
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Sister Wives Recap: Mother-In-Law Invasion S06Ep12

Will wonders never cease?

Not only has the new season of Sister Wives started only 3 months after the mid-season finale, episode 12 was  available on Amazon Instant Video within 24 hours of the broadcast on TLC!

Unfortunately, that's where the wonders cease.

If last nights episode titled "Mother-In-Law Invasion" is any indication of how the remaining episodes are going to play out, the audience is in for a long, boring, predictable ride.

But First...

I just want to say to the producers of Sister Wives - It is time to cut the apron strings to Big Love. OK, so the fictional Bill Henrickson died on the series finale,  Kody's random musing that if he should die, would his separate families survive as a family was ludicrous. Come on, anyone can see the only reasons those four women are staying together as a family are:
  1. Each wife has a McMansion in a semi private Plyg-de-sac.
  2. The reality show is their main source of income, and they spend money like there's no tomorrow (Four overpriced McMansions, anyone?).
None of Kody's wives compare to Barb, Margene or Nicki and Kody is no match for Bill. So enough already. And another thing. My leaving Kody off this list was intentional. The women are better off without him and he knows it. So please, no more references to Big Love...thank you!

Let's move forward, shall we?

Once the producers got past the gratuitous "Let's show Kody RUNNING from house to house" moment, and the "Let's have Christine say how she expected how her life would be magically better once they moved into the cul-de-sac" moment, we were blessed with the obligatory recap of the mid-season finale - just in case anyone missed it.

So imagine my surprise when Christine mentioned the wives and Kody would be having a " major financial conversation..." concerning their children's college education.

Say WHUT??? Are the Browns finally showing some financial commonsense?? Has Hell frozen over??

Well, not exactly...

Kody had absolutely no clue about college costs and how families deal with them. But he was adamant that he didn't want his children (all 17 of them, mind you) taking on that kind of debt in the form of student loans. And he was able to mention concepts like debt based society, and that college graduates rarely find a job in their field of study, blah blah blah....

Naturally, Robyn stuck her nose into the fracas, because she's got her own 4 kids to worry about. She told Kody there are four sources from which to pay for a college education: money from parents, financial aid, student loans, or scholarships. Oh yes, Kody even used the "J" word, but she shot that source down by saying a college student's job is college, not a job...

For once, Kody was right. There's no reason why a college student can't work while attending college. Maybe not their freshman year, but trust me, by their sophomore year there's no reason why they couldn't.

And I think it's admirable Kody doesn't want his children saddled with student loans. They could do what many other parents of college students have done - it's called a Parent Loan for College Students. In fact, a parent loan was mentioned as one of EIGHT different ways to finance a child's college education in a recent article. With all the money Kody and Krew supposedly make each episode, their financial advisor should have mentioned that to them. If they have one, that is.

So let me break this down for the Browns because it looks like they need some help and being that there are soooo many Brown fans that believe these people are rolling in's a way for them to use that moola constructively rather than on vacations to Disneyland or for buying cars.

  • Allow each child $25000/year to be provided by Kody. Yes, KODY.
  • Allow each child $10000/year to be provided by the child's mother.
  • Sorry, but there is really no need for a car if attending an out of state college. Also, if they are living on campus there is no need for a car.
So applying Kody's philosophy that "Love should be multiplied and not divided" (just replace the word "Love" with the words "College costs"), here's the final bottom line:

$35000 x 4 years x 17 kids =  $2,380,000 

That's a conservative estimate for a relatively inexpensive college. If they put that money away in a trust account, it should be enough, right?

Well, maybe...

Yep, I'm a card carrying jerk!

The next segments were about Kody and his relationships with his mothers-in-law.

Good grief, Kody. Why was it even necessary to suggest that you don't like one of your mothers-in-law? And that smug look on your, you are definitely an arrogant piece of work!

And what was up with the dour look on Robyn's face during the couch segments? I suppose it was because Robyn wasn't the center of attention. Poor Robyn

It was rather interesting to see that Michoacan restaurant was not featured on the show. That's a shame because their Mexican food always looked so scrumptious. I think the only thing the new restaurant served were plates and huge glasses of water.


The Mother's Day gift shopping segment was really uncomfortable to watch. It was so obvious that Kody's favorite wife was Robyn because the gift he chose for her was the only item that wasn't  kitschy, or a wooden sign with some dumb saying painted on it.

The sign Kody chose for Janelle was soooo said "I Kiss Better Then I Cook". Yes, it used the word 'then' instead of 'than'. Now I don't know if this was intentional, but if you see the sign saying " I Kiss Better [comma] then I Cook" it has a WHOLE different meaning.

Alice, Kody's Mom Genielle, Sheryl, Bonnie and Annie
But Janelle's mother Sheryl was right. The sign was a stupid mistake because what sisterwife wants to know how well another sisterwife kisses their husband?

I mean it's bad enough to know your husband's lips are kissing three other women's lips. Imagine the yuck factor when that is shoved in your face each time you see that sign in Janelle's house.

It reminds me of that saying Robyn used so many moons ago, what was it...oh yes, "A baby is a physical manifestation that there is an intimate relationship between a husband and wife..."

So I suppose that sign is a physical manifestation that there is an intimate relationship between Janelle and Kody. Good job, Kody for being just as insensitive as Robyn.

The scene showing Kody cooking in Meri's kitchen (and tripping the circuit breaker in the process) reminded me of my own experience on day one in my college dorm. We were all given a mimeographed (remember those?) list of what electrical items could be used at the same time without tripping the circuit breakers. We were also given a tour of where the circuit breaker box was and what to do. Which was useful when you forgot your roommate was ironing and you turned on your hair dryer. Thank goodness for the emergency lights in the hallway (yep, I tripped the entire 12th bad!)

Kody should have gone to college and lived in a dorm. For a man, he is totally took him forever to find that breaker box!!!

Finally, the wives and mothers-in-law and Kody had a semi round table discussion how hard it was to be a sisterwife before he handed out his gifts.

It was so sad listening to Kody's mother Genielle explaining how jealous she was when her husband took Janelle's mother Sheryl as his third wife (that's right she's #3), and then watching her cry while Kody sat stonefaced in his chair.

Frankly, Kody showed  more concern when he earlier explained how his father and Janelle's mother were spiritually married after Kody and Janelle were ADULTS.

No Kody, I never thought you and Janelle were siblings when you got married, thank you very much!

And it was even sadder when Sheryl described how she felt so out of place and unwelcomed when she married Kody's father, that  she questioned why she put herself in such a bad situation in the first place.

Which makes me wonder, if polygamy is so wonderful and fulfilling, why are those women all so sad when they talk about living in plural marriage?

Why so many tears?

And I think Christine has a lot more in common with her mother Annie than she wants to admit. Everything her mother mentioned as reasons why she left plural marriage were the same things Christine appeared to struggle with in her marriage to Kody. Maybe the producers were trying to show how Christine's situation was different from her mother's. Unfortunately, I'm not seeing the difference.

Meri's WetBar finally getting used

At least the Mother's Day brunch Kody and Kids prepared looked really good. And all the food was piled high on Meri's infamous wetbar.

Sorry, it just doesn't look like it's worth a sixth bedroom in Meri's McMansion.

The episode ended with Kody saying "...I'm hoping the direction we go with this commitment ceremony will actually take us to a place where these relationships [with his wives] want to endure for years to come...we are establishing we are one family..."

And as the music played and the credits rolled, each wife presented her Mother's Day Gift to the cameras...


  1. Kody is such a jerk! I can't imagine why any of these women,with the exception of Robin, (she's just like him), would ever want to be with him. At the very mention of shopping for gifts for the wives, I knew Robin would get the best gift and Mary would get the next best.My hopes got up a little though when he walked toward Christine & Janelle with the huge gift bags. That hope was short-lived. Just like Kody to put something that cost $1.50 in a $6.00 gift bag.Another thing, If they expect us to buy their one big happy family, Why did he buy such a picture frame for Mary? Just would have made the story they're trying to sell a little more believable if he had presented her with a picture frame that held a picture of the entire clan. It's so obvious these women can't stand one another, and I think Kody wants it that way.I also noticed that not only are all his wives full of tears, so are their mothers, doesn't look as if there is any happiness in this kind of arrangement.

    1. There were so many things wrong with this episode, and I really think the show's producers are slipping in snippets of arrogant mean spirited Kody in those talking head segments. It's almost like the producers let him talk on and on and on knowing that he will dig that hole deeper and deeper and say something totally outrageous and mean.

    2. I think you are all just jelly lol

    3. And what's wrong with that? Some of my best friends are jelly....

  2. The “cost of college” discussion was totally scripted. I think they addressed it due to people like “us” asking if they have thought about the cost of college education for all of their children. We all know Mariah is at Westminster so clearly she and Meri got their way. I personally don’t care where she goes, it’s their money, I just think it was all too scripted “Mariah, please come in”…very staged. And by the way, Kody’s the King of not wanting Debt now? I can tell you that I have a daughter in college and any student loans she might pursue (we are middle class), I would have to co-sign, that’s mostly the way it is now days. I know there are exceptions and clearly lower income and larger families get different breaks, however, the reason I bring this is up is that I think Kody was saying that HE did not want to take on his kid’s student debt. Because student debt never goes away, you cannot get it released in bankruptcy. So it was really Kody just not wanting to take on any debt. Although kudos to him for saying Aspyn should not give up the college experience for Mariah.

    As for the mothers, a few observations: Meri’s mom seems quite pleasant and almost meek. She looks like Meri’s sister who passed away. I wonder how Meri became such a nasty person, her mother seems delightful. Christine’s mom was my favorite, she seemed the happiest of the bunch (of course, she is no longer a plyg so that may have something to do with it) and why the heck did Kody insinuate that he didn’t like one of his mother’s-in-law? That was offensive and unnecessary. And I guess the point of the episode is that no matter how long you have been married, how many children you have raised and how much older (and more mature) you get, if you are a plyg wife, you will still spend a great deal of your time crying. My husband suggested that they just put a box of Kleenex around each wife’s neck for the inevitable crying jags.

    And…. the gifts were stupid. He did NOT buy that for Janelle because she is just the most luscious kisser, it was totally a slap at her cooking skills. I’m sure Janelle doesn’t care anyhow, she is so far checked out, and I think she has totally checked out on this family.

    1. LOL !!! You know, maybe Robyn should start selling Kleenex boxes with pictures of Robyn, Meri and now Mariah crying their eyes out!

      As far as Kody making that asinine statement about not liking one of his MIL (as if that was suppose to be funny) was typical a$$hole Kody in my opinion. He thought he was being clever...boy did he get that wrong!

    2. .. or Robyn can make "pooter" Kleenex box covers to add to the MSWC "BE" collection. Each wife will have her own side with "be values" for crying. Meri's-"Be Selfish and Greedy", Robyn's-"Be Manipulative and Self Absorbed", Christine's-"Be Afraid of other Religions", and Janelle's-"Be Checked Out." The MIL comment was horrible just like his mean comments about Christine.

  3. I have only watched the first segment so far - the college tuition part - and I'm already bothered. IF they were truly one big happy family, that discussion would have looked very different. There would have been no distinction made between Logan, Aspyn, and Mariah based on mother - all three mothers would have wanted the best for all three children with no distinction based on biological relationship. I would have loved for the conversation to focus on what was best for each child based on his/her individual needs/desires as opposed to which mother happened to birth them. But alas, each mother (Meri the most, obviously) was advocating for HER child...showing that they really don't consider themselves one family. They can say it all day long, they can have commitment ceremonies and mission statements and whatever....but at the end of the day, it's obvious the wives are looking out for themselves and their biological children first and foremost. With Kody having what he tries to pass off as a thought here and there... (although I will say, whether it was scripted or not, I agree with the above-poster that I did like Kody's tone of voice when he smacked down Meri by saying Aspyn wasn't getting short changed out of her college experience so Mariah could get whatever she wanted.

    And one more thing, while I'm on my soap box... (-: While I haven't seen the gift giving part of the show, I have seen the presents...and while Janelle's little board thingee obviously wasn't expensive, I thought it was kind of funny. We do a lot of good-natured teasing in my family...and that's how I took it. Just my impression though without having watched it yet. Still a bit confused as to why Christine got a bowl, though?? Maybe the show will clue me in.

    And - love, love, loving the blog! So happy I found CJ again. (-:

    - Lori

    1. Hey Lori!!

      Kody was having such "problems" choosing a gift for of the gifts he looked at was a black globe thing but Annie told him Christine liked color. Why he opted for the bowl...who knows. I don't think Kody even knows. I hope it's wood and I really hope she doesn't use it to serve food!

    2. The bowl Kody bought for Christine looks like painted plastic to me. My son makes wooden bowls and they are quite pricey. There is no way Kody would shell out that kind of money for a gift for a woman he can barely tolerate.

  4. Omg I'm so happy you pointed out the incorrect grammar usage of "then" and "than" on that ridiculous sign. It was bugging me the whole time I was watching! Great review CJ. If this is the best image they are showing us for polygamy, and it's still filled with sadness and tears, imagine how awful reality must really be like for the women and children? They're not convincing anyone that this is a happy "lifestyle".

    1. I just don't get Kody...I would never spend money on something that had a mistake - to me that shows how little he cares about the person. Then again, he probably doesn't realize that 'then' and 'than' have 2 different meanings! He's not the sharpest knife in the drawer (or however that saying goes)

    2. I don't think any of them noticed it to be honest. Kody is definitely not the sharpest knife in the drawer, and most of the women aren't raised with education being #1.

  5. I'm sorry, but Meri has one child! I don't care if she wanted more, the reality is that she has one! So, seeing as how they split up the family income equally between wives instead of per child, Meri should totally pay for Mariah's tuition on her own and then some for the other kids' tuition. One kid but same allowance as a wife with 6 kids, and Meri wants help paying for her ONE child to go to an overpriced university? Get over yourself. If Mariah just wants to go to Westminster because it's in Utah, why can't she go to a community or state college instead of private?? I wish someone in this family would get some common sense and grow a backbone to tell everyone they're nuts.

    1. I've been looking in my notes all morning, but my bff - who has finally come over to the dark side and started watching Sister Wives (she said she loves a good train wreck) asked why didn't Mariah just stay in Utah and finish high school there living with relatives so she wouldn't be considered an out of state student.

      Well, somewhere in my notes, I thought I had a tweet from Mariah (or even Meri) where she said that Mariah would be going to Westminster for 2 years, then transferring to the Uof Utah to complete her undergrad degree. Sounds to me that she is only at Westminster to establish her Utah residency to qualify for in state tuition at the U of Ut.

      Remember, Mariah wanted to stay in Utah, but Kody made her go to Vegas. And now he's bemoaning college costs! BFF said Kody clearly never considered how expensive out of state tuition would be. And that maybe instead of spending millions on those 4 houses, he should have been banking money to pay his children's future college costs.

    2. True, but life doesn't work out like that. Poor Mariah didn't want to leave Utah when she was in high school. What teenager would want to move away from their friends? I get it, but a normal, psychologically healthy teenager would adjust and move on, and realize how much of a burden out of state tuition would be on a family of 17+ kids.

    3. I can't BELIEVE that Mariah admitted she wanted to go to Westminster so that she can find a husband!! She want to spend $28,000 per year to find a husband?? And she's more than happy to have her family pay her way for her so that she can husband hunt at her leisure. Pathetic.

    4. I believe our dear Mariah has recanted her earlier sob story because in the Tell All show she adamantly stated she does not want to get married soon and that her education is more important. Time will tell...

  6. OMG, I wanted to smack Meri upside the head. So selfish, and she has taught Mariah to behave exactly the same way. I cannot stand that kid. Why on earth can Meri not work so that it might be more feasible for Mariah to go to the more expensive school, and WHY would Mariah need a car for heaven's sake. In my neck of the woods students ride around on the bus, unless the family has the means to provide a vehicle.

    I did enjoy seeing the mom's though, and hearing what they had to say. A lot of pain there, no doubt about it.

    CJ, which mom in law does he not care for do you think? Christine's because she left?


    1. I didn't have a car when I was in college, and my BFF's son who went to college out of state didn't have a car either. I think that is just Meri making sure Mariah has EVERYTHING and more that her siblings have. Logan has a car (Kody's Lexus sports car) so of course, Mariah must have a car, too.

      LOL...I think the MIL that Kody doesn't like is....Janelle's mother Sheryl.

      Why? Well, for one thing according to Kody's mother Sheryl is a very bright, accomplished woman. I'm sure Sheryl had Kody's father's ear, and was privy to all the "dirt" on Kody's lack of ambition and his overactive ego. Of course this is just speculation, but when Genielle was talking about how, when Sheryl joined the family she took dominated her husband's time talking "business" and she was left, basically alone. And remember, Genielle already had sisterwife #2 who apparently didn't cause her the heartache that sisterwife #3 did. To me, that picture of stonefaced Kody while his mother was talking was a face of disdain for the woman who caused his mother so much pain.

      Also, in their book, Janelle had said family members had an intervention with her to prevent her from returning to Kody (while she was pregnant - but I don't offhand remember which child). I think her mother had a lot to do with that intervention attempt because she knew what a no good jerk Kody really was and probably felt she was being used and mistreated by Kody and Meri.

      Which she was!

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you very much! I'm working on last nights episode so it will be up soon!

    2. Just out of curiosity, will you be doing a review on the finale of Breaking the Faith? I believe that was this past Sunday as well. Unfortunately, I'm unable to watch until a few days after. If not, I'm definitely looking forward to the next SW review!

    3. Yes I will! I'm combining the last 3 episodes. I was rather let down. But, don't forget that Flora Jessop's show starts tonight and it looks very interesting! I watched the free episode on Amazon, it was only 6 minutes long but if the rest of the show follows the same type of format, it'll be up there with Polygamy, USA in the documentary side of town.

  8. Glad to find you again CJ!

  9. I don't think that Kody is too worried about spelling. His tweets during and after the show demonstrate that. His problems are not attributable to typos (I know I have a major problem with those). He misuses a/an as well as general words being poorly chosen and spelled. He was not raised in polygamy so I doubt his education was influenced by their schools. He was a wrestling champ, so he may have spent more time in the gym than he did in English class.

  10. So glad I found you again CJ! You have the best recaps.

  11. Grandma Sheryl is wife #3???? What is the story with wife #2? I just have to be snarky for a second and say that it disgusts me how these women never use a tissue to wipe their tears. They are always using their fingers and wiping their pant legs. Robyn is constantly rubbing gunk out of her eye and touching herself, like why is she so "leaky"? These are the women who are representing a healthy lifestyle company (LIV) yet they look more worn down then ever. I have to say though that Janell is at least making an effort. Those kids are amazing, I hope that Mariah gets a clue. Maddie, Aspyn and McKelti have so much spunk I love it!

    1. Love that you referred to Robin as "leaky". My sisters and I always say the whole bunch of women on that show must have some kind of condition that put their bladders too close to their eyeballs. Never seen so many tears in my life, especially falling from the eyes of those trying to convince us how happy they are!

    2. Grandma Sheryl is wife #3???? What is the story with wife #2?

      Apparently she is a very private person, but Winn Brown's obit did mention all three wives by their first names.

      In last night's episode Kody mentioned his father married his 2nd wife while Kody was on his LDS mission. I noticed this morning that on another forum someone mistook this marriage to be when Winn married Sheryl, but that is most definitely not the case. Sheryl was Winn's third wife, and Janelle says as much in their Becoming Sister Wives book! Since that forum (or rather the moderator) is extremely strict on what can be discussed (nothing outside the show) I didn't want to risk getting a demerit by correcting the comment.

      Here's a link to Kody's father's obituary: William Winn Brown Obituary

  12. Cynical Jinx! It is so wonderful to find your new blog. I suspect that others, like me, would love to find this. Is there anyway that the words "Sister Wives" could appear as part of your name. Then it would be found more easily on a Google Search.

    1. I'm so glad you found me too!

      Fortunately, if you just google Cynical Jinx, my blog should be the first item on the first page.

      I am looking into search engine optimization so thank you for the suggestion!

  13. Anon 9:51
    I agree, I was lamenting for months before it occurred to me that it was just as simple as googling Cynical Jinx. There are probably many others that would love to find this blog.

    Looking forward to your recap of tonights episode, where there were of course, more tears!

    1. Hi Pollyanna!

      I just finished watching it...and one thing that stood out was Kody dancing all stupid at that wedding venue then there was a commercial for Honey Hoo Ha and her whole family was dancing all stupid. I guess it's a TLC thing...

  14. Do you know if Mister Sister if ok?

    1. It was not unusual for her to take long breaks from her blog, unfortunately it appears she doesn't have someone to help her out while she's gone.

      I'm sure she'll return as soon as she's able.

  15. New episode comments: have the producers/directors/writers given up on this? Or do they really lack creativity? Another episode of Kody (& this time Christine?!) blurting out "get these are all my wives" 2 seconds after taking a meeting with someone. NO ONE CARES!! The shock value has loooong since worn off. Oh, someone in from out of town that knew Kody previously & formed an opinion but has now changed their mind after spending a scripted/directed day with this mess of a bunch. Ho hum - been there, seen that. Tears tears & more tears. Yawn. There's more crying in this family then in the toddler unit at a daycare. Commitment Ceremony. Seriously. Honestly. The only way that is any kind of entertaining is if you use it as a drinking game each time its mentioned in an episode. If you had a particular bad day, use Meri having only 1 child discussions to supplement your shots. That should take care of all consciousness well into next week. The only thing in this whole episode I found interesting was Christine making a "deal" with Kody to spend more time at her house. I'm not a Christine fan but boy was that sad to watch. I really feel bad for her in times like that.

  16. Yay I didn't realize SW was back on (and just stumbled across this blog tonight). Can't wait for more reviews! Glad to see Truely is still a cutie pie. Can't believe Janell is smiling with that stupid sigm. Strangely, I found the older Breaking Faith review first, and in the mobile view, when I hit Home, that is the only post I saw. I had to go to the web view to find other posts. Glad to read that Mister Sister will be ok. I was worried she was hospitalized or maybe had passed!

  17. TLC does lack creativity these days. What's up with TLC and the animals this year? Sister Wives, Gypsy Sisters, and Honey Boo Boo all going to animal parks and kissing camels? Please! I could easily think of better scripts for these shows. Kody is so creepy on the wrestling mat. Ick! More crying in last night's episode of course. The Flora Jessop show tonight is really good.

    1. Flora Jessop's show production was light years from Breaking the Faith. It may be scripted, but it was a lot more believable than Breaking the Faith. The demonstration of Priesthood speak was eye opening. Can you imagine having to communicate with someone talking in circles like that?

      I think TLCs got a winner in Jessop's show - I just hope it doesn't turn into a disappointment like Breaking the Faith has for me.

    2. I didn't know TLC had all the cast from the other shows kissing camels. My thought when I saw it was, if you can kiss Kody, you can kiss a camel, coming and going, if you know what I mean!

  18. You should probably also put 'Sister Wives Blog' in your header and footer somewhere. Frankly, SWB hasn't been the same since you left it and it took me literally months to find this site. I think a lot of people maybe never will - and I think they want to.

    Would have been nice for SWB to link here, seeing how much great content you gave them for nothing for so long, and how much traffic they got off it. Just sayin'.

  19. i strongly disagree with kody's position on not wanting his children to take out student loans. it's all well and good that he wants his children to be financially responsible, but frankly, telling them that they have to get a job to pay for college because he won't be able to support them 8 months before they actually START college is also irresponsible! one would hope that these kids had been working and saving money during high school, but who knows whether that sort of ethic was instilled in them (i suspect it wasn't). even so, would that plus any available FA/scholarships really be enough to pay for tuition, and housing, and all the other expenses that come with college? who knows, but decent government subsidized loans, when taken responsibly, are not some sort of deal with the devil and may be necessary for these older children given that their parents clearly haven't planned for this entirely foreseeable situation.

    also, did anybody else notice that each wife appeared to get multiple packages for mothers day? perhaps they did each receive something thoughtful/not tacky, but the decision was made to focus instead on the object purchased in the earlier scene. i don't think much of kody, but i guess it's possible he did get them each something sweet and thoughtful.


    1. I didn't see the multiple gifts for the wives. The only thing I noticed was the huge bags Kody had Janelle's & Christine's gifts in, the bags cost more than the gifts!

  20. Cynical, I think the last episode had little to do with whether TLC was able to keep the story line consistent, and more to do with how the Browns actually roll. With all the bankruptcies and all I can only assume that it is par for the course for them to say they can't afford the important things in life and then go splurge on something useless. I came across a tweet from Mary last week with a picture of Sol tearing up a gingerbread house, and she said something like she's up for anything to make a crying boy happy. I think that"s the mindset of all the Brown women, with the" crying boy" being Kody. I guess it applies to the "golden child" too.

  21. Yay! Glad I found the new SW blog:) I was missing the recaps

  22. Robyn is looking at that clock like where am i going to put this? maybe with the king and queen chairs kody picked out and stuck in robyns house?

  23. I have finally figured out how to participate in these discussions! For a long while I have greatly enjoyed and literally had laugh out loud chuckles at the musings of Cynical Jinx and so many others of you. The eagle-eyed observations and the crisp witted commenting styles here have really enhanced the viewing pleasure of my guilty indulgence - Sister Wives!
    I noticed something particularly eerie in the MIL episode....did it not strike you that each of Kody's wives STRONGLY resembled their own Mothers in speech patterns, phrasing and mannerisms ....
    AND ISSUES OF CONCERN/COMPLAINT? And if I closed my eyes, listening to Robyn and then listening to her mother...I could barely tell them apart!!!! How creepy would that have been? TWO of those whiny simpering victim/complainers manipulating slyly in each ear??? The strength of these resemblances seems to have already similarly been passed to the next generation of older Brown daughters as well - as is evident in the Meri/Mariah twins! Attitudes, self-righteous indignation, senses of entitlement...yes, yes, and yes! The lack of positive loving male and father figure influence was really hammered home for me watching these 3 generations of women who, while attempting to laud the lifestyle they are (trapped?) in still cry tears of lament over the same unchanging issues.

    There apparently has been no opportunities for growth, because in general, it really appears that nothing is changing through the generations for these women. At least not yet! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Maddie though. She's spunky!

  24. Oh I've missed you guys and recap snarkiness so much. I'm glad I found this blog. Any word on Mister Sister and the SWB Blog? Anyhow I must say I read Stolen Innocence: My Story of Growing Up in a Polygamous Sect, Becoming a Teenage Bride, and Breaking Free of Warren Jeffs by Elissa Wall and I cannot comprehend the suffering all polygamist wives go through, except for Sobbin Robyn. I'm so tired of the Brown's acting like the wives are happy. They'd have a better, real dramatic show if the wives admitted who they were, how they felt, and who Kody really is. Tell the truth, please.

  25. Glad to have this site to get this off my chest: Shame on the parents (especially Meri and Kody) for clearly teaching Mariah that shedding a few tears will reward you with whatever you want. If she wants to go to a school that she clearly knows is many times more expensive than the option her siblings are being given and will increase the debt load of the whole clan, you'd think she'd be more sensitive to that and either offer to fund it herself or go to a junior college and then transfer. But that would be a selfless act. She has been raised as the favored and entitled child and just sat there pouting until they naturally caved. She knows how to work them. She has had a good mentor on that art form. Meri probably coached her first to pout, cry, & play the plural marriage card until Dad caves. Jackpot!

    Many have funded their own college educations so that concept isn't unheard of. It is beyond nervy that Meri is clearly expecting the other three wives to foot the added college bill for her "one child" while crying about becoming an empty nester to guilt trip them. I think she has more power over the family by having "only one" and that is probably why she wasn't so keen on having a second...she would lose that guilt trip card.

    Anonymous in CA.

  26. O my!!! I have been DYING for somewhere to read and post about this show since it came back.... pretty disappointing that the other blog just stopped with no explanation. I know someone posted that Mister Sister would be back "soon" but I guess not in time for the season. Really glad I stumbled upon this wonderful blog!!!

    Anyway. Last Sunday, the episode with Truely in the hospital. First off, so heartbreaking. As a parent of young children, and a child who has been hospitalized long term, I know that it can be SO difficult. You have to be at the hospital with them to be their advocate since they can't really stand up for themselves. Christine I thought really held it together. Shame on whichever wife said she didn't know that Christine could be that strong. Are you kidding me? Also...shame on Meri for basically allowing Kody to stay in Vegas. I mean, is that even a question? You could tell she and Mariah were pretty pissed the focus was totally off them and that they couldn't whine about it either.

    About all this college talk. My parents told us that they would pay for a four year degree, in an in-state school that was NOT private. If we wanted to go out of state or go to a private school we had to come up with the difference. I think that was more then fair; and it is a luxury not to have student loans. A LUXURY. I still worked through college and helped pay for things like books, school supplies, food etc. (which doesn't sound like much...but dang books would be $1000 + some semesters even buying used). Meri is unbelievable. She has a huge house, with its matching huge payment and she is whining about her one child's college expense. Maybe you should have sacrificed your wet bar before asking the other wives to pitch in for Mariah.. just saying

    ANON in San Diego

  27. I can't tell you how happy I am to find this new place! I have been reading thru all the old posts on SWB and wondering if it would ever come online again for the new season. After months of wondering, I shot an email out to CJ and found there was another blog that was updated with current season. She did not give me a link but a quick Google search found Cynical J - this has just made my day!!!

  28. So glad I found out you started a new blog! Thanks, I missed the recaps you did on SWB!
