
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Sister Wives Recap: Kody's Bro-mance S06Ep13

All I have to say is, why can't the producers of this show be consistent with their story lines?

Last week, we the audience were subjected to almost 30 minutes (including flashbacks, flash forwards and whatever else the producers could throw at the audience) of Meri sobbing, Janelle nodding, and Kody pontificating on the high cost of sending a child to college.

And don't forget the Mariah interrogation, where, with tears in her eyes and a choked voice, she told her parents she just had to go to Utah so she could get her Mrs degree and find an eligible man willing  to start a plural family with her.

So imagine my surprise when this week's episode, those very same adults happily...HAPPILY (I tell you!!) went shopping for a venue to hold their re-commitment ceremony!

Talk about a What the H.E. double hockey sticks moment...did the producers not think the audience would remember the Browns moaning and groaning about college expenses? Or do they think we are too stupid to take notice???

To make matters worse, Kody (you know, the man who doesn't want his kids to be saddled in student loan debt but can't seem to figure out how to finance acquisition of 4 expensive McMansions AND the college education costs of his children) was acting like he didn't have a money care in the world.

In fact, to paraphrase Kody, it was his party and price was no object. They didn't even bat an eyelash at the a venue's $10K cost (cake not included) - enough to cover one years tuition and expenses at UNLV.

Say whut???

Kody in mid-glide...

In fact, Kody was so giddy with happiness, he moonwalked across the venue's shiny dance floor.

Who the hell still moonwalks? What's next? Kody busting some more embarrassing moves culminating with him spinning on the bald spots on his head?

Earth to the producers: We are 13 years into the 21st century! Moonwalking is so 1980's.

It's bad enough the producers apparently don't care enough to create a cohesive storyline from week to week, but to force the audience to watch Kody acting like an a$$ was just too much!

If this crap is what the rest of the season is going to be like, we are in for a bumpy ride!

So what else happened in this episode?

Too much botox, Kody?

Well, as you can tell by the title, this episode was ALL ABOUT KODY. Which isn't saying much, because the entire show Sister Wives has always been about Kody. Yep, he's the center attraction, while his four wives revolve around him. Like I've been saying since this show began, they should have named it The Kody Brown Show, co-starring wives Meri, Robyn, Janelle and Christine with special appearances by Kody's 17 kids (and counting).

The object of this "bro-mance" was Kody's LDS
Why is that lampshade askew in Meri's perfect McMansion?
mission pal, Brett. It seems that Brett has been a longtime, monogamist friend of Kody.

Being how Robyn is so quick to condemn monogamists (because they can never understand the joys of plural marriage, don't you know), it was interesting to see Brett's wife speak and not have the need to wipe the tears from her face with her hands or use her fingers to remove an eye booger (hey, don't forget to stare at it before you wipe it on your clothes!)

Mrs Brett was actually a breath of fresh air. Her husband, on the other hand, must have taken a swig from Kody's bottle of  'I'm a Macho Man and I Only Do Manly Things' (with extra testosterone).

Brett savoring a drink from Kody's bottle

This so reminds me of the wrestling scene in "Women In Love"
I mean, seriously, a home's garage is automatically a man cave? And when Brett says that Kody has FOUR man caves to choose from, I chuckled because you know as well as I that the only garage that wasn't mentioned for conversion into an idiotic wrestling room was Robyn's. Three guesses whose garage is Kody's real man cave refuge (and the first two don't count). Hint: Her name begins with an 'R'.

What human being in their right mind would want to wrestle in an non air conditioned garage in the summer when the temperature tops 115 degrees - in the shade?

How much you want to bet these brain scientists will leave the door to the house open to let the garage cool down enough to be comfortable. Or maybe Kody will totally remove the door so as the garage can benefit from the Christine's A/C 24/7.

And FYI Brett. Kody only shares ownership of the house with his legal wife Meri. The deeds for the other 3 McMansions are in Christine's, Robyn's and Janelle's names only. And Kody knows that.

Anyway, this whole wrestling thing between Kody and his friend was so reminiscent of the wrestling scene (and its literary meaning) from D.H. Lawrence's novel "Women in Love" I'm wondering if Kody might be hankering for a little physical contact and closeness with the same sex - not that there's anything wrong with that...

While the men (Kody, Brett, and Janelle's trainer Sean) went off to have fun on the Vegas strip, the wives (including Brett's wife Eva) and the children went on a picnic and visited a petting zoo. Ho Hummm.....

Note to TLC and Figure 8 Productions: Think of how much more fun this episode would have been if the MEN  had taken the children on a picnic and to the zoo while the women went carousing the Vegas strip.

Know what I'm saying?

Some highlights:
  • Eva said the word pervert, but Christine changed it to pedophile in her couch interview. 
  • The Browns are definitely not the Dargers in showing affection in front of other wives.  Meri made sure Eva understood that when she said "...we don't need to have it shoved in our face".
  • Kody is just soooo busy!! Why, he doesn't even have time to watch TV with his kids!
 And I am skipping the part where Meri was crying. Boo hoo, NEXT!!!

Kody girding his loins before his jump
The "men" plus Sean started their night of testosterone driven fun at the Stratosphere. Yep, they were going to jump off of it. Now, if you follow Kody on twitter, you'd know this is the #1 spot he takes all his "friends" and LIV executives and whoever else he can drag off the strip.

No surprise, Kody made the jump all about him. And it was boring as hell.

A triumphant Kody back on terra firma
At dinner, Kody decided to make sure his male companions knew how much of a man he was...he's got four wives if you didn't already know. To listen to Kody talking on and on about how much an alpha male he was, and what a great leader he was, how much he's in charge of his family and no wife is in charge of the other wives, on and on and on was painful. Brett was getting all riled up on Kody's side (Yeah man, you're right man...blah blah blah) but Sean had a look on his face that maybe he wasn't quite buying everything Kody was selling.

Don't worry Sean. The audience wasn't buying it either.

Finally, the show went back to Meri as she goes shopping with her bestie, who happens to be a monogamist LDSer(WHAT???). The only thing I want to say is someone needs to remind Meri that ALL the wives made it a point (including Meri) that all of Kody's children belong to ALL of the wives. Their children would have FOUR MOTHERS. Should anything happen to one wife (like with the passing of Meri's sister) her sister wives would step in and raise her children as their own.

That was a "perk" of plural marriage supposedly.

So what gives with Meri's talk about being an empty nester once Mariah goes to college? What about the other children in the family? How can Meri be an empty nester if she supposedly has 14 other children (subtracting the college students Logan, Mariah and Aspyn) that could call her mother? And why would Kody be considered in this conversation when he spends less time with his kids than their mothers do? Kody doesn't even have a nest to empty!!!

Maybe Meri needs to go back to Utah and get back in touch with her polygamous roots. Hey, wait, that would make for an interesting episode!


  1. Great Recap.
    I have an idea how the kids can pay for their own college since Kody doesn't want to cosign loans. The kids could write their own "tell all" book of what life has been like since the show started and Robyn came into the picture. Now I WOULD buy that book. Maybe they can get their own show.

  2. I think Kody has a stalker. She's all over the Facebook page and she went WILD on the wrestling episode. She wrote about 15 posts and this time had her phone number expecting him to text her. She probably likes his hair! I hope they protect their kids from people like this. The "Don't Judge" die hard fans are dwindling. More people are pointing out the unhappiness. They must really live in a bubble. Deleting all negative comments makes them not see how they are really perceived.

    1. Really? That's scary. But I don't think the "Don't Judge" fans are dwindling. I think all the people who used to post on Sister Wives blog have moved on to the Facebook page.

  3. I jsut watched the Brown clan on CNN. Oh my! The AUB (not mentioned by name---called our group) does not promote abuses. Robyn interruped Kody as he continues with a "however," Robyn and Kody discussed leaving Utah under "extreme duress. Robyn appears to be gaining quite a bit of weight. It makes me wonder if anotgher Brown is on the way.

  4. This was one boring as hell episode! Kody's Vegas strip segment made me want to fall asleep. I'm so tired of this show being all about him and his friends. Sometimes I think the producers pay people to act like friends. (Trainer Sean).

    Meri never ceases to irk me as does Robyn. Eva was delightful and only wanted to get to know them better. Her questions were no different than anyone else's on the dynamic of polygamy yet Robyn kept looking at her and smacking her teeth and lips as if she was going to go off her like she did with Krysten Decker on the panel episode. I didn't like watching that. Robyn is seriously disturbed and if she and Meri can't handle the simple curiosity of the people they claim they want to win over than they need to stop doing this show altogether. And one more thing for Meri...Where is Aspyn's blanket? Hmmm? She's your bonus daughter and she's going off to college too!

    On a lighter note I'm starting to see a difference in Janelle's weight loss. Her face looked thinner on the couch interviews. A lot thinner! I was happy for her. But I'd like to see less zoo and filler segments and more episodes like when the teens volunteered at holding out help or something that doesn't make the audience want to change channels. Loved the review CJ!

    1. I was wondering that to! A tradition? Where is Aspyn's blanket???

    2. I can't get on the Eva train knowing she 'trusts' her husband to make any important decisions about their family if they can't agree.

  5. Was it just me, or were others bothered by the men discussing their roles as master of their homes? I felt like they were trying to one-up each other on how "in charge" they were and how submissive their wives were to them. It felt like a very staged Kody was trying to prove something to the viewers. "oh...we allow our wives to give input, but ultimately as men, we make all the decisions." To me, they just looked like a bunch of immature cavemen. I am extra grateful today that I held out for a man that isn't threatened by an equal partnership with his wife.

  6. So, Kody takes many guests to jump off of Stratosphere! He made it appear that this was a new experience and that he was afraid to jump. Just another example of how deceitful this group is.

  7. Why do the producers think we want to see Kody hanging on the strip with his cool friends/brothers/monogamist guy pals/highschool acquaintances/ from years past? And why do they think we want to see a trip to the zoo with the women and kids? Super boring. It’s like they have a formula and can’t change it…Kody gets together with a long lost friend, the friend’s wife offends the Brown women by implying that polygamy might be a difficult choice, the men are all loaded up with testosterone and bragging about their manliness while the women-folk get a picnic together for the kids. Come on, let’s change things up a bit! Very few viewers are interested in fake outings and fake friendships and fake questions.

    I have a question that I think I know the answer to but I want to bring it up. I know Meri is an evil and manipulative sister wife. I know she put Janelle and Christine through hell when they joined the family (and afterwards as well). I know she has been incredibly selfish about her and Mariah’s financial needs/demands. I know she has very few, if any, redeeming qualities. BUT….honestly when Meri was bawling about being an empty nester (and frankly it kind of made me feel a little sad for her, although I got over it quickly remembering all those bonus kids she has), not one of the other wives offered comfort. Not even Robyn. Do the producers say “you must not act like you care at all about what Meri is crying about, do not show any sign of compassion at all”…? Again, I know the history and am not judging the wives but I can’t imagine just sitting there, vacantly looking off into space while someone I plan to spend my eternity with is bawling and crying and is clearly in distress. So anyhow I wanted to put that out there.

    Off topic but the National Geographic Channel had a little Polygamy USA marathon over the New Year’s holiday and I wondered if anyone knows when that show is coming back?

    1. I'd have to say that, I'm addition to Meri's past abuse, they no doubt get tired of her constant drama. We sure do, and we don't have to live with her!

    2. I think it boils down to the producers not giving a damn when it comes to the couch interviews. If they did care, they would give some sort of direction to the Browns

      I have a feeling whoever is directing those segments is inexperienced and only gives direction to Meri (something like talk about your feelings of being alone when Mariah leaves for college) but neglects to direct the other 3 women on how to react (Robyn - look at Meri with a sad face, Janelle - look like you're about to cry) so what they have is a blubbering Meri and 3 emotionless women staring at her not knowing what to do!

  8. I noticed that too. It does seem like Janelle kind of spaces out like she's numb to it. Almost like its the norm and I bet if you asked her she probably couldn't tell you what Meri was even crying about anymore because she doesn't care...I get what you're saying though because Christine has always come off as kind of a nurturer, so it is odd that even she wouldn't offer comfort. Perhaps she's becoming more checked out than she wants to admit. After many years of Meri manipulating time and money out from my family for her selfish needs, I would be so hurt that I wouldn't care about her either.

    But who knows. Maybe TLC does direct them that way. The only thing that makes sense for them to do that is so no ones taking away from Meri's drama. No distractions. Which is nauseating when you think about it that way. As far as Robyn is concerned, I'm convinced that there's something wrong with her. She seems so disturbed to me. She reminds me of one of Carolyn Jessops sister wives that she talked about in her first book. I believe she was the first wife. The one that had the breakdown and started talking to herself and doing weird things. Its almost painful to watch her anymore.

    1. I think you're right about Robyn not being quite right. Just from reading those 3 blogs she wrote on TLCs website and her many tweets - particularly the early ones from a couple of years ago it just screams she's got some unusual thought processes going on in her head.

      Take that picture she took of Solomon supposedly playing with the oven and oven mitt. A normal mother (hopefully) would scream NO!! and remove the baby to a safe place. Instead, Robyn grabs her camera (or cellphone), takes a few pictures, then tweets the picture saying how it was kinda scary? As if she never considered that maybe in the future her child might open the oven when it's on. I think she staged that picture...the only question left is why???

      Remember that one episode where she talked about the "honeymoon experience"? One thing I will never forget was when Kody was helping one of her daughters with her spelling homework and Robyn seemed so impatient waiting for Kody to finish. She practically ordered the child upstairs so Robyn could start her honeymoon experience and go over old pictures with Kody. Weird...

      And her handling of the Hunter situation when she felt he snubbed her when she gave birth to Solomon was way out of line!

      I'm not a doctor but I'm wondering if she doesn't have a form of Aspergers.

    2. I wonder if she is a sociopath. She seems very calculating and manipulative. Sociopaths love to play the victim to manipulate a situation. She's not smart so it probably takes a while to think of her moves. Her behavior seems off because she doesn't understand the emotions the rest of us feel. She probably laughs at the weakness (emotions) the other wives have. I've never seen any real emotion from her except a duping smile and frustration. I think she tries to fake emotions. I'm not a psychologist but I have read a lot about this due to behavior from a coworker. There are quite a few of them among us.

    3. I think both almost sound right. Unfortunately, the family members who probably see it probably aren't favored so nothing will come of it. Because we all know if someone tries to be honest, it gets deleted. Especially that picture of Solomon. My three year old got too close to the oven during Thanksgiving. He didn't end up touching it, but the idea of him being too close freaked me out and the first thing I did was remove him from the kitchen. Not grab a camera! And after re-watching the previous seasons in Netflix, I also noticed that she treats her kids like Meri treats her bonus kids and its really sad.

    4. Was the oven on? Either way it is a bad idea...

  9. Honestly, the Browns need to address the cognitive dissonance in their lives. They will swear up and down that all the kids are shared, but when Meri cries about being an empty nester (which is a total insult to the other 17 kids,) nobody calls her out on it.

    They say they are all bonded to one another eternally, yet Kody even knows that if he were to die, his family would scatter.

    They say they want close relationships with one another, but it looks increasingly as though they only actually spend time with one another when the cameras are rolling.

    In season one, they said all kids had to go to college and they were all going to pitch in for that. Now Meri is doing her ol' 'I wish I woulda had 8 kids, so my 1 kid should get the resources of 8 cash grab' yet again to the detriment of her 'bonus kids' - who she clearly doesn't see as being her kids at all, seeing as she is an 'empty nester'.

    The problem with the Browns is that they don't back up anything they say in their lives. They are living in a fantasy lie, where they share a man, but don't want to be reminded of the fact. I mean, come on, the no PDA thing is patently ridiculous. They get irritated if they are reminded of the reality of their own lives. They hate their own lives, but they think the pain and the sacrifice of not getting what they need makes them better. They are all martyrs to a man who is so self centered he'll spend 10 k on a meaningless, hollow commitment ceremony whilst not being able to put his kids through college.

    The Browns are all show and no substance. And they sure as heck don't seem to like one another all that much either.

    1. And they sure as heck don't seem to like one another all that much either.

      Somewhere I read they believe each wife gets her own planet with Kody for eternity...I don't know how true that is, but it certainly appears that way with the Kody Klan being they can't stand each other in this life, I can't imagine them together for eternity in the next!

    2. Huh? I assumed the planet thing was a shared planet - you know, Planet Kody, with Meri and Christine and Janelle and Robyn and InevitableYoungWife#5 as queens. Or is Kody going to get as many planets after death as he does McMansions in this life?

  10. We msut remember that TLC will be paying the price for the commitment ceremony. It seems they held it in the street near their home, but still. . .TLC footed the bill.

  11. I don't think they will be going to the zoo again anytime soon. I believe the zoo has been closed. All the zookeepers walked off the job a few months ago, and the animals were not being cared for properly.

    Also, I read that Truly was in the hospital recently for kidney failure. Does anyone know if that is so? That poor darling baby, I sure hope she is ok.

    1. About Truely, it was a tweet from Maddie where she mentioned how she lost her uncle, grandfather and her baby sister was in the hospital for a week with kidney failure in 2012. I think Truely's illness may be on the show because I believe I heard Christine saying (in a season preview) something about Kody not being concerned about his child being hospitalized.

  12. This is a link to the story run yesterday in the New York Times.

    This reporter has some issues of his own. Comparing Kody to "Father Knows Best!"

  13. Thanks for linking your blog on FJ; I had been missing a snarky blog outlet on Sister Wives! I can't wait for more emo eye wiping tonight!

    1. LOL! Me too! Maybe someday they will realize just how awful that looks!

  14. Any news about Truely? She's a dear.

    1. Just the pictures tweeted by her sisters. She seems to be OK now!

  15. So Robyn tweeted about a new and improved MSWC website last night. Ehhh...there's a picture of each of the adults that you can click on to learn more about and to take you to there blogs, but nothing posted yet. Kind of premature if you ask me. New Valentines Day jewelry but nothing really special. At least they added it BEFORE the holiday this time. Oh and I noticed they got rid of the apron. Can't wait for the new episode. All I have to say is that someone had better have a blanket for Aspyn and not just Mariah!

    1. I thought the blanket for Logan was an awful idea. I wonder if Aspyn would really want one.

    2. Who knows, but Meri talked about keeping it a tradition in the family. Just didn't want to see her leave Aspyn out. She seems to forget she has bonus kids from time to time. Personally, I wouldn't want one either. But, its the thought.

    3. You are right! It's the thought that counts. Leaving out Aspyn would not have been all right. I noticed last night that Mykelti made a blanket for Aspyn. I wonder how many of the younger kids will get their's?

  16. I took a brief "tour" of the new MSWC last night and I agree with you it seems to be a half-ass attempt. I wanted to take a closer look today but I've been having heavy duty internet problems (it comes and go and Cox can't figure out exactly whats going on) so I might be MIA for a couple of days. I can't believe how dependent I am on the internet! I was going thru withdrawals pains I think!


    I guess its an improvement over the old site...they even have a place to open a trouble ticket on orders. I just don't get why you need to provide proof of purchase (the ORIGINAL sales receipt) on mail orders though...they can't verify purchase from the ship to address?

    1. I know what you mean. It seems I can't function properly without the internet anymore these days. Hard truth, but oh well :-) hopefully it gets fixed soon!

      Well, out got further than I did on the new site. I'm guessing I went on there at the wrong time. It was only a few minutes after Robyn tweeted about about it. Because when I went on there the site kept freezing on me. Maybe an episode where the adults take a class or two about what there doing is in order.

    2. No worries CJ, in accordance with both Visa and MasterCard regulations their refund/return policy is not properly disclosed. The website is way too busy. still the same old crap they're shilling.

  17. the original sales receipt is language they lifted or experienced returning stuff themselves in the hopes they would deter people returning items. I agree it is better looking but the blog part of it will be left empty just like the clothing and accesories that never were finished. It all reflects their lack of knowledge of the jewelry business Kody was in advertising for heavans sake. He packaged and sold his family on the false narrative of persecution.

  18. meri is tweeting that if people dont want to see the crying that maybe they just shouldnt watch, that sisterwives cry. that is pretty arrogant, she is inviting alot of viewers to tune out.

    1. That is very arrogant. The funny tweet for the night is a response to Robyn's tweet about "A man is not a financial plan is the best advice." A response...Although it sure worked out for you didn't it? #tlc $$$!!!! Came through a couple tweets later. LOL!! She will delete soon.

    2. And I did tune out ... after season 2. Much of that was because of Meri. She drives me nuts with her arrogance and tears. And, she doesnt seem to have a heart. I never see her behave sweetly and kindly to anyone except Mariah, and all of that talk of "my children" was just bunk. Finally, her treatment of Drake was unforgivable ... understand about elderly dogs in pain, but I don't believe her that it was "time", and if it was then she was cruel to make him drive to Utah. I dont even drive my old guy to our local vet - he gets housecalls. Needless to say, I can't stand Meri!!!

    3. Is she even allowed to do that? I understand she's a grown woman and can do whatever she wants, when she wants. But the show is still a business and she's still under contract correct? It seems all reality shows force there "stars" to tweet for promotional value so telling people to stop watching if they don't like what they see, regardless of harsh comments, sounds like a no no. I wonder if she'll face repercussions for that.

    4. she has forgotten the money days if she is asking viewers to tune out..she may get her wish..between her and mariah being on camera so's too hard to watch

    5. I think she deleted it. Interestingly enough, the comment about Robin's "man as financial plan via TLC" comment is still there.

    6. Robyn is probably too stupid/lazy to comprehend or read the financial plan comment. Someone will have to tell her to remove.

  19. Cynical Jinx!! So glad to have found you again! Watching plyg stuff just hasn't been the same without your snark!

  20. I agree Mastiff..the show about Drake was unforgivable. Burying a dog on tv was heartless, and i know in my heart it was all about the new houses (i refuses to say homes) the way Meri drooled over that upgraded carpet, and had to settle for builder grade made me think she wanted that and the dog was an issue. Lody should be jailed just for that digging a hole scene, they were never persecuted

  21. Meri would be miserable even if her husband didn't have 3, soon to be 4 girlfriends!

    Seriously though, although he would love to,I don't think he will take on another "wife"

    1. Pollyanna, I hope you are right. I fear Kody might take another wife just to extend the show.

    2. Oh that would be soooo sweet watching Robyn slowly meltdown!

    3. I'd almost pay money to see that meltdown.

    4. I wonder if they'd "fake" a new relationship for ratings and a chance at continued seasons? Although I imagine there is at least one fame-whore out there looking to hop in the Brown Klown Car.

  22. can these people have a conversation or talk or have dialogue without saying ACTUALLY every five seconds? even the kids do it! find another word Brown's !

  23. the card reader said mariah second guesses herself and the moms said she constantly second guesses herself..nice trait for a doctor

    1. Now that reminds me of Caroline Manzo's (RHofNJ) son (the one who flunked out of law school) who claimed the reason he did so badly in college was because he had a comprehension problem and had to read his assignments three or four times in order to comprehend. And he wanted to go into a profession that charged by the hour!

      If I'm in an emergency room, I certainly don't want the doctor second guessing herself! I just don't see her as doctor material.

      On second thought, maybe this is just another of the forced similarities between Sister Wives and Big Love. Nikki's daughter Cara Lynn(?) also wanted to be a doctor, but one that cared for animals as well as humans!

    2. I'm glad someone mentioned that (someone may have in the past and I missed it). What's with th copying Big Love?

  24. when the card reader told meri that several children would have health issues and meri blew it of...truely was ill and meri didnt think of truely as a daughter

  25. Omg I found you guys!! Damn I've missed y'all!!
    DJ in the house! Got a lot of catchup to do lol :)

    1. Hey DJ!!

      Well, its about time you got here! Just kidding! Welcome to my new digs!

    2. just found out about the other forum today, went there to check out the SW snark and BAM there was your post with this link! I'm soooo happy! I've missed the snark!

  26. so happy to find cynicaljinx and see dakota justice!! i hope mistersister is ok..sending her positive love

    1. I should switch my avatar to my new stove :)
      Been reading off and on playing catch up...what a treat & it takes my mind off my current guy interest (says the cougar...) lol

  27. Kody calling Christine a victim for a year was rich..he has made being victims a story line.
    Robyns shaking her head or rolling her eyes at christine is so disrespectful to a sure she hears all of kodys bitching about christine..and please robyn stop the eye picking and flicking

  28. if Aspyn is in charge and these women took off for San FRan with Truely ill...i hope Truel wasn't
    lost in the drama .

  29. Aspyn jumped on the twitter band wagon with Meri about not watching the show if you dont like the crying or want to just bash the family

    1. Poor Aspyn. I hope they have her remove that tweet. It makes her sound like the rest of the entitled bunch. I felt bad for her because they made the graduation show more about Meri and Mariah. They should have left the baby conversation out of it. Ugh!!!! Meri would cry more than the baby!

    2. How about don't put your Jerry Springer worthy life on TV if you can't handle criticism?

  30. All right I'm puzzled. Mariah and Aspyn were discussing their mothers habit of living through them. Mariah said, "my mom was the only one who graduated." Then we saw clips of Christine's graduation as well as hearing both Christine and Robyn discussing their own graduations. Has Mariah been fed this line...that Meri is so much better than the others...or what is going on?

    1. Maybe Mariah means junior college (AA degree)???

    2. is asked that question on their facebook about Meri being the only one to graduate, I thought it was a thoughtless dig at Janelle..Brown fans insist mariah saif "HER" mom was the only one NOT to graduate, but i replayed it and she does in fact say "her mom was the only one TO graduate.

    3. Maybe she meant have an actual graduation ceremony? I wonder if they don't do that in the smaller plyg schools?

    4. if anyone is living vicariously thru their childre it's Kody and the wresting mats. Kody's reaction to Christine admitting she was was over the top. He does the same thing, thinks he is still state champion in wrestling, poor Hunter, he finally gets his feet under him and is involded in something, and Kody steals the idea.

  31. Kody's reaction and body langueage when one of the wifes (especially Robyn or Meri) is speaking or reating to someone else asking them something, like the builder and mona addressing them not getting in by christmas, or the fortune teller talking to robyn is very teling, He puts his head in his hands, or looks down, like hes waiting for a bomb to go off or a reaction by one of his wives he would not approve of, or their is some big secret he is holding. His looks with robyn have spoke volumes so far this season

  32. I was destracted by Janelle's hair... what was going on in the fist coach scenes??

    1. Sorry for the spelling - "distracted. Guess it was just me. It was all short, uneven and brownish. Almost as if what she normally wears is a wig!

    2. I noticed that too.

  33. Also thought it was very telling how it for Meri it was all about seeing Mariah, she didn't care to see Aspyn. Not to mention Mariah talking about how she was going to miss her mum, not her dad...

  34. Just watched the new episode. Kody is now being openly hostile to Christine and Meri both - and he didn't seem to be against getting a new wife when the 'mystic' mentioned it. I really wonder how he manages to keep Janelle so on side. Has Janelle just checked out of the whole process that she no longer cares?

    Kody keeps getting worse and worse. So much so that Robyn takes him aside and lectures him for not being much of a man at Mariah's gradution. Honestly, what a mess! Chaos doesn't begin to cover it.

    1. My wife said that the honeymoon is over between Meri and Robchin. Between Kody complaining to Robchin about her and then Meri using someone else to help her with the quilt..

    2. Who do you figure Meri used to help with her guilt?

    3. I just realized we haven't seen any Rock Star Lover tweets from Meri lately!

    4. Funny you should mention the "lover" tweets. Mary tweeted birthday wishes to Kody, and in it, she called him lover. You can't tell me they don't read these post!

  35. I think it's PATENTLY obvious that the fortune teller just like ANY other "psychic reader" is fulla shit. obviously she did some research beforehand and watched the show, maybe read the book the articles and the forums/blogs etc. The producers might have even prompted her on what to bring up! what a bunch of shit.

    As far as the $10,000 hall rental, why should Kody care? If the party is on the show, then TLC pays the hall rental costs. Of course, we ALL know that they ended up having the party in the Cutt De Sac.

    1. Oh, I have missed you Dakota Justice.

  36. Kody is now saying on twitter that the card reader had no credibility, Nice Kody, have her on tv, invite her into your house on Robyns advise, and then say she has no credibility becuase you dont like what she said. Kody twisted his face in knots during robyns reading

    1. They are rude to many people they have on the show. Remember Kody calling the counselor the "crazy lady" in Sedona? We can never forget their set up of the abused people on the Polygamy forum. They were trashing the casino selling their jewelry because of the "sin and immodesty." They want the world to accept their lifestyle and religion but they trash other religions and people ...even when these people are helping them make money. Disgusting!

  37. I personally think Kody does not want to co-sign those student loans because he knows he would not be able to discharge the debt through bankruptcy.

    1. Excellent point, and think you're exactly right. And the sad thing is those kids can't get a loan if the parents won't co-sign...who else is going to? Of course, the reality is that many non-plyg people must face the fact that they can only afford community college, due to the fact that her parents chose polygamy (and that she wants that too) Mariah needs to start living within her means, unlike her father.

      Does anyone else think Meri gets Botox? Only her lower jaw moves when she speaks but not the rest of her face.

    2. I think the kids could still get loans if Kody didn't cosign, but only the normal higher interest ones (higher risk, higher rate) not the subsidized lower rate. And I don't think they can claim single mom status any longer since the world knows that Kody is the father (maybe that's wrong, can anyone clarify?)

    3. I think that's very true. I also don't think that this is all drama arranged by the producers...I totally believe the Browns are the type of people who wouldn't seriously consider how to pay for their kids' college tuition until the week they graduated from high school. And have no qualms about spending ridiculous amounts of money on something frivolous for themselves at the same time.

  38. Mystic Mona has been busy on Twitter too, PR too. I suspect she contacted them to promote her biz. There are so many Vegas product placements, why not include her too in the ongoing infomercials. Just like the product placements of the hotel the wives stayed at in SF, the these are clearly at no cost to the Browns or else those shots wouldn't be included.

    So as a plus size person who lives in the Bay Area, I had to laugh out loud that they somehow decided to go to San Francisco of all places to go dress shopping. While there are places like David's Bridal, the vast majority of places, especially in the area they were shopping, cater to small, hipster crowd. Hard to find modesty. If Meri is truly from there, she might have known that (or an alleged relative there could have given tips).

    Taking them to a Size-Zero-ish boutique and then a bar confirmed that Robyn's "friend" (probably hired by TLC) doesn't know Robyn or the Browns as she wouldn't have taken them to those places. That made no sense.

    Why couldn't they have worn what they wore to Robyn's "wedding"? They were trying on mostly casual clothing so they must not be taking this event as seriously as Kody might or they would have been shopping for more formal wear.

    With so many people going to Vegas for weddings, they really think we are so dumb to not believe they couldn't have found wedding-ish or formal wear in that town.

    And hey, Kody wasn't watching those kids, Asypn was!

    1. Glad I found you again. I look forward to reading the snark on this site.

  39. I just found you. How is Mister Sister?

    1. Welcome Sue!

      Unfortunately I haven't kept in touch with her, sorry.

  40. I had to do a google search to find out what happened to the other website. Is this the new one now? Looks like the whole last season was missed.

  41. omg.. if i have to watch Meri's big round face blubber anymore I think I'll barf.
    Seriously.. wtf is wrong with her??
    In fact wtf is wrong with all of them except Janelle... she is the only person involved in this mess that acts anything like an adult.
    At least Janelle has some concept of a budge etc... the rest act like a bunch of teenagers and i hate to say that because most of the teenagers i know are far more responsible and sane than the Brown clan.
    Mariah is JUST like Meri... spoiled ROTTEN with no concept of being thankful of hat you have instead of constantly whining for the next thing you WANT, WANT, WANT!!.
    ugh.. and the icing on this disgustingly vulgar cake is Kody,,, the great big dumb baby.. banging his rattle and crying for MORE attention.. does this guy spend ANY quality time with all those kids??
    I guess the worst part is listening to Robin, Kody and Meri lecturing about how great their lifestyle and religion is menawhile all Meri does is CRY and CRY and CRY like a big bloated red faced moonpie.
    GROW UP!

  42. And yet you all watch Sister Wives religiously....

    1. Of course we watch Sister Wives! How else could we discuss the show if we don't watch it?

      I'm not sure about the religiously, though...

  43. Finally found you! I have missed the snarks. Is there a new season or has TLC finally cancelled them like Honey Boo Boo?
