
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Sister Wives Recap: Polygamist Flash Mob S06Ep14

All right, before I go into my review (which I have declared to be TEARS FREE!) I feel the need to comment about two tweets from Meri and Aspyn. As you may be aware, the Browns are now doing live tweeting with their fans during and after the show.

Here are two very surprising tweets from Meri and Aspyn:

I imagine there's a TLC Executive in a NYC high rise,  looking at those tweets in shock, wondering WTH is wrong with those people!

Who the hell tells their audience to just not watch the show if they don't want to see crying?

So much for live tweeting. This is proof positive the Brown Klan are not ready for live tweeting and probably never will be.

Heaven forbid they should be criticized for the excessive crying exhibited by the female family members  starting with the  Kody-pendent(c) wives (mainly Robyn and Meri), trickling down to the insufferable Mariah and now infecting the supposedly better natured Aspyn.

I think the following tweet response to Meri's tweet sums up what a lot of people who watch the Brown's phony baloney tearfest of a show are really thinking...

Very soon, the Browns will learn that fame is fleeting...and right now they are living on minute 14 of their 15 minutes of fame. Without people watching their show (including those "judgmental" people who hate seeing grown women leaking like human sieves for some of the dumbest reasons) they won't have those McMansions, or that online store, or college tuition to cry about anymore.

TLC and NatGeo have already shown their viewing audiences there are plenty of other polygamists in the USA to build a series around.

Meri and Aspyn should be kissing their audience's feet for watching their phony baloney show. Enough with the crying jags!

I feel so much better now...on with my review!

In this episode, Aspyn and Mariah  graduate from high school. So  the Browns have to throw a big party (featuring Meri's wet bar) to celebrate, right?

Of course they do...anything to justify those huge McMansions. Now, Mariah believes "...our mothers are living vicariously through us" but she kind of makes a faux pas by declaring that  her mother (that would be Meri) was the only mother to graduate (and that Christine was weird in high school?!?). Aspyn then attempted to clarify by saying she thought her "...moms didn't have the best high school graduation parties" so of course they wanted the best for their daughters - including tents, music and dancing.

Then without warning Robyn suddenly suggested including a fortune teller as "entertainment".

If this whole party setup wasn't engineered by the show's producer, I'll eat some of Christine's delightful looking hor d' oeuvres.


And, if you thought the subject about Mariah going to Westminster College was a done deal, think again. This time Kody and Krew brought in Dr. Guido, who basically explained to Kody why a low interest student loan wasn't so bad. Also, he pointed out that Kody can't be too afraid of taking on debt, not with those "beautiful", overpriced McMansions, with their accompanying high interest mortgage loans. Nope, taking on that debt didn't deter Kody at all.

The look on Kody's face when Dr. Guido told him the parent's co-sign for the student loan was priceless, though. You could see the wheels turning in Kody head that with his crappy credit, no way would he be able to co-sign a loan.

At last graduation day arrived, and we learned how much Christine depended on Aspyn to help her run the household, while the other teens were basically slackers. All I have to say is  Christine needs to grow up -  no wonder she stays with that perpetual child Kody.  Christine needs to stop playing the pixie and be an adult.

Later, in the stadium, Meri suddenly had a meltdown that she couldn't see Mariah from their seats. She demanded to be moved. I guess Meri never heard of BINOCULARS!

Now, all I have to say is - this was definitely a scripted meltdown. You mean to tell me suddenly there were 23 (TWENTY THREE) seats that miraculously opened up in an area closer to the stage? I'm not buying that nonsense.



Kody doing what Kody does best...
Next up were the preparations for Aspyn's and Mariah's graduation party. In the couch interview, Kody joked that he was going to get a bumper sticker that says " My wives are spending my retirement" instead of the usual "My kids are spending their inheritance".

Don't you need to have a job first in order to have retirement? And with 17 kids and 4 wives, I think Kody should be thinking more about how to provide for his family in the present, rather than his "retirement". I failed to see the humor.

The audience also got the chance to "meet"  one of the Brown's cul-de-sac neighbors. For some reason, all this parading of monogamist friends makes me think the show's producers must be trying to backpedal away from Robyn's mean girl statements against monogamists that she expressed earlier in the season. And when neighbor Deirdre mentioned how Kody asked her on their first meeting "How do you feel about having a bunch of plygs at the other end of the cul-de-sac?" I was not surprised that once again, Kody had to point out that a) he was a polygamist and b) he has 4 wives.

I mean, did he seriously think his neighbors had no clue they were being invaded by plygs? I guess Kody has helped his cause by becoming the president of the HOA. So his neighbors will be dancing to his crazy tune whether they like him or not.

Oh yes, what a good idea to have Mona the fortune teller as "entertainment". That was such a scripted moment. But, when she said she saw Kody having a fifth wife, Robyn must be a good actress because the look on her face was priceless!

The flash mob mentioned in this episode's title  consisted of Kody being the center of attention with his three wives dancing around him. Aspyn and a bunch of her friends decided to join in fun  but Mariah chose not to participate (neither did Janelle). But watching Truely dancing about was very cute.

Some other semi-unforgettable moments:

Kody's telling Christine, after her reading from the fortune teller, that she had looked like a victim this past year so he wasn't much surprised by what the fortune teller told her. Say whut???

Robyn saying that she's always had money saved away in case of emergencies. I guess those collection bills that credit repair place had to help her with were not enough of an emergency to warrant her paying them.

Mariah having her quilt of many Browns presented to her by mother Meri (who also crafted it).

Mykelti presenting Aspyn with a quilt she made. I guess Aspyn didn't rate getting a quilt of many Browns like Mariah and Logan did.

Tick tock. Tick tock. That's the sound of the Sister Wives' Fifteen Minutes of Fame clock counting down to zero.

Next week...the Wives take a road trip to San Francisco!


  1. Maybe Meri doesn't care about being on the show anymore.

  2. Yes! I thought the same thing when someone posted about Meri's tweet. I immediately went to twitter and saw both for myself and the first thing that popped in my head was "OMG! Some big rig is gonna fly to Vegas and club you guys in the knee caps over that tweet!" That was bad. I mean, I'm sure the cast of Honey Boo Boo gets nasty tweets all the time and are smarter than to tell people to tune out. Jeez these people! The stupid never stops!

    Also, I have to admit. I used to give Mariah the benefit of the doubt. As an only child myself (even though she's not REALLY an only child) I used to see a few similarities as far as being the only child to my mom. But it irks me at how passive she is with her siblings. And she has a smirk every time she does it that makes me a little sick. Like her rude comment about her mom being the only one that graduated. We know she wasn't and that was uncalled for. I think I finally understand those"payback" comments people posted last season when Meri and Marian were the last to move into the homes. And I also loved how much Robyn was into the fortune teller and than suddenly didn't want to do it anymore after she was told that Kody may have another woman in his cross hairs!

    On another note...CJ, your blog has boomed over the last month and I'm so happy about that! I'm so glad you're blogging again. You're reviews are awesome and I loved the way you tied it up with the clock at the end. Tick tock is right especially with Meri's tweeting habits.

  3. Great Review! The dancing scene is described in lifelike terms. The wives dance around more ways than one.

  4. As always, thanks for the spot-on review, CJ!

    I actually think Kody isn’t as concerned that he won’t qualify to co-sign on his kid’s student loans but more concerned that 17 kids will want/require his signature for their college loans. He has pointed out (and he is right), student loans are never dischargeable in bankruptcy. So…that is the real reason for his concerned look.

    I didn’t understand the Meri meltdown either. It was obvious that there were plenty of other seats available so what was the big deal, just move down closer. I don’t know if it was faked or what that was about. She was being so over the top b*tchy to Kody about it that I kind of thought it was staged drama. Meri even tweeted that the upcoming episode would be lot of drama. To me that was not all that interesting to see that manufactured drama at the graduation. And I am becoming cynical about whether the Robyn chastising Kody scene was real or faked for the cameras as well.

    I agree that Robyn would NOT have come up with a fortune teller, in fact, I am SHOCKED that Christine even spoke to the fortune teller (wouldn’t they be considered ultra-sharks in their religion?). And I agree with all that the scene was phony when she said the thing about the fifth wife, although Kody’s reaction was muted which I did think was interesting. He did not protest, not even a bit. So hopefully we can look forward to that and Robyn’s reaction to that reality. Bet she is tucking some money away now after viewing that episode.

    I thought the party was kind of fun and I enjoyed the flash mob dancing thing, it was dorky but it was something you would do with your family so I actually enjoyed seeing something like that. It was the first time in a very long time that I have seen the adults actually having a fun time and genuinely smiling.

    And Janelle….it just seems like she is drifting further and further away from the group. She did not have a graduate this time so maybe she was just not showcased this episode but I sense she is not feeling connected to the larger family. Tick, Tock, Janelle, Tick Tock

    1. With Kody and Meri being legally married, she may balk at Kody co signing any student loans for his other children. It would possibly put her home and assets at risk with that many children needing a co signer

    2. It just seems like the producers are jacking up the drama this season with Meri acting like she is going to go crazy without her wonderful daughter by her side. Remember this was the same daughter who said that Wal-Mart near Disneyland was in a "ghetto", so I was not moved in the least with this whole Westminster will she or won't she be able to afford tuition stupidity.

      This is getting so old, I know I'm not the only person who just fast forward whenever Meri starts to tear up!

    3. The houses in the ghetto near Disneyland are probably worth about the same or more than their McMansions. Aspyn still has the comment telling people not to watch the show on her twitter. Meri responds "Look at you, you smart little college girl." Meri probably had Aspyn tweet it after TLC told her to delete. (I'm sure Meri cried about that as well. Waaaa! Waaaaa!)

  5. Look carefully in the background of the pic of Kody laying on the couch and you"ll see Meri doing the dishes.

    1. Haha. I just went back and looked. I don't know why I find that funny but I do. Maybe its because Kody is always seen laying on someone's damn couch all the time (because its such hard work running from house to house playing husband and dad while "working" on his computer making that $$$) while his kodettes cater to him and pretend to like it! And I still really dislike that couch that "Lover" picked out for Meri. There's no room and he looks too big for it.

    2. If you look at the same picture you'll see that instead of getting double French doors leading to the backyard she only had ONE door put in! Meri made such a big deal about having French doors instead of sliding, but then she only had one put in? I'd rather have the sliding doors! My bff has double French doors in her family room to the outside, and a single French door from the side of her house into her utility room.

      I just don't understand...that can't add to the value of the house. I wonder how costly it will be for the next owners to put in the second door?

    3. CJ I'm sure Meri has no clue. None of the fam have the least bit of fashion sense and I'm including Mykelti in that opinion.

  6. I agree..."Tick, Tock"...Robyn got the clock.
    Janelle got a poorly spelled wooden sign.
    Maybe the sign spells trouble for the clock.

  7. Remember how smarmy Kody was to Hunter when Hunter said that they had enough kids and Kody said that it was a good thing it wasn't up to Hunter? And that he could have as many kids as he liked? That prolific breeding is coming home to roost in the form of college expenses.

    No surprise, Kody doesn't want to be on the hook for the expenses of his trophy kids. He treats grocery money like it is something to be traded on, not a necessary expense for the upkeep of his children.

    He truly has no interest in being a father to any of the people he creates. He doesn't consider himself truly responsible for any of them. They're all pretty much on their own, or whatever their mothers can do for them.

    Here's the thing though. In the coming years, these kids will be a) adults and b) looking for ways to fund college educations. I think tell all specials, books, etc would be a good way to fund an education if your father won't do it.

    1. I fully expect on of Robin's maids, I mean sisters to write a tell all before long. That's probably the only way they'll ever be compensated for being at her beck & call.

  8. These reviews are great. The world needs more snark!

    If the graduation drama wasn't staged Meri and Robyn probably manipulated a bunch of people out of their seats. I might be wrong but I think some people were rolling their eyes at Meri's temper tantrum in the stadium.

    1. That lady in the picture definitely had a "what the hell?" look on her face. Hopefully, this "tantrum" and the relocation to new seats were all scripted and filmed so that no other family at the graduation was inconvenienced by the Meri's meltdown!

      Glad you enjoyed my review!

  9. Meri always gets what she wants. The couch she wanted when they went furniture shopping and she was supposedly forced to get the one Kody is laying on in the above picture. She got the one she wanted later..Kody was laying on it in another episode. Meri got her french door..on and on

    1. Yeah, she sure hit the jackpot with Kody! Kind of like that one French door when you think about it. Most people prefer double French doors, but she settles for a single French door.

    2. I am glad she got the couch. I actually though it weird she couldn't pick out her own couch.

  10. Well, I have to say about next week's ep - I remember when we were discussing on SWB that the wives tweeted about going to SF, and I checked online at all the local news sites and NOTHING was said about the Browns' visit. of course, most of my friends/acqs/co-workers don't even know that the Kody Brown family EXISTS to begin with. I imagine that the producers would probably have the "wives" hang out with proponents of same-sex marriage since the Browns apparently want to whip up some solidarity with them (it's NOT the same thing at ALL, I have lots of friends in same-sex marriages and they are all solid citizens and hard workers, not trying to rip off the government or cash in on anything whatsoever). it should be interesting what happens next week. as far as this week's show, i felt really bad for the unfortunate people who had to be sitting next to the Browns when Meri had her conniption fit. gag me.

    1. I thought I read somewhere that the trip to SF was somehow connected with a green-goo meeting/conference of some sort. Anybody else remember reading that after the fact?

  11. Also, sorry to comment again, BUT, why does Meri and the rest of the Kody Klan not realize that it is patently unhealthy for adults to cry as much as they do? People who are in healthy relationships and who aren't experiencing significant life trauma hardly ever cry.

    Meri and her womb-sisters are experiencing ongoing trauma day in and day out, and instead of realizing that their constant tears are a sign of something being very, very wrong, they think that it is making them better.

    These people are so unhappy that they've normalized misery.

    1. These people are so unhappy that they've normalized misery.

      Oh BrownChaos, I love that! Can I use it, please pretty please?

    2. Be my guest :)

      I seriously think that the Brown sister wives have forgotten what actual happiness even feels like. They're all three sentences away from a crying jag at all times.

      The most honest one of the group is Christine - and I think that's why Kody dislikes her so much. She isn't afraid to say when things aren't working. She's not afraid to say when she thinks things are sad. And she manages to say it without breaking down when she does. Janelle pretends that nothing bothers her, Meri gets back at other wives by insisting on lavish spending and Robyn is currently queen bee with nothing too much to complain about.

      I think Christine might actually be both the black sheep and a dark horse in the Brown family.

  12. "Insufferable Mariah"....boy ain't that the truth. And why are they dragging the mind-numbing baby storyline back into this episode? And it's a shame Aspyn, much like Logan, was forced into an adult role in the home. And if Mariah was Meri's emotional support and it appears that she was to some degree, that's an adult role she shouldn't be in too. And no one sees this as an issue(one of many) and everyone keeps insisting that polygamy is totally awesome. Blah.

    1. I don't doubt that Aspyn was the adult in her home. Christine just doesn't appear able to handle adult responsibilities - outside of giving birth. I think she is still very much depressed over her life and I wouldn't be surprised if she spends a majority of her day in bed, alone. All that cheerfulness on the show is just a façade...that lady is really hurting inside. After all, she always thought being the 3rd wife would mean she would be the favorite...then came Robyn!

  13. Did TLC tell a huge crowd of people to wish Meri a Happy Birthday today? There are over 900 boring Happy Birthday comments on the site today. There are people bashing the negative commenters but hardly any negative comments? Isn't this David/Dayton/Day-Un's birthday too?

    1. pretty much every single comment thread on that page turns into a debate and there are lots of people who pretty much think Kody has a full time job, that they never filed BK or were on food stamps, etc. etc. Personally the polygamy part doesn't bug me nearly as much as their blatant attempts to cash in on the label. Kody is such an effing attention ho and all the women are enabling that. "I have four wives!" "hey I'm a polygamist! betcha never met one before didja??" oh gag me.

    2. pretty much every single comment thread on that page turns into a debate and there are lots of people who pretty much think Kody has a full time job, that they never filed BK or were on food stamps

      Ain't that the truth? It's kind of sad in a way. When MSWC first went online, on the MSWC FB page a woman actually said it was ok that the jewelry was expensive because you get what you pay for.

      I have a better saying...A fool and his money are soon parted.

  14. LOL I keep flashing on "Catching Fire" (both book and film) - Tick Tock :) not saying any more.

  15. So, I haven't watched the entire episode yet, but one thing I can't figure out for the life of me - WHY is Janelle still part of this family?? They leech off her income, and other than Christine, she appears to openly have disdain for Meri and Robyn. Does she just like being part of something quirky (kind of like when she tried living in a teepee?), or it possible she really is in love with Kody and willing to put up with all the crap just to be with him one out of four nights?? My problem with that is what in the world could she see in Kody that would make her love him that much?? Just doesn't make sense to me. I know a lot of people don't think Janelle is genius status, but you have to admit, that compared to rest of the Brown clown camp, she certainly is at least smarter than the rest, if not smart on her own accord. Just don't get it. And she definitely seems checked out... The not being part of the flash mob...okay, maybe she's self-conscious about dancing in public because of her size? But also, during one of the couch sessions, when Christine was saying that the psychic saw her soul or some such nonsense, and dumb as- Kody chimes in with his, "Well, you've looked like a victim for the last year," Janelle actually visibly flinched and pulled away so that she was no longer touching Christine. I even backed up the DVR to watch it again, and it was like she was so repulsed by what Kody said that she didn't want to be part of it at all, so she just moved herself completely away from both of them....but she did it so quickly and obviously, it was like it wasn't even a conscious act on her part. It was like a reflexive repulsion. So why, why, why would you stay with someone who elicits that kind of reaction in you?? Anyway....kind of rambling, sorry...but I just can't figure her out. The other three I have my ideas as to their motives for staying. But for Janelle....I got nothing.

    - Lori

    1. Janelle is probably worried sick about the fact that most likely they will be losing the homes soon. The rest are not smart enough to worry. I would hope that she could earn enough money on her own to be able to hang on to hers. I guess that could backfire because if the rest become homeless they would expect to move in with her. I hope she takes in Christine and her kids, and no one else!.

    2. They USED to leach off Janelle's income. now they all live on the TLC money for the most part. I really, REALLY doubt they are getting much from LIV, nowadays. Maintaining a downline in an MLM for a product that no one wants to buy or use is tenuous at best. The way those "distributorships" work is that when the Browns talk someone into signing up, they get a big commission/kickback off the 'startup kit' which is quite often the only purchase that the sucker makes. Since I don't know LIV's model, I don't know whether they require their "distributors" or "consultants" to buy a minimum amount of product on a monthly basis (I'm guessing that's what the Browns have to do in order to maintain their "free" car and keep getting commission checks) or if the downline can purchase when they want. Anyway, like some of y'all here, I've noted that we see the green goo less and less frequently. And Janelle and now Kody endorsing (and i HIGHLY doubt its a paid endorsement) MusclePharm (which I saw in Costco yesterday - definitely NOT an MLM, and they have major athletes such as Colin Kapernick on their sponsorship roster) on Twitter...tells me that the LIV lovefest is pretty much over or reaching its end.

      The theory that Janelle will be able to earn enough to hang onto her McMansion...well...she didn't make all that much in her job in Utah, and I notice she's just now showing homes in LV. She has one home listing, a house listed at $184,000. If/when it sells, and IF Janelle is getting the entire 5% commission (I doubt she is) that would be $9200 before taxes and so on. She has a $450k mortgage PLUS taxes PLUS insurance PLUS expenses PLUS kids to raise. I really, really, REALLY doubt she will be making enough money to be able to keep her head above water without the show money. Remember at her job, she was basically a glorified admin. And I know a LOT of realtors, the market in my area is still pretty strong. Some of them are doing really well, they've been in the business for many years, but there are a lot still trying to make ends meet...

      again, they still have the Lehi home, and despite Kody pontificating OVER A YEAR AGO about selling it...they STILL own it. there's a reason they hang onto it...because they know the LV thing can't last forever. As soon as they finish milking the monkey, they will quietly head back to Utah (all the while proclaiming themselves as FREE and not having to worry about being

    3. Reading all the expenses you listed makes my stomach turn lol. My husband and I have only one child and one on the way. Our expenses seem like nothing compared to the Browns but because the cost of living here in Florida keeps soaring its still a lot for our small family. And we have decent jobs. We budget so we make it work. But I can't even begin to fathom what it would be like to have monthly bills like they do. I would have panic attacks.

    4. WHY is Janelle still part of this family??

      You know, after watching this show and reading their book, I definitely think Janelle honestly believes this lifestyle and being a wife to Kody is her golden ticket to heaven.

  16. Kody has almost become manic. I can only imagine the stress to keep this false storyline afloat. It's like the truth is seeping out and he's trying to keep the truth bottled up in four people tired of his antics. Meri;s backlash to fans is startling. TLC is doing cleanup.

    1. Those krazy eyes of Kody are the dead giveaway...but I think Meri isn't far behind him on that scale of kraziness as well as Christine.

      Robyn has her own special case of krazyness....she thought marrying Kody was her financial plan for the future. I think once the TLC train stops and the fans leave she will leave Kody and start looking for her next husband. She's probably saving her house money now for that day when it happens.

    2. when this thing blows up the fallout will be devastating. Meri already is taking their fans for granted, which is part of all of the stupidity. I feel like they got just enough money to get comfortable and live a lifestyle they never had, but have no idea what kind of planning it would take to extend that lifestyle past their tlc earnings.I wish janelle would grow a backbone for the sake of her children and loose this passive attitude of being run over by meri for years. she needs to fight like hell for equitable share for her kids and not be manipulated by meri

  17. I wonder if robyn still has a lien on her home. Why would she allow that to be there so soon after closing, with all of her credit issues is just crazy. Mortgage rules changed alot the first of the year, so they may be in a world of hurt in two years. It would go along way if they discussed on camera a plan to put money away for the kids college and a car instead of focusing on mariah hogging it all up. I's sure meri wont let kody co sign 17 college loans, so therefore the speach about not being willing to co sign and put his kids in debt.

    1. As your resident foreclosure attorney, I can say you are correct. The CFPB tightened requirements for foreclosures (what I know the most about), but also for origination (which I've read through cursorily). The end result is going to be that people whose credit is right on the line of the acceptable limit, as well as self employed people (both of those would apply to the Browns, I would think) are going to have a much more difficult time obtaining mortgages. Meaning, when it comes time for the mcmansions to be refinanced after whatever "special" financing they have now ends (I think most people think they got interest only loans from the builders), they will most likely have a super difficult time obtaining traditional financing... Even if they've somehow managed to do HUGE credit clean up in the last years, which i honestly doubt, given that Robyn already has a lien on her house, they still have the self employed issue to deal with.


    2. Once TLC cancels Sister Wives, they have no choice but to return to their former house and walk away from the McMansions. I feel sorry for the neighbors because they are going to have 4 behemoth, almost identical cheaply made McMansions going to pot at the end of their gated cul-de-sac.

    3. To be fair to the Browns (wow can't believe I'd ever say that in a million years), I wouldn't be surprised if they did return to Utah. It makes more sense financially - I feel like a lot of their kids will go back to Utah for college, and that way they can get in-state tuition. Also, Vegas isn't exactly in line with their "devout" beliefs. And since it's legal now and they can't get in trouble, I'd be really shocked if they didn't move back in the next few years. If nothing, I could definitely see Meri moving back to be closer to her bff Mariah.

      Oh, and I'm so glad you are back writing CJ! I love your reviews!

  18. Mariah tweeted the TLC Facebook photo of the flash mob and showed how it mentioned only Mariah graduating. She wrote "Apparently, Aspyn didn't graduate?" ...and that's it! It's almost like Mariah is sticking it to her.

    1. Nah, that is Mariah's cynical side showing!

    2. Mariah terrifies me with her entitlement issues and manipulative crying, learned clearly from her bullying orange mother. Cannot stand this stupid show much longer.

  19. christine is tweeting that she may be alergic to chocolate, that it might be what is causing her nose to turn red. Her and her girls eat and think about chocolate alot. In an ouuutake of the san fransico epesode, she is demading chocolate or she will be a bitch. I have seen twitter pics of aspyn and mykelti showing pics of triple chocolate cookies and tganking their mom for the chocolate. If christines nose is red all the time, and its chocolate she is going to have to seriously change her eating habits, and it would be a huge benefit to the firls. They all have classic large stomachs that are from way to much sugar and carbs.

    1. has she actually been diagnosed? Something tells me she's just riffing.

    2. "she is demanding chocolate or she will be a bitch"

      She must not get chocolate all that often....

    3. I have often thought about Christine's red nose. I thought maybe she was a closet alcoholic or something along those line. Maybe it is just embarrassment...

  20. I was just talking to one of the cast of Breaking Amish (The Los Angeles group) She has confirmed that there will not be a second season. I think SW has more viewers that BA did though. I believe they are still in the 2 million range.
    Cynical do you think that is enough to be picked up for another season?.

    1. I really don't know for, Pollyanna. But....

      I think SW still has some life left in it - meaning TLC can still milk advertising revenue out of their carcasses. I noticed that SW has started showing repeats during the week which hasn't hadn't since season 2. TLC basically controls their social media (no more Kody Brown Family FB and Twitter run by the family friend), which I think came into play so TLC could see exactly what SW audiences are saying because the family friends were notorious for deleting every last negative comment.

      So far, the fans are saying enough with the crying, Meri having a baby, Mariah's entitlement issues and it seems a LOT of people are tired of Kody and his manly antics. That just leaves Christine, Janelle and her teens - Maddie (who was voted class president or was it student body president) and Hunter's sports career.

      I have to say this, I think there is a backstory about Mykelti that is being kept from the audience. There have been some major hints thrown out (Christine saying she lost sleep worrying about her, her being a "slacker") and of course, the illness of Truely, and the virtual disappearance of Dayton.

      So to answer your question, for now I think there IS enough content for another season, if the Browns are willing to focus almost exclusively on their children (in a positive way), end the Meri baby story arc, tone down Kody's presence (maybe have Janelle or Christine takeover narration duties from Kody), and focus less on Robyn and Meri cryfests.

    2. Oh yes, and actually show Kody, Meri, and Robyn really WORKING, along with going along with Janelle as she starts having open houses. You know, she could even have a show about flipping houses - Janelle Flips Out!

      You're welcome, TLC!

    3. Interesting thoughts, and some really good ideas for the show. I have to say that when they go I will miss them. The kids are great, and I really want Janelle and Christine to have better lives. Not so concerned about Merry Meri, and Squarehead Robin.

  21. Sad part is, I think they'd have had enough viewers if they stayed in Utah, in their home and just lived their life! Meri still would have lost her job due to coming out (if that's what really happened) so there's that drama. Robin's entrance into the family, the repercussions of that, Solomon being born, the repercussions of that, Meri and Kody deciding about doing surrogacy, or IVF, etc. All that could have happened ANYWAY. And the kids would not have had to be uprooted and all the debt, etc.

    They showed a picture of Meri on the first show a while back, and I was in shock. She's gained a good 50 pounds if not more since then. And the original show, wow. The family seemed so much more 'together' than they are now. Then it seemed like they were trying to function as one big family. Now it's like they are trying to function as one man with 4 separate families.

    It's just sad.

    1. IMO it would have been way more interesting to have the fam stay in Lehi and remodel the plyg house to accommodate Robyn and her kids. They have a very nice sized yard and they more than likely coulda put a real nice manufactured home for either Robyn or Meri. it would have made for at least a couple of very interesting seasons IMO.

  22. Janelle had the most inspirational story line and organic idea for a business with her weight loss journey. Kody shot it down because he was afraid of a personal bankcruptcy concern. I believe with the platform of a tv show she could have made the most impact with a business. Robyns dream was more important. By the way,the people are really into harry potter and are constantly ripping off other peoples Fidelis for Meri much?

    1. They would've quickly lost even more $$ than they have on the jewelry "business". It costs a fortune to start a gym, and they have NO experience in the fitness industry. Leasing a property then buying gym-quality machines and equipment...having to become employers and deal with insurance etc. Nope, not any of the Browns' style at all. too much work, even for Janelle. Cheaper to have a little Internet business that will probably just lose them a few thousand in comparison.

    2. so true DK i lost my mind there for a minute and forgot who i was thinking about.

    3. Even for people with more than half a brain, getting into the highly competitive field of fitness centers/gyms is a huge risk. there are already a lot of gyms in LV, run by people who actually know what they're doing.

    4. also, without actually re-watching those eps, I think it was Kody who had the initial idea of a fitness facility "Fundamental Fitness". Janelle took it and attempted to run with it (albeit in a pretty halfassed way, from my POV).

  23. o my God..Robyn should be banned from tweeting..she is so ignorant its sad..can someone proof read before she hits send? for the love of all thats mighty..someone proof read this chick..they have a business she supposedly runs..even the sisterwives closet has words that are incorrect..

  24. kodys tweets about truely are simply is all about selling his family out and openly mocking fans who complain about all of their crying..i think the have jumped the shark big time using this illness for ratings and ramping up drama on that babies life

    1. I just finished watching tonight's episode.

      How much you wanna bet there's not one thermometer in any of those houses. Kody saying Truely didn't feel warm? How the heck would he know? And he didn't think anything was wrong with her crying and unable to sleep? THE FLU?????

      And wasn't it special how, when the wives arrived home, there's Kody cuddling Solomon. I agree, Kody's actions were and still are appalling. Tweeting about crying next week because Truely becomes deathly ill? What kind of a$$ even tweets something like that?

      Just think about this Kody....she got deathly ill under YOUR watch, you stupid buffoon! (can you tell this really has pi$$ed me off?)

    2. CJ I bet they don't immunize/inoculate the kids either.
      Truely just seems weak/frail to me. She's cute for sure...but just seems fragile.
      Just had a colleague (a fellow fitness instructor in the prime of health) pass away from the flu that's going around...he was STRONG. Truely is NOT strong. she'd be out in no time if the bug hit her at the wrong time.

  25. I hope Christine and Janelle are covering their financial backsides for the sake of their children and all they have contributed long term to this family. I find Meri's decent into depression and pulling away from everyone alarming. If I were Janelle I wouldn't blow it off like she has a habit of doing. Meri has become irrational and detached. She is the legal wife and I don't doubt if she wanted out that she would take as much dough as possible from the family. She is still unable to articulate her issues since moving into the cul de sac or the onset of money for all and how to divide it up.I'm not bying the empty nester crap. She is somewhat sabotaging the story line.

  26. I have to say this, I think there is a backstory about Mykelti that is being kept from the audience.

    THANK YOU, CJ for mentioning this. I totally agree there is something not quite right about the Mykelti situation. When TLC let her tag along with the famous designer, Mykelti acted totally disinterested. I think there is something much bigger going on and the Browns want her safely tucked away in Utah. If she were that talented, I agree, they would want to incorporate her into MSWC or the recommitment ceremony. And certainly if there is a behavior issue (or other major issue like pregnancy or drug use), it would be considered Christine's fault....because it seems that Kody would blame Christine if something happened to one of the kids. Just my thoughts on the issue.

    1. Even if Mykelti shows potential talent as a designer, she still needs training/education in that field. I would bet that Mykelti is just a regular kid and that bugs the shit out of Christine, maybe she's not toeing the UAB line.

      Kind of disturbed me that Mariah and ASPYN asked if anyone was considering them. gag me. Something tells me it was a setup for the show.

    2. Especially when someone announced (was it Kody??) that Robyn was mentoring her. After Robyn's little speech last year I don't think she was giving her fashion tips on modesty.

      Yes, I went there...

    3. Kind of disturbed me that Mariah and ASPYN asked if anyone was considering them. gag me. Something tells me it was a setup for the show.

      Aspyn pledged a sorority so I'm thinking Mariah is the one who may have found an idiot...I mean a young man who's interested in her. That would explain all those trips to Utah last year (that she tweeted pictures of) and her tearful pleading to go to Westminster to be near her church and family.

    4. Christine probably loses sleep over Mykelti because the kid did something horrible like emailed her aunt Kristin. I think Christine's #1 fear is her daughter denouncing polygamy because then Mykelti wouldn't be "safe".

  27. truely was in the hospital 6 weeks...kody is responsible for that baby..can you imagine what that bill is? maybe thats why meri is so sour..she is on the deed with kody..robyn may not be the only one with a lien

    1. Kody's name isn't on the child's birth certificate. The taxpayers will probably pay the bill.

    2. I thought Truley was only in the hospital for 10 days and not 6 weeks? Can anyone clarify for me.

  28. kody is saying on crying tonight, so sorry,is he now going to blame society and bible thumpers for his bitterness? they sound pissed that people are reacting poorly to all of the crying. When they have something serious to cry about Truely's illness,it will have made all the other trumped up crap look as foolish as they do

    1. We had some near-crying this week. Janelle seemed close to tears when she was talking about how Kody couldn't even be bothered to START the 5K with her. Did you notice that Trainer Sean stuck with Janelle (and his two babies I think)?
      I don't think Sean cares much for Kody. I'm not saying he and Janelle are having an affair or anything, but it's obvious that Janelle is his main concern. of course, he wants to capitalize on the exposure he's getting through the show so he has to play "man friend" to Kody.

    2. I don't think Sean cares much for Kody.

      I second that. Sean was throwing some pretty skeptical looks when Kody was pontificating what a good leader, husband etc etc he was in the Bro-mance episode. He better watch those looks or he might be out like Trainer Bill (remember him?) Kody's "business partner" from the season when they first moved to Vegas.

    3. Kody had better watch it with having trainer Sean around all the time. He seem to practically live with them, and I get the feeling that he's just about the only one showing much support for Janelle.I don't think it would take much for her to fall for him, especially when Kody is such a jerk anyway.Can you imagine Kody trying to deal with the feelings of rejection that would surely come from something like that happening?

    4. I don't think Jannel cares about Sean in a romantic way like she does for Kody. It also seems that Sean always brings his wife and kiddies along whenever he's with the Browns. It seems he is only around to promote his business and he probably under contract to the production company to be Kody's friend.

  29. I liked that aspens sister did the quilt. She does have a knack with fabric and design. I don't see janelle as the sewing type so I think it was nice of Meri to step in and be giving to one of the other kids. I think is she also made aspen a quilt it would have taken away her sisters gift. How many quilts are needed?

  30. Wonderful comments everybody.
    Intelligent and witty and realistic.
    A super change from SWFB, which is where I was doing all of my reading.
    Rock on, Cynical Jinx!

  31. I just realised the season started up again, and just stumbled across this blog.

    Do these people seriously think we watch them because we like them? I keep watching the show because I hope one or all of the following will happen (slightly exaggerated as I'm not a sociopath):

    1) Kody will finally reveal which 2 of his sons will be allowed to join him in polygamy, and which 5 will have to leave so as not to throw off the ratios for the alpha males.

    2) Jenelle finally has it up to here with Meri and slams her head into the wetbar while screaming, 'I will organise my cupboards as I damn well please!'

    3) Robyn, womb no longer in limbo thanks to Meri's need for attention, gets pregnant and unleashes an epic tantrum by Meri that sets off the apocalypse.

    4) Christine finally gets fed up with Kody ignoring her and reveals the complex secret to his Trump-esque 'hair' construction.

    5) The other children apply for college financing, only to realise that their parents' credit has been sucked dry by Mariah's $228 000 MRS degree (assuming med school tuition is the same as undergrad and not exponentially more, natch) and subject her to death by a thousand paper cuts.

  32. I find kodys behaviour towards Christine and Janelle harsh and very flippent . it is sad that he does not have a good close relationship with his daughters. It is obvious he favours the boys. I find he treats Robyn as his favourite wife and Meri as the indulgent child . I am more interested in learning about the childern of Christine and Janelle rather than Robyn's and Meri childern. I think maraih is spoilt and very mean. Hi
