
Friday, January 31, 2014

Breaking the Faith: A Final Summary Review

Ben not having a good day.
When this series started, I had hoped that it would not be a clone of Breaking Amish. In fact, I  brazenly remarked how I liked the show.

I was fully aware that many of the young people on the show had already left the FLDS on their own - some at least two years prior. But I thought, hey, Sam Brower was a producer, so it couldn't be that bad, could it?

Almost a month after the last episode aired, I can now categorically concede that yes, this show could be bad. I mean really, really bad.

I overlooked the problems in the first episode, like the extremely faked "extraction" of the girls from their homes in "the Crick". You see, I was dazzled by the narrative the young people told about their lives under Warren Jeffs FLDS. So I forgave their obvious lack of acting skills, and the plot holes.

Thank goodness that "priceless" antique platter wasn't harmed!

This show's turning point for me was when I realized I did not like these people or the parts they tried to act out. Angie and Connie were the high and mighty "United Order" girls (i.e. the "mean girls")  while Val and Martha played the part of the rebellious "repentants".  Val wins the honor of being the worse actor of the bunch. She couldn't even thrown a cup on the floor convincingly. And it was amazing how her "trashing" of the posh Salt Lake City safe house did not harm one expensive piece of china or piece of antique furniture.

Ben talking to Connie and Angie

And I still don't understand what role Ben was suppose to play. Was he a rescuer or just an ex-FLDS guy who started out as the self-proclaimed  "protector" of the girls but in the end was just a lonely guy looking for love in all the wrong places?

Zack and his brother from another mother, Matt
That leads us directly to brothers (from different mothers) Matt and Zack. Cute Zack got cut from the FLDS fold for kissing a girl (or was it getting a blowjob?) Brother Matt, who found it necessary to mention every episode that he was a member of the infamous "God Squad" that patrolled "the Crick", got cut because he didn't lock the bathroom door while pleasuring himself. Not to mention that Matt and his uncle Warren Jeff also share some common...personality disorders. Like being a bully - evident when he taunted a Native American  by flicking the man's necklace while asking over and over "What's this?"

Matt not making a good impression on a first date

I swear the producers could have done Salt Lake City and the world a favor by having Matt get his sorry ass kicked, but instead he was shown trying to "court" a "nice Mormon girl" (i.e. paid actress). By taking her to the top of a smallest mountain at dusk with nothing but a can of beans and a sleeping bag to woo her with. Classy. Thank goodness she had a flashlight with her.

More Mormon friends provided by central casting...

Anyway, I could go on and on, but, in the end, this series was a big disappointment. From the obligatory makeover of the girls from prairie dresses to Salt Lake City chic (which apparently is wearing bright red lipstick and lots of makeup while showing a lot of skin) to the "Boot Camp R Us" training of mercenary bound Matt, this series was a severe waste of time. Well, maybe not a waste of time for Matt because he's working on his GED and wants to join the National Guard.

For the sake of humanity, let's hope there won't be a season 2.


  1. I am so very happy that you are back !!!

  2. Does anyone know what happened to Mister Sister at Sister wives blog? Is she OK? Glad I found this blog. It wasn't easy. I hope others find it too from SWB. This show was such a let down. I agree with you it really was a waste of time. So contrived. So excited I found this. Thanks for giving us an outlet.

    1. Welcome to my new home! I hope you will enjoy the discussions here!

    2. Agree this show was a let down with its boring self-righteous scripted characters. I did like Flora Jessop's show. If it was completely scripted I would imagine the family dynamics and priesthood speak we saw was based on her actual experiences helping people escape. She really humanized the people stuck in that life. You can see how the evil doers at the top have groomed and controlled two entire cities including infiltrating law enforcement and other agencies. I believe they really do go in to people's houses and move things around. I would imagine the only reason she could film there was because the sheriff of Mohave county has been patrolling that area.

    3. I suppose I must be the few people who didn't like Flora Jessops show. Too much showing off putting on bullet proof vests and loading guns and outsmarting the god squad. I think maybe they should not drive a bright red suv so they wouldn't attract the attention. I watched the last show where they suppose to help this guy that Jessops called a lost boy. The guy was at least 35 years old so he was a man not a boy. When Jessops brought in her best friend and ex-husb he looked like a headbash thug. Her show was too much trash that took away from what good she's trying to tell about.

    4. Monogamous Apostate- Feb 1st 1:38
      I agree 100% with your post. Also, I keep meaning to tell you that I love your name, every time I see it I chuckle!

      Anon 2:47, yes there are people who do not care for the show for sure. The "lost boy" was hardly a boy, although I thought they said he was the "original lost boy" I might be wrong though.
      The nice thing is that we can disagree on here in a civil manner, and I bet we ALL agree that we are thrilled that we have found CJ!

    5. Yes. It is great to have a blog where we can agree to disagree. We don't all share a brain like the Brown Lovers on the Facebook page.

  3. I didn't like either shows. Although I have to admit that I did end up watching all of the episodes of Breaking the Faith. The first episode wasn't bad, but it went downhill after that. I was really hoping it would be a decent, educating and eye opening show but it wasn't! It was trash! They really need to pull the plug on the Polygamy and Amish TV shows. The facts about these two suppressive and sad lifestyles have been told. America now knows what's going on and it seems the majority have taken the side of the Sister Wives clan. They've now decriminalized polygamy in Utah and its clear that only a few select decent people are out there trying to help those that want out. So as far as anymore of these shows go, it seems that all producers and execs want is drama. Because no one seems to care to want anything more than that. Very sad.

    1. Once people start to realize that polygamy isn't going anywhere, the sooner they will begin to focus on helping people who need help instead of adding fuel to some activists fire. How many people know that Holding Out Help opened a community center located in Colorado City in October 2013? How many people donated to HOH, a 501(c)(3) non profit organization? How many people know that lost its non profit status because it failed to submit paperwork to the IRS? TV network execs don't want just drama, they want drama that has good ratings so the network can make money. Escaping the prophet failed to produce so the network cut its losses by cancelling the show.

    2. I see that states on their own website that they lost their nonprofit status. Why would they do that, or is it required by the government that they disclose it there?

    3. Excellent question. I would think they are required, but I'm just guessing. Can anyone out there answer the question for us?

    4. former CPA here. I don't believe they are required to state that they no longer have 501c3 status. They are doing so in the interest of full disclosure so that donors know that any donations made are not tax deductible. They don't want their donors to claim a donation on their tax returns that would be subsequently disallowed and then the donors would potentially face penalties and interest.

    5. Thanks for the information, Queen Annes Lace!!!

  4. I get what you're trying to say. But as far as the majority of America is concerned, its probably going to take another tragic event for anyone to realize that help is needed. Those organizations caught OUR attention, people who come here and read here or at SWB. But as far as the majority, people get bored and they move on. That's a sad reality but its real. And trash shows like these make people want to roll there eyes, shake their heads and walk away. While in the meantime it is no longer criminal to be a polygamous. Its almost as if lawmakers gave in to what the Browns and others like them wanted. I agree that me people need to know about programs like these. But these types of shows aren't showing people that.

  5. I agree that Breaking the Faith was horrendous. The producers should be embarrassed by the obvious scripting and poor acting. It's a shame because I think the kids and their true stories are far more interesting than the contrived storylines created for them.

    Regarding Flora's show, I was disappointed that it was cancelled after only 3 episodes. I wasn't bothered by the guns and bullet proof vests because I think that is closer to the reality than the make-overs and blind dates.

  6. I really hoped that this would be an informative show about lives being transformed, but it was just a bunch of awful people who it was impossible to root for. (Especially Connie and those brothers- good gracious.) I wish they would make a legitimate show about what people coming out of the the FLDS have to deal with in the real world- not sticking a bunch of awkward people in prairie dresses in an insane nightclub- because I feel like this sort of contrived drama minimizes the abuse these people actually suffer. That being said, I did enjoy seeing Carolyn Jessop because I really appreciated her book.
