
Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Past Week in Tweets 2/13/14

What you talkin' about, Robyn?
Here's some of the live tweets from Sunday's show, and some from this week...

From Robyn, we learn what Valentine's Day means to her. Somehow I'm not surprised...I wonder if Robyn's use of  'everyone' actually includes 'everyone' or just eligible polygamous males...Well, a girl has to keep her options open!

That's a double OUCH!! But it is so true. Since when did Hunter get into his bonus mom's good graces? Oh wait, maybe it was when Logan skedaddled on out of there for college.

Good grief. Now the wives are endorsing these Kixies things. Somehow I'm failing to see how thigh high stockings fit into their "modest is hottest" credo...unless looking like a harlot no longer pertains just to monogamist women.

Now here is an interesting tweet. I read somewhere that Meri's brother  (you know, the one that use to be Mr. Janelle) rarely makes appearances. Well, he was on at least one episode and now here's his tweet that was retweeted to all of Meri's lucky followers!

It took me a good five minutes to figure out this tweet from Meri. Short of pulling out books, I'm figuring this was before Sheryl married Winn but after Janelle married Meri's brother Adam.

My bad. I thought that disembodied voice yelling "I want to plant a tree!" in the meeting with Bri the Wedding oops, Events Planner was Christine!

Good grief. It seems like Mariah and Meri get together each week. What's going to happen when Mariah gets married? Why doesn't Mariah just move back home and go to UNLV like her other siblings...oh wait, because she'll be a little fish in a big pond and would waste away from being ignored by 99.9% of the student population, right?

Wow...look at all the fun these people seem to be having at Christine's house. Oh look, Robyn isn't snuggled next to Kody! Oh dear, looks like Kody's got his bottle of green Kool-Aid next to his...manhood...

Epiphany??? Kody don't tell me you made up that story just for the show!

And did owning your truth occur before or after the TLC money started rolling in...

I wonder just how much money the Browns are making as "spokepersons" for yet another business, although Janelle and Kody have been plugging this stuff for a while now. What happened to LIV??

What happened to your love for LIV?

Does this mean Kody, Meri, Christine and Robyn are fake soul mates?

Here's another interesting tweet from Janelle.

Ah Ha!!! Now we find out why Robyn tweeted about Hunter! She just couldn't say only Happy Birthday, she had to include King Sol. Funny how we see Hunter interacting more with Truely than with King Sol...Wait a minute... You don't think Robyn resents Hunter closeness with Truely....

I shudder to think how many scorpions were made homeless when those McMansions were built. But why did the task of promoting a pest control service fall into Christine's hands?

Okay, I'm failing to see the humor here...I think the name Afrodite offends me because it was so reminiscent of that  Aaryn girl (I swear her parents meant to name her Aryan but misspelled it) on Big Brother last summer thinking calling a black woman Sheniqua to her face  was somehow funny. She also told an Asian roommate to shut up and go make some rice.

I'm thinking Christine needs some diversity training, but thanks Sophia for not getting her "joke".


  1. my dad was close to kodys dads age and we grew up on a ranch so understand the mindset and hard work it takes to run a ranch. It's not a job for sisy's. But Kody exploiting this story then pointing it out on twitter was so self centered. I took care of my dad till he took his last breath from cancer and was able to forgive and come to terms with his harshness. Sounds like kody did not have this opportunity which is sad, because it heals alot of old wounds..i never had an epithany..just had to forgive..i would never have shared something like that on tv

  2. all of the Brown;s are close minded and simple minded. So many of their comments are stereotypical this and that, like the rest of the world is what they think it is or people are labeled
    in a close minded way..but don't judge them! but they judge everyone else

  3. thank you CJ for all of your hard work!

  4. i saw that Sheryl's house looked bigger and nicer then Geneiles, Maybe Sheryl took care of Wynn there because she was a nurse, It looks to me like Geneiles house is a duplex, it has two front doors and looks bigger on the outside then the inside.

    1. maybe wife #2 lives in the other half next to Genielle?

  5. positive changes since we own our truth, yeah right Kody..sold your family for reality tv money, thats the truth and positive changes in your finanical situation as a result.. we can read between the lines of your twitter bs.

  6. I was thinking about the unfinished house Genielle and Winn lived in during the "paining the ranch house episode. At first, I was appalled. Then I watched USA." Many of their houses were also unfinished. I have read that this was for tax purposes. I do not understand the life view of people who want to live their lives in squalor so that they can save a few dollars on taxes, but I would be interested to know if the unfinished look of the ranch house was for this reason.

    1. Genelle's house was finished because it had wood sidings. It just needed to be repainted after years of neglect. I don't think she lives n squalor. Her house looked like a typical house you'd find senior citizins living in retirement.

  7. MusclePharm isn't an MLM and doesn't need the Brown's endorsement. They have plenty of major athletes on their roster! I think she just likes the product and uses it because Sean does.

    1. I don't think they are mentioning things as an endorsement in as far as the company asked them to represent their product - I think they are mentioning them in hopes of getting some freebies.

    2. Or a discount. That's common. Plus I see that Sean is wearing a MP T shirt. So he probably gets a discount from MP which is a common practice anyway....even as a fitness instructor I get discounts from my local supplement store, Lululemon, etc.

    3. Janelle and Kody love Sean and people who love/respect their trainers or fitness instructors will try and emulate them as much as possible. It's one of the very best promotions.

  8. And I know I'm gonna catch it for saying this but Janelle looks really big in that stockings pic - and Mariah looks bigger than Meri in the pic with her uncle.

    1. Unlike her chubby sisterwives Meri and Christine, Janelle has never succumbed to the overstuffed sausage look. I think she's like me and buys her clothes at least 2 sizes too big.

      Mariah, on the other hand, looks like she did gain not only the Freshman 15, but every pound that Aspyn appears to have lost. It also doesn't help that she not only inherited her mother's body shape but also her fashion style of wearing her clothes too tight. Meri needs to own up she's a size 20 and not size 14.

    2. Time will tell I suppose. I think it's been ***over*** a year now since Janelle started training with Sean. He's getting good exposure now, but if Janelle doesn't start showing real results soon - I mean significant results - he's gonna lose the benefit of all this free advertising.
      I'm coming from experience here. I started at 265 in May 1990 and was down below 200 by my birthday in November. Because I kept my calories down along with working out. I am convinced that Janelle is not watching her calories carefully enough. Age might have a little to do with it but habit is more important. She needs to clean up her eating, period.

      Aspyn looks amazing in her IG pix!! Wow!

  9. Does the trainer live with these people? I've seen so many picture of him at one of the mansions for their live tweeting.Could be that he's the only person they can get to hang out with them too.

    1. Or maybe the only person that can stand hanging out with Kody. It is kind of strange the neighbors with the pool are never shown at these viewing parties.

  10. I keep waiting for Janelle to look thinner. I'm not trying to be mean, but my goodness, she still looks very big and has been trying to lose weight for a year. I think she needs to do more than "tighten up" her nutrition.

    1. See my comment above about this. If by tighten up you mean I don't think she would be a successful candidate. She may have to get rid of about 180 pounds of dead weight first...Kody!!!

    2. I agree Anon @ 6:52AM. After a year, I would have expected her to be smaller. I have no doubt she's stronger and healthier, but I have a hunch she is avoiding the cardio she needs to really drop the pounds.

    3. CJ - I think you're underestimating Kodys weight. Based on the Twitter pic. He's got a gut on him now.
      Also to Anon 12:02 - it's not lack of cardio as it is too many calories. I'm thinking Sean might be one of those PTs that subscribe to the theory that calories don't count as long as you're eating healthy. Even Janelle acknowledged in her tweet that her nutrition has been sucking.

    4. She's still sneaking those peanut butter fritos!

    5. She may very well be eating healthy but if she's eating too many calories...doesn't make a diff.

  11. love this glad i found out where you went! show bores the crap out of me so i come here so i don't have to watch it! despite all the glaring criticism i could offer about their lifestyle, parenting, relationship skills etc... i have to say the thing that bothers me most is the ugly brown carpeting in their living room......

    1. Welcome to my new digs!

      i have to say the thing that bothers me most is the ugly brown carpeting in their living room.....

      Of all the wives, I think Christine has the darkest color...I call it baby poop brown. The carpet in her rental look like it was originally a very light tan...but the STAINS were just gosh awful! I know having a lot of kids blah blah blah but DAMN....When Christine was sitting at her computer studying for the real estate exam, the carpet around the desk looked like it was stained black...really horrible. I pity the people who owned that house; it must have had thousands of dollars worth of damage done.

      Anyway, I'm sure she picked that color so it wouldn't look so stained - unfortunately it will. And I think it's hilarious how they don't wear shoes inside their houses but the bottom of their feet (Janelle's and Ysabel's) were literally black from dirt.

    2. i suppose if you don't notice how @#$% up your life is why would you notice how dirty your carpet is..... or your feet!

    3. I'm not a fan of wearing shoes inside either, but if the Brown's ever visit, I would prefer they keep their shoes on after seeing all the dirty feet amongst them. The way I look at it, their shoe soles would have to be cleaner than their feet!

    4. Cheap ass apartment brown LOL!
      i bet you the carpet was laid right on top of concrete. I'd personally do hardwood floors and lay down big pieces of carpet - kind of like rugs but more durable. easier to clean, cheaper to change. with all those kids, hardwood or tile floors would be the way to go. but of course it was more important that they spend the upgrade money on overpriced appliances to add to their mortgages. yoikes...

  12. i watched older episodes today and robyns older girl sure hung onto logan..poot little savanah wanted to hold logans hand and tried to get between them and aurora pushed her back when logan took the kids shopping for signs for kodys birthday..and is there any proffesion that kody dosn't dis? teachers, feminists, counselors, they are so judgemental seems to be a knee jerk reaction for him. o and monogomist

  13. I can't remember what the back story is with Hunter and Robyn. Can anyone remind me?

    1. It was the episode when King Sol was born. In her talking head interview shortly after giving birth, Robyn complained that Hunter had been disrespectful to her and that now having given birth to Kody's baby Hunter could no longer deny that she had a sexual relationship with Kody.

    2. That's so gross, Hunter has to recognize his dad is banging her? Wtf is wrong with her.

    3. That's for reminding me. I actually forgot all about that!

  14. That does not look like a happy family :( Hunter looks great and how sweet to hear Truely's voice :)

  15. Questions:

    Didn't Janelle have a tweet about the prediction of adding a 5th wife? I remember thinking she seemed to be totally opposed to it. I really think all the wives are opposed to adding 5th wife. Anybody agree?

    Do we really believe that TLC and/or Figure 8 is pushing adding a 5th wife? Has there been any other reality show where we believed that the production company was pushing the husband to have an affair or add a sexual partner? If not, why is it OK here? I mean, there are laws against tortious interference with a marriage. Those laws are starting to be enforced again.

    If Kody were to add a 5th wife, do we believe that there would be more of the "keeping sweet"? In other countries, there is a lot of violence between wives. Don't you think adding a 5th wife might lead to a lot of anger and jealousy and maybe more? Would TLC be able to cover that up? Would they want to? Would it lead to very high ratings, but then to cancellation?

    For those who are legal eagles (like me), what about the culpability of TLC and Figure 8 if Robyn was to try and say, do something like, I don't know, ....yank the hair out of the 5th wife, or something like that? (just a thought)

    1. Shoot - MTV encourages sex in their reality shows all the time.
      Really I don't think Kody will take a 5th any time soon, but they will always give vague answers about it because it keeps interest up.

    2. Okay, I'll play...

      I really think all the wives are opposed to adding 5th wife. Anybody agree?

      Of course the wives would be opposed, but that doesn't mean Kody absolutely must have their permission to bring in a 5th (He can fall back on the Law of Abraham if the Law of Sarah fails).

      Do we really believe that TLC and/or Figure 8 is pushing adding a 5th wife?
      If TLC/F8P feels this will increase viewership...and it will, my answer is a definite YES.

      Has there been any other reality show where we believed that the production company was pushing the husband to have an affair or add a sexual partner?
      Let's venture over to RHoNY. The Count less Countess is vacationing with the girls in the Caribbean. She leaves her French boyfriend Jacques (who she "loves" so much she wants to have his baby) - in NYC. The girls go out to a nightclub. Later, after all the other ladies return to the rental vacation home, they realize the Countess is missing. A few hours later, they hear a car and assume it is the Countess. The next morning, a Princess reports she thought she had a dream where she heard two men talking in the Countess' bedroom. She then realized it was the Countess (who has a very deep voice) and she had a man (a Johnny Depp lookalike named Tomas) in her room all night! And, get this, the Countess is even filmed talking to her island friends on her telephone (and in really bad French), pleading with them to lie and say Tomas took her home and nothing else happened. Eventually the Countess owned up to the truth and later broke the news to her boyfriend.

      Do I think this incident was scripted for ratings? Hell yeah!!! It's reality tv, it's expected.

      Don't you think adding a 5th wife might lead to a lot of anger and jealousy and maybe more?
      Hell yeah!!!

      Would TLC be able to cover that up?
      Are you serious? Why would they want to do that? What would be the point? (those are rhetorical questions)

      Would it lead to very high ratings[?] Absolutely !!
      but then to cancellation? I know of no network exec worth his salt to ever walk away from a highly rated show by canceling it. It's what they LIVE for!!

      what about the culpability of TLC and Figure 8 if Robyn was to try and say, do something like, I don't know, ....yank the hair out of the 5th wife, or something like that?
      Reality TV's already been there, done that. RHoNJ. Somehow, Teresa G., Jacqueline L. and Jacqueline's daughter Ashley and their arch enemy Danielle S. were all invited to the same event at a country club. Needless to say, Teresa, Jacqueline and Ashley chased "poor" Danielle out of the building, literally. While Danielle was waiting for her limo, Ashley took the opportunity to yank the weaves out of poor Danielle's head. Danielle sued Ashley ( not TLC/F8P) and won. Read about it here:

      Guilty verdict in Danielle Staub assault in Wayne

      So I suppose if one of the sisterwives was to yank the hair out of someone's head, that someone has every right to sue her for assault.

    3. I don't see how adding another wife could cause anymore anger & jealousy than already exists among those women. If you really think about it, it could make things better for all the current wives because then there would be more people to direct the anger & jealousy at, therefore each wife would receive less resentment now that there is another target involved.

    4. excellent responses CJ, of course every show has to end eventually (with the exception of the Simpsons, Saturday Night Live and the Today Show!) but they'll milk it as much as they can. I really, REALLY don't see any of the current wives doing stuff like yanking someone else's hair out or getting physically violent. They're way too passive-agressive for that. for example it's pretty evident that Christine is jealous of Robyn (or was?) but she would rather play the pity party and feel sorry for herself and blame herself. Despite what they say on MSWC not a ONE of those women and I am INCLUDING Janelle in this is a truly "strong" woman. if they were, they wouldn't be married to a butt head like Kody. IMO.

    5. i was just thinking about this again. And I don't think a 5th wife would automatically lead to increased ratings. it would depend on the type of woman that became #5. Now, it always cracked me up in the S1 TL where the three wives were all laughing and joking that Kody needed a "trophy wife" after 17 years. Robyn is thinner than any of them, but that's where the Trophy Wife thing ends. its gonna be interesting to see how she looks when she's in her 40's.

      if it's just another average chick in her 30's, big deal. Kody's only what, 45? 46? no biggie.

      but if it was an 18 year old (doubtful) that would be big big news. I don't think the Browns will ever go there. at least not on TV.

      Now a wife like Becca on PUSA - funny and cute and what in her early or mid 20's...will be sure to get under everyone's skin. plus really close to Logan in age. It would be a scandal but HEY - Robyn has never been a Margie, we need a flipping Margie now since they are emulating Big Love so much. lol

    6. Robyn can still be a "Margene" (well, not the underage part) but she could play Margene's plotline when Bill got the hots for the Yugoslavian waitress Anna(?). I can see her sneaking around following Kody to this diner he keeps going to and watching him acting all goofy through the diner window. Then when Kody leaves, Robyn goes into the diner, and eventually she becomes great friends with the waitress and longs for her to be not only her friend, but a wife to Kody thus killing 2 birds with one stone.

      Only problem is, Meri is no Barb Henrickson and she will cut a bitch that gets between her and her man Kody. how about this. Meri conspires with Christine (Plyg princess Nicki Grant) to have Kody excommunicated from the AUB, which almost works except Kody doesn't care anyway and starts his own "Church of Dad" that meets in the cul-de-sac every Sunday morning.

      Kody gets spiritually married to the waitress. He arbitrarily decides she will live with Christine instead of her friend Robyn. Christine is fit to be tied, and gives her an upstairs broom closet to bunk down in. However, when Kody informs the waitress that she will have to put her entire paycheck into the communal pot she cries out "but my tips are MY TIPS!!" and abruptly leaves the cul-de-sac.

      What do y'all think?

    7. Oh i wasn't referring to Margene as far as being underage, but a cute young perky sweet chick. Robyn is none of those. There's no WAYYYY she could compete with Becca's sweet chirpiness.

  16. isn't that vest janelle is wearing from the pile of clothes she tweeted she had thrown out and moved on to a smaller size? Kody is so insensitive..making his dad out to be an asshole on national tv for all to including his vast amount of relatives, wonder how they felt about that? Janelle is wearing that vest in the episode the wives are writing four checks for the lots, how long ago was that? and kody says "it's like im writing four checks" he is the leader and god forbid the wives got these loans in their own name, so no kody you did not write four checks

    1. If Janelle is like me, she could have 2 or 3 of those vests in various sizes.

    2. CJ, I really do believe that Janelle is in a regain cycle at this point. did you notice she hasn't written a blog post at TLC since mid-October? and in the tweet you posted she admitted that she needs to tighten up the nutrition but struggles with cravings. Supps help a LITTLE bit sometimes, but what she really needs to do, and what Sean needs to have her do, is start using something like My Fitness Pal and record every single thing she eats. and measure it too.

      I know i'm repeating myself here, but I do believe more and more that Sean isn't the weight loss type of trainer, even though his Reebok One page describes him as such. and really based on his FB page (Lifespeed Fitness) for all that exposure on the show he only has 119 likes??? Geez MY fitness page has 168 likes. pretty lame on his part. However if Janelle was REALLY losing weight, then his page would more than likely have a lot more exposure. These days, you can't laugh at the importance of exposure via FB. it's important.

      To me it looks as though Janelle is on a plateau or she just doesn't want it badly enough. but that's just me. There is only so much Sean can do. But he seems to be at their place ALL. THE. TIME. certainly he could start getting in her face a little bit more and getting her to drop some serious pounds.

      I've been doing this weight loss thing for 43 years. Trust me. It's 90% calorie intake. and if she's not losing weight with all her workouts (because I DO believe she works out) that means she needs to look at her calorie intake. Period.

    3. Just read this again and have to add the following:

      I am NOT saying I think Sean is a crappy trainer. He's definitely better (from what we saw/see) than the last trainer. whatshisname, well I'm sure you all know who i'm referring to LOL.

      Sean looks to be a good, dedicated to his clients, trainer (from what we've seen). I don't agree with everything he does or says and a lot of time he can be kind of a blowhard on Twitter. However, at this point maybe Janelle needs to move on to another trainer who will change things up and motivate her to go a bit farther. I think she would do better with a female trainer who is more focused on diet as well as exercise. I think Sean is more effective than trainer Bill (oh i just remembered his name lol) but i think he's a bit starry eyed about being on a national TV show. Janelle needs someone who isn't gonna coddle her and really inspire her on a woman-to-woman basis. Plus, it would make for better TV.

      I give snaps to Sean for doing stuff like staying with Janelle during the 5K while her butt head Kody bailed. Sorry, he's a selfish prick. like we all didn't figure that out.

    4. As someone who is a weight loss pro (and regain pro, unfortunately), I completely agree with CJ that it's mainly calories. I'm not good at guessing peoples' weight, so...let's say Janelle weights 260. Even jogging for 30 minutes (which I'm not sure she can/does, but....for a point of reference), she's only going to burn on average 350-400 calories. Sorry, but in the scope of things, that's just not that many calories. You eat a medium french fry from McDonalds, at 380 calories, and boom - you're back at zero as far as weight loss. (Of course, exercise is good for lots of other things besides weight loss, but....for weight loss, it's difficult to really burn enough calories to lose weight through exercise alone). For me, personally, when I'm in weight loss mode, the MAIN thing exercise accomplishes for me as far as weight loss is that it gives me motivation to watch my diet. After busting my ass exercising, it's a lot easier to say no to whatever and eat a cleaner diet.

      Anyway....back to Janelle. Didn't she hook up with a nutritionist on one episode to work on her diet?? I can't remember the whole thing, but she and the nutritionist (and maybe Sean - not sure), were all sitting at a table, Janelle was talking about how bad ass the woman is. (The woman had some weird career, job, something?). I wonder whatever became of that? You never hear Janelle talking about her - or any nutritionist for that matter. So again, agree with DJ - for Janelle to really see significant weight loss, it's diet, diet, diet. And I personally have found nutritionists to be invaluable resources when losing weight. Plus, my insurance has always paid for once a week visits to a nutritionist, so why not take advantage of it... but, oh the Browns have insurance? Not to worry - for a few cameos on the show and some twitter love, I'm sure they could con somebody into working with her...

      And, snark aside, I do wish her success. Losing weight and keeping it off isn't easy - especially when you have all the emotional crap going on I'm sure the SWs have.

      - Lori

    5. Lori, the one thing I don't like about most of the calorie counting apps like MFP is that if you enter in your exercise, it gives you those calories back and makes it seem like you can eat all those calories. so I don't enter my exercise.

      I exercise. A LOT. because I love it. today for example - i taught my one hour strength training class. I'm fixing to go out on a bike ride (lovely out here in the Bay Area), looking to do 40 miles minimum. I'd go for 60-65 but at 3 PM I'm meeting my belay partners at the climbing gym I just joined to do some walls and bouldering. Tomorrow is a holiday, if the weather's nice I'll go do a bike ride mid morning/early afternoon (35-40 miles) then go to my OTHER gym to do a TRX circuit, 2 regular Airdyne circuits, and a boxing class between 4 pm-8:30 pm.

      and with all that, if I don't keep my calories down to 1500-1700 I will NOT lose weight. I'm still have 5 pounds of holiday pudge to lose! LOL

    6. The nutritionist worked with Sean. or at the same gym with Sean. Yup, we only saw her once, and I bet that was the one time Janelle saw her too. and remember that was MONTHS AND MONTHS ago in real time.

      Sean has to quit reassuring her that "you're gaining muscle"! well to a certain extent I'm sure she IS, but there is only so far you can go with that. If the scale isn't moving it's time for a heart-to-heart reality check, and not saying "oh just use this supplement and it will make things so much easier". Reality check means clean eating at least 80% of the time, and keeping indulgences planned and at a minimum. Clean eating for Janelle should mean cutting out the bread-type carbs during that 80% time, and maxing out the veggies and lean proteins. Filling up with veggies and not just freaking lettuce. good lord.

    7. One of the things I've noticed about Janelle is in group shots when dinner is being served, shes always eating a plate of food. The first time I really noticed it was on the Big Bear trip when Hunter wanted to go fishing and Janelle was eating. My thought was for goodness sakes, put the plate down Janelle and drive Hunter and the rest of the kids to the lake so they can fish.

      It seems to me she's lost weight in her face and maybe a few inches, but it's been literally YEARS she's been on this regimen and I'm just not seeing much progress. Even though her supporters thinks she's lost a lot a weight, she still looks huge to me.

      I'm not a shrinking violet...At my heaviest I weighed almost 280 lbs! I lost a lot of weight by simply walking to work (about 1.5 miles round trip) each day. I didn't really change my eating habits, but if I wanted to splurge on a burrito, I made myself WALK to get it rather than drive. In less than one year I dropped from a size 22/24 to 18/20.

      Another thing, she's eating that plate of food while standing. I was told that was bad because you tend to "graze" and actually eat more food than just sitting down and eating.

      Further on this topic, my BFF has started to watch Sister Wives this season (she says she loves a good train wreck). She said the Browns could have made millions in that MLM thing (as she called it) if they had actually lost weight while using the products. She called it a missed opportunity being that they are on a reality show and are semi-well known. They couldn't pay for that type of exposure.

    8. Yup, Janelle's face IS thinner. I think that's why everyone says she's lost a lot of weight. But you know...for most people the first place you lose noticeably is in the face/neck area. Last on first off. Spot reducing is a myth really.

      If memory serves when Trainer Bill weighed them, Janelle was 265. She's my height (5'4") and that was also my high weight. So I remember. Last season I remember that Sean weighed her because the scale wasn't moving and she was what, 240? I'll have to watch it again. That would have been the perfect opportunity to have a come to Jesus moment with her instead of wussing our to spare her feelings. Which I recall is what he did.

      Look, I'm not a nutritionist or a personal trainer but geez. I know what I'd tell Janelle to do:
      1) get rid of every single crumb of crap food in the house - anything she has problems controlling like bread, peanut butter, granola bars, Fritos...whatevs. Her kids are old enough now to understand they don't need junk (and yes I realize that PB isn't really junk food, but it's very high in calories and easy to go overboard on it which is why I don't have it in my house). If her kids want high calorie food, why they can just walk over to Christine's for fish stick tacos or I'm sure Robyn has a lot of crap snacks since vegetables make her ill. Lol
      2) get used to doing meal prep once a week - everything portioned out and good to go. I always make a lot of chicken breasts and use them for salads and so on. She needs to learn portion control. Badly.
      3) nothing wrong with small frequent meals, emphasis is on small. And please Janelle try some new vegetables! All I see her eating is freaking lettuce, usually iceberg. Ugh I loathe iceberg. No wonder she's bored!
      4) and track every single thing you put in your mouth. Including BLTs (bites licks and tastes).

    9. Oh and another thing...when she squoze into that XL t-shirt which was still TIGHT - I wouldn't say it *fit* - Kody to me looked less than impressed. Janelle usually wears her clothes looser than the other wives so to me she looked just like Meri. Who, btw, if Janelle had been really managing her calories, she'd be the same size or smaller by now. And I'm waiting for someone at the SW FB page to blame her thyroid. Um, no. Might make it a little harder to lose, but it can still be done.
      Calories count. For fat loss, they are ALL that count.

    10. Janelle is still morbidly obese. I don't see her losing the weight unless she gets out of that nightmare family. Meri was a normal size until what? A year ago or so? Several of the older female children as well. I think they try to munch away their misery.

    11. Snarkaholic I still feel that Meri had consciously dieted prior to the first episode/first season, wanting to look her best for the cameras. it's when they get used to having the cameras around that the "i don't give a shit" mode goes into play.

  17. Does King Sol ever smile, or run, or squeal, or act like a curious little boy baby?

    1. In one of Meri's tweets there was a picture of King Sol being very interested in a dog that lived in that SF hotel they stayed in. And I think that's him dancing in the group photo above.

  18. were the sisterwives in San Francisco to steal design ideas form Elizabeth Charles with their business partner? i re watching the episode and then seeing a pre view where they are having dreeses made i thought omg they are once again ripping someone off (the designer) again! no original thoughts at all..wonder if any of the dresses will have large bell sleeves..

    1. Robyn's friend and "business partner" spilled the beans that SHE designed the dresses the wives will wear at the commitment ceremony in a recent facebook tirade. She also claimed she produced the San Francisco episode.

      She was having a bad night and aired her demons on facebook recently.

      I remember from the preview that the sisterwives weren't really liking what another designer had in mind, so maybe they did call on Robyn's junkyard dog beastie...oops bestie to finish the designing job.

    2. Sorry for the redundant sentence. It should have read:

      She was having a bad night and decided to air her demons out on facebook.

    3. I don't think Elizabeth Charles sells their own designs; they're a boutique offering apparel by high-end designers.
      oh that Robyn's Friend chick is (pardon the description but none better comes to mind) batshit crazy. I saw her posts on FB too! she's so totally milking the moment. Betcha she shows up in the Commitment Ceremony ep at the party. yoikes

    4. oh and CJ you just know that for years to come, her website or FB/Twitter or whatever description will mention her connection with the SW. woot!

    5. I am sooooo confused here (not to mention a few weeks late) but I was just looking through some twitter posts last night and saw a convo on Mykelti's twitter page. February 17, @Cricketfence asked her why the mom's didn't ask her to design the dresses and her reply was "I did design them, but you will have to see what happens next week". So who designed these dresses anyway??

    6. Hi Kelly E!

      I rewatched the SF trip segment. From what I could tell, JYD drew a design for her best bud Robyn. But in the couch interview Christine mentioned she was going to have Mykelti sketch out her design.

      Hope this helps you out!

    7. Ahh, thanks. They tell so many stories it's quite confusing. I'll give Mykelti the benefit of the doubt that all she did was draw what Christine wanted as opposed to coming up with the idea of that hideous mess. Mykelti is probably my favorite and I think she has better taste! lol. BTW, I'm so glad I found you!!!

  19. the picture of janele on her twiiter when the wives tweeted pics of wearing purple for anti bully day, jalele looked alot thinner in the face then she does in the most recent photos. There is an old video on tlc of janelle showing her freezer in her garage explaining her diet and nutrition, it was full of meat and she named some food olan ( i can't think of it right now) that she follows, or did, where her diet is fressh food, but i think her issue is snacking, she talks about it alot, like when they went to SF car drive she was bemoaning how to snack on stuff that wasnt junk she mentions snacking alor, could be her issue too.

  20. I think Kody does not give his wives alot of support. When Christine suffered from depression or with janelles weight loss journey, you don't hear very much support from Kody. When Janelle has been frustrated with the scale not moving before she said i might as well go back to my crappy way of eating. she may have just gotten frustrated with the scale not moving fast enough or maybe the money fights and stress are discouraging for her so she goes back to old habits of emotional stress eating.

    1. Gluten free and Paleo diets are the ones I remember from tweets and Janelle's blogs. Since a million diet fads have passed away during my lifetime, I looked Paleo up on the net. LOL Seems that label has been applied to a whole range of eating habits, from eating nothing cooked to a more mainstream diet focussing on veggies, fruits, nuts, etc. Don't we all search for that magic combinations of foods that will allow us to lose extra pounds without changing our ways? Cj and Dj are right on in my experience--limited calories and more exercise are the keys. And no instant results happen! beegee

    2. Kody supports Kody. Everything is supposed to be about Kody. He will only deal with one of the women's problems if it has a negative effect on him.

      It's all Kody, all the time.

  21. Why does Kody wear Centenial High athletic shirts and have episodes about him wrestling or tweeting about how great wrestler he was..i think it's shitty to HUnter,,look how far that kid has come from when they first moved there. And now his dad is ripping off his glory of his achievements. Kody said the wives were living vicariously thru their daughters when they were planning a graduation party for Mariah and Aspyn..look who is talking Kody..Kody's father didn't recognize his achievements, and that is sad..but let your son relish his achievements and not have them ripped off by kody and robyn tweeting about "what a atlhletic kody is" her words, why are they pushing this Kody is an athlete crap?

    1. Running isn't even my primary sport, but I bet I coulda lapped Kody in that 5k.

    2. Where I live it would be unthinkable for a parent not to wear the high school team shirts if your child is on the team. They sell them for a fundraiser. It supports the team. It shows you care for your wrestler (or football player). It may be a regional habit, but it is certainly not strange to see a parent dressed in team colors and wearing the team logo.

  22. i wonder if the wives still kiss kody when he clearly has robyn's herpes on his mouth. That would be stressful for the other wives worrying if they might get infected with it. I noticed in one of the scenes in last weeks show that Sol was putting his finger in Robyn;s mouth, and she letting him. That would be devastating to a young child to get that. Obviously, kody did not refrain from kissing kody when she was infected..that was shitty to his other wives

    1. It's a sister wives perk...the gift that keeps on giving.

      Something tells me ol' Kody is not doing a lot of mouth to mouth osculating with his other wives for them to worry about Robyn's oral cooties.

  23. kody did not refrain from kissing robyn..oops..sorry,,but i bet kody would kiss kody if he could.he is so hung up on himeslf

  24. but what if its"your night " with kody and you have been waiting four days to see..kiss..whatever on your night and he has sores..maybe that is what meri is so angry about

  25. "I had never witnessed real soul mates until I watched Curtis and his wife Erica."

    Very telling comment from Janelle. At least she seems to know that none of the Kody Brown circus are what she considers "real soul mates".

  26. unfortunatley i think food has been janelles husband, and probably christines too. Something has been missing from their lives, emotional health, so they used food to satisfy, or feel good.

  27. OMG, I thought the sisterwives blog was gone and here it is. I only watch the trainwreck of the show so i can enjoy the analysis on the blog. Anyway, I am way behind but I wanted to address the mouth sores. I know a woman whose little boy had to have a corneal transplant because the little boy, as a baby, ended up with the herpes virus going from his mom's mouth to his eye and the doctors' were unable to clear it up. As a result of the infection, they had to do the transplant. So, when I see Robyn's mouth being touched by the baby or kissing the baby, I think of the potential for disaster. I know if I were one of those women (not that I would ever share a man), I would not kiss him nor would I want him kissing my kids. Herpes are for life.
