
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Sister Wives Recap: Browns in Crisis S06Ep16

It's always amusing to watch how low a TV network will go to boost the ratings for one of their shows.

But really, TLC, to use the life-threatening illness of a three year old child as a cliffhanger?

What the h.e. double hockey sticks!!

If you remember from last week's show, while Kody's Kodettes© and King Sol were enjoying a "business" vacation in San Francisco, three year old Truely came down with the "flu".

By the time Christine had returned from her "business" trip (they were gone for four days), Truely still wasn't feeling well.

Now, we all know that Truely was indeed, seriously ill. But why use that her illness as a cliffhanger? Wouldn't her illness (kidney failure) warrant an entire episode, by itself with none of the usual Brown fluff?

Well, I would think so. But for some unknown reason, TLC (yeah, I know it was the Sister Wives production company but TLC must have had to approve this episode) sandwiched poor Truely's life threatening illness in between other more mundane Brown activities.

Let me list them for you:
  1. Shopping for flowers for the re-commitment ceremony. (no price given but flowers are expensive)
  2. Shopping for a cake for the re-commitment ceremony. (Kody's idea for a cake would feed 700 and cost a whopping $8500 to produce)
  3. Shopping for a car for Mariah.
  4. Celebrating Mariah's going away to college/birthday party.
  5. Mariah moving into her dorm room (with the help of Meri, of course).
TLC could have edited out ALL of the above and just focused on Truely, but they didn't.

Can you spell R A T I N G S???

And I wish they had, because those activities just made Kody and his Kodettes© look really really foolish. Two episodes ago, the adults were complaining about the costs of sending Mariah to an out of state university and how they didn't think they could afford it.

The next episode, not only was Mariah still going to Westminster, her mom Meri insisted she needed a car, too. Then there was the search for a venue for their re-commitment ceremony, which offered everything but the cake for a cool $10,500.

 Last episode, the wives take a business trip to one of the most expensive cities on this planet (yep, ON THE PLANET) and then this episode where the Browns are shown onscreen (and off) spending more money.

I guess that whole story arc about how financially strapped they are was just based on a lie.

But what about Truely?

Truely was a very sick youngster. As a camera showed a subdued child laying bundled up on a love seat, Christine chirped how after 5 days since her return from San Francisco, Truely still wasn't better. In fact, alarmingly, her eyes had started to cross.

Flu or no flu, Christine placed the bundled up Truely into her van, and drove her to the pediatrician for evaluation.

The doctor told her to take Truely immediately to the emergency room, where she was diagnosed with severe dehydration. What was even worse, Truely's kidneys had ceased to function - she was in kidney failure.

Now, I'm not going to detail every moment of Truely's ordeal, but, I will say her segment showed the good and bad of being one of seventeen children in the Brown household.

It was hard watching Kody and Christine going through this ordeal. On a positive note, it seemed maybe this was the wakeup call Kody needed because the times when he looked at Christine, he did it  with a little more love and affectation than he had previously.

A definite bad moment was watching Meri. She just didn't seem to care. For example, when Kody called on the day of Mariah's party to say that Truely was in kidney failure, Meri seemed more concerned about a spot she was cleaning on her granite countertop. All she said was "" when she hung up the phone.  Maybe that's the way she dealt with bad news, but it would have been nice if she explained that in a talking head. She just did not act like one would expect a sisterwife to act when confronted by the knowledge that one of her bonus children was seriously ill. In fact, it was Mariah who asked in a very concerned voice "Did he say she was in kidney failure?"

The good was seeing Truely interact with her many siblings. When she finally was discharged from the hospital, ten long days had elapsed, so it turned out she went into the hospital on the day before Mariah left for Westminster, and came home the day before Aspyn left for UNLV. The way Truely ran directly towards Hunter was so very touching! Even Kody singing to her in his helium voice, was a very wonderful family moment.

But I still feel strongly Truely's ordeal could have been avoided if her parent's had understood how dangerous dehydration could be.

Hopefully, other parents will learn from the Brown's experience.

Followup to the episode on Twitter

As expected, the Browns went into immediate damage control.

Some fans questioned why Kody and Christine waited so long before taking Truely to the pediatrician. Unfortunately, Robyn's explanation basically threw the medical professionals in Las Vegas under the proverbial bus. Got it right Robyn? What was that suppose to mean?

Kody also sent out this tweet, explaining what happened. He was definitely more tactful than Robyn ...

Meri did try to explain her absence. She didn't say how long she was away with Mariah, but she did mention she was able to visit Truely before she was released.

For some reason, Kody felt it was necessary to explain why the car shopping segment with Mariah was not shown. All I can say is Thank Goodness for that!!

And then there was the infamous tweet from Robyn about what Truely had asked her. I hate to break it to Robyn, but for Truely to ask that seemed to me she was asking where her real mother was.

But it must have done something because, for the first time ever, instead of seeing Robyn batting Truely away like a pesty fly, she's actually holding her! Will wonders never cease?

And for those who asked for it, here are pictures of Christine and Janelle without makeup...

Sister Wives returns in two weeks...


  1. I think Christine looks a little more appealling without makeup. Poor Janelle looks like hell on wheels. (Much like myself)

    1. I gotta agree. I said she was beautiful with or without makeup but that was before I saw this pic. If she's gotten her nutrition sorted out, why does her skin look so bad?

  2. Seems crazy to me that no one noticed Truley wasn't drinking/urinating. As a parent of a child with flu like symptoms that's the thing you look out for the most. It's not like Christine has never had a kid before, how did she not see what was happening, how could she not know that dehydration is really bad and leads to kidney failure? She seems like such a dingbat sometimes and Kody clearly has next to nothing to do with the raising and care of his kids. I thought this was a tough episode to watch both for what poor Truley went through and how neglectful and ignorant her parents are. And I still can't believe Christine would tweet that picture of Truley crying and in pain - what kind of parent would do such a thing, all in the name of ratings and $$$. Disgusting and disturbing.

  3. I am so happy that Truely did get better. Kidney failure is quite scary.

  4. I would have barfed uncontrollably if they would have shown Meri and Mariah car shopping. I bet they gave Aspyn the old clunker van of Robyn's ....or a Bicycle.

  5. I think you are right about the finanaces. The Browns are not living as though they have to watch money. I know that TLC is paying the bills for the re-commitment ceremony, but they don't seem to be troo worried about monehy in the real world. Trainer Shawn does not come cheaply. Mariah's schooling is expensive. Buying cars and treats does not happen when money is a problem. As long as the TLC gravytrain is rolling the Browns are doing all right. It is when the show gets cancelled that things will be difficult.

    1. I do wonder about Trainer Sean though...he is getting A TON of air time and plugs on twitter. Janelle is now encouraging people to email him for their very own personalized fitness/nutrition program. Just speculation, of course, but I have to wonder if in exchange for all the air/twitter time, he's not giving at least Janelle free training.

      - Lori

    2. Lori,

      Oh you betcha good old trainer Sean is doing all this for free to get television time for his business! From the posts on FB I would guess there are some crazy women lining up at his door to get trained. "Did Janelle TOUCH this weight???!! Oh my gosh I'm using equipment that Janelle touched!!"

      There are some seriously crazy folks out there and I bet Sean is happy to take their cash. And hey, good on him. He has a wife and two kids to feed, make the bucks while you can. From the looks on his face lately, he's figured out that the Browns are a twisted group.

    3. Sean spends an LOT of time with not only Janelle but other members of the Brown family. I'm guessing that he's not giving them FREE training, because the time he spends with them is time he could be spending with full-paying clients and there are only so many hours in the day. I do believe that TLC is paying for part (but not all) of the training and/or Sean is giving a discount to Janelle/Browns since she is training with him so much. Which is standard practice in the industry - buy a block of trainings, you get a nice discount. Being in the fitness industry I know many, many personal trainers and they work VERY hard, not only with their clients but spending time writing articles and studying/training/learning new things to become better at what they do.

  6. I really bet that Meri strong-arms Kody and the rest of them into letting her get Mariah whatever she wants and do whatever she wants because Mariah is her only child. I can see her using this leverage as to why its ok to pay so much for Mariah's school because she's Meri's only child or why its fine to get her a new(er) car because she is the only child Meri will have to buy a car for. I know this isn't explicitly shown on the show, but her temper tantrum at the graduation and Robyn's words to Kody about moving seats confirms it for me. Just irks me that its justificaiton to spend like crazy on Meri's lonely only, yet its not justification for Meri to buy a smaller house or find another living solution because she only has one child and doesn't need a mega McMansion!

    1. She does it openly on television! I should get the same house, because it's not my fault I didn't have the 8 kids I wanted! I shouldn't have to take money out of my budget for Westminster because me being in the family benefits all the other kids! Meanwhile the Janelle and Christine worry about how to feed 6 kids apiece because their "bonus mom" sucks up resources for things that aren't necessities! Meri is way too selfish to live like this - how is it "making her better?"

    2. I think Meri always took full advantage of being the 1st & only legal wife, but now that she's a "celebrity" (in her own mind) she seems to have graduated to full diva status.
      With all the jealousy and competition that goes on between those women, watching them trying to act civil for the commitment ceremony should be hilarious.

    3. Here's what doesn't add up for me, though - to say that Meri only having one child is saving the family money and therefore Meri and her one child should get more only works if you count them as four different families. If the children really are EVERYONE's children, then Meri has 17 children, as does Christine, Robyn, and Janelle - and in my mind, if they are just ONE big happy family, then the resources would be split between the children based on each child getting an equal amount of resources, not based on each adult getting an equal amount of resources. Assuming Kodouche takes his 1/5 (or more), then Meri and Mariah (2 people), share 1/5; Robyn and her 4 kids (5 people) share 1/5, and Christine and Janelle and their kids (7 people), share 1/5. How exactly is that fair??

      I know it's slightly different for the Dargers, in that all the wives have a lot of children, but I seriously wonder one, if the wife who stays at home has to bet for "grocery money," (i.e. an allowance) - I seriously doubt it and two, if they even split their income up by adult, or if all goes into one big pot that they use as needed. I've read their book, but it's been a while - does anyone happen to remember if they've mentioned anything about that?

      Have a good day, all! (Oh, and CJ - ANOTHER awesome review). Not trying to suck up, I swear...I had just really missed your blogs. Honestly, I think I'd enjoy reading your writings on most anything. And, congratulations on the exponential explosion your blog is experiencing - I knew once everyone started to find you again, it would be on! (-:

      - Lori

    4. Thank you very much, Lori! I appreciate it!

  7. I read somewhere about someone taking offense with Kody saying that he had to listen to her scream for two hours. I didn't perceive that the same way as those posters. I had heard him stating that "he just had to sit there and listen to her scream for the last hours". Emphasis on just - as in there was nothing to do, no way he could help her. I heard a tone that was just dispeared, feling beaten because his kid was in pain and he couldn't do anything about it.

    1. I watched that scene again. Kody walked into Janelle's house. He went to Hunter and asked how his game went. Hunter asked him about Truely. Kody replied " (sigh) Truely's (long pause. Mumbles gosh? God?) I spent two hours listening to her scream." He then went on to say how she was chemically off balance. He then said he asked the Dr about her going home in a couple of days and the Dr told him no, 10days. So my interpretation was he had gone to the hospital expecting to see a sedated child with the expectation her illness could be fixed in a couple of days. Of course a screaming child would move the focus frm Kody to Truely and he resented it.

  8. that tweet of kody's about having shot the car buying scenes but bigger things struck me that is why mariah didnt watch the show sunday and tweeted about watching the grammys. and was rude to christine. i bet they are jealous about camera time and being on the episodes just like everything else they have divide. It wasnt the meri mariah show and so it wasnt worth watching...

  9. I always felt sorry for Meri because she couldn't have any more children. In their cult, that's a huge "black mark" against her. She had to feel less than the other two wives who seem to pop out kids like Pez. Christine knew of Meri's fertility issues and yet had no problem stating that she was pissed when Meri finally did conceive because Meri was "stealing her thunder". Dude, for me, that said everything about who Christine really is. Crappy selfish person and crappy mom.

    However, Meri's feelings of inadequacy have really gotten out of control. What does a woman with one child who is about to go off to college need with that huge house? It's absurd. I "get it" that she doesn't want to be treated differently because she couldn't have more kids, but come on! If you are one family and not four separate families, then no way would you demand that kind of financial burden.

    I have, however, found a solution! Since Christine can't seem to competently parent her kids--have the three youngest move in with Meri. The kids would be better off, they would get the attention and discipline and affection that they need and the house would actually be put to use.

    The Browns can thank me later for solving this issue for them! ;o) The wet bar can now be Truely's tea party bar and I guarantee you Meri won't let the kid nearly die from neglect.

    1. I think Meri would be like an evil step mom. Christine seems to genuinely love all the kids but her wacko religious beliefs and lack of support from Kody make her an irresponsible parent.

    2. Mono-Apo,

      I was thinking about Christine's really obnoxious daughter (can't think of her name). Christine said she can't deal with her so she sends her to Meri. Meri said that she and the child have a special relationship because she can deal with her and Christine can't. Honestly, it seems like that child is so obnoxious because she is desperate for attention.

    3. I was thinking about Christine's really obnoxious daughter (can't think of her name).

      I think you have confused Christine's daughter Ysabel with Robyn's hyperactive daughter eldest daughter Aurora (who normally tries to hang off of every older male figure who happens on the scene).

      There was a storyline in season 3 that had Ysabel leaving Christine's home to live with Meri. That was just a "storyline" for the show. Here's a link to my review:

      Sister Wives: July 4th Rebellion S03E07

    4. I had forgotten about that. That was when the show was slightly tolerable and Meri at least pretended to like the kids. I wonder if Kody told Christine to wait to take Truely to the doctor and she "obeyed" his orders.

    5. I wonder if Kody told Christine to wait to take Truely to the doctor and she "obeyed" his orders.

      I wouldn't be surprised if he did, and she obeyed. She was raised to follow the instructions of her priesthood holder (husband) without question. Remember how Kody reacted when Aspyn and Mykelti told him they were worried Truely was sick? ( "I know what a fever feels like !" he yelled at them) and how upset Aspyn was when she said no one was listening to her that Truely was really sick?

      I have a feeling the TV crew may have intervened by suggesting that Christine take Truely to the doctor - for the show, and Kody probably agreed "for the show". I just don't believe she went to the doctor 2 other times and was told it was the flu. Why? Because she would have been told to make sure Truely was kept hydrated (and probably would have suggested giving Truely pedialyte to drink). And of course, the cameras would have followed her. As it was, there was only footage shown of the one trip to the doctor. Plus, she later claimed she had no idea how serious dehydration would be - blaming the heat of Las Vegas! And don't forget how surprised Christine and Kody were when they were confronted with the fact that Truely was in kidney failure and WOULD NOT be leaving the hospital in a couple of days like Kody thought.

      Of course, most of this (except for certain parts) are speculation on my part, but to me it makes sense considering what was tweeted and what was shown on the show.

    6. I also noticed a tweet that showed up a few days ago - can't remember from which wife - saying something to the effect of "They can't believe how quickly a child can become dehydrated EVEN WHEN drinking fluids." Brown damage control at its best.

      - Lori

    7. when Kody came into i believe it was meris house to explain to the kids what was wrong with truely, and robyns daughter was jumping up and down in his face..kody said"truely didnt drink or pee and her kidneys shut down, and she would be staying in the hospital until they start working again" Aurora asked him what happens if they dont? mykelti looked at her with angry eyes and said dont think like taht..i have a feeling robyns daughters are not appreciated by christines

  10. CJ, thanks for the awesome review. And thank you for mentioning what I was thinking…why didn’t they just devote the whole episode to the Truely situation? I rewatched it and it seems so random that they pieced in the flower shopping and Mariahs’ move-in along with the more serious (and more interesting) storyline about Truely.

    My guess is that TLC had an agreement with the flower shop and in order to get the flowers comped (and the cake), they had to show that segment. Kody mentioned the car shopping in his tweet because he probably got himself a nice deal with the dealership promising they would be showcased on the show. It’s as if TLC is not allowing natural storylines to occur, they are instead pushing their commitment ceremony as if none of us can remember what is going on from week to week. What is more interesting is the real life stuff going on. I’ll bet they do a nice wrap up at the end of the season and say that these are all the things that happened this year: death (Kody’s brother and dad), near-death (Truely), kids moving on to the next step, personal transformations (Janelle) and now they are just realizing how much they value their family and how much they really wanted to recommit.

    Watching it the second time, Meri’s scrubbing of the countertop while Kody was talking about kidney failure…well that seemed much worse the second time around. I hope that was a re-enactment. If that is her real, nature reaction, well that speaks volumes about her as a person. She did cry over her wet bar so it’s not like she just isn’t emotional. If you know you are being filmed and it will be on tv and lots of people will comment, would you really make that your reaction? She is either really screwed up or the producers are portraying her that way. Haven’t decided which.

    1. Thanks CPA Carol!

      I'm starting to wonder just how many local establishments are visited by Kody and Kompany (maybe with film crew) and because they are promised with airtime, give the Browns freebies like free food or deep discounts. It's almost like a lottery because it's not a guarantee their segment would make the cut (Lexus of Las Vegas for example). Meri sent out a number of tweets showcasing a yogurt store that provided treats for Aspyn's and Mariah's graduation party.

      Hmmm....receiving goods and/or services from an establishment in return for product placement. I wonder what the companies that pay for commercial time think about that?

    2. I would guess that ALL of the businesses whose names are spoken, shown or tweeted about are giving free goods or services in trade for the advertising exposure. It's classic product placement. On a successful show, that value is worth tens or thousands. I don't think anyone should be surprised by that. I would even bet that Kody's mother's day gifts from the season opener were free provided he stay within a certain budget.

    3. But I think the point is, if the product placement is worth a monetary value - and there is an implied exchange involved (goods/services for airtime on show) wouldn't the Browns need to declare those items as income? CPA Carol do you have an opinion?

    4. I doubt that all those flowers are FREE. That is probably the biggest order the florist will be seeing all year, if not in the history of her business.
      and what good does it do for these LOCAL businesses to have their names on a show that nationwide gets a pretty puny audience? just in CASE they visit LV and need to go to the hospital? OH yeah let's go to the SW's just doesn't make sense.

      These are small businesses most of them. They have to consider the value of getting the spot outside the city/area limits. Not all that much for most of them.

      I think TLC is PAYING for the flowers and the cake, probably getting a deal for sure, but they're paying alright. I think Sean gets paid, for his time on TLC, and works out a deal with the Browns for the rest of the training. He seems to spend the lion's share of his time with the Browns - not leaving much time for full paying clients really. There is IMO definitely renumeration going on, but I don't think there are many true freebees. Of course if TLC is footing the bill for what we actually see ON THE SHOW, then to the Browns why it's all free.

      And the car dealership probably gave them a deal, well that's what they're supposed to do right? I don't think there was a free car involved.

      Summing up as I've said before, I don't think that the merchants we see can afford, or are crazy enough, to continue to provide free goods and services to the Browns just to get on their crappy show.

    5. The Browns should be taxed on the value of the freebies they get....but who knows how TLC handles that? And since they have a Brown Family Entertainment Company, you just know that's operating at a taxable loss (MSWC anyone?). Just more bleeding of the beast, Brown-style

    6. My guess would be that whether, in return for "product placement," they get said product for free or at a discount depends on the value of the product...and the value the company chooses to place on the free advertising. I don't think we can say one way or another across the board that they are or aren't getting x, y, or z for free or for a discount. They are dealing with small business, individuals (e.g. Sean), a college (not so small), a lexus dealership (also not so small), and so my guess (for what it's worth), is that each of those businesses/individuals makes his/her/their decision as to what they think the free advertising is worth and what they're willing to do for the Browns in exchange for free advertising...and a deal is struck. Deals which we will most likely never know the details of (unless, of course, one of them eventually does the tell-all we keep talking about - could we possibly be that lucky? lol).

      In short, what I guess I'm trying to say is that while WE might think the exposure from the Browns/Sister Wives show is minimal, perhaps a small business owner might think for whatever reason that it's worth more...e.g, freebies, or discounts. Who really knows with them? And, as others have pointed out, a lot of things that are "freebies" to the Browns are actually paid for by TLC - therefore, not really "free" in the sense that the merchant is getting paid, but "free" to the Browns, in that they aren't paying for it.

      And, from my two tax law classes (which were 13 years ago - damn, I'm old - so I can't guarantee the quality of my memory here), but I seem to remember that in the type of exchanges about which we're talking - free advertising in return for free goods (or discounted), I don't think the Browns would have to declare the freebies (or the discounts) as income, due to the fact that the merchants did receive payment - just not in the form of cash. CPA Carol - am I remembering correctly?? What I do wonder, though, at least for the things shown on the show (as opposed to just their twitter feeds)....wouldn't it be TLC giving the free advertising, but the Browns accepting the freebies? In that case, if someone else pays for it, that would be income, no? And if TLC technically accepts the freebies, then passes them along to the Browns...still income, right? I'm rambling. (-: Off to eat lunch and see more of Mexico City!!

      - Lori

    7. Hi Lori, CPA Carol, DJ, and Anon 2:43 and 2:17 !

      Interesting discussion going on...In fact the reason for my comment above was that Meri retweeted a tweet from a local yogurt company on Jan 13th. It included a screencap montage showing the product placement of their yogurt (as well as some t-shirts and a box) at Aspyn/Mariah graduation party. The caption read "Y02 CAMEOS ON TLC'S SISTER WIVES".

      I don't think TLC was aware of this when filming...Usually on tv shows the product name is hidden (like a coke can always turned so the word Coke can't be seen) or faked...or like in the old days concealed with a piece of tape.

      This seemed rather blatant.

    8. don't they kind of blur the branding out during editing? looks like the production crew forgot. They did that with the unnamed silver laptop that Kody got for his birthday a couple years ago.

    9. don't they kind of blur the branding out during editing? looks like the production crew forgot.

      Or Meri slipped a fast one by them. No one would have known if she hadn't retweeted that tweet from the business!

  11. I am so over SW's. are they not on Sunday due to the Super Bowl. Are they afraid they won't get the ratings. This show is so fake. Nothing about it is real. I am glad that Truely is ok. Kody and crew need the drama to boost ratings. There is a love fest over on their FB page. These fans think that Kody is a great Dad. Wow, I wonder what type of monster raised them. This ceremony is stupid and a waste of money. If they are complaining about finances, then don't spend thousands of dollars on a cake and flowers. Something is not adding up. I am sure that TLC s footing the bill. The problem is that their fans think that all polygamist families live like this. Polygamy will never legalized. This lifestyle does not benefit women nor is it healthy. They can live however they want but don't try to spoon feed this lifestyle to us. If their lifestyle is so great then why do they hide behind closed doors. I for one am tired of looking at the poster child family for polygamy. One last thing, I really wish that the Browns so called fans would keep up with current events. So many of them kept asking how Truly was doing and if Mariah gets to go to Westminister. If they would follow twitter and the blogs, then they would know that this crap was filmed months ago.

    1. I think most of the Brown's fans (particularly the ones on facebook) live in their own special world where they only see what they want to see. How many times did they consistently ask when a season would start and the answer was right there in front of their face? I'm sure they do follow twitter, but they just don't process information beyond their own very narrow perspective of the world. They think what they see on TV is realtime...even though everyone else knows it happened months ago (when Kody says "In April..." ) and there's a title graphic that says April 2013 at the bottom of their TV screen.

      On the subject of Super Bowl Sunday, a lot of TV shows will be missing from the lineup. I'm seeing a lot of reruns and marathons being scheduled. So TLC is not the only network opting not to compete against the Super Bowl.

    2. sewcrafty27 said:
      There is a love fest over on their FB page. These fans think that Kody is a great Dad. Wow, I wonder what type of monster raised them.

      I have to point out what a great leading thought sewcrafty's last sentence is. Many times I wonder why someone thinks the way they do and of course, the answer is it's their frame of reference. I had never thought about the frame of reference that people must have who are the fans of the SW show and as sewcrafty poses what kind of people think Kody is a great dad. Perfect conclusion: Those who had monsters as dads. Kudos sewcrafty.

    3. There is definitely a love fest for the Browns on FB. Their fans cannot handle anyone having an opposing view about the Browns. However, these same fans make all sorts of snarky comments about Honey Boo Boo and her family. There are also women, who make serious posts about wanting to be Kody's fifth wife. I'm not sure if these women are polygamist or if they have been sucked into the fairy tale aspect of unReality TV.

  12. It's fun to be snarky about this show and to read everyone's snarky comments. So fun that I often forget that the jealous, passive-aggressive, and frequently nasty behavior of the sister wives towards each other is actually a pretty natural and understandable response to the unhealthy practice of polygamy. This cult victimizes women and convinces them that they have to accept second, third or fourth best as a condition of salvation. It's a sick and twisted way to live, and I wonder how nasty I might become if I were in the Brown wives' shoes.

    I am actually glad when I see one of the wives showing autonomy and going against the group to do her own thing. Perhaps if they keep this up, one or two or all of them will open their eyes and decide to leave the religion and their "spiritual marriage". They are living among "apostates". How are they not deprogrammed by now? Surely, the kids, at least, are seeing the difference in their friends' families.

    1. The women are not leaving because they believe following fundamental Mormonism is their salvation, which is no different from any other religion in the world today. They chose this way of life and if they no longer "believe" in it, they will leave it. Just like a Jew may convert to Christianity, or a Episcopalian might convert to Catholicism some women may convert to fundamentalist Mormon because it satisfies a spiritual need in their life. I'm sure this is why Janelle converted from LDS.

    2. As long as they believe this lifestyle is required for salvation they'll stay put. Following their religion means they defer to Kody and just keep struggling along with the each other.Even though the women constantly talk about being autonomous, strong, having an equal say, etc., the truth is that Kody is their ticket to heaven.

  13. They will not want to leave while the TLC Gravy Train is running through their cult-de-sac. And the practical part of me doesn't blame them that.

  14. Dang I didn't see this...I should have posted my comment here! O well.

    Thank you for fulfilling my sister wife blog reading needs Cynical Jinx and all the people who comment!

    Anon in San Diego

  15. "This cult victimizes women and convinces them that they have to accept second, third or fourth best as a condition of salvation. It's a sick and twisted way to live"

    That's the saddest, most pathetic part. If these women said, "Hey, we choose to live this way because it makes us happy. Our business, butt out" it would be one thing. But to believe you HAVE to live this lifestyle to obtain salvation is sickening, manipulative, and indicative of a cult.

    Wasn't it Meri who said if it wasn't for her religion then she would not live a polygamous lifestyle?

    You can see how unhappy she is and how as the show has progressed that she has gotten more and more unhappy. Weirdly, Janelle has seemed to do the opposite. She started out miserable and now seems to be happier. The whole thing is just weirder than a three legged fish.

    By removing their children from Utah, the church they attended, and the polygamous community they lived in and putting their kids out into the normal world, they are guaranteeing that some of those kids will leave the cult. Beyond the teen rebellious thing of stating on television "no way am I living the plyg lifestyle", I think some of them really will get out.

    Of course then they won't be "safe" and probably won't be allowed in Christine's house. That whole "think for yourself" thing isn't something she believes in.

  16. You know what really got me about the whole re-committment ceremony? I get that it was implemented by the network to generate ratings, but Kody's arrogant statements about it made me sick. "We don't need to renew our vows because OUR bonds are eternal."

    Really? Because aren't two of your wives divorced from other men? Aren't you the second husband to 50% of your wives? Doesn't seem eternal to me, seems just like any other "commitment" that can be broken at will.

    1. I too wondered if the Kody Krew forgot about the two divorces women in his life; along with all the divorced woman in their extend family (Robin;'s mom and Janelle's mom)

    2. And, let's not forget that Christine's mom is divorced and has left polygamy.

  17. Nothing recent showing on here, but some of her very old posts are interesting......

    Also, here is their latest supporter, the pregnant shopping lady!

    Alice Goldstein Entertainment often posts pics of the Browns at events.......

    1. Also, here is their latest supporter, the pregnant shopping lady!

      Robyn's friend Kendra has been around since at least 2011. She was an admin on the For Bonafide Friends Only Facebook fanpage that was run by another Robyn friend and strangely hasn't been updated in over a year. I believe she also used to be the twitter handle HeroineOfParis - a t-shirt designer. I used to call her Robyn's Rottweiler, because she was so nasty to people who dared say anything negative about the Browns - Robyn in particular.

    2. Alice Goldstein is the Brown's "booking" manager. She gets them tickets for those events, for publicity of course.

    3. Robyn's Rottweiler made a fool of herself. She started trying to combat each negative comment about the SF trip on Facebook. She even went so far as to threaten those who make negative comments with the same fate as the Kate Gosselin cyber bullies. Apparently, she is the one who picked the boutique and the clothes. What is that old saying?...You can take the girl out of the trailer park but you can't take the trailer park out of the girl. I guess she and Robyn picked that store because it had dresses worn by celebrities. OY!

    4. Yep...Nothing says low class better than trying on a designer dress worn 2 years ago by celebrities and bragging about it.

      I'm not surprised Robyn's Rottweiler is up to her old tricks. What a sad person she must be. I wonder if she chose that dismal plus size shop, too, so Robyn could shine brighter than her dowdy overweight sisterwives.

    5. I'm gonna give both shops a pass (as previously noted the plus sized merchant was running her "shop" from her house...) because the plus size stuff is certainly modest and that's what they said they were looking for. The producers probably pulled the pink dress off the clearance rack for Robyn to try on...

  18. Do the Brown's write their own story lines? It's almost like every episode is a Kody/Robyn/Sol or a Kody/Meri/Mariah episode with guest appearances from the rest of the family. The story lines are so odd and mean. I can see Christine being shown without makeup during her child's illness but the Janelle moment looked like someone asked her to sit there and do a quick interview. I may just be cynical but it sounds like something Robyn and Meri would think up with Kody backing them up. The dress episode was set up to make Janelle and Christine feel bad and I'm guessing Meri doesn't think of herself as being that big so it might have backfired. The T-Shirt episode where Robyn gets Janelle the wrong size and it barely fit was mean. Mariah and Meri probably made it a point to tweet about the Grammys last week since Truely cut into their show. Robyn still got her narratives in so I guess she could watch.

    1. I'm thinking they have some input, and Janelle has gone on record (with Joe Darger I believe) saying how wonderful their producers were and how they won't include any scene that the Browns don't like. By what I've watched lately, I have a feeling someone has pissed off the producers because I don't think the Browns are getting the hero edit anymore.

    2. The producers want ratings...they probably could care less who's watching, the fans who loooove the Browns or us snarkers. I doubt they're pissed per se, they just want US to watch. If that means Janelle is seen with zits, eye bags so puffy it looks like she's packed them for an 80-day around the world cruise, and of course the trademark Kody Kold Sore...along with Meri and Mariah being bitch on wheels and mini bitch...well...then.
      And the browns won't say shit. They just want the gravy train to continue. To hell with looking good just keep the checks coming in...

    3. Ohhhh and CJ have you noticed the relative absence of the green goo this go round?

  19. That picture of Hunter and Truly brought tears to my eyes. That's real sibling love and shows how maybe this "lifestyle" could benefit some of the kids. It also was probably one of a handful of unscripted moments in this episode. Janelle's two oldest sons appear to be kind, loving, attentive and mature men, which makes Kodpiece look more and more like a toddler. It won't be long before Sol catches up to Kotex's emotional level.

    1. Agreed - Logan and Hunter seem like really great kids. And even as teenagers, they are both way more mature of more of a man than Kodouche could ever hope to be. And, they're two of only a handful of Browns who sincerely do seem to consider ALL the children to be their "real" brothers and sisters. Funny that the ones who seem to get the true spirit and meaning of "bonus kids" are mostly the kids....

      - Lori

  20. I am so glad I found you! I have been reading this blog for years but this is my first time posting...does anyone know how many more episodes there are this season and if they are actively filming for next season?

    1. Welcome to my new home, HH!!

      I think the last episode for this season will be broadcast Feb 23. I'm not sure if they are filming for next season yet.

  21. Ok, is it just me or has anyone else noticed that a recommitment / vow renewal ceremony is the TLC kiss of death? Anyone remember Jon and Kate in Hawaii? How about Little People Big World? It just seems that with a number of their shows there is a very predictable pattern... First we meet a very humble family with a unique life experience, then we start to like the family, so we watch the family, then the family gets comfortable with their public personas, then the family gets a better bigger house, then the family gets "re-commited / re-married", then the family gets...the boot...

    1. LOL!! It might be TLCs subtle way of saying Adios, Kody and Krew!

    2. I was thinking the same thing...Jon & Kate didn't fair so well after their "made-for-tv" ceremony so I don't have much hope for these guys. Well at least they'll have a nice party because when TLC finally does cancel the show they'll certainly lose the McMansions and their sanity!

    3. Awesome thought. I like it, hopefully it's true.

    4. I certainly believe this show is on its last leg. Unless they can come up with some interesting story lines, it's a goner.

  22. i dont knpw about anyone else, but, i dont think i can watch this show, or feel the same about it since this happened to truely. It was just so gut wrenching to see something so preventable cause this baby so much pain, and the reactions of Meri and Mariah to it were just so disturbing. The committment ceremony will look so foolish and trivial compared to what has happened to them in reality, i think the dog and pony show is over for them. this episode has exposed deep cracks that are just not reparable with a party celebrated with false premis. Really has left a bad taste for them..i wonder how many other people will react the same

  23. robyn's pitbull on facebook is giving info out she probably shouldnt in her zeal to defend the browns and brag about her role in the SF episode. claiming she assisted produced that episode..she is giving away details on the dresses shes says were custom made for the ceremony..will they try and sell copies of these lovely frocks online?frumpy? is she a business partner? she did say one thing thogh that i could kick her ass for..she is saying Mister Sister died..and that she died because she ran a hate filled blog

    1. Kendra also says on fb that she picked out the dresses for Robyn at the shop:

      "I actually pre picked the freshest to show different styles that can flatter. It was to bring awareness for millions of people who are not a size 6 that a lot of these stores only cater to tiny women. Robyn got a rude response at the plus size store. She was told sorry, nothing for you!!! So, don't feel bad and the ladies actually had . A blast and NOONE FELT BAD. EXCEPT FOR ROBYN.

    2. Yes, I saw that and I put in my two cents. But she is to be pitied, not ridiculed because she obviously has a lot of "issues", if you know what I mean.

      And she's not doing the Brown's reputation any favors.

    3. Not to mention she also picked out a dress that was from 2 fashion seasons ago. Did I read correctly that she said that was the actual dress Ginnifer Goodwin wore? So that store sells second hand, oops, on consignment? Oh, and before I forget, I read online that the flagship Elizabeth Charles store (in NYC) closed its doors in November, leaving just the store in San Francisco now.

    4. That Kendra lady must be drinking the green goo kool-aid, because she is absolutely nuts. The Brown's new family motto is "Birds of a Feather, Stick Together", especially with this chick.

    5. I don't think it's the green Kool-Aid but whatever it is it must be at least 80 proof.

      How embarrassing for the Browns. She's just as cuckoo as that Remington chick who ate the frosting on Heather's cake on Real Housewives Beverly Hills. She disappeared from view for a long time from twitter so I was totally surprised to see her on the show. As a business partner no less!!

    6. Haha the Brown's must have suspended her from social media or bribed her with one of their "iconic" pieces of jewelry for awhile. They thought they'd give her another chance and she's gone full on mental.

    7. It's kind of sad, really to go bat-shit crazy on a facebook page that's not even hers. Rambling on and on, I think the fans are even surprised. What a fine example of the types of people Robyn calls a friend!

    8. Sounds more like a friend of She-Rah's!! Lol

    9. I can't believe she's still at it on facebook. She's acting like a obsessed crazy person. Unbelievable Robyn calls that person a friend and a business partner.

    10. I think the less said about that hot mess, the better at this point. Her 15 minutes were over 2 days one is paying her any attention now.

  24. More proof that SW Cast and Krew lol read the blogs.

  25. if i were robyns friend i wouldnt be making references to kate goesslins bullys..anything kate plus 8 related would be bad karma lol

  26. Its Sunday morning, having my coffee, flipped on the TV, and who was on? Kody and Krew, in an ad for ABC world news tonight. An interview about the polygamy ruling in utah..kody falsley claims thousands in utah are free.

  27. Anyone else notice that all the wives have been getting new appliances? Also, I wonder what their HOA thinks about that wrestling room garage conversion.

    1. According to last season, Kody had all the wives finance their large appliances (washer/dryer refrigerator) on their mortgages. They had kitchenaid mixers in the rental, plus I think Christine's kitchen has 2 highend dishwashers.

      As far as the HOA is concerned, Kody Brown IS the president of the HOA, so something tells me any complaints about cars parked in driveways and on the street instead of in their three car X4= 12 car garages at the Brown's end of the cul-de-sac or the temporary conversion of Christine's garage into a wrestling facility* are falling on Kody's deaf ears.

      *When the Kodettes left for San Francisco, I noticed Christine's garage did not have the wrestling mats installed. Maybe they're traveling from garage to garage?

    2. I noticed the appliances too! In the Brown's in Crisis episode we saw both Mariah and Aspyn doing laundry. Did anyone else notice Meri's top of the line super capacity stainless washer/dryer? That's right, the wife who lives alone had the super capacity, while Christine, the one with 6 children, had regular capacity.

  28. After catching up on all the episodes I don't think it is any surprise that Mariah wants to be a plural wife. If you really think about it, she has always seen the "best" polygamy has to offer. Her mom is the first wife (I don't care what anyone says THAT matters, there are some very real implications to being the only legal wife). They have always said that they split their budget per wife (not child) even though I believe there was more pooling of resources while they were in Lehi, the fact remains that Mariah has always had the "luxury" of being an only child while still having access to sibling-like bonds. It really is the best of both world's if you think about it. I recognize that there are advantages and disadvantages to being an only child, although you have more attention, that often means there is more pressure to perform or behave or be there emotionally for your mother as is evidenced in Mariah & Meri's relationship. However, in the context of polygamy, and the Brown family in particular, being the only child of the first wife has to be the cat's ass! You always get to be part of the group, but you never have to go without. I just think Mariah has a very false sense of what polygamy is all about. Even before the mansions and the TLC money, when they were living in the big house in Utah, Meri's place was a little cleaner, a little quieter, not as used and abused by constant kid traffic. It had to be pretty ideal for Mariah, she could spend as much time as she wanted hanging out with her sisters laughing and bonding and then return to her OWN room and her OWN mom. It kinda sounds idyllic, I don't blame her for wanting that for her kids, I just think it is a very false reality. It is beyond ironic that the one child who wants to live polygamy is the one child least prepared and least equipped. I know all 18 year-olds are unrealistic, and so they should be to an extent, but it is the parents job to try to prepare them, and I am not sure Mariah is prepared for all that much, let alone being prepared to be a plural wife (and doctor, less we forget). When you layer in the pseudo-celebrity status that the Brown family has grown accustomed I think it might be really difficult for some of them to adjust when the whole thing ends. I wish the best for Mariah, but it might not be easy.

    1. I so agree with you! I would also like to add that when Kody spends his night with Mariah and Meri, Mariah does not have to share Kody with 5 other siblings. She has daddy all to herself.

    2. Spoiled and unrealistic are two words I'd use to describe Mariah. She might have gotten good grades in high school, but she is not smart enough to get into med school and she certainly doesn't have the temperament to be a physician. She's spoiled and has very little patience. I wonder if she actually has the brains or the discipline to make it through rigors of Pre-med. I was just checking the cost of tuition, room, and board at Westminster. Total is close to $20,000 per semester!! There is no way that grants and loans will cover this amount. Did she get any scholarships?

  29. Did anyone notice the extra woman in the prayer circle of this episode? Then after the prayers, she can be seen in the kitchen. Who is she? The name caption only came up with Christine's mom, they never named the second woman.

    1. That is Mindy Jessop. She is Robyn's step-niece. An older daughter of Paul Sullivan (Robyn's step-dad) is her mother. I think she lives with Robyn, as Robyn seems to need a live in nanny.

  30. And now my snarky comment that has nothing to do with's just a pet peeve...there is no E in truly!!!! Geez Christine! Spell check is your friend!

    Snark over.

    1. If Christine had named herself it would be spelled Krizteen.

    2. or maybe Krystean....

      I feel sorry for all kids that deal with a poorly chosen moniker by their parents...just sayin'

  31. (CEEEEEEE JAAAAAAY! I have found you!) I am so impressed with Aspyn-- she is so sweet and loving, but also much more level headed than either her mom or dad. She seemed to be the only one in the family who noticed how sick Truely was, early on.

  32. When does the show start. Anyone have a link to the wives blogs

    1. The "Winter" Season of Sister Wives begins on Sunday January 4th, 2015 on TLC. Check your local cable listings for showtime.

      Anyone have a link to the wives blogs
      Sorry but I don't have the answer for that question. They are active on Twitter, however.
