
Sunday, February 16, 2014

Brown Tweets During the Show 2/16/14

Since I still have another 2 hours to go before Sister Wives comes on, I thought it would be fun to have up to the minute tweets from the Browns and their friends. This posting will be updated for the next hour, so be sure to check back for the updates!

So first up, I checked out Trainer Sean's twitter because I know he's good at tweeting pictures of all of them together and stuff.

Oh my!! Looks like the party has started! I knew Sean wouldn't let us down! Hey somebody must have read when I asked why the neighbors with the pool never present on viewing night. Looks like they made it tonight!

Hmmmm...I never thought of fondue (food covered in cheese/food cooked in oil) as healthy. Maybe instead of oil, they are using a nice light broth instead to cook the raw meat....

Is anyone else wondering where Kody is?

You know, I think this tweet from Robyn almost sounds like they are required to tweet on show night...

And from Meri...

I wonder if Mariah's there for the party or back at school?

Interesting tweet from Kody. We were just discussing this very topic about Janelle today! I can't wait to see how she looks....

Another recent discussion in My Living Room. Oh yeah, Kody. I totally believe you...Methinks the gentleman doth protest too much...

You mean you didn't use Robyn's junkyard dog as a designer? Well, since I haven't seen the episode yet I think it's too early for me to gloat about it...I'll wait 24 hours LMAO!!

That's right, Christine! Let Kody know who the real boss is!!!

I don't think Robyn's gonna make bonus children points with this tweet. Exactly why does Robyn require a housekeeper/nanny staying with her fulltime when she can rely on free bonus child labor, right?

Simple solution: Robyn's best friend and "business partner" to the rescue, right?

Holy cow! I can't believe Kody not only DIDN'T delete this tweet but he RETWEETED IT to all his followers!

Does this mean the little Peter Pan man is finally getting a thick skin where criticism is concerned? Or was this a "what a dumb broad, I'll teach her a lesson" moment he just couldn't resist?

I just saw this tweet conversation today, 2/17/14.

Hahahaha! How wonderful to berate someone on twitter so the ENTIRE WORLD can see your true disposition. This is like the Robyn of old, when she was preggers and very very short fused. Hmmmm...and so reminiscent of that tirade she had with Christine's aunt - except she left out the word Sweetie. She doesn't need a junkyard dog to protect her cuz she can alienate all by her lonesome.

And I guess Kody hasn't changed after all...

Yep, it looks like he did go ahead and delete that comment he retweeted, but it looks like Twitter still has it somewhere (and I made a screenprint just in case it disappears altogether)


  1. So glad you started this blog and can't wait to read your re-cap of tonight's fiasco of an episode!

    1. Thank you, and welcome to my living room Rebecca!

  2. I think he's calling it "healthy" because of the veggies. If it was broth i think it would be termed shabu shabu? and WTF. Mustard? they couldn't make some sauces? squirt some mustard on everything so it tastes like a burger. GAG.

    "no more baggy clothes" COULD mean she's wearing her clothes too tight.

    oh and BTW I'm watching the episode "The Wives Four Lives" where Sean weighs Janelle and she's still 243 and change. Based on that Twit Pic from the previous blog post, I'd peg Janelle somewhere in the 230's now and that's being generous.

    1. Are those colored ink pens next to the sauces on the counter?

    2. fondue forks maybe?

      Sauces? you kill me CJ...sauces would be something they actually MADE. those are just condiments! (and I know you're teasing btw). Heinz yellow mustard, A-1 sauce and Gulden's Brown Mustard are what all the chic fondue chefs are using these days. ROFL!

    3. bet you the only people eating the veggies are Sean, Mrs. Sean, Hunter and Logan, and maybe Janelle. the bread will be gone first. I bet that Sean didn't include the CHOCOLATE FONDUE in his pic. hahhahahahaaa

  3. Dollars to doughnuts that Kody read our comments in the previous post.

  4. back to the fondue pic. You don't dip bread in broth. that definitely looks like cheese in the pot. and low-fat/fat free cheese doesn't work for fondue because it won't properly melt.

    damn. still blown away by the Heinz mustard on the fondue table. ew.

    1. I was thinking it could be a deconstructed Beef Sandwich Au Jus. (been watching too much Top Chef and food channel competition cooking shows)

      Where's the mayo????

  5. Wife # 5 will be Robin Sister aka LIVIN' "NANNY"!!

  6. Robyn and Kody went to the Melting Pot for a date last season..these people copy everything..Meri had "fondue" waiting for her when she got back from SF. Do they get jealous of where each wife goes to dinner?

    1. there must be an Awesome Blossom there somewhere. lol
      specialties of chain restaurants, coming up.

    2. and next year, Meri will have an El Machino tortilla machine from Chevy's installed next to the wet bar.

    3. and next year, Meri will have an El Machino tortilla machine from Chevy's installed next to the wet bar. with a woman she calls 'Aunt Chilada' making the tortillas for her "parties" (she got the idea from another popular restaurant in AZ)

  7. Robyn really showed her true colors tonight. Trying to control everything! Telling Maddie she could move out if she didn't like the family mission statement.
    Love Maddie for saying she was just trying to push Robyn's buttons. Also Janelle for saying "We didn't see Robyn coming" when talking about a 5th wife.
    Dayton's eye is still closed after being swollen black and blue on the Christmas episode. Its been at least six months. Im really starting to wonder if he has lost an eye. Why haven't they said anything about it? what are they trying to hide?

    1. Actually in real time it's been almost a year if not longer. :(

    2. I just really hope he hasn't lost an eye. I would cry if he did. It was fine the day Robyn showed him the new house, the same day she and Kody were to take them to Montana for visitation with his Dad. A week later when they filmed the Christmas celebration (a week late) is his eye was black and blue and swollen shut. I guessing that whatever happened, happened when he was with his dad. I just don't understand why it is still shut. I worry that its gone. I want to bring attention to this. The browns and TLC are avoiding it. why? If your going to put your lives on TV, you cant have a kid lose an eye and not address it. It makes it look like they are hiding something.

    3. when Robyn closed on her house the day they left for Montanna she insisted the kid's see the house..insited they had not seen it and had to see it..i thought then it was so the kid's would brag or talk about how big it was to her ex and family. I thought then it was a bad idea and the kid's could get any blow back from that. i hope he wasn't injured then makes me sick to think what could have happened to him

    4. Some time ago, I went back through twitter and it looks like whatever happened occurred way before Christmas. Since he's still under 16, I support his parents in protecting his privacy. The public really doesn't need to know the details.

    5. It seems like they haven't shown as much of Robyn's older children more recently. That may be to protect their privacy. I would think it would be better for them, particularly with Dayton having Aspergers. Their father could have even wanted them to be filmed less.

    6. i wonder if that is what the medical lien on robyns house is about. Dayton's eye

    7. CJ can you please expand on what you said about going through twitter and it happening way before Christmas? If it was on twitter than it was put to the public, so I assume it would be fine for you to tell what you read.

    8. It was not what I read, it was what I saw.

      I first saw something seriously wrong in a picture taken during a Nascar race that Robyn, Kody, Hunter and Dayton attended. It was a full face and it was obvious his right eye was shut closed. That picture has been deleted from twitter, but I had made a screenshot because it was so unforgettable. So I started working backward. In a picture taken on his birthday with Meri, he's shown almost in profile with the right side of his face hidden by a large black fedora looking hat. The last photo I could find was dated 12/2/12 - yes over a year ago - where it's boy's night out at a movie including Logan and other Brown boys. Remember how he had that thick curly hair? His head looked like it had been shaved with his hair growing back, looking like stubble and his face was again turned so you only could see his left profile with the right side hidden.

      Like I said, his parents have opted to be silent. Let's respect that decision.

    9. I agree CJ but I just gotta say I would put money on this - Kody and Robyn probably wanted to feature whatever it is on the show and Dayton's dad said no way.
      They must be desperate for plot lines for next season.

    10. And 2 Dec 12 was *before* they moved into the McMansions and before he went to visit his dad. My respect for the unknown Mr. Jessop just went up a couple points.

  8. Sean just loves to kiss ass doesn't he?

    TRAINER TO THE STARS....yup. "Trainer of TLC's Sister Wives" is right on his Twit profile. he is LOVING THE SPOTLIGHT, but he better step it up if he wants to continue enjoying it.

    1. Yeah, I don't think Janelle is a good example of his best work. I think he would be OK as a fitness trainer, but I would probably laugh in his face if he showed me those petrified hamburgers.

    2. None of the trainers I know personally, and I know a LOT of them, would resort to those scare tactics.


    Robyn is an ASSHOLE officially. yup the best way to make the kids wanna follow the freaking mission statement that we've been hearing about ever since they glommed the idea off of the Dargers, is to FORCE THEM TO SIGN the damn thing. and she equates it to chores. do the kids actually DO any chores, except for watching their younger sibs? the houses are usually a wreck. so I doubt it. Seriously.

    1. I'm beginning to wait...I am absolutely SURE Robyn has something wrong in her head. A chip must have burned out or something. She was outrageous.

    2. I've long thought there was something amiss in Robyn's brain wiring. The rest of the family seem to avoid confrontation with her on camera & it's probably because they have no idea if she'll have a meltdown! Her tweets are often rude- maybe she forgot she's making a living selling her personal life for a paycheck?

    3. Sobbin' Ragin' Robyn is desperate to cement her place in this family so that she can earn her eternal reward. To me, that's what's wrong in her head. She has been indoctrinated into this insanity and now is striving desperately to obtain her celestial eternity. Her actions scream "Look at me! Look at me! I'm a wife in a plural marriage with lots of kids! I'm just as valuable as the other wives! "

      It's pretty pathetic...and incredibly annoying.

      If that jackass gets wife #5, Robyn is toast. She will never be able to handle it.

  10. Omg, I can't believe it! When Janelle asked Kody about potentially having a fifth wife, Robyn immediately said "REALLY Janelle?" like a cheerleader making fun of another girl. As though it was a really stupid and embarrassing question. I hate Robin!

    1. Wife #5 would spell Robyn's doom. She would no longer be the shiny new toy, she'd be just another wife and Kody would be focused on the new person he could have sex with. Behind the scenes I bet Robyn is demanding no more wives.

  11. can you imagine how the Darger's feel ? seeing a storyline for the Brown's evolve from something they said on an episode? can the Darger's get some dough each time "Mission Statement" is said?

    1. The Dargers are probably laughing their asses off while watching the Browns make a total mess out of it trying to EMULATE/ONE-UP them.

    2. Cult-de-sac CommentatorFebruary 18, 2014 at 7:13 AM

      Robyn is such a bitch. I guess she doesn't remember her previous, gung-ho attitude about Kody's potential 5th wife. Well, Robyn, allow me to remind you:

      “That’s OK if Kody chooses a fifth wife...I signed on for that.” -- 'Sister Wives Tell-All Special' on June 24, 2012

    3. The Dargers are probably like, "We wrote our mission statement in an hour. What the hell is wrong with the Brown's?!"

  12. Kudos to JENALLE jab at ROBIN coming into the family...and KODY comment to the kids about kicking them out of the family came from ROBIN nagging to him about his kids not being into this SHAM CEREMONY!!

  13. This whole episode just makes me so sick. These people are so into their selves. Their whole mission statement is redundant. They are forcing their selves to really buy into this crap. Making the children sign it? WTH. The adults shouldn't force this on the kids.They didn't ask to be a part of this mess. This is probably going to be the last year that I will watch this sickening charade. I am so sick of them trying to shove the fact that they are such happy plygs down our throats. I am still floored when Janelle was at that dress shop in SF and stated that a particular dress that Robyn tried on that she "never saw that much skin". Say what? She never saw someone in a bathing suit ! These people are a strange bunch.

    So very happy to have found you CJ. Glad that I could be a part of your living room !

    Menopausal Maniac

    1. ya I thought that was bullshit too, Janelle saying that. I just remember the ep where the wives went on an "adventure" (zzzz!) on Fremont Street and I seem to recall some scantily clad women in some scenes.

    2. Welcome, Menopausal Maniac (oh how I can relate)!!

    3. I agree with you. I stopped watching the show. I only read the blog. I do not want to support polygamy and especially the Brown family. They are the poster family for polygamy. I am still looking for other polygamy families set up just like their family. Their fans seem to think that Kody and his women all work hard and have jobs. I am tired of the comments about how Kody supports his family and he does more for his family than a monogamist man. WTF. Their fans are delusional.

    4. I've gone the opposite direction. I watch the show purely to enhance my enjoyment of this blog. :)

    5. Janelle's comment about Robyn's dress showing so much skin was hilarious! Guess she didn't watch Meri's Mexico episode or Robyn's birthing episode because they showed more skin than anyone needed to witness! So much for Brown modesty....

  14. Robyn needs to be kicked in the proverbial vagina for saying that to Maddi. Robyn, you're a bogus mom not bonus mom. You're the LeAnn Rimes of the group (crazy). I hope Janelle punches you in the taint (kidding). YOU can't talk to kids like that just because you're the father's favorite evening snack.
    I wish Maddi would've said,"Don't tell me what
    To sign, sweetie."

  15. Put a screen cap up of Robyn losing her cookies on Twitter lol, she went nuts tonight. Hahaha true colors showing through.

    1. I took the "best" to represent. She was classic Robyn last night, wasn't she? I see why she is still friends with JYD. Birds of a feather flock together.

  16. Good point, I wonder what they're planning for next years plot lines. We've done the mission statement and the recommitment ceremony. Are we going to see Robyn trying to get preggers? We already know she isn't PG yet.
    and I'm just watching the show and the dresses look horrendous.

    1. Yes, the dresses are TERRIBLE. Haven't they ever watched Project Runway? Novice "designer" + ignorant fabric choice = disaster. They look like dresses from the bin at the local theater.

    2. OMG the dresses! Meri's and Christine's look more like costumes: The Aging Fairy (all it lacks is a matching wand) and the Tacky Cougar. (..."edgy???")

    3. Our community theater! That's what I thought when I saw those dresses. I agree with Anon. 6:44.

    4. SK, as a cougar, I take exception to that remark! LOL! Meri ain't no cougar!

    5. Theater clothes...LOL!! Upholstery fabric? Were they practicing with an old bed spread or drapes or was that the fabric they picked out on the San Francisco trip? Why waste all that time? ....Big or small...Macy's has it all and you can't go wrong with the choices. I guess they are highfalutin celebrities now. Gees.

    6. Haven't they ever watched Project Runway? Novice "designer" + ignorant fabric choice = disaster

      That's exactly what I was thinking. On the latest Project Runway All Stars a designer (who was actually quite experienced) used a material she wasn't familiar with and it literally tore to pieces with each step her model took on the runway. Her model had to walk up a couple of steps to walk off stage and the dress ripped completely apart by the time she got to the top. The designer got auffed...

      was that the fabric they picked out on the San Francisco trip?
      I think it was. Great help Robyn's business partner was, wasn't she? No wonder she was roaming FB saying how she designed their dresses - unless she comes to the rescue in the end!!

      Big or small...Macy's has it all
      I have a feeling none of Vegas' department store chains or designer boutiques wanted anything to do with the Sister Wives and their cameras. I wouldn't be surprised if the wives did buy from Macy's that they would wear it for the ceremony and then try to return the dresses for credit the next day. Which reminds me of an amusing story a sales lady once told me in a I. Magnin store many years ago.

    7. On Twitter, Meri said Mykelti helped pick out the fabric, I think. Did anyone else see that? Is she trying to blame the kid for that horrible fabric?

      I thought Janelle's dress was nice, although it did look like something from an '80s prom. The color was pretty on her and she looked very pretty in the couch sessions. In the previews, you could see what they actually wore. Christine actually wore that dress. Yikes! She really needs to get out of La-La land. She wants so badly to be the fun, youthful, vibrant one. I guess she is, relatively speaking. And I almost think Robyn likes to dress in that prairie dress type stuff. Anybody else notice that? I know modest is different to different people. I consider myself to be modest, but I think you can be cute and stylish, without aging yourself and looking frumpy.

      I like Kody's beard.

      Now I'm going to hide :)

    8. Mykelti posted her sketch of Christine's dress design on her twitter page and says she designed dresses for her moms. But like fashion sketches the dresses are shown on models who would be 6'5" tall with long necks, no boobs, indented waists, no hips and legs like stilts. LOL The real talent in learning how to choose a dress for one's self is to be in touch with your own body shape and age. I sewed for a lifetime for myself and my daughters--coats, suits, formal wear, etc. And even knowing what looked good on us, I could not help myself from buying patterns that would never get made just because the illustrations were so attractive. Seems like Christine and Meri couldn't differentiate between "I wish" and "I am". In so many ways, these women have clouded vision and poor reality testing.

      So many posters have described Robyn's inappropriate qualities but one interesting facet for me is her similarity to Meri in many ways--controlling, manipulating with tears, pouting and temper outbursts, etc. There must be something about that personality that attracts Kody and then palls to the point of dislike and disrespect. He seems to appease Meri as much as possible despite not enjoying her company. I wonder if Robyn's behavior is the result of Kody's realization that he chose another high maintenance, tiresome personality? A middle-aged man may be getting weary of the diva drama and enjoying the calm of Janelle and the humor of Christine. Or am I overestimating Kody's ability??

  17. so the wives did go into boutiques with the intention of stealing designs..i knew it when christine mouthed off about getting inspiration.

    1. Surely they could have found a dress designer in the FRIGGIN ENTERTAINMENT CAPITOL OF THE WORLD - LAS VEGAS!!!!

      I sure hope the final dresses look better than what was shown on the show. Yikes!

    2. I would have love to be a fly on the wall when Janelle was discussing Mary with the designer. It probably started out something like this.... Mary is a total bit..

    3. I would join you on that wall. I wonder what the wives say about each other in private. I think Janelle may be a lot less reserved when she is with friends than when she is in front of a camera. I wonder if Christine is truly depressed as she appears on television, or if she is more fun.

  18. why was kody drilling holes in the "homes" that comment by Robyn about moving out or comparing it to chores makes me think the houses were all about adult greed and not about the kids. That's just how they sold it and their idiot fans bought.

    1. I thought the same thing about him drilling holes into their houses. How long before the McMansion compound looks like a run-down trailer park?

  19. Robyn really had TONS of fun behaviour to choose from last night!!! From her evil eye scoff and snitty retort "Really Janelle?!" in the counsellor's office regarding a LEGITIMATE QUERY about wife #5 to her shrewish exertion of control during the rehearsal. Her childish comment to Maddy and her incessant arguing during the couch session with Kody about "WHY would you throw that out there NOW?!?!" regarding whether the kids should have the right to refuse to choose to sign a mission statement none of them even cared to listen to was also pretty hilarious! I noticed no other wife was agreeing with her position - sure they teased Kody that he DID say he wouldn't make the kids sign, but tossing their support behind Robyn's ridiculous comparison "shall we let them choose if they do chores too?" -that was clearly not gonna happen. During her tirade there was a lot of gazing down by the other wives at their infinitely more interesting joolery as Robyn railed on and on with her voice RAISED! She even stopped fussing with her endlessly bunching undershirt and leaned forward to gesticulate a bit!

    I suspect that tonight, during the Browns' fabulous, loud and hectic fondue viewing party, Robyn was NOT popular with the rest of the family as they re-lived this spectacular display of social ineptitude and utter bitchiness! If some whippersnapper was threatening MY kid with "well just MOVE OUT" with the rationale that the choice to refuse to sign this faux "document" is un-American...well, I can only imagine how Meri, Jenelle and Christine must have felt towards this usurper coming in and trying to throw her weight around! She's getting more desperate - or something - cuz her actions in tonight's show were far louder and blatantly more overt than her usual snidely sly tactics. But my point ultimately here is...Robyn's snappish live texting tonight (I'm surprised she didn't throw in a sweetie or two) may have happened because it might have been easier to take out her frustrations at all the disapproval she must have been feeling aimed at her from the other "wives" and kids alike! Since this fancy soirée included neighbours and friends as guests, it was easier for her attack twitterland than confront the family in that large group setting. Besides, even IF it was ONLY family, she'd have been pretty outnumbered... I also noted she threw in that remark on the couch about if the SW's ever part....she'd at least have some COLOURED SAND to remember them by...nice! Right before the BLESSED "commitment" ceremony!!! Is she anticipating a separation ALREADY?!?!

    See??? Robyn was just a TON of fun to watch last night!!!!

    1. I'm still going through Robyn's new tweets (after I thought she had stopped for the night) and boy, she really showed her ass (as my mom would say). I'm thinking TLC would not be very happy with her exchange with people who apparent don't share her views. It would have been better just to ignore, but to answer in her own snippy bitchy way just shows what an idiot she really is.

      I've always thought that Robyn was a gold digger (as she was called by a tweeter) and yes, I do think that once the TLC gravy train leaves the station for the last time and the money stops and MSWC folds and the mortgage lender starts foreclosure proceedings on her McMansion, she will skedaddle out of their to find her next polygamous soul mate. I'm sure there are polygamist women cringing at the thought she could be their husband's newest wife. Watch out Centennial Park!

    2. "I'm thinking TLC would not be very happy with her exchange with people who apparent don't share her views"

      That's one of the things that irks me the most about the Brown family. They are SO CLOSED MINDED! It's so ridiculous to listen to Kodouche rag on and on about people shouldn't judge them for their beliefs, yet they judge everyone who doesn't hold their beliefs. Christine's mom leaves the religion and she is no longer "safe" and not allowed to see her grandchildren? Wow, brainwashed cult much?

  20. There is something I am puzzled about. The wall between the properties. I have heard this debated before, but today I got a good look at it when I watched last night's show. It is tall enough to shut off sight lines. It is finsihed with an area that is planted and one that has benches. It also seems to be there only around Robyn's backyard. Hmm! Is this truly ony to stop the other wives from looking out their windows and seeing what is going on in Robyn's backyard? What an added expense. I thought this cul-de-sac was to join the families together. I guess not!

  21. Kody does like to put his foot in his mouth doesn't he! There whe as the time called their cul-de-sac "a compound." That about caused Christine to have a meltdown, because she did not want their homes compared to any polygamous compound. This time he said "you will be kicked out of the family." The wives excused this as joking. However, when you think aboout polygamy's 'lost boy' problem, it was not a wise threat.

    1. My thoughts exactly! And I have always believed that when things are said in jest, there is a little something to it other than joking.

    2. Polygamists should not joke about kicking children out of the family. It is just wrong.

    3. During the couch session, Kody also said something to the effect of "We're heading into a new season (noticeable pause)... of our lives now..." regarding why they're planning their commitment ceremony. He tried to smooth it over, but it seemed like a Freudian slip.

      CJ - the best viewing parties are here in your living room!

    4. I agree that the viewing parties held here are wonderful.

  22. OMG!!! Those cuffs Robyn "designed" looked like something a person into S&M would wear....I mean studded leather? What was she thinking?

    1. You think Solomon will be wearing one?

  23. I think Robyn is mentally ill. Seriously. I think she suffered some abuse in her earlier life (She-Rah her alter ego, she explains that in the book). She also seems to be incapable of caring for her 4 children without some live-in help. Remember, Taralyce lived there for awhile and also now another relative lives there. She seems to have a lot of anger issues and you know she just lectures the teenagers on everything (hence Maddie's comment on couch time). I think Robyn has totally lost it this season. I think all the family bonding over the 3 events has possibly led Robyn to either feel like an outsider (she just doesn't have all these same memories, doesn't have the history), or her true colors are finally coming out. She is also a chronic liar. Remember how she claimed that her parents were in a never-ending honeymoon during their marriage? Now, we find out that wasn't true, there were several remarriages amongst the parents. And then last night she was boo-hooing about never seeing a marriage work or something like that. I suspect most of her stories are made up" I have never a crib for my children".....I suspect she is a compulsive liar. And manipulator. Great, choice, Mare.

    1. Meri picked someone like herself, constantly manipulating.

    2. Absolutely agree with you. On the "I never had a crib" sobfest with Kody when she was pregnant with King Sol, she just recently tweeted about how Sol sleeps with her all the time because she believes in co-sleeping!!??!! I wouldn't be surprised if Sol only spent time in his crib when Kody was over for the night.

      And just take a look at her "friend", who used to go by the twitter handle HeroineOfParis and recently went batshit crazy on FB. Robyn acts Just.Like.Her. when she goes off the deep end with tweeters (like last night). I think her outburst on the episode last night may explain why it seems Kody has grown cold with her. Look at her in Sean's picture from last week's viewing party...she is sitting in the back by herself and she doesn't look happy at all. Kody seems more interested in his phone. Hmmmm....

      Now this is just my speculation, but I think when Kody ignores Robyn, she seeks attention from another male in the family. So when Logan was around, she described him as the big brother Sol could look up to. Now that torch has been passed to Hunter. The question I have is, why the sudden shift to Hunter? Hmmmmm....

    3. I noticed that Logan was not even in the show last night. I am sure that he will be at the celebration next week, but he is not really so far away. He does seem to be distancing himself from the rest of the family. Can't say that I blame him.

    4. I think Logan has wisely moved on to his own life. I actually would not be surprised if he doesn't show up to the ceremony. Like another commenter said, it's pretty bad when Mariah is dissing the commitment ceremony since she is the biggest fan of polygamy of all the kids. Honestly this is a TLC driven event, it is kind of embarrassing to go to all of this effort to say "we love each other", why not just show it with deeds and helping each other out?

    5. Robyn scares me. I have noticed that she isn't even very nice to her own kids, at least the bonus kids can go home. She needs some serious help, I would say she has something like borderline personality disorder and latches on to people to the point of obsession and then turn on them in an instant. I bet at one point she was very into her ex husband and when it went bad, it got very ugly. When she is done with Kody, and it will happen, it won't be pretty. She is the one who is going to write the tell-all book, if I had any money I would be on it.

  24. or robyn says she dosnt like animals and Sol's nursery were zoo animals.Robyn sure has taken full ownershio of this family. Wouldn't you feel not so inclined to lecture teenagers that you were not around for their upbringing? Why does Lody let her do this? Why does he not consider his childrens feelings about this? I think Robyn has overstepped her bounds, and by the way, Janelles kids laugh at Robyn, i don't think recpect her at all.

    1. I totally agree that Janelle's teens think Robyn is a joke. Which is ironic being that Maddie use to think she was so cool when she was courting Kody - until Robyn opened her mouth about how she expected the girls not to have boyfriends and kiss and Maddie called her out on it by saying "but didn't you say you had a lot of boyfriends you kissed?" This was when they first moved to Vegas.

      I have a feeling nowadays the only bonus child that visits regularly are the pixies and Truely when she plays with Sol.

    2. Robyn would have been wise to be slow to start giving public advice to the older children. She was not a part of their growing up years. She was, and still is, a relative newcomer. The teenagers should be their mothers' responsibility. By starting to boss them around Robyn showed that she was not in sync with them at all.

    3. I so agree anon5:20 she came in guns blazing with trying to force the kids to accept her as another mother after the family being together for so long. I would have loved to hear that being addressed with the therapist how that impacted the kids, But it seems the Brown;s did not treat the therapist with respect *robyn said the therapist had to earn her trust) the mothers struggle to accept Robyn as kodys wife had to impact the kids

    4. I have always thought that Robyn will leave as soon as the show is over too. She sure hasn't been in a rush to get pregnant again, I would have thought she'd have given birth to her second with Kody by now.

    5. Why do the other moms put up with it? If someone threatened my child to be kicked out I would call them out on it. I agree with whoever said it above, that the other Brown adults don't want to confront Robyn on camera because she is crazy and snaps.

    6. I just don't trust someone who doesn't like animals. I think it's a huge character flaw and big red flag. She made a reference to not liking how dirty they are. If that's true, she must want to gag every time she enters Christine's house because that place is seriously dirty.

    7. I never trust anyone who flat out doesn't like animals. If someone favors cats over dogs or fish over birds or whatever that's one thing. But, to say you don't like animals, in general, is weird. But, then we know Robyn is all about getting attention for herself. She probably sees having a pet as a threat to that.

  25. Dear TLC, please feature the teens in their couch sessions every week. Their honesty and sarcasm is far more entertaining than their parents banter. Even the biggest kool-aid drinker, Mariah, pointed out how unnecessary and self-indulgent the commitment ceremony is. And Maddie - loved her messing with Robyn's head. Thanks to their non-plyg exposure in Vegas, the Brown kids are already passing up their parents in maturity and self-awareness.

    1. I forgot to ask...are they going to be planting the tree in their evening gowns? And what is the deal with the matching jewelry designed by Robyn? If I see that for sale on mysisterwifescloset and it turns out the whole season's storyline was actually another marketing ploy for their hobby business, I will puke.

      On a side note, I thought their new landscaping was a big improvement.

    2. I will give the Browns a pass on the landscaping. It often takes a while to get everything accomplished. However, where is the grass? I hope it is in a common area and not just inside Robyn's wall.

  26. Yet another episode and I actually find myself connecting with Kody. Seriously. It's like TLC came up with this idea for the ceremony. So, he is all in. The wives, not so much. Meri, who took a Pissed-Off Pill at the beginning of the season, could not be more disinterested. Most of the wives have picked ridiculous dresses to pull off (based on what I saw thus far). Robyn is clearly having a mental breakdown and is designing goth leather studded cuffs to commemorate this special time before she bolts for another family. Christine seriously wants to put something in the mission statement about how they 'take care of their bodies" which is patently ridiculous because they do not. None of them really want to do the sand thing. Janelle suggests (reasonably) that the canvas thing might not be a good idea if they add another wife (probably thinking about their finite resources). The kids are being obnoxious and rude and even dissing one of their bonus moms on the couch. So....Kody is the only one who wants this ceremony. So he gets a ladder out and starts stringing lights across the cuddle sac and I was thinking "you have 17 kids, 1/2 of whom could be helping you, but no, Kody is out there by himself trying to pull this off. It was pitiful. So, again, I am kind of feeling for Kody....I don't know what is wrong with me, but he seems to be the most reasonable adult this season. Or maybe, like Robyn, I am in the midst of a breakdown and am not even aware of it.

    1. I think Kody is just desperate to continue the TLC train to fame and fortune.

    2. It's strange, and I hate admitting it, but I too related more to Kody these last couple of episodes. He seems to understand, unlike Robyn, that if you make kids do something, especially teenagers, they will automatically hate it. If you make signing that stupid thing voluntary, they will most likely do it, especially since it would be very hard not to during a public signing ceremony. It's like getting confirmed in the catholic church (my memory may be fuzzy on this)--it's theoretically one's choice but the social pressure is too much to overcome so nobody says no. Anyway, Robyn does seem just crazy. She probably went apeshit when she saw the teenagers on the sofa saying they just wanted to push her buttons.

    3. I wonder if that was TLC who decided he should do the lights on his own. I cannot fathom a family who would not help with a project like that. If the kids really wouldn't help out, they should be ashamed.

  27. Well after careful consideration, I've come to the conclusion that on tap for next season will involve the Browns buying a school bus and painting it like the Partridge Family tour bus then let the travel begin. seriously, there will probably be some insipid travelogue. They've done Big Love, now they can segue to the Brady Bunch.

    1. OMG!!! I completely forgot the Big Love connection between the sister wife Margene and her bonus child Ben!!!

      The Partridge Family had better songs - I remember singing along with "I Think I Love You" and "I Can Feel Your Heart Beat" and "I Woke Up in Love". Thanks DJ now I can't get these songs out of my head!!!!

    2. AHHAAA! I had all those albums. LOL

      well based on the previous travel attempts by the Browns, I'm not expecting much if they do take the travel route. unless they go to Cathedral City. that would be all kinds of awesome.

    3. "C'mon get happy!"

  28. Maybe Kody re-tweeted his hater because he looked at her picture and thought she was hot. He didn't read what she wrote until Robyn jumped on it.

  29. Could someone that recorded this episode check and see if Kody made a new word, and then used it the wrong way. If my ears didn't fail me, and they could have, it sounded like he used the word COMPLETELESSNESS,when he should have used
    completeness when he was talking about his feelings about adding another wife. Could have been a Freudian slip too, he may be courting already.Poor Robyn.....

  30. Here's what I want to say to Robyn: I don't think the word "designed" means what you think it means.

  31. kody wiped his eye and examined it..yuk

    1. Seems to be a Brown adult habit. What do they think it's going to be? When you pick crud out of your eye, isn't it eye crud 100% of the time? At any point did you find gold?

    2. That's really funny. They do look like they're really curious about what it could be.

    3. Iconic eye charm idea: Be Gross

  32. Robyn might be feeling a little desperate. It seems that Kody and Christine have reconnected since Truely's illness and Robyn isn't getting the attention she constantly needs. She was out of line this episode with the teenagers too. Or maybe it was just drama created for the show - who knows?
    And how about Kody calling Meri out during the couch interview for not being -what was it - "hopeful" or positive enough? She gave him a look after he said that!

    1. I enjoyed seeing Kody holding Truely during this episode. Maybe her illness got through to him.

  33. I wonder if this is Robyn's pattern... to be cloying and "sweet" and when that wears off to those she believes she has charmed, she jumps straight to a delusional defensive mode. Either that, or she uses this defensive stance for attention, like she did during that ridiculous debate where she attacked Christine's Aunt Kristin Decker. Remember she had a strange belief that Kristin was labeling her as victim! How her mind leapt to that "victim" conclusion seems similar to the reactions last night: extreme and illogical. No one supported or defended her during the debate (Logan even felt compelled to apologize!) and no one seemed charmed by her last night (Janelle even observed that Maddie just likes to push Robyn's buttons!) during the episode or her Tweeting temper tantrum. I would've been interested to see film footage of everyone's demeanor towards Robyn during that "viewing party"! I bet she was being ignored and/or glared at! Maybe there's no need to wait for the 5th wife! She's in the middle of an emotional breakdown right now!!!

  34. Janelle is loving her curves. I hope she loses more weight so she can show off more curves! And yes Robyn is a pain. Love love how Maddie messed with her and owned up to it on tv! ha ha and Asypyn saying I know you were, too funny. Robyn acted like Janelle was talking to a monogamist man about getting another wife. Really Robyn

  35. Is there a David's Bridal in Vegas? So many dresses to chose from.

    1. Yeah, I don't get the designed dresses bit, And could not one person tell Meri that she was in the upholstery section of the store, when she was picking her fabric. Or maybe she wanted to go to the ceremony as a couch. Who knows

    2. But remember, they don't want this to look like a wedding, therefore, no wedding like dresses. I don't know what else it could look like. I know that the modest look is hard to find, but in wedding (mother) dresses, it is in abundance.

    3. Cult-de-sac CommentatorFebruary 18, 2014 at 7:05 AM

      Upholstery fabric only looks iconic on Scarlet O'Hara... On Meri, not so much. ;-)

    4. Yes, mother of the bride dresses would be modest and available in plus sizes. I guess their huge success at designing iconic joolery made them think they would be successful fashion designers.

      Good night! Christine's dress looked like a circus tent! Meri chose pleather? Really? Hideous and such a waste of time.

    5. Anon 10:39, that comment had me crying!

  36. Cult-de-sac CommentatorFebruary 18, 2014 at 7:02 AM

    So, let me get this straight...

    If the Brown kids do not wish to live polygamy, if any of them are gay, if they choose another religion, or dye their hair a funky color-- or *whatever*-- that is supposedly okay... But, if they refuse to sign a stupid "family mission statement," they are in danger of no longer being part of the family? What the heck?!?!

    Got to love Brown "family" logic.

    1. Ya, it's perfectly natural to tell your kids in anger that they will be kicked out of the family. (yes, that was sarcasm with a huge eye roll)

      Who thinks something like that, let alone says it out loud? Father of the year? or mayhap someone who isn't legally married to the child's mother and has so many kids he wouldn't miss a few?

  37. Meri and Mariah earned brownie points this week with me. They both think the "commitment ceremony" is stupid. I loved Meri's very politically correct comment about the sand ceremony. OMG--it is so stupid! The sand ceremony can only be topped by planting a tree in a formal dress and high heels! Good Lawd who comes up with this stuff?! Oh ya, Christine--hahaha!!

  38. I remember Janelle saying in an earlier episode that she felt like someone would be joining the family or something along those lines. They were introducing Robyn or something.

  39. Robyn has a thing for grass ( her rental home, her lot choice for the homes) but that much grass in the desert is not only expensive to water, but takes alot of maintenance in the desert, I wonder what it will look like this summer. New sod needs alot of water, i hope they did irrigation, because that much sod was alot of money tp put down. Most desert dwellers only do a small patch along with alot of rock. That wasn't wise a all.

    1. I was wondering about that. Seems a stupid idea to put down grass in the desert. There are a lot of native plants that can make a yard look pretty without taking tons of water. And I can't imagine any of them being the type to actually learn and do what it takes to keep that grass looking pretty. Unless TLC paid for it then who gives a shit.

    2. It could be fake grass, which I've heard is popular in the desert. I thought the yard was pretty.

    3. I thought that LV might have had regulations/restrictions against real grass being used in yards. Actually they do.

      "Single-Family Homes

      No new turf is allowed in front yards. New turf installed in side and rear yards may not exceed 50 percent, or 100 square feet, whichever is greater. Turf area dimension may not be more than 5,000 square feet."

  40. Robyn looked pregnant in this episode. Several shots showed her with quite a developing bulge. Either that or she is going to gain the Brown wife norm of 100 pounds.

    Hasn't she spoken publicly about her inability to gain weight? Either she is pregnant or she has overcome that inability.

    1. This ep was filmed in Oct/November. If she was preggers we'd see it now for sure.

  41. I hate that asinine mission statement. I fast forward every time they start to yap about that crap.

    Yes, Christine, we get that you are desperate for security since you aren't legally married to Kody and Robyn is the favorite wife, Janelle is smart enough to support herself if she has to, and Meri is legally married to him. The freaking stupid missions statement isn't going to give you what you crave. Leaving that lunatic cult and finding a husband just might.

    If we turned "mission statement" into a drinking game, we'd all be at Betty Ford by now. SO SICK OF HEARING ABOUT IT!

    1. Your second paragraph nailed it!

  42. Hi CJ
    A while back (a long while) I think I remember you posting on the other SW blog a short youtube video of Christine making a comment at some event, maybe something to do with Principle Voices, where she said they (the plyg movement) needed someone to get sued by the Utah AG so they could bring their claim to court...I would love to see that if at all goes to show that behind all the manufactured drama and Brown chaos, that they all somehow think is cute, there is some sort of plan...

  43. The weight-loss thing and Janelle. While there is no doubt that she has lost *some* weight, she has not even come close to losing the amount that someone of her size should be losing with proper diet and exercise in that period of time. She looks to be a solid 230-240lbs to me currently (in the episodes), so hopefully Trainer Sean *insert eyeroll* isn't bragging *too* much about being the "Trainer of TLCs Sister Wives!". Because by looking at the Brown Family, he's doing a shite job.

    Some comparison Pics: 2013 2010?

    1. well you know I agree with you. The most current pic I've seen is the Kixies Twitter pic, and she still looks big. I'd go 240 myself. as i stated above, in the eps that aired this past fall, Sean weighed Janelle at 243. Someone at TWOP said that we are all expecting Biggest Loser type stats but not me - I would have expected to see a solid 1-3 pound a week loss on average, and she'd be close to 200.

      Again not blaming Sean, he can only do so much to motivate. I think Janelle (along with the rest of the adults in this family) is lacking motivation to do ANYTHING in their lives that require hard work. YES. I AM INCLUDING JANELLE IN THIS. I'm guessing her job with the state of Utah was basically paper pushing. No thinking outside the box. no stretching herself. I think what we saw with Sean is that she started working out with him and initially seeing results, because she was excited about getting a fresh start. But then the freshness wears off and it becomes routine/boring/her regular life interferes - resulting in a loss of motivation.

      SHE needs to be her own motivator. And again, I vote for a new trainer.

    2. Yup. She has to find her own source of motivation, and have her OWN autonomy in this. First it was Janelle going to Sean, and now it seems like all of the wives, Kody, AND some of the kids go to him?!? Can't she have something that is just hers? It's like the fondue date. One wife has it, the others want a piece too.

      I totally agree with you about the 1-3lbs per week goal, BTW. It's healthy AND realistic.

    3. robyn started wearing kody's watches so christine threw bitch fit for a watch ( the un aired scene in boston where meri has bitch face) now all the wives except janelle have a large freaking petty

  44. I just got a book in the mail called Favorite Wife: Escape From Polygamy so excited to read it. I've read Ellisa Wall's book too.

  45. i went back thru a blog for the Brown's from their first episodes. I also re watched season 1-3. It seems Robyn's lip blisters are a frequent problem for her. When I first saw them on Kody was right around when Christine had Truely. I hope these adults had a sit down talk about spreading that to the other wives or the kids. From the first show people were kinda yuk about sharing 3 women and all that that implied. but it occured to me that the crap on Robyns mouth could very well be someplace else on her. That is no joke in a marriage of 5 people. I wish she would get on some kind of treatment for it because it seems to dog her alot. For the sake of keeping the rest of the family healthy.

    1. My husband somehow picked up the virus as a child - no idea when/how - and has a cold sore every couple of months. And yet, after 7 1/2 years, I have no cold sores....because we know what to do to keep from spreading the virus. Simple things, like for instance - we absolutely no matter what don't share chap stick (even if he's not currently having an outbreak). And if my husband needs to use mine because he can't find his (he loses EVERYTHING), then he uses his finger to dip into the chap stick ONCE and then rubs it on his lips. Also, the same medications that work to suppress genital herpes will also suppress cold sores - e.g. valtrex, acyclovir (generic, super cheap). In addition to causing fewer outbreaks, studies have shown that taking an anti-viral also reduces the risk of spreading the virus when there is no visible sore.

      Anyway....very good point, because according to my husband, the things hurt like a mother. If I were one of the other wives, I would take precautions myself to not catch it, if Kodouce refused to do so. But the kids don't know....THAT is sad.

      - Lori

    2. Oh, my gosh. I never, ever thought of that!
      If cold sores can go elsewhere on a body...and if I chose to share my man with someone prone to those things...and if I woke up one day with a "cold sore" down there, I'd be livid beyond livid!
      Holy smokes...if my man came at me with some sort of growth on HIM, that'd be the last time he came ... at me. ha ha!

  46. Thank you cj for allowing my post. I have seen Kody kiss alot of the younger kids on the mouth. My oldest son who is now 33 got herpes in day care in the eighties as a 2 year old. He got it on his chin which in turn got infected on his fingers. It was devastating then as a baby and as an adult as there is no cure, So, when i see Robyns face and see it spreading to Kody i think, omg this would be so bad for the young kids if they get it. It's diagnose as herpes simplex 1 above the waist, as i was told by my pediatrician, but it is the same virus. So i know they are miserable to have, but it seems her and kody and not refrained from getting it from her. I guess it was my hope that Kody does read this blog and hopefully i have educated him some.

  47. Have any of you seen their agents Facebook page? She also happens to be "Mystic Mona's" agent as well!

    1. She's their booking manager, which means she makes a bigger percentage fee from them.

      I have a feeling she will either be their savior or the reason for the demise of their career. I have money on the latter. Once the TLC gig is over, I'm sure she'll have Kody and wives making appearances at every F'listed event in Las Vegas so she can make her fee.

    2. ha - the Browns are her most "famous" clients (other than the director of the World Series of Poker). She's very much a second-stringer IMO. I just checked her website... her clients are just a hodgepodge of has-beens and wanna-be's. oh and the Browns. I doubt she's making all that much money from them, she didn't get them the TLC gig. I don't see the Browns making money from licensing or spokesperson opportunities...really now.

  48. I agree with both Iconic Ornamunt and DJ. Not only do the Browns lack motivation and autonomy, they also lack professional boundaries with Sean the trainer, their marriage counselors, the landscaper, the party planner, etc. Both sides are responsible.

    Sean's probably ineffective as a trainer, because he's bragging about hanging out with the Browns at their fondue-fests, delivering the wrestling mats and skydiving with Kody. His airtime is almost exclusively outside of the gym.

    Janelle refused to have those wrestling mats in her garage. She couldn't possibly imagine their having any benefits in her own fitness regime or having Sean train her at home to counter 'Brown Chaos" or accommodate her booming real estate career.

    Janelle's 5K performance demonstrated Sean's effectiveness as a personal trainer. She could not run the full distance, despite having registered months or weeks in advance, declaring it her goal, working out with him and being filmed. It doesn't look like he coached her for the run or through the race. Instead, Sean walked alongside her, pushing a carriage, surrounded by her young kids. After, Janelle stated that she was proud of herself.

    She should have shown a more dramatic transformation early on and by now, especially if she's working out with a trainer. She may have done better going to Lucille Roberts. She would drop weight just by training to run a full 5K.

    As for the therapist: She's been working with them for months now, yet they still can't agree upon or finalize their all-important mission statement, which they declare is the key to their family. They also had family meetings for the children to contribute to it, and now those same children don't want to sign it, even at risk of being kicked out of the family.

    Maybe Sean and the therapist both believe that they have a lifetime income stream, but I don't see any progress that would be a professional accomplishment.

    1. awesome post!

      I agree with all you said. Like I said, Sean is all starry-eyed because he's hanging out with the Browns and on TV. I wonder if he has any other clients at this point, since he seems to spend all his time at the Cult De Sac.

      and WORD on the 5K. Janelle should have been able to run/jog at least part of it. it's only 3 miles for crying out loud. It generally takes 7 weeks to train for a 5K, and Sean could have had her ready to do it. Did she even run??? I don't think so - at the end of the race, she didn't look very sweaty and they're in LV, with high temps. she should have been dripping had she been running. And had she trained for it, Janelle could have run most of the way - I know women who are around her weight who have been able to do it.

      They are so freaking lazy, every single one of the adults.

    2. Hello,
      Long time lurker here and SWB. Thanks, CJ for great reviews and twitter captures.

      Sweetie, thank you for your post. You wrote: "As for the therapist: She's been working with them for months now, yet they still can't agree upon or finalize their all-important mission statement, which they declare is the key to their family" and also "Maybe Sean and the therapist both believe that they have a lifetime income stream, but I don't see any progress that would be a professional accomplishment."

      While we are not privy to the actual therapy being conducted, I would hesitate to say there has not been professional work done. Therapy does not measure success by making clients complete things. I believe the Browns were in counseling for more than the family mission statement. Perhaps the "success" of therapy will be showing the family that they are unable to create this mission statement, and exploring why that might be. Unfortunately, therapists are not a "cure-all" and are not there to give advice or make clients do anything. Therapy is simply a guide, with education and research given to the client in understandable terms.

      I am not saying this was the intent of your post, however, I wanted to clarify, as perhaps the Browns themselves feel this way. One hour sessions with a therapist are not meant to have change happen quickly. Perhaps the therapist shown is inept or in it for the money, but there is really no way for the viewers to know. I could see just as easily the therapist is working diligently and professionally with these clients, who perhaps are not putting the work in on their own in the life spent outside one hour in the therapy room.

  49. If infected with genital herpes, isn't it safest to deliver via c-section, whether there is an outbreak present or not?

  50. i delivered 3 children carrying the virus, and as long as there was not an outbreak it was ok. But my outbreaks were years apart. Robyn seems to have them on her mouth alot. Stress is a huge factor. I would hope her mid wife was aware.

    1. Thank you! And yes, hopefully there was full disclosure to the midwife.

  51. I wonder about Robyn. There's something wrong with her brain. How can she believe that coerced signatures on a mission statement have any meaning whatsoever? How can an agreement be real if it's forced? She talks about freedom of choice, but she obviously has no clue as to what that truly means.

    As for Janelle's weight, I'd rather see someone lose slowly than dramatically. And yes, she HAS lost a lot of inches, just not the wildly dramatic amount we are used to seeing on TV. In real life, people lose weight slowly. Taking it off quickly almost certainly guarantees a temporary weight loss rather than a lifestyle change and long term commitment. As long as she's headed in the right direction on the scale, I applaud her. You go, Janelle.

    Now. Those dresses. ...I used to wonder why the Browns have a website called "My Sister Wife's Closet," but they don't sell clothing. Isn't that what mostly goes in a closet? I can't imagine there is a huge market for iconic joolery, but there IS a market out there for stylish modest clothing. However... after seeing these ladies' ideas of stylish modest formal wear, I am super glad they don't market clothing on their website. They should stick to aprons and junk jewelry, because they haven't got the first clue as to what looks in style, and more importantly, what is flattering. Janelle's dress is the closest to being flattering, but the 80's just called and they want their dress back.

    1. I totally agree about Robyn. It didn't occur to her to ask why the kids wouldn't want to sign the "mission", but if she had asked most likely they would have said "just kidding". She doesn't know or care what the kids think--at least the others seems to sometimes.

      Regarding Janelle, she states on the TLC website that she loses 1-2 pounds per month and sometimes gains. That's not just slow. Obviously we don't want her to go all biggest loser on us and gain it back but 12 pounds a year is a bit weak, don't you think? Maybe she really does have a hormonal issue.

    2. I totally want Janelle to go on the Biggest Loser!! Can you imagine the field day of drama Jillian would have with her!!

      Maybe by the end of it Janelle would be healthy, actually know how to cook something that doesn't come from a box or the freezer, and have strengthened her backbone enough to get the hell out of Dodge!

  52. because Robyn ripped off the name of my sisters closet which have store in AZ and AZ before they had a clue of a business plan or product. The original jewelry was even ripped off. Robyns idea of designing is stealing another persons designs. Im not shocked they went to SF to shop for inspiration (steal ideas) because they are to lazy and stupid to come up with it on their own.
    Most stores wont even let you take pictures of their clothes for that very reason.

    1. They don't have an original thought in their heads...even the mission statement idea was "borrowed" from the Dargers!

  53. Sitting here watching Rebecca Musser and her father on Dr. Phil. Amazing. Such brain washing and denial. CJ hope you can watch it and discuss it here.

    1. I watched that too. I was humbled when Rebecca's father formally and what seemed heart felt, apologized to her.

  54. re watching old episodes it;s amazing what Kody can't do Pitch a tent (in the dirt) ,bowl, surf,
    check engine oil, check tires, install washer and dryer, vet his 4th wife, what else am i missing?

  55. is fondue practical to feed 40 people? and i really dislike robyn granite

  56. I agree that no one in Brownville has a creative thought. These folks all deserve each other.
    But then again the whole mission statement project was obviously just the scripted entree and lame justification for the equally lame and scripted commitment ceremony.
    In order to milk another season, the show just HAD to have a reason, a hook, to be filmed and financed again. All reality shows getting close to the edge of redundancy seem to use this ploy in one variation or another to stay on life support.

    The Browns have done the trips, house moves, phoney businesses, faux surrogate, kid and college fiascos, etc, There really was/is nothing left to see short of Kody adding another bedmate. And even though, this didn't happen, there were several little teasers about that topic sprinkled in this season to create speculation for the future. Anything to keep those sponsors willing to buy time and viewers onboard, and above all, to keep the TLC moola funneling into the cult-de-sac.
    Side note:
    I don't believe for a nano-second that Kody put all those lights up. No doubt in my mind that as soon as the cameras were turned off, the hired hands did the job.
    But filming wannabe macho/caveman Kody up on the ladder, standing on roofs, drill in hand (drilling into stucco, mind you) creating "Kody" moments, are just what that idiot lives for.
    HE became central to the project. But isn't he always !!

  57. Does anyone else notice that most of the episodes revolve around food or road trips? non-stop distractions to avoid uncomfortable face-to-face confrontations between the sister wives and Kody.
