
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Hey, Are the Browns Live Tweeting Tonight? Who Knows? Brown Tweets for the Week Ending 2/23/14

Who knows what is going on with our favorite polygamists. Maybe they decided to take a vacation, on the one night guaranteed a huge audience. Maybe they are watching the Olympics Closing Ceremony. Or...maybe poor Robyn is just too tired having to deal with people who don't worship the ground she walks on like Kody does...

But wait... here's a tweet from Robyn today:

Does this mean there won't be live tweeting during the season finale and the Tell All episode?

I'll be shocked if there isn't, I tell you...SHOCKED!!!!

I don't think I could stomach watching the Sister Wives marathon (it just came on here) but I can start posting some of the more 'interesting' tweets featuring the Browns and a very few of their 'friends'.

This was retweeted by Kody, too. Looks like Tamron Hall is drumming up the masses to watch her Tell All special...Hmmm, I wonder why?

Something tells me....

Some of her fans are not feeling the love for Sister Wives like she does...Hmmmm...

Looks like Hunter did extremely well yesterday in his wrestling match:

Earlier this week....

Here's a tweet from Robyn (who else) that almost everyone was talking about in My Living Room. What are your thoughts? (Don't be shy, now)

This has got to be my favorite response for the entire week.

Thank you @Mrz.Murphy for saying what millions of people are thinking!!

And I think Robyn tweeted this because Kody was in bed with another wife...How...typical of her.

Yeah, it must suck when you have insomnia and all you can think about is where your husband is spending the night. But isn't that what you signed up for when you became a polygamist? So quit your whining and drink a glass of warm milk! And while you're up, don't forget to look at the other McMansions and maybe, dream about tping a house or two just for fun!

OOH...Check out this conversation between Meri and a fan...

And this was Meri's stern reply:

I think Meri should have added "Over my dead body!" for emphasis. But you know what they say...Never say Never.

And from Janelle:

If Rev. Dani didn't officiate the Brown's commitment celebration I'll eat my hat!

Guess I should mosey on over to MSWC to check out Christine's handiwork...then again it is the closing ceremony for the Winter Olympics tonight...Decisions, decisions.

Just file this under Oh My Goodness!!

Normally I would NEVER pluck a pic from Facebook, but this picture of the Family standing like they were waiting for a bus under that tremendously huge pergola is just so wrong on so so many levels.

OK, show of hands now. Who remembers when Princess Diana was photographed outside the nursery where she worked (this was before she married Prince Charles). She got all sorts of flack because her dress was see-through in the sun.

Meri...Meri...Meri. You have 3 sisterwives and a husband. None of these people told you your dress was SEE THROUGH??? It's so ironic she had that white panel thing hiding her cleavage, but nothing was left to the imagination (and I wish it were) down below!!!! Oh yeah, Meri is in the green dress next to Kody.

Stay tuned. Looks like some of the Browns are live tweeting!

Oh my...I think I'm in love with this guy!!

What happened? Sean didn't tweet pictures from the McMansions this time. But here's an interesting tweet from him...


Can someone expand what this tweet from Robyn was about??

Say what Meri?


It's a tree monster from The Day of the Triffids !!!!!

I'm going through the latest tweets from Robyn....just typical Robyn talking about King Sol and King Kody. But this tweet was different.

The cynic in me keeps whispering in my ear that maybe if Kody had helped change Truely he would have noticed how dangerously dehydrated she was.

Now here's an interesting tweet from Robyn's other business partner:

I still don't understand why the leather cuffs? Since I haven't seen the episode yet, I'm hoping Robyn also put together some jewelry that was more appropriate...

Now here's something I hope I never have to witness...

I wonder what sounds PDA with Kody makes? Sloppy slurping perhaps? Or gagging?

And on the subject of gagging, I wonder if Robyn's San Francisco business partner (the one who reported me to Kate Gosselin when she went kookoo on the Sister Wives TLC FB page) also attended. I dare someone to tweet Robyn for a picture!!! Triple dog dare!!!



I found this picture of Robyn wearing her commitment dress at a performance of the Nutcracker Ballet almost 2 years ago!!

The picture is from website. Even then Kody looked like a Geico Caveman.


  1. so that whole scene in the therapist office about kody and christine thinking at the same time a canvas! for the mission statement..they are becoming fine little actors..nothing is believable in there storylines anymore. That's why people prefer the first season, it's more organic.

  2. looking at meri's dress i think the original sofa fabric might have been better after all..holy cow she needed a slip. Couldn't a sisterwife give her a heads up on the sheer dress? and why is robyn next to meri and janelle on the end,,,poor mariah she is huge

    1. At eighteen she has the same figure as her mother. But Aspyn doesn't look like a shrinking violet either.

      I imagine Robyn wanted to stand next to Kody but Meri got there first. And Meri's dress was just...bad. Really bad.

    2. I don't hold out much hope for Mykelti as a fashion designer based on that red Stuffed Turkey dress. and Aspyn looks great in her most current Instagram pix!

      the Tell All Makeup. OMG KODY. they all looked like scary wax dolls from a Twilight Zone Ep, or the aftermath of a bad Mary Kay party.

    3. I didn't notice Meri's dress until you pointed it out. My guess is they did some editing for the show but how embarrassing for all of those people there! I thought Mykelti was the best dressed! I LOVED her dress!

      Yeah Mariah is gaining weight, so did I 5 years ago when I went off to college. It is what happens when you get out on your own now and have to study and there is fast food everywhere. She will hopefully loose it in the years to come. Give her a break.

  3. I am sorry but wth is Janelle thinking with that dress???? It literally looks like it was made from an ugly sateen comforter from a clearance rack. Meri's couch dress reminded me of the capes they put on you at the hair salon. And Christine has been so loud & obxoxious so far. Ugh!!! It's funny Meri ends up with the new dress but PLEASE someone speak up & let her know she is about 2-3 sizes larger than what she purchases. She would look so much better! I noticed in the couch session some if the kids wearing those Oriental Trading Co slap bracelets Robyn designed...

    1. I thought Janelle looked beautiful. I agree ... Christine please shut up! Meri's dress was too small. Robyn seemed ticked off the entire episode.

    2. I thought Janelle looked great. Christine's dress was very blah and I hated the color. Meri's was too small

    3. Christine was so obnoxious I kept thinking "Does she need medication or is she drunk?" No adult could be that obnoxious, could they?

      Explains a lot about the behavior of two of her daughters whom I cannot stand.

      Was kinda hoping Janelle would whip out a blow dart gun and tranquilize Christine. I seriously wonder if they tranquilized her prior to filming the other couch sessions and someone screwed up and forgot to do it before that one.

  4. Robyn w/o makeup = walking dead. Seriously. She looks so much older than her age. Janelles makeup = looks really good for once! Christine = hot mess. That dress!? Mariah has a ribbon on her dress that matches Meri's = not buying the dress drama.

    1. I thought the same thing about Mariah's ribbon matching Meri's dress. So staged. Have we seen Meri without makeup? We've seen Janelle, Christine and Robyn. They are very brave. Very.

    2. I believe it. What on earth makes you guys think that they are at all organized? Of they would think 3 weeks is enough time to make 4 dresses when it takes months to make dresses for weddings. Mariah's dress was green and the sash was on the dress. I completely buy that they left it all to the last minute. It is what they have done in the rest of their lives.

  5. Kody = controlling meltdiwn. Shocked? Robyn = sobbin'. Shocked? My littlest was walking through and said ugh - drama! As she was blubbering. We have a name for her "condition" in our house - Center Of Attention Disorder. Truely = Angel. Cutie Patootie! Wait til you see!! Kids = the reason I keep watching this train wreck. Its amazing how big some of them are getting. :) 4 more minutes til the "tell all". Yawn.

  6. Janelle's family looked absolutely beautiful in their photo. And I am not one of those Team Janelle folks. She looked great and you could tell she felt proud. Good got her.

  7. Tell All = The Robyn Show. Even when its about Mariah or Truely or even a question directly to Kody about the other wives. Omg with her!

    1. could kody tell robyn to shut her effing trap? she is an expert on all things brown. why do they let her do that? she is the least capable of talking in public. meri hardly ever says anything

    2. TLC needs to keep a roll of duct tape on hand for Robyn's mouth. OY!

    3. How do the other wives stand her? Didn't seem like Robyn and Meri are best friends anymore, wonder what happened there?

    4. Yes she might have her say in everything after the others speak but she was the most open and that is what TLC wanted and that is how the edited it. She has no control over editing people! I was happy to see her tell Meri to shut up and help her raise her kids that is what sisterwives are for!

  8. I know by the tweets that a lot of this family is crazy about all things Disney, but really Christine, did you have to dress like Minnie Mouse for the tell all ? She wasn't the only one rocking a Disney character look tonight though. They all looked like animated characters whose makeup was done by drag queens.

    1. This! I actually think Christine looks fine w/o makeup. Her makeup in the tell all is hideous!!! They always look awful in these interviews. Maybe they do each others makeup? I cant see a professional doing this bad of a job.

    2. Christine tweeted something about bad lighting, but I think they need to fire their hair & makeup crew. I couldn't even focus on what they were talking about because I kept imagining them talking with cartoon voices.

    3. The makeup was horrendous! Did Kody dye his eyebrows?

      Poor, poor, homely Mariah. She's a "good personality" type girl. Wait...never mind.

    4. Welcome to adulthood Mariah. You have a horrific face and a bad attitude. Although I think you take after your mom. I feel sorry for her. If we were parented my Meri we'd throw tantrums and have a dimple chin too.

    5. They did tweet that they had their make up done. Fire that person and the lightening person. And frankly the person on camera who could see how terrible it looked and didn't say anything. I got over it after the first scene though.

    6. The Tell All Interviews are one of the most entertaining episodes of the show each year but it is so distracting looking at the make up on everybody. It happens every year! Poor Christine always looks like a drag queen. She is naturally pretty so they need to back off on the makeup. Kody looked like he had eye liner on and maybe some Botox. They should absolutely not allow anyone to do their makeup except for the people who do it for couch's a complete distraction.

    7. They all looked like the walking dead except for Meri. I guess the overly harsh lighting worked and lightened up her super dark orange makeup?

      Is Kody going for dread locks? His hair was absolutely SCARY bad!

    8. Oh come on guys, Mariah isn't homely! She might not be as absolutely stunning as Aspyn or Mykelti, but she's pretty in her own way. That dark hair color doesn't suit her, but give her a few years to grown into her looks. She's still a pretty girl!

    9. Have to disagree Ryn. The girl is homely both in looks and personality and I don't believe she'll grow into either.A commentor on another forum summed up her look the best when they said she looks like a cabbage patch doll. Dead ringer I'd say! LOL I still think Maddy is the prettiest girl followed closely by Aspyn.
      Kody's eyebrows on the Tell All show...I may never recover. Why does no one tell them how ridiculous they always look? He doesn't even look like the same guy from season one. It's scary how badly he & Sceri have aged.

  9. What's odd is they didn't even attempt to set up a storyline for next season. We've had the addition of Robyn, the threat of prosecution, the big middle of the night move, the birth of King Sol, will they or wont they get McMansions, and the ridiculous Commitment Ceremony. Do you think they (TLC) are hoping My 5 Wives picks up the same viewership of the Browns & they just push them into a special check in on them show once a year?

    1. probably because they have NO CLUE WTF they are going to film next year.

      i bet Kody is frantically trying to impregnate Robyn, just for storyline purposes. zzzzz

    2. I bet Robyn is trying to get pregnant and couldn't say it on camera. I wish they would follow their older kids more!

  10. That tree cake is a little creepy with the octopus arm roots...wonder how much they paid for that creation?

    1. I believe that was the $8500 cake Kody described to the bakery girls.

    2. Cult-de-sac CommentatorFebruary 23, 2014 at 7:58 PM

      The tree is nice and I'm sure it took a lot of effort to make, but for $8,500, I'd expect something spectacular-- like a 5th wife jumping out of it!

    3. They should have had the Cake Boss guy make a cake.

    4. The first one they said was 8500 but they got a smaller one. I bet 2000 and the rest in free advertizing.

      If Cake Boss made it it would be over 10 grand and that wouldn't include the travel from New Jersey to Nevada. No way

    5. Janelle JUST tweeted the cake did NOT cost 8500. If you go back to the episode that was the original for a larger cake. This is the small version!

  11. I saw part of he he question and answer but switched to move onto the Olympic ceremony. Maybe on a rerun I will watch it all? Why on earth does Robyn feel she should be putting her two cents in about what Meri does or how she feels about being and empty nester. It's like with trying to control all the wives and Kody being involved in her business, why must she micromanage everyone. They were doing fine managing before she showed up. I like Christine and Janelle wore the dresses made for them. I liked they didn't match. I liked they didn't look like they would be worn for many other kids of events. I liked seeing the college dress how they wanted and didn't stick to the adults notion of modest. I do think Kody almost said something to two of them after his tirade over pictures. Seriously what an obstacle getting a large group together for a picture. Didn't he sign up for that? He should not have been holding Sol. I thought they were all about taking turns standing next to him? But he always has sol. The kids mom has arms, heck he even has feet.

    1. OMG, I had to stop halfway through the interview because I could not stand how Robyn kept butting in. She wouldn't even let Christine answer a few times. UGH, I hated how Kody was holding Sol in the pictures too. Um, didn't Truely just almost die? Why wasn't he holding her? The other kids have to feel some sort of resentment over it, at least the ones that still want Kody's attention. And Kody can cry a darn river over having to pose for pictures for 2 hours, isn't he the one who gets all the perks of 4 wives, 17 kids, and almost none of the work?

    2. If you guys look closely at the interviews she is not butting in at all. She is just talking and they put christine then cut to Robyn. Magic of TV!

      I "watch" the seasons a lot on my phone while I am on the microscope at work. So I listen to the TV show but dont watch it and pick up on a lot of the editing in their voice changes and such.

  12. I think that tweet about tell Robyn the truth was about her dress.

    1. I think you're right. Ironic because Robyn's dress was probably the best one and I say that as someone who cannot stand her.

      Did you see how Kody lit up when he saw Janelle? I still say he is the most attracted to Janelle.

    2. I would agree. They have said before he likes curve-y girls and she now has a nice shape and curve to her! Go Janelle!

  13. I think Meri's dress problem could happen to anyone. Inside the house the fabric looks heavy enough that you don't need a slip. Outside and sunlight it's a whole different story. And you are walking around and the fabric drapes differently. You need a mirror to know or someone has to tell you.

    1. But why would you ever wear a dress outside for a long period of time in the sun without a slip? Idk, but I grew up wearing a slip by default... Not only does it take care of the see through issue, it makes one's dress/skirt drape more smoothly.

    2. Because the slip rides up, wiggles around.

    3. As someone who is young (25), in which I am guessing most of you are my elders, I have never worn a slip in my entire life. I would never ever think about it. I feel terrible for her.

    4. I am in my 60's and when I was a kid my mom would not let me out of the house without a slip. I had half slips and full slips and crinoline slips in all colors. Sorry, got off track with the nostalgic slip conversation. But at Mari's age, altho younger than me, I am sure she has at least one slip. maybe I will ask her?

    5. I don't like slips and I think most clothes are lined such that they are mostly unnecessary. And yeah, most young folks, have no idea what a slip is for. Meri, however, should know better. She should have sized up. When she came out of the dressing room, I thought for sure she'd be buying it in a bigger size or using some shape wear to make it more "polished". The dress was nice, it just didn't fit right and therein was the problem with all of them, including some of the teens. The dresses would have been fine, but they don't have the bodies for sleek sheaths and such. I know people like what they like and I totally support wearing what you love, so there's that.

  14. that picture of kody changing sol, on carpet no less, was really insensitive to christine. maybe robyn thought she was rehabilitating kody's image as a father but this was a big fail,,sounds like they need supernanny to deal with sol in their bed

    1. Cult-de-sac CommentatorFebruary 23, 2014 at 8:06 PM

      Kody actually deigns to change his own son's diapers... How nice of him! *eye roll*

    2. My goodness. I hope King Sol doesn't get tooth decay from all that breast feeding.

  15. i believe the story line for next season will be kody and meri's marriage. i think she has been setting this up for awhile. the drama of that would get all eyes on her

    1. You may be on to something. That would be a storyline for next year....Meri goes 'galavanting' around trying to find herself. Big cliff hanger, will Meri come back to the family? And of course, she does! And they have another big party to celebrate. And of course, they will all need to recommit and plant a bush or something. We are all so gullible....that is probably what that was all about.

    2. I got the feeling there won't be a next season of Sisterwives after watching them on the tell all. They were a sad looking bunch last night, but it could have been because they knew that they looked like a bunch of clowns in that awful makeup.

  16. If he is in moms bed he gets time with daddy. I really wonder the bonding that can happen for a small child when one parent is away so much? I know some jobs require it but to a two year old dad is just picking another kids house to sleep. And his mother is overcompensating breast feeding him until he starts preschool.

    You can change a boys diaper quick on the floor without a pad underneath. You just need to have the next diaper or pull up ready quick. I actually applaud him for doing it on the floor and not trying on a bed or high surface like a dresser. I'd rather a rug get dirty than him fall.

    1. I don't think he's changing the diaper on the floor for fear that he would fall of if he did it on the bed or a changing, I think he changed it on the floor because it would be hard to lift him. the kid looks petty big to me. I guess just because of his size it never dawned on me that he wasn't potty trained already,but that takes some work so .....

    2. It's not like that kid is an infant he's almost 3 years old! He probably told Kody to change his diaper!

    3. Yeah. According to Robyn, King Sol can use the oven so he should be able to change his own diapers. She posts the strangest pictures. Eat your heart out Ladies??? All men change diapers don't they?

    4. So not appropriate to share that photo with the world. I know it didn't show anything, but I wouldn't want a picture of me about to get my diaper changed on the internet.

      Any Robyn sweetie, my husband was home 7 days a week and changed diapers every single day, not the 1 out of 4 that you get.

    5. What father doesn't change diapers? Oh ya, a man who is the lord and master and must be obeyed. A man who doesn't even put his name on his kids' birth certificates so that the birth mom can collect welfare. A man who refers to his children as "her daughter or her son" rather than OUR child.

      The fact that Robyn thinks we should "eat our hearts out" because Kody is changing his own child's diaper is just pathetic.

    6. I really think that was a thinly veiled snark tweet and it was really meant for the other wives - very odd they weren't all watching this big finally commitment tell all show together like they normally do. Instead Kodouche was spending the evening with Herpyn and King Sol.

    7. Do Robyn think any woman with self esteem would want a man ( i say that loosely! ) like Kody??? Makes me wonder how awful her first marriage must have been?! No Robyn... us woman with self worth... we feel sorry for you (sort of )

  17. the comments on facebook about Dayton looking like he has been in an accident. I hope he is ok

  18. What's with all the sores on Robyn's mouth??!! Personally, I'd be pretty freaked out if I had to share my husband with her. Yuck!

    1. The 5th wife: The Brown Family Herpes

    2. My wonderful and monogamous husband watches SW with me. However he doesn't indulguge in the blog and I hold all comments to my self just to get his unsnark-tainted opinion. His comment last night, "How gross, that women always has a cold sore! And is that what some of the kids have?!"

    3. "The 5th wife: The Brown Family Herpes"

      Ya, she's a pretty big attention whore, too! Always popping up in every episode!

      Don't worry, I'm sure Robyn will tell everyone it is her ex husband's fault.

  19. His eye has been closed for months. I worry he has lost it

  20. so robyn takes all the debt :to keep the peace" yet the kid's still go to see their father so there is visitation, yet he is a dead beat dad? how will that go down next time the kids go to montanna? and her publicly saying it would go to the family pot, if she ever hoped to get child support, that would not be ok. those kids are not kodys, so why would it be shared? why can't she get child support? there are laws she could go after him for, or is she afraid he will spill secrets wow she is dumb

    1. If I were the dad I would do what Dina Manzo's ex husband did: He refused to allow his daughter to appear on RHoNJ. I think it would be hilarious if her children DID decide to live with their father (which Robyn said might happen if the other Brown kids didn't stop bullying them) and SHE would have to pay child support to her ex!!! But that would never happen.

      It still stinks that she would air her dirty laundry in public like that. I really think she's losing it. Meri must be working her magic on her or something.

    2. that child support belongs to the children. period. robyn should have been pursuing that for her kids. if there is something her ex is holding over her head about their past then it must be bad. robyn was on food stamps when she moved to lehi, and usually the state is very snoopy about where they are getting support from. something dosnt add up

    3. Isn't it illegal to give child support money away when it should be spent on your kids? It should be if it isn't, I can't stand dead beat moms who squander all their child support money and then complain. What a horrible woman Robyn is, I just cannot stand her. Either she and her ex have an agreement where he doesn't have to pay child support and he allows the kids to be on the show. Or, because her income is so much higher and he gets them about 3 months out of the year, he may not have to pay. She may have to pay him as a matter of fact because the courts often rule quality of life should be the same at both houses.

      Side note, no one, and I mean NO ONE should be bashing the father/mother of their child in front of their kids. Could you imagine how it feels for Robyn's kids to see this on a public forum?

    4. I think we just caught Robyn telling a big old lie.

      How much you wanna bet the reason she said she would put the money into the communal pot was because maybe she HASN'T been putting all of her MSWC money into the communal pot and the other wives (most likely Meri) caught wind of it and called her out on it.

      I've been reading comments that it looked like the thrill is gone between Meri and Robyn...could this be the reason?

    5. I think that tweet is going to disappear as soon as someone who is smart in her family reads it!

    6. I bet the thrill between Meri and Robyn is indeed gone after viewing the "Tell All" tonight. Robyn was ruthless. Maybe Meri is finally realizing Robyn has played her along and now Robyn doesn't need her so much. She has King Sol, her house, and her hobby business. Kody bows down to her. She's number 1. I almost (slightly) feel sorry for Meri.

    7. I agree CJ - same thing with Simon & Tamra - he still refuses to let her have the kids filmed for RHOC. But since they are being filmed - she has the opportunity here to really advocate for Day-un and special needs children and she has nothing but try to be the center of attention for her own damn self. Every time she opens her mouth (which is more often than not) it's like nails down a chalkboard to me anymore. I think it is funny more and more people are starting to call her out on her own BS though. They can't even keep up the deletions on twitter like they used to when someone called them out.

    8. Her constant trashing of her children's father speaks volumes about her. Good parents do NOT trash the ex in front of the kids.

      He didn't steal your purity, you were a willing participant. He isn't a deadbeat dad, he sees his kids per the court ordered visitation and probably isn't required to pay child support because you are making bank from the TLC gravy train.

      Stop being a BAD MOM. ROBYN!

    9. Freya @10:52 is absolutely right, Robyn may very well be required to give money to the ex...although there is no excuse for trashing her kids' dad, nothing sparks bitterness like having to cut a check...Every state requires that both parents contribute (most state statutes require 5-15% of income, give or take) if there is a huge disparity in standard of living (mcmansion vs trailer) one parent may have to pay the other. Regardless, calling him a "deadbeat dad" on twitter could cause her BIG legal problems.

  21. robyns husbands name is on the medical lien, so he does have some responibility as their father. i wonder if daytons medical issue is why there is a lien

  22. New commenter... I should pick a pen name I guess but just wanted to comment on the way Christine was yelling at Meri about the best friend. It was weird... like she was trying to be goofy and jokey about Meri having a good friend outside of the family, but the way she was shouting it came across very stilted. Love your site! Thanks for having us into your living room to discuss :-).

    1. Like someone said up thread, Christine can be so obnoxious. She is not getting any attention. Like, at all. I know they all chose this life and I believe this is what they get, but I really pity this one.

  23. I just caught a brief look at Kody (I'm watching Downton Abbey before I take on Sister Wives). Is it me or does Kody look like he's the love child of Carrot Top and the Geico Caveman????

    1. I think you're on to something with that, he really does!

    2. CJ, I thought he looked like more like Shrek, wearing The Hunchback's hair.

    3. LOL! So true - the makeup jobs were off the chain! Can't tell on Kody if it was just makeup gone wrong, botox/plastic surgery or some combo of both. It all adds up to him looking very odd! The only one that looked normal to me was Meri.

    4. he's the love child of Carrot Top and the Geico Caveman????

      HaHaHaHa!! That would explain both his looks and his behavior!!1

    5. When he kept saying " guy club" I kept misinterpreting it as "GEICO" . I still say he & his harem should audition as the modern stone age polygamous family.

  24. My son is on the spectrum. Every so many years we go into the hospital for an evaluation and they see how he is doing. It costs thousands. They could have had therapy done at the hospital like speech or OT or PT. The spectrum is expensive. Even with a medical plan it costs thousands out of pocket because of what is coverable and what isn't. And then there is the typical kid stuff besides. I would be mad as a hornet for child support to go into a family pot. I think she should take less from the pot. If she gets support for the three from another father. The court decides child support. It's not whether or not he does it. He sees them too as we saw at Christmas when they were driving them up there. Maybe they are with dad a lot and they share custody pretty equally and there is no support ordered for either of them to pay the other? Or maybe she said she didn't want any at the time of the divorce. Which would mean that he is not a deadbeat but she is wrong to blame him for what she decided. In any case the kids should not be hearing whether or not dad is paying support or not and will when she puts it on public places like that. Isn't rule number one in divorce not to make the other parent look bad?

    I watched the second airing and finally we got an answer about college costs. I'm not sure Meri paid anything for Mariah as she got some scholarships and there rumors she got a full ride, but I'm glad the notion of them using their household funds before going into the family pot of cash was decided. I wish they had edited that better in the actual season. I felt I wasted time watching a decision process never finalized about college costs.

    1. Yes I just dated a guy who is paying child support for his 3 kids and the state takes most of it out of his paycheck even though he would pay it anyways. Robyn is so fulla shite.

    2. @KMS, totally agree with everything you just said. What a horrible mother Robyn is to disrespect the father of her children in such a public manner. They must feel awful. Kody better watch out because she is going to do the same thing to him in a few years. She is a wannabe victim who lies about everyone who has ever done her wrong.

    3. @Freya - you can't really be surprised at what a horrible Mother Robyn is right?....afterall, remember the "purity" talk and how she, in front of her bio children, badmouthed their Dad and stated he'd "stolen" her purity? She's a nasty witch.

    4. It breaks my heart for Robyn's non-Kody kids. The way she speaks of their dad, the purity drama, and just wow!! #badmom #FreeRobynsBioKids

  25. Sean practically breaking his arm patting himself on the back that after a year of training janelle lost ***only*** three sizes.

    1. I dropped almost 4 dress sizes by walking 1.5 miles a day in about 6 months without changing my diet habits (I had the bad habit of eating only one meal a day).

      I just don't get it.

    2. I took that tweet to mean three sizes from when they started planning not in the two years she has been working out. She has said a couple of seasons ago that she lost a couple of sizes so I don't know. His tweet was unclear.

    3. I'm horrified by the weight of the teenaged girls. :o( So sad.

    4. I am sure her diet has improved, but I think she is still eating too much unhealthy processed food. .

    5. Pollyanna I've said this before several times, but I have no doubt that Janelle is eating "healthy" foods a majority of the time...she's not watching her portion sizes or calorie counts though. Lots of people fall into that trap. Trust me you can gain weight on too much skinless chicken breast or too much oatmeal or what have you. Been there done that. And I still think that Sean, even though he touts himself as a weight loss trainer, doesn't know beans about nutrition in that he feels like so many do, as long as one is eating unprocessed/lowfat/low calorie foods the portion sizes don't matter. Um, yeah, they do.

    6. I don't believe Sean's tweet, and it doesn't match up with the evidence and the supposed timeline. Janelle said that they had to keep on taking her dress in, because she kept on losing weight. The storyline was that they had 3 weeks (?) to make the dresses. Sean tweeted that she dropped 3 dress sizes.

      So, are we supposed to believe that Janelle was suddenly losing a dress size per week and that she dropped 3 dress sizes in 3 weeks for the commitment ceremony? Remember: Her talking head about the 5K shirt drama was that she dropped from a 4X and snuggly fit into an XL - and that was over the course of two years.

      If Janelle were an XL in May (the race) - she'd be a Size 14-16, maybe. That's Misses department. If she dropped 3 more sizes, she'd be an 8-10. That would blow the whole Robyn/San Francisco dress shopping plotline and the need for custom dresses.

      Tomorrow, Sean will be tweeting about his $9.99 DVD in MSWC. I know I can't expect a coherent storyline, and if there were one, their talking head portions would state the opposite...

  26. Oh meh gerd, I'm watching the Tell All, and I watched the commitment ceremony one. Here's my snarky remarks.

    1. ROBYN magically had a dress on hand for the ceremony, I don't buy it. Poor Christine had to wear that hideous Mid-Evil costume. I liked Janelle's dress, she looked beautiful. Meri looked like she needed a modest is hottest slip, I could see her Hanes Her Way, eww. I loved Aspen's dress. Mykelti um the hat is a no. Mariah ewwwwwwww. Truly is truly cute. King Sol, bah.

    2. The ceremony was basically a ghetto wedding, sand ceremony really?

    3. The tree cake wasn't appealing, especially for how much they paid for it. Ugh.

    4. I LOVE THE KIDS, such sweeties. Get rid of the nonstop wives and Kody, more kids.

    5. Once again in the Tell All, Robyn probably has King Sol in the bed so she doesn't have to bang the middle aged surfer she's committingaadultery with. Proof of a physical relationship is a #&ck blocker hahaha.

    1. I thought Mykelti's dress and hat was awesome! She has her won style and it was great. All of the kids looked great. Truely is adorable.
      I also think I have seen that dress of Robyn's before so I bet she had it from another event.

    2. Actually, Robyn did have that dress on hand. She wore it at least a year ago for something where most of the other wives were dressed casually and Kody was holding paper dolls representing all the wives as queens. It was on twitter and also accompanied an article about Kody's birthday or something. I remember we talked about it at the time on the other blog. Why she didn't go with it to begin with is another matter. I would hate to be in that poor designer's shoes right now, I don't think prospective clients who've seen this show will be eager to hire her.
      By the way, having found this blog again is both a blessing and a curse. I love having the outlet, but at the same time, I can waste so much time on here.

    3. Welcome b0red_n0w! I'm glad to see you again!

      Yes, I also remember the dress. She wore that dress maybe 2 years ago. It was for an auction to benefit the ballet company in Las Vegas. It was Christmas time, and they were attending The Nutcracker. The "dolls" were the four wives and Kody was the Nutcracker King. It was pretty cheesy looking. I'll check to see if I still have pictures.

  27. Also the Tell All was more lying and bull, no truths were admitted. Why does Meri mention jealousy to mass text responses and the issue with Kody talking about her in a disrespectful manner to Robyn and then not be truthful with what she means? She's clearly jealous of Robyn, be honest.

    THE "Empty Nest" thing is a joke, Meri has over a dozen "bonus" children. She should focus on helping raise each kid and spend time with some of the youngest ones alone. Like a girl date with Truly, etc. She's selfish and I hate the show because of the fakeness, lying, passive aggressive crap. Ughh

    1. Agreed. I wish Meri would just be honest and get it all out. She was glaring at Robyn and then stated that she knows Robyn as her back. I am confused. I think they are doing whatever they can to keep the show going. They are all afraid Meri's going to mess it up for them, especially Janelle. She looked scared every time Meri talked, like Meri might say something wrong.

    2. I get Meri's feelings though, to a point. As each of our children graduate high school and move on, it's very bittersweet. We still have a few kids at home, but there is still that hole that is there for while, no matter how many times you go through it. And even though I have other kids to focus on, it doesn't make it easier. And with Mariah being her only bio child, I really do get it. However, I do agree with you on the BS. This whole "commitment" thing was/is BS. This group has NEVER been a single family unit - not even when they lived in the Utah Plyg house. They did function much better then they do now, but in reading their book, they really clearly have never been one unit like the Darger's or even Uncle Art's family. What I never could understand was why TLC let them publish that book that flew in the face of the whole we are one big family story line they keep trying to spoon feed us each season.

    3. I don't think TLC has any control over what the Browns do outside the show. They can't stop them from writing a book.

  28. So, just a few quick thoughts -

    1. If Robyn's "friend," or as CJ affectionately calls her, JYD, "designed" the dresses, then that obviously doesn't mean she sewed them. Maybe she's the one who sketched the pencil drawings they showed a couple of last night? However.... a. Per the San Fran episode, it looked like they all went fabric shopping w/ JYD. But, Meri tweeted a few days ago that Mykelti helped her choose the fabric? b. Two of the dresses JYD supposedly designed were essentially non-executable, if that's a word.... Christine's was just weird. And Janelle's was...I'm still out on that. But, for two dresses that couldn't be sewn as sketched, one weird princess/Renaissance dress, and one dress that is questionable at best...WHY THE HELL IS SHE BRAGGING about "designing" those hot messes???
    2. Whether or not Robyn's ex pays child support, saying that publicly is completely and totally, utterly lacking in class. And consideration for her children. Seriously?? Seriously??? I wish David would pull the children from the show (in their best interest anyway). Although I'm not all that sure Robyn would care. You never see her paying any attention to the older three anyway - all about King Sol.
    3. Janelle lost three dress sizes for her ceremony dress? Three dress sizes from when to when? Since she started training what, 2+ years ago? From when they decided to have the ceremony? Kind of difficult to take much away from Sean's gloating without knowing in what time period she lost three dress sizes, in my opinion. (Not that losing 3 dress sizes in any period of time is BAD...but, you get my point).
    4. If they want the show to have more seasons, I have a simple suggestion. WAAAAAY more Truely. That child really is angelic and such a sweet cutie pie.

    - Lori

    1. Re the dress size thing: I started a diet in January that consists only of watching my portion size and kind of sort of counting calories - I have not increased my pretty much non-existent exercise routine (work, rink, bed, repeat is pretty much my life) and I have already lost 2 pants sizes. And I am not too too overweight - I have been much bigger in my life and I've found the bigger I was the faster I lost weight in the beginning. So only 3 sizes in 2+ years while utilizing the services of a "personal trainer". Yah - not so great. Unfortunately I think it's the result of what all these woman are dealing with - depression. Even with their big fancy houses in the gated community and a much higher income stream then they've ever had, they are still depressed. And these are the folks looking down on us "poor" monogamists...

    2. Where was the JYD? Was she at the ceremony? It doesn't sound like it because she said on Facebook that she had designed the dresses and everyone would see them at the ceremony. Robyn didn't even tell her BFF/Biznuss partner that she didn't end up wearing her design? Robyn is a manipulative witch.

    3. Where was the JYD? Was she at the ceremony? It doesn't sound like it because she said on Facebook that she had designed the dresses and everyone would see them at the ceremony
      I think what caused old JYD's FB meltdown was the realization she wasn't Robyn's #1. There's a long history of that JYD - and considering how her comments on TLCs SW FB are being deleted almost as quickly as she posts them speaks wonders about her. Maybe TLC had her scenes deleted...just like her FB comments!

      Robyn didn't even tell her BFF/Biznuss partner that she didn't end up wearing her design?
      I think Robyn knows batshit crazy when she sees it and distanced herself from it accordingly.

  29. Argh! I think I lost my comment. Just Yay to have found you! I'll send others your way. :)

  30. I'm turning on Meri in a good way. I liked her at the start, then didn't. I think if people would stop telling her to suck it up and be happy about her new stage in life, she would be able to. Not only does the group want her to not be sad they want her to not be sad their way, somehow feel more important in the other kids lives, why can't she go find herself? Before they moved she was taking classes and working part time. I think that was a gradual turning inward as her child was hitting the teen years and no littles her responsibility 24/7. Then she is in vegas obsessed about scrapbooking and house decorating. In a typical marriage it's a husband and wife. I think Kody has actually had time spent just letting her be sad to get it out. Only while Kody was giving her space, she may have had Robyn on her back to suck it up. Crying how she wanted to raise children together. Blah blah blah.. Telling her she doesn't need a hobby, career outside the business... Don't go too far outside the family to find yourself? What did that mean?

    1. I am starting to like Meri more again too. I felt really sad for her last night when she said her mom would always take Kody's side. Back in season 1 Meri almost had 1 foot out of the family she mentioned wanting to leave, but was content staying for Mariah's sake. I would not be surprised at all if she actually leaves for good this time now that her daughter is gone.

    2. I'm liking her more as well!

  31. Okay did y'all here Robyn say that Kody doesn't spend equal time with the wives? In other words, he spends more time with her. I could not believe my ears. And then Janelle backed her up. Janelle irritates me. She puts up with crap and won't speak up for herself. At least Christine will say something, however obnoxious.

    1. I agree. It's hard to root for Janelle when she stares into space and doesn't stick up for herself. She gets all giggly about how wonderful Kody is when it's pretty obvious he's only getting closer to her because all the FANS like her and people are following her weight loss journey. He reels her in from time to time. She lets Robyn mock her and Meri take from her. Being weak like that is not an endearing quality. IMO

  32. Thank you CJ for continuing the snarks of the sister wives. You do a great job with the episode summaries!!! IMHO I believe the dress making story was a made-up plot with Meri or she knew she would go out a buy a dress. There is NO WAY anyone could design and sew a dress that would reach eye boogers approval.

  33. Meri, Meri, Meri...a girdle was needed with that dress. I guess we call them "Spanx" now, but honestly, a girdle was required.

    Christine's dress? Dear heavens!! What a hideous bathrobe/circus tent/ren fair mess. Absolutely hideous!

    Janelle's dress? Great color but looked like she slept in it. Wrinkly, lumpy, bumpy, shiny. However, her hair was very nice. Without a doubt the best I have ever seen her hair and makeup.

    Robyn? Off the rack Walmart polyester? Utterly boring and forgettable.

    Aspyn and Mariah looked lovely. Was it Mykelti with the silly hat? Not so great of a look.

    Truely and Solomon were adorable.

    Who knows how Kody looked? His asinine behavior eclipsed all else. What a total loser. "You guys have been out here getting pictures taken for about 15 minutes BUT I'VE BEEN OUT HERE FOR TWO HOURS!!!" STHU! If you only had one wife you wouldn't have this issue! You wanna brag and brag about how special and amazing you are for having FOUR wives, but when the responsibility part rolls around, you can't deal with it. And seriously, who the hell doesn't check to see if a string of lights is working and change any necessary bulbs BEFORE you put them up? Oh ya, an IDIOT!

    1. I noticed the anger in Kody's eyes when he was complaining about the picture taking-he looked maniacal

    2. I agree curious - he makes that look a lot. I call him shark eyes cuz his beady little eyes are always so empty no matter what the topic is they are discussing.

    3. Didn't you mean he was upset with the "PITCHER" taking portion? I swear, I want to take him aside and tell him how to say the word, P I C T U R E, in a correct manner. Plus, I could get drunk, playing a drinking game, of course, by drinking every time he says, "ACTUALLY." Just shoot me now, lol.

  34. No thanks Robyn...nothing to eat my heart over that husband you all share... I think I'd gouge my eyes out first

  35. By the way, did anyone catch it when Robyn was talking about how "it's always been this way from the beginning"? Um, sweetie, you weren't there from the beginning, you have no idea what it was like from the beginning because you showed up over a decade after the beginning.

    Or perhaps she has decided that time started when she entered the family?

    1. Oh my gosh, that bugged me so much when she said that about the beginning. She has not been there from the beginning no matter how much she wishes she had and needs to accept it.

  36. I lost every thought in my head about the finale when I read Robyn's tweet about her ex-husband. Even if he is a dead beat dad, to bash him to the could that not hurt her older children?? In my opinion, it's emotionally abusive to try and poison a child against a parent. She needs to keep her mouth shut and let her children make their own opinions about their father. After surviving divorce and 3 moves in a matter of a few years, I think they've suffered enough.

  37. I showed that tweet from Robin about her ex being a deadbeat and he said he would hold her in contempt and give her a big fine and if she did it again 24 hours in jail. Where we live saying things like that public ally or to minor children is a big no no. You think an adult would have enough common sense to see that on their own. Mary is just drama. They just had a commitment ceremony and she is distancing herself from the family. Bonus kids? Yeah right! Everyone else really seem happy and on the same page and then there is Merit stirring the pot.

    1. who did you show the tweet to?

    2. Sorry. My husband.

    3. In California (not sure about other states) the court automatically issues an order to the parent's employer to garnish that parent's wages by default. It can be overridden but needs to be agreed to on both sides I think.

  38. Although I have really grown to dislike Robyn for a number of reasons, I did really enjoy her calling Meri out in the tell-all for not making her bonus children a higher priority. I really, really wish this show featured more of the "trying to hide from the camera" moments. That would be much better TV than shopping for "commitment" cakes and stressing over what the wives will wear.

    1. Robyn was snookered. She thought Meri was going to help with not only Sol but her other kids as well. I don't think she envisioned how much of a single mom she was going to be, married or not. Plus, if Sol is sleeping with Robyn and Kody, how will they be creating a new baby? Kody seemed really annoyed with that.

    2. I don't watch the show anymore. I just read this blog. I don't feel sorry for any of them at all. This is how they choose to live. My kids are out of the house and on their own but when women are finally able to not have kids in the home, it gives them time to do things for themselves. I would not want to be saddled with someone else's kids. Not even if they are bonus kids. I love my nieces and nephews to death but I was always glad when they went home. Meri should find some hobbies and friends and leave the compound. Robin should just take care of her own kids IMHO. These women are not happy and IMHO they should not be called wives. Wives should be reserved for REAL wives. Being called a wife is illegal. They need to come up with another name for having to all sleep with Kody.

    3. "They need to come up with another name for having to all sleep with Kody"

      Let's help them with the new title!

      How about bonus baby maker?

      Concubine is too long, they could shorten it to cube.

      Herpes incubator?

      Bedmate? We could shorten that to BM ;o)

  39. My very favorite moment of last night's show was Kody standing on a roof trying to finish hanging the lights while Meri and Robyn wanted him to come down to rehearse. He said he wanted to finish the job and chat between them ensued. Finally, Kody shouted that he didn't need any control freaks hounding him. Final scene was Meri walking off calling everyone together to rehearse. So much for Meri being able to compromise--which seems to be one of the areas she and the marriage counselor have discussed.

    So many of the comments today are so right and fun! Just love this blog!

    I think Mykelti did drawings for all the moms and only Christine and Janelle cared enough for her feelings to actually wear her designs. Poor Sam didn't seem to have the breadth of dressmaking experience to translate designs to patterns. There is a wealth of software out there that will translate drawings+measurements to pattern pieces. The drama must have been strictly for the show.

  40. Did anyone else hear Robin saying Utah was home etc... I totally believe when the show is over within 2 years they will be back in Utah. I wonder if their church will welcome them back with open arms. They even mentioned in an episode how they all thought they would have out of town guests all the time but they don't.

    1. I'm positive I saw Anne Wilde from Principle Voices sitting at one of the tables.

    2. I was thinking 'what the heck' they just made a ceremony and planted a tree to show their 'roots' and now they are already talking about Utah being "home'? So they are going to pull out that tree, add a fifth wife, go back to Lehi and replant the tree? I thought Las Vegas was their Plymouth Rock?

    3. Ok. CJ, you know more about the history of the Brown's "public crusade" for polygamy than anyone else out there.. i have to ask, in your opinion, of all the plural families in all of Utah, why were the Browns (somewhat) hand picked as the face of polygamy? I know Anne Wilde had a lot to do with getting the Browns out there...I'm just curious what your thoughts were...
      PS love love love the reviews

    4. It is not prosecutable to cohabit in their state. I think they would be welcome for that alone.

    5. HH - I'm not CJ, but the producers' website (puddlemonkey - just going by memory here) has the story on how they got together with the Browns. They contacted Anne Wilde/Principle Voices and she referred the Browns, and after all they had already had camera experience with the BBC. I don't think the producer was trying for the "face of polygamy". they were after ratings and $$ pure and simple. and they got it.

    6. ::I'm positive I saw Anne Wilde from Principle Voices sitting at one of the tables.::

      CJ, I'm positive I saw Anne Wilde too, sitting in a row of chairs visible during the tree planting. (And I wonder if the white haired lady sitting next to Genielle during the after party was Bobbi, Winn's third wife?)

    7. Thank you so much for replying. I have been reading your comments on mister sister's blog for years! (I admit I have an odd fascination with the whole Mormon polygamy thing) Anyway, I don't know about you, but I really believe, that the whole "Sister Wives" phenomenon, from TLC, their "flight" to Vegas, the Utah lawsuit, etc, etc, has been 2 parts highly orchestrated premeditated plan, and 1 part, happy accident. There was a clip of Christine on youtube somewhere, from 2006? I wish I could still find it, where she is asked if she's worried about being prosecuted, and her response is, verbatim, "bring it on"... I just find the whole, "poor pitiful persecuted us" routine to be nauseating...I think most of what they have done has been carefully plotted, although I think they fell ass-backwards into those houses, I don't even think they can believe they pulled that off...

    8. Hi Hagar's Harem!

      First of all I want to thank DJ for her spot on accounting of Anne Wilde influence on getting the Browns on TV with a reality show!

      in your opinion, of all the plural families in all of Utah, why were the Browns (somewhat) hand picked as the face of polygamy?
      DJ and I are in agreement that the Browns (particularly Kody) were not chosen to represent the face of polygamy, but rather, they were Anne Wilde's idea of a "perfect" polygamous family. Non threatening, no child brides. Just a normal Utah family that happened to be plural who were willing to go public.

      Christine Brown was extremely active in polygamous causes - particularly in decriminalization of polygamy. She was on many committees, sitting right next to the ladies from Centennial Park at many political functions. She knew Mark Shurleff, the former Utah AG who 'promised' her his office would not prosecute her family if they were to go public. And she is polygamy royalty, so to speak.

      I don't think anyone foresaw Kody Brown literally taking over the show, to the point where HE became the main focus. Christine was relegated to the almost forgotten role of wife #3, while the show played up Kody's courting of the conniving 4th wife, Robyn.

      Once the Browns hightailed it out of Lehi for of all places Las Vegas, I think there was a push to find a polygamist man who was not a joke, actually held a job and did not drive a Lexus sports car. In steps Papa Joe Darger.

      I do believe that Darger is the official face of Polygamy in Utah (where it counts). Kody has been relegated to represent its backend. And here's a Cynical Jinx prediction: Darger has higher expectations than to be an entertainment figure...after all it was an incident that happened to his mother that was the main story arc for Big Love's first season. And what did Bill eventually become? A state politician!

      Of course, this is only my opinion. But if it turns out this way, Kody will be one pissed off, forgotten, unemployed surfer dude in the end!

    9. ...not to mention bald. Although I'm betting Kody will start wearing a bandanna in a few years.

    10. CJ - Wow! I bet you are right! Darger for Governor! Ya'know what...I'd vote for him. I would...what can I say, I like the way he can pack a that episode was funny, kody trying to herd cats, while Pappa Joe had a seating chart

    11. If you're gonna do polygamy or even have a really large family a la the Brady Bunch, Papa Joe is doing it right. You gotta have organization.

    12. Honestly DakotaJustice your comment about kody wearing a bandana just made me spit out my cereal! why oh why is this visual making me laugh so hard??? ha ha, geeze i need to go to bed, lol! :)

    13. Dude I know like a bazillion guitarists through my ex husband and at least 36% of them wear the bandanna to hide the chrome dome and still have their long scraggly remnants of hair hanging down around it. then there are 23% who just wear baseball caps, and the rest who either still have their natural hair or just said the hell with it and just wear sunscreen.

  41. Checked out mysisterwifescloset to see what new items they were hocking from the season. They are selling Sean Huddleston's work out video and they are marketing the craft store that made their mission statement canvases. Are all of the Brown's monogamous friends also business partners?

  42. I call BS on Meri's dress being 59.00. when she came out of the dressing room in the green dress, it was way open in the back with a clip holding it. it was at least 2 sizes too small. so when the sales girl said they could do alterations in one day, the way it was altered was laces to criss cross and tie like a wedding dress were added to fill that space. saw the back of the dress in a screen shot it was the rest that needed leting out too

  43. The dresses turned into an unnecessary bad situation. I feel very strongly that the producers pushed this idea to them. Not only does Sam now look totally incompetent (having to bring your mother in to save the day does not bode well), but frankly most of the wives were dressed hideously. Of the four, Janelle looked the best. Although many posters have commented that Janelle hasn’t lost all that much given the time she has spent, I maintain that she looks thinner and healthier and is wearing more stylish clothes. I think part of it is that the Browns are very casual. They go to big concerts in Vegas (like Celine Dion) wearing jeans. They are not a ‘dressing up’ family. Which I get, I would wear jeans to all occasions if I could get away with it. So I think they are generally uncomfortable dressing up and it shows.

  44. Was I the only one yelling at my television when they refused to allow Meri to feel her own feelings? If she is feeling lost about her place in the family and wants to go find herself, then for pity's sake leave her alone to "go find herself".

    Maybe she will take writing classes and write a book, start a catering business with her sister, learn to scuba dive, start a bridge club--who knows? She is obviously hurting and seeking happiness. I think the other wives are jealous and Kody is scared she will leave.

    I was yelling "Run Meri Run" in my best Forrest Gump style.

    1. I suspect Kody, Janelle and Christine have become pretty immune to Meri's dramas. If Meri has been selected by the film company to be the drama queen she's done a great job and the rest of the family knows the situations are bogus. If her tantrums, pessimism, nervousness, discomforts, etc. are the real thing, she must be a really difficult personality to get along with and marriage counseling may not be enough.

      I do agree with snarkaholic that she has new opportunities to do tons of new things. Let us hope Meri can crawl out of her funk and realize that Mariah is alive, well, enjoying her transition to adulthood and only a phone call away. Meri has only to choose her new direction. That might be fun to watch--Meri goes to UNLV, Meri teaches a quilting class or even Meri teaches a class on good taste in decorating or flattering, modest clothing choices.

    2. Snarkaholic - No, you weren't alone. It was cruel and insensitive. Kody is completely clueless and unable to demonstrate empathy. And Robyn is completely self-absorbed and self-obsessed and insufferable. Robyn should butt-out and mind her own business. I was very glad to see Meri's non-family best friend highlighted. I think she needs a safe outlet now where she can just be herself and not have to constantly filter and worry about being judged.

  45. I think Robyn has insomnia because she reads this blog.....

    1. If she does read this blog I hope that she learns a thing or two. For one, people do not like the way she acts. And second, sea doctor about the cold sores.

    2. She's probably up all night scoping out the other wives & Kody as he rotates around the cul-de-sac!

    3. right on! i think robyns friend has a new identity on FB and is sending thretening messages to anyone who says negative things about robyn

  46. Robyn is saying on twitter that editing is resposible for making it look like she did all he talking when she was called out for being such a loud mouth. i wish they would stop with the manufactured crap. i bet their true lives and relationships are the real story and i wish they would capture more of that. the mission statement was the kody brown family, really? they all say they are independant, but we all know kody calls the shots

  47. christine was annoyed and made faces when robyn butted in. maeri's unhappiness the next story? and why is meri comparing mariah leabing to janelle leaving? kody being frustrated with meri is wearing off on robyn..maybe meri is mourning mariah and kody being lost to her

  48. maybe robyn is jealous that truelys illness was televised and garnered sympathy that she didny get with whatever happened to dayton. she seems to inject herself into the situation at the most inapropriate times. on another blog, a friend of david jessop is saying he pissed about robyns tweet and going to hold robyn in contempt if she does it again

  49. christine says she didnt have enough in her budget for aspyns college, meri did have enough in her budget for mariahs college, so the amount meri gets is like 20,000 more? i think christine accidentaly splilled the beans on how much more meri gets wow

  50. These people are truly a mess. I found it disgusting and sad how Kody and Robyn joked about him "dying of dehydration" and "dying from thirst" during the picture taking. It's very insensitive given Truly's recent life threatening illness.

  51. mariah statement on the tell all about focusing on college and not marriage is an effort to rehabilitate what she said when she cried on the episode about how to pay for college about i need to go back to utaj so i can meet a polygamist husband . kody and the sisterwifes are re tweeting that to reasure people her expensive college was not for a husband. and also, mariah coppied mykelties red hair

  52. I was just reading the new comments here, and I have to say something about Dayton.
    They don't have any problem showing him with his eye closed shut. but won't say a word.
    Now, it COULD be his father saying I don't want this revealed or discussed, but if that was true, we probably wouldn't see Dayton at ALL.

    let me put forth another theory. The Browns (the adults anyway) are pretty backwater, IMO. I would bet that Kody/Robyn at least believe that Dayton's autism is a reflection on HER. that it's her fault. that she "gave" Dayton autism.

    Now I have several friends whose children are autistic, and I have to say - they DON'T hide their kids or their affliction. On the contrary - they work for Autism Speaks, run fundraisers to raise awareness and money for autism research - they are PROUD of their children's accomplishments - they go to the state capital to lobby for more educational opportunities. And for two of my friends, this is on TOP of working full time jobs AND teaching several fitness classes each week.

    And what is Robyn doing? She's not doing shit, and she has all the time in the world AND a nationally televised TV show at her disposal. She could be spending some of that time that she spends ragging on monogamous and escapees from polygamy and rally some support for a cause that directly affects her CHILD. BUT NO.

    What a selfish bitch.

    1. yes DK you nailed it, It would require robyn or kody to put their money where their mouth is and demonstrate some gratefullness and gratitude for their blessings and not try and hide daytons issues.

    2. My friends (one is a fitness instructor who teaches circuit classes and the other is a very popular Zumba and hip-hop instructor) would have JUMPED at the chance to have that kind of opportunity to promote and raise funds/awareness of autism. I've participated in a few events with them last year, a Zumbathon and a circuit training marathon and they raised THOUSANDS for Autism Speaks!

    3. Devil's advocate Robyn tweeted about a year ago when people noticed Dayton was not in the show much that he was uncomfortable with the camera and she allowed him to be in the show as much or as little as he liked. It could be his choice to not have an entire episode broadcasted about something I am sure he is embarrassed about.

    4. Even if Dayton asked not to be featured in the show itself, Robyn could still be using some of her AMPLE free time when not "filming" taking advantage of her visibility to attend/host autism fund raisers locally/regionally.

    5. My son is on the spectrum. While I am lukewarm about autism speaks there is a bit of bad blood with the group over the vaccine thing. Then there is the new qualification as to what is autism under DSM 5 which adds to the confusion of parents of kids with milder cases. They have disclosed that he has aspergers. That may not be something he would want disclosed, or his dad may want disclosed? I can not point to a more divided community than the autism community. Lots of parents blame themselves. Lots of families relatives think they just have to be taught to conform and they will. Seriously the spectrum child need to be flexible and not the typical perfect self regulating adult? It's so frustrating. How do you handle the criticism from the general public when family is already overwhelming? I do wonder if she doesn't so much blame herself but is doing the home births, keeping that cord attached as long as possible after the birth and breastfeeding until he can read an easy reader all by himself to make sure in some sense that she doesn't expose him or is able to better protect him from the spectrum? I don't think she needs to use her son as a poster child for a cause. I would rather she focus on the polygamy cause, even though I don't agree with it, since it's her thing.

  53. Robyn's daughter is really pretty and nice shot of Kody's receding hairline Robyn! (:

  54. what happened to the sisterwife code robyn spouted so much while on her honeymoon. Robyn said sexy and deeper relationship to swipe at her sisterwives for sure. the beard was sexy, their relationship was deeper, the remarks about sol in the bed..she was not respectful of the other wives at was brazen really for little miss goody two shoes

  55. Bri the event planner didn't seem to do much more than order the tables and chairs and accept their delivery. There was no officiant for the ceremony. There was no ceremony and no specially-synchronized family dance. The children didn't coordinate their surprise with her. Bri wasn't at the rehearsals. I assume the PR rep got the band, so that the band could get airtime.

    Meri, her mathematician mother and professionally-trained sister made the 7000 desserts, which seemed to be the entire menu, so there wasn't a caterer. (Otherwise, why would you have 7000 pastries for 200 people? That's 35 each!) Kody spent his week stringing lights between the McMansions, and there weren't any other noticeable decorations. Robyn made the slap-bracelets that nobody wore, but there weren't party favors for the guests. I don't know if she and her husband were even guests at the event. So much for monogamous friends and business associates.

    Also, in one of the long-shots, there looked to be about 10 tables, which would mean about 80-100 guests (and 70-90 pastries each), not the 200 so widely stated. Meri alone had a guest list of 70.

    1. I think they got their moneys worth from Bri. The landscaping was nice, the structure in the yard was decorated and they even thought to have outside heaters. I wasn't there, but we know from tweets that Robyn's best friend was there and so was that Gina who is her business partner. I also believe on Bri's website I saw pictures from the party so she must have attended. When Meri was in the kitchen she said they were preparing 7000 food items and her sister appeared to be stirring a large pot of meatballs. It wasn't just desserts and I'd rather have too much food than too little. It looked like a crowd of 200 people. Most of the tables in that long shot were setup for food. From the few views of the audience it looked like a lot of people (like Sean for instance) were seated in chairs set up between tables. And of course there was no ceremony, because they kept saying this was to be a celebration and they didn't want it to be a ceremony!

    2. Yeah the food kinda well...other than some sort of tortilla chip thingy, it was all desserts. I would have been starving. I bet a lot of folks ended up going out for pizza or something non-sweet after the party.

  56. Remember when Robyn was crying that her babies had never had cribs before and Kody (and me too) felt so sorry for her? Clearly that was because she has her babies sleep with her not becuase she was so poorly treated by her first husband. The more I learn about the lies, the more I think the Browns have been conned.

  57. i thought the exact same thing cpa carol. so many contradictions have come out of robyns mouth..dont like animals..sols nursery is animals..tweets she is getting sol a dog or guinny pig for christmas...the whole story of hers from season one has been discredited..her slutty ways came out with the purity speech..i think the browns got conned for sure and kody was only thinking with his pants

  58. did anyone else catch what christine said when talking about how they split the money, that is split equaly? not only did it expose the huge disparity in how far the money goes in the larger familys, versus meri's but im pretty sure they were talking about the tlc money. Christine didnt have college money for aspyn from her budget, but meri did have mariahs from her budget. that has got to be a huge issue between the wives

  59. What's been botheribg me is that no one has addressed what Kody does with HIS equal share of the TLC $$ or any other income. Is he not heloing to pay for Mariah's, or Aspyn's, or Logan's college?

  60. Sorry, I meant "bothering" me. I'm fat fingering the touch screen tonight!

  61. I saw someone asking if you would talk about other reality shows here to... What I would love to see is you recapping the next episode of Teen Mom when that girl gets preganant again. I'm laughing just thinking about the snark you could come up with!

  62. Am I the only one who is soooo over the words "commitment celebration"?? Lord, it sounds so dumb.

    Also, remember how John and Kate filmes their coach interviews in the basement? Why hasn't the room these ppl do it changed? Their on there third home(s)! So much funner ti see them in their actual houses doing that..

    1. Heck no you are not alone!

      Which is worse--commitment ceremony or family mission statement? So sick of both! It would be more interesting to see them go to a monster truck rally. Ugh!

    2. Its a set, no reason to change it... Only house you could do it in would be Meri's to not interrupt the kids for days when they do these. A set it just easier to manage with lighting etc.

  63. little one has been dealing with a stomach bug for the last week and my husband has changed at LEAST one yucky diaper a day, and got up with him at 3:30 this morning and rocked him so that I could sleep because he knew I was exhausted. Even though he had to go to work this morning. AND he's not sleeping with anybody else! So thanks but no thanks can keep your "gem"! I guess the bar is set pretty low in the old culdesac...

  64. Never thought I'd say this, but I empathize with Meri. I too have an only daughter who is a freshman in college. My daughter and I are very close and I miss her like crazy but she's happy so that helps a lot. Now I have to figure out my life and at least the people close to me understand that. If I had people saying "you have your niece to babysit--isn't that enough?" or "now is not the time to find yourself" I'd probably run away. I wonder if the cameras weren't on would Meri have told the others to fuck off. But they're probably more of the storm away angry type of people

    1. I'm in a similar situation. My daughter, the oldest of our two children, is a freshman in college. I still have a teenager at home and yet I struggle hard with missing my daughter. I listen to what Meri says, and a lot of what she doesn't say, and I imagine what it will be like for me when my son goes away to college and I have an empty nest. Brutal, it will be brutal. Awesome? Sure! I'm thrilled for my kids to grow up and go to college, but it will still be very painful. Can you imagine Meri with only one kid and a part-time husband? I wanted to slap Robyn. I think Janelle looked like she kind of got what Meri was saying. Christine doesn't "get" anything and Kody doesn't give a rip except for how it affects him. I felt like Robyn really attacked Meri and Kodouche joined in to gang up on her. Meri is freaking allowed to feel how she feels. Leave her the hell alone and quit telling her how she should feel.

      I agree with you anon 8:38, she should've told them to F off and I hope she did off camera!

  65. Dear God that klown kewl kody is getting his eyebrows done and shaded now. I didn't see 200 ppl there. Serving 7000 servings of apples and brown betty pie? Ridiculous. The whole thing was definitely at tlc's instruction, they just had the browns interpret and pull it off and it was a complete flop. Not one touching or somewhat lovely moment and half-assed done all the way around- even with an event planner and dressmaker on the tab! And Meri's sister the culinary grad? I would never have allowed my name to be used as a part of this flop. Idk how they can hang on another season. I think maybe tlc is seeing how my five wives is going to do- and I predict not well- before they make a decision.

    Tamron Hall. Sheesh. She did not ask one single question I've had on my mind or I've seen posted. Another useless platform for the browns to be famous without addressing anything remotely interesting. Well maybe that klown can put his dictionary and thesaurus down for a bit until by some ridiculous chance they score another season.

    1. Tamron Hall has lost her credibility as a journalist with this crap. She is just soooo neutral, isn't she? How many times has she said she sat at home and cried while watching the Sister Wives show? How about a professional journalist who says "mother-in-laws" instead of "mothers-in-law"?

      You know who should do these tell all interviews? Bill O'Reilly. Bill O'Reilly would be the journalist to deal with the Brown Klowns. Now THAT would be entertaining!

    2. Totally agree lol that would be awesome. Or even bring in the dressmaker, event planner, jooolery shopper or neighbor, any one outside of this "family". As it was, this was not a tell all, it was just a bogus light footed q&a.

  66. i wonder if the hairstylist/make-up artist shown on the ceremony episode is the one responsible for the Brown's make-up on the tell all. Their make-up seemed so over the top and harsher than in previous tell all shows. Maybe they brought her along to the shoot and she over did it for the cameras do to in experience

  67. It looked like a mortuary did the make-up for the Tell-All! Don't the Browns have a say-so in how they appear? Can't they look in the mirror before they go on set and say “NO WAY! Wipe some of this crap off of me or I'm not going out there???”

    I can't believe someone tweeted Robyn asking why Aurora isn't featured more...How could anyone think that Aurora isn't featured enough? THAT KID IS EVERYWHERE! She always seems to know exactly where the center of the shot will be, and she plants herself there. She literally pushes other kids out of the way to be front and center, and she over-emotes and gushes for the camera. To be fair, she has learned it from the best. Robyn has somehow usurped the position of Official Family Spokesperson, and I noticed that after the kids' flower ceremony, when Aspyn brought the bouquet up to her father, ROBYN just HAD to horn in on the moment.

    I think the reason Robyn is so ridiculously passionate about this “commitment celebration” is that she sees it as a public statement that “caps off” the family, a sign of completion, at least as far as additional wives are concerned. I think Janelle's pointed question about what to do with the canvasses if Kody ever took another wife was more about poking Robyn's buttons than Kody's.

    Robyn is showing her true colors to Meri now that the sister-wife honeymoon is over. Robyn's truth is whatever suits her best, and her buddies are whomever can do the most for her.

    1. Why wasn't maddy asked about her awesome comment to ring robyns bell? That would have been awesome. I liked mykelti's red dress and how about it hat, perfect choice.

      Notice how one of robyns kids was the first one out in the celebration line up? The other girl was second. Her poor son gets zero camera time and zero attention, when they could be using this format to help kids with his difficulties. But that would take up their showbiz time. Poor little truely can't get a scrap of attention, even after nearly dying. And they expect us to have a heart for their struggles? Janelle, you're smarter than this and better than this band of klowns. I don't understand why you allow them to play big show show offs over top of you.

  68. I think Meri is so used to wearing her closes tight that when she tried on dresses she didn't have a clue that formal wear should not look painted on. To her it was just the norm for how clothes should feel and not look. It was altered to accomodate the back of the dress not being able to be zipped. Across the front it was way to tight..she has a mindset of buying her clothes tight..maybe all those years of wearing tight 3/4 sleeve tops with tight baby doll tops and jeans. She had no clue had formal wear should about blind to her body shape
