
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Sister Wives Season Finale Review S06Ep19 The Commitment Celebration

This is the end
My only friend, the end
Of our elaborate plans, the end
                                                    The Doors

You know, this has been one really long ride.

For one thing, it is perhaps the first time Sister Wives has completed a season of 19 episodes that WASN'T interrupted by a minimum 6 months hiatus.

At first, I thought WOW...does this mean the Sister Wives production company woke up? Well, no but I think perhaps there may have been some kind of change in management at the top of TLC's pyramid who told F8P enough is enough.

And now that the season is officially over, is it just me or did the adult Browns - every last one of them, not get the usual "Oh aren't they just the most loving family" edit?

I mean we all knew how insufferable Kody was. But this season, Robyn, her former best bud Meri and even Christine joined hubby Kody as being the most clueless polygamists ever to be featured in primetime.  The only wife who came out with a halfway decent edit was Janelle, and even then she was shown in a not too flattering light as the doormat wife.

The honeymoon is over....

And then it hit me. Maybe this is the end, my friends. Maybe we won't have the Browns to kick around anymore. Maybe, TLC has kicked Kody's ample butt to the curb one last time and told him "Hey fella! Try to pay for those McMansions with your other job! Hahaha!! Good Luck!"

We could only be so lucky.

So while we ponder the end, let's walk through the highlights of the season finale, appropriately titled "The Commitment Celebration".

The Family Mission Statement

Robyn proudly displaying her "badge" of honor.

I hate Mission Statements. In almost every job I've had, at one point or another we had to waste time creating this useless piece of business rhetoric. And whenever I was asked for my input, I always asked that the mission statement include the phrase "We Came. We Saw. We Kicked Ass."

I think the Browns could have saved a lot of time and aggravation for themselves if they had just asked me to write their Family Mission Statement for them. I think "We Came. We Saw. We Kicked Monogamist Ass! Who Took My Abreva?" would be appropriate since this was the season Robyn continuously put down us lowly monogamists while sporting that cold sore on her lip. I'm surprised she didn't blame her "booboo" on her ex-husband.

The Saga of the Wives Commitment Dresses


And Meri thinks THIS looks GOOD????

Whoever thought up this obviously overly scripted storyline should be severely chastised. I mean, TLC should resurrect the Spanish Inquisition's Infamous Grand Inquisitor Tomas de Torquemada to go all medieval on their collective asses.

That's just how much I hated this mess. And I would greatly prefer to watch someone being tortured by a master rather than me being tortured by hideous dresses conceived and constructed by amateurs.

The Browns live in Las Vegas, one of the major  entertainment capitals IN THE WORLD. And the best these yahoos could come up with was some poor girl who just graduated from design school to take the Sister Wives horrible designs and make them into  presentable garments?

Sam's mother Althea had to step in and finish the dresses
Who didn't see failure written all across this particular enterprise?

And who believes that Meri and Robyn didn't plan all along to wear something else?

I've seen eliminated dresses on Project Runway that looked better. In the end, Christine looked like she channeled a medievel princess who was fond of the color burnt orange, and her dress looked NOTHING like her original design.

And Janelle, oh my gosh, Janelle's dress was
That lump on Janelle's shoulder did NOT go away!

The sleeves weren't set into the garment correctly. Seriously folks, if you think those gathers and pleats on the sleeve caps were normal, nope they weren't. If the sleeves were suppose to look like that, the right sleeve cap should have matched the left sleeve cap. It did not.

And the back of the dress was so awful, Janelle looked like she had a humpback. Horrific...

Meri's dress was a goner from the get/go, so she went out to a bridal store to pick out a $59.00 special. I thought it was interesting how Kody mentioned that Robyn should have purchased her dress. Really Kody? I think Christine and Janelle should have purchased their dresses, too!

But Meri isn't off the hook. The dress she bought was pretty, but it was way too small. Let me repeat this....IT WAS WAY TOO SMALL!! Just like everything else in Meri's closet, no doubt.

If there is another season, can someone please PLEASE do an intervention with Meri and clean out all those size 12 clothes and replace them with her correct size, size 16-18???? PLEASE????

Robyn positively giddy she can wear this dress instead of...
this black and purple monstrosity
Robyn's dress was the only one that looked halfway decent. She wore it 2 years ago at a performance of the Nutcracker Ballet.

If there is another season, maybe the wives will put their collective feet down and DEMAND they be allowed to use a reputable designer (like maybe a castoff from Project Runway) or buy their clothes off the rack!

Here's a mini fashion show of the final dresses:

Meri being outshone by bonus kids

Sol reminds me of a human version of Lisa V's Giggy
The back of Janelle's dress was shameful

And on the subject of food.....

The Food: Preparation

Meri called upon her sisters and Mother to help create 7000 separate food items for the celebration. There was a selection of savory and sweet items.

Meri's mom cutting up cheese...or butter

That's a lot of meatballs...or sausages maybe?

The Setup....of the Cul-de-Sac Party Venue !!

You know, I have to hand it to Bri. She really was able to turn what could have been a Kody style disaster into a somewhat beautiful event.

Case in point. I never realized how decrepit Kody had allowed those backyards to become. I completely forgot what the jungle of overgrown trees and other crap in the Lehi house's backyard. But somehow I thought Kody and his Kodettes© would take more pride in the McMansion's backyards. After all, we are talking over $2,000,000 in real estate.

So imagine by surprise and dismay that Kody couldn't even bother himself (or have some of his strapping sons) cleanup the weeds and other crap in Robyn's and Meri's shared yard.

Thank goodness Bri made sure the yard was presentable. Even though that bus stop structure maybe could have been a little smaller...

And on the subject of the backyard structure, for some reason Christine called it a "portcullis" in her blog on the MSWC website.

Christine has a problem with interpreting "p" words. When Kody's bromance friend's wife thought Kody might be a pervert, Christine changed to the word to pedophile in her couch interview.

Old habits die hard I guess. For the record, this is a portcullis, Christine...

This is an example of a pergola...

Which for some reason, was expanded to gigantic size for the Celebration...

So I think we should just call it the Kody Brown Family Bus Stop from now on to avoid any confusion...

When Bri was finished, the venue for the Celebration was very nice. Even Kody's stupid lights were a nice touch, too.


But let's get back to the food.

The Food: Consumption

I thought the food spread was very nice. Or maybe the only reason I felt that way was because I hadn't eaten all day. Anyway, even Trainer Sean took a few samples to nosh on...

Does this guy ever stop with the stupid antics?

Hey Trainer Sean, leave some food for the rest of the guests!

What??? No green Kool-Aid???

I keep thinking I'm forgetting something...

Oh yeah....


May I just say something first?

I really don't get what the hell they are celebrating. Thank you.

The Procession of the Kody Brown Family begins...
For what it's worth, the "celebration" went off without a hitch, apparently. They had lot's of guests. I saw Rev Dani standing in the back, and a woman that looked suspiciously like Anne

Wilde at one of the tables. Looks like a lot of family showed up to celebrate: Kody's mother Genielle, his youngest brother, Janelle's mother Sheryl and Meri's mother, sisters and one brother-in-law (who I assume was the MC because he was shown introducing the elder Teens  special gift to their parents) and Robyn's mother. I think I even saw Sam and her mother Althea, Bri and definitely the neighbor with the pool.

Of course there were some mopey moments provided by a choked up Kody and a tear-choked Robyn as each adult Brown read a portion of the Family Mission Statement.


The pouring of the sand was pretty, but what was the point again?

A big surprise was all the children giving their parents a short description of what it means to be their children, with the elder teens presenting the parents with a bunch of white roses.

Thank goodness the presentation of the Robyn's S&M leather bracelets to the bonus children and parents was brief...but here's Hunter wearing his.

Most of the manly Brown men (including Kody who kept yelling orders) were available to help plant the Brown Family Tree.

It was amazing to see how tall Garrison and Paedon have grown. Gabriel was still kind of short, though.

And that was the celebration of commitment, the Kody Brown Family way. Here's a picture of Christine (who thankfully took off that dress she had on) boogying the night away.

I would have included a picture of Kody dancing, but I believe it's illegal in 15 states and Canada. Here's a family portrait instead.

That's the end, my friends...Do you think there will be another season? What are your thoughts?


  1. As I said before, the looks on their faces during the tell all made me think they have probably already been told the show is over. I had joked that they just may have been embarrassed by their horrible makeup, but they looked as if someone had taken the wind out of their sails already.

    1. How could you see the looks on their faces? The clown make-up was too thick.

    2. Kody looked so much more like the Geiko caveman with his dyed eyebrows and beard, heavy makeup and botox. Yuck!

  2. Love the pictures that you have posted. The one picture where you have added the caption: "What, no green goo". Well there is a vase with a small bouquet of purple flowers in it. The water appears to look green. I am pretty sure that it is the "green goo".

    Menopausal Maniac

  3. Nope. I think it's a wrap on the Brown family chaos. Maybe a spin-off show with Meri "finding herself".

    1. I was motivated to come back again to see what you were all talking about after seeing wall to wall promos for My Five Wives. The show is being very heavily promoted and I just think if it is even remotely successful that Sister Wives will be dropped. Perhaps the Browns will be forced to go out and get "real" jobs and stop grasping at every fly by night business opportunity. Robin seems the least employable so maybe she can hold down the compound during the day while the other three wives and Kody get their rears in gear and get jobs. I suspect they will milk the personal appearance circuit until it runs dry and perhaps write another tell-all book to line their coffers.

  4. This family has been so busy blowing thru their money and making sure each gets for themselves, boy is shit gonna hit the fan when it stops. They have never shown any ability to plan for the future financially. Kody will be brought down a peg or two for sure. I just did not get the feeling that there was a topic for future episodes. Unless Meri bolts or Kody takes a fifth wife I'm not seeing a storyline. The tell all just undercut all the bs of the ceremony, no matter how hard Robyn tried to sell the plyg thing. The withdrawal of the income will be painful for them. zWe will see how long Meri's budget pays for expensive colleg for Mariah once the cash flow stops. And on another note, for freshly laid sod, having all those people and tables on it will destroy fresh sod.Even if they go one more season, these people have had quite the change in life style and may find it difficult to go back to being broke.

  5. thanks CJ for the blog..big fun

  6. Look how long the Duggars have been on TLC and they have relatively few things of interest so I think zSister Wives will be back. Prediction is a fake storyline about Meri possibly leaving and the resolution at the end that she stays. For the sake of the wet bar of course.

    1. I agree. The next season will be Meri fake-leaving or fake-theatening-to-leave, and the year after THAT I predict Meri goes back to school (spending Mykelti, Hunter, and Paedon's college funds) and the whole family has to show up for her commencement ceremony when she gets her A.A. degree in trophy engraving.

    2. I do think the next season will be about Meri. They have been setting this up the entire season. Meri has a monogamist friend! Meri is an empty nester! Meri is not excited about the commitment ceremony! Meri did not melt down during the dress fiasco, she is clearly losing her edge! Tamron asks Meri a bunch of questions about 'what now', which creates a dramatic response from Robyn! I predict that will be next season. "A Sister Wife at a crossroads" - we will see her looking into going back to school, volunteering, hanging out with her monogamist friends.....cliff hanger will be 'will she leave or stay". I hope TLC just reaches out to me directly because I have some thoughts on how they can make the whole fake drama more interesting.

    3. damn. the last season was about Meri too. nooooooo...

      I was watching the interview YET AGAIN and maybe it's just because I've been reading so much about the ep, but it just feels to me that Meri has done a 180 when it comes to Robyn. There seems to be so much animosity between them now...

    4. CPA Carol I can just bet money that we will be subjected to commercials with syrupy dramatic music and lots of shots of Meri having conniption fits. "I WANT TO SEE MY DAUGHTER!!" Yup, not an attractive edit for Meri, but this season especially proves that TLC doesn't give two shits about how it makes its reality pseudo celebs look like, they just want the viewers, whether they be snark or fans. just like freaking Kate Gosselin and the Roloffs. oh and the Duggars.

    5. DJ - Agree completely about Meri's 180 re: Robyn. The nosy part of me would almost pay money to know what exactly Robyn has done to piss Meri off so completely. Whether the infraction(s) be real, or perceived, i.e. in Meri's mind only, something must've happened to make Meri dump Robyn like yesterday's garbage...

      - Lori

    6. Just a thought, but maybe Meri didn't take kindly to Robyn showing up at her house when it was her night with Kody? I seem to remember Robyn saying she did that. Also, now that they're living together they can see first-hand exactly where Kody is spending his time and I would bet he is either spending most of it at Meri's or Robyn's making the other mad.

      I have to add, I don't think the storyline about Meri wanting to leave is fake. She has said before that she stayed for Mariah's sake. If they didn't just buy the mansions I think Meri would already have left. Really, how fun is it for her to watch HER husband with his 3 mistresses and all their kids while she is alone all the time?

    7. meri sure can drop a tear on cue and wipe it from her eye when she wants to. When Robyn was saying Sol sleeps with her and Kody bitched, she sure turned on the tears. Meri has used this to respond to whats being said on couch interviews and college talks..can she not say what is bothering her? she dosn't articulate her feelings..she just does it with a tear or meltdown

  7. the duggars have a christian following the browns not as much

  8. I think the Duggars have been around since 2008, and the next season starts in April. So I hope you are right CPA Carol.
    For some strange reason I really feel like I would miss all of the sisterwives and the kids. However, I would NOT miss Kody

  9. they would all blame meri for being a debbie downer if the show cancels..thay would all blame her

  10. Great review CJ! I agree there doesn't seem to be much of a storyline set up for next season, but I thought I read, on last week's post, or maybe the week's before, that someone thought they saw them already filming? Despite the lack of storyline, they still bring in numbers for TLC, the finale was number 2 in the time slot and brought in 1.8m ...maybe they will blow the lid off and really dive into the religion aspect, the are going to need to do something to really differentiate themselves from the Williams family, who make it clear they've left the church and do not have any religious affiliation (at the moment)

    1. Thanks HH!

      For some reason the Williams really creep me out.

    2. Me too - it might be those commercials - the lighting does nothing for any of them.

  11. It just made sense to me that Christine has a castle, princess thing going on. Her house has the dry moat, she called it, the stone on her house was also called something castle like. That is why her dress had that Middle Ages princess thing going on.

    If they did a regular size pergola all of them couldn't fit under it. Plus other family. It is the desert and it will take years for trees to grow and provide enough shade. The water bill will be enormous. I prefer the dry moat.

    There will be a child graduating for about 10. Someone is bound to marry.

  12. It will all have to be a made up storyline. Kody will have to be even more off the rails, god help us, because the real story is buried behind the stoic faces of christine and janelle, Janelle, i'm sure would have alot to say if she would open her mouth and drop the mask.

  13. The only good thing about Sisterwives is being able to read your funny and insightful reviews. Thanks for your work this season.

  14. I was gonna ask if you're planning on doing a review of the Trainer Sean workout video?

    1. it probably should be, but no. it's $10 right now.

    2. It took them less than a month to reduce it to half price, so I don't think it sells too well. Given that sample video, I'm not surprised.

    3. It's not even a sample video!!!! It's just Sean talking about what he wanted to do whist breaking his arm patting his own back at his "brilliance".

      Look, exercise videos targeted to the "deconditioned segment" are nothing new. They ARE out there. Power Music, SCW Fitness, Collage Video etc etc has them, you can find them on NetFlix and OnDemand. However the trend for at least the past few years has been to offer options for all fitness levels in the same workout. Just like most group fitness classes today, unless otherwise stated as "advanced" options are offered to modify the workout. Sean...yawwwwn.

  15. i watched sean's little video on the swc website and his pitch was incoherent. he didn't have any points to make with information that made me want to buy it. and he sounded like he wanted to cry. very unprofesional just like the brown's. half ass and a blown opportunity ,,

  16. CJ, love your blog. The Browns not so much. I hope this is their last season. I did not watch this season. I can't take anymore. I will never believe in polygamy. It does not benefit women and children. The Browns want people to think that Kody is a wonderful father. He is far from it. There is no way in hell he has time for all his kids. Why does he carry Soloman around all the time. He can walk. He never does this with the other kids. He spends more time with Robins kids. The other kids should feel slighted. Thanks CJ for the blog. I can find out exactly what is going on without having to torture myself by watching. Please TLC, cancel this mess,but knowing TLC, they may try to squeeze some more fake drama from this bunch. How about Mariah gets pregnant and one of the boys is gay. Now this would be something that I would tune in for. Christine, Janelle & Robin should be banned from calling themselves wives. They are not legal wives. The term "wife" should be reserved for women who are legal wives under the law. They need to come up with another name to call themselves. How about mistress, Kody's baby mama, concubines or single mothers. Kody gets all the milk he wants without having to buy the cow(s).

    1. Sew, if TLC is true to form they will milk the browns until no one watches anymore.

    2. Isnt the saying getting the milk without buy the cow refer to sleeping around without taking responsibility for a family. He is taking responsibility and they children are all cared for. No one can say that these kids are not great and have a good home. I 100% disagree with you on that statement.

    3. The Brown kids are definitely a reflection of their mothers. Both Janelle's and Christine's kids are strong, bright, well-spoken, independent spirits. I suspect that Robyn's kids are kind and loving, although they appear starving for male attention on the show. I have always attributed that to being survivors of divorce. Mariah is practically a twin of her mother in looks and disposition. None appear to have deep-seeded anger or resentment towards any of their parents. So no, I don't think Kody is a bad father. I think he does the best one man can do with 17 children. His whole world seems to revolve around his family. I don't, however, believe any man with 17 children can be a great father as his attention is so divided between the wives and children. My guess is that he's not really close with any of his children on a deep level and rarely has the opportunity to speak with them one-on-one. It's sad really. His religion is so focused on "multiplying" love that there doesn't seem to be as much value placed on nurturing one's existing relationships. I guess that's not so important when your main goal is to own your own planet in the after-life.

  17. Somehow I think they will be back with some contrived story line. What I'd really want to watch would be "Sister Wives....after the $$..err Cameras stopped rolling". Thank you for your reviews because I have grown tired of watching this group as well.

  18. Sew,

    Do oh you really wish a challenge for one of the kids?

    Same sex couples refer to each other as husband or wife before it was legal in any state.

    My guess is the older kids are used to it. I always got the feeling Logan was a father figure to the older kids while he spends all his time on the littlest. Robyn's kids have only had one parent at a time for a while. They must be extra clingy when there are two adults in the house.

  19. Re - Sean's workout video.
    Which basically they want us (?) to buy sight unseen. Sean pontificating on a sofa about what kind of video he wanted to make isn't a selling point for me. I want to see some of the video, even just a minute of previews. What kind of equipment is required, etc.

    I know a LOT of fitness professionals personally who have come out with videos. It's just part of the business. And they use previews, not just sitting in a couch.

    I'm half tempted to buy it just to satisfy my curiosity but I don't want to give my money or my Visa card # to them!!

    1. I agree DJ. I thought it was poor that the workout video was being sold without a promotional teaser and by download $10 a pop. Anyone with a computer can go to youtube and get tons of similar workout videos for free. I think Sean would make more $$ doing that and monetizing his youtube account, so he makes $$ per view through the advertisements. He could get thousands of clicks that way vs. the 50 or so videos I am guessing he will sell through MSWC. He is more likely to get endorsements that way as well, especially if he specializes in workouts for beginners who are starting from zero. Most of the workouts out there are dangerous for the morbidly obese, so there is definitely a market for what he's trying to do. If Janelle continues to drop weight, he'll have a super testimonial on his hands.

    2. Well so far Janelle seems to be at a standstill, has been for months from what I can see. And Sean is not exactly a smart cookie. If he was smart, he'd be doing whatever he could to get Janelle to drop more pounds, even if that meant doing a kitchen intervention and personally monitoring every calorie she consumes.

      Sean's better at marketing himself than Trainer Bill (who seems to have vanished into the firmament) but his effectiveness as a motivational trainer has been really lacking. He has no professional distance whatsoever.

  20. But DJ, if you don't buy it, we won't have a fitness professional snarking about it and we need that.

  21. Oh they'll be back. TLC won't cancel them until virtually NO ONE is watching.

    Besides, if they cancel Sister Wives, what would my guilty pleasure be?


    1. Even if no one was watching they'd still bring 'em back for "specials" like they did with Kate G and the Roloffs. (I confess to watching 14 minutes of their Wedding Farm special last year...zzzzz but at least they were doing actual work.)

  22. I was just happy to find out that the kids seem relatively normal--one of the girls has a non polyg boyfriend, the boys definitely will not go the "traditional" route re: dating, etc. So for that reason the move to LV was good.

    I was completely baffled by Robyn saying they want to go back to Utah but it's not "safe" yet. Huh?

    1. That one took me a second as well. The only reason I can think Utah might not be "safe" yet is the AG can still appeal the ruling that "decriminalized" what the Browns are/were doing? Maybe they're afraid to move back in case the decision is reversed on appeal? Who knows with them... My second, more cynical guess is that Robyn was laying the foundation for their return to the Utah house when all their homes in NV start to get foreclosed. If they start making comments now a la Robyn, about Utah really being "home," they can try to spin it that they're returning to the Utah house because they miss "home" so much, not because they can't pay their $2 mil in mortgages...

      - Lori

    2. I was baffled that they made a huge production out of planting a tree to show the world their roots in Las Vegas, just to be blabbing that Utah is really 'home' and they will go back when it's 'safe'. They will go back to Utah when they lose the houses. That is why they are keeping the Lehi house, they know they will ultimately have to go back. Kody's Plymouth Rock, my hell!

    3. I was wondering if Utah is "not safe" because of outstanding welfare fraud questions. Christine (& maybe Robyn??) received benefits while on also the show in the beginning so maybe that has come back to haunt them.
      There's no way they can fund those McMansions without TLC so I'm sure when the show eventually ends they'll dig up the family tree, declare bankruptcy x 4, and hit the road to find a new Plymouth Rock.

    4. Utah needs to be considered their home at least in their heart for reasons connected to their lawsuit. One argument against the case even going forward was they were not charged with anything. They need to publicly be seen as being on the run from utah to keep any appeals the state tries to get and any new legislation moving forward. Robyn and Christine have relatives of multiple generations involved in polygamy we learned on their church vacation journey. Polygamy still isn't legal. They just can't prosecute it via cohabitation. They really have their family history in their minds of relatives charged and in jail and families split up. Christine mentioned family from short creek which is technically arizona having been dispersed with 1950's raid. They also probably feel they got the people and the law of the state mad at them. They didn't feel all that great in Saint George trying to sell their jewelry at those shows.

    5. Great point, Boston C! The Browns should have to pay back every freaking cent of the taxpayers' money! Turns my stomach with their "bleed the beast" attitude. They have no problem stealing. I would so love to see that Klown Krew prosecuted for fraud.

  23. As a Sister Wives Blog follower, I was thrilled to discover this one since the other blog is not up and following the show these days.

    I think the Browns must be rather nervous with the William's family joining the TLC gravy train. This very well could be the last rodeo for the Brown Clan, as much as some of us enjoy snarking on them the show is becoming stale like last week's bread. Let's just hope the Williams family are as much fun to poke fun of. Anyone notice in the debut show that each and every wife had a kiddo or two snuggled up in their beds? Must get lonely at night over there...

    Thank you Cynical Jinx for keeping us all entertained!

    1. I think TLC is going to want to keep Sister Wives on, but then I wonder if they're planning to replace them with the other family, I bet they come a bit cheaper.

    2. All the TLC reality show families/participants start super cheap. if they do well in the ratings, they make more money.

  24. Since the Brown's are not in Utah near their church, which seemed to be where additional wives were scouted for, will Kody find his 5th wife in Las Vegas? Will she convert to being a fundamentalist? will she be a Vegas stripper needing Kody's rescue? haha i bet he thinks he could snag a hottie because he is a celebrity, right?

  25. I really hope we have not seen the last of my favorite "train wreck"! Sister Wives is the only reality show I watch. The broadcast of the previous week's show usually tells me I fell asleep and missed the fun stuff that CJ and other posters caught. The kids seem to be turning out to be nice young adults with the exception of Mariah who will be learning some tough adult lessons or forever be a replication of her mother.

    What I most want to see is whether this family is a TV sitcom or a Greek tragedy with retribution at the end. Will they have to "pay" for their unethical financial behavior (credit card use followed by bankruptcy) and skirting the bigamy laws by having only one legal wife while forming polygamous arrangements? The Brown's mission was to educate the public about polygamy. While I really enjoy the snark about the silliness of this family, I have many serious questions about living their "principle". TLC really should live up to the title, learning channel, and continue to "educate" us.

  26. Great wrap-up of another tragic SW season...I couldn't have survived it without this wonderful blog! I'm not sure they can come up with more fake drama to float another season...another wife would keep things interesting so maybe Kody will get the calling! Poor girl better stock up on Abreva though.

    I noticed Rev Dani enjoying the ceremony festivities. I bet she's regretting her recent article gushing about the wonderful world of polygamy that Janelle tweeted about. She's a practicing Episcopal Priest here in MA and it seems her superiors weren't too thrilled when a reporter called them asking for a comment. The Browns certainly have a knack for drawing people into their cul-de-sac of delusion!

    1. I bet she's writing a book about her friendship with the Browns!

  27. I think Christine would have told Meri how hideous that dress was and ill fitting. Meri's new best friend did not have her back. Her new best friend should have told her that dress was too small and showed her cuuchy and should not have been shortened, that made the whole look worse..her new friend was a big fail

    1. Did the woman not look in the mirror?! My gosh, we all have a little some-some to hide and that's usually the first area you check out in the mirror when you are trying on clothes.

      The Browns are seriously delusional.

  28. Since Meri is the legal wife, she will file for divorce... and ask for spousal. Can't wait for the drama ,

    1. Ya, Meri is really showing how unhappy she is. At least she is honest. She flat out said she didn't want to go on the wifey trip, she thought the commitment ceremony was unnecessary, the sand ritual was stupid, etc. I bet TLC is very unhappy with Miss Meri for being so contrary. She's supposed to be showing how awesome polygamy is, convincing us all that they are all happy and in a normal relationship. Kody is probably reaming Meri behind the scenes for being honest instead of pretending that she is happy and polygamy is awesome.

    2. I just finished watching the tell all episode...I think Meri IS ready to get the hell out of the cul-de-sac but I can't see her voluntarily leaving her McMansion. So, I think she will go back to school for her degree.

  29. WhenthePastriesHittheWetBarFebruary 26, 2014 at 11:21 AM

    If there is another season, it will be fake drama surrounding... Meri "finding herself" outside the family and the tension this causes between her and Kody and her and the other wives; Kody potentially courting a fifth wife (I could see a fake story line where he "dates" somebody but come the end of the season, things didn't work out); and Robyn will pop out another kid. In addition to more contrived drama surrounding how to pay for college; their shady "joolery" business, and more overblown parties thrown for no reason.

    1. I tend to think that Meri really does want to "find herself" outside of the family and is waiting for the show to be over until she decides to leave or not.

  30. I think it would be great if next season Meri's new LDS best friend ends up falling for Kody. The season could start out with her hating Kody and trying to create a wedge and urge Meri to "escape." Then, like Janelle's mom before her, she succumbs to the allure of the Principle and Kody's charms. On the season finale, Kody breaks it to Meri that her new BFF has converted to funamentalism and is going to be Meri's newest sister wife. The season end in tears and a cliffhanger.

    1. Love it. Do you work for the production company by any chance? If not, they should hire you.

    2. I suspect they may be trying to work the LDS/Monogamist friend into the fake drama. Because it was sooooo phony and staged about how all of a sudden, Meri has a friend! Who is a monogamist (who is married by the way). This great friend helped Meri pick out a hideous dress at the last minute! And didn't tell her it was four sizes too small! I don't know, there is something up with that. If the friend gets divorced, I smell a huge Brown-sized rat.

    3. That is hysterical! I was thinking he'll try and marry a 25 year old, but marrying Meri's best friend would be one heck of a fun wreck to watch, too!

    4. I doubt there is anything funny going on about her friend. Mariah went to Mormon classes in the mornings and Meri seems to really enjoy her church. I bet she is also connecting with Mormons for that purpose and has met her best friend out of it.

    5. Anonymous 4:45AM, Meri connecting with the LDS church in such a way IS something "funny" going on---in both senses of the word!

    6. Especially considering that mainstream LDS loathes polygamy. "Regular" Mormons hate that the polygamous use the word Mormon in their religion and the average Mormon will tell you there is no relation between polygamy and current LDS beliefs. Maybe her new best buddy is the next Janelle?

    7. This great friend helped Meri pick out a hideous dress at the last minute! And didn't tell her it was four sizes too small!

      Tell me about it! Actually, I believe a while ago I saw a tweet that this woman is the mother of Mariah's Mormon friend that she attended church with. Yes, LDS church...after Kody made a big deal saying NO when Janelle suggested Logan attend LDS church services if he went to Utah for college. I guess the Browns forgot about that.

  31. CJ, I just read Rev. Dani's opinion again and stand truly amazed that anybody, let alone an Ivy League college gave this airhead a degree. She seemed none too bright when she was on the show, she has one publication to her name (about teaching Harry Potter, which is fine as a subject, but hardly demanding theologically) and she is gushing over the Browns like crazy. I am losing respect for this woman by the second.
    Anyway, I thought it would be great if you could do a piece on her if you have the time and inclination. It would make me feel purged and less bitter about the fact that anybody pays attention to her.

    1. I always thought of her Harry Potter class as being the 21st century version of the basketweaving college classes my generation used to laugh about (after signing up for them and getting those "easy A's"). I think the only reason she hangs onto the Browns is because she sees the potential of a best selling book.

    2. Each year at my university we have a specialty literature class that focuses on modern literature, for example one year it was lord or the rings series. At least at this university it is not a bird course and you have to have top marks to get into it because everyone wants to be in it.

  32. Heads up TLC, I've got an episode idea for you. Let's see Krody and the wives go tandem skydiving. What will make the episode interesting is none of them will be able to pack and check their own shutes. It's sort of an extreme version of the lame "falling backward and having someone catch you" exercise. They can have their marital counselor join them. She can sit back and analyze the mayhem as they push each other out of the plane before their ready.

    1. Could we involve Iyanla in this? How funny would it be to have her running their trust exercise?

      Iyanla fix my polygamous mess of a marriage! Ratings gold!

    2. Genius! Finally the truth.

    3. LOVE it Snarkaholic! Iyanla would give it to them with both barrels. Oooh and there would be a major cat fight as to who gets to jump with Krody!

  33. I have a sinking feeling that Janelle and Christines "workouts" with trainer Sean are just those things he posts on twitter every morning with a "Get moving, ladies!" message. Granted, I think Janelle actually is going to the gym to get it done, but still......

    What those women really need are fitbits. Exercising once in the am and staying sedentary for the rest of your day doesn't accomplish much at all.

    1. I kind of hate to criticize Janelle and Christine because even if they just do a little, it's more than they were donig. And I feel that they get the worst deal of the bunch so even if they do just work out a little and don't lose a ton of weight, I applaud them for doing something for themselves. They deserve that 'me time' more than any of the other Browns.

    2. I didn't realize that Christine was working out too?

      CPA Carol I see your point, and certainly SOME weight loss is better than none, but if Janelle doesn't lose any more she will more than likely become discouraged and fall back into her old eating habits. Sure she's exercising but the diet is way more important in regards to fat loss:

    3. Janelle tweeted she would eat her arm for chocolate (or something like that). A helpful fan sent her a chart that shows craving chocolate means you need magnesium and then listed a whole bunch of foods to eat.

      My "trick" when I crave chocolate is to do something to occupy my hands and mind. Practicing music, taking a walk, dancing, some kind of activity. Pretty soon I forget about the craving. I don't like the idea of substituting foods for chocolate - I suppose I feel that way because I use to substitute smoking a cigarette instead of eating. Not a smart choice.

  34. if there is a new season they will have to change the name of the show to THE KODY BROWN SHOW
    Is he trying to look like Joseph Smith?

  35. I snorted when Kody said, "We've been planning this commitment ceremony for about six months." I believe the correct description would be "We thought of this idea six months ago, but decided to start making actual plans for it in the last 3-4 weeks."

    My dream story line for next season: Since Robyn won't kick Sol out of bed, Kody conveniently receives a revelation that he is to take a 5th wife and goes a'courtin, and he finds a young fertile Myrtle who agrees to "marry" him on the condition that he cuts his hair.

  36. I hopw we get more seasons! I love watching these ppl! I hope, however, unlikely that they'll start getting real. I want to see Meri and Robyn dig into their issues, Christine and Robyn into their, Janelle and Meri. Honestly! More of the sister wives relationships and less fake set up. The best part of this season, and one of the truest moments I think, was when Robyn and Meri made caramels.

    What I think we might see is anything with Robyn and fertility - it be if it's that the can't get pregnant or that she does. Vacations. And maybe Mariah being courted. Maybe even Mykelti and her new boyfriend will become a storyline. Seriously, can't you all see Kody having him over and doing his look at my four wives speach??

    1. If this family were not polygamists, would they be interesting to watch. No, their show is boring and they don't stand out. I did not watch this season. This blog was much more interesting. Who wants to watch them shop for dresses and a cake. Their 15 minutes of fame was over 15 minutes ago. I so wish that people would stop believing what they see on tv. This is not a happy family. I don't like talking about religion but there is an article out there that is now stating that " In Afterlife, there are no planets for people". So glad that the Mormons are bringing this light. I really hope that these women won't have to rely on Kody in order to get to heaven. I hope they wake up and find a man for themselves and kick Kody to the curb. Meri can kick her own ass for suggesting polygamy to Kody. IMHO, Janelle was brought in to make babies along with Christine. Kody needed kids to reach his goals. They needed Robin for a storyline. Like the blog, not the show.

    2. Agree! I could not watch the show without the blog. If you really think about it...What is the alternative to the planet where Kody is King? Is it Hell? It sounds like both places would be hell. They are already living in hell and they only have hell to look forward to in the afterlife. What a depressing religion. The women might as well live it up and be happy now!

  37. Oh god, how wonderful a fifth wife would be. Oh, and then a second husband. What if they merged the Dargers and the Browns together? Two men, seven wives. Meri took a shine to Joe Darger, as I recall. Lots of delicious authoritarian / anti-authoritarian tension between Joe and Kody.

  38. During the wives tell all when they said they never spend time together just as the 4 women together I thought was very telling. Everyone wants you to think that the sister wives like each other and how great it is but when it comes down to it they don't hang out or do lunch etc...I just thought that summed it all up. After 20 plus years of marriage they have never had a girls trip or have girls night out. How sad.

    1. Exactly. Not "sisters" at all. I have three real sisters, and we all help each other raise each others' kids, and we love nothing more than getting together for sister time, especially as the kids get older. And we don't even have to share a husband.

    2. Or herpes. Or even saliva (unless we're sharing a drink).

  39. Names for a 'Sister Wives" novel:

    "A Tale of Two Herpes"
    "Gone With the Wetbar"

    1. "ONE FLEW OVER THE KODY NEST": The Minor Child Who Got Away


      "POLYGAMY ORANGE: Meri's Skin Distortions"



      "Hello God, It's Me Polygamy"

      "DRINKING GREEN GOO & Tweeting"





      This is fun!!

    2. Flowers in the Compound
      Wuthering Wives
      She's Just Not That Into You
      The Browns of Wrath
      The Meri Also Rises

      You're right, this is great fun.


      LMAO!!!! That is awesome!

    4. I can't help myself, I came up with a few more fun titles. I hope you enjoy them. These are *all* based off of top-selling novels. Guess which ones!

      The Plyg Games

      Pride and Denial

      Gone with the Cul-De-Sac

      The Commitment Tree

      Memoirs of a Meri

      Polygamy and Punishment

      The Princess Bride: Christine Brown and the Castle

      Sense and None At All

      The Return of the King Sol

      My Sister's Stalker

      The Perks of Being a Sister Wife

      The Color Orange: A Tale of Meri

    5. Seven Brides for One Brother

    6. You guys are so funny. I've learned to not drink any beverages while sitting at the computer as they always seem to end up on the screen!

    7. The Polygamists of Wrath
      The Red Badge of Polygamy
      War and No Piece (sums up the whole Sol sleeping arrangement)
      Mr. Dumbass Goes to Vegas
      Who's Afraid of Meri Woolf?
      Lack of Beauties and the Beast
      Four Weddings and a Commitment Ceremony
      Sex, Lies and please God don't let their be a videotape
      There's Something About Meri

      But I think "Galaxy Quest" about sums up the Brown's situation....

  40. Ooh! Fun! Love it.

    How about...
    "Not-So-Little Women"
    "Around the Cul-de-Sac in Four Days"
    "Mediocre Expectations"
    "Robyn's Web"

    1. Love it ReginaP! Sooo funny and appropriate. :)

  41. Thanks for another great recap, CJ. I get to feel like I watched the show while still retaining my lunch AND that extra hour of my life. Oh the sacrifices you make for us!

  42. LOVE that picture posted near the top -- Meri in her "Better" dress. It looks like she is looking at her alter image in the mirror: a young, slim, hot blonde!

  43. So......if you look on twitter at their hairstylists page (@Lillieebugg) she has a pic of her and Christine from 1/20/2014 that is captioned: "Makeup for the reunion episode#sisterwives#makeup#workwithfriends"

    She should be ashamed of those absolutely HORRIBLE makeup jobs!

    1. No way! A professional publicly admitted that they did that?! Talk about death of a career--their makeup was horrendous!

    2. Maybe Meri and Robyn talked her into making Janelle and Christine being over made? or maybe she just did it on her own after spending time with Meri and hearing Meri talk about how she hates Janelle and Christine.

  44. in the scene where kody is getting his beard trimmed and the wives walk in the give their oppinion, they show the woman doing kodys beard and the caption said Brown's makeup/hairstylist. after seeing how bad the makeup was on the tell all i went back and snagged her name of the screen, but i quess i posted it on facebook. so i figured out who did it that way, that explains why meri's is somewhat normal, she probably refused her services.

  45. So the Brown's let an amuetur do their makeup because she was a family friend..why did tlc let them go on camera that way?

    1. Wasn't the Tell All produced by a subsidiary of NBC?

  46. Cult-de-sac CommentatorFebruary 27, 2014 at 1:46 PM

    Wow. Although perhaps commendable, the Brown family's habit of choosing close family friends to help them accomplish various important occasional tasks is clearly not working for them.

    1. Kind of like when Tom Cruise let his sister be his publicist and then he jumped on Oprah's couch and harassed Matt Lauer.

  47. Found this cartoon drawing of the sister wives today. Its good for a laugh:

    1. Thank you for sharing this ! Hilarious !!

    2. Funniest picture ever, thanks for sharing!

    3. Now that's talent.

    4. The look on Christine's face is perfect!!!

  48. Are you going to do reviews of My Five Wives?

    1. I'm planning to include reviews on My 5 Wives as my time allows.

    2. I have enjoyed reading your posts for years on the SWB blog, I'm sure anything you write will be appreciated and enjoyed...thanks for all the laughs (and insights)...when I couldn't find you guys for a couple months, I missed you, kinda weird, I know, lol, but thanks for the fun! You never disappoint, this place is always a great break from the daily grind.

    3. This makes me ridiculously happy CJ...I'm sad, I know. LOL

  49. If Meri and Janelle were not going to wear homemade dresses, then why not let the seamstress focus on Janelle and Christine's dresses? and do them properly? what a waste of a storyline

    1. There was an episode that showed the kids at Christine's in the backyard and they were building stuff. The construction stuff would have been cleared before they closed in the homes. When you think if it outside is the no mans land for the kids. Yes they are backyards of each moms house, but with no fence at he street in the front and the backyard is where they can be siblings and no really be in another moms territory.

  50. So I'm reading this yet again lol and took a closer look at the before landscaping pic. That looks like building materials lying around like flotsam and jetsam...I presume from the construction of the houses. The ceremony was in mid November and the browns moved there in December/early January.
    That shit has been lying there for 10 months!
    Lazy!!! And it's not just Kody and the sons - any of them could have shaken a tail feather and cleaned that crap up. Isn't that supposed to be the kids' play yard???

    1. Remember the episode when the kids helped clean up the backyard when they lived in the Lehi house? I think Mr Kody Brown needs to spend some time doing some maintenance work around the houses rather than running back and forth with what's left of his hair blowing in his wind. The weeds alone just leaves me smh...

    2. But CJ, Celebrities don't do their own yardwork. they hire landscapers. LOL

  51. does anyone think the holes Kody drilled into the fascia boards of the houses will ever be repaired? They were stucco covered, to protect from desert sun, so it will be a several step process. He drilled several holes in each crazy

    1. Ohhhh I doubt Kody gives a rats ass.

      I look forward to seeing the walk through prior to the foreclosure sale, myself.

  52. My 5 Wives interview! Loved it! They seem fun.

  53. More book/movie ideas:
    Green Eggs and Goo
    Kody flew over the cuckoo's nest
    Mr. Popper's Polygamists
    Overpriced McMansion in the Desert
    Goodnight Loon
    A tree grows in Las Vegas

  54. CJ will you be doing a review of the Tell All?

  55. I was shopping for a mother of the bride dress at Dillards and low and behold i saw Robyns dress on a clearance rack..89.00...holy cow..i felt icky just touchy the hanger,,she put a small cardigan over it, but it was her dress

  56. Oh boy. HRH (Mariah) is going to see her idol, Miley Cyrus, in Las Vegas! Meri must be spending a fortune for the gas she uses to come home so often.

    1. Im shocked! I doubt not very many (if any at all) AUB church members would even entertain the thought of letting their child see Miley Cyrus. Guess it just goes to show HRH gets what she wants no matter what it is.
      Im not even all that religious and I would never let an 18 year old daughter go to that. Well, at least not on my dime or help. Guess an 18 yr old can do what they want. I would defiantly protest.

    2. I just hope Mariah doesn't twerk!!

    3. Don't worry CJ...that word sounds too close to work and we know the Brown's have an aversion to that!

    4. No way would I let my kid watch twerking Miley. Miley shot to fame well before Mariah's 18th bday so Meri has allowed it before now. I think it's been awhile now since Miley shed her wholesome image. I am pretty careful about what my child watches, though, and we disconnected our cable/tv channels when she was a toddler. She gets to watch a lot of movies and tv shows from itunes, though, and doesn't know that she is missing anything. She heard about Miley being "naked" on tv at school and had to ask me who she is.

    5. It just seems odd to me that the kid who was supposedly the most into their faith and planning to be a sister wife seems obsessed with someone like Miley Cyrus.

    6. Yet one more action that proves they have zero religion. They just use the excuse of religion to justify their lifestyle.

    7. Now now ladies. Attending a Miley Cyrus concert seems to be a remarkably normal thing for an 18 year old young woman to do. I have no doubt that it will be much tamer than the late-night keg parties I was attending at that age...and I am guessing I am not alone in that one;)

    8. Yeah ok good point! I guess my one counter-response is that these people hold themselves to a "higher" moral sandard than the rest of us to the point where Presbyterians are "sharks." True that was Christine's comment and not Meri's but still ... Mariah does come across as holier than thou, so it is easy to snark on her when she does something like this. But agree w your point!

    9. This is true. You aren't really the ideal model of purity when you are bootie poppin' to a half naked pop star high on Molly.

  57. I can't stand Robyn, but I've got to stand up for her for extended breastfeeding and co-sleeping and being so attentive to Sol in general (other than allowing him to use the oven!). I am a big believer in attachment parenting and applaud her for those things as well as keeping Dayton off camera recently. I also think her older daughter is beautiful in that silver dress, and I feel sorry for her attention starved younger one. Finally, I don't blame her one bit for delaying getting pregnant again or even if she decides to stop at four.

    1. People here always ask "Where's Dayton?", but I think in this case at least, Robyn is doing the right thing. I think the cameras probably make him very uncomfortable.

    2. Attachment parenting doesn't have daddy off in someone else's house three nights a week. Attachment parenting doesn't have five caregivers off and on not to mention a handful of teens being mommy for a short time. Attachment parenting isn't so unequal. It's hard to watch so much attention being placed on this child with the new partner while she criticizes the other childrens father, which reflects on them. Kids take a criticism at a parent onto themselves. Since she must share custody she really should be paying extra attention to the others while they are on her time. If mothers were meant to breastfeed that long why on earth do babies get teeth so early? Attachment parenting isn't moving every other year. Four moves since she met this family. Into a closer home, then to vegas, then again in vegas. That isn't attachment parenting.

    3. aurora is the one who is attention starved, up front and center every scene, a lot like her mother!!!!!

    4. I am not a Robyn fan at all, but I think her youngest daughter (the crybaby) is precious. The oldest one is like her mom. She tries to talk over all the kids and she hasn't been in this family long enough for that, but I'll give her a pass because she's a kid :) Her mom probably told her to do that.

    5. kms it looks like you have your own definition for attachment parenting. For example the definition I found only mentions primary caregivers which could include parents, guardians, basically whoever takes care of the child. The major point is that whoever the caregiver is, they should understand the importance of meeting a child's needs. I'm sure they are many homes where the mother may not be present or the father may be absent for a period of time but that doesn't mean a child's parent needs to be present 100 percent of the time. Again, it is whoever the caregiver is meeting the needs of their child. Using your logic kms, you sound like you are saying the Browns are incapable of attachment parenting because they are a plural family. I think plural families can successfully practice attachment especially if each wife considers each child as her own.

    6. I would never consider Robyn's parenting "Best Practice." I think many of the Brown kids will be ok because people work through childhood issues and live happy healthy lives. They have each other to lean on. Robyn's older kids will have to work through many, many issues.

    7. Agree w that comment. And I think kids are so individual that even "perfect" parents may struggle to alway meet every child's needs perfectly. Regarding Robyn, I don't hold her as a model parent, but considering her own background and that she seems to have some kind of mental illness, she seems like she could do a lot worse. I am just making the assumption she has a moderate degree of mental illness and taking that into account of my judgment of her.

    8. "I think plural families can successfully practice attachment especially if each wife considers each child as her own."

      Where is an example of this happening in a plural family? Every one that has been shown on television--whether this train wreck of a family or any of the other shows on polygamy--depict separate families connected by a male. Kolleen Snow had some pretty powerful statements regarding how sister wives treat the children of other sister wives.

      "...she seems to have some kind of mental illness, she seems like she could do a lot worse"

      HaHaHaHaHa! and that is why I love this blog! Makes you laugh out loud at inappropriate times!

      Robyn is desperate to achieve her ultimate reward on her planet with Kody (shudder) and is displaying her desperation in her daily behaviors. She failed in her first marriage to be the polygamist wife she is required to be, and she is bound and determined to succeed in this "marriage" no matter what it takes. Sad

    9. This is just my opinion. I think Robyn is a sociopath. She manipulates and plays games with people. She appears to be mentally ill because her of her upbringing. Sociopaths mimic others as they are baffled by things like empathy and emotion that guide the rest of us. I don't think she can feel empathy for anyone including her children. She would be gone in a heartbeat and on to the next person if Kody didn't have material possessions and fame.

    10. I am parenting a child who spent the first year of life in an institution that had 8 caregivers. 24/7 they were on shifts and shared. Not unlike the way this family works. I don't see how this is different. I'm sure what they are doing is parenting, but not with attachment in mind. The older kids are delightful. I'm sure the group can be proud of their parenting. Mariah may be emotional, but she isn't a bad kid. Decided to and was accepted into college. Took on a tougher high school load. The kids, including Mariah seemed to have more traditional w-2 type jobs than the grown ups before finishing high school. They all have goals. Really a lot of parents only hope their kids are doing this well. Especially being in the limelight. We aren't seeing them pictured on tabloid leaving bars or anything wild. I'm sure statistically one of them will get into mischief, but they have dodged that bullet for longer than you would think. Their only kid problem is dress standards, and they still are more modest than typical American kids.

  58. Just watching the news and RHONJ star Teresa Giudice and husband plead guilty to multiple counts of fraud. I wonder what would happen to Kody and family if they were investigated. People still wonder how they got their 4 homes. It would be interesting if they tell the truth about how their enterprise operates. Where does all the money go. Do they pay taxes, how do they file and who claims the kids. These people have numerous bankruptcies and infinite money streams. Do they have health insurance on the kids, car insurance for their many vehicles. TLC may pay well but it costs a lot of money to take care of a family. The Brown family must have a ton of expenses to pay. Mortgage, food, clothing, insurance, gas, etc. for a family this size has got to be enormous. I wonder when they will be audited. Once you put all this on tv for the public to see and comment on, things go down hill. I still can't get over the fact that polygamy is illegal in the US but the Brown family gets a pass. IMHO I think that there is a scam going on with this family just like the NJ couple. Oh, one last thing, the NJ couple lied about their income and taxes on their loan documents to get their million dollar home. Just saying.

    1. There's just no comparison between the Queen of Living Large with No Visible Means of Support outside of RHoNJ and the King of Sloth Living Kody Brown.

      I knew from the first episode when Teresa peeled off $100 bills to pay a furniture purchase of over $120,000 that something was terribly wrong about that picture. No one in their right mind carries that amount of cash on their person. That's what checking accounts are for. But if you don't want to leave of paper trail of how much you're spending to whom, then yes, you'll pay cash.

      Just in Teresa's case she shouldn't have peeled the money in front of TV cameras. That was not very smart. And then her doofus husband juicy Joe attempted to file for bankruptcy??? It didn't take long for their bankruptcy trustee to see through the façade.

      The scope of Joe and Teresa's legal problems far outshine anything the Browns can come up with. The Browns are insignificant ants compared to Joe and Teresa!

      But I must say that Teresa can work her ass off - writing cookbooks, signing books (which the Browns have NEVER done) in person, being on a high rated reality show on Bravo, not to mention on Celebrity Apprentice. Joe I can understand pleading guilty. Teresa? No way. That is truly shocking.

  59. Brown is one of her names?!?!

    I smell a Kody Brown -style RAT!

    1. Wow. So does that mean you think the same about the guy who wrote The DaVinci Code - Dan BROWN? How about this - Mariah could have gone to BROWN University. Or how about Kody being related to Alton BROWN? It's a common last name come on!

    2. Yes Robyn, it does.

  60. Hello.......Sooo glad to find your blog, Cynical Jinx. I have missed the group !!
    Missed all the snark and certainly missed YOUR take on things.

    The "Should Be Committed" ceremony was classic Brown nonsense and so obviously TLC inspired.
    It was everything we all knew it would be. That is, it was the hook for the whole stupid, vapid season.The only real thing this season was that poor child's health crisis. And that even that had to have Kody hogging face time as usual.

    Ugh !! The dresses were hideous.
    Meri looked just awful....can she really be that clueless wearing a dress that ridiculously small and belly-busting. Really, really bad move, Meri. Even you deserved to look better than that.
    Janelle's was equally bad too. She looked like a blinding blue version of "Chair-y" (the overstuffed chair that talked) from the old PeeWee Herman Saturday show for kids.
    Christine was a terracotta nightmare in a thrown together bathrobe ensemble.
    Robin was her usual sly self, managing to show up looking like a human black widow spider with vintage shiny black stockings. Yeah, just threw that outfit together at the 12th hour.

    The kids are all to be congratulated for their patience and endurance in putting up with their wacko parents. The older kids especially did their best, for the sake of the nutty adults, to enhance the sham.

    The "tell all" was the usual blah, blah Brown BS. Predictable, boring and anything but truthful.
    However, THIS year we SW watchers got a real treat seeing the babes AND Kody all glamed out in
    cirque soleil makeup.
    Kody did look demented. He really did. What was anyone thinking with that hair and those penciled in eyebrows? Yikes !!
    Sorry...but Christine did look a bit drag-queenish. I felt bad for her.
    Janelle was almost plastic looking. Kind of scary.
    Who would ever have imagined that Meri's makeup would win the gold star when compared to the others !! Wow!

    1. Hey Amused!!! Welcome to my new digs!!!

    2. Good to hear from you again Amused

    3. Thanks, CJ. It is good to be back and I love your digs!!
      Comfy and entertaining as ever.

      Anon, thanks...good to see you too!!

  61. I watched Teresa on Celebrity Apprentice and was stuck by her overbearing entitled vibe.
    Then when following her on the Wives show, it was so apparent that she was heavily vested in that lifestyle of "look at me, aren't I special."
    It is very sad for their kids to have to see their parents on display for criminal actions. Unfortunately, those kids will have to pay the price for their parents behavior. I doubt Teresa will get prison time, probably it will be extended parole. Joe, on the other hand, may do time.

  62. This show has become very shallow. They are not actors. The over the top antics of Kody and the wives trying to act these story lines is painful to watch. I think they have hit the bottom of the barrel. Meri seems to be acting as if someone has dies. Like she is mourning something. I think it is that her marriage is over, and she is using Mariah leaving as an excuse for her LOST attitude.

  63. When I was watching the wives get their dresses made, I kept thinking about Carol Burnett and her Gone with the Wind curtain dress. Christine should seek employment at Medieval Times or a similar venue in Vegas. I guess she and her daughter with the hat did not get the memo that the family was wearing more muted colors for the ceremony, purple, gray, etc. The burnt orange and red dresses really stood out badly. What a shame that her dress was so awful that she had to change into something else for the party. If she didn't like it, she shouldn't have worn it in the first place. I REALLY want to know the story of the fabric (pleather?) chosen for Meri's dress. Did she chose it and the seamstress have to use it? I feel like the scene was heavily cut and edited where the seamstress was pinning up the awful brown creation that was supposed to be Meri's dress. She was grumbling something about "if she had this on Saturday" (I don't remember the exact quote). Why were they using upholstery for a couch? When I was a child, my sister and I would spend countless hours making "Indian costumes" out of paper bags. That's what Meri's first dress reminded me of. I have no idea why Meri ended up with that green dress that was so tight she looked like a stuffed sausage. Perhaps it was the cheapest? She mentioned how she loved the price. Why didn't her "friend" tell her it was too tight? That's some friend!

    1. I agree! Kody wife & girlfriends dresses clashed as did the daughters. They should have coordinated their look. It was awful.

      I know I'm late to the party, but I don't watch the show. I get my fix here. Love your blog, CJ. :) Thanks for watching these grifters so I don't have to

  64. I'm so over the show and not much snark going on.....yawn to the Browns

  65. I finally watched this episode yesterday, so I'm only now wondering if anyone else noticed that Kody's main focus was simply making it to the end of the evening - so he could dance. It was an unwitting statement that perfectly boiled the whole trivial mess down.

  66. so glad I finally found you again.
    I had been visiting the SWB all season and was missing the snark!

  67. So glad to see you, Cynical Jinx! I've been a reader and now am finally getting up the nerve to opine. I agree with everyone's comments about the dresses, but I have to say that Janelle looked really good despite the appalling style of her dress. The fit was bad, the style unflattering, but the color was good and it's clear that she's really making some progress with her fitness/weight loss. For that, she should be commended.

    The whole commitment ceremony was a strange undertaking from the beginning. Aren't all the wives supposed to be present at the union of a new wife and their husband, and aren't they asked to voice their approval for the match? If so, that seems to be the declaration of support each "pair" would need.

    The kids were cute and their tribute was touching, but it seemed that the whole ritual--sand pouring, tree-planting, and that atrocious tree cake--were really overdone, too long, and just plain onerous.

    1. Hi got2bdrc!!

      I'm happy to see you taking the "plunge" and writing a comment. It wasn't so bad, right???
      And I'm still having nightmares from that gosh awful looking tree cake!

  68. They can't afford those homes. Because if they could they would be nicely landscaped and they'd have decent window coverings on their windows what they have is cheap and very tacky. Also, I wonder if it was even legal for them to plant a large lawn with the drought. And that awning thing looks like it would almost certainly be against NV residential yard building codes. Someone should turn them in.

  69. I didn't understand why they'd do things like drive to SF and hire a newbie to make fugly table cloth looking dresses when they can literally just drive to any one of the many boutiques in sin city. Then I remembered who were dealing with. They are so desperate for storyline, they do nonsensical things that do not benefit them. Either that or they're just not very smart, eh. Speaking of the SF trip, Kendra, Robyn's Junk Yard Dog sure looks extremely different from her FB cover photo. On TV she looks like the girl in her FB photos matronly, middle aged, overweight mother.

    1. On TV she looks like the girl in her FB photos matronly, middle aged, overweight mother.

      That's because JYD was very pregnant when they filmed the San Francisco trip. In the picture she took with Robyn a few months ago, she resembles her FB photo.

    2. Ahhhhhhh, thanks for the further info. All I saw was a screen shot of the show on your blog, I didn't see her body as I don't watch the TV. I just see what you post. I was referring to her face, hair, how old she looks.

      Now that I know she was pregnant and you say she snapped back, she must be one of those women who loses her looks when expecting. She's a pretty girl. But her attitude is just deplorable!
