof these people aren't making the money many fans believe they are. AND it would make sense Janelle would have to finance the pergola cost because she's the only one with a verifiable JOB at Mona's real estate company.

    4. Can't anyone put a lien on a property. If they are making payment and financing the pergola it would just stay on until the twelve months or whatever is paid for. A pergola gives instant shade, where a tree has to grow and needs care. It doesn't mean they decided not to pay for it, just that it isn't completely paid off yet.

  18. I still don't understand where Robyn thinks she has the right to be SO matter-of-fact with her beliefs of how the children should think/do/act/believe. She is basically a step-parent and a new one at that! We are a blended family and there are rules in the house that I expect each and every child follow, no matter who's biological child they are (and that includes friends of the kids as well), but I would *never*, even this far into our marriage, feel comfortable butting in and making a matter of fact decision about certain things. I can lovingly give advice or an opinion, but never be so freaking bossy and quite frankly crossing a line as Robyn. Her shrill "they can move out" if they don't do what *I* want them to do was disgusting. And previously when she was so matter of fact about Janelle's kids not participating in different religious activities when Janelle seemed more open about it. I don't know - this nerve of this woman just throws me for a loop sometimes...

    1. I think Robyn say's and does the things she does because Kody probably tells her that she is the only one for him. I would like to see an uncut version of the filming that took place for the last episode. I just can't imagine that she didn't really catch hell from the other moms, especially Janelle.What I would really like to see though, is what would happen when she runs off at the mouth to her "bonus" children when the camera crew isn't there.

    2. Cult-de-sac CommentatorFebruary 22, 2014 at 4:45 AM

      Anon 7:54 -- You are so right! If this is what Robyn is like when the cameras are rolling, what is she like in her natural habitat? *shudders*

    3. Especially as she turned around and pretended to be so appalled when Kody told the kids they'd be kicked out of the family if they didn't behave during the ceremony. I wondered if he was suddenly taking a hard line to appease Robyn since he had made her angry earlier.

    4. Just wait for the tell-all book from one of the Brown kids, I bet we find out lots of interesting things about all the adults!

  19. I honestly would be much more interested in that than the scripted boringness this show has become!

  20. It's hard to comment on anything this week but those dresses. None of them are flattering or attractive, but I have to say that I think Christine's may be the ugliest. It looks like Ren Fair costume with the red/gold combination. Like she should be selling turkey legs or fiber optic roses from a basket.

    This whole "It's so hard to find modest clothes" storyline is BS. Any department store would have a selection of long formal skirts and formal jackets to match. Or they could have easily had sheer sleeves sewn into the straps of a gown.

    I guarantee they are working towards having a leather cuffed jewelry line and "modesty" apparel on their website.

    1. Right? Any store with formal wear would have "Mother of the Bride" style dresses which would seem to be essentially what they're looking for. I'm just wondering if TLC refused to shell out much money for this which is why it's suddenly taking place in their backyard and someone is making the dresses for them in exchange for publicity.

    2. It was just another adventure for the family to brag they were polygamists and cry over facing public scorn. Then asking the landscaper?

  21. I think it's suspicious that Meri was so calm about her dress disaster. After 5-plus seasons of hearing her tell us over and hover how "picky" she is ("I *told* you I won't have sliding glass doors, Kody!"), I just can't believe she was so blase about her dream dress turning into a nightmare. In the preview at the end of the show, she is wearing a green dress with a white cropped sweater that I will bet was her "real" dress the whole time, either made ahead with plenty of time, or purchased and put in the closet weeks ago. Thus she one-up's her sister wives in their home-made get-ups. (Christine's dress disturbs me and makes me sad. She so much wants to be the youngest, newest wife again, the Princess. The dress seems kind of desperate somehow.)

    1. christine and her girls are Disney is a very immature taste,,but her pixie necklace will go

    2. Cult-de-sac CommentatorFebruary 22, 2014 at 4:43 AM

      LOL @ Anon 1:46... "It looks like Ren Fair costume with the red/gold combination."

      I've seen some awesome gowns at said fairs. To lump hers with that crowd is a major disservice to genuine 'society for creative anachronism' enthusiasts.

      To me, the "gown" looks more like someone took one of my 4 year-old niece's Disney princess play costumes and blew it up to an adult size--or tried to. It's uber uggly.

      Still, if Christine is happy with it...

  22. Has anyone been to the closet site lately? I just looked on there to see how much the leather cuffs were going for but alas, they're not for sale yet! I wonder if someone convinced Robyn that no one would buy them. Why would she make those for the family to wear to the commitment ceremony? Those are not typically worn at a formal event, at least not that I've ever seen. The site looks so different too, I guess they sprung for a new web designer and made things more organized on that site. Lots of earrings and Be Values stuff. Not much of the expensive jewelry. Maybe they finally got a clue that no one wants a $300 polygamist ring or bracelet...

    1. They redid the website late December, right before the new year. Robyn put on twitter already she is looking at making another version of the cuffs and necklaces for the website, different from the family though. I would be really judgmental if they were going to sell the jewelry the entire family is getting.

    2. I still don't understand this. They have this damn reality show that is filmed months in advance and those stupid idiots ALWAYS SHOWS AN ITEM, TELLS THE AUDIENCE IT WILL BE SOLD ON THEIR MSWC WEBSITE AND THEN DOESN'T DO ANYTHING TO MAKE IT AVAILABLE ON THE WEBSITE BY THE TIME THE EPISODE SHOWS !!!

      It is sooooo infuriating how these people just throw away a million dollar opportunity by not having stuff ready for sale in MSWC. I think it just shows how stupid Kody is as a salesman and businessman...with an equally dumb Robyn at his side hanging on to his every word. No wonder his previous business ventures went under!

      Okay, I feel better now...

    3. oops, that should be BY THE TIME THE EPISODE AIRS !!!

    4. Gosh you are right? What month was this ceremony? They have free publicity for merchandise and they throw it away with timing.

    5. Probably cos they know very few will buy that crap. Ugh

  23. The cold sores need to be addressed. Some of the kids even get them. :/ Also, trainer Sean has a video on sale for 9.99 at my sister wife's closet! Oh joy! The kodettes have been a-tweetin

  24. Today's twitter kind of seems desperate . One last big chance for Sean and sign up for our "Sisterwives Closet" newsletter.

  25. Robin's dress is clearly the worst. This is following selection of fabric with her business partner in San Francisco and attempt to copy the little black dress at the boutique --only in purple!

  26. I went back and watched the very first episode on Netflix, and the difference just made me so sad. I think they were better off as a family in Utah. :(

    1. I couldn't agree more! I really enjoyed the first season. I liked see how they went about their daily lives...the grocery shopping and car pooling, I thought Christine's pantry was the best!

    2. Cult-de-sac CommentatorFebruary 22, 2014 at 4:50 AM

      Those early days were the best. Not that the Meri, Janelle, and Christine were enjoying the pinnacle of earthly Polygamist glory, but they were 'less' miserable and had seemed to be more in harmony with one another before Robyn came into the nest with her claw-like talons on Kody and krew.

    3. They were better off as a family before Robyn came along. That's the problem!

    4. Such a difference from the first episode to now. The big plus is that now the kids will have a decent chance of escaping. Could you imagine Aspyn ever getting away if they had stayed there? It is good to see Meri and Janelle with friends who are not polygamous too.

  27. meri's tweets are so depressing. if you go back and read blogs from when the show first aired people were saying she was depressed then. Can she not count her blessings? so many people have struggled in this economy this past four years. They are doing quite well and she is still has not acted happy or grateful. i wish she would get treatment or see a therapist on her own. how can the show have additional seasons when she is such a kill joy?

  28. Many of you have challenged how Meri could be so calm about her upholstery dress not working out. My two cents on that is because she's really just not into this ceremony b.s. to begin with and could truly care less. She's been saying that for episodes. She's not committed to any of them beyond Mariah but will go with the flow for ratings, hence the sourpuss look on her face. She only seems interested in planting a darn tree, but probably because she just wants some shade in the friggin dessert.

    I also suspect that a reason why Robyn hasn't popped out another in the last two years is because Meri has kept Robyn's ovaries on hold. I bet that was a calculated move on Meri's part to block/delay Robyn from bearing Kody a 2nd like she couldn't. Now that they have closed the book on surrogacy, let's see if Robyn can or even really wants to get pregnant.

    Everyone's comments and observations here are so spot on it's a riot, and relief, to read. Thank you everyone! Hee hee, any chance for some screenshots of everyone on the show that has had a cold sore? Gross-o but...

    signed Anon in Cali

    1. I dunno - I'm still convinced that the surrogate/IVF was only a story line and never seriously considered to begin with. But since it WAS a story line, Robyn had to keep the womb open. All they ever did was talk about doing it, there was no testing or anything going on. And I also have my doubts as to whether Robyn planned to have more than 1 child with Kody to begin with, just for the sake of the show.

    2. Robyn's in her 30's. If she wants to get pregnant she needs to stop lactating, and plot her cycle and try on alternate days her fertile week without him wasting any elsewhere. It's a miracle sol came so quick.

    3. OH, I think that if Robyn wanted another baby with Kody she would try for one. I don't think she'd put her ovaries on hold for anyone. Either she cannot get knocked up again as easily or she is being cautious.

    4. [Meri] only seems interested in planting a darn tree, but probably because she just wants some shade in the friggin dessert
      I think she's only interested because it was her mother's idea...who was most likely thinking they need the shade in the desert!!!

      Now that they have closed the book on surrogacy, let's see if Robyn can or even really wants to get pregnant
      A gut feeling tells me Robyn only planned on having one baby. She's already gone on record saying she will not have another baby until she's finished breastfeeding Sol. I say that's hogwash, she just doesn't want to get pregnant and lose that "perfect" figure of hers.

      And I also have my doubts as to whether Robyn planned to have more than 1 child with Kody to begin with, just for the sake of the show.
      I agree. She made sure she had one baby which sent out a message loud and clear (to her teenage bonus children, particularly Janelle's second oldest son) that she and Kody WERE having marital sex.

      Remember after Kody married Robyn when Christine said something like "by golly, they BETTER be having sex!" ? That was Robyn's main role - to give birth to those spirit babies waiting to be born. But she's dropped the ball. If she were following Janelle and Christine's birthing leads, she should be pregnant with baby #3 about now. But no, she's designing S&M leather cuffs.

      Robyn's in her 30's Yep, in the last episode she mentioned she was 35. She's not getting any younger but she could be leading Kody on, saying how she wants to have another baby but her body is letting her down...just like Nicki Grant on Big Love did to Bill - only Nicki was secretly taken contraceptives and when she eventually did stop the pills, she couldn't conceive again.

      If the producers are playing by the Big Love playbook, this could be the next storyline. Poor Robyn wants to get pregnant but can't. Boohoo, wipe away the eye goo after looking at it.

    5. She'll be breast feeding him until 2nd grade

    6. They should freeze some eggs or put some embies aside in case they want to when she is a little older.

  29. Cult-de-sac CommentatorFebruary 22, 2014 at 4:34 AM

    Agreed, HokeyMom!!! The Browns are like a modern-day Beverly Hillbilly family with a polygamist twist. Unlike the original show, however, the Browns have none of the endearing wit or charm of the Clampetts.

    Hmmm... I would pay big money to see Scari and Princess Pariah eat some of Granny's infamous hog jowels and possum innards, though! ;-)

  30. I don't watch the show anymore, but come here for the snark. They have gotten so off-track with this show with the contrived plot lines. I stopped watching at the beginning of this season. We do not want to watch Robyn make lame DIY leather cuffs or the stupid commitment ceremony. When I originally started watching the show I was interested in how the women could share one big house (the Lehi house with separate apts.) and the interaction between them - how they cooperated with one another so some could work and others could care for children, the advantages of being able to buy food in bulk, how they raised that many children etc... Instead we get storylines about everything except how they function in their day to day lives. They are put in unrealistic situations. If there were to move back to Lehi and live humble lives, do charity work, get traditional jobs like the rest of us it might be interesting again. I cannot relate to people living in these massive homes. It really is a slap in the face for viewers who have gone through tough times in the recession. I cannot stand Robyn's smug mug and how she flaunts her skinny minnie body around. She needs to get a dose of the awful stuff she's thrown in the face of Christine and Janelle. I hope he does go after a hot young 5th wife and that wife will lord it over Robyn. Robyn deserves to have her status lowered and have to grovel for Kodouche's attention.

    1. Oh, I have a feeling that after Robyn stops popping out Kody's babies her reign as Kody's "favorite" will be over. Kody is only using her for more babies, I don't really think he cares about her all that much but as the only fertile wife he is coddling her.

    2. Kody is like any other man. He prefers a younger woman to have sex with.

  31. You can catch glimpses of the dresses and commitment ceremony in the event planner's website's gallery (

    1. Looks like Robyn got Kody to wear a purple tie to match HER dress. Wow, she's cunning.

    2. I like Meri's new dress. The lights look great! I think it looks like a great party. The cheesy stuff is probably still cheesy but looks like they had a good time!

    3. Robyn's face still collapses on itself when she cries, the cake does look like an $8,5000 cake (Kody told the cake designer I'm sure you cant do this), and if that is Mariah looking at the cake with Meri? omg she is huge,,and yes, soloman and kody are in purple. All of those people and table and chairs on new sod? check out the outake on TLC about banning young kids from the party

    4. Wonder why the pictures on the event planners site show Robyn looking as if she's about to turn on the water works in every on of them? I also wonder why Robyn still has on that awful dress in the pic with Kody & the other "wives" dressed in more comfy clothing for what looks to be the party after the ceremony. Bet she thinks she looked good in it.

    5. Hey CJ, I was wondering, do you watch any other "reality" t.v. that we could come to your living room to snark on when the Brown's mess is over? I really do love to read your reviews. Thanks

    6. do you watch any other "reality" t.v. that we could come to your living room to snark on when the Brown's mess is over?

      Do I ever!!! I'm into almost every reality/entertainment/competitive show that's shown on TV. My faves are the RH franchises (including OC, BH and especially NY - but not so much NJ now), cooking competitive/entertainment shows (The Taste was particularly good snark this season, anything Gordon Ramsay, anything Food Network). And let's not forget Project Runway, The Bachelor/ette, Worst Cooks in America, DANCE MOMS!!!!, Survivor, Amazing Race.

      Don't forget the Williams will premiere right after the Browns go on hiatus. I have to confess I only watched about 5 mins of their pilot before getting totally skeeved out for some reason. The Dargers I can stand, this Williams guy is kind of creepy, but I will give the show the once over.

      So I think we have a pretty good mix of shows that can be discussed!.

    7. Welcome and thanks Sweetie for the link to the event planner's website!

      Well, to my discerning fashion eye, it appears the dress Meri has on IS the same pattern of dress she wanted Sam to make. The material is more appropriate although the construction leaves a lot to be desired.

      That pergola is just overkill. I wouldn't be surprised if a month after the ceremony, Kody decided the lawn wasn't worth the trouble to maintain and let it rot. He just doesn't seem like someone to take care of his property.

      And I wonder if the Browns invited the other neighbors to attend. There are at least 3 other homes behind those gates (not counting that birthday cake monstrosity next to Robyn's house) so I wonder if they were there too. I know the ones who have the pool attended.

    8. Glad to hear you're into my favorites. Your list of shows looks like mine except for some reason I never really watched the Bachelor/ette, Survivor or Amazing race. I love, love love RH, well all but the Miami Housewives and I tried, but I just couldn't relate to any of them.I have a favorite or two on all the other HW franchises though, and that is always subject to change. I can love 'em today, and can't stand 'em this time next week!

  32. Ahh! Thank you to whoever posted on the swb fbook page that this blog was up and running. I have been BEREFT this season without anyone to snark husband hates this show and refuses to watch with me. Cynical Jinx you have brought me joy on this cloudy Saturday morning!

    1. Your welcome! I was searching forever too! I am so glad I found it!

    2. Thank you MsMarysKilla! Thank you very much for leaving the link!

      Thank you LuvDivided! Glad my living room has brightened your day!

  33. Something about the landscaper dialouge just didn't sit right with me. Who questions someone religious beliefs before doing business with them? Isn't this what Kody and Meri were complaining about when they were in Utah? Kody lost accounts, Meri lost her job. Why did they put this landscaper guy on camera To say Kody was sinning? Kody mentions "bible thumpers" in previous episodes. So they want religious persecution as a story line, but they have refused to explain or delve into their own beliefs on camera? I read it was a mutal agreement between the Brown family and TLC not to delve into the religion but present it as a lifestyle. I have scene outakes of Christine referring to Kody as the leader. So I'm not comfortable with this persecution story line at all, and would love to ask the Brown family, how they justify making big bucks as persecuted polygamist, when they seem so judgemental of other religious or monogamist or their sterotypical assumptions of other lifestyles or people.

  34. Christine tweets: Christine Brown ‏@rosecolored6 · 12h
    Awesome older brother @FroginBrown drew Truely a snowflake stage with chalk on the driveway for her to perform "Frozen". #brothers

    5 hours later Robyn tweets: Robyn Sullivan Brown ‏@LuvgvsUwngs · 7h
    @rosecolored6 @FroginBrown Then he was over here hanging with Solomon and rocking him while they watched Monsters Inc! #bigbrothersrock

    Snark on folks.

    1. can someone tweet that bitch with a slap,, she can't give an inch or let a moment go by without interrupting someones bliss she interrupted the whole family with her need to be part of it..what a bitch

    2. Yeah, but don't forget that according to Robyn, they should have been together from the beginning, the crazy woman is trying to make up for lost time.She can't seem to stand the fact that all the others have a history that she wasn't a part of, and that ought to scare the crap out of the rest of them. It does me!

    3. someone tweeted back to her this: MRZ.MURPHY ‏@therealkiesha · 13h
      @LuvgvsUwngs @rosecolored6 @FroginBrown sounds like a competition .... robyn sure is a attention seeker lol

      After which Robyn deleted her tweet. HaHa She got called out and knew it.

    4. After which Robyn deleted her tweet

      No, her tweet is still there...but I took a picture just in case she does delete it! bwahahahaha!!!

    5. can you imagine living with such petty competition all the time? always trying to one up a sisterwife? your whole world revolving around what someone has that you don't?
      That had to be hard when they were poor, but now it's every sisterwife for themself

    6. reply to anon Feb 22 @ 9;35 PM Have you watched the programs that Kody's Mom or Christine's Mom are in - they both say how hard and hurtful their plyg life was. It is so sad these women put themselves through this hurt and not enjoying their marriages and now their daughters are going through the same emotional hurt . I feel sorry for them all frankly.

  35. there is a bonus scene on tlc when the party planners are at meri's and kody says no kids under a certain age he dosnt want his new landscaping torn up, that christines kids tore up christines living room

  36. If i owned Elizabeth Charles or any other store or boutique i would ban those people from comming in and taking cell phone pictures of the designers. These people are thiefs of the artistic result of hard work by someone else and should be banned from any retail store..Robyn clearly took a cell phone picture and tried to knock it off. I'm surprised they didn't rip of Lolly or Mollys or whoever Rodworks signs for their mission statement by throwing them in the air mixing them up and there ya go,,mission statement accomplished. They have enough of those signs to open their own store

    1. LOL, I agree about Rodworks!

      It's a Mormon thing to use signage with inspiring phrases as home decor. Go to ldsgifts dot com or ldsbookstore dot com and take a look around, or even google "mormon home decorating" and check out the sites that come up. Part of the Browns' arguable taste is cultural.

    2. If anything Elizabeth Charles in San Francisco would have allowed Robyn's "business partner" to sketch those 3 seasons ago designer fashions for the publicity I have a feeling. After filming for the episode, Elizabeth Charles closed their NYC store in November 2013, leaving just the San Francisco store. I think they would do just about anything for free publicity - even allowing a group of polygamists to film there. And like I said, the fashions were old old old...

    3. Hi Everyone
      Ok, so I am dying for everyone's input... I was reading on a different site from a poster who has been pretty reliable in the past, that for Season 4, which is 20 episodes beginning July 21, 2013 ending February 23, 2014 each Brown adult received 750k for the season, with the Brown children collectively getting 500k for the season, to be held in trust and dividing equally.

      I guess that's possible???

      Over the past four years their lowest rating was 1.6 million and their highest was 2.4million which is remarkably consistent for reality t.v.

    4. I guess that's possible???

      I say no, it is not possible. That would mean they make more money than Nene Leakes from Real Housewives Atlanta on Bravo. RHoAtl is on a much bigger network (subsidiary of NBC) with ratings considerably higher than Sister Wives. And she is widely known as being paid the most for appearing on a RH franchise. TLC just doesn't compare - especially since TLC's biggest star is Honey Boo Boo.

      If they had made that amount of money, there wouldn't be liens. They wouldn't need to hire a credit repair company. And most important, they wouldn't be financing their mortgages (with all their major appliances, window treatments, carpeting included in their mortgage) with companies known for providing high interest/ interest only loans to people who can't otherwise couldn't qualify for conventional home loans.

      They would be able to pay for elegant evening gowns from a well known, reputable designer. They would not buy their furniture from consignment stores and they would not have teens being ticketed for driving without proof of insurance - numerous times.

      Nope, I don't believe it's possible. Maybe $350K for all the adults combined, but not $750K each.

    5. CJ I think that Honey Boo Boo is quickly losing her shock factor value.

    6. Thank goodness! Now, if TLC will just take her picture off the TLC FB page.

    7. Was there confirmation of their mortgages? I'm just wondering viz if you look the tax bills go directly to them and with both the houses I've owned the tax bill goes/went to my mortgage company.

    8. is there more than the lien on robyns house? does someone else have a lien?

    9. The information about the mortgage companies was from the county recorder website.

    10. But the tax responsibility is in the mortgage lendees name, and often both the homeowner and the mortgage company get the bill.

    11. Let me add something about the theory that TLC is paying all that $$ to the Browns. $750k x 5 for a season or $3 million is the theory?
      As my gf keeps telling me - TLC is notoriously cheap. She reviews tv shows and when she gets a DVD in the mail, they are nicely packaged very professional looking - *except* for TLC. TLC is a blank disc with the name of the show written on it with a sharpie.
      TLC probably doesn't make that much in ad revenue. Because the viewership is low compared to other networks, they can't ask for premium dollars. And remember it's not just the family that has to get paid but the production crew etc. I'm guessing the film crew are all union so they get a certain pay level minimum. The Browns aren't actors and not members of the Screen Actors Guild therefore they don't get the big bucks or other perks such as residuals.

      I do believe that the homes were bought under an adjustable rate loan. The builder had been sitting on that land which they bought at the height of the bubble and no one wanted to build new houses. Whether the. Browns pay off the notes or not it's definitely a win-win for the builder. I think the Browns are leveraging their TLC income to obtain credit and that's mostly what they live on.

    12. Thank you CJ! I am still in disbelief that all of the clowns qualified for mortgages with their credit histories. And such large amounts too! House of cards on that end of the cult de sac for sure!! :/

  37. I think it's really weird that in the pic of he whole family on the smelv website, where most of the family is giving the ASL sign for "I love you," Robin looks like she's trying to throw up a gang sign (though she's really doing the "piss off" sign, ala Sex Pistols). I don't know, privileged, wealthy, "conservative," folks trying to look "gangster" is pretty tacky.

  38. Kody has the beard in the smelv pictures...guess it wasnt christines night!

  39. I gagged when uber kewl kody said something about if he had "guy friends" on the couch with him, they would all be giving him high fiives. I very seriously doubt that this douche has any "real" guy friends. Remember his wrestling "guy friend" in the garage with him grappling and squatting over each other's faces? I'm sorry, but that's not exactly "manly". So robyn had to pipe up and be kewl with a guy-ish expression and high five that clown. Because she's down like that, ya know.

    I'm sorry but this season really has shown how nonreligious they really are. Cursing, tarot card reading- that's not a very good example of Christianity. Kody talks a big game and desperately tries to use big words to the point of making him look like a joke. Hoooing like a girl as he studly jumps off the needle. Didn't buy for a minute that these "guys" were chummy.

    And lastly, I thought it was sickening the way the ladies went to pricey boutiques in sf and "little" robyn was the only one who could get a foot into any of the clothes there, so she just tried on everything to model these looks. I found that to be a desperate attempt at attention hogging. Then they go to what looks to be a second-hand thrift store for the other ladies to search for anything that could resemble something other than a bed sheet. Have some pride about yourselves ladies and stop allowing yourselves to be trampled down by the likes of that blowhard clown and hook-nosed man robyn. Seriously.

    1. So many excellent points - I don't know how to begin!

      I know the whole commitment ceremony is TLC-driven, but I don't understand how they can hold it or reconcile it with their religion. Robyn's wedding, with the claddagh rings, would have encompassed the commitment of their being one family. It will be interested to see if the ceremony is officiated, and by whom. (Is Kody going to do it as priestholder?) Otherwise, the ceremony seems to be signing the mission statement, planting the tree, throwing sand, wearing leather bracelets and whatever other symbolism they can appropriate. (They may light unity candles, too.) I really think that they sold their souls for those houses.

  40. TLC is running back-to-back episodes through tonight's two-hour finale today. Right now (3 p.m. ET), the graduation episode is on.

  41. I am really irritated at how clueless Kody is. How does a man with 17 complain about boisterous kids or act surprised that kids damage stuff. From the man standing on plastic bucket on the roof drilling holes into his house. And he picked on Christine and her kids. First all the little kids end up at her house. Even in the Levi house Mariah would do dinners there and Meri would make her own meal, remember the fish tacos at Christine's while she had salmon. Second of all his step son is bound to have quirks in that overstimulating environment. When you have a kid on spectrum you don't really criticize your friends children as being kids who misbehave. Course is a new four day a week parent. I can understand needing some measure with which to cut off the guest list. When you child has an invisible special need and in a public space, like a party, a person can easily mistake a quirk for misbehavior. You just don't criticize other kids. You ask for it back when you do! I can't imagine many of them are still friends with him after criticizing their kids on tv.

    1. Based off their own twitter posts, I don't get the feeling the Kody Klan has many "real" friends any way. I'm wondering where TLC is coraling this large group from.

    2. Craig's list maybe? Or maybe clients of their agent that rounded up Mona the Psychic.

    3. Got my answer watching rge episode - sisters Moms Cousins brothers etc of the Klowns...

  42. I think they would have got a better design and look if they had of went to their local Tent & Awning outlet for their dresses.

  43. This is way off topic but has anyone noticed the resemblance between the first picture of Robin in this post and your profile picture Cynical Jinx? Hmmmmm
